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Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #30 - 12.09.2003 at 13:24:03
za Kali  Wink

t wrote on 15.05.2003 at 19:53:52:
Učite svoje otroke,
Kar smo mi učili naše otroke –
da je zemlja naša mati.

Kar prizadene Zemljo
prizadene sinove in hčere Zemlje.

Če ljudje pljunejo po tleh,
pljuvajo po sebi.

To mi vemo.
Zemlja ne pripada nam;
mi pripadamo Zemlji.

To mi vemo.
Vse stvari so povezane
kakor kri, ki združuje družino.
Vse stvari so povezane.

Kar prizadene Zemljo
prizadene sinove in hčere Zemlje.

Ljudje nismo stkali mreže življenja;
mi smo le nitkica v njej.

Karkoli storimo mreži,
to samim sebi storimo.

Vse stvari so zavezane skupaj,
vse stvari so povezane.

Chief Seattle  

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #31 - 12.09.2003 at 13:30:03
Kiss Se ti da še te prevest? ??? Tongue Wink Kiss
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ride si sapis!
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Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #32 - 12.09.2003 at 13:32:11
Petra. wrote on 12.09.2003 at 13:30:03:
Kiss Se ti da še te prevest? ??? Tongue Wink Kiss

je zhe blo prevedeno  Wink
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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #33 - 28.10.2003 at 09:29:23
Power of the Wind

~ The source of power floats on the wind. The source of power is like the wind itself. It can move mountains and change the surface of the oceans, but it is unseen. You cannot prove it, but you can feel it. It is like magic. Believe in the Great Spirit. Believe in the Tao in the same way. Believe in the integrity of your own soul. Believe in the movement of the winds from the north and the south. Those winds can change the surface of the earth, just as spirit can change the surface of your mind

~ Shakkai, from Shakkai, Woman of the Sacred Garden
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ride si sapis!
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Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #34 - 30.10.2003 at 11:11:45

zajec je hitrejši od lisice, ker teče za življenje, lisica pa samo za kosilo
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #35 - 05.11.2003 at 19:29:18
Animal Guide Meditation

Meeting Your Animal Guides
   There are many ways to finding out what your animal guide or guides are. But when you make the journey, it is best to meet one at a time in order to make the most of the visit. My favorite way and most recommend is through a special meditation journey. That is, a meditation with a specific purpose and intent. As usual, grab your journal so you can write down your experience as soon as you've finished. You don't want to forget anything.
   When you have completed your journey, start your research about your particular animal. You might want to pull in their essence during your daily events, so pick a calendar, a picture, a statue or whatever you like.
   The most important part to this meditation is to keep an open mind. Don't go into this with preconceived ideas or perceptions!
Animal Guide Meditation
   Since this is a special meditation, you may want to prepare your meditation space in a special way. Add a few ritualistic events, such as lighting a white candle and saying a prayer stating your intent for this meditative session. You may want to decorate your space with several animal statues or books about a variety of animals. Once you meet your animal guide, you can remove these generic items and replace them with specific ones of your personal animal spirit(s).
   Once you are all set and prepared, this is what you do. Take your time, try to imagine as much detail as possible. And it can't be stressed enough how important it is not to go into this meditation with pre-conceived ideas about what you would LIKE your guide to be. Keep an open mind and an open heart.

      1. Sit in a comfortable position, one that you can sustain for about 30-45 minutes.
      2. Close your eyes and take in a deep cleansing breath. Fill your lungs to their fullest capacity. Then release the breath through your mouth and push all the air out of your body. Take in 3 deep breaths through the nose, imagine the white light from the universe coming into your lungs and collecting at your solar plexus.
      3. With all 3 exhales, image all the stress, anxiety and negativity you have leaving your body carried out to the universe on a gay smoke where it can be dissipated and no longer do harm to anyone. As you exhale, imagine the events of the day or week floating out of your body. Put these worries aside and begin to relax your entire body and mind. Feel the tension in your muscles begin to subside. Begin at your solar plexus and imagine the white light moving up and down your body from this point. Imagine the warmth of the energy as it passes through your muscles and organs. Feel the tingling sensations as the light moves down to your toes and up your body to the top of your head. Imagine your entire body engulfed by this white divine light, from the inside out.
      4. Say a prayer once more asking your guides and teachers to come to you and to help with the purpose of this mediation. State your intention clearly and ask 'God' to help you with your meditative journey. Don't forget to thank them up front for their efforts.
      5. This step takes a little practice, don't worry if you can't do this for any extended period of time, but at least give it a try. Keep your eyes closed, but look up at the pineal gland. This is a small gland located in the middle of your forehead, just above the brow. (this is also considered to be the position of your third eye and is therefore the gateway to higher conscious realms). Try to keep your eyes focused on this point. The muscles around your eyes may become sore as you stretch them upward, so don't over do this at first. As you practice, this step will become easier and easier to do.
      6. As you focus on your third eye imagine your at the base of a tunnel, dimly light and slanted upward. Imagine your astral body (or your soul) standing up from your physical body and begin to walk toward and into the tunnel. See the lights on the walls and the texture of the floor as you walk through the tunnel. Imagine yourself moving upward.
      7. Just ahead you see the opening to the tunnel and as you reach the top, you realize you are standing on a ledge high above your town. You feel propelled to raise your arms and step off the cliff. At the very second you leave the cliff, your astral body morphs into a beautiful bird and you begin to fly westward toward the Pacific.
      8. Imagine the landscape passing below you, the mountains, rivers, forests and deserts. Imagine your soul flying over the coastline of California and out over the ocean. Now turn your wings a little to the north, flying toward the center of the northern pacific.
      9. As you travel over the water you see in the distance an island. It's not a terribly big island, but it's large enough to hold a tall dormant volcano which now has a great water fall spilling into a clear pool at it's base. Now dip your wings slightly and make your way to the edge of that pool. As you step onto the island under a large shade tree, you instantly morph back into your human soul form. Look around and see the soft carpet of moss under your feet, listen to the crashing soothing sounds of the waterfall, take in a deep breath and smell the fresh flower sweetened air. This is the Island of the Animal Kingdom. Every animal that has ever existed lives on this island or in the pool of water before you.
     10. Now imagine yourself sitting under this tree on the moss, next to the pool of water. Get very comfortable and prepare yourself for another internal meditation on this island. Imagine yourself going into a meditation state. Call your animal guide and ask them to come and make themselves known to you. Imagine yourself getting as relaxed as possible. As soon as your ready, imagine yourself opening your eyes. The first image you see before you is your animal spirit. Either on the land or in the water, the animal makes itself known to you.
     11. The remainder of this meditation is up to the individual. You can ask their name, ask them what lessons you have to learn from them. Ask them what strengths and/or weaknesses they bring to you. Ask them how they can help you combat these weaknesses. And ask them how you can call on their strengths to help you during stressful situations or when ever you need a little extra energy.
     12. When you have concluded your visit, make sure you thank them deeply for their gift of service and protection to you. Thank them for coming here during this meditation to meet you and/or visit with you. Give them a goodbye hug. Then imagine yourself lifting your arms and morphing back into the bird spirit. Fly back over the ocean to California, over the deserts and forests and rivers. Back to the edge of the tunnel. As soon as you step down on the tunnel you morph back into your human self again.
     13. Imagine yourself walking back into the tunnel and heading back down to your meditative space. Imagine your soul walking through the door to your room, and seeing your physical body right where you left it. As your soul steps back inside your spiritual body, all the visions sensations and answers you received merge with your physical brain and are automatically stored into your conscious mind.
     14. Take in a deep breath, begin to feel your body, become more and more aware of your surroundings, have a nice long and hard stretch, then open your eyes.

   Remember: The last thing you should do before you get up from your meditative spot is to record this event either on tape or in a journal. It's important to do it right away while the images, feelings and sounds are still clear in your mind.
   Next, find information about your animal guide. Read about it's habits, talents and personality. How much does this animal reflect your own personality? You should also begin to surround yourself with images of you animal guide. This helps the conscious mind connect with the animal spirit during the day and can give you added strength and support during your activities.
   The more you meet with your animal guide, the more you begin to feel their presence around you during your conscious states. You will feel them at your side, perhaps lying down next to you, protecting you, and giving you comfort when you may feel all alone. They are truly our best friends and will never leave us.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #36 - 05.11.2003 at 19:29:54
Animal Guides

  Animal Guides

   There are just as many explanations as there are civilizations who believe animals are part of our spiritual teachers and guides. From the Far East, to Native Americans, a sacred Cow from Hinduism and the Dove of Peace that plays a key role as a guide in Christian literature. All societies believe animals have played and do play a special role in our spiritual lives.

   The connections we have with the animal kingdom isn't just restricted to Paganism, Shamanism, the NewAge or metaphysical beliefs and understandings. So take some time to look at a church, a chapel, synagogue or gathering place belonging to a religious sect that you're not real familiar with. Talk to others about their beliefs and ask them what animals come to mind when they describe the relationships between that kingdom and the kingdom of their God. It's really a great way to learn, bridge gaps and even share knowledge.

     As for me and my beliefs and understandings come from a Cherokee heritage. It is widely believed that animals here in the physical form, as well as the spiritual form, are all guides and teachers and when one crosses our path, we are to learn something from them. When you see an animal in the woods or a bird in the sky, think to yourself, what is this raccoon trying to tell me? What does the eagle want me to see? You can try to connect with creature and see if communication is possible. But even if it isn't, you can decipher the meaning.

Animals of the Physical Kingdom

      The easiest way to gain understanding about an animal who crosses your path in the physical form is to define the characteristics that you associate with that animal. Start an encyclopedia of symbolic representations. Much like the Dream encyclopedias you see on the market, make one for yourself. Those "dream" books are really just someone else's interpretation of symbolic items, so why not use the interpretation that really matters...YOURS. Once you start filling up your encyclopedia, you will be able to use it for both these animal encounters and dream interpretations. After all, your interpretations will be valid for both events and much more meaningful for YOU then someone else's ideas or perceptions.  

Animal Messages

   To find the meaning or message behind the animal that cross your path, you need to examine 4 basic parts of the encounter. This is best explained through scenario, so here goes:

       Let's say you see a hawk circling your house one morning on your way to work. Stop for a few moments and watch it. Try to distinguish the colors and if you can, determine what kind of hawk it is, today you see a North American Red Shoulder Hawk.

       Now consider the 4 basic parts of the encounter. (You might think about keeping a journal and describing what happened. If you don't have time now to decipher the meaning of the visitation, you'll have enough information to do it later.)

            * What are the characteristics of the animal.
           * What does this animal represent to you.
           * What do the colors of the animal mean to you.
             For example, the hawk had red shoulders, what do you think of when you see red and what does red on the shoulders mean for you.
           * Describe what the animal was doing. What was your gut feeling at that moment.
             For instance, was the hawk just soaring and enjoying it's view from above, or was it searching for something. A place to land? Something to eat? Give your description in as much "feeling" and intuitive detail as possible.

   Next, you might find or read about the scientific and physiological characteristics of the animal to help you determine what could have been doing. You can certainly go to the library and look it up in an encyclopedia. But if you can get your hands on Ted Andrew's Animal Speak book, you'll have some wonderful explanations of what this bird might represent to you. You might even look for a Peterson's Field Guide book (ie: Peterson's Field Guide to Birds). These are wonderful books to have around the house, they can help you identify just about any animals you might encounter.


      Once you've got all this together and recorded in your journal. Step back and contemplate a little on what you wrote. How does your interpretation of this event fit into your life. What aspect does the visitation shed information or light upon.

Here's another example that puts all this together:

       You and I are walking through the woods, I'm on your left, you on my right. The dirt path is wide, shaded slightly from the warm sun and we can see far off to the next bend. A large green snake crosses the path in front of us. Moving from left to right, going from south to the north. It makes no move toward us. It simply moves patiently and methodically across the path, about 15 feet in front of us.

   Now, how would I interpret the snakes message depends on a few of my perceptions.

       * For me, green is a healing color and snakes represent medicine, as in the medical insignia.
       * I believe that when we receive information or energy from the Divine, it enters our body from the left intuitive side. We deliver it from the right action side.
       * The south represents the physical world, probably because I know the lower chakras of the body are the physical chakras that we re-create in each new embodiment. The upper chakras are the ones we take from lifetime to lifetime and are part of the soul/spirit. So I have always associated the north with spirit.

   Based on these perceptions, seeing a green snake, cross from my left, to my right, going from south to north and without any aggressive move toward us, would be telling me a healing will be needed along this path. I will probably be the one giving the healing energy as it passes through me from left to right. The snake moving toward the north indicates the healing will be one of spirit, or a information will be given that will bring about a spiritual healing for someone along this path.

   Now that might be my interpretation. But how can perception change the meaning of the same event?

       You see a snake cross the path in front of us. You notice the snake slithers away into the undergrowth and you stop in your tracks. Not sure if you want to continue past it's location, you stare at the hiding place, move away from the underbrush and quickly rush past the crossing point.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #37 - 05.11.2003 at 19:30:08
 Your perceptions will have an affect on the message that you saw:

       * You had a bad experience as a child with a snake and you've been frightened of them ever since.When you see a snake, you see danger.
       * Universally green is a healing color and you accept this belief as part of your truth.

   When you see a snake, you see danger and a sense of fear crosses your being. Although you are frightened, you see "healing" in part of the message. But for you, it's that someone will become injured and need to be healed in some fashion. The snake slithers away into the undergrowth and you stop in your tracks. Something hidden is involved in this process. Perhaps something that is hidden needs to be healed in order for a progression to take place and the person begins moving forward once again.

   Do you see how the same event can be interpreted so differently by two people, based on their life experiences and perceptions. Yet even in the different view, the message is still present. But the message means something different to each person involved.

Animals of the Spiritual Kingdom

   If animals in the physical world are here to bring us messages, then what are the spiritual animals doing? Well, actually the same thing, just in a different manner and that's typically not their only purpose. Animal guides teach us a little more intimate detail about our personality, character traits and even our spirit and spiritual gifts. They help guide us along our spiritual path, and can even protect us on the spiritual as well as the physical.

   The best way to learn what your animal guide means for you is to follow the same "interpretation" of the animal as we just did in the physical realm. Write down what the animal means to you, what characteristics do you associate with and identify with. What color the animal is and what that meaning has for you. What kind of energy vibration can you associate with your relationship to this animal as your guide and so on. The more you can describe the more insight you might have into your own inner self.

   Now it is possible for people to have more than one animal guide. The most common is 2-4 different kinds. During different aspects of your life, one animal may be highlighted more than the other, because you are working on aspects of yourself that require their particular energy to help you progress. Or one kind might duplicate itself to add meaning to your existence, as if when you marry, the animal also gains a mate. Actually it is more common for the animal to find a mate first, and the "love" energy between them effects your energy to attract a mate for yourself.

   The type of animal can vary so widely you might be amazed. We often think of an animal guide as a cat, wolf, bird or salamander. Creatures we are familiar with, because they bring the most significant symbolism to our lives. But what if your a paleontologist? And the most significant animal for you is a pterodactyl. Why can't an extent species be an animal guide. Well, it can! So when you go out into the ethers to meet your animal guide, don't go with any preconceived ideas of what you'd like it to be. You're doing yourself a disservice and maybe even be insulting the animal who's with you. Just keep an open mind and be honest with yourself.

   The best way for me to explain the significance of an animal guide is to tell you of my personal relationship with my guides. I have had 2 during my entire life and recently a 3rd has made itself known to me. The two main wonderful creatures are a white wolf, and a red shoulder hawk.
   So what do these two animals tell about me. Cherokee tradition gives meaning to each animal, and then further defines their relationship through their color. The wolf is considered to be the highest spiritual teacher in the kingdom, even above the hawk and eagle. Each color of the wolf brings a different lesson or knowledge. In my traditions, the white wolf is a phantom beast, it lives between realities, two worlds, two planes at the same time. It comes to teach the lessons of balance, of bridging the physical world with the spiritual world, and how we can cross the planes of existence to learn and share knowledge with our higher self and with the unseen teachers and guides.

   My friends that know me in the physical world have told me they can see how my teachings accomplish the goals and purpose of the white wolf. But more so, when they speak with me face to face, they can see a shift in physical energy in my face and eyes that gives them the impression that I'm existing in some other realm. It's a description I usually heard after a reading, but in the past 5 years, it happens more and more in normal everyday conversations. So I guess I do live in 2 places at once...being a Gemini, I would find a way of pulling in dual natures and worlds.

   The wolf in a non-spiritual essence also tells me a little about me. A female wolf is a creature of community. She's rarely alone. She shares responsibilities of family with her pack. She is loyal to a fault, some she-wolves have died trying to save one of their own pack members from danger. So being loyal to a fault isn't necessarily good, but it ain't that bad either. I prefer looking at it as being loyal with acceptance. A wolf is territorial and not afraid of fighting for her home or pack. Like many dogs she is a little jealous of those she doesn't know or trust and will often try to put herself between her home/family and others. It's an act of protection, not possession. And in typical wolf fashion, she is also on guard to sense the slightest changes in energy for good or bad. When not threatened and when treated with respect, a wolf will allow others to get close to her and to her pack. But when approached with deceit, or hidden agendas, she will often pick up on that scent and be wary of the contact. Often this "feeling" will appear much earlier than others. She has good ears for listening to the most intricate details, up close and far off. So that early warning system kicks in, even when the energy is at a far distance and has not yet arrived. So when you cross the path of a wolf, they often know you've been coming for a while.

Using Animal Energy

   What do you do once you know about your animal. Well, you can define your strengths and use them to overcome or help to support your inner self during those weak moments. How? By using the strengths of your other animal guide(s). It's important to learn both or all your animal guides. So when you need the strength of one, you know what energy or animal essence to call upon.


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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modrosti
Reply #38 - 20.12.2003 at 23:20:18
The Shaman Speaks!

Wondering soul...wondering man
Heartbeat upon his brow
Mystical persona
Knowledgeable of the land
Knowing of his self

With feet firmly earth grounded
Crown open to the stars
The shaman beats his drum
"Hear me speak...hear my words"

For I am this...but I am more:
A healer
A teacher
A counsellor
A magical and mystical force to be reckoned with
A spiritual warrior and god-force soldier

Watch me dance
Hear my drums
Feel my spirit

I revel in the oneness of nature
Seeking solace in our mother earth and father spirit
Creator of synergy...micro in the macro
Harmony in effortless stance

Energy reaper
Mind in matter
Force in motion

Healer of the nation
Listen!  Oh listen you people!
My word is social law!
Law of the land
Law of the universe
For I speak!

And what a joy
To be in the presence of the Shaman

Mightier than a lion
Sharp as a sword
Brilliant as a diamond bedazzles
For I am this...I am a Shaman

My time is here
My time in now

The Shaman speaks!

Chela Mage (copyright)
2003 December 17
originally posted on Shamanic Lifetsyles by Chela Mage
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ride si sapis!
Posts: 5103
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Re: Šamanske modrosti
Reply #39 - 04.01.2004 at 05:16:31

bolje ptič v roki kot golob v pizdi
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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modrosti
Reply #40 - 05.01.2004 at 12:01:43
How the water got to the plains
told by Olga Miller

Way, way back in the first time, when everything was new, there was a group of Aboriginal people living on a mountain. It was a lovely place, but everyone was worried. It had not rained for a long, long time and they were very short of water.

They had some wells but these, except for one, were empty. When it had rained before, the water had just run down the side of the mountain, into the sea, which was far, far away. Now, on the other side of the mountain, there were just some big, dry plains where nothing grew.

Weeri and Walawidbit were two greedy men. They decided to steal the last of the water for themselves and then run away.

In secret, they made a large water-carrier, which was called an eel-a-mun. When everyone was asleep, they stole the water from the last well and hurried off.

When the people woke up, there was no water for them. This was very bad, because there were little children and babies needing water and also the old people. And also, it was very hot.

The Elders called all the people together and it was then that they saw that two men were missing.

Looking around, they found the tracks of the two men. Quickly, the warriors followed these tracks, which led down the other side of the mountain to the big plains and they could see the men in the distance.

The water-carrier was very heavy and Weeri and Walawidbit were walking slowly. This was because they thought they were safe. However, when they saw the warriors coming they ran, too.

The best spearmen in the group ran to a cliff which jutted out and threw all the spears they had. One hit the eel-a-mun and dropped off. However, it did make a hole in the water-carrier. On and on across the plains ran the two men. They did not notice that the water was leaking out until the carrier was almost empty. This was why they had been able to run faster and by this time, the warriors had caught up.

Now, this was way back in the first time, when very strange things happened. So the warriors took the men back home and the Elders called a big meeting. It was decided that the two men had to be punished for stealing and also, for thinking of themselves first and not the community.

So the Wonmutta, the clever man, made some very strong magic and Weeree was changed into the very first emu. He went running down the mountain, out onto the plains, in shame. Walawidbit was changed into the very first blue-tongued lizard and he crawled away to hide in the rocks.

But, a wonderful thing had happened. Wherever the water had leaked onto the plains, there were now beautiful billabongs, or waterholes. There was grass and flowers and lovely water lilies and then there were shrubs and trees. And soon, the birds came and everyone was happy because there was enough water for everyone.

And that is how the water got to the plains.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ride si sapis!
Posts: 5103
Gender: male
Re: Šamanske modrosti
Reply #41 - 06.01.2004 at 01:39:34

Vedno je nekaj norih okrog človeka, če pa so okrog njega nori vsi, tedaj se mora človek vprašati, če ni morda on nor.


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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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Re: Šamanske modrosti
Reply #42 - 06.01.2004 at 08:23:02
t wrote on 06.01.2004 at 01:39:34:
Vedno je nekaj norih okrog človeka, če pa so okrog njega nori vsi, tedaj se mora človek vprašati, če ni morda on nor.


Takole je (baje):  ;  ko človek enkrat pride do tja, da se vpraša: pa kaj sem jaz nor ali drugi - definitivno je na pravi potiiii. Drugi so  Grin  !

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Re: Šamanske modrosti
Reply #43 - 06.01.2004 at 09:08:43
Takole je (baje):  ;  ko človek enkrat pride do tja, da se vpraša: pa kaj sem jaz nor ali drugi - definitivno je na pravi potiiii. Drugi so  Grin  !

ja, na pravi poti, ki vodi k nezadovoljstvu. ampak ce je ta oseba taka, da se edino iz nezadovoljstva lahko kej nauci pol je to zanjo tud indirektno koristno.
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Ex Member

Re: Šamanske modrosti
Reply #44 - 06.01.2004 at 09:24:36
ja, na pravi poti, ki vodi k nezadovoljstvu. ampak ce je ta oseba taka, da se edino iz nezadovoljstva lahko kej nauci pol je to zanjo tud indirektno koristno.

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