Renewing the Sacred Hoop From: Plaskow, Judith and Christ, Carol 1989 Weaving the Visions, Harper, San Francisco
Dhyani Ywahoo is a member of the Etowah Band of the Eastern Tsalagi (Cher- okee) Nation. Trained by her grandparents, she is the twenty-seventh generation to carry the ancestral wisdom of the Ywahoo Lineage. She is Spiritual Director of the Sunray Meditation Society, an international spiritual society dedicated to planetary peace.
The quality of our laughter and joy, the knowledge of our voices, thoughts, and actions are weaving beauty around the land. There is a harmony; there is a song. All things move in a circle. It is from the womb of emptiness that all is made manifest. Our thoughts make sound waves upon the planet, wind currents upon the stream. As our thoughts become clarified in the wind of our personal experience so, too, they become clarified around the planet through bioresonance. We can sense at many levels an awakening, a song arising clearly in the hearts of many people, the community of human beings sharing an environment. The song is of planetary peace; individually it means each of us recognizing the beauty of ourselves and one another. What we see around us is people calling out for peace, for remembrance, and really wishing to recall the "how." How to set aside thought forms that battle in the angry mind? How to recognize the beauty of human beings in process?
In this moment the caretaker mind of woman needs to hold forth the idea of abundance, to be joyous, to recognize the qualities of life-and to know that we can shape the world around us with our thoughts and feelings. Accepting the healing power of affirmation and action, speaking of the best, seeing ourselves in process and acknowledging the wisdom, the beauty, and the blessing of life in this time. Then to sense the interplay, the resonance of our being with all the world around us. That is the dream of this land, the dream of the child's heart; that is to renew the Sacred Hoop. In finding peace and recognizing the light in yourself, we say there's a hearth in your heart where the Creator has given you something very sacred, a special gift, a special duty, an understanding. And now is the time for us to clean out those hearths, to let that inner light glow. Listen to the breath and know it is also the mountain's breath. Mother Mountain has many meridians of energyjust as the human body does. You can feel the mountains in your cheeks, just by breathing. Your consciousness is not just in your body. lt is in everything. Everything is related. The mountain, too, is your body, so all the better to treat it with respect.
As long as you are walking upon the Earth you are like a child in the womb, being fed by this Earth. And respect for the Earth and for one another is being called for right now. We each have a duty to the Earth and to each other. Each race, each nation, has its different purpose in maintaining the whole. The wisdom of all our ancestors, wherever they came from, basically points to one truth: everything is in relation to you. Native Americans say, "all my relations," acknowledging that connection to everything that is alive. All being is an aspect of yourself. So to listen to the elements of nature is to listen to the voice of yourself: to look at the fire and see what it has to show you; to listen to the wind and understand that it, too, is your mind. These are your relatives: the fire, the water, the wind, the Earth, all of the creatures that you meet upon this planet and within it. We see some places that are not as sparkling as they can be and that is because people are being untrue to themselves, to one another, to the planet. People are not keeping tradition in their hearts; they are digging too far and using without consideration of returning. In this time it is either yes or no. You are either in harmony with the planet, with that part of truth in yourself, or you are not. The first step is to understand your own consciousness. Can we maintain spiritual dignity in an environment that denies more and more the grace of our inner beauty? We must. It is coming to that. Earth is asking. Our very inner nature is saying that to us now. Let us all speak the best of one another and perceive the best in everything.
It is a strenuous discipline in these times to practice this, courageously to speak what is correct and also to accept the softness of one's self; to realize that everything is Mother and Father. There is no form without the gift of the Mother and the Father. From Father Sky comes your consciousness and Mother Earth is your very bones. To sense the balance of the Mother/Father, Father/Mother within one's own being, one's own nature, is a way to renew the Earth, to renew our hearts, to renew the vision. To see one's purpose is a very important moment in the vision. We can choose, we can weave. We hold the form, we dance it, and the moment comes when it is recalled in each of us. We are human beings; we can live in harmony and dignity. We can make peace. We can empower ourselves to be peaceful, to know that what manifests through our hands, our hearts, and our actions is a reflection of our thinking and our relationship. In this time of illusion many people feel they're not good enough or that somebody else is in control, so they hold back. People disavow their place in the circle of life when they think in that mind. So generosity is something that we first begin to look at in our own thought. When we give we must give with consideration, so that always there is that cycle of reciprocity. To come again to realize the circle of life and the wheel of cause and effect, to plant good seeds, it is important to affirm, "I have something to give, I am receiving, even this gift of the human body and I am thankful." In this way one's highest ideals and clarity of mind can manifest. This accomplishes the goal of realizing the great truth: having good relationship with everything around one, for the benefit of all. In this industrial age, which has been described as paternalistic, we see how by moving away from the circle and working more in components, there is a loss of continuity and a forgetfulness of how what one does affects the Earth. So the big company that takes things out of the Earth and poisons the ground and the water and the atmosphere does so without even considering the effect on themselves. How do we turn the mind to realize that our actions have an effect, that things we do in this moment have an impact upon all of humanity now and unto seven generations down the road? It is in the reawakening of caretaker mind that we recognize our responsibility to right relationship and to nurture that which is good. It is the natural capacity of woman in her wombness to bring forth the good, to generate clear ideas; yet we are all caretakers and can come to see everyone we meet as a relative and ourselves as part of the great family called humanity. Seeing all in relationship, in the circle, is a part of the planetary healing. So it is very important that among ourselves we practice great generosity. This generosity carries over into respect for one another. Native people have what is called the give-away. Very often people are so happy they have a party and give away everything. Then they find themselves renewed, emptied of attachment. This concept of the give-away comes from courageously affirming one's ability to act for what is good for other people and oneself, knowing that each day will be abundant because one is not grasping. The give-away is an outward expression of an understanding that all things are related in the circle of life. How to hold the form that we are planetary beings, universal beings, and able to live in harmony? How to hold the form that we are abundant beings, capable of creating all that is needed for the people? Within our hearts and within our minds, within the imagination's light, we begin to see the way of resolution. This is known as visualization, where you see the accomplished goal of a world of enlightened action and good relationship. We must consider how our present actions will affect the world unto seven generations. This comes through stilling one's own mind and putting aside personal expectations and considering the balance of the Earth. This generates the mind of generosity.