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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #135 - 19.05.2004 at 12:56:28
The Light Series #61: A Cornucopia of Fascinating Events and Gems

The Activation of the Sixth Gate of the 11:11 One Earth - One Being


The 6th Gate Activation will take place on May 29th, 2004 (...) The keynote of the Sixth Gate is One Earth - One Being. After the Personal Freedom of 5th Gate comes being consciously aware of our interwovenness into One Being. As we consciously choose to step into our One Being, we also embrace our true sense of responsibility. This isn't the old type of responsibility in which we were burdened with a heavy weight. The Responsibility of the 6th Gate has to do with consciously choosing to take our place within our One Being and anchor Oneness. Consciously choosing to live our lives with our full beings, to love and be loved with our whole hearts. It is the ability to respond with honesty, integrity and compassion to whatever is before us. This Sixth Gate Activation is extremely timely for this is a critical point of decision and choice as to whether we remain in the crumbling duality-based world of fear and separation or move deeper into the Greater Reality and live our lives anchored in Oneness. The effect of this Activation on the entire planet will be great.

CLIP - Solara also sent me this comment about this May 29 Gate Activation: "This is really quite momentous because we are having TWO 11:11 Activations in one year. The 6th Gate will be on May 29th with the Master Cylinder on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland. The keynote of this Activation is ONE EARTH / ONE BEING. It signifies our conscious choice to step into and quicken our ONE BEING. For it is through activating our One Being that we are able to anchor and embody Oneness on this planet. The 6th Gate is also extremely important because it is the Midway Point of the entire 11:11 Doorway. This is the position where the entire vision of the 11:11 is going to turn itself rightside out, thus revealing the harmonic resonance of the second half of the Doorway. The 7th Gate will be activated on October 30 - 31. The Master Cylinder will be located in Rajasthan, India and our Activation Ceremony there will begin in the afternoon of 30 October and continue all night until the morning of 31 October."

MORE DETAILS on the "Master Cylinder " concept at http://www.nvisible.com/1111/MasterCylinder.html and what is a Gate Activation at http://www.nvisible.com/1111/6thGateMC.html - And taking the tour of the gates activated so far is quite "soulteresting"... Get started at http://www.nvisible.com/1111/ElevenGates.html
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #136 - 26.05.2004 at 14:16:05
alluna joy, newsletter

The SHIFT is upon us... Get ready for the down load!

For over 20 years the Star Elders (a.k.a. my buddies) have shared various visions. These visions were based in the past, present day, and our future. Over the last few weeks another vision came and though it didn't seem to have any relation to the others, a series of visions lit up like a string of lights. I haven't been excited like this since the summer of 1987! Now I feel it is time to share a few of these visions, how they add up to what looks like an amazing future.

In Mexico many years back, I woke up with the story of why the Maya and other South American civilizations were conquered so easily. I was told why Columbus, Montago, Pissaro, Cortez and all the other conquerors were able to take down entire empires with so few men, horses and weapons. Lets face it, how many men and horses could they cram on one of those little ships anyway and not to mention that they were in weakened state of health when they arrived. We know what the history books say, but this is what the Star Elders share about this time and what it means to us today.

In time and space there are time openings - sort of time rips, or time viruses. Sometimes Earth passes through one, or a series of these openings. When we enter into one of these rare places it is possible for lower dimensions to enter higher ones without doing the necessary preparation or spiritual work. When this happens it imposes a lower nature on to a higher dimension. In a order to balance the situation the higher worlds usually fall, and the lower ones gain more power than they know how to handle. This was the case of the Conquers and the Americas.  

This vision was also warning to us at this important time. It was revealed that we will enter a similar time or space. It is important that we finish our spiritual work and purge our negative egos so as not to damage the next dimension with our lower natures. I was shown that we must enter this next world in a state surrender and allow the next world to be our teacher. In other words “Park your egos at the door folks” after all we do not want to become the next Cortez or Columbus while entering in the next world.

Just a couple of months ago I had a dream that I was out in the canyons around Sedona. I was up on a cliff meditating and a dark force came up from the canyon floor and grabbed me by my ankles and began to pull me off the cliff. I knew I could die if this happened. So I called out to my buddies, the Star Elders, and they quickly came and grabbed this dark entity and pushed it back down into the earth. They also sealed the crack that it rose up from. I remember that I felt no fear and also the joyfulness in which my buddies came to the rescue.

A few weeks latter I when out to my favorite canyon. I climb up on top a bench and laid down with my back on the rocks and my face up to the sky. I began to meditate and saw a opening in the sky. It was curious, so I asked the buddies what it was. They said it was the place where we will ascend through. They were clear that ascending didn't mean we were going to leave here… the earth… but just go through a doorway into a higher plane of consciousness. It was clear this was coming very, very soon.

Then I remembered the dream I had a few weeks earlier. So I asked again about the crack in the earth that tried to swallow me up. They proceed to tell me the entire story along with playing back dozens of visions I had over my life. Everything I was shown over many years began to add. The light bulb went off in my head.

So here is the scoop. They said “The SHIFT is upon us... Get ready for the down load!.” We have come to the place we have all been waiting for. We are about to embark on the shift of the ages. What is happening is ALL the upper and lower dimensions are going to make a big leap in consciousness together with us right in the middle of it all. The Maya believe that there are 9 underworlds, and 13 heavens above us, but the Star Elders say there are many more dimensions than this. What is happening is doorways are beginning to crack open on all levels and dimensions. The BIG MANEUVER is that they all these different dimensions have to open and shift at the same time, this way lower dimensions will not contaminate the higher ones.

The dream I had about getting swallowed up by the underworlds was one of these underworld doorways cracking opening a little to soon and it had begun to alter this reality. I guess it was going to alter me! Not a pretty thought. The Star Elders say that this is happening all over the planet right now. Underworlds are cracking open, and so are upper worlds doorways. They say these cracks can not be healed, but the openings can be slowed down and synchronized with all the others until we are all ready for the big leap. This event can only be held off for a short time more.

They showed me a visual to explain this. They showed me a stack of pancakes with a cord running down the center through all of the layers. They showed me that the entire stack of pancakes has to shift at the same time, space, and speed to make it all work on all levels and so that no dimension comes down with the so called time virus.

The Star Elders also asked to share something very important that you can do to help. First don't jump to soon! Be patient and wait until we can all go together. Also to all you Earth healers out there, please watch for those underworld cracks and use your skills along with your guides, guardians, and angels to help hold off the openings until everything is synchronized. They said you know who you are… and you will know what to do.

Some new symptoms we have been seeing during this shift…
Emotionally we are seeing  deep grief and loss of interest in current goals; loss of sense of self; heightened Kunadili  energy; panic attacks; heart palpitations; visions or experiencing dimensional doorways either by seeing or hearing them and future door ways. We are having weird dreams and old visions being rekindled. We have been feeling restless and with a deep need to do SOMETHING - ANYTHING! Unusual visuals in the inner and outer worlds. Electrical disturbances with computers and any other electronic devices.  In relationship we are meeting soul mates after long and fruitless searches, and ending dis-harmonic relationships that were out of alignment. Many are feeling like they are going to die, or want to give up. We are seeing a increased number of family and friends passing away.  Could it be we are dying to the old ways the old world, letting go of our attachments to this world so we can move on to the next?

So what is causing all this shifting?
The Star Elders say it is the current Venus Passover we have just entered. A Venus Passover is when Venus retrogrades and passes in front of the Sun. Venus retrogrades every 260 days but it only passes over the sun every 122 years. The exact Passover is on June 8th, beginning 5 am GMT, UK time zone (Pacific Standard time it is from 9 PM on 6/7/04  to 4 am 6/8/04).  It will take about 7 hours for Venus to pass in front of the Sun. The last time this happened was in 1882. No one alive today has felt this energy before.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #137 - 26.05.2004 at 14:16:44
The ancient Mayas call the Venus-Sun Passover the return of Quetzacoatal but is also symbol of death and a rebirth of a higher consciousness. The Venus Passover repeats again on June 6th 2012, the very near of the end of the Mayan Long count calendar (ending on 12/21/2012) and the ending of a huge 26000-year cycle.  In Christianity the Venus-Sun Passover symbolizes the return of the Christ Consciousness. Christ and Quetzacoatal are both messengers of love and wisdom, light and knowledge.

Venus is like a Holy Grail in the stars holding the power of the feminine, the power of love, and the power of abundance. Our Sun is power house of lighted divine wisdom. When the two planets cross paths it will give us the ability to take all relationships, intimate and otherwise to the next higher level.

Where on Earth can you view the Passover.
Observers in the UK are hoping to watch the Passover on June 8 just after sunrise. Venus will appear as a small black disc as it moves across the bottom of the Sun between 6am and 12.30pm. British stargazers are praying for good weather so they can witness this event. The planet last made a Passover in December 1882 but it could not be  seen properly observed from the UK due to clouds.  

How to the Star Elders think it will effect us?  
With this connection between love and wisdom we will gain insight through love (not force) to evolve  our present evolutionary crisis. The Venus-Sun Passover will trigger a huge soul desire to obtain deeper knowledge to find better answers to problems and build common ground between different cultures. The Star Elders say this wisdom will be  released during the retrograde from May 18 through June 29th but especially on June 7-8th.  

We will experience a concrete knowing of true authentic love and wisdom with a huge breakthrough of intuitive awareness and psychic abilities. With our participation this can be the beginning of true global community ending our limited perceptions. It could be the end of separation due to class, race and religion.

We will find that any thing in our lives that is out of harmony may dissolve way and long awaited opportunities will appear just as if we dreamed them into reality. Present relationships will be under the magnifying glass. The Passover will cause us to consider the reality of  higher energies and realize deep spiritual connections.

With Venus (love and abundance) in the Sun’s path (wisdom and light) we can expect opportunity for new divine love, an opportunity to have more abundance, and most of all to gain deep wisdom. We might be inspired to act on visions we previously had hesitations about. We can expect more balance and harmony in our lives while re-committing to higher truths. In past history Venus Passovers have  preceded huge breakthroughs in human consciousness.

Also the Star Elders say watch out and avoid negative  predictions, as there will be many. Involvement in any type of fear based information will block you from receiving your own inner truth. Remember fear blocks spirit! It is simple as that. Fear can only detour you and this event further out into time.

The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy.  
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. ~~  Richard Bach

How can we get the most out it this event....
Here are some suggestions to take full advantage of the Venus-Sun Passover.  1 day before June 7-8th dig deep and dump the junk, the ego, the programs and assumptions that hold you back from expressing your true authentic self. Ask to purge any dis-harmonic  energy, relationship or event in your lives. Be sure to clear out any emotional entanglements. Get yourself completely clear.

The Star Elders also say to watch out for a desire to back up, or to return to some thing, some one, or some situation that is familiar. For example we might want to retreat back into a old relationship for comfort and safety. If we go backwards will be a painful experience and will not work out. There is no going back. There is no comfort zone right now. You are entering into new territory. It is a exhilarating adventure that will get your heart pumping so don't assume this is fear. Your just excited!

To keep our faces toward change, and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate, is strength undefeatable ~ Helen Keller

During the exact 7 hour period of the Passover, intend to radically alter your life by calling in a higher order of harmony, peace and love. Remember that loving yourself is also loving all life, so don't forget to put yourself on this list.  Remember we are all intimately connected. It is time to love without fear and to know without hesitation.  Intend to bond with your love interest on a deeper and higher level. You can also apply this to other significant relationships. Allow your heart to bond with your community, country and planet.  It will be up to us if we take Venus and Sun’s gift that it is offering.

What the Star Elders say is the out come of this event....
The effects of the Venus Passover will be subtle at first but will begin a powerful inner and outer transformation that will grow and a multiplying rate of speed. At first the effects may not be dramatic but they will go deep and be enduring and will change the core of our reality as we know it. This Venus Passover is without a doubt, a shift from a world based in force, to a world based in Love, and they are saying that this alone is worth the price of admission we paid to experience this event!

This event is the first stage of cracking open a huge door we have been waiting to open. At the moment the Star Elders say that it looks like it will take a few more years for us to get it all together and complete the passage through this door. They say we will be through the door a long time before the Maya end date of December 2012. Their guess based on our current state of consciousness is we will jump through to the higher dimension sometime in 2008 - ONLY 4 YEARS! They say there is a lot for us to do in that time frame but we have done so much already.

Once through  to the other side, the Star Elders say humanity will have achieved it's goal.  We will have raised up and opened our consciousness by our own inner power and intense desire for new  answers to old issues.  We will have downloaded new cutting edge knowledge that will change the face of how we approach our lives. We will gain the capacity to embody the principle of universal compassion, universal love and universal knowledge. We will understand new possibilities and expose new secrets of life. We will have the means  to prevent our own extinction by human error. We will be able to  release the grip of darkness that threatens our survival and be able call the higher dimensions at will. Telepathy will replace inter-net creating a  new field of communication. The development of the 6th sense and mass enlightenment will be considered normal! Now that sound like a great future to me! The Star Elders last word on the subject…. Don't worry, be happy… They are not joking! (well maybe they are)

As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 11
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #138 - 17.06.2004 at 02:38:28
jp, nekaj se zagotovo dogaja.

http://www.2012.com.au/Photon_belt.html - preberite si tole!

Vse vam bo jasno!


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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #139 - 17.06.2004 at 08:23:57
Millenius wrote on 17.06.2004 at 02:38:28:
jp, nekaj se zagotovo dogaja.

http://www.2012.com.au/Photon_belt.html - preberite si tole!

Makes sense.  Smiley

Learning life's lessons rather then enduring life's pain.

Unknown is a Part of God yet to be discovered.

The divine intent is to master the negativity.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #140 - 08.07.2004 at 01:27:29
Where Is This Headed?

Many forecasters have long predicted that 2005 will be the turning point when we will begin to reap the benefits of the intense transformation we’ve been experiencing the past few years -- back to the Grand Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999.

During this period, we’ve experienced massive change both individually and collectively. This shift is timed with the ending of vast cycles now coming to a close as new chapters of Earth history are about to be written.

From 1999 to 2003, we felt propelled into the unknown. The changes were swift and furious. Since the Harmonic Concordance Lunar Eclipse on November 9, 2003, that energy has turned inward. Through the Mercury Retrograde mood of 2004, we’re being given a chance to slow down, re-examine ourselves from the inside out, make some changes and get ready for forward movement as 2005 approaches.

So here we are in a crease period, looking closely at our lives, our choices, our relationships, our work and our journey.

Above all, it’s important to give thanks for the lessons and the infinite blessings pouring into our lives during these times of accelerated change.

Enjoy the journey.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #141 - 08.07.2004 at 01:35:10
hudo dobr, del članka

Is Time Speeding Up?

The Maya are sharing their sacred timekeeping system with the rest of the world, and in this way they are giving us a heads-up. We all know the world is changing drastically and that time seems to be speeding up. The Mayan culture has not only known about this acceleration for 5,000 years - they can actually explain what's happening and why!

The bottom line is that time isn't actually speeding up. What's accelerating is the evolution of consciousness.  More is happening in every second than ever before. A shift in consciousness that used to take billions of years to happen now happens in only 360 days. Beginning in February 2011, the same shift will take only 20 days. Now, that's a head-spinning rate of change.

The Maya say the first cycle of evolution began 16.4 billion years ago with the beginning of Creation. At that time, a shift of consciousness happened every 1.26 billion years.   The next cycle of consciousness began 820 million years ago.  At that time, a shift of consciousness happened in 63.4 million years. The next cycle began 41 million years ago, and the shift of consciousness took 3.2 million years. And so on.

The Rate of Change

Beginning in 1755 AD, a shift of consciousness occurred every 20 years.  Most of us old enough to be reading this have lived most of our lifetimes in this cycle. Until 1999, that is. On January 4, 1999, we entered a new cycle of consciousness called the Galactic Cycle, and that's where we are today. Now a shift of consciousness happens in 360 days, rather than the 20 years it used to take. No wonder time seems to be speeding up.

Here's the really cool part. Beginning on February 10, 2011 - less than 10 years from today - a shift in consciousness will take only 20 days. That means what used to take 20 years to shift prior to 1999 will take only 20 days to shift. And life will be that way within 10 years.

From February 10 through October 28, 2011, the rate of change of consciousness will be every 20 days. Can we even imagine what that might be like? Probably not yet. People living during the Industrial Revolution would have a hard time comprehending how we live today. So it's difficult for us to get a fix on what life will be like during the next cycle (which happens to be called the Universal Cycle).  I suspect we are getting glimpses of that upcoming reality during our multidimensional states - the dreamtime, meditation, shamanic journeys, etc. Visioning like that can be highly exciting.  Experiencing it will be exhilarating!

And what happens after all the cycles end on October 28, 2011? Let's put our minds on the back burner and open our hearts to the answer.

For each of us, the answer may look different. From today's perspective, it appears that "miracles" will become commonplace as the time lag in our current manifestation process disappears. What we *think* is what will *be* - instantly!  That's an awesome responsibility, and requires some practice.


There are discrepancies among scholars about the end date of the Mayan Calendar.  Jose Arguelles and John Major Jenkins have documented December 21, 2012, as the end date. Carl Johann Calleman cites October 28, 2011.

Now we have the suggestion that 2003 is the actual year once we adjust for Gregorian calendar changes, and we will enter the World of the Fifth Sun this month.

Does it really matter which date is "right"?

One thing is clear.  We are entering - or have recently entered - a portal through which instant manifestation is an ongoing process. This may well be what the Harmonic Concordance was about.  What we think is what becomes
so, instantly.

Many thought this would happen around 2012, but there's plenty of evidence that the shift has already happened as their lives turn around seemingly overnight. This would lend experiential support to Drunvalo's theory.

What will we do with our creative power now that we've rebirthed through the portal?

Thoughts create our reality. With this Shift, the lag time between thinking and manifesting is shrinking down to nothing.  This is the most exciting aspect of the End Times!

Will we manifest our love thoughts, or our fear thoughts?  Will we manifest our hopes and dreams  (yes, seveda upanja in sanje; se že dogaja, imho), or our nightmares?  

Experiencing different realities simultaneously - that "bipolar" feeling - and the intense physical and emotional "symptoms" that accompany transformation are part of this process of the Dimension Shift.  We might find ourselves in the Chamber of Ordeal one day and merging with the Divine the next. Sometimes we create several alternate realities in the same day!


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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #142 - 18.07.2004 at 10:37:02

Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

August 2004 is all about change and I don't mean that loosely. Change, Change change is echoing in the chambers of our souls. Following the direction of our heart is not a job for sissies. It takes a tough dedicated spiritually strong person to do the bidding of the heart and soul. 2004 has been a time of metamorphosis. The hard way the easy way and every way. We have been stripped down to our barely human essentials. Standing in front of the great all seeing mighty Oz, we bare our souls, leaving them out to dry in the summer's heat like a wet ocean soaked towel.

Feeling so ready to shift, wanting to experience the shift in one quantum leap instead of one hundred baby steps. "Just jump" your Soul commands, you freeze like a novice skydiver, "just jump into the shift, into the change, into the divine plan that is waiting like a soft cushion". We have all intentions of moving forward quickly, silently, lovingly and happily. As we ready ourselves for change we expect all of our cosmic duckies to be in a row. Lined up and bobbing to our personal wavelength. We look to our world to reflect our creation but nothing seems to be reflected in it that mirrors the image in our mind. We then begin to question our abilities, our intentions, our prayers and our worthiness,

OK God you said SHIFT/CHANGE/MOVE FORWARD/GET OUT OF THE RUT. I'm ready, I'm able and l'm willing. Show me the rabbit hole in which this shift lives. The universe smiles from within and points to a clause we all signed before coming incarnating. What about the 'I'LL SEE IT WHEN I BELIEVE IT CLAUSE', GOD WHISPERS?

We have entered a new level, bigger doorway of Creational energy. No longer are we mild mannered humans praying, asking, or conjoling an almighty God to give to us as helpless little baby birds. We have achieved Creational Maturity.

From this point forward in our evolutionary upgradement creations will only be birthed when we embrace the " I'LL SEE IT WHEN I BELIEVE IT CLAUSE". In this raised understanding of creation we are asked to be mature in our manifestations. To create concisely not haphazardly. Not to curse our creations when they do not appear on the date and time we expect them to arrive. Our curses send them immediately back through time and space into the ethers, to sit in the un-creational waiting room.

You are the Creator of your own circumstances. What you have created you can change. When we react to sudden chaos/or negative changes in our life we delay the purpose of creation. If we accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation, negativity will disappear. We alone determine the amount of time in which turmoil passes. It is time to stop poisoning our future with our doubt.

In this new level of Creatorship we cannot doubt any of our intentions no matter how slight. We need to ready our selves for the lessons in all situations, if your intention is to manifest a certain set of life experiences and you do not see the blueprint in your world, then understand the manifestation is large of molecule and must pass through several layers of light in order to be brought forth in concentrated form.

The summer sun will force us all into the shade of our new thinking, looking at how we have created and uncreated since the beginning of time. We truly are experts at this game of creation and it is time to remember that in our every thought.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #143 - 19.07.2004 at 02:22:38
Sun Bursts


A Giant Sun Spot ready to erupt

(at New Moon - August 16, 2004)

08/16/04 (USA) or 16/08/04 (European)

The miraculous metamorphosis of our ever-changing planet Earth from a flat geo-centric plane into its rightful spherical shape progressed rapidly in these last few centuries. This allowed, the scientists, and also the scholars, spiritual leaders, and even the educated and open-minded laypersons to reexamine their archaic belief systems derived from the Dark Ages. Questions arouse about the nature of God, the observable and the unseen physical forces around us. Science zoomed by most of us with incredible speed, making our lives more comfortable, but also increasingly complex. In the old times only the priest could explain the meanings of any religious messages. Since Guttenberg, it is slowly changing. Increasingly more individuals have to take responsibilities for their own spirituality and translations of divine messages. Religious concepts and interpretations mainly managed to avoid the speedy transformation from linear to cyclical, not to mention the lack of progression from three-dimensional cyclical to the multi dimensional half-spiral pairs. For most pious readers of sacred literature, the perfect spiral pair based recurrent natural forces interpreted as moral judgment. Until very recently and only by a few, the road to universal sound scientific principles remained uncharted even by our most educated spiritual leaders. How are we going to decipher the wisdom of ancient Egypt, Greco-Roman art, the Mayan Calendar, Hindu myths, Judeo-Christian teachings, Native Creation stories, if we do not possess the courage to intermarry science, religion and mythology into an all encompassing Unified Principle? Is not the Creator Force is the only ‘scientist’ and we are just students? Current science, utilizing the Ice Core results, shows that every 12,000years there is a sudden shift in the environment. (The actual length is about 11,650years,thus the 12,000 is a rounded figure.) This 12,000year period would be a half cycle shift of the about 24,000year long Precessional cycle, which is marked in the ice core samples as the dominant 23,000year cycle. (~11,650x2= ~23,300) The 12,000 members of each of the tribe of Is-Ra-El is a hidden Hebrew wisdom about this time frame. The following diagram is slightly modified from an article published in 1994 in the Science magazine showing that the 23,000year long (~23,300 and rounded to 24,000) ‘Ice Volume Collapse’ period is the dominant cycle in Nature. That can be thought of as ‘one finger of God’, for the simple reason that four cold cycles and one warm cycle makes up one full period of a 115,000year long Ice Age Cycle. The rounded numbers would be 10x12K or 5x24K=120K.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #144 - 19.07.2004 at 02:49:05

Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

On or around the morn of July 23, 2004 the star Sirius rises before the daystar, our sun, issuing a declaration to all that the ATLANTEAN-EGYPTIAN-SIRIAN NEW YEAR has been birthed (the Mayan new year is also aligned with this energy but usually celebrated July 26). This is a doorway of unprecedented opportunity to swim foreword with the stellar surge of awareness that precedes the day-light.

Since ancient times Sirius has been known and revered in many cultures. In ancient Atlantis the mysteries were based on information received from the Sirius Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 bc the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo.

Sirius is the home of Christ Consciousness not only for our planet and solar system but also for this entire One Galaxy. Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for earth and played a vital role in earth's early evolution. Spiritual energy streams forth from Sirius into the heart chakra of our Sun and then comes forth to earth through the sun's rays.

As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun pre-dawn, we will have another opportunity to activate the dormant DNA encodings that await stellar emanations and configurations in order to open sealed soul records/truths of each Light Being held within the human costume.

On or around July 23, 2004 go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you. Asking you to move your awareness into the galactic storehouse of knowledge that has quietly awaited this time, you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now.

On August 8, 2004 we are given an opportunity to walk through another 'Doorway of Accelerated Awakening', the 8:8 SOLAR LIONS STARGATE. This Awakening will occur within the cellular records of all beings. These cellular records are held within a crystalline code in the form of a tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) which exists within the codon of each strand of DNA, which resides within each cell of the body, as well as each cell in the Universe.

In ancient times the 'Records of Remembrance' were hidden deep within the earth physically and dimensionally, under, above and around sacred sites. The Mother Matrix of these encodings lives within the Great Pyramid of Egypt guarded by the Sphinx. When the ancient skies were aligned in a specific stellar alignment an energetic doorway was opened to the sacred sites. Allowing entrance through these sacred encodings. We all carry within us cellular awareness of every sacred site ever issued to earth, from the beginning of time on earth through out time in our immediate solar system. It is just a matter of fine tuning our intention to receive these energies. The only way earth can move forward is through the heart. Every tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one moves into direct contact with the heart.


Written By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Around July 23, 2004 we enter the sign of Leo and the Sphinx Stargate, as we all stand at the entrance to a new understanding of Light, of Life and of Love. On that day rise early from your sleep and walk out to meet the Goddess Isis in the form of the Star SIRIUS as she rises before the Sun of the Sun. Within her loins of light live three Stars. Two are known and one comes forth in all of her glory. 'Sirius C' announces to the world her presence. She is the "Seat of the Female Souls, living and future, THE SUN OF WOMAN". She comes forth energetically first, not seen by the sky eyes, but felt by the heart. Announcing to all within this solar system her presence and her presents.

Visualize the emanations and radiance of these 3 faces of Sirius coming forth into your THIRD EYE, then moving into the center of your brain and radiating within the pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal glands creating an internal triangle. As she gives you the gift of the cycles of time connecting you and your higher trilogy energy points with all sacred spaces through time known and unknown. Bringing you to a point beyond this intersection of time and space as a doorway is opened right before your very eyes. Announcing to you long lost parts of your being that arise from a galactic sleep into wakefulness. The tone of creation sounds in every cell of your body on earth and cycles through all 144 levels of your light, homeward to the monadic entrance of your beginning. The tones of the Father Universe sounds within the Sons of man completing a Cycle of Time.

Sirius C sends out two of beams of light merging the sacral (2nd chakra) chakra with the third eye announcing to all of life to see from within and create from that point. Do not seek externally for your creation but know it is held lovingly within the womb of all men and woman on earth. The LIGHT FROM THE SUPERIOR SUN beyond our Sun needs you to receive and hold this atomic light. Without the assistance of those of earth the light just continues to travel onward without a host. Know then your importance in the schematics of receiving this Light. It needs you as you need it; yours is but a symbiotic marriage, arranged yet sacred in origin.

Hold within your thoughts on the morn, as you look at the Star Sirius in her helical rising, A SACRED INTENTION. Let this Sacred Intention be broadcast to all of life as you step out of one cycle of time into another. Letting go of the baggage of the past that you packed so lovingly. Leaving it by the wayside.

Clear Ye the way within yourselves for WHAT YOU HAVE CRIED OUT TO RECEIVE; THE LIGHT OF GOD, THE LIGHT OF PEACE, and THE LIGHT OF LOVE!! When you finally come to that clearing within the sacred space of yourself; nothing to blame, nothing to bar your way, nothing to hold on to as an excuse, WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH YOUR LIGHT!!!

The announcement of upcoming energy surges asks you to answer that question. On or around the time of July 23, 2004 Sirius rises before the Sun announcing the ATLANTEAN NEW YEAR and the Ancient EGYPTIAN NEW YEAR. On August 8, (8:8) we have the 8:8 SOLAR LIONS STAR GATE activating another level of the dormant encodings of ancient truths, on earth and in the stars. Bringing into remembrance on a cellular and stellar level the Activation of the Hall of Records on every planet and star within this universe. The autumn equinox issues closure on this summer's consumption of stellar truths and emanations. Resting for just a short while until the time of 11:11.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #145 - 24.07.2004 at 01:57:39
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #146 - 25.07.2004 at 12:28:47
danes je dan izven casa

Day Out Of Time Celebration!http://www.foundationforthelawoftime.org/doot/globaldoot.html


Declaration of The Great Calendar Change of 2004
(To be read at every Day Out of Time celebration at high noon)

   On this Day Out of Time, White Spectral Mirror, the 365th day of the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar year, we, the people, are gathered in numerous celebrations and festivals at sites around the world -why? Because we are celebrating the Great Calendar Change of 2004. As of the next day, Blue Crystal Storm, the first day of the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar year, there will be a New Time on Earth. What does this mean?

   It means that for the first time in human history, the people of the Earth - not from one country, but from many countries and diverse cultural traditions - will be in support of and already following the new calendar. The times in which we are living are dangerous and complex. The Earth’s future is in the balance. The people know that things will not get better until we are living in a New Time. There are but a few years until the cycle of history closes in 2012. The people know this. The signs are everywhere that the great standards are changing. A new way must be found for the next evolutionary leap.We can no longer wait for a Caesar or a Pope, a president or a prime minister to issue the mandate for this kind of change. That is why we, the people of the Earth, have undertaken this change by ourselves and of our own volition.  It is reason and common sense, intelligence and compassion for all of life that move us to make this change. We know that the future is ours to create.

   In over 90 countries now the new harmonic standard of Thirteen Moons/28 days has spread and is now being followed. This is an irreversible change. This is a movement that cannot nor will not be stopped. It is the force of evolution itself. It is in accord with the principles of higher spiritual evolution. It is in accord with the transformation of our biosphere into the noosphere - the unified mental field of planet Earth. This is a cause of the greatest joy and celebration. We, the people, know that by 2012, Earth and all of her tribes and nations will be unified under the new standard of peace, Thirteen Moons/28 days.

   Though supported by the League of Nations, the International Chamber of Commerce and individuals as diverse as Eastman Kodak and Mahatma Gandhi, the Calendar Reform movement of the 1920s and 1930s, did not succeed. But its efforts were not in vain. It prepared the ground for such a change. In the seventy years since that noble effort, the reasons for making the change have become blatant and glaring. The disorder of society, reflecting the disorder of an irregular standard of measuring time, is now worldwide and epidemic in scope. This time the urgent call for calendar change has come from a people’s movement that has already succeeded in becoming a widespread planetary phenomenon. What seems impossible today, will be common sense tomorrow. Such is the obvious logic of a perpetual standard of measuring our time, the harmonic standard of Thirteen Moons/28-days.

   Henceforth, may this wave of the future penetrate all sectors of global society. May those who doubt find renewed faith. May those who stand on the side lines wondering, jump in and find a new, unifying commitment to a future of peace. We who make this change, do so under the Banner of Peace, an internationally recognized instrument for establishing world peace through culture. For that reason this Day Out of Time is also known as the International Peace through Culture Festival. On this day we pray for universal forgiveness. Meditating on our unity, marching and dancing in rhythm to the New Time, we proclaim: Time is no longer money. Time is art. May peace prevail on Earth. May the standard of the New Time call forth that day soon when our swords are beat into plowshares and children of all races, colors and creeds are playing and praying together in the sunshine of the promised land whose time has finally come. May the New Time of peace prevail on Earth!

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #147 - 25.07.2004 at 13:17:04
Petra. wrote on 25.07.2004 at 12:28:47:
danes je dan izven casa

R e s p e c t . . .
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #148 - 02.08.2004 at 21:03:43
8:8 Solar Lion Star Gate 2004-lots of positive change coming        Syye

written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we round the corner into the lair of the Lion (the month of Leo) we find ourselves face to face with our ancient future and our ancient past. Reflections in our world mirror our inner needs on all levels bringing to the surface all that has been buried alive.

Emanations from the Superior Sun behind our daystar (the sun) rearrange our brain waves, readjusting the thinking patterns that have kept us hostage in an elliptical orbit of humanness. The giant sunspots and coronal mass ejections we are presently seeing are but a glimpse into the life force of this Superior dark Sun that extends her super magnetic vibration into all parts of our known and unknown solar system. Lifting us to a point of open eyes within all the seeing cells of our natural state. Just like celestial acupuncture we receive injections of knowing that cannot be explained away. We finally find the passion to do, to be, to believe to create without a shadow of doubt.

The solar system lines up celestial body by celestial body, stopping only for a moment to pay homage to earth and her inhabitants observing the shifts and changes within the evolving species that calls earth there home.

The star Sirius is partnering with the dark Superior Sun behind our Sun as we enter the alignment of the ancients. All buried landmasses within our consciousness come to a place of buoyancy, circumnavigating our linear flat world thinking. Exposing on a stellar level that which lies beneath all of our longings and choices. We finally stand up for what we believe and what believes in us.

The blue light from the star Sirius shines down onto all of our choices as she enters her helical rising at the end of July. Stellar gateways open via earthen conduits allowing us to be lifted to a place of innate knowing. Everything we do or do not do will be felt in all sectors of heaven and earth.

It is time for the SOLAR LION via the SPHINX to rise from her enigmatic posture of guardian and unleash what has been subjugated to human restriction. A full positioning of this event transpires within the secret chamber of the left hemisphere of the brain for females and the right hemisphere of the brain for males. Like an unexpected tsunami the ocean floor parts to release a surge that will clear the mental shorelines of non-belief. Fractions of self and soul that had once been fluid through time and choice come running home with open arms and an open heart. Settling into all of the cracks of our personal universe filling them with what needs to be seen.

Emanations from the stars reach down to work there healing magic upon all of us. The Superior Sun behind our Sun lifts her skirt of light exposing her Nubian body of light for all to see. The dance of the seven veils of time eternal cleverly keeps most of her concealed. Finally the children of earth have earned the right to see the truth of the Cosmos.

On August 8, 2004 (8:8) SPIRITUAL ATOMIC ENERGY will be unleashed to the entire universe within the direct radiation of our sun. Solar power will move into material form to be seen and felt. Uniting the two hemispheres of the brain in a cosmic fusion. Birthing a level of light that even the blind will be able to see.

So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field. The choice is to just allow it to pass through you like a solar wind, not holding on to any part of it. Like a cool breeze on a hot day just allow the solar emanations to encircle and embrace you without trying to corral them and tie them to the fence of humanness. Just this minute action will shift the future into a place that can been seen and felt.

The 8:8 STARGATE VIBRATION is symbolic of the human DNA kept separate and secret purposefully. From the time of July 23, 2004 until September 23, 2004 the symbiotic relationship that humanity has had with earth life will shift into direct alignment with a time passageway. This time passageway reconnects with the Superior Sun beyond the sun allowing a new seeding to occur that increases mental capacities, IQ and the ability to remember (near and far). For some time now the human brain has been in the shop being repaired. Too much information has been painful and not received or digested properly. Seeming to have Teflon coating the brain has been resistant, not wanting anything to stick to it. Each new set of thoughts triggered dormant fears that needed to be released and replaced with new strands of awareness.

The star Sirius rises in helical fashion sometime between July 23 and August 1, 2004 depending on your longitude and latitude. This rising is associated with new thought, new light, and new beginnings. It rises before the sun purposefully after being in stellar hiding for about 70 days. Sirius houses the Great White Brotherhood, the Lemurian Elders as well as the Christ Consciousness and a bevy of highly evolved beings. The announcement of her arrival comes as a key to unlock a very old door that is newly painted and postioned. This door enters into a room that humanity as a whole has never been comfortable experiencing. It is now time to come from a point of high solar vibrations and allow this new light to shine on places within the psyche and history of earth that needs cleansed.

We stand at the base of the mountain of Creational maturity on our sojourn home to the Light. Everything in the universe opens its cupboards to show what has been hidden on all of its shelves. Finally embracing and acknowledging the Creational maturity of the people of earth. It is a personal choice as to how to wear this energy and wisdom. It has been laid at your anointed feet with a great love by those that have taken all of your evolutionary possibilities to heart.

The heavenly bodies that come to usher in the 8:8 SOLAR LIONS STAR GATE are the stars listed below.

ALUDRA (Canis Major) a blue white super giant. It opens and strengthens the heart, its passageways and muscles of the heart. It opens us to a higher love. Allowing for a deeper connection between 3rd eye and lower three chakras. Connect with this star when you are ready to broadcast love.

CAPH (Cassiopeia) blue white sub giant which pulsates every 2 hours and 30 minutes. This star enhances mental body functions and strengthens telepathic impulses. Release energies caught in the mental body allowing them to move into the emotional, etheric and physical body. Assists in putting lost pieces of the mental puzzle together.

RUCHBAH (Cassiopeia) blue white sub giant enhances within men the ability to work with the acceptance of love helps to shift karma using deep love.

MEDIA (Sagittarius) Yellow Giant that creates a greater spiritual confidence assists in developing new spiritual ideas and concepts

KORNEPHOROS (Hercules) Yellow white giant. Enhances healing processes derived from mental energy by use of meditation and deep relaxed thought. Genetic structure can be altered with this star. Bursts of energy from this star occur every 3.3 minutes

ASPIDISKE (Carina) artificially created portal similar to natural portals found in universe. Allows rapid transfer from one point to another. Speeds up capacities in all aspects of brain functions interconnecting with newly activated brain cells.

RIGIL KENTAURIS (similar to our sun) this star is a beacon that awakens the knowledge that space travel is inherent within all beings. (Consciously and physically) is also aligned with the energy of chlorophyll which is the sun made manifest on earth.

     Divine Being
Posts: 118
7/16/04 9:06 pm
Re: 8:8 Solar Lion Star Gate 2004-lots of positive change co       Trendle Ellwood
Syye, thank you for this! I have been most interested in reading about Stargates ever since Merlin told me that I was at the number two stargate. This looks like a very good read. Love to you, Tren


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« Last Edit: 02.08.2004 at 22:23:10 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #149 - 02.08.2004 at 22:23:56
zanimivo, 23. julija je bilo ravno tisto neurje po sloveniji, in hkrati še močan popotresni sunek v Bovcu... Wink

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