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General >> Splošno,  aktualno ... >> Prišel je čas...

Message started by Io on 30.03.2003 at 00:29:31

Title: Prišel je čas...
Post by Io on 30.03.2003 at 00:29:31

Sedaj je pravi čas, da se odločite kam se boste obrnili v življenju. Prišlo je do točke polariziranja.

Vse pozivam, da se vsak dan obrnete k bogu in prosite zase, da ne boste podlegli skušnjavam, ki se vam postavljajo na poti v svetlobo.

Vsak izmed nas je najbolj dragocen, ohranjajmo mir v srcih, ne pustimo se sprovocirati z vojnami, ne vpletajmo se, bodimo to kar smo, božji prevodniki, čista ljubezen.
Vsi izhajamo iz enega, potrudimo se biti odprti do vsakogar, VSI SMO ENO, samo v različnih telesih.

Za vse, ki redno meditirate, zelo fino bi bilo če bi se redno povezovali v skupine, se povežete najprej z izvorom potem med sabo, doživeli boste močan tok, usmerite ga na zemljo, ona in ostala bitja zelo potrebujejo to energijo, bitja so žalostna in jokajo, pomagajte jim!!! :'(

Ne pozabi zakaj si tu, ne podleži moči, nadvladi nad drugimi, bogastvu, blišču! :)

Imaš samo dve izbire, tema ali svetloba, ni več vmesne poti!

Združimo se v svetlobi! :)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 31.03.2003 at 00:37:45


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by bp on 31.03.2003 at 01:54:33

Io wrote on 30.03.2003 at 00:29:31:
Sedaj je pravi čas, da se odločite kam se boste obrnili v življenju. Prišlo je do točke polariziranja.

A je to tako kot vsak trenutek, ko se je treba odločit kam se bomo obrnili, ali je v tem trenutku in času kaj zelo posebnega?

lp bp

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by himynameis on 31.03.2003 at 02:01:02

wrote on 31.03.2003 at 01:54:33:
A je to tako kot vsak trenutek, ko se je treba odločit kam se bomo obrnili, ali je v tem trenutku in času kaj zelo posebnega?

Dobro vprašanje, se pridružujem. ;D

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by b5 on 31.03.2003 at 07:33:37

To je pa odvisno od tega , kaj je za nekoga kaj posebnega. Tu gre preprosto za to ali boš delal dobro (svetloba) ali slabo (tema). Odločitev je v tvojem srcu, saj je energija enaka, le srce odloči o njenem namenu.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by bp on 31.03.2003 at 10:20:19

b5 wrote on 31.03.2003 at 07:33:37:
To je pa odvisno od tega , kaj je za nekoga kaj posebnega. Tu gre preprosto za to ali boš delal dobro (svetloba) ali slabo (tema). Odločitev je v tvojem srcu, saj je energija enaka, le srce odloči o njenem namenu.

Aha, ti misliš, da se je treba odločit nekako tako, kot je to storil George W. Bush, ki je pred časom (ponovno) odkril boga in se odločil, da bo poslej v svetu počel samo dobro ;)

Preberi si kakšno njegovo biografijo, pri njem je to nasprotje med svetlobo in temo jasno, med dobrim in zlim zelo jasno postavljeno in izraženo, njegova namera počet dobro zelo jasno povedana. To se vidi ne samo v njegovi retoriki, ampak tudi v njegovih dejanjih. On se aktivno bori proti zlu.

In tudi zato je ta človek nevaren.

lp bp

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by b5 on 31.03.2003 at 12:02:14

wrote on 31.03.2003 at 10:20:19:
Aha ti misliš, da se je treba odločit nekako tako, kot je to storil George W. Bush, ki je pred časom (ponovno) odkril boga in se odločil, da bo poslej v svetu počel samo dobro ;).....

lp bp

Je to vprašanje ali trditev...?  :-/???

Ne mislim tako kot G. mladi Grm! Le dobro preberi post, mogoče tudi kakšne druge  ;). Bush si po mojem kvečjemu domišlja da dela dobro, menim pa da  zlorabja moč, ki jo ima in to je dejanje teme. Račun pa bo že dobil.... ;) ;D

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by bp on 31.03.2003 at 13:53:19

b5 wrote on 31.03.2003 at 12:02:14:
Je to vprašanje ali trditev...?  :-/???

Umm, to je ... provokacija.

Predvsem kot priložnost, da razmislimo, ali ima tako črnobelo predstavljanje sveta vedno smisel. Je res nujno se odločit za absolutno dobro oz. zlo, je to sploh mogoče in kaj je ravno v tem trenutku tako posebnega?

lp bp

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Devi on 31.03.2003 at 15:36:31

Prišel je čas, da se zbudimo, dokler je še čas ::)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by himynameis on 31.03.2003 at 15:40:30

Devi wrote on 31.03.2003 at 15:36:31:
Prišel je čas, da se zbudimo, dokler je še čas ::)

Jaz se zbudim vsako jutro, al pa tud mal kasnej. ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by ziby on 31.03.2003 at 16:59:22

Še je čas
Martin Krpan

Lesk v očeh zamenjal sem za pesek,
za opeko prodal sem svoj obraz,
svojo senco za petsto kvadratov
in nabavil nekaj psov, da krajšajo mi čas.

Zdaj živim v tej hiši,
svoji zlati hiši,
vrata odpiram le še tistim,
ki prina ajo mi sveža jajca in odnašajo smeti.

Še je čas, da izvem,
kaj je bolje naj ostanem ali grem,
Še je čas, da izvem,
kaj je prav in kaj ne smem,
a ostalo mi bo oblačno nebo.

Morda kdaj podrl bom ograjo,
morda kdaj pobegnil bom od tod,
v hišo se vselil bo nov obraz,
z novimi iskrivimi očmi, isti ostajajo le psi...

Še je čas, da izvem,
kaj je bolje naj ostanem ali grem,
Še je čas, da izvem,
kaj je prav in kaj ne smem,
a ostalo mi bo oblačno nebo.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by miriam on 31.03.2003 at 18:45:45

ziby pa je danes pesničko raspoložen  ;D
se ga je pomlad prijela   :D

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by miriam on 31.03.2003 at 18:48:25

wrote on 31.03.2003 at 13:53:19:
Predvsem kot priložnost, da razmislimo, ali ima tako črnobelo predstavljanje sveta vedno smisel. Je res nujno se odločit za absolutno dobro oz. zlo, je to sploh mogoče in kaj je ravno v tem trenutku tako posebnega?

lp bp

Ponavadi je v življenju tako da se odločamo za manjše zlo.
Kdo pa smo v resnici mi da lahko odločamo kaj je dobro a kaj zlo, še za odločitve vezane za nas same je teško, kamoli za druge.

Moj svet pa je poln barv, ziby bi rekel kičast   ;D .

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by bp on 31.03.2003 at 18:59:01

miriam wrote on 31.03.2003 at 18:48:25:
Moj svet pa je poln barv, ziby bi rekel kičast   ;D .

Daj potem kakšno fotko kdaj kje pokaži ali objavi.

Recimo s Trakoščana ali od drugod. :)

lp bp

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by miriam on 31.03.2003 at 19:46:14

wrote on 31.03.2003 at 18:59:01:
Daj potem kakšno fotko kdaj kje pokaži ali objavi.

Recimo s Trakoščana ali od drugod. :)

lp bp

moje življenje polno barv pa si lahko ogledaš tukaj

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Marjana on 31.03.2003 at 20:19:25

bp, kje pa si bil?  :(

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Io on 31.03.2003 at 21:31:15

Gre za to, da se sedaj seveda poleg naših svetlih sil, spušča ogromno temnih sil na astral.
Prišel je tudi veliki temni gospod, seveda poleg velikega , najčastejšega Kristusa, VSA HVALA MU!

Vsem pošiljam mnogo ljubezni, vere in moči!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by b5 on 01.04.2003 at 07:49:55

"not all shadows are cast by light - some are cast by darkness"

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 04.04.2003 at 19:03:42

SILENCE IS BETRAYAL by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

[glb]"A time comes when silence is betrayal. Even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men [sic] do not easily assume the task of opposing their government's policy, especially in time of war. Nor does the human spirit move without great difficulty against all the apathy of conformist thought within one's own bosom and in the surrounding world. Moreover, when the issues at hand seem as perplexing as they often do in the case of dreadful conflict, we are always on the verge of being mesmerized by uncertainty. But we must move on."

"Some of us who have already begun to break the silence of the night have found that the calling to speak is often a vocation of agony, but we must speak. We must speak with all the humility that is appropriate to our limited vision, but we must speak. For we are deeply in need of a new way beyond the darkness that seems so close around us."

"We are called to speak for the weak, for the voiceless, for the victims of our nation, for those it calls "enemy", for no document from human hands can make these humans any less our brothers. I think of them, too, because it is clear to me that there will be no meaningful solution until some attempt is made to know them and hear their broken cries."

"I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. We must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered."

"A true revolution of values will lay hand on the world order and say of war, "This way of settling differences is not just." A nation that continues year and year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death."

"America, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, can well lead the way in this revolution of values. There is nothing except a tragic death wish to prevent us from reordering our priorities over the pursuit of war."

"This call for a worldwide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one's tribe, clan, race, class, and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all mankind. We can no longer afford to worship the God of hate or bow before the altar of retaliation. The oceans of history are made turbulent by the ever-rising tides of hate. History is cluttered with the wreckage of nations and individuals that pursed this self-defeating path of hate."

"We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence or violent co annihilation. We must move past indecision to action. If we do not act, we shall surely be dragged down the long, dark, and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who posses power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight."

"Now let us begin. Now let us rededicate ourselves in the long and bitter, but beautiful struggle for a new world. If we will but make the right choice, we will be able to speed up the day, all over America and all over the world, when justice will roll down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream."

"May our country, on the brink of war, take to heart the final refrain of "America, the Beautiful": "America! America! God mend thine ev'ry flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law."

The words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered at Riverside Church, New York City, April 4th, 1967


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 06.04.2003 at 20:32:43

Q: What does it mean to live as my Highest Self?

MESSAGE FOR THE DAY - April 3, 2003

A: As you come into the energetic frequency of the highest aspect of your Whole Self, you are being prompted to move beyond any self imposed limitations that may be hindering the fullest _expression of who you are at the core.  It is time to move through these "imagined" barriers that have been erected through time.  There is nothing holding you back but YOU.

Moving through the various initiations presented to you daily will propel you forward with ease, but you must take the appropriate actions required to do so. No more to waffle on the sidelines, so to speak.  You are the creator of your experiences.  Make a decision to BE the highest Being you can be and live that.  As you honor the highest aspects of who you are at this moment, you will automatically start the forward motion that will carry you with ease and grace through these illusions that you see as barriers.

While it may be "nice" to have others assisting you, it is important to know that at the end of the day, it is you that will make the choices necessary for your own personal growth.  Call on your Highest self daily and ask for what it is that you most need.  In those quiet moments, feel the inner peace that dwells inside and welcome it throughout your entire being.  It is a challenge to remain in this state of calm and peace but KNOW that once you allow your Self to reside in this place of inner peace, all perceived challenges will cease to have a hold on you.

The Light that you are at the core will shine through and illuminate whatever it is that is crying for your attention.  Yes, crying for your attention.  Listen and you will hear those higher voices calling to you.  Can you hear them?  Can you feel that higher vibration that is you.that is your Soul.  The power of your Soul is all that you need to move forward.  The power of your Soul, your Highest Self, is all that you need to create all that you wish to create in your life at this moment.

Do not fight the energies that will undoubtedly rise up for your attention and release.  Acknowledge them and bless them with the Light that you are.  Your Highest Self has weathered many storms in the past. It will weather many more in the future but YOU do not need to dwell in the eye of the storm any longer. Move through it and experience the calm which is you as you live this life as your Highest Self.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Star12 on 19.04.2003 at 13:51:47


Izbrala sem si stavek, katerega si  napisala.

Vsi izhajamo iz enega, potrudimo se biti odprti do vsakogar, VSI SMO ENO, samo v različnih telesih.

Ta stavek mi je dal vedeti, da je resnica OČITNA.
Res smo vsi ENO - menim, da nas druži Duša, katero  imamo vsi. V vsakem izmed nas je. Vse so nekje enake, samo poti kot praviš med temo in svetlobo - so vsaki različne. Vsaka izbira med ENO ali DRUGO.
Prepričana sem, da je Svetloba pot, kot LUČka, ki žari da sem najedmo na njej. Tema pa neka ovira - mrak.
Vedno pa pravijo, da je na KONCU TUNELA Svetloba.

In prav ta čas Sedaj je namenjen Svetlobi. Da nekdo, ki tava nekje v tunelu in išče izhod - Sledi Luči, katero vidi pred seboj. Vsak jo vidi, o tem ni dvoma.

Torej, odločitev -  koliko in kaj bo nekdo Storil, da ji bo sledil - tli v njem. Njegovi volji in moči.

Meditacija pri tem zelo pomaga, predvsem če se med seboj povežemo in meditiramo v skupinah. Prav imaš Io.

POVEŽI SE S SVOJIM Notranjim Izvirom v Sebi, tam je vedno dovolj svetlobe.  :)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 19.04.2003 at 20:02:07



Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by himynameis on 19.04.2003 at 23:57:44

Petra. wrote on 19.04.2003 at 20:02:07:

Sem skor s stola padu od smeha. ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by tomi on 20.04.2003 at 11:26:25

To pa je res višek cenenosti, Kali upam, da res ne zidaš zdaj kakega čolna na dvorišču...  ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 20.04.2003 at 11:51:41

mater kali ... spet si enga information frika najdla ...

model ma čtiva za en cel lifetime se mi zdi ...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by tomi on 20.04.2003 at 17:36:43

Lahko bi človek vsaj osnove htmlja naštudiral... Kdo pa bo šel zdaj kaj iskat po temle kaosu...   :)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 20.04.2003 at 18:20:32

ja ti američani dostikrat izgledajo kot da so še vedno v kameni dobi interneta ... dostkrat naletiš na sajt z ogromno texta, ki pa je čist neprijazno predstavljen
(za primer si oglej moj sajt  ;D )

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by himynameis on 20.04.2003 at 18:23:35

tomi wrote on 20.04.2003 at 17:36:43:
Lahko bi človek vsaj osnove htmlja naštudiral... Kdo pa bo šel zdaj kaj iskat po temle kaosu...   :)

Heheh, še kako res. Pa še kaj drugega mu tudi ne bi škodilo. ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by himynameis on 20.04.2003 at 18:25:15

gape wrote on 20.04.2003 at 18:20:32:
(za primer si oglej moj sajt  ;D )

Še zmer ne vem v čem je fora, da se ob obisku okno skrči na velikost 800x600. ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas... off topic
Post by gape on 20.04.2003 at 18:50:27

himynameis wrote on 20.04.2003 at 18:25:15:
Še zmer ne vem v čem je fora, da se ob obisku okno skrči na velikost 800x600. ;)

men tko sede ...
mogoče bom enkrat upedenu da se ne bo več ... verjetno takrat ko bom upedenu nov izgled in vmesnik ... za trenutni vmesnik je to kr kulj ... in tudi za večino ostalih strani ki laufajo na temu serverju ... še največ blemov imam s pozitivkami (jih je težko uštimat v tolk mejhno okno) ... je pa tud res da počasi pa zihr postaja defakto standard resolucija 1024x768

... back on topic ... se mi ne zdi da izgled zmanjša vrednost napisanega ...

mogoče je pa zunanji izgled smo en filter, ki sfiltrira tiste ki tripajo (predvsem ali pač vsaj na začetku) na zunanjost.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by himynameis on 20.04.2003 at 18:59:58

Gape, priporočam ti, da stvar določiš na relativnih 100%. Torej, da se okno samo prilagodi rezoluciji. Takšne strani so najbolj prijazne, pa tud tisti flash na začetku se sam avtomatsko raztegne na večji obseg, tako da za to ni skrbi.

Aja, najbolj smešen pa mi je zadnji link: "PODVOJITE HITROST SVOJEGA PC-ja!" Tud skor padem od smeha dol s stola vsakič, ko ga zagledam. ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 20.04.2003 at 19:02:05

Tomi, ne zidam si barke, ker znam plavat. ;)

Nisem sama sploh vsega pogledala, bolj na hitr.

Hvala za komplimente vsem.  ;) :D

Title: Re: Prišel je čas... off topic ... again
Post by gape on 20.04.2003 at 21:01:45

s podvojite hitrost sm zaslužu že celih 30$
noben še ni reku da je basa ... sm pa tud sam kupu in sprobu ... in dela.

kar se tiče 100% ... relativnih ... neušeč ... najtmer webmastra ... narest tak sajt ... rajši se naredi absolutno okno in v njem absolutne vrednosti.
mam kr neki praxe na to temo ...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas... off topic ... again
Post by himynameis on 20.04.2003 at 21:33:29

gape wrote on 20.04.2003 at 21:01:45:
noben še ni reku da je basa ... sm pa tud sam kupu in sprobu ... in dela.

Če verjameš v palčke. Lahk se kregava na področju duhovnosti; ampak tu pa mislim, da imam nekoliko več pojma.

kar se tiče 100% ... relativnih ... neušeč ... najtmer webmastra ... narest tak sajt ... rajši se naredi absolutno okno in v njem absolutne vrednosti.
mam kr neki praxe na to temo ...

Poglej si in še mnogo podobnih strani. Temu se reče prijazno, pregledno in uporabno. Tukaj je itak le forum najbolje narejen, ki je itak že po defaultu tak kot je. Pa pozitivke so seveda tud v redu.

Skratka, kar hočem rečt je to: Lastna hvala se pod mizo vala. ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas... back on ...
Post by gape on 21.04.2003 at 09:26:08

moj sajt je primer neprijazne predstavitve vsebine ... tko pravjo vsaj ... men je itak useen ... meni služi odlično ... on ni zato tam da bo komu prijazen ali pa všeč ... on je samo filter bi lahko reku.

aha zdej vidm ... 'prišel je čas' da še neki več nardim za izgubljence, da nardim še lepši in še krasnejši vmesnik do vsebine ... bom ... ko bo čas pravi ... zdej delam zase ... pravjo da je itak treba sebi najprej pomagat, pol pa šele drugim.

... ja ... jest tud znam plavat, pa si vseeno gradim barko, za vsak primer, škodit ne more.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by tomi on 21.04.2003 at 10:30:55 je itak super proti večini strani, ki jih najdem..
Pa itak ni važna načičkanost, glavna prednost hiperteksta je preglednost, da ne zgubljaš časa pri iskanju informacij...
Načičkana je tud dovolj za moje pojme...  ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas... back on ...
Post by himynameis on 21.04.2003 at 14:24:00

gape wrote on 21.04.2003 at 09:26:08:
aha zdej vidm ... 'prišel je čas' da še neki več nardim za izgubljence, da nardim še lepši in še krasnejši vmesnik do vsebine ... bom ... ko bo čas pravi ... zdej delam zase ... pravjo da je itak treba sebi najprej pomagat, pol pa šele drugim.

Zakaj bi se torej trudil spreminjat vmesnik, če se ti zdi, da je zdaj namenjen ravno pravim osebam in je najboljši tak kot je? Ne vidim smisla. Pusti potem takšnega, kot je všeč tebi, ane. :)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 23.04.2003 at 16:22:00



"Once upon a time, humanity thought the Earth was flat.  If you tried
to explain it differently, people   just shook their heads at you and said
you were crazy.   Then, Columbus sailed to find a "New World" for himself.
Presently........... much of humanity thinks of the Earth as one single,
objective, "mass reality."   We all live upon it (i.e. we share it), and
where that one Earth goes, everyone must ride along.  Spirit now establishes for us that such a concept is every bit as archaic and limited as when we believed that the Earth is flat."   DJ.

 Each of us is a Multidimensional Being. We function in many different
contexts of reality at once.  Though we appear to be focused only HERE,
there are also alternative forms of THERE in which we also function---in
bodies that are every bit as real as this one.
 Every person is his (or her) own universe.  Uni=One.  There is only
one person there---a ONESELF, who has been fragmented into every
possible/probable manifestation that you need to be, in order to
explore that which called you into existence at this level of vibration.
Each of the the Oneself "fragments" is insulated, separated by a Veil
of Forgetfulness, that allows each component part of that scenario to
assume a point-of-view, and provide a unique perspective of what is transpiring within that Now Moment.
  Each creator is a Director, Actor, and Crew for the creation of a
vast and wonderful "movie" that is being played out upon the screen of his awareness.  Though each theater has many "screens," the audience
usually chooses to focus only upon one at a time.
 The Multiverse has an archive that is like a Cosmic Video Store.  Each
"movie" that is created is stored and available for all eternity. Once a
person is able to transcend his particular story plot, he may access any
other story that he chooses, returning again to live out the original life
process before anyone ever knows he was gone.
 Everything is REAL, everywhere it appears.   People often speak about
the "illusory nature" of 3D.   And it is illusion.  However, that doesn't
mean that it doesn't exist, or what is seen there is false.  Rather, the
illusion consists of the impression that what is experienced at any point is ALL THERE IS that exists in that space.
Your senses are not "windows" to an "objective" universe.  They are
really filters, blocking from your awareness what you have no desire to see.   OUT THERE consists of an endless array of everything imaginable.  But here, in this 3D You-niverse, you have assigned for yourself a specific focus, and your Veil makes sure that you stay with it until that focus is
 Each Now Moment, you are opening "gifts" that reveal to the Oneself
who and what you are, or have been (speaking in a linear sense).   That is
why we refer to each of these moments as "the present."
 Each Moment is a slide, which you can place into the microscope of
physical density---so you can study details, learn lessons, or simply
enjoy everything that you are and have.  Anything that doesn't get "done" here has an infinity of Multiverse to work itself out, in every way imaginable.   No muss, no fuss, no struggle.

"You are not one of many.  You are really many of ONE!"
--The Reconnections

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 25.04.2003 at 19:16:46

Zanimiva stran

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 05.05.2003 at 20:37:48

What is the Hall of Records so many people seek?

Most see the Hall of Records connected to the Great Pyramid - as our reality program is created by the geometry of 12 pyramids around 1 source=circle symbology - which creates a grid of matrix through which we experience.

This grid is created by electromagnetic energies - polarities - north/south - rods or poles - which contain information - and control different aspects of the program

The Hall of Records - like the Akashic Record - is in higher frequency and is therefore not physical. It cannot be found physically - but you do have the knowledge in your DNA.

This knowledge explains the nature of our 3D physical program in the Cycles - or Illusion - called Time - which is in itself a bio-genetic experiment in which souls are all encoded with sacred keys of light to find their way out.

We trigger our Hall of Records - our awakening - our genetic encoding - when we are ready.

Many people quest in the Physical - traveling to the Great Pyramid and other sacred places. These places are often marked with pyramids in the physical plane - which align with the 12 ethereal pyramids - ie: Mexico. These are power points on the grid. Most places are marked in stone such as Stonehenge - megalithic sites.

Other people meditate or read and gain the knowledge and wisdom through the mind.

Some experience both aspects of discovery - as they are all amazing and fill us with the knowledge that we are getting closer to greater truths - the way home - out of the box=3D - the way back to source of into ther realities of experience - understanding the totality of All.

If you are reading this column - you are accessing your Hall of Records each day with all that you experience. You are seeing the world differently and coping with the dramas of 3D.

Metaphors: Scrolls - Papyri - Flames or Light Symbols - Keys - Digits - Stones - Crystals - Alien Symbols - Crop Circles - Symbols & Archetypes

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 06.05.2003 at 13:24:22

Pole Shift or Polarity Shift?

As searchers we look at the world as as outside of us. We spend much of our lives learning and experiencing and trying to figure out the complexities of things around us and how they can benefit our goals and eventually help bring us to greater awareness.

Sometimes our lives revolve around our goals as strive for answers. We sense things going to happne in the universe - and we relate to them if they affect our 'personal universe' our sense of self.

One of the End Time scenarios says that planet Earth is going to have a sudden pole shift. We wobder what tis means and if we will suddenly die? This pole shift seems geophysical - certainly outside of ourselves - part of the universe.

The physical humans is made up of electromagnetic energies - polarities - north and south - it has poles.

There will come a time of balance when the poles - the bar magnet - the rod - will be horizontal and in balance. Some see this as a judgement day - but that is metaphoric. Everything in our reality is a metaphor brought forth to help you remember.... "Remember what?" you ask.

You remember that an aspect of your soul came into a physical body to experience emotions. It is a spiritual soul have a physical experience. But once in the physical - 3D - you began to think of yourself as a physical being having a spiritual experience... Wrong!

When this balance occurs - your north and south poles will merge - the polar aspects of your being. North is above 3D frequency. South is the YOU sitting there now reading this. When balance occurs - your poles will seens to shift in a nano second - and you will return to higher frequency - your spirit form - where you will understand the nature of all reality.

Most people except the fact that the 3D mind is unable to fully grasp the true nature of reality as we do not have the archetypes or abilities to grasp the concepts. Therefore we guess - theorize - remote view - meditate - talk to spirit guides and those in here with us in 3D - and most of all we dream...

Chakra System - Always the 'X'
As is Above Merges with So is Below
The Center - Heart Chakra - Zero Point
Seat of the Soul - Green is Alchemy

The pole shift is not external - it is internal to you.

Look for a polarity shift of consciousness - not a pole shift on the planet. It is about TIME.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 08.05.2003 at 01:39:32 8)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 08.05.2003 at 03:54:13

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 11.05.2003 at 16:09:40

Zanimiva stran drgač, jo nameravam še prečekirat. :)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 19.05.2003 at 17:05:41

Art imitates life and Life is a soap opera. We were all born into our little 3D dramas to experience the full gamut of emotions then to find our way back to restore balance.

We are not here to experience perfection or things that will last happily-ever-after - which is just another aspect of the illusion.

A skilled player attracts and embraces positive things - then can release when reality shifts - as it is always in motion. You cannot hold onto anything forever. Itis the ebb and flow of the collective unconsciousness and the Law of Endless Possibilities.

The nature of Daytime TV has changed along with human consciousness. That is why you should not live in the past and say, "When I was young.....". Experience is the NOW which is reflected in TV that helps us explore and understand who we are and how we can heal our issues. In many cases - we are not aware that we have issues - until we see them discussed or mirrored on TV.

As we move through life - our experiences become 'issues with tissues' as we win and lose - our personal soap operas allowing us to experience the polarity of emotions in third dimension.

Example....with one partner you can experience love and compassion - yet with another you can experience anger and frustration. Perhaps this is why we make the choices we do at certain times of our lives. It is just experience - the game - the soap opera and drama of it all. In the movie the Matrix Reloaded they explain human emotions and weaknesses - it is all in our programming. Don't be needy - you will self-destruct.

Yet to not experience with 'passion of the soul' - to remain removed from experience - is to miss out on the primary objective - LOVE and reunion of the twin aspects of your soul. This is generally caused by fear of intimacy. Of course old metaphysicians like us known that FEAR is the KEY as we are ruled by the polarities of FEAR and LOVE - the primary passions which motivate us in 3D.

Talk shows are often therapy sessions - such as Dr. Phil McGraw. In the old days we had Dr. Joyce Brothers who always looked like her face lift was a bit too tight. Of course there was Dr. Ruth - who allowed us to talk about sex...and both did we come out on that subject.

Ya gotta say it - teach it - and experience 3D with HUMOR - another KEY as it raises frequency.

Daytime news broadcasting has greatly expanded in content and air time. Humanity no longer wants to remain limited on any level of experience as souls expand into greater awareness.

The physical universe appears to becoming small as our awreness expands.

This is all written in the script.

We identify with soap opera characters and experience vicariously in their daily adventure - often angered when a favorite show is cancelled by new events. Bummer!

Primarily the realm of the soap has always been about the heart chakra - male/female, parent/child, finding 'true love'. We experience them vicariously.

Through the years soaps have expanded to include metaphysical subjects - healing, near death experiences, angels, clairvoyance and clairaudience, past lives, aliens, among others.

All of us - at some point - have watched daytime TV. Remember Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street? They taught much more than academics. They taght us that children can read and do math in the pre-school ages. Today of course children have computers and everything is at their finger tips. Technology has made learning easier - faster and with greater comprehension. It is all part of growing awareness..the script playing out now.

At some point most of us have watched daytime TV - usually soaps - particularly when we are teens - puberty - experiencing emotions - coming home from school to relax in the fantasies of others lives and getting away from our peers and things we are too young to control and change.

In early days of daytime TV - boys would tease girls about watching soap operas - the woman supposed the emotional ones - while the big strong macho males were way too tough and detached from all of that. Right!! Times have changed. Men have come out in more ways than one. They are allowed to experience emotions and share with friends the adventures of the characters on daytime as well as nighttime TV. Some universities offer courses which including soap operas and daytime talk shows.

The soap family sometimes becomes our family. As a psychic reader and educator through the years - I am amazed at how many young people have no idea about what marriage is about - or how a functional family works - or what real love and compassion is about.

All My Children grew up with the WABC soaps. We watched Luke and Laura get married. My children still watch the same soaps as do many of their friends. Thank goodness for the VCR. We can watch our favorites when we want and experience them over and over.

Through the years I have read many soap opera stars and experiened with them offscreen and on. You have no idea how multi-talented they are.

Though I don't watch much TV - I do have my favorites and of course set the VRC as I watch most shows on tape. The only soap I watch is 'Days of Our Lives'. I watch it in times of high adventures and faster moving storylines. I skip much of the emotional issues stuff generally reading the spoilers on the internet so I am least one week ahead. these are the ways of the psychic reader....

I was unfamiliar with many of the new young stars who received awards last night - but the energy was electrifying and positive. The world is filled with talent in the arts. The game will dictate the winners.

Some things to think about....Please do not send me emails about this....

If you could host a daytime talk show - what format would you use? What would be your goals?

If you were on a soap - what type of character would you like to play?

Could you see yourself - on TV - in a movie - behind the camera in production - writing a script?

Have you ever cried when someone died on your favorite soap? If someone laughed at your emotions - did you ignore them or get angry?

What do you admire about a good script?

Do you want the happily-ever-after or the Dooms Day ending?

Do you play into the games of emotions and 3D or do you see yourself out of the Matrix - the Box - 3D - as an observer?

Can you play at times - experiencing the positive emotions - then pull back from the negative lower frequency people places and experiences? That is truly an aspect of the game you should investigate.

Once lured into the Matrix by the Trickster getting free becomes your challenge - back to source to point of origin - not allowing you to become the writer - producer - director - one in awarenss. Select your soaps carefully....

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 19.05.2003 at 21:49:13

Lunar and Solar Eclipses: Reality Shift
Number 66, May 12, 2003
By Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.

Eclipses are catalysts for change and the harbingers of
transformation.  Eclipses create change by disrupting the normal
electromagnetic pattern of the Sun-Moon field. (*1).  This disruptive energy affects us by challenging the status quo in our personal and collective lives.  What we once held as sacred is exposed as no longer valid.  Beliefs we considered unchallenged are now open to question.  What we considered permanent is now vulnerable to the cycle of life, death and rebirth.

Thursday May 15th  at 8:36 PM PST is the Full Moon in Scorpio and a Lunar Eclipse.  This is a Taurus-Scorpio eclipse, which is all about desires, resources, economic conditions and manifestation.  The lower, unconscious __expression of these energies manifest as greed, fear, attempts to control and to find security where it cannot be found.  The higher, conscious expressions of these energies manifest as desire satisfaction, emotional contentment, the power to manifest and the ability to find security in our personal connection between the finite and the infinite.


When the Sun eclipses or covers the Moon, we have a chance to see our life in the full light of our soul.   Hidden desires, unexpressed urges and goals that we have stuffed emerge and stare us straight in the eye.  Whatever has struggled to get our attention is now in our face.  The dreams we have nurtured for years are ready to be realized.  

We become aware of what we came here to.  Our vision for our life is revealed.  Our mission is clarified.  And our goals become well
defined.  This does not mean that our lives will instantaneously
change, although this is a possibility.  But deep within we know that nothing will ever be the same again.  We know that this is a time of realignmen and repositioning.  The reality shift has announced itself and our job is to assess where we are at, define where we want to go next and be willing to turn at the fork in the road.  

This is a time to listen to and follow out instinctual messages and to align our intentions with this new information. We need to fully indulge in seeing, feeling, tasting and enjoying what we truly want to create in our lives.  The next few weeks are a perfect time to
integrate the joy of living our life the way wish and intend it to be in our feeling, desire body.  Our desire body is revealing to us the truth of our heart's desires.  It is our job to pay attention, honor this information and be totally present to how this feels in our physical and emotional bodies.  

Our reorientation depends upon our willingness and ability to
supplement our mental, intuitive messages with full body feeling
awareness.  It is through our feeling awareness that we create our
new reality and nurture it into being.  Feeling awareness gets us in touch with and utilizes the juicy substance of our desire body for manifestation.  


Eclipses create an opening for change by disrupting the
electromagnetic field of the planet and our personal electromagnetic fields as well.  The Earth's energy field is zapped and so is ours. (*2)  Our energy levels are characteristically low during the days and even weeks around the eclipses.  

We may feel disoriented, confused or zapped of energy at this time.  We may have difficulty staying on course, focusing and remaining centered.  If we push ourselves, we may get sick.  Do not over exert yourself.  Take time to relax and take care of your physical and emotional health.  

This is a critical time to meditate in order to realign ourselves
with the Earth's energies.  In silent meditation we can be present to the instinctual messages bubbling forth from our soul.  It is not a time of dynamic action, so calm down and be one with the energy of the zero point in the manifestation process.  At the zero point we can allow old situations, relationships and beliefs to leave so that we can create the space and prepare the field for new opportunities to enter our lives.    

As you allow yourself to simply be, enjoy how it feels to have what you know you really want in your life.  Feeling at this deep
accepting level is absolutely essential for realizing our dreams and bringing our intentions into manifestation.  So take advantage of the moment to feel real.  It is very enjoyable to simply be present to how good it feels in your body to let your desire body take over your awareness reality.  Master this and keep expanding this glorious feeling awareness and you will manifest your dreams right before your very eyes.  


Friday May 30th  is the New Moon in Gemini at 9:20 PM PST and a Solar Eclipse in the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity.   When the Sun is eclipsed we get in touch with our subconscious and how we are either sabotaging or aligning with our heart's desires.  This is a time where our belief systems are exposed in the light of universal truths.  If our beliefs align with universal truths, we allow the
universe to support us.  If our beliefs about ourselves, the world
and the cosmos are tainted with fear, guilt, ideas of scarcity and
lack, we will block universal assistance through our misalignment.  

So as you get clarity on your heart's desires for this lifetime be
aware of what beliefs and limitations in your consciousness prevent you from fully feeling them into existence.  The lunar and the solar eclipses are a package deal.  The universe is offering us yet another chance to clear the cobwebs and to enjoy the exhilarating ride of the ascent into spirit and the descent into manifestation.  Riding your own personal wave in the ocean of existence is what life on planet Earth is all about.

The New Millennium Being
Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Marjana on 20.05.2003 at 10:51:51

Ko sem ga ravno včeraj prevajala...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 20.05.2003 at 14:11:15


18th May 2003

Message from Maitreya,

I recently had a communication from a student asking me why there is so much change happening in the world?

Countries are going bankrupt, there seem to be problems everywhere, people are not traveling a great deal anymore, and the travel industry is suffering very much. The person asked of me "Why is this happening"?

I replied to her the fact this is a part of the big change needed to make things better in the world. It may seem as if everything is bad now, but in the future of the Earth plane, it will bring in a different energy. All that has been for centuries is being worn down. Old ways of thinking, of doing things, they are being removed and a new energy is emerging. The change is slow, but it is happening. It will continue to happen until all that is 'old' is removed, and the new energy replaces it.

Change always brings conflict, and for some time there will be conflict in many ways. First there is the upheaval, then slowly change happens, and finally, the new energy emerges. What used to be is no longer relevant. This will happen all around the world, slowly but surely, change will occur on the Earth plane.

This is to be the future of the Earth plane, change in a dramatic way. Those of you who are spiritual can either fear the change, and the more you fear it the more it will come, or you can embrace the change, accept it and move forward. The choice is yours!


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 23.05.2003 at 13:07:27


Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Saturday, 17 May 2003, 9:28 p.m.

A source says that major things will take place between now and August 12Th.


August 12, 1943 Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment.

Duncan Cameron Jr (1) and Edward Cameron are transported to

August 12, 1983.

A time tunnel opens up every 20 years... 2003 is 20 years from 1983!

I will elaborate more later... but thought I would post this so others can start talking and writing about it!!

Also remember that Al Bielek was Edward Edward


-123,000 BC Evidence of intelligent life on Mars.
1856-1943 Nikola Tesla, father of modern electronics
1892-1957 William Reich, discoverer of Orgone energy.
1939-1945 World War II.
Early 40's First stage of Project Rainbow.
July 20, 1943 First test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
August 6, 1943 Three UFOs sighted over the USS Eldridge.
August 12, 1943 Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment.

Duncan Cameron Jr (1) and Edward Cameron are transported to

August 12, 1983.
October 28, 1943 Last test of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Late 40's Second Stage of Project Rainbow.
-- Phoenix Project, development of the radiosonde.
1947 Duncan Cameron Sr. contacted.
Early 50's Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project merge.
1951 Duncan Cameron Jr (2) born
1962 Alleged landing of men on Mars.
1963 Duncan Cameron Jr (1) placed in Duncan Cameron Jr's (2) body.
1967 Phoenix Project complete.
1969 Phoenix Project ordered to disband by Congress.
1971 Formation of Phoenix II (aka the Montauk Project).
1973 Experiments with mood alteration and mind control
1974 Creation of the first Montauk Chair, further experiments with

mind control.
1976 Creation of the Montauk Chair Mark II.
1977 Creation of solid objects by thought alone, experiments with

"The Seeing Eye", mind control and telekinesis.
1979 Experiments with time travel.
1979-1980 Installation of the Orion Delta T antenna.
1980-1981 Calibration of new equipment and further time travel

1981-1983 Exploration and manipulation of the time stream.
1982-1983 Exploration of Mars.
August 12, 1983 Last major experiment of the Montauk Project. A time tunnel is

created back to August 12, 1943. Duncan releases the Beast from

the Id. Preston Nichols shuts down the Montauk transmitter.
Late 1983 Montauk Project disbands.
May/June 1984 'Black Berets' purge Montauk AFB.
Late 1984 Removal of most Montauk Project equipment. Cement used to

seal off underground areas of the base. Montauk AFB

2180-2280 Possible time period that 3,000 - 10,000 people were sent to.
6037 Time 'Aryan' children were sent to to view a ruined city with a

golden horse statue.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 26.05.2003 at 21:53:11

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

      All of the maladies occurring on Earth can be solved with a shift of consciousness. As simplistic as that statement sounds, it is absolutely true.
      In order to eliminate war, hatred, violence, abuse of power, crime, corruption, greed, selfishness, poverty, gross imbalances in the distribution of wealth, homelessness, hunger, famine, prejudice, pollution, rampant disease, poor medical care, lack of education, fear-based religious beliefs and every other distorted reflection of the human psyche, all Humanity has to do is lift up in consciousness and remember the Oneness of ALL life.
      Once a person remembers that all life is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent, it becomes glaringly clear that it is pure insanity to harm another part of life. When people truly grasp the Divine Truth that they cannot have a single hateful thought or feeling or speak a single negative word or physically hurt any other part of life without harming themselves, then they realize to do so is self-destructive and downright stupid.
      When Humanity remembers the Oneness of all life, it is obvious that if any part of life is loved, healthy, comfortable, happy, peaceful, prosperous and successful, it adds to the collective harmony of Humanity and everyone benefits. With that understanding, it is also obvious that if any part of life is unloved, sick, desperate, sad, unhappy, poor or failing, the collective misery of Humanity increases and everyone suffers.
      For the past 50 years, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been revealing the fact that Humanity is on the brink of the greatest shift of consciousness ever manifested in the history of time. These Beings of Light have been tenaciously working with embodied Lightworkers to prepare for that mass awakening.
      During most of that time, it was believed that in spite of our most valiant efforts, there would be many souls who would not be able to withstand the shift and would be left behind.
      There were actually two Earths created by the mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form, to accommodate both those who would make the shift of consciousness and those who would be left behind. The new Earth and the old Earth coexisted in the same time and space continuum but vibrated at different frequencies. The plan was that when it came time for the shift of consciousness, the new Earth would Ascend into the 5th Dimension, and the old Earth would be left behind in the 3rd Dimension.
      Due to an unprecedented act of Divine Intervention and the Lightwork of millions of people all over the world, a miracle took place in August 2002 that surprised even the Company of Heaven.
      The recalcitrant souls who were in danger of not making the shift into the 5th Dimension were taken in their finer bodies into the heart of the Solar Logos of our Central Sun, Beloved Alpha and Omega. These Beings of Light are the representatives of our Father-Mother God in this Solar System.
      Embraced in the Divine Love of Alpha and Omega, the wayward souls were given one last opportunity to choose to move into the Light. The Divine Intelligence within the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love had been blazing in their Heart Flames for a year and had softened their resolve to resist the Light. In a stunning moment of Divine Grace, every single soul volunteered to do what is necessary to move into the Light.
      With that new covenant, Alpha and Omega sounded their Cosmic Keynote, and the Builders of Form breathed the old Earth over the Bridge to Freedom into the frequencies of the new Earth. The two Earths merged and became one, and a new Divine Plan was set into motion to prepare every evolving soul for the impending global shift of consciousness. Now our greatest work ever has begun.
      2003 will be a defining year. All life is moving into the Light, and it is up to each one of us to decide how easy or difficult our Ascension will be. Are we going to surrender to the Oneness of all life and move forward on the wings of bliss, or are we going to be dragged into the Light kicking and screaming? The choice is up to us.
      Since the decision of the recalcitrant souls was made in the Realms of Cause, it takes time for that understanding to filter into the dense consciousness of their outer minds. Obviously many people are still acting out their resistance to the Light and attempting to wreak havoc in the physical plane.
      The fact that the two Earths have become one, thus enabling all Humanity to move forward into the Light, is a miracle beyond our comprehension. The important thing to understand, however, is that the miracle greatly increased the work the Lightworkers must now accomplish.
      The Lightworkers must now assist in transmuting the darkest energies that have ever been created on Earth. These are the dense energies that were destined to be left behind, but since the two Earths have now become one, these horrific patterns of imperfection are being pushed to the surface to be transmuted and healed. All we have to do is watch the evening news to see the negativity surfacing everywhere.  But be at Peace; the Divine Plan is unfolding perfectly, and God’s Will is manifesting.
      Our Father-Mother God would never have allowed this to occur if it was going to cause more harm than good. The reason it is being allowed is that our God Parents are able to perceive the heart commitment of the awakened Lightworkers. They know that we have been preparing for aeons of time to assist this blessed planet during her Cosmic Inbreath into the 5th Dimension. They also know we have the skill, strength, courage, determination and willingness to do whatever is necessary to succeed God Victoriously.
      Please ask the Presence of God pulsating in your heart to reveal to you the greatest need of the hour. Then ask your God Presence to clearly show you how you can assist in this vital facet of the Divine Plan. Read the following information through the eyes of Illumined Truth, and respond according to your heart’s call.
      The Spiritual Hierarchy has revealed that 2003 is the year that is destined for the global shift of consciousness we have been anticipating for the past 50 years. There is going to be a Galactic alignment that will open a multidimensional portal of Divine Consciousness into the Heart and Mind of the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Cosmic I AM—All That Is.
      During that rare moment, the Cosmic I AM will flood the Earth with unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness and lift every man, woman and child a quantum leap into the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL life.
      That rare Galactic alignment will occur on November 8, 2003. There will be a Star of David and other complex formations in the Heavens during a Lunar Eclipse that will be 18 degrees Scorpio.
      The total Solar Eclipse that occurred on August 11, 1999, was 18 degrees Leo, which is the degree of Divine Consciousness. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003, will be exactly 90 degrees square of the August 11, 1999, eclipse. This will make Humanity’s hearts and minds receptive to higher levels of Divine Consciousness than we have experienced since our initial “fall” from Grace aeons ago.
      This is the celestial event that the Spiritual Hierarchy knew would sweep Humanity up in consciousness into the remembrance of the Oneness of all life. With the unexpected merging of the two Earths, however, everything has changed, and further preparation is necessary.
      There will be many activities of Light during the next few months to assist in preparing Humanity for this unparalleled shift of consciousness. But, what I am writing about in this newsletter involves two activities that the Spiritual Hierarchy says must be accomplished for the full magnitude of the shift of consciousness to be realized.
      Our God Selves always magnetize into our awareness opportunities for Divine Service that we have been trained to accomplish. Know that if you are reading these words, you have everything you need within you to assist with this critically important facet of the Divine Plan.
      Since even our most recalcitrant sisters and brothers are now going to be Ascending with the rest of Humanity, it is urgent that awakened Lightworkers assist them in transmuting their accumulated negativity. We have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of these souls, and as we are lifted up, they will be lifted up with us.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 26.05.2003 at 21:53:32

      For the first phase of this Divine Plan, the Spiritual Hierarchy has asked those of us associated with the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose to draw Lightworkers from all over the world into the portal of Healing through the Power of Limitless Transmutation and the forcefield of Transfiguring Divine Love that pulsate in Tucson, Arizona.
      This gathering of Lightworkers will take place during the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. The vehicle we will use to fulfill this Divine Mission is the Seventeenth Annual World Congress On Illumination, which will be held August 16-21, 2003, at the wondrous Loews Ventana Canyon Resort.
      During this sacred conclave, the Company of Heaven will guide the Lightworkers gathered in Tucson through newly revealed activities of Light that will lift each of us individually, and all of us collectively, into higher states of self-mastery, self-empowerment, self-healing and Divine Consciousness. As we each transform the residue of negativity in our own lives and shift our own consciousness into higher levels of God’s Limitless Perfection, we will simultaneously lift up our recalcitrant sisters and brothers.
      The Spiritual Hierarchy said that our unified efforts will be amplified one thousand times one thousandfold during this holy endeavor. The more Lightworkers who respond to their heart’s call and volunteer for this Divine Mission, the more effective we will be in transmuting the negativity that is being pushed to the surface to be healed all over the planet.
      Once this purification is complete, our sisters and brothers will be ready to integrate the highest possible levels of Divine Consciousness, which will flood the Earth during the Galactic alignment on November 8, 2003. With the victorious accomplishment of that event, the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL life will become the order of the New Day!
      If you feel the heart call to selflessly serve Humanity and all life by participating in this activity of Light, please see the details on our website page: direct link...


      On November 8, 2003, Lightworkers will gather at sacred sites all over the world to absorb and anchor unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness into the Earth. The New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose has been asked by the Spiritual Hierarchy to fulfill Part Two of our Divine Mission by taking a group of Lightworkers on a pilgrimage to Australia, which was once part of the ancient continent of Lemuria.
      From November 8-20, 2003, we will take a 13-day pilgrimage through the exquisitely beautiful, tropical region of Australia. We will stay at the Clarion Great Barrier Reef Resort at Palm Cove, which is one of the country’s most beautiful resorts.
      During this sacred time together, the Light of God will increase through our Earthly bodies, and we will be guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy through sacred initiations and transformational experiences  that will prepare us for our service to the Light.
      The Beings of Light have revealed that this area in Australia is where the initial impulse of the “fall” of Humanity took place on Lemuria. It is where Humanity first experienced our downward shift from Divine Consciousness into the lower consciousness of our human egos.
      Our Divine Mission in November will be to serve as physical transformers through which the Light of God will flow to transmute the archetypes of the “fall” and to secure the new frequencies of Divine Consciousness. Once the archetypes of the initial descent of human consciousness are transmuted back into Light, Humanity will be permanently sealed within the new frequencies of Divine Consciousness. Never again will the Sons and Daughters of God descend into the depths of human miscreation we have experienced on Earth since the “fall.”
      If you feel the heart call to join us on this sacred pilgrimage, please see the details on our website page:
      This group will be limited to 60 people, so please respond as soon as possible if you feel you would like to participate in this facet of the Divine Mission.


      In order for us to be victorious in this rare mission, we must prepare our bodies and minds to become one with our Solar Light Bodies of limitless physical perfection. This is true regardless of what our facet of the Divine Plan is or what our God Selves guide us to participate in during the months leading up to November 8th.  Fortunately, this is not as complicated as it may seem.
      For the past several years, the God Presence of every Human Being has been raising our frequency of vibration within our bodies the maximum we can withstand every 24 hours. This slow and sometimes not-so-gentle process has moved each of us closer to our Solar Light Bodies than we might envision.
      Now, during this vitally important moment on Earth, the Company of Heaven is giving us some unique tools to accelerate this process safely and effectively. These tools will prepare each of us to absorb the maximum benefit and to be the most effective instruments of God during the influx of Divine Consciousness that will flood the planet on November 8, 2003.
      For your convenience, we have produced a tape that contains the visualizations, affirmations, meditations and exercises that have been given to us at this time by the Spiritual Hierarchy. Each time we listen to the tape and participate in the exercises, we will Ascend higher into the frequencies of our Solar Light Bodies. If you would like to order this tape, please see our website page:  Era of Peace Welcome Page  or URL... click on NEW TAPE link at top of Home Page.


      This is a time for new beginnings! Are you happy with your life? Are there things you would like to change? Well, you are powerful beyond your knowing, and you have the ability to take charge of your life.
      This seminar is being given to you AS A GIFT, so that a financial obligation will not prevent you from receiving this life-transforming information. During this seminar you will learn practical, tangible tools that will help you create a happy, prosperous, love-filled life. Give yourself the GIFT of this Free Seminar.
10:00 a.m. TO 3:30 p.m.
Sheraton Houston Brook Hollow
3000 N. Loop West
NOTE: For Houston seminar please call to reserve your space 1-888-310-4488
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2003
10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Holiday Inn
Raleigh-Durham Airport
(I-40 at Research Triangle Park)
4810 Old Page Road
SUNDAY, MAY 18, 2003
10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Dearborn
Fairlane Town center

Preregistration is not required for Raleigh-Durham, NC or Dearaborn, MI. If you need further information, please contact Margy Vaughan at Phone:1-520-885-7909 FAX: 520-749-6643, E-mail:, Website:

Brief Bio:

Patricia was a marriage and family counselor for twenty years and had her own radio program for ten years. During that time she also cofounded the nonprofit, educational organization the New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc. Patricia is an internationally known teacher and author. She has written the seven books listed below and produced tapes and videos that supplement her books. She is editor and publisher of the monthly newsletter: Take Charge of Your Life. For over 30 years, Patricia has traveled around the world lecturing and teaching workshops to help awakening souls fulfill their Divine Potential.

Books by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

THE  NEXT  STEP...Re-Unification with the Presence of God Within our Hearts
THE  AWAKENING...Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty
HOME...Heaven On Mother Earth

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 28.05.2003 at 17:24:33

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 29.05.2003 at 02:42:28

eden izmed člankov zgornjih linkov

Healthy Bitching and Moaning

Tips on staying sane during the transition from the old world of separation and denial to the new world of creative expression and unconditional Love.  

How to stay positive about life and the new world we are creating, while wholistically complaining about how crappity smacked the old world is

One of my best recommendations in cosmic human mastery, is to give yourself permission to complain a lot.   Allow yourself to emphatically express all your disappointments and dislikes about the old world systematic illusions and the people who support them.  There is a lot to complain about.  In fact, anything about this world that you would naturally complain about is some separation pattern of competition, greed, power, control…that is on it’s way out, it is time for it to die.  

Healthy complaining is an excellent emotional release exercise because you have spent lifetimes repressing your disdain for the despicable actions of people and the systems they have created that it would do you good to now finally express yourself about it all.  This healthy exercise is also beneficial to the planet, because as you release your repressed feelings about it, your karmic patterns that supported it, and any and all energetic connections to these disfunctional behaviors, you disconnect from this old reality which enlightens it just that much more.  Your disconnection from the matrix, disconnects supporting energy that keeps it all together, because without everyone’s support, the matrix does not exist.  Additionally, giving yourself permission to dislike and complain about status quo reality, allows you to clearly see all the illusions of the old world without missing any of its really sneaky tricks and hidden traps.

Bitch and moan like a sailor, but learn to have detachment so that you do not get wrapped up in the old world and its death throws.  Don’t get too wrapped up in trying to save the world, if you do, you will only be putting energy into this old world, getting caught up in the “reality” of enemies, a world that loves your resistance and attention.  Your attention must be on the manifestation of the new world to a larger degree than your disappointments with the old.  You are in this world, but you are not of it.

The old world did what it did, it practiced limitation, separation from the source, personal will, control, power….it was all perfect, so in that sense there is nothing to complain about.  But now we are in the transition period, the old world is dying and the new one is manifesting.  Since our attention is on the new civilization, we are nicely waiting "patiently" for the old one to - crappity smacking die already!

But of course we must do this transition as gently as possible, we must allow for divine timing.  Once again we are smack dab in the middle of a paradox, this is the fact that all is perfect, everyone is waking up in their own divine timing, but at the same time it is now time for everyone to wake up and start loving each other and cooperating - right bloody now!  

It is as though we have all the time in the world and absolutely no time at all.  So you have to be paradoxically patient and impatient at the same time.  Patient and allowing of other people’s realities and timing, allowing them to experience as much limitation as they can before its all over, and at the same time completely impatient because you realize that it is all happening now and your impatience is really the divine fire of change burning in your heart to manifest Heaven on Earth Now!

So you have to be discerning as to know when it is divinely appropriate to be patient and allowing of the awakening process to run its course and when it is divinely appropriate to be completely impatient to act now and push the limited barriers of the old world, to shatter old illusions and destroy old perceptions of reality to make room for a higher reality.  

Sometimes it's time to take out the trash and it you don't take it out when the trash can is full, everything in it will rot and get smelly and more trash will pile up until your swimming in it.  So unless you like swimming in garbage, I suggest you get rid of it in your life, in life on planet earth and if necessary and appropriate, assist others to take out their trash because sometimes the garbage can gets heavy.

So bitching and moaning in my opinion can be extremely therapeutic, because everyone really wants to complain but they don't want to make waves or be rude, and be rejected etc.  And the new agers are so busy being positive that they're stuck in an illusion of positivety, when they really just want to piss and spit and tell people they’re being crappity smacking assholes and to bloody wake up already!

If you attempt to be positive all the time and repress your thoughts and feelings about how crappity smacked life can be then you are going to bust a gasket, or get cancer.  So if you want to stick around for  a while and not die a hideous agonizing death because your body is being eaten away by your repressed emotions, then I suggest you start screaming and yelling.  Scream and yell any time, any place, with anyone and be done with it.  

If you are treated unfairly or disrespectfully, then it is time to say so to who ever the perpetrator is.  You don't need to abuse them in retaliation but speak the truth that we're all in this together and if we all cooperate and get along and treat each other fairly and respectfully, the world just might be a nice place to live in.  You deserve to be treated with honor and respect, so settle for nothing less than perfection and treat people in the same manner, honor them for the Gods-Goddesses that they are, even if they don’t know that they are or feel they deserve it.  We’re all in this together Bunky.  

Yours in Divine Bitching and Moaning,

("Bitch and Moan, they go together like a horse and carriage" - thanks Mike).

ZaKaiRan - one of the best complainers on planet earth.

P.S. Anyone who is offended by my profuse use of the slang terminology for coitus or any other word that could be judged as being rude crude or socially unacceptable, I recommend that you should practice saying these words that you judge so harshly and release the social programs that you have adopted that are associated with these words and the use of them.  

Words in and of themselves mean nothing, it is only our intention behind the use of certain words, and our socially agreed upon meaning of words that makes them so impactful to us.  In this case my use of “harsh” words are used to emphasize a point and to describe my emotional state, nothing more, nothing less.  And if you still can’t get beyond your programs about the use of naughty words – then crappity smack you.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 30.06.2003 at 21:57:40

Stopping Time
What can you do in a billionth of a billionth of a second?
By Alan Burdick
Photography by Sian Kennedy

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Samson on 13.07.2003 at 14:34:57

::) Čuda velikoga ob branju teh postov!

V resnici sem se zelo nasmejal.  :D Fantazijski svet   :-/ me je že od nekdaj privlačil in je trajen vir mojega humorja. Hehe.  ???

Torej hvala vsem, ki me zabavate.  ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 14.07.2003 at 21:09:34



zakarian je totaln norc

za vse k ne marate brat dolgih 'litanij', ki jih kali tko nemarno pejsta po forumu:

kogarkoli moji izrazi in slengovska terminologija žalijo ali ga katerakoli beseda moti, mu je groba, neotesana, surova, neprebavljiva ali družbeno nesprejemljiva, mo priporočam izgovarjanje te besede, katero tako ostro obsoja. priporočam mu tudi odvezo od vseh družbenih programov, ki jih je prevzel in so povezani s to besedo in nje uporabo.

besede same po sebi ne pomenijo ničesar.
naša namera jim definira pomen in seveda naš družbeni dogovor o pomenu teh besed ... to jih dela slabe. v tem primeru je moja uporaba grobih besed uporabljena samo za poudarjanje 'pointa' in za opis mojega čustvenega stanja, nič več in nič manj.
in če še vedno ne zmoreš preseči svojega programa o teh besedah - jebi se.

seveda model ne govori samo o tem

predvsem razlaga kako ostat 'pri pravi' med tem ko se premikamo v nov svet katerega gradimo.

in to ostajanje pri pravi (ne-norost) vključuje tudi izražanje vsega negativnega in če so to besede, naj bodo pač besede ...

ker časi so res paradoksalni ... treba je potrpežljivo čakat na dogodke ki sledijo, hkrati pa je treba delat ZDAJ, saj se zdej vse dogaja ...

predvsem mi je všeč tale:
ti novodobneži (new agers) so tako zaposleni s tem da so pozitivni, da so se zataknili na iluziji pozitivnosti, realnost pa zahteva od njih, da pljuvajo, ščijejo po ljudeh in jim povedo da so jebene ritne luknje in naj se (bloody) že enkrat zbudijo.

ker če zdej tlačiš ... dobiš raka al pa kakšen smrad ...

in tako dalje in tako naprej


in k sm glih notr ...


zakaj glih 12 avgust?

read on ...

časovni tunel se odpre vsakih 20 let ... in ta dan je ... 12 avgust 2003 ... ;D

August 12, 1983 zadnji večji eksperiment projekta Montauk. Odprt je časovni tunel nazaj do Augusta 12, 1943. Duncan spusti Zver iz Ida.

Premik zavesti

Vse bednjoče ki se dogajajo človeštvu, bi lahko človeštvo odpravilo z dvigom zavesti.

Vse kar mora človeštvo storiti je to da dvigne zavest in se spomni Enosti VSEGA življenja.
Ko se človek spomni da je vse življenje medsebojno povezano, soodvisno postane jasno, da je totalna norost škodovati drugemu delu življenja. Ko ljudje resnično dojamejo Božjo Resnico, da ne morejo imeti ene sovražne misli ali čustva ali izgovoriti ene samo negativne besede, ali fizično poškodovati katerikoli del življenja, brez da bi s tem škodovali sebi, potem ugotovijo, da če to vseeno storijo, da je to samodestruktivno in preprosto neumno.

Ko človeštvo to dojame, postane jasno, da vsak del življenja, ki je ljubljen, zdrav, zadovoljen, vesel, miren ... dodaja svoj del tega k kolektivni harmoniji človeštva in vsi pridobimo. S tem rzumevanjem je jasno tudi, da če je en del življenja osovražen, bolan, žalosten, reven ... da ta dodaja svoj del k kolektivni bedi človeštva in da zato vsi trpimo.

to bom precej skrajšu
do zdej smo predpostavljal da precejšnjemu številu ljudi preprosto ne bo uspelo se premaknit na višji nivo zavesti skupaj z zemljo in da bodo zaradi tega ostali na zemlji ki bo ostala na tretjem nivoju. ostali bi naj šli z drugo zemljo na višji nivo zavedanja in življenja.
ker pa smo delavci luči opravili nemogočo nalogo, sta se bog mama in bog oče (ki sta predstavnika BOGA v našem osončju) odločila da bosta vse ostale duše ki se še niso odločile za prestop na višji nivo, povabila tja ... vsi so se odločili za tja. zato so vsi ki se s tem ukvarjajo združili obe zemlji, ki sta se že razdelili. s tem seveda nista delavcem luči prav nič olajšala naloge ... naloga je v bistvu težja kot je bila prej, saj je treba transformirati vse zlo ki se je z leti nabralo.
leto 2003 je odločilno leto.
12 avgusta bodo predpriprave na 8 novembra ko bomo absorbirali in zasidrali neprecedenčne frekvence Božje Zavesti v Zemljo.

absorb and anchor unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness into the Earth.

zaenkrat bo zadost ... več si lahko vsakdo prebere zgoraj ...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 22.07.2003 at 16:09:09

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 23.07.2003 at 02:31:17


by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan for Sedona Journal


In the year 2003 Earth enters the doorway of the Pentad or all expression of fiveness. The year 2003 is the livingness of the number five. The essence of pentad represents a new level of cosmic design, as humanity begins their journey of seeing the five points of the star that they are. We enter a time of stellar performance acting and enacting our star heritage. Everything of our world already announces that stars are the zenith of accomplishment; from movie stars to rock stars to superstars and five star generals.

The star has always been a magical symbol and in the year 2003 we all get to be part of that magic. 2003 in its totality is the number 5. The year 2003 and all of its assorted five points and star like analysis points us upward toward the heavens.

In ancient times the symbol of the star represented a door. We all enter the door of fivefold symmetry as of January 1, 2003. Accumulating vibration as we interact with our earthly common denominator, the number five.

We move through the calm eye of knowing into self-actualization and dissolution as we come into the Sun's (Son's) eye view of who we are. We reach for the calm eye of knowing, but it eludes us, as it lives in a place always approached but never fully reached. Without the "I" there is no expansion. It is a time of change without change. For how can one change into what one is already.


All sacred texts are seen in a new light as the language of light reveals itself within the human body of knowledge. As all of humanity has eaten from the biblical tree of knowledge, that ancient embedded encoding becomes a common denominator amongst all of earth. Thrusting humanity forward into parts of the living cortex that imbues celestial sight. Invoking the ability to perceive within these sacred texts what has been hidden up till now. Evolutionary codes are activated and the humanness understands the divine structure within all words, false and truth alike. For innately all serves the GRAND I WHOLE.

In 2003 stellar critical mass is reached as the long arm of the Milky Way spills itself upon earth. Giving to her peoples the nutrients of light that are needed to enhance evolution.

The Embryo and Heart nebula is released energetically from the star nursery it has been gestating within and now is seen within the genetic structure of all children born from 2003 on. Allowing for earth to be seeded once again with the innocent heart of as child that grows only through love.

The tri-polarization of human beings and earth brings us to a cosmic connection from a source that has not been available up until this time due to the initial duality and polarization of the species. This third level of light in the form of electricity enters the earth, enters the body, and enters electrical components. Most appliances that are older than 10 years will not be able to accept and responsibly hold this surge and thus will quit their jobs. It is important to visualize the north and the South Pole of the human body connecting at a right angle with a third extension of your light. Eventually more components will be issued to earth to create many levels of polarization, but at this time, it is but three.

Solomon's Seal is placed within the trilogy of the DNA. Awakening the necessity for journeying beyond the senses, extra or ordinary. Placing new equations, numbers, letters, elements, alphabets and explanations into all layers/levels of the biogenetic fabric of humanness.

The properties of the mineral kingdom will be enhanced and released to sit in fullness at the apex of their true destiny. Unfolding elements of surprise as the very energy that enfolds their center comes to life, lifting the veil of secrecy that has shrouded them and kept them from revealing ancient truths that now need to be seen.

Orphic mysteries are no longer sat upon as life becomes Delphic in nature. Revealing to all that will sit and listen. Earth stretches herself to give her secrets to all. As one who spends all day in a confessional leaving secret-less.

Much warring in disguise as countries place their energy face to face bringing blood to sacred portals. Agendas differ, truths distorted, ideals kept by only those who know. What is it they seek? Land, power, sacred knowledge?

Within Afghanistan/Russia rise the bones of an ancient city of Solomon. Solomon's knot unties as what was seen becomes seen. The Song of Solomon will be sang by one whose voice is not in harmony with the creator.

Those that worship the Qu'ran will see with new sight. As the ancient text is perceived at a different level of the brain. Ancient food for thought is ingested without reflux of action. Blinded they were once, now see as if for the first time. Fractions within the whole cause darkness to shine upon the new truth.

Hidden levels of unknown internal government float to the surface to be seen. Disclosure is seen via media. Passageways previously hidden must now be used and exposed. Many are silenced yet the screams can still be heard.

Weather patterns thought to be natural are now a la carte. Each is ordered up separately via EMF transportation devices. As the human electromagnetic field increases in OHMS (OMS) storms will hear and obey human intent before EMF manipulation.

What was once earth covered will be unearthed and available again to be seen by the stars. Temple alignments as yet unknown to modern man show worship at a time before man existed on earth. Stones do not lie. 77 they number in all. Adding or subtracting what is already known.

Electrical impulses within the body become the norm as science is propelled into a new level of healing. Seeing that all pathogens (path of the genes) are at the mercy of voltage.

The inner sun embraces the ionosphere of the earth. As one who handles the Hope diamond for the first time, gently, precisely, influencing every atom that was originally birthed from the external sun.

War stays as a faithful dog next to its cruel master. No actions no matter how deadly inflected push the faithful dog of war away. He bares his teeth without a smile at a world that watches. Heed internal knowing not external manipulation.

100's fall in the name of justice only to be karmatically reborn again into a world that chooses to remain the same. The big wheels continue to turn the little wheels of destiny for their own gain, at another's loss.

New planets are found within the earth's solar system/old planets fall away to be renamed another day. Books are not rewritten children learn false truths that no longer hold value even for those that decreed them originally.

Adipose tissue upon the human is found to hold more value and secrets than previously thought. Unlocking a key to healing.

Those in Stardom and 5-star status shine no more in the eye of the public. Secrets are revealed that show what lies beneath.

Quanta and quasars will dance within the human body as they doe-see-doe with one another. Opening time passages within the consciousness.

Particle accelerators will affect the energy field of earth as they awaken sleeping black holes and vacuum time traveler's debris, thus setting right what once went wrong when history was branded with a swastika.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Marjana on 01.08.2003 at 10:32:52

Your Light Is Needed NOW!
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt educational organization  
E-mail:; FAX: 520-749-6643; PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717;
Phone: 520-885-7909.

Amidst the outer-world appearance of tremendous chaos, fear and confusion, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Truth are inspiring each of us to remember who we are and why we are here. Things are not what they seem. During this rare opportunity, it is vitally important for all Lightworkers to step back and look at the bigger picture.
Every single day, thousands of people are awakening and turning the focus of their attention to the Kingdom of Heaven within. As they do, the Light of God expands through their Heart Flames, and their God Selves are called into action. Their God Selves then join the legions of God Selves already working through the millions of awakened Lightworkers on Earth, and the Light of God exponentially expands through every facet of life.
This colossal expansion of God's Light is pushing the negative patterns and archetypes of Humanity's miscreations to the surface at an accelerated pace to be healed and transmuted. These humanly-created negative patterns consist of anything that conflicts with the archetypes of perfection pulsating in the Causal Body of God. They consist of anything that conflicts with the Immaculate Concept of Heaven on Earth.
Often when these negative patterns surface, the fear-based human egos of unawakened Humanity latch on to them and bring them into tangible form. These souls manifest the negative patterns as experiences in their lives and the lives of other people by accepting them as reality instead of acknowledging that they are only illusions surfacing to be healed. When we watch the nightly news, we can see evidence of this phenomenon happening all over the planet.
From outer appearances, it seems as though greed, violence and corruption are becoming the order of the day. If Lightworkers do not step back and look at the bigger picture, it is easy to become overwhelmed and filled with despair and feelings of hopelessness. This is the worst thing we can possibly do.

To avert the potential of Lightworkers falling into despair and hopelessness, the Company of Heaven is intervening in our lives as never before. The intent of this Divine Intervention is to remind us of who we are and why we are here. It is also designed to give us the maximum assistance that Cosmic Law will allow during the unprecedented purging taking place on Earth.

The Beings of Light have reiterated to awakening Lightworkers time and again that we have been preparing for aeons of time to be in physical embodiment during this precise moment on Earth. We are each here now because we have volunteered to assist this sweet Earth and all her life through the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted in any system of worlds. A great deal of our previous training involved learning how to be a Peace-Commanding Presence in the face of all adversity. Never have those skills been more necessary or more essential to the work we are being called to do now.

When we observe the negative situations people are living in and the painful conditions all over the world, it looks like the Lightworkers are outnumbered a million to one. What we must realize is that the vast majority of unawakened souls are not deliberately opposing the Light or striving to create pain and suffering on the planet. They are merely unaware of how to change their situations.

The people who are intentionally resisting the Light and trying to manipulate and control people in negative, destructive ways are only a minuscule fraction of the six-billion souls evolving on Earth. They are not nearly as powerful as the outer-world illusions make them seem. In fact, the fragmented, distorted behavior of their lower human egos is relatively powerless. It is only the fear of the masses that gives them the ability to succeed in their nefarious plots. It is time for the fear of the masses to subside. Then the misguided efforts of those who are deliberately resisting the Light will universally fail.

It is not the quantity of Lightworkers who will make the difference, even though we now number in the millions; it is our heart commitment. It is our dedication to the Light and our willingness to be the instruments of God we volunteered to be prior to this embodiment.

Every Lightworker who is a clear and open door for God’s Eternal Love, Peace and Light counteracts the fragmented, negativity of thousands of unawakened souls. Think about that for a moment. Every day that you consciously immerse yourself in the limitless Love, Peace and Light of God, you transmute and heal the effects of the negative behavior patterns of thousands of people.

It is time for the heart commitment and the willing dedication of Lightworkers to be kicked up a notch. We are moving forward at warp speed, and the faster we transmute and heal the surfacing negativity, the sooner we will begin to outpicture the wonder and beauty that is destined to manifest on this planet. Please read the following words through the full power of your focused attention.

We have all, at one time or another, thought about Love and its effect in our lives, but I do not think we have ever really grasped the magnitude of the power of this Divine Substance. I do not believe that we have truly comprehended the incredible transfiguring power of Love in the overall scheme of things.

The unique experiment that is unfolding on Earth at this time is to see if the Sons and Daughters of God can learn to Love powerfully and effectively enough to transcend all negativity. If we do, the Earth and every man, woman and child evolving upon her will Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Limitless Physical Perfection. That is the power of Love, and Lightworkers have the absolute ability to accomplish that goal through our unified efforts.

Through Love we can transcend all obstacles and transform this planet into her Divine Birthright, Heaven on Earth. As oversimplified and unbelievable as that statement may seem, it is an indisputable Truth and a Universal Law.

EARTH is an anagram for HEART. Our sacred heart contains our Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame, which is the Divine Balance of Power—Father God—blue flame; Love—Mother God—pink flame; Wisdom—Sons and Daughters of God—yellow flame. The radiance of our Immortal Threefold Flame is the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity or the Circle of the Sacred Twelve. Our heart is the portal through which the Love of God enters the physical plane, and it is the instrument through which our Divinity expresses Itself in our daily lives. Our purpose on EARTH is to learn to open our HEARTs to the full power of God’s Love. The time for us to fulfill that Divine Purpose is NOW!

At this time, we are being given unique assistance to help us open our hearts to full breadth, so that we will be able to utilize the power of God's Transfiguring Love to help unawakened Humanity transcend all negativity. The floodgates of Heaven have opened, and Legions of Light throughout the whole of Creation are standing in readiness to assist us. All they need in order to respond is our heartfelt beck and call.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Marjana on 01.08.2003 at 10:33:22


As Lightworkers volunteer to help unawakened Humanity prepare for the greatest shift of consciousness ever known, we are being given assistance from On High that, if utilized, will assure our God Victorious success. This assistance is coming from the heart of our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Father-Mother God—All That Is. It is the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love, the most powerful force of Love in the whole of Creation.

This sacred Flame was anchored in the heart of every man, woman and child on August 17, 2001, and it has been building in power and momentum since that time. Now, because of the need of the hour, our Father-Mother God is greatly expanding the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love within each person's heart.

This tremendous expansion of Light will help prepare all Humanity for the activities of Light that will take place August 16-21, 2003. Lightworkers are being asked to be the Heart, Head and Hands of God in the physical plane of Earth during these holy days.

During that time, Lightworkers from all over the world will gather within the portal of Healing through the Power of Limitless Transmutation and Transfiguring Divine Love in Tucson, Arizona. Under the guidance of the Company of Heaven, we will offer ourselves as a Cup, a Holy Grail, through which the Light of Transfiguring Love will pour to Heal and Transmute the negativity being pushed to the surface all over the world.

So far, we have Lightworkers coming to Tucson from Australia, Bosnia, Canada, Dominican Republic, England, France, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Namibia, Netherlands, Scotland, Switzerland and throughout the United States of America.

In Divine Synchronicity, the planet Mars will be moving toward its closest passage to the Earth in approximately 73,000 years. The blessings that are flooding the Earth from Mars at this time are specifically designed to assist Humanity in centering the energy of the Heart in the midst of change and in attaining direct union with the Divine. Could anything be more perfect? Mars will make its closest passage to the Earth on August 27, 2003.

The Beings of Light have said that the activity of Healing through Transmutation and Transfiguring Love will greatly assist unawakened souls to transcend the adversity in their lives, so that they will hear the still, small voice within and awaken to the guidance of their God Selves. Once this awakening occurs, they will be able to remember the Oneness of all life and transform their lives into the expressions of Divine Love they are destined to be.

There are still some spaces available at the Seventeenth Annual World Congress on Illumination which will be held in Tucson, Arizona, August 16-21, 2003. If you feel the heart call to join us, please listen and respond. Contact us as soon as possible for details on how you can participate in this life-transforming activity of Light.

If you are unable to join us physically, know that you will be in your right and perfect place for this event. Ask your God Self how you can most effectively add your energy to this unprecedented opportunity, and you will be guided as you join us in consciousness each day.

Throughout these holy days we will work in the Eternal Moment of Now, so anytime you project your Light into our Chalice will be perfect. As the Light of God builds in momentum day-by-day, pay close attention to the opportunities that are presented to you. Respond to the ones that resonate in your heart. Doors will open for you, and your path will be made clear. I truly appreciate you and your willingness to be an instrument of God for this vital facet of the Divine Plan.

Millions of people are so buried in the effluvia of their negative belief systems that they cannot raise their heads above the chaos and confusion effectively enough to reunite with their God Selves. These people have no concept of the Oneness of life, and they truly believe that they must lie, steel, cheat and kill for their survival. Those of us who have awakened from that nightmare and remember that we are all One have the responsibility of being our brother's and sister's keepers until they can awaken to that Divine Truth themselves. This does not mean that we are to just passively wait and watch for their awakening. It means that we are to actively be the instruments of God we have volunteered to be.

Those of you who are reading these words have been prepared to assist in the Divine Mission of helping unawakened Humanity get ready for the shift of consciousness that is now on the horizon. If that were not the case, your God Self would not have drawn this information into your sphere of awareness. This is a wondrous opportunity for you, and the Universe will joyously support your every effort in this essential endeavor.

To begin the process, we need to open our hearts to every evolving soul on Earth. This is not easy when we observe some of the terrible things people are doing to each other and to the other lifeforms on the planet, but it is a necessary step in becoming instruments of God. The most powerful awakening force in the Universe is the power of God’s Love flowing through your sacred Heart Flame into the sacred Heart Flame of another Human Being.

During the events that will take place August 16-21, 2003, our Father-Mother God will expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love within every Heart Flame the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow. This expansion of Transfiguring Love will lift Lightworkers into a higher frequency of energy, vibration and consciousness than we have ever experienced before, and it will empower us to be more effective instruments of God. When this occurs, we will be able to serve as surrogates on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth.

During the sacred conclave in August, as the activities of Light unfold step-by-step, the portal of Divine Love in the hearts of Lightworkers everywhere will be opened to full breadth. We will each be lifted into the full embrace of God's Transfiguring Love, and through our unified hearts, ALL life will be lifted up with us. The portal of Divine Love within the Heart of the collective body of Humanity will be opened to full breadth as well, and every evolving soul will be lifted closer to his or her own Divinity.

The Beings of Light have said that once the portal of Divine Love is opened within the hearts of unawakened Humanity, their personal transformation will begin in earnest. Our responsibility as Lightworkers is to hold every precious soul in the Light and to keep clearing the effluvia daily and hourly, so that no one will feel overwhelmed with the awakening process.

Remember, the price for freedom is eternal vigilance. In order to keep us one-pointed in our spiritual endeavors of being our brother's and sister's keepers, the Company of Heaven is assisting us as never before. They have given us information, visualizations and spiritual guidance that will empower each of us to stay focused and teach us how to help the maximum we can in the awakening process of Humanity. These sacred tools are designed to hold the portal of Divine Love open in every human heart and to lift Humanity into the frequencies of Light that will enhance our ability to make the upcoming shift of consciousness effortlessly and joyously, on the wings of bliss.

We have produced two new cassette tapes that contain the information and tools being given to us by the Company of Heaven. The Divine Intent of these tapes is to provide readily available assistance that will keep us focused, encouraged, uplifted and empowered during these wondrous but very challenging times. If you would like to order these tapes, please see the order form below. If you would like to use a credit card, please go to the secure order form on our website in the Books and Tapes Section.

Words cannot fully express what a joy it is for me to have the opportunity to join my heart with yours in this glorious endeavor. Thank you, and God Bless you.

We are all blessed beyond the comprehension of our finite minds to be able to join hearts with the Legions of Light in the Realms of Truth in fulfillment of the Divine Plan for this sweet Earth. From the very depths of our Beings we say,
Thank you God!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 03.09.2003 at 12:49:42

Io wrote on 30.03.2003 at 00:29:31:
Sedaj je pravi čas, da se odločite kam se boste obrnili v življenju. Prišlo je do točke polariziranja.

Vse pozivam, da se vsak dan obrnete k bogu in prosite zase, da ne boste podlegli skušnjavam, ki se vam postavljajo na poti v svetlobo.

Vsak izmed nas je najbolj dragocen, ohranjajmo mir v srcih, ne pustimo se sprovocirati z vojnami, ne vpletajmo se, bodimo to kar smo, božji prevodniki, čista ljubezen.
Vsi izhajamo iz enega, potrudimo se biti odprti do vsakogar, VSI SMO ENO, samo v različnih telesih.

Za vse, ki redno meditirate, zelo fino bi bilo če bi se redno povezovali v skupine, se povežete najprej z izvorom potem med sabo, doživeli boste močan tok, usmerite ga na zemljo, ona in ostala bitja zelo potrebujejo to energijo, bitja so žalostna in jokajo, pomagajte jim!!! :'(

Ne pozabi zakaj si tu, ne podleži moči, nadvladi nad drugimi, bogastvu, blišču! :)

Imaš samo dve izbire, tema ali svetloba, ni več vmesne poti!

Združimo se v svetlobi! :)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Marjana on 07.10.2003 at 09:41:39

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization    
E-mail:; FAX: 520-749-6643; Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any
medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

The six months of intense cleansing and preparation that began with the Lunar
and Solar Eclipses in May is almost complete. Now everything is in place for
what is being called THE SHIFT OF THE AGES. This Cosmic Moment will occur
between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses on November 8/9 and November 23, 2003,

During this six-month process, the Company of Heaven has intervened in
miraculous ways, and in spite of the power and might of the cleansing that has
taken place all over the world, Humanity has experienced a gentler, more
merciful purging than we have earned.

The influx of Light that took place during the seventeenth celebration of
Harmonic Convergence in August cleared the way for the activation of the
twelvefold Fifth-Dimensional Solar Spine in every man, woman and child evolving
on Earth. This event allowed the God Self of each person to accelerate the
vibration of the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of each one at a
cellular level.

Under the guidance of each person's God Self, the twelve Fifth-Dimensional Solar
Chakras and the twelve corresponding Fifth-Dimensional Solar Meridians are now
bathing the cells and organs of every person with higher frequencies of Light
than we have experienced since we first volunteered to embody in a physical
reality aeons ago. This influx of Light has created the perfect environment for
the opening of Humanity’s Fifth-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras.

In an act of merciful Divine Grace, our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent
Father-Mother God—All That Is—granted a Cosmic Dispensation that allowed
Humanity’s God Selves to open our Fifth-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras to full
breadth. This unprecedented act of Divine Intervention opened the portal of
Divine Love within Humanity’s hearts and right-brain hemispheres once again and
paved the way for the return of our Mother God.

Since our newly-opened Heart Chakras are pulsating within the frequencies of the
Fifth Dimension, our God Selves have full dominion over them and our fear-based
human egos cannot manipulate us into closing our Heart Chakras ever again.

Our Mother God has at long last returned and reclaimed the Earth to be the
Love-centered world it is destined to be. The Love of our Mother God is now
bringing Humanity’s right-brain hemispheres into balance with our left-brain
hemispheres. This is enhancing our God Selves’ ability to reactivate our
spiritual brain centers.

As Humanity’s pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers
at the base of our brains return to full function, our Fifth-Dimensional Solar
Crown Chakras of Enlightenment are opening. Humanity en masse is now on the
verge of awakening to Fifth-Dimensional Solar Christ Consciousness. Christ
Consciousness is our Divine Birthright, and it was our natural state of Being
prior to our fall from Grace millions of years ago.

The Love of our Mother God is lifting every person on Earth into a higher level
of awareness. After aeons of abuse, our power is finally being balanced with the
wisdom of love and the reverence for all life.

This shift of consciousness is already beginning to manifest in the outer world.
As I write this article Laura Bush, the First Lady of the United States of
America, is on a goodwill tour in Europe. If we acknowledge this event as a
metaphor that reflects what is actually happening on Earth, we will know just
how profound her trip is.

(nekaj nakladanja o Lauri Bush in drugem dogajanju v svetu, če koga zanima, mu lahko pošljem vse skup na mail)

Day by day, under the direction and supervision of our God Selves, the Love of
our Mother God is flowing through our newly-opened Heart Chakras. With every
breath we take, this gift from our Mother God is integrating into every facet of
our lives. If we pay close attention, we will see tangible evidence of a
balancing and a shifting toward harmony taking place all around us.

Old patterns of anger and frustration are no longer able to pull us off center
the way they once did, and our egos cannot manipulate us through fear the way
they used to. These are just the beginning signs of what will occur with the
monumental shift of consciousness that is on the horizon.

The Spiritual Hierarchy assisting Humanity from the Realms of Illumined Truth
have said that the upcoming alignment in November has the potential of having
the same dramatic effect on a person's awakening process that near-death
experiences have had on literally millions of people. Those experiences have
been life transforming and have catapulted people into new levels of knowing and
enlightenment beyond anything they ever dreamed possible.

For us to fully understand the magnitude of what this shift of consciousness can
mean to all life on Earth, we must remember that everything manifesting on the
planet is a result of what somebody is holding in their consciousness. No matter
what the situation is, in order for something to manifest in the world of form,
someone has to be holding that idea or thought in their consciousness.

Things seem to be getting worse because we have been trying to change the
outer-world situations without changing the consciousness of the people who are
creating the situations. That is like trying to change the image in the mirror
without changing the object that is causing the reflection in the mirror. This
is a futile effort.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Marjana on 07.10.2003 at 09:41:52


For instance, in order to try and correct the gross imbalances in the
distribution of wealth, we could take all of the money in the world and divide
it evenly amongst all of the people. The problem with that is, without a shift
of consciousness in five years all of the rich people would be rich again, and
all of the poor people would be poor again. That would happen because the people
who are motivated by a consciousness of greed and selfishness would find a way
to beg, borrow, cheat and steel the money away from all of the people who are
trapped in poverty consciousness and feelings of unworthiness.

Without a shift of consciousness, we could eliminate all of the guns in the
world, but the people who are filled with fear, hatred and violence would simply
find another way to harm and kill one another.

It is impossible for us to truly comprehend the potential for change an upward
shift of consciousness of this magnatude will have on Earth. Just contemplate
for a moment what a difference it will make when every evolving soul remembers
the Oneness of ALL Life and the profound Truth that all life is interconnected,
interrelated and interdependent. Imagine how people will interact with each
other once they truly KNOW that they cannot harm another person, place,
condition or thing without harming themselves.

Think of the difference it will make when people everywhere know and accept the
Divine Truth that the flow of God’s Abundance is limitless, and AS THEY GIVE,

People everywhere are beginning to awaken to the Truth of who they are and why
they are here. The shift of consciousness in November is destined to accelerate
that awakening process by leaps and bounds. This shift of consciousness will
lift Humanity into the Realms of Truth where each soul will be able to clearly
perceive that we are not just fragmented, dysfunctional facets of our fear-based
human egos. Instead, every Human Being will realize that we are ALL Beloved Sons
and Daughters of God, and that everything our Father-Mother God has is ours. By
remembering this Sacred Knowledge, Humanity will change the course of history.

As Children of God, we have the responsibility of cocreating our physical
reality. Through lifetimes of misunderstandings, we have developed the erroneous
belief that we are just powerless victims of circumstance. With the shift of
consciousness, we will understand and know that, in fact, we are powerful
cocreators of circumstance.

As we lift up in consciousness, we will realize that our God Presence is the
all-encompassing part of us that is created in God’s Image. This aspect of our
Being is a radiant Sun, which resonates with the full perfection of our
Father-Mother God. When it is time for us to embody on Earth, our God Presence
projects one minuscule ray of Light into this physical plane to sustain our
Earthly bodies. Our human egos have manipulated us into believing that the
single ray of Light is the totality of who we are.

When we believe that illusion, it is easy for us to feel limited and inadequate.
We accept the erroneous belief that we are just victims being buffeted about by
life's circumstances without any options or choices. Nothing could be further
from the Truth.

The physical plane is merely a reflection of our consciousness. No matter how
real our life challenges seem or how entrapped we are in the human miscreations
of poverty, disease, low self-esteem, loveless relationships, hatred,
corruption, ignorance, war, etc., those distorted expressions of life can
manifest in our lives ONLY if we hold them in our consciousness.

As we rise up in consciousness and empower the Light and all of the patterns of
perfection contained in the Light instead of choosing to empower the things that
cause our pain and suffering, our Earthly experiences will be transformed in
“the twinkling of an eye.”

We are standing on the threshold of the greatest shift of consciousness ever
attempted in any System of Worlds. This is a unique experiment of unfathomable
proportions and through our unified efforts...OUR VICTORY IS ASSURED!


      The Spiritual Hierarchy has revealed that 2003 is the year that is
destined for the global shift of consciousness we have been anticipating
for the
past 50 years. There is going to be a Galactic alignment that will open a
multidimensional portal of Divine Consciousness into the Heart and Mind of the
omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Cosmic I AM—All That Is
      During that rare moment, the Cosmic I AM will flood the Earth with
unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness and lift every man, woman and
child a quantum leap into the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL life.
      That rare Galactic alignment will occur during the Lunar Eclipse on
November 8, 2003, and will build in power and momentum until the Solar Eclipse
on November 23, 2003
. During that time, the Light of Divine Consciousness will
be secured through the Mental Strata of Earth, and a portal into the Divine Mind
of God will be open within the mental bodies of ALL Humanity. This miraculous
event will allow the God Self of each person to lift the consciousness of that
soul into new Solar frequencies of the 5th Dimension. These frequencies are
aligned with the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God. This will
result in the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted in any System of
There will be a Star of David and other complex formations in the Heavens
during the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th that will be 18 degrees Scorpio. The
total Solar Eclipse that occurred on August 11, 1999, was 18 degrees Leo, which
is the degree of Divine Consciousness. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003,
will be exactly 90 degrees square of the August 11, 1999, Eclipse. This will
make Humanity’s hearts and minds receptive to higher levels of Divine
Consciousness than we have experienced since our initial fall from grace.
      This is the celestial event that the Spiritual Hierarchy knew would sweep
Humanity up in consciousness into the remembrance of the Oneness of all Life.
From November 8-23, 2003, Lightworkers will gather at sacred sites all over the
world to absorb and anchor into the Earth unprecedented frequencies of Divine

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 09.10.2003 at 03:54:01

From Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

What you are looking for is who is looking.
We are staring frantically through these eyes in search of the
St. Francis of Assisi

.,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,.

Note from Aluna.. It has been a long time since the Star Elder had
something to say to the masses. Usually their messages come in sessions or
in small groups of sacred site adventurers. but at this time they have
a strong message to share. It is an interesting time we live in and
with the Star Elder humor, wit and wisdom they can help us see a new
perspective so the shift can be anticipated with excitement not dreaded with

Just as you thought life couldn't get any weirder - it did! You don't
have to be a super psychic to feel that the energy has accelerated with
a strange new twist in the last few weeks. Many are feeling a little
dizzy or out of balance / out of body, while others are feeling just plan
tired and taking some much needed cat naps. We are also seeing a trend
of small and some not so small weird mishaps; from bumping your heads
to full on life threatening accidents. Other health issues are on the
rise as well. Some are feeling confused and feel stuck and without
guidance. This transformational, evolutionary amplified energy has certainly
got everyone's attention.Something has shifted and you are not real
sure what this means, what caused it, and how you fit into the new
 You find yourself questioning who you are and why you are here with a
renewed vengeance.

Now before you get all twisted up in this energy, like a slice of sour
lemon you drop in your glass of summer iced tea, remember you are not
alone in this. You didn't do anything wrong.The bump on your head or
skinned knee isn't karma pay back, nor is your enemy attacking you.
Simply put, we have all just entered the spiritual twilight zone.
This may
sound scary but we have to remind you that this is what you came here
for. So we are a little surprised that you are not completely excited.
From our perspective that twisted lemon slice is tasting pretty sweet in
that cool ocean of summer tea your floating in. This is just what you
wanted, and we are here to remind you to as to why.

Do you remember that you came to Earth this time around for the much
anticipated BIG SHIFT of the ages?
Your not being here this time around
was completely out of the question. That would be like missing out on
getting tickets to the Big Movie Premier. You couldn't have that. so away
you came. all in a big hurry to get here so you wouldn't miss out. Well
the mission was accomplished. You haven't missed out on a thing and the
front row tickets to the big show is in your pocket. You made it just
in time!

Now being here for the big shift, the premiere for earth's ascension,
means that you will learn and enjoy energy fluctuations and
accelerations without knowing fully what is going on. The big mystery of knowing
you do not know, is part of the fun you expected when you bought the
ticket. We are little kids exploring the world and we make of it what we
It is like a big cosmic roller coaster, we scream on the way up and
down, but we love it just the same.

Activated by eclipses, record breaking solar flares, this year's
solstice, that was aligned with the center 20 days of Mayan cycles (June
23-July 12), has acted like a place in between worlds, between the past and
We have come to the end of what we know and are now crossing a
HUGE evolutionary bridge to what we are becoming. So if you are feeling
a little strange, ungrounded, tired, confused and just plain out if it,
this is why.

So lets explain what is happening. Earth is a living energy source.
Certain places on the planet have more energy emitting from them than
others. Any time a location on earth rises toward the sky it is connecting
to cosmic forces thus accelerating the earth and any living thing that
gets in the way while this process is going on. Many adventurous souls
are attracted to these powerful places as they simply feel good to
them. It doesn't not matter if the person knows what is happening or not.
The energy is received and used to raise that seekers consciousness.

Many of these powerful places are obvious and were marked by ancient
ones in the form of pyramids and temples. Other power places may not be
marked but are usually on mountain tops or other interesting raised
areas of the earth. Even the crest of a wave in the ocean is connecting to
the cosmic forces. This is why surfing, mountain climbing etc are such
a powerful sports.
So now you see why we are attracted to climb to the
top of the mountain or pyramid, or catch that last wave, we intuitively
know it is helping us adjust to rising energy.

If you go to a mountain top that naturally receives and emits huge
amounts of energy that also has remains of an ancient culture that honored
the energy, now that's what we call a real hot spot! An example would
be the monasteries in Tibet and ancient cities in the Andes of Peru.
Even in the flat lands of Maya, the ancient ones built temples on raised
earthen platforms. They built pyramid atop pyramid to build energy
within it to created a high energy spot.

.So what is happening now is, through celestial alignments and shifts in
time and space, Earth is now getting more energy
More is being
received and emitted from earth in power places. ALSO. The radius of the
energy field around power places has doubled, so more land mass is being
activated than before.

How humanity handles this energy is related to how they have been
living. No one is exempt from this energy at this time. All are being
activated at a higher level than before. All are feeling it, even if they
don't know what it is that they are feeling. There is no place to hide
from it. Even those who live in very low or minus altitudes (low energy
areas) are getting it more than before. If you are in a body and living
on earth, you are in for the BIG ride. So hang on.

The people who had the time, or had the means to travel to sacred
sites, mountain tops etc, over and over in their life time will find the
raising energy a little easier to handle. These ones have become accustom
to the powerful energy to a certain extent. It is not certain that they
will be unaffected by the accelerations, but will be able to attune to
it quicker and with greater ease.

If you are one of these energy junkies you are also here to help those
who didn't have the means to listen to that inner calling and travel to
the mountain tops or temple sites. They were busy keeping the world
going for you by stocking the grocery shelves and paving the roads so you
could eat and travel. These ones are going to need a little
encouragement that it will be all be OK. They will find you.

For those feel they got the wrong ticket some how, or changed their
minds and don't want to come to the big premier will leave and come back
some other time. Again, there is no right or wrong way to experience
this amazing time. From our perspective humanity is going through the
shift of the ages and many out there in the cosmos are bummed they didn't
get their tickets in time to join in the fun. So appreciate what you are
experiencing as it is the best roller coaster in the galaxy.

So how can you deal with the energy today and for the next few years
until 2012.???Be careful. If you don't feel in balance watch your head
so you don't get a bump. get sleep when you need it, drink water and
talk to like minded souls to ease the worries you might be having.
Remember the rules have changed, the cosmic landscape has shifted, so don't
worry if things don't make sense. They won't. You have nothing to compare
what is happening today. You are entering into new exciting territory.

Things will not work the same as they did before and your motivations
and passions will change with the new currents. You may not have clear
direction for a while. SO. have FUN, and enjoy life.

We all knew this was coming, but isn't it a little strange that the day
is upon us now! We had almost given up hope. We had heard about this so
many times in so many ways that is had become spiritual blah ~ blah to
our inpatient ears. But we are feeling the energy now and this is great
confirmation, but also gives us new hope that all the inner messages we
have been getting are coming to pass.

What is next after we cross the bridge to the future? It is a simple as
this.. when we get to the future and what we are becoming, what we are
is what we have become during this journey. So if you are asking what
is on the other side of the bridge we are crossing. that is up to you!
It is up to US collectively. So enjoy the journey. Have a joyful time
and live with the heart wide open to all possibilities and expect the
unexpected. Because what is in the other side, you could not have imagined
from where you are standing now.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 09.10.2003 at 13:31:07



From Quantum Awakening

The Harmonic Concordance is an intersection of future probabilities, which extends through all time and space. An ecliptic light acceleration doorway is issued from November 8. 2003 (lunar eclipse) to November 23, 2003 (solar eclipse) opening the iris of the Great Central Sun. As the Star of David wraps itself around the planet earth it awakens within every heart cell a new level of love made visible.

A galactic intersection of powerful 'enters and exits' merges within itself as the sacred vibration of the Harmonic Concordance merges with the 11th 11:11 GATEWAY on November 11, 2003. This particular 11:11 Gateway aligns itself with Super Galactic Center a point of creation, which is thought to define our spiritual origin. Super Galactic Center is a reference point to where the Virgo cluster marks the center of the Super Universes. The super giant cluster M-87 is composed of ancient stars in the Virgo cluster which lies very close to a massive black hole which a believed to be about 5 billion times the mass of our sun. M87 is nestled in a sea of quasars, which emits signal signatures from entire ancient galaxies, which give off a stream of continuous undefined energy broadcasts.

This blend of several unique and powerful essences comes to give us an energetic heads up as well as a nudge into 'a knowing', which will determine how we place our energies and attentions in upcoming time shifts. Within this essence lives several layers of activation each one offering a unique opportunity to move past the point of comfortability and quantum leap forward into love made visible in the form of higher choices of probable outcomes.

This 11:11 GATEWAY ESSENCE MARRIED WITH THE HARMONIC CONCORDANCE VIBRATION BIRTHS A NEW LIGHT. Seen and unseen it shines through all outcomes announcing itself in very subtle yet powerful insights.

WITHIN THIS SPECIAL SACRED ESSENCE BLEND lives 11+11 vibrations and essences (22 in all) of Peruvian orchids, flowers, gems, star vibrations, sacred symbols, healing waters, pyramidal energies and pure love. Each bottle is lovingly created and handled with honor.

This Essence is Downloaded With The Following STAR EMANATIONS.


This super giant cluster of stars within Super Galactic Center offers us a doorway to learn conversion, inversion and re-version. Asking us to allow a higher form to come into all of our choices. Asking us to redefine our abilities as seen through the Creator's eyes, opening us to the fact that love is everywhere and everything, and beyond that is even more love. Moving all the love that lives within all material and matter into a higher format of creation allowing it and us to unfold into pure undiluted potential,

Global Cluster M-5

This cluster has a powerful entranceway as its center, which is a transfer point for many galaxies. It opens a doorway for various stars thorough out the universe to share their knowledge and assist others into a quickening of evolutionary patterns. Our Milky Way galaxy is part of this program. Billions and billions of galaxies pour their energies and light into this connection point.

M-42 the Great Orion Nebula

This nebula incorporates the highest and the best thought forms and brings them together to show how a common denominator of evolution is possible. This nebula teaches how to create a pure outcome from a negative thought or experience transmuting it into a higher alchemical composition, once again conversion and inversion of light.

Global Cluster M-92

This star system allows one to understand the symbiotic relationship of the sun, earth and humanity. Allows one to understand at a cellular level the co-creation relationship one has with God. This star vibration is a time portal attuning other galaxies to our Milky Way galaxy. It allows deeper awareness of multiple times and probabilities. Thus enhancing ones choices and creations to be more illuminated.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 09.10.2003 at 15:05:36



Number 74, October 6, 2003

By Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.


Preparation for the Harmonic Concordance

Lunar Eclipse November 8-9

November 8 is an astrological event to behold.  It is so special that the man who first discovered this configuration on a computer screen gave it the name - The Harmonic Concordance.  The Sun, Mars and Saturn in the water signs and the Moon, Jupiter and Chiron in the earth signs form a Star of David or a grand sextile.  This rare occurrence (no one has documented it happening before) takes place at the same time as the Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

There is so much going on and it is so significant that it will take a while just to give a condensed version of the astrological activity and its impact.  I have been meditating on what this all means and how it impacts our lives.  As I set down to write about it, I decided to first share my conclusions. The next NMB will be devoted to the explaination of the astrological events.

In summary, there is an opening, a possibility and a necessity to make a quantum shift in consciousness.  We each are at choice.  We must each decide how we wish to live our lives.  We can either live in darkness or we can live in the Light.  There is no gray.  What we create in this world and in the universe is directly related to our choice.


To understand the importance of our choice, it is useful to understand how creation happens and how the evolution of the universe unfolds. Here is my simplified understanding of how the universe and creation work.  Much of the universe is an infinite black hole.  There is an overlay and pockets of Light and Love scattered throughout the universe.  It is all divine. It all simply IS.  The evolutionary goal of the universe is to decrease the areas of darkness and to increase the areas of Light and Love.

Souls embodied as humans, whose basic nature is Light, participate in expanding the universe with the energy that we emit and operate from.  We can either vibrate with darkness or we can vibrate with Light.  Whichever we choose is how we participate in cosmic creation.  Darkness is simply the absence of Light.  In darkness we experience fear.  When we operate from fear, we create various expressions of negativity and destruction.  It doesn't take much to verify this by looking at the world we have created.

As souls we each exist as an enormous ball of radiant light and energy.  As souls we all exist together in love.  When we incarnate as human beings, we maintain a connection with our soul through a strand of light, which furnishes us with energy.  If we have a weak connection with the cord that attaches us to our soul, we receive less light and energy.  With less light flowing into our being, we experience pain, fear and confusion.  The more light that flows in, the more joy, happiness and clarity we experience.  Our most important task is thus to strengthen our connection with our soul's lifeline to us.  The stronger and straighter our lifeline, the more we are able to experience the love and light that is the essence of our souls.


For millennium most of the human race has been operating in darkness, living in fear and creating destruction.  The Earth is the most dense reality, so we often mistaken denseness for darkness. The goal of the human race is to figure out how to bring Light to physical reality - how to spiritualize matter.  Each time a soul incarnates, it works out another piece of the puzzle of how to bring Light and Love into physical manifestation.  The name of the long-term game is to infuse our own beings and the Earth with enough Light and Love before we destroy the Earth and ourselves.  We are getting real near the cut off date.  The universe is now infusing the planet with massive doses of Light to help us reverse the destructive spiral and to make the shift from darkness to Light.  

Given the basic free will rule of the human experiment, we each must make our own choice whether or not to do what it takes to make our personal paradigm shift.  The big questions are -- Will enough of us choose Love?  Will enough of us actually attune ourselves to the Light and be vessels for its infusion on to the planet?

Of course, we all say, "Yes.  I choose Love and Light.  Count me in."  But the choice is subtler than that.  It is not just a mental exercise.  We can't just go to the polls and vote yes to Light and no to darkness.  Mental answers don't compute.  We must vibrate with the Love and Light we choose to manifest.  We have to make the choice inside our own psyche and live from the frequency of Light.  We have to choose compassion and kindness as our modus operandi in our relationships with others and ourselves.  That includes telemarketers and all the other situations and people that push our buttons!  That includes patience for others and ourselves.  Ooops.  Another point for darkness.

It is very important to make the difference between liking something and judging it.  We are definitely permitted and it is required that we discriminate between what works for us and gives us pleasure and what doesn't.   The Light mode of being requires that we not judge expressions of creation that we choose not to align with.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 09.10.2003 at 15:06:15

se nadaljuje od zgoraj...


When I first started practicing Kundalini yoga, I was awakened to wonderful feelings that I had never felt before.  I realized that there is something more to life than I had experienced to date and I wanted it!   There was so much darkness on the planet when I first started KY that it was hard to access and maintain a connection with Light. There is so much more light energy available now, that I am often amazed at how quickly even new students can shift their inner realities.

When I started teaching, I knew that the most important thing for the students was to have an experience of something else beyond anything that might have defined their lives in the past.  Awakening to another reality and another possibility of existence gives us a whole different perspective of life.  When I counseled people, I would insist that they do KY before we discussed their "issues."  KY brings Light into our psyche.  We see things differently.  We react differently.  It doesn't mean that all our problems immediately disappear.  But the more we vibrate Light, the more both our inner and outer realities shift.


Last week before my KY class, a few of the students were talking about facing their dark side.  One had read an astrology column, which she interpreted as saying that it was the perfect time for her sign to face her dark side.  Pop quiz - given the nature of the universe and creation as set out in my modest understanding and oversimplified explanation above, if we pay attention to our limitations and fears, what will we create?  Choice:  Light or Darkness?

Obviously we need to examine our thoughts, behaviors and belief systems and identify what does not work for us.  The important thing is HOW we do this.  If we examine ourselves from the vantage point of judgment, shame and fear, we can never extricate ourselves from the dark box that imprisons our consciousness.  When we live in darkness and fear, we just create more of it.  We get swallowed up in the cosmic black hole.   However, if we do it without judgment and with compassion, it is possible to release what doesn't serve us.  We can uncover the innate soul powers in the primal energies.

It is an endless process to look at our problems, issues and neuroses from the perspective of what is the matter with us.  Each, however, has a hidden power if embraced by the Light and seen from the Light of our soul.  This introduces us to another choice.  Instead of facing our dark side, we can face our Light side. Instead of immersing ourselves in the dark night of the soul, we can flood ourselves in the bright Light of our souls.


So in class last week, we focused our attention on Light and cultivating a stronger connection with the Light of our soul.  This is what I suggest doing to prepare for the lunar and solar eclipses in November.

We breathed into our abdominal area to open the space in our bellies for Light.  We energized the base of the spine to create a foundation to anchor the Light in our physical being.  We did breathing at the top of our heads to open ourselves up to receive the Light of our souls.  Then we popped into an expanded reality that merged Spirit and body by a meditation to open the heart.  It took less than an hour.  By the end of the class, the dark side was history.  Everyone was happy and laughing.  The Light of our souls made us feel so free.  We just couldn't contain ourselves.  Everyone giggled as they left.

At the beginning of the class, one student shared that as an "adult" she has struggled with the idea that she has to grow up. Growing up for her has implications for taking out the fun in life.  In the Light of her soul she redefined this idea to the empowering interpretation of being authentic.  So perfect for an Aquarian and for the rest of us too.

The trick is to face our issues or what is bothering us from the Light of our souls.  When we do, we see another reality.  Something shifts.  When we face fear from the vantage point of love, we liberate ourselves.  We never have to run away from anything or anyone again.  In fact, as this student wrote me later, "Turning and facing what is bothering me can be the source of great joy!  Face it, embrace it and enjoy it!  I am so me!  That is so cool.  I feel so authentic.  I am giving myself permission to be fully me and to experiment with what this feels like!  So far, so good!  How fun!!"


Our connection to the Light of our soul is always available.  Our job is to strengthen this connection every day and in every way possible.  As the planets line up for the Star of David formation on November 8th, our precious Earth and every human being is being infused with massive doses of magnificent Light.  This Infinite Light was and will always be available to us.  We can experience it at any moment and all the time.  We just have to moment by moment choose to do so and align ourselves to make this experience available to ourselves.   The point is, don't wait until November 8th and hope that you will get hit by a cosmic bolt of enlightenment.  Continue your daily practice with the intention of freely and gratefully receiving this Light from the Universe.  Focus on strengthening the cord between your physical body and being totally open to enjoying the Light of your soul.


The experience of Light manifests in many different ways.  Some people actually see light in their minds.  Others experience feelings of peace, openness, relaxation, clarity, stability and softness.  Less tightness or resistance in places of your body where you normally carry stress is a good sign.  More flexibility and fluidity in your actions and body is another.   You will also notice that certain things don't bother you anymore and you feel more compassionate towards others.

It is powerful to each day set our intention to be more and more open and receptive to receiving the Light.  We can also ask for assistance from Light Beings.  One student has witnessed significant shifts in her life since she set the intention several months ago to allow only love in her life.

Visualizing the Light of your soul and Infinite Light nurturing you can facilitate your experience, but it cannot substitute for it.  Avoid pure mental activity.  Be attentive to feeling sensations that keep you in your body and get you out of your mind.

Dedicate your daily practice as well as all your daily activities to bringing in the Light, cultivating the Light, nurturing the Light and staying in the Light.

In terms of your daily physical/spiritual practice, whether it is Kundalini yoga or something else, I suggest the basic formula that I used in my class last week.

1.  Practice all the leg, abdominal and lower chakra exercises with the intention of opening the belly and body to be a receptor and container for the Light of your soul.  Use breath of fire and long deep breathing to open the space inside your skin.  Use the root lock to create a foundation at the base of your spine. Relax between exercises and feel it.

2.  Practice arm and upper chakra exercises with the intention of opening the crown chakra to be a channel to receive the Light.  Use the breath and the focus on the top of your head to open the portal.  Again, relax between exercises and feel it.

3.  Practice a meditation to open the heart after your kriya.  There are dozens in Transitions to a Heart-Centered World.  (Available on )

4.  Keep your awareness on the tuned-in channel.  Be available and grateful of all the Light and Love you are receiving.

Our legacy is the Light we shine on the planet.  Be Light.  Live Light.  Love Light.


The New Millennium Being is copyright 1999 - 2003 Gururattan Kaur Khalsa,


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 09.10.2003 at 18:20:37

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 09.10.2003 at 19:04:53

Full Moon in Aries - 10-10-03

This Aries Full Moon features a cardinal grand cross with the Sun (17 Libra), Moon (17 Aries), Saturn (13 Cancer), and Chiron (13 Capricorn) supporting our commitment to initiating actions that are healing our personal wounds and helping to structure a new world based in loving cooperation that helps to facilitate our personal and planetary ascension process. The Cardinal Cross activates the Householder energies of personal identity (Aries) family identity (Cancer) relationship identity (Libra) and community identity (Capricorn). The Cardinal signs are often described as active, initiating and creative, encouraging the planets traveling through them to act. In the case of pure Aries this action can be spontaneous and impulsive, pioneering and innovative. Integrating and utilizing all these energies simultaneously is challenging and can feel stressful. Remembering Saturn's alignment with Sirius and calling upon the Sirian energies of transformation through visual connection and meditation upon this area of the sky can help facilitate the active changes seeking expression through us at this time. - Celestial Timings

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by EvaZh on 09.10.2003 at 22:01:02

ej glih buta me, sm tole prebrala,

Full Moon in Aries - 10-10-03

obsedena od tegale
njah prej je bla direkt 22:00 ampak zdej pa kot je napisana je ravno zrcalan desetka  ;D

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 10.10.2003 at 03:12:28

Dealing with the changing times

THE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY THAT SURROUNDS THE WORLD and each of those upon it is in the process of changing from the male Energy back to the female Energy.

This leaves people feeling unsettled, uneasy and sometimes uncomfortable, no longer knowing their exact role. Adjusting to the new paradigm brought about by this new feminine energy is slowly changing life as we have known it.

There are those who are finding the adjustment process difficult to accomplish. They have been programmed and conditioned to believe and behave in a certain way and are not able make the transition. They feel more than uncomfortable; they feel threatened at the idea of change. They feel fear, and they are willing to fight to maintain what they have always believed, and have absolutely no door open to change and growth.

The Energy is changing and we have no control over that. Those who violently resist can do damage with their fear tactic, their abuse and killing, but they will not stop the influx of feminine Energy anymore than they could stop the ocean waves from coming in with the tide, and they will disappear just as the animals before them that could not adjust to the changes in the environment. They too will soon become extinct.

How do we who wish to make the change deal with this? We do exactly what we are doing, protecting our lives, our families, and our country in the best way that we can. PLUS, we add understanding and awareness.

Understanding does not mean meekly turning the other cheek, and submitting to the demands of those who wish to change our way of living, harm, and/or kill us. Turning the other cheek means we see both sides. It means we draw our boundaries, and stick to them, but understand where those other people are coming from, what their fears really are.

Understanding those bent on destroying isn’t going to change them. If they have gotten to the point of venting their fear or terrorist tactics on others, they are probably past the point of no return and will ultimately be responsible for there own destruction; however, understanding them will change you.

You don’t have to agree with someone to understand them, but understanding them will keep you from hating and fearing them. This awareness will keep you from lowering yourself to the primitive energy level they are floundering in. Your awareness of others, those who are confused and even those with evil intent, will raise your own vibrational level, allowing you to continue to grow and blend with the new Energy.

Our future depends upon those who are willing to ‘give, but not give up’, who are willing to rise above fear, include understanding of others, let go of ego and serious competition, as well as teach and practice respect for every living thing on this planet. Our future depends on a new understanding, a new awareness, and a new you.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by EvaEh on 10.10.2003 at 17:17:46

pomoč JE lahko VSAKEMU, tud tistim, ki so v terorizmu - tale zadnji tekstek ej mal po ameriško prestrašen

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Marjana on 30.10.2003 at 13:33:30

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization    
E-mail:; FAX: 520-749-6643;
Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any
medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

We are entering the final stages of purification and preparation for the global
event known as Harmonic Concordance. This unique influx of Light will take place
during the Lunar Eclipse on November 8/9, and will build in momentum and power
until the Solar Eclipse on November 23, 2003.

During that time period, a multidimensional portal of Light will be opened into
the Divine Heart and Mind of God—the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Cosmic
I AM—All That Is. Once this portal is open, our Father-Mother God will flood
the Earth with the most intensified frequencies of Divine Consciousness Humanity
can endure.
The Divine Intent of this unprecedented experiment is to catapult
Humanity into a higher state of Divine Consciousness and to accelerate the
Ascension of ALL Life on Earth into the 5th Dimension.

Every facet of life in the whole of Creation is aware of this Cosmic Moment on
Planet Earth, and we are receiving more assistance from On High than ever before
in the history of time. The God Victorious accomplishment of this experiment
will result in the creation of a whole new octave of Godhood. This will expand
the borders of Divinity for ALL Life into previously unknown expressions of
limitless perfection.

Since the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in May, the Elemental Kingdom has been
purging the planet of the miscreated thought and feeling patterns Humanity has
manifested over the Ages
. As a result of this intense purification, we have
witnessed unprecedented wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, floods,
heat waves, and now Solar Flares. Through the gift of God’s Divine Grace, this
incredible cleansing process has involved relatively little loss of life. Any
loss of life is tragic, but in the original predictions made aeons ago, it was
thought that there would be massive loss of life during this purging process.

Due to this cleansing, every person on the planet is now vibrating at a higher
frequency of vibration
. The higher the vibration of the atomic and subatomic
particles that make up the cells and organs of our bodies, the more Light we
will be able to assimilate, and the more effective our shift into Divine
Consciousness will be. The Solar Logos from our physical Sun and the Solar Logos
from the Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns that support this Solar System are well
aware of this Divine Truth. That is precisely why they are intervening in
unfathomable ways at this time.

Our Father-Mother God is breathing Solar Light from the Core of Creation through
the multidimensional spectrums of Light into the Heart Flames of the Solar Logos
from our Great, Great Central Sun. These Beings of Light, in turn, are breathing
the Solar Light into the Heart Flames of the Solar Logos from our Great Central
Sun, who are breathing the Solar Light into the Heart Flames of the Solar Logos
from our Central Sun, who are breathing the Solar Light into the Heart Flames of
the Solar Logos from our physical Sun. The Solar Logos from our physical Sun
are, in turn, breathing that Solar Light into the atmosphere of Earth through
massive Solar Flares.

On October 28th, the third largest Solar Flare ever recorded erupted on the Sun.
It was classified as an X17.2 flare and persisted for more than an hour. It
released an ejection of more than a billion tons of gas from the Sun's corona.
Both the Solar Flare and the coronal mass ejection accelerated charged particles
to even higher frequencies and hurled them at near the speed of Light directly
toward the Earth. It takes Light about 8 minutes to travel from the Sun to the
Earth. These particles reached the Earth in less than an hour. The coronal mass
reached the Earth several hours later.

This mammoth Solar Flare projected forth an electrified cloud of geomagnetic
particles 13 times the size of Earth, which blasted this planet with
supercharged Solar Light. As these highly-charged particles from the Sun were
hurled through the atmosphere of Earth, they penetrated into the core of purity
in every electron of precious life energy evolving here
. The frequency of
vibration of every facet of life on Earth was accelerated the maximum that
Cosmic Law would allow.

This accelerated Solar Light which originated in the Core of Creation—the very
Heart of God—is the pulse beat of the Universe. It is the Life-force of all
existence and the cohesive power of Divine Love. It is the quickening force
within the soul of Humanity; it is boundless, unceasing and everlasting energy.

For the very first time, the full power of Solar Light from the Heart of God has
penetrated into the Core of the Earth and exploded as a mighty Starburst through
the mental stratum of the planet. The majestic power of this Solar Light has
burst asunder the almost impenetrable veil that has prevented Humanity from
perceiving our own Divinity. This miraculous act of Divine Intervention has
cleared the way for Humanity’s Ascension into Higher Consciousness.

Just for a moment, feel the rejoicing pouring forth from the Beings of Light in
the Celestial Realms. In deep humility, please send forth the full momentum of
your heartfelt gratitude and love to our Father-Mother God and the Solar Logos
for their selfless service to ALL Life on this sweet Earth.


Many people have asked me what they should do and where they should go to most
effectively serve the Light during Harmonic Concordance. The Truth is, each of
you has been preparing for aeons of time to fulfill your unique facet of this
remarkable phase of the Divine Plan. Your God Self knows exactly where you
should be and what you should do. Listen to your heart, and ask your God Self
for guidance
. No one outside of you knows what is the best way for you to

Trust yourself!

You will be in your right and perfect place, doing your right and perfect thing.
Remember, the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and YOU are that Light.
Thank you from the deepest recesses of my heart for remembering who you are and
for fulfilling your purpose and reason for being here.

I Love YOU.


333… Število odločitve. Usmeri vas v fazo zaključka 999 ali negativnosti, ali pa vas postavi v frekvenco 666, ki vas vrže nazaj v tretjo dimenzijo.

333 — Mojstri modrosti so blizu vas, želijo da veste, da imate njihovo pomoč, ljubezen in prijateljstvo. Pogosto pokličite Mojstre modrosti, sploh kadar okoli sebe vidite vzorce števila 3. Nekateri od bolj znanih Mojstrov modrosti so: Jezus, Mojzes, Marija, Quan Yin in Yogananda.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 01.11.2003 at 23:01:36

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 17.11.2003 at 11:03:30

"World message" CHANGE THE WORLD!

Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and should remain anonymous in your mind. It is what you will do with this message which matters !

Each one of you wishes to exercise her/his free will and experience happiness.

These are attributes that were shown to us and to which we now have access. Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have of your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that you give and receive.

Like all conscious races at this stage of progress, you may feel isolated on your planet. This impression makes you sure of your destiny. Yet, you are at the brink of big upheavals that only a minority is aware of.

It is not our responsibility to modify your future without you choosing it. Consider this message as a worldwide referendum! And your answer as a ballot!

Who are we ?


Like billions others in this galaxy, we are conscious creatures that some name "extra-terrestrials", even though reality is subtler.

There is no fundamental difference between you and us, save for the experience of certain stages of evolution. Like in any other organised structure, hierarchy exists in our internal relationships. Ours is based upon the wisdom of several races. It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you.

Like most of you, we are in the quest of the Supreme Being. Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals in the Cosmic Brotherhood.

Physically, we are somewhat different from you but for most of us humanoid-shaped.

Our existence is a reality but the majority of you does not perceive it yet. We are not mere observations, we are consciences just like you. You fail to apprehend us because we remain invisible to your senses and measure instruments most of the time.


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 18.11.2003 at 15:26:25

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 18.11.2003 at 22:12:24

k urca ... vsakih enajst let ... sonce zamenja pole ...

zemlja si ga pa lj izi uzema s temi flipi polov ...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 22.11.2003 at 13:37:03

Cosmic Changes
Mind-boggling Phenomena Reported by Russian Scientists
by Drunvalo (

Strange things are happening in both outer and inner space. Scientists in Russia, most prominently a man named Dmitriev, are discovering that the Solar System, the sun, and life itself are mutating in totally unprecedented ways.

The Sun

Let's begin with the Sun. The Sun is the center of our Solar System, and all life that is on this Earth came from the Sun. If there were no Sun, we would not be alive. This is simply scientific fact. And so any changes that occur in or on the Sun will eventually affect every person alive.

The solar activity during this last sunspot cycle was greater than anything ever seen before. Yet every astronomer that I talked to about this except one insisted that everything was "normal." That one person, who worked at NASA, claimed that what was going on within the Sun was absolutely incredible. She also said that she was not "allowed" to talk about it. But she talked anyway, because she felt that the world needed to know, but at the same time she asked that I not publicly discuss what she had said. Sort of a Catch-22. So the photo at left is just a hint (click on it for a larger view). It's a recent picture of the Sun from, I believe, the year 2000, showing multiple sunspots ringing the sun on the two latitudes of 19.48 north and south. Some of you will see the significance of this much energy's being emitted at this particular location.

So let's look at the obvious question: What is normal?

For scientists, the idea of "normal" is based on making a long-term study, then averaging the results. But in the case of the Sun, we have been studying it for only about a 100 years — and it was not until the last half of the 20th century that the study was done with instruments that could be considered especially accurate. And so, since the Sun is at least 4.5 billion years old, our 100- or 50-year study of it is equivalent to writing about the final one or two seconds in the life of a man or woman who lived for 100 years. Would you consider that biography reliable?

We actually know nothing about the Sun that would enable us to say what is "normal."..........................

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 26.11.2003 at 00:57:05

The Time of The Earth Wizards is Now

Knowing that I am the canvas of nature's cycles
I AM Time;
I am a Vessel of Synchronicity.
The present moment is my Field of Play,
Home of clarity and power,
Access-point of synchronic guidance.
For what is Time but our attention,
Our consciousness? Time is Alive!
As a Wizard of the Timeless
Time-essence of Now,
I dance the flowering of consciousness Awake,
Within and without, above and below.
As a Wizard of Enchanted Receptivity,
I ask: Where does the festival of life occur but in
The blood and spirit of our own thriving hearts?
What does the shaman know
the embodiment of the primal and celestial
Life-force of our forebearers, and the ever-
Cascading lineage of generations to come...

Wizards cast spells. Spells are but perceptions; ideas; personal myths that craft and define our lives and experiences of Self. We can transform our lives magically by casting conscious spells - lending our energy to that which we will into our incarnation. Let us know the inherent divine capacity living within each soul, and let us inspire one another to rise up and express our magical potential to illuminate our lives and our shared World.

As Andean Shaman Chamalu writes:

"We know that life is the school,
nature the classroom
and our hearts the pupils."

While the word "wizard" may conjure ideas of super-human mystics and sorcerors, in reality, each one of us can access the energy of Wizard and activate our personal shamanic abilities!

This can mean many things, including our connection to and reverence towards the non-physical realms of existence. Some avenues to commune with the non-physical include: prayer, ritual, ceremony, art, dance, etc.

What activates your inner wizard to emerge? What expression does your wizard self take?

If you're not sure, here's a little hint: the answer will always be born out of complete and total heart-centered presence in the NOW moment!

Enchantment is born of this heart-centered presence. It is not something that someone outside of us creates for us, it lies in our inner perceptions and our willingness to experience the omnipresent sacredness of existence, complete with its blessings and its challenges.

Shamans are known for their multi-dimensional abilities to contact times "past" and times "future," and to "see" or receive guidance and information from spirits and ancestors. We too can do such things, if we so desire, with focused receptivity while meditating on the present moment which is always a LIVING ORACLE!

Timelessness is an energetic dimension which has been masked by a linear notion of time. Here, now, as "Earth Wizards" who are in the process of "waking up," we are being challenged to construct new realities that are founded upon radial relationships of time and space. As we are closing this huge cycle of forgetting, we are releasing the limited perceptions we have collectively passed on to one another in the form of linear time. Together , we are re-membering that Time is not Space. Time is the Universal Factor of Synchronization! That is our shared lesson during this accelerated time on Earth School.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 02.12.2003 at 11:28:24

12th December, 2003

at 12:12 p.m. local time

Blessings all love and lightworkers,

From the ascension councils of the Pleiades, Shambhala and Andromeda, we offer you this information to support your planetary light work and the opening of your hearts at this time. Presently, Mother Earth is opening to receive divine blessings from Source and these blessings create new pathways to open within Gaia's body and within your own bodies. We ask you to understand that on the 12th December, a wave of ascension is to bless the Earth through all the divine feminine portals on the planet. Know that all who are aligned to this process will also receive this through their own bodies, offering the gift of clearing the portals of receptivity within one's energy body. We ask each one of you to ask within, receiving your own guidance on how this can assist you at this time to develop greater receptivity and connection to Source. Know this gift is a blessing from the Divine Mother who blesses the Earth with the ascension wave of Divine Mother's love at this time. At this time, each one you have the sacred opportunity of invoking the presence of your divine feminine nature, and asking for the most powerful healing that is appropriate for you in relationship to a powerful opening of your receptivity and divine feminine energy on the Earth.

To assist you with this, we offer you a short meditational process that you may attune to and network with others for the assistance of Gaia and all beings at this time, and in honour of your own opening in femininity and receptivity. We ask you to realise that this is not only held by females but by all males, as no matter what gender you are, each soul holds a divine feminine and a divine masculine half. Ascension is the process of the mergence of these two, and this process, in conjunction with the gateway opening on the 21st December (solstice), offers a divine union journey in this way. The ASCEND Foundation offers both these worldwide link-ups to support each one of you to create a greater inner and outer connection to your divinity and flow of your consciousness as an Emissary of Love.

Blessings upon each one of you, Lord Maitreya

Divine Mother Gateway Activation 12:12

Create a beautiful circle with your friends, family or with your light family in a sacred space that you love. Light a candle and as you do this, visualise the light within every being's heart on the Earth igniting and expanding. Say a small prayer to connect with every other being in link-up and honour the divine in all beings as you sit to receive in meditation link-up. Call to the Divine Mother and your own divine feminine presence, and as you do this, many other feminine presences of light and love also join you. These ones are known as the Sisterhood of the Rays and Rose. Mother Mary, Isis, Quan Yin and their celestial sisters are a part of this company of emissaries of love who are focussing their energies upon you at this time to assist you to open with Mother Earth and release any old energies that have been blocking your receptivity in your life.

These ones surround you in a circle and ask you to gently breathe as they place many golden roses in your chakras and in your auric field and ask you to receive their blessings. As they do this, they support you to call forth to any of your soul aspects that may feel unloved or unsupported in their femininity and receptivity. Say this prayer and ask these parts of your soul to join you, and as you do this, hold your heart open as if a small child is walking towards you. A child of pure innocence and love, and embrace these parts that are like a child who has lost their innocence and their connection to love. With your consciousness, recognise the divine in all parts of your feminine nature, including your sensuality and body and mind and feelings and sexuality, creativity, communication and creation. As you gently love and support all parts of your soul that may have lost their innocence and connection to love, ask them to forgive all that may have occurred through all space, time and dimension that may have created them to shut down their receptivity and the full _expression of their divine feminine nature.

The Divine Mother blesses you and all parts of your soul at this time with a wave of ascension that purifies all old memories of this form of separation. Breathe and receive and allow and let go by opening your body and your heart and your energy to release these energies gently. Sound "ah" slowly and gently as you let go and ask that all that is released return to the source of all love.

At this time, your divine feminine nature is asked by the Divine Mother to open the heart to the divine masculine again Š and to all parts of your soul that are masculine in nature. Divine Mother offers elixirs of love and compassion and forgiveness to you at this time and begins to flood you with these through your chakras and meridians and bodies. Breathe and receive as these begin to fill you and a new purification flows through you. It is at this time that you are asked to release any old relationships that you have with males on the planet that do not serve you and to replace these relationships with unconditional love. You are supported now to ask and receive karmic absolution in relationship to your connection to any male on the planet that may create a block to occur in your femininity and receptivity in life. If there is any other being that creates you to lose connection to your softness and receptivity, bless this one now and ask for karmic absolution for all that has occurred betwee
n you and them in any lifetime, space or dimension.

Send love to this one and release this one from any negative bindings that may have been between you. As you do this, Archangel Michael steps forth to you and offers to clear any negativity between you. He just asks that you take responsibility for this as a level of co-creation, and he suggests for you to make new choices that will allow you to co-create love as a new form of relationship. He blesses each one of you with his sword of Excalibur and fills you with the blue ray of light and love which further purifies you. He asks you to consider your ascension and to raise your consciousness with him now by accepting your divinity and the divinity in others from your heart now.

As you complete this, Lady Mother Mary blesses you with her sword of divine compassion and grace. She supports you now to merge with your divine feminine presence with a new choice to stay open-hearted to all energies with a masculine presence so as to create a new path of meeting the divine energies of the masculine. She asks you to meditate on these energies as strength, giving and clarity, truth and wisdom. She asks you to focus your consciousness on these qualities for a few moments and to invoke the presence of these throughout you. As you do this, many elixirs of these qualities blend as a wave to move through your chakras in an activation of your being. At this time, the divine twelfth wave of ascension (12:12) activates through you and the energies of the Andromedan gateway begin to travel through your chakra column into the Earth core as a divine blessing for all beings on the Earth. This wave flows through the Earth into each of the portals of the Earth, opening them to receive more clearly than before the love and light of Source. Sit for some minutes to receive this blessing and to be a channel for this healing and for all beings and Mother Earth.

To complete this, sound the mantra of this activation that creates the sealing of all portals of receptivity and feminine presence to open to Source.






Sound 13 times in sacred celebration of the divine feminine embrace of all that is masculine within and without, and the opening of these portals in your body and on the Earth, to Source. Ask that this be sealed with the love of your God Presence when you feel complete.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 02.12.2003 at 14:22:18

(inter)galactic party ...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 11.12.2003 at 11:08:00

See Saturn Closest to Earth in 30 Years ;D

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 15.12.2003 at 10:37:45

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization    
E-mail:; FAX: 520-749-6643;
Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any
medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

I am writing this article on December 8th, the day many people commemorate the
Immaculate Conception of Beloved Mother Mary.

[Note: The Immaculate Conception refers to Mother Mary's conception. The
conception of Jesus is called the Miraculous Conception.]

Religious scholars in days gone bye believed an Immaculate Conception assured
the incarnating soul would be born without the burden of original sin, in other
words, that the soul would enter his or her new life free of karma
. That is only
a fragment of the true meaning of the term Immaculate Conception or the
Immaculate Concept.

The Immaculate Concept is the archetype or template of the full Divine Potential
encoded within every electron of life at the moment of its inception
. This
encoding is done by our Father-Mother God as each particle of life is breathed
forth from the Core of Creation. There is an Immaculate Concept for every facet
of creation including you and me and Mother Earth herself.

The allegory of the Immaculate Conception of Mother Mary serves as a vitally
important message to Humanity during this Cosmic Moment on Earth. This metaphor
demonstrates the profound Truth that the Christ or Christ Consciousness will be
birthed within every heart and mind through the Immaculate Concept of the Divine
Mother's Love.

Since the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in May 2003, the Earth and Humanity have been
going through a greatly accelerated cleansing process, thus paving the way for
the events to come. In August, during the seventeenth celebration of Harmonic
Convergence, Humanity experienced the activation of our 5th-Dimensional
Twelvefold Solar Spines, the opening of our 5th-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras,
and the long anticipated return of our Mother God. These wondrous events allowed
the Love of our Divine Mother to once again reclaim this Earth. It is now time
for the Immaculate Concept of Christ Consciousness to be birthed within the
hearts and minds of all Humanity.

HARMONIC CONCORDANCE was the vehicle used by Humanity’s God Selves and the
Company of Heaven to victoriously accomplish that mighty feat.

Harmonic Concordance took place during the Lunar Eclipse, November 8/9, 2003,
and built in momentum until the Solar Eclipse November 23/24, 2003. At that
time, the unprecedented influx of Light and Divine Consciousness that bathed the
Earth during that Cosmic Moment was secured within Humanity’s Heart Flames and
Crown Chakras.

The sixteen days of Harmonic Concordance embraced an extremely rare moment in
time that happens only once every several billion years. It was a unique
occurrence during which celestial and galactic cycles within cycles within
cycles dovetailed into one synchronized heartbeat, rhythmically unifying all
Life. For one breathless moment, the whole of Creation pulsated in unison with
the heartbeat of the Cosmic I AM—All That Is.

These grand cycles include the Earth's transition from the 2,000-year Piscean
Age into the Aquarian Age, the ending cycle of the 26,000-year Precession of the
Equinox, the 438,000-year cycle of the Kali Yuga, the 1.8 million-year cycle of
the Satya Yuga, the 4.4 million-year cycle of the Mayahuga, and the 4.4
billion-year cycle of Kalpa, or the Day of Brahma, the prime creative force of
the Godhead.

To avoid confusion, it is important for us to note that the constraints of time
and space exist only in the frequencies of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. In the
5th Dimension where these cycles align, there is no such thing as time or space.
With our propensity toward linear time it may be difficult for us to reconcile
these vast cycles in our minds, but if we lift up in consciousness, we will
easily perceive the bigger picture.

Harmonic Concordance escorted the Earth into the initial impulse of the Day of
Brahma. This is the cycle when the human soul evolution makes a quantum shift
out of the darkness into the Light and Divine Consciousness.
This is the cycle
in which this planet and all her life will Ascend into the frequencies of
limitless physical perfection, and Mother Earth will reclaim her Divine
Birthright as Freedom's Holy Star. This is the initial impulse of the Permanent
Golden Age on Earth.

Harmonic Concordance was the event the Mayan Calendar identified thousands of
years ago as the Shift of the Ages
. Many people who tried to align the Mayan
prophecies with the Gregorian calendar came up with the year 2012 for this
shift, but several changes and manipulations were made in the Gregorian calendar
after the Mayan calendar was written. What would have been the year 2012 prior
to the changes is actually the year 2003. This is it! And to the overwhelming
elation and abounding joy of our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of
Heaven, we have succeeded God Victoriously.

I would like to share with you some of the miraculous events that took place
during Harmonic Concordance
. Please keep in mind that this was truly a global
event, and hundreds of thousands, and in all probability millions, of
Lightworkers around the world participated in this glorious opportunity. What I
am sharing with you is only one small facet of the myriad activities of Light
that added to the success of this unparalleled experiment.

A couple of years ago, those of us associated with the New Age Study of
Humanity’s Purpose were asked by the Spiritual Hierarchy to arrange a gathering
of Lightworkers in the tropical region of Australia near the Great Barrier Reef
in November 2003. We have been responding to the call of the Company of Heaven
and arranging these gatherings for almost 30 years, so this was not unusual. We
did not know precisely why the gathering in that location was necessary, but we
knew that in Divine Timing the reason would be revealed to us.

During the two-year period leading up to Harmonic Concordance, many miraculous
activities of Light took place paving the way for the Shift of the Ages. When
the time was right, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth
revealed to us the magnitude of the event coined Harmonic Concordance.

We were told that the tropical region of Australia, which was part of the
ancient continent of Lemuria, is where the initial impulse of the fall of
Humanity took place. This is the location where Humanity first partook of the
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and it is where we began our downward spiral
into the chaos and confusion that has resulted in all of the maladies
manifesting on Earth at this time.

The Spiritual Hierarchy said that during the Lunar Eclipse of Harmonic
Concordance there would be the rare formation of a six-pointed Star and several
other powerful planetary alignments. They informed us that a multidimensional
Portal of Light would be opened at that time and that the Earth would be flooded
with higher frequencies of Divine Consciousness than we had ever experienced.
They said if Lightworkers would gather within the forcefield of the initial
impulse of the fall, these higher frequencies of Light would blaze through our
Heart Flames and shatter the archetypes and matrixes of the patterns of
imperfection miscreated by Humanity throughout the Ages.

For us to comprehend the full significance of that incredible gift of Divine
Grace, we must understand that these human miscreations include: poverty and
lack and limitation in all of its forms, disease and the degeneration of the
physical body, war, corruption, hatred, fear, violence, crime, greed, ignorance,
deception, the abuse of power and every other distorted human behavior pattern
that conflicts with the perfection of Heaven on Earth.

The New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose sent forth the Clarion Call.
Seventy-five Lightworkers from various parts of the world selflessly volunteered
to expend their time, energy and money to serve as surrogates on behalf of
Humanity for this important facet of the Divine Plan. From the moment each
Lightworker made the heart commitment to come on the pilgrimage to Australia,
their God Self began preparing their physical, etheric, mental and emotional
bodies at an atomic, cellular level to withstand the greatest influx of Light
that Cosmic Law would allow.

On November 8, we arrived at the beautiful resort in Palm Cove, which was
recently renamed The Clarion. That evening we had our opening meditation during
which time we unified our hearts with Lightworkers around the world. Together we
created a tremendous Chalice of Light that enveloped the entire Planet Earth.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 15.12.2003 at 10:38:01


In Palm Cove, the moment of Harmonic Concordance was November 9, at 12:12 p.m.
At 11:11 that morning, we gathered in our sanctuary and offered our Heart Flames
as the Holy Grail through which the Light of God would pour to accomplish the
miraculous Shift of the Ages. As Lightworkers all over the world joined in
consciousness, our Father God embraced the Earth and all her Life in an
invincible forcefield of Divine Will and Power. The collective Aspects of our
Mother God throughout Infinity then breathed the Breath of the Holy Spirit into
all Life. Every electron of energy on Earth was Baptized in the Sacred Fire of
Divine Love and lifted up in energy, vibration and consciousness.

As the Love and Will of our Father-Mother God blazed through all Life, the
Cosmic Cycles aligned with the Galactic Core of the Universe. The whole of
Creation was brought into one rhythmic pulsation, and a multidimensional Portal
of Divine Consciousness was open in the very Heart and Mind of the Cosmic I
AM—All That Is. The portal descended through galaxies beyond galaxies and Suns
beyond Suns. It blazed through the rare Star of David alignment and the sacred
geometry of the other planetary configurations. Finally, the Portal of Divine
Consciousness was anchored into the Divine Momentum in the center of the Earth.
In that Eternal Moment of Now, the whole of Creation was brought into the
synchronistic rhythm of the Heartbeat of God.

During the next several days, we were guided by the Company of Heaven through
various meditations, musical presentations, group sharings, experiences in
nature and activities of Light that perpetuated the shattering of the archetypes
of Humanity’s miscreations back to the initial impulse of the fall.

On November 11, 11:11, we had an open meditation and joined hearts with several
people from Cairns and the surrounding area. They wove their precious Light into
our Chalice and expanded it exponentially.

We went on several field trips to connect with the various areas where the
initial impulse of the fall took place, so we could shatter the obsolete
archetypes and fulfill our Divine Mission. These trips brought us in touch with
the Aboriginal people who had accepted the responsibility of being stewards for
this sacred area hundreds of thousands of years ago. These people have been
patiently awaiting the moment when Humanity would experience a shift in
consciousness and willingly change our course of direction from one of
destruction to the cocreation of Heaven on Earth.

One day we went to Tjapukai, the Aboriginal Cultural Centre, and learned the
traditional Dreamtime stories of the Aboriginal people and their mission as
caretakers of the Earth. We saw authentic stone age artifacts and large murals
that told the legends of the past. In the Creation Theater, we watched as the
spiritual and traditional beliefs of the Tjapukai people were portrayed by
Aboriginal actors. Outside, with the backdrop of the beautiful rainforest, we
watched segments of the ancient celebrations of dance and traditional songs of
the Tjapukai.

Another day we took the Skyrail and rode in a gondola that took us above the
canopy of the Barron Gorge National Park. These exquisite rainforests are part
of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. This is one of the world’s remarkable
natural wonders which has been protected for all people. These tropical
rainforests were once part of a vast forest that covered the Australian
continent 120 million years ago.

We rode the Skyrail to the quaint Aboriginal village of Kuranda. Kuranda has
many things to see such as a beautiful bird sanctuary, the Australian butterfly
sanctuary, and the Noctarium, which contains crocodiles, kangaroos, koala bears,
snakes, wallabies and other wildlife traditional to Australia. As we traversed
the sacred grounds of this ancient location, we communed with the unique
Elementals and Nature Spirits indigenous to the region and marveled at the
wonder of life on this precious planet.

In the afternoon we took the train from Kuranda back to our buses at the bottom
of the mountain. From the train we were able to see beautiful vistas of the
rainforest, sculptured cliffs and magnificent waterfalls. It was truly a day of
healing and contemplation.

Day by day, as our pilgrimage progressed, Lightworkers all over the world joined
us in consciousness and assisted in the process of this unique facet of the
unfolding Divine Plan. Finally, on November 14, the first phase of our mission
was complete, and the archetypes and patterns of imperfection back to the
initial impulse of the fall had been shattered and transmuted into Light.

On November 15, we took a full-day excursion on one of the two largest
catamarans in the world out to the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef is
an amazing Elemental Being. It is the largest group of coral reefs in the world,
and it extends 1,400 miles along the Eastern coast of Australia. In some areas,
the reef is 100 miles wide from coast to coast.

Once a year, during the time of the Full Moon in November, the coral reef spawns
its eggs to procreate and develop new life. The coral spawning is an amazing
event that fills the waters of Australia with an iridescent glow and the
mystical essence of life and birth.

The Beings of Light said it was not by chance that this event of life and birth
was coinciding with the opening of the Portal of Divine Consciousness. They
explained what would be occurring during our sacred pilgrimage to the Great
Barrier Reef.

Lemuria sank beneath the healing waters of the Pacific Ocean thousands of years
ago when Humanity had fallen to our darkest ebb. This purging was a merciful act
of Divine Love that gave the fallen souls an opportunity to heal, regroup and
start anew. With the advent of Harmonic Concordance, the new Portal of Divine
Consciousness was opened, and the archetypes of the fall had been shattered and
transmuted. Now it was time to create a new field of unmanifest Divine

Prior to coming on this pilgrimage, the God Selves of all of the Lightworkers in
attendance made a covenant with our Father-Mother God and volunteered to serve
as surrogates on behalf of ALL Humanity. We were told that the full potential of
that covenant would be fulfilled at the Great Barrier Reef.

During the two hours our catamaran traveled out to the reef, each of our
physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies were accelerated in energy,
vibration and consciousness the maximum we could endure. The patterns of
imperfection had been transmuted, and now it was necessary for the Lightworkers
to cocreate a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which the patterns
of perfection being empowered during Harmonic Concordance would be imprinted and

We knew we were representing the microcosm of the macrocosm. All Life is One,
and the Beings of Light revealed that as we submerged our bodies in the healing
waters around the Great Barrier Reef which were teaming with the primal essence
of life and birth, all Humanity would be simultaneously blessed with the miracle
of new life and rebirth. A new fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential would
then be formed upon which the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God
would be imprinted unimpeded by the miscreations of the past.

When we arrived at Michaelmas Cay, each Lightworker participated in the rare
opportunity according to his or her heart call. Some people went scuba diving,
some went snorkeling, some swam and played in the ocean, and others absorbed the
radiance of the Sun from the beach and the catamaran. As we submerged our bodies
in the life-enhanced water, we were charged with powerful frequencies of life
and rebirth. A new fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential formed in, through
and around every facet of Life on Earth, and the miracle of the Oneness of Life
filled our consciousness. Our experience at the reef was an empowering, healing,
wondrous time, which completed the preparation for the next phase of the Divine

The next day we left Palm Cove for Port Douglas, and on the way, we stopped at
Mossman Gorge for an enlightening walk in the forest with a guide from the
Aboriginal community.

We arrived at Port Douglas on the seventh day of Harmonic Concordance. The
unprecedented influx of Divine Consciousness from the Heart and Mind of God had
been bathing the physical brain structures of Humanity for an entire week.
During that time, Humanity’s right- and left-brain hemispheres were lifted up
in vibration and brought further into balance. Our spiritual brain centers were
awakening to their full potential, and the circuits within our brains were being
rewired to their original perfection by our God Selves. Our 5th-Dimensional
Solar Crown Chakras were, at long last, ready to open.

As hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers all over the world projected the
positive thoughts, words, actions, ideas and feelings from the Causal Body of
God onto the newly-created field of unmanifest Divine Potential, the next phase
of the Divine Plan was initiated.

In one astounding moment, while Lightworkers and the Company of Heaven held the
sacred space for the opening of Humanity’s Solar Crown Chakras, unparalleled
frequencies of Divine Consciousness flooded the Earth. Our Mother God empowered
the Immaculate Concept of Christ Consciousness within every evolving soul, and
the God Selves of every man, woman and child opened Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional
Solar Crown Chakra of Enlightenment to full breadth.

That miracle was God Victoriously accomplished through the physical brain
structures and mental bodies of all Humanity in the Realms of Cause. Now, as the
process daily and hourly filters into the world of effects, Christ Consciousness
and the patterns of perfection from the Causal Body of God will become the order
of the New Day.

Christ Consciousness and the Causal Body of God contain the Immaculate Concept
of the New Earth in all her glorious splendor, as well as the viable solutions
for every malady existing in the world. As we focus on cocreating Heaven on
Earth in our personal and collective lives, the Earth and Humanity will be
quickly transformed into the perfection that was intended for this planet in the
beginning. The time is for Earth's Transfiguration is NOW, and our opportunity
is at hand.

Change will come when we accept the Divine Truth that...SHIFT  HAPPENS!!!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 20.12.2003 at 23:24:30

The Pagan Roots Of Christmas
The early Christians quite consciously chose the pagan sun holiday for the celebration of their Son-god's birth.
Christmas falls during the Roman Saturnalia and at the birth of the Mithraic sun god. According to
"A Witches Bible Compleat", by Janet and Stewart Farrar, the Archbishop of Constantinople wrote that
church fathers fixed the Nativity during the pagan holidays because "while the heathen were busied with
their profane rites, the Christian might perform their holy ones without disturbance."

Other Christians accused those who kept Christmas at the solstice of performing sun worship. Armenians,
who celebrate Christmas on January 6, elsewhere Epiphany, called Roman Christians idolaters, according to Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend. Similarly, under the Puritans in 1644,
the English Parliament expressly forbade observing Christmas. Augustine admitted that putting Christmas at
the winter solstice was a conscious identification of the Son with the sun but defended the symbolism.

The Christmas most Americans know as children mixes a celebration of the birth of Christ with traditions
from the Roman Saturnalia, the Northern European Yule, and the Celtic Solstice.

Excerpted From Reclaiming the Winter Solstice by Melanie Fire Salamander
GrannyMoon's Morning Feast Archives

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 21.12.2003 at 18:16:25

Meditacija za mir, eno minuto za mir. Meditacija poteka po vsem svetu. Pri nas ob 22 uri.


I received this invitation and wanted to share this opportunity which is occuring on Dec 27; Rhythmic 15; Yellow Solar Star, with all of you:

"Miracles happen all the time. Let's make this one happen.

1. Mark your calendar for 27 December 2003.
2. Forward this message to every human being on your email list.
3. Feel good about yourself. You just made a difference
 in this world.
What is "60 Seconds for Peace"?

The idea is simple:
"We the People" of the world are establishing a 60-second pause for
peace in as many communities as possible across the globe... all on
the same day, all at the same time. Sixty seconds of silence to
Think, Reflect, Pray or Meditate on Peace.

Our vision is simple:
At precisely the same moment on 27/28 December 2003, at least one
billion people will stop to think about peace. Every place of
business or commerce will pause for 60 seconds. Every radio and
television station will pause for 60 seconds. Every person in
motion will pause for 60 seconds and think about peace.
Saturday, December 27, 2003

21:00:00 UTC (GMT)

Saturday, December 27, 2003
11:00 a.m. Hawaii
12 noon Alaska
1:00 p.m. Pacific US
2:00 p.m. Mountain US
3:00 p.m. Central US
4:00 p.m. Eastern US
5:00 p.m. Caracas
6:00 p.m. Buenos Aires
7:00 p.m. Sao Paulo
9:00 p.m. London
10:00 p.m. Paris
11:00 p.m. Jerusalem
12 midnight Moscow
Sunday, December 28, 2003
4:00 a.m. Bangkok
5:00 a.m. Hong Kong
5:00 a.m. Beijing
5:00 a.m. Singapore
6:00 a.m. Tokyo
6:00 a.m. Seoul
7:00 a.m. Vladivostok
8:00 a.m. Sydney
10:00 a.m. Wellington

(For more details go to )

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 22.12.2003 at 09:08:08

Meditacija za mir;action=display;num=1071054059


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 24.12.2003 at 16:21:39

Solstice marks another year closer to the Shift of the Ages
What will the coming year look like, and how will we respond to the changes.
Updates and Predictions in the final years of a Mayan Galactic cycle.

If your not feeling the pressure now. then I think we better take your pulse! We are in year 5 of the 13 year count down to the Shift of the Ages. Year 5 began on Solstice (December 21, 2003). Yeah it feels like a capacitor about to blow. We are being pushed to the limit. We feel crowded out of our current lives while being prepared for new shining realities. The problem seams to lie in the fact that we are stuck somewhere in the middle floundering around like fish out of water.

It was a powerful year with many highs and lows. Months went by where nothing seamed to be happening and other times everything was happening
at once. The building pressure makes us face issues we thought we had long since healed. We are finding new places inside our ourselves where we feel empty and unfulfilled. This doesn't sound like a pretty process,
but this uncomfortable time is just what we have been asking for! Yeah its true. This pressure is the gas, the power, the FORCE, we need to knock us out of our programmed, mechanical inertia so we can move
forward. The empty place inside of each of us is being readied to be filled with new purpose and intent. It is OK that you might feel un-inspired or feel you have no direction. If you feel like you are in the void? beached with a huge whale, Bravo!!! Your on the right

The Star Elders told me many years ago that basic rules or programs of consciousness would change. They said the rules to the big game were going to transform. They shared that the way we approach life and how we
operate in the world would change. To my frustration at the time, the Star Elders never said what the changes would be, or when they would shift. BUT.. this year I have been made aware of TWO of these rules of
consciousness that have changed! And they are HUGE, MASSIVE and PROFOUND

Rule 1 ? was that humanity has hit critical mass? this means enough people are doing enough good to tip the balance into the light. Oh YES! We went from being ruled by darkness to being ruled by light.
It is now truth over lies, love over hate, wisdom over illusions, compassion over self interest

Rule 2 ? is simple to share, yet difficult to live. Rule 2 is we don't have to learn with pain and suffering anymore, we can learn with joy and abundance. It sound so simple to do? but have you tired to relax and be really happy without sabotaging yourself? I wonder why so many of us are still in pain, why do we still lack direction, struggle with lack and why do we feel like just giving up now and again.
We should start seeing the out picturing of these new rules in the coming few years. Why does it take so long you ask? It takes a while for all of humanity to understand and operate from the new rules. We
don't get a guide book in the mail to tell us how to play the new game, it is by trial and error that we discover that what worked before may not work now? the learning process takes a while.  We will discover that joy helps us awaken faster than pain. We will
find working from integrity and honor pays off better than manipulation and deceit. Patience?

December 21, 2003 marks the 5th year of a 13 year count down, to the much anticipated and highly prophesied Mayan Calendar. We might remember the
very powerful beginning of this 13 year cycle. December 21, 1999 was the turn of the millennium and while many celebrated wildly, many were in the trenches with concerns over apocalyptic Y2K predictions.

By the time we come to 12/21/2012, life will change significantly. WHY?
Let me share a bit of basic Mayan cosmology 101. Each cycle of natural time, no matter how big or small, builds energy like a capacitor until its culmination. This is why the last days of smaller cycles, or last years in huge cycles of time, are powerful and transforming and a bit
challenging. Each cycle, no matter how big or small, also carries evolutionary intentions that were set by the collective consciousness at the onset of the cycle. When a cycle culminates, so do the intentions based on where we are at collectively at the time of the shift. Larger
cycles of time affect larger natural laws and huge intentions that mold our world. Little cycles of time affect smaller and natural laws and subtle intentions. Many things we are experiencing now were set into
motion 104,000 years ago? by our ancestors. I hope we have learned so we can set intentions that will positively effect our ancestors 100 year or even 104 thousand year from now.

What will this next year have in store for us?
Year 5 of the countdown Begins December 21, 2003, is about Change, Change, Change? and a deep inner desire for PEACE with the power to manifest peace within the storm of change. Hard work VS
procrastination. It is the discovery of a NEW SPIRITUAL PATH, The highest manifestations of this year can manifest an incredible heart centered year filled with gratitude.

December 21, 2003 is 3 IK in the Mayan Astrology Count - - A year to live in the presence of the ever moving and changing spirit. It will be a year where we will need to be flexible within this changeable and
multifaceted time.. We could experience difficulties with
responsibilities, obligations and decision making, focusing may be difficult. A year to learn and give your fears to spirit and live in the moment without attachment to security. A heart centered spirit filled
December 21, 2003 is also 5 E (Eh) in the Kiche Count -
A year that represents the spiritual path in life and way shower for the people. A year for thankfulness and gratitude.
A year filled with love for humanity. It is a year of hard work blessed with deep connections
from spiritual guides. Caution, do not build a big wall around yourself for protection. Learn to be open in each moment.
(The Mayan Astrology Count is based on my book ?Mayan Astrology?
The Kiche Count information comes from many Traditional Mayan sources I collected in Guatemala. The Mayan Calendar end date of December 21, 2012
- 4 AJPU and is considered by many Mayan researchers, and Traditional Maya the last day of this 104,000-year cycle.)

These last years are a profound time for all of us. It is a time to stand up and take responsibility and begin to dream a new positive world into reality. This takes great courage. We are the leaders now and there is no one ahead of us showing us the way. We are like Indiana Jones in the jungle with the machete? we only have our gut instincts to the location of the gold temple. We must have the courage to begin to chop away at the dense jungle of illusion so we can enter the light and
discover the hidden treasures of wisdom within us. Do we dare to go where no man has gone before? Are we ready to FEEL THE FORCE and go beyond just
feeling it and learn how to use it? We all ready are! We are already on the journey and there is no turning back. We have already shifted 2 rules of consciousness and that is nothing to over look as invaluable.

We are the Path Finders
The Star Walkers,
the Way Showers,
And so it is!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 25.12.2003 at 05:09:54

m wrote on 24.12.2003 at 16:21:39:
We are the Path Finders
The Star Walkers,
the Way Showers,
And so it is!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Eva on 25.12.2003 at 07:05:48

Rule 1 ? was that humanity has hit critical mass? this means enough people are doing enough good to tip the balance into the light. Oh YES! We went from being ruled by darkness to being ruled by light.
It is now truth over lies, love over hate, wisdom over illusions, compassion over self interest  

:) 8) :) če Miha namest svojih običajnih Sto romanov bere Gary-ja Zukav-a Domovanje duše
se baje dolgočasi... ampak bere in čist sam se je spomnu  :D ;) 8)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Eva on 25.12.2003 at 19:47:18

:o ::)all righty then
bla na božičnem kosilu pr tašči - bere zukava taisto knjigo, ki da jo je enkrat pr men vidla in jo je zdej dobila v dar za praznike   ??? 8)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 29.12.2003 at 08:40:40

hud tekst... priporočam, če ste si pripravljeni vzet pol urce :)

Notes From a Hermit 4/27/3
The Next Nine Years: Background Information
by Ian Lungold

But the Mayan calendar has even broader and more profound implications. As the true meaning of the calendar is solved, it becomes clear that we are living in a creation that evolves according to a pre-set schedule, i.e., the Maya were keeping track of the flow, rate, and intent of Creation itself or the evolution of consciousness throughout Creation. You have heard that history repeats itself. This is now proven fact. There is a repeating pattern to all of Creation. Quantum physics has proven this over and over in the organization of matter. There is a pattern of intentions and events as well. We, or rather Consciousness, have been down this same road 7 times before over the last 16 billion years. Each of these cycles of Creation runs 20 times faster than the last one. The same amount of Creation is paced 20 times tighter. This is why time seems to be going so fast. It is not "time" but Creation itself that is accelerating. There are scheduled impulses on the part of Creation that are affecting global events today and during the next 9 * years until the Mayan calendar ends near 2012.

The actual pattern of Creation described by the Mayan calendar looks like a pyramid which consists of 9 levels or cycles. The bottom level or cycle in the pyramid represents the longest period of time, i.e., 16.4 billion years ago and is called the Cellular level of Creation (first live cells). The second level or cycle from the bottom of the pyramid is 20 times shorter, i.e., 840 million years ago and is called the Mammalian level of Creation (first live births). Continuing up the pyramid in this fashion with each level becoming 20 times shorter than the latter, the third level ,i.e., 41 million years ago is the Family level (family relationships). The fourth level, i.e., 2 million years ago, is the Tribal level (Homo Sapiens/tools). The fifth level, i.e., 102,000 years ago is the Cultural level (agriculture/religion). The sixth level, i.e., 5,116 years ago is the National level (sovereign nations/laws). The seventh level, i.e., 1755 AD is the Planetary level (internet/global economy).  The eighth level, January 4, 1999, is the Galactic level (ethical considerations). And the ninth level, i.e., February 10, 2011, is the Universal level (conscious co-creation).

Year 2003 will be the Third Day, Year 2004 will be the Third Night

The Third Day is another period of Light. The seed's root system develops and the second set of leaves will be a permanent part of the plant. It is the establishment of the new consciousness as viable. In human history lies or failed systems are disclosed so that progress is not blocked. Hold onto your hat as the truths pour forth from mid 2002 through most of 2003.

The Third Night is another period of Dark. The seedling set of leaves are dropped from the plant as another set of leaves spring from the top. These are at 90 degrees from the last set. In human history failed systems have been jettisoned, usually by force, during this section.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 31.12.2003 at 18:04:06

Saturn: The Star of New Years Eve 2003

saturn najbližje v 30 letih ;D

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 03.01.2004 at 17:48:36

Earth loses its magnetism
By Molly Bentley
in San Francisco

Scientists have known for some time that the Earth's magnetic field is fading.

The field is mainly dipolar - but there are anomalies
Like a Kryptonite-challenged Superman, its strength has steadily and mysteriously waned, leaving parts of the planet vulnerable to increased radiation from space.

Some satellites already feel the effects.

What is uncertain is whether the weakened field is on the way to a complete collapse and a reversal that would flip the North and South Poles.

Compasses pointing North would then point South.

It is not a matter of whether it will happen, but when, said scientists who presented the latest research on the subject at a recent meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

But when is hard to pinpoint. The dipole reversal pattern is erratic.

"We can have periods without reversals for many millions of years, and we can have four or five reversals within one million years," said Yves Gallet, from Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France, who studies the palaeomagnetic record and estimates that the current decay started 2,000 years ago.


pa tu nekaj...

evo pa še tole...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 04.01.2004 at 23:18:48

prvih fotografij z marsa

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 05.01.2004 at 14:30:55

"Zakon gibanja energij pravi, da bo vesolje doseglo največjo raztegnjenost leta 2012, takrat bo največja zabava vsega njegovega obstoja. Festival razsvetljenja, organsko se bo zlilo z neorganskim, odprl se bo multidimenzionalni prostor. Tisti, ki bodo pripravljeni, bodo sprejeti v medgalaktično združbo starejših bratov, kozmičnih superinteligentnih bitij. Nato se bo vesolje začelo zopet krčiti, izdihovati. Brahma, vrh med vdihom in izdihom, bo spojila vsa razsvetljenja v vesoljni ples rajanja. V resnici je to življenje zadnje življenje v fizični obliki, zadnja možnost za orlov dar. Za vse, ki je ne bodo izkoristili, se bo začelo precej dolgo obdobje v svetu počasnih oblik. V resnici je človeška vrsta tik pred izumrtjem."

Spomini z druge strani; Alan Asta

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 07.01.2004 at 10:51:33

priporočam vsem

   004:  Showing The Way To Others
   December 29, 2003


We may be feeling darkness now, but only because it is up and on its way out. Everything, as always, is in divine right order. As the higher vibration of the light continues to permeate our beingness, much is being exposed and revealed. The energetic foundation of the planet and all life upon her, moved into completion to accept the light in June. November brought it in through the Concordance and now we are experiencing the effects of its integration. Like a detective with a magnifying glass, every nook and cranny from the tips of our fingers to the tips of our toes, is being opened, discovered and revealed as the light is moving in. This time the process is slow and deliberate, although all pervasive, like a steady moving ocean tide, but one that will forever be out. Although arriving with its own set of energetic challenges, I am personally grateful it isn't packing the punch of the solar flares………they actually knocked my toenails off!

Any behaviors, patterns and lower vibrational imbalances are politely being pushed aside. It is the “changing of the guard” in mass. Integrating and accepting our shadow sides is not appropriate or needed here…..that was third dimensional reality. The light is saying, “Time is up! Time to move on. You will not be supported and cannot survive here. This is no longer your home. There is nowhere for your roots to flourish and thrive”. There is no corresponding energy at that vibrational level to attract and interact with these Old patterns. This process is moving forward with no ifs, ands or buts. It cannot be stopped. It is here to stay.

As the new light continues to flow through us, and these energetic behaviors and patterns of the Old World are moving up and out , this process is revealing itself in many ways. Emotions are running high. We are rapidly releasing. Many are creating situations that embody many issues or imbalances all in one scenario, or drama. Our Inner Child is the theme. This is creating great stress and deep emotional upset, but an integral part of the process. We are releasing the residue. Things we thought we had cleared seem to be back, but know that we are being swept clean of any remaining blockages. Won't it be nice when we never again have to embody these lower vibrational patterns and feelings? Yes, the time of feeling incredibly wonderful and completely full of love and light is just around the corner. Joy, passion and complete contentment are here in snippets, but eventually will be the all encompassing norm. It is helpful not to get caught up and lost in our drama and corresponding “story”, as it is only a manifestation of what the light is hitting and illuminating within us. We are powerful creators now, with quick manifestation time, and what is within us is as always, without as well.

In this space of feeling uprooted or out of our comfort zones and in our dramas, we are wanting resolution…..we are wanting things to be resolved and everything to be “right” again. As we are moving into the New, this can never be. We cannot go back. There is no going back. By breaking these Old patterns, we are opening the door to the New World…….the higher ways of being. They do not exist in the past. A friend recently described it as “nothing seems real anymore”. Children, pets and yes, we adults are exhibiting “clingy” behavior. We are wanting our Old securities. The mass exit of Old patterns and ways created a common theme in many as hyper and clingy energy. We are all sensing at some level that something is going on.

As these Old patterns and behaviors of “darkness” are being lifted up and out, they are flying around everywhere and creating a lot of grumpy people. It is just a mass exposure of all our dark sides being in the limelight at the same time, and bouncing off each other as triggers for our own imbalances. No wonder things aren't feeling so good! But remember, they are all on their way out this time. Not needing a healing to stay, but a fond farewell. We will eventually be squeaky clean…..the golden nugget of pure light. The plan is designed to stretch us as far as we can possibly go, but not to break us, with great love for us and with our comfort and well-being in mind. Otherwise, it would be too much for any of us to bear.

Our emotions are the vehicle. But what an incredible gift to have them. I remember once being in a higher dimension, observing the planet and my lower dimensional self, and seeing oh so clearly what an incredible experience it was to “feel”. Even the lows were beautiful. The depths of feeling are running high. Many are reporting, and I am personally experiencing much of this as well, overwhelming feelings of gratitude, love and compassion for the smallest of things. I am frequently being swept away and brought to tears at simple acts of love, compassion and kindness.

Following this current phase of purification and release, will come, and already is, a time of integration. Many are wanting to keep to themselves, to nurture and bask, to stay home. These “phases” are predominantly overlapping now, and not so much in sequence. It relates to the blending of the masculine and feminine, and to the current vibrational frequency of everything now happening all at the same time. (Speaking of the blending and integration of the masculine and feminine…… has been an interesting experience to energetically identify the sex of unborn babies, as boys vibrate feminine and girls masculine!)

We are accelerating at warp speed, and literally stepping over steps. Time has evolved into the NOW. Plans we have made for ourselves last month are now obsolete. They are no longer necessary, as time and the current human and planetary vibrations have so rapidly speeded up that our plans no longer apply…..they do not match the current frequency of the planet. We do not have to go through many steps or stages anymore. Where we are and what we want is NOW. It is as if these plans already occurred, as if we already gained the benefit of their existence, and are now in the future. I have personally been experiencing some interesting bilocation adventures accidentally, through the power of intent and imagination, but have decided that for now, I will drive to wherever I choose to go! As we are rapidly accelerating in our capabilities, we will continue to experience “leaps” in our evolution at pivotal points, and at times when the planets will be in a perfect alignment to guide and support these leaps. The planets so love and support us. They offer to us their unique vibrations and are thrilled to be a part of this mass ascension. They are, as always, experiencing with us, as we are all one. Yes, we are flying!

What will 2004 bring? Being and vibrating in the New higher frequencies of light have brought in an intolerance for the lower frequencies. Personally, I am finding them difficult to bear. They feel extremely harsh, out of place, and not something I am comfortable having in my space. As this pattern accelerates, we will experience the beginning of a “revolution” energy. We will no longer tolerate or accept Old ways of being within ourselves or our environment. The most dramatic revolution will be in relation to our government and revolving around our current societal structures. We will no longer tolerate controls. The current planetary vibration will not be able to support this energy, and neither will we. There will be interesting developments with the IRS. There is already a momentum building with successful lawsuits against them. They are being called to substantiate their purpose and methods, and they cannot and will not be able to hold up to this challenge. As the first pins are pulled, the controls will eventually begin to fall like a house of cards. They will easily fall away as there is no vibrational frequency for them to adhere to. The vibration of light is one of freedom. No attachments, no pulls, no suppression energy, no compromises, no fitting into the box of a mass structure. Total freedom, joy, boundless creativity, and extreme contentment!

Our educational structures will not be able to accommodate or resonate with the New children of the New Earth. Their presence will greatly assist with bringing in the New. Our youngest little beings are already leading the teachers! Lightworkers will also begin moving into positions as demonstrators of the New World, the New way of being. We will initiate the changes. We are the
”changing of the guard”. Yes, the light is taking over….. In addition, as the Old continues to fall away, many will become fearful. Many will choose to leave as they do not wish the experience of mass ascension. Lightworkers will greatly assist during this time of transition as healers, guides, supporters and teachers. 2004 is a “6” energy. The energy of teaching, counseling, healing, balance, beauty and family. Our time for teaching the New ways will be very ripe , and people will finally be ready to listen. All is in perfection. The plan is unfolding beautifully, if even at a more accelerated rate than anticipated!

By finding and staying in our passion, by knowing who we are and what our unique contribution is and sharing it with others, and by staying in our hearts, we can match and continue to be in these New higher vibrations, as we open the door and hold the space for others. 2004 will likely feel tumultuous and chaotic, but it is just the manifestation of the falling away of the Old. My personal tool box for staying centered and aligned has been opened very frequently of late, and may likely be utilized more in the months to come!

When we are experiencing these changes and transformations within and without, we tend, as humans, to separate ourselves from others. This will be the time when we need to unite and support one another. No matter how uncomfortable or off balance we may feel at times, I have found that when I offer my own unique contribution or gift to another in need, I am always placed in a space of alignment to source. It is beneficial to both parties. In addition, if I begin a sewing project to transform an environment, or just find myself in a space of writing an energy alert, I always feel wonderful. I remember who I am. I remember who I am .

What is your passion? Who are you? This will be your gift to the world and to yourself. There is a niche for you just waiting to be filled. We need your special energy… are a vital and integral part of the New World.

Which world will you choose to be in? Which world will you create?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many

blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by LittleStar on 08.01.2004 at 08:47:43

Sun's Twin Found in Scorpio's Left Claw  

ATLANTA (Reuters) - The sun has a twin in the left claw of Scorpio.

The solar twin is 18 Scorpii, located in the constellation Scorpio (The Scorpion), a mere 46 light-years from Earth. A light-year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels in a year. In cosmic terms, this is quite close by.

Astronomers have looked for sun-like stars for years, because stars similar to our sun might have orbiting planets like Earth, and might be good places to search for signs of extraterrestrial life.

They have trained their sights on 18 Scorpii in particular since 1997, when scientists identified it as a potential solar twin. On Tuesday, a team of astronomers from Villanova University in Pennsylvania noted just how much the two stars have in common.

They are both about the same age, between 4 billion and 5 billion years old. They have about the same mass, the same radius and the same surface temperature. They take approximately the same amount of time to rotate -- somewhere around 25 days. They have similar cycles of activity, sunspots in the sun's case.

Villanova's Edward Guinan said there is a certain sport to finding the closest stellar match to the sun, but there is scientific value as well. Finding a likely twin of the sun shows that the sun is likely a normal star, Guinan said at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Atlanta.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Lilith on 08.01.2004 at 08:57:38

Se pravi bi rabili 46 let za potovanje do tega osončja, če bi šli s svetlobno hitrostjo. Bo treba še malo na daljši življenski dobi delat. ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Bardo_Thodol on 08.01.2004 at 09:01:35

Nič posebnega. Pravzaprav gre za sistem dveh zvezd, kjer je ena zvezda modra velikanka in 150 krat večja od našega sonca, druga, njena bližnja sopotnica, pa je po lastnostih zelo podobna našemu soncu.
Omenjeni sistem dvojnih zvezd je od nas oddaljen 46 svetlobnih let (našemu soncu sicer najbližja zvezda je Alpha Centauri, oddaljena 4,3 svetlobna leta)

Verjetno spadata omenjeni opazovani zvezdi dvojčici v lokalno skupino zvezd, ki so pred 4,5 milijarde leti nastale iz istega oblaka prahu kot naše osončje.
Zvezde se rojevajo v skupinah in v začetnem oblaku, ki se zgosti v nove zvezde in planete, lahko nastane tudi več sto zvezd hkrati.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by LittleStar on 08.01.2004 at 09:22:19

Bardo_Thodol wrote on 08.01.2004 at 09:01:35:
Nič posebnega.

Kakor za koga, a ne? :P

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Lilith on 08.01.2004 at 09:44:48

Bardo_Thodol wrote on 08.01.2004 at 09:01:35:
Nič posebnega.

Glede na to, da imata z našim soncem podobno maso in temperaturo, obstaja določena verjetnost, da je na kakem bližnjem - Zemlji podobnem planetu življenje. In tam nek drugi Bardo_Thodol piše na enem drugem računalniku: "Ej, 46 svetlobnih let stran od nas je eno našemu podobno sonce. Nič posebnega."  ::):P

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by e on 08.01.2004 at 09:49:48

Lilith wrote on 08.01.2004 at 09:44:48:
Glede na to, da imata z našim soncem podobno maso in temperaturo, obstaja določena verjetnost, da je na kakem bližnjem - Zemlji podobnem planetu življenje. In tam nek drugi Bardo_Thodol piše na enem drugem računalniku: "Ej, 46 svetlobnih let stran od nas je eno našemu podobno sonce. Nič posebnega."  ::):P

Glede na to, da je vesolje neskončnih razsežnosti, neskončnih možnosti, obstaja logično tudi neskočno možnosti za to, da zdej neskončno nas, neskončno različne in iste stvari počne.


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by t on 08.01.2004 at 10:05:35

wrote on 08.01.2004 at 09:49:48:
Glede na to, da je vesolje neskončnih razsežnosti, neskončnih možnosti, obstaja logično tudi neskočno možnosti za to, da zdej neskončno nas, neskončno različne in iste stvari počne.


al pa tud ne  ;)


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Bardo_Thodol on 08.01.2004 at 10:20:19

Lilith wrote on 08.01.2004 at 09:44:48:
Glede na to, da imata z našim soncem podobno maso in temperaturo, obstaja določena verjetnost, da je na kakem bližnjem - Zemlji podobnem planetu življenje. In tam nek drugi Bardo_Thodol piše na enem drugem računalniku: "Ej, 46 svetlobnih let stran od nas je eno našemu podobno sonce. Nič posebnega."  ::):P

Posebnost in razlika z našim soncem je ta, da gre tam za dvojni sistem,  kar pomeni, da ni isto kot pri našem soncu. Tista modra velikanka (150 x večja od sonca) lahko tako vpliva na cel sistem, tako da dvomim, da bi bil tam lahko še kak tak Bardo_Thodol   :D

Nič posebnega pa zato, ker podobnih sistemov dvojnih zvezd poznajo v astronomiji kar veliko, po ocenah je takih dvojčkov kar dve tretjini vseh zvezd, torej samo v naši galaksiji okoli 50 milijard ali več.  Za soncem nam najsvetlejša zvezda Sirius je tudi en tak sistem dvoojček.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by e on 08.01.2004 at 16:09:40

t wrote on 08.01.2004 at 10:05:35:
al pa tud ne  ;)


Je pa tudi neskončno možnosti da NE, seveda ja....

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by miha- on 09.01.2004 at 17:06:43

zdravo sem prebral

pa mi ni glih jasno kaj hocejo povedat?. a si lah s tem kej pomagamo? kaj nej bi se zgodil 2012? al 2011?
pisejo povno nekih podatkov o enih dobah od kje do kje sam ne vidm smisla v tem, tut ce bi BLO res.. kaj nej bi pac to pomenil kar so ugotovil..?

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 16.01.2004 at 17:34:01

Evo, sem spet onega frenda vprašala :)

"And well about the big transition we are going through... we will have a lot of
time to talk about it here, but in brief what I can tell you is that for the
first time of the history of the planet. Our planet is ready to host a
civilization of the 4th level of evolution, meaning that we are ready to
transition as well from the 3rd level to the 4th, entering in that way to the
4th dimension. Everything in the universe is vibration and this means that we
will vibrate in a more accelerated manner transitioning our bodies and energies
into a higher level. Not that dense.

The mayan calendar talks about that because its not a calendar per se! is a
guide to evolve in the universe. Part of what it measures is the cycle of the
sun around another sun called Alcyone which is in the Pleiades. Our sun
completes a cycle every 26,000 years and when we approach that sun we get close
to certain kind of energies called "bond" or photon belt. Those
energies raise our energy when we go through it, and that raise our
consciousness and accelerate our process of evolution. We are transitioning from
humans to supra-humans, meaning that we will start being more aware of our
spiritual nature. We are entering the time where we have the right and need to
know, and not anymore just believe everything as an imposed dogma. This is the
time of the apocalypses, meaning revelation. Many revelations are going on right
know and it is said that more will come. That will basically create or are
creating a new revolution, a revolution of the consciousness... So, the planet
is changing too as we are. The transition can happen in a beautiful way without
pain, or with a lot of suffering if we resist to it and attach to our old
destructive patterns... that is what the prophecies are talking about.."

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Sn0wBall on 16.01.2004 at 22:37:12

david, tega je ful na netu...

tukej je recimo nekaj v tej smeri zacetek..
zacne se s postom od Mayatnika

pa drugi post na tej (5.) strani,"CYCLES",napisano od Mayatnika, postano od Fuzziwiga

prej je bla celo ena lepa slikca, kako se naš sonce (kot del Plejad) vrti okrog glavne zvezde Alcyone, ki je vedno v tem fotonskem pasu, nasa zemlja pa, ker dela vecji krog, gre samo skozi

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 20.01.2004 at 16:42:36

When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the
service of my vision,
then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
--Audre Lorde

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona, AZ 86339
Ph:928-282-MAYA (6292)
Ph/Fax 928-282-INCA (4622)

(through Aluna Joy)

A note from Aluna
In 1990 while in Palenque, Mexico, I was shown a
energy that was coming to earth that would give us the ability to
instantly manifest all our heart desires, what ever they may be.
(You can read the entire story posted at ) The Star Elders will
never predict the future, as it is dis-empowering and the future in not
written in stone as we have the ability to change it. With the urgency of
this message from the Star Elders, I am drawing the conclusion that this
energy I was shown is about to arrive in greater quantities than ever
before. I took me a couple to days before I would agree to write this for
them. I told them.. Hey buddies ? this is a lot of YOU do this, and YOU
do that, but they showed me there are some out there that they have this
message pegged for. You will know who you are. They already do.

Here is the message...

Why do you take so long to make up your minds?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?

You could be flying, but you choose to give yourself to lesser visions.
You wonder why you feel grounded, trapped, lost, alone.
You throw your hands to the sky and scream to God almighty ? ?WHY - WHY ME??
You feel great anticipation for something you don't understand.
It is so close you can almost taste it ? almost touch it? almost see it?
The impatience is almost to much to bear.
You feel it pushing you, but you freeze before you take a simple step.
You feel stuck in the mud, trapped in quick sand,
abandoned by your empty life, job, relationship?
You forget your life is in your hands.
You forget you can fly.
We are puzzled why you feel the light and yet place your faith in darkness.
We wonder why you believe you are in charge of your destiny
yet continue to act like a victim,
why utopia comes second place to catastrophobia.
We wonder why you prepare for the fatalistic vision, the prophesied Armageddon.
You prepare for the worst and hope for better.
And you wonder why life doesn't get better.
We wonder why you let your dreams die.
You dream to be free, to fly into the glorious vision?
yet you let others tell you it is a fantasy, unrealistic, crazy?
You doubt the vision, and then you doubt yourself.
You hide the dream, you cage it up, instead of set it free.
Why do you take so long to make up your minds?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?
You think the governments have more power than you.
You think those with more money, more education,
more things, have more power than you.
You believe the prophecies of quakes, famine, plaque.
You believe the future is set in stone ? that your days are numbered?
that there is no hope but to endure or survive what is coming.
You imagine the ground is already shaking under your feet.
Why do you take so long to make up your minds?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?

We thought you knew your power!
You are reminded in so many ways that
you are the creator of your expression, maker of your
inventor of your world, architect of your reality?
yet you don't embrace this creative power.
The fact is that this creative power is all you are.
When are you going to make up your mind?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?
When are you going to quit looking down ?!

Flying is easy  
it is about taking the leap to and forgetting you don't know how to fly
to simply to forget to fall
Yet you keep looking down at the darkness
and the blind barbaric world you wish to leave behind.
And you wonder WHY you fall ?
Wings loose power, crumple up and you drop like falling stars.
And in the darkness, there you are.
You scream ? GOD I am here - GOD why don't you see me?
You forget when you focus on darkness,
you can't see that God is you!
It is a choice? not to see.
Why do you take so long to make up your minds?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?
Things are going to change  
CHANGE SO FAST - that it will be hard to hold on.
So don't - Don't hold on.
Don't hold on to the past.
Don't hold on to what has been.
Don't hold on to the blindness.
Don't hold to those who still invest their energy
in the dark prophecies, in armageddon fantasy.
Let go.  Forget to fall - and FLY

You can rise up out of the blinding darkness in a second.
It is your choice!
So? When are you going to make up your mind?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?
When are you going to love yourself as much as we do?
When are you going to believe the immaculate vision?
When are you going to remember that you are
the virgins birthing a new dream into reality!

It is your choice!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 24.01.2004 at 12:06:44

Aluna Joy Yaxk’in ~ 01/2004

What will the coming year look like, and how will we respond to the changes.
Updates and Predictions in the final years of a Mayan Galactic cycle.

If your not feeling the pressure now…. then I think we better take your pulse! We are about to hit year 5 of the 13 year count down to the Shift of the Ages. Year 5 begins on Solstice (December 21, 2003). Yeah… it feels like a capacitor about to blow. We are being pushed to the limit. We feel crowded out of our current lives while being prepared for new shining realities. The problem seams to lie in the fact that we are stuck somewhere in the middle floundering around like fish out of water.

It was a powerful year with many highs and lows. Months went by where nothing seamed to be happening and other times everything was happening at once. The building pressure makes us face issues we thought we had long since healed. We are finding new places inside our ourselves where we feel empty and unfulfilled. This doesn’t sound like a pretty process, but this uncomfortable time is just what we have been asking for! Yeah… its true. This pressure is the gas, the power, the FORCE, we need to knock us out of our programmed, mechanical inertia so we can move forward. The empty place inside of each of us is being readied to be filled with new purpose and intent. It is OK that you might feel un-inspired or feel you have no direction. If you feel like you are in the void… beached with a huge whale, Bravo!!! Your on the right track!

The Star Elders told me many years ago that basic rules or programs of consciousness would change. They said the rules to the big game were going to transform. They shared that the way we approach life and how we operate in the world would change. To my frustration at the time, the Star Elders never said what the changes would be, or when they would shift. BUT.. this year I have been made aware of TWO of these rules of consciousness that have changed! And they are HUGE… MASSIVE and PROFOUND…

Rule 1 … was that humanity has hit critical mass… this means enough people are doing enough good to tip the balance into the light. Oh YES! We went from being ruled by darkness to being ruled by light. It is now truth over lies, love over hate, wisdom over illusions, compassion over self interest.

Rule 2 … is simple to share, yet difficult to live. Rule 2 is we don’t have to learn with pain and suffering anymore, we can learn with joy and abundance. It sound so simple to do… but have you tired to relax and be really happy without sabotaging yourself? I wonder why so many of us are still in pain, why do we still lack direction, struggle with lack and why do we feel like just giving up now and again.

We should start seeing the out picturing of these new rules in the coming few years. Why does it take so long you ask? It takes a while for all of humanity to understand and operate from the new rules. We don’t get a guide book in the mail to tell us how to play the new game, it is by trial and error that we discover that what worked before may not work now… the learning process takes a while. We will discover that joy helps us awaken faster than pain. We will find working from integrity and honor pays off better than manipulation and deceit. Patience…

December 21, 2003 marks the 5th year of a 13 year count down, to the much anticipated and highly prophesied Mayan Calendar. We might remember the very powerful beginning of this 13 year cycle. December 21, 1999 was the turn of the millennium and while many celebrated wildly, many were in the trenches with concerns over apocalyptic Y2K predictions.

By the time we come to 12/21/2012, life will change significantly. WHY? Let me share a bit of basic Mayan cosmology 101. Each cycle of natural time, no matter how big or small, builds energy like a capacitor until its culmination. This is why the last days of smaller cycles, or last years in huge cycles of time, are powerful and transforming and a bit challenging. Each cycle, no matter how big or small, also carries evolutionary intentions that were set by the collective consciousness at the onset of the cycle. When a cycle culminates, so do the intentions based on where we are at collectively at the time of the shift. Larger cycles of time affect larger natural laws and huge intentions that mold our world. Little cycles of time affect smaller and natural laws and subtle intentions. Many things we are experiencing now were set into motion 104,000 years ago… by our ancestors. I hope we have learned so we can set intentions that will positively effect our ancestors 100 year or even 104 thousand year from now.

What will this next year have in store for us?

Year 5 of the countdown Begins December 21, 2003, is about Change, Change, Change… and a deep inner desire for PEACE with the power to manifest peace within the storm of change. Hard work VS procrastination. It is the discovery of a NEW SPIRITUAL PATH, The highest manifestations of this year can manifest an incredible heart centered year filled with gratitude.

December 21, 2003 is 3 IK in the Mayan Astrology Count - - A year to live in the presence of the ever moving and changing spirit. It will be a year where we will need to be flexible within this changeable and multifaceted time.. We could experience difficulties with responsibilities, obligations and decision making, focusing may be difficult. A year to learn and give your fears to spirit and live in the moment without attachment to security. A heart centered spirit filled year.

December 21, 2003 is also 5 E (Eh) in the Kiche Count - A year that represents the spiritual path in life and way shower for the people. A year for thankfulness and gratitude. A year filled with love for humanity. It is a year of hard work blessed with deep connections from spiritual guides. Caution, do not build a big wall around yourself for protection. Learn to be open in each moment.

(The Mayan Astrology Count is based on my book "Mayan Astrology". The Kiche Count information comes from many Traditional Mayan sources I collected in Guatemala. The Mayan Calendar end date of December 21, 2012 - 4 AJPU and is considered by many Mayan researchers, and Traditional Maya the last day of this 104,000-year cycle.)

These last years are a profound time for all of us. It is a time to stand up and take responsibility and begin to dream a new positive world into reality. This takes great courage. We are the leaders now and there is no one ahead of us showing us the way. We are like Indiana Jones in the jungle with the machete… we only have our gut instincts to the location of the gold temple. We must have the courage to begin to chop away at the dense jungle of illusion so we can enter the light and discover the hidden treasures of wisdom within us. Do we dare to go where no man has gone before? Are we ready to FEEL THE FORCE and go beyond just feeling it and learn how to use it? We all ready are! We are already on the journey and there is no turning back. We have already shifted 2 rules of consciousness and that is nothing to over look as invaluable.
We are the Path Finders,
The Star Walkers,
the Way Showers,
And so it is!

What happening in coming years 6-13. Brief predictions can be found here

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known author/speaker, clairvoyant, and sacred site guide and essence formulator. Aluna has based her life's work on mystical/shamanic experiences with the Star Elders that accelerated over a decade of travel in Central and South America. Aluna guides spiritual pilgrimages to Inca and Maya worlds and offers Star Elder Sessions to clients world wide. She has been called a modern mystic and psycho-geographical healer, but Aluna considers herself simply a spiritual archaeologist. Aluna is author of Mayan Astrology and her articles and services have been accepted world-wide. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona AZ 86339 Ph: 928-282-6292 Webpage: - E-mail

Copyright © 2001 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 ~ Fax:928-282-4622 Email: Web:

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 24.01.2004 at 12:41:43

Petra. wrote on 24.01.2004 at 12:06:44:
We are the Path Finders,
The Star Walkers,
the Way Showers,
And so it is!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 26.01.2004 at 15:56:23

m wrote on 24.12.2003 at 16:21:39:
Solstice marks another year closer to the Shift of the Ages
What will the coming year look like, and how will we respond to the changes.
Updates and Predictions in the final years of a Mayan Galactic cycle.


We are the Path Finders
The Star Walkers,
the Way Showers,
And so it is!

daj no Kali, se mi je zdel znan tekst!  :P

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 26.01.2004 at 16:03:44

aha:1, SAM DA POZORNOST SEKA  ;D ;D ;D Se globoko opravičujem Marjana, :-* ;D :-*, sem šla sam 2 strani zadnje pregledat.  :P

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 26.01.2004 at 16:15:06

aja, maš gor en gumb 'Search' ;D - lupa je zraven narisana ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 28.01.2004 at 20:14:35

kaj pravi Ellie:

Being Late - Watching Your Watch

I've wanted to write a column about being late - or chronically late - for a long 'time'. What perfect time to write it than on a day that we are 'weather challenged' (giggle) in the city.

I am looking at the remnants of another snow storm in the Big Apple. Last night - when I went to get my mail - the super of my building - and his work crew - who have to clean the stuff off - asked me how many inches I anticipated. "About 5 inches in our area," I replied, "But it would be difficult to remove do to ice above and below." We seem to have no more than 5 inches here - but there are delays everywhere.

On this snowy day - people will be late - for many reasons.

Reality is about Time and Timing.

We spend much of our time in third dimension in Waiting Mode - waiting for the NOW! Many souls now wait for the greatest challenge of all - something we sense is going to happen but we do not know when.

Linear Time can be very frustrating - but must be treated with respect and understanding while we are in a physical body.

There appear to be two groups of people - those who have a good sense of timing and are planners - generally prepared for most contingencies - and those who tend to run late for just about everything and have to rush at the last minute to get things done.

The second group are chronically late and can be called Time Bandits. A Time Bandit is someone who has questionable and even faulty conceptions of time commitments, scheduling and time management. Many people in this category think nothing about being late.

Differences in pace often have their roots in deeply ingrained habits and attitudes of a specific culture itself. Certain cultures appear to be chronically laid back and late - while others - such as those in big cities who have schedules to complete are usually 'time aware.'

My friend Paul in Hawaii says that things there are so laid back, they say, "Why do it today, when we can do it tomorrow." He calls it lazy thinking. I live in fast paced New York City where we tend to plan ahead and say, "I finished it yesterday!" I love the pace of the city and its time lines.

This remind me back of my college years and teacher-planning days. My papers were always done well in advance - in case something got in the way. I do not put things off. I am not a 'lazy thinker'. My energy levels are very high - up - and positive. I plan my time and use it efficiently. Every day new things happen in my life - as I attract them - on TIME. I am ever-ready!

Some people enjoy the adrenaline rush of cutting things close with dead lines.

Drama people are often chronically late. Sometimes they just seek the reaction of those waiting for them. A quick apology and they feel free of guilt or the frustration of those who they have kept waiting. They get noticed - but people will be annoyed with for taking up their time.

Every time you are late - you are causing anxiety for others.

Others do not know how to coordinate their time - or tend to over-extend themselves - committing to more things than they can handle. They underestimate how much time things take to complete. They are generally surprised when things do not get completed on time - or become overwhelmed when things do not unfold perfectly. Poor planning.

In all projects - in most things we do in life - we have obstacles and delays - things go wrong. One must factor these into the equation when planning any project. In the nature of the game of 3D - things change and the end result will vary from that which was originally set up. This involves more time spent in planning - again. Allow for changes.

Using an alarm - on your wrist watch - or other device - can help you pace yourself.

Time coordination comes from structured thinking and proper planning. Chronic lateness - often comes from confused thinking.

Those not emotionally balanced

often have a poor sense of timing.

People with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - and the like - may have problems coordinating time.

People on medication for mental disorders may also have problems getting started and thinking clearly - especially if they are depression and unable to motivate themselves to do anything.

This is also true of those who drink and do drugs - as judgment is impaired. Allow for that when making plans with these people or take them out of your life completely.

Then we have the Day and the Night People....each group performing best based on their biological clock. Night people - often can't sleep - and find it difficult to do things in the morning - yet alone be on time and prepared.

If you are a person who thinks they can multi-task and do a great job at more than one think at a time - think again. Much of what you are doing will suffer - and will delay. As a result you will not be able to meet deadlines and will be late for me things - disappointing others. Set new priorities.

Some people do not care if they are late. They expect the world to understand that they are busy - or that this is their pattern. Actually this group of people generally have a pattern of their own when it comes to being late. They may always by 30 minutes - or one hour late - so those who are on time have to adjust and invite them one hour earlier - just don't tell them you are doing that.

Then you have the flip side - those who are never late - which is where I fit in. I have an unbelieveable sense of time. I am never late - am generally a few minutes early - but for the most part arrive exactly when I have to. As I am a busy person - I have no patience for those who are late - and get really annoyed - and hate to wait. If I am delayed due to emergency - I will call ahead. Now that most people have cell phones - staying in touch when you have to meet somebody becomes much easier.

Do I get annoyed with people who are late? Depends who and what is happening - but YES. I don't wait if someone is very late and doesn't call me on my cell phone to explain. The way I see it - I could have used that time to do other things than just stand /sit there and wait.

Metaphysically Speaking... .Can you ask you guides to help you with time scheduling? Yes. They will work with you to get things done most efficiently - if you learn to make the 'quick connection'. High functioning people have a perfect sense of timing and awareness of what is going on. It is as if that 'little voice' inside them is guiding them. They generally pay attention to what is going on - above and below - though they may not realize it. When they are making plans - and you see from the expression on their face - that they are connecting with that which is about - to get the answer. It is that split-second thing they do that guides their direction.

Do you take on too many projects? With changes in the energy fields - which effect all of your subtle bodies - you will break down and get sick - or have an accident. Be focused. People get very tired these days - more so than ever before.

I have been told that certain astrological signs tend to run late. I forget which group that refers to. Libra?

My clients tends to be punctual. I have a waiting room for those who arrive early or come with another person. The most interesting pattern for me occurs during Mercury Retrogrades when many people come early. I have had people arrive as much as one hour early. I don't even have to know when retrograde starts .... people just start coming early. Early is good - but too early is another issue.

Reality is about finding out more about yourself - your issues - and how you function best in this concept called 'Time'.

If you respect others - and yourself - being on time is part of the equation. It always comes down to respect and understanding.

Are you chronically late? Examine your patterns to find out why. Are you trying to prove something to somebody? To yourself? In the long run - does it matter?

There are endless excuses for chronic lateness but few good reasons. You must correct this pattern but planning accordingly.

Do you need to keep a journal of your daily activities - a Day Planner - to find out the right pace for your body, mind, and soul?

Try to handle Pace with Grace. Read a book to help you make the best of your time here.

Speaking of time - Sarah Manning finds herself racing against time to stop a time loop in this fast paced adventure novel with a metaphysical twist or two... She can't be late.....

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 29.01.2004 at 15:38:08

John of Jerusalem, Secret Register of Prophecies (1119)
When the millennium that comes after this millennium ends, men will have finally
opened their eyes. They will no longer be imprisoned in their head and in their
cities, but will be able to see from one end of the Earth to another and
understand each other. They will know that what makes one suffer hurts another.
Men will form one huge body of which each one will be a tiny part. Together
they will form the heart of this body. There will be a common language spoken
by everybody and thus, finally, a glorious humanity will come into existence ....
because Woman will arrive to reign supreme; She will govern the future and
decree her philosophy to man. She will be the Mother of this millennium that
follows the millennium. She will, after the days of the devil, radiate the gentle
sweetness of a Mother. She will, after the days of barbarity, embody beauty.The
millennium that follows the millennium will metamorphose into an age of
lightness: Men will love each other, share everything, dream and the dreams will
turn into reality...
Thus man will have his second birth. Spirit will possess the mass of men who
will be united in brotherhood. So an end will be proclaimed to barbarity. It will
be the era of a new strength of belief. The dark days at the beginning of the
millennium that follows the millennium will be followed by days of jubilation:
man will once more find the righteous path of humanity and Earth will find
harmony once more..
There will be roads that connect one end of the Earth and the sky to the other;
the woods will once more be dense, the desert will once more be irrigated and
the water will once again be pure.
The Earth will be like a garden: man will take care of every living thing and he will
clean everything he has dirtied. He will understand that the whole of Earth is his
home and he will think with wisdom of the morrow. Man will know everything
on Earth and his own body.
Diseases will be cured before they are manifested and everybody will cure
themselves and each other. Man will have understood that he has to help himself
to stay upright; and after the days of reticence and avarice Man will open his
heart and his purse to the poor; he will define himself curator of the human
species and so, finally, a new era will begin.
When man has learnt to give and share the bitter days of solitude will be at an
end. He will once more believe in the Spirit and the barbarians will be unheard
of... But all this will happen after the wars and the fires, all this will arise from the
ashes of the burnt towers of Babel. And a strong hand will be needed to bring
order to the chaos and to put Man on the right path.
Man will learn that all creatures must be respected. Man, in his lifetime, will live
more than one life and will learn that the light never goes out...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 29.01.2004 at 19:05:10


Editorial written by Intiana.

On January 15th, (Dreamspell date: Blue Lunar Hand day) Carlos Barrios of The Eagle Clan came to Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was sent by the Mayan Elders of Guatemala to wake us up! He says he is an "ordinary man, not a celibate or a saint." I found him to be a very powerful man with no trace of duality or judgement.

Here are some of the suggestions and insights he shared for us as Lightworkers:

Go deeper into the ancient traditions...

Teach by example not words.

The darkness is not sleeping- it is very organized.
We need to COOPERATE with eachother -  not compete - but unite!
.Give up egos - accept each others traditions..

We are warriors - our weapons are love, heart and consciousness.
This is the MOST important and opportune time to light candles;
to do ceremony and ritual; to pray!

Pray especially for the religious fundamentalists who, among other very dark things, such as possibly acquiring atomic weapons, are attempting to destroy the Elders in Guatemala. These Elders are some of the indigenous people that have kept PRAYER FIRES BURNING ENDLESSLY FOR 1000 YEARS.

(Carlos alluded that more than likely, there will soon be a rebellion in Guatemala... He also shared that The Dalai Lama will be meeting with Mayan elders soon!)

At this time, we need to be clear, honest, and powerful with "internal power."

Know that if we are alive now, there is a reason.

Remember, we are human beings, not machines.

"Mother earth is giving us warnings through the earth quakes..."

We can create a fusion through ceremony and lighting of candles.
THIS is the moment of prophecy,
We are the dream of the Great Father -
See that and do not despair.

We have come here just to live...NOT to live the illusions of consumerism...

Know that there are 3 types of people living right now:
the spiritual people, the asleep consumers, and the dark forces/demons...

It is wise and important to spend no unneccesary money -  
the imbalance created by unconscious consumerism must end...
Remember: "The most beautiful of life is FREE! Such as the sunset!"

In the perspective of the living Maya Timekeepers of Guatemala, calendrically speaking, each element has a 5200 year cycle. We have been through fire, earth, air and water already. The next cycle (beginning Dec 21, 2012) will be ether.

Only christos people will survive to experience this age. A lot of humanity will disappear... Those who survive will by the Lovers of the Earth who know how to live simply and harmoniously.

The dark forces would rather destroy the planet than share the power...
The U.S.A. is very important in terms of balancing out the world's equation of dark and light.

The dark forces also use shamanic magic for business purposes, to create darkness. We need to stop the darkness not with confrontation, but with love.
Don't be passive, but be peaceful...

We are part of the people of the light. There are no leaders this time...

We are masters, elders, all of us. We need the unity of all voices!

Ceremonies are very powerful to destroy ignorance...

On Dec 21, 2012 it will not be like turning on a light switch,
it will be gradual... IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN!

!Those that are receiving this transmission were Mayans in the past

We can do our part as Lightworkers to love and accept each other,
and create a daily ritual to support this transformation of the Mother Earth
as we move steadily into the 5th World of Ether...

In lak'ech,

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 30.01.2004 at 09:38:34

Petra. wrote on 29.01.2004 at 19:05:10:

Teach by example not words.


We are warriors - our weapons are love, heart and consciousness.

At this time, we need to be clear, honest, and powerful with "internal power."

We are the dream of the Great Father -
See that and do not despair.


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 30.01.2004 at 11:37:01

Give up egos - accept each others traditions..

tale je tudi fajn, posebej priporočam, da mal pomeditira na to,  kar nekaj forumašev!!! ;D ;)

We need to COOPERATE with eachother -  not compete - but unite!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 04.02.2004 at 22:37:19

Theme for February


The lessons and practices of February comprise the Way of the Heart.

Jesus, and the line of rabbis from which he came,

summarized the spiritual life with elegant simplicity.

"Love the Lord Thy God with all thy heart, with all

thy soul and with all thy mind, and love thy neighbor as thyself."

A precious thought is easier said than done.

This month we will deepen the doing.

Through ancient meditations including the Buddhist practice of

Metta, or lovingkindness,

through awareness and owning of our projections,

through the help of the angelic realm,

and through our intention to love and serve,

we will remember how to open our hearts

and let go of the poison of self-hatred that

keeps our souls in bondage.

In this way we will restore our place in the great Web of life

that we may treat the Earth and all her children

with the greatest respect and love.

Feburary is the perfect time for the flowering of compassion.

Listen to the voices of the the Ancient Ones as they penetrate

the winter stillness:

The seeds are beginning to stir

in the dark womb of the Earth Mother.

Days grow longer and Brother Bear stretches

in his den.

As our hearts likewise stir

and open in love and wisdom,

Archangel Michael

and the energies fo the North

support us

in the practices of lovingkindness and the birth



Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 06.02.2004 at 23:00:58

The Need of the Hour

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883, Tucson AZ 85717
520-885-7909 -- FAX 520-749-6643

February, 2004

Harmonic Concordance was a tremendous success, and the Light of Divine Consciousness is now flowing through the hearts and minds of awakening Humanity in ways never before experienced. This victory was accomplished through the unified efforts of hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers all over the world and the entire Company of Heaven. Now the year 2004 is providing each of us with opportunities beyond our greatest imagination.

From outer appearances, it may look as though nothing much has changed, but that is an illusion. Everything has changed, and nothing on Earth will ever be the same again. We are moving forward in the Light, and there is no turning back. As I have mentioned many times, these changes occur first in the Realms of Cause and then filter into the world of effects. The physical plane of Earth is the very last dimension to reflect the changes. Once something has occurred in the Realms of Cause, however, nothing can prevent it from manifesting in the physical plane. The only question is how long it will take, and that is up to you and me.

In order to realize the full magnitude of the opportunities 2004 is providing, we need to shift our awareness slightly. Instead of looking at the outer world and accepting the chaos and confusion existing there as our reality, we need to remember that the physical plane is just a reflection of Humanity’s consciousness. Now that the limitless flow of Divine Consciousness is available to every person evolving on Earth, we have the ability to easily create a new reality. The sooner Humanity accepts that Truth the sooner we will manifest the perfection of Heaven on Earth, which is our purpose and reason for being on the planet at this time.

During Harmonic Concordance, the archetypes of Humanity’s miscreations back to the initial impulse of the fall were shattered and transmuted into Light. Those archetypes included the distorted patterns of all of the maladies that are now existing on Earth. Our thoughts and feelings are creative, so we still have the free will to hold on to those old thoughtforms and to recreate those gross mutations, but if we choose to create something wonderful and positive instead, it will now be infinitely easier.

What this means very practically is that even though we may have tried and failed in the past to change negative situations in our lives, those same situations are now going to seem much less daunting. Without the miscreated archetypes from aeons ago empowering and sustaining our negative thoughts and feelings, we will experience much less resistance. From now on, every effort we make to improve the quality of our lives will be much more effective, and this time we will succeed.

With the influx of Divine Consciousness from Harmonic Concordance now flowing through our newly-opened 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras, our 12 Solar Strands of DNA are being recalibrated into 5th Dimensional circuits of communication. This healing activity is reestablishing Humanity’s ability to commune with the Realms of Illumined Truth through open-heart and open-mind telepathic communication.

Once Humanity reconnects with the Realms of Truth, we will remember that we are ALL sons and daughters of God, and we will realize that all life is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. In that Realm of Divine Consciousness, we KNOW that every thought, word, action or feeling we express affects every facet of life in the whole of Creation. We clearly understand that our peaceful, loving thoughts and feelings bless and enhance all life while our discordant, hateful thoughts and feelings create havoc and cause problems for all life.

Once the Divine Wisdom and Knowledge from the Realms of Illumined Truth registers in Humanity’s conscious minds, it is impossible for us to justify harming ANY other facet of life for our own personal gain. It becomes blatantly obvious that only by working for the highest good of all concerned will we experience true and lasting joy, happiness, abundance, peace, fulfillment and every other attribute of God in our lives. Only by creating win-win situations in every human endeavor will harmony and balance be restored on Earth.

The major life-transforming advantage of Earth’s shift into Divine Consciousness will be Humanity’s realization of the Oneness of ALL Life. This one revelation is the key to Eternal Peace and Earth’s Transfiguration in the Light. When every soul remembers this Divine Truth, Heaven on Earth will be the order of the new day.

The NEED OF THE HOUR is for awakened Lightworkers to join hearts and minds, as we cocreate a living, ever-expanding Forcefield of Light that will assist even the most asleep, resistant people to easily experience the new frequencies of Divine Consciousness that are now flooding the planet.

The following invocation and visualization are specifically designed to help awaken every recalcitrant soul and to assist every neophyte and awakened soul to integrate the new frequencies of Divine Consciousness quickly and effortlessly.

As this Forcefield of Light is empowered each day through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of Lightworkers around the world, its effect will be exponential, and the Light of Divine Consciousness will penetrate quickly into every person’s conscious and subconscious mind.


Through the Sacred Fire of Divinity blazing in my heart, I invoke my Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light throughout Infinity to COME FORTH NOW!

Blessed Ones, send forth the most powerful 5th-Dimensional Ray of the glorious 12 Solar Aspects of Deity that Humanity can withstand at this time.

Project this Divine Light into the mental body, the etheric mind and the physical brain structure of every man, woman and child evolving on Earth.

Balance the right- and left-brain hemispheres of each person and activate our spiritual brain centers, our pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of our brains.

Rewire our physical brain structures to withstand the Light of Divine Consciousness, and heal the fragmented circuitry that has prevented Humanity from communing with our God Selves.

Assist us to perpetually hold open our Solar Crown Chakras of Enlightenment, and allow each of us to reunite with our God Self on a conscious level.

I ask that you keep this Divine Light blazing through each cell, molecule, atom and electron of Humanity’s brain structures until our minds and brains are restored to their original purity and Divine Intent.

Help every soul to be, once again, fully alert to the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God, so that we may all achieve great skill in transmitting these patterns into physical _expression.

Legions of Light, expand the Harmony of Humanity’s true Being. Fill our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles with tones of Cosmic Harmony, and draw these vehicles into alignment with our God Selves.

Allow the Light of God to constantly maintain a state of peace and calm in our outer minds.

Instantly dissolve all thoughts and feelings that conflict with Humanity’s Divine Plan and Potential.

Like the sea reflecting the Sun, help us to keep our conscious minds open to the Divine Plan, and then seeing and knowing that plan, assist each of us to go forth and manifest it.

Beloved Ones, bathe the Earth and her atmosphere in oceans of your Cosmic Melody, Color and Harmony, so that all life will feel AT ONE with your exquisite, prismatic, cascading sea of music and Light.

In deep humility and gratitude, I thank you for your assistance to Humanity and all life evolving on Earth.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 06.02.2004 at 23:01:24


I Am going within to the Secret Place of
the Most High Living God.

There I kneel before the Altar of Love and offer my all in service, as I surrender my lower human consciousness to the perfection
of my true God Self.

I now stand before the Light of God, and all of my Earthly vehicles are brought into perfect alignment. My Twelvefold 5th-Dimensional Solar Spine is aligned, and my 12 Solar Chakras are open to full breadth. As the 12 Solar Aspects of Deity blaze through each Chakra, I become a radiant Sun of God’s Light.

I Am One with Humanity.

I Am One with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity.

I Am One with all Creation.

I Am One with my omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent
Father-Mother God—All That Is.

From this perspective, I am able to see the 12 Solar Strands of DNA that are being recalibrated
within the cells of every Human Being.

In my mind’s eye, I see this DNA as a shimmering, waveform configuration that is being modified by Light, radiation, magnetic fields and sonic impulses, as it accelerates into
5th-Dimensional frequencies.

I witness the genetic codes of limitless physical perfection being activated within Humanity’s 5th-Dimensional DNA.

These perfected codes are being imprinted on the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame of Divinity in every human heart and secured into the nucleus of every atomic and subatomic particle of life within Humanity’s Earthly vehicles.

This energy adjustment ignites every cell and lifts Humanity into higher frequencies of Light than we have ever experienced.

Within this Light, each person’s God Self is able to open the conscious mind to the new influx of Divine Consciousness. This greatly increases Humanity’s ability to perceive and understand what is happening on Earth at this time.

People everywhere begin to truly know that the powerful Solar Flares and the influx of Light from Harmonic Concordance are creating vast changes.

They realize now that the hands of time are shifting, and Humanity is experiencing a rebirth and a new beginning.

Every person begins to comprehend the magnitude of their purpose and reason for being on Earth during this Cosmic Moment. All of the physical and emotional densities that blocked this realization in the past are swept away.

The powerful, multidimensional, multifaceted Ray of the 12 Solar Aspects of Deity that is pulsating through every person’s brain now begins to pass back and forth between
the right- and left-brain hemispheres.

The Light gently forms an Infinity symbol, a reclining figure 8. As it flows through all of the pathways and meridians of the brain, it reconnects the circuits and heals the fragmented connections.

This activity of Light balances the hemispheres of the brain and brings into equilibrium the masculine and feminine aspects of
Deity within every soul.

This paves the way for the integration of Humanity’s God Selves and the assimilation of our Solar Light Bodies at a cellular level.

As I hold the focus of my attention on this process, I clearly witness Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies being assimilated into the limitless physical perfection of our
5th-Dimensional Solar Light Bodies.

The free-flowing Solar Light expands into every cell, integrating Humanity’s God Selves and allowing that aspect of our Divinity to step forth and take full dominion of our Earthly experiences.

Now, the God Selves of Humanity take command. In unison, as one breath, one voice, one heartbeat and one energy, vibration and consciousness of pure Divine Love, we affirm:

I Am now the perfection of my God Self grown to full stature, and I reclaim and accept my personal Divinity as a Beloved Child of God.

I instantly and permanently release and let go of all beliefs and behavior patterns that conflict with the Truth of who I Am.

From this moment forth, I consecrate my life to fulfilling the Immaculate Concept of my full Divine Potential.

From this moment forth, I consecrate my life to reflect Reverence for ALL Life in everything I think, feel, say and do.

From this moment forth, I consecrate my life to be the Open Door through which the Light of God will continually flow to bless and heal all life on Earth.

And so it is, Beloved I Am.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 12.02.2004 at 15:50:33


2012 Watch
by Valum Votan, Closer of the Cycle
Politics of Apocalypse III - There’s a Rainbow at the End of the Road

“Say, “Shall I tell you who the worst losers are?
‘They are  the ones whose works in this life are totally astray, but
they think they are doing good.’’ ” Quran 18: 103-104

By the standards of the Quran, on the evening of January 20, 2004. the
world’s worst and biggest loser, George W. Bush, gave his third State of
the Union Address. Anyone who heard this address or has read even
excerpts of it, might join me in considering the fact that the world is
now dominated by a man who is totally insane. Mind you, this is a man
who stole the election in his brother’s state of Florida in 2000, and
who at that time was considered a cut above the village idiot for his

What does it tell you that he now is firmly entrenched in power, and
that his army is equally entrenched in two far away places - Afghanistan
and Iraq? It tells you that the power of propaganda, brainwashing, fear
and subliminal programming can make the lowest form of life appear
great. The propaganda in the Untied States has become particularly
gross. The capture of Saddam Hussein was treated like it was a key
moment in the Book of Revelations. US News and World Report, one of the
leading weekly American news magazines, ran an advertisement free
special edition of its journal entitled “Judgment Day,” featuring a
grainy full size photo of captured Saddam, his baleful eyes looking out
from beneath  the “US NEWs” logo blatantly plastered across his forehead.

Would Bush be anywhere if the 9-11 hadn't happened? It really does make
you wonder about the conspiracy theory concerning that apocalyptic
event. Bush’s foreign policy includes statements such as the following:

“We are tracking al-Qaeda around the world, and nearly two-thirds of
their known leaders have now been captured or killed. Thousands of
military personnel are on a manhunt and, one-by-one, we will bring the
terrorists to justice.”

“As long as the Middle East remains a place of tyranny, despair, and
anger, it will continue to produce men and movements that threaten the
safety of America and our friends. So America is pursuing a forward
strategy of freedom in the greater Middle East.“

This is pure Americana. Let’s remember that way back after World War I,
American foreign policy was established to “make the world safe for
democracy.” George W. Bush has now taken that policy to the heartland of
Islam, as a “forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East.” George is
not alone in his policy. Take a look at America’s number one friend and
partner in crime, the state of Israel with madman Ariel Sharon at the

Sharon’s forward strategy of making the Middle East safe for Israel has
now produced a barrier that makes the Berlin Wall look like nursery
school - and that is the Israeli fence to contain the Palestinians’ in
the West Bank. Instead of sending the Palestinian enemy to concentration
camps like Hitler did to the Jews, Sharon is turning the entire Muslim
West bank into a concentration camp. America has criticized the Fence
(bad for public relations), and the israeli government has put off a
final decision on completing the fence until an Israeli court decides
whether it is illegal or not. Nonetheless, enough has been built already
to make it one of the world’s worst violations of human rights against a
people who have been deprived of their own sovereignty for over 50 years

This fence is supposed to be 700 km long when it is completed, at a cost
of 1.6 million dollars per kilometer. That’s more than one billion
dollars worth of fence. 700 km? The length of the West bank is scarcely
more than 200 km. This is because the fence winds in, out and around
protecting illegal Jewish settlements. In one place it turns the
Palestinian community of Qalquilya into a virtual prison with only one
military checkpoint to get to the rest of the Palestinian West bank. No
wonder that on January 14, the first Hamas woman martyr, a young mother
with two children, blew herself and four Israeli’s up at an Israeli
checkpoint on the Gaza Strip. The Israeli's responded once again by
closing off the Gaza strip as well.

Sharon’s fence -  barbed wire nine meters high, in some places concrete
wall, television monitors, electronic  sensors, roads for military
vehicles as well as fine sand to get footprints of those who would try
to get past this diabolical fence,  has attracted little world outrage.
But no one cared that much either when Hitler set up his concentration
camps. The worst part about living in the apocalypse is the numbness and
impotency that accompanies the normal state of consciousness. To add to
the surreality of it all “Spirit” has gone to Mars (soon to be followed
by “Opportunity”) looking for life there -while Bush is turning the
world into a police state whose ramifications could end all of life on

With these information bites , you can see why Quiche Maya spokesman
Carlos Barrios says that 2004 will be one of the worst years yet for the
collapse of the technosphere and the bankruptcy -moral and literal - of
democratic values. Surely with such scenarios now playing out before our
eyes we need a little perspective - eyes of the 2012 Watch

According to the prophecy cycle of Pacal Votan, 2004 is the final year
of the harrowing of hell. Things can only get so bad before there is a
turn around. Admittedly the world moral political saga has never felt
quite so bad. That only means the turn around is going to be that much
greater. It May not be 'til 2008 that we see the beginning of what could
be the Second Creation. But it will happen - and before 2012 at that.

“For all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony.” So
wrote Sri Aurobindo in the Life Divine. According to the Law of Time the
maximum disharmony brought about by unconscious enslavement to false
12:60 time is now climaxing. Later in that same text Aurobindo states,
“A rational and scientific formula of the vitalistic and materialistic
human being and his life, a search for a perfected economic society and
the democratic cultus of the average man are all that the modern mind
presents us in this crisis as a light for its solution. ... this is
clearly not enough to meet the need of humanity which is missioned to
evolve beyond itself ...”

Now this rational scientific formula for democratic values and economic
society has turned into the world police state. But evolution has its
own ways of pulling the rug out from under the feet of tyrants. When the
world tyranny collapses -economically, environmentally and due to
massive solar changes - a new harmony will come about. What goes up must
come down. And when the Bush Dynasty New World Order comes down - a new,
greater more harmonic natural order will swiftly come into fill the
vacuum of the fallen technosphere.

It is not man that has the last word - but nature who bats last. And
after nature goes to bat, God will be true to His Covenant. Looking down
the road to 2012, all I can see is a rainbow ‘round the Earth. For at
the beginning of it all, in the Book of Genesis did God, as a promise to
Noah, make His covenant with man and nature:

9:12. And God said,”This is the sign of the covenant I am making between
me and you and every living creature, a covenant for all generations to
come. 9:13. I have set my Rainbow in the clouds and it will be the sign
of the covenant between me and the Earth. 9:14. Whenever I bring clouds
over the Earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 9:15, I will
remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of
every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy the
earth. 9:16. Whenever the rainbow appears I will see it and remember the
Everlasting Covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind
on Earth.” 9:17. God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I
have established between me and all life on the Earth.” Genesis, 9:12-17

So pick up a Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar and keep marching with me
down that Road to 2012. Remember, it is always darkest on a moonless
night, just before the dawn. And a New Dawn with a rainbow halo ‘round
the Earth, that is most certainly coming after the purification of the
present world order. Allahu Akbar! God is Great!

Resonant Moon Alpha 12, Red Galactic Skywalker, White Spectral Wizard
Year (January 21, 2004)

Valum Votan, aka Jose Arguelles, is the author of Time and the
Technosphere, The Law of Time in Human Affairs, The Arcturus Probe, and
the Mayan Factor, Path Beyond Technology. He is President of the
Foundation for the Law of Time, which sponsors the World Thirteen Moon
Calendar Change Peace Movement and the Planet Art Network (PAN)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 12.02.2004 at 16:08:50

Vceraj sem bila na predavanju Pogacnika - kako priti v stik z vilinskim svetom.
Med drugim je rekel, da je nas svet taksen kot je, samo zato, ker vec milijard
ljudi verjame v njega in si ga predstavlja taksnega.

Pa neke vaje je kazal. Povedal je, da se je 8.nov, ko so bili planeti v obliki
Davidove zvezde, rodilo jedro nove zavesti, in da sedaj tli v vsakem cloveku.
Ful je hecno govoril, najprej je rekel, da se je v zacetku nov zgodilo nekaj ful
lepega, ampak potem so ugotovili, da  je vse propadlo. Nato pa ni vec omenjal
tega in je zacel govoriti o jedru v vsakem posamezniku. Nisem cisto zastekala..A
ti kaj ves?


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by t on 12.02.2004 at 16:40:20

m wrote on 12.02.2004 at 16:08:50:


drugače ne more biti

(že pisal tlele:;action=display;num=1076418195)


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 28.02.2004 at 15:20:13

The Tibetan new year recently occurred on gregorian feb 21, beginning
the Tibetan year 2131 - Year of the Wood Monkey - TASHI DELEK! A very
interesting thing I learned is that the the day of the new year begins a
15-day period known as Bumjur Dawa which means  "the multiplying of the
blessings month."  They are known as "the 15 days of awakening energy
and ability to perform auspicious accomplishments." This time is known
to multiply virtue and all spiritual effort, including prayer,
meditation, mantras, etc.
So between now and March 6, whatever good
deeds one performs or merits one accumulates during this fortnight,
those actions will be multiplied by 100,000!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 03.03.2004 at 09:33:25

Čas je...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by minimal on 06.03.2004 at 21:57:32

Io wrote on 30.03.2003 at 00:29:31:
Sedaj je pravi čas, da se odločite kam se boste obrnili v življenju. Prišlo je do točke polariziranja.

Vse pozivam, da se vsak dan obrnete k bogu in prosite zase, da ne boste podlegli skušnjavam, ki se vam postavljajo na poti v svetlobo.

Vsak izmed nas je najbolj dragocen, ohranjajmo mir v srcih, ne pustimo se sprovocirati z vojnami, ne vpletajmo se, bodimo to kar smo, božji prevodniki, čista ljubezen.
Vsi izhajamo iz enega, potrudimo se biti odprti do vsakogar, VSI SMO ENO, samo v različnih telesih.

Narobe,... Cisto,... Nikakor ni danes cas polarizacije,... Ta cas je minil, dovolj ga je bilo v sami zgodovini in ni prinesel nic drugega razen vojn, netoleriranja, netolerance,... Halo???? A se gremo, a si z nami ali proti nam? Again? Sam tega nisem dozivel a zgodovina nas uci, da kakrsni koli dipolni sistem ne prinasa srece,...
Jaz bi temu rekel totalna aroganca,.. Od kod ti je dano, da ves da imas ti prav vsi ostali, ki ne mislijo kot pa narobe???
Zelo slabo,...
Jaz enako hocem samo dobro na tem svetu, nikomur ne bi skrivil laska, ne potrebujem nicesar (nocem) od drugih, ko dajem, ne pricakujem feed-back-a,... A do tega sem prisel iz totalno drugega stalisca,... Iz stalisca nihilizma,...
Sem cisti atest in sem vesel za vse vas, ki imaste boga v sebi, sam vam to olajsa zivljenje in ce ste iskreno verni boste delovali zares dobro,... Kar zate ne morem reci,... Saj si fanatik. Ce bi imel boga v sebi bi toleriral tudi drugo stran, ji pomagal naprimer,...
Jaz nimam kulturne morale (antropolosko gledano), bog v meni je mrtev, a vendar sem vesel, ce vidim da so drugi srecni, hocem samo pomagat ljudem, nocem nicesar slabega v zivljenju,... Zakaj? Ce ni morale in ce ves, da ti nihce ne more do zivega, se ljubosunlje, netoleriranje, tekmovalnost izgubi. Ce bi vsi tako razmisljali, bi bil ta svet precudovit. Na zalost imamo taksne kot ti, ki silijo k odlocitvam za ali proti, ki ne razumejo druge, se niti ne potrudijo,.... ZELO SLABO

Io wrote on 30.03.2003 at 00:29:31:
Imaš samo dve izbire, tema ali svetloba, ni več vmesne poti!

Združimo se v svetlobi! :)

Again,.... Prepotetni idiotizem bi rekel temu,... Zelo slabo,... Slabega in dobrega ni, je samo v nas samih, in kot kaze je po tvojih definicijah tema v tebi.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by minimal on 07.03.2004 at 18:36:35

Ne vem naj recem,... ali je ta topic cicto zastaral,...  :-/ ali pa si nihce ne upa argumentirat drugacenih pogledov,... ::)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 07.03.2004 at 18:56:16

a nisi sam rekel...

minimal wrote on 06.03.2004 at 21:57:32:
ne potrebujem nicesar (nocem) od drugih, ko dajem, ne pricakujem feed-back-a,...


iz srca  :-*

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 04.04.2004 at 10:12:06

.,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´?`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´?`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,.
Aluna Joy Yaxk'in,  PO Box 1988, Sedona, AZ 86339
Ph:928-282-MAYA (6292) Ph/Fax 928-282-INCA (4622)
,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´?`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´?`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,.

UNVEILING the ZUVUYA - Getting to the HEART of the matter.
"All of life’s experiences are but tools in the evolution of the soul."

Just when we think we got it all figured out, and our lives on the right
track, some times when we least expect it, we get the whammy of a cosmic
Zuvuya (zoo-voo-ya). A Zuvuya is a universal energy infused with intent
that runs in reverse.
The ancient Maya knew about this cosmic force and
knew how to ride it. A Zuvuya can show up in our lives as a reverse way
of thinking, reverse way of doing, reverse way of living etc.

Being mechanical humans we tend to expect things to go the way they always
have - our perceived forward. As we bridge our linear ways with new ways,
we may find that what we once could tolerate in our lives is becoming to
loud to ignore. Sometimes in life we have to back track.

It is not that we have been asleep, but more like the universe has jumped
to another level taking us with it
. Another layer of the truth is now in
our faces. Those questions we have had, are suddenly finding answers.
Many are discovering that these answers send us in a direction we didn't
except. Nothing like getting blind sided by the universe. But
logically - maybe the only way to raise up this world, and our lives is
doing a global Zuvuya.
Years ago the Star Elders said to me that sometimes what we think is
truth is not, and what we though were lies were truth. Now I wonder - how
can we get to the heart of the matter if we don't know what way is up!
This is the Zuvuya challenge.

Today's Shamans understand the shift in perceptions helps us gain a clear
integral view of the world and our lives within it. Learning to see the
world in a Zuvuya is the same thing. When we see with different
perceptions we discover new views of our lives and world. This can give
us great clarity and compassion for other people views, but it can also
clear the fog where we are not living our destiny
. This raises another
question for me. When we find that a few things in our lives are not in
alignment with our souls destiny what are we to do? Do we dump it all to
gain back those small pieces we lost?
It brings up the question? Does one bad apple really ruin the whole
barrel? If we are wanting to live our truth how can we do that if we are
not honoring every single calling of our souls
. If we deny any part of
ourselves does that one place become the bad apple slowly and surly
rotting the rest of our lives to the point of no return? Or  are we
just throwing the baby out with the bath water? Can we really know if the
Zuvuya has arrived in our lives.
If our job is 80% great but the other 20% depresses us and leaves us
feeling unfulfilled, do be dump the job? Is the 80 % enough when the 20%
get more and more unbearable. If where we live does not nurture our
spirit 100% do we keep moving until we find a true home?
And the most
important is personal relationship. We all know a bad relationship by now
and we get out of them quick - but sometimes two good people get together
some how discover that they just don't click
. Do you leave the
relationship to find that all encompassing relationship that sends you to
those other worlds we hear about and see in our visions? Do you foster a
deeper relationship with yourself?

If any issue in our lives shut
us down little by little, why do we stay there? Can we
let go of the comfort of the known so we can unveil our hearts and
discover our soul desires.

OK, by now your saying that I am asking for perfection in a unperfect
world. Everyone can't have the home space they dream about, or the
perfect job or the perfect relationship? But if we look at the laws of
manifesting and abundance, is it our perception of limitation and fear of
change that keep us from the highest possible vision we have inside? Why
do we always settle for less?

For me the inner spiritual life was with me at birth. It is natural for
me to be in those unexplainable unseen worlds. So do I dump the convinces
and comforts of the material world that may be impinging on me to stay
within my natural souls calling. Yes - if I am brave. The other option is
numbing myself to tolerate a space that does not feed my

My dear teacher in Mt Shasta, Peal Dorris always said "Be
Natural." I think now that I am understanding this concept from a new
perception. If I am not natural - do what is natural to me and am not
acting from my personal integrity.
On the flip side we could think Zuvuyally (a new word for us all)
What if your souls call was the world you can see, the outer world.
Would it be unnatural to dump it all for the simple spiritual life. Sure.
If all the complications and details of the material world makes you feel
alive why would you want to. If you alter who you truly are, does this
altering become your bad apple? The question is are we being
natural or being controlled by our fears?

This way of thinking was triggered during a pilgrimage to Palenque,
Mexico for Mayan New Year. Our group allowed spirit to move us in what
ever direction it did, even though we might have had other expectations.
In a visit to Pacal Votan's Tomb we all felt a deep love and peace merge
with us. When I came out of the tomb I was different. My life had changed
and I was clearer. The effects of this trip are still in the process of
unveiling as I write this.
It was shortly after the Maya new year on the
21st that many of us felt a huge shift at
about 3 to 4 am. I was awake at the time listening to the howler monkeys
in the tree tops outside my comfy palapa - and in a matter of seconds my
body shifted so radically that at first I thought el teruista had found
me while everything became very clear.

Something is stirring inside
of us. Some new way of being that we didn't expect. I think the Zuvuya
has arrived.
When I got home something inside me said "I HAVE to LIVE it ALL THE
WAY or not at all.
I HAVE to LIVE what is RIGHT not what is comfortable. To follow integrity
of spirit no matter where it takes me. We should never allow life's
circumstances to slowly and quietly numb us into closing down or being
un-natural. "

I think the time has come for us as a collective human race to not let
any thing in the world take us away from our own hearts calling. It took
us a lot of hard to unveil ourselves. It is so easy to loose ourselves
bit by bit, and ignore the blessings and gifts that are right in front of
us. It is so easy to be blind to the truth .... and yet so frightening to
face it. The next step has arrived. It time to show up all the way for
ourselves. I hope we have the courage to face it with arms wide
I hope you all have the amazing courage you need, the open hearts the
eyes wide open
and the power to take the next step, No matter how hard or scary, because
one thing I have learned if nay thing at all is that the best stuff in
life usually scares me right back to life.
~ Aluna Joy

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 23.04.2004 at 23:57:45

Nine Touchstones of Spirituality
~ Author Unknown ~

Nurture life.

"To honor, respect and support mothers and children. To recognize all people and all beings as connected in the web of life. To embody the intelligent love that is the ground of all being."

Walk in love and beauty.
"To appreciate the infinite diversity of all beings in the natural world, including ourselves and other human beings, and to sense that everything wants to be loved."

Trust the knowledge that comes through the body.  
"Take seriously that our bodies are ourselves and that sensation and feeling are the guardians of life. To experience the joy and pain that comes to us through the body. To allow the power of the erotic to lead us to question the denial of pleasure and satisfaction that is inherent in the ethos of domination. Ground ourselves in the earth and to acknowledge our interdependence in the web of life. Trusting body experience also means never giving ourselves over to any authority - no wise man, no guru, no spiritual teacher, no spiritual tradition, no politician, no wise woman, no one."

Speak the truth about conflict, pain, and suffering.
"Not idealizing life. Not denying the realities of our personal and social lives. For many of us, childhood and other traumas have been intensified because conflict was denied and we were not allowed to feel our pain. Denial is also a social phenomenon .
. . Denial is only possible when we sever our minds from our bodies."

Take only what you need.
"Acknowledge that conflict - taking the lives of other beings - is inherent in human life and thus encourages restraint."

Think about the consequences of your actions for seven generations.  

"Affirms interconnection and asks us to consider not only our own needs, but those of al our relations for seven generations as we take and give back to the circle of life . . . We are not asked to hold ourselves to impossible models of perfection, but to consider the consequences of our actions on a scale we can comprehend."

Approach the taking of life with great restraint.  
"Taking only what we need . . . those of us who live in industrialized countries take so much more than we really need without thinking of the lives that are lost. And because as individuals, communities, and societies we so readily resort to violence and warfare to resolve personal, ethnic, and national conflicts."

Practice great generosity.

"If we are to gain the power to act, we must acknowledge that no one of us can take on all the burdens of the world. As we recognize our strengths and forgive our limitations, we can begin to approach others with a generous spirit. A Native American philosophy asks us to always "speak the best of one another and perceive the best in everything." And adds "it is a strenuous discipline in these times to practice this." We must speak the truth about the harm dominator societies are doing to ourselves, to other people, and the web of life. Yet it requires great discipline to understand the harm that white people have done to Native Americans and other people of color without concluding that all white people are mean and that white culture has nothing of value in it . . . Though great harm has been done, very few people or groups have nothing to commend them. When we polarize situations, we make it difficult for our "adversaries" to change, and we begin to perceive ourselves unrealistically as "all good.""

Repair the web.

"We are living in a world where the bonds of relationship and community are broken by violence . . . it calls us to transform our personal relationships, our social and cultural institutions, and our relation to the natural world."

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 02.05.2004 at 14:27:40

May 1, 2004

This is the Third "Night" of the Galactic Consciousness Cycle; the "Midnight" of this cycle will occur on June 6, 2004.

In this sixth issue, I’m going to explain what we are about to experience as Consciousness shifts over the next few months.

During each Third "Day" of previous consciousness cycles, certain truths about consciousness and survival begin to take shape. During the Third Nights, these truths evolve—and are applied.

Below is some research I did into which truths came forward in consciousness during Third Days and Nights. You can decide for yourself, but it looks to me like profoundly basic truths come out during these Third Days, and those truths are, sure enough, applied or acted upon during the Third Nights.

During the first Third Day in the Cellular Cycle (10 billion years ago), the first clouds of matter were gathering; eventually, they would become galaxies.

During the second Third Day of the Mammalian Cycle (500 million years ago), the Cambrian explosion occurred, and the truth about calcium as a survival tool emerged. This is when soft-tissue organisms began developing shells of calcium around themselves as a survival tactic.

During the third Third Day of the Family Cycle (15 ½ million years ago), a new development in the evolution of man occurred. Pliopithecus, a tail-less ape, walked the earth on hind legs.

During the fourth Third Day in the Tribal Cycle (1,200,000 years ago), Homo Erectus, the first man of our genus, appeared.

During the fifth Third Day in the Cultural Cycle (69,200 – 61,300 B.C.), the first tools, scrapers made of bone and stone were used.

During the sixth Third Day in the National Cycle (1538 –1144 B.C.), Egyptian obelisks, the first clocks, were erected. Through trade and sea travel, the Egyptian and Phoenician cultures expanded in influence. The Iron Age began. Beer was invented in Egypt. And it was declared by Amenhotep that Aton was the “One God”—the first time in recorded history that god had been conceived of as a single entity.

At the very end of the sixth Third Day in the National cycle, Moses received the Ten Commandments. During the seventh Third Day (1834 – 1854) in the Planetary Cycle, the abolitionist and women's suffrage movements swept through consciousness among industrialized nations.

During the eighth Third Day (Dec. 14, 2002 – Dec. 9, 2003), you have witnessed an almost overwhelming amount of truth concerning your personal survival level. Which is basically that you are all slaves of corrupt corporations, including the corporation called the United States of America formed in 1873.

During each and every Third Night, Consciousness applies the new truths received during each Third Day. This applied consciousness is another step in the evolution of Consciousness in general.

During the first Third Night (8.5 billion years ago), our own galaxy, the Milky Way, was forming. (Now there’s a worthwhile application if I ever saw one!)

During the second Third Night (460 million years ago), if you didn't have a shell, you got eaten. So just about every body tried one on. (Application again.)

During the Third Night of the Family Cycle (12 million years ago), Oreopithecus, a more upright ape, roamed Africa, Europe, India and China.

During the fourth Third Night of the Tribal Cycle (1,020,000 years ago) Homo Sapiens, our most direct ancestor, appeared.

During the fifth Third Night of the Cultural Cycle (61,300 – 53,400 B.C.) tools for scraping, chopping, cutting and crushing were fashioned by chipping rocks and grinding bones.

During the sixth Third Night of the National Cycle (1144 – 749 B.C.), Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and out of slavery. Troy was destroyed by the Greeks. And between 1090 – 945 B.C., civil war raged in Egypt.

During the seventh Third Night of the Planetary Cycle (1854 — 1873), civil war racked the world. The Apache declared war on the U.S government. The Spanish, French, East Indian, Russian and Japanese peoples were embroiled in civil war. The U.S. Civil War raged between 1861 and 1865. The potato famine in Ireland killed a million people; many of those who survived emigrated to the United States.

In every case, those with more sophisticated technologies won out over those whose cultures were based on agriculture or sovereign natural law. (Raw Power Applied)

This is the purpose of the Third Night—to jettison systems that are antiquated and need to be upgraded or cast aside. That is why monarchies fell, the Indians were sent to reservations; this is why the Shoguns and Samurai of Japan were defeated, and why the North won the Civil War—industrial power. The North had more commercial clout than the agriculturally based economy in the South could manifest. In fact, if you check the history books, you'll find that the tariffs demanded by the North on goods shipped from the Southern states to their French trading partners were the real reason for the war. Not slavery. The slavery issue was put forward to garner public support for the North’s invasion of the South. Consciousness works in wondrous ways, doesn’t it?

During this, the eighth Third Night of the Galactic Cycle (12/10/03 — 12/3/04), we are going to see another jettisoning of systems that are unworkable in light of the new consciousness. Being as this Galactic Cycle's consciousness (1/05/99 – 10/28/2011) is bringing in Ethics as its focus, any system not based on Ethics and Integrity will be jettisoned, along with those who are in any way "dependent" on those systems. That includes some fifty percent plus of Americans who are supported by the federal government or defense contractors. This is no joke—or fluke. Study your history—this will become very much clearer. The Third Night never fools around. Things Change! In the past, though, those changes happened over longer periods of time. During the time of Moses, the Third Night was 397 years. During the time of the American Civil War, the Third Night lasted for 19.7 years. This Third Night will last for just 360 Georgian calendar days. Same amount of no fooling around about change—just twenty times quicker change than ever before.

Here are some of the ideas and things that are going to become extinct:

1. The idea that any governmental or administrative body can bestow or take away any rights of a living breathing person.

2. The idea that any person owes anything to anyone anywhere at any time. In other words, an economy based on “Pay It Forward.” The basic Idea of pay it forward is that you do a service(s) for three different people that benefits them, for free. There is not a limit of three. Before long, with each person helping three, there is an explosion of assistance everywhere and life as we know it changes.

3. The idea that your body is somehow the property of the State and can be licensed to, or not to, perform in society. For example, marriage, which is a license from the state to have sex (otherwise an “unsanctioned” or illegal act.) The fruit of this contract is new taxpayers, who are also the property of the State. (Never read the small print did you? They count on that.)

4. The idea that only powerful and rich players can generate power (electrical, oil, atomic, etc.) that you in turn must purchase at exorbitant rates to participate at a useful level in society.

5. The idea that you can keep secret, any unethical thought or deed. And that's the big one I want to talk about.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 02.05.2004 at 14:29:40

nadaljevanje s prejšnje strani:;action=display;num=1048980572;start=120

This is my own take here, so I don't expect you to swallow it as the truth. Chew on it a good long time and spit out what you don't like. Okay?

What I am seeing in the news is that if something is crooked, it is being brought to the light of day very quickly. A tidal wave of ethics is surging against the fortress of power, and that fortress is being demolished in front of our very eyes. Of course those in the battlements, the empowered, are very excited and yelling like crazy! Bush and company, for instance. Their methods of offensive defense, assaults, secrets, threats, and their reliance on public apathy are just not working very well against the onslaught of an ethical tsunami.

Now, I am not saying that Kerry and the skull-and-bones crypts on his team are any better than Bush—they are just different. But bones is still bones, and both Kerry and Bush are vile zombies who will soon be tearing each other, the people of this country and the economy into itsy bitsy pieces. They will have the help of the weather, which is just about to rage out of all predictable control, and earth changes that will alter our coastlines and mountain ranges.

This is gonna be over quick—although it will be dramatically violent.


First, because everything is speeding up. And because "What you pay attention to you become conscious of."

Just take a quick look around at which movies are the most popular, what television programming pulls in the most audiences. In our culture, this is the most direct measure of what the general public is paying attention to. From what we now know, looking through the lens of the Mayan calendar, as this acceleration continues, we can expect people to experience more and more directly whatever they are paying attention to.

So it looks like some troubling times ahead for most of these folks.

What are you paying attention to? Now, of course, bad news is going to come to you. The message of the Hopi Elders is "Keep your eyes open and your head above the waters." This means know what is going on around you but maintain a higher perspective on all that you see. It is important to watch the news. It’s probably best to track the news on the Internet to keep pace with the rapid dissemination of information in our society. Television networks are hopelessly slow and retarded—and I’m being kind.

What do I mean by what are you paying attention to?

What do you intend for your own future? Which abilities do you see developing in yourself? Are you only looking at your problems, who is doing what to you? This is literally what will make the difference in your coming experience: whether or not your awareness is focused on insurmountable problems or mounting abilities. Your choice.

Either you will be an unconscious victim who has unknowingly created his or her circumstances, or a Conscious Co-Creator who is creating his or her abundant future. There is little middle ground here, and it is shrinking very quickly. As always, what you pay attention to is your choice, no matter what circumstances are currently challenging you or what problems lie down the road. You can either move out of your “comfort zone” by choice now, or have it vaporize in front of your eyes in the very near future.

Your choice, of course.

Secondly, things are going to change fast and furiously because of the Venus transit happening on June 8, 2004. We know that in the middle of the Third Night a midnight happens on June 6, 2004. From there Consciousness will move towards the dawn of the Fourth Day—which will take place on Dec 4, 2004. What we see here is a reversal of direction on the part of Consciousness, and a major event happening right after this change. I would encourage each of you to read the articles about the Venus transit by Dr. Carl J. Calleman and Kiara Windrider on our site for the details.

In general, each Venus passage recorded in human history has been a time of great change in perspective and communications.

Recent Venus Transits

1518 (1526) The first circumnavigation of the globe, proving the world was not flat.

1631 (1639) The first national mail services were established.

1761 (1769) The first ever international scientific experiment was conducted. The purpose of this experiment was to measure the distance from the earth to the sun, and it involved the observation of the Venus transit from seventy-seven locations all over the globe. This was a crucial step in global cooperation.

1874 (1882) The World Postal Union was established, and a trans-Atlantic telegraph cable were both contributing significantly to global communication.

2004 (2012) An increasing awareness of telepathic abilities in humans.

Yes, I said that the next step in the evolution of our ability to communicate will be delivered, starting June 8 in earnest. Telepathic abilities, which many of you have noticed have been on the increase, will be unleashed.

This means real trouble for a lot of humans. Which ones?

Those who need to hold secrets. Anybody come to mind?

If we are going to get bumped towards an ethically based consciousness, this telepathic ability opening makes the most sense to me as the next step of our evolution.

Those who cannot accept these abilities will be eliminated from the journey of evolution. Those who will not or cannot allow telepathic connections will be totally eliminated by Nov 28, 2005, if not before. Most will simply go insane and kill one other after receiving threats by thought wave.

Can you imagine Bush receiving all of the thoughts directed at him?

My advice? Get off your secrets right now. Go find someone to spill your guts to and do it. Get clean! Start forgiving yourself for everything you have ever done that you are not proud of. You DO NOT NEED permission to do this! Just do it!

In service to the God~Us
Ian Xel Lungold

A national poll just in from Lou Dobbs tonight on CNN April 23, 2004:

Do you think Americans have a clear vision of the future?
Yes: 5%
No: 95%

If you cannot envision a future, you will not have one. Get yourselves together, people.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 19.05.2004 at 12:56:28

The Light Series #61: A Cornucopia of Fascinating Events and Gems

The Activation of the Sixth Gate of the 11:11 One Earth - One Being

The 6th Gate Activation will take place on May 29th, 2004 (...) The keynote of the Sixth Gate is One Earth - One Being. After the Personal Freedom of 5th Gate comes being consciously aware of our interwovenness into One Being. As we consciously choose to step into our One Being, we also embrace our true sense of responsibility. This isn't the old type of responsibility in which we were burdened with a heavy weight. The Responsibility of the 6th Gate has to do with consciously choosing to take our place within our One Being and anchor Oneness. Consciously choosing to live our lives with our full beings, to love and be loved with our whole hearts. It is the ability to respond with honesty, integrity and compassion to whatever is before us. This Sixth Gate Activation is extremely timely for this is a critical point of decision and choice as to whether we remain in the crumbling duality-based world of fear and separation or move deeper into the Greater Reality and live our lives anchored in Oneness. The effect of this Activation on the entire planet will be great.

CLIP - Solara also sent me this comment about this May 29 Gate Activation: "This is really quite momentous because we are having TWO 11:11 Activations in one year. The 6th Gate will be on May 29th with the Master Cylinder on the Dingle Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland. The keynote of this Activation is ONE EARTH / ONE BEING. It signifies our conscious choice to step into and quicken our ONE BEING. For it is through activating our One Being that we are able to anchor and embody Oneness on this planet. The 6th Gate is also extremely important because it is the Midway Point of the entire 11:11 Doorway. This is the position where the entire vision of the 11:11 is going to turn itself rightside out, thus revealing the harmonic resonance of the second half of the Doorway. The 7th Gate will be activated on October 30 - 31. The Master Cylinder will be located in Rajasthan, India and our Activation Ceremony there will begin in the afternoon of 30 October and continue all night until the morning of 31 October."

MORE DETAILS on the "Master Cylinder " concept at and what is a Gate Activation at - And taking the tour of the gates activated so far is quite "soulteresting"... Get started at

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 26.05.2004 at 14:16:05

alluna joy, newsletter

The SHIFT is upon us... Get ready for the down load!

For over 20 years the Star Elders (a.k.a. my buddies) have shared various visions. These visions were based in the past, present day, and our future. Over the last few weeks another vision came and though it didn't seem to have any relation to the others, a series of visions lit up like a string of lights. I haven't been excited like this since the summer of 1987! Now I feel it is time to share a few of these visions, how they add up to what looks like an amazing future.

In Mexico many years back, I woke up with the story of why the Maya and other South American civilizations were conquered so easily. I was told why Columbus, Montago, Pissaro, Cortez and all the other conquerors were able to take down entire empires with so few men, horses and weapons. Lets face it, how many men and horses could they cram on one of those little ships anyway and not to mention that they were in weakened state of health when they arrived. We know what the history books say, but this is what the Star Elders share about this time and what it means to us today.

In time and space there are time openings - sort of time rips, or time viruses. Sometimes Earth passes through one, or a series of these openings. When we enter into one of these rare places it is possible for lower dimensions to enter higher ones without doing the necessary preparation or spiritual work. When this happens it imposes a lower nature on to a higher dimension. In a order to balance the situation the higher worlds usually fall, and the lower ones gain more power than they know how to handle. This was the case of the Conquers and the Americas.  

This vision was also warning to us at this important time. It was revealed that we will enter a similar time or space. It is important that we finish our spiritual work and purge our negative egos so as not to damage the next dimension with our lower natures. I was shown that we must enter this next world in a state surrender and allow the next world to be our teacher. In other words “Park your egos at the door folks” after all we do not want to become the next Cortez or Columbus while entering in the next world.

Just a couple of months ago I had a dream that I was out in the canyons around Sedona. I was up on a cliff meditating and a dark force came up from the canyon floor and grabbed me by my ankles and began to pull me off the cliff. I knew I could die if this happened. So I called out to my buddies, the Star Elders, and they quickly came and grabbed this dark entity and pushed it back down into the earth. They also sealed the crack that it rose up from. I remember that I felt no fear and also the joyfulness in which my buddies came to the rescue.

A few weeks latter I when out to my favorite canyon. I climb up on top a bench and laid down with my back on the rocks and my face up to the sky. I began to meditate and saw a opening in the sky. It was curious, so I asked the buddies what it was. They said it was the place where we will ascend through. They were clear that ascending didn't mean we were going to leave here… the earth… but just go through a doorway into a higher plane of consciousness. It was clear this was coming very, very soon.

Then I remembered the dream I had a few weeks earlier. So I asked again about the crack in the earth that tried to swallow me up. They proceed to tell me the entire story along with playing back dozens of visions I had over my life. Everything I was shown over many years began to add. The light bulb went off in my head.

So here is the scoop. They said “The SHIFT is upon us... Get ready for the down load!.” We have come to the place we have all been waiting for. We are about to embark on the shift of the ages. What is happening is ALL the upper and lower dimensions are going to make a big leap in consciousness together with us right in the middle of it all. The Maya believe that there are 9 underworlds, and 13 heavens above us, but the Star Elders say there are many more dimensions than this. What is happening is doorways are beginning to crack open on all levels and dimensions. The BIG MANEUVER is that they all these different dimensions have to open and shift at the same time, this way lower dimensions will not contaminate the higher ones.

The dream I had about getting swallowed up by the underworlds was one of these underworld doorways cracking opening a little to soon and it had begun to alter this reality. I guess it was going to alter me! Not a pretty thought. The Star Elders say that this is happening all over the planet right now. Underworlds are cracking open, and so are upper worlds doorways. They say these cracks can not be healed, but the openings can be slowed down and synchronized with all the others until we are all ready for the big leap. This event can only be held off for a short time more.

They showed me a visual to explain this. They showed me a stack of pancakes with a cord running down the center through all of the layers. They showed me that the entire stack of pancakes has to shift at the same time, space, and speed to make it all work on all levels and so that no dimension comes down with the so called time virus.

The Star Elders also asked to share something very important that you can do to help. First don't jump to soon! Be patient and wait until we can all go together. Also to all you Earth healers out there, please watch for those underworld cracks and use your skills along with your guides, guardians, and angels to help hold off the openings until everything is synchronized. They said you know who you are… and you will know what to do.

Some new symptoms we have been seeing during this shift…
Emotionally we are seeing  deep grief and loss of interest in current goals; loss of sense of self; heightened Kunadili  energy; panic attacks; heart palpitations; visions or experiencing dimensional doorways either by seeing or hearing them and future door ways. We are having weird dreams and old visions being rekindled. We have been feeling restless and with a deep need to do SOMETHING - ANYTHING! Unusual visuals in the inner and outer worlds. Electrical disturbances with computers and any other electronic devices.  In relationship we are meeting soul mates after long and fruitless searches, and ending dis-harmonic relationships that were out of alignment. Many are feeling like they are going to die, or want to give up. We are seeing a increased number of family and friends passing away.  Could it be we are dying to the old ways the old world, letting go of our attachments to this world so we can move on to the next?

So what is causing all this shifting?
The Star Elders say it is the current Venus Passover we have just entered. A Venus Passover is when Venus retrogrades and passes in front of the Sun. Venus retrogrades every 260 days but it only passes over the sun every 122 years. The exact Passover is on June 8th, beginning 5 am GMT, UK time zone (Pacific Standard time it is from 9 PM on 6/7/04  to 4 am 6/8/04).  It will take about 7 hours for Venus to pass in front of the Sun. The last time this happened was in 1882. No one alive today has felt this energy before.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 26.05.2004 at 14:16:44

The ancient Mayas call the Venus-Sun Passover the return of Quetzacoatal but is also symbol of death and a rebirth of a higher consciousness. The Venus Passover repeats again on June 6th 2012, the very near of the end of the Mayan Long count calendar (ending on 12/21/2012) and the ending of a huge 26000-year cycle.  In Christianity the Venus-Sun Passover symbolizes the return of the Christ Consciousness. Christ and Quetzacoatal are both messengers of love and wisdom, light and knowledge.

Venus is like a Holy Grail in the stars holding the power of the feminine, the power of love, and the power of abundance. Our Sun is power house of lighted divine wisdom. When the two planets cross paths it will give us the ability to take all relationships, intimate and otherwise to the next higher level.

Where on Earth can you view the Passover.
Observers in the UK are hoping to watch the Passover on June 8 just after sunrise. Venus will appear as a small black disc as it moves across the bottom of the Sun between 6am and 12.30pm. British stargazers are praying for good weather so they can witness this event. The planet last made a Passover in December 1882 but it could not be  seen properly observed from the UK due to clouds.  

How to the Star Elders think it will effect us?  
With this connection between love and wisdom we will gain insight through love (not force) to evolve  our present evolutionary crisis. The Venus-Sun Passover will trigger a huge soul desire to obtain deeper knowledge to find better answers to problems and build common ground between different cultures. The Star Elders say this wisdom will be  released during the retrograde from May 18 through June 29th but especially on June 7-8th.  

We will experience a concrete knowing of true authentic love and wisdom with a huge breakthrough of intuitive awareness and psychic abilities. With our participation this can be the beginning of true global community ending our limited perceptions. It could be the end of separation due to class, race and religion.

We will find that any thing in our lives that is out of harmony may dissolve way and long awaited opportunities will appear just as if we dreamed them into reality. Present relationships will be under the magnifying glass. The Passover will cause us to consider the reality of  higher energies and realize deep spiritual connections.

With Venus (love and abundance) in the Sun’s path (wisdom and light) we can expect opportunity for new divine love, an opportunity to have more abundance, and most of all to gain deep wisdom. We might be inspired to act on visions we previously had hesitations about. We can expect more balance and harmony in our lives while re-committing to higher truths. In past history Venus Passovers have  preceded huge breakthroughs in human consciousness.

Also the Star Elders say watch out and avoid negative  predictions, as there will be many. Involvement in any type of fear based information will block you from receiving your own inner truth. Remember fear blocks spirit! It is simple as that. Fear can only detour you and this event further out into time.

The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy.  
What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly. ~~  Richard Bach

How can we get the most out it this event....
Here are some suggestions to take full advantage of the Venus-Sun Passover.  1 day before June 7-8th dig deep and dump the junk, the ego, the programs and assumptions that hold you back from expressing your true authentic self. Ask to purge any dis-harmonic  energy, relationship or event in your lives. Be sure to clear out any emotional entanglements. Get yourself completely clear.

The Star Elders also say to watch out for a desire to back up, or to return to some thing, some one, or some situation that is familiar. For example we might want to retreat back into a old relationship for comfort and safety. If we go backwards will be a painful experience and will not work out. There is no going back. There is no comfort zone right now. You are entering into new territory. It is a exhilarating adventure that will get your heart pumping so don't assume this is fear. Your just excited!

To keep our faces toward change, and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate, is strength undefeatable ~ Helen Keller

During the exact 7 hour period of the Passover, intend to radically alter your life by calling in a higher order of harmony, peace and love. Remember that loving yourself is also loving all life, so don't forget to put yourself on this list.  Remember we are all intimately connected. It is time to love without fear and to know without hesitation.  Intend to bond with your love interest on a deeper and higher level. You can also apply this to other significant relationships. Allow your heart to bond with your community, country and planet.  It will be up to us if we take Venus and Sun’s gift that it is offering.

What the Star Elders say is the out come of this event....
The effects of the Venus Passover will be subtle at first but will begin a powerful inner and outer transformation that will grow and a multiplying rate of speed. At first the effects may not be dramatic but they will go deep and be enduring and will change the core of our reality as we know it. This Venus Passover is without a doubt, a shift from a world based in force, to a world based in Love, and they are saying that this alone is worth the price of admission we paid to experience this event!

This event is the first stage of cracking open a huge door we have been waiting to open. At the moment the Star Elders say that it looks like it will take a few more years for us to get it all together and complete the passage through this door. They say we will be through the door a long time before the Maya end date of December 2012. Their guess based on our current state of consciousness is we will jump through to the higher dimension sometime in 2008 - ONLY 4 YEARS! They say there is a lot for us to do in that time frame but we have done so much already.

Once through  to the other side, the Star Elders say humanity will have achieved it's goal.  We will have raised up and opened our consciousness by our own inner power and intense desire for new  answers to old issues.  We will have downloaded new cutting edge knowledge that will change the face of how we approach our lives. We will gain the capacity to embody the principle of universal compassion, universal love and universal knowledge. We will understand new possibilities and expose new secrets of life. We will have the means  to prevent our own extinction by human error. We will be able to  release the grip of darkness that threatens our survival and be able call the higher dimensions at will. Telepathy will replace inter-net creating a  new field of communication. The development of the 6th sense and mass enlightenment will be considered normal! Now that sound like a great future to me! The Star Elders last word on the subject…. Don't worry, be happy… They are not joking! (well maybe they are)

As long as a man stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Millenius on 17.06.2004 at 02:38:28

jp, nekaj se zagotovo dogaja. - preberite si tole!

Vse vam bo jasno!


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Rose on 17.06.2004 at 08:23:57

Millenius wrote on 17.06.2004 at 02:38:28:
jp, nekaj se zagotovo dogaja. - preberite si tole!

Makes sense.  :)

Learning life's lessons rather then enduring life's pain.

Unknown is a Part of God yet to be discovered.

The divine intent is to master the negativity.


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 08.07.2004 at 01:27:29

Where Is This Headed?

Many forecasters have long predicted that 2005 will be the turning point when we will begin to reap the benefits of the intense transformation we’ve been experiencing the past few years -- back to the Grand Fixed Cross Solar Eclipse on August 11, 1999.

During this period, we’ve experienced massive change both individually and collectively. This shift is timed with the ending of vast cycles now coming to a close as new chapters of Earth history are about to be written.

From 1999 to 2003, we felt propelled into the unknown. The changes were swift and furious. Since the Harmonic Concordance Lunar Eclipse on November 9, 2003, that energy has turned inward. Through the Mercury Retrograde mood of 2004, we’re being given a chance to slow down, re-examine ourselves from the inside out, make some changes and get ready for forward movement as 2005 approaches.

So here we are in a crease period, looking closely at our lives, our choices, our relationships, our work and our journey.

Above all, it’s important to give thanks for the lessons and the infinite blessings pouring into our lives during these times of accelerated change.

Enjoy the journey.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 08.07.2004 at 01:35:10

hudo dobr, del članka

Is Time Speeding Up?

The Maya are sharing their sacred timekeeping system with the rest of the world, and in this way they are giving us a heads-up. We all know the world is changing drastically and that time seems to be speeding up. The Mayan culture has not only known about this acceleration for 5,000 years - they can actually explain what's happening and why!

The bottom line is that time isn't actually speeding up. What's accelerating is the evolution of consciousness.  More is happening in every second than ever before. A shift in consciousness that used to take billions of years to happen now happens in only 360 days. Beginning in February 2011, the same shift will take only 20 days. Now, that's a head-spinning rate of change.

The Maya say the first cycle of evolution began 16.4 billion years ago with the beginning of Creation. At that time, a shift of consciousness happened every 1.26 billion years.   The next cycle of consciousness began 820 million years ago.  At that time, a shift of consciousness happened in 63.4 million years. The next cycle began 41 million years ago, and the shift of consciousness took 3.2 million years. And so on.

The Rate of Change

Beginning in 1755 AD, a shift of consciousness occurred every 20 years.  Most of us old enough to be reading this have lived most of our lifetimes in this cycle. Until 1999, that is. On January 4, 1999, we entered a new cycle of consciousness called the Galactic Cycle, and that's where we are today. Now a shift of consciousness happens in 360 days, rather than the 20 years it used to take. No wonder time seems to be speeding up.

Here's the really cool part. Beginning on February 10, 2011 - less than 10 years from today - a shift in consciousness will take only 20 days. That means what used to take 20 years to shift prior to 1999 will take only 20 days to shift. And life will be that way within 10 years.

From February 10 through October 28, 2011, the rate of change of consciousness will be every 20 days. Can we even imagine what that might be like? Probably not yet. People living during the Industrial Revolution would have a hard time comprehending how we live today. So it's difficult for us to get a fix on what life will be like during the next cycle (which happens to be called the Universal Cycle).  I suspect we are getting glimpses of that upcoming reality during our multidimensional states - the dreamtime, meditation, shamanic journeys, etc. Visioning like that can be highly exciting.  Experiencing it will be exhilarating!

And what happens after all the cycles end on October 28, 2011? Let's put our minds on the back burner and open our hearts to the answer.

For each of us, the answer may look different. From today's perspective, it appears that "miracles" will become commonplace as the time lag in our current manifestation process disappears. What we *think* is what will *be* - instantly!  That's an awesome responsibility, and requires some practice.

There are discrepancies among scholars about the end date of the Mayan Calendar.  Jose Arguelles and John Major Jenkins have documented December 21, 2012, as the end date. Carl Johann Calleman cites October 28, 2011.

Now we have the suggestion that 2003 is the actual year once we adjust for Gregorian calendar changes, and we will enter the World of the Fifth Sun this month.

Does it really matter which date is "right"?

One thing is clear.  We are entering - or have recently entered - a portal through which instant manifestation is an ongoing process. This may well be what the Harmonic Concordance was about.  What we think is what becomes
so, instantly.

Many thought this would happen around 2012, but there's plenty of evidence that the shift has already happened as their lives turn around seemingly overnight. This would lend experiential support to Drunvalo's theory.

What will we do with our creative power now that we've rebirthed through the portal?

Thoughts create our reality. With this Shift, the lag time between thinking and manifesting is shrinking down to nothing.  This is the most exciting aspect of the End Times!

Will we manifest our love thoughts, or our fear thoughts?  Will we manifest our hopes and dreams  (yes, seveda upanja in sanje; se že dogaja, imho), or our nightmares?  

Experiencing different realities simultaneously - that "bipolar" feeling - and the intense physical and emotional "symptoms" that accompany transformation are part of this process of the Dimension Shift.  We might find ourselves in the Chamber of Ordeal one day and merging with the Divine the next. Sometimes we create several alternate realities in the same day!

tu si preberete ves članek

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 18.07.2004 at 10:37:02


Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

August 2004 is all about change and I don't mean that loosely. Change, Change change is echoing in the chambers of our souls. Following the direction of our heart is not a job for sissies. It takes a tough dedicated spiritually strong person to do the bidding of the heart and soul. 2004 has been a time of metamorphosis. The hard way the easy way and every way. We have been stripped down to our barely human essentials. Standing in front of the great all seeing mighty Oz, we bare our souls, leaving them out to dry in the summer's heat like a wet ocean soaked towel.

Feeling so ready to shift, wanting to experience the shift in one quantum leap instead of one hundred baby steps. "Just jump" your Soul commands, you freeze like a novice skydiver, "just jump into the shift, into the change, into the divine plan that is waiting like a soft cushion". We have all intentions of moving forward quickly, silently, lovingly and happily. As we ready ourselves for change we expect all of our cosmic duckies to be in a row. Lined up and bobbing to our personal wavelength. We look to our world to reflect our creation but nothing seems to be reflected in it that mirrors the image in our mind. We then begin to question our abilities, our intentions, our prayers and our worthiness,

OK God you said SHIFT/CHANGE/MOVE FORWARD/GET OUT OF THE RUT. I'm ready, I'm able and l'm willing. Show me the rabbit hole in which this shift lives. The universe smiles from within and points to a clause we all signed before coming incarnating. What about the 'I'LL SEE IT WHEN I BELIEVE IT CLAUSE', GOD WHISPERS?

We have entered a new level, bigger doorway of Creational energy. No longer are we mild mannered humans praying, asking, or conjoling an almighty God to give to us as helpless little baby birds. We have achieved Creational Maturity.

From this point forward in our evolutionary upgradement creations will only be birthed when we embrace the " I'LL SEE IT WHEN I BELIEVE IT CLAUSE". In this raised understanding of creation we are asked to be mature in our manifestations. To create concisely not haphazardly. Not to curse our creations when they do not appear on the date and time we expect them to arrive. Our curses send them immediately back through time and space into the ethers, to sit in the un-creational waiting room.

You are the Creator of your own circumstances. What you have created you can change. When we react to sudden chaos/or negative changes in our life we delay the purpose of creation. If we accept chaos as an opportunity for spiritual elevation, negativity will disappear. We alone determine the amount of time in which turmoil passes. It is time to stop poisoning our future with our doubt.

In this new level of Creatorship we cannot doubt any of our intentions no matter how slight. We need to ready our selves for the lessons in all situations, if your intention is to manifest a certain set of life experiences and you do not see the blueprint in your world, then understand the manifestation is large of molecule and must pass through several layers of light in order to be brought forth in concentrated form.

The summer sun will force us all into the shade of our new thinking, looking at how we have created and uncreated since the beginning of time. We truly are experts at this game of creation and it is time to remember that in our every thought.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 19.07.2004 at 02:22:38

Sun Bursts

A Giant Sun Spot ready to erupt

(at New Moon - August 16, 2004)

08/16/04 (USA) or 16/08/04 (European)

The miraculous metamorphosis of our ever-changing planet Earth from a flat geo-centric plane into its rightful spherical shape progressed rapidly in these last few centuries. This allowed, the scientists, and also the scholars, spiritual leaders, and even the educated and open-minded laypersons to reexamine their archaic belief systems derived from the Dark Ages. Questions arouse about the nature of God, the observable and the unseen physical forces around us. Science zoomed by most of us with incredible speed, making our lives more comfortable, but also increasingly complex. In the old times only the priest could explain the meanings of any religious messages. Since Guttenberg, it is slowly changing. Increasingly more individuals have to take responsibilities for their own spirituality and translations of divine messages. Religious concepts and interpretations mainly managed to avoid the speedy transformation from linear to cyclical, not to mention the lack of progression from three-dimensional cyclical to the multi dimensional half-spiral pairs. For most pious readers of sacred literature, the perfect spiral pair based recurrent natural forces interpreted as moral judgment. Until very recently and only by a few, the road to universal sound scientific principles remained uncharted even by our most educated spiritual leaders. How are we going to decipher the wisdom of ancient Egypt, Greco-Roman art, the Mayan Calendar, Hindu myths, Judeo-Christian teachings, Native Creation stories, if we do not possess the courage to intermarry science, religion and mythology into an all encompassing Unified Principle? Is not the Creator Force is the only ‘scientist’ and we are just students? Current science, utilizing the Ice Core results, shows that every 12,000years there is a sudden shift in the environment. (The actual length is about 11,650years,thus the 12,000 is a rounded figure.) This 12,000year period would be a half cycle shift of the about 24,000year long Precessional cycle, which is marked in the ice core samples as the dominant 23,000year cycle. (~11,650x2= ~23,300) The 12,000 members of each of the tribe of Is-Ra-El is a hidden Hebrew wisdom about this time frame. The following diagram is slightly modified from an article published in 1994 in the Science magazine showing that the 23,000year long (~23,300 and rounded to 24,000) ‘Ice Volume Collapse’ period is the dominant cycle in Nature. That can be thought of as ‘one finger of God’, for the simple reason that four cold cycles and one warm cycle makes up one full period of a 115,000year long Ice Age Cycle. The rounded numbers would be 10x12K or 5x24K=120K.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 19.07.2004 at 02:49:05


Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

On or around the morn of July 23, 2004 the star Sirius rises before the daystar, our sun, issuing a declaration to all that the ATLANTEAN-EGYPTIAN-SIRIAN NEW YEAR has been birthed (the Mayan new year is also aligned with this energy but usually celebrated July 26). This is a doorway of unprecedented opportunity to swim foreword with the stellar surge of awareness that precedes the day-light.

Since ancient times Sirius has been known and revered in many cultures. In ancient Atlantis the mysteries were based on information received from the Sirius Masters. After the third fall of Atlantis, the Sirian mysteries spread into ancient Egypt. As early as 3000 bc the Egyptians started celebrating the helical rising of the star Sirius declaring this the New Year as the Nile flooded its banks in the time of the great lion, in the month of Leo.

Sirius is the home of Christ Consciousness not only for our planet and solar system but also for this entire One Galaxy. Sirius has always been a spiritual prototype for earth and played a vital role in earth's early evolution. Spiritual energy streams forth from Sirius into the heart chakra of our Sun and then comes forth to earth through the sun's rays.

As the rays from Sirius arc onto earth via the sun pre-dawn, we will have another opportunity to activate the dormant DNA encodings that await stellar emanations and configurations in order to open sealed soul records/truths of each Light Being held within the human costume.

On or around July 23, 2004 go out before dawn and look to the east. Whether cloudy or dark seen or unseen, the star Sirius will rise to meet you. Asking you to move your awareness into the galactic storehouse of knowledge that has quietly awaited this time, you will find the key that unlocks what has been unseen until now.

On August 8, 2004 we are given an opportunity to walk through another 'Doorway of Accelerated Awakening', the 8:8 SOLAR LIONS STARGATE. This Awakening will occur within the cellular records of all beings. These cellular records are held within a crystalline code in the form of a tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) which exists within the codon of each strand of DNA, which resides within each cell of the body, as well as each cell in the Universe.

In ancient times the 'Records of Remembrance' were hidden deep within the earth physically and dimensionally, under, above and around sacred sites. The Mother Matrix of these encodings lives within the Great Pyramid of Egypt guarded by the Sphinx. When the ancient skies were aligned in a specific stellar alignment an energetic doorway was opened to the sacred sites. Allowing entrance through these sacred encodings. We all carry within us cellular awareness of every sacred site ever issued to earth, from the beginning of time on earth through out time in our immediate solar system. It is just a matter of fine tuning our intention to receive these energies. The only way earth can move forward is through the heart. Every tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one moves into direct contact with the heart.


Written By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Around July 23, 2004 we enter the sign of Leo and the Sphinx Stargate, as we all stand at the entrance to a new understanding of Light, of Life and of Love. On that day rise early from your sleep and walk out to meet the Goddess Isis in the form of the Star SIRIUS as she rises before the Sun of the Sun. Within her loins of light live three Stars. Two are known and one comes forth in all of her glory. 'Sirius C' announces to the world her presence. She is the "Seat of the Female Souls, living and future, THE SUN OF WOMAN". She comes forth energetically first, not seen by the sky eyes, but felt by the heart. Announcing to all within this solar system her presence and her presents.

Visualize the emanations and radiance of these 3 faces of Sirius coming forth into your THIRD EYE, then moving into the center of your brain and radiating within the pituitary, hypothalamus, and pineal glands creating an internal triangle. As she gives you the gift of the cycles of time connecting you and your higher trilogy energy points with all sacred spaces through time known and unknown. Bringing you to a point beyond this intersection of time and space as a doorway is opened right before your very eyes. Announcing to you long lost parts of your being that arise from a galactic sleep into wakefulness. The tone of creation sounds in every cell of your body on earth and cycles through all 144 levels of your light, homeward to the monadic entrance of your beginning. The tones of the Father Universe sounds within the Sons of man completing a Cycle of Time.

Sirius C sends out two of beams of light merging the sacral (2nd chakra) chakra with the third eye announcing to all of life to see from within and create from that point. Do not seek externally for your creation but know it is held lovingly within the womb of all men and woman on earth. The LIGHT FROM THE SUPERIOR SUN beyond our Sun needs you to receive and hold this atomic light. Without the assistance of those of earth the light just continues to travel onward without a host. Know then your importance in the schematics of receiving this Light. It needs you as you need it; yours is but a symbiotic marriage, arranged yet sacred in origin.

Hold within your thoughts on the morn, as you look at the Star Sirius in her helical rising, A SACRED INTENTION. Let this Sacred Intention be broadcast to all of life as you step out of one cycle of time into another. Letting go of the baggage of the past that you packed so lovingly. Leaving it by the wayside.

Clear Ye the way within yourselves for WHAT YOU HAVE CRIED OUT TO RECEIVE; THE LIGHT OF GOD, THE LIGHT OF PEACE, and THE LIGHT OF LOVE!! When you finally come to that clearing within the sacred space of yourself; nothing to blame, nothing to bar your way, nothing to hold on to as an excuse, WHAT WILL YOU DO WITH YOUR LIGHT!!!

The announcement of upcoming energy surges asks you to answer that question. On or around the time of July 23, 2004 Sirius rises before the Sun announcing the ATLANTEAN NEW YEAR and the Ancient EGYPTIAN NEW YEAR. On August 8, (8:8) we have the 8:8 SOLAR LIONS STAR GATE activating another level of the dormant encodings of ancient truths, on earth and in the stars. Bringing into remembrance on a cellular and stellar level the Activation of the Hall of Records on every planet and star within this universe. The autumn equinox issues closure on this summer's consumption of stellar truths and emanations. Resting for just a short while until the time of 11:11.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 24.07.2004 at 01:57:39

1,500 Homing Pigeons Get Lost During Race

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 25.07.2004 at 12:28:47

danes je dan izven casa

Day Out Of Time Celebration!

Declaration of The Great Calendar Change of 2004
(To be read at every Day Out of Time celebration at high noon)

   On this Day Out of Time, White Spectral Mirror, the 365th day of the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar year, we, the people, are gathered in numerous celebrations and festivals at sites around the world -why? Because we are celebrating the Great Calendar Change of 2004. As of the next day, Blue Crystal Storm, the first day of the Thirteen Moon/28-day calendar year, there will be a New Time on Earth. What does this mean?

   It means that for the first time in human history, the people of the Earth - not from one country, but from many countries and diverse cultural traditions - will be in support of and already following the new calendar. The times in which we are living are dangerous and complex. The Earth’s future is in the balance. The people know that things will not get better until we are living in a New Time. There are but a few years until the cycle of history closes in 2012. The people know this. The signs are everywhere that the great standards are changing. A new way must be found for the next evolutionary leap.We can no longer wait for a Caesar or a Pope, a president or a prime minister to issue the mandate for this kind of change. That is why we, the people of the Earth, have undertaken this change by ourselves and of our own volition.  It is reason and common sense, intelligence and compassion for all of life that move us to make this change. We know that the future is ours to create.

   In over 90 countries now the new harmonic standard of Thirteen Moons/28 days has spread and is now being followed. This is an irreversible change. This is a movement that cannot nor will not be stopped. It is the force of evolution itself. It is in accord with the principles of higher spiritual evolution. It is in accord with the transformation of our biosphere into the noosphere - the unified mental field of planet Earth. This is a cause of the greatest joy and celebration. We, the people, know that by 2012, Earth and all of her tribes and nations will be unified under the new standard of peace, Thirteen Moons/28 days.

   Though supported by the League of Nations, the International Chamber of Commerce and individuals as diverse as Eastman Kodak and Mahatma Gandhi, the Calendar Reform movement of the 1920s and 1930s, did not succeed. But its efforts were not in vain. It prepared the ground for such a change. In the seventy years since that noble effort, the reasons for making the change have become blatant and glaring. The disorder of society, reflecting the disorder of an irregular standard of measuring time, is now worldwide and epidemic in scope. This time the urgent call for calendar change has come from a people’s movement that has already succeeded in becoming a widespread planetary phenomenon. What seems impossible today, will be common sense tomorrow. Such is the obvious logic of a perpetual standard of measuring our time, the harmonic standard of Thirteen Moons/28-days.

   Henceforth, may this wave of the future penetrate all sectors of global society. May those who doubt find renewed faith. May those who stand on the side lines wondering, jump in and find a new, unifying commitment to a future of peace. We who make this change, do so under the Banner of Peace, an internationally recognized instrument for establishing world peace through culture. For that reason this Day Out of Time is also known as the International Peace through Culture Festival. On this day we pray for universal forgiveness. Meditating on our unity, marching and dancing in rhythm to the New Time, we proclaim: Time is no longer money. Time is art. May peace prevail on Earth. May the standard of the New Time call forth that day soon when our swords are beat into plowshares and children of all races, colors and creeds are playing and praying together in the sunshine of the promised land whose time has finally come. May the New Time of peace prevail on Earth!

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by 2227 on 25.07.2004 at 13:17:04

Petra. wrote on 25.07.2004 at 12:28:47:
danes je dan izven casa

R e s p e c t . . .

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 02.08.2004 at 21:03:43

8:8 Solar Lion Star Gate 2004-lots of positive change coming        Syye

written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we round the corner into the lair of the Lion (the month of Leo) we find ourselves face to face with our ancient future and our ancient past. Reflections in our world mirror our inner needs on all levels bringing to the surface all that has been buried alive.

Emanations from the Superior Sun behind our daystar (the sun) rearrange our brain waves, readjusting the thinking patterns that have kept us hostage in an elliptical orbit of humanness. The giant sunspots and coronal mass ejections we are presently seeing are but a glimpse into the life force of this Superior dark Sun that extends her super magnetic vibration into all parts of our known and unknown solar system. Lifting us to a point of open eyes within all the seeing cells of our natural state. Just like celestial acupuncture we receive injections of knowing that cannot be explained away. We finally find the passion to do, to be, to believe to create without a shadow of doubt.

The solar system lines up celestial body by celestial body, stopping only for a moment to pay homage to earth and her inhabitants observing the shifts and changes within the evolving species that calls earth there home.

The star Sirius is partnering with the dark Superior Sun behind our Sun as we enter the alignment of the ancients. All buried landmasses within our consciousness come to a place of buoyancy, circumnavigating our linear flat world thinking. Exposing on a stellar level that which lies beneath all of our longings and choices. We finally stand up for what we believe and what believes in us.

The blue light from the star Sirius shines down onto all of our choices as she enters her helical rising at the end of July. Stellar gateways open via earthen conduits allowing us to be lifted to a place of innate knowing. Everything we do or do not do will be felt in all sectors of heaven and earth.

It is time for the SOLAR LION via the SPHINX to rise from her enigmatic posture of guardian and unleash what has been subjugated to human restriction. A full positioning of this event transpires within the secret chamber of the left hemisphere of the brain for females and the right hemisphere of the brain for males. Like an unexpected tsunami the ocean floor parts to release a surge that will clear the mental shorelines of non-belief. Fractions of self and soul that had once been fluid through time and choice come running home with open arms and an open heart. Settling into all of the cracks of our personal universe filling them with what needs to be seen.

Emanations from the stars reach down to work there healing magic upon all of us. The Superior Sun behind our Sun lifts her skirt of light exposing her Nubian body of light for all to see. The dance of the seven veils of time eternal cleverly keeps most of her concealed. Finally the children of earth have earned the right to see the truth of the Cosmos.

On August 8, 2004 (8:8) SPIRITUAL ATOMIC ENERGY will be unleashed to the entire universe within the direct radiation of our sun. Solar power will move into material form to be seen and felt. Uniting the two hemispheres of the brain in a cosmic fusion. Birthing a level of light that even the blind will be able to see.

So powerful is this solar vibration we will have but one choice as it enters our energy field. The choice is to just allow it to pass through you like a solar wind, not holding on to any part of it. Like a cool breeze on a hot day just allow the solar emanations to encircle and embrace you without trying to corral them and tie them to the fence of humanness. Just this minute action will shift the future into a place that can been seen and felt.

The 8:8 STARGATE VIBRATION is symbolic of the human DNA kept separate and secret purposefully. From the time of July 23, 2004 until September 23, 2004 the symbiotic relationship that humanity has had with earth life will shift into direct alignment with a time passageway. This time passageway reconnects with the Superior Sun beyond the sun allowing a new seeding to occur that increases mental capacities, IQ and the ability to remember (near and far). For some time now the human brain has been in the shop being repaired. Too much information has been painful and not received or digested properly. Seeming to have Teflon coating the brain has been resistant, not wanting anything to stick to it. Each new set of thoughts triggered dormant fears that needed to be released and replaced with new strands of awareness.

The star Sirius rises in helical fashion sometime between July 23 and August 1, 2004 depending on your longitude and latitude. This rising is associated with new thought, new light, and new beginnings. It rises before the sun purposefully after being in stellar hiding for about 70 days. Sirius houses the Great White Brotherhood, the Lemurian Elders as well as the Christ Consciousness and a bevy of highly evolved beings. The announcement of her arrival comes as a key to unlock a very old door that is newly painted and postioned. This door enters into a room that humanity as a whole has never been comfortable experiencing. It is now time to come from a point of high solar vibrations and allow this new light to shine on places within the psyche and history of earth that needs cleansed.

We stand at the base of the mountain of Creational maturity on our sojourn home to the Light. Everything in the universe opens its cupboards to show what has been hidden on all of its shelves. Finally embracing and acknowledging the Creational maturity of the people of earth. It is a personal choice as to how to wear this energy and wisdom. It has been laid at your anointed feet with a great love by those that have taken all of your evolutionary possibilities to heart.

The heavenly bodies that come to usher in the 8:8 SOLAR LIONS STAR GATE are the stars listed below.

ALUDRA (Canis Major) a blue white super giant. It opens and strengthens the heart, its passageways and muscles of the heart. It opens us to a higher love. Allowing for a deeper connection between 3rd eye and lower three chakras. Connect with this star when you are ready to broadcast love.

CAPH (Cassiopeia) blue white sub giant which pulsates every 2 hours and 30 minutes. This star enhances mental body functions and strengthens telepathic impulses. Release energies caught in the mental body allowing them to move into the emotional, etheric and physical body. Assists in putting lost pieces of the mental puzzle together.

RUCHBAH (Cassiopeia) blue white sub giant enhances within men the ability to work with the acceptance of love helps to shift karma using deep love.

MEDIA (Sagittarius) Yellow Giant that creates a greater spiritual confidence assists in developing new spiritual ideas and concepts

KORNEPHOROS (Hercules) Yellow white giant. Enhances healing processes derived from mental energy by use of meditation and deep relaxed thought. Genetic structure can be altered with this star. Bursts of energy from this star occur every 3.3 minutes

ASPIDISKE (Carina) artificially created portal similar to natural portals found in universe. Allows rapid transfer from one point to another. Speeds up capacities in all aspects of brain functions interconnecting with newly activated brain cells.

RIGIL KENTAURIS (similar to our sun) this star is a beacon that awakens the knowledge that space travel is inherent within all beings. (Consciously and physically) is also aligned with the energy of chlorophyll which is the sun made manifest on earth.

     Divine Being
Posts: 118
7/16/04 9:06 pm
Re: 8:8 Solar Lion Star Gate 2004-lots of positive change co       Trendle Ellwood
Syye, thank you for this! I have been most interested in reading about Stargates ever since Merlin told me that I was at the number two stargate. This looks like a very good read. Love to you, Tren

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 02.08.2004 at 22:23:56

zanimivo, 23. julija je bilo ravno tisto neurje po sloveniji, in hkrati še močan popotresni sunek v Bovcu... ;);action=display;num=1048980572;start=135

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 09.08.2004 at 09:04:28

Magic hours and renaissance power gates

Many of you may have felt yourself going through a deep transformation at this time. It is a time of  purification by fire , a deep cleansing of the old and the clearing of old karmic patterns in preparation for the new that is emerging. There is light at the end of the tunnel but there is still a lot of work to be done.
Steve Nelson, astrologer and mythologist describes today as the  Feast of Transfiguration and describes the process that Jesus went through at this time, a cleansing by fire followed by total illumination. Following is part of a message from Steve.  Love and blessings, Maggie

from: Steve Nelson []


A great ritual transformation occurs each year as  the Sun
transits the Chiron decan of Leo August 2nd to August 12th.

According to the Greek myth, the centaur god Chiron creates
a fiery altar on a mountain around which the gods and goddesses
are united to overcome the evil Titans.

The Feast of Transfiguration on August 6th commemorates the time
when Jesus went up on the mountain and was illuminated.

Midpoint Leo is the power gate of fire, the culmination of the
ancient festival of Lughnasa / Lammas that began on August 1st.

At this time followers of the old faith go to sacred places on
mountains and hills and there share bread (hence Lammas or
Loafmas) believing it imbued with a transcendent spirit. This
is a time for transforming, reimaging, realizing personal
dreams, actualizing cultural ideals.

August 6th is the Feast of Transfiguration when Jesus went to the
mountain. Spiritual fire comes down to mountain tops at this mid Leo
power gate. Jesus knew when to go the mountain and the wisdom
tradition suggests that we might do the same.

"Then Jesus went forth unto a mountaintop to pray. And as he prayed
a brilliant light appeared; his form became as radiant as precious
stone; his face shown like the Sun; his garments seemed as white as
snow; the son of humanity became the son of God. He was transformed
that the people of the Earth might see the possibilities of humanity."

- The Aquarian Gospel, Levi

Sacred fire is available to all who go to receive it. Alternatively you
may meditate on a mountaintop you've been to before and be there in
spirit. True noon and mid-afternoon canonical hour times are ideal
for this purpose.

August 6th's WORLD what is out of accord with divine purpose.

When you feel a pattern break though it is important to bless the
energy released and send it to serve a good that you intend. This
is how transformation works.  

Title: Mayan Elders Are “Angry”
Post by Kali on 11.08.2004 at 20:54:52

In last night’s interview with Adam Rubel, co-founder of Saq Be’, he disclosed a message to be told to our ECTV audience as requested by Carlos Barrios, Mayan Elder. Adam stated “Many Mayan Elders are angry. They don’t understand why people of the world are not taking notice to the warning signs telling us of great dramatic (catastrophic) change if we do not change our ways. We need to stop political agenda’s of destruction and separation.”.

I suggested to Adam that is sounds more like “frustration” than anger. So I pressed Adam to tell us specifics as to ‘dramatic events’ that are to unfold. I also pressed Adam to be as specific as possible in outlining what the Mayan Elders are asking of us. You must hear this interview in its entirety. The sad but realistic outcome as stated by over 100 emails which came in after my request to the audience of their opinion after hearing Adam’s plea, was not too positive.

The vast majority (approx. 87%) stated we (humans) are not able (or capable) of making significant change unless a well defined ‘cause’ is made manifest. There would need to be a ‘critical mass’ of consciousness to occur in order to bring the people of the world together for a primary purpose. I suggested to Adam, as I have to you so many times, it will take large earth changing events to get our attention. Although many Mayan Elders may see significant signs of change, this may not equate to what most people of the world conceive as significant. In other words, it may be that the Mayan Elders may in fact be more attuned to their environment, but that it does not reach the threshold needed for mass consciousness.

I suggest it is when phenomenal events occur, and reach levels of unprecedented proportion of which ‘no one’ can deny, then the potential of ‘critical mass’ will be reached, and the vast majority of the world will have that certain “toggle switch” triggered and the acknowledgement of “now is the time” will have been met.

You must listen to ever minute of this gripping interview:


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 13.08.2004 at 23:38:06

     Huge Swirls of Hot Gas Found Above Earth
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 12 August 2004
06:56 am ET

Pockets of superheated gas several times the size of Earth have been discovered swirling like bathtub drains high above the planet.

The vortices seem to suck high-energy particles from the Sun into Earth's otherwise protective magnetic shield. The finding should help solve a longstanding mystery.

The Sun spits out a constant stream of charged particles known as the solar wind. It travels at nearly 1 million mph and sometimes much faster. Earth's magnetic field blocks most of these particles, which slip past the planet around a teardrop-shaped magnetosphere.

When Earth's magnetic field is aligned opposite to that of the solar wind, gaping holes can allow the energized particles to pour in and collect in an outer region of the magnetosphere called the boundary layer. Scientists already knew this, and during solar storms the gaps can force a rain of particles at lower altitudes, generating tremendous displays of sky lights called auroras while threatening satellites and terrestrial power grids.

But since 1987, scientists have also known that when the magnetic fields are aligned, and the magnetosphere ought to be impenetrable, the boundary layer is actually fuller.

New observations by the European Space Agency's Cluster mission of satellites found the likely cause.

Like wind over water, the hot solar wind, called plasma, rubs against plasma at the magnetopause -- the outer limit of Earth's magnetosphere, explains Hiroshi Hasegawa of Dartmouth College. "At the magnetopause, the interaction of fast streaming solar wind plasma and stagnant plasma in the magnetosphere creates the vortices," Hasegawa said in an e-mail interview.

The swirls of electrified gas are nearly 24,850 miles (40,000 kilometers) in diameter.

Theory predicted the vortices, but they hadn't been seen until now. Theory also predicts the vortices might pull charged particles into the magnetosphere, but scientists aren't sure how.

"We don't know yet exactly how the vortices bring the solar wind into the boundary layer," Hasegawa said. "But this would be similar to what happens when cresting waves on the surface of the ocean crash: Large quantities of air are engulfed into the seawater."

Hasegawa said it takes roughly 10 minutes for a vortex to form and collapse, and he suspects they are created continuously when conditions are favorable. Other unknown mechanisms might also contribute to filling the boundary layer, he said, adding that current space-based observatories won't answer all the questions.

The results are detailed in the Aug. 12 issue of the journal Nature.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 18.08.2004 at 00:07:26

Kalki Bhagavan - Sri Kalki Avatar
Sri Kalki Bhagavan - The Living Avatar

Kalki, Sri Kalki Avatar, Kalki Bhagavan, Kalki Bhagwan

Kalki, or Sri Kalki Bhagavan, the founder of the Golden Age Foundation in India, is considered to be the living Avatar capable of giving enlightenment. Not only to a few individuals, but to the whole mankind.

According to Kalki, Earth will start entering the Golden Age, the age of enlightenment, in June 2004 during the Venus Transit.This process will come to a conclusion at the next venus transit in 2012.

The time in front of us, says Kalki, will be be filled with unprecedented changes, challenges and turmoil. It is not much mankind can do about it. But those who have worked on setting all their relationships right will have a much easier ride than others.

Humanity is entering the most crucial phase of its existence. The coming decade shall witness the most unprecedented and undreamt of changes in the course of its long evolution. There is nothing much humanity could do about it, other than to understand the changes occurring around it and to flow with the changes that are overpowering it. Towards the end, humanity would enter a new age, The Golden Age. The transition will be a painful process. Only those whose relationships are in order would make it easily. The Golden Age Movement has come into existence to help humanity make this transition.


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Madan Gopal Das on 18.08.2004 at 10:08:50

vidm da bo treba spet nacet temo o izrazu avatar in bhagavan (ki je izvorno zapisana prvic v vedah) in za koga se ta izraz lahko uporablja in kaj sploh pomeni.

o koristi/skodljivosti nepravilno uporabljenega izraza avatarja/bhagavana in o takih samo-oklicanih avatarjev/bhagavanih kot je tale gospod zgoraj pa rajs ne bi se enkrat od zacetka.

if someone wants he can try and taste it. but for me, no thank you.

Hari bol.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 18.08.2004 at 21:43:22

zakaj to meniš? jst ne vem... sem včeraj brala ene zadeve in sem tam našla spisek raznoraznih avatarjev, še živečih, edini neživ vmes je Osho, no med njimi tud tale Kalki, pa Sai Baba.... in sem šla pogledat mal... mogoče zarad asociacije iz kali ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Madan Gopal Das on 19.08.2004 at 08:38:14

Petra. wrote on 18.08.2004 at 21:43:22:
zakaj to meniš? jst ne vem... sem včeraj brala ene zadeve in sem tam našla spisek raznoraznih avatarjev, še živečih, edini neživ vmes je Osho, no med njimi tud tale Kalki, pa Sai Baba.... in sem šla pogledat mal... mogoče zarad asociacije iz kali ;)

ja sej to je to. beres (kr)ene zadeve in jim pol se verjames. ampak itak ma vsak pravico verjet in sledit kar hoce.

ce sprejmemo izraz avatar/bhagavan kot ga opisujejo vedski spisi pol nihce od teh zgoraj nastetih gospodov ni avatar/bhagavan. niti nam taki kvazi-avatarji ne morjo kej dost koristit, lahko pa valda skodjo... seveda ce gledamo iz vidika vecne dobrobiti. ce hocmo dobit eno zacasno zavetje (mir) pol se seveda lahko predamo takim kvazi-odresenikom. ce pa hocmo dosezt neko trajno zavetje in s tem trajni mir pa se jim mormo spostljivo izognit na delec in sprejet pravega avatarja/bhagavana Sri Krishno in njegovega verodostojenga predstavnika tu in zdaj.

ce rada beres... si prosim breber se "Bhagavad-gito, Kakrsna je".

Hari bol.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 19.08.2004 at 10:37:59

ma prnes mi že enkrat to bhagavadgito!!! ::)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Madan Gopal Das on 19.08.2004 at 11:13:06

Petra. wrote on 19.08.2004 at 10:37:59:
ma prnes mi že enkrat to bhagavadgito!!! ::)

ok, dobis.

sam povej a rabs anglesko original (As it is) al slovensko (Kakrsna je)?

a rabs v papirju al je lohk na netu?

aja, pa inst-msg (PM) za ostale detajle.

Hari bol.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 19.08.2004 at 11:36:28

daj pošli mi as it is

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Madan Gopal Das on 19.08.2004 at 11:43:50

(ce kliknes na verz ti odpre original sanskrit in uspodi je tud verodostojen komentar oz. kaj je to "as it is" oz. "kakrsna je". to pomen brez spekulacij in napacnih/omejenih interpretacij).

Hari bol.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape.bluzi on 19.08.2004 at 12:04:52

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 19.08.2004 at 12:19:20

čeprov je škoda 1 črkice za tebe, ti vseen odgovorim

it offends me not ... at all

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape.bluzi on 19.08.2004 at 12:44:13

ne me banat, gape

ljubi me, sprejmi me :-*

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 20.08.2004 at 20:53:02

It Is Time To Remember Who You Are
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

(This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it
through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.  )

You are a Beloved Child of God who is on Earth during this unique
moment to cocreate the wonders of Heaven on Earth. You are an empowered
Instrument of God. This inner knowing is opening your heart and allowing
your God Self to increase the amount of Divine Light flowing through your
Earthly body.
The increased influx of Light flows into the physical plane and
enters the core of purity in every electron of precious life energy. The
Light then pushes to the surface anything that conflicts with Its
frequencies of harmony, love and balance. Unfortunately, as the discordant
frequencies of energy surface to be transmuted back into Light, they often
create the illusion that things are getting worse. People easily witness
the surfacing negativity, but what they don't see is the incredible Light
that is pushing the negativity to the surface to be healed and transmuted.
That phenomenon has the effect of keeping people focused on the problem
instead of the solution.
When the focus of your attention is stuck on the negativity that is
coming up to be healed instead of the Light of God that is pulsating with
all of the patterns of perfection and solutions contained in the Causal
Body of God, you empower and sustain the negative things that are
surfacing. Instead of eliminating the problems, you actually intensify
them. This creates the situations that make you feel desperate,
overwhelmed and hopeless.
People are so used to accepting the physical plane as their true
reality, that they have forgotten it is merely a reflection of their
consciousness. No matter how real your life challenges seem or how
entrapped you are in the grip of poverty, disease, low self-esteem,
loveless relationships, hatred, corruption, ignorance, war, etcetera,
those distorted expressions of life can only be maintained in your life if
you sustain them through your thoughts, words, actions, feelings and
. If you choose to empower the Light and all of the patterns of
perfection contained in that Light instead of choosing to empower the
things that cause your pain and suffering, your Earthly experiences will
be transformed in the twinkling of an eye.
Never has there been a more opportune time for you to change your
course of direction. Never has Humanity received more support from the
Heavenly Realms than we are receiving at this moment. Focus on fulfilling
your dreams, and miracles will happen.

This monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in
the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of this information is to
encourage, empower, uplift and inspire all of us by allowing us to see the
bigger picture, during these wondrous but extremely challenging times.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gmp on 26.08.2004 at 08:43:07
:o  ;)

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 13.09.2004 at 22:23:00

se splača prebrat

en quote:

The significance of this is great and all-encompassing. This has a direct effect upon those of the First and Second Wave. The First Wave people have been on Earth for a very long time and have acquired much earthly experience, knowledge and weariness.

The Second Wave people are newer and fresher. They came here to CREATE THE NEW. And they have had to wait for a long time for the New to be anchored. This has created much impatience, frustration and boredom for them while they endlessly waited and wondered why they were here when there was nothing real to do.

Well, 6th Gate has turned everything around and now it's time for the sceptres to be passed. First Wavers will be moving from Doing to Being while Second Wavers will be shifting from Experiencing to Doing.

This is one of the key elements of October's 7th Gate Activation in India. A mighty shift is taking place even within the structure of the 11:11 Doorway. While I was the key motivator for the first six 11:11 Activations, I will now be merging into the One Being so that the future 11:11 Activations can be brought forth by us as One. As I said, sceptres are being passed....

An important facet of the Zone of Overlap that we are currently experiencing during this special time, is that it is the only time in which the First and Second Waves will be working together from a place of perfect balance and equality. For the next few years, we will all be in a state of Doing at the same time. This is what makes the "Greatness in Action" of this year possible. This will also move our One Being onto its new level which is called THE ONE BEING IN ACTION. This is where ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

The sleeping giant shakes off its slumber and begins to rise.....

How far the sleeping giant of our One Being goes depends on each of us. Will it just be a few of us or will it be many? Will the sleeping giant take just a few tentative steps or will it stride across the universe with confidence and compassion -- righting imbalances, healing all the broken hearts, dissolving separation and replacing it with Oneness? Where will you choose to be?

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Angel on 17.09.2004 at 10:08:13

prišel je čas,
ko se je Angel spet vrnil med vas.

bo neki napisu,
bo neki narisu,
mal bo nalepu,
kako zvezdo bo speku.

se rad zabava,
mogoče je kriva trava,
drugače pa je,
angel se VE.


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 28.09.2004 at 23:45:04

Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained: "We live in a world of polarity: day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance. Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012."

"On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group’s understandings, are the key. There’s a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus."

As Mr. Barrios sees it, the dark side works to block fusion through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want fusion. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level.

The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It’s too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun.

This is the MOST important and opportune time to light candles;
to do ceremony and ritual; to pray!

Know that if we are alive now, there is a reason.

Remember, we are human beings, not machines.

Only christos people will survive to experience this age. A lot of humanity will disappear... Those who survive will by the Lovers of the Earth who know how to live simply and harmoniously.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Kali on 15.10.2004 at 17:48:50

Look at the larger time scheme this way:

1999 - 2004 are the years of Signs and Wonders. The Grand Crosses of August 1999, the Grand Stellium in Taurus of May 2000, the magnificent star alignment of the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003, the Venus Passage of June 2004 and the Grand Quintiles coming this month are an extremely unusual close grouping of sky pictures so spectacular that we naturally wonder what they are meant to communicate. While no honest person presumes to speak for God or say what She is trying to show us, we are clearly meant to notice, and to ask what comes next.

2005 - 2007 are for navigating at night, under cloud. It is noteworthy that for the next three years and a little more, while we do get a few interesting star combinations, there are no more of the dramatic sky pictures that we have seen over the last five years.

2008 - 2012 are Grand Opera in the Zodiac. Grand Crosses and brilliant Stellia come again, and all of the outer planets change signs, as Uranus enters Aries, Neptune enters Pisces and Pluto enters Capricorn. Momentous events not only occur, but are consciously brought about by the aligned intentions of those who are determined to bring about progressive change.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 29.11.2004 at 10:02:25

Izbrali ste se vrniti v fizično telo v času velikih sprememb na Zemlji - ni vam bilo vsiljeno, niste bili vodeni v to - to ste izbrali. Očistiti toliko stare energije iz prejšnjih življenj v enem samem življenju, kot bi vso karmo prinesli v to življenje, jo častili in spoštovali in potem opustili. Šaumbre, s tem ste prevzeli velik izziv kot določeni / imenovani tisti, ki boste vstali za vsa svoja prejšnja življenja. Ti vaši stari vidiki so danes okrog vsakega, ki tu sedi ali posluša posnetek. Ti vidiki vaših prejšnjih življenj vas častijo in spoštujejo za opravljeno delo. Oni so ti in ti si oni, vendar ti sediš tu, 12. oktobra in ti sprejemaš odgovornost za vso spremembo, za vse opuščanje in ti sprejemaš odgovornost za vse ozdravljenje.

Šaumbre... V ta svet in telesa ste prišli v pomembnem času in vse, kar ste do zdaj izkušali, je služilo velikemu namenu. Nobena izbira ne izkušnja nista bili neprimerni, vse te je pripeljalo do te točke, v zdaj. Na Zemlji se danes dogajajo velike spremembe, ko gre planet iz energije stare dualnosti v čisto Novo energijo. Ne samo v tvojem življenju, ampak povsod po svetu staro dela pot novemu.

Človeštvo se je izbralo spreminjati naprej, izbralo je potencial Nove energije in nove poti.
In potem je bil vsak od vas poklican naprej, da opravi svoje delo. Nekateri ste že bili vključeni v duhovno delo, drugi ste zaslišali klic v sebi. Ampak, dragi prijatelji, ta klic je resničen. Kar danes delate na Zemlji, je resnično. Novo energijo pomagate prinašati v svojo realnost in pomagate biti pionir za vso Zemljo.

Kar se res dogaja, je, da stara energija sprašuje novo, če je res pripravljena.
Staro sprašuje novo, če res verjame vase in če res je pripravljeno na nove čase.
In isto se dogaja v vaši notranjosti.
Vaše stare energije, celo vaši stari vidiki prejšnjih življenj zdaj sprašujejo:
Ali si pripravljena na to?
Si se pripravljen premakniti v čisto nov način bivanja?

Zavest in fizično Zemlje bosta 18.09.2007 doživela veliko spremembo, ki ji rečemo kvantni skok in bo premik iz energije stare dualnosti v Novo energijo.
Pomembno bo to, kar se bo dogajalo po tem datumu...

Torej, šaumbre, zakaj ste zdaj na Zemlji?
Ker ste sebi dovolili, da greste prvi v Novo energijo.
Vse, kar zdaj doživljate v življenju, je del tega procesa prehoda v Novo energijo. Dogaja se na notranjih ravneh, v telesu, v umu in v Duhu. Ko včasih mislite, da življenje nima smisla, da je nepomembno, poglejte drugače - Kaj se res dogaja v meni?

Dovoljujete si iti skozi ta velik premik dosti pred drugimi ljudmi in to zato, da bi dobili razumevanje, empatijo in sočutje.
Da bi kot učitelji in vodniki pomagali skozi proces drugim, ko bodo v njem.
Pionirji ste, prvi.

Verjetno veste, da Merlin ni posamezna oseba, ampak energija, ki je čudežnost, do zdaj utelešena v mnogih različnih telesih.
Merlinovo energijo je na dan prineslo dosti velikih ljudi in vsak, ki danes tukaj sedi, je občasno Merlinovo energijo prinašal in ta energija bil.

prisili so vas, da ste zanikali in zavrgli čarobne Merlinove energije.

Prisili so vas v izrečeno ali napisano prisego, da čarobne energije, s katerimi ste delali in pomagali drugim, niso (bile) resnične.
Pred publiko ste morali priseči, da ste si vse stvari izmislili, vsem ste morali reči, da ste lažnivka, ki si je vse izmislila. Za tiste, ki ste morali skozi to, namesto fizičnih mučenj, je rana še vedno globoka.
Glavna blokada v vaši duhovni energiji je to.

Čarobnost oz. čudežnost je na tem področju sveta zelo močna, a zelo dolgo potiskana, skrita in zartrta. Obstaja namreč neposredna povezava med deželami in ljudmi, ki so bili dolgo zatrti ter ravnijo in potencialom čudežnosti v teh deželah.

Na en način lahko rečemo, da svet do zdaj na vas ni bil pripravljen in na en način vi na to niste bili pripravljeni.
Na najglobjih notranjih ravneh ste se še vi bali svojega Merlina.
Zato smo danes prišli, da vam odločno povemo, da je čas, da se spet odprete.
Čas je, da Merlin spet hodi po tej deželi.
Ne kot ena oseba, ampak utelešen v vsakem od vas, ki bo izbral to pot.

Vsak od prisotnih je naravni zdravilec, vsak od vas je čarovnica Nove energije, a čas je zdaj drug.
Ljudje vas bodo sprejeli, ljudje potrebujejo, kar jim lahko ponudite, ljudje potrebujejo čarobnost nazaj v svojih življenjih.
Ljudje potrebujejo Merlina v vas.

Merlinovo energijo so utelešali mnogi v zgodovini - veliki zdravilci in vodje preteklosti.
Nedvomno jo je utelešal Jezus in moderni vodje kot Gandi. Sai Baba uporaba njegovo energijo, kar ne pomeni, da je Merlin, ampak se povezuje s tem virom energije.
Merlinova energija je vir, s katerim se lahko poveže vsak od vas.
Je čarobnost, ki je enostavno prepričanje.
Vsi, ki si dovolite verjeti v ta vir, lahko delate čarobnost. Okrog sebe lahko ustvarite tako energijo, da vsi, ki pridejo v vašo bližino, prevzamejo to prepričanje. Če je nekaj verjeto, je sprejeto kot realnost. In to je čarobnost, dragi prijatelji.

Merlinova energija je zapustila Zemljo za kar nekaj časa in čas je, da jo prinesemo nazaj.

Nekateri s seboj nosite strahove pred vrnitvijo Merlina, zaradi vsega, kar so vam rekli drugi in zaradi trpljenja in mučenja, ki ste ga preživeli. Bojite se, da bi to energijo zlorabili, jo uporabili za temne namene ali iz napačnih razlogov, ampak poglejte takole.
Vase in v Merlinov kristal ste že dali uravnoteženo energijo, ki ne bo dovolila aktivacijo te energije razen v najvišje dobro vseh.

Title: Zvezdni portali v letu 2005 in darila Mami Zemlji
Post by gape on 10.07.2005 at 22:16:38

Živimo v času intenzivnih sprememb. Ljudje smo se z dvigom svoje zavesti v letih od 1998 do leta 2000 odločili, da ne bomo šli skozi kataklizmo uničenja v času prehoda mame Zemlje in celotne civilizacije iz 3. v 5. dimenzijo. Po letu 2000 nimamo več scenarija po katerem naj bi živeli, ni več karme, stojimo na odru in s svojim vsakodnevnim odločanjem in prepričanji določamo svojo prihodnost. Stvari se manifestirajo izjemno hitro, zato je pomembno, da razmišljate pozitivno. To je pomemben čas v naši zgodovini, ko se ponovno usklajujemo z matrico zavedanja iz časa Lemurije, ko gremo nazaj v evoluciji proti enosti, ki smo jo poznali in živeli v času Lemurije. Do leta 2000 smo živeli za tančico, ki nas je ločila od bitij svetlobe, angelov, dev, vil in vnebovzetih mojstrov, sedaj se ta tančica dviguje in na Zemljo priteka vedno več kristalne ali platinaste energije, ki uravnoveša jin in jang pol v vsakem posamezniku. Postajamo celostni in gremo v enost. Vse vojne, krutosti in nasilje, ki smo mu priča so le porodni popadki, bolečina ob rojevanju nove energije, nove Zemlje. Greste namreč v smeri svoje pozornosti, če ste usmerjeni v pozitivno smer, se vam dogajajo pozitivne stvari in če ste usmerjeni v negativno smer, se vam manifestira vse tisto, česar se bojite. Zakoni vesolja so zelo preprosti, če delaš kar že delaš, dobiš, kar že imaš. Zato spremeni svoje razmišljanje in delovanje. Sprejmi odgovornost za svoje življenje, nehaj se pritoževati in ne išči izgovorov!

12. decembra 2004 so začele na zemljo pritekati lemurijske energije raja in se prizemljevati skozi portale Luči na Zemlji. To je bil za vse nas pomemben dan, saj je to pomenilo, da smo se premaknili iz energije dvojnosti, ki smo jo sprejeli na Atlantidi, nazaj v obdobje enosti srca in duha, kar je bilo značilno za civilizacijo Lemurije. Skupina planetov, ki je na Zemljo dovajala kristalno energijo iz centralnega sonca je bila vodena s strani Plutona, planeta transformacije. Zelo intenzivne energije je bilo čutiti vse do 18. decembra, ko se je sonce poravnalo s centralnim soncem na 26 stopinjah Strelca. Na tej točki je akvamarinski žarek skupaj z lemurijsko energijo raja začel pritekati v kristalno mrežo Zemlje in vseh kristalnih otrok na Zemlji. Na ta dan je Venera vstopila na 2 stopinjo Strelca in ponesla tudi planet ljubezni v ples transformacije. Boginja Isis in bog Ra bosta praznovala dokončen rezultat Venerinega prehoda v letu 2004 in odpiranje Siriusovih vrat 8. avgusta 2005. Od tega trenutka dalje bo možno ponovno ustvariti raj na Zemlji.

5. marca 2005 je bil pomemben prenos akvamarinske energije, ki se je najbolj intenzivno odvijal na Havajih. Kiti in delfini nam zelo pomagajo pri prizemljevanju teh novih energij v kristalno mrežo Zemlje, saj skozi vzpostavljeno oceansko mrežo držijo energijo s petjem in njihovim harmoničnim oglašanjem vnašajo v mrežo ljubezen in podporo za vse nas.
V času velike noči in Vesaka, najpomembnejših ključev krščanske in budistične vere, ko praznujemo ponovno rojstvo mojstrske zavesti inkarnirane skozi Kristusa in Budo, so energije še bolj intenzivne, saj gre za preporod celotnega človeštva na višjo zavest povsod na Zemlji.

5. maja 2005 energija akvamarinskega žarka je skozi kristalno mrežo prizemljena in aktivirana, skozi ponovno aktiviranje svetih mest na Zemlji pa se na zemljo vrača tudi devinska esenca vil in angelov. Ko sem bila na Irskem sem se povezovala z boginjami in šele ob branju teh informacij, mi je postalo jasno zakaj sem imela tako nujo, da obiščem vse najpomembnejše svete kraje na Irskem in zakaj sem čutila tako močno privlačnost do vil, dev in bitij elementarnega sveta.

7.julija 2005 se odpira vrtinec energije 777, naša kronska čakra, z zavestno meditacijo pa bomo naredili velik korak naprej, saj je naslednji pomemben datum v tem letu 26. julij, ko se bodo vrata Levjega portala Siriusa poravnala z našim planetom. To ponazarja vzhod Siriusa, ki ga na severni polobli lahko opazujemo zjutraj ob sončnem vzhodu. To je bil starodavni obred Egipčanov, ki so na ta dan praznovali Egipčansko novo leto. To bo popolna prizemljitev novih energij, višja zavest, ki bo pritekla skozi levja vrata pa bo sprožila začetek manifestacije raja v peti dimenziji. Pridružite se nam v meditaciji 7.7.2005 ob 7.uri zvečer, ko bomo skozi svojo kronsko čakro aktivirali steber luči skozi celoten energetski kanal čustev, našo kačo kundalini energije.

Varuhi Luči, Svetilniki Luči ali Lightworkerji smo tukaj kot stebri energije, skozi katere se nova energija spušča in prizemljuje, zato se soočamo z določenimi težavami, ker ne dovolimo čistega pretoka energije skozi nas in se upiramo. To pa pripelje do vedno večje bolečine v naših telesih ali na čustvenem področju v naših življenjih. Lahko smo utrujeni, brez energije in motivacije.
Pomembno je, da pijemo veliko vode, ki je povezava s kristalno energijo, ki nas čisti in nevtralizira negativne miselne forme. Pomembno je, da dovolj spite in da poslušate svoje telo, kaj želi.
Vem da se tole sliši kot znanstvena fantastika vendar vem,v svojem srcu čutim, da je to resnica in da so spremembe, s katerimi se soočam v zadnjem času točno takšne. Hvala vsem vam, ki ste z nami, ki berete Mychi novice in nas obiskujete v Mychi centru. Hvala vsem, ki se boste udeležili meditacij ob teh pomembnih prehodih. Če ne boste utegnili priti v Mychi se nam pridružite v meditaciji 7.7.2005 ob 7.uri zvečer in 26.7.2005 ob 8.uri zvečer ter še tretjič 8.8.2005 ob 8.uri zvečer. Prižgite svečko ali se zazrite v kristal in se povežite z boginjo Isis, mati vseh mater, in z nami, ki bomo z ritualom in čisto namero sprejeli svoj del odgovornosti in svoje misije.

Za vas z ljubeznijo pripravila
Taja Albolena Lila

Vir: Delno povzeto po kanaliziranju nadangela Mihaela skozi Celio Fenn

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 16.07.2005 at 11:07:19


Šaumbra je družina, je prebujenje, je realizacija vsega, kar si, kjer si bila, je veličastno opravljeno delo.

Ves čas zataknjenosti nisem mogel umreti, nihče me ni slišal, telo je bilo zamrznjeno v prostoru, um aktiven. Tudi na drugih ravneh me niso slišali - kristal me je odrezal od vsega. Noben angel ne zemljan mi ne more govoriti o osamljenosti ali peklu, v katerega ste me vtaknili. Kakšna izkušnja!
Izolacija brez smrti, ujetost, v kateri sem slišal samo svoj glas. Zaprt, kot si še predstavljati ne moreš, sem opazoval propad svetišč, zublje dvoran, potop v ocean. In tam sem ostal. Naučil sem se osvoboditi iluzije, ki je bila vaš kristal. Ogromno časa sem porabil, stotisoče let pekla, vendar sem končno dojel. Moral sem se naučiti priti ven in tukaj sem. Še vedno ljubim kristale, dragulje, materialne predmete in njihovo preobrazbo, saj sem vse to dojel za nas vse.
V tisto sobo sem vstopil sredi vašega poskusa in s polnim vedenjem, nobene "napake" ni bilo, dobro sem vedel, kaj delam. Opazoval sem svečenike/ce pri delu in hotel sem imeti, kar sem mislil, da imate. Eliksir, zdravje, energijo, dolgo življenje. Ni bila napaka. Res nisem pričakoval, kar sem dobil, a naučil sem se za nas vse in zdaj v svetem času in energijah to podeljujem: Na en način ste vi zaklenjeni v kristalu! Vstopili ste v vrtinec energije in se zaklenili, noter sedite - jaz pa zunaj, v največji ljubezni.

Zaklenjeni ste, v hipnozi, v spanju, uročeni... Verjamete, da je stanje resnično, da ste manj kot ste. Del vas me zdaj razume, ko ste zataknjeni v svoji kreaciji, ko kričite in nihče ne sliši, ko ste zamrznjeni z odprtimi očmi in usti. Čas je, da končamo ta urok! Vem, kako je to, biti tako zelo hipnotiziran, tako mesmeriziran, da res verjameš v stvari, ki te ne podpirajo več.
Nobena izkušnja ni bila "narobe", tudi trenutka mojih življenj ne obžalujem in še naslednjih stotisoč let bi bil tam zamrznjen, da bi zvedel, kar vem zdaj.
Kaj hipnotizira tako stanje bivanja?

1. vpliv Cerkve. Energija večine religij nosi najbolj bolno energijo, strah in dualnost. Ljudi so hipnotizirale, da verjamejo v dobro/slabo, verjamejo v hudiča, v satana; otroci so prestrašeni. Inteligentni dobronamerni ljudje verjamejo v nebesa, v sv. Petra z registrom, v katerem te poišče, pogleda, če si bila dobra. V tem prepričanju se določa realnost, past je neizogibna. Torej obstajata pekel in vice; če hočeš to izkušnjo, jo na drugi strani imaš in milijoni duš čakajo na sodbo, na Jezusa (ponoči delaš z njimi). Hinoza deluje na obe strani tančice.
Cerkve so položile energijo strahu, energijo hudiča, ki še vedno teži ljudi. V Lemuriji in Atlantidi religij ni bilo; razumeli smo enost, ljubezen in razvoj, bog pa je relativno nova iznajdba (6, 7 tisoč let).

Dualnost in Cerkev sta oblika hipnoze, ki danes bilijone ljudi drži v strahu.
Del tega si; ubadala si se s tem in še se čudiš, če delaš pravo stvar. Določena tolažba je tam: Naj se vrnem v religijo, saj tam poskrbijo zame, odgovarjajo na moja vprašanja, mi govorijo, kaj naj ne bom.
Hipnoza še vedno učinkuje, ker si ljubeča, občutljiva in odprta.
Hipnoza religij drži toliko zavesti Zemlje. Ne kritiziram, samo dejstva navajam.

Mi smo ustanavljali Cerkev in začetne načine človeštva, ko smo rojevali seme Boga. Ker ga je bilo težko negovati/vzdrževati v sovražnem okolju, smo začeli graditi svete fizične prostore, ki bi držali božansko Kristusovo energijo, dokler ne bi mogla sijati po svetu. Pomagala si graditi strukturo načinov življenja (tako kot Jezus), pravila, na podlagi katerih bi se lahko drugi odločili, dele razsvetljenja in modrosti. Vendar so se energije izrodile in zlorabile. Tatovi energij so to uporabili za izsuševanje energij človeštva - vsepovsod po Zemlji to še danes delajo in obenem govorijo o domnevnih Jezusovih energijah.
Kako pa delujejo ti posamezniki?
Kakšne vojne ustvarjajo?
Katera sovraštva imajo v srcih?
Katere strahove imajo v duhu?
Težko bo opustiti to zavest, to dolgoročno hipnozo...
In kako so rekli tebi - tvojim drugačnim mislim, tebi, ki nosiš ljubezen in jo živiš?
Da si temna, so rekli, da zapeljuješ, da te je obsedel satan. Ja, takoj se pojavi strah... Hipnoza je to!

2. Vlade predstavljajo zavest skupin ljudi in ta zavest živi po svoje, svojo osebnost ima, vpliv, hipnotizira; sistemi prepričanj so tako močni, da ne moreš ven. Vlada odpošilja izjemno močne hipnotične signale - niso mehanska sredstva, ni zarota (večina ljudi ni dovolj pametnih, da bi zarote lahko delovale, saj v bistvu ne razume delovanje energij). Kot otroci so, ko skušajo krasti energije (naivno). Vlada so njeni ljudje, na zavest npr. vpliva z davki in verjameš, da moraš plačevati davke, ker vlada tako verjame. Pravila o življenju ima in slediš jim od rojstva (prav/narobe), hipnotično vezo s tabo ima - kaj jesti, kaj delati.

Vse v tvoji realnosti je hipnoza, verjameš ji in padeš noter. Nikotin npr. Ni se mogoče zasvojiti z nikotinom! Nikotin je izjemno hipnotičen - za karkoli se uporabi, bo pretirano, poudarjeno bo. Nikotin intenzivira, najbolj odgovorljiva substanca je; nikotin izpolni tvoj sistem prepričanj. Čudovit je. Postal je zasvojljiv, sam po sebi pa ni, samo prepričanja intenzivira - to je njegovo bistvo.
Vlada regulira hrano, delovanje, denar, moralo. Ko greš v mestno hišo - ostani malo tam, da začutiš hipnotičen učinek, intenzivno dualnost, saj jo poudarja in pretirava z njo. In včasih sta vlada in Cerkev eno, čeprav se pretvarjata, da nista. Zgodi se, ni zarota - samo sistem prepričanj, s katerim soglašate.

3. Posel, ko ti pravijo, da nisi vredna napredovanja, višje plače, da moraš slediti formulam, fazam razvoja. Da samo nekateri lahko imajo ideje in da moraš delat toliko ur za toliko denarja. Da si omejena in koliko denarja lahko imaš, da potrebuješ prakso, izobrazbo, prave korenine/ družino. Učinek hipnoze je tu hitrejši kot v drugih primerih. Novi razredi ljudi se ustvarjajo, novi standardi morale, obleke, obnašanja. Posel hipnotizira svet! Verjameš, da rabiš določene stvari ob določenem času. Oblikuje pulz in ritem človeške zavesti, obvladuje svet.

Hipnoza religij je dovolj slaba, pa ji dodaj učinek vlade in poslovanja, pa dobiš naravnost strupen napitek, ki deluje na vsakega od vas. Z istimi sredstvi skušaš ven, pa te samo globje potegne v globino kristala. Zunaj sem in lahko vas vidim.
Kdaj bi torej rada ven? Pomisli še: Kako se bo spremenilo moje življenje? Moja zgodba?

4. Družina. Ozek, a močen učinek, ki nima globine strahu religije ne finančnih posledic poslovanja ne hipnoze vlade... Ni ti prav dobro služila kot sijočemu bitju, ki se je skušalo odpreti in dovoliti Kristusovi zavesti vstopiti v 3D. Družina je to zaprla:
Ne sij, bodi ponižna, bodi mala, nepomembna, ne tako pompozna, ne tako gotova vase!
Glas staršev ima močen hipnotičen učinek in še vedno te kontrolira. A je samo hipnoza. Družinska hipnoza - karma prednikov vpliva na vse družinsko drevo, v katerem si verjetno ded svojega dedka. Kot del drevesa nosiš to hipnozo s sabo in skozi sebe. Močni hipnotični učinki sistemov prepričanj so tako globoki, da zgleda, da ne moreš ven.
Uklenjena si v kristalni strukturi in zamrznjena kričiš, ko skušaš ven.
Dobesedno skušaš naprej delati na svoji zgodbi: Če bom dobro delala na njej, me bo osvobodila.
Vendar nisi to, kar misliš, da si - samo iluzija je. Lažje je priti ven kot misliš in čutiš.

Sistemi prepričanj ohranjajo sami sebe. Vsemu, kar ustvariš, na en način daš življenjsko obliko in dovoliš svobodo, da živi. Tudi SP skušajo vzdrževati svojo integriteto, se izgraditi in razširiti (to se dogaja v tebi in v družbi). Zaradi hipnoze te tvoje zgodbe želijo braniti in ščititi, tudi ko bereš te besede. Luknje želijo zapolniti, ko si ujeta v sebi. Čeprav kot Saint Germain prihajam k tebi od zunaj, svoboden, te nekaj v tebi skuša zaščititi in prepričati, da jaz nimam prav. Še večjo zgodbo in kristalno zgradbo delaš, še bolj zaprt zapor. To dela hipnoza. To delajo sistemi prepričanj - energijo dajo strukturi in skušajo vzdrževati integriteto. Zakaj? Ker te ljubijo.

Ti si naredila zgodbo (sebe), ki te želi zaščiti, ker misli, da ti to želiš. Sisteme prepričanj si navadila, da te stalno ščitijo, da gradijo še večje SP (iz majhnih P so nastali SP in zdaj ne moreš ven). V obrambo grejo, ko to bereš, ne vedo, kako naj bi to rešili; zbežali bi radi, pritisk čutiš, neudoben občutek, želiš, da bi se tole pisanje končalo. Tvoji SP še niso bili tako nagovorjeni, napisanega še ne razumejo in niso mu kos; zaščitili bi te radi, ti služili. Ti pa sprejemaš hipnotizirano realnost in misliš, da ne moreš iz nje. Kontrolira te učinek hipnoze religij, družine, prijateljev...

1. Poglej se... Tako si hipnotizirana, da se gledaš skozi tuje oči.
Kaj mislijo o meni? Kakšna hipnoza!!! Skrbiš, kaj drugi mislijo o tebi!

2. Hipnotizirana si tudi, ko te skrbi, če si znorela. Učinek hipnoze te sili v preverjanje norosti:
Raje se bom vrnila v normalno, v masovno zavest, sicer me lahko kdo opazi; bolj pri strani se bom držala še naprej.

Da sem popolnoma neumen, so rekli kralji, bančniki, škofje in drugi, a so me kot StG klicali za nasvet, kako priti ven iz kristalnega zapora. Šaumbra, povej svojim princesam, vodjem vlad in vladarjem:
Odhajam iz hipnoze 100 % - ne manj, ne 90%.
Tu je izziv: 10% bi šlo, spustiti 20 % svoje zgodbe... Hipnotiziran želiš braniti in graditi svojo zgodbo.
Sistem prepričanj se skuša dokazati in rasti, zato si tukaj. Da si žrtev ali srečen sprejemalec svojih SP. 100% ! Prisiljen sem bil opustiti prav vse, ko sem vstopil v vaši spiralo in ste me zamrznjenega zapustili. Niste vedeli, kaj bi in ste zbežali; postal sem razlog vaše karme. Naučiti sem se moral opustiti 100% - vse, vsak SP. Tako sem začel razumeti hipnozo. Prej v templjih niste govorili o tem, a gre natačno za SP, ki so lahko demoni, pošasti, ki terjajo več in več energije, več tvojih zgodb. Vzeti nevtralno stanje bitja in jo spremeniti v energijo - nor cikel.
SP mora hraniti sebe, torej tebe, da zgodbo večaš. Zanimiva dinamika - dokler ne izstopiš.

Izstop iz vsakega sistema prepričanja, iz vsake hipnoze terja izjemno raven ZAUPANJA:
pripravljenost spustiti vse, umreti v trenutku opuščanja, umreti, ko ne boš več obstajala na način kot doslej!
Moraš biti pripravljena spustiti vse in sočasno vse utelesiti. Opustiti in utelesiti.
Opuščanje SP ni za mehka srca, ampak za vse, pripravljene biti kot jaz - zapustiti hipnozo.
In če ti je tvoja realnost všeč in bi jo rada povečala, ti lahko pokažemo, kako priti do več energije in še do večje zgodbe (večina od vas to dela).
Neguješ svojo zgodbo, bojiš se jo spustiti in hipnoza opravičuje tvoj strah.
To ni slabo, samo zaprta si. Opazuj svoj strah zapustiti sistem, svojo past in strahove pred zapustitvijo sistema. Ne - biti boljša v sistemu, ampak zapustiti ga.
Še naprej se ti bom pojavljal v različnih oblikah ta mesec. Jaz sem, ki sem.

Tobi: Saint Germain govori, kaj energija je, in naslednjič, kako priti iz spanca. Notranje stanje spanja/hipnoze je tako udobno, da se sprašuješ, če sploh želiš ven. Tvoj spanec je bolj svoboden, kot si ti ta trenutek. Soočena boš z izzivi - kaj je resnično? A je to resnično? Lahko bo videti resnično - ampak, a je? Odkrila boš, kako so ustvarjene realnosti in kako lahko prideš do svobode duše.

Pa še nekaj poudarkov:

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 20.07.2005 at 16:46:11

The New Business

It is time for Business to remake itself. Business has always been about being successful and building wealth. This is good. Success and abundance are part of our natural heritage. It is contained in our very being.

Unfortunately, this being is covered over with tens of thousands of self-concepts that have goals other than success and wealth. This is because our egos are only interested in proving that we are superior to all others. This sets up conflict within us and competition and conflict outside us. Even our victim self-concepts are used to get revenge and prove we are better than the person who harmed us. Every terrible thing that happens to us comes from our negative self-concepts. By these victim events, we are subconsciously stating to a significant other: "Look at what you did to me. Because of you, I am harmed. Heaven, you are my witness. This one deserves to die, not me. I am the good one - a poor victim. Use your lightening to strike them down. And don't worry, Heaven, you will not have to punish me for anything I might have done wrong but I will punish myself."

By not recognizing that all victim or failure events are part of a fight we have with others, we continue to make the same mistake over and over. This hidden or not so hidden fight reflects a hidden fight with Heaven to keep our ego and keep our illusions because we think they will give us something we want.

What is happening in our Business is the result of past actions. Action begins with choices, and our Business is affected by this. We will either judge and attack or we will respond and help. If we try to hide our guilt, we will judge and attack. If we help, we will dissolve our withdrawal and hidden guilt, which leads to success for ourselves and those we help.

Business is a perfect field to learn about success. The lesson is simple. No matter how many different ways it is stated. You reap what you sow. Your actions set off reactions. What goes around come around. It's the law of karma.

If Business retains only its short-sighted goals of money and success, it misses one of the best ways to get through the competitiveness in the world that is also within our own mind. Competition, which is based on fear, builds the ego. Fear paralyzes us and keeps us from making progress. Fighting with others builds fear and hides the deeper fear of going forward that blocks success. Competition is built on fear and winning as a form of "taking" and "proving ourselves best." This sets up defeat and burn-out patterns.

Success principles, such as partnership, equality, giving oneself fully, friendship, service and leadership, are excellent antidotes to our self-concepts that use fear and competition to build the ego. What we could all have instead is the greater success and wealth for everyone that partnership and teamwork bring about.

Business is about service. It is about providing some help by product or function. This changes the long term attitude to "giving," rather than "getting." This sets up success patterns. For most Business, this would mean a complete turn around in attitude.

The world has the opportunity and the vehicle to leap to unprecedented levels of prosperity and wealth in the twenty-first century. We have been stuck long enough in the state of competitive independence. This is dissociated, so in spite of how we grow more successful, we cannot feel it, receive the reward for our output and hard work, or enjoy what we have accomplished.

The next step is partnership and friendship. This level of bonding brings everyone much greater success and abundance. If the world takes this significant step, it will be because Business lived its purpose and took its place as the leader in the twenty-first century. If Business learns its lessons and realizes that its purpose is to turn itself around so it can turn the world around, then the world will be a much better place to live in. It will be safer, and there will be less work needed to generate greater success.

In this century business people's inner and outer work is as sacred as the work of monks. To take on this sacred and crucial function, they must go beyond working for themselves alone and work for the whole world. The people you work with are people you have come to learn with. By developing a deep harmony, much greater wealth can be attained for all.

Listen, Business people! You have a great purpose. Heaven is your boss. The rewards are great. You can be the star for everyone.

Chuck Spezzano

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 23.07.2005 at 12:42:35

Wakeup Call Message - July 7, 2005


Good morning dear ones, I have come this morning to begin a series of messages through this one that will propel you through a labyrinth of ecstasy. I come for this is the day that is far surpassing all days. I come, for on this day there has been a new chapter written in the annals of time. This is the day that the tide turns, and the throes of the dark energy on Mother Gaia is at a peak.

This means my friends that with this day there has come a ruination of the plans of the ones who reside in the dark to follow through and appease their desires for full domination over the land.

Allow me to explain this to you, as best I can. With the dawning of this day, we were visited by 28 delegates from the Turkish embassy and in their visit came the delegation of trust for the world's hungry. These ones came with the intent to distribute ten million dollars worth of food from their country to the world's hungry. They gave the document over to us in a ceremony that encompassed the elders of the tribunal and the initiates of that council.

With that association, we have established a long-coming wave of gifts that are to be forthcoming from all of the wealth across the land. This will serve to keep the strength of our earth family strong and sure, for when you feed the body, the soul can nourish the rest.

We have seen the beauty of these people for some time, and have felt that this would come about. As we watched the various groups of people on earth delivering their daily intentions to each other, we saw a general trend toward unity. We saw that there was going to be an upturn in the manner in which the people of the world communicated with each other, and the results of that unity.

As we gathered with these people from Turkey, we saw that there was a consensus that they were going to make a strident effort to go forward from this point and include in their mission a vast effort to cover more than the world's hungry. They are going to address all of the societal issues from this point on. This will include bringing all of the people of the world together in a common cause.

We have known for some time that the Turkish people have known of our existence, and in this they have been able to communicate with us. We have been working with them, and in so doing there has been established a council that is comprised of members of that country and from the Federation.

As a united body we work together with the people to form a common body with the rest of the world. This is imperative for the re-organization of the people as a sovereign group dedicated to the development of peace on earth and the restoration of earth and her people to a strong, clean and free society.

Not only do we serve all of you, we serve the rest of the galaxy, and ultimately the universe. We do so with the authority that has come from our existence. We as you, are flames of The Creator, and in such we are dedicated to express our divinity in the simplest way we can. We do this by opening ourselves to the love that is present within everything and everyone. This enables us to be in constant contact with our divinity and to serve every living thing that has ever been created.

As we go into this alliance with the Turkish people, it warms our hearts to see that they too are coming from that place. They too have realized and are living their divinity. We see that resound from every step they take and every breath they make.

We see also that all around the globe people are joined in a common cause. We see that with the further unitedness is coming the opening of a new series of portals around the globe. With these openings we are being able to enter some unforeseen areas of heaven that have heretofore been closed for billions of years.

With these portals there will be a grand exit of the energies of darkness, for therein lies the potential for all of light to be complete unto itself. This means that there is the potential for there to be a forever constant of energy that keeps the light strong. That means, my dear ones, that with the complete opening of these portals there can never again be a dark expression of the light.

Think about what this means. Realize that from the point of complete opening of these portals there will be the opportunity to go forth and express in the strength and power that is contained in the light. There will no be resistance, only the flow of the constant truth that is the light.

There can be a gathering of experience so profound as to bear more and more of itself. This can mean that there can be new universes created that accommodate the ever-expanding growth of all of existence.

What does this have to do with you on planet earth? We are saying that as you go forth and clean up your beloved planet and become the Masters that you are, you will see the expansiveness of your own selves and you will be able to create a society on earth that is immeasurable in your minds eye today.

From that point, you will be able to go forth into the universe and create the perfection of the neighborhood along with all of your cosmic family. You will find that the experiences on earth over the past millennia have been a grand experiment in the furtherance of arriving at the point that I speak of. You will see how vast and wonderful the universe and all of existence is and can be.

With that declaration I take my leave from this communication. I dedicate myself to the furtherance of the creation of the interaction of the Federation with all of earth's people. This is a grand moment, for it brings us into closer alliance and gives us all the opportunity to grasp hands and work together to form the unitedness that will get this done. We are all blessed in the name of The Creator; we are all One.

Thank you dear Hatonn,

Love, Nancy Tate

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gemba on 29.07.2005 at 22:38:39

Io wrote on 30.03.2003 at 00:29:31:
Sedaj je pravi čas, da se odločite kam se boste obrnili v življenju. Prišlo je do točke polariziranja.

Vse pozivam, da se vsak dan obrnete k bogu in prosite zase, da ne boste podlegli skušnjavam, ki se vam postavljajo na poti v svetlobo.

Vsak izmed nas je najbolj dragocen, ohranjajmo mir v srcih, ne pustimo se sprovocirati z vojnami, ne vpletajmo se, bodimo to kar smo, božji prevodniki, čista ljubezen.
Vsi izhajamo iz enega, potrudimo se biti odprti do vsakogar, VSI SMO ENO, samo v različnih telesih.

Za vse, ki redno meditirate, zelo fino bi bilo če bi se redno povezovali v skupine, se povežete najprej z izvorom potem med sabo, doživeli boste močan tok, usmerite ga na zemljo, ona in ostala bitja zelo potrebujejo to energijo, bitja so žalostna in jokajo, pomagajte jim!!! :'(

Ne pozabi zakaj si tu, ne podleži moči, nadvladi nad drugimi, bogastvu, blišču! :)

Imaš samo dve izbire, tema ali svetloba, ni več vmesne poti!

Združimo se v svetlobi! :)

Jaz sem tudi To !
Jaz sem tudi Svetloba !

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 25.08.2005 at 11:42:05

vida wrote on 25.08.2005 at 11:28:45:
evo, kaže da smo že ...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 01.11.2005 at 10:30:57

ne najdem Dogaja se...

Sonce prestopi v znamenje škorpijona 24. oktobra. Dnevi so čedalje krajši, listje odpada in škorpijonovo znamenje kaže s svojim simbolom, to je želo v njegovem repu, ta čas, čas umiranja. Zanimivo je, da se tedaj spominjamo umrlih in jih 1.novembra obiskujemo na pokopališču.

Mars, ki je prevzel vladavino nad tem zodiakalnim znamenjem je še vedno retrograden, torej navidezno potuje nazaj. Potrebovali bomo veliko moči, da ostanemo na svoji poti in ohranimo pozitivno mišljenje. Krize takšne ali drugačne so v času škorpijona običajne, saj v nas odmira tisto, kar ne potrebujemo več in čeprav se rojeva nekaj novega, nas je strah, ker novega še ne vidimo.


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Petra G. on 03.12.2005 at 15:50:23

are on my plate this year.  ALL because of YOU!

From my HEART... to YOUR HEART.... As we inch toward a new year, my heart is so opened by what all of you continue to give in a very challenging world of transformation. I am so thankful that I share this planet with you. Like minds make us feel less lonely. I thank great creator for all of you as you have kept the balance and vision in a year that was anything but harmonious. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made for spirit this year that was full of losses but also many gains.  Thank you for holding fast to the divine order and remembering that TRUTH and LOVE DO PREVAIL.  Anything less than LOVE and ONENESS with all things will not pass by the gates to the new world.

The energy waves has risen to such a profound level that it seams to much to bear.... yet we are. We are MUCH stronger than we thought!  This new wave is taking us to higher un-known places of light. In this time, it is more important than ever to focus on the positive and starve the darkness around us by not feeding it with our attention. Our attention is powerful. What we put our attention on is what we energetically feed.  Any opposition is still an act of war no matter how small.   If we fight what is wrong with the world we are still fighting, and this is the way of a old dying world.  It is clear it is time to create a new world for all of life to move into.

It is quite clear that we are not the same beings anymore.  I know I am not.  We have been inching near the door to the next world for so long that some of us (including myself) almost gave up.  We were beginning to think that maybe it was all a dream or fantasy . . . .  But in the last months, it has become clear that we are walking through that mysterious door, and beginning to cross a bridge into the unknown world of which we have yet to create.  We have had to rethink so much about what we knew to be true, and we have had learn new ways to be in this quickly shifting world.

All I know is what I experience for myself.  All I know is that so much has shifted.  I have asked Spirit for the next step for so long that I thought God was just tired of listening to my whining.  I had my challenges about this time last year... and that is so far behind me now.  My body and my sensitivities have had an overhaul and a tune up in order to adjust to what is coming to us now.  I have found ways around my body reacting to the Earth shifts, especially the ones related to water . . . Flood and hurricanes.  Yikes.  It has been a constant challenge being a living barometer . . . among other things. : )   I have heard from SO MANY of you out there that are also working hard to stay above the water.  We almost drowned in all the energy that was blowing through us like a brilliant lightening storm.

I can say without a doubt that the last fews days have made the last few years worth the perseverance and outright stubbornness to keep on keeping on . . . even when the world is looking so tired.  I can truly see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak . . . and I think I am beginning to see across that long bridge between worlds.

I want to extend my deepest love and blessings to all of you out there who have supported my work in one form or another this year.  It has been a beautiful year but also filled with a lot of shifts and changes.  You have forwarded the messages that I have received all over the world.  THANK YOU.  I am glad that I am adding my piece to the whole that we are creating together.  THANK YOU for your open MINDS .... for your open HEARTS and continual emotional, physical, and most importantly, spiritual support that you have been sending to the masses around the earth, and to myself. My heart is full with you. THANK YOU SO MUCH ~ Aluna Joy~

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Petra G. on 10.12.2005 at 00:42:23

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by Petra G. on 02.01.2006 at 18:17:23

Entering the Energy of 2006
by Doreen Virtue

Today we enter into a powerful time for our planet, beginning with today’s New Moon in Capricorn which sets the tone for 2006. This weekend is a peak time for your manifestation activities. It is a wonderful time to write, visualize, and affirm all of your heartfelt dreams.

Each new year, Archangel Michael gives me prophetic visions of what to expect for the coming year. Michael says that 2006 will be exactly of your own choosing. Each of us will have different experiences with 2006, according to how we handle the new energy.

Michael says that 2006 brings in a new level of energy that perfectly mirrors our thoughts our reality. The angels call this new energy elastic. The theme of 2006 is What You Put Out There, Is What Comes Back To You. If you say kind things about other people, then other people will say kind things about you. If you are generous with others, then others will be generous with you. If you expect doors of opportunity to open for you, they will. Conversely, if you think or say anything negative about people, the world, government, or Anything . . . the negativity will immediately come back to you.

This is a year where all of our spiritual lessons are called into action. We will all receive more divine guidance, clearly and easily. If we follow this guidance without delay, we find ourselves gliding along the flow of a fun, healthy, and prosperous new year. If we ignore the guidance, we wonder if we are being tested, ignored, or punished.

2006 will be like living in a house of mirrors. Whatever you expect to see, you will see. Whatever you send into the mirror, will instantly reflect back to you. The new energy is clear, high, and bright . . . and is a wonderful opportunity to experience heaven upon earth.

Make time this weekend to positively visualize and affirm your wishes and desires. Feel gratitude that they are already manifest and don’t worry about how they will come into material form. Since we are all one in truth, whatever you wish for yourself is what you wish for others as well. The reverse is also true: whatever you wish for another is what you wish for yourself.

You can call upon the Archangels Michael and Jophiel for help in releasing any negative tendencies that you would like to leave behind in 2005. The angels will transmute the underlying fear beneath the negativity. In place of the fear, the angels will help you to feel loved in all ways.

I see and feel grateful that you are peaceful, feeling loved and loveable, completely healthy, prosperous, and enjoying a meaningful career based upon your natural talents, passions, and interests. I see and feel grateful that the planet is peaceful, the environment is clean, that all people and animals have their needs met and are treated with love and compassion. I see and feel grateful that all residents of this planet enjoy the best year ever in 2006!

With Love and Gratitude,


Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 04.01.2006 at 13:36:12

The Year 2006

The year 2006 presents opportunities of abundance heretofore unrealized. The ego will tell us, it was only our hard work and overtime that led to abundance, but in truth, that hard work and overtime simply show how much we lacked the confidence to receive.

The year 2006 is about the feminine. There is nurturing, receiving, sexuality and mysticism. There are doorways of initiation that have been open since the year 2000, but this year there is greater awareness and courage to step through these doorways in our mind. As a result, we regain parts of our mind long lost through dissociation. While most of these areas of the mind are full of happiness, some few are in need of healing. All of them bring levels of initiatory power. If an area of your mind needs healing when you step into it once more, simply receive the grace for healing.

In 2006, things continue to be revealed that were hidden away in politics, business and relationships. Truth on all fronts is pushing to be revealed. This is disillusioning in the best sense of the word. It is also freeing us. Defenses that have hidden away our dark patterns will also collapse. While this is unpleasant and we sometimes feel in real trouble, only when the trouble is revealed can it be healed. Our compensations will continue to collapse to make way for healing this year.

This could be another busy year, but there is the opportunity to finally get our priorities straight. Learning to be accepting and receive will open up the mystic and save time in every other goal we have. Learning to be open and receive while giving ourselves wholeheartedly generates transcendence. As a result, we avail ourselves of great treasure that has been awaiting us within.

What we perceive and experience occurs only as a result of our beliefs. It is time to jettison whole belief systems that are defying, delaying and destructive to us.

This is a year where for the first time whole groups of people realized that what we consume has not made us anything but momentarily happy. So there is the possibility that we will begin to move away from the consumerism of things and experience. As a result, relationship and friendship will grow up in the place of consumerism. There will be more sharing, philanthropy and a greater regard for healing. We will begin to commit to heal the dissociation we have used to block the riches within and the joy of relationship.

Emphasis now and for the rest of our lives is on relationships. Every relationship can be a holy relationship. This is one given to Heaven and consecrated to wholeness and having our relationship become a stairway to Heaven. In special relationships, we seek to get from the other and are forever disappointed that they do not meet all of our needs. We complain about our partner or look for someone else to make us happy. A holy relationship, whose goal is wholeness, transcendence and happiness, is a place of inspiration and light where we forever realize, it is what we give to our partner that allows us to receive ever greater love and joy. Where our partner does not meet our need, it is really a place where we are failing them.

This is a year where you can have your relationships be what they were meant to be. This opens you to the Divine, and you become available for grace, ease and joy most rare.

(by Chuck Spezzano,

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 06.03.2006 at 13:12:29

March 2006
Aluna Joy and the Ancient Ones from San Bartolo

Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, a thousand years before the 13th century Dresden Codex and the 16th century Popol Vul, hundreds of ancient chambers were sealed in the lands we now know as the Maya lands. These chambers were constructed in a profoundly sacred manner. Their purpose was beyond what we can conceive at this time. These chambers were sealed to lock in certain information and alchemical energy. Once a sacred seal was broken in any one of these chambers, the energy locked inside would be released into the world. All of this was meticulously planned out. The ancient ones did all of this for us who live in this time.

One such chamber has been opened. Although there are hundreds of such chambers throughout the Maya lands, this one has particular significance to the transformational times humanity is upon. We are in the last days of a 104 thousand year cycle. This chamber held the knowledge of Four Worlds; Four Worlds of 104 thousand years each. The last of these Four Worlds is the one we are presently in. In this chamber there is a hint of the Fifth World that we are at the brink of entering. It hints at how we get to the Fifth World, and what we might expect when we get there.

This chamber lies deep in the jungles of Peten, Guatemala in a Maya site called San Bartolo. It has been reopened. We don't know exactly when the seal was cracked. It is possible that it was opened as early as the year 2001 by grave robbers. They didn't understand the significance of the chamber that they hammered into; they were only looking for treasure . . . for jade. Little did they know that the treasure was not in the material objects that they were hoping to find. The treasure was the energy. The echo of this energy, this truth, is in the remains of magnificent murals. These are considered the oldest Maya murals to be uncovered to date.

What they left behind for us to uncover would trigger a great mystery and a wave of controversy. They left clues in artful murals. These clues were left behind in a way that they hoped we would understand within the level of consciousness that we would have at the time the seals were broken. The only way to convey these messages of personal mastery and ascension was through imagery that we could relate to.

At the time they sealed the chambers, over 2000 years ago, we were hanging people on crosses to die. We were killing people in the name of God. Only the elite could read text. There was mass fear, confusion, greed, war, mind control and overwhelming superstitions. These regrettable actions are still taking place today and ruling the 4th world.

The advanced people who anchored this energy were not savages, and nor were they un-evolved. The 4th world has yet to understand the elegance and sophistication of these people and their level of consciousness. They were far more advanced than we can understand at this time. Unfortunately modern archeology has jumped to all the wrong conclusions regarding most Maya Art. Archeology experts suggest that the ones who sealed the chambers were bloody sacrificial savages and warring cannibals. Researchers read the murals as a recording of history instead of a type of letter that we could read today. Archeology is not a science; nor is it history. It is assumptions! And the assumptions are wrong. The mass media and academic worlds want to you believe these wrong assumptions. Because within the clues that they left behind are keys to becoming free of the entrapments of the Forth World on all levels. When you are set free, the powers in your world can no long control you, or feed off of your energy any longer.

The murals in San Bartolo are a brief history of your past worlds and an echo of the 5th world that is just in front of you. Most history you do not need to remember. What is most important for you to remember is that you always evolve, and you WILL enter into the Fifth World. This is the Prophecy of the Fifth World.

A Brief History of the 4 Worlds . . .

The First World was a world of solely the consciousness of the mineral Kingdom. It was a world directed by the guardians of the EAST, the color of RED, and the Element of Water. It was a silent gestation time. The Earth was mostly molten lava. Crystals were beginning to form in the Earth's crust. Nothing moved, since it was timeless and spaceless. There was only a recording of the blue print of life. Some of the crystals you have today still maintain the encoding of this Blueprint of Life. Some of you even know and feel this.

The Second World was the Kingdom of Plants and Minerals together. It was a world directed by the guardians of the NORTH, the color of WHITE, and the Element of Air. It was the wisdom of the blueprint put into action and the dimension of time. Algae began to grow and evolved into various plants. Time was born, and cycles of life and death began. You could feel life bursting forth and falling away. Some plants evolved from the minerals that had the Blueprint of Life encoded within them. Some of you still ingest these plants to help you remember.

The Third World was the Kingdom of Animals, Plants and Minerals together. It was a world directed by the guardians of the WEST, the color of DARK BLUE, and the Element of EARTH. Animals gained the ability to move about their environment, and dimension of space was born and linked with time within the blueprint. The world of the animals was instinctual. Animals knew how to thrive, but didn't know how to manipulate their environment. They lived with nature and in the present. All was acted upon instinctually based on the encoding in the blueprint. This world was the wisdom of the blueprint put into time and space with instinct. Some animals still carry the power of this blueprint. Many of you are still called to certain animal totems for this reason.

The Fourth World is the world of Human Beings, Animals, Plants and Minerals together. It is a world directed by the guardians of the SOUTH, the color of YELLOW, and the Element of FIRE. This world was the wisdom of the blueprint put into time, space, instinct , but also consciousness. Animals evolved into Human Beings and began to gain the ability to change their environment. The Human Being could envision and plan for the future and learned to manipulate the blueprint. Humanity took its first steps in being a consciousness beings with creative powers. They learned how to alter the Blueprint. Humanity considered itself master of all worlds without respect for earlier worlds. Manipulating the blueprint caused many problems. It created Karma based on the manipulations that caused harm. Human beings have misused minerals, plants and animals. Also, guilt, fear, greed, lust, gluttony, laziness and hate were born. The seven deadly egos. The Fourth world is a world of creative force.

Now, at the end of this World . . . using minerals, plants or animals to evolve the path of the human consciousness is not effective. Using force is having terribly consequences. Yet this is the highest form of the blue print as of now . . . . but there is another step.

se nadaljuje...

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by m on 06.03.2006 at 13:14:06

... nadaljevanje prejšnjega posta

The Murals Speak . . .
Each world is marked by a tree of life: "The Wacah Chan". Each world is 104 thousand years long. Each world has an archetype, program, or laws of nature that master that world. At the end of each world, a sacrifice of life was made. The life of that world has to let go to evolve to the next world. In the San Bartolo Mural, the ancient ones are telling us about being reborn into a new world. Researchers saw the images as a recording of ego centered history and sacrifice; not a letter of prophecy to mankind from ones from the future.

In native stories, there is a tale of the Eagle's rebirth. The Eagle can live to 70 or 80 years old. But half way through its life, it has a crisis. It's beak and talons have grown too long to allow it to hunt or to eat. It's wing feathers have grown to heavy to fly. The eagle has a choice to either be reborn or to die. If it chooses to be reborn, the Eagle takes its last flight to the mountains and finds a cave. While hiding from the world in the cave, the Eagle sands down its beak on a rock. It pulls out its talons and heavy over-grown feathers. It is a very painful process. Months later, the Eagle's beak has healed, the talons have grown back, and new flight feathers have re-grown. The Eagle has now been re-born and entered a new life.

For Humanity to enter a new world is very much like the Eagle being reborn. We must die to our old ways, our old programs and belief systems to enter a new world . . . otherwise we just impose obsolete laws of nature upon a new higher world. It is just like a virus. Being re-born is not a comfortable process, as all are asked to let go of what they know, and to trust that something better will take its place. It will be a time to give up and let the transformation take place. Just as the caterpillar will turn into the butterfly, and a pearl will grow from the grain of sand inside the oyster, humanity will be reborn into a new world . . . the Fifth World. It is time for great patience, trust, and understanding, so we can allow our new feathers to grow back in a new way.

The Prophecy of the Fifth World . . .

The Prophecy of the Fifth World is yet to manifest. But when the ancients ones looked ahead, this is what they can share that we can understand at this time. The Four Worlds, that we are moving from, were all on the same level of time, space and dimension. The Fifth world is a step above previous worlds and marks an enormous transformation that we have ever experienced in the first four worlds. The Fifth World will be a blending and harmonization of all four worlds, but taken to a different level. These four worlds together, in a cosmic equality, will bring about a new kind of life. Mineral, plant, animal and human will be looked at as being equally alive. There will be a type of intelligent communication between each world. The ancient ones know that it is hard for us to imagine this right now.

In the Fifth World, it will not be part of the blueprint to use and abuse the mineral worlds any longer. Mining for gold and silver, or other Earth based resources, will stop. We will not wear gems for vanity, but for the energy and out of great respect. We will recognize the Mineral Kingdom as living beings, way beyond what we do now.

In the Fifth world, it will not be part of the blueprint to use and abuse the Plant Kingdom either. Logging forests for out of control building, produce grown with pesticides and other uncountable abuses will not be part of the Fifth World blueprint. We will recognize plants as living beings, just as much we are living beings! There will be honor in earth gardening and taking care of the plants of the world.

In the Fifth world, it will not be part of the blueprint to use and abuse the Animal Kingdom either. Caring for the animals of the Earth will be just as important as caring for our children. We will not see a difference between animals and humans as we do now, even though we are all mammals in the Fourth World.

In the Fifth world, the new life will not use other kingdoms to manifest what they want or need. More over, it is a symbiotic relationship or type of cooperation between the four world life types to create what is needed. A lot of what the Fifth World will be for us, we can't conceive as yet. But as time grows closer to the unveiling the pearl of the Fifth World, the clearer it will become.

Most important . . . when the Human Kingdom leaves the Fourth World, it will leave the world of force behind. The four integrated worlds will enter the cosmic law of Gravitation. Gravitation is one of the laws of the Fifth World. Life will not manifest by force in order to make something happen. The new life will use gravitation or allowance for manifesting. People will not pray or affirm things into being, but instead assume it is so . . . and allow it to gravitate to them. This is Fifth World Alchemy. Some of you are already living this way.

There were some ancient civilizations that did live a similar form of this Fifth World for brief times upon the planet. They did this to anchor the possibility for the future of the Fifth World. It is like if you didn't know what chocolate tasted like, how could you explain it? The lands you call Atlantis (most of which is now under the sea except for Santorini in Greece, and the Bahamas in the Caribbean), the Peruvian Andes and some places in the Himalayas are some of the places the ancient ones anchored the memory or, should we say, lived the prophecy of the Fifth World. Many of you are drawn to these places for mysterious reasons. Know you know why!

They are many of you out there that this message will speak very loudly to. You are the ones that could never understand why the world is the way it is. You may have never felt at home. You also might have felt that you hid secret knowledge somewhere that you have yet to uncover. You feel soul tired. If you know this in your heart, you are one of these ancient ones who have come back from the future to this important time . . . you are the ones who have come back to reawaken the blueprint of the Fifth World.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by gape on 07.03.2006 at 10:28:17

m wrote on 06.03.2006 at 13:12:29:
March 2006
Aluna Joy and the Ancient Ones from San Bartolo

Some plants evolved from the minerals that had the Blueprint of Life encoded within them.  
Some of you still ingest these plants to help you remember.

The Fourth World is the world of Human Beings, Animals, Plants and Minerals together. It is a world directed by the guardians of the SOUTH, the color of YELLOW, and the Element of FIRE. This world was the wisdom of the blueprint put into time, space, instinct , but also consciousness. Animals evolved into Human Beings and began to gain the ability to change their environment. The Human Being could envision and plan for the future and learned to manipulate the blueprint. Humanity took its first steps in being a consciousness beings with creative powers. They learned how to alter the Blueprint. Humanity considered itself master of all worlds without respect for earlier worlds. Manipulating the blueprint caused many problems. It created Karma based on the manipulations that caused harm. Human beings have misused minerals, plants and animals. Also, guilt, fear, greed, lust, gluttony, laziness and hate were born. The seven deadly egos. The Fourth world is a world of creative force.

At the end of each world, a sacrifice of life was made.  
The life of that world has to let go to evolve to the next world.
In the San Bartolo Mural, the ancient ones are telling us about being reborn into a new world.  

In native stories, there is a tale of the Eagle's rebirth. The Eagle can live to 70 or 80 years old. But half way through its life, it has a crisis. It's beak and talons have grown too long to allow it to hunt or to eat. It's wing feathers have grown to heavy to fly. The eagle has a choice to either be reborn or to die. If it chooses to be reborn, the Eagle takes its last flight to the mountains and finds a cave. While hiding from the world in the cave, the Eagle sands down its beak on a rock. It pulls out its talons and heavy over-grown feathers. It is a very painful process. Months later, the Eagle's beak has healed, the talons have grown back, and new flight feathers have re-grown. The Eagle has now been re-born and entered a new life.

For Humanity to enter a new world is very much like the Eagle being reborn. We must die to our old ways, our old programs and belief systems to enter a new world . . . otherwise we just impose obsolete laws of nature upon a new higher world.

The Four Worlds, that we are moving from, were all on the same level of time, space and dimension. The Fifth world is a step above previous worlds and marks an enormous transformation that we have ever experienced in the first four worlds. The Fifth World will be a blending and harmonization of all four worlds, but taken to a different level. These four worlds together, in a cosmic equality, will bring about a new kind of life. Mineral, plant, animal and human will be looked at as being equally alive.

In the Fifth World, it will not be part of the blueprint to use and abuse the mineral worlds any longer. Mining for gold and silver, or other Earth based resources, will stop.

Most important . . . when the Human Kingdom leaves the Fourth World, it will leave the world of force behind. The four integrated worlds will enter the cosmic law of Gravitation. Gravitation is one of the laws of the Fifth World. Life will not manifest by force in order to make something happen. The new life will use gravitation or allowance for manifesting. People will not pray or affirm things into being, but instead assume it is so . . . and allow it to gravitate to them. This is Fifth World Alchemy. Some of you are already living this way.

There were some ancient civilizations that did live a similar form of this Fifth World for brief times upon the planet. They did this to anchor the possibility for the future of the Fifth World. It is like if you didn't know what chocolate tasted like, how could you explain it? The lands you call Atlantis (most of which is now under the sea except for Santorini in Greece, and the Bahamas in the Caribbean), the Peruvian Andes and some places in the Himalayas are some of the places the ancient ones anchored the memory or, should we say, lived the prophecy of the Fifth World. Many of you are drawn to these places for mysterious reasons. Know you know why!

They are many of you out there that this message will speak very loudly to. You are the ones that could never understand why the world is the way it is. You may have never felt at home. You also might have felt that you hid secret knowledge somewhere that you have yet to uncover. You feel soul tired. If you know this in your heart, you are one of these ancient ones who have come back from the future to this important time . . . you are the ones who have come back to reawaken the blueprint of the Fifth World.

Title: Re: Prišel je čas...
Post by angel(Guest) on 19.03.2006 at 13:36:54

Da, sedaj je čas, da date Bogu hvalo in čast in ga prosite, da vas pripravi na poslednjo bitko na zemlji - bitko med dobrim in zlim:

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