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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #105 - 08.01.2004 at 16:09:40
t wrote on 08.01.2004 at 10:05:35:
al pa tud ne  Wink


Je pa tudi neskončno možnosti da NE, seveda ja....
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #106 - 09.01.2004 at 17:06:43
zdravo sem prebral

pa mi ni glih jasno kaj hocejo povedat?. a si lah s tem kej pomagamo? kaj nej bi se zgodil 2012? al 2011?
pisejo povno nekih podatkov o enih dobah od kje do kje sam ne vidm smisla v tem, tut ce bi BLO res.. kaj nej bi pac to pomenil kar so ugotovil..?
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #107 - 16.01.2004 at 17:34:01
Evo, sem spet onega frenda vprašala Smiley

"And well about the big transition we are going through... we will have a lot of
time to talk about it here, but in brief what I can tell you is that for the
first time of the history of the planet. Our planet is ready to host a
civilization of the 4th level of evolution, meaning that we are ready to
transition as well from the 3rd level to the 4th, entering in that way to the
4th dimension. Everything in the universe is vibration and this means that we
will vibrate in a more accelerated manner transitioning our bodies and energies
into a higher level. Not that dense.

The mayan calendar talks about that because its not a calendar per se! is a
guide to evolve in the universe. Part of what it measures is the cycle of the
sun around another sun called Alcyone which is in the Pleiades. Our sun
completes a cycle every 26,000 years and when we approach that sun we get close
to certain kind of energies called "bond" or photon belt. Those
energies raise our energy when we go through it, and that raise our
consciousness and accelerate our process of evolution. We are transitioning from
humans to supra-humans, meaning that we will start being more aware of our
spiritual nature. We are entering the time where we have the right and need to
know, and not anymore just believe everything as an imposed dogma. This is the
time of the apocalypses, meaning revelation. Many revelations are going on right
know and it is said that more will come. That will basically create or are
creating a new revolution, a revolution of the consciousness... So, the planet
is changing too as we are. The transition can happen in a beautiful way without
pain, or with a lot of suffering if we resist to it and attach to our old
destructive patterns... that is what the prophecies are talking about.."
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #108 - 16.01.2004 at 22:37:12
david, tega je ful na netu...

tukej je recimo nekaj v tej smeri ...za zacetek..
zacne se s postom od Mayatnika

pa drugi post na tej (5.) strani,"CYCLES",napisano od Mayatnika, postano od Fuzziwiga

prej je bla celo ena lepa slikca, kako se naš sonce (kot del Plejad) vrti okrog glavne zvezde Alcyone, ki je vedno v tem fotonskem pasu, nasa zemlja pa, ker dela vecji krog, gre samo skozi
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« Last Edit: 17.01.2004 at 02:07:10 by Sn0wBall »  
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #109 - 20.01.2004 at 16:42:36
When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the
service of my vision,
then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
--Audre Lorde

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona, AZ 86339
E-MAIL alunajoy@kachina.net
Ph:928-282-MAYA (6292)
Ph/Fax 928-282-INCA (4622)

(through Aluna Joy)

A note from Aluna
In 1990 while in Palenque, Mexico, I was shown a
energy that was coming to earth that would give us the ability to
instantly manifest all our heart desires, what ever they may be.
(You can read the entire story posted at
http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/2003jan.html ) The Star Elders will
never predict the future, as it is dis-empowering and the future in not
written in stone as we have the ability to change it. With the urgency of
this message from the Star Elders, I am drawing the conclusion that this
energy I was shown is about to arrive in greater quantities than ever
before. I took me a couple to days before I would agree to write this for
them. I told them.. Hey buddies ? this is a lot of YOU do this, and YOU
do that, but they showed me there are some out there that they have this
message pegged for. You will know who you are. They already do.

Here is the message...

Why do you take so long to make up your minds?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?

You could be flying, but you choose to give yourself to lesser visions.
You wonder why you feel grounded, trapped, lost, alone.
You throw your hands to the sky and scream to God almighty ? ?WHY - WHY ME??
You feel great anticipation for something you don't understand.
It is so close you can almost taste it ? almost touch it? almost see it?
The impatience is almost to much to bear.
You feel it pushing you, but you freeze before you take a simple step.
You feel stuck in the mud, trapped in quick sand,
abandoned by your empty life, job, relationship?
You forget your life is in your hands.
You forget you can fly.
We are puzzled why you feel the light and yet place your faith in darkness.
We wonder why you believe you are in charge of your destiny
yet continue to act like a victim,
why utopia comes second place to catastrophobia.
We wonder why you prepare for the fatalistic vision, the prophesied Armageddon.
You prepare for the worst and hope for better.
And you wonder why life doesn't get better.
We wonder why you let your dreams die.
You dream to be free, to fly into the glorious vision?
yet you let others tell you it is a fantasy, unrealistic, crazy?
You doubt the vision, and then you doubt yourself.
You hide the dream, you cage it up, instead of set it free.
Why do you take so long to make up your minds?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?
You think the governments have more power than you.
You think those with more money, more education,
more things, have more power than you.
You believe the prophecies of quakes, famine, plaque.
You believe the future is set in stone ? that your days are numbered?
that there is no hope but to endure or survive what is coming.
You imagine the ground is already shaking under your feet.
Why do you take so long to make up your minds?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?

We thought you knew your power!
You are reminded in so many ways that
you are the creator of your expression, maker of your
inventor of your world, architect of your reality?
yet you don't embrace this creative power.
The fact is that this creative power is all you are.
When are you going to make up your mind?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?
When are you going to quit looking down ?!

Flying is easy  
it is about taking the leap to and forgetting you don't know how to fly
to simply to forget to fall
Yet you keep looking down at the darkness
and the blind barbaric world you wish to leave behind.
And you wonder WHY you fall ?
Wings loose power, crumple up and you drop like falling stars.
And in the darkness, there you are.
You scream ? GOD I am here - GOD why don't you see me?
You forget when you focus on darkness,
you can't see that God is you!
It is a choice? not to see.
Why do you take so long to make up your minds?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?
Things are going to change  
CHANGE SO FAST - that it will be hard to hold on.
So don't - Don't hold on.
Don't hold on to the past.
Don't hold on to what has been.
Don't hold on to the blindness.
Don't hold to those who still invest their energy
in the dark prophecies, in armageddon fantasy.
Let go.  Forget to fall - and FLY

You can rise up out of the blinding darkness in a second.
It is your choice!
So? When are you going to make up your mind?
When are you going to see yourself as we do?
When are you going to love yourself as much as we do?
When are you going to believe the immaculate vision?
When are you going to remember that you are
the virgins birthing a new dream into reality!

It is your choice
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #110 - 24.01.2004 at 12:06:44
Aluna Joy Yaxk’in ~ 01/2004

What will the coming year look like, and how will we respond to the changes.
Updates and Predictions in the final years of a Mayan Galactic cycle.

If your not feeling the pressure now…. then I think we better take your pulse! We are about to hit year 5 of the 13 year count down to the Shift of the Ages. Year 5 begins on Solstice (December 21, 2003). Yeah… it feels like a capacitor about to blow. We are being pushed to the limit. We feel crowded out of our current lives while being prepared for new shining realities. The problem seams to lie in the fact that we are stuck somewhere in the middle floundering around like fish out of water.

It was a powerful year with many highs and lows. Months went by where nothing seamed to be happening and other times everything was happening at once. The building pressure makes us face issues we thought we had long since healed. We are finding new places inside our ourselves where we feel empty and unfulfilled. This doesn’t sound like a pretty process, but this uncomfortable time is just what we have been asking for! Yeah… its true. This pressure is the gas, the power, the FORCE, we need to knock us out of our programmed, mechanical inertia so we can move forward. The empty place inside of each of us is being readied to be filled with new purpose and intent. It is OK that you might feel un-inspired or feel you have no direction. If you feel like you are in the void… beached with a huge whale, Bravo!!! Your on the right track!

The Star Elders told me many years ago that basic rules or programs of consciousness would change. They said the rules to the big game were going to transform. They shared that the way we approach life and how we operate in the world would change. To my frustration at the time, the Star Elders never said what the changes would be, or when they would shift. BUT.. this year I have been made aware of TWO of these rules of consciousness that have changed! And they are HUGE… MASSIVE and PROFOUND…

Rule 1 … was that humanity has hit critical mass… this means enough people are doing enough good to tip the balance into the light. Oh YES! We went from being ruled by darkness to being ruled by light. It is now truth over lies, love over hate, wisdom over illusions, compassion over self interest.

Rule 2 … is simple to share, yet difficult to live. Rule 2 is we don’t have to learn with pain and suffering anymore, we can learn with joy and abundance. It sound so simple to do… but have you tired to relax and be really happy without sabotaging yourself? I wonder why so many of us are still in pain, why do we still lack direction, struggle with lack and why do we feel like just giving up now and again.

We should start seeing the out picturing of these new rules in the coming few years. Why does it take so long you ask? It takes a while for all of humanity to understand and operate from the new rules. We don’t get a guide book in the mail to tell us how to play the new game, it is by trial and error that we discover that what worked before may not work now… the learning process takes a while. We will discover that joy helps us awaken faster than pain. We will find working from integrity and honor pays off better than manipulation and deceit. Patience…

December 21, 2003 marks the 5th year of a 13 year count down, to the much anticipated and highly prophesied Mayan Calendar. We might remember the very powerful beginning of this 13 year cycle. December 21, 1999 was the turn of the millennium and while many celebrated wildly, many were in the trenches with concerns over apocalyptic Y2K predictions.

By the time we come to 12/21/2012, life will change significantly. WHY? Let me share a bit of basic Mayan cosmology 101. Each cycle of natural time, no matter how big or small, builds energy like a capacitor until its culmination. This is why the last days of smaller cycles, or last years in huge cycles of time, are powerful and transforming and a bit challenging. Each cycle, no matter how big or small, also carries evolutionary intentions that were set by the collective consciousness at the onset of the cycle. When a cycle culminates, so do the intentions based on where we are at collectively at the time of the shift. Larger cycles of time affect larger natural laws and huge intentions that mold our world. Little cycles of time affect smaller and natural laws and subtle intentions. Many things we are experiencing now were set into motion 104,000 years ago… by our ancestors. I hope we have learned so we can set intentions that will positively effect our ancestors 100 year or even 104 thousand year from now.

What will this next year have in store for us?

Year 5 of the countdown Begins December 21, 2003, is about Change, Change, Change… and a deep inner desire for PEACE with the power to manifest peace within the storm of change. Hard work VS procrastination. It is the discovery of a NEW SPIRITUAL PATH, The highest manifestations of this year can manifest an incredible heart centered year filled with gratitude.

December 21, 2003 is 3 IK in the Mayan Astrology Count - - A year to live in the presence of the ever moving and changing spirit. It will be a year where we will need to be flexible within this changeable and multifaceted time.. We could experience difficulties with responsibilities, obligations and decision making, focusing may be difficult. A year to learn and give your fears to spirit and live in the moment without attachment to security. A heart centered spirit filled year.

December 21, 2003 is also 5 E (Eh) in the Kiche Count - A year that represents the spiritual path in life and way shower for the people. A year for thankfulness and gratitude. A year filled with love for humanity. It is a year of hard work blessed with deep connections from spiritual guides. Caution, do not build a big wall around yourself for protection. Learn to be open in each moment.

(The Mayan Astrology Count is based on my book "Mayan Astrology". The Kiche Count information comes from many Traditional Mayan sources I collected in Guatemala. The Mayan Calendar end date of December 21, 2012 - 4 AJPU and is considered by many Mayan researchers, and Traditional Maya the last day of this 104,000-year cycle.)

These last years are a profound time for all of us. It is a time to stand up and take responsibility and begin to dream a new positive world into reality. This takes great courage. We are the leaders now and there is no one ahead of us showing us the way. We are like Indiana Jones in the jungle with the machete… we only have our gut instincts to the location of the gold temple. We must have the courage to begin to chop away at the dense jungle of illusion so we can enter the light and discover the hidden treasures of wisdom within us. Do we dare to go where no man has gone before? Are we ready to FEEL THE FORCE and go beyond just feeling it and learn how to use it? We all ready are! We are already on the journey and there is no turning back. We have already shifted 2 rules of consciousness and that is nothing to over look as invaluable.
We are the Path Finders,
The Star Walkers,
the Way Showers,
And so it is!

What happening in coming years 6-13. Brief predictions can be found here

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known author/speaker, clairvoyant, and sacred site guide and essence formulator. Aluna has based her life's work on mystical/shamanic experiences with the Star Elders that accelerated over a decade of travel in Central and South America. Aluna guides spiritual pilgrimages to Inca and Maya worlds and offers Star Elder Sessions to clients world wide. She has been called a modern mystic and psycho-geographical healer, but Aluna considers herself simply a spiritual archaeologist. Aluna is author of Mayan Astrology and her articles and services have been accepted world-wide. Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988, Sedona AZ 86339 Ph: 928-282-6292 Webpage: www.1spirit.com/alunajoy - E-mail alunajoy@kachina.net

Copyright © 2001 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in - PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 ~ Fax:928-282-4622 Email: alunajoy@kachina.net Web: www.1spirit.com/alunajoy
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #111 - 24.01.2004 at 12:41:43
Petra. wrote on 24.01.2004 at 12:06:44:
We are the Path Finders,
The Star Walkers,
the Way Showers,
And so it is!

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #112 - 26.01.2004 at 15:56:23
m wrote on 24.12.2003 at 16:21:39:
Solstice marks another year closer to the Shift of the Ages
What will the coming year look like, and how will we respond to the changes.
Updates and Predictions in the final years of a Mayan Galactic cycle.


We are the Path Finders
The Star Walkers,
the Way Showers,
And so it is!

daj no Kali, se mi je zdel znan tekst!  Tongue
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #113 - 26.01.2004 at 16:03:44
aha:1, SAM DA POZORNOST SEKA  Grin Grin Grin Se globoko opravičujem Marjana, Kiss Grin Kiss, sem šla sam 2 strani zadnje pregledat.  Tongue
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #114 - 26.01.2004 at 16:15:06

aja, maš gor en gumb 'Search' Grin - lupa je zraven narisana Wink
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #115 - 28.01.2004 at 20:14:35
kaj pravi Ellie:

Being Late - Watching Your Watch

I've wanted to write a column about being late - or chronically late - for a long 'time'. What perfect time to write it than on a day that we are 'weather challenged' (giggle) in the city.

I am looking at the remnants of another snow storm in the Big Apple. Last night - when I went to get my mail - the super of my building - and his work crew - who have to clean the stuff off - asked me how many inches I anticipated. "About 5 inches in our area," I replied, "But it would be difficult to remove do to ice above and below." We seem to have no more than 5 inches here - but there are delays everywhere.

On this snowy day - people will be late - for many reasons.

Reality is about Time and Timing.

We spend much of our time in third dimension in Waiting Mode - waiting for the NOW! Many souls now wait for the greatest challenge of all - something we sense is going to happen but we do not know when.

Linear Time can be very frustrating - but must be treated with respect and understanding while we are in a physical body.

There appear to be two groups of people - those who have a good sense of timing and are planners - generally prepared for most contingencies - and those who tend to run late for just about everything and have to rush at the last minute to get things done.

The second group are chronically late and can be called Time Bandits. A Time Bandit is someone who has questionable and even faulty conceptions of time commitments, scheduling and time management. Many people in this category think nothing about being late.

Differences in pace often have their roots in deeply ingrained habits and attitudes of a specific culture itself. Certain cultures appear to be chronically laid back and late - while others - such as those in big cities who have schedules to complete are usually 'time aware.'

My friend Paul in Hawaii says that things there are so laid back, they say, "Why do it today, when we can do it tomorrow." He calls it lazy thinking. I live in fast paced New York City where we tend to plan ahead and say, "I finished it yesterday!" I love the pace of the city and its time lines.

This remind me back of my college years and teacher-planning days. My papers were always done well in advance - in case something got in the way. I do not put things off. I am not a 'lazy thinker'. My energy levels are very high - up - and positive. I plan my time and use it efficiently. Every day new things happen in my life - as I attract them - on TIME. I am ever-ready!

Some people enjoy the adrenaline rush of cutting things close with dead lines.

Drama people are often chronically late. Sometimes they just seek the reaction of those waiting for them. A quick apology and they feel free of guilt or the frustration of those who they have kept waiting. They get noticed - but people will be annoyed with for taking up their time.

Every time you are late - you are causing anxiety for others.

Others do not know how to coordinate their time - or tend to over-extend themselves - committing to more things than they can handle. They underestimate how much time things take to complete. They are generally surprised when things do not get completed on time - or become overwhelmed when things do not unfold perfectly. Poor planning.

In all projects - in most things we do in life - we have obstacles and delays - things go wrong. One must factor these into the equation when planning any project. In the nature of the game of 3D - things change and the end result will vary from that which was originally set up. This involves more time spent in planning - again. Allow for changes.

Using an alarm - on your wrist watch - or other device - can help you pace yourself.

Time coordination comes from structured thinking and proper planning. Chronic lateness - often comes from confused thinking.

Those not emotionally balanced

often have a poor sense of timing.

People with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) - and the like - may have problems coordinating time.

People on medication for mental disorders may also have problems getting started and thinking clearly - especially if they are depression and unable to motivate themselves to do anything.

This is also true of those who drink and do drugs - as judgment is impaired. Allow for that when making plans with these people or take them out of your life completely.

Then we have the Day and the Night People....each group performing best based on their biological clock. Night people - often can't sleep - and find it difficult to do things in the morning - yet alone be on time and prepared.

If you are a person who thinks they can multi-task and do a great job at more than one think at a time - think again. Much of what you are doing will suffer - and will delay. As a result you will not be able to meet deadlines and will be late for me things - disappointing others. Set new priorities.

Some people do not care if they are late. They expect the world to understand that they are busy - or that this is their pattern. Actually this group of people generally have a pattern of their own when it comes to being late. They may always by 30 minutes - or one hour late - so those who are on time have to adjust and invite them one hour earlier - just don't tell them you are doing that.

Then you have the flip side - those who are never late - which is where I fit in. I have an unbelieveable sense of time. I am never late - am generally a few minutes early - but for the most part arrive exactly when I have to. As I am a busy person - I have no patience for those who are late - and get really annoyed - and hate to wait. If I am delayed due to emergency - I will call ahead. Now that most people have cell phones - staying in touch when you have to meet somebody becomes much easier.

Do I get annoyed with people who are late? Depends who and what is happening - but YES. I don't wait if someone is very late and doesn't call me on my cell phone to explain. The way I see it - I could have used that time to do other things than just stand /sit there and wait.

Metaphysically Speaking... .Can you ask you guides to help you with time scheduling? Yes. They will work with you to get things done most efficiently - if you learn to make the 'quick connection'. High functioning people have a perfect sense of timing and awareness of what is going on. It is as if that 'little voice' inside them is guiding them. They generally pay attention to what is going on - above and below - though they may not realize it. When they are making plans - and you see from the expression on their face - that they are connecting with that which is about - to get the answer. It is that split-second thing they do that guides their direction.

Do you take on too many projects? With changes in the energy fields - which effect all of your subtle bodies - you will break down and get sick - or have an accident. Be focused. People get very tired these days - more so than ever before.

I have been told that certain astrological signs tend to run late. I forget which group that refers to. Libra?

My clients tends to be punctual. I have a waiting room for those who arrive early or come with another person. The most interesting pattern for me occurs during Mercury Retrogrades when many people come early. I have had people arrive as much as one hour early. I don't even have to know when retrograde starts .... people just start coming early. Early is good - but too early is another issue.

Reality is about finding out more about yourself - your issues - and how you function best in this concept called 'Time'.

If you respect others - and yourself - being on time is part of the equation. It always comes down to respect and understanding.

Are you chronically late? Examine your patterns to find out why. Are you trying to prove something to somebody? To yourself? In the long run - does it matter?

There are endless excuses for chronic lateness but few good reasons. You must correct this pattern but planning accordingly.

Do you need to keep a journal of your daily activities - a Day Planner - to find out the right pace for your body, mind, and soul?

Try to handle Pace with Grace. Read a book to help you make the best of your time here.

Speaking of time - Sarah Manning finds herself racing against time to stop a time loop in this fast paced adventure novel with a metaphysical twist or two... She can't be late.....
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #116 - 29.01.2004 at 15:38:08
John of Jerusalem, Secret Register of Prophecies (1119)
When the millennium that comes after this millennium ends, men will have finally
opened their eyes. They will no longer be imprisoned in their head and in their
cities, but will be able to see from one end of the Earth to another and
understand each other. They will know that what makes one suffer hurts another.
Men will form one huge body of which each one will be a tiny part. Together
they will form the heart of this body. There will be a common language spoken
by everybody and thus, finally, a glorious humanity will come into existence ....
because Woman will arrive to reign supreme; She will govern the future and
decree her philosophy to man. She will be the Mother of this millennium that
follows the millennium. She will, after the days of the devil, radiate the gentle
sweetness of a Mother. She will, after the days of barbarity, embody beauty.The
millennium that follows the millennium will metamorphose into an age of
lightness: Men will love each other, share everything, dream and the dreams will
turn into reality...
Thus man will have his second birth. Spirit will possess the mass of men who
will be united in brotherhood. So an end will be proclaimed to barbarity. It will
be the era of a new strength of belief. The dark days at the beginning of the
millennium that follows the millennium will be followed by days of jubilation:
man will once more find the righteous path of humanity and Earth will find
harmony once more..
There will be roads that connect one end of the Earth and the sky to the other;
the woods will once more be dense, the desert will once more be irrigated and
the water will once again be pure.
The Earth will be like a garden: man will take care of every living thing and he will
clean everything he has dirtied. He will understand that the whole of Earth is his
home and he will think with wisdom of the morrow. Man will know everything
on Earth and his own body.
Diseases will be cured before they are manifested and everybody will cure
themselves and each other. Man will have understood that he has to help himself
to stay upright; and after the days of reticence and avarice Man will open his
heart and his purse to the poor; he will define himself curator of the human
species and so, finally, a new era will begin.
When man has learnt to give and share the bitter days of solitude will be at an
end. He will once more believe in the Spirit and the barbarians will be unheard
of... But all this will happen after the wars and the fires, all this will arise from the
ashes of the burnt towers of Babel. And a strong hand will be needed to bring
order to the chaos and to put Man on the right path.
Man will learn that all creatures must be respected. Man, in his lifetime, will live
more than one life and will learn that the light never goes out...

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #117 - 29.01.2004 at 19:05:10

Editorial written by Intiana.

On January 15th, (Dreamspell date: Blue Lunar Hand day) Carlos Barrios of The Eagle Clan came to Santa Fe, New Mexico. He was sent by the Mayan Elders of Guatemala to wake us up! He says he is an "ordinary man, not a celibate or a saint." I found him to be a very powerful man with no trace of duality or judgement.

Here are some of the suggestions and insights he shared for us as Lightworkers:

Go deeper into the ancient traditions...

Teach by example not words.

The darkness is not sleeping- it is very organized.
We need to COOPERATE with eachother -  not compete - but unite!
.Give up egos - accept each others traditions..

We are warriors - our weapons are love, heart and consciousness.
This is the MOST important and opportune time to light candles;
to do ceremony and ritual; to pray!

Pray especially for the religious fundamentalists who, among other very dark things, such as possibly acquiring atomic weapons, are attempting to destroy the Elders in Guatemala. These Elders are some of the indigenous people that have kept PRAYER FIRES BURNING ENDLESSLY FOR 1000 YEARS.

(Carlos alluded that more than likely, there will soon be a rebellion in Guatemala... He also shared that The Dalai Lama will be meeting with Mayan elders soon!)

At this time, we need to be clear, honest, and powerful with "internal power."

Know that if we are alive now, there is a reason.

Remember, we are human beings, not machines.

"Mother earth is giving us warnings through the earth quakes..."

We can create a fusion through ceremony and lighting of candles.
THIS is the moment of prophecy,
We are the dream of the Great Father -
See that and do not despair.

We have come here just to live...NOT to live the illusions of consumerism...

Know that there are 3 types of people living right now:
the spiritual people, the asleep consumers, and the dark forces/demons...

It is wise and important to spend no unneccesary money -  
the imbalance created by unconscious consumerism must end...
Remember: "The most beautiful of life is FREE! Such as the sunset!"

In the perspective of the living Maya Timekeepers of Guatemala, calendrically speaking, each element has a 5200 year cycle. We have been through fire, earth, air and water already. The next cycle (beginning Dec 21, 2012) will be ether.

Only christos people will survive to experience this age. A lot of humanity will disappear... Those who survive will by the Lovers of the Earth who know how to live simply and harmoniously.

The dark forces would rather destroy the planet than share the power...
The U.S.A. is very important in terms of balancing out the world's equation of dark and light.

The dark forces also use shamanic magic for business purposes, to create darkness. We need to stop the darkness not with confrontation, but with love.
Don't be passive, but be peaceful...

We are part of the people of the light. There are no leaders this time...

We are masters, elders, all of us. We need the unity of all voices!

Ceremonies are very powerful to destroy ignorance...

On Dec 21, 2012 it will not be like turning on a light switch,
it will be gradual... IT HAS ALREADY BEGUN!

!Those that are receiving this transmission were Mayans in the past

We can do our part as Lightworkers to love and accept each other,
and create a daily ritual to support this transformation of the Mother Earth
as we move steadily into the 5th World of Ether...

In lak'ech,
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #118 - 30.01.2004 at 09:38:34
Petra. wrote on 29.01.2004 at 19:05:10:

Teach by example not words.



We are warriors - our weapons are love, heart and consciousness.

At this time, we need to be clear, honest, and powerful with "internal power."

We are the dream of the Great Father -
See that and do not despair.

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Global Moderator

All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #119 - 30.01.2004 at 11:37:01
Give up egos - accept each others traditions..

tale je tudi fajn, posebej priporočam, da mal pomeditira na to,  kar nekaj forumašev!!! Grin Wink

We need to COOPERATE with eachother -  not compete - but unite!
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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