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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #150 - 09.08.2004 at 09:04:28

Magic hours and renaissance power gates

Many of you may have felt yourself going through a deep transformation at this time. It is a time of  purification by fire , a deep cleansing of the old and the clearing of old karmic patterns in preparation for the new that is emerging. There is light at the end of the tunnel but there is still a lot of work to be done.
Steve Nelson, astrologer and mythologist describes today as the  Feast of Transfiguration and describes the process that Jesus went through at this time, a cleansing by fire followed by total illumination. Following is part of a message from Steve.  Love and blessings, Maggie

from: Steve Nelson [mailto:SNelson1@carolina.rr.com]


A great ritual transformation occurs each year as  the Sun
transits the Chiron decan of Leo August 2nd to August 12th.

According to the Greek myth, the centaur god Chiron creates
a fiery altar on a mountain around which the gods and goddesses
are united to overcome the evil Titans.

The Feast of Transfiguration on August 6th commemorates the time
when Jesus went up on the mountain and was illuminated.

Midpoint Leo is the power gate of fire, the culmination of the
ancient festival of Lughnasa / Lammas that began on August 1st.

At this time followers of the old faith go to sacred places on
mountains and hills and there share bread (hence Lammas or
Loafmas) believing it imbued with a transcendent spirit. This
is a time for transforming, reimaging, realizing personal
dreams, actualizing cultural ideals.

August 6th is the Feast of Transfiguration when Jesus went to the
mountain. Spiritual fire comes down to mountain tops at this mid Leo
power gate. Jesus knew when to go the mountain and the wisdom
tradition suggests that we might do the same.

"Then Jesus went forth unto a mountaintop to pray. And as he prayed
a brilliant light appeared; his form became as radiant as precious
stone; his face shown like the Sun; his garments seemed as white as
snow; the son of humanity became the son of God. He was transformed
that the people of the Earth might see the possibilities of humanity."

- The Aquarian Gospel, Levi

Sacred fire is available to all who go to receive it. Alternatively you
may meditate on a mountaintop you've been to before and be there in
spirit. True noon and mid-afternoon canonical hour times are ideal
for this purpose.

August 6th's WORLD what is out of accord with divine purpose.

When you feel a pattern break though it is important to bless the
energy released and send it to serve a good that you intend. This
is how transformation works.  

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
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Mayan Elders Are “Angry”
Reply #151 - 11.08.2004 at 20:54:52

In last night’s interview with Adam Rubel, co-founder of Saq Be’, he disclosed a message to be told to our ECTV audience as requested by Carlos Barrios, Mayan Elder. Adam stated “Many Mayan Elders are angry. They don’t understand why people of the world are not taking notice to the warning signs telling us of great dramatic (catastrophic) change if we do not change our ways. We need to stop political agenda’s of destruction and separation.”.

I suggested to Adam that is sounds more like “frustration” than anger. So I pressed Adam to tell us specifics as to ‘dramatic events’ that are to unfold. I also pressed Adam to be as specific as possible in outlining what the Mayan Elders are asking of us. You must hear this interview in its entirety. The sad but realistic outcome as stated by over 100 emails which came in after my request to the audience of their opinion after hearing Adam’s plea, was not too positive.

The vast majority (approx. 87%) stated we (humans) are not able (or capable) of making significant change unless a well defined ‘cause’ is made manifest. There would need to be a ‘critical mass’ of consciousness to occur in order to bring the people of the world together for a primary purpose. I suggested to Adam, as I have to you so many times, it will take large earth changing events to get our attention. Although many Mayan Elders may see significant signs of change, this may not equate to what most people of the world conceive as significant. In other words, it may be that the Mayan Elders may in fact be more attuned to their environment, but that it does not reach the threshold needed for mass consciousness.

I suggest it is when phenomenal events occur, and reach levels of unprecedented proportion of which ‘no one’ can deny, then the potential of ‘critical mass’ will be reached, and the vast majority of the world will have that certain “toggle switch” triggered and the acknowledgement of “now is the time” will have been met.

You must listen to ever minute of this gripping interview: http://www.earthchangestv.com/audioarchives.php

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #152 - 13.08.2004 at 23:38:06
...      Huge Swirls of Hot Gas Found Above Earth
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 12 August 2004
06:56 am ET

Pockets of superheated gas several times the size of Earth have been discovered swirling like bathtub drains high above the planet.

The vortices seem to suck high-energy particles from the Sun into Earth's otherwise protective magnetic shield. The finding should help solve a longstanding mystery.

The Sun spits out a constant stream of charged particles known as the solar wind. It travels at nearly 1 million mph and sometimes much faster. Earth's magnetic field blocks most of these particles, which slip past the planet around a teardrop-shaped magnetosphere.

When Earth's magnetic field is aligned opposite to that of the solar wind, gaping holes can allow the energized particles to pour in and collect in an outer region of the magnetosphere called the boundary layer. Scientists already knew this, and during solar storms the gaps can force a rain of particles at lower altitudes, generating tremendous displays of sky lights called auroras while threatening satellites and terrestrial power grids.

But since 1987, scientists have also known that when the magnetic fields are aligned, and the magnetosphere ought to be impenetrable, the boundary layer is actually fuller.

New observations by the European Space Agency's Cluster mission of satellites found the likely cause.

Like wind over water, the hot solar wind, called plasma, rubs against plasma at the magnetopause -- the outer limit of Earth's magnetosphere, explains Hiroshi Hasegawa of Dartmouth College. "At the magnetopause, the interaction of fast streaming solar wind plasma and stagnant plasma in the magnetosphere creates the vortices," Hasegawa said in an e-mail interview.

The swirls of electrified gas are nearly 24,850 miles (40,000 kilometers) in diameter.

Theory predicted the vortices, but they hadn't been seen until now. Theory also predicts the vortices might pull charged particles into the magnetosphere, but scientists aren't sure how.

"We don't know yet exactly how the vortices bring the solar wind into the boundary layer," Hasegawa said. "But this would be similar to what happens when cresting waves on the surface of the ocean crash: Large quantities of air are engulfed into the seawater."

Hasegawa said it takes roughly 10 minutes for a vortex to form and collapse, and he suspects they are created continuously when conditions are favorable. Other unknown mechanisms might also contribute to filling the boundary layer, he said, adding that current space-based observatories won't answer all the questions.

The results are detailed in the Aug. 12 issue of the journal Nature.http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/magnetosphere_vortices_040811.html
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #153 - 18.08.2004 at 00:07:26

Kalki Bhagavan - Sri Kalki Avatar
Sri Kalki Bhagavan - The Living Avatar

Kalki, Sri Kalki Avatar, Kalki Bhagavan, Kalki Bhagwan

Kalki, or Sri Kalki Bhagavan, the founder of the Golden Age Foundation in India, is considered to be the living Avatar capable of giving enlightenment. Not only to a few individuals, but to the whole mankind.

According to Kalki, Earth will start entering the Golden Age, the age of enlightenment, in June 2004 during the Venus Transit.This process will come to a conclusion at the next venus transit in 2012.

The time in front of us, says Kalki, will be be filled with unprecedented changes, challenges and turmoil. It is not much mankind can do about it. But those who have worked on setting all their relationships right will have a much easier ride than others.


Humanity is entering the most crucial phase of its existence. The coming decade shall witness the most unprecedented and undreamt of changes in the course of its long evolution. There is nothing much humanity could do about it, other than to understand the changes occurring around it and to flow with the changes that are overpowering it. Towards the end, humanity would enter a new age, The Golden Age. The transition will be a painful process. Only those whose relationships are in order would make it easily. The Golden Age Movement has come into existence to help humanity make this transition.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Madan Gopal Das
Ex Member

Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #154 - 18.08.2004 at 10:08:50
vidm da bo treba spet nacet temo o izrazu avatar in bhagavan (ki je izvorno zapisana prvic v vedah) in za koga se ta izraz lahko uporablja in kaj sploh pomeni.

o koristi/skodljivosti nepravilno uporabljenega izraza avatarja/bhagavana in o takih samo-oklicanih avatarjev/bhagavanih kot je tale gospod zgoraj pa rajs ne bi se enkrat od zacetka.

if someone wants he can try and taste it. but for me, no thank you.

Hari bol.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #155 - 18.08.2004 at 21:43:22
zakaj to meniš? jst ne vem... sem včeraj brala ene zadeve in sem tam našla spisek raznoraznih avatarjev, še živečih, edini neživ vmes je Osho, no med njimi tud tale Kalki, pa Sai Baba.... in sem šla pogledat mal... mogoče zarad asociacije iz kali Wink

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Madan Gopal Das
Ex Member

Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #156 - 19.08.2004 at 08:38:14
Petra. wrote on 18.08.2004 at 21:43:22:
zakaj to meniš? jst ne vem... sem včeraj brala ene zadeve in sem tam našla spisek raznoraznih avatarjev, še živečih, edini neživ vmes je Osho, no med njimi tud tale Kalki, pa Sai Baba.... in sem šla pogledat mal... mogoče zarad asociacije iz kali Wink

ja sej to je to. beres (kr)ene zadeve in jim pol se verjames. ampak itak ma vsak pravico verjet in sledit kar hoce.

ce sprejmemo izraz avatar/bhagavan kot ga opisujejo vedski spisi pol nihce od teh zgoraj nastetih gospodov ni avatar/bhagavan. niti nam taki kvazi-avatarji ne morjo kej dost koristit, lahko pa valda skodjo... seveda ce gledamo iz vidika vecne dobrobiti. ce hocmo dobit eno zacasno zavetje (mir) pol se seveda lahko predamo takim kvazi-odresenikom. ce pa hocmo dosezt neko trajno zavetje in s tem trajni mir pa se jim mormo spostljivo izognit na delec in sprejet pravega avatarja/bhagavana Sri Krishno in njegovega verodostojenga predstavnika tu in zdaj.

ce rada beres... si prosim breber se "Bhagavad-gito, Kakrsna je".

Hari bol.
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« Last Edit: 19.08.2004 at 09:57:15 by Madan Gopal Das »  
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #157 - 19.08.2004 at 10:37:59
ma prnes mi že enkrat to bhagavadgito!!! Roll Eyes
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Madan Gopal Das
Ex Member

Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #158 - 19.08.2004 at 11:13:06
Petra. wrote on 19.08.2004 at 10:37:59:
ma prnes mi že enkrat to bhagavadgito!!! Roll Eyes

ok, dobis.

sam povej a rabs anglesko original (As it is) al slovensko (Kakrsna je)?

a rabs v papirju al je lohk na netu?

aja, pa inst-msg (PM) za ostale detajle.

Hari bol.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #159 - 19.08.2004 at 11:36:28
daj pošli mi as it is
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Madan Gopal Das
Ex Member

Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #160 - 19.08.2004 at 11:43:50

(ce kliknes na verz ti odpre original sanskrit in uspodi je tud verodostojen komentar oz. kaj je to "as it is" oz. "kakrsna je". to pomen brez spekulacij in napacnih/omejenih interpretacij).

Hari bol.
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #161 - 19.08.2004 at 12:04:52
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #162 - 19.08.2004 at 12:19:20
čeprov je škoda 1 črkice za tebe, ti vseen odgovorim

it offends me not ... at all

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #163 - 19.08.2004 at 12:44:13
ne me banat, gape

ljubi me, sprejmi me Kiss
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #164 - 20.08.2004 at 20:53:02

It Is Time To Remember Who You Are
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

(This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it
through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.  )

You are a Beloved Child of God who is on Earth during this unique
moment to cocreate the wonders of Heaven on Earth. You are an empowered
Instrument of God. This inner knowing is opening your heart and allowing
your God Self to increase the amount of Divine Light flowing through your
Earthly body.
The increased influx of Light flows into the physical plane and
enters the core of purity in every electron of precious life energy. The
Light then pushes to the surface anything that conflicts with Its
frequencies of harmony, love and balance. Unfortunately, as the discordant
frequencies of energy surface to be transmuted back into Light, they often
create the illusion that things are getting worse. People easily witness
the surfacing negativity, but what they don't see is the incredible Light
that is pushing the negativity to the surface to be healed and transmuted.
That phenomenon has the effect of keeping people focused on the problem
instead of the solution.
When the focus of your attention is stuck on the negativity that is
coming up to be healed instead of the Light of God that is pulsating with
all of the patterns of perfection and solutions contained in the Causal
Body of God, you empower and sustain the negative things that are
surfacing. Instead of eliminating the problems, you actually intensify
them. This creates the situations that make you feel desperate,
overwhelmed and hopeless.
People are so used to accepting the physical plane as their true
reality, that they have forgotten it is merely a reflection of their
consciousness. No matter how real your life challenges seem or how
entrapped you are in the grip of poverty, disease, low self-esteem,
loveless relationships, hatred, corruption, ignorance, war, etcetera,
those distorted expressions of life can only be maintained in your life if
you sustain them through your thoughts, words, actions, feelings and
. If you choose to empower the Light and all of the patterns of
perfection contained in that Light instead of choosing to empower the
things that cause your pain and suffering, your Earthly experiences will
be transformed in the twinkling of an eye.
Never has there been a more opportune time for you to change your
course of direction. Never has Humanity received more support from the
Heavenly Realms than we are receiving at this moment. Focus on fulfilling
your dreams, and miracles will happen.

This monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in
the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of this information is to
encourage, empower, uplift and inspire all of us by allowing us to see the
bigger picture, during these wondrous but extremely challenging times.
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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