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You are the master of
ure Body and  ure soul.

Posts: 1189
Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #90 - 19.03.2003 at 22:32:22
veronika wrote on 19.03.2003 at 10:51:38:
Joj, kako bom sedajle zamorila za vse št.

Včeraj sem govorila z Vilmo po telefonu in mi je baterija  crknila, glih ko sva govorili 19:19. Kaj pa ta št. skriva.


Število 19 ima ime Princ Nebes in je to eno najbolj srečnih števil. Vlada mu Sonce in se tako imenuje zato, ker označuje zmago nad začasnimi težavami in razočaranji. To število ima vse dobre lastnosti števila 10, vendar brez nevarnosti, ki jih 10 ima. Obljublja srečo in izpolnitev - uspeh v vseh podvigih ter v osebnem življenju. Seveda je še marsikaj odvisno od drugih števil v imenu ali datumu. A naj bo še tako hudo, 19 zmanjšuje možnosti za popolno nesrečo, so pa nekatera števila, ki jih tudi krasna 19 ne more ublažiti - precej je primerov kombinacij s številom 14, ki pa je tem ljudem povzročilo nesreče, ponavadi z avtomobilom.

19 je ponavadi znak dobrodušnega človeka, ki ima dosti prijateljev in je zelo kreativen v svojem poklicu ali hobiju....  Wink Kiss

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Your soul has WINGS.
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You are the master of
ure Body and  ure soul.

Posts: 1189
Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #91 - 19.03.2003 at 22:45:36
Petra. wrote on 14.03.2003 at 12:49:07:
Star12, daj še ostale številke obdelaj!WinkSmiley


Številka ŠEST:

je omenjeno veliko redkeje. Šest pomeni določeno celovitost. Štirim glavnim stranem ravnine se pridružuje tudi smer navzgor in navzdol. Šest smeri sestavlja celovitost mogočega. Šest kvadratov kocke sestavlja njeno pravilnosti (plašč).
Jung: Pomeni ravnovesje sil in to, da je vse v tvojih rokah: čaka te izbira. Možno je tudi, da boš prišel v tak položaj, ko boš moral pokazati svojo odločitev. Najbrž te privlači več stvari; težko izbiro boš imel v srčnih zadevah.

Številka SEDEM
nosi sveto aureolo. Grška mitologija pozna sedem glavnih bogov, alkemija uporablja sedem kovin, v svetih spisih je sedem angelov in sedem negativnosti...... Teden ima sedem dni in teh sedem je povezano z osemindvajsetimi Mesečevega meseca. Katoliška cerkev pozna sedem smrtnih grehov. Sedem kreposti so njihovo nasprotje. Sedem let (četrtina Saturna, m.op.) tvori še posebej močen izsek življenja. Sedem let žaluje draga za svojim dragim. V plehkem smislu mora človek imeti skupaj svojih »sedem stvari«.
Jung: Kaže na zaključek dela, na nekaj, kar je dalj časa trajalo; zdaj sledi počite. To so stanja, ko si prišel do določenih zaključkov in sedaj moraš nadaljevati in uresničiti, kar znaš in zmoreš. Vedno znova je treba začenjati, kakor se v tebi vedno znova začenja kaj novega.

Številka OSEM:
je povezano s številom štiri; osem je dvakrat štiri. Tudi za osem se zdi, da je srečna številka. V sanjah,, ki »govorijo nemško« ima osem pogosto smisel opreznosti in pozornosti.
Jung: Vse je odvisno od sanj v celoti in kako se iztečejo! Dosegaš določeno ravnotežje v svoji osebnosti. Pomirila te bodo nova spoznanja. Pravilno boš ravnal s prijatelji, oni pa ti bodo vračali zvestobo; prav tako je možno, da spoznaš pravo ljubezen.

Številka DEVET:
je potencirano tri. Devet se v zgodnjih germanskih pesmih pojavlja takrat, ko se na starinski način govori o burnem življenju. Tudi devet je v bližini ustvarjalnega.
Jung: Pomeni nek konec in cilj nečemu. Uravnoteženost in stalnost. Vendar kot s pravljico, ki se nadaljuje.

Število DESET:
se v sanjah ne pojavlja pogosto, razen morda v drobnih vsakodnevnih sanjah, v katerih se bližina zavesti ravna po dekadnih sistemih kovanega denarja in mer. Ponekod deset,  z enico in ničlo za njo, nakazuje, saj zdi se tako, osamljenost.

Število ENAJST
se sanja zelo redko; tudi razlaga ni lahka. V sanjah se v enajstici ne more razbrati nekaj slabega, kar se ji pogosto pripisuje. Včasih enajst pomeni skrivno zvezo dveh posameznikov, kar je osnova grafične slike tega števila.

pomen prihaja iz babilonskega kulturnega kroga. Povezano je s številom živalskega zodijaka in ima kot število mesecev smisel zaprtega leta. Kot število Jezusovih učencev je nepozaben v krščanskem prostoru. Kot ura dvanajst pomeni konec. Če je v sanjah pet minut do dvanajstih, je »skrajni čas«.

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Your soul has WINGS.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #92 - 20.03.2003 at 03:15:04

You have a potential to be a source and inspiration for people. You possess an inordinate amount of energy and intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you are often misunderstood early. Which makes you shy and withdrawn. You have more potential than you know.

You galvanize every situation you enter. You inspire people, but without conscious effort. Energy seems to flow through you without your control. This gives you both power, and sometimes emotional turmoil.

You are a channel for the information between the higher and the lower, between the realm of the archetype and the relative world. Ideas, thoughts, understanding and insight come to you without you having to go through rational thought process. There seems to be a bridge, or connection, between your conscious and unconscious realms, that attunes you to a high level of intuition through which even psychic information can flow.

All of this amounts to a great capacity for invention. Many inventors, artists, religious leaders, prophets and leading figures in history have had 11 prominent in their chart.

Because you are so highly charged, you experience the consequences of a two edged sword. You possess great abilities, but indulge in much self-reflection and self-criticism. You often feel highly self-conscious. You are aware on some level that you stand out. Even when you try to blend with your environment, you often feel conspicuous, alien and out of place.

You are blessed with a message or a specific role to play in life. But you must develop yourself sufficiently to take full advantage of that opportunity. Until that time, your inner development takes precedence over your ability to materialize the great undertaking you were chosen to perform. Consequently, 11's seem to develop slowly, but simply have to accomplish in their evolution than an average person. Thus, your real success does not usually begin until maturity, between the ages of 35 and 45, when you have progressed further along the path.

You may be frustrated, largely because you have extremely high expectations of yourself. But these expectations can be unrealistic and can prevent you from accomplishing anything. You can be very impractical, envisioning a skyscraper when only a bungalow is required.

You may also suffer from bouts of confusion and a lack of direction. This gives rise to loss of confidence, and the onset of deep depression. The cause of these emotional problems is your lack of understanding of your own sensitivity and potential. You have strong ambition and desire to achieve something great. However lack of confidence in your ability to realize this dream may cause you much frustration. You sense the enormous potential you possess, which requires equally enormous confidence in your ability to materialize your dream. Confidence is the key that unlocks your potential.

On a strictly physical level, you must protect your nervous system, which is inordinately vulnerable to stress, because of your acute sensitivity. Depression is the result of long periods of stress that have gone unrelieved.

Seek out peaceful harmonious environments, as well relaxing music, and follow a healthful diet in order to restore balance and peace.

As an 11 Life Path you are a highly charged version of the 2, and possess similar characteristics and talents. You can be extremely tactful and diplomatic. You are also patient and co-operative. You work well with groups and somehow find a way of creating a harmony among diverse opinions.

You have an eye for beauty and a fine sense of balance and rhythm. You have healing capabilities, especially in the fields of massage, acupuncture, counseling and physical therapy. You suit all 2 vocations.

Like 2, you are a sensitive and passionate lover, your perceptiveness make you aware of your partners needs and desires, which you are able to fulfill with magical delicacy. However, when you feel you have been mistreated or jilted, you can react with devastating power, using personal criticisms vindictively.

You are a fine companion and you possess a good sense of humor. When you have found your niche in life, and have realized your true potential, your rewards will more than compensate for your trials in earlier life.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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angeli letijo zato, ker
se ne jemlejo resno
Posts: 1502

Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #93 - 20.03.2003 at 09:46:15
No, tud v kalinem opisu sem se našla. Zdaj se pa sprašujem, ali res numerologija tako drži, ali je to kot dnevni horoskop. Vsak lahko nekja najde zase

drugač pa, ko sem bila včeraj v trgovini, mi je morala prodajalka vrniti točno 2.222,00 sit.

ponoči se mi je pa od hudiča sanjalo, pol sem pa videla na tablici 666. Ponoči se pa v okolici naše hiše, kejer je veliko hoste, dere sova.

Številke pa vraževerje.
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Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
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You are the master of
ure Body and  ure soul.

Posts: 1189
Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #94 - 20.03.2003 at 16:51:42
veronika wrote on 20.03.2003 at 09:46:15:
No, tud v kalinem opisu sem se našla. Zdaj se pa sprašujem, ali res numerologija tako drži, ali je to kot dnevni horoskop. Vsak lahko nekja najde zase
www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/fragend/confused-smiley-016.gif?ponoči se mi je pa od hudiča sanjalo, pol sem pa videla na tablici 666. Ponoči se pa v okolici naše hiše, kejer je veliko hoste, dere sova.

Veronika, mislim, da te čaka neka nova odločitev, katero moraš jemati bolj previdoma - ne jezi se toliko nanjo. Hudič meni pomeni, da bi lahko prišlo do neke sprembe na tvojem osebnem področju. Ker pa je bila vmes številka 666 pomisli, kaj vse te navezuje nanjo - kdo je z njo povezan - rojstni dnevi, kak dogodek, ki se je kdaj zgodil na 6 ... ali ali...
To boš vedela največ sama.
Poveži in boš videla - mogoče boš našla osebo ali stvar...

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Your soul has WINGS.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #95 - 23.03.2003 at 23:49:28
People are seeing more digit codes - 11:11 - 333 - etc.

Ask yourself....do you ever see yourself getting old, sick, suffering? Most people I ask - who are evolved - no matter what their age - cannot conceptualize themselves getting old and unable to function. Their lives are never perfect - because the polarity of the program does not allow for that - but they maintain their integrity - trying to make good choices - and move through this experience with an inner knowing that they are here at this time to witness a change in consciousness. The rest is just 'busy work'. Reality makes little sense much of the time - and finding someone in their headspace - makes it that much more fun. Without a sense of humor you are lost.

Does your soul feel like it is searching for something as never before?

Does your soul feel it is getting 'closer' to something - but you do not know how to define it?

Are changes forcing their way into your life making you re-evaluate your direction?

Are you getting glimpses of other realities - temporal distortions - increased psychic abilities? Can you understand the matrix - illusion?

Do you have a greater desire to write or keep a journal?

Do people bore you with their issues?

Are the things that were once important to you taking a back seat to something that is guiding you now?

Are you making choices in your life that your were have considered ridiculous 5 years ago?

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #96 - 24.03.2003 at 09:20:30
Jaaaaaaa, Kali, zdajle sem se spomnila, ziby je imel včeraj štartno številko 1177 pa smo rekli da moramo tebe vprašat, kaj je to pomenilo? Wink
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #97 - 24.03.2003 at 14:48:28
Petra. wrote on 23.03.2003 at 23:49:28:
People are seeing more digit codes - 11:11 - 333 - etc.

Ask yourself....do you ever see yourself getting old, sick, suffering? Most people I ask - who are evolved - no matter what their age - cannot conceptualize themselves getting old and unable to function. Their lives are never perfect - because the polarity of the program does not allow for that - but they maintain their integrity - trying to make good choices - and move through this experience with an inner knowing that they are here at this time to witness a change in consciousness. The rest is just 'busy work'. Reality makes little sense much of the time - and finding someone in their headspace - makes it that much more fun. Without a sense of humor you are lost.

Does your soul feel like it is searching for something as never before?

Does your soul feel it is getting 'closer' to something - but you do not know how to define it?

Are changes forcing their way into your life making you re-evaluate your direction?

Are you getting glimpses of other realities - temporal distortions - increased psychic abilities? Can you understand the matrix - illusion?

Do you have a greater desire to write or keep a journal?

Do people bore you with their issues?

Are the things that were once important to you taking a back seat to something that is guiding you now?

Are you making choices in your life that your were have considered ridiculous 5 years ago?

to Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Stevilke
Reply #98 - 25.03.2003 at 20:00:42
pobje zanc je blo 20:03 20.03.2003  Grin
naklucje?  Wink

mozn da tut kj pomen
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Posts: 1392
Gender: male
Re: Stevilke
Reply #99 - 25.03.2003 at 20:21:38
pobje zanc je blo 20:03 20.03.2003  Grin
naklucje?  Wink

mozn da tut kj pomen

Ne pozabit, da je tudi bilo 03:03:03 (ur:minut:sekund) 03.03.03 (dan.mesec.leto).

Kaj to pomeni? Wink
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Why? There is no why! Why is a mind f**king word!
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Love rulZ
Posts: 26
Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #100 - 27.03.2003 at 09:36:47
Hoj   Wink

nekja cas me ni bilo in kar ne morem verjet, kolk se je nabral glede stevilk..

Star12- ne nisem porocena, ne nimam otrok....moja stevilka ni pet ampak 6 in 9.

Sama se tudi ze nekaj casa ubadam s stevilkami- mama je zacela z numerologijo ze 12 let nazaj in okuzila se mene... moram priznat, da je tolk enih razlag, kaj posamezna stevila pomenijo, da clovek res nic vec ne ve.

Mama pravi isto kot ti, da je 19 nasrecnjesa stevilka, ker je najbolj v ravnovesju.

Jaz pa sem menenja, da nasa svobodna volja lahko zaj.... se tako fenomenalne stevilke.....

Strasno me bega, ker  videvam tudi 999 in 000 in ne vem sedaj ali se to nanasa na trenutno misel, ki sem jo izrekla in se ta konca ali kaj...

Hkrati pa so me te stevilke spet potegnile nazaj v glavo in misli, kar pa zagotovo ni zdravo....

Petica-5- meni predstavlja SPREMEMBE in potovanja in znanje (na drugacen nacin kot 7)....v tarotu me spominja na kolo srece - 1x si gor, 1x si dol- gor in dol, gor in dol... vse se vrti... moram priznat, da mi je to v zivljenju najtezje sprejet in mogoce ravno to te stevilke kazejo - spremembe so edina stalnica v nasem vesolju in boriti se proti njim je brez predmetno ..ceprav jaz vseeno poskusam   Tongue Tongue Tongue

Poznam kar nekaj ljudi, ki so rojeni na 11 in 22 in moram rect, da so odstekani, drugacni in da v meni zbudijo tocno te zadve - bezajo ven mojo odstekanost in drugacnost. Obstaja ena 22, ki me je pripeljala skoraj v Polje.....ampak pravijo, kar nas ne ubije, nas naredi mocnejse...and I am still alive and kicking  8) Grin Grin Grin

Evo to je to....

Angeli so pa z mano, ce vidim stevilke ali pa ne...in cutim, da me imajo radi (saj drugega ne znajo!)

Lep dan zelim vsem skupaj

Hyperborea  Smiley
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Ne trudi se iskati Boga, raje živi življenje in služi tako, da bo Bog našel tebe
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You are the master of
ure Body and  ure soul.

Posts: 1189
Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #101 - 27.03.2003 at 10:24:54
hyperborea wrote on 14.03.2003 at 10:39:06:

od kar sem prebrala tisti prispevek od Kali, dnevno videvam zgoraj navedene stevilke - najbolj pogosto pa vidim 555...

Res je tako kot pišeš.
Ampak vse številke, ki se nekako držino skupaj in so 3 imajo POVEZAVO med 3, v to sem jaz trdno prepičana.
Drugače je - če sta dve ali ena...

No, saj boš sama najbolje vedela, od kje bi lahko IZVIRALO.
Ampak videnje teh številk...
Lahko bi šlo resnično za kašno spremembo, ki je vezana trako nate, kot še na ENO osebo - vmes pa je tisto -  SPREMEBA na bolje.
Vsaj jaz sem tako gledala ko si napisala tisto o ŠTEVILKi 5 in povezava 555..
Upam,da sedaj razumeš...
Oz. Boš razumela...
Mama ti pa lahko veliko pomaga, seveda,...

Hkrati pa so me te stevilke spet potegnile nazaj v glavo in misli, kar pa zagotovo ni zdravo....

Seveda, ker potem kar naprej misliš o njih in se ti ŽE same od sebe, brez, da bi pomisila nanje - POJAVIJO, to pa ni dobro. Upam, da se boš malo otresla tega razmišljanja okoli številk, prepusti mislim, da SAME DELUJEJO in PRINESEJO, kar pač prinesejo...
Ker če misliš na njih, se bodo ZAGOTOVO pojavile in te bodo BEGALE...  Smiley

Hvala za ob razlago 11 in 22. Morava pa še prepustiti BESEDO tistim, ki so rojeni tak DAN  - no jaz sem 12 - skoraj bi bila 13 na PETEK, pa se je mami potrudila in REKLA;
"o ne to pa ne, na PETEK 13 pa že ne bom rodila"
In Simona se je Rodila na četrtek 12..

Kako zanimivo MAR...  Grin

Bova prepustili besedo DRUGIM, kanje... Da sami spregovorijo, kakšni so.. Kakšna je njihova narava...

Angeli so pa z mano, ce vidim stevilke ali pa ne...in cutim, da me imajo radi (saj drugega ne znajo!)

RES je, vsak človek ima SVOJEGA Angela, v to sem tudi sama prepričana. Tudi on NAm včasih preko ZNAMENJ, da vedeti, kako MORAMO...
Od nas pa je ODVISNO, če bomo TEMU Sledili...
ANGELI Ob NAS in Z Nami...

Lep sončen DAN želim vsem....

Pa še enega... Kiss vsem pošljem...

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« Last Edit: 28.03.2003 at 17:31:49 by Moonlight »  

Your soul has WINGS.
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Love rulZ
Posts: 26
Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #102 - 28.03.2003 at 13:33:19


Ja, sej mogoce bo pa kar drzalo - gre pa predvidevam za moj odnos z ocetom....ki je kljucni za moj odnos do moskih in POSLEDICNO se bo ta le spremenil, kar bo tudi dobro zame  Roll Eyes  Cheesy

Vsem skupaj en lep vikend.

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Ne trudi se iskati Boga, raje živi življenje in služi tako, da bo Bog našel tebe
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #103 - 30.03.2003 at 03:40:53
111…Energy flow. Enhancing whatever level you are in presently.
222…Resurrection and ascension process.

333…Decision number. Either directs you into a phase of

999 completion, or negativity, it puts you in the

666 frequency which throws you back into the third dimension.

444…This is an actual resurrection number. You have just completed an important phase.

555…Experiencing the energy or a level of Christ Consciousness, very significant.

666…Material World. Third dimensional frequency. Denseness.

777…Symbolized an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the third dimensional plane, or at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth Plane.

888…Symbolized infinity. The unified spiral of the physical merging with the spiritual. Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of 222 and 444.

999…Symbolized the three levels of the triune. Completion.

000…Great Void. Experiencing a Null Zone. Switching or moving into a new energy field.

11:11…Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development. Another dimension or frequency of experience. A portal way opening.

12:12…A cosmic connection. A bridge to the future. Signifies a level of completion or graduation.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Stevilke
Reply #104 - 31.03.2003 at 09:08:41
Petra. wrote on 24.03.2003 at 14:48:28:
to Wink

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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