This is a guide to allow you to analyze what your dreams mean based on the most prominent number or numbers you noticed. This uses a system of numerology... so if your number is not listed (higher numbers), here is how you calculate which number to look at. Let's say you think the number 28 was significant in your dream:
28... add the two, so it's 2+8... which equals 10.
If this was one digit, you could stop here. However, since it's still two, reduce it again by adding the two... 1+0 equals 1. So 1 is the number you should look up.
The exception to this rule are master numbers -- 11, 22, and 33 are master numbers, they are considered quite important and need not be reduced.
0: constancy (0+0=0): Null, empty, bottomless, infinite, God, no beginning or end, continual, a full circle,
1: Primal, invention, creation, pioneer, evolution, first, alone, leader, winner, beginning.
2: Dual nature of life and deity, balance, good and evil, male and female,, subconscious, marriage, sex.
3: Holy or mystical trinity, triple goddess, triangle, "things always happen in threes", threefold, harmony of the physical, spiritual, and mental realms, creativity.
4: Physical, non-spiritual, material, technology, hard work, no short cuts, 4 directions of a crossroads, 4 compass directions (North, East, South, West).
5: Change, freedom, 5 senses (touch, smell, taste, hear, see)
6: Beauty, harmony, strength, advancement, psychic powers, precognition, "sixth sense".
7: Luck, seven chakras, seven planes and subplaces of existence, sabbath, victory.
8: Wealth, gambling, magic, potential, balance.
9: Increasing of powers (3X3), completion, the end, maturity.
10: Strength, perfection, putting you "all" into something, reaching for a goal. See also 1.
11: Mastery in a certain area, enlightenment, being one with yourself, nirvana. See also 2.
12: Spiritual strength, the year, day and night. See also 3.
13: Birth and death, beginning and end, change, dear, superstition, luck. See also 4.
14: Unity of 2 souls, see also 5.
15: Absolution. See also 6.
16: Youth, change, maturity. See also 7.
17: The soul. See also 8.
22: Mastery of the planes, ability to teach about the planes (physical, mental, astral). See also 4.
26: Earth, physical plane. See also 8.
33: Mastery of the spiritual plane, acceptance of the good and the evil in life.