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Message started by odpisani on 18.06.2002 at 13:22:04

Title: Stevilke
Post by odpisani on 18.06.2002 at 13:22:04

Pozdrav vsem! Sem nov tukaj, zato se opravicujem, ce je bila tema mogoce ze obdelana!

Dogaja se mi ena stvar, ki si jo tezko razlagam (sicer si jo po svoje, vendar....).

Redno - tudi veckrat na dan -  se mi pojavljajo stevilke mojega rojstnega dne! Na racunih, registrskih tablicah, povsod, kjer se pac stevilke lahko pojavljajo.

Ima kdo kako razlago, kaj bi to bilo!


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by gape on 18.06.2002 at 13:27:11

mogoče si samo pozorn ratu na to ...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by odpisani on 18.06.2002 at 13:34:00

Zna bit, ceprav se mi te stevilke pojavljajo vec ali manj takrat, ko kaj tuhtam, pa bi se moral kao odlociti....

Ne vem....jaz si to razlagam, da je nekdo takrat "zraven" mene! Saj v bistvu me pa zanima, ce se komu dogaja kaj podobnega oz. ce bi kdo kaj vedel o tem! Ali pa, ce je kdo kaj numerologa, pa da mi pove kaj pomeni 3.28...28.marec namrec....

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by LittleStar on 18.06.2002 at 14:09:33

Svoj čas sem bila kar fejst not v teh številkah. Nisem noben numerolog, pa tud kar sem prebrala, nisem sprejela. Naredila sem si svoj sistem. Kadarkoli in kjerkoli sem računala, primerjala, analizirala predvsem datume rojstva ali seštevek števil ure, trenutka kakšnega dogodka. Številkam sem dala značilnosti, kot sem jih začutila iz izkustvenega vedenja. V bistvu mi je bilo takšno opazovanje neke vrste način, ki mi je pomagal uriti videnje urejenosti Vesolja. Lahko bi bil tudi kakšen drug sistem, pot. Lahko rečem, da ti slej ko prej preostane le poslušati svojo notranjo bit, srce, občutek za prav, ki pa nimajo neke velike zveze z golimi številkami. Takšno znanje se mi danes ne zdi več tako pomembno, pravzaprav mi je v napoto. Trudim se ločiti med resničnostjo in iluzijo ter sprejeti, dopustiti dejansko stanje.

Tukaj smo se že malo pogovarjali o numerologiji:;action=display;num=985722916;start=15;action=display;num=988983146;action=display;num=1022156504

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by klimax on 18.06.2002 at 19:04:22

men se je pa neki casa dogajal da sem ful velikrat videl 11:11, 17:17, 19:19, 22:22 ko sem pogledu na uro(pa ne gledam velik na uro). Se je dogajal tud po 5x na dan.
A je to nakljucje, al me je neki druzga opomnl da sem pogledu na uro... ?
Verjetnost, da se to zgodi ko pogledas na uro je 1.6 %, tko da tud ce bi 50x na dan pogledu na uro ne bi blo dost sans, da bi se to zgodil 5x.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by LittleStar on 19.06.2002 at 08:19:30

Aja, zdaj ko ste pa tako postavili, jaz sem pa zmeraj 'mogla' pogledat na uro ob 12:19, 13:30 in 15:19 ???

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Fakin on 24.07.2002 at 18:27:15

Men se tud to ful velikrat dogaja, da ko pogledam na gsm kolk je ura so vedno (no ne cist zmeraj ampak skoraj enkrat do dvakrat na dva dni) enake stevilke 19:19, 13:30,..... Velikokrat se mi pa zgodi da dobim sms ob takih stevilkah ! Je to stvar nakljucja ? Al je to kak znak ?


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by gape on 24.07.2002 at 18:33:19


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Fakin on 24.07.2002 at 18:42:06

Nakljujce. Mozno. Kar je tudi verjetno da je nakljucje, samo zakaj se to dogaja csak dan !? Pismo samo nakljucje me je  ::) ze mami mi je rekla da sem po nakljucju prsu na to veliko kroglo zdej mi pa se gape pove da je to kar se mi dogaja nakljucje :) He he he. Cist se mi je dan pokvaru :) heh


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by gape on 24.07.2002 at 19:07:00


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by anuk on 25.07.2002 at 10:25:40

Živjo odpisani,

ker se ti večkrat na dan pojavljajo številke iz tvojega rojstnega dne in temu pripisuješ nenavadno izkušnjo, ti morda pride prav moja razlaga; če ločiš vsega deset številk, kot jaz in imaš tudi ti osem razpoložljivih mest v roj. datumu zanje - mi lahko poveš kaj več o svetu, v katerem živim?

brez zamere, če moj odgovor ni najbolj všečen, tudi jaz sem nova tukaj... možno, da je svetloba najbolj nematerilana materija ali pa da števila igrajo isto vlogo v nekem drugem svetu, ki ni nič bolj lep, grd ali boljši že kar tako sam po sebi.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Borzyus on 31.07.2002 at 12:27:22

Tudi meni se je neko obdobje dogajalo podobno, kot opisuje Klimax.
No, zdaj, ko sem pogledal na uro, pa je bila 12.23, tudi zanimivo.
Sicer pa se mi zadnje čase to skoraj ne dogaja več, le budilka me zbudi vsako jutro točno ob istem času. Naključje?

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Edi on 31.07.2002 at 13:13:13

Najbrž imaš pokvarjeno.

Nesi jo k urarju, ali pa zamenjaj baterijo.

;D ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 18.10.2002 at 22:09:30

men se tud večkrat dogaja, da ko se uzrem na uro, vidm
dve enaki številki skupi npr;

10:10,  17:17 ( to je samo primer),  a ma to kakšen pomen... ?


baje obstaja guna razlaga, da takrat tisti pa tist misle nate...  


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 22.10.2002 at 14:32:26

Mene pa te številke zabavajo, prav rada jih imam. V njih vidim, da me spremlja sreča in če v nekaj verjemeš se to tudi zgodi.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 22.10.2002 at 15:52:11

tew številke ki jih videvamo, so sprožilci (triggerji), prav tako kot so to lahko simboli...

Najpogostejši so 10:10, 11:11, 12:12...

Takrat, ko to zagledamo se zdrznemo in nekaj nam reče...kaj se moram spomnit?...

Tudi sama pogosto videvam te številke, zanimivo pa je, da poznam veliko ljudi, ki so rojeni na isti dan, prav tako kot tudi ogromno ljudi s katerimi si delimo rojstni dan...

Title: Re: Stevilke - 11:11
Post by gape on 22.10.2002 at 22:16:11


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Karmen A on 22.10.2002 at 23:26:38

Ne poznam teh predstavljenih, kaj in kje točno so odpiral tudi na bledu?

Imam konkretno izkušnjo, da ima 11 enajstica name močan vpliv. Sama sem pri svojih 11 letih občutila  brez posebnega razloga strašno morečo klimo okrog sebe. Takrat sem bila v 4. razredu in za večino tega pri sebi bremenila tovarišico v šoli in pa mamo, a danes vem, da ni bilo to (najpomembnejše). Pri 22 ih sem imela drugo tako obdobje, ki sem ga vezala na konkretno moje stanje. Pri 33ih sem imela obdobje, ki sem ga občutila, kot bi nekam "udarla butn direktnega".
Vem da o tem čez 11 (9let) ne bi!


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by gape on 22.10.2002 at 23:42:19

wrote on 22.10.2002 at 23:26:38:
Ne poznam teh predstavljenih, kaj in kje točno so odpiral tudi na bledu?

ni nč dost napisan ... under construction ... je pa napisano da je blo to tam ... near bled ...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Andres on 22.10.2002 at 23:46:08

Če nimamo recimo v službi opravka s številkami in če nimamo digitalne ure je možnost naleta na dve isti številki zelo  majhna. Prej, ko ni bilo toliko digitalnih ur o tem nihče ni govoril.


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 23.10.2002 at 04:40:29

ja mogoče so pa ravno zato izumili digitalne ure v tem stoletju  :)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Devi on 23.10.2002 at 11:09:38

Hm...tole z digitalnimi urami mi ni tolko znano, ker nobene nimam, razen na mi pa redno dogaja prekrivanje kazalcev. To se mi dogaja pa ze leta dolgo in sem scasoma ugotovila, da si jih lahko precej dobro razlagam.
Ko zacnem neko delo, pogledam na uro in se mi kazalci prekrivajo, je pravo delo ob pravem casu, vedno v redu...ce pa je obratno, nekaj ne spila in gre vse narobe, pogledam na uro in dostkrat sta si kazalca ravno nasproti, poravnana.
Vcasih si mislim, prima, imam dober kontakt s podzavestjo al pa duso, sam kdo bi vedel, lahko gre pa samo za navado in vrazeverje...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 23.10.2002 at 11:13:55

Jaz imam pa vse stvati za srečo. Tako digitalne ure, ki kažejo 11:11 (tako kot npr zdajle he he he), pa one druge, ko se prekrivajo kazalci. Pa tablice, če vidim enake številke, pa če pajka vidim, al pa eno veliko ptico ali pa lepega metulja, al pa,...
Življenje je polno veselja in lepih stvari in vsaka takšna stvar, pomeni zame srečo.

pa naj bo tudi ta dan vam polen sreče  :-*

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 23.10.2002 at 11:14:58

evo post je bil oddan 11: 13 pa tudi to meni pomeni srečo, številka 13 namreč. Najraje imam petek 13, pa dneve, ko je polna luna.


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 23.10.2002 at 11:21:42


11: 21

21 najljubša številka...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by klimax on 24.10.2002 at 03:46:55

kaj pomeni, ce v sanjah vidis stevilko 7 oz. dve sedmice?  Samo to je v sanjah in nic drugega...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 24.10.2002 at 03:56:34

Številke se lahko pojavijo tudi v sanjah.

Numerološko pa


Število 7 ima vibracije Neptuna, ki predstavlja duhovnost, občutljivost, sočutje in skrivnosti. Vlada iluzijam in prevaram, a tudi zdravljenju in čudežem, veri in sanjam.
Za sedmice je značilno, da imajo zanimive sanje. Včasih o njih govorijo, včasih ne. A sanjajo bolj kot drugi. Na skrivaj se zelo zanimajo za ezoterične skrivnosti, mistiko ali pa NLP... in vse drugo, kar ni znano. Mnogokrat imajo dar intuicije in jasnovidnosti ter določen umirjen magnetizem, s katerim privlačijo druge. Pogosto ima samo njihova prisotnost blažilni učinek na ljudi v težavah. 7 je povezana z mističnimi idejami o religiji, neprenašanjem utečenih poti in nagnjenostjo k prisvaja-njem verovanj in filozofij, ki so na nek način enkratne in precej neorto-doksne. Ni pa običajno za sedmice, da verjamejo v nova verovanja, tako kot štirice, na primer.
Ti ljudje ponavadi nekoč v življenju veliko potujejo ali pa berejo knjige o tujih deželah in ljudeh. Mnoge sedmice so močno navezane na morje in druge vode in imajo rade vodne športe. Mnogokrat živijo poleg vode.
Materialne stvari jih ne zanimajo preveč. Sicer lahko veliko zaslužijo s svojimi originalnimi idejami, a denar radi dajejo v humane namene. Ponavadi so zelo usmerjeni v umetnost in imajo radi ples, glasbo, poezijo in so lahko odlični igralci.
Na svoj tih, umirjen način imajo ambicije, o katerih pa ne razpravljajo z drugimi. Druge razveseljujejo s svojo šarmantnostjo, sočutjem in razumevanjem, zaradi česar se jim njihovi prijatelji, znanci ali sorodniki velikokrat zaupajo v težavah. Močno so nagnjeni k zasebnosti in svoje probleme držijo zase. Bojijo se vsega, kar lahko škoduje njihovi zasebnosti.
Imajo rafinirane navade in umetniški temperament ter občutljivo naravo, vendar naj njihova umirjena narava ne zavaja; presenetljivo je, kakšne čudne misli se podijo po njihovih glavah. Če jih lahko prepričamo, da nam kaj povejo o svojih mislih, smo lahko začudeni nad skrivnostmi Neptunovega sveta. A predno to povejo, si moramo to zaslužiti z zaupanjem, da nimamo predsodkov, ker sedmice ponavadi niso takšne.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 24.10.2002 at 14:18:06


Numbers in dreams have the same meaning as they do in numerology. A number in a dream may also indicate that particular age in the dreamer's life. For example, a dream of three women arguing can indicate that the dreamer witnessed arguments with her mother at the age 3. Use this list as a reference.

1 A male number indicating a request to develop ones individuality / creativity or indicating that the dreamer is selfish with respect to the subject matter of the dream.

2 A female number indicating balance, sharing, give and take, two way communication. The number two is important for channels (mediums) and as such they will often have dreams which are littered with the number two (eg. weddings, twins, 2 of anything, etc.). Dreaming of the the number 2 is not enough in itself to indicate that the dreamer is a channel but it is a good indicator.

3 This number always has to do with commitment and as such it should be placed in the I Need column. It stands for mind, body and spirit and is a request to commit yourself, mind body and spirit, to improving yourself in the direction indicated in the dream. The number 3 will often appear in dreams about the heart as people who have closed off their heart to others often lack commitment. A triangle or pyramid also indicate commitment and request the dreamer to meditate on the subject matter of the dream.

4 This number indicates limitation. For example, catching the number 4 bus would indicate the dreamer is limiting their life journey through their actions / thoughts. A box or square also indicate limitation.

5 Another male number indicating sensuality, the five senses, Karma (literally learning your lessons through the five senses).

6 Another female number, 6 indicates Dharma, Christ Consciousness, Grace, love, forgiveness, compassion. It indicates a reqeust to go beyond the five senses and Karma and develop compassion etc. within yourself.

7 This number always indicates Spiritual Enlightenment. Our Spiritual Center is our 7th Chakra. For example, a dream where you catch the number 37 bus to Church is a request to commit (number 3) yourself to developing your Spiritual side (number 7 and church). Paying $47 for something indicates that the dreamer is limiting (number 4) their Spiritual nature (number 7) by not putting enough energy (paying for something) into developing it.

8 This number 8 is a perfectly balance symbol (imagine it on its side Ą) and indicates expansion through balance (infinity symbol = expansion). It also features in dreams about the circulatory system (8 is two circles).

9 This number is not very common in dreams and indicates that the dreamer is Spiritually advanced. It is a request that the dreamer follow their life purpose because within this lifetime they can finish with learning the lessons of the Earth. These people would find themselves naturally drawn to learning about Spiritual matters.

0 This is the perfect symbol with no beginning or end. It indicates God / ideals. For example, 70 would indicate Spiritual ideals.

10 Having used up all the individual numbers 10 indicates completion.

12 This number indicates the dreamer is judgmental. There are twelve people on a jury.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Valentina on 05.11.2002 at 12:02:03

veronika wrote on 23.10.2002 at 11:14:58:
evo post je bil oddan 11: 13 pa tudi to meni pomeni srečo, številka 13 namreč.

Meni se je pa veliko hudih stvari zgodilo na 13. Takih res usodnih, ki ti obrnejo življenje. Pa ni to neko potenciranje pomena številke 13, ampak če vse hude stvari dam na kup, se mi jih je 75% zgodilo na 13. v mesecu.  ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by LittleStar on 05.11.2002 at 12:04:42

Kali, me zanima, kje si našla tako fajn opis sedmice oz. kje lahko najdem za ostala števila?


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 05.11.2002 at 14:13:53

jaz sem se samo prepričala, da mi je 13 srečna številka in čeprav imam še vseeno ob petkih 13 malo čuden oblutek, sem prepirčana, da je moj srečni dan. Pol pa tako ali tako čez dan pozabim katerega smo.
Vsako leto pa pogledam na koledar, koliko petkov 13, bomo imeli.
verjemi in zgodilo se bo  ;) :-*

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by ana on 05.11.2002 at 14:32:45

men se je zgodl na petek, 13, da sem sfrčala iz avto pri vsaj 100 na uro
brez posledic, z nekaj buškami, še asfalta nisem radirala, ampak me je fliknilo na (mehko) travico

onadva, ki sta ostala v avtu, so odpeljali z rešilcem, mene so sam čudn gledal ;D

je blo letos 17 let od tedaj

je blo to sreča? Nesreča? Da sem še živa? A bi morala to vedet?

sem se pa nekak navadla zadnja leta v življenju, da vse stvari sprejemam nekak samoumevno. Da ne rečem: to je blo pa slabo. Al pa : to je blo pa dobr.
Vse samo je. Vrednost stvarem, dogodkom potem itak doda naš um.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Karmen A. on 05.11.2002 at 14:53:16

evo post je bil oddan 11: 13 pa tudi to meni pomeni srečo, številka 13 namreč

Meni številka 13 pomeni Srečo, 11 pa Niti belega ptiča. :D


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Valentina on 05.11.2002 at 15:34:25

ana wrote on 05.11.2002 at 14:32:45:
men se je zgodl na petek, 13, da sem sfrčala iz avto pri vsaj 100 na uro
brez posledic, z nekaj buškami, še asfalta nisem radirala, ampak me je fliknilo na (mehko) travico

onadva, ki sta ostala v avtu, so odpeljali z rešilcem, mene so sam čudn gledal ;D

je blo letos 17 let od tedaj

je blo to sreča? Nesreča? Da sem še živa? A bi morala to vedet?

sem se pa nekak navadla zadnja leta v življenju, da vse stvari sprejemam nekak samoumevno. Da ne rečem: to je blo pa slabo. Al pa : to je blo pa dobr.
Vse samo je. Vrednost stvarem, dogodkom potem itak doda naš um.

Ana, ne morem verjet, kakšno naklučje. Na isti dan (pred 17 leti) sem jaz zletela 10 m po zraku po trku motorja v avto, treščila na pločnik in si razbila glavo...odplavala malo iz telešč vrnila nazaj...koma par dni...posledice delna amnezija...itd. V glavnem zame je bilo hudo, zate u redu, ane.

Ampak na isti dan ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 05.11.2002 at 15:48:31

wrote on 05.11.2002 at 12:04:42:
Kali, me zanima, kje si našla tako fajn opis sedmice oz. kje lahko najdem za ostala števila?


Poišči na spletnih straneh:

društvo Vir

Tam boš našla knjigo RESNICE ŽIVLJENJA, ki si jo lahko brezplačno shranite!
Notri je tudi o numerologiji.
Good luck!

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by LittleStar on 05.11.2002 at 15:57:43

Tnx, Kali. Težko verjamem, da je od Barška (saj si mislila njegove Resnice življenja?).  

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Devi on 06.11.2002 at 18:04:39

to bo kmalu...imam obletnico...z Darkom sva se na ta dan spoznala...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Harry on 11.11.2002 at 09:17:05

11.11. je tu.

LP Harry

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 11.11.2002 at 09:38:40

Kaj, a bomo kakšne vrate odpiral, ker je 11.11.?

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Marjana on 11.11.2002 at 09:48:42

Devi, naj vama bo današnji dan še prav posebej lep.  :-*

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Devi on 11.11.2002 at 11:33:09

m wrote on 11.11.2002 at 09:48:42:
Devi, naj vama bo današnji dan še prav posebej lep.  :-*

O, saj bo, hvala :-*
sam zdaj je drugi problem tukej...zdej se bom skos spraševala, a to še kaj druzga pomeni, razen tiste čist specialne magic, kako je dobro, da sva skupaj... ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Harry on 11.11.2002 at 11:45:44

Devi, nič spraševat. Samo uživat vsak trenutek, ko sta skupaj. ;)

LP Harry

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by ana on 15.11.2002 at 09:20:08

Valentinaa wrote on 05.11.2002 at 15:34:25:
Ana, ne morem verjet, kakšno naklučje. Na isti dan (pred 17 leti) sem jaz zletela 10 m po zraku po trku motorja v avto, treščila na pločnik in si razbila glavo...odplavala malo iz telešč vrnila nazaj...koma par dni...posledice delna amnezija...itd. V glavnem zame je bilo hudo, zate u redu, ane.

Ampak na isti dan ??? ??? ???

zdravo, Valentina - šele danes te berem ;D

a misliš, da je bilo res na isti dan? 13. september 1985?
Petkov na 13 je kar nekaj.

Ampak, tudi če ni bil isti petek, je še vedno čudovito (ne)naključje, da sva se spoznali, kenede?

sicer sem pa samo nekaj ur po tistem, ko sem tako uživaško pisala, kako znam leteti iz avta, v Kranju brcnila med hojo v rob betona in pristala na Jesenicah v bolnici z nekajkrat polomljeno  nogo. Operacija vsaj tri ure. Železja v nogi veliko.

Zdej sem doma in to je glavno. Vse ostalo pa še bo. ;D

se pa spomnim, da si enkrat že pisala o tem, da se malo spominjaš, kako si po nesreči odplavala iz teleščka...

a to je bilo? Z motorja si zletela po luftu?

se pa rada ukvarjaš s takimi športi, kenede, motorji pa padalstvo v tandemu itd..

men bi blo tud všeč, šparam za naslednje življenje ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by lumpy on 15.11.2002 at 12:06:54

ana wrote on 15.11.2002 at 09:20:08:
sicer sem pa samo nekaj ur po tistem, ko sem tako uživaško pisala, kako znam leteti iz avta, v Kranju brcnila med hojo v rob betona in pristala na Jesenicah v bolnici z nekajkrat polomljeno  nogo. Operacija vsaj tri ure. Železja v nogi veliko.

Zdej sem doma in to je glavno. Vse ostalo pa še bo. ;D

A zato te ni bilo toliko časa.
Osebno sem te kar mal pogrešala.  :) (vici . pa to)

Upam, da se, kolikor se pač da, v redu počutiš.
Bomo tud na tebe tu gor mislili - pa bo prec boljše. :D

In ubogaj vse kar so ti dohtarji rekli, da se ti kaj ne zakomplicira.  ;D 8) :-*



Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by ana on 16.11.2002 at 22:21:09

hvala, lumpy, za dobre želje pa to
počasi se vračam, tako, odvisno od bolečin in volje

pa seveda ubogam vse nasvete dohtarjev. Saj niso tako zahtevni: šest tednov ne stopit na nogo. Zaenkrat...pozdravček

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Valentina on 19.11.2002 at 22:51:06

Ana, sem te res pogrešala, želim ti okrevanje in čim manj bolečin. Pa peš praviš da si šla? Ja po cesti peš hodit je nevarno. Bolj varno je v zraku ( vsaj toliko časa, dokler ne prideš do tal  ;D)

Itak, naključja ni, pa saj ti to veš!

Želim ti, da bi čimprej spet lahko  

in  da bi  

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 22.11.2002 at 15:28:15

Ana imaš pa res smolo. Želim le, da čim prej okrevaš, da boš lahko fuzbal brcala  ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 13.12.2002 at 13:15:11

Dragi moji, čestitam vam, da ste uspešno preživeli petek 13. Saj vem, da ga še ni konec, ampak za boljšo atmosfero, vam želim vse naj naj naj,  v tem dnevu. Škoda smo, ker ni še polne lune.  ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 13.12.2002 at 13:15:59

Ana, si še živa in zdrava? Na enega  :-* za srečo za danes. ;)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by KarmenA on 13.12.2002 at 14:49:53

Za danes bi pa lahko mal pospravla take štose veronika!

Sicer pa vesolje številke razume. ;)


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 13.12.2002 at 15:01:36

Kakšne štose? ??? To niso nobeni štosi ampak lepe želje in iskreno zanimanje za tiste, ki imajo petek 13. za nesrečen dan. Pa da ne bi,...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by KarmenA on 13.12.2002 at 15:21:16

No, no veronika, lepo da si ti tud tko vraževerna, .. ;)


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 13.12.2002 at 15:50:11

Seveda sem vraževerna, samo da je zame petek 13 srečen dan. V bistvu je le navaden dan, ljudje pa se v sebi odločimo, ali nam bo srečen ali nesrečen. Jaz pač raje izberem srečno stran. Ker dan je lahko nesrečen ne glede na to kateri je.

Title: gaRe: Stevilke
Post by KarmenA on 13.12.2002 at 19:31:47

Zdaj pa že lahko čestitam za uspešno preživeli petek 13. Konec ga pa še zmeraj ni, tko da se spet ne morem strinjat - zakaj pa ta dan ne bi mogel bit nekaj posebnega veronika?! Naslednji bo šele čez pol leta in je dobro že zdaj vedet, da se bova do takrat lahko še kej hecale. ;)  ;D


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by DylanDog on 13.12.2002 at 19:37:11

19.37min, do sedaj nič posebnega, dan kot dan, ne daje z ničemer slutit da je petek13, tako opevan BAD ali pa GOOD dan...    :)   Je pa nekaj v zraku, čutim ...    in dneva še ni kooneeeeec !!

LP, Dylan Dog

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Terrania on 13.12.2002 at 21:49:04

Ni bil slab dan meni, kr vredu se mi je zdel.  ;)

Edino nekaj je manjkalo..  :-/  -> cmok!  :-*

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by ana on 14.12.2002 at 11:57:38

veronika wrote on 13.12.2002 at 13:15:59:
Ana, si še živa in zdrava? Na enega  :-* za srečo za danes. ;)

hvala, veronika, za dobre želje. Počasi spet oživljam, ker so končno bolečine popustile. Sedaj sem mama kengurujka, ker skakljam po bajti in komandiram, kaj naj otroci naredijo ;D

sicer pa nisem med tistimi, ki verjamejo, da je 13 in petek nesrečna kombinacija. Naš miselni odnos je tisti, ki neki stvari prilima + ali -. Stvari same po sebi niso ne dobre in ne slabe.

Veronika, veliko lepega ti želim na vse številke in vse dneve v tednu, ravno tako pa tudi vsem ostalim  :-*

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by KarmenA on 15.12.2002 at 13:53:22

Zakaj si zadnjič tako hitro utihnila veronika? Veš kaj, da se boš tako hitro predala, nisem pričakovala od tebe... ;D...upam da si dobro vsaj. Jaz pričakujem da vse štima, posebej pa na tak dan.. :D


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by picola2 on 16.12.2002 at 22:24:50

Jst sem pa enkrat pogledala na uro in je bla 21:12(pri nas v službi je to številka za klicanje reanimacijske ekipe) in rečem sodelavcema:glej reanimacija.Pa on men:dej tih bot,da res ne bo kej.Potem pa mi čez nekaj časa reče,da je res ena ženska pri njih umrla po vsej verjetnost glih v tistem času,k smo sedel v rekreaciji.Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.Me je kr malo zmrazilo...In potem sem še velikokrat videla 21:12.Pa nasplošno vidim velik enakih št. na digitalnih urah in mobitelu.
Lep dan,čao.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 16.12.2002 at 23:48:14

veronika wrote on 13.12.2002 at 15:50:11:
petek 13 dan. V bistvu je le navaden dan, ljudje pa se v sebi odločimo, ali nam bo srečen ali nesrečen. Jaz pač raje izberem srečno stran. Ker dan je lahko nesrečen ne glede na to kateri je.

Se pridružujem tem mislim in temu, kar si povedala - VERONIKA.


drugače pa mislim, da za vse, ki so VRAŽEVERNI, za tiste, ki jim PETEK 13 pomeni NESERČO, lahko POVEM, da SEDAJ 2 leti -  no, 2 LETI bodo LAHKO SREČNI... ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 17.12.2002 at 16:29:44

Hitro sem odnehala pod "prisilo". Oglašam se namreč iz službenega interneta, in me delo lahko kaj hitro prisili, da me ni. Ampak, sedaj sem tukaj, še hujša kot kdaj koli prej,... he he he ;D

Vsem čestitke, da smo uspešno preživeli ta "grozljivi dan" , ampak res škoda, da je treba na naslednjega čakati 1/2 leta.

Drugače, mi je ena enkrat povedala moje srečne št. in med drugimi je bila vmes tudi 13.

pa vsem enga  :-*

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by KarmenA on 18.12.2002 at 01:41:25

Ni bila vmes Veronika, ampak je bila poleg 13 še ena, ki je ta petek tud VPLIVALA. ;)

Štekaš sončece?? HOČEŠ še na en tak petek čakat, saj veš da je potreben drugačen začetek..  ;D

Veronika ZATE :-*


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 18.12.2002 at 18:20:30

Kako si ti sladka, ampak ne vem, ali sem blond, al kaj, ker nič ne štekam. Kaj čmo, mogoče so se mi pa planeti v vrsto postavili, ker sem tud strašno pozabljiva.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by KarmenA on 19.12.2002 at 12:40:47

Veronika, če te spomin heca, pejdi poste brat, ni deleč, barvo las pa lahko v naši slaščičarni preveriva: sam dons je polna luna, če maš slučajno kak post na ta dan .. ;D


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by ana on 04.01.2003 at 08:39:02

tole sem našla v knjigi

(Dušica Kunaver)

Kristus je imel 12 apostolov, skupaj jih je bilo torej trinajst. Zadnji, trinajsti, Juda Iškarjot, je svojega učitelja izdal in prodal za nekaj zlatnikov. Trinajst je zato še danes v vsem krščanskem svetu nezaželjena številka.

Vendar pa so že v stari Indiji davno pred nastopom krščanstva ugotovili, da se število 13 ne ujema s harmonijo, ki jo predstavlja število 12. Dvanajst pomeni hamonično delitev kroga, ki je simbol popolnosti. Krog lahko razdelimo na 12 x 30 stopinj.Število 13 je tako število, ki prehaja v drug krog, v nadnaravni svet, v svet, ki je zunaj nam poznanega kroga. Zato število 13 že od nekdaj pomeni strah pred vstopom v nov, neznani svet.

12 je harmonično število tudi v kozmosu. Dan je sestavljen iz 2 x 12 ur. V letu je 12 mesecev, v tednu je 6 delovnih dni, kar je polovica od 12., in tudi ljudska mera – ducat – pomeni 12 kosov.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by hyperborea on 10.02.2003 at 09:27:45

Lep, a delno oblacen pozdrav vsem skupaj,

v tejle chat-arnici sem sicer nova, a drugace ne popolna neznanka drugih tovrstnih oblik izmenjav izkusenj in vedenj..

Zelo zanimivo pisanje o stevilkah..Sama ze vec kot 6 let videvam vec x na dan stevilke 11:11 in ostale, kot tudi stevila povezana z mojim rojstnim dnem...stevilke vidim tudi na panojih, na avtomobilskih tablicah, na merilcu temperature - itd... No ravno vceraj sem doma na merilniku temperature in vlage imela izpisano: 22.2 stopinj in 22 % se mi je zgodilo prvic... zelo velikrat pa vidim isto temperaturu in uro na videorekorderju..

No da ne bom dolgovezila- 1x sem enega medija vprasala, kaj naj to pomeni in mi je kratko malo odgovoril - PRISOTNOST- takrat se zaves, da si....cisto nic drugega....ker je tako ali tako vse samo ta trenutek, potem nas te stevilke opozarjajo tocno na to...

in kar veliko vas je krepko prisotnih - super..


Hyperborea  8)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 14.02.2003 at 01:47:34

Number Sequences From The Angels by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: “We can’t write our messages to you in the sky. You’ve got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life — especially in response to any questions or prayers you’ve posed. When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course!” Number Sequences Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you’ll look up in time to notice the clock’s time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you’ll be aware that you’re seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11. The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of various license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailed messages. Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, your own angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaning for you. Ask your angels, “What are you trying to tell me?” and they’ll happily give you additional information to help decode their numeric meanings. 111 — Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts). 222 — Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing. 333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda. 444 — The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don’t worry because the angels’ help is nearby. 555 — Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace. 666 — Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous "Sermon on the Mount," the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result. 777 — The angels applaud you…congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more miracles to occur. 888 — A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career, or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means, “The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them.” In other words, don’t procrastinate making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor. 999 — Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also, it is a message to lightworkers involved in Earth healing and means, "Get to work because Mother Earth needs you right now." 000 — A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator’s love within you. Also, it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by hyperborea on 17.02.2003 at 09:43:47

D best

tole o angelih mi je full vsec. Preveckrat pozabim, da so okrog nas...

Hvala, ker nas opozarjate...


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 13.03.2003 at 04:28:14

Numbers as Building Blocks of the Universe: Know the Code

Do You Know the Code?

"Number is the within of all things" (attributed to Pythagoras, Greek Philosopher) - it is one of the powerful keys which helps to unlock the mysteries and secrets of the universe.

Time and again in healing sessions, the topic of the meaning behind numbers surfaces. When I explain what the numbers mean there is always a deep significance for the person .

So if certain numbers "resonate" with you perhaps it is because they have lessons to teach you or because they are showing you something about who you already are.


"You cannot conceive of the many without the one" (Plato) because "all are but parts of one stupendous whole" (Alexander Pope). It is the "discovery and appreciation of the circle is our early glimpse into the wholeness, unity, and divine order of the universe". (Schneider)


"Our mind divides the world into heaven and earth, day and night, light and darkness, right and left, man and woman, I and you - and the more strongly we sense the separation between these two poles, the more powerfully do we also sense their power" in the birth of all. (Karl Menninger)


"A whole is that which has a beginning, a middle, and an end" (Aristotle) for it is the "three that engenders all things" (Tao Te Ch'ing). It is the three that is "the formula of all creation" (Balzac). For it is the three that is the binding element that resolves the natural tension between opposite poles.


"Behold heaven and nature and all the elements - fire, air, water, and earth - for of these are all things created". (Thomas a Kempis) "The worlds originate so that truth may come and dwell there in" (Confucius) inside the eternal square of reliability (fire), equality (air), fairness (water), and solidity (earth).


"Avoid extremes - keep the Golden Mean" (Cleobulus of Lindus) which is five in the scale of one to nine. Five is the point of regeneration. The truth is "everyone wants to be associated with excellence - the five pointed star's appeal emerges in the ceremonious respect accorded to stars on flags". (Schneider)


"And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good… it was the sixth day. Thus were finished the heavens and earth and all their host". (Genesis 1). "Hexagons appear endlessly in human inventions, providing the greatest structure-function-order". (Schneider)


"Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars" (Proverbs) which are the seven energy chakras. These energy chakras are the portals by which paradise - the Energy of God - enters your body-mind. Seven sided objects are the only ones where the sides can never be equal... the perfect imbalance.


"The noble Eightfold way is: right views, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration". (Buddha) It is the eight sided octagon that brings perfect symmetry and balance to energy of space in the Ba'gua of Feng Shui (the Chinese art of placement).


"Nine flows around the other numbers in the Ten like an ocean". (Nichomachus) Nine is "the horizon which lies at the edge of the shore before the boundless ocean of numbers that repeat in endless cycles - the principles of the first nine digits". (Schneider) Nine is truly the final frontier.


"Leaving the old, both worlds at once 10 views: it stands upon the threshold of the new". (Waller) It is ten that is the gateway to the universe.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by hyperborea on 14.03.2003 at 10:39:06


od kar sem prebrala tisti prispevek od Kali, dnevno videvam zgoraj navedene stevilke - najbolj pogosto pa vidim 555...

in sem full ferbcna, kaksna sprememba se mi pravici povedano me je kar malo strah.



Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 14.03.2003 at 11:06:12

hyperborea wrote on 14.03.2003 at 10:39:06:

od kar sem prebrala tisti prispevek od Kali, dnevno videvam zgoraj navedene stevilke - najbolj pogosto pa vidim 555...

in sem full ferbcna, kaksna sprememba se mi pravici povedano me je kar malo strah.



Najprej da razložim pomen številke 5;

Številka 5

5 = navdih - predvidevanje nečesa pomebnega

malo teorije;
Sanje o številkah so pogoste in jih je težko razložiti. To velja ne glede na to ali so to označbe za količine, denar, števila ali pa so posebni številčni podatki. Med drugim se vsak človek sreča  v življenju z najrazličnejšimi odnosi, ki se lahko izrazijo tudi v številkah. Tako lahko sanjamo o vsaki številki in vsaka lahko postane posoda nekega najbolj osebnega dogodka in tako vzpostavimo odnos do nečesa, kar se je nekje zgodilo. Saj, kaj vse lahko pomeni številka v sanjah? Koliko potisnjenega v ozadje, koliko pozabljenega, koliko tistega, kar nas obkroža lahko številka v sanjah naredi zavedno, ozaveščeno! Določena pomembna številka lahko stoji na vrhu velikih doživetih prostorov; lahko je hišna številka, letnica, pomemben datum ali številka telefona, na kateri se govorijo besede, ki osrečujejo ali obremenjujejo.

Menim, da se tvoje življenje VRTI okoli številke 5.
Imaš skupaj -  pet ; lahko je to, da  družinisko, prijateljsko... česa...?
hyperborea ?
Lahko gledaš tako 555
TO so neki vezni členi, vsaj tako se meni zdi
In se bolj nanaša na moškega, ker je liho število...  :D
No, lahko to sedaj povežeš...
On ima 5 in ti imaš 5, kaj pa je vmes.
hyperborea ?
si mogoče poročena in imata 3 otroke... ???

In da še malo obdelam številko 5;

Številka PET: se je prvo štelo »na prste«. Je številka naravnega, svežega življenja. Ko se v sanjah pojavi številka pet, se obraz psihe obrača k umirjenemu, močnemu in veselemu življenju. Na Kitajskem je pet izrazita številka sreče. Pri nas ima pet verjetno povezavo s petimi planeti antike.
Jung: V prijetnih sanjah pomeni, da si dosegel določeno ravnotežje v osebnosti (dve na eni strani, dve na drugi, vmes ena, mo.op.)V nasprotujočih se težnjah, zamislih, ki nihajo, kaže na enotnost, torej ugodno rešitev iz negotovosti. Povečana življenjska energija, volja, da bi storil kaj pozitivnega, za kar imaš možnost. Aktiven boš, urejen, tvoje misli bodo bogate, čustva čista. Prevladuje pa inteligentno ravnanje nad drugimi zahtevami. Pomeni lahko tudi skorajšnjo poroko. Če pa so sanje neprijetne, ali imajo slab konec, se zamisli, saj so vse zgoraj navedene pozitivne možnosti ogrožene; v tem primeru se varuj prevelike (navadno slabe) čustvene in nagonske strani, ki bo prevladala nad razumnim ravnanjem in vedenjem; nasploh nesreča in razdvojenost.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 14.03.2003 at 12:49:07

Samo brez panike... Nič bat!

Te številke nas pač opominjajo, prebujajo... da se malce ustavimo, zamislimo in se vprašamo: A je morda še kaj več, kot lahko jaz v temu trenutku zaznavam?

Najlepše pa je, da nas angeli ves čas čuvajo, vedno jih lahko prosimo za kar koli in oni takoj pridejo v pomoč. Čeprav se nam morda zdi, da nam v določenih trenutkih nič ne pomaga, sem prepričana, da oni pomagajo, samo mi ne znamo si te pomoči razložit in dojet.

Stra 12, daj še ostale številke obdelaj!;):)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 14.03.2003 at 13:23:54

Petra. wrote on 14.03.2003 at 12:49:07:
Stra 12, daj še ostale številke obdelaj!;):)

Kali -  veš da Z VESELJEM...  :D

1 veščina velik uspeh  

Številka ENA:
sama po sebi ni število, to postane šele v odnosu glede na druge podatke o številu. Eno je staro, nerazdeljivo, edinstveno, nekaj enostavnega, čvrstega kot je redno število začetka, izhodno stanje, nekaj najvišjega na lestvici.
Jung pravi: če sanjaš o enki, sanjaš o nečem osnovnem, kar je na začetku in ima pomen združitve nassprotij. Možnosti za uspeh in ustvarjalnost. To je tudi število božje edinosti, enotnosti. Ustvaril boš nekaj iz nič, iz svojih lastnih sil. Pomeni še: moškost in z njo povezano moč, zlasti če gre za predmete, ki so štrleče oblike in se pojavijo posamezno.

2 skrivnost  skrivnosten in zapleten začetek

Številka DVE:
Glede na to, da človek stoji nasproti vsemu okolnemu svetu, je že zgodaj spoznal številko dve, dvojstvo, partnerstvo, nasprotje. V dvojstvo se deli dan, se delu v poletno in zmsko polovico. Svetlo in temno, dobro in zlo….., to so izkušena nasprotja. Življenje se odvija  v teku in proti teku. Človeštvo se podvaja v dveh spolih – iščeta se, želita biti skupaj, izogibata se »prasovraštvu spolov«.
Jung ; Tvoja nasprotja niso povsem usklajena. Če se ta številka pojavi v sanjah, moraš uskladiti svoje potrebe, svoje nasprotujoče si dele osebnosti. Ena stran hoče to, druga ono. Nemir. Včasih tudi: misel na ljubezensko zvezo.
V sanjah si zelo pogosto stojijo nasproti bratje in sestre, dve hiši, dva vhoda, gor in dol, sladko in grenko, simboli zavednega in nezavednega. Pogosto držita drug drugemu ravnotežje dve pojavni obliki, dve življenjski sili; takrat prevladuje statično. V negativnem smislu to pomeni, da se je življenje stisnilo v svoje nasprotje.

3 plodnost uspešen konec že začetega

Številka TRI:
Rešitev in novo valovanje prinaša število tri. Kot otrok, ki je bodočnost, tri je od dvojice proizvedeno tretje. V število tri je element volje in ideje; tri ima v sebi nekaj borbenega, moškega. V trikotnem liku se pogosto pojavljajo bogovi (opla, redko, vendar to pot nimaš prav, Aepli! Niti slučajno! Tri pomeni trojstvo (princip) pozitivno – negativno > nevtralno, zato v trikotniku bog, ki pomeni dosežen princip na tistem področju pač, ki mu vlada ta »bog« (delo, družina, denar, zdravje…..). V krščanstvu je trojstvo v očetu, sinu in svetem duhu, trojna pojavnost vsemogočnega; on je troje, pa vendar eno.
Tri sojenice. Norme, predejo tisto, kar bo nastalo in kar preide. Tri parke so v antiki. Trije kraljevski modreci iščejo malega Rešitelja; Kristus je vstal od mrtvih tretjega dne. Tri sestre, trije bratje, tri živali, pomenijo v pravljicah nekaj pomembnega. Trikrat je potrebno potrkati na les, da ne pride do nesreče; trikrat se priklinjajo duhovi, trikrat se kliče njihova pomoč. Tok življenja v času se deli na preteklost, sedanjost in bodočnosti. Kjer se pojavlja številka tri, tam se bo nekaj zgodilo, tam se bo začela pretakati energija, življenje bo dobilo smer. Tri je tvorno, sveto in nevarno število. Tri pomeni nekaj, kar nastaja, v smeri dobrega ali zla (transformacija na ono, drugo stran, ki je še nimamo v svoji izkušnji, m.op.). Zaradi tega je v mnogih sanjah, v katerih se sporoča nekaj novega, četrt  ali deset minut do treh.

Jung: Skoraj vedno napoveduje izboljšanje položaja, povečano aktivnost, delovanje, ki ima določen cilj v prihodnosti. Vendar pa še pomeni, da si morda sebe bolje spoznal in da se tvoja osebnost lahko uresničuje, kakršna je.

4 obstojnost nadaljevanje vsega, kar je v teku

Številka ŠTIRI:
V številki štiri je, kot se zdi, zavzela svoj prostor celota, ki je počasi nastajala, a ne tista, ki bi že od nekdaj obstajala. Štiri je glede na naše izkušnje v sanjah vedno pozitivnega pomena. Štirje letni časi sestavljajo leto, to je celoto časa. Štirje elementi voda, zemlja, ogenj in zrak so stvari, iz katerih je nastal svet. Pitagora vidi v številki štiri izvor in korenino večne narave. Štiri psihične funkcije so, kot se zdi, v človeku dane na razpolago z zavednim in nezavednim. Človek se orientira po štirih straneh sveta, njegov dan pa se razvija v jutro, opoldne, večer in noč.
V četrtinah se četrtine spremenijo v zaprt simetričen prostor. V njem se lahko, kot pravi simbolika sanj, uresniči preobrazba človekove osebnosti. Kakšen pomen imajo četrtine za alkemijo – ki je sama, kot vemo, bila v službi individuacije – lahko preberemo v Jungovi »Psihologiji in alkemiji«. Pobožen človek dobiva sliko in razume Jezusov nauk iz štirih Evangelijev. No, vrnimo se na začetek: po biblijski legendi so tekle štiri reke raja na štiri strani sveta.
Še veliko bi lahko povedali o tem. Sanjaču, ki se je v sanjah srečal s četvernostjo,  se sporoča, da se je srečal z nečim pomembnim in pozitivnim.
Jung: Kaže na določeno stabilnost, trdnost, zdravje duše. Stojiš na čvrstih tleh, tvoja stališča so težko spremenljiva. Včasih kaže tudi preveliko nagnjenost k stalnim, običajnim rešitvam, torej določeno zakrnelost in trdovratno vztrajanje pri starem, utečenem. Težko se odločaš za spremembe. Pravzaprav se ti ne more nič hujšega pripetiti, kot to, da ostaneš zmeraj pri starem.

Te številke nas pač opominjajo, prebujajo

O tem ni dvoma. Vedno so kot neko opozorilo ali vodilo v sanjah... Še posebej pa - le moramo "kaj plačati"...  ;D
ČE so veliki "BILLiii".... ;D

Saj ne...
Super je če sanjate Številke...
Hej če jih je 7  -  mi jih ZAUPAJ...  ;D

Najlepše pa je, da nas angeli ves čas čuvajo, vedno jih lahko prosimo za kar koli in oni takoj pridejo v pomoč.

Joj, KALI... , tudi to je na moč resnično, VSI imamo svojega, spremlja nas dan za DNEM, pa tudi preko številk nam SPOROČA... tudi ON JA... :D

Od 5 Naprej  - Pa drugič....  ;)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 14.03.2003 at 16:10:12

Glih sem prej na ta post tuhtala. Ko sem 1. pogledala na uro je bilo 15.15, ko sem pa drugič pogledala na uro je bilo pa 15.51, se mi je tako fajn zdelo.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 14.03.2003 at 20:52:18

Število 15 ima ime Mag in ima izjemno globok ezoteričen pomen, alkimijsko vibracijo, skozi katero se izraža vsa magija. Je ekstremno srečno in nosi s sabo bistvo očaranosti. 15 je povezana z "dobrimi govorniki", ljudmi, ki jim jezik teče kot namazan in imajo dar za umetniško izražanje v glasbi ali igri. Tem ljudem podarja dramatičen temperament in močan osebni magnetizem - mnogokrat tudi izjemno fizično lepoto. Vibracija števila 15 je izjemno srečna za dobivanje denarja, daril, uslug in naklonjenosti drugih, in sicer zaradi altruističnega delovanja na druge ljudi.
Ker pa ni rožic brez trnja, svari 15 tudi pred nižjimi nivoji okultizma, in to kadar je povezano s števili 4 in 8 ter njihovimi dvojnimi števili (13, 17,...). Ti ljudje potem lahko uporabljajo vsako vrsto magije - tudi črno - da bi prišli do svojih ciljev. Lahko pa je tudi nasprotno: ti ljudje so lahko žrtve drugih, ki se ukvarjajo s temi metodami. Zelo velik je delež kriminalcev s takimi kombinacijami.
Toda, če je 15 čista in povezana s harmoničnimi števili, je to znamenje velikega daru, najbrž tudi umetniških sposobnosti, v vsakem primeru pa kaže na sposobnost dajanja in sprejemanja ljubezni.

Število 51 je zelo močno in je povezano z naravo bojevnika ter obljublja velik uspeh in napredek na vseh področjih. Posebno odlično je za tiste, ki potrebujejo zaščito vojske ali policije. Toda, obstaja nevarnost pred hudimi sovražniki in verjetno tudi poskusi atentatov, zato je čisto jasno, da je bolje spremeniti ime in pozabiti na slavo.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 15.03.2003 at 01:59:47

Star 12, tnx...

Samo me zanima kje si to našla, razlago? Kajti opis št.15 je isti, kot v Resnicah življenja od Bonota Barška. A se motim? :)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 15.03.2003 at 06:38:17

:) Ne, ne moteš se, PROV od tam SEM... ;D
Mal na kratko...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 15.03.2003 at 08:51:44

Kaj pa št. 11? Saj mogoče je že kje kaj napisano, ampak rada bi slišala kaj v slovenščini. Ker jaz predstavljam št. 11.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by himynameis on 15.03.2003 at 21:31:36

Ne verjamem v številke. Vsa ta vraževernost je zame en big nonsense. :)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 15.03.2003 at 22:17:50

veronika wrote on 15.03.2003 at 08:51:44:
Kaj pa št. 11? Saj mogoče je že kje kaj napisano, ampak rada bi slišala kaj v slovenščini. Ker jaz predstavljam št. 11.

Kali, to je spet Od tam, ampak saj je povsod Enako, Jaz pa bi rada Tole dala Veroniki, da ne Išče, pa še Za druge, ki si željo enako vedeti o Številki 11...  :)

je zelo slabo število za fizični svet ali prvo pozornost pa zato tem boljše za astral ali drugo pozornost, kot jo mi imenujemo. Močno poudarja vse negativne izkušnje oz. vzorce iz tega in prejšnjih življenj, zato se človek počuti tem bolj zafrustriranega. To pomeni, da imajo enajstice na astralu, na drugi pozornosti, izredno moč, ki jo ponavadi nezavedno uporabljajo tudi v sebične namene, kasneje pa v svojem fizičnem življenju dobijo povratni udarec, ki jim zelo teži življenje. Če vemo, da je astral čustveni nivo - tam je vir naših strahov, ljubosumja, jeze, posesivnosti, potem je jasno, zakaj so ti ljudje ponavadi nesrečni. Pravilo je, da je v njihovem otroštvu bilo nekaj slabih izkušenj: ali med staršema ni bilo ljubezni (morda je bil poleg tudi alkohol in nasilje) ali pa samo enega od staršev ni bilo doma, zaradi česar je vzgoja pomanjkljiva. Vedno so v družini na nek način negativni odnosi. Tem osebam potem manjka en pol: yin ali yang. To pa povzroča nerazumevanje manjkajočega pola kasneje, v odraslem obdobju.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 18.03.2003 at 15:07:06


You may also be triggered at times with other multiple Master Numbers. The Master Numbers are multiple numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 & 99. These numbers belong to the Greater Reality which is the reality that is based on Oneness rather than duality.

11 = birthing and anchoring the New.
22 = building upon the New. Building New Lives and a New World.
33 = universal service through the quickening of our One Being.
44 = the balance between spirtual and physical, the reconfiguring of our evolutionary labyrinth. As Above, So Below. The creation of the foundation of our New Lives.
55 = attaining personal freedom by being free of the past & totally real.
66 = fulfilling our responsibilities in a joyful, creative manner.
77 = profound insights and revelations. Honing ourselves to our Core Beings.
88 = mastering of abundance in all realms.
99 = the completion of a major evolutionary cycle.Time for another quantum leap.

Each Master Number is a level of initiation that we all must pass through in our evolutionary journey on Earth.

Sometimes, we may even be activated by super Master Numbers such as: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, etc. Each of these has an unique resonance which affects and activates us on deep cellular levels.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Terrania on 18.03.2003 at 16:36:58

Heh tem stevilkam se rece v nemscini Schnapszahlen, se pravi snopsove stevikle. Snops- zganje, alkohol. Se mi tak dopade.  ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 19.03.2003 at 10:48:11

Moram, neki priznat. V te št. nisem verjela, ampak, ko sem sedajle brala opis št. 11...
Kot, da bi mene opisoval.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 19.03.2003 at 10:51:38

Joj, kako bom sedajle zamorila za vse št.

Včeraj sem govorila z Vilmo po telefonu in mi je baterija  crknila, glih ko sva govorili 19:19. Kaj pa ta št. skriva.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by cleo on 19.03.2003 at 12:13:32

Zadnje 14 dni pogosteje videvam dvojne ali trojne številke. Naključje? Jih še kdo?

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 19.03.2003 at 12:20:47

jaz sem najbolj uplena na trojne na registracijah in na dvojne, po urah, npr. na morjem računalniku je glih sedajle ura 12:22

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by himynameis on 19.03.2003 at 20:12:55

Joj, men pa kaže 20:12, na spletni strani pa 20:11. Le kaj to pomeni?  ???

:P ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by EvaZh on 19.03.2003 at 20:39:33

Oh, let me!..
število 20 pomeni družabnega človeka, ki so mu odnosi z ljudmi zelo pomembni. Ima naravno sposobnost vzpodbujanja soljudi, da uresničijo svoj najboljši potencial. Rad se zabava in ima pozornost v družbi, kar mu zaradi njegove navidezne drugačnosti zlahka uspeva, ljudje ga imajo radi, zaradi njegovega daru, da jim nevede pokaže tisto, kar želijo videti.
razhajanje števila 11 in 12 pomeni očitno razpotje. Ena pot bo potrdila pomen števila 20 , če jo boš izbral, se boš počutil izpolnjenega, saj boš sledil poti svojega višjega smotra, druga pot bo šla v drugo smer in te od tega oddaljevala. Seveda bo razpotij še veliko, je pa priporočljivo, da "pacient"( :P ;D) čimprej izbere tisto, kar mu je pisano na kožo, saj ga bo to iztrgalo iz trenutnega položaja mirovanja, ki predolgo traja. Razhajanje dveh števil je nujna "brca v rit" - čas za spremembe!
(take that  :P ;))

Opozorilo: pred uporabo zgornjih nasvetov se nujno posvetujte z osebnim numerologom, razen himynameis-a se-ve-da.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by himynameis on 19.03.2003 at 20:49:22

Moram priznat, da si me nasmejala, EvaZh. ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by EvaZh on 19.03.2003 at 20:57:25

na viš, kolk je blo vredn!  :)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 19.03.2003 at 22:32:22

veronika wrote on 19.03.2003 at 10:51:38:
Joj, kako bom sedajle zamorila za vse št.

Včeraj sem govorila z Vilmo po telefonu in mi je baterija  crknila, glih ko sva govorili 19:19. Kaj pa ta št. skriva.


Število 19 ima ime Princ Nebes in je to eno najbolj srečnih števil. Vlada mu Sonce in se tako imenuje zato, ker označuje zmago nad začasnimi težavami in razočaranji. To število ima vse dobre lastnosti števila 10, vendar brez nevarnosti, ki jih 10 ima. Obljublja srečo in izpolnitev - uspeh v vseh podvigih ter v osebnem življenju. Seveda je še marsikaj odvisno od drugih števil v imenu ali datumu. A naj bo še tako hudo, 19 zmanjšuje možnosti za popolno nesrečo, so pa nekatera števila, ki jih tudi krasna 19 ne more ublažiti - precej je primerov kombinacij s številom 14, ki pa je tem ljudem povzročilo nesreče, ponavadi z avtomobilom.

19 je ponavadi znak dobrodušnega človeka, ki ima dosti prijateljev in je zelo kreativen v svojem poklicu ali hobiju....  ;) :-*

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 19.03.2003 at 22:45:36

Petra. wrote on 14.03.2003 at 12:49:07:
Star12, daj še ostale številke obdelaj!;):)


Številka ŠEST:

je omenjeno veliko redkeje. Šest pomeni določeno celovitost. Štirim glavnim stranem ravnine se pridružuje tudi smer navzgor in navzdol. Šest smeri sestavlja celovitost mogočega. Šest kvadratov kocke sestavlja njeno pravilnosti (plašč).
Jung: Pomeni ravnovesje sil in to, da je vse v tvojih rokah: čaka te izbira. Možno je tudi, da boš prišel v tak položaj, ko boš moral pokazati svojo odločitev. Najbrž te privlači več stvari; težko izbiro boš imel v srčnih zadevah.

Številka SEDEM
nosi sveto aureolo. Grška mitologija pozna sedem glavnih bogov, alkemija uporablja sedem kovin, v svetih spisih je sedem angelov in sedem negativnosti...... Teden ima sedem dni in teh sedem je povezano z osemindvajsetimi Mesečevega meseca. Katoliška cerkev pozna sedem smrtnih grehov. Sedem kreposti so njihovo nasprotje. Sedem let (četrtina Saturna, m.op.) tvori še posebej močen izsek življenja. Sedem let žaluje draga za svojim dragim. V plehkem smislu mora človek imeti skupaj svojih »sedem stvari«.
Jung: Kaže na zaključek dela, na nekaj, kar je dalj časa trajalo; zdaj sledi počite. To so stanja, ko si prišel do določenih zaključkov in sedaj moraš nadaljevati in uresničiti, kar znaš in zmoreš. Vedno znova je treba začenjati, kakor se v tebi vedno znova začenja kaj novega.

Številka OSEM:
je povezano s številom štiri; osem je dvakrat štiri. Tudi za osem se zdi, da je srečna številka. V sanjah,, ki »govorijo nemško« ima osem pogosto smisel opreznosti in pozornosti.
Jung: Vse je odvisno od sanj v celoti in kako se iztečejo! Dosegaš določeno ravnotežje v svoji osebnosti. Pomirila te bodo nova spoznanja. Pravilno boš ravnal s prijatelji, oni pa ti bodo vračali zvestobo; prav tako je možno, da spoznaš pravo ljubezen.

Številka DEVET:
je potencirano tri. Devet se v zgodnjih germanskih pesmih pojavlja takrat, ko se na starinski način govori o burnem življenju. Tudi devet je v bližini ustvarjalnega.
Jung: Pomeni nek konec in cilj nečemu. Uravnoteženost in stalnost. Vendar kot s pravljico, ki se nadaljuje.

Število DESET:
se v sanjah ne pojavlja pogosto, razen morda v drobnih vsakodnevnih sanjah, v katerih se bližina zavesti ravna po dekadnih sistemih kovanega denarja in mer. Ponekod deset,  z enico in ničlo za njo, nakazuje, saj zdi se tako, osamljenost.

Število ENAJST
se sanja zelo redko; tudi razlaga ni lahka. V sanjah se v enajstici ne more razbrati nekaj slabega, kar se ji pogosto pripisuje. Včasih enajst pomeni skrivno zvezo dveh posameznikov, kar je osnova grafične slike tega števila.

pomen prihaja iz babilonskega kulturnega kroga. Povezano je s številom živalskega zodijaka in ima kot število mesecev smisel zaprtega leta. Kot število Jezusovih učencev je nepozaben v krščanskem prostoru. Kot ura dvanajst pomeni konec. Če je v sanjah pet minut do dvanajstih, je »skrajni čas«.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 20.03.2003 at 03:15:04


You have a potential to be a source and inspiration for people. You possess an inordinate amount of energy and intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you are often misunderstood early. Which makes you shy and withdrawn. You have more potential than you know.

You galvanize every situation you enter. You inspire people, but without conscious effort. Energy seems to flow through you without your control. This gives you both power, and sometimes emotional turmoil.

You are a channel for the information between the higher and the lower, between the realm of the archetype and the relative world. Ideas, thoughts, understanding and insight come to you without you having to go through rational thought process. There seems to be a bridge, or connection, between your conscious and unconscious realms, that attunes you to a high level of intuition through which even psychic information can flow.

All of this amounts to a great capacity for invention. Many inventors, artists, religious leaders, prophets and leading figures in history have had 11 prominent in their chart.

Because you are so highly charged, you experience the consequences of a two edged sword. You possess great abilities, but indulge in much self-reflection and self-criticism. You often feel highly self-conscious. You are aware on some level that you stand out. Even when you try to blend with your environment, you often feel conspicuous, alien and out of place.

You are blessed with a message or a specific role to play in life. But you must develop yourself sufficiently to take full advantage of that opportunity. Until that time, your inner development takes precedence over your ability to materialize the great undertaking you were chosen to perform. Consequently, 11's seem to develop slowly, but simply have to accomplish in their evolution than an average person. Thus, your real success does not usually begin until maturity, between the ages of 35 and 45, when you have progressed further along the path.

You may be frustrated, largely because you have extremely high expectations of yourself. But these expectations can be unrealistic and can prevent you from accomplishing anything. You can be very impractical, envisioning a skyscraper when only a bungalow is required.

You may also suffer from bouts of confusion and a lack of direction. This gives rise to loss of confidence, and the onset of deep depression. The cause of these emotional problems is your lack of understanding of your own sensitivity and potential. You have strong ambition and desire to achieve something great. However lack of confidence in your ability to realize this dream may cause you much frustration. You sense the enormous potential you possess, which requires equally enormous confidence in your ability to materialize your dream. Confidence is the key that unlocks your potential.

On a strictly physical level, you must protect your nervous system, which is inordinately vulnerable to stress, because of your acute sensitivity. Depression is the result of long periods of stress that have gone unrelieved.

Seek out peaceful harmonious environments, as well relaxing music, and follow a healthful diet in order to restore balance and peace.

As an 11 Life Path you are a highly charged version of the 2, and possess similar characteristics and talents. You can be extremely tactful and diplomatic. You are also patient and co-operative. You work well with groups and somehow find a way of creating a harmony among diverse opinions.

You have an eye for beauty and a fine sense of balance and rhythm. You have healing capabilities, especially in the fields of massage, acupuncture, counseling and physical therapy. You suit all 2 vocations.

Like 2, you are a sensitive and passionate lover, your perceptiveness make you aware of your partners needs and desires, which you are able to fulfill with magical delicacy. However, when you feel you have been mistreated or jilted, you can react with devastating power, using personal criticisms vindictively.

You are a fine companion and you possess a good sense of humor. When you have found your niche in life, and have realized your true potential, your rewards will more than compensate for your trials in earlier life.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by veronika on 20.03.2003 at 09:46:15

No, tud v kalinem opisu sem se našla. Zdaj se pa sprašujem, ali res numerologija tako drži, ali je to kot dnevni horoskop. Vsak lahko nekja najde zase

drugač pa, ko sem bila včeraj v trgovini, mi je morala prodajalka vrniti točno 2.222,00 sit.

ponoči se mi je pa od hudiča sanjalo, pol sem pa videla na tablici 666. Ponoči se pa v okolici naše hiše, kejer je veliko hoste, dere sova.

Številke pa vraževerje.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 20.03.2003 at 16:51:42

veronika wrote on 20.03.2003 at 09:46:15:
No, tud v kalinem opisu sem se našla. Zdaj se pa sprašujem, ali res numerologija tako drži, ali je to kot dnevni horoskop. Vsak lahko nekja najde zaseči se mi je pa od hudiča sanjalo, pol sem pa videla na tablici 666. Ponoči se pa v okolici naše hiše, kejer je veliko hoste, dere sova.

Veronika, mislim, da te čaka neka nova odločitev, katero moraš jemati bolj previdoma - ne jezi se toliko nanjo. Hudič meni pomeni, da bi lahko prišlo do neke sprembe na tvojem osebnem področju. Ker pa je bila vmes številka 666 pomisli, kaj vse te navezuje nanjo - kdo je z njo povezan - rojstni dnevi, kak dogodek, ki se je kdaj zgodil na 6 ... ali ali...
To boš vedela največ sama.
Poveži in boš videla - mogoče boš našla osebo ali stvar...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 23.03.2003 at 23:49:28

People are seeing more digit codes - 11:11 - 333 - etc.

Ask you ever see yourself getting old, sick, suffering? Most people I ask - who are evolved - no matter what their age - cannot conceptualize themselves getting old and unable to function. Their lives are never perfect - because the polarity of the program does not allow for that - but they maintain their integrity - trying to make good choices - and move through this experience with an inner knowing that they are here at this time to witness a change in consciousness. The rest is just 'busy work'. Reality makes little sense much of the time - and finding someone in their headspace - makes it that much more fun. Without a sense of humor you are lost.

Does your soul feel like it is searching for something as never before?

Does your soul feel it is getting 'closer' to something - but you do not know how to define it?

Are changes forcing their way into your life making you re-evaluate your direction?

Are you getting glimpses of other realities - temporal distortions - increased psychic abilities? Can you understand the matrix - illusion?

Do you have a greater desire to write or keep a journal?

Do people bore you with their issues?

Are the things that were once important to you taking a back seat to something that is guiding you now?

Are you making choices in your life that your were have considered ridiculous 5 years ago?

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Marjana on 24.03.2003 at 09:20:30

Jaaaaaaa, Kali, zdajle sem se spomnila, ziby je imel včeraj štartno številko 1177 pa smo rekli da moramo tebe vprašat, kaj je to pomenilo? ;)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 24.03.2003 at 14:48:28

Petra. wrote on 23.03.2003 at 23:49:28:
People are seeing more digit codes - 11:11 - 333 - etc.

Ask you ever see yourself getting old, sick, suffering? Most people I ask - who are evolved - no matter what their age - cannot conceptualize themselves getting old and unable to function. Their lives are never perfect - because the polarity of the program does not allow for that - but they maintain their integrity - trying to make good choices - and move through this experience with an inner knowing that they are here at this time to witness a change in consciousness. The rest is just 'busy work'. Reality makes little sense much of the time - and finding someone in their headspace - makes it that much more fun. Without a sense of humor you are lost.

Does your soul feel like it is searching for something as never before?

Does your soul feel it is getting 'closer' to something - but you do not know how to define it?

Are changes forcing their way into your life making you re-evaluate your direction?

Are you getting glimpses of other realities - temporal distortions - increased psychic abilities? Can you understand the matrix - illusion?

Do you have a greater desire to write or keep a journal?

Do people bore you with their issues?

Are the things that were once important to you taking a back seat to something that is guiding you now?

Are you making choices in your life that your were have considered ridiculous 5 years ago?

to ;)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by yocker on 25.03.2003 at 20:00:42

pobje zanc je blo 20:03 20.03.2003  ;D
naklucje?  ;)

mozn da tut kj pomen

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by himynameis on 25.03.2003 at 20:21:38

wrote on 25.03.2003 at 20:00:42:
pobje zanc je blo 20:03 20.03.2003  ;D
naklucje?  ;)

mozn da tut kj pomen

Ne pozabit, da je tudi bilo 03:03:03 (ur:minut:sekund) 03.03.03 (dan.mesec.leto).

Kaj to pomeni? ;)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by hyperborea on 27.03.2003 at 09:36:47

Hoj   ;)

nekja cas me ni bilo in kar ne morem verjet, kolk se je nabral glede stevilk..

Star12- ne nisem porocena, ne nimam otrok....moja stevilka ni pet ampak 6 in 9.

Sama se tudi ze nekaj casa ubadam s stevilkami- mama je zacela z numerologijo ze 12 let nazaj in okuzila se mene... moram priznat, da je tolk enih razlag, kaj posamezna stevila pomenijo, da clovek res nic vec ne ve.

Mama pravi isto kot ti, da je 19 nasrecnjesa stevilka, ker je najbolj v ravnovesju.

Jaz pa sem menenja, da nasa svobodna volja lahko zaj.... se tako fenomenalne stevilke.....

Strasno me bega, ker  videvam tudi 999 in 000 in ne vem sedaj ali se to nanasa na trenutno misel, ki sem jo izrekla in se ta konca ali kaj...

Hkrati pa so me te stevilke spet potegnile nazaj v glavo in misli, kar pa zagotovo ni zdravo....

Petica-5- meni predstavlja SPREMEMBE in potovanja in znanje (na drugacen nacin kot 7)....v tarotu me spominja na kolo srece - 1x si gor, 1x si dol- gor in dol, gor in dol... vse se vrti... moram priznat, da mi je to v zivljenju najtezje sprejet in mogoce ravno to te stevilke kazejo - spremembe so edina stalnica v nasem vesolju in boriti se proti njim je brez predmetno ..ceprav jaz vseeno poskusam   :P :P :P

Poznam kar nekaj ljudi, ki so rojeni na 11 in 22 in moram rect, da so odstekani, drugacni in da v meni zbudijo tocno te zadve - bezajo ven mojo odstekanost in drugacnost. Obstaja ena 22, ki me je pripeljala skoraj v Polje.....ampak pravijo, kar nas ne ubije, nas naredi mocnejse...and I am still alive and kicking  8) ;D ;D ;D

Evo to je to....

Angeli so pa z mano, ce vidim stevilke ali pa cutim, da me imajo radi (saj drugega ne znajo!)

Lep dan zelim vsem skupaj

Hyperborea  :)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 27.03.2003 at 10:24:54

hyperborea wrote on 14.03.2003 at 10:39:06:

od kar sem prebrala tisti prispevek od Kali, dnevno videvam zgoraj navedene stevilke - najbolj pogosto pa vidim 555...

Res je tako kot pišeš.
Ampak vse številke, ki se nekako držino skupaj in so 3 imajo POVEZAVO med 3, v to sem jaz trdno prepičana.
Drugače je - če sta dve ali ena...

No, saj boš sama najbolje vedela, od kje bi lahko IZVIRALO.
Ampak videnje teh številk...
Lahko bi šlo resnično za kašno spremembo, ki je vezana trako nate, kot še na ENO osebo - vmes pa je tisto -  SPREMEBA na bolje.
Vsaj jaz sem tako gledala ko si napisala tisto o ŠTEVILKi 5 in povezava 555..
Upam,da sedaj razumeš...
Oz. Boš razumela...
Mama ti pa lahko veliko pomaga, seveda,...

Hkrati pa so me te stevilke spet potegnile nazaj v glavo in misli, kar pa zagotovo ni zdravo....

Seveda, ker potem kar naprej misliš o njih in se ti ŽE same od sebe, brez, da bi pomisila nanje - POJAVIJO, to pa ni dobro. Upam, da se boš malo otresla tega razmišljanja okoli številk, prepusti mislim, da SAME DELUJEJO in PRINESEJO, kar pač prinesejo...
Ker če misliš na njih, se bodo ZAGOTOVO pojavile in te bodo BEGALE...  :)

Hvala za ob razlago 11 in 22. Morava pa še prepustiti BESEDO tistim, ki so rojeni tak DAN  - no jaz sem 12 - skoraj bi bila 13 na PETEK, pa se je mami potrudila in REKLA;
"o ne to pa ne, na PETEK 13 pa že ne bom rodila"
In Simona se je Rodila na četrtek 12..

Kako zanimivo MAR...  ;D

Bova prepustili besedo DRUGIM, kanje... Da sami spregovorijo, kakšni so.. Kakšna je njihova narava...

Angeli so pa z mano, ce vidim stevilke ali pa cutim, da me imajo radi (saj drugega ne znajo!)

RES je, vsak človek ima SVOJEGA Angela, v to sem tudi sama prepričana. Tudi on NAm včasih preko ZNAMENJ, da vedeti, kako MORAMO...
Od nas pa je ODVISNO, če bomo TEMU Sledili...
ANGELI Ob NAS in Z Nami...

Lep sončen DAN želim vsem....

Pa še enega... :-* vsem pošljem...


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by hyperborea on 28.03.2003 at 13:33:19


Ja, sej mogoce bo pa kar drzalo - gre pa predvidevam za moj odnos z je kljucni za moj odnos do moskih in POSLEDICNO se bo ta le spremenil, kar bo tudi dobro zame  ::)  :D

Vsem skupaj en lep vikend.


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 30.03.2003 at 03:40:53

[glb]111…Energy flow. Enhancing whatever level you are in presently.
222…Resurrection and ascension process.

333…Decision number. Either directs you into a phase of

999 completion, or negativity, it puts you in the

666 frequency which throws you back into the third dimension.

444…This is an actual resurrection number. You have just completed an important phase.

555…Experiencing the energy or a level of Christ Consciousness, very significant.

666…Material World. Third dimensional frequency. Denseness.

777…Symbolized an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the third dimensional plane, or at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth Plane.

888…Symbolized infinity. The unified spiral of the physical merging with the spiritual. Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of 222 and 444.

999…Symbolized the three levels of the triune. Completion.

000…Great Void. Experiencing a Null Zone. Switching or moving into a new energy field.

11:11…Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development. Another dimension or frequency of experience. A portal way opening.

12:12…A cosmic connection. A bridge to the future. Signifies a level of completion or graduation.


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Marjana on 31.03.2003 at 09:08:41

Petra. wrote on 24.03.2003 at 14:48:28:
to ;)


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 06.04.2003 at 20:30:09;action=display;num=1035317653;start=0

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 29.04.2003 at 20:37:52

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Karmena on 09.05.2003 at 12:02:41

Ta 11 ni enostavne narave. Pitagorejci jo imajo za enomestno število, kar pomeni, če ste rojeni 29, se šešteje v 11, ta pa ne v 2. Potem je potrebno gledati 11 kot materialno osnovo.

A si predstavljate, kaj bi bilo, če bi imeli po štiri prste na eni roki? V indijski numerologiji jo obravnavajo kot srečno, so dobri poslovodje in politiki, bili naj bi usmerjeni v nek cilj, imajo dobro ituicijo,  vendar naj se pazijo lahkovernosti in prezaupljivosti.

In še nekaj značilnosti: Kaldejci in dualisti jo obravnavajo kot eno najbolj nesrečnih v numerologiji. Gre za zelo zafrustrirano osebo, ki starše obravnava kot dve ločeni silnici, ki nista sposobni ustvariti takega odnosa, da bi osebi bilo dano prav ljubezni (lahko preveč ali še pogosteje premalo). Iz tega izvirajo notranji konflikti. Nasprotje med zavednim in čustvenostjo ali zanikanje tega nasprotja daje moralno neudobje, ki izhaja iz slabega odnosa do samega sebe in pogosto tudi do nasprotnega spola. Odprte strasti osebo delajo perverzno, z zaprtimi v sebi ali potlačenimi pa rada moralizira. Ljubezenskim čustvom se težko prepusti. V življenju se mora močno boriti,  na družinskem kot družbenem področju, težko komunicira, gre za prepire, čustven nemir, pomanjkanje energije. Ker skuša misliti v vzporednicah in zavrača nasprotja, ker hoče iz frustrirajočega okolja. Čeprav je večkrat v depresijah, je v splošnem kar optimist. :)

Sama sem 11 zasledila kot enomestno število v pomandru od Aura some, ki se razlaga z energijo odpadanja mask in gradnje mostov med učitelji. Obenem sem izvedela pri kvintesencah, da ima ta zlati žarek število 19. Kaj je z enomestnimi števili? V numerologiji prevlada duhovna nadgradnja, kadar si kaj nasprotuje.


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 20.05.2003 at 03:14:16

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 26.05.2003 at 00:28:35

Number Combinations

The angels will often give you a message that involves a combination of two or more numbers. Here are the basic meanings of triple-digit, two number combinations. If your messages contain three or more numbers, blend the answers from the different number combinations. For instance if you continually notice the sequence 312, use the meaning of the 3 and 1 number combination, plus the 1 and 2 combination.
Or, if you feel guided, add the numbers together. Keep adding the subsequent digits together until youhave single-digit number. Then, look at the meaning from that particular number from the previously outlined list of number sequences that contain three identical numbers.


1's and 2's, such as 121 or 112 - Our thoughts are like seeds that are beginning to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of the fruition of your desires. These are signs that things will and are growing in your aspired direction. Keep the faith!1's and 3's, such as 133 or 113

- The ascended masters are working hard with you on your thought processes. In many ways, they are acting as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom involved in manifestation. They are sending you energy to keep you from feeling discouraged, and encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of your soul. Additionally the ascended masters may be offering you advice, guidance, and suggestions on your life purpose. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely what you want.

1's and 4's, such as 114 or 144 - The angels are emphasizing strongly that you watch your thought right now. They counsel you to make a wish, as you are in a gateway that will manifest your thoughts right at this moment. (NOTE: 411 means "Ask the angels for some vital information that you need right now.")

1's and 5's, such as 115 or 551 - Your thoughts are creating the changes in your life. Keep steering your thoughts in your desired direction. If the changes that you see forthcoming are not desired, you can stop or alter them by modifying your thoughts.

1's and 6's, such as 116 or 661 - Keep your thoughts heavenward, and let go of materially minded worries. (Note: 611 means "Ask for help in repairing something in the material world that is irritating or bothering you right now.")

1's and 7's, such as 117 or 771 - This is confirmation that you are doing great. You are on the right path, so keep going! this is a sign that you have chosen your thoughts well and that you should focus more steadily on your objectives. Be sure to add appropriate emotions to your thoughts; for instance, feeling grateful for the gifts you have in life. Gratitude will speed the process of your manifestations.

1's and 8's, such as 181 or 818 - You are nearing the end of a significant phase of your life. If you are tired of some part of your life, be glad that it will soon be healed or replaced with something better. Surrender and release those parts of your life that aren't working, as your thoughts of a better life are coming to pass.

1's and 9's, such as 119 or 199 - A new door has opened for you as a product of your thoughts. You have the opportunity to stare your thoughts in the face and come eye-to-eye with your own creations. Let the old fall away, as it is replaced with the new in accordance with your desires.

1's and 0's, such as 100 or 110 - Powerful Divine guidance from God and the angels asks you to alter your thoughts. Perhaps you have been praying to be happier and healthier. If so, this is an answer to your prayers. God knows that the solution you seek is born within your thoughts. Ask God to guide the direction of your thoughts and support you during your time of transition.


2's and 1's, such as 221 or 112 - Our thoughts are like seeds that are beginning to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of the fruition of your desires. These are signs that things will and are growing in your aspired direction. Keep the faith!

2's and 3's, such as 223 or 323 - The ascended masters are working with you as co-creators of your new project. They are telling you that they share your excitement and know that everything is working out well for you. The masters can see that your future is already guaranteed to be filled with the happiness you seek. Enjoy this new phase of your life!

2's and 4's, such as 224 or 244 - As it says in the spiritual text, A Course in Miracles, "The angels nurse your newborn purpose." This is a sign that you have help from above in making your desired transitions. This is a sign that you especially need to know that you are not alone. The 2 and 4 number sequences are a signal from your angels to tell you that they're working very closely ith you right now.

2's and 5's, such as 255 or 225 - Your prayers and intentions have been clear, strong, and without reservations; therefore, expect a change to come about faster than you may have foreseen. Don't let it throw you when your wishes come true. They may come about in unexpected ways, so hold on to your faith. Talk to God often, and ask for reassurance.

2's and 6's, such as 266 or 226 - A new purchase or aquisition is coming your way.

2's and 7's, such as 277 or 272 - Have you recently applied for a new job, admission to school, or a loan? These numbers signal good news. They ask you o hang tight and not allow your faith to waver.

2's and 8's, such as 288 or 282 - One door is beggining to open, and another door is beginning to close. Be sure to listen to your intuition very closely right now, as it will guide you to take steps that will ensure your steady abundance during these transitions.

2's and 9's, such as 299 or 292 - If you've recently suffered a loss (job, lover, etc.), expect it to be replaced in the very near future. Everything is working in your favor, although there may be so much behind-scenes activity involved that you wonder if God has forgotten you. Worry not! Feel the energy of your life, which is moving forward right now. You are not being punished by your recent loss. The universe is, instead, preparing you for newness

.2's and 0's, such as 200 or 202 - God wants you to know that he has not forgotten or abandoned you . He loves you very, very much! In fact, God is orchestrating a wonderful new phase of your life. Talk to God often, and you'll feel this forthcoming miracle. God also reminds you of the importance of "Divine Timing ." Sometimes, certain factors need to fall into place first before your desired outcome cn be reached. As long as you hold onto your faith, there is nothing blocking you from attaining your desire.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 26.05.2003 at 00:29:24


3's and 1's, such as 311 or 313 - The ascended masters are working hard with you on your thought processes. In many ways, they are acting as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdom involved in manifestation. They are sending you energy to keep you from feeling discouraged, and encouragement to stay focused on the true goals of your soul. Additionally the ascended masters may be offering you advice, guidance, and suggestions on your life purpose. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely what you want.

3's and 2's, such as 322 or 332 - The ascended masters are working with you as co-creators of your new project. They are telling you that they share your excitement and know that everything is working out well for you. The masters can see that your future is already guaranteed to be filled with the happiness you seek. Enjoy this new phase of your life!

3's and 4's, such as 334 or 344 - You have a lot of help around you right now! Both the ascended masters and the angels are here to assist, guide, and love you. Reach out to them, as they are reaching out to you.

3's and 5's, such as 353 or 335 - The ascended masters want to prepare you for a big life change that is imminent. They want you to know that they are holding your hand through this change and that everything will be alright. Embrace the change, and look for the blessing within it.

3's and 6's, such as 363 or 336 - Your ascended masters are helping you manifest the material items you need for your Divine life purpose. Whether that means money for tuition or outlets for you to conduct your teaching or healing work, the masters are working to bring it to you . They want you to know that you deserve to recieve this help, as it will better enable you to give to others.

3's and 7's, such as 377 or 373 - The ascended masters are joyful. Not only do they see your true inner Divinity, but they also agree with the path you have chosen. They want you to know that you deserve happiness, and to allow the flow of holy bliss that comes with your Divine heritage and chosen path.

3's and 8's, such a 338 or 383 - "Keep going," the masters say to you. Boost the energy and focus of your thoughts and feelings. Realign your outlook with the knowledge of your oneness with God, everyone, and all life.

3's and 9's, such as 393 or 339 - This is a strong message to let go of situations in your life that aren't in integrity or that have served their purpose. Do not artificially hang on to situations because of fear. Know that each and every moment you are taken care of. It is vital that you hold a positive viewpoint about yourself and your future. This viewpoit actually creates what you experience, so ask the masters to help you choose your thoughts from the high point of love.

3's and 0's, such as 300 or 330 - God and the ascended masters are trying to get your attention, most likely with respect to a matter related to your Divine purpose. Is there any guidance that you've been ignoring lately? If so, you may be feeling stuck right now. This number sequence is heaven's way of alerting youto the fact that you must to your part in the co-creation process. This means listening to and following your Divine guidance to take certain actions.


4's and 1's, such as 441 or 411 - The angels are emphasizing strongly that you watch your thought right now. They counsel you to make a wish, as you are in a gateway that will manifest your thoughts right at this moment. (NOTE: 411 means "Ask the angels for some vital information that you need right now.")

4's and 2's, such as 422 or 442 - As it says in the spiritual text, A Course in Miracles, "The angels nurse your newborn purpose." This is a sign that you have help from above in making your desired transitions. This is a sign that you especially need to know that you are not alone. The 2 and 4 number sequences are a signal from your angels to tell you that they're working very closely with you right now.

4's and 3's, such as 443 or 433 - You have a lot of help around you right now! Both the ascended masters and the angels are here to assist, guide, and love you. Reach out to them, as they are reaching out to you.

4's and 5's, such as 455 or 445 - Your angels are involved in one of your significant life changes right now.

4's and 6's, such as 446 or 466 - Your angels caution you that your focus is too much on the material world. They ask you to surrender your worries to them so that they can intervene. Balance your focus between heaven and earth, and know that your supply is truly unlimited, especially when you work hand-in-hand with the Divine.

4's and 7's, such as 477 or 447 - The angels congratulate you and say, "Keep up the great work! You are on a roll. Keep your thoughts focused, because it's having a big and positive effect."

4's and 8's, such as 488 or 448 - This is a message from your angels that a phase of your life is about to end. They want you to know that as things slow down, they are with you and will be helping to guide you to a new situation better suited to your needs, desires, and purpose.

4's and 9's, such as 494 or 449 - The angels say to you that it is time to let go of a situation that has ended. They remind you that, as one door closes, another opens. The angels are certainly helping you to open new doors and to heal from any pain that accompanies the transition that you are now undergoing. Please ask your angels to help you have faith that these endings and beginnings are answers to your prayers.

4's and 0's, such as 440 or 400 - God and the angels want you to know that you are very, very loved. They ask you to take a moment to feel this love, as it will answer many of your questions and resolve any challenge.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Devi on 26.05.2003 at 10:05:36

Uh, Kali, kombinacije :D :D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by gape on 26.05.2003 at 10:32:44

no in zdej to lepo prevedi kali ...
pa entre umes naštuci itd ...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Marjana on 26.05.2003 at 10:38:33

Pa kaj ni to tisto kar sem že jaz prevajala? Vsaj tisto spodaj, trojna števila...

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by gape on 26.05.2003 at 10:45:05

nism niti gledu

spodnji del je definitivno isti ... bo kali mal popravla (pobrisala) pa bo ... pol bo pa še prevedla.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 27.05.2003 at 01:30:27

Za prevod trenutno ni časa, sem objavila zgolj zaradi kombinacij, dase ve... s tem, da vse kombinacije pomenijo isto...

Da se ne boste drugič tolk zgražali spet. ;)

Skratka kje je problem? A nam je placa zmankalo? ;) :D

več...ko pride stric adsl v naš dom ;)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by himynameis on 05.06.2003 at 14:44:04

Lahko kdo pove kaj pomenijo številke 2021, 2027, 2029 in 21, 27, 29? :)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by tejchi on 05.06.2003 at 15:01:00

himynameis wrote on 05.06.2003 at 14:44:04:
Lahko kdo pove kaj pomenijo številke 2021, 2027, 2029 in 21, 27, 29? :)

Odvisno v katerem smislu gledaš.
Če se sprašuje - zase; potem jih opredeliš na Osebnost
Numerološko pa pomenijo;


Število 20 se imenuje Prebujanje, po nekih starih zapisih pa tudi Sodba. Ima zelo zanimivo interpretacijo. Gre predvsem za zelo velik vpliv s strani staršev, ki ni vedno pozitiven - vedno pomeni preveliko navezanost staršev na otroke, do mere, ko želijo vladati njegovemu življenju, tudi ko je že zdavnaj odrasel. Takšen človek mnogokrat ni sposoben razmišljati z lastno glavo, temveč prevzema ali se identificira s stališči in verovanji svojih staršev; ponavadi gre za čuden odnos med otrokom ženskega spola in očetom ter obratno. To je lahko karmični odnos, ko sta v enem od prejšnjih skupnih življenj sedanji oče in njegova hči, na primer, bila mož in žena, v njunem odnosu pa je takrat vladal strah, ljubosumje, prevare, verjetno tudi nasilje. Tako gre pri takih odnosih za prikrito seksualno navezanost, ki lahko povzroča veliko gorja. Enak primer je tudi sin, ki se nikoli ne more upreti svoji mami, ki ga zlahka kontrolira vse življenje. Pri številu 20 ti kompleksi niso vedno tako izraženi, včasih pa so tako močni, da lahko govorimo tudi o črni magiji ali kraji energije - vampirizmu. Poznamo primere ljudi s tem številom, ki niso sposobni napraviti enega koraka od doma in svojih staršev, ker jih njihova negativna energija tako močno veže nanje. Takim ljudem, žrtvam, slej ko prej zmanjka energije in lahko umrejo še zelo mladi "za skrivnostnimi boleznimi". Vendarle pa se nekega dne v življenju takega človeka lahko zgodi veliko prebujanje, ki popolnoma spremeni nekatere naučene vzorce mišljenja in s tem tudi življenje človeka. 20 postavlja precejšnje ovire na njegovi poti, tako poklicni kot ljubezenski, ki ga učijo ene same stvari: potrpežljivosti. To so zelo občutljivi ljudje, ki pa se zato lahko skrivajo za veliko trmoglavostjo in navidezno hladnostjo, medtem ko v njih vse vre. To število ni materialno, zato ti ljudje na tem področju niso najbolj uspešni, če pa imajo prevelike želje po denarju, se jim lahko zgodi, da popolnoma propadejo. Naj podam primer Adolfa Hitlerja (20), ki je tudi rojen 20. in je zaradi svojih prevelikih teženj propadel.

Število 21 se imenuje Krona Maga in napoveduje splošen uspeh, obeta napredek na vseh področjih življenja. Pomeni zmago po daljšem času iskanja in boja, po mnogih preizkusih odločnosti in volje. Ti boji so lahko res hudi, prav nič manjši od drugih slabih števil, vendar pa je vsak, ki ima to število, lahko prepričan, da mu bo zanesljivo uspelo rešiti vse probleme in vsa nasprotja. To je eno najlepših števil - število karmične nagrade.
To je Jupitrovo število, ki nudi ogromno podporo tem ljudem, tako da se lekcije lažje sprejmejo.

Število 27 je nadvse odlično, harmonično in srečno število moči in poguma ter določene doze Božjega daru. Obljublja velik uspeh in vodenje, na katerem koli področju. Velike nagrade prihajajo skozi kreativno delo, intelekt in domišljijo. Ti ljudje morajo vedno slediti lastnim zamislim (ker so vedno pravilne!) in ne smejo dopustiti, da jih zmedejo misli ali nasprotovanja drugih.
V nasprotnem ne bojo mogli izkoristiti svoji talentov in bojo padli v temno stran.


Število 29 nosi naziv Privlačnost pod pritiskom. Gre za eno najhujših števil, oz. karme, ki jo prinaša s sabo. To osebo preizkuša z razvojem duhovne moči skozi velike težave in obsodbe. Življenje je polno težav, izdaj, prevar, nezanesljivih prijateljev, nepričakovanih nevarnosti - ter žalosti in jeze zaradi pripadnikov nasprotnega spola. To število povzroča težave na vseh področjih življenja in je torej logično spremeniti ime, če ima to vibracijo. Če pa je to rojstni dan, potem so potrebni izredni, zavestni napori, da se ublažijo ali celo nevtralizirajo negativni aspekti tega števila. Z voljo se vse da doseči!
To število ima tudi sekundarni pomen števila 11. Ti ljudje morajo razviti popolno vero vase, v dobro, v optimizem in razvoj, kar deluje kot čudežni napoj. Predvsem je pomembno, da ti ljudje ne obsojajo ali krivijo drugih za svojo nesrečo ali se jim celo skušati maščevati. Zapomniti si je treba, da smo vedno sami odgovorni za vse, kar se nam dogaja in da vse, kar delamo drugim, dobimo nazaj. Da bi dobili še popolnejšo sliko o težavah, ki jih to število povzroča, je dobro pogledati še števili 20 in 2, ker so vzroki težav enaki pri vseh.

Sedaj pa lahko ; 2021, 2027 in 2029 - združiš v celoto in napiši zgodico  - opišeš sebe s tem.  ;)

V splošnem ti lahko povem, da težiš z ene strani  na drugo, povsod malo priškrtneš in zato se številke medseboj tako vežejo.

Ampak tale 20 pa odseva kajne - večni notranji boj - le s čem? V čem?

Preberi se še sam. Saj so to tvoje številke kajne.

pa še to;  prepisano z Resnic Življenja od Bono Baršek.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by himynameis on 05.06.2003 at 15:22:13

Hvala. Sanjal sem namreč potovanje v prihodnost z letnico 2021, kasneje sem opazil da je 2027 in še kasneje 2029. Nisem pa siguren katera je bila pravilna. Prva je bila namreč 2021 in potem so sledila opažanja drugih dveh, mogoče tudi pomotoma. :)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Star12 on 05.06.2003 at 16:54:08

Kaki SANJE  O PRIHODNOSTI - bolj ! " V TVOJO PRIHODNOST ", kaj moraš narest ZASE, kljub temu, da si videl mogoče kaj bo - takrat.
Al pa ne - spet te sanje a... :P

A veš - tud ta del BOli, ko si ga ne priznamo - številke so ti bile opozorilo - tud men so ! Pa se opletam in rečem, da je bla prihodnost...

In če je bila 2021 PRVA... :-/ ???

Hvala. ;)

No ja še kaj?  ??? ;)

Imejte lep dan še naprej.  

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 07.07.2003 at 22:53:38

                       compliments of Dikki-Jo Mullen

This list of number blessings was channeled through a Venezuelan
spiritualist and came to us through a ghost tracker in Brevard
County. Around the world there is a tradition of just pronouncing
numbers aloud. It’s extremely effective. Give it a try.

To purify and bless food just say 9 - 9 - 5.

To set up a shield of strong protection say “nine times nine”
aloud. Your higher or spirit self might give you other personal
numbers to say. Use the number invocations often to increase
the power.

9 x 9 for a strong shield of protection
     (good against unfriendly ghosts)

3 x 1 closes the openings to other dimensions or the other side

5 x 7 shields your home or car against robbery

5 x 8 sends love to a place or person. Try it on the U.S.A. overall

3 x 5 removes hidden souls

8 x 2 enhances personal charisma

5 x 1 attracts money and abundance

7 x 4 closes portals to other planets

3 x 0 connect to your higher self

7 x 1 protect your inner senses

5 x 2 raises the energy level (physical, mental and emotional)

1 x 0 for greater physical energy

3 x 3 harmony and activity in the chakras

9 x 3 magnifies creativity

2 x 1 clears out old programming

7 x 0 calms, clears fears, restores control

17 x 3 to be neutral and objective

14 x 1 to attract attention (do not interfere with another’s
free will ever)

3 x 12 generates perfect ideas and raises the kundalini

10 x 1 greater attunement of the inner psychic or higher senses

7 x 5 harmony regarding material responsibilities like car and
house payments, etc.

10 x 2 attracts prosperity

13 x 1 clear the cosmos of discordant energies

12 x 8 shields against separation or rejection

8 x 0 clears elementals

14 x 2 clears interference at the Godhead and higher spiritual

11 x 2 harmony for laying on of hands healings

8-8-8 communication with the Great White Brotherhood, Sananada
Council and other elders in the secret organizations such as
Tibetan teachers, mystics and gurus, etc.

Dikki-Jo Mullen, Astrologer
Phone 407-895-1522 in Orlando
Write to PO Box 533024, Orlando, Florida 32853
or, 321-773-1414 in Indialantic, Florida
See more at <a href=""> </a>
<a href="">

This article may be reprinted if all credits above are
included. All Rights Reserved ŠDikki-Jo Mullen 2003

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Marjana on 28.07.2003 at 12:31:26

10:10 - Moving into a new beginning 1(one) - and moving into the pattern of the Great Void 0 (zero)

111 - 11:11 - 111 - Merging DNA - Energy flow enhancing whatever level you are in presently

12:12 - Stargate - Clocks - Measurements of Time - Calendars - 12 ethereal pyramids around One=The Great Pyramid - The Illusion of Time is Ending

222 - Duality - Polarity - Recognition that we are created by an electromagnetic energy grid. Our polarities that are now merging.

333 - Three into One - 12 pyramids each containing 3 entities =36

432 - 432:Cosmic Key

444 - Completion of a cycle - 44:44 Stargate

553 - The Physical Earth plane

555 - Fifth dimension - higher frequency energy often associated with Christ Consciousness - - The Quest for 555 Chronicles. - - - The 555 Integrated Circuit (IC) is an easy to use TIMER that has many applications in Meccano modeling.  It is widely used in electronic circuits.

666 = 18 = 9 = completion of this cycle of time

777 and 888 - return to higher consciousness

999 - Completion

(Precej) več tule:
(tole zgoraj je pri dnu strani, prej še več zanimivega branja, tud nekatere stvari napisane zgoraj, so linkane naprej)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 18.08.2003 at 19:26:23


Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Numbers and humans go hand in hand. From the beginning of time known we have been defined by a numerical equation whether age, birth date, weight, or the numbers of camels we have in out dowry, numbers have always seemed to be our silent partners.

Nowadays when a child is born the fist thing they are given is a number that will follow them for the rest of their lives until death at which time they will be given a new number to define them. The numbers on our clocks tell us when to go, when to stop when to drink coffee, when to sleep. Numbers are as much a part of us as our flesh.

In 1991/1992 the number 11:11 was issued to humanity as an activation number. Escorting us energetically into a new octave of Solar Light. Creating a numerical signature that follows us to this day. This past month we experienced the number of 8:8, which allowed us to walk into ancient Egyptian/Atlantean memories. Thus creating a doorway in which we could understand more of our innate self.

We look at the clocks on our microwaves, autos, and watches. Over and over again we see 11:11, 12:12, 1:11 2:22 etc. We innately know that these numerical digits are important but cannot seem to find the data that will explain the phenomena. Our eyes feel the frequency of completion as we enter into the remembering of each optical mantra.

When you experience the numerical downloads whether MASTER NUMBERS (all the same numbers) or PERSONAL CODES (seeing the same mixed numbers over and over again) stop for one full minute, allowing this energy to be birthed through you. Focus on your deepest desire and see it as manifest. The universe has just taken a picture of your thoughts. Empty yourself of any preconceived notions and let the light sew up the frayed edges of your intentions. Each and every number within your personal universe is triggering your subconscious into a new pattern of DNA configurations.

'000' is a reminder you are always one with the universe. Feel yourself within the center embraced by the Creator as you are held and love unconditionally. Walk around the inner circle of self-completing what needs to be completed.

'11,111,11:11' is a doorway or gateway into your highest potential as a human seeking divine memory. One is a singularity within 'all that is'. The 'one' seeks itself through mirror like reflection of the world around it. This doorway offers an opportunity to surpass any limitations you have unknowingly set for yourself. One to one to one enter the oneness hidden deep within your being at the center point of your soul. This energy stays activated until 2011.

'22, 222, 22:22' is the sequence of manifestation minus the frustration. Keep a holding pattern with your intent, knowing that what you have planted by your words, deeds and actions will grow and bloom in accordance with the heavenly seasons.

'33, 333, 33:33' the holy trinity is activated within the tetrahedron (3 sided pyramid) within your DNA structure. This number offers an opportunity to connect with higher evolved spiritual beings/masters/angels/Christ whenever you view it.

'44, 444, 44:44' a foundation of light is being cemented for you. New opportunity comes without being asked. Stay balanced in what you know to be divine truth and the platform of light will solidify.

'55, 555, 55:55' the universe is making changes for you whether you ask for it or not. Allow the currents to take you into a new future full of possibilities still hidden from you at this point of seeing. Hold the vision until you land on the new shore.

Everything on earth is defined by a numerical configuration. All life can be reduced and explained by numbers. The currents of these numerical sequences bring into alignment a series of new understandings that will help to adjust and balance every human. The numbers on all levels align the body so it will be able to handle the higher definitions of photon light that is making itself known. Each number infusion is personalized to fit the needs of each individual. Allowing them the necessary ratio of light particles to numerical particles. As the brain adjusts to these new energies a lifting occurs allowing the individual to exit the human/animal ratio and be lifted into the human/light equation.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 28.11.2003 at 00:55:44


Written by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

(excerpt from 11:11:11 Portal of Light Book)

Master numbers energetically accentuate the meanings of single digits. They are considered to be some of the most powerful vibrations known. They are thought to symbolize raw untapped potential and assist one in achieving illumination. This energy is waiting to be harnessed by those who have the eyes to see.

00, 000, or 0000

The great void, the unknown what is to be, that has not been birthed yet. Moving into a higher dimensional flux, shifting time matrixes. The portal of creation before creation.

11, 111, or 11:11

The gateway to all that is. Within a hair of instantaneous manifestation. Letting go of man-made manifestation and coming into Christed Creation. Doorways open doorways close and you are in-between all. Conscious creation with 13 second intervals of thought. Becoming one with the Oversoul in abundant creation of ones innate hearts desires.

22,222, or 22:22

The highest sequence of manifestation/creation without the frustration. All words thought deeds and intentions will take seed with or without rain to help them grow. Moving out of the neighborhood of polarity. Time moves forward with or without you. Do not create by default, have a say so in your life.

33,333 or 33:33

This number offers you a choice. Within it you are not allowed to straddle the razor blade fence of indecision. The trinity is the holiness within all of your choices. Your body, mind, spirit in agreement for your Soul's evolution. Connection with the wisdom of the Oversoul. Seeing the sacredness in all of your choices no matter what the outcome.

44,444 or 44:44

A foundation of light is being cemented for you. New opportunity comes without being asked. Build your future thought by thought, brick by brick. Do not allow those of too much wind to blow down your dreams with their negativity. Believe deeply until you see the proof. Hold on through all choices and changes.

55, 555, 55:55

The universe is changing your direction with your Souls permission. Hold the vision until you land on the shore of the new self. This change may be an answer to some long forgotten prayer. The future is hidden so see it in your minds eye as you would a sought after dream. (555 escorts us into the year 2004 which is a # 6. 5+5+5=15 (1+5=6)

66,666 or 66:66

In the year 2004 the vibration of 6 will change into a light vibration that is felt as a holy emanation. For too long now humanity has been branded with the thought that anything associated with a "6" is of negativity, darkness, evil, denseness and earth. Well just look at the beauty of a planet that has given you life since you were born. The number 6 is asking you to come back to the original seed thought/blueprint of life with a reverence for its numerical explanation. 6 is of earth but there is a beautiful holiness within earth and within those of earth. The mother earth begins to move back into her original form in 2004 not waiting for her children to agree. By aligning with the true essence of the number 6 you will find a smoothness and harmony while riding upon an earth-road that is under construction.

77, 777 or 77:77

This is the vibration of the spiritual warrior. One who walks a narrow path within self and soul. Seven works for the light, by the light and with the light. Sevens eat drink think and speak the light. Sevens are not allowed to stray outside the boundaries of light for more than a fleeting thought. Seven brings you home the place where miracles are an every minute event, where you can fly and dance in the stars while in any and all forms. Seven is a place where wonder, magic and miracles are seen as natural happenings. Seven is your natural state of being.

88, 888 or 88:88

AS ABOVE SO BELOW AND WITHIN. This configuration gives to you the infinity portal escorting you past all pervious limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source. It is success, prosperity and big business with the added flavor of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your divine inheritance promised to you by your Holy Creator. It is turning you nose up at earthly limitation and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty.

99, 999 or 99:99

Cosmic and personal completion, THE END! Entering the next level of love of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing self. Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to see and be more than you are at this minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly line of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have.

"Eleven is the number of new beginnings."


When the forces of Eleven become fully activated on earth, they have the power to change history in the making. Within the number and sequences of Eleven (29, 47, 38, 92, 83, 74, 56, 65) lives all answers and questions. Eleven teaches us every problem is a divine opportunity to learn. It shows us how to see beyond what is everyday and boring. It try's and tests our faith and our belief. It forces us to listen to that small still quiet voice within the silent witness. It reminds us we are not victims but victors and are all vast beings who have come to earth to help with the ascension process starting with ourselves. It asks you to finally locate the light within and share it with all. Eleven is our Best Friend and Teacher.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Eva on 26.12.2003 at 07:55:54

Petra. wrote on 26.05.2003 at 00:28:35:
.2's and 0's, such as 200 or 202 - God wants you to know that he has not forgotten or abandoned you . He loves you very, very much! In fact, God is orchestrating a wonderful new phase of your life. Talk to God often, and you'll feel this forthcoming miracle. God also reminds you of the importance of "Divine Timing ." Sometimes, certain factors need to fall into place first before your desired outcome cn be reached. As long as you hold onto your faith, there is nothing blocking you from attaining your desire.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Eva on 26.12.2003 at 08:06:01

nick, mere.. ??? detajli, karkoli :o ??? ;) ;D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Eva on 26.12.2003 at 08:34:03

:o :D tko zgodej, a?

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by gape on 14.01.2004 at 01:27:37

gape wrote on 14.01.2004 at 01:25:23:
Guide to Kirael's Numerology

1 ~ God-Creator ~ The number one offers an opportunity to reconnect to the Creator Light within you and to know that something completely new is about to begin. It is interesting that in numerology, the number one always follows a nine, or "completion."

2 ~ Duality ~ A number two reminds you that the third-dimensional world in which we live is based on duality and that yin/yang situations are all around us. In this case, it is best to take a look at where your life is and to move your thoughts into a higher, more balanced "trinity" level of understanding.

3 ~ Trinity ~ Allow yourself to be guided by the trinity of Truth, Trust and Passion when the number is a three. Love, the one force in Creation that has no opposite, is created and held within this trinity, so perhaps you will feel this essence awakening within you. Something bright and beautiful is about to take place in your life.

4 ~ Thought ~ Four refers to the energy of thought. When four is the number, be very conscious of your thought processes. Keep your thoughts extremely positive because in the world of thought, they can readily be manifested in any direction.

5 ~ Love ~ Five is the number of the unconditional Love of the Creator. When the number is five, watch for anything around you that can resonate in love and take advantage of it. Be in love and feel love surrounding you. When you choose love as the foundation of each decision, all comes to perfection in light.

6 ~ Mastery ~ A number six reminds you that you are in control of your life. Take this opportunity to focus on mastery. Complete all lessons and leave nothing undone. As master of your own life, make decisions that allow you to ascend to new levels of conscious awareness.

7 ~ Transition ~ The number seven offers you the possibility of transition and change. You can experience this on multiple levels simultaneously and move from one level to the next. You are in the flow of change and transformation.

8 ~ Infinity ~ The number eight signifies that the present is being experienced in two realities at the same time, as in a continuous loop. You are in simultaneous connection with both spirit (non-physical) and matrix (physical) energies. If you can remain in the center of the loop looking out at both directions, you are in a good space.

9 ~ Completion ~ Nine indicates that completion is at hand and it is a time to move on. Recognize that you have the choice to complete anything you choose to in your life. The beauty of a completion is that it always leads to a new beginning with the number one again.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 26.01.2004 at 19:44:18

The 22 Main Power Numbers of GOD

   By Dr Joshua David Stone

   1. The Number of Creation. A lucky number meaning beginning. Called "Original Substance." It indicates the start, the "commencement." It is Adam. The Way of Original Essence. The first step.


   2. A favorable and/or unfavorable number. The Matrix of Numbers. Called "Isis". It indicates Occult Training and Knowledge. It is Eve and the Door of Temple. The Way of the completion of Creation.


   3. A lucky number of Holiness. Called "Holy Intelligence." It indicates Tenderness and Strength of Mind, Mother, The Way of Original Wisdom.


   4. A lucky number of Completion. Called "Cubic Stone". Indicates Firmness, Mastery, Power and Willpower. Everything is formed by the 4. The Way of Essences and Powers.


   5. The Number of Competition. Called "The Flaming Pentacle" indicates The Quintessence, The Perfect Man, The True Magician, Advice. The Way of Fundamental Intelligence.


   6. A doubtful number of Choice or Balance. Called "The Way of Ways." Indicates first indecision then balance. It is Solomon's Seal. The Way of Mediating Influence.


   7. A favorable number of Regality and Triumph. Called "The conqueror. Indicates Intelligence (3), which dominates matter (4). Expansion. The Way of Occult Intelligence.


   8. A doubtful number of Attraction and Repulsion. Called "The Rule." Indicates completion in The Law and a Balance struck. The Way of Perfection.


   9. A lucky, sacred number of Prophecy. Called "The Sphinx". Indicates Vital Intuitions, Magical Power, Self-confidence, and Understanding of the Higher Cycles. The Way of Resplendent Intelligence.


   10. A lucky number of Mystery and the Power of Silence. Called "The Oil Lamp". Indicates the Search for Inner Light. The Way of Pure Intelligence.


   11. A neutral number of Energy and Courage. Called "the Passage". Indicates the ardor of freedom and the desire for Light. Moral strength. The Way of Scintillating Intelligence, which produces knowledge and the ability to dominate, even the Stars.


   12. A neutral number of Suffering for Elevation. Called "Grace and Perfection". A sacred number. Indicates experience. Suffering expectation. The Way of Prophetic Vision.


   13. A lucky number of Change. Called "The Key to Power". Indicates transformation, rebirth. The Way of Unity and Understanding of the True Knowledge.


   14. A favorable number of incarnation. Called "Penetrating Energy". Indicated the Vital Energies and their Balanced Conservation. The Way of Preparation.


   15. A neutral number of Action. Called "Baphometh," or "Solve et Coagula". Indicates the Power of Occult Knowledge, Passion or/and Temptation. The Way of Darkness.


   16. An unlucky number of Error. Called "The Tower of Bhabhel". Indicated Trial, the error of Presumption, and the Victory of those who overcome it. The Way of Glory in Rectitude.


   17. A lucky Spiritual number. Called "The King's Star". Indicates Beauty and Hope for the Just. The Way of Reward for those who have "Sown" well.


   18. An Unfavorable number lacking in Clarity. Called "The Twilight Path". Indicates the Danger of Mistaken Judgements, the Pains of Love and Deception or Bewilderment. The Way of the Senses.


   19. A lucky number of Clarity. Called "The Reinstated Boy". Indicates Success and Harmony. Marriage and honors union, agreement. The Way of the Spirit.


   20. A favorable number of Knowledge. Called "The Awakening Angel". Indicates new ventures in social life, decision. The Way of Primordial Vision.


   21. A lucky number of Overcoming. Called "The Cleansed One". Indicates non-influenceability. Overcoming of the human dimension, purification. The Way of Enlightened Purification.


   22. A lucky number of Absolute Truth. Called "The Magicians' Crown". Indicates Honor, Fulfillment, Progress, Elevation and Success achieved through the Purification of Profound Energies. The Way of Total Enlightenment.


   This information was gathered from a poster someone gave me. I give credit to Gio Tavaglione for compiling this information.


   For a free information packet on Dr. Stone's books, tapes, workshops and the Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy services, please call or write Dr. Stone at the following phone numbers and address:

   Dr. Joshua David Stone

   The Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy

   28951 Malibu Rancho Rd.

   Agoura Hills, CA 91301

   Ph: (818) 706-8458 Fax: (818) 706-8540

   Please visit my website


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 15.02.2004 at 15:30:39

Online Channeling

An a hallah anshallah ensui antahalla tui en sit e anhallah asi asi asi

Greetings from the center of being to the outer edges of all being.  It is that we have come to speak to you again and are grateful for the opportunity to be of assistance to you!

Dear Ones, It is that there is much happening in your world.  There are many changes which are occurring from within that which you are to the environment in which you live.  It is that in all that is, conflicts of being arise at every turn as those of the light transcend toward that which is the essence of all beingness.

Many of you have noticed that the 11’s and the number trinities have become most prevalent again. This is because energetically you are stepping through gateways to higher realities. Through the illusions and into that which is Truth. Further, you are choosing to stand within that truth, no longer willing to accept  compromise upon or within your journeys, rather, feeling within you an insistence to complete that for which you have come.  In such a way, you have begun to see things differently.   The numbers are coming forward to remind you of this.

That of the 3-3-3, the triple trinity which relates to you the essence of the pyramids, the combination of you, the One and you as a perfect being.  The perfect trilogy, the trinity of being.  This reminds you of your aspects within the One, that you are not individualized, rather, that you are an integral part of All That Is.

That which is the 4-4-4 comes to you as a reminder of man’s insistence of being individual but at the same time, a reminder that all man’s aspects within other dimensional realities, when aligned, total a perfection of existence that moves far beyond this dimension and into infinite being which can be brought to this now, this living, this reality.  It is from these aligned aspects that you have the ability to create miracles, instant manifestation and complete healing of yourself and others.

That which is the 9:11 reminds you of the lack of balance within your world.  That which is the escalation of the ascended mind over those who have chosen not to become of higher vibration.  In such a way, there remains this in between time when balance is sought and choices are made.   Even those who appear to make choices that lead to negative outcomes are participating within the process of the One, as they are doing their parts toward forcing the balance that must occur within your world.   In such a way it is to know that every choice is perfect in the moment in which it is made.

That which is the 11:11 signals to you that which is the perfection of balance, that which is a full circle of form and formlessness.  That which is the timelessness of all creation and everything within that creation.   It is to remember the balance within, the balance around and the balance of.   In such a way, you become the balance that you seek.   That which is the 11:11 also is an aspect to remind you that there are gateways and star gates which are open to you for the first time since the last time which was countless millennia ago.  In such a way, you have access to greater aspects of yourselves and that of the infinite One.   You may access these doorways from your higher states of consciousness and travel within the corridors of the infinite now and bring back to your third dimensional awareness all that you choose to remember.

But it is not to become focused upon the numbers.  They are simply tools for you to remember that which you already know.   It is that these numbers all factor down to the only one that is important within the scheme of all things.   That being the number 1.   That number which contains all others, that number which simply is and represents all things.
3993 ;) ;D ::) :P

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 05.03.2004 at 20:48:23

This is a guide to allow you to analyze what your dreams mean based on the most prominent number or numbers you noticed. This uses a system of numerology... so if your number is not listed (higher numbers), here is how you calculate which number to look at. Let's say you think the number 28 was significant in your dream:

28... add the two, so it's 2+8... which equals 10.

If this was one digit, you could stop here. However, since it's still two, reduce it again by adding the two... 1+0 equals 1. So 1 is the number you should look up.

The exception to this rule are master numbers -- 11, 22, and 33 are master numbers, they are considered quite important and need not be reduced.

0: constancy (0+0=0): Null, empty, bottomless, infinite, God, no beginning or end, continual, a full circle,

1: Primal, invention, creation, pioneer, evolution, first, alone, leader, winner, beginning.

2: Dual nature of life and deity, balance, good and evil, male and female,, subconscious, marriage, sex.

3: Holy or mystical trinity, triple goddess, triangle, "things always happen in threes", threefold, harmony of the physical, spiritual, and mental realms, creativity.

4: Physical, non-spiritual, material, technology, hard work, no short cuts, 4 directions of a crossroads, 4 compass directions (North, East, South, West).

5: Change, freedom, 5 senses (touch, smell, taste, hear, see)

6: Beauty, harmony, strength, advancement, psychic powers, precognition, "sixth sense".

7: Luck, seven chakras, seven planes and subplaces of existence, sabbath, victory.

8: Wealth, gambling, magic, potential, balance.

9: Increasing of powers (3X3), completion, the end, maturity.

10: Strength, perfection, putting you "all" into something, reaching for a goal. See also 1.

11: Mastery in a certain area, enlightenment, being one with yourself, nirvana. See also 2.

12: Spiritual strength, the year, day and night. See also 3.

13: Birth and death, beginning and end, change, dear, superstition, luck. See also 4.

14: Unity of 2 souls, see also 5.

15: Absolution. See also 6.

16: Youth, change, maturity. See also 7.

17: The soul. See also 8.

22: Mastery of the planes, ability to teach about the planes (physical, mental, astral). See also 4.

26: Earth, physical plane. See also 8.

33: Mastery of the spiritual plane, acceptance of the good and the evil in life.


Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 22.03.2004 at 20:17:56

Mysterious No. 11 continues to hound the world, mankind


By sheer coincidence, the deadly terrorist train bombings in Madrid, Spain last March 11 occurred exactly 911 days after Muslim extremists attacked New York City and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001 known the world over as the 9-11 tragedy.

Number 11 has indeed been hounding humanity since the infamous 9-11 attacks nearly three years ago.

Consider this: The date of the attack was September 11 or 9 + 1 + 1 = 11, and to think that September 11 has 9 letters and 2 numbers: 9+2=11, and the number 911 is the telephone number for emergencies in the United States!

Likewise, September 11 is the 254th day of the year and to add the numbers 2, 5, 4 the total sum is 11. And after September 11 there are 111 days left until the end of the year.

Terrorists used an unconventional method in attacking New York and Washington by hijacking commercial jetliners and slamming them on Apple City’s twin towers which looked like No. 11.

There’s more to it on the bizarre No. 11. The terrorists hijacked the first plane with Flight AA11 and the targets were the double 11, twin towers.

Four of the hijackers on board flight AA11 have the initials A. A. which when translated to number is 11.

The Website Yahoo also confirmed that the fifth AA11 hijacker was the pilot named Mohamed Atta whose name has 11 letters. The plane was carrying 92 persons. When added, 9 plus 2 equals 11. The ill-fated plane had 11 crew members – 2 pilots and 9 flight attendants.

New York was the 11th State added to the Union and the name Trade Center has 11 letters. The word "skyscrapers" also has 11 letters.

The first tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. that fateful day of September 11, 2001. When added 1+0+2+8=11. The first fire truck to arrive at the scene was firetruck, No. 11. The firetruck lost 11 firemen combating the blaze and the World Trade Center collapsed to a height of 11 stories.

It is on record that the twin towers continued burning for 99 days before it was extinguished and multiplying 9 by 11 equals 99.

Topping it all, New York officials announced that the death toll from the World Trade Center attacks was 2,801 which when added together, the total is 11.

On the other hand, the plane that hit the Pentagon was United Airlines Flight 77 with 65 people on board. Again, 6 + 5 is 11.

The prime suspect in the 9-11 attacks was Osama bin Laden whose birthplace is Saudi Arabia, again with 11 letters.

The first man who orchestrated the attack on WTC in 1993 was Ramzi Yousef whose also has 11 letters.

Number 11 is indeed significant. Consider these significant historical events: World War I ended on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month. The first man to land on the moon was aboard Apollo 11.

Ancient superstitious beliefs say Number 11 has been associated with mystery and power for thousands of years.

It has remained a puzzle to mankind. (PNA)

:o :o :o

Title: 4.4.2004
Post by Kali on 03.04.2004 at 13:22:19

The Power of 4

A message from the Elders of Sirius

March 14, 2004

We are the Elders of Sirius, the guardians of the Hopi Akashic Record and we return in this moment to speak of the potentials that have begun to unfold as your people and your world accelerate towards the end of this cycle of time. We have spoken on many occasions to the idea that time is spherical in nature. That within the grand cosmic scheme, these spirals take 26,000 years to complete and as the Mayan calendar states, that your current spiral is to shortly reach its end point on December 21, 2012.

As the energies around your worlds have progressed, it has become clear to many that there has not been a unification of spirit but rather an ever growing polarization among the masses, caused by certain the factions that hold power. The recent events of 3/11 again allow for the opportunity to view a hidden message amidst the agony and sorrow. As before, the message lies within ancient universal symbology. This horrific violence which occurred exactly 911 days after the 9-11 tragedy again holds the coding of 11:11, which, as our divine Ascended Master, Lady Nada has taught us, “is a symbol deeply embedded within your DNA to trigger your spiritual awakening.” *  Yet, even as many more awaken to what occurs around them and despite the increasing efforts of those who see clearly, the majority of human consciousness still remains cloaked by a veil of fear that prevents them from recognizing their truths. It is of free will that this course is chosen; so for many reason it appears that a more difficult path towards the rising of human consciousness will be taken. The entrance into these potentials is now upon you and for those who recognize the signs, it can be a time to create a reality of protection and abundance from what is to occur. You must be very clear in your intent and be open to the synchronicities that will guide you to manifest your desires.  Some will be obvious and some but a subtle whisper.

The spring equinox of March 20th provides an opportunity for rebirth, to begin again in simple ceremony, as the Hopi and the Maya have done throughout this cycle of time. Then there is yet another date that follows shortly thereafter and it is directly tied to the numerology of 4. April 4, 2004 (04/04/04) is a portal that leads into the next phase of growth for the human race. In numerology, “four defines dedication, completion and totality, as well as justice and rationality.” * To recognize this window is to understand that there is opportunity here for the energies of Earth to begin to rebalance; for the pendulum to begin to swing on its return toward the center point of its arc. It is an opportunity to assist in accelerating the path to higher consciousness of the human race, despite all that you see around you to the contrary.

We have spoken of the time frames in which you might begin to see some surprising events occur. The time of August – November of 2003 saw many fires and earthquakes across the planet, as the Earth energies worked to counteract the immense negative actions, of which you are aware, in many portion of your world. The next window we spoke of is July- December 2004. We see that across this time frame the battle for control of the human consciousness on Earth will take greater form, but it is the 04/04/04 portal which will introduce this period.

Understand that this struggle occurs within your subconscious mind.  The events in your 3D reality are the physical manifestations of the polarity that currently exists in the subconscious of all humanity. Wherever you may live, ask yourself, “have the people of your city, your country, and even your planet, ever been more divided that in this moment?”

Yes, the polarities exist on many levels and this period beginning in April, 2004 hold the potential for much violence across the planet. There are potentials that are now forming and may well occur, which you would laugh at as impossibilities within your current mindset. This is how deep the potential for change exists. The events of March 11th in Madrid are a portent to this and if these actions continue to manifest, some of you will be in for a difficult journey. The potentials for economic upheaval, suppression of freedoms, political assassination and other horrifying acts of violence would begin in April, growing in strength through the time of July- September, and then slowly declining as if humanity needed to take a breath after a moment of shock.

Whatever potentials are manifested on the larger stage, be certain that they occur for the purpose of awakening the masses. The Creator allows what is requested within our free will universe and this is why the battle escalates, for there are still forces that wish to prevent the age of higher consciousness from being birthed. These forces have worked to maintain control since the days of Atlantis, but they realize that their time for controlling the people of Earth is almost concluded.

However, your physical reality does not have to mirror the chaos that may swirl all around you. Your reality still can be one of your own choosing, as if within the eye of the hurricane, if you intend it to be so. It is up to each soul essence to call upon your higher God-self, to request the assistance of the Masters and The Creator and to summon the energies of the power of 4.  It is your dedication to justice for the people of Earth and to the completion of your journey into an era of higher consciousness. It is the desire for a totality of human spirit within the frequency of peace and love, which can be invoked on the equinox and within the portal of 04/04/04 to manifest your safety and abundance and to maintain this etheric bubble of protection from the times that quickly approach.

We are the Sirian Elders and we leave you with the blessings and protection of Spirit. We travel this journey with you and remind that for every human, like energies attract; so be certain that your intent can change the path that is taken as you move toward this new era.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 26.06.2004 at 18:59:18 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by dalaj22 on 09.12.2004 at 14:45:22

nakjlučja ne obstajajo

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by dalaj22 on 09.12.2004 at 14:46:42

tole glede tega kaj kšna številka pomen je velik razlag tko da je čist odvisn keri verjameš, zlo relativno kako si kšno številko interpretiraš ampak je gotov tud neki na tem

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Kali on 03.03.2005 at 20:14:56

Petra. wrote on 23.03.2003 at 23:49:28:
People are seeing more digit codes - 11:11 - 333 - etc.

Ask you ever see yourself getting old, sick, suffering? Most people I ask - who are evolved - no matter what their age - cannot conceptualize themselves getting old and unable to function. Their lives are never perfect - because the polarity of the program does not allow for that - but they maintain their integrity - trying to make good choices - and move through this experience with an inner knowing that they are here at this time to witness a change in consciousness. The rest is just 'busy work'. Reality makes little sense much of the time - and finding someone in their headspace - makes it that much more fun. Without a sense of humor you are lost.

Does your soul feel like it is searching for something as never before?

Does your soul feel it is getting 'closer' to something - but you do not know how to define it?

Are changes forcing their way into your life making you re-evaluate your direction?

Are you getting glimpses of other realities - temporal distortions - increased psychic abilities? Can you understand the matrix - illusion?

Do you have a greater desire to write or keep a journal?

Do people bore you with their issues?

Are the things that were once important to you taking a back seat to something that is guiding you now?

Are you making choices in your life that your were have considered ridiculous 5 years ago?

;D ;)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Petra G. on 08.08.2006 at 11:52:51

ker je danes lih 888 - 08.08.2006

888 — A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career, or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means, “The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them.” In other words, don’t procrastinate making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor.

888…Symbolized infinity. The unified spiral of the physical merging with the spiritual. Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of 222 and 444.  

888 - return to higher consciousness  

88, 888 or 88:88

AS ABOVE SO BELOW AND WITHIN. This configuration gives to you the infinity portal escorting you past all pervious limitations. It is a number of going beyond what you know to be your normal boundaries. It asks you to fly to the moon and stop by the Milky Way on your way back. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source. It is success, prosperity and big business with the added flavor of universal blessings. It is finally remembering about your divine inheritance promised to you by your Holy Creator. It is turning you nose up at earthly limitation and walking forward and upward into a place of opulence and bounty.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Petra G. on 16.11.2009 at 16:15:39


4's and 1's, such as 441 or 411 - The angels are emphasizing strongly that you watch your thought right now. They counsel you to make a wish, as you are in a gateway that will manifest your thoughts right at this moment. (NOTE: 411 means "Ask the angels for some vital information that you need right now.")

k sem lih neki kliknila prej an to uro, pa še temo tole je fajn imet nekje pri vrhu.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Optimus T. Prime on 16.11.2009 at 19:44:32

kaj pomeni 777

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by David on 16.11.2009 at 19:54:22

777 - dobra cifra

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Petra G. on 16.11.2009 at 20:25:25

Optimus T. Prime wrote on 16.11.2009 at 19:44:32:
kaj pomeni 777

samo v tem topiku tu imaš vse napisano. mal se potrudi sam poiskat zadeve, ki te zanimajo.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Optimus T. Prime on 16.11.2009 at 20:30:44

Petra. wrote on 16.11.2009 at 20:25:25:

Optimus T. Prime wrote on 16.11.2009 at 19:44:32:
kaj pomeni 777

samo v tem topiku tu imaš vse napisano. mal se potrudi sam poiskat zadeve, ki te zanimajo.

joj,. smo osorni,.....

::) 8-)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Petra G. on 16.11.2009 at 21:53:18

Optimus T. Prime wrote on 16.11.2009 at 20:30:44:

Petra. wrote on 16.11.2009 at 20:25:25:

Optimus T. Prime wrote on 16.11.2009 at 19:44:32:
kaj pomeni 777

samo v tem topiku tu imaš vse napisano. mal se potrudi sam poiskat zadeve, ki te zanimajo.

joj,. smo osorni,.....

::) 8-)

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by deki on 15.02.2012 at 16:36:42

Lep pozdrav,

Sem star 33 let in že pretekla 3 leta videvam na urah kjerkoli le 11:11, ter na to ne dajem več tolikšne pozornosti, saj je to že nek del mojega vsakdana.
Danes se mi je pa zgodila, ne vem kako bi rekel, kot neka prerokba.
Žena je prinesla domov položnico za elektriko in me vprašala, koliko mislim da je znesek, še preden je odprla. Vedel sem le, da bo visok račun, uganil pa sem točni znesek v cent natančno. Moje soproge še nikoli nisem tako presenečene in obenem prestrašene videl po moji uganitvi.
Je bilo naključje, da sem uganil znesek 183,43 ???

Hvala za kakšen komentar.

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by ego-3p on 16.02.2012 at 23:53:15

Reci ženi naj pere v nočni tarifi , ti se pa namesto na položnice osredotoči na loto številke  [smiley=1grin1.gif]

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by Poet on 17.02.2012 at 08:54:09

ego-3p wrote on 16.02.2012 at 23:53:15:
Reci ženi naj pere v nočni tarifi , ti se pa namesto na položnice osredotoči na loto številke  [smiley=1grin1.gif]

[smiley=thumbsup.gif] Soglasno soglašam!  :D

Title: Re: Stevilke
Post by ego-3p on 17.02.2012 at 20:56:10

Jaz sem vesel novih članov , vsaj ko bi se bolj udeleževali pri debatiranju ali kaj  tako pa prevladujejo vprašanja v zvezi z sanjami večinoma , omg sanjala sem angele ali je možno da je vse res .... ali pa ,kažem vse znake ali je možno da sem novorojena inkarnacija bude jaz ... intd  , vse mi gre narobe ali je možno da me je uročila soseda  [smiley=1grin1.gif]

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