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The Disclosure Project
19.02.2006 at 23:55:35
k da sm ga sanju


The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.

This is the Smoking Gun!

Watch the May 9, 2001 National Press Club Press Conference Video!
Download and share with friends and others!

če povzamem, zgornji link je povezava na film (222 mb; 2 uri), ki je u bistvu tiskovna konferenca, ljudi, ki so prišli pričat o nlp ipd, na katere so naletel več al manj v službi ...
več al manj vsi so mel full visok 'security clearance'

je pa model dobr reku, da te nove varjante neomejene energije (pogoni ipd) majo modeli prštimane ... jih pa uporabljajo samo za vojsko ... treba res posnetek videt ...

hudo hudo močno

modeli dejansko pričajo da nezemljani so okol nas ves čas ... v (letečih) krožnikih in tud ne nujno v njih ... da vlada (ameriška) to ve ... (da orožje v vesolju je izgovor za napast njih - vesoljce)

hudo priporočam gledat

tko kot
Why.We.Fight.-.Eugene.Jarecki.(2004) - Anatomy.of.the.American.war.machine
kjer sm prvič zasledil izraz - military industrial complex, katerega je izumu eisenhower ...


President Eisenhower's historic farewell address to the Nation  

Partial Transcript:
"In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for  granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together."

- President Eisenhower - January 1961


The term military-industrial complex usually refers to the combination of the U.S. armed forces, arms industry and associated political and commercial interests, which grew rapidly in scale and influence in the wake of World War II, although it can also be used to describe any such relationship of industry and military. It is sometimes used to refer to the iron triangle that is argued to exist among weapons makers/military contractors (industry), The Pentagon (military), and the United States Congress (government).

The term was first used publicly by President of the United States (and former General of the Army) Dwight D. Eisenhower in his Farewell Address to the Nation on January 17, 1961:

   A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction...

   This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.

   In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

   We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.

u bistvu ne vem kaj naj mi bo blj čudn
da je ta posnetek rabu full let da je do nas pršu
(je tud čudežno zginu zapis o njem - vsaj men - s tega foruma, ko je končno se pokazu)
da majo modeli priče, da se dogaja in da admnistracija trdi da nima pojma
da nezemljani dejansko so med nami
da se to ve in se ne pove
da ...

sploh se ne morem odločt ... kr mal tu mač mi je ...

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #1 - 23.02.2006 at 01:38:33
Pa saj si gledal tist video - free energy

k so tipa samo zaprli - ker je naredil hudo dobro toplotno črpalko - veš tistga mojstra s črpalkami...

mene vesoljčki ne prepričajo, dokler jih ne srečam - kot bog al pa hudič

je pa zero  point energy dejstvo

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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #2 - 23.02.2006 at 12:42:30

Problem z vesoljčki je popolnoma tehnične narave - dejansko se je izkazalo, da tehnologija omogoča marsikaj in da lahko to naredimo kar mi sami - seveda pa nekaterim zelo ustreza vsa ta skrivnostnost in panika z vesoljčki...

Je z njimi podobno kot s teroristi - nastopajo predvsem kot argument za poseganje v svobodo ljudi.

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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #3 - 23.02.2006 at 13:25:51
t wrote on 23.02.2006 at 01:38:33:
je pa zero  point energy dejstvo

ampak ... sej si gledu film?
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #4 - 23.02.2006 at 13:37:05
gape wrote on 23.02.2006 at 13:25:51:
t wrote on 23.02.2006 at 01:38:33:
je pa zero  point energy dejstvo

ampak ... sej si gledu film?

večkrat - zanimivo, da so že tistega strica s toplotno črpalko zaprli (brez obtožbe); so pa japonci carji - je bilo lepo prikazano - če bo kdo kaj naredil bojo oni al pa mi pa tudi v ameriki je lepo razvita scena: stvari se premikajo

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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #5 - 23.02.2006 at 14:51:47
t wrote on 23.02.2006 at 01:38:33:
je pa zero  point energy dejstvo


say more Wink
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: The Disclosure Project - ENERGY DISCLOSURE
Reply #6 - 23.02.2006 at 15:16:31


The Disclosure Project has announced that it will be pursuing a disclosure on the existence of new and alternate energy systems that have been deliberately and illegally suppressed.

The Disclosure Project, in cooperation with Space Energy Access Systems Inc., has discovered that over the past 75 years a number of important breakthroughs in energy efficiency, alternate forms of energy generation and propulsion have been deliberately withheld from the public to prop up the oil, gas, coal, public utility and nuclear power industries.

These significant technological breakthroughs that have been suppressed range from modifications of the internal combustion engine to get significantly higher miles per gallon to new electromagnetic generating systems that extract energy from the so-called Quantum vacuum.

Current intelligence gathered by The Disclosure Project and SEAS indicates that a shadowy operation connected to covert government and intelligence programs but run primarily by US and foreign corporate interests have resulted in this suppression.

Actions taken to effect secrecy and to neutralize the public availability of these technologies - which by now could have completely replaced the need for fossil fuels - include:

  • Threats, intimidation and on occasion the murder of scientists and inventors originating these energy breakthroughs;
  • Corporate acquisition of technologies with subsequent 'black shelving' - that is the deliberate suppression of the technology by owning the rights and then refusing to release the technology to the public;
  • The illegal application of section 181 and related sections of the Patent Law to force inventors to keep the technology secret or face substantial fines and jail time;
  • The bogus and illegal use of other so-called national security provisions to intimidate inventors and suppress technologies;
  • Sabotage of inventor labs, prototypes and facilities in order to cause the loss of the technology or to intimidate inventors and colleagues.

It is clear that human society will continue to be harmed by the deliberate and illegal withholding of such technologies and that a thoroughly documented and sourced Disclosure of the matter is urgently needed. The widening gap between poor and rich nations, the worsening situation in the Middle East and elsewhere, the relentless decay in the environment, global warming, intractable world poverty and many other pressing problems facing humanity are directly related to the suppression of these energy breakthroughs.

We call on all concerned citizens to assist us in identifying and securing the cooperation of the following:

  • Scientists and Inventors of high credentialed credibility who have been the target or victim of such suppression;
  • Corporate Whistleblowers who have observed or been part of the acquisition or suppression of such technologies;
  • Government, military and intelligence whistleblowers who have witnessed or been part of such actions. These include current or past whistleblower witnesses from the Patent Office, Department of Defense, CIA, NASA, NRO, NSA, Executive Branch/White House, Congress or any other branch of the military and government;
  • Non-US whistleblowers associated with foreign governments, particularly western Europe, Great Britain, Russia/former USSR, and Japan;
  • Foreign corporate or institutional whistleblowers
  • Whistleblowers associated with government labs or para-governmental institutes, universities and research centers
  • Any person who has or can acquire documentation, whether government or private/corporate of such suppression and acquisition of technologies and who can establish the authenticity of said documents.

The Disclosure Project will coordinate an international release of such whistleblower testimony and documents once there is sufficient credible named sources and evidence to establish beyond any doubt the reality of the existence and suppression of such technological developments.

Please help us identify such witnesses and evidence. It is time the world knew the truth about energy, oil and why humanity continues to be held down by our artificial addiction to oil and fossil fuels. The time for change is now.


bi kdo prevedu?

to treba objavt na pozitivko ... usaj

pa ša tale

sm ga bom tm zihr tud objavu ...
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The Land of YaBB
Re: The Disclosure Project - DISCLOSURE AND 9/11
Reply #7 - 23.02.2006 at 15:24:38


In short, The Disclosure Project stands ready to provide Congressional and other government investigators with the insider witnesses who can expose these operations and put them back under the control of the legitimate government - where they can do the people some good. I have little doubt that such projects possess - and are withholding from the legal government - the means to prevent another 9/11.

We have hundreds of witnesses whose testimony, government documents and related evidence will prove that UFOs exist - and that some of them are made by humans using extraordinary breakthroughs in physics, energy generation and propulsion. In short, the technologies needed to replace the internal combustion engine and fossil fuels already exist in these clandestine projects - projects that we the people have paid for.

Make no mistake about it: We have not needed oil, and especially Mid-east oil, for decades, and we can prove it.

The good news is that the Disclosure Project can prove that we have a replacement for oil, coal and conventional energy. In a decade we could reach energy independence: bin Laden et al may keep their oil, for we will not need it.

Things called UFOs have been seen for decades. What are they, where are they from, how do they work. In these answers lie the solution to the world geo-political crisis, third world poverty, oil, pollution and many other pressing concerns. We have the answers. Is anybody listening?

The events of 9/11 are truly tragic: they were preventable.

The Disclosure Project is dedicated to bringing forth the information and top-secret government witnesses so that these rogue programs are returned to the government of the people. We are dedicated to disclosing these energy and propulsion systems that will give us the means to become energy independent.

Steven M. Greer MD
Director, The Disclosure Project
September 27, 2001


vse se sestavlja ...
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The Land of YaBB
Re: The Disclosure Project - ONE YEAR LATER
Reply #8 - 23.02.2006 at 15:30:39


by Dr. Steven Greer, Disclosure Project Director
May 28, 2002

In May, 2001 - just one year ago - The Disclosure Project was launched with one of the largest and best-attended press conferences in the history of the National Press Club (NPC) in Washington DC.

In the following days, Disclosure Project military and government witnesses to UFO, extraterrestrial and related projects and events had been seen and heard on CNN, CNN World, BBC, The Voice of America, CBS Radio News and countless other media outlets in the US and around the world. Dozens of meetings with members of Congress and their offices occurred, resulting in the greatest wave of education of our national leaders on this important subject in history.

The webcast of the NPC event on May 9, 2001 had over 400,000 people attempting to view it live over the internet - an historic number that puts the event at the top of all internet webcast programs since the internet was created.

Astonishingly, over 1 million people have viewed the 2 hour NPC video through our website, www.DisclosureProject.org. This again is an historic number and represents the enormous interest in society for the UFO issue.

And in the past year, 119 new military and government witnesses have been identified, many who stand ready to testify at the next Disclosure event.

The Disclosure Project website, www.DisclosureProject.org, has had nearly 10 million hits with up to 800,000 hits on a single day occurring.

So where to from here?

In the coming months, we would like to begin filming the dozens of new military and government witnesses to UFO, ET and related events and projects. And in the fall, hold another National Press Club Disclosure event, with new witnesses and even more public awareness.

And we urgently need your help.

The courageous witnesses, the dedicated volunteers - and the world - are ready to spring into action and unveil the next level of Disclosure. Please help us by contributing what you can and by getting the word out to everyone you know.

And please, give what you can to Disclosure. The world will not wait another 50 years.

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #9 - 23.02.2006 at 15:34:49
m wrote on 23.02.2006 at 14:51:47:
t wrote on 23.02.2006 at 01:38:33:
je pa zero  point energy dejstvo


say more Wink

dark is basic - to vam razlagam že od vsega začetka

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YaBB Administrator

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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #10 - 23.02.2006 at 15:38:39
m wrote on 23.02.2006 at 14:51:47:
t wrote on 23.02.2006 at 01:38:33:
je pa zero  point energy dejstvo


say more Wink

to je še en film ki se mu reče
free energy

bomo stlačl gor tud ...

provzaprov se mu reče tkole
TESLA - Free Energy, the Race to Zero Point (Physics, Supressed Technology) 1h49min.avi

bom prštimu ...
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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #11 - 23.02.2006 at 15:42:24
Wiki lepo na kratko in elegantno razloži vse skupaj:


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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #12 - 30.07.2007 at 10:37:47
Mateja B. wrote on 29.07.2007 at 12:02:51:
Nova UFO dogajancija na nočnem nebu prejšnjo soboto, 21. 7. 2007 ... Pet svetlobnih letečih predmetov v Stratford-upon-Avon, GB, kjer je bil rojen Shakespeare.

Filmček: http://www.nowpublic.com/ufo_over_stratford_uk


NLP v Sloveniji

NLP - Mehika

NLP, podzemne baze , manipulacije z zemljani +

cropcircles - krogi v žitu - žitni krogi
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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I Love YaBB 2!
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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #13 - 30.07.2007 at 13:07:40
t wrote on 23.02.2006 at 15:42:24:
Wiki lepo na kratko in elegantno razloži vse skupaj:



hja, dobro so "zastavili", vendar še vedno niso dognali( Einstein že mogoče, vendar tega ni hotel takoj razkriti, zato je šel "po ovinkih", vendar ga je prej prehitela smrt ), čigava-kajzaena energija to je dejansko ...  Lips Sealed
pa lep pozdravčaw,  Wink
by Boštyx from Kopron Team
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Re: The Disclosure Project
Reply #14 - 31.07.2007 at 11:16:35
Cheesy, hej, ravno včeraj sem zasledil, kako naj bi končno pojasnili, za kaj se gre . Torej, našel sem neke zapise iz neta, kanalizirane, kako sam Bog ( Jezus ) razlaga o NLP(UFO) . In, sicer na začetku prav lepo nagovori bralca z , ... (  Lips Sealed ), potem pa pravi, da se UFO le prikazni demonov ( extremno zlih duhov ) , in podobnih zlih duhovno-energijskih bitij, katera se tudi prevažajo z UFO, z zlobnimi nameni , - katera tudi ustvarjajo ravno z namenom prevoza in namenom zavajanja ljudi od Satana . No, to bi še bilo sprejemljivo, sem si potihoma rekel  Cry.
Vendar pa proti koncu zaključuje, ko pravi , da ni ustvaril nobenega življenja na drugih planetih, in da smo sami v vesolju .
No, in šele tedaj sem spregledal in si rekel; evo te, pa te imam, lažnivec Satanov  Angry Tongue Angry. ( poznam tvoje laži-lepo zavite v "papir resnice" )
Torej, je postala slika takoj jasna, ko beli Sončen dan  Cool .
Totej, ta-isti demon ( Satan ) je zavedel ( če že ne obsedel ) tudi tega ubogega kanalizatorja , ki je tole pisal, seveda za isti namen, kot ga ravno sam opisuje ( zavajanje ljudi ) , in potem se takole trosi laži + zavaja uboge ljudi  Cry Angry.
Torej, če boste še kdaj še kje naleteli na kaj podobnega, vedite, da to nikakor NI res  Exclaim.
Ker, logično je, da ne more biti nikakršen stvarnik tako nesposoben, da bi med brezštevilno množico planetov + osončij + zvezd ( ki sestavljajo več "naših" Vesolij (v enotnem Prostorju), katere je skonstruiral+ustvaril) , poselil edinole našo ubogo-bedno majhno Zemljico  Cheesy.
In, to niso samo moja razmišljanja, ker imam resne podatke o življenju na drugih planetih , še celo precej tudi v prav našem osončju  Cheesy Exclaim.
Torej, iz tega pa sledi, da tudi ono o "demonskih prevoznih sredstvih in prikaznih" ( in ostalega opisanega ) ne drži , ker je to iz istega vira in tako napačno-lažno Angry Tongue Cool.
Torej, še vedno nismo čisto na jasnem, kajzaena zadeva je v resnici z temi UFO-NLP... Undecided
Bi bilo dobro, če bi dobili kakega kvalitetnega ( preizkušenega ) kanalizatorja, ki bi lahko zadevo bolje osvetlil+pojasnil  Roll Eyes . ( takega, ki nebi bil pod vplivi negativnih sil ( duhov ) Exclaim)  Exclaim
Torej,; išče se kanalizator , medij ali kaka drugače občutljiva osebnost, sprejemljiva za stike z višjimi inteligencami, onostranstvom, itd...
Menda je imela revija Aura nekoč nekega "Gazimo", ali nekaj podobnega, ... če morda še kaj še kdo kaj več ve o tem ?  Roll Eyes Questioning
No, toliko za sedaj, pa potlej naprej , + lep dan tudi naprej , ...  
by Boštyx + Kopron Space Team   Cool
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« Last Edit: 31.07.2007 at 13:07:53 by Boštyxz »  
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