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Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
25.09.2005 at 11:28:00
Scott Champion: Prepadu naproti


(ključne besede: gotovina, deflacija, borza, špelukacija)

Ker večino zahodnega sveta še čakajo borzni zlomi in deflacija, bi se bilo morda zanimivo vprašati, kaj lahko kot posamezniki in kolektivno kot državljani naših držav pričakujemo v naslednjih mesecih. Kako bodo na nas vplivali proces deflacije, propad trgov in gospodarstev ter sistemsko tveganje, ki ga prinaša globalno trgovanje z izvedenimi finančnimi instrumenti?

Že od tridesetih let tega stoletja nismo bili priča pogubnim učinkom globalne deflacije. Deflacija je preprosto naraščanje vrednosti denarja v primerjavi z blagom in storitvami ter vsemi ostalimi vrstami sredstev. Pri deflaciji je gotovina kralj. Ker skoraj vse cene enakomerno padajo, potrošniki odlašajo z nakupi, saj vedo, da bo to, kar želijo kupiti, jutri cenejše. Ker potrošniki ne trošijo, se prodaja in zaslužek podjetij manjšata. To ima za posledico odpuščanje delavcev, ki povzroči strmejše padanje cen, temu pa sledi še večje odpuščanje. Ko se ta začarani krog začne, ga je težko prekiniti.

Poglejte si današnjo Japonsko, ki se že skoraj deset let bori z deflacijo, vendar ima skoraj 20-odstotno višino prihrankov. Primerjajte to z ZDA, kjer je po 17 letih cvetočega gospodarstva višina prihrankov dejansko negativna. Da bi ohranili previsok življenjski slog, so si Američani s pomočjo posojil zagotovili navidezno blaginjo. Res je, da so cene opredmetenih in neopredmetenih sredstev močno zrasle, vendar je obenem v enaki meri narasla zadolženost na vseh ravneh: na ravneh posameznikov, podjetij in vlade.

Ta iluzija bogastva je past. Vodi v neizogiben problem, ki se pojavi, ko se neopredmetena sredstva razpočijo kot milni mehurček in spremenijo smer. Dolgove, ki smo jih nakopičili na poti navzgor, še vedno imamo, vrednost sredstev, ki smo jih uporabili za jamstvo, na primer delniškega portfelja ali hiše, pa pada. Toda upniki hočejo svoj denar nazaj, zato obstajajo tri možnosti: ali te dolgove odplačamo ali nam jih odpišejo ali pa zamujamo s plačilom. Prav odplačevanje dolgov pa priliva olje na ogenj deflacije. Sredstva likvidiramo po kakršni koli ceni, da preprečimo prisilno izvršbo oziroma da sploh lahko preživimo. Če to povežemo z odpuščanjem delavcev iz podjetij, lahko razumemo, kaj trenutno preživlja velik del sveta, kaj čaka nas in zakaj je to tako težko ustaviti.

V tridesetih letih tega stoletja so krivdo za borzni zlom večinoma pripisovali pretirani špekulaciji, zlasti temu, da so si kupci lahko izposodili do 90% nakupne cene delnice. Kot si lahko predstavljamo, so zato kupovali veliko več delnic, kot bi jih sicer. Cene delnic so se zato strmo dvignile, to pa je privedlo do slavnega borznega zloma. Kako pa lahko primerjamo sedanji položaj s položajem leta 1929? Danes je meja izposojanja pri kupovanju delnic, ki jo določa vlada ZDA in je v veljavi že več let, 50%. Na prvi pogled se zdi, da ne tvegamo toliko kot naši predhodniki. Toda v dvajsetih letih niso imeli dostopa do kreditiranja, danes pa ga imamo v izobilju. Ker so kreditne kartice in dodatne hipoteke tako razširjene, si ni težko izposoditi sredstev za nakup delniškega portfelja. To v precejšnji meri počne nova vrsta špekulantov, ki zapuščajo svoje službe, se prelevijo v prekupčevalce na kratek rok ter špekulirajo s cenami kratkotrajnih delnic na internetu, ki se spreminjajo iz minute v minuto.

Čeprav tega povprečni Američan ne počne, pa si mora izposojati sredstva za financiranje vsaj nekaterih svojih investicij v delnice, saj ima negativno višino prihrankov. Že res, da najbrž ne prekoračuje stanja na kreditnih karticah in tega denarja ne pošilja svojemu borznemu posredniku, vendar je rezultat v resnici enak. Naj to pojasnimo s kratkim primerom. Družina zasluži 80.000 dolarjev, ki jih v celoti porabi za svoj način življenja. Uspelo jim je prispevati 3.000 dolarjev v borzni vzajemni sklad, istočasno pa je saldo na njihovih kreditnih karticah zrasel za 4.000 dolarjev. V resnici so si sredstva za nakup vzajemnega sklada izposodili. Tega je v ZDA čedalje več.

V ZDA je borza dosegla status religije. Njena mantra je "20 odstotkov se večno vrača". Skrajna stopnja oglaševanja v časopisih, revijah in na televiziji vsak dan vbija kult delnic v zavest nič hudega sluteče javnosti. Nadzor nad podjetji, za katerega naj bi bili odgovorni računovodje in vladni uslužbenci, hitro utone v pozabo, saj postajajo rastoče cene delnic družbena nuja."Strokovnjaki" z Wall Streeta si izmišljajo nove tehnike, s katerimi lahko podjetja prikažejo strmo rastoče zaslužke na delnico, čeprav so ti pogosto le izmišljotina novih računovodskih tehnik. Javnost pri tem sodeluje s svojim pohlepom, vedno pripravljeni Wall Street pa ji obljublja veliko odplačevanje. Tako kot leta 1929 bo propad trga razkril vsako hibo sistema prostega trga; na dan bodo prišli vsaka prevara, zločin in podkupovanje.

To nas vodi k še večjemu viru tveganja za ves svet: globalnemu trgovanju z izvedenimi finančnimi instrumenti. Izvedeni finančni instrumenti so pogodbe, katerih vrednost izhaja iz nekega osnovnega instrumenta. Ta je lahko delnica, obveznica, blago ali valuta. Vzemimo na primer, da ameriški proizvajalec pijač oceni, da bo v naslednjem letu na Japonskem prodal pijače v vrednosti 3 milijard dolarjev. Po sedanjem menjalnem tečaju jena in dolarja bi ustvaril dobiček. Skrbi pa ga, da se bo naslednje leto tečaj dolarja v primerjavi z jenom dvignil za povprečno 20%. S tem bi podjetje imelo izgubo, saj bi zaradi cenejšega jena zaslužilo manj dolarjev. Ker dobička ne želi izgubiti, se obrne na veliko banko in ji pove, da želi tveganje v višini 3 milijard, povezano z menjavo dolarja in jena, prenesti na nekoga drugega. Banka sprejme drugo stran tega trgovanja. Ker pa noče utrpeti velike izgube, bo tudi sama skušala preložiti tveganje na tretjo stranko. Morda želi na primer velik japonski proizvajalec avtomobilov ublažiti tveganje pri prodaji avtomobilov v ZDA v dolarjih. Nasprotno od proizvajalca pijač njega skrbi, da se bo tečaj jena v naslednjem letu dvignil za 20% v primerjavi z dolarjem in tako izbrisal njegov dobiček pri prodaji v vrednosti 3 milijard dolarjev. Banka se tako na videz znajde v popolnem položaju. Ko sklene enako, vendar ravno nasprotno pogodbo z japonskim proizvajalcem avtomobilov, prenese svoje tveganje na japonsko podjetje. Banka pravzaprav obenem kupi in proda isto stvar, pri tem pa zasluži dvojno provizij o.

Da primer dopolnimo in pokažemo, zakaj je tveganje pri tem tako veliko, vzemimo še, da je imel proizvajalec pijač prav in da se je tečaj dolarja v primerjavi z jenom v povprečju res dvignil za 20%. V tem primeru mu banka dolguje 600 milijonov dolarjev. Obenem pa japonski proizvajalec avtomobilov dolguje enako vsoto banki. Teoretično banka trguje brez tveganja. Toda ali je to res?

Problem trgovanja z izvedenimi finančnimi instrumenti je v osnovi dvojen. Prvič, ocenjujejo, da vpisana vrednost izvedenih finančnih instrumentov v tem trenutku znaša 90 bilijonov dolarjev. Že samo višina tega zneska je porok za prihodnje težave, saj prekaša skupno vrednost vseh svetovnih borz. Drugič, ali res kdo verjame, da so banke in borzni posredniki našli dovolj soudeležencev s sprejemljivimi profili tveganja, da so lahko naredili uravnotežene pogodbe v vrednosti 90 bilijonov dolarjev, ko pa celotna vrednost borze v ZDA dosega le 10 bilijonov dolarjev? Nekatera podjetja imajo prvorazredni ugled, mnoga druga pa najdemo na spodnjem delu lestvice zanesljivosti, na primer sklad Dolgoročnega kapitala (Long Term Capital) za nakup in prodajo po terminskih pogodbah, ki je propadel zaradi pretiranega izposojanja in skoraj zrušil svetovni finančni sistem. Stvari še poslabša dejstvo, da imajo številne banke in borzni posredniki sedaj lastne oddelke za trgovanje in ne skušajo več izravnati tveganja pri vsaki transakciji, pač pa špekulirajo z prihodnjo usmeritvijo osnovnih instrumentov (na primer s tečajem dolarja v primerjavi z jenom) in to z denarjem, ki v resnici pripada varčevalcem.

Kaj bi se zgodilo v primeru globalnega zloma borze, ko bi bila kreditna sposobnost številnih posameznikov, podjetij in vlad postavljena pod vprašaj? Borzni zlom bi povzročil divja nihanja vrednosti delnic, obveznic, blaga in valut, ki so osnova vsake transakcije z izvedenimi finančnimi instrumenti. Koliko tvegamo? Trideset bilijonov dolarjev? Šestdeset bilijonov dolarjev? Že izguba 5 ali 10 odstotkov teh zneskov bi zadoščala, da bi izbrisala kapital sleherne banke, borznega posrednika in finančne ustanove na zemlji.

Ker imamo danes na voljo zapletene računalnike in sodobne telekomunikacije, smo v veliko bolj tveganem položaju kot leta 1929. Vprašanje ni, ali se bo sistem zrušil, pač pa, kdaj se bo zrušil. Zakon vzroka in posledice je vedno veljaven. Na koncu tudi največje svetovne banke ne bodo mogle podpreti propadajoče svetovne finančne strukture.

Zadnja deflacija se je končala z izbruhom druge svetovne vojne, ko so zavezniške sile povečale gospodarsko proizvodnjo, da so se lahko borile proti silam osi. Morda se bodo morali tudi sedaj narodi sveta združiti, da bodo ustavili naslednjo deflacijo. Če bo za to potrebna vojna, nam v zahodnem svetu preostane le upanje, da bo prihajajoča vojna za vedno končala trpljenje revnih in zanemarjenih, njihovo lakoto in brezup ter našo sramoto.

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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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No guts no glory!
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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #1 - 25.09.2005 at 11:38:01
tipičen slovenski družboslovec

citat iz neke tuje bukle

tejko tenejko

za istim sindromom pretiranega zadolževanja trpi tudi Slovenija ( a se komu sploh sanja koliko avtomobilov je kupljenih na lizing?)

oziroma svarjenje pred Sodomo in Gomoro je itak fake

osnoven princip v življenju še vedno velja - ne žri več, kot si lahko privoščiš - če bi se tega principa držala zadostna kritična masa potrošnikov bi ne imel problema z "multinacionalkami" in "socialnimi lenuhi", "umetniki tipa Metelkovci" ...

Roll Eyes
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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #2 - 25.09.2005 at 11:49:33
sinjeoka wrote on 25.09.2005 at 11:38:01:
tipičen slovenski družboslovec

citat iz neke tuje bukle

tejko tenejko

za istim sindromom pretiranega zadolževanja trpi tudi Slovenija ( a se komu sploh sanja koliko avtomobilov je kupljenih na lizing?)

oziroma svarjenje pred Sodomo in Gomoro je itak fake

osnoven princip v življenju še vedno velja - ne žri več, kot si lahko privoščiš - če bi se tega principa držala zadostna kritična masa potrošnikov bi ne imel problema z "multinacionalkami" in "socialnimi lenuhi", "umetniki tipa Metelkovci" ...

Roll Eyes

Tipičen primer četrpismenosti.

Če bi prebrala, kaj sem zgoraj nalepil, bi vedela, da ne piše samo za ameriko temveč za vse (čeprav je američan).

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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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No guts no glory!
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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #3 - 25.09.2005 at 23:15:48
t wrote on 25.09.2005 at 11:49:33:
Tipičen primer četrpismenosti.

Če bi prebrala, kaj sem zgoraj nalepil, bi vedela, da ne piše samo za ameriko temveč za vse (čeprav je američan).


veš ljubček - če bi natančno prebral tekst, bi opazil da je tip pomešal hruške in jabolka

plus - računovodski standardi so standardi, ki imajo tako kot ostali zakoni maksimalen doseg teritorialne veljave ...
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Zaznavanje mističnega
je vir vsake prave znanosti.

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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #4 - 26.09.2005 at 08:52:21
t wrote on 25.09.2005 at 11:28:00:
Scott Champion: Prepadu naproti


b]"Strokovnjaki" z Wall Streeta si izmišljajo nove tehnike, s katerimi lahko podjetja prikažejo strmo rastoče zaslužke na delnico, čeprav so ti pogosto le izmišljotina novih računovodskih tehnik. Javnost pri tem sodeluje s svojim pohlepom, vedno pripravljeni Wall Street pa ji obljublja veliko odplačevanje. [/b]

Kaj bi se zgodilo v primeru globalnega zloma borze, ko bi bila kreditna sposobnost številnih posameznikov, podjetij in vlad postavljena pod vprašaj? Borzni zlom bi povzročil divja nihanja vrednosti delnic, obveznic, blaga in valut, ki so osnova vsake transakcije z izvedenimi finančnimi instrumenti. Koliko tvegamo? Trideset bilijonov dolarjev? Šestdeset bilijonov dolarjev? Že izguba 5 ali 10 odstotkov teh zneskov bi zadoščala, da bi izbrisala kapital sleherne banke, borznega posrednika in finančne ustanove na zemlji.

Ker imamo danes na voljo zapletene računalnike in sodobne telekomunikacije, smo v veliko bolj tveganem položaju kot leta 1929. Vprašanje ni, ali se bo sistem zrušil, pač pa, kdaj se bo zrušil. Zakon vzroka in posledice je vedno veljaven. Na koncu tudi največje svetovne banke ne bodo mogle podpreti propadajoče svetovne finančne strukture.

Dons ne moremo rečt, da se neravnovesja, ki ga pozvročjo finačni trgi, ne zavedamo in da bo njihov  neizogibni zlom tkorekoč naravna katastrofa kot  je bil  tisti leta '29. Soros kot tak finačni mag/špekulant na to opozarja vsaj zadnjih 20 let  in investrira večino na finančnih trgih izšpekuliranga kapitala v ozavšečnje folka pred fiktivnostjo finančnih trgov, ki skoraj povsem obvladujujejo našo realnost. Tip je bil svoje čase tko vpliven, da je s svojimi izjavami in napovedmi kreriral tako resničnost na finačnih trgih, da je začela delovat v njegov (finančni) prid, a se je taki moči zavestno odreku, ker se je ustrašu  svoje odgovornosti za futranje tako svojeglavega  zmaja. Njegovmu  konceptu odprte družbe, ki temelji na sodelovanju posameznih skupnosti na osnovi vzajemnega priznavanja temeljnih človeških  vrednot in ki temelji na poperjivih filozofskih osnovah, jest kar zaupam, samo je jeba, da je folk v  bivših  totalitarnih  sistemih, na  katerga je sosros stavu, prevzel pohlep in da  je bil   težišče boja proti neoliberalnemu  fundamentalizmu  prisiljen prenest nazaj na centre finačne moči, tako ameriške kot evropske in novonastajoče azijske. Tle so  pa njegove miljadrde dolarjev, investirane proti vladavini neliberalnega fundamentalizma, ko kaplja v morje, tako da je zadnje čase dost   manj  slišat o njem kot je blo v cajtih podpiranja odprte družbe tako pr nas kot v vzhodnoevropskih državah.  
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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #5 - 26.09.2005 at 12:45:56
sinjeoka wrote on 25.09.2005 at 23:15:48:
veš ljubček - če bi natančno prebral tekst, bi opazil da je tip pomešal hruške in jabolka

plus - računovodski standardi so standardi, ki imajo tako kot ostali zakoni maksimalen doseg teritorialne veljave ...

Veš ljubica, če bi svoje trditve vsaj poskušala tudi argumentirati, bi bila precej bolj verodostojna.

Tip zame ni napisal nič novega, samo to, na kar opozarjajo makroekonomisti - med njimi tudi Soros, ki ga omenja titud.

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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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No guts no glory!
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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #6 - 26.09.2005 at 15:59:49
t wrote on 26.09.2005 at 12:45:56:
Veš ljubica, če bi svoje trditve vsaj poskušala tudi argumentirati, bi bila precej bolj verodostojna.

Tip zame ni napisal nič novega, samo to, na kar opozarjajo makroekonomisti - med njimi tudi Soros, ki ga omenja titud.


Soros ni problematičen - problematično je to, da Slovenci nimamo nikogar, ki bi bil tako kredibilen finančnik kot je Soros

ali tudi Chomsky je car - nimamo pa misleca in avtorja v Sloveniji, ki bi znal slovensko realnost pohekat tako kot je Chomsky mednarodno in ameriško

(oziroma če potegnem vzporednico na področju duhovnosti - nivno presajanje vzhodnjaških vzorcev in arhetipov naredi več škode kot koristi, sploh zato ker to počnejo ljudje, ki niso sposobni kritične distance)

too hard for you to understand the point
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Igor P.
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Če ne mores živeti, kot
bi hotel, živi, kot zmoreš

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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #7 - 26.09.2005 at 16:59:10
sinjeoka wrote on 26.09.2005 at 15:59:49:
ali tudi Chomsky je car - nimamo pa misleca in avtorja v Sloveniji, ki bi znal slovensko realnost pohekat tako kot je Chomsky mednarodno in ameriško

Jaz pa vidim, da bi to v SLO komot naredila Sinjeoka in Bamby. Če vama zagusti pa prosita t-ja za pomoč. Grin Grin
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #8 - 26.09.2005 at 20:09:52
sinjeoka wrote on 26.09.2005 at 15:59:49:
Soros ni problematičen - problematično je to, da Slovenci nimamo nikogar, ki bi bil tako kredibilen finančnik kot je Soros

Soros je problematičen, je pa lepo nakazal, kako finance šibajo, vendar je Soros daleč od tega, da bi bil kakršen koli zagovornik odprte družbe v smislu svobodne družbe, temveč mu gre za odprto družbo v smislu tržno odprte družbe, od tod tudi njegov srd nad Bušisti - ker so preveč po kavbojsko razkrili, kaj je cilj celotne igre.

(imamo pa tudi mi svojega mini Sorosa, ki je stare mamke nategval za tiste brezvredne papirje k se jim reče certifikat potem ko je končal svojo pank kariero; pa še ena nepomembna podrobnost: tudi Soros ima glavno izpostavo na Nizozemskih Antilih)

sinjeoka wrote on 26.09.2005 at 15:59:49:
ali tudi Chomsky je car - nimamo pa misleca in avtorja v Sloveniji, ki bi znal slovensko realnost pohekat tako kot je Chomsky mednarodno in ameriško

Mislim, da jih je kar nekaj, ki zadovoljivo hekajo našo in svetovno realnost, seveda pa je problem, ko gledamo, kakšne kritike bi se usule na njih, ker sta naša tabora preveč zamirljiva in je vsak, kdor slučajno kritizira z ene strani takoj označen za kontinuiteto. Poleg tega pa se ti pri nas zgodi zaplemba knjige že če napišeš roman, če bi se lotil pisanja o naši nepretekli realnosti pa bi bil lahko deležen še česa hujšega.

sinjeoka wrote on 26.09.2005 at 15:59:49:
(oziroma če potegnem vzporednico na področju duhovnosti - nivno presajanje vzhodnjaških vzorcev in arhetipov naredi več škode kot koristi, sploh zato ker to počnejo ljudje, ki niso sposobni kritične distance)

too hard for you to understand the point

Mislim da razumem - u bistvu bi rada, da bi ti bilo vse prinešeno k riti, poleg tega pa bi se vse skupaj moralo skladati še s tvojo politično orientacijo - zato ti priporočam, da vzameš v roke kar Premike, ali pa tisti mega špeh, ki ga je Rupsi spisal medtem, ko je čakal na nove volitve. Za refleksijo trenutnega stanja pa naj poskrbijo Družina, Demokracija in Mag.

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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #9 - 26.09.2005 at 20:12:22
za tiste, ki vidite Sorosa kot dobrodelneža pa tale članek v premislek:

   Centre for Research on Globalisation
   Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation

George Soros: Prophet of an "Open Society"
Karen Talbot

www.globalresearch.ca    4 July 2003

The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/TAL307A.html

   George Soros: “The billionaire trader has become eastern Europe’s uncrowned king and the prophet of “the open society”. But open to what? by Neil Clark, New Statesman, June 2, 2003

   A review by Karen Talbot

   George Soros, is known as a Hungarian émigré philanthropist, a proponent of human rights and the “open society,” and, just incidentally, a financier ---one of the richest men in the world. Soros recently criticized George W. Bush saying in an article in the Financial Times of London that his administration’s Iraq policies were “fundamentally wrong” and that they are premised on the “false ideology that U.S. might gave it the right to impose its will on the world.” Many of us in the peace movement would say: “he got that right!” We might be inclined to praise him and to believe that this confirms that he really is a “do-gooder”—an image, by the way, that he carefully cultivates, especially through various NGOs. In fact numerous non-profit organizations have received funds from his foundation because they have bought into that perception.

   But let’s take a closer look to see what is motivating Soros. Neil Clark, writing in an incisive article the New Statesman (June 2, 2003), points out that Soros “made billions out of the Eastern currency crash of 1997,” and that he was fined last year “for insider trading by a court in France.” In fact currency speculation is his modus operandi and if this contradicts his pronouncements against “market fundamentalism” and in favor of “civil society, ” well, so be it. In fact, Clark reported that when queried about the turmoil his speculation caused to Far Eastern economies in 1997, Soros replied: “As a market participant, I don’t need to be concerned with the consequences of my actions.”

   But all of this is just the tip of the iceberg. What of the NGOs Soros established and finances? Who are the other leaders of these groups? Clark informs us that at Human Rights Watch, for example, there is Morton Abramowitz, U.S. assistant secretary of state for intelligence and research from 1985-1989` and now a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations; Warren Zimmerman former ambassador “whose spell in Yugoslavia coincided with the break up of that country”; and Paul Goble, director of communications “at the CIA-created Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (which Soros also funds).”

   According to Clark, Soros’ International Crisis Group “boasts such ‘independent’ luminaries as the former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinki and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, once NATO supreme allied commander for Europe. The group’s vice-chairman is the former congressman Stephen Solarz, once described as ‘the Israel lobby’s chief legislative tactician on Capitol Hill’ and a signatory, along with the likes of Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, to a notorious letter to President Clinton in 1998 calling for a ‘comprehensive political and military strategy for brining down Saddam and his regime’.”

   So much for Soros’ opposition to Bush’s Iraq policies.

   There’s more! Who are Soros’s business partners at the Carlyle Group---one of the world’s largest private equity funds, which makes most of this profit from defense contracts? They include the former secretary of state James Baker and Frank Carlucci, former defense secretary, George Bush, Sr, and “until recently, the estranged relatives of Osama BinLaden.” Soros has invested more than $100 million in Carlyle, Clark tells us.

   He also points out that “Soros may not, as sometimes suggested, be a fully paid-up CIA agent. But that his corporations and NGOS are closely wrapped up in U.S. expansionism cannot seriously be doubted.”

   This brings us back to the question; “why has Soros lambasted Bush?” The answer lies in understanding that, more than ever, within the Wall Street power elite there may be differences in tactics but seldom are there significant differences in the end goal---opening the way for the maximization of corporate profits everywhere around the world. Today, there is basically a oneness of purpose in promoting U.S. imperial dominance, and in the process, attempting to solve a deepening global economic crisis by controlling diminishing petroleum and energy resources.

   How does this play out where Soros is concerned? As Clark points out, “Soros is angry not at Bush’s aims---of expanding Pax Americana and making the world safe for global capitalists like himself—but with the crass and blundering way Bush is going about it. By making U.S. ambitions so clear, the Bush gang has committed the cardinal sin of giving the game away. For years, Soros and his NGOs have gone about their work extending the boundaries of the ‘free world’ so skillfully that hardly anyone noticed. Now a Texan redneck and a gang of overzealous neo-cons have blown it”

   Soros’ way is to use a few billion dollars, some NGOs and a “nod and wink from the U.S. State department” to bring down foreign governments that are “bad for business” to seize a nation’s assets, and even get thanked for your ‘benevolence,’” according to Clark. This method has worked for Soros and his cohorts.

   Take the collapse of the Soviet Union, for example. Clark points out that “Soros’ role was crucial: “From 1979, he distributed $3 million a year to dissidents including Poland’s solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union. In 1984, he founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Ostensibly aimed at building up a ‘civil society”, these initiatives were designed to weaken the existing political structures and pave the way for eastern Europe’s eventual exploitation by global capital. Soros now claims with characteristic immodesty, that he was responsible for the “Americanization” of eastern Europe.”

   More recently, there is the case of Yugoslavia. As Clark puts it:

   “TheYugoslavs remained stubbornly resistant and repeatedly returned Slobodan Milosevic’s reformed Socialist Party to government. Soros was equal to the challenge. From 1991, his Open Society Institute channeled more than $100 million to the coffers of the anti-Milosevic opposition, funding political parties, publishing houses and “independent” media such as Radio B92, the plucky little student radio station of western mythology, which was in reality bankrolled b one of the world’s richest men on behalf of the world’s most powerful nation. With Slobo finally toppled in 2000 in a coup d’etat financed, planned and executed in Washington all that was left was to cart the ex Yugoslav leader to the Hague tribunal, co-financed by Soros along with other custodians of human rights, Time Warner Corporation and Disney. He faced charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, based in the main on the largely anecdotal evidence of (you guessed it) Human Rights Watch.”

   Clark points out that “since the fall of Milosevic, Serbia, under the auspices of Soros- backed “reformers”, has become less, not more, free. The recently lifted state of emergency saw more than 4,000 people arrested, many of them without charge, political parties threatened with bans, and critical newspapers closed down” This has been so blatant that it was condemned by the UN Commission on Human Rights and the British Helsinki Group

   “Soros has made money in every country he has helped to prise ‘open’. In Kosovo, for example, he has invested $50 million in an attempt to gain control of the Trepca mine complex, where there are vast reserves of gold, silver, lead and other minerals estimated to be worth in the region of $5 billion. He thus copied a pattern he has deployed to great effect over the whole of eastern Europe of advocating ‘shocking therapy’ and ‘economic reform’, then swooping in with his associate to buy valuable state assets at knock-down prices,” according to Clark.*

   In Hungary, Soros is the benefactor of the Free Democrats party “which has pursued the classic Soros agenda of privatization and economic liberalization---leading to a widening gap between rich and poor,” says Clark.

   “The Soros strategy for extending Pax Americana differs from the Bush model, particularly in its subtlety. But it is just as ambitious and just as deadly,” Clark concludes.

   Of course, in the case of Yugoslavia, ultimately the Soros approach was not enough so the overwhelming might of the U.S. military was brought into play.*

    Copyright K Talbot   2003.  For fair use only/ pour usage équitable seulement .

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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #10 - 26.09.2005 at 21:05:14
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George Soros and the Rothschilds Connection
By Jan Von Helsing ("Secret Societies and their Power in the 20th Century")

The now 64 year old Hungarian with a U.S. passport is the superstar amidst the great speculators. When the last "Forbes" list of the best paid managers and financiers was published, Soros was in the lead by a huge margin. In the last year he earned 550 million US$, twenty times as much as the Disney Boss. When Soros opens the hunt, the international money markets get moving and the reserve banks start worrying. In Sept. 1993 he succeeded over the Bank of England. He was certain the Bank would have to take the pound that came under pressure out of the European exchange mechanism and devalue it. He gambled 10 Billion US$ --with success. He made 1 Billion US$, which the British taxpayers now have to come up with. He himself likes to be openly known as the man who wants to influence the big money markets of the world. This is a very unusual stance for an investor to take, who should rather be interested in using situations unobservantly that the competitors have not yet discovered. In March 1993, Soros' activities became known when he predicted a rise in the price of gold. It is assumed --since this started a buying spree in precious metals --that this drove the price up 20% over the highest price since the Gulf War. In the beginning of June 1993, he wrote an open letter to the business editor of the London Times, Anatole Kaletsky, announcing that he intented to urge the money markets to sell large amounts of German government bonds in favor of French stocks. Which means: Down with the German mark and attack on the Bundesbank!
In several newspapers across the world Soros is praised as a kind of "Robin Hood of the Computer Age", since by speculation he takes from the rich nations in grand style to hand out to Eastern Europe and Russia via several Soros Foundations, to prepare the way for "Democracy" in those "poor" countries that had been bled dry by communism.
Who then is Soros? The official story says that he was born in 1930 to Jewish parents and as a teenager had been chased from Budapest by the Nazis. He enrolled at the "London School of Economics" and in the mid-50's came to the U.S. There he was magically drawn to Wall Street, but his career until 1969 was unspectacular. Then with a partner he took over an investment fund. He sold stocks he didn't own as futures, hoping that their price would fall nearer the qualifying date and that he could aquire them at a price lower than his selling price.
From this fund the "Quantum Group" evolved, a family of investment funds operating from the Dutch West Indies. Quantum is one of the most impressive "investment machines" in the world. In 8 of the last 24 years it made an "official" profit of over 50%, in 2 of those years even over 100%. In the meantime Soros handed business over to a group of managers and limits himself to designing the "great campaigns". He put down his princples in the book, "The Alchemy of Finance", where he says what "financial speculators think more important than real economic facts".
But this is but the picture the media -- and we know who owns them --paint of him. Who is he in reality?
William Engdahl knows this to say about him: "Soros speculates on the world's financial markets via his secret off-shore company, "Quantum Fund NV", a private "investment fund" that handles a portfolio of 4 to 7 Billion US$ for several "clients". The Quantum Fund is registered in the tax haven of the Netherland Antilles in the Caribbean. In order to evade control of his financial activities by the U.S. administration not a single U.S. citizen sits on the board of Quantum. It's directors are a curious mixture of Swiss and Italian financiers...
Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London "City", in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American establishment would stay concealed." Among the members of the board of the Quantum Fund is one Richard Katz. He is, at the same time, head of the "Rothschild Italia S.p.A." in Milan and is also on the board of the commercial bank "N.M. Rothschild and Sons" in London. Another member of the board is Nils O. Taube. He is a partner in the London investment group "St. James Place Capital" which counts Lord Rothschild among it's main partners. A frequent partner of Soros in several of his speculations --especially in the driving up of the gold quotation-- is Sir James Goldsmith, a relative of the Rothschilds dynasty. On the board of Quantum we also find some heads of some highly "discreet" Swiss private banks (who help the syndicates of organized crime-- weapons and drugs--to launder their money). Then there is Edgar D. de Picciotto, head of the Geneva private bank "CBITDB Union Bancaire Privee", a main player on the gold and investment markets, Isidoro Albertini, head of the Milan stockbroking company "Albertini and Co.", Beat Notz of the private bank "Banque Worms" at Geneva, Alberto Foglia, head of the Banca del Ceresio" at Lugano. In the course of the recent political corruption scandals in Italy it was found that several Italian politicians kept their money at the "Banca del Ceresio". Apparently Soros had more than just insider knowledge about the weal points in Italian politics when he attacked the lira in Sept. 1994.
William Engdahl explains : "Soros' connection to the ultra-secret international finance circles of the Rothschilds is not just an ordinary or accidental banking connection. The extraordinary success Soros has on the high-risk financial markets cannot simply be explained with "gambler's luck". Soros has access to the "insider track" of the world's most imporatnt information channels, both government and private.
Ever since the Second World War the Rothschild family tried to disseminate an aura of insignificance about themselves. But behind this one of the mightiest and most obscure financial groups of the world. The Rothschilds spend alot of money to cultivate the picture of a wealthy aristocratic family leading a quiet life where one loves French wines and another engages in charitable trusts.
To experts on the "City" N.M. Rothschilds and Sons is most influencial in the faction of the British secret service establishment closely linked with the neo-liberal Thatcher wing of the Tory party. In the 80's N.M. Rothschild & Sons made several Billion US$ from the privatization of British state-owned industries they conducted for Mrs. Thatcher. The Rothschild bank is also at the center of world gold trade: In this bank the gold price is fixed twice a day by the five most influencial gold trading banks. But N.M. Rothschild & Sons is also entangled in some very dirty secret service operations dealing with "drugs vs. arms". Because of it's good relations to the highest places in the British secret service the Rothschilds succeeded in preventing their complicity in one of the worst illegal secret service networks, the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) was never mentioned. In reality the Rothschilds bank belonged to the inner circle of these international money laundering banks of the CIA and M16 that financed in the 70's and 80's CIA projects like the "Contras" in Nicaragua".

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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #11 - 26.09.2005 at 21:07:24
še malo:

William Engdahl: "Was stecht hinter den Wahrungskriegen des George Soros? (What Is Behind the Currency Wars of George Soros?), EIRNA-Studie "Derivate -Die finanzielle Wasserstoffbombe der 90er Jahre" (Derivatives --The Financial Hydrogen Bomb of the 90's).  The influencial Chairman of the Banking Commission in the U.S. House of Representatives, Henry Gonzales, chided the Bush and Reagen administrations for refusing to prosecute the BCCI. In addition the Dept. of Justice repeadedly declined to co-operate in the Congressional investigations into the BCCI scandal and the closely linked scandal of the "Banco Nazional del Lavoro" (BNL). This bank had made billions of dollars from loans that Bush had granted the Iraqi government shortly before the Gulf War. Gonzales had said that the Bush administration had had a Department of Justice which he thought "the most corrupt, most unbelievably corrupt Department of justice that I have ever experienced during my 32 years in Congress".
After the BCCI had been openly accused in the media for transgression of several laws, the New York prosecuting attorney Henry Morganthau announced official charges against the BCCI. Morganthau accused the BCCI of the "biggest banking fraud of the financial world. The BCCI during it's 19 year history operated as a corrupt criminal organization."
One of the directors of the BCCI, the Saudi-Arabian Shiekh Kamal Adham, had been the head of the Saudi secret service during the time Bush headed the CIA.
Not a single Western newspaper has so far uncovered the fact that the Rothschilds group linked with George Soros was at the hub of the vast illegal network of the BCCI. The key person in these activities was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the Swiss branch of the BCCI (Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA), head of the Zurich Rothschild bank AG and member of the board of N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London. He was also on the board of the Swiss branch of the Italian BNL and was vice-chairman of the "N.Y. Intermaritime Bank" in Geneva. A friendly secret service man who had worked on the "Soros" case disclosed that in Sept. 1993 Soros had amassed along with a group of "silent partners", a firtune in excess of 10 Billion dollars to use as a lever to unhinge the European currencies. Among the partners apparently were the little known metal and oil dealer Marc Rich and the Israeli arms dealer Shaul Eisenberg. For decades Eisenberg has been working for the Israeli secret service and has important arms deals in all of Asia and in the Near East. A third partner of Soros is Rafi Eytan who before was the Mossad connection to the British secret service in London.

Basically George Soros is another tool for economic and political warfare in the hands of the Rothschilds. He is among those circles who three years ago started a malicious "Fourth Reich" campaign against the re-united Germany: Soros is very anti-German. In his 1991 autobiography  "Underwriting Democracy" Soros warned of the danger that a reunited Germany could disturb the (power) balance in Europe...It is easy to see how the situation that existed between the wars could come up again. A reunited Germany becomes the strongest economic power and developes Eastern Europe as it's habitat.... a terrible "witches brew". His US contacts put Soros very close to the financial and secret service circles around George Bush. His most important deposit bank and main lender during his attack on the European monetary system in Sept. 1993 was CITICORP, America's largest bank. Soros called upon the international investors to unhinge the Deutsche Mark. When in late 1989 a reunification became probable, a high ranking Citicorp manager who before had been advisor in the Dukakis campaign said: "German unity will be catastrophic for our interests. We have to take action to insure a decline of the Deutsche Mark by about 30% so that Germany will not be able to built up Eastern Germany to become the economic factor within a new Europe."
According to his associates Soros has "an incredible ego". He descibed how during the war in occupied Hungary he could not have survived as a Jew, so he had taken on a second identity. What he did not say, however, was that he let a man shield him from persecution who did wealthy Jews out of their possessions, and that Soros lent him a hand. This is how he "survived" the war, leaving Budapest only two years after it had ended. Although he himself and the Jewish owned media are quick in attacking all his opponents, especially in Eastern Europe, as anti-semitic, his Jewishness is based on parts of the Talmud rather than on his links with Jewish religion or the Jewish people. Outwardly Soros supports a whole spate social activities, like "peace concerts" with Joan Baez, stipends in Oxford for young Eastern Europeans etc...

But reality presents a different picture. Soros is personally responsible for the chaos and "shock therapy" caused in Eastern Europe after 1989. He foisted ludicrous draconian measures upon the weak governments there, which enabled him to buy up resources in wide parts of Eastern Europe at rock-bottom prices.
Take Poland as an example:
At the end of 1989 Soros organized a secret meeting between the communist regime of Rakowsky with the leaders of the then illegal opposition union organization Solidarnosc. The plan he presented to both sides is as follows :
*The communists should let the opposition Solidarnosc take over the government to win the confidence of the people.
*Then the state should deliberatly drive it's own industries and agricultural business to ruin by applying astronomical interest rates, by withholding the necessary state loans and by lumbering the companies with debts they could never repay.
*Then Soros would get his rich international business friends to come to Poland and buy up the now privatized state companies.
The most recent example is the huge steel company "Huta Warsawa", which today, so steel experts say, would cost about 3 to 4 Billion US$ to build if it was built by Western companies. A few months ago the Polish government agreed to take over the "debts" of Huta Warsawa and to sell the company now free of debts for 30 Million US$ to the Milan company Lucchini. To instigate his plan Soros used a young friend, the Polish-Jewish economic advisor Jeffrey Sachs who however could not begin his advisory work in Poland because so far he could only show advisory work he did in Bolivia. So Soros set up another one of his many foundations, the "Stafen Batory Foundation", which then in turn was the official client for the advisory wotk of Sachs in Poland (1989-90).
In Soros' own words he has worked or still works with the main advisor of Lech Walesa, Bronislaw Geremek, with General Jaruzelski, Professor Trzeciakowsky, a secret advisor to the new Polish minister for finanve and economy Leszec Balcerowicz, and with the latter himself. Soros admits that he had known that his economic "shock therapy" in Poland would lead to severe unemployment, to the closing of factories and to social tensions. That is why he insisted that Solidarnosc take over the government. Through his foundation he could approach the most important opinion makers in the media, like Adam Michnik, and his collaboration with the US embassy in Warsaw enabled him to censor the media which proceeded onesidedly to support his "shock therapy" and opposed any criticism.

Russia and the CIS states: Soros led a delegation to Russia, where he had been collaborating with Raissa Gorbacheva since the 80's, to set up a further Soros foundation, ":The Cultural Initiative Foundation". This is a further vehicle for him and his Western cronies to enter the highest political echelons tax-free and proceed to "buy" the most important political and economic personalities of the country.

After a failed attempt with Gorbechev 1988-1991 he changed over to the circles around Yeltsin. And again it was Soros who introduced his "shock therapy" aided and abeted by his friend Jeffery Sachs. From Jan. 2, 1992 onwards Sachs "shock therapy" brought an unprecedented chaos and a forseeable hyper-inflation to Russia which was followed by the best scientific research institutes fleeing to the West. Under the Soros plan, Igor Gajdar and the Yeltsin government shorted subsidies to industry and agriculture drastically, despite all of economy being a state-economy. The goal announced was a deficitfree budget within 3 months. There were no more loans for industry, the companies accrued astronomical debts and the rouble inflation went out of control. Soros and his friends immediately profited from the situation. Marc Rich, the world's largest aluminum dealer, started to buy up alot of Russian aluminum at incredibly low prices with which in 1993 he proceeded to flood the market in the industrialized countries and thus caused the price of aluminum to plummet by 30%. This is just one example of the Soros exploitation. Hungary : When Istvan Csurka, parlamentarian of the national-socialist opposition, tried to protest the destruction of the Hungarian economy by the strategies of Soros and his friends, he was branded an "anti-semite" and in June was excluded from the governing Democratic Forum.

Yugoslavia: At the beginning of 1990 Soros --in cooperation with the IMF--in what was then still Yugoslavia put down the gauntlet for what then escalated into a war. Soros is also a friend of the then secretary of state Lawrence Eagleburger, the former ambassador to Belgrade and patron of Slobodan Milosevic. Eagleburger was formerly chairman of "Kissinger Associates" on whose board Lord Carrington (Committee of 300) member also sits. The latter's mediations have directly fueled the Serbian aggression against the Croats and the Bosnians. Today Soros has foundations in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, and a "Yugoslav Soros Foundation" in Belgrade/Serbia. In Croatia he uses funds from his foundation to hire influencial journalists or to discredit opponents of his "shock therapy" as anti-semites or neo-nazis.

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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #12 - 27.09.2005 at 09:01:18
Soros je po moje ne glede na to,  kakšno etično držo o seb razglaša (se strinjam predvsem z mnenjm, da ma velik ego že zato, kar si jo tko trudi razglašat), neke vrste sodobni finačni mag, ki je svojo teorijo delovanja finančnig trgov zgradil iz lastne prakse in to teorijo uporabil nazaj v praksi na način, da deluje. Je praktik, ki v lastni praksi na finačnih trgih  potrdil  interakcijsko teorijo karla  pooperja kljub temu,  da bi se upravičeno dalo postavit pod vprašaj etičnost takega prakticiranja teorije. Soros v svojih knjigah zaradi obremenjenosti z lastno filantropijo zihr  skriva osebne  povezaveve z maganati tipa rotšild, tajnimi službami in vplivnimi politiki in delovanje finančnega  trga skuša prikazat kot nekaj mističnega/magičnega,  za obvladavonje česar rabi sposobnost alkimista (ne nosi po naključju ena pravih njegovih  knjiga v naslovu besedeo alkimija). Spoznal pa je prepletenost financ in politike, tud tajne diplomacije, jo izkorsitu in pokazal svetu, da  zadeve obvlada. Ravno to, da obvlada, mu daje kredibilnost za njegovo vizionarstvo, da bi ob globalno spremenjeni  politični in družbeni kostalaciji ( v t.i.  odprti družbi oz. bolje rečeno družbi odprtih skupnosti) mogoče nadzorovat in vodit finančne tokove v skladu s hotenji teh skupnosti z enako učinkovitostjo in manjšim tvegnjem pred špekulacijami  in sesustjem  kot  se vodijo sedaj v pogojih neoliberalnega fundamentalizma, kjer se prek finančnih trgov oragizirano  plenijo prav skupnosti v odpiranju (od bivše juge do vzhodnoeropskih in sedaj srednjeaziijskih držav).

Sorosove etike in filantropijo vsaj jest ne merim v milijardah, ki jih investira v odpiranje družb, da bi se kasneje pustile izropat  finančnim špekulantom, ampak v odkritem razkrivanju pricipipov, po katerih finančni trgi delujejo. Tud če so ti neetični in nemoralni, jih je  treba poznat v drobovje, da bi lahko v drugačni  družbeni konstalaciji služili višjim etinčnim načelom, ki bi si  jih ustvarla interakcijska družba odprtih skupnosti.  Sosros ni globalist v stilu neoliberalnega fundamentalizma, ki v vsaki  organizirani skupnosti (od države do družine) vidi 'motnjo' za delovanje globalnega trga, ampak prav v skupnost vpetem posamezniku, ki goji neke obče vrednote,  vidi branik pred povampirjenim in slepim finačnim globalizmom. Ponuja tud način sobivanja teh skupnosti in princip etičnega trgovanja med njimi in četud ga je v današnji praksi mogoče in treba kritizirat jest med  kritiki  še nism zasledil boljšega (v smislu bolj realnega) koncepta globalizacije.          
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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #13 - 27.09.2005 at 09:21:44

Po moje so ozadja tista, ki razkrivajo Sorosa kot povampirjenega globalista, ki mu gre predvsem za ustvarjanje dobička - pri čemer pač uporablja "nevojaška" sredstva, s katerimi povečuje svoje dobičke (za razliko od Bušistov, ki to počnejo povsem odprto vojaško).

Gre preprosto za to, da Sorosa enako boli kurac za vse skupaj, kot Buša, le da tega ne pove tako odprto (u bistvu laže in zavaja). Isto velja tudi za njegova pisanja, ki so bolj kot ne metanje peska v oči - očitno je namreč, da Soros svojih akcije ne počne kot nek finančni mag (samo z intuicijo in poznavanjem mehanizmov) temveč predvsem kot močan insajder s pomočjo finančne mreže znotraj katere deluje (s poznavanjem mehanizmov in informacijami, katerih ostali nimajo).

Tu so se naši ekonomisti v devetdesetih izkazali za velike carje, saj niso nasedli njegovemu kolegu Jeffery Sachsu, ki nam je prišel svetovati, kako naj preidemo na tržni sistem (to napako je naredilo večina držav vzhodnega bloka).

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Re: Analiza svetovne finančno borzne greznice
Reply #14 - 27.09.2005 at 10:12:00
t wrote on 27.09.2005 at 09:21:44:
Po moje so ozadja tista, ki razkrivajo Sorosa kot povampirjenega globalista, ki mu gre predvsem za ustvarjanje dobička - pri čemer pač uporablja "nevojaška" sredstva, s katerimi povečuje svoje dobičke (za razliko od Bušistov, ki to počnejo povsem odprto vojaško).

Gre preprosto za to, da Sorosa enako boli kurac za vse skupaj, kot Buša, le da tega ne pove tako odprto (u bistvu laže in zavaja). Isto velja tudi za njegova pisanja, ki so bolj kot ne metanje peska v oči - očitno je namreč, da Soros svojih akcije ne počne kot nek finančni mag (samo z intuicijo in poznavanjem mehanizmov) temveč predvsem kot močan insajder s pomočjo finančne mreže znotraj katere deluje (s poznavanjem mehanizmov in informacijami, katerih ostali nimajo).

Kolikor jest razumem njegovo pisanje, bi ravno  etika odprte družbe, ki bi vgradila v finančni  mehanizem temeljene občečlovške vredote po principu odprte družbe, preprečevala tovorstno insajderstvo in špekulacije, ki prispevajo k neravnovesju  finančnih  trgov  tja do neizogibnih zlomov.

Tu so se naši ekonomisti v devetdesetih izkazali za velike carje, saj niso nasedli njegovemu kolegu Jeffery Sachsu, ki nam je prišel svetovati, kako naj preidemo na tržni sistem (to napako je naredilo večina držav vzhodnega bloka).

Njihovo carstvo je blo bolj kratkega veka, saj mi zdej prihajamo na to, kar  so  čehi pa poljaki začel dajat skoz  pred 10 leti. Res da na morda mal višjem splošnem standardu, ampak neoliberalne  globalizacije se zarad tega obdobja njihovega  carstva ne bomo izognili.
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