Darrel Whitewolf
I am answering the call of my brother warrier Darrel Whitewolf...I ask
you or Magi to get the following message back to him as I don't know the
site where he is waiting, to post this message along side of his
message...I stand beside him and await the arrows if they come...In so
doing I
say this as I always say when I speak..."These are my words...I give
them to you...If you like them, then keep them....If not, then throw
them away, they were meant for someone else, they are not for
you"...That choice is yours...I bear you no ill will...
My brother warrior Darrel, I too am an elder, a shaman, and this is what
I say...I have watched the moon and stars, the plants and animals, our
mother the earth do strange things these past eleven years...Before and
during these happenings I cryed out warnings to those who would hear, but my
words went in one ear and fell out the other...I had been instructed by
my guardians to pass on this message...
The time before us, fast approaching is Ancient Time...It has been
foretold in the story from our prophets in many messages...It was said
that the time is near when the trees start to die from the top down...I
have seen this with my own eyes for the past five years, many, many
trees dieing from
the top down...This event would be the prelude to this last prophecy,
"When the north touches the west, fire will fall from the sky, and the
sky will turn black...Following this there will be two hundred years of
peace and following that even a greater peace"...
What this means is the earth will once again fall over on her side as
she has done three times before...Let me tell you and the others who
will listen how this will happen...When the north touches the west
There is a planet coming near to us in it's orbit around our sun which
happens every 3, 657 years...This planet is 4 times the size, 23 times
the mass of our mother the earth and it is known as Planet X...It will
pass by the earth at about 14 million miles away...When it goes by, it
will grab
our mother in a huge magnetic fist and pull the earth over on its
side...The very center of the earth will relocate its energy that holds
us in orbit around the sun, coming first to a complete standstill for
seven ays...When this energy stops, the earths crust will continue for
the one quarter turn (the north touching the west) before it too stops
...The first land to stop will have all the other lands slam into it,
causing the great mother to shake with a force that mankind has not
witnessed for a longtime...This will bring great destruction to all that
man has built...All mans building will fall to the ground, all his
factories, his tall buildings, his refineries, his great fuel storage
tanks, his dams, his power lines and power generating stations, all will
fall...This will happen with major earthquakes of the like not known,
volcanoes erupting and fierce winds...Our mother will unleash this fury
with a vengence for the way we have desecrated her...The sun, the moon
and the stars will stand still in the sky when the earth stops for these
seven days...
Fire will fall from the sky. There is dust that follows this Planet X,
stretching out for millions
of miles in its wake, whiping about like a great tail...This dust is
iron oxidized dust...This dust tail will whip the earth entering into
our atmosphere, ignite into flame upon entry and fall to earth in great
sheets of fire...This fire will join the other fires burning from that
which had fallen of what man built...This great fire will purify the
earth for its new regrowth...
And the sky will turn black
The fires will be so plentiful that the smoke of these fires will fill
the air, surrounding the planet in a cloud of smoke...This cloud will
cut of the rays of the sun, turning daylight into twilite...This cloud
will also be blanket to keep the survivors of the great shaking from
freezing...The cloud will remain for twenty-five years before the sun
shines through again, to smile upon the new earth...Most Elders today
speak of hard times coming...This is that hard time...
Following this there will be two-hundred years of peace
The survivors that make it through the rebirth of the earth into the
fourth dimension will no longer want the negative things of life, the
crime, rape, lies, war, abuse, any evil thing...These survivors will
teach the children only the positive, the love which comes from the four
guiding principals
of "Share, Care, Respect and Teach" that our grandfathers and
grandmothers before us lived by...These first teachers will still carry
a memory though of the negative things they witnessed...
And following that will be even a greater peace
The children who grow to be the new teachers will not even have the
memory of the negative aspects that we suffer through life today as we
know it...They will only teach pure peace, bringing back the four
guiding principals, once again in the true meaning of these principals...
End of prophecy...
It is with sadness that I inform those who listen, that there will only
be .02 percent of the global population that will survive this
catastrophic event...That is roughly about 137 million people worldwide...
The good news is that these people are awakening today, finding each
other, coming together in groups here and there...These ones will enter
the fourth dimension, advance to a higher understanding and be gifted
with amazing abilities... These people will be able to communicate with
the mind, talk with each other through the mind without speaking...These
people will be able to teleport, simply thinking where they will want to
be and then they are there...There will be no viruses in this new
dimension...There will be no mosquitos in this new dimension...There
will also be no money or use for money...This is the root of
evil...Instead the people will share their abilities with each
other...What one shares will be returned in sharing...All men and women
will stand as equals, with no one person greater than another...
Now I will tell you that I have seen this great planet with my own
eyes...It is between us and the sun...It can only be seen looking
through a special glass...This glass is a #10 welders glass, the one
that fits into the shield that a welder uses...This glass can be bought
separate from the welders
shield...Holding it straight in front of you looking at the sun, you
will see a sun with a fuzzy glare around it...You cannot see the planet
holding the glass like this...It must be held on a tilted angle to your
eyes until the fuzzy glare disappears...Then you can see the planet
against the sun...It is at the moment about the size of a heavy pencil
dot...It moves position around the sun on different days...It is fast
approaching the position where the planet will pass by the earth...
The signs I have seen leading up to this is the constellations of stars
being out of place as the earth wobbles now in front of the Planet X
that is approaching...I have seen the moon not make the trip through the
sky where it has gone so many times before, taking a new path through
the sky... I
have watched all the plants grow, changing their pattern of growth,
coming in seasons that are not when these plants should grow...I have
seen the young birds fall from the sky when the snows came too soon and
froze these little ones...I have heard the cries of sorrow from their
parents when their
young ones perished...I have seen the young trees in the forest snap
their trunks under the weight of frost, snow and fall to the forest
floor to be the materials which will burn in the great fire...I have
seen the animals drop in numbers, live only in colonies instead of
spread throughout the forest...I have listened to the news of animals
dieing from strange sicknesses...I have seen the results of man when he
strives to get more money, the pollutants he places upon the earth in
this quest...
These warning are also known to be in the scriptures of the bible,
written there long ago to tell us of the event that happened long ago
and to warn us of this one that is fast approaching, coming in the very
near future...No one of us knows the exact date but it is soon, perhaps
within the next couple of months. I could say so much more, but the last
I will tell you in this warning is that when the earth begins to turn
once again, that the sun will rise in the west and set in the east,
opposite from that which we know it to be now...
Brother Darrel, walk in peace for the creator is standing with us...Long
ago he gave life to all things with the instructions to "Go forth and
learn, I give you a free will" As all things travel in the great circle,
it is time to return to the creator and tell to him that which we have
learned...It is unfortunate that so many chose to follow the free will
and have not learned that which they were supposed too... My name is
Awgawk (Porcupine) and I have spoken my truth... I strengthen the
challenge to all the other Elders to speak out their truth also...We
will stand united as one...
Red Elk speaks........
Due to the upcoming Earth Shift, there is an event that has recently
started that, if you are unaware of it, may cause you mental distress
...even Madness. Our inner Earth's plates are grating, creating a
vibration that is now opening, or thinning, various "veils". All will be
experiencing mental/body "shifts" due to this. The veils will get
thinner and much more frequent as time goes on. These veils will reveal
phenomena, such as visually seeing Angels, Demonic Beings, various Inner
Land Beings, more UFO sightings, etc. Parallel Time Shifts will take
place as well. We are made
of the Earth, and are thus attuned to it. What has already started, and
will get stronger, is as natural as breathing. By BEING AWARE that these
things are before you, you will not be as anxious. We serve an awesome
Father. This knowledge alone will allow you to accept and understand.
BE NOT AFRAID! Again, THIS IS NATURAL, and happens at each earth flip.
Bend like a green reed and you'll be safe.