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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

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POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
12.01.2005 at 17:22:16
Mayan Elders Give Urgent Warning


(btw, a ga niso ful hudi norci, tile mayevski šamani? direk t za hahaha iz srca)

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

I have just received an urgent notice from Adam Rubel of Saq Be’. Adam states he has just received word from Carlos Barrios (Mayan Elder), that earth changing events are “in motion” to escalate. No, not next year, not next month, but next week or next day.

The first thing Adam reminds us “not” do is hit the panic button. What is unfolding is in perfect order and the Earth has seen this many times before. However, it is suggested, and I am personally suggesting to you, that our collective influence can make a difference. I believe this is what our ancestors have told us all along. It says so in the Bible, in the Mayan Calendar, in Tibetan Sanskrit, Hopi Petroglyphs, Egyptian Hieroglyphs and the list is endless. No, this is not woo-woo, it is science. More on this below.

Mayan elders have specifically given warning to five continents. Three of which are named. 1) North America 2) Europe 3) Central America .

Through the ancient techniques of divination and tools of prophecy, the Mayan elders are calling forth to pay close attention to messages being set forth by ongoing earth changing events. The recent destruction that manifested in Indonesia is predicted to now occur rapidly upon five continents of the earth.  This message is not meant to induce fear, but to give warning of preparation and remain aware of your surroundings.  The elders are concerned about what has been presented in their recent divinations and they call to all humanity to warn their leaders and to work very hard at a spiritual level to prevent the impending destruction.  

Adam reports this message has been verified and brought forth by various Mayan elders in Guatemala, and is meant for distribution to all humanity. Last years record breaking hurricanes and the 9.0 mag. earthquake with following tsunami in Indonesia have been warnings of possible coming floods in Europe and the US West Coast.

Prayer/Meditation Not Woo-Woo But Scientifically Grounded

Professor Richard Davidson (University of Wisconsin) just released his latest research on the power of meditation. I have sent word to Dr. Davidson to arrange an upcoming interview on Earth Changes TV ‘Radio Hour’. In a Washington Post article released earlier today, Professor Davidson reports over the past few years researchers at the University of Wisconsin have been working with Tibetan monks were able to translate those mental experiences into the scientific language of high-frequency gamma waves and brain synchrony, or coordination. They have pinpointed the left prefrontal cortex, an area just behind the left forehead, as the place where brain activity associated with meditation is especially inten! se. Many have long believed it is the “Pineal Gland”.

Davidson says his newest results from the meditation study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in November shows that mental training through meditation (and presumably other disciplines) can itself change the inner workings and circuitry of the brain.  Full Article

Mayan Elders have put out a specific call for people around the world to join in prayer, meditation or whatever method of spirituality one engages in to unite on January 18th at the time of their local sunset (approx 6:00PM).  This date is (9) Keme according to the sacred Mayan Cholq'ij calendar available at:  http://www.sacredroad.org  has the potential for protecting humanity from disaster.  

There will be many major ceremonies in the Mayan communities for this purpose.  An open invitation is extended to humanity that wish to join the Mayan people for the Waxa'qib B'atz' ceremonies on February 12th in Guatemala.

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« Last Edit: 09.03.2005 at 02:12:26 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #1 - 19.01.2005 at 17:23:39
samo brez panike

Minutes After Tonight’s New Mayan Warning, Tsunami Warning Issued and New X-Class Flare Fires Off

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

In tonight’s Earth Changes TV – Radio Hour show, my guest Adam Rubel of the Saq Be’ foundation, announced he had just spoke with Mayan elders including Carlos Barrios just before coming ‘on-air’. Adam told us what we had seen in the last two weeks “is the tip of the iceberg”. He said Mayan elders have stated the next two months would be a time of escalated “earth changing events”.

Within two hours of tonight’s broadcast, a tsunami warning was issued for Japan islands south of Tokyo (see article below). This is a good time to remind all of us, this is not a time to panic but to be aware and prepared. In our interview I mentioned to Adam that I see the unfolding predictions to be a message of predictability…not chaos. It is the rhythm of our times, not to be feared, but to be viewed as a sign of things to come. Yes, some will say this is a wake-up-call. One could also say it is perhaps an indication that we are exactly where we were expected to be. Yet others will say we have the power to change our direction. Might I suggest all three views can be correct simultaneously.

ECTV members can listen to last night’s prophetic show by going to our “recent audio files” page.

Tsunami Warning Issued for Japan Isles After 6.8 Quake

(Reuters) - A tsunami warning was issued for a group of islands south of Tokyo on Wednesday after a strong earthquake off Japan's eastern coast, and authorities urged local residents to evacuate to higher ground.

A magnitude 6.8 earthquake, the focus of which was about 6.2 miles below the seabed in the Pacific Ocean, struck at around 3:11 p.m. (1:11 a.m. EST), Japan's Meteorological Agency said. Tsunami around 20 inches high were expected to hit the Izu islands around 3:30 p.m. (1:30 a.m. EST), it added. A tsunami 30 cm high was later detected on the shore of Miyake Island. Full Article

New X-Class Flare Fires Off (as I’m writing this newsletter)

(ECTV) At approximately 12:35 AM (Pacific) a new X-Class flare fires off from the Sun, right on the heels of an earlier M-Class flare. I expect a continuous wave of geomagnetic storms coming one after the other, hitting Earth’s magnetic field. Watch for airline flight delays and flying at lower altitudes. Satellite and power gird warnings are already in place.

Watch for a series of “freak storms” to hit in a ‘domino’ fashion.


Sunspots -> Solar Flares (CME’s) -> Magnetic Field Shift -> Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents -> Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

International Space Station "on alert" for Solar Storm

(APF) The two-man crew of the orbiting International Space Station (ISS) has been instructed to follow an "alert regime" due to an approaching magnetic storm caused by release of charged particles from the sun heading toward earth, ITAR-TASS news agency said.

"Russian cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov and American astronaut Leroy Chiao have been advised to stay in the most radiation-protected place aboard the station, especially when it is facing the sun," the agency quoted a Russian official as saying.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Reply #2 - 19.01.2005 at 23:10:32
Darrel Whitewolf

I am answering the call of my brother warrier Darrel Whitewolf...I ask
you or Magi to get the following message back to him as I don't know the
site where he is waiting, to post this message along side of his
message...I stand beside him and await the arrows if they come...In so
doing I
say this as I always say when I speak..."These are my words...I give
them to you...If you like them, then keep them....If not, then throw
them away, they were meant for someone else, they are not for
you"...That choice is yours...I bear you no ill will...

My brother warrior Darrel, I too am an elder, a shaman, and this is what
I say...I have watched the moon and stars, the plants and animals, our
mother the earth do strange things these past eleven years...Before and
during these happenings I cryed out warnings to those who would hear, but my
words went in one ear and fell out the other...I had been instructed by
my guardians to pass on this message...

The time before us, fast approaching is Ancient Time...It has been
foretold in the story from our prophets in many messages...It was said
that the time is near when the trees start to die from the top down...I
have seen this with my own eyes for the past five years, many, many
trees dieing from
the top down...This event would be the prelude to this last prophecy,
"When the north touches the west, fire will fall from the sky, and the
sky will turn black...Following this there will be two hundred years of
peace and following that even a greater peace"...

What this means is the earth will once again fall over on her side as
she has done three times before...Let me tell you and the others who
will listen how this will happen...When the north touches the west

There is a planet coming near to us in it's orbit around our sun which
happens every 3, 657 years...This planet is 4 times the size, 23 times
the mass of our mother the earth and it is known as Planet X...It will
pass by the earth at about 14 million miles away...When it goes by, it
will grab
our mother in a huge magnetic fist and pull the earth over on its
side...The very center of the earth will relocate its energy that holds
us in orbit around the sun, coming first to a complete standstill for
seven ays...When this energy stops, the earths crust will continue for
the one quarter turn (the north touching the west) before it too stops
...The first land to stop will have all the other lands slam into it,
causing the great mother to shake with a force that mankind has not
witnessed for a longtime...This will bring great destruction to all that
man has built...All mans building will fall to the ground, all his
factories, his tall buildings, his refineries, his great fuel storage
tanks, his dams, his power lines and power generating stations, all will
fall...This will happen with major earthquakes of the like not known,
volcanoes erupting and fierce winds...Our mother will unleash this fury
with a vengence for the way we have desecrated her...The sun, the moon
and the stars will stand still in the sky when the earth stops for these
seven days...

Fire will fall from the sky. There is dust that follows this Planet X,
stretching out for millions
of miles in its wake, whiping about like a great tail...This dust is
iron oxidized dust...This dust tail will whip the earth entering into
our atmosphere, ignite into flame upon entry and fall to earth in great
sheets of fire...This fire will join the other fires burning from that
which had fallen of what man built...This great fire will purify the
earth for its new regrowth...

And the sky will turn black

The fires will be so plentiful that the smoke of these fires will fill
the air, surrounding the planet in a cloud of smoke...This cloud will
cut of the rays of the sun, turning daylight into twilite...This cloud
will also be blanket to keep the survivors of the great shaking from
freezing...The cloud will remain for twenty-five years before the sun
shines through again, to smile upon the new earth...Most Elders today
speak of hard times coming...This is that hard time...

Following this there will be two-hundred years of peace

The survivors that make it through the rebirth of the earth into the
fourth dimension will no longer want the negative things of life, the
crime, rape, lies, war, abuse, any evil thing...These survivors will
teach the children only the positive, the love which comes from the four
guiding principals
of "Share, Care, Respect and Teach" that our grandfathers and
grandmothers before us lived by...These first teachers will still carry
a memory though of the negative things they witnessed...

And following that will be even a greater peace

The children who grow to be the new teachers will not even have the
memory of the negative aspects that we suffer through life today as we
know it...They will only teach pure peace, bringing back the four
guiding principals, once again in the true meaning of these principals...

End of prophecy...

It is with sadness that I inform those who listen, that there will only
be .02 percent of the global population that will survive this
catastrophic event...That is roughly about 137 million people worldwide...

The good news is that these people are awakening today, finding each
other, coming together in groups here and there...These ones will enter
the fourth dimension, advance to a higher understanding and be gifted
with amazing abilities... These people will be able to communicate with
the mind, talk with each other through the mind without speaking...These
people will be able to teleport, simply thinking where they will want to
be and then they are there...There will be no viruses in this new
dimension...There will be no mosquitos in this new dimension...There
will also be no money or use for money...This is the root of
evil...Instead the people will share their abilities with each
other...What one shares will be returned in sharing...All men and women
will stand as equals, with no one person greater than another...

Now I will tell you that I have seen this great planet with my own
eyes...It is between us and the sun...It can only be seen looking
through a special glass...This glass is a #10 welders glass, the one
that fits into the shield that a welder uses...This glass can be bought
separate from the welders
shield...Holding it straight in front of you looking at the sun, you
will see a sun with a fuzzy glare around it...You cannot see the planet
holding the glass like this...It must be held on a tilted angle to your
eyes until the fuzzy glare disappears...Then you can see the planet
against the sun...It is at the moment about the size of a heavy pencil
dot...It moves position around the sun on different days...It is fast
approaching the position where the planet will pass by the earth...

The signs I have seen leading up to this is the constellations of stars
being out of place as the earth wobbles now in front of the Planet X
that is approaching...I have seen the moon not make the trip through the
sky where it has gone so many times before, taking a new path through
the sky... I
have watched all the plants grow, changing their pattern of growth,
coming in seasons that are not when these plants should grow...I have
seen the young birds fall from the sky when the snows came too soon and
froze these little ones...I have heard the cries of sorrow from their
parents when their
young ones perished...I have seen the young trees in the forest snap
their trunks under the weight of frost, snow and fall to the forest
floor to be the materials which will burn in the great fire...I have
seen the animals drop in numbers, live only in colonies instead of
spread throughout the forest...I have listened to the news of animals
dieing from strange sicknesses...I have seen the results of man when he
strives to get more money, the pollutants he places upon the earth in
this quest...

These warning are also known to be in the scriptures of the bible,
written there long ago to tell us of the event that happened long ago
and to warn us of this one that is fast approaching, coming in the very
near future...No one of us knows the exact date but it is soon, perhaps
within the next couple of months. I could say so much more, but the last
I will tell you in this warning is that when the earth begins to turn
once again, that the sun will rise in the west and set in the east,
opposite from that which we know it to be now...

Brother Darrel, walk in peace for the creator is standing with us...Long
ago he gave life to all things with the instructions to "Go forth and
learn, I give you a free will" As all things travel in the great circle,
it is time to return to the creator and tell to him that which we have
learned...It is unfortunate that so many chose to follow the free will
and have not learned that which they were supposed too... My name is
Awgawk (Porcupine) and I have spoken my truth... I strengthen the
challenge to all the other Elders to speak out their truth also...We
will stand united as one...

Red Elk speaks........

Due to the upcoming Earth Shift, there is an event that has recently
started that, if you are unaware of it, may cause you mental distress
...even Madness. Our inner Earth's plates are grating, creating a
vibration that is now opening, or thinning, various "veils". All will be
experiencing mental/body "shifts" due to this. The veils will get
thinner and much more frequent as time goes on. These veils will reveal
phenomena, such as visually seeing Angels, Demonic Beings, various Inner
Land Beings, more UFO sightings, etc. Parallel Time Shifts will take
place as well. We are made
of the Earth, and are thus attuned to it. What has already started, and
will get stronger, is as natural as breathing. By BEING AWARE that these
things are before you, you will not be as anxious. We serve an awesome
Father. This knowledge alone will allow you to accept and understand.
BE NOT AFRAID! Again, THIS IS NATURAL, and happens at each earth flip.

Bend like a green reed and you'll be safe.


Shocked 8) Shocked
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
vedno pa nekaj sporočajo
Reply #3 - 20.01.2005 at 23:52:47
From: "Two Crows"
Subject: Enough

I have never owned a slave, so don't ask me to treat you any differently
than anyone else because your ancestors were slaves less than two
hundred years ago. Millennia ago my people were also slaves. I stand
with you against slavery, discrimination, and racial bigotry, isn't that

I have never seen a Witch Burning, so don't ask to me treat all
Christians as if they are potential killers, or the enemies of non-
Christians because of their bloody past. Don't try to tell me that I am
betraying my ancestors, or somehow less a Pagan than you, because I
don't join in bashing Christianity as the only evil left in the world.
Don't try to tell me that only Christians kill Witches, because I read
the news out of Africa, and India, where non- Christians are the ones
killing Witches today. Millennia ago my Pagan peoples put Christians to
death in violent games just because they wouldn't conform to the ambient
religions of the day. I stand against Theocracy, religious bigotry, and
religious discrimination, isn't that enough?
I have never harmed a homosexual, nor advocated that anyone else should,
so don't ask me to hate heterosexuals as the enemies of diversity, or to
see them as potential killers just because some don't understand. Don't
ask me to dismiss them as worthless breeders, because breeders are how
both of us got here. I believe in a love that transcends gender, race,
and societal conventions, and I believe in the right of all people to do
with their bodies as they will with as many consenting adults as they
like, isn't that enough?

I have never oppressed a Woman, nor seen my male gender as superior, or
expected it to afford me special treatment, so don't ask me to treat you
any differently because you're a feminist, or to see my own sexual
nature as prelude to a rape. Don't ask me to join with you in hating
men, or giving up my own dignity because I am a man. I stand with you
against gender discrimination, macho Woman haters, and the rape of
anyone, isn't that enough?

I have never hunted down a Native American Tribe to near extinction, nor
worked in a Catholic Boarding School to indoctrinate my Native
Relatives. I have never tried to steal your culture, nor call myself an
Indian to get special attention, so don't ask me join with you in hating
the White Man, or blaming him for everything that is wrong with the
world. I stand with you against the atrocities committed against your
people, and Cultural Theft by Wannabes, and with you for the Sovereign
rights of your Tribes, isn't that enough?

I have never killed a baby, or shirked my responsibility as a father, so
don't ask me to stand with you against those that would fight for their
rights as Women to choose, or those that see life as precious. I believe
in life, and choice, and morn the irresponsibility that makes it into
birth control for some, isn't that enough?

I have never ritually sacrificed anyone, or any animal, and I have never
advocated that your religion be destroyed, or that your god is false, so
don't ask me to sit idly by while you slander my faith, and tell lies
about me. Don't tell me what Pagans do, or don't do, I am one, and I
Don't conflate my Horned God with your Satan, or my sacred sexuality
with your ideas of sin. I don't care what you think will happen to my
soul after I die, or what sort of person you think I am because I choose
another way to relate to my gods.

All I care about is how you treat others, and why your interpretation of
your religion makes it okay to present false witness against me. I stand
for your right to believe whatever you like, religious freedom for all
peoples, and the sacredness of your religion to you, isn't that enough?

I have never claimed to be more than I am, or titles and degrees that I
haven't earned, but I also don't accept that you are any better than me
because of your accomplishments. Maybe you are better at something than
I, or more educated on something than I, or have more experience than I
do, but we are both human beings, and that makes us equals where I come
from. Don't expect me to sit by while you look down your nose at me, or
bash me for not being what you are, doing what you do, or what you have
done. Don't expect me not to call you out when you toss around your
pejoratives, minimizing, and demonizing elitist talk.

Don't expect that I will see your station, accomplishments, or skills,
as deserving of any more respect than you give others. Don't expect me
to part with my Sovereignty, dignity, or money because you are offering
yourself as a teacher. If I want what you are selling I'll buy some, but
even if I do I'm still the god of my own world. I respect your hard won
accomplishments for what they are, and advocate that everyone be
recognized for their experiences, efforts, and work, isn't that enough?

I no longer live in the Universe of Conflicting Opposites, or use
Dualism to cleave the world into pieces, so don't ask me to join you in
opposing THEM, because for me there are no real us, them, we, only We
Are US and Them. If you have problem say it, say exactly what it is,
don't ask me to help you hate the person, rather than the behavior. If
you have issues, speak up, get it out in the open, don't ask me to hate
persons. Don't ask me to join your party against that other party, or
your group against that other group. Don't ask me to wave a flag in
Patriot zeal, or for god to bless just one country. I'm a human being,
and I live on Planet Earth, albeit in a nation, a state, a county, a
township, and a town, but those are ideas that don't cut my world apart.

Don't ask me to join your army, your gang, or your clique. Don't ask me
to join your identity group if you identify yourself by who you hate, or
how much better you are than those people over there. I have a race, a
gender, a sexual orientation, spirituality, political views, and my own
pet peeves, and they're all different than yours. Don't ask me to hate
someone with you just so I might have a place to belong, or hold my
tongue so you won't shun me. I don't need a place to belong that bad! I
don't need people of like mind to validate me as a human being, I
validate myself. I AM what I AM. Like me, love me, hate me, but don't
ask me to be anything other than what I AM.

I AM a fellow human being trying his best, with what I have, to live,
die, and leave the world a little better than I found it, isn't that

En To Pan!
Two Crows 8) 8) 8)
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #4 - 24.01.2005 at 18:05:54
In light of all the commentary on recent events, I felt compelled to share an
alternative view from a traditional Native American
or indigenous
perspective.    ... Michael

We Need To Talk!
A Message From Big Mama

You know something, I'm kind of fed up with you guys. You take everything SO
PERSONALLY. It doesn't occur to most of you that I am ALIVE.  Yes, I'm a
living being just like you.  I'm continually evolving, growing, changing, etc.,
you are a part of my growth as you are a part of your own process.  When I
stretch, yawn, hiccup, sneeze or simply celebrate my Bat Mitzvah, you think it's

some kind of collective punishment for your 'sins.'  

We Need To Talk!

Your popular human religions have done you a deadly disservice by teaching
you that I and all my other creatures are simply objects that were designed for
your pleasure to use, abuse, exploit and destroy. Did it ever occur to you how
arrogant that is?

We Need To Talk!

You worry about 'Earth Changes' -- no such thing except for the fact that I
am continually changing.  It's not an event. It's an ongoing process that you
don't understand because of your fruit fly mentality.

Last week some guy found fossilized footprints of a dinosaur which roamed the
suburbs of Washington, DC. 100 million years ago.  That was long before you
were even a suggestive sparkle in the Creators eyes.  

Did you know that the total life span of a fruit fly is seven days?  Seven

OK, so lets say this guy John-the-fruitfly is born one Monday morning in late
October.  On Thursday, the first freeze of the season hits.  John tragically
freezes to death.  Now one could take a fruitfly perspective and claim that
this was some kind of punishment for Johns many fruitfly misdeeds or - taking a
somewhat larger view of the matter - one could see that John had the
unfortunate bad luck - or chose at some level - to be born four days before the
killing frost.  John really doesn't understand time or cycles.  His lifespan
and genetic memory are too brief to grasp either one.

Do you have any idea how old I AM?  Your life span isn't much more than that
of a fruit fly.  Your whole species is created, thrives and becomes extinct
while I'm enjoying a cup of tea on a lovely cosmic afternoon. It's just that you

don't have an 'eonic' sense of time so you tend to take things personally.  

We Need To Talk!

One hundred years from now, you and everyone you know will be dead....  and
on to greater adventures.  All the important people and events that you read
about in the newspaper or see on TV... Gone, and for the most part, forgotten.  
I will still be here, yawning, hiccuping, sneezing and enjoying my afternoon
tea long after your species ceases to even be a memory around this place.  Put
your daily petty dramas into THAT perspective.  

Why does it ALWAYS HAVE TO BE ABOUT YOU?  Did it ever occur to you how much
of your energy and money is focused on killing other species on this planet -
and I'm not just talking about bug spray and chicken farms.  You are spending
over $175 million dollars a day to destroy Iraq while 14,000 children starve to
death every day. That means that more children have starved to death so far
since 12/26/04 - just from neglect - than all of those who died in the big
wave.  And then you applaud yourself for sending two days worth of war costs for


YES, I'M PISSED - BIG TIME.  But God & I haven't conspired to punish you.  
You seem to do a fairly good job of that yourself.  I'm just fed up with taking
the blame - along with GOD - for just being who I am and doing what I have
been doing for the last umpteen millions of years; long before you came on to

And though I may not sound very compassionate at the moment, I do feel the
pain of EVERY ONE OF MY CREATURES who suffers. Did you know that I sent a
warning to let everyone know that I was about to sneeze?
 Did you see the news?
only ones who heard me were the wild animals in India and some 'primitive'
tribal people on a remote island.  They all went to higher ground just before
wave hit and none of them died.  Why didn't the rest of you hear me???  

So I let you know I'm about to sneeze, you don't hear me because you aren't
listening, and it wreaks havoc. And then you have the audacity to blame GOD!  
Give me a break.  

Maybe you should just start listening.....  Or even better, maybe you should
ask yourself what you are doing that is so important that you aren't

We Need To Talk!

Michael Lightweaver

<a HREF="http://www.global-leadership.com/">International Institute
Global Leadership</a>

<a HREF="http://www.mtnlightsanctuary.com/">Mountain Light Sanctuary
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #5 - 25.01.2005 at 00:04:02
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
m, 4U :)
Reply #6 - 25.01.2005 at 22:47:09

In the face of the wound of Mother Earth, opened in the Indian Ocean and caused by the earthquakes and seaquakes (Tsunamis) on the ancestral lands now called Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, The Maldive Islands and Malaysia, the Wise Elders and Guardians of the Otomi Olmeca Tolteca Teotihuacan Tradition send an urgent message to the heart and conscience of this region of the world and to all humanity.

We send our greatest offer of songs and prayers of light, peace and love to all the families and communities in the disaster area.   We join all the brothers and sisters so that they can find fast healing and balance in the physical, mental and spiritual dimensions affected by the catastrophe.  We connect in spirit and in truth so that the dead can find peace, and the survivors can sustain hope in life.  Women and men of planet earth, we call on you to work together, to take action to avoid in anyway the presence of possible epidemics and infectious diseases, and to avoid more death and its undesirable consequences.  Humanitarian help must arrive and must be given in physical, material or economic, mental and spiritual form, always sustained by our love for life, Mother Earth and peace.

The indigenous people and nations, as Guardians of the Earth, know that the centers of energy and the vibratory fields of different regions of the earth have been affected considerably by the loss of the sacred and the lack of connection with the spirit of Mother Earth.  The tsunami catastrophe has brought forth vibrations of pain and tears; waves and feelings of fear, suffering, anguish, distress, worry, anger, loneliness and lack of trust have been created in the disaster area as well feelings of abandonment and death.  It has spread throughout the planet and can cause fields of negative energy at different levels, and in different ways, as well as diverse epidemics and illnesses, affecting Mother Nature-- mainly human beings, but also plants and animals.  It is important to transcend it with acts of Sacred Love.

As in the prophecy revealed by our Wise Elders to all humanity, and our Honorable Ancestors’ vision, the day that we sound eight thousand sacred drums will be the beginning of the true healing of Mother Earth, all the species and the human family. We will be able to coexist in Sacred Peace in harmonic connection with the universe, Mother Nature, the community, the family and our own heart.  This is the time for the seeds of the Four Directions to reunite and meet to reactivate the cosmic energy, heal the historic wounds, and heal our own Mother Earth.

The call goes out to the family from the Four Directions to unite and heal the wound caused by the tsunami, originated by our lack of connection to the cosmos and the sacred.  Let’s honor those who passed on, thousands of sisters and brothers who offer their lives for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and for Peace.

Our Sacred Work:
To seal and heal the wounded vortexes of Mother Earth

To identify and activate the Magnetic Center of the Sacred Vortexes.

To seed and strengthen the conscience of Love and Respect for our Mother Earth.

To follow the ancestral indigenous recommendation to foster and practice the Great Culture of peace and life.

To recognize the energetic and healing use of our sacred instruments as the beginning and objective of our mission.

With the harmonic planetary connection, this ceremony of the 8000 Sacred Drums will help to regenerate an unlimited field of powerful vibration, a huge effect of cosmic sound of high frequency which will be focused on the Island of Sumatra and The Philippines-- where the tsunamis originated on December 26. It will then expand to Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, the Maldives and Malaysia in the form of concentric waves through the ocean, air and earth, irradiating intensified light, impregnated and bathed in love for all the human family, healing all the living beings (humans, animals and plants in the areas directly affected and the rest of the planet). This will help purify and harmonize Mother Earth and humanity.  With our love, a field of energy of positive vibration will emerge and it will help transform the suffering, anger and pain into greater peace, justice and dignity all over the world.  Our purpose will be to transform the conflicts via peaceful and non-violent ways.  Here and now, Guardians of the Earth, we call on you to reaffirm the human fraternity for the survival of the Planet, so that past, present and future generations know that we have honored our mission of Light and Love; that our sacred fire continues to burn; that our own sacred sound continues to be heard and our song to life blooms forever.

We call to the Four Directions: to all people, nations, communities and indigenous traditions of the world.

The Great Ceremony of the Cosmic Sound and the 8000 Sacred Drums for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and Peace, will take place in the Isle of Sumatra, Indonesia, March 26, 2005, with simultaneous ceremonies in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, the Maldives and Malaysia.  Also, we will reunite spiritually and energetically in our hearts with homes, ceremonial centers and sacred sites from America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania and all the regions of our Planet.  This magnificent event will be preceded by two ceremonies that will take place in January 26 and February 26, 2005.  There will be a total of three gatherings.  According to the Indigenous calendar, these ceremonies will coincide with the period of the full moon, so that we can intensely bathe in light, health and love every living being and the earth.
The Spirit of the 8000 Sacred Drums ceremony is to transform the tsunami energy into Light and Love.  The messages from the wise elders speak of the need to change the drums of war into drums of peace, to recognize the importance of working for the transformation of the resolutions to the conflicts taking place worldwide, and to give our message of love and respect to all the manifestations of life in all the confines of the planet.  We must recognize that everything is sacred, that our mission is to work for a balanced life in our families, communities, towns, humanity, plants, animals, air, earth, fire, water, the cosmos and our own heart, and to give our present and future generations the option of Mother Earth, Life and Peace.  The prophecy of the Ancestors of the Firs Otomi Olmeca Tolteca Tetihuacan Nation foretells of the waking of the indigenous people and all humanity reunited to sound 8000 Sacred Drums, so that the vibration of all the Sacred Drums generates the Powerful Sacred Medicine (Mähki ‘&#209;ithi) and the Intensified Healing Energy (Ts’edi Pa) for the healing of Mother Earth, focusing our energy in the Indian Ocean.

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Reply #7 - 25.01.2005 at 22:48:21
The Spirit of the 8000 Sacred Drums ceremony is to transform the tsunami energy into Light and Love.  The messages from the wise elders speak of the need to change the drums of war into drums of peace, to recognize the importance of working for the transformation of the resolutions to the conflicts taking place worldwide, and to give our message of love and respect to all the manifestations of life in all the confines of the planet.  We must recognize that everything is sacred, that our mission is to work for a balanced life in our families, communities, towns, humanity, plants, animals, air, earth, fire, water, the cosmos and our own heart, and to give our present and future generations the option of Mother Earth, Life and Peace.  The prophecy of the Ancestors of the Firs Otomi Olmeca Tolteca Tetihuacan Nation foretells of the waking of the indigenous people and all humanity reunited to sound 8000 Sacred Drums, so that the vibration of all the Sacred Drums generates the Powerful Sacred Medicine (Mähki ‘&#209;ithi) and the Intensified Healing Energy (Ts’edi Pa) for the healing of Mother Earth, focusing our energy in the Indian Ocean.
There will be gatherings in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, the Maldives and Malaysia.  Those who cannot attend and live outside of this area (America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania) can connect with this Great Ceremony from your own homes. We invite you to join us with all the love and respect in our hearts. Your family, group, council, aggregate, association, community, indigenous people or nation from any country or region of the planet can meet in a sacred place (valley, desert, jungle, isle, lake, wood, mountains, cave, river, waterfall, ceremonial center, temple or site that is special to you), at the altar of your home, cultural center, educational center or a meeting place such a public plaza, garden or any space adequate for this meeting.

Join the sound of the Sacred Drums with your sacred musical instruments or your prayers, for one hour (at 12 noon, local time in your area) on the following days:  Wednesday, January 26, 2005; Saturday, February 26, 2005 and Saturday, March 26, 2005.  According to the conditions and possibilities of each place, you can conduct your ceremonies or meetings for one hour (at noon) or for 12 hours (from dawn until dusk or noon until midnight) or even 24 hours (a whole day).  Or you can perform these ceremonies on the full moon of each one of these months.

You can play and achieve a connection with the cosmic sound of the Sacred Drums with other native ceremonial instruments.  You can also connect with other musical instruments, with dances and sacred songs, with a ceremony or ritual or with meditation and prayer.  Join the drum of your heart with the hearts of all humanity.  Our focus will be on the Indian Ocean, then radiate to the area affected by the tsunami and expand to the rest of the planet.  May the blessings of Nzuni and the Cosmic Sound (sacred vibrations) reach every being, uniting us for the good of all, reuniting us in peace, reconciling us in love, healing us with light and bringing joy to our hearts.

We ask every sister, brother, family, group, council, collective, association, community, Indigenous people and any tradition of every region on the planet to join us with any activities before, during and after the Great Ceremony of the 8000 Sacred Drums. Our focus will be on the healing of Mother Earth (isles, jungles, woods, communities and cities, sacred sites); the protection and defense of these places; Peace (prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict, end to war, respect for the collective right of the people and all the traditions of the world); Life (balance in animal, vegetal, mineral and human life) and for the sacred life, harmony and dignity of every living being.

We ask that you keep in touch. Let us know if you are conducting a ceremony, festival, gathering, meditation, or any cultural or fraternal activity around the Sacred Drums.

We respect the sacred ways in which each country, community or tradition will connect with this Great Ceremony for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and Peace.  With love and respect we would like to offer suggestions for the ceremony:

Rising Sun Ceremony (greetings to the Four Directions, to the heart of the Sky and Earth, and our own Heart).
Offerings to Mother Earth, Father Sun and Grandmother Moon.
Meditation to the sound of silence for the healing of Mother Earth.
Ceremony for the blessing and harmonization of the Sacred Elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire.
Consecration of the Drums and Musical Instruments.
Harmonic beating and cosmic sounds of the Sacred Drums for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and peace (12:00 P.M.)
Message from the Four Directions.
Sacred Celebration (music and songs)
Closing Ceremony (greeting the Four Directions, the heart of the Sky and Earth, and our own Heart).  

Our people, the First Otomi Nation, organized the Great Ceremony of Cosmic Sound and the 8000 Sacred Drums for the healing of Mother Earth, for Life and Peace at the Otomi deTemoaya Ceremonial Center in the state of Mexico, Mexico. We also organized the First International Indigenous Gathering of the Sacred Drums last March 21, 2004, where thousands of people from all over the world joined in prayer and sound for the balance of the planet.  The vision of the Wise Elders, Guardians of the Planet and Ancestral Wisdom, is to dedicate our lives to this grand Planetary Harmonic Concordance.  In order to achieve this, we have to join all our energies in love.

If you would like to contribute to support this mission please contact: Mexico:  Tel. No. 01-722-773-2240 or 01-722-291-0748
Email address: informes@universidadindigena.org

--Council of the Elders and Guardians of the Otomi Tradition of the International Indigenous University.
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #8 - 26.01.2005 at 09:25:29
The prophecy of the Ancestors of the Firs Otomi Olmeca Tolteca Tetihuacan Nation foretells of the waking of the indigenous people and all humanity reunited to sound 8000 Sacred Drums, so that the vibration of all the Sacred Drums generates the Powerful Sacred Medicine (Mähki ‘&#209;ithi) and the Intensified Healing Energy (Ts’edi Pa) for the healing of Mother Earth

pa na tem sem jaz bla lani za ekvinokcij 21. marca v Mehiki :hm prav pri Otomijih
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #9 - 27.01.2005 at 12:35:52
     The Four Laws of Change

in 1984, an American Indian Elder gave Don Coyhis (Mohican), the founder of White Bison, four Laws that govern change:

• Change is from within.
• In order for development to occur, it must be preceded by a vision.
• A great learning must occur.
• You must create a Healing Forest.


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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #10 - 29.01.2005 at 02:51:43
There is no better time than NOW to

There has never been a better time to anchor peace and balance in our lives and our collective consciousness than NOW. As we become more aware that we DO create our reality we begin to take charge and responsibility for our actions. We consider what our thoughts and actions do to ourselves, but also what they do to all life. We are beginning to realize that what we do for ourselves, we do for all life because we are connected to all that is, intimately. With this awareness, we learn to love our brother and sisters as we love ourselves.

The 9.0 earthquake and  tsunami this past December was a disaster that will be remembered for thousands of years.   How we remember this event of biblical proportions will effect generations to come. We can either drown in our sorrow or search for a higher meaning. We do have control to how we react to these kinds of events. The world has responded with incredible generosity and compassion and will continue to do so.  The human family became more connected to each other.

Maybe the illusionary walls separating the human family have faded a little, so we can now become one family once again. What a HUGE sacrifice those have made to get our attention. They have pushed us to open our hearts to each other once again. They have made us aware of how fragile and precious, each life is.  It has opened the heart of the planet.

In an article called “These Are Monumental Times”  by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, from New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose (read entire article at www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace), Patricia states that in all the chaos of recent events, an amazing Divine Plan is unfolding that will lift Earth and humanity into the 5th-Dimension.  The fifth dimension is known for its vibration of peace and balance. Patricia  reminds us that we are being given is an opportunity to participate in our divine plan and how important is and will be for us to stay focused on reality and not the illusion of  the world and to see the bigger picture.

Sacred sites around world radiate fifth dimensional frequencies.  This is why we feel good when we visit sacred places in the world. We feel reborn after a visit to an ancient temple, or a mountain top.  We feel awe when we stand at the edge of the Grand Canyon, the base of an ancient pyramid, or at the edge of the ocean. We need these experiences. They feed our soul and prepare us for the accelerated evolutionary process that is in front of us.

So how do we see the bigger picture? We learn to see the bigger picture when we experience something that is larger than ourselves. It helps us stretch and grow. It helps our awareness grow. These experiences can be perceived as a negative or a positive. Negative experience could be disasters like the recent one in Asia, or a positive experience could be a spiritual experience in a very peaceful and powerful sacred site. Either experience, even though we may perceive them as negative or positive, stretch our awareness, helps us dive deep inside of ourselves, to see a bigger picture.

Maybe it is too soon after the  12/26, 9.0 earthquake and  tsunami in Asia and the loss of 155 thousand souls to see a bigger picture. Maybe it is too soon to stand back and think about what this all means to us. The grieve the loss the suffering is just too big for us to understand in this moment.  But the gravity of the situation is stretching us.  I truly believe there is no better time to begin to see a bigger picture than right now.

A part of the bigger picture is to take action of compassion. Holding onto the grief and loss inside of us for all that are suffering will only add to the collective consciousness of loss and suffering. It will not help them,  it will only hamper their ability to heal.  It's time to add to the collective consciousness, a bigger picture of a divine plan of which we are all participants. It is time to let go of being victims, and become creators.  

Imbalances we experience are our collective creation/karma of which we have all contributed to some extent. When an imbalance happens to a part of our family, it happens to our entire family. When an disaster happens to a part of our country it happens to the whole country.  When we have an event that is global, it comes from a global imbalance, and we all bear it. When we know that any suffering on the planet is our suffering, and any death is our death, we have begun to be one and unified with all life. This the Maya call “In Lak’ech Ala Kin”,  what I do to myself I do to all life.  

It will take our collective light, power and focus, to reverse the negative effects of our misuse of power over eons, but it is possible. It was the collective that created an imperfection of energy that has now manifesting as disease, war, fear, hatred, violence,  strange weather and earth shifts etc. It will be our collective and unified energy that can transmute it! We are talking about clearing global Karma here. Buddhism speaks about cause and effect. So if we caused the imbalances we can transmute the effects with our focus on the divine plan. Human destiny is a collective destiny. Battling the darkness is a another form of war.  Flood your hearts with light, love, peace and balance. Mother earth has voiced her warning. It is time to take responsibility.

A Global SOLAR WAVE of Intent Can Bring Forth a Global Healing!
A message from Aluna Joy and the Star Elders.   www.AlunaJoy.com

The Solar Wave was an idea born in 1990 while on a  pilgrimage to Palenque Mexico.  In an amazing overnight stay in the Temple of the Sun, I was taught, or better yet down loaded with a vision.  I was shown an energy that was coming to the planet.  It was going to come in energy waves in multiplying voltage.  Today, 15 years after the initial vision, the waves are getting too big to ignore (The whole story ...Getting there - a Palenque Story at http://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/2003jan.html ).

I have been watching the effects that these waves have on Humanity and our Planet.  It is effecting us on all levels:  Body, Mind and Spirit.  Our bodies are evolving faster causing weird  symptoms.  Our minds are flooded with this energy making us feel overloaded.  Our spirits are searching for something that we can not yet see.

We can use this energy to manifest just about anything we desire.  The bigger the wave, or intensity of voltage, the easier and quicker it is for us to manifest.  I'm sure you have noticed that the time between desire and manifesting has shrunk considerably. You have to watch out for that instant Karma!  There is not much time between Cause and Effect.

Another way this energy affects us is that it's sort of a form of universal justice.  It puts things right that are out of sync with the natural universe.  It clears out anything that is not in alignment with the a divine plan.  We are beginning to see the effects of the earth setting things right.  We are seeing an increase of solar flares, earthquakes, tsunamis and strange weather patterns.

We are also experiencing unusual physical symptoms.  Just in the last couple of months,  we have been seeing a shift of sleeping patterns (like our internal clock is off); deep exhaustion or lethargy; feeling a deep inner sadness; extreme allergies; loss of appetite; mild nausea; a feeling like the ocean washing back and forth inside; feeling faint or dizzy; a feeling of drowning; increasing gravity; increased feeling of stress; unusual womens cycles.  The list goes on and on, and the symptoms are getting more pronounced. (More descriptions of physical symptoms at "HAVE YOU BEEN FEELING THIS??

This is not a time to go into fear.  It is a time to take action!  The more we merge and assimilate this creative power, the more we have control over it.  The Star Elders say that we live in an age of prophecy.  An age during which humanity has the opportunity to re-awaken to timeless inter-dependent relationship with the cosmos.  Without a doubt, we are here at this special time to help fulfill an awesome and delicately orchestrated plan to align Earth with the cosmos and humanity with the universal heart.  We are here to awaken to the full potential of being authentic human beings.  

Over the last 11 years, I've encouraged people all over the world to join in on the Solar Wave.  Every year I feel encouraged to continue on with this, but this year it seems even more appropriate and important.  The Star Elders say It's time to drop your cosmic remote control, get out of that visualization chair, and get to work.  Spirit helps those who help themselves.  Quit watching what is going on, and use your power to do something about the imbalances.

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is clear that the earth is telling us that we are out of balance.  The earth is asking us for our help.  With our new heightened manifesting abilities, we can NOW do something about it.  We can anchor balance, peace, harmony, love, truth, and integrity and all positive intent by living these qualities in each moment.  We can magnify these intents one thousand times if we use  powerful balanced energy of an equinox.

Many ancient traditions of the world marked the EQUINOX as a powerful time for manifesting dreams and visions in the future.  From the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico, to the stone circles in England, to the solar markers in the Native northwest, this time was revered as a powerful and transformative time.  We have an awesome opportunity to make even a more profound difference this coming equinox.  On equinox, the Earth and Sun are in perfect balance and  harmony, as the sun is centered between the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and centered between earth and sky.  This creates a sacred cross of balancing energy that naturally harmonizes the planet and humanity.  If we consciously work with this energy in a balanced harmonious way, we have a great opportunity to affect even deeper and positive changes on this planet.

"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #11 - 01.02.2005 at 00:12:23
Mayan Elder Gives Surprising Prediction:

Comet  &#147;Temple 1&#148;

by Mitch Battros &#150; ECTV

In an interview you can hear tomorrow night on the Earth Changes TV &#150; Radio Hour, you will hear Mayan elder Carlos Barrios tell us of a surprising prediction brought forth from a meeting of Mayan elders in Guatemala. To my surprise, Carlos is telling us the &#147;Deep Impact&#148; space probe launched by NASA on January 12th will create unexpected consequences.

&#147;Deep Impact&#148; is the first space mission to probe beneath the surface of a comet and reveal the secrets of its interior. It is set to collide with &#147;Comet Temple 1&#148; on July 4th 2005. That&#146;s right, the 4th of July. Is this a Hollywood stunt, or is it a prophetic indicator of things to come? On collision, the crater produced is expected to range in size from that of a house to that of a football stadium, and two to fourteen stories deep. Ice and dust debris will be ejected from the crater revealing fresh material beneath. But Mayan elders tell us than ice and dust debris is all that will occur.

NASA tells us the ice and dust debris data will be analyzed and combined with that of other NASA and international comet missions. Results from these missions will lead to a better understanding of both the solar system's formation and implications of comets colliding with Earth.

I did ask Carlos if this is related to Hopi prophecy telling us of the &#147;Blue Kachina&#148;. Carlos told me he has spoke with Hopi elder Lopez. He was told it &#147;is not&#148; the prophesized Blue Kachina. &#147;It is not comet Temple 1&#148;.

Carlos did tell of an escalation of earth changing events to occur as a result of this unprecedented event. It will produce some kind of shock wave which will have an unknown effect in our solar system and on planet Earth.
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #12 - 09.02.2005 at 13:09:21

New Message From Mayan Elders...09/21/03
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)

It was another fascinating interview with Adam Rubel last Thursday night "live". He had a new message for us directly from three Mayan elders. The time line has remained the same of expected drastic increases in earth changing events. The time window is August 16th to December 15th. What was added to this turbulent period was the mention of 4 days in December. In the period between December 4th to December 7th, energy portals called vortexes are activated.

The elders tell us after the red planet distances its charge, there is a subtle convergence between the cosmic and telluric forces, a time that lasts four days. Could this be the recently discussed Harmonic Concordance? The dates are slightly off. It is mentioned the date of the "Harmonic Concordance" is to begin November 8 which is marked by a total lunar eclipse.

Like its spiritual ancestor,  the  Harmonic Convergence  of  1987, was made popular and widely distributed by Jose Arguelles. The "Harmonic Concordance" of  2003  also is a call to the Spirit of Humankind to awaken to the idea that we are, in fact,  Spiritual beings sharing a physical experience.  Consequently, ceremonies and celebrations in honor of this idea are now being scheduled at multiple sacred sites and pilgrimage places throughout the world.  More information: http://astrosite.com/

One other highlight of our conversation, was the elders mention of Earth's energy points. Yes, the elders do see Earth as a living entity, and as all living things, Earth has a pulse and a energy grid. As a acupuncturist, it was easy for me to follow. Our Earth, has energy points, or meridians" just as each one of us. The elders mention energy has been blocked. The geographical areas of this was stated by Adam Ruble as being just south of Alaska, and ends in Central America. So guess what?... that would put the strain directly in North America. So if I where to connect the "Mayan Warning" with the geographical area of blocked energy, it would suggest events related to the "Mayan Warning" stating escalation of earth changing events, put North America as the likely area of devastation.

If you missed last Thursday's show, it is hard to capture the intensity in the air as Adam and myself began to put this picture together for the very first time, and the whole "live" audience was right there with us. As a result of this new information handed to us (including myself) as part of our 'live' broadcast, I have asked Adam Rubel to request specific information regarding "Yellowstone Super-Volcano". Adam agreed there has been too much activity which could result in
catastrophic disaster regarding Yellowstone. Adam stated he will be in communication with three Mayan High Priest next week, and will ask them direct questions regarding this potential nightmare.

Here is a written statement sent to me by Adam Rubel which represent "minutes of the meeting" in his latest contact with Mayan Elder's.

New Message From Mayan Elders

" Throughout thousands of years, the traditional Mayan world has preserved the ancestral knowledge.  This legend has been transmitted throughout different clans or groups that follow the highest Mayan spirituality - which is where the purity of the ancient wisdom has been maintained.  Today we are living in prophetic times.  Various prophecies of the Maya as well as other traditions point to these times.  This transcendental time is where the changes are manifesting. Humanity needs to see these changes with respect to themselves and towards the whole of the sacred
mother earth.  We are at the doors of change for the structures of the system that we know both economically and socially, which need to be transformed towards something that is more just and balanced.  The Mayan prophecies are a mixture of scientific/technological knowledge based on the sacred Tzolkin calendar and the visionary powers of the Chilanes Balanes (shamans/prophets).

To date, all of the prophecies they made have been realized with a high degree of precision.  The prophecies are the foundation of the Mayan world, which is based on the sacred calendar. In the Mayan world, this reality exists in the Najt (space-time), and is an infinite spiral in which cycles and events are repeated with a certain correlation to a previous/future time, corresponding to similar events.  This is why each person has a sign inside of the cycles of the Winales (period of twenty days). This will mark their destiny regarding events that occur during different periods of their lives.  Every human brings a certain energy and purpose to their life.

"When a wise one speaks, it is not to convince the incredulous.  They do it to guide and awaken the consciousness of those that follow the path towards consciousness.  Their words are not only for intellectual debate or for the nourishment of the spirit.  In actuality, the spirituality of these prophetic times are not limited to contemplation and meditation.  Today spirituality is synonymous with action; and action is every act of your life, in harmony with Mother Nature, and most importantly the harmony within ourselves, and in relation to the way in which we live."
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #13 - 09.02.2005 at 13:10:59
Don Pascual - Wise elder of the Mam Maya

"It is not our possessions, nor our actions that determine who we are.  It is our decisions that make us.  And if in this reality, with the divine power of life we have been given which is not defined, the destiny of our life is marked by its transience."
Don Isidro - Wise elder of the Kekchi Maya

This message begins from being with the elders and Aj’qij’ab (Mayan priests) of the Quiche Maya people on the Cerro Turkaj of Chichicastenango in the highlands of Guatemala on April 9th, 2002, at the start of the celebration for the beginning of the cycle of the sacred Tzolkin, known as the sacred Mayan calendar of 260 days. We received a phone call from a spiritual brother, Dr. Marco Cagastume G., that transmitted the words of the eldest wise one from the town of the Mam, member
of the council of the grand confederation of Ajq’ij’ab, wise-ones, elders and Mayan principals.  His call was of simple but very strong words.  There was a tone of desperation, incredulousness; his strength and desire was to shake us from unconsciousness.  He told us, â€&#339;Enough is enough!  Don’t you realize the damage that you are doing to your home?  When did you loose your sense of reason?  When did you loose the respect for our mother earth?â€&#157;

He would ask, â€&#339;Why haven’t we taken action towards the implacable destruction we make every day, all the contamination?  How is it that you can sleep at night, having this knowledge?  Is it that perhaps we don’t feel a responsibility for what is happening?  The reality is we do have a responsibility, a very big one.  By our permitting a few others who have suspect economic interest to do what they want without our putting a stop to this action, we become equally responsible.  Is it not enough to see how the climate has changed?  How the earth is contaminated, as well as the air?  How the rivers are poisoned, and without mentioning, the oceans as well?  Where are our green Mountains?  Where did the spiritual guardians run off to?  Where will the jaguars, the birds and the flowers inhabit? And the rest of the brothers and sisters that gives joy and balance to life?  Why have we let mother earth dry up?
And then we become frightened of the floods, the plagues and the earthquakes?  All of this, WHY?  You know the answer.  It seems we only live for the moment.

We only live to obtain the material illusions, the uncontrollable consumerism of things that don’t serve us.  Things that pacify us, distract us and make us feel as though we are somebody.  What to say of the spiritual guides?  This call is primarily for them, and for all the beings that are working for the light.   Let’s take awareness - it is time to assume the role that they are responsible for. It can all be put into one simple word: UNITY!  Let it bring us harmony and a return of consciousness.  Harmony with mother earth, respect for each other, respect to our brothers and sisters the animals, towards the plants and most of all, toward ourselves.  Ask your
grandmother, your grandfather, the elders – they have the peace and the wisdom, the awareness.  Listen to the wind.  Hug the ancient trees and ask them. Listen to the river or simply quiet your mind.  You will see that the answer, the truth is within yourself, in the depth of your soul – then you will know that you are a warrior of the light, of the peace, of love and of harmony.  And then raise your voice – without violence, but with strength.  All of us united will reconstruct the wonder of life.  Please, let’s return to be human beings!â€&#157;

Today, one year after this phone call, after the prophetic warning, (about the war in Iraq and what this encompasses with this charge of violence and death.  In spite of these unfortunate events, there was good fortune that the war began in March rather than April, because there could have been more tragic consequences.  Before the start of the war, the visionaries and the prophets had begun to talk) we have received the messenger from Xibalbay, known as the underworld. This has nothing to do with the inferno of other traditions.  It is a subterranean world where humanity lived for a long time, after a cataclysm that made it impossible to live upon the surface of the world.  There are still some powerful magicians/beings of Xibalbay that live in the depth of this world and they have sent this messenger.

Cablicot is the name of this messenger.  Its origin is as ancient as the night of time and has as its companion Camalzotz.  Cablicot is the owl with two heads and Camalzotz is the bat with two leads.  Today, Cablicot has come and its words are a warning; it is of the prophetic memory for these times during which various prophecies converge, be they from Mayan or other traditions. Because of its own dualistic nature, its words came with the war, like a preamble. This is a special messenger that looks towards the darkness.  Its head turns three hundred-sixty
degrees.  Each of its faces looks with indifference towards the two polarities. Its words bring a call without charge, almost like a recording.  Its own essence of polarity is the message.

The Mayan prophecies speak to us of the changes towards the fifth Ajaw (fifth sun), on the famous date of December 21, 2012.  This date begins the period of 5,200 years.  This is a cycle of wisdom, harmony, peace, love, of consciousness and the return of the natural order. It is not the end of the world as many from outside of the Mayan tradition have misinterpreted it to be.  The first cycle (Ajaw/sun) was a feminine energy and its element was fire.  The second cycle (Ajaw/sun) was of masculine energy, and its element was earth. The third cycle (Ajaw/sun) was a
feminine energy and its element was air.  The fourth cycle (Ajaw/sun) is a masculine energy and its element is water.  The fifth cycle (Ajaw/sun) will be a fusion of both feminine and masculine energies.  It will be a transition where there won’t be any more confrontations between the polarities.  It will bring balance and there won’t be hierarchy of one over the other.  Both energies will support each other.

It is why this period is called one of harmony, the kingdom of love and the return of
consciousness. Its element will be the ether.  This fifth Ajaw/sun comes with the power of transmutation. To reach this state of supreme harmony, it will be necessary to create the balance of the forces of the light and the dark.  This is where the importance of the call of the Mam elder comes into place – the quest for the unity, the return of the natural order.  This call is urgent in the face of the prophetic times in which we are living – principally for the spiritual guides and conscious people.  At this time, we need to unite and create a belt of light that will contrast with the negativity.

Those working with the negativity are clear in their purpose.  They are the owners and lovers of the material world.  They govern with their power and with the illusions that they create. They have most of humanity half asleep. A human being has become an object for the purpose of production, to generate certain output during their lives. Today, s/he is a number, and object which creates necessities and useless gratification's that fills the void of their unconsciousness.  Those working with the negativity are clear in their roles – they don’t discuss hierarchy, they know who the boss is in the different levels of power and they do their job with precision.  The contrary exists in the side of the light.    Here there is no idea of hierarchies
– every person goes off on their own, each one with their own ego.  They believe they are the owners of the truth, the wisdom and in their egoism scream to the four winds that they are the path of salvation.  Many don’t have a sense of what is happening.

They have sold the knowledge that has been given to them.  One of the gravest situations is that many cults and â€&#339;new ageâ€&#157; movements have emerged.  Let it be clear that we are not against their work, but we are suggesting they return to the origin where their techniques came from.  Many of them were taken from ancestral traditions – but only in bits and pieces, not in their entirety.  Although it may work for specific aspects, the most essential elements have been left aside - the integral and harmonious development.  We know that they are necessary steps for development and are a bridge or a path towards the essence of the great traditions, but it is important to recognize the origin of their techniques and to guide the persons towards the depth of the highest spirituality.  The call is for unity, to leave aside all
differences, to find respect and tolerance, to create the balance.  It is true that when a white magician is born, a dark magician is born as well.  The ones that are being
born now are not wasting any time and they are clear on their mission.

They prefer to destroy the planet (something which we can not deny nor close our eyes to) before the moment of the fusion arrives, rather than relinquish their position of power as owners of the material world.  â€&#339;We are living in dangerous times, my sonâ€&#157; my teacher don Pascual would tell me.  â€&#339;If there is no clarity, if there is no unity, if we do not return to the natural order, if we do not reach harmony amongst ourselves we are condemned as a species to disappear as a result of our own madness.â€&#157;

This is the call to spread, the cry of hope, of returning to the brothers and sisters to create
balance based on consciousness, love, the surrender and above all the clarity that we don’t have time to play around anymore.  This is the time of action!  When we talk about not having any more time left, I am referring to the prophetic projections of the ancestral science of the Mayan world, and of our own intuitions in conjunction with our work with the visionaries, the diviners.  This has given us the message of Cablicot.  This makes us see a close future of great danger.  This is a cycle that starts in mid August and lasts until mid-December of this year (2003).  This
period is of instability, destruction and confrontation and natural catastrophes can emerge droughts, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes – like we have never before seen – bringing the consequences of death’s appetite.  The most difficult confrontations are with intolerance as well as the economic interests.  The most delicate confrontation is of the religious fundamentalists, guided by the negative forces that can provoke great conflicts. This is a tendency, an energy that is gestating, which does not mean that we can not change or minimize it on the level on which we are affected.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #14 - 09.02.2005 at 13:11:57
At this moment, the elders and the shamans of the Mayan world are making fire ceremonies daily, without end, in a manner similar to the Native Americans who are working hard with their own ceremonies.  This is true of our brothers the Hopi, the Huichol elders, the powerful Taitas throughout the Amazon, the great wise ones of the eternal snows of the Andes, the Ayamaras, our brothers in the Sierra Nevada, the great Tibetan wise ones and all others that don’t have a visible form. Each one with their own tradition and mystical knowledge and sciences, are working to create this balance that has been denominated â€&#339;El K’uxaaj Saq’ Be’â€&#157; - the path of the positive
energy / the white path of the good heart.  This is where the two poles intersect over the west coast of the American continent, touching the continents energetic centers simultaneously reactivating the positive flow of energy.

The call is so that we may all work together – the elders, the shamans, the wise ones and all of the people that have the awareness in order to change the negative force.  It is about reaching all of the people with an urgency, to counteract the events that are juxtaposed to this period of August to December.  The elders are making a call for the balance that needs to exist, with the intention of calling all leaders as well as all of the people that have the desire to achieve the balance.

As an immediate action, it is important to meditate at sunset (if this is not possible i.e. work, then as close as possible), placing the focus on harmony, reconnecting with Mother Earth, asking for forgiveness for the damage we have done to her, for our own personal responsibility and for other peoples and institutions that are repeatedly destroying her. Then we can place the intention on sending a message to the negativity to let it know that we are active, that there is an awakening, that there is unity and that we will no longer permit the destruction f mother earth or of humanity and that we are conscious of the importance of this moment and to project to the transition of the date of Dec. 21 2012.  For this, it is suggested that you light two candles – one white, that represent peace, harmony, the positive thought - one red that represents the force, the light, the energy of a new dawn and the action.

The reason for doing this at sunset is because this is the time of transition from day into night and it is the moment to create the balance and to send positive energy.  As inheritors of an ancient civilization, the Mayan elders make us reflect upon the need and the urgency for creating this path of positive energy.  The events of the cycle between August and Dec of this year can be extreme expecting plagues, natural phenomena, (such as hurricanes, earthquakes, drought and floods, overheating and the melting of the glaciers), if we don’t create that strength of peace ,
harmony and balance with mother earth and between human beings. There is also a possibility of creating a major warlike conflict.

These cycles have occurred in the past with other humans (civilizations) and also at the end of cycles of the Ajaw, cycles of 5,200 years.  We are now at the end of the fourth cycle Ajaw that will end Dec 20, 2012, and the fifth Ajaw enters Dec 21, 2012, a date that is known to be catastrophic by people outside of the Mayan tradition- which in reality marks the beginning of changes in the way we see and live life, focusing more on harmony, the key word for existence in this reality.


Inside the charge of these cycles of changes, there are vortexes that open up a space. After the red planet distances its charge, there is a subtle convergence between the cosmic and telluric forces, a time that lasts four days.  This openness gives us the opportunity to create the force and balance. It is a sublime space that will allow us access to Jun’ab’ku, heart of the heavens.  This is a good time to ask for the internal strength, strength for the community, for the consciousness and to synthesize balance.  This is the moment when the strength of all those beings of light, are needed.  If possible, it is asked to fast, perhaps on fruit, to remain abstinent  or at least four days prior and to do ceremonies at sunrise and sunset.  It is important  o work from sunup to sunset on both the 4th and the 7th, because this is the opening and the closing.  The point of focus is to create the longing desire to awaken the south.  Beginning from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, to the Amazons, to the mountain range of the eternal snows of the Andes and carry that energy to the most ancient mountains on this part of the world in Cordova, Argentina.
The transcendence of this moment is of much importance for our beloved mother, PACHAMAMA.  It is also the survival of this â€&#339;fourth humanityâ€&#157;.  The day of the 4th brings to us the energy of the Nawal Tzikin, the great intermediary between the
heaven and the earth.  It is the messenger and the eagle-quetzal-condor that will create the unity between the north and the south. This will permit us willingly if we joined our forces together throughout the continent and around the world to awaken the Saq’ Be’, the white path.  On this day we focus on the divine messenger that carries our prayers, our feelings and the drumming of our hearts.  Let it be that on this day there is only one heartbeat, one sound of drumming calling to the four corners of the universe and at last finding Great Spirit.  In the north it is the Eagle,
in the center it is the Quetzal and in the south it is the Condor, (the ancestral messengers between the human and the divine).  So, lets have just one heartbeat, one fire, a simple ceremony but very majestic.  Let’s travel to the sacred places and reclaim the harmony.

The day of the 5th brings to us the energy of the Nawal Ajmaq, the keeper of the sin and forgiveness.  This is a day to reflect upon our lives, to be in silence and to go within, to look at the damage we may have caused consciously or unconsciously, to forgive and be forgiven, to forgive ourselves, but most of all to ask forgiveness for the damage we have caused mother earth.  We also need to ask for forgiveness for those that destroy without conscience but only for the madness or for riches.  This is an internal ceremony we do. The elders will be having their fires and ceremonies, but our connection (be it through ceremony or meditation) will be channeled towards the south to awaken the force and the return of the wisdom of the condor. This is the
moment of the return of the kingdom of TIHUANTISUYO, the giant panther. As of now it is called the kingdom of INCARI.  As a day of duality, the energy gives way to balance between the polarities, so this is what we need to focus on.

The day of the 6th, brings us the energy of the Nawal No’j.  This is the keeper of the wisdom, the harmony, the balance and the understanding, the power of the mind and of the imagination.  This is a day to use the energy of the mind to create the power of balance.  On this day we need to practice internal peace as well as peace with the community.  The polarization based on religious fundamentalism is reaching its unsustainable limits and it depends on beings that are committed to the essence of the real spirituality and the survival of the human race and of mother  earth, to help stop this energy.  Let’s not forget that this thing we call reality is mental, the â€&#339;great
illusionâ€&#157;, and the one that commands this force is the Nawal No’j.  It is recommended to light white candles, to create chains of meditation and raise our words to the heart of the heavens and to the Great Spirit.  We need to purify internally and check our own existence so we can do away with that which no longer serves us; to be free of antagonizing forces so we can then create the force that needs to govern now, which is harmony.

The day of the 7th brings us the energy of the Nawal Tijaax.  This day is the culmination of this cycle that opens with the intermediary between the earth and the sky, followed by the forgiveness and the sin, then followed by the purification of the mind (creator of all illusions).  Tijaax is the double bladed knife.  It is the energy that opens up dimensions and the vortex on this day, creating a space extremely subtle and only perceptive to sensitive spirits.  To us humans it gives us the opportunity to cut the negativity, to let go of that which holds us back to the vain illusions, to open up our hearts, to awaken and be able to create the balance between the polarities.  We need to ask for all the spiritual guides, so they can leave behind their personal
importance, so they may know how to guide us without competition and to be united and so they may not forget they are not the keepers of the truth.  Each and every one of us brings a force and internal power and that all the truths are part of one manifestation of reality and this is how we’ll be able to face the changes we are
about to encounter.  This will allow us to reach the date of Dec. 21, 2012,
with much harmony.  This is the purpose of Tzacol, the planet being alive, to then be able to transcend to the 5th Ajaw.
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