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All IS Full Of Love
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Reply #30 - 03.03.2005 at 20:51:32
The Phi Gate and the New Earth Maiden
by Simeon Nartoomid

We have shared a great deal of information concerning the Phi Gate and its opening on March 5th, 2005, as well the Maiden Grid and the Venus Transits, in previous communications. I will thus only give a brief bit of background information on these dynamics herein leaving it to the reader to explore previous messages at the links provided at the end of this article.

The Venus Transit which occurred on June 8th, 2004 is the first of a pair of significant celestial events. The second Venus Transit occurs on June 6th, 2012. The period of time between them is being termed the "Venus Gate."

The Phi Gate is a hyper-dimensional celestial vortex that has been magnetically anchored for a temporal period of time within the earth's crystalline grid at Kaua'i, most specifically in association with the sacred mountain Wai'ale'ale. It will host a transmission from galactic center on March 5th, 2005, one that will forever alter the crystalline geometries of the earth's etheric envelope. The Phi Field is a  vast field of energy and consciousness which will pour through the Phi Gate during and after the cosmic trigger which will occur on March 5th. March 5th is but the "threshold" wherein enough cosmic momentum has been built up to take across the line of demarcation into the reality on the other side of the "gate."

The Maiden Grid is the soma, or body, for the New Earth Maiden. The human body has an axiotonal grid in its etheric body [the KA or etheric double] which is made up of  crystallized star light.  The axiotonal grid thus incorporates many stellar vectors and energies within its overall design, and is in part made up of your unique astrology.  But it is more than our individual astrology, it also mirrors specific elements  of the Adam Kadmon, or Divine Template for expression as a human being. This in turn is a massive and entirely universal set of stellar vectors crystallized by Master Intelligences into a "template" or archetype that can interface with various Logoi in the universe for the purpose of exanding the range of divine human experience in the universe. The interface of the Adam Kadmon with first our Solar Logos, and then secondarily our Planetary Logos, largely determine the type of physical form that is needed  for the specific expression of an the embodied race - in this case our human race.

The easiest way to think about the Maiden Grid then, is to witness it as a correlative of the human axiotonal grid for the New Earth Maiden or Divine Feminine archetype.   This axiotonal grid is
being woven into the earth's etheric body, and consequently into our own "individual" etheric bodies, because they are in truth at-one with the earth's etheric body.
The weaving of this Maiden Grid has in fact been ongoing for well over 100 years. Its exact nature has been determined in part by the evolutionary thrust of humanity itself. However, there are celestial factors involved that have been brought into the weaving of the New Earth Maiden's soma which are universal in scope  and far beyond the limited perceptions of most of humanity.

The Venus Gate is a period of time [8 years] wherein gestation of the New Earth Maiden will be occurring. The Phi Gate opening on March 5th is where her soul matrix becomes more than fifty percent present within her soma even as her etheric body and axiotonal system is still being fully developed. The Phi Field has a similar relationship tp the Maiden's soma as does the human soul to the human body. The Phi Field can be thought of then, albeit somewhat metaphorically, as the soul energy for the New Earth Maiden.   It is, however, also much more than that and its vibrational register within the earth's etheric body reaches far beyond the New Earth Maiden archetype it hosts. The Phi Field pouring into the earth's crystallex grid will affect everything here on physical, etheric, astral, causal and soul levels of being as new flame geometries infuse the old forms of the earth propelling them towards a quantum leap in evolution. The New Earth Maiden is a key dynamic in what is unfolding for us right now in this regard.

There is a cycle of the Divine Feminine known most commonly as the Maiden, Mother and Crone. On a planetary level this cycle has repeated itself many times over in the existence of the earth in celestial terms, versus every human female's re-enactment of this Great Cycle during the course of her life. During periods where there is a New Maiden being birthed, the previous cycle's Crone becomes the new Maiden's Mentor for however long is deemed necessary in that particular cycle by the Illumined Ones. What is important for us to understand at this time, is that the New Earth Maiden will have her soul energy very present within her soma or body as an archetypal presence after March 5th, 2005. This infusion of energies roughly correlates to the point where a fetus starts to receive the soul energy wishing to incarnate within that form. At this point the expecting mother often starts to feel more than just a live body in her womb, and begins to experience the actual soul energies and qualities of her soon-to-be baby. This is how it will be for us on earth. To those humans on earth who are sensitive to subtler energies, the soul essence of the New Earth Maiden will begin to be perceived more fully.

In a similar manner the New Earth Maiden will be in gestation within her new soma or body until the second Venus Transit on June 6th, 2012. This is the point wherein she will actually be birthed into a more solid structure and form.  The Crone of the Old Earth will remain with her for some period of time after that to pass on her wisdom, and then she leaves the earth reality forever. Her tender impress and caress will fondly remain with us for all time, so not to worry about losing her as a familiar. The actual birthing of the New Earth Maiden on June 6th, 2012 may be at some other location on the planet besides Kaua'i, yet to be announced.

In a previous message I received from the IAC Merkabah of the Host dated 05/23/04, we were informed most beautifully about the role of a universal Divine Feminine archetype that many of the Illumined Ones know as "Ishkea." We were also informed that Venus was her "daughter," and that we would receive a cosmic gift from Ishkea and a sweet embrace or cosmic hug on the date of the first Venus Transit. We indeed received a cosmic embrace on that day as a planetary consciousness, many people reported they felt it happening.

Now, I have been brought into an awareness wherein it is being revealed that the New Earth Maiden is the bearer of Ishkea's primary gift that follows the "cosmic hug." The New Earth Maiden is also Ishkea's daughter. Ishkea will be pouring forth her essence into the earth through the New Earth Maiden as she develops and matures.  To those who are sensitive to subtle energies her presence will be immediately known. She will unveil herself for the masses at a later date after the second Venus Transit takes place, representing her actual exoteric birthing.

I was also brought into an awareness that it is Ishkea who gives birth to the New Maiden on EVERY changing Divine Feminine cycle, not just this one. She has many earth daughters! So what is so special about this time, when EACH time is truly so special?  This time around, we are not just sounding a higher note, we are moving into an entirely new octave of the Divine Feminine which has not yet been sounded in the earth before. The last time we moved into an entirely different octave in this regard was at the end of Atlantis.

This is where we now get into the real substance of this unfoldment. We are each being called upon to embody this New Earth Maiden in our own being, to help her take her first breath, to stay alive and healthy while in the womb space of the Venus Gate for the next 8 years. She embodies the Divine Feminine aspect of the Christ Consciousness   and is destined to transport us to a higher degree of balance leading ultimately to androgynous states of being.

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« Last Edit: 04.03.2005 at 01:48:44 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Reply #31 - 03.03.2005 at 20:59:27
What are the primary qualities of this new Goddess energy?  Here is what was revealed to me: soul level compassion [as differentiated from human compassion], balanced nurturance, and mutable love crystallizations.

Soul level compassion can be differentiated from a personality level compassion in that it is far more objective. It is a compassion that has been elevated beyond all sympathetic and empathic components and which accepts the negative or painful experience of other beings as being entirely valid for them PRIOR to projecting itself forward into an outward compassionate expression [there is much to this which I won't go into further here lest it sidetrack me from the main thrust of this article].

Balanced nurturance is a full-on embrace without any possibility of becoming overbearing; or on the other hand, of having the nurturer shut down or feel somehow denied in the process. Today, as human beings we do our best and still come up short of what we know is possible in terms of nurturing others. We might move with spontaneity to nurture someone who needs it, then, we find we have inadvertently over-extended ourselves somehow and have to pull back towards balance.

Mutable love crystallizations are what happens when love is liberated to follow its own nature. This is rarely attempted successfully until the soul reality has impressed itself upon the personality consciousness to a high enough degree. We see many examples of non-mutable love crystallizations in our world today. These non-mutable crystallizations are breaking apart quickly now and dissipating. The New Earth Maiden will, in the future, eventually bring mutable love crystallizations into a more profound manifestation as a primary form in our world.

Love crystallizations can have many faces, such as a relationship that is too rigid and has become a dark prison for those involved. They can materialize also as feelings of fondness we have for something or someone and that never change regardless of what is taking place, and which are part of a dysfunctional dynamic rather than being anchored in more expanded forms of soul based love. These immutable love crystallizations can also look like an unreasonable love for an inanimate object, or a dysfunctional and harmful habit. They can be blind love for a religion, or nation, or any group or organization that is rooted in loyalty at the cost of ethical and moral values. The lowest expression this world has seen of immutable love crystallizations in recent times was Hitler. He loved his self-serving and grossly distorted ideal at the expense of many, many others.

The New Earth Maiden will bring these new spiritual gifts to planet earth to strengthen our own efforts to move in this direction. She will add an immense amount of potential into the equation for us to tap. In order to tap the gifts she brings, we must become aware of them and stay aware of them, the rest unfolds naturally. When you work with the Amatrix Angel process we have provided for remote linking with us for the March 5th Phi Gate opening, hold it in your heart that the new crystalline forms and flame geometries we are facilitating within the earth's etheric envelope include the Light encoding for the New Earth Maiden as well.


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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #32 - 04.03.2005 at 01:51:37
Were it not for Fairies...

B Y   M O N T E  F A R B E R  &  A M Y  Z E R N E R

THE TERM "FAIRY" is derived from the Latin word "fatum" meaning "fate." This is an ancient acknowledgement that recognizes the talent fairies have in affecting human destiny and the powers of prediction, something my wife and I know quite a bit about.
My name is Monte Farber. Amy and I are the world’s foremost designers of interactive, self-help guidance systems, more commonly known as “divination systems” because they are designed to help you “divine” the future. We believe that divination systems can help you do this because they help you get in touch with the spark of The Divine that is within you and all things. To us, The Fairies are the embodiment of that divine spark. In fact, most of us who believe in fairies claim that when they allow themselves to be seen, it is usually out of the outer edges of our eyes and in our gardens as sparks of light, often when major life events are taking place or about to.
Amy and I have always believed in fairies—that’s the truth! If it were not for fairy tales and my belief in happily ever after, I would not have been able to survive my difficult childhood, grow into the kind of man who could attract to himself someone as wise, beautiful and talented as Amy and together create our own Enchanted World of love, light and laughter – sharing it with the world through our published works and through Amy’s collage artworks which grace their pages.
Since 1988 Amy and I have enabled more than a million people around the world to contact the unseen realms of guidance, support and protection that surround and sustain us all. The essence of our work and of our life, but especially of The Truth Fairy (Thorsons/element 2004), our newest creation, is to help us all recapture the sense of awe and wonder that we had as children and were transported to magical kingdoms by the goodness and power of fairy tales and the art that graced their pages.

"Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's finger."

– Hans Christian Anderson

Children literally grow up on fairy tales. As little children we were supposed to be sheltered from the harsh realities of life by parents and other caregivers who were there to love, nurture and protect us. Fairy tales helped them to gently show us the truth about life and helped us to grow up a little at a time. As we were exposed to the many important life lessons contained in fairy tales, we were slowly and safely introduced to some of the best and worst aspects of life in the adult world. If you are fortunate enough to be able to remember back to when you were a child, you can see that the fairy tales and the questions and answers that were inspired during their readings were very important to you in later life – your earliest introduction to the system of formal education.
Amy’s mother, Jessie Spicer Zerner, was also a renowned illustrator of many children’s books. Her specialty was fairy tales, masterfully drawn in pen and ink, with intricate flowers and animals and all the costumed characters that inhabited her detailed fairy lands. One of Amy’s favorite memories is her mother reading Victorian fairy tales to her. Jessie, herself, was like a fairy godmother – gentle, smart, spiritual and beautiful. Jessie’s own mother, Lilias, had read these same stories to Jessie when she was a child. In fact, as a child, Jessie had bestowed the nickname “Rena” on Amy’s grandmother after a fairy named “The Grand Marina” from one of the old fairy tales.

Yes, Amy and I believe in fairies and we trust that you believe in fairies, too, because fairies believe in you. In fact, that’s the main thing that fairies do—they believe. Fairies are true believers—they are cheerleaders for Truth, Good and Beauty. They even believe in those who don’t believe in them.

Fairies are not mortal, but they know how hard life can be for those who are. They don’t judge or condemn. Instead, they demonstrate sense and sensibility. They trust in the basic goodness of everyone, affirming truth and compassion, hoping that we will follow their lead and work to create a world of peace, beauty and mutual respect for all beings. If such an enchanted world is ever to come into being, we must all first emulate the fairies and believe with all of our heart that it can, indeed, be born from even these times we live in.

Fairies believe that baby plants can push their soft, spring-green heads up through frozen, rocky or deeply soggy soil, even when the plants themselves are mired with doubts and growing pains, not to mention mire itself!

Fairies believe that ponies and fawns can stand themselves up on their spindly little legs and walk to their nursing mothers just moments after they are born.
Fairies believe that furry caterpillars can spin themselves into their silk cocoons and transform themselves from crawling insects into the most beautiful butterflies. Some of them, Monarch butterflies for one, are able to fly for hundreds of miles. And who do you think believes in them and cheers them on as they’re making their long-haul flights? You guessed it!

Fairies even believe in the rocks, water, air and fire that make up this wonderful Earth of ours. Even though fairies can choose to appear to us as eternally youthful, they are the guardians of Nature and have been around since our Earth was formed four billion years ago.
Back then, I guess all they had to believe in was that the super-hot gases swirling around our neighborhood star, The Sun, would keep cooling off and solidifying to form our planet and the raw materials for everything in it and on it. I suppose that’s why they’re such good friends with the rocks and the crystals—they’ve known them the longest!

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« Last Edit: 04.03.2005 at 04:52:51 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #33 - 04.03.2005 at 02:04:59
http://forums.delphiforums.com/n/mb/display.aspwebtag=realmofbeing&msg=10523.1Ye..., for ages and ages the fairies have believed in the goodness of nature and cheered on every part of it, giving all of Mother Nature’s children the strength to keep going and growing. That is what fairies are always trying to do for us human beings, too. They cheer us on no matter how bleak or how difficult things appear to be. This is an especially trying time in our world’s history and we need fairy wisdom now more than ever to keep ourselves grounded, healthy, and as in tune with Nature as possible.

Luckily for us, even when we’re not doing our job—being the good people we really are and listening to our heart of hearts for guidance—the fairies are doing theirs. They never stop encouraging us, praising our efforts—no matter how small, patting our heads and holding our hands when we think we’re alone and abandoned, and kissing us with happy dreams while we sleep.

Sometimes, especially in difficult times, fairies concentrate as hard as they can so they can appear to us.

Have you seen a fairy? I’ll bet you have. Whether or not you are lucky enough to be able to see with your eyes, fairies can make themselves visible to you as a bright flash of light, usually when there are beautiful or fragrant flowers nearby. It’s happened to us all so many times and yet most of us usually say it is just our imagination. Well, in a way, it is! Fairies are our imaginary friends, not because they are not “real,” but because they symbolize and help us with one of life’s greatest gifts to us—our imagination.

Each Fairy chooses the form in which it will appear to us mortals. Like our imaginations, fairies can be delicate and elusive, yet strong and powerful. That is why the beautiful portraits that Amy has made show them in several forms that are different from what you might expect. Fairies can appear to us as being male or female, small or big, young or older, and even passive or fierce.

To help us use our imagination, they guard our minds against intruding negative thoughts so we can imagine in the most creative way imaginable! It’s hard to think of the sad things in life when you’re thinking about the fairy realm. Without them we would get distracted by what too many people call the “real” world (even though most people can be heard to say several times a day “This is totally unbelievable!” about real world events).
Fairies know what is really real—they’ve been around since the beginning and they know better than almost anybody—and we have created The Truth Fairy to give them a way to “speak” to you through the Truth Fairy pendulum.
If you are lucky enough to find yourself surrounded by nature, you can hear your fairy godmothers and godfathers in the wind or the rain or even in the silence of a calm night. Even if you live separated from nature, you can hear your fairy friends, but only if you and your surroundings are quiet enough. However, for most people in our fast-paced world, it’s almost as hard to quiet our inner thoughts as it would be to quiet a noisy city street. That’s where Amy and I and especially The Truth Fairy come in.
Even before Amy and I met and fell in love back in 1974, we were searching – she through her art and me through my music and poetry – to find out if there was any practical benefit to be derived from the various wisdom teachings of the past. We were rewarded beyond our wildest dreams. Although the sorrows of life cannot be avoided, we have learned and put into practice many tools and techniques that have enabled us to create a life of quality and meaning spent loving and working together. We have made a living from using our art and our hearts to share with the world what’s helped us to create and live in our own enchanted world.

Like the world of the fairies, it is hard for people to believe that it’s possible for themselves to live in an enchanted world, too, but it is. It is now time for you to learn how to do it, too!


When artist Amy Zerner met author Monte Farber in 1974, an enchanted relationship was formed. Since 1988, they have shared their unique brand of life mastery and artistic excellence with their readers in the more than one million copies of their unique, award-winning works published in nine languages.

Amy and Monte have been guests on morning shows like ABC TV's Eyewitness News Sunday, FOX TV's "Good Day" New York, L.A., Atlanta, and Detroit. They were profiled on the nationally syndicated B. Smith With Style TV show and Monte has also appeared on Cinematherapy on Women's Entertainment Televison. In addition Amy and Monte have been reviewed and interviewed by newspapers and magazines across the United States. On November 7th, 1999, The Sunday New York Times published a feature article praising their unique and powerful approach, the quality of their prodigious output, and their mainstream success.

For more information on them please write to: info@theenchantedworld.com or visit: http://theenchantedworld.com/index.php/









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« Last Edit: 04.03.2005 at 04:51:02 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #34 - 04.03.2005 at 14:25:22
sorry enga zajebala:


pa hvala ti mARYAN M.

     10523.2 in reply to 10523.1
My healer cat (my ginger maine coon) has been chasing faeries the last couple of days almost non-stop Smiley


maryan se TUD MUca SVETi

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #35 - 04.03.2005 at 14:34:56
Correction to Sivaratri Date

Our last newsletter stated that Sivaratri will be on March 9th, when in fact Sivaratri is on Tuesday, the 8th of March! Our web-site and Astroved Calendar correctly have the March 8th date published.

It is not too late for you to participate in this most auspicious time for changing your planets and destiny. Below is a special offer for this night of Siva.

Siva Baba speaks on ...

Destiny Changing Sivaratri Ritual


Sivaratri, which literally means the night of Siva, falls on March 8th. It is a cosmically eventful time where the destiny of not only the earth plane, but of the entire cosmos could be changed. Baba is organizing a special event for Sivaratri as he describes as follows:

"I have been away from the United States for almost 2 months. This has been a very eventful time in India. In all of my previous incarnations, I have tried my best for the transformation of mankind. It has never been acceptable to me that people should suffer in the name of karma. It is not that I deny the existence of karma. Karma is certainly an inexorable law. It creates two individuals. One sits in the Oval Office as President. Karma creates another individual who is born in a slum without food or shelter. Can one erase karma totally? Probably not.

Nevertheless, I am delighted that I have found ways to erase karma. A few years ago I revealed the mantra “Thiru Neela Kantam”. I have also been revealing the esoteric effects of the planets on ones own consciousness through Astroved. During this Sivaratri we will worship the Sivalinga with golden lotuses. I decided to stay in India to do this karma-removing ritual.

The offering of 1 golden lotus equals the offering of 1000 regular lotuses. Flower offering is a great device to erase bad karma whether it is money, relationship, health, etc. In many respects it is more powerful than meditation. But to find 1000 lotus flowers is hard. While reading the Siva Purana recently, I found out that offering golden lotuses to the Sivalinga is a powerful device to erase karma and seek Lord Siva’s Blessings. As I read this I felt within me a deep conviction that this would accomplish the task of providing a leap in changing human destiny.

Accordingly I have made arrangements to facilitate the performance of the ritual. Ideally, I prefer everyone to have 108 golden lotuses. When you offer 108 lotuses, it would be equivalent to chanting and offering 108,000 lotuses.

I know that there is a money constraint. "You must have at least one."

-Siva Baba

Each of these 22 Karat Gold Lotus Flowers weighs 1.75 grams. They are designed to be used over-and-over again in your personal daily poojas.

We will be energizing all of the lotuses at the sacred mountain of Arunachala in Thiruvanamallai, Southern India. Arunachala is Lord Siva’s most powerful form as an infinite pillar of fire that completely annihilates ego. Each full moon, 500,000 to 1,000,000 people flock to Arunachala to make a holy procession of walking 8.25 miles (14 km) around the mountain.

lih kar na mail


6396, btw, a TITO o 1975? Roll Eyes Shocked Grin119898
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