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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #15 - 09.02.2005 at 13:13:01

As of February or maybe sooner, according to the sacred books, the sacred Tzi’te and the projections of the wise visionaries, this seems to be an extremely delicate year.  Again this has to do with us reaching peace and harmony.  As of now the economies can start to deteriorate, we can see that it is based on an illusion.  We have seen the real value of things have disappeared many years ago.  Today the economic value, money as we know it, is an electronic fantasy and if the socio-economic systems doesn’t return to being human and to the real value, the actual system is condemned  to extinction.  This is the unconsciousness, the senseless race in the world that continues without stopping, without going anywhere.  It is escapism to live an experience in such  an accelerated manner.  The fear of destruction and the instant gratifications we experience on a daily basis either help us to carry out our existence or to live alienated.
This year will be hard and bring us natural disasters, warlike confrontations and  disaster in the world economy.  Like with all prophecies and visions of the future, there is the ability  to minimize things and in some cases even change them.  Although this year is of much concern, we must focus on the present which is where we will define the balance. The period of now to the end of 2007 is of much importance to maintain the balance.  We will be living in a very dangerous time
that this humanity has not lived before.  It is within each and every one of us to reach balance and change.  The focus must be on the energy that got stuck
in Panama, which, because of the canal, didn’t allow the energy to reach south.  This is where the work will be the most revealing, which doesn’t consist only of these four days.  It is urgent to activate the base of the spinal cord of the continent of the mountain range of the Andes and the ancient mountains of Cordova.  To bring on the change and as the wise Mam elder said:  â€œPlease Let's Return to Being Human's"

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq’ij, who originates from and resides in Guatemala.  Carlos has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world.  Carlos travels  internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland.  Carlos is also the author of “Kam Wuj: El Libro del Destino”, and out of print book on the astrology and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.  Carlos is presently working on a revised edition which is to be translated to English.

Saq’ Be’: Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies is a non profit organization based in New Mexico, US.  Saq’ Be’ works to bring people, especially young adults, together with ancient traditions for the purpose of cultural and spiritual preservation and to open the doors of opportunity for those traditions to share their teachings with the rest of the world. Preservation programs include Radio broadcast capacity for the Native community in Chichicastenango, Guatemala and support for filmed documentation efforts of elders and guides of the Mayan tradition.  Meetings programs include trips to Native communities in Guatemala (next trip
is for the Mayan New Year, June, 2004) and arranging for travel and teachings for the keepers of  this ancient wisdom to the US and abroad.

Contact: Adam Rubel   Website: http://www.sacredroad.org  
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #16 - 11.02.2005 at 13:46:52
The Teachings of Joshua, Healer Heal Thyself.  


Below is  information to help you learn to heal yourself and others, If I can do it anyone can.

Over a period of years, I have been very ill with various ailments.  Cancer in the womb chronic fatigue, endometriosis and many other ailments. With the help of my guide Joshua, and the rest of the ascended masters, I have developed these clearing techniques to keep myself well.

It is much better to be spending the time clearing yourself and using some essential oils, meditating, or spending time with your guides than hanging out in an ER room at your local hospital, on a weekly or monthly basis trying to find out what's wrong with you.  It is also a lot less costly, considering the costs for medication and doctors.  

Through staying on top of the clearing all the time I am now free from my own pain, these simple day to day techniques have saved my life.  I will never be the same again, no more medicines for me.  I have found that once I have cleared myself, I can recognize "negative energy or toxic energy" as I sometimes like to call it as soon as it touches my physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional being.

The healing classes that I teach all over the country are not only for healers but for those who wish to heal themselves as healing  yourself is essential before even considering working on someone else.


I have found that negative energy comes in from many sources. For me it comes in from talking with clients who may be seriously ill or generally just having a bad day or  from sitting in front of a TV, a computer, cell phone or  wireless phone.  

I find when I go to the store that I tend to take in lots of negative energy by  picking up everyone’s vibrations from the things that I touch whilst walking around shopping.  I automatically feel pain in different parts of my body. I may get a headache, or sharp shooting pain in my back, or my hands and wrists may ache.  

I automatically tell myself this is not my own stuff this pain belongs to someone else, as soon as I do that I start to feel the pain ease from my body, it's not completely gone because the vibration is still attached at a cellular level.  That is why is important that when I get home I get into nice hot bath with my essential oils, and then I start to release the rest of  this negative energy.

Other ways that energy can come into your home environment can be via other family members. An example being, your husband comes home from work after having a bad day or your daughter being at school with other kids who are hyperactive or maybe even come from abusive backgrounds.  They take the negative energy in all day long then bring it home with them.

All Children are susceptible to taking on other people's vibrations this is why they tend to get out of control sometimes a little hyper, cranky, or they may look like they're coming down was something.  

There are also some children that are a little more special who are called the Indigo children.  They are very gifted; they come in fully conscious and are more susceptible to taking in all the vibrations and the pain of others.  

It is important that when you are healing yourself from serious or minor ailments, that you get all of your family involved.  Teach your other family members how to clear themselves.  I have taught my husband how to do this and my six-year-old daughter.

...Why is Water important

Why is Water important?  For many years now my guide Joshua has graced me with information, for many centuries the bathing ritual has been part of our healing process.  When you go back to different times and cultures, you can see how important bathing was too many of them.  The Greeks, the Romans, Egyptians, all of the ancient ones taught that cleanliness was next to godliness.  John the Baptist, Moses, Jesus, as well healing their people they would  bless them by placing them in water.  They did this for a reason, placing them in water and blessing them helped invoke the release of pain, ailments and  illnesses from the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies.  We have forgotten the old ways; it is now time to remember.

In the old days of ancient Egypt they had beautiful marble bathtubs; the Egyptians wore Egyptian cotton and  soft silks that were easily removable so that they could frequently step in and out of the bathtubs throughout the day.  This along with their prayer rituals helped them keep the vibrations around them clear at all times.  Many other older cultures also practiced daily energy cleansing rituals.

In modern times we are caught up in the fast busy pace of life; we tend to forget how important it is to take time to relax, breathe and meditate.  If we took the time every day to move energy out of our bodies we would be less sick and we would have more time and energy to do the things we enjoy doing the most.  

During our group discussion, my hands on healing class students started to understand the importance of the bathing ritual's and how important it was to be aware of their environment and their surroundings.


Healer  heal thyself first before you work on someone else, you cannot work on someone else when you're sick yourself.  So if you're feeling like you’re coming down with the flu, then more than likely  what you’re coming down with is energy in your body that you've picked up from someone else, so go off and clear yourself before you  go to work on your clients.

Never mix spirit with spirit, in other words do not drink alcohol when you're working with spirit.  This is very dangerous to do not only for yourself, but also for the person you're working on.  If you have alcohol in your system you will be inviting in negative entities that can attach to that dark energy that has been placed within you.  If I decided to have a glass of wine with my dinner, I make a point in telling my clients that I'm no longer available for consultations until that energy has cleared from my physical, spiritual, mental and emotional bodies.  This generally takes about 24 hours to release, so do not plan on doing any healings on anyone until the vibration of alcohol has left your system.  I have also noticed that throughout the years of doing my healing work, I have become alcohol sensitive.  So I have now come to a point in my life where I no longer drink alcohol.

A healer should never work on a client when they have medication or any type or drugs in their system. The reason for this is that you could put that vibration in to your client who is ill, and you could potentially  worsen their condition.  It will also have a backlash effect on yourself as you may end up feeling awful with flu like symptoms.

I  also make a point of  not working on clients when I have work to do on the computer, I make sure that my clients are all scheduled into one day and then any work I have to do on the computer is done on a different day.  To me if I tried to do both on the same day I feel I would be cross contaminating the energies of both types of work; I try to keep the negative energies and radiation that comes from the computer away from my clients.  A lot of time and preparation goes into the days that I work with my clients, and a lot of time spent scrubbing down, clearing my space, and sometimes when energies are too much, getting into the bathtub more than once a day.

Once I have explained to my students about how energy works and the cause and effect of  it and the importance of keeping oneself clear of all vibrations that are negative, only then is it time to teach how to do hands on healing.

I teach all of this plus you'll learn how to listen for the call signs, which is the signals you get in regards to communication with spirit, your guides and the ascending masters.

You learn how to scan all of the bodies and how to shift vibrations from the bodies so that person can heal themselves.

This is just a small part of what I teach; the best part of this is we learn more about ourselves the more we tap into all of our beings.  We learn that we are capable of communicating with spirit, that we are guided on a daily basis, we just have to listen and we learn to heal ourselves.

I hope that you are inspired by this and can use this information given to you, on a daily basis, so that you can make the changes in your life that you need to make.

Love & Light

Rosemary The Celtic Lady.

Founder of The American Association of Healers & Psychics

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #17 - 24.02.2005 at 02:37:16

Shaman: Developing a Modern Edge
By Linda Leicht
Feb 23, 2005, 17:25


Shamans are found in traditional cultures around the world — African witch doctors in huts, Celtic pagan priests standing in open fields, American Indian medicine men in sweat lodges.

Shane Knox plans to work in an office.

Knox, who uses the name ShadowHawk, says he has been a shaman for 25 years. He studies and applies traditional native American, Asian, African, Celtic and other methods, but he is firmly planted in the modern world.

"I may very well do a traditional ... smudging and blessing with prayers to Grandmother and Grandfather, but I will have booked that appointment on my cell phone and entered it in my electronic organizer," says Knox. "Now we're going to do it at the office."

Moving into an office seemed natural to Knox as his business grew to include more clients, CDs and a Web site.

"My personal mission is to take all of these traditionally honored modalities of helping people and bring them into the modern age," says Knox, sitting in front of a desk covered with plants, crystals, a cell phone and a Hewlett-Packard computer.

Knox plans to be in his new digs by month's end. He will share space with longtime friend and massage therapist Sheila Johnson, owner of Natural Escapes Body Therapeutics on East Battlefield Road.

"My basic concept ... is to help people relax," says Johnson, leaning back on a comfortable brown leather sofa in the waiting room of her salon, the natural sounds of birds and running water filling the air. "The world is complex and fast paced. It's hard to get quiet," she says. "Shane is very good at ... getting you quiet."

The combination of a shaman — who offers guided meditation, intuitive readings, soul retrieval and energy work — and traditional spa services seems natural to Johnson, whose office is filled with representations of angels.

She also finds it a natural fit with traditional Christianity. A churchgoing Christian herself, Johnson believes her own clients will feel comfortable with the match.

"When doing massage you have a whole attitude of acceptance," she says. "You accept everyone where they are. That's why there are so many different religions; everyone is at a different level. There's room for everyone's beliefs."

Knox also has a Christian background. Raised in a Baptist church, he still remembers his "calling" as a young boy of about 10 singing in church.

"I felt the call of Spirit and was saved," he says. "I felt for the first time a true connection and closeness to God. I wanted more."

His quest began, leading him to various churches, faiths and interests from Zen Buddhism to metaphysics. By the time he was a student at Ash Grove High School, he was doing "shamanic rituals out in the yard."

While he was a youngster he met a woman he calls "Barb" who told him he was a reincarnated shaman who had more work to do in this life. Barb and her sister, whom Knox describes as "medicine women of the Black Bear Clan of the Lumbees," gave him the name ShadowHawk. The Lumbees are a tribe in the eastern United States.

Knox says he continues to respect the faith of his youth as he participates in rituals that recall other belief systems. "Even though I ... use words like Grandmother and Grandfather to refer to God, I believe it's a gift from God," he says.

"I'm not afraid of standing up in the middle of the Bible Belt and saying, 'I'm a shaman and I'm going to do my work,'" says Knox.

'Try on new ideas'

The word shaman comes from Evenki, a Tungusic language of Siberia, and means "a priest or priestess who uses magic for the purpose of curing the sick, divining the hidden and controlling event," or anyone who "resembles a shaman."

While definitions differ, Knox says a shaman is "somebody who acts as a go-between for the physical and spiritual realms, and who is said to have particular powers such as prophecy and healing."

Almost all cultures around the world have shamans, he says. They have different names and their emphasis varies, but they all connect the "people and the spirit world."

For shamans such as Knox — modern day Americans in a fast-paced world — all those traditions are mixed together.

"Each has his own specialty, but the core thing is that they are the people who can alter their consciousness, connect with the divine, the all, the that-which-is-beyond-the-physical-limitations,"he says.

Meditations, intuitive readings and even healings are now offered in climate-controlled offices, on CDs, Web sites and over e-mail.

Michelle Pillen, a psychologist and author who lives on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, seeks out Knox for his readings, a way she manages to "stay sane" amid a busy life of work and family. They connect every few months by phone.

"Shane has helped me to accept my path and live my life more fully," she says. "Sounds corny, but it's true."

She says moving into Natural Escapes is a good business move because "it will give folks like me, who aren't fluent in New Age ways, more opportunities to try on new ideas and new experiences."

Mindy Spitz of Springfield agrees. She has been consulting Knox for years, but she sees his new location as a place where "people would feel more comfortable to visit."

For Spitz, who works in public relations, having a "regular place and schedule" will also make it easier for her to access his services.

Fitting the ancient spirituality of a shaman into a square office may seem an odd fit, but Spitz isn't concerned. "While (Knox) is in tune with other-worldly powers, we also have to be part of the real world," she says. "The real world means doing business. It's part of life."

'spirit guides'

Knox lights his smudge pot — filled with cedar, sage and tobacco — and blesses the room while moving the smoke with a "spirit fan" made of colorful feathers. He offers prayers to the Grandmother and Grandfather as the smoke covers his computer screen. He turns to a shelf covered with crystals, totems and a pipe wrapped in animal skin and leather.

"The sage gets rid of the negativity. The cedar calls for good, and the tobacco is an offering to the spirits," he says.

Then he sits down in a high backed office chair, tucking his legs up lotus style, and begins handling a deck of tarot cards with American Indian symbols. The cards offer focus but no information themselves. Bouncing back and forth, the leather medicine bag swinging from his neck, Knox begins an intuitive reading, barely looking at the neatly displayed cards.

He mentions disagreements at work, projects at home, health problems and a dying friend, all spilling out of him in a matter-of-fact way. It is his "spirit guides" who provide the information. He offers no solutions and no opinions.

"My guides and my intuition tell me what to say",
Knox explains.

In the background, he plays a CD of pipes and drums, taking the place of the traditional drummer. His cell phone interrupts the reading. He smiles apologetically and turns it off.

The computer screen shows the shamanshadow.com Web site where music and meditation CDs are available.

"We're introducing the cyber shaman aspect of what I do," says Knox. "Yes, we're going to honor tradition ... but we're going to bring it into the modern day."

He gently moves a rattle, tied with a small fetishes of bird and bear claw, to its place on the shelf, then flips open his cell phone to see who called.

"We're living in a high-tech world," he says. "There's no reason why those two things can't be married."
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #18 - 24.02.2005 at 04:46:25
Petra. wrote on 24.02.2005 at 04:32:35:
Heights Of Awareness
Highly Sensitive People

Some people are born into the world with their ears and eyes open to the strong energy pulsating all around them. They experience everyday sensory input in a uniquely heightened way that can cause both pleasure and pain. In an environment overflowing with subtleties of thought, chemicals, noise, light, scent, and both positive and negative energy, these highly sensitive people do not have the ability to filter the emotions, substances, and sensations they take in.They can be easily overwhelmed in crowds and may require quiet time alone to regroup their feelings. But highly sensitive people are far from being weak. On the contrary, they are strong, perceptive, intuitive, and exceptionally artistic people who have a wonderful gift of insight to offer.

Highly sensitive people feel emotions deeply and, as they tend to be empathic, find themselves affected by the emotions of others, even the emotions of actors or characters in books. Because of this, they are perceptive of the needs, joys, and pains of others and they cannot simply shake off their feelings. They are as hurt by an insult to another as they would be by an insult to themselves, and try to avoid most conflict. When faced with negative emotions or situations, it can be easy for highly sensitive people to suffer from depression or anxiety. Their unique mode of perception allows them to develop a strong appreciation for nature, music, art, and literature. Many talented artists are sensitive and most sensitive people are artistic in some way.

This sensitivity exerts itself physically as well, which can cause the nervous system to become overloaded when faced with bright lights, loud noises, strong tastes, or erratic environments. Highly sensitive people may be allergic to a number of foods, fabrics, and chemicals. They may also be so touch-sensitive that coarser cloths like denim bruise their skin. Thus, they fare best in peaceful, harmonious settings that offer strong support and may find they build their strongest bonds with other highly sensitive people who understand their needs. To minimize stress, it can be beneficial to create a daily routine, seek out calming activities, avoid jarring noise and lighting, meditate, and use relaxing essential oils.

Though some highly sensitive people develop animosity toward their way of experiencing the world, it should be understood that it is not a curse, but a path to wisdom. Denying your sensitivity can lead to unhappiness but exploring its benefits can lead to positive change in yourself and others, particularly when you choose to seek out the world's beauty and demonstrate to others the heights it can reach.


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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #19 - 27.02.2005 at 23:41:00


When you outgrow your clothes, you get new ones. We are outgrowing our flesh suit. Its carbon and genetic base no longer matches our high level of awareness. Our genetics are being mutated, activated, to accommodate these increased levels of light, and allow us to experience and express more divinity and everything that goes along with it. Your physical body may experience many physical mutations as a result of this radical transformation to Light Body, we call these ailments mutational symptoms. These symptoms are not related to any form of disease, they are just physical reactions to the intense light levels you have allowed into your body and your conscious awareness becoming more vibrant and acute.

Shift your perception away from the illusion of disease, there is nothing wrong with you, you are just mutating. You may experience symptoms that appear like typical diseases such as "cold or flu" symptoms: congestion (mucous), headaches, back pains, earaches, eye discomfort….and many other mutations that will be unexplainable by fundamental medicine, but do not be deluded by human perception, these are merely reactions to chakra openings, glandular openings, system re-alignments, Light Body activation's etc., as you embody more light.



Planet Alert - March 2005
By Mahala
Feb 21, 2005, 10:42


Lets talk about the changing energies as we move through the ninth initiation of releasing our fears. It's time to release all old fears and get ready for the new energy that is coming in at the spring equinox. Once you have removed your fears, love will take its place in your body, mind, and spirit. It's time to graduate and start being the beautiful, brilliant, being that you were meant to be.

Many people have had 22 or 24 strands of DNA activated in their body. This is good, although you still have to pass the ninth initiation before your body will light up. Nine strands need to start glowing for you to manifest your light body. When this starts to happen you will know you have graduated. Fun and happiness also comes with this activation.

There are thousands of strands of DNA in our bodies that the scientist call junk DNA because they don't know what it does. There are nine strands that connect directly with the nine chakras in our bodies. This chakra connection is needed before you can manifest your light body.

The following information is from a Kryon channeling on November 13, 2004. "The ninth layer of DNA is called Shechinah-Esh. We will translate that in our way as the Flame of Expansion. Layer nine is what's missing in layer one! You might even say that layer nine is what makes the 'junk" work! When you put layer nine and layer one together, you get a completion of communication to the rest of the interdimensional layers.

Layer nine, therefore is the bridge. The Flame of Expansion. It's the bridge to ascension - to healing. It's the bridge to mastery. It's the bridge to self-worth. It's what you are trying to reach for in what you are calling The Cosmic Lattice, for that is the energy of layer nine. All of the masters who walked the Earth had the same DNA that you have, although they had layer nine activated and vibrating. (The merging of layer one and layer nine is called the sacred marriage that is spoken of in the 19th chapter of Revelation).

Visualize yourself in a dark room. It's dark as can be - the darkest of dark. The DNA is in there with you, and there you sit watching it. Now I want you to enhance your eyesight. I want you to make it 12,000 times more sensitive than it is. Now you're going to see something, even though it's totally dark, DNA creates light! The room is going to light up and the DNA begins to glow. DNA creates photons, and has its own energy source. DNA is active. It also creates sound or vibration. And it does it all by itself. One strand all by itself, which contains all 12 interdimensional strands, creates light and sings songs. DNA vibrates and creates, literally, sonic energy.

Pretend for a moment, that humanity has discovered a beautiful piano. The piano is called DNA. The piano is not only a beautiful instrument that is complex with many notes that play together, that intertwine in their harmonies, but also the craftsman called God has made the tuning sonically perfect.

This piano plays a tune all by itself, over and over. And that tune is called Human Health. The structure of the piano is called the layers of DNA. There is a musician who is playing the tune and the musician is called Life Force of Consciousness, and it's the Human Being. So there we have the DNA - perfect, creating health on its own, and doing it beautifully through and within the consciousness and biology of a Human Being".

We have no idea what we will be capable of doing once all nine strands are lit up, or maybe even twelve strands. It's my understanding that Jesus the Christ had nine strands activated and working. He was the master of love and what he did we can also do. Jesus came to teach people how to love, and how to live on a peaceful Earth. This we can also do if we have our nine strands brilliantly glowing.

It's my understanding that John the Baptist had 12 strands activated and that is why the Templars honor John, and Mary Magdalene, above Jesus. One is not better than the other, they just had different jobs to do. John was connected with the Eastern tradition of meditation. Their goal is to get 12 strands of DNA activated and glowing so they can be liberated. This means they are off the Karmic wheel and never have to come back to this Earth unless they want to. The job of Jesus was to teach people how to bring heaven to Earth by manifesting unconditional love.

We just passed the eighth initiation. The eighth chakra is the one in the back of your head right above your neck. This is considered the soul star and is aqua in color. The ninth is the thymus center which connects with your endrocine system. This center produces the hormones that run your body.

Now we are working on the ninth initiation of releasing our fears. Fear can not live in a body of light. Love is letting go of fear. Lets get our DNA glowing so we can live on a beautiful new Earth in peace and love. Pluto is the planet that is driving this transformation. It is in the sign of Sagittarius, which is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and Pluto will remain there until 2008, which is the ending of the Bible tribulation, in my way of understanding Revelation. Then Pluto moves into the sign of Capricorn, which has been known as the birth of light. I believe many people will be manifesting their light bodies by September of 2007.

The thymus gland is what activates our endrocine system and the hormones that run our body. The color of this chakra is red/orange. This is one of the colors that is being beamed to Earth by the Sun right now. It may be a good idea to have that color around you at this time.

Another color that is being beamed to Earth from another galaxy is bright peach, almost orange. It is a beautiful color, and I have seen many items of clothing lately in that particular shade. This is the color of our second chakra. By manifesting this color we can move out of a poor me attitude into one of happiness and joy.
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« Last Edit: 28.02.2005 at 03:20:47 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #20 - 27.02.2005 at 23:55:02
The three lower chakras are very powerful, especially the second one because that is our sexual, creative chakra, and it connects to our emotional body. Emotions and water are very important elements on this Earth plane. Our foundation is our three lower chakras. Without a good foundation it is very hard to live in this world. This is why it has been so hard for empaths to stay healthy.

It is also time to activate your third chakra, which is your power center. If you have a good strong emotional body and know the right use of power, it is now time to come into your power by standing up for who you are and what you know. It's time to speak your truth.

Of course, it is always important to run energy through your heart chakra. Think with your heart and love with your mind. When your other chakras are healthy and strong this reflects back to a good healthy body, mind, and spirit. Inside of your heart chakra is a beautiful bright rose pink color, which is the color of love.

...I think it is very important that we release our old fears. It is much easier to go through Earth changes if we have no fear. There are many challenges going on right now. There is one Earth change after another happening around the world, although you may not hear about them on the regular news. I guess it would be too overwhelming for people if the news made us aware of all of the changes that are happening right now.

The 9.3 earthquake that happened in Sumatra on December 26, 2004 literally shifted the Earth into another frequency. We have to adjust to this new frequency.If you have been feeling stressed lately, or gone through a physical cleansing like a cold or flu, this may be the reason. A shift in consciousness is sometimes difficult.

There are other possible events that may happen in the future, like a show-down with North Korea. This was prominent in the news lately as the planets moved over that area. Iran is also a challenge right now.

President Bush will be having a lot of challenges in the next couple of months. It starts with the full moon of February because Uranus will be opposing his natal Mars, and Mars will be opposing his Sun. This will bring conflicts with friends, people, countries, or Congress. This energy also brings outbursts of temper. This is an unfavorable time for initiating new projects like the Social Security reform. This can also be a life threatening aspect because Uranus is conjunct his node.

On Inauguration day, January 20, 2005, the planet Mars was again in the position of war god. It was on 19 degrees Sagittarius on that day which is in exact opposition to Mars in the United States chart, and it was on top of Bush's south node. This is a war-like energy and is in effect for four years. The hand writing is on the wall. Watch out Iran, Syria, and North Korea.

Many unexpected events will happen after the full moon of February 23rd, because Uranus will be conjunct the Sun. This ushers in a two week period of unexpected events. Uranus is a very rebellious planet and people may take to the streets in protest of some event. Uranus also rules light, so the positive aspect would be to start manifesting your light body.

The planet Mars is moving through the Earth sign of Capricorn. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will continue, along with many fires. The February full moon finds Mars over Washington, D.C. and in opposition to Bush's Sun

The nodes of the moon are moving through Aries/Libra. This activates Hawaii, Alaska, and the ocean off the West Coast of America. The other side of the world that is affected by this energy is Italy (note the Popes recent illness), Greece, Turkey, etc. Watch for more events in those areas.

The better part of March will see the Sun moving through the water sign Pisces, so expect lots of water events like rain, snow, storms, flooding, and more glaciers melting. This is a good time to spend time sending love to water. Bless the water you drink, bless the oceans, bless the rivers, bless the lakes, and bless the fish that live in these bodies of water. Our thoughts are very powerful. When many people gather together with loving thoughts they can do wonders. Don't forget to bless yourself. I send you my blessings.

http://www.alcseattle.com/planet.php?DIR=2004-03_04&SEC=Archives&SUBSEC=planet_a... [/quote]

I love you!

... :wink:

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #21 - 01.03.2005 at 12:31:38
March will be quite an active month, with three planetary stations that include Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, all within one week of the spring equinox.

The first week in March contains several challenging aspects between Mercury, Mars and the outer planets.  On March 1, Mercury in Pisces squares Pluto in Sagittarius, which can result in underlying power and control issues entering our communications.  On March 3 and 4, Mars in Capricorn squares Jupiter in Libra and Venus is aligned with Uranus in Pisces. Both these aspects bring out independent, feisty streaks in people in the areas of business and relationships, causing them to rebel against any perceived threat to their individual freedoms being curtailed.  While Venus/Uranus aspects are known for creating sudden attractions, these usually are not of a lasting nature.

Perhaps the most challenging period of the month will be on March 7 when Mars in Capricorn opposes Saturn in Cancer.   Since this aspect happens to fall on the same degree as the New Moon on January 10, events from these two time periods are related.
This is often a tension-producing time, with ego conflicts and irritations that can cause angry reactions or inner traumas. Any health problems could flare up now.  In general, it is best to take especially good care of oneself and try to stay in the background around conflicting situations.  Pushing for a certain outcome will probably not work at this time.

The New Moon will occur on March 10 at almost 20 degrees of Pisces. Pisces rules spirituality, compassion, mysticism, and seeking higher truths.  A few days later, this is followed by a benevolent Jupiter/Neptune trine. These are aspects of ease and grace and should smooth over any tensions produced the previous week.  Our higher ideals are awakened and our dreams and inner visions are experienced more vividly.  Be open to receive greater opportunities on all levels at this time.

Mercury turns retrograde on March 19 at 14 degrees of Aries, intensifying the spring equinox on the next day. The main difficulty here is that with Mercury in Aries we will want to impulsively take action on our desires and plans. However, it would probably be best to wait until mid-late April to avoid having to make major changes and adjustments later on.

On March 21 Saturn turns stationary direct at around 20 degrees of Cancer. The results of previous hard work on our goals and projects will begin to become more evident.  Major adjustments may also be needed at this time. Events or news about families, children, and national, personal and social security will be more prominent during this week.

The Full Moon on March 25 at 5 degrees of Libra will be aligned with Venus and Mars.  This will bring more relationship themes and events to the foreground over the next few weeks.  With Venus in Aries and Mars in Aquarius, expect some challenges around asserting personal needs within relationships. Seeking balance and cooperation will be key factors for resolution.

The next day Pluto turns stationary retrograde at 24 degrees of Sagittarius. This is a powerful Full Moon period, with many dramatic transformational changes possible on both a personal and planetary level. It will be best to stay centered in one's own truth and spiritual practice at this time.

Blessings for a wonderful spring!
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #22 - 02.03.2005 at 10:25:58
Shaping Your Destiny


As we approach the end date of the Mayan calendar in 2012, our manifestation skills are improving daily.  What we think becomes “what is” -- instantly!
There’s a reason for this, and it’s tied to the evolution of consciousness sweeping the planet.

More is happening in every second than ever before.  In his book “The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness,” Carl Johann Calleman explains that the rate of change between levels of consciousness has been accelerating gradually over millennia.  Today, the acceleration is not so gradual.

Billions of years ago, a shift of consciousness happened every 1.26 billion years.  Millions of years ago, a shift of consciousness took 63.4 million years.

Beginning in 1755 AD, a shift of consciousness occurred every 20 years.  Up until 1999, we lived in that cycle.  Then, on January 4, 1999, we entered a new cycle of consciousness called the Galactic Cycle.  Since 1999, a shift of consciousness happens in only 360 days, rather than the 20 years it used to take.

Beginning on February 10, 2011 - less than six years from today - a shift in consciousness will take only 20 days. So, what used to take 20 years to shift prior to 1999 will take only 20 days to shift.

What does all that mean?  With each shift, manifestation becomes more and more instantaneous.

We are entering the times when personal mastery is attainable for vaster segments of humanity than ever before.  Two thousand years ago, the Master Jesus incarnated as a wayshower to imprint in the Earth grid the possibility of personal mastery.

In Eastern traditions, the Buddha laid a similar path.  Other avatars are embodied today.  Their presence uplifts humanity and the Earth grid.  They teach and inspire by example.

Tools, techniques and teachings are available to help us reclaim our mastery and shape our own destiny.  Some are borrowed from quantum physics, a branch of science that accounts for our ability not only to influence but to create the reality we experience.  Meanwhile, transformational healing techniques help us raise our vibrational frequency so we may embody more and more of the Christ Consciousness energies.

Are you ready to reclaim your mastery, to stand in your truth and step into your power?
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #23 - 02.03.2005 at 22:49:50

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Doorways of new thought open upon you and about you as you stand in the mist and amidst change. Doorways that present themselves as a gift you have so sought to receive. Doorways that open and close dimensionally allowing you to see through them from time immortal.

Your life in this season of shift will explain and exclaim itself to all levels of you as you finally unwrap the gift of you. For too long you have allowed others to determine your value, to determine your self worth, to determine whether you have a good thought or a bad thought, a good day or a bad day. For too long now you have allowed others to evaluate and re-evaluate who you are and why you are here. You have been designed by your deeds, and you have been re-defined by the way others receive said deeds. As you come to a point of explosion in a plane of expansion, it is time to let go of the rope that you have been holding onto. The rope that you think you are, the life that you think you have and allow yourself to free-fall into all that you destined to be.

The doorways of expansion past all previous limitations are there if you allow yourself to see them. Do not be afraid of the future. Do not be afraid of your beauty, of your sexuality, of your dreams, or of your thoughts. Do not be afraid of your world or the darkness in your world. Do not define yourself or the world by the news

The magic of you awaits you. Do not be known by who you were 5 minutes ago, but allow yourself to be designed in a new logistical way, past perimeters, past expectations, past the very past that haunts you. You are a voyager in this life. You are a cell in the body of the Universe. And just like a blood cell in your body, you move all through the body of God and the body of life and light in your life. The journey begins and ends with you. The magic begins and ends with you. No matter how much you read and how much you do, how much you pray ultimately it falls upon how you see yourself as. Do you see yourself as a beautiful magical creature that you are? Do you see yourself as someone who is stretched beyond time and space? Or do you see yourself as a mere mortal? If this is all that there is to your life, how are you spending it? Are you spending it being angry or negative or sad? Or are you spending these golden nuggets of light in loving every minute of you, every inch of you?

In 2005 you enter a new chapter of your life, one that does not have a name or a title, it awaits your description of it. If today were your last day on earth, how would you define who you have been up until now? What would you publish in your eulogy and your obituary? How would those that viewed you see you? Would they remember you in all of your glorious being? What would they remember about you? This new chapter of you that asks to be re-written in the next year is written specifically by you and for you.

Re-define who you see yourself as and give that new definition to the dictionary of your cell membranes and cell intelligence. By re-defining this new chapter of light that you are writing, you change the outcome of the world. If you could re-define yourself, how would you want your world to see you? How would you want the people to remember you? If you were to have a vision that contained every person that you have ever crossed paths with, what percentage of that vision would be beautiful, what percentage would be dark, what percentage would be sad, what have you given that you have not received? The universe opens its arms to you and takes you upon its lap. Granting all of your wishes as a kindly rich old uncle. This year is about becoming you.

You speak about the Star Children and the Indigo Children, but you are of the same genetics and the same light. Many of you have worked to remember some have just done it naturally. You have worked to become more light, to become more heart, to become more giving and loving. You have worked to love the darkness that resides deep within the light.

You hold the flame of hope for those that do not have the eye to see. You hold the light in the darkened room of their life choices and karmic debris. You hold the diamond that glitters in your heart wanting so much for everyone to see it. You want the people to see the good about you, the beauty about you, the God about you, the Goddess about you. And so it shall be. Ask and so it shall be. Ask that every person that you meet, mirror your beauty, mirror your good, mirror your heart, and mirror your love. Ask that every person feel the spirit of love in you. Ask for these gifts that you still do not feel worthy of receiving and they shall be deemed yours for the asking. Know you are precious and you have worked so hard to become this beautiful light that you already are. This time of peace is yours if you so desire it. The universe cannot force you to become love, to become peace, to become beauty. It can only allow it to be partaken by you. Open up to receive this. You have asked. You have prayed. You have begged. You have meditated for peace, for love, for beauty, for abundance and here it stands. What shall you do with all of your granted prayers and your granted wishes? What shall you do when everything is fulfilled? Are you tried of asking for it yet? It has accrued as a cornucopia of light. It is now time for you to sup upon it and break bread with all of it that you have prayed for. We leave you with this thought.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #24 - 02.03.2005 at 22:51:00
Time Walkers, the Ancient Ones of ORR

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Welcome Dear Ones as we enter into your field of light, your field of inquiry, and your field of Heart. We are the Time Walkers, the Ancient Ones of ORR (Ore/ORR means a source from which valuable matter is extracted) We come forth on this day, this time, this system of Light to lift you into aspects of your essence that you have forgotten, that you are afraid of, that you have not acknowledged for eons of time.

As Time Walkers we escort you into what is iron ore, what is magnetic ore, what is golden ore, and what is light ore. A time of lifting is what you have initiated yourself into, a place and a response time of quickening is what escorts you there. Everything coincides with all the markings of the heavens in alignment with the markings of earth. The doorways open within every cell structure, within every thought, within every inkling and desire, awakening every aspect of you –future, past, and present. The time has come to shift the outcomes of who you thought you were, of who you were thought destined to be, and to do.

The time of shifting is upon you as you are no longer sequestered in a four-dimensional playing field, but now bring your selves to the holographic deck of all possibilities. It is here that you will sit in your dreamtime. It is here that you will view the circumstances of your life from a platform of knowing, and a point of healing that surpasses and circumnavigates all previous layers of your light.

You have allowed yourself to play the role of human for far too long. You have allowed yourself to get lost in the wrappings of humanness and limitations that serve you well as their master. You sit at a crossroads a dimensional flux. In this place of all time / space and possibilities, you will view what has been consuming your time and energy on earth. You will see entire sections of worries, fears, hates and unforgiveness'. You will see arenas of love and gratitude. You will see all of your sins shuffled and categorized throughout all time. You will sup upon them and dance with them for one last time. Then they will leave not to set foot upon the porch of your light, or the landscape of your future from that point forward. In this intersection of timespace and light there is a relinquishing a releasement.

When you are birthed from the original light, you have a certain number of quantum photon particles, bio-luminary essences that describe who you are. As these energies of the New Year line up you will find that you are cleansed and purified, as one at their Holy Communion. You are baptized into a higher light that does not exist on earth. You hold the encoding for that light within the encoded solar structures of the cells of your heart. As these time frequencies are set free from the heart you will find a great pitter and a patter in your heart. You may experience a pain, a palpitation as these bio-luminary cells are set free and allowed to move forward into a place of undivided freedom. Landing in a place that surpasses emancipation and proclamation, past freedoms of earth, past freedom of even what you know to be heaven.

Everything that you have worshipped now looks at you eye to I knowing that one day it is destined to look up to you. Everything that you have placed on a pedestal now replaces itself with you. It is your turn to be become God, to become Savior, to become the Enlightened One. As you move that awareness into a higher understanding of what it is you really seek in this physical incarnation, you will be relieved, for all the pressures of doing, observing, coming, acting out, acting like, acting as if, will now be released. You will be allowed to draw yourself exactly as you see yourself in these higher octaves of light. When others look upon you allow them to see the shine of your heart. No longer can you hide behind the mountain of Commandments. It is a time for you to come out and be seen beyond Biblical proportion, beyond Ancient Knowledge.

Earth vibrates in every cell of your body. Every new discovery that is made on earth is a discovery that is made within your own being, within your own thinking. It is a time of not questioning your motives but a time of knowing. Walk onto this platform of light as a Presidential Candidate with all eyes of the world upon you. Hold the place of honor. Hold the place of integrity. Hold the place of worthiness and respectability. Support yourself in all of your choices.

The vastness of your presence now makes itself known. No longer can you be a victim. No longer can you have an excuse. No longer can you punish yourself for all the deeds that are done and undone through all space and time. Come forth in all of your glory to be seen, to be felt, to be known. There is no escaping your light. There is no escaping your heart. There is no escaping what you are destined to do by every thought and every action. It is time to believe in yourself, to vote for yourself, and to know that you are the right person for this next level of light.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #25 - 02.03.2005 at 22:52:35
Mary Magdalene speaks "The Gift of the Year 2005"

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

What was once was and all that has been now resurrects itself to the light of a new day, a new eye, and a new future. The Stargate that was once closed now opens to be seen. Influxes from beyond time now make their way home to be seen in a fullness of a circle in the form of a golden ring. A sacred wedding announcement is commanded and heard as clarion vibrations skip throughout time. You have wed what is holy within your self, you have married what is holy within life. The sacredness that has so longed for itself, for its bride and its groom now looks heart to heart touching hand to hand. A doorway that was not seen opens within the cellular vibration of your Christ DNA and the wedding is announced to your circuitry.

In time before, What was once deemed holy was sequestered, swept under a rug lost in a shuffle of papers, erased and eradicated. The time portals of 2005 now open as a century plant allowing this new information to be resurrected and reentered. The Year of the Magdalene (2005) births itself into the House of the Seven. Bringing forth the healing of the sacred selves of the Temples within women and men.

Aligning with the vibration of what you once knew to be you will assist you in making your choices in the upcoming time of Spring as the vibration of the ancient Goddess of Easter and all she represents in resurrection will make herself known to many. The vibrations of these portals of time past now escort you into doorways of no-time that will allow you to access the Halls of Records. This is not Karma that seeks to be released. This is the equation of Completion on the outskirts of Karma. All that was left undone, you will weave together into a tapestry of healing. All that was secreted away now comes to the surface as the sands shift and the waters lessen, as the tide lines change, and the Teutonic plates move. The long lost scrolls that announce to the world what you know in your heart will be seen by eyes that doubt and held by hands that fist.

Vibrations of healing can be heard throughout the earth as each one of you announces what brings you love. Make a list dear ones of what you love about your life, about yourself, and about others. This will be your map, your compass, and your guiding wire in the year 2005. No doorways of escapism will be allotted to you as you are all drawn to the center, the center of all that is woman, the center of all that is man, and the center of all that is holy. You will be open as a temple for all to enter and all to see. Your holiness will be seen in a way that cannot be describe by the neophyte, but sensed and felt on a cellular basis.

You shift the outcome of everything by seeing yourself as a sacred place, as a sacred temple and as a sacred being honoring that temple. Walk through your life as if you were a holy man or woman walking through a town. Stay as connected as you can to that holy vibration and do not place it asunder by default of thought. Hold higher expectations of your world, of the people in your world, and of those that you love, and especially those that bring discord to your life.

In 2005 a divine union and a sacred marriage happens between every person that you meet and every person you are yet to meet. Open up the pathways of your heart in vein, in capillary, in aorta. Open up the four chambers of your heart release biological division, and separation. The gift you give to others is your ability to be sure footed in your knowing. Now it is time to take what is sacred within your own union and bless yourself with it. Anoint your actions. Anoint your yearnings. Anoint your dreams as a holy sacrament. Allow yourself in 2005 to ignite your passion, to live life not fool heartedly, but full heartedly.

Do not doubt or question who has been touched by your heart Light. Do not doubt or question if they finally understand for it is not your script to read. Busy yourself about clearing and becoming all that you can. It is not your life experience to busy yourself with another’s evolution. If they come to your temple and ask to be taken in, then so shall it be. But do not drag them kicking to your holy space to hear your holy words.

There were days when my beloved did not want to hear what I said. There were days when he looked at me with fire in his eyes even though I knew how much he loved me. There were times I did not agree with what he did and nor he with me, but we honored the experienced and exchange and so it shall be with you. You are the most beloved of the universe’s creations and yet you see it not. When you learn to love all that you are then doorways upon doorways will open up for you and upon you. Then you will see in the fullness of time that you have not been able to see through your human eyes. All my Love Mary Magdalene

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #26 - 02.03.2005 at 22:55:11


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am the She-ness of All that is, I am Sophia. I am the breath of that which you have spoken. I am the breath that is and that is yet to be birthed. I bring within my words and energies a fulfillment that comes not from the substance of earth, nor from the substance of self. I ask you to taste the sweetness that you are as you kiss the lips of God. I ask you to taste the sweetness that was destined to be your life before you chose the conflict. Come forth into the fullness of your power in this hour of light. Do not wait a fortnight; do not wait another day until the timing is correct in your perceptions. For in the scheme of universal knowledge and the schematics of universal light, there is but this moment. In this moment you need to fill yourself with all that you want to be. Do not talk of what you shall accomplish one day, but fulfill that accomplishment within your mind, within the pictures of your heart and the pictures of your word in this moment this thought.

In the upcoming time, you will find that many words that you speak will change in enunciation, in meaning, and change in vibration. You will find that as you speak, a gentle hum is heard in your heart as it begins to vibrate with truth so fast that music is created. These are not heart palpitations but the sound of love that hums through the caverns of your being.

I am She that was whispered into existence by the mouth of God. I am sometimes seen as Shekinah the holy breath, the Holy Spirit. I am feminine of nature, but not always depicted as such. I come forth with the vibration and the teachings of the ancient Magdalenes. You birth a New World on this day by believing. You birth a great white hope that lives so deeply in your cell memory that you have not yet seen it in your world. You birth on this day a completion as you spiral and dance around all layers and faces of your soul and of yourself finally landing in climax within the oceans of your being. I am that which is yet to be found within you. I am the sacred feminine that you seek but do not always see reflected in the mirror of your life. I am the sacred face of the feminine light of God and I come to heal you as I come to birth myself.

The essence of Sophia (Ma-RI) has lived by many names and each one of them you have donned as a costume in the masquerade of life. You came in this time holding an encoding that will be released in these upcoming times. It is that sacred number, that sacred sound, that sacred geometry and color of the Wild Woman untamed Goddess within you that you allowed to be birthed in fullness for me and through me.

It is time for you to celebrate everything about you for every one of you is a strand in the tapestry of my cloak of light. The doorway opens for you to see and to celebrate. Some days the celebration will be in a place of loneliness and other days it will be in a large beautiful group, but it matters not. Your life needs to be a celebration of who you want to be and who you know you are. Strip off the weather coatings that you wear as protection and allow your glorious beautiful self to be seen in the fullness of time. Do not be afraid of your emotions or your angers or your passions. Do not be afraid of your wild hair days.

If you would sound my sound in your heart, it will help you to heal for it comes as an elixir, as an amendment to all the rules of order that you were forced to follow from time beginning. Say my name softly to yourself – Sophia—Sophia – Sophia. Does it not soothe the thorns of your being? For in that sound is a memory and in that memory you are very close to home.

I thank you for being who you are. You have never allowed others to break your spirit even though there were times when you teetered very close to that. Do not allow anyone to take of your heart. You can give it all that you want, but do not let others take your dreams or your desires. Give and give and give. That is the doorway to the greatest healing of all. Invite me into your day, into the morn, into the night. I will escort you into passageways that you have forgotten. Run bare-footed in the temples of your past. Allow me to escort you into all that you are for it is a place of completion that you come home to. I am Sophia as are you.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #27 - 02.03.2005 at 23:05:50
Council of Light of 13 Octaves

The seasons of Choice are upon you

What was once hidden in ceremony now announces itself to the hearts of humanity. Will you align with the light that so seeks your companionship? Will you align with the holiness that seeks you that has not been felt on earth for eons? Will you align with what cannot be explained or mathematically calculated away? Will you align with the future and the fulfillment of all of your desires and all of your dreams?

The climate of humanity shifts, as does the seasons and the weather. The seasons but emulate the emotions that percolate within humanity. Who has grown colder this winter and who has grown warmer in heart? Who depends upon the seasons for work and who depends upon the seasonal catastrophes to fulfill their pocketbooks? As time wraps herself around all that you desire, who do you finally become, what do you evolve towards?

The earth herself rocks and rolls shifting in uncomfortabilty and upheaval as humanity sits shaking in fear. Expectations dawn a higher wave, a warmer winter, a colder summer. Expectations become alive as humanity fulfills the outcomes of others thoughts. Others can predict based on the alignment with the stars and how the planets were explained in time past and unknown. All planets moons and asteroids are explained in a new theory. As long as one bases ones calculations upon the past, whether written by Plato or upon the heavens, it will tend to repeat its self. If one bases a new conception calculation and configuration upon what is yet to be birthed – what will that creation consist of?

The seasons you enter explain and exclaim themselves appropriately. As mankind still sits at the stoplight of the past everything else that matters marches forward into an appointed alignment that cannot always be seen or explained by humanity. If you would but see yourself and earth in a place that is beyond despair, beyond sadness, and beyond the outward chaotic conditions you will find peace. If you seek peace in the past, or in what was once predicted or the political temperature you will find a trail of tears and despair.

Move your awareness into a creational quantum vibration above and beyond what is seen and what is deemed to happen, or what is suppose to be a truth. It is there that you will find your future and your peace amongst the world that does not choose to wear the garments of the day before, nor allow the dust of the past to bring the allergies of the future into the now. Do not wrap yourself in the mummified clothing of what once was.

As long as you live at an address of thought that is superimposed by others intentions and manipulations you will lose this game of life. Do not be cajoled into fear by the climate of world finances, by the temperature of politics, nor by the stickiness of your need for crude oil. Everything points out the limitations of an existence that is prescribed to fail and fall.

As these seasons of choice come upon you, you must prepare yourself Intuitively for you will know innately when the storms are to come. You will know instinctively when the tornadoes are birthed. Prepare in whatever way, no matter what state or country you live in. Intuitively the animals know, the plants know the soil knows, when an earthen doorway of shift is about to happen. You are composed of the same elements as the body of your Mother Earth, listen within the cells of your flesh. Because you are formulated from these things, you know as well. Trust your knowing and you will never fall short of your mark.

The climate of humanity is determined person by person one by one until a thought is turned into a reality. No other can be responsible for what befalls you. For intuitively you will feel within the deep abyss of your being. If your Angels give to you an intuitive thought, that is a gift. When and how you unwrap that gift is up to you and only you. You are given all truths to come on a cellular level of knowing. How you spend those knowings is a very personal choice?

Open up wider and deeper to hear with the sensories of the animal that lives within you. Open up to the messages of the crystalline being that is part of you. Open up to hear the Ancients swim in your thoughts and bask upon the shores of that knowledge. Prophecy can and will be shifted by intuition intention and preparation. That is what you are asked to do in the upcoming year.

We are the Council of Light of 13 Octaves. Thirteen representing the unknown, what is hidden, what is invisible, what is on the other side of the fog and Stargate. That is the doorway you enter and exit in this 7-7-7- year. If you do not trust your choices, you cannot trust your life. If you believe in yourself, then all will be well. You have been given the tools to dive down deeper then you are aware. Intuitively, you are an 'A' student. What you do with that grade of knowing is up to you.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #28 - 02.03.2005 at 23:06:50
Council of Light of Eleven

Do not lessen your Light

From time immortal, you have reined in your light. You are destined for what is great, what is unseen, and what is unknown. You are destined to move beyond the shackles of humanness into a place of arraignment. It is you and you alone that do the bidding of self. The soul commands you to move forward and the self screams no. The soul says that you can fly high in the sky and the self says, we can not. The soul says you can love, it will not hurt and the self says, but it has hurt, it does hurt.

Throughout your existence and time known and unknown you have battled more battles with self then any war or predicament upon earth. You have battled with the inner demons, the inner gods, the inner longings, and the inner truths. You have sequestered them, hidden them deep, waiting for the perfect time to sup upon them. At this time and this year all will arise to the occasion of remembering.

For far too long, you have held yourself back blaming and finger pointing at everyone in your life. You have held back what you felt for another. You have held back your angers for it was not proper. You have held back your desires due to the vows of poverty and celibacy and you have sequestered the most beautiful of hearts in a place that can only be reached by helicopter.

The time frames of the past now truly dissolve as you are seen in the new light of a new day. No longer will you paddle back to the past and lounge upon the shores of what was for you now exist in an octave of light that lifts you toward your true potential. The encodings of your bio-luminary field now have instructs that will take you beyond your understanding of who you are. Landing in a field of all possibility if one deems it so. Even in this knowledge you seek to see beyond the sands of time into a place of safety.

In times of old you held yourself in a perfect space, a space where nothing could enter and nothing could exit. Nothing could hurt and no one could disappoint you or betray you. You stifled the emotions, you stifled the pain, so time after time incarnation after incarnation you came back to experience it over and over again, your own personal ground hog day.

At this crossroads of all that is held holy within the world, and within self, you are able to stand at the apex and finally see for your self. The days grow short as time wraps herself around what ticks and what tocks. She does not see the need for you to worry about the length of your day, or what you were suppose to accomplish. For Time herself addresses the fact that you do not give to your sacred self enough time of day, nor time for prayer, or communion.

If you want your days more opulent and filled with opportunities, you must be the first in line that you give to. Stopping to honor holy self before you are entrapped by your daily duties and obligations. Stand in the presence of the holiness that is you, the sacred temple that is your human form; acknowledge the sacred light that shines from the inner temple of you. Hold your humanness in holiness. Do not become disgusted with your shortcomings. Do not become disgusted with your imperfections but allow the frequencies of all that is holy to lift you to a place of sacred union for self, by self with self. It is time to stop pushing the human self away as if it is tainted and dirty and lift it to a place of reverence.

The vibrations of all that interfere with your growth and your ability to love, can be felt through the soles of your feet, in the pulse of earth. Changes come in wave and particle before they come onto the physical plane. Changes come in heartbeat and blood flow before they exit the earth. The world gives to you her sensory barometric reading on a daily basis. She speaks to you of her ups and downs, of her sadness, of her disappointments, of her deaths and her births. She speaks to you through the feet and into the body to be held in the heart as a place of love. The one thing that the Earth needs from you this year is to love her unconditionally. To hold her in the highest octave of heart and align with the teachings she comes to give you. She knows her form grows in shortness of matter and brightness of light. Thus she must pass on her stories, her teachings, and her secrets. What she speaks is in a language that you can only hear with your heart. (anagram for earth)

As you move through your day, take off your shoes and place your sole upon the body of Mother earth and listen with your toes. Allow her to awaken what sleeps within you. As a mother she wants to dissolve your fears. She wants to heal what still hurts in your life, in your heart, in your memory.

Earth's memory and your memory are slowly disappearing. You can barely look back into the past without confusion or fuzziness of thought. Time makes itself present and the past can no longer be allowed to exist except in lower dimensions where it serves growth. The memories of how you have identified yourself in this existence will cease to exist. No longer will you be able to say; I am a victim of this or that abuse. No longer will you be able as a holy instrument to identify yourself with the past its limitations and pain. For your time, your energy, and your attention are needed in the threshold of now and you will not be allowed the luxury to meander in your past- shortcomings and disappointments. Filling the self with sorrow only shifts the immune system backward.

We of the Light need your thoughts and immune system at its peak. The hormonal imbalances that the earth has felt as a menopausal being are now being balanced as all matter releases a new hormone. It produces a vast sensitivity in animal like fashion, to sound, to color, to light, to vibrations, to weather changes, (the weather of your family, the weather of your job, the weather of your business, the weather of your best friend. Is it cloudy or sunny?)

The frequencies of the past have now released themselves. You hold within you a seed memory, a slight octave of past thought that you feel a need to hold onto. That seed will also be shedding its winter coat. When you finally align with this new information you will find that all of the pitfalls and the traps and the entrapping of what you have done continually to sabotage your life no longer exist.

The amount of light in your life varies for each of you depending upon thought and action and intention. New emanations of a far light will be given to you in increments throughout the year. The four seasonal changes will be doorways for this, as will the eclipses and two formidable planetary alignments. These increments of light encodings give the new instructs. Moving you into a place of Creational ability and as a god (little 'g' god for now) to learn to trust that which you desire. For the universe pulses through you with these desires of a fulfilling nature.

The treats that come this year have no tricks within them. In the time of August and September of 2005 you will need to batten down the hatches of your life. Many of you will choose after this year performs her new act, to move out of a chaotic unpredictable frequency into a place of peace and more solidness. In 2006, energies will shift and the same energetic confusion will not come. As the universe has created each of you in accordance with a one of a kind mathematical equation, color, sound, and denomination, every year gives to you a new outlet to plug into, a new frequency of electrical denomination. Each of you will be served differently.

Wear this year well in all of her beauty. Honor yourself and do not lessen your life because another is suffering or doing without. Do not lessen your ability to create wonders and miracles because another is sad. Do not lessen the love in your heart because many mourn for those that have pasted. As a Creational force, you must hold the highest octave of light for all to see. Do not lessen yourself for anything for we need you solid of light and solid of heart in this next leg of the cosmic three-legged journey. We are the Council of Light of Eleven. We leave you and bless you in all that you do.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo
Reply #29 - 02.03.2005 at 23:08:50

The lag time in Creational abilities is a quantum necessity.

What was once deemed necessary has became unnecessary. What was once deemed unnecessary has become necessary. In times past as you studied earth evolution, many thought that she had an endless supply of bounty. They viewed her as something that would never end. They raped her, they abused her, and they saw her as something that was constant and would always be there.

As you moved into the 21st century that way of thinking shifted. Many of you came in with contracts that stated "We will help her (Mother earth) heal, we will help her remove the toxins by holding them within our own body. We will help her remove what pains her and we will use our human selves to do this." There were a 144,000,000 that dedicated them selves to this contract to assist Mother Earth. They are the ones that feel every earth injustice, every earth shift, and every earth child crying. They are the ones who are empathic. They can move their awareness from their humanness to the earth to the cosmos and back again because that is their contract and ability.

There was once a time that Earth was deemed to be destroyed but she was saved and shifted by those of stellar agreement. There was a time that she was suppose to ascend to star and there were interruptions of such that kept her in a position of matter. Now as you enter the year 2005 the Mother Earth has canceled all of your contracts. She has pulled that agreement back into herself. She has set you free from the agreement to be toxic, to be angry, to be heavy, to be less than. She has set you free from nerve/muscle pain from chronic fatigue from all of these Earth healing syndromes. The people thought that they needed to hurt for earth and they did, but by doing this they did not quicken her evolution, or her ascension. There has been a backward movement instead; stunting all that was to be birthed.

The energies of what was termed an earthquake, your 2004 tsunami, was caused by outside interference. It was something that Mother Earth herself gave permission to experience. It was one of the largest wake-up calls that has come to the planet Earth in many years. Now everyone knew she means business. Her energy is becoming badger like as she physically attacks the areas that are not honoring her through underground /underwater testing, that are not honoring her through toxic displays that are killing her inhabitants. The Earth Mother is very serious of nature. She asked for her body to ripped open to allow these poisons to leave her womb.

The outside source created the earthquake that was felt 6 miles down under the ocean and throughout the world. There were many who were aware of the warnings and readings. There were many who did not listen to the warnings and even some that did not tell of what they knew. They just watched as countries and cities went through a great death.

The energies in the next 4 years will supply healing to what you have not been able to shift through your physical bodies. Many people of earth try to shift the earth pain. They cry for the loss of trees, they cry for the children. They lessened their own light to dilute the toxic energies for Mother Earth. In her eyes, this is a wonderful selfless gift. What they have been holding as poisons, as angers, as energies that block them from supplementing their income, supplementing their heart and supplementing their life with a greater light is shifted. The doorways that you so seek to open for self and person are now polished grand and shiny. The extra weight, stress and pain upon the body will be lessened. As will the extra fears and the extra toxins within the body. As you have learned your own lessons well and taken them all to heart.

We come not to speak about earth disasters, but to make you aware that your body needs to shift into a thought pattern of healing beyond the physical earth. Begin setting up a grid of healing around and above the earth, one she can energetically reach up and draw to herself. She has pulled on her earth children and leaned on you, heavily. You gave it all that could give. Now, she sets you free from that contract. What she asks of you is to become the brightest light that you can by living in the fullness what your heart desires.

Don’t allow the sadness of the world take you down to a place of such deluge you can’t see the light. Your job dear ones is to hold this biological light that you house as high as you can and then reach higher. It is there that she will receive the assistance, for no longer can she receive the assistance through your body. The freedom on earth lessens everyday in ways that you do not see. Everything that you eat is deliberately clouded with toxins and plastics and debris undetected. You are doing all you can to keep your head above water and keep yourself from drowning in the toxins that your world knowingly gives to you.

Align your human energy field at a higher level of light and do not allow these energies to taint you in any way body mind or spirit. Move your energy upward and away from the distress calls into a place without judgment and chaos and shift from that point of knowing. Do not be sad because another is hurt. Your actual physical body suffers when you are sad for another. Your immune system drops when you are sad for another. Every time you watch sadness you lessen your life span. You must be a brave heart and stand as a great light shining hope upon those that cannot see.

You think you are supposed to hurt and feel sad and angry about the injustices on your planet. But what gift does that give you or another? How does that help your God, your Earth, your future, and your life? It does not. We ask you to be lifted into the higher octaves of light so that you can see from a point of view that is not argumentative that is not sadden. Mother Earth will break free from the shackles of the pain of the physical.

The masses of light and the star brethren mourn as earth shifts with such loss. Mother Earth agreed to have this incision, to have this surgery, to open up the eyes of the people that were sleeping. She has asked you gently and nicely to wake up for many years. Many of you did, but many hit the snooze alarm. We are the Sirian High Council of Elders. Our words are sharp. Our dialogue is thick. But you know in your hearts that what we speak is true. Understand that you were born to do great things and no matter what karmic releases others have felt and formulated on this earth, you have a singular vision that belongs to you and you alone. That singular vision must be honored. The reason you are afraid to See in the fullness of time is because you do not want to be happy or pain free or successful when others are in need. How dare you be successful when others suffer? You wear that exalted encoding a cloak of lessons and lessening a cloak of global karmic debt. We ask you to honor the earth and your holy self and remove it.

There are many beings that incarnate on earth that have not spent as much time in humanoid form. They come only when there is a great galactic need or shift. These Masters of change assist from the inside out. Many are dormant Masters who have lost sight of their reason for living. You are not here to be sad. You are not meant to lessen your light because of another's sadness or difficulty. You must hold your light as a great sun that shines for all those that are blind and must feel the light instead of see it.

The lag time in Creational abilities is a quantum necessity. Many of earth have been running ahead of themselves and the evolutionary schedule. Their energies were opening doorways that were about to cause havoc upon earth. The time frame of manifestation was lengthened for those who had hidden agendas. We could not just pick out who was to have the lengthening procedure, so the entire earth was gifted with this.

Do not take these energies personally, as they are not meant to lessen your abilities or offend you. They come to hold back the reins of death and the arrival of the 4 horsemen. There are individuals that are engineering situations on earth that must be interfered with by the universes of Light. Be patient with your manifestations and what you seek to create and accomplish. Do not take this interference personally. What man has placed asunder God will set right. We leave you at this time. the Sirian High Council of Elders

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