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Potresi III.
11.02.2004 at 00:01:59
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Human beings are creatures
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #1 - 12.02.2004 at 14:29:19
ola žlahta  Grin

a smo že spet napolnili?  Wink

Lepo te je spet brat,

take care  Cheesy Kiss
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #2 - 13.02.2004 at 22:23:51
Men se pa zdi da sem ujel "frekvenco" potresov. Takrat, ko je bil tist ta hud v SLO, ko je sesulo Posocje mi je "res" dogajal.  Nekih hudih potresov naj ne bi bilo v blizni prihodnosti v SLO imam pa obcutek, da zna biti pomlad "dezevna" Wink
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Glava nacrtuje a srce vodi in razum se sprasuje a um(visji jaz) ima odgovore
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Human beings are creatures
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #3 - 14.02.2004 at 14:50:12
pol pa nisi ujel tapravo frekvenco, ne bo v bližini, ker bodo v Sloveniji  Wink
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #4 - 16.02.2004 at 08:52:12
zdele že par dni konstantno  Kiss
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #5 - 16.02.2004 at 22:43:42
pegasos, sej te nočem žalit, ampak si sigurna da se nisi pa ti priklopla na napačno frekvenco?

ves čas ti dogajajo tej potresi, najbližji ki je bil, je bil pa u iranu ???
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #6 - 17.02.2004 at 08:44:17
Cheesy Grin Grin Grin Wink
sej nisem nikoli rekla, da pa bodo vsi potresi, k jih napovedujem, tuki v Sloveniji -

jst čutim celo Zemljico, pod katerimi riti (črnimi ali belimi) bo pa streslo, pa bomo vidli.

Zaenkrat v Sloveniji  malo potresov- ampak samo zaenkrat. Še letos se bo situacija spremenila, v tem času pa poteka predstava po celem svetu  - svetovno gledališče

take care on Earth- admire spirit  Grin Kiss
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #7 - 17.02.2004 at 08:45:58
[quote author=Sn0wBall link
ves čas ti dogajajo tej potresi, najbližji ki je bil, je bil pa u iranu ??? [/quote]

......... Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
sorry, k tko daleč, ..... Grin Grin Grinsej kmal pridejo bližje  Wink Cheesy Grin Grin Grin
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #8 - 17.02.2004 at 09:27:55
Pegasos wrote on 17.02.2004 at 08:45:58:
......... Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
sorry, k tko daleč, ..... Grin Grin Grinsej kmal pridejo bližje  Wink Cheesy Grin Grin Grin

u, fajn, zdaj si nas pa pomirla Cheesy
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #9 - 18.02.2004 at 08:58:38
.....sorry........ Grin...........če pa se pritožujejo, da so potresi, k jih napovem vsepovsod, samo v Sloveniji ne...... Grin
vidiš, nikoli zadovoljni .............

Lips Sealed Grin
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #10 - 19.02.2004 at 08:47:57
še vedno traje.....

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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #11 - 21.02.2004 at 21:19:28

Earthquake forecast: Hold on tight
Team of scientists predicts a big one will hit this year — and they’ve been right before
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #12 - 23.02.2004 at 11:00:15
And they are right now too.

Not the biggest - yet, but the big one  Undecided Wink Grin
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Osmisli življenje s tem,
kar od sebe daš
Posts: 1616
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #13 - 24.02.2004 at 14:38:05
V potresu, ki je stresel sever Maroka, je umrlo najmanj 226 ljudi, 120 pa je ranjenih . Šest vasi na severni obali države je bilo močno poškodovanih.

Potres naj bi po meritvah ameriškega geološkega inštituta meril 6, 5 stopnje po Richterjevi lestvici. Tla je zatreslo ob pol štirih zjutraj po našem času, čutili pa so ga tudi v turističnem mestu Fez in notranjosti države. Maroški kralj Mohamed V. je na kraj potresa že poslal vojake, ki bodo pomagali pri reševanju možnih preživelih.

Domačini se bojijo, da je turistično mesto Al Hoceima, kjer so bile hiše zgrajene iz opek iz blata, zravnano z zemljo. Oblasti se bojijo, da so uničene tudi tri vasice v bližini tega mesta, v katerih živi 30.000 ljudi. Neka priča pa je dejala, da je mesto Ait Kamara povsem uničeno.

Po letu 1990 je Maroko streslo na stotine manjših potresnih sunkov, vendar je bil današnji najmočnejši po letu 1994, ko je to severnoafriško državo prizadel potres z močjo 6. stopnje po Richterjevi lestvici.
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Dih ti je dan, dih ti je svet,&&spoznaj ta sveti kraj, &&preden ti bo vzet.&&Le kdor zadiha iz srca,&&njega blaženost spozna. Smiley
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #14 - 24.02.2004 at 17:43:28
Stojchi  Wink
kdaj pa je bil ta v Maroku?  Tongue
nč ne spremljam medije, samo sebe.

Grin Kiss
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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