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Zaznavanje mističnega
je vir vsake prave znanosti.

Posts: 6736
Gender: male
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #255 - 14.01.2005 at 09:35:18
ZADNJA NOVICA: 14.1.2005 09:20
Slovenijo sta okoli 9.ure stresla potresna sunka. Žarišče potresov je bilo 7 km severno od Cerknega. Prvi potresni sunek, ob 8.58, je dosegel moč 4. stopnje po Richterjevi lestvici, drugi potresni sunek je sledil ob 9.05 in je bil šibkejši, magnituda še ni znana.
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Posts: 818
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #256 - 14.01.2005 at 09:42:41
Jaz sem imela obakrat občutek, da je (prvič po toliko letih odkar tukaj stanujem  Cheesy) mimo zapeljal en tak težek vlak, tko lepo steady and rapid movement ...
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Osmisli življenje s tem,
kar od sebe daš
Posts: 1616
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #257 - 14.01.2005 at 09:53:00
sporočilo matere Zemlje je bilo:

"To kar od sebe daš,
                         dobiš lepo
                                    v tresoči obliki
nazaj" Shocked
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Dih ti je dan, dih ti je svet,&&spoznaj ta sveti kraj, &&preden ti bo vzet.&&Le kdor zadiha iz srca,&&njega blaženost spozna. Smiley
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angeli letijo zato, ker
se ne jemlejo resno
Posts: 1502

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #258 - 14.01.2005 at 09:55:39
Danes bom pa jaz eno zgodbico povedala  Grin

Danes ob pol 8 ih sem prišla v Lj in sem si šla izkat malico. Visoko nad mano ena vrana in se ful oglaša - seveda sem jo morala oponašat  Grin saj sem se odločila, da je to moja žival. In grem naprej, ko se spomnim,..

Ko je bil nazadnje potres v Lj - junija al julija, sem si predstavljala, kako se pogovarjam z vrano in ona mi pove, da bo potres.

Nisem se glih preveč ozirala na te misli, dokler me ni streslo. Grin
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Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
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Posts: 1457

Gender: male
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #259 - 14.01.2005 at 10:05:03
veronika, prosim ne oponašaj več vran  Wink  Grin
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5 krat na dan
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #260 - 14.01.2005 at 10:37:56
ko sem ležala ponoči v pojstli (4 urce pred potresom?) sem prav razmišljala o tem, kaj če bo potres v lj Shocked ful nism mogla zaspat Wink no ko sem, sem spala do zdej, tko da me ni nič pretreslo, razen da sem sanjala janšo zgoraj brez v vojaških hlačah kako smo skupaj na sestanku Grin
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
of awareness
Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #261 - 24.01.2005 at 14:07:05
od sobote še ni nehalo trest...danes pa full........ Undecided
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Ex Member

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #262 - 24.01.2005 at 21:12:46
sej sta bla 2 potresa danes u aziji, eden 6.2, eden pa 6.3
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #263 - 24.01.2005 at 21:28:16
ma potresov je vsak dan zadnjih 10 dni unih nad 5, in 6 vsaj 4, 5...in več Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
of awareness
Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #264 - 25.01.2005 at 11:41:34
............letos bo leto hudih potresov.........na samo novo letno noč je zelo zelo treslo. Sprejela sem znak mame Zemlje, da bo letos....kljub temu, da smo v pravljični sedmici........... veliko potresov............. Lips Sealed

...........pa ne bo nč boljš.......sam hujš.......

...zdele sicer ne trese tolk,k je predvčer pa včer, ampak še vedno čutim...... Embarrassed

hang on..... Kiss

kali.....janša zgoraj brez?.... brrrr..... Undecided
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
of awareness
Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #265 - 25.01.2005 at 11:44:08

a nam boš naredu nov....četrti...predalček potresi?

.....mislm, da je tale že več kot poln in zelo zelo težak...  Grin Wink
....ker Andresa ni, da bi to naredu, dej  pls ti  8) Cheesy
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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No guts no glory!
Posts: 2783

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #266 - 25.01.2005 at 12:37:02
Pegasos wrote on 24.01.2005 at 14:07:05:
od sobote še ni nehalo trest...danes pa full........ Undecided

evo klanjam se ... in še se klanjam

sem imela včeraj 2x en tak u iber zoprn občutek da vse okoli mene drhti in sem bila zihr, da me daja kakšna nenavadna oblika paranoje
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #267 - 25.01.2005 at 16:36:43
Pegasos wrote on 25.01.2005 at 11:44:08:

a nam boš naredu nov....četrti...predalček potresi?

.....mislm, da je tale že več kot poln in zelo zelo težak...  Grin Wink
....ker Andresa ni, da bi to naredu, dej  pls ti  8) Cheesy

bo kar kle sotalo; ni več potrebe novih predalov delat, tud če ma ta 1111 strani;)
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #268 - 01.02.2005 at 17:34:51
A magnitude 5.5 earthquake IN THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION has occurred at:
56.09S  27.40W  Depth 114km  Mon Jan 31 13:56:38 2005 UTC


ma potresi so itak skos, da vas potolažim, tud v sredozemskem morju... sam tega pa sam tok objavljam, ker da obstajajo Južni Sendvični otoki, lol, pa res nisem vedela

Wink Grin Shocked

PS (dodajam):

Hundreds of earth tremors off the coast of Ecuador in the past 11 days have sparked fears that a bigger quake could strike soon.

"This isn't normal," the director of Geophysics Institute at the National Polytechnic School, Hugo Yepez, told Reuters on Monday, "This area is capable of producing big earthquakes. Very big earthquakes." About 320 tremors of more than 4.0 on the Richter scale have shaken the Pacific Ocean off the port of Manta since Jan. 20.

So far no one has been reported hurt but some small fishing villages have seen damages. An earthquake measured at 7.9 on the Richter scale battered the Pacific city of Guayaquil in 1942, although fragmentary reports from the time did not mention casualties.

The shape of Ecuador's coastline would prevent the formation of a tsunami like the one which smashed into parts of Asia in December, experts say.

pa ne samo tam, npr. tud Andomasnki otoki, Nikobarski otoki, blizu Indonezije... se non stop trese že cel mesec....

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« Last Edit: 01.02.2005 at 19:14:16 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
of awareness
Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #269 - 02.02.2005 at 12:12:24
....... jst se bom počasi umaknila s tega topica.....

...povedala sem že vse....... povedala sem tud, da slovenijo čaka en ta hud......bo obala do ljubljane.... Tongue Lips Sealed Wink.... sorry.....hecam se.....

......v nedeljo sem prebrala članek od enga gospoda, ki na osnovi enega mehanizma napoveduje potrese in raznorazne hude katastrofe in ko so gledali za nazaj, je imel vedno prav......napovedal je tud tega kot jst...... v sloveniji...... Undecided...... in....... Embarrassed...... ne piše se nč dobrga....

......a boste začeli prodajat nepremičnine v blokih?.... 8) Shocked......

.......sem slišala nekje......leto 2007 se ne piše...... ???

....jst pa pravim, da se piše, bo pa zelo hudo, pa drugo leto še hujš.... ampak tu pa tam bo pa kaka hiša še stala.... Grin.....

......kako to zgleda?

.....pa, ko človek faše virus, se mora spucat, in zato zboli in ima vročino......no.....v človeštvu pa to zgleda tako 8):

ko ma mamica Zemljica vročino, bruhajo vulkani....... ker pa je že dolgo nazaj fasala smrtonosen virus ( ČLOVEKA ), je že začela s čistko... zelo očitno čistko......

.........ampak.....pozdravla se pa bo.....brez antibiotikov..... Tongue  Cheesy Wink Grin
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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