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Posts: 2812

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #225 - 29.12.2004 at 14:43:01
Valovna dolžina cunamija je običajno sto kilometrov ali več.
Zato ga ladje na morju sploh ne čutijo in energija postane rušilna šele na obali.

Za cunami ni dober vsak potres, ampak mora bit tak z močnimi vertikalimi silami. Te se pa lahko sprostijo ob velikih prelomnicah, ki jih je Indijski ocean poln, Jadran pa ne.

V tem potresu, ki je bil po sproščeni energiji enak vsem potresom na Zemlji skupaj v zadnjih petih letih, se je plošča dvignila za več kot deset metrov v dolžini preko tisoč kilometrov, kar je povzročilo velikanske vertikalne sile.

Druga možnost močnejših vertikalnih sil bi pa bila, če bi v Jadran čofnil velik meteorit. Ta možnost od zgoraj, ima za Jadran večjo verjetnost, kot pa cunami od spodaj, zaradi potresa.

V Evropi je bil nazadnje zabeležen rušilni cunami, če se ne motim, v 18. stoletju na Portugalskem, pa še ta je bil zaradi  potresa v Atlantskem oceanu.

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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #226 - 29.12.2004 at 16:08:23
Bardo_Thodol wrote on 29.12.2004 at 14:43:01:
Za cunami ni dober vsak potres, ampak mora bit tak z močnimi vertikalimi silami. Te se pa lahko sprostijo ob velikih prelomnicah, ki jih je Indijski ocean poln, Jadran pa ne.

Se mi zdi, da se je rušilni potres v Indiji leta 1993, eden najhujših v prejšnjem stoletju, zgodil na območju, ki ga ni nihče imel za potresno nevarnega oz. ni ležalo blizu nobene (znane) prelomnice.

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Posts: 2812

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #227 - 29.12.2004 at 16:51:03
Se mi zdi, da se je rušilni potres v Indiji leta 1993, eden najhujših v prejšnjem stoletju, zgodil na območju, ki ga ni nihče imel za potresno nevarnega oz. ni ležalo blizu nobene (znane) prelomnice.


Potres v Indiji leta 1993, ki je terjal cca 10.000 žrtev, je bil v primerjavi s tem šibak in je bil magnitude le 6.2.  
Za primerjavo, mnogo močnejši je bil v Iranu 1990 magnitude 7.7 s 40.000 žrtvami.

Je pa bil res eden močnejših, ki niso na prelomnici, ampak pod ploščo. Dvomim, da bi tak potres povzročil rušilni cunami, če bi se zgodil v morju.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #228 - 29.12.2004 at 23:25:48
Planetary alignment can devastate the world in next few months - Earth shaking Russian Volcano in Kamchatka erupts with massive earthquake
Sudhir Chadda, Special Correspondent
December 29, 2004

Russian hot spot volcano in Lamchatka Peinsula just exploded with earth shattering ground vibrations. This was the spot on 9.0 Richter earthquake in 1952.

There are no less than 50 other earthquakes that has been registered in the last few months. According tectonic researchers this is just dangerous and unbelievable.

The planetary alignment can cause many earthquakes all around the world of magnitude the modern mankind has never seen before.

There are also reports that Yellow Stone National Park may also explode with lava and earth shattering vibrations.

In west cost of America the Mount Helen is again becoming active and may create havoc soon.

According to some sources, whales have come on the shore in various countries including Australia and natives are saying that those are signs of tremendous under water upheaval.
According to some Indian scientists, Venus, moon and Jupiter is pulling earth away from the Sun in the same one line. The linear momentum can devastate the world in the next few months.

Animal zoo supervisors are reporting from various part of the world that animals are behaving strangely all around the world for the last few months.

In Sri Lanka where more than 14,000 people have died and the animal zoo had a direct hit from the Tsunami, not a single animal has died or is injured. They all ran to higher ground before the Tsunami came. Tsunamis have electromagnetic waves associated that the animals can sense. That may have saved them.

In the mean time death from Tsunami keeps going up. It stands at 65,000 and is approaching 100,000.

Thousands of bodies lay rotting and unidentified on lawns and streets of battered Sumatra island Wednesday and authorities called out bulldozers to dig mass graves, as the number killed in a mammoth earthquake and tsunami soared above 58,000 with tens of thousands still missing. The U.N. health agency warned that disease could double the toll yet again. Across a dozen countries, millions of people whose homes were swept away or wrecked by raging walls of water Sunday struggled to find shelter. "My mother, no word! My sisters, brothers, aunt, uncle, grandmother, no word!" yelled a woman at a makeshift morgue in Lhokseumawe, Indonesia. "Where are they? Where are they? I don''t know where to start looking." Along India's southeastern coast, hospital teams stood by to help the injured, but three days after the disaster still spent most of their time tabulating the dead as ambulances hauled in more bodies. A French cultural center in Thailand's capital provided clothes and food for tourist families left with nothing when the sea battered southern beach resorts. One of the most dramatic illustrations of nature's force came to light Tuesday when reporters reached the scene of a Sri Lankan train carrying beachgoers that was swept into a marsh by a wall of water Sunday, killing at least 802. Eight rust-colored cars lay in deep pools of water in a ravaged palm grove, torn off wheels and baggage scattered among the twisted rails. "Is this the fate that we had planned for? My darling, you were the only hope for me," a young man cried for one of the train victims — his university sweetheart — as Buddhist monks prayed nearby. Indonesia's Health Ministry said in a statement early Wednesday that thousands more bodies had been recovered, raising to more than 30,000 the number of confirmed deaths in parts of Sumatra island, the territory closest to the epicenter of the quake that sent tsunami waves rolling across the Indian Ocean. The count did not include a report of thousands more dead in the region around one coastal city. Sri Lanka listed 21,700 people dead, India 4,400 and Thailand 1,500, with the toll expected to rise. A total of more than 300 were killed in Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Maldives, Somalia, Tanzania, Seychelles and Kenya. Officials had not yet counted the dead in two zones that suffered the brunt of both the earthquake and the tsunami that followed: the west coast of Sumatra and India's remote Andaman and Nicobar archipelagos just north of Sumatra. Purnomo Sidik, national disaster director at Indonesia's Social Affairs Ministry, said 10,000 people had been reported killed in and around Meulaboh, a poor Sumatran town where most people are fishermen or workers on palm oil plantations. In India, police said 8,000 people were missing and feared dead on the two island chains. Television footage from overflights of Meulaboh and other parts of Sumatra's west coast showed thousands of homes underwater. Refugees fleeing the coast described surviving on little more than coconuts before reaching Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province on Sumatra's northern tip, which itself was largely flattened by the quake. "The sea was full of bodies," said one refugee, Sukardi Kasdi, who sailed a small boat to Banda Aceh to seek help for his family in Surang. He said his family had nothing to eat but coconuts. "I don''t know how long everyone else will survive," he said. With aid not arriving quickly enough, desperate people in Meulaboh and other towns in Aceh were stealing whatever food they could find, officials said. "People are looting, but not because they are evil, but they are hungry," said Red Cross official Irman Rachmat in Banda Aceh. Bulldozers stood ready Wednesday in Banda Aceh to bury the thousands of dead bodies that littered the streets and lined the front lawns of government offices. With the threat of disease on the rise and few ways to identify the dead, officials said they had no choice to but start burying them in mass graves, said Col. Achmad Yani Basuki. "We will start digging the mass graves today," he said. Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, a military spokesman, said that naval ships were headed for the west coast with tons of food, water and medicine. He also said the convoy would include a portable hospital. "We have very sketchy information about how many died there and the extent of the devastation. We''re having extraordinary problems communicating there," Sjamsoeddin said. The flooding uprooted land mines in Sri Lanka — torn for years by a civil war — threatening to kill or maim aid workers and survivors attempting to return to what's left of their homes. Aid groups struggled to mount what they described as the largest relief operation the world has ever seen, and to head off the threat of cholera and malaria epidemics that could break out where water supplies are polluted with bodies and debris. Dr. David Nabarro, head of crisis operations for the World Health Organization, warned that disease could take as many lives as Sunday's devastation. "The initial terror associated with the tsunamis and the earthquake itself may be dwarfed by the longer term suffering of the affected communities," he told reporters at the U.N. agency's offices in Geneva. A government official in India said Sunday's devastation had overwhelmed authorities, who were only now getting relief operations under control and starting to address health concerns. "It was all sudden and unexpected. There were just too many bodies to recover," Veera Shanmuga Moni said. "Now that we are close to finishing that job, we will now take care of sanitation and supply of clean water." The United States, Japan, Australia and other nations pledged millions of dollars to help the relief effort, and some sent military transport planes and helicopters to carry medical teams and emergency supplies. In southern Thailand's Phang Nga province, where resorts had been packed with thousands of tourists from Europe and elsewhere when the tsunami hit, soldiers and volunteers were still finding bodies lying bloated and rotting in the tropical sun. Survivors lined up at airports to leave the country, many without relatives or lovers they had come with. "I saw many kids perish. I saw parents trying to hold them but it was impossible. It was hell," said Karl Kalteka of Munich, Germany, who lost his girlfriend in the torrent. Amid the devastation, however, there were miraculous stories of survival. In Malaysia, a 20-day-old baby was found alive on a floating mattress and was reunited with her family. In Thailand, 2-year-old Hannes Bergstroem, who was found dazed and alone after the waves hit, was claimed by an uncle after his photograph was posted on the Internet. The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet reported that the boy's mother and grandmother were missing, but later media reports said he was reunited with his grandmother. His father and grandfather were believed to be in another hospital in Thailand, but their exact location and conditions were not immediately known. A U.N. agency has said that one-third of the disaster's victims were children.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #229 - 30.12.2004 at 03:38:23
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
of awareness
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #230 - 30.12.2004 at 10:07:55
...danes ponoči......

.........danes zjutraj še bolj....... 8)

tale potres in ta katastrofa so premaknili marsikaj...... in ne bi siguren.....da smo pa slovenčki varni.....ja na en način.......

...........tudi Slovenijo čaka.....večji premik.... Lips Sealed Grin

živali imajo vsekakor zelo razvit čut, zato niso umirale... dočim človek je na ta čut pozabu....ker mu je vsa pozornost šla v ..... denar v žepu na banki.......obleke.... avte.....plastično lepoto.....bazen pred bajto.......

......a mislte, da je še kaj pozornosti ostalo za čut?......  Grin

yeah.....right.... Tongue

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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Ride si sapis!
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #231 - 30.12.2004 at 11:44:17
Pegasos wrote on 30.12.2004 at 10:07:55:

...........tudi Slovenijo čaka.....večji premik.... Lips Sealed Grin

novi premiki v davkih za reveže

pa novi premiki pri prekrških - da bo lahko vsak šlosar v uniformi že sodnik

Pegasos wrote on 30.12.2004 at 10:07:55:
.......a mislte, da je še kaj pozornosti ostalo za čut?......  Grin

kakor za koga

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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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Posts: 2812

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #232 - 30.12.2004 at 15:56:34
Pegasos wrote on 30.12.2004 at 10:07:55:
...........tudi Slovenijo čaka.....večji premik.... Lips Sealed Grin

Malce preveč si domišljamo, če mislimo, da smo res tako pomembni, da se vse vrti (ali pa trese) le zaradi nas.
Naravne sile se prav malo ozirajo na to, kaj mi delamo in mislimo in ali smo kaj čuteči drug do drugega.

živali imajo vsekakor zelo razvit čut, zato niso umirale... dočim človek je na ta čut pozabu....ker mu je vsa pozornost šla v ..... denar v žepu na banki.......obleke.... avte.....plastično lepoto.....bazen pred bajto.......

Hehe, ja seveda, živali so pa ekološko osveščene, imajo čut do drugih živali, sploh niso egoistične in si ne kopičijo bogastva, nimajo bazenov pred bajto (razen bobri  8)  ), lepota jim sploh ni pomembna ...

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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1240

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #233 - 30.12.2004 at 16:47:05
Bardo_Thodol wrote on 30.12.2004 at 15:56:34:
Naravne sile se prav malo ozirajo na to, kaj mi delamo in mislimo in ali smo kaj čuteči drug do drugega.

to misliš al veš  ???
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Posts: 2812

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #234 - 30.12.2004 at 17:11:04
vida wrote on 30.12.2004 at 16:47:05:
to misliš al veš  ???

Vem!   8)
Sonce redno vzide, ne glede na to ali smo prijatelji ali pa vsi vprek skregani.
Potresni val je splaknil obalna naselja, pa če so ta naseljena ali pa tudi, če ne bi bila.

Tudi vsi naši posegi v našem življenskem okolju so le del naravnih procesov in če z njimi po nerodnosti škodimo sebi, nič zato in če bi se nam nekao celo uspelo iztrebiti, bi bil tudi to za vesolje dokaj nepomemben dogodek, na nekem zakotnem prašnem delcu.

Seveda pa to ne pomeni, da bi bil to nepomemben dogodek tudi za nas
(mi nismo vesolje, smo le izredno majčken delček vesolja)

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Loops of Infinity
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #235 - 31.12.2004 at 08:17:17
Bardo_Thodol wrote on 30.12.2004 at 17:11:04:
(mi nismo vesolje, smo le izredno majčken delček vesolja)

(človek je vesolje, vesolje v malem) 8)
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1240

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #236 - 31.12.2004 at 09:04:49
Bardo_Thodol wrote on 30.12.2004 at 17:11:04:
Vem!   8)
Sonce redno vzide, ne glede na to ali smo prijatelji ali pa vsi vprek skregani.
Potresni val je splaknil obalna naselja, pa če so ta naseljena ali pa tudi, če ne bi bila.

Tudi vsi naši posegi v našem življenskem okolju so le del naravnih procesov in če z njimi po nerodnosti škodimo sebi, nič zato in če bi se nam nekao celo uspelo iztrebiti, bi bil tudi to za vesolje dokaj nepomemben dogodek, na nekem zakotnem prašnem delcu.

Seveda pa to ne pomeni, da bi bil to nepomemben dogodek tudi za nas
(mi nismo vesolje, smo le izredno majčken delček vesolja)

No vidiš, jaz pa vem da ne vem  Cheesy
mnenja sem da naši posegi v naravo niso del naravnih procesov, ampak bolj človekovo hlastanje po materialnih dobrinah in bogatenju...
A je to naraven proces ???
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Posts: 2812

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #237 - 31.12.2004 at 09:45:29
vida wrote on 31.12.2004 at 09:04:49:
No vidiš, jaz pa vem da ne vem  Cheesy
mnenja sem da naši posegi v naravo niso del naravnih procesov, ampak bolj človekovo hlastanje po materialnih dobrinah in bogatenju...
A je to naraven proces ???

To je le naša domišljavost, če mislimo, da smo nekaj posebnega, nekaj kar ni del narave ali celo nekaj, kar je  izven nje ali nad njo.
Če smo del narave, so tudi naša dejanja sestavni del naravnih procesov, tako kot so to dejanja termitov, mravelj, bobrov, mikroorganizmov itd ...

Hlastanje po naravnih dobrinah ni lastno samo ljudem, tudi živali se obnašajo podobno, razlike so samo v različnih zmožnostih in objektivnih omejitvah.
(Primer; če bi kobilice imele možnost, bi požrle vse, kar je zelenega na tem svetu. Vsaka vrsta ima težnjo po neomejeni ekspanziji, kar ji pa objektivno preprečujejo podobne težnje drugih vrst)

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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1240

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #238 - 31.12.2004 at 10:14:53
Bardo_Thodol wrote on 31.12.2004 at 09:45:29:
To je le naša domišljavost, če mislimo, da smo nekaj posebnega, nekaj kar ni del narave ali celo nekaj, kar je  izven nje ali nad njo.

Od kje pa tebi to  ???
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 1240

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #239 - 31.12.2004 at 10:16:30
Bardo_Thodol wrote on 31.12.2004 at 09:45:29:
Hlastanje po naravnih dobrinah ni lastno samo ljudem, tudi živali se obnašajo podobno, razlike so samo v različnih zmožnostih in objektivnih omejitvah.
(Primer; če bi kobilice imele možnost, bi požrle vse, kar je zelenega na tem svetu. Vsaka vrsta ima težnjo po neomejeni ekspanziji, kar ji pa objektivno preprečujejo podobne težnje drugih vrst)

Tega nisem vedla  Undecided
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