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Re: Spustiti
Reply #45 - 24.07.2003 at 20:20:42
naj omenim še, da sva v nedeljo seksala
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Igor P.
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #46 - 25.07.2003 at 18:31:12
naj omenim še, da sva v nedeljo seksala

in, kako je bilo? ??? podrobnosti 8) Grin
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #47 - 25.07.2003 at 19:26:42
naj omenim še, da sva v nedeljo seksala

Eva, po kolkih letih je bilo spet ???    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #48 - 25.07.2003 at 21:36:58
Tongue Wink
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ravno prav
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #49 - 25.07.2003 at 22:19:42
V .... (petek... četrtek... sreda... torek... ponedeljek...) nedeljo? Roll Eyes

No če se tolk deleč nazaj spomniš, pol si je že blo za zapomnit Wink Grin Kiss
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #50 - 27.07.2003 at 06:25:17
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Igor P.
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Če ne mores živeti, kot
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #51 - 27.07.2003 at 09:27:19
Tongue Wink

Eva, a tako je bilo?

Najprej sta se režala, potem sta preizkušala sončna očala, nato sta si kazala jezik in na koncu sta si mežikala. Pestro, ni kaj. Wink Grin
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Če bi tisti, ki me obrekujejo, natančno vedeli, kaj si o njih mislim, bi me še mnogo bolj obrekovali.
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #52 - 08.08.2003 at 10:22:54

Praktično bi bilo to takole: vsakič, ko se zalotiš, da misliš nanj, vržeš v tla žogico, ki jo držiš v roke in rečeš: spusti!

Tale članek me je spomnil na Dejanino razmišljanje...

Recovering from Being in Love

First, in order to clear yourself and regain yourself, you must rid
yourself of the chemical addiction, and this is done through abstinence.
This is true for any addiction, incidentally.  If you continue to allow
yourself any of it, your body will continue to crave it.  But if you
refuse to give in to the cravings even one bit, eventually, your body
will tire of the situation and the cravings will end.

And so what is it you are doing that you must stop?  You must stop
daydreaming.  You must stop thinking about him.  For it is true, is it
not, that one of the reasons you still daydream is that when you do,
these chemicals are released into your body and you can feel again some
of the wonder.  Of course now it has turned bittersweet.  Now, along
with the vestiges of joy and love, you also feel the pain, the loss, and
then the tears fall.  But even this is life, even this is living and it
feels better to you than the emptiness of simply being alone.  And so
now you are addicted to the drug of pain as well as what is left of the
feeling of being in love which you treasured so.

So the first thing you must do, right now, is make a commitment not to
daydream of him, ever again.  Right now.  Not to think of him at all.
And certainly not to daydream.  Make that commitment, and when the
thoughts pop into your head, immediately say, "Go away."  Gently tell
your mind, "Go away."  And then move your thinking back into your
present situation.

And this is the next thing, of course, and that is to live in the
present.  When your mind moves to the past and all of your regrets,
worrying over each thing you said and did, wondering if that was the
thing that made it all go wrong, just tell your mind, "Hush.  Hush now."
And move back into the present.  "Not now," you may say.  Whatever
works for you.  "Not now."  "Hush."  "Go away."  "Leave me in peace."  
Find the phrase which works for you, and  use it gently but firmly.  
Get your mind under control.

And when your mind wants to dwell on the perceived sorrows of the
future, the lonely days stretching out before you, just refuse this
adventure.  Say, "Not now, thank you," and pull yourself into the

In the present, life is good.  In the present, the sun is shining
overhead, beautiful clouds float over, a tree spreads her branches and
beckons you to lie beneath them and read a wonderful book.  In the
present, your dog would love to have a walk and the cat would like to
be petted.  Move into this world, the present.  It holds all of the

And now, in this present, you must begin to build your center back up.
As we discussed yesterday, you have given parts of yourself away.  You
have given your heart thinking it was safe, and now you are desperate
to get it back.  Of course you are.  But you will not regain it from him.
You must get it back from yourself, by reaching your own center, your
own central core, your own spiritual soul self.

So do this by writing in a journal each day, three pages of
stream-of-consciousness, to clear your mind. Then breathe deeply and
close your eyes and picture a peaceful scene, like a placid lake.  When
you are feeling relaxed, shift your attention up over the crown of your
head and allow the golden energy of your soul self to pour down into you
and refresh you, recharge you, bring you back to yourself.  Do this
every morning to build up your central core and return to yourself all
that is truly yours.

And then, through the day, watch your mind, patrol it zealously.  Do not
allow those thoughts to enter.  And over time, they will simply disappear.

Make a commitment to being in the now, silence the painful
thoughts, and that will help.  

Is this difficult?  Does all of this require character?  Yes, it does.
It requires courage and character, which are wonderful attributes to
build up in yourself.  Take it on.  Accept this as part of your path, to
have this experience and build up the character which will be required
to overcome it.

I promise you, a day will come when this will be completely behind you,
if you will follow these steps.  You will recover, and one day you will
awaken in the morning to the sound of the birds and thank God for being
alive one more day and for the beauties and wonders which lie all around
you, waiting to be picked up and savored.

If you can remember only one thing, remember this:  Now is all that
counts.  This moment.  Right now.  That is all that counts.  The rest
is illusion.
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« Last Edit: 08.08.2003 at 14:20:12 by m »  

Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #53 - 21.08.2003 at 11:12:02
ok, ene par stvari,ki čakajo, dajih povem.
Spustiti ni enako zapustiti.
odkrila vzorec, da ko se z ljudmi zbližam do ene meje - z različnimi različno, nenadoma pokažem pete, me noče bit več na spregled = strah pred naslednjim nivojem intimnosti..itd..
zanimivo je še to, da sem bla tolk prepričana v svoj prav, da se kakih hudih dvomov o tem, ali je meni še ostati z njim, sploh nism zavedala.
ena karta ej v unem 3cardeadingu iz www.gaia-mind.com -a o problemu, ne vem, kako ji je naslov, govori pa o večih jazih, ki so v meni, in eden izmed njih gre v nasprotno smer...
edit: evo jo: Quote:
The Problem
Hidden Self
from the Victim Suit
Key concept: A subconscious personality, often with a different goal than our conscious mind

In our mind we have hundreds of personalities, each one having its own goal, with its own thought system and logic, and each one thinking that happiness is in a different direction. The Hidden Self represents a subconscious part of the mind which is moving in a different direction from the one in which our conscious mind is headed. It is a part of the mind which, in most ways, is thinking to be helpful to the general self, but whose strategy is ineffective and often destructive.
v glavnem, verjamem, da imam na en način vč jazov, da imam več želja, več sanj, saj mam tud v horoskopu več nasprotujočih si potez, npr. In enkrat pač poslušaš enega, drugič drugega... in A je treba nardit nekej, da jih kompromitiraš med sabo, al je treba nardit nekej, da priti mač vse zadovoljiš kr čimbolj do potankosti, In kolk d fak mam src? Grin se mi zdi tko običajno, da ej samo eno, in da naj bi to poslušala.. torej od situacije do situacije se odločam, kateri jaz je močnejši? al pav skaldu s katerim nimam navade delovati, pa si tud on želi svojga deleža...
hehe, in valda, thomas prav, da je stvar preprosta, sam na preprosto se morm šele navadit  Wink Smiley

no, končno, sm replyala ob 11:12 in 1211. post nardila
tole sm odlašala mal preveč, torej
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« Last Edit: 22.08.2003 at 13:20:11 by EvaZh »  
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #54 - 21.08.2003 at 13:05:42
Uh. Če si to po domače in na kratko interpretiram potem dobim tak rezime:

''Bom vztrajala na skupni poti in se učila predajati in sprejemati brez zavor''.

Je tako?
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #55 - 21.08.2003 at 13:13:13
boljš nič interpretirat preveč
kar bo pa bo
ljubezen pa pogum, pol bomo pa že sproti
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #56 - 22.08.2003 at 14:02:11

Mislila sem, da karta pomeni zaključek razmerja tud najbolj očitno je to napisano v njeni razlagi. Ne spomnim se žalosti ob tem. Bla sm res v redu ,v redu sm se počutila, samo strah me je bilo to povedat mu... in blo je že kak teden, odkar sem mu povedala, pol šele sem napisala. Če se ne bi počutila tko prepričano, bi napisala samo komu privat, al samo med posvečene. In Dones, ko tole spet berem, se mi še vedno zdi v redu. Čist v redu je blo, vse. Če bi imela več poguma in ne bi ostala samo pri pogovoru... pa saj niti ne vidim, tako ali tako sm očitno postavila pri tem take pogoje, take okoliščine napletla, da so se stvari, kakor samo pomirile, kot bi bil samo še en moj izpad. Ampak zame še noben moj izpad ni bil samo izpad, niti najmanj pa tale. Kar ponosno se počutim; meni se zdi to dosežek pa sm vedno zadovoljna, ko ugotovim, da mam take stvari dokumentirane - en mali opomin, kaj vse...! Spet po drugi strani Tongue haljo, kot da se ni zgodilo nič. Moti me zgolj notranja sprememba, ker verjamem, da bi se mogla odrazit tud na zunaj. Saj ne rečem, da se ni : se je. Evo, pa spet jamram zabezveze, itak da se je!
Mislim da me predvsem moti to, da imam na dogajanje v sebi, v življenju preveč različnih pogledov. To me pa res malo moti. Mislim je prima kaj takega pri kakem znanstvenem raziskovanju in prav zajebano pri enem samem srcu. Moj optimistek pa že pravi, če sm si to lahk skreirala, si lahk tud skreiram premik prek tega.
Torej Vdih, Izdih....blagoslovi...
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #57 - 22.08.2003 at 14:18:44
Mislila sem, da karta pomeni zaključek razmerja tud najbolj očitno je to napisano v njeni razlagi.

it's all about the metaphores

zaključek razmerja, ti je lahko tud zaključek takega razmerja kot je (bil) in začetek drugačnega, zatorej drugega razmerja.

ali pak karkoli drugega namesto razmerja.
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: Spustiti
Reply #58 - 22.08.2003 at 22:15:51
ja sej to sm imela tud v mislih
samo ni vse about metaphores, ane, sploh če maš situacijo zlo konkretno, pol verjamem, da je tud odgovor lahko zlo konkreten.
drugač pa ne ugibat, kaj je blo, jest sm se pol domislila, da je blo lahko eno drugo razmerje, ki se je s tem končalo... in to, da če bi vedla, kaj točno sm sploh razmišljala takrat, ko sm to karto "potegnila" oz, kaj pomeni ta karta v uni situaciji.. za odgovor na to bi rabla že ceu pošten šlog... Grin
Hočem rečt samo to, da ne vem, kaj pomeni, vem samo, kaj sm mislila takrat, da pomeni in vem tud, da sem gledala karte s pričakovanjem, z željo, da bi mi potrdile, da mi ni treba ostat z Mihom.. tolk mi ni blo več do tega...in to sm si razlagala kot svojo srčno željo, kamor kol bi jo sprojicirala, ker sm tko hotla, da bi blo to sprejemljivo in v redu, ker sm res tko hotla.. .
seveda ne pravim, da je to zdej kul, tkole nekej hotet ane, sploh če pomislim na to, da sm hotla pobegnit pred naslednjim levelom intimnosti/ljubezni...  ???  v tem primeru bi res lahko rekla: ti reva ego-istična
in točno to me moti, preveč možnosti preveč pogledov... prevelka zmeda, sm zihr, da je ena karta, ki govori, kaj je točno v tem primeru najbolj skulirano  Grin (to be a freak Shocked Wink 8)) hmh, je pa res, da karte so tiste, ki odperjo nov pogled in to prou z veseljem delajo , packe  Grin
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Re: Spustiti
Reply #59 - 23.08.2003 at 07:14:07
včeraj se je Miha dokončno naravnal na konec (bom temu zdaj rekla)

Kaj je blo z naravnavo na konec? Ko je Miha takrat povedal svoj delež tega, kaj bo, kaj naj bi bilo, je izrazil to,.. pojma nimam, kaj je že rekel, samo mi je odleglo. Že prej sem se velikrat zalotila sred razmišljanja o tem, da bi se on odločil, da je konec, al da bi si našel drugo, samo zato, da bi lahko jest imela čisto vest: O, sej nism bla jest tista, ki je koga prizadela. In da jest itak nebi bla prizadeta, ker si tega tko al tko želim. In potlej še en črv: kaj če se bo to res zgodilo in to enkrat v takih okoliščinah, ko bom čutila, da ga tolk rabim al pa kej, da bom pol res prizadeta Grin sam da kompliciram.
Uf, z Mihom sva končala, dokler sva bla fant pa punca kake desetkrat. Od tega sm mu dvakrat povedala, da mam zamerkanga enga druzga. Embarrassed S tem, da ni blo iz tega nikol nič (nikol nič upala reč). Drugič vsaj zato, ker, sm v prvem tednu ugotovila, da sm noseča... Shocked in tralalalala ...
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