še Jstu hvala za podporo

take rabimo, ki verjamejo samo vase

glede sprememb se ne sekirat, te prihajajo itak same od sebe, ko jim prisluhnemo, jih začutimo iz svoje notranjosti, ko pride za nas seveda tapravi čas.

sem pa razmišljal o razlogu, na katerega me je opomnil titud zakaj sem prišel tukaj med vas?
Maharaji ne rabi nobene reklame, zadovoljnih učencev ima že čez dvanajst milijonov,
ne rabi niti tebe niti mene,
kot sem že rekel celo dostikrat reče:
"Če ti to spoznanje ni všeč, pojdi kam drugam!"

"If you don't like this Knowledge, walk away, go somewhere else!"
Ali kdo od vas pozna mojstra, ki bi od sebe odganjal nezadovoljne učence?
Ampak ljudje se hudo gnetejo okoli njega? A ni to čudno?
Dvorane v katerih on govori, so vnaprej razprodane,
le zakaj?
In vse, kar se zgodi na prireditvi, je, da pride samo on na oder in eno uro govori iz svojega srca.

To je vse.

Pri tem se še stalno ponavlja. Vedno govori samo o eni temi in to je življenje.

Ali potrbujem jaz sam kako reklamo?
S tem, ko moje pesmi na
www.enjoyinglife.org bere na deset tisoče ljudi s celega sveta, sem daleč presegel svoja pričakovanja. Res ne potrebujem nobene reklame.
Med tem, ko pišem tu članke, bi lahko služil kje drugje kaj denarja. Imam prijatelje od Avstralije, južne amerike, Zda, in cele Evrope in nekaj zelo dobrih prijateljev v Sloveniji, ki so mi v vsakem trenutku pripravljeni priskočiti na pomoč

Nikogar nisem prosil, še najmanj kake ljudi od medijev, da bi kdaj kaj objavili o meni, pa kar prihajajo, sam bog ve zakaj?
Ja obstaja ena čudna stvar, ki se ji reče:
Ljubezen brez razloga,
eto to je to, zdaj veš za to skrivnost,
saj poznaš ono mojo: Vetrič pihlja, nima imena...

ali ono:...slučajnosti ni, vse ti vedno sledi...

in še razpored prireditev gospoda Prem Rawat Maharajija v Evropi letos poleti:
Events in Europe with Prem Rawat June & July 2003
Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, has accepted invitations to attend
events in the following cities in Europe:
14th June: Bristol - Public presentation. 6.00pm
An opportunity to become familiar with Prem Rawat and his message. People
who have already been taught the techniques of Knowledge and people
preparing to be taught these techniques can invite their guests.
15th June: Bristol - Follow-up to the public presentation of the previous day.
This event is for people interested in hearing more and interacting with
Prem Rawat.
21th June: Madrid - Public presentation. 6.00pm
An opportunity to become familiar with Prem Rawat and his message. People
who have already been taught the techniques of Knowledge and people
preparing to be taught these techniques can invite their guests.
22th June: Madrid - Follow-up to the public presentation of the previous day.
This event is for people interested in hearing more and interacting with
Prem Rawat.
23th June: Madrid - An event for people who have already been taught the
techniques of Knowledge and for those who are preparing to be taught these
techniques . 5.00pm
28th June: Lisbon - Public presentation. 5.00pm
An opportunity to become familiar with Prem Rawat and his message. People
who have already been taught the techniques of Knowledge and people
preparing to be taught these techniques can invite their guests.
29th June: Lisbon - Follow-up to the public presentation of the previous day.
This event is for people interested in hearing more and interacting with
Prem Rawat.
6th July: Barcelona - Follow-up for people who have attended previous
presentations by Prem Rawat or local video presentations. This event is for
people interested in hearing more and interacting with Prem Rawat.
12th July: London - Public presentation in Hindi. 4.00pm
An opportunity to become familiar with Prem Rawat and his message. People
who have already been taught the techniques of Knowledge and people
preparing to be taught these techniques can invite their guests.
13th July: London Follow-up to the public presentation of the previous day in Hindi.
This event is for people interested in hearing more and interacting with
Prem Rawat.
19th July: Ljubljana - Public presentation. 5.00pm.
An opportunity to become familiar with Prem Rawat and his message. People
who have already been taught the techniques of Knowledge and people
preparing to be taught these techniques can invite their guests.
20th July: Ljubljana - Follow-up to the public presentation of the previous day .
This event is for people interested in hearing more and interacting with
Prem Rawat.
26th July: London - Public presentation. 4.00pm
An opportunity to become familiar with Prem Rawat and his message. People
who have already been taught the techniques of Knowledge and people
preparing to be taught these techniques can invite their guests.
27th July: London -Follow-up to the public presentation of the previous day.
This event is for people interested in hearing more and interacting with
Prem Rawat.
28th July: London -
An event for people who have already been taught the
techniques of Knowledge and for those who are preparing to be taught these
techniques. 5.00pm
The events in Madrid on 21st , 22nd , 23rd of June 2003 and in London on
26th,27th , 28th July can accommodate a large number of attendees from other
countries due to the large capacity of the venues.
The other European events offer limited capacity; priority will be given to
the people living in the neighbouring areas and to their guests.
Full details, including registration information, will follow shortly
naj pripomnim, da so vsi javni zgoraj omenjeni programi odprti,in si katerega koli od njih lahko udeležiš, če si takrat slučajno tam in če prej naročiš karto, ali prideš kar direktno preverit, če je tam še kaj prostora.