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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #60 - 03.09.2003 at 12:49:42
Io wrote on 30.03.2003 at 00:29:31:
Sedaj je pravi čas, da se odločite kam se boste obrnili v življenju. Prišlo je do točke polariziranja.

Vse pozivam, da se vsak dan obrnete k bogu in prosite zase, da ne boste podlegli skušnjavam, ki se vam postavljajo na poti v svetlobo.

Vsak izmed nas je najbolj dragocen, ohranjajmo mir v srcih, ne pustimo se sprovocirati z vojnami, ne vpletajmo se, bodimo to kar smo, božji prevodniki, čista ljubezen.
Vsi izhajamo iz enega, potrudimo se biti odprti do vsakogar, VSI SMO ENO, samo v različnih telesih.

Za vse, ki redno meditirate, zelo fino bi bilo če bi se redno povezovali v skupine, se povežete najprej z izvorom potem med sabo, doživeli boste močan tok, usmerite ga na zemljo, ona in ostala bitja zelo potrebujejo to energijo, bitja so žalostna in jokajo, pomagajte jim!!! Cry

Ne pozabi zakaj si tu, ne podleži moči, nadvladi nad drugimi, bogastvu, blišču! Smiley

Imaš samo dve izbire, tema ali svetloba, ni več vmesne poti!

Združimo se v svetlobi! Smiley

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #61 - 07.10.2003 at 09:41:39
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
PattiCR@aol.com; FAX: 520-749-6643; Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any
medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

The six months of intense cleansing and preparation that began with the Lunar
and Solar Eclipses in May is almost complete. Now everything is in place for
what is being called THE SHIFT OF THE AGES. This Cosmic Moment will occur
between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses on November 8/9 and November 23, 2003,

During this six-month process, the Company of Heaven has intervened in
miraculous ways, and in spite of the power and might of the cleansing that has
taken place all over the world, Humanity has experienced a gentler, more
merciful purging than we have earned.

The influx of Light that took place during the seventeenth celebration of
Harmonic Convergence in August cleared the way for the activation of the
twelvefold Fifth-Dimensional Solar Spine in every man, woman and child evolving
on Earth. This event allowed the God Self of each person to accelerate the
vibration of the physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies of each one at a
cellular level.

Under the guidance of each person's God Self, the twelve Fifth-Dimensional Solar
Chakras and the twelve corresponding Fifth-Dimensional Solar Meridians are now
bathing the cells and organs of every person with higher frequencies of Light
than we have experienced since we first volunteered to embody in a physical
reality aeons ago. This influx of Light has created the perfect environment for
the opening of Humanity’s Fifth-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras.

In an act of merciful Divine Grace, our omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent
Father-Mother God—All That Is—granted a Cosmic Dispensation that allowed
Humanity’s God Selves to open our Fifth-Dimensional Solar Heart Chakras to full
breadth. This unprecedented act of Divine Intervention opened the portal of
Divine Love within Humanity’s hearts and right-brain hemispheres once again and
paved the way for the return of our Mother God.

Since our newly-opened Heart Chakras are pulsating within the frequencies of the
Fifth Dimension, our God Selves have full dominion over them and our fear-based
human egos cannot manipulate us into closing our Heart Chakras ever again.

Our Mother God has at long last returned and reclaimed the Earth to be the
Love-centered world it is destined to be. The Love of our Mother God is now
bringing Humanity’s right-brain hemispheres into balance with our left-brain
hemispheres. This is enhancing our God Selves’ ability to reactivate our
spiritual brain centers.

As Humanity’s pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers
at the base of our brains return to full function, our Fifth-Dimensional Solar
Crown Chakras of Enlightenment are opening. Humanity en masse is now on the
verge of awakening to Fifth-Dimensional Solar Christ Consciousness. Christ
Consciousness is our Divine Birthright, and it was our natural state of Being
prior to our fall from Grace millions of years ago.

The Love of our Mother God is lifting every person on Earth into a higher level
of awareness. After aeons of abuse, our power is finally being balanced with the
wisdom of love and the reverence for all life.

This shift of consciousness is already beginning to manifest in the outer world.
As I write this article Laura Bush, the First Lady of the United States of
America, is on a goodwill tour in Europe. If we acknowledge this event as a
metaphor that reflects what is actually happening on Earth, we will know just
how profound her trip is.

(nekaj nakladanja o Lauri Bush in drugem dogajanju v svetu, če koga zanima, mu lahko pošljem vse skup na mail)

Day by day, under the direction and supervision of our God Selves, the Love of
our Mother God is flowing through our newly-opened Heart Chakras. With every
breath we take, this gift from our Mother God is integrating into every facet of
our lives. If we pay close attention, we will see tangible evidence of a
balancing and a shifting toward harmony taking place all around us.

Old patterns of anger and frustration are no longer able to pull us off center
the way they once did, and our egos cannot manipulate us through fear the way
they used to. These are just the beginning signs of what will occur with the
monumental shift of consciousness that is on the horizon.

The Spiritual Hierarchy assisting Humanity from the Realms of Illumined Truth
have said that the upcoming alignment in November has the potential of having
the same dramatic effect on a person's awakening process that near-death
experiences have had on literally millions of people. Those experiences have
been life transforming and have catapulted people into new levels of knowing and
enlightenment beyond anything they ever dreamed possible.

For us to fully understand the magnitude of what this shift of consciousness can
mean to all life on Earth, we must remember that everything manifesting on the
planet is a result of what somebody is holding in their consciousness. No matter
what the situation is, in order for something to manifest in the world of form,
someone has to be holding that idea or thought in their consciousness.

Things seem to be getting worse because we have been trying to change the
outer-world situations without changing the consciousness of the people who are
creating the situations. That is like trying to change the image in the mirror
without changing the object that is causing the reflection in the mirror. This
is a futile effort.

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #62 - 07.10.2003 at 09:41:52

For instance, in order to try and correct the gross imbalances in the
distribution of wealth, we could take all of the money in the world and divide
it evenly amongst all of the people. The problem with that is, without a shift
of consciousness in five years all of the rich people would be rich again, and
all of the poor people would be poor again. That would happen because the people
who are motivated by a consciousness of greed and selfishness would find a way
to beg, borrow, cheat and steel the money away from all of the people who are
trapped in poverty consciousness and feelings of unworthiness.

Without a shift of consciousness, we could eliminate all of the guns in the
world, but the people who are filled with fear, hatred and violence would simply
find another way to harm and kill one another.

It is impossible for us to truly comprehend the potential for change an upward
shift of consciousness of this magnatude will have on Earth. Just contemplate
for a moment what a difference it will make when every evolving soul remembers
the Oneness of ALL Life and the profound Truth that all life is interconnected,
interrelated and interdependent. Imagine how people will interact with each
other once they truly KNOW that they cannot harm another person, place,
condition or thing without harming themselves.

Think of the difference it will make when people everywhere know and accept the
Divine Truth that the flow of God’s Abundance is limitless, and AS THEY GIVE,

People everywhere are beginning to awaken to the Truth of who they are and why
they are here. The shift of consciousness in November is destined to accelerate
that awakening process by leaps and bounds. This shift of consciousness will
lift Humanity into the Realms of Truth where each soul will be able to clearly
perceive that we are not just fragmented, dysfunctional facets of our fear-based
human egos. Instead, every Human Being will realize that we are ALL Beloved Sons
and Daughters of God, and that everything our Father-Mother God has is ours. By
remembering this Sacred Knowledge, Humanity will change the course of history.

As Children of God, we have the responsibility of cocreating our physical
reality. Through lifetimes of misunderstandings, we have developed the erroneous
belief that we are just powerless victims of circumstance. With the shift of
consciousness, we will understand and know that, in fact, we are powerful
cocreators of circumstance.

As we lift up in consciousness, we will realize that our God Presence is the
all-encompassing part of us that is created in God’s Image. This aspect of our
Being is a radiant Sun, which resonates with the full perfection of our
Father-Mother God. When it is time for us to embody on Earth, our God Presence
projects one minuscule ray of Light into this physical plane to sustain our
Earthly bodies. Our human egos have manipulated us into believing that the
single ray of Light is the totality of who we are.

When we believe that illusion, it is easy for us to feel limited and inadequate.
We accept the erroneous belief that we are just victims being buffeted about by
life's circumstances without any options or choices. Nothing could be further
from the Truth.

The physical plane is merely a reflection of our consciousness. No matter how
real our life challenges seem or how entrapped we are in the human miscreations
of poverty, disease, low self-esteem, loveless relationships, hatred,
corruption, ignorance, war, etc., those distorted expressions of life can
manifest in our lives ONLY if we hold them in our consciousness.

As we rise up in consciousness and empower the Light and all of the patterns of
perfection contained in the Light instead of choosing to empower the things that
cause our pain and suffering, our Earthly experiences will be transformed in
“the twinkling of an eye.”

We are standing on the threshold of the greatest shift of consciousness ever
attempted in any System of Worlds. This is a unique experiment of unfathomable
proportions and through our unified efforts...OUR VICTORY IS ASSURED!


      The Spiritual Hierarchy has revealed that 2003 is the year that is
destined for the global shift of consciousness we have been anticipating
for the
past 50 years. There is going to be a Galactic alignment that will open a
multidimensional portal of Divine Consciousness into the Heart and Mind of the
omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent Cosmic I AM—All That Is
      During that rare moment, the Cosmic I AM will flood the Earth with
unprecedented frequencies of Divine Consciousness and lift every man, woman and
child a quantum leap into the remembrance of the Oneness of ALL life.
      That rare Galactic alignment will occur during the Lunar Eclipse on
November 8, 2003, and will build in power and momentum until the Solar Eclipse
on November 23, 2003
. During that time, the Light of Divine Consciousness will
be secured through the Mental Strata of Earth, and a portal into the Divine Mind
of God will be open within the mental bodies of ALL Humanity. This miraculous
event will allow the God Self of each person to lift the consciousness of that
soul into new Solar frequencies of the 5th Dimension. These frequencies are
aligned with the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of God. This will
result in the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted in any System of
There will be a Star of David and other complex formations in the Heavens
during the Lunar Eclipse on November 8th that will be 18 degrees Scorpio. The
total Solar Eclipse that occurred on August 11, 1999, was 18 degrees Leo, which
is the degree of Divine Consciousness. The Lunar Eclipse on November 8, 2003,
will be exactly 90 degrees square of the August 11, 1999, Eclipse. This will
make Humanity’s hearts and minds receptive to higher levels of Divine
Consciousness than we have experienced since our initial fall from grace.
      This is the celestial event that the Spiritual Hierarchy knew would sweep
Humanity up in consciousness into the remembrance of the Oneness of all Life.
From November 8-23, 2003, Lightworkers will gather at sacred sites all over the
world to absorb and anchor into the Earth unprecedented frequencies of Divine
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #63 - 09.10.2003 at 03:54:01
From Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

What you are looking for is who is looking.
We are staring frantically through these eyes in search of the
St. Francis of Assisi

.,¸¸,.»§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§« »§«,¸¸,.·´¯`·.,¸¸,.»§«·.,¸¸,.

Note from Aluna.. It has been a long time since the Star Elder had
something to say to the masses. Usually their messages come in sessions or
in small groups of sacred site adventurers. but at this time they have
a strong message to share. It is an interesting time we live in and
with the Star Elder humor, wit and wisdom they can help us see a new
perspective so the shift can be anticipated with excitement not dreaded with

Just as you thought life couldn't get any weirder - it did! You don't
have to be a super psychic to feel that the energy has accelerated with
a strange new twist in the last few weeks. Many are feeling a little
dizzy or out of balance / out of body, while others are feeling just plan
tired and taking some much needed cat naps. We are also seeing a trend
of small and some not so small weird mishaps; from bumping your heads
to full on life threatening accidents. Other health issues are on the
rise as well. Some are feeling confused and feel stuck and without
guidance. This transformational, evolutionary amplified energy has certainly
got everyone's attention.Something has shifted and you are not real
sure what this means, what caused it, and how you fit into the new
 You find yourself questioning who you are and why you are here with a
renewed vengeance.

Now before you get all twisted up in this energy, like a slice of sour
lemon you drop in your glass of summer iced tea, remember you are not
alone in this. You didn't do anything wrong.The bump on your head or
skinned knee isn't karma pay back, nor is your enemy attacking you.
Simply put, we have all just entered the spiritual twilight zone.
This may
sound scary but we have to remind you that this is what you came here
for. So we are a little surprised that you are not completely excited.
From our perspective that twisted lemon slice is tasting pretty sweet in
that cool ocean of summer tea your floating in. This is just what you
wanted, and we are here to remind you to as to why.

Do you remember that you came to Earth this time around for the much
anticipated BIG SHIFT of the ages?
Your not being here this time around
was completely out of the question. That would be like missing out on
getting tickets to the Big Movie Premier. You couldn't have that. so away
you came. all in a big hurry to get here so you wouldn't miss out. Well
the mission was accomplished. You haven't missed out on a thing and the
front row tickets to the big show is in your pocket. You made it just
in time!

Now being here for the big shift, the premiere for earth's ascension,
means that you will learn and enjoy energy fluctuations and
accelerations without knowing fully what is going on. The big mystery of knowing
you do not know, is part of the fun you expected when you bought the
ticket. We are little kids exploring the world and we make of it what we
It is like a big cosmic roller coaster, we scream on the way up and
down, but we love it just the same.

Activated by eclipses, record breaking solar flares, this year's
solstice, that was aligned with the center 20 days of Mayan cycles (June
23-July 12), has acted like a place in between worlds, between the past and
We have come to the end of what we know and are now crossing a
HUGE evolutionary bridge to what we are becoming. So if you are feeling
a little strange, ungrounded, tired, confused and just plain out if it,
this is why.

So lets explain what is happening. Earth is a living energy source.
Certain places on the planet have more energy emitting from them than
others. Any time a location on earth rises toward the sky it is connecting
to cosmic forces thus accelerating the earth and any living thing that
gets in the way while this process is going on. Many adventurous souls
are attracted to these powerful places as they simply feel good to
them. It doesn't not matter if the person knows what is happening or not.
The energy is received and used to raise that seekers consciousness.

Many of these powerful places are obvious and were marked by ancient
ones in the form of pyramids and temples. Other power places may not be
marked but are usually on mountain tops or other interesting raised
areas of the earth. Even the crest of a wave in the ocean is connecting to
the cosmic forces. This is why surfing, mountain climbing etc are such
a powerful sports.
So now you see why we are attracted to climb to the
top of the mountain or pyramid, or catch that last wave, we intuitively
know it is helping us adjust to rising energy.

If you go to a mountain top that naturally receives and emits huge
amounts of energy that also has remains of an ancient culture that honored
the energy, now that's what we call a real hot spot! An example would
be the monasteries in Tibet and ancient cities in the Andes of Peru.
Even in the flat lands of Maya, the ancient ones built temples on raised
earthen platforms. They built pyramid atop pyramid to build energy
within it to created a high energy spot.

.So what is happening now is, through celestial alignments and shifts in
time and space, Earth is now getting more energy
More is being
received and emitted from earth in power places. ALSO. The radius of the
energy field around power places has doubled, so more land mass is being
activated than before.

How humanity handles this energy is related to how they have been
living. No one is exempt from this energy at this time. All are being
activated at a higher level than before. All are feeling it, even if they
don't know what it is that they are feeling. There is no place to hide
from it. Even those who live in very low or minus altitudes (low energy
areas) are getting it more than before. If you are in a body and living
on earth, you are in for the BIG ride. So hang on.

The people who had the time, or had the means to travel to sacred
sites, mountain tops etc, over and over in their life time will find the
raising energy a little easier to handle. These ones have become accustom
to the powerful energy to a certain extent. It is not certain that they
will be unaffected by the accelerations, but will be able to attune to
it quicker and with greater ease.

If you are one of these energy junkies you are also here to help those
who didn't have the means to listen to that inner calling and travel to
the mountain tops or temple sites. They were busy keeping the world
going for you by stocking the grocery shelves and paving the roads so you
could eat and travel. These ones are going to need a little
encouragement that it will be all be OK. They will find you.

For those feel they got the wrong ticket some how, or changed their
minds and don't want to come to the big premier will leave and come back
some other time. Again, there is no right or wrong way to experience
this amazing time. From our perspective humanity is going through the
shift of the ages and many out there in the cosmos are bummed they didn't
get their tickets in time to join in the fun. So appreciate what you are
experiencing as it is the best roller coaster in the galaxy.

So how can you deal with the energy today and for the next few years
until 2012.???Be careful. If you don't feel in balance watch your head
so you don't get a bump. get sleep when you need it, drink water and
talk to like minded souls to ease the worries you might be having.
Remember the rules have changed, the cosmic landscape has shifted, so don't
worry if things don't make sense. They won't. You have nothing to compare
what is happening today. You are entering into new exciting territory.

Things will not work the same as they did before and your motivations
and passions will change with the new currents. You may not have clear
direction for a while. SO. have FUN, and enjoy life.

We all knew this was coming, but isn't it a little strange that the day
is upon us now! We had almost given up hope. We had heard about this so
many times in so many ways that is had become spiritual blah ~ blah to
our inpatient ears. But we are feeling the energy now and this is great
confirmation, but also gives us new hope that all the inner messages we
have been getting are coming to pass.

What is next after we cross the bridge to the future? It is a simple as
this.. when we get to the future and what we are becoming, what we are
is what we have become during this journey. So if you are asking what
is on the other side of the bridge we are crossing. that is up to you!
It is up to US collectively. So enjoy the journey. Have a joyful time
and live with the heart wide open to all possibilities and expect the
unexpected. Because what is in the other side, you could not have imagined
from where you are standing now.
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« Last Edit: 09.10.2003 at 14:12:31 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #64 - 09.10.2003 at 13:31:07


From Quantum Awakening



The Harmonic Concordance is an intersection of future probabilities, which extends through all time and space. An ecliptic light acceleration doorway is issued from November 8. 2003 (lunar eclipse) to November 23, 2003 (solar eclipse) opening the iris of the Great Central Sun. As the Star of David wraps itself around the planet earth it awakens within every heart cell a new level of love made visible.

A galactic intersection of powerful 'enters and exits' merges within itself as the sacred vibration of the Harmonic Concordance merges with the 11th 11:11 GATEWAY on November 11, 2003. This particular 11:11 Gateway aligns itself with Super Galactic Center a point of creation, which is thought to define our spiritual origin. Super Galactic Center is a reference point to where the Virgo cluster marks the center of the Super Universes. The super giant cluster M-87 is composed of ancient stars in the Virgo cluster which lies very close to a massive black hole which a believed to be about 5 billion times the mass of our sun. M87 is nestled in a sea of quasars, which emits signal signatures from entire ancient galaxies, which give off a stream of continuous undefined energy broadcasts.

This blend of several unique and powerful essences comes to give us an energetic heads up as well as a nudge into 'a knowing', which will determine how we place our energies and attentions in upcoming time shifts. Within this essence lives several layers of activation each one offering a unique opportunity to move past the point of comfortability and quantum leap forward into love made visible in the form of higher choices of probable outcomes.

This 11:11 GATEWAY ESSENCE MARRIED WITH THE HARMONIC CONCORDANCE VIBRATION BIRTHS A NEW LIGHT. Seen and unseen it shines through all outcomes announcing itself in very subtle yet powerful insights.

WITHIN THIS SPECIAL SACRED ESSENCE BLEND lives 11+11 vibrations and essences (22 in all) of Peruvian orchids, flowers, gems, star vibrations, sacred symbols, healing waters, pyramidal energies and pure love. Each bottle is lovingly created and handled with honor.

This Essence is Downloaded With The Following STAR EMANATIONS.


This super giant cluster of stars within Super Galactic Center offers us a doorway to learn conversion, inversion and re-version. Asking us to allow a higher form to come into all of our choices. Asking us to redefine our abilities as seen through the Creator's eyes, opening us to the fact that love is everywhere and everything, and beyond that is even more love. Moving all the love that lives within all material and matter into a higher format of creation allowing it and us to unfold into pure undiluted potential,

Global Cluster M-5

This cluster has a powerful entranceway as its center, which is a transfer point for many galaxies. It opens a doorway for various stars thorough out the universe to share their knowledge and assist others into a quickening of evolutionary patterns. Our Milky Way galaxy is part of this program. Billions and billions of galaxies pour their energies and light into this connection point.

M-42 the Great Orion Nebula

This nebula incorporates the highest and the best thought forms and brings them together to show how a common denominator of evolution is possible. This nebula teaches how to create a pure outcome from a negative thought or experience transmuting it into a higher alchemical composition, once again conversion and inversion of light.

Global Cluster M-92

This star system allows one to understand the symbiotic relationship of the sun, earth and humanity. Allows one to understand at a cellular level the co-creation relationship one has with God. This star vibration is a time portal attuning other galaxies to our Milky Way galaxy. It allows deeper awareness of multiple times and probabilities. Thus enhancing ones choices and creations to be more illuminated.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #65 - 09.10.2003 at 15:05:36


Number 74, October 6, 2003

By Gururattan Kaur Khalsa, Ph.D.


Preparation for the Harmonic Concordance

Lunar Eclipse November 8-9

November 8 is an astrological event to behold.  It is so special that the man who first discovered this configuration on a computer screen gave it the name - The Harmonic Concordance.  The Sun, Mars and Saturn in the water signs and the Moon, Jupiter and Chiron in the earth signs form a Star of David or a grand sextile.  This rare occurrence (no one has documented it happening before) takes place at the same time as the Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

There is so much going on and it is so significant that it will take a while just to give a condensed version of the astrological activity and its impact.  I have been meditating on what this all means and how it impacts our lives.  As I set down to write about it, I decided to first share my conclusions. The next NMB will be devoted to the explaination of the astrological events.

In summary, there is an opening, a possibility and a necessity to make a quantum shift in consciousness.  We each are at choice.  We must each decide how we wish to live our lives.  We can either live in darkness or we can live in the Light.  There is no gray.  What we create in this world and in the universe is directly related to our choice.


To understand the importance of our choice, it is useful to understand how creation happens and how the evolution of the universe unfolds. Here is my simplified understanding of how the universe and creation work.  Much of the universe is an infinite black hole.  There is an overlay and pockets of Light and Love scattered throughout the universe.  It is all divine. It all simply IS.  The evolutionary goal of the universe is to decrease the areas of darkness and to increase the areas of Light and Love.

Souls embodied as humans, whose basic nature is Light, participate in expanding the universe with the energy that we emit and operate from.  We can either vibrate with darkness or we can vibrate with Light.  Whichever we choose is how we participate in cosmic creation.  Darkness is simply the absence of Light.  In darkness we experience fear.  When we operate from fear, we create various expressions of negativity and destruction.  It doesn't take much to verify this by looking at the world we have created.

As souls we each exist as an enormous ball of radiant light and energy.  As souls we all exist together in love.  When we incarnate as human beings, we maintain a connection with our soul through a strand of light, which furnishes us with energy.  If we have a weak connection with the cord that attaches us to our soul, we receive less light and energy.  With less light flowing into our being, we experience pain, fear and confusion.  The more light that flows in, the more joy, happiness and clarity we experience.  Our most important task is thus to strengthen our connection with our soul's lifeline to us.  The stronger and straighter our lifeline, the more we are able to experience the love and light that is the essence of our souls.


For millennium most of the human race has been operating in darkness, living in fear and creating destruction.  The Earth is the most dense reality, so we often mistaken denseness for darkness. The goal of the human race is to figure out how to bring Light to physical reality - how to spiritualize matter.  Each time a soul incarnates, it works out another piece of the puzzle of how to bring Light and Love into physical manifestation.  The name of the long-term game is to infuse our own beings and the Earth with enough Light and Love before we destroy the Earth and ourselves.  We are getting real near the cut off date.  The universe is now infusing the planet with massive doses of Light to help us reverse the destructive spiral and to make the shift from darkness to Light.  

Given the basic free will rule of the human experiment, we each must make our own choice whether or not to do what it takes to make our personal paradigm shift.  The big questions are -- Will enough of us choose Love?  Will enough of us actually attune ourselves to the Light and be vessels for its infusion on to the planet?

Of course, we all say, "Yes.  I choose Love and Light.  Count me in."  But the choice is subtler than that.  It is not just a mental exercise.  We can't just go to the polls and vote yes to Light and no to darkness.  Mental answers don't compute.  We must vibrate with the Love and Light we choose to manifest.  We have to make the choice inside our own psyche and live from the frequency of Light.  We have to choose compassion and kindness as our modus operandi in our relationships with others and ourselves.  That includes telemarketers and all the other situations and people that push our buttons!  That includes patience for others and ourselves.  Ooops.  Another point for darkness.

It is very important to make the difference between liking something and judging it.  We are definitely permitted and it is required that we discriminate between what works for us and gives us pleasure and what doesn't.   The Light mode of being requires that we not judge expressions of creation that we choose not to align with.
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« Last Edit: 10.10.2003 at 23:47:55 by gape »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #66 - 09.10.2003 at 15:06:15
se nadaljuje od zgoraj...


When I first started practicing Kundalini yoga, I was awakened to wonderful feelings that I had never felt before.  I realized that there is something more to life than I had experienced to date and I wanted it!   There was so much darkness on the planet when I first started KY that it was hard to access and maintain a connection with Light. There is so much more light energy available now, that I am often amazed at how quickly even new students can shift their inner realities.

When I started teaching, I knew that the most important thing for the students was to have an experience of something else beyond anything that might have defined their lives in the past.  Awakening to another reality and another possibility of existence gives us a whole different perspective of life.  When I counseled people, I would insist that they do KY before we discussed their "issues."  KY brings Light into our psyche.  We see things differently.  We react differently.  It doesn't mean that all our problems immediately disappear.  But the more we vibrate Light, the more both our inner and outer realities shift.


Last week before my KY class, a few of the students were talking about facing their dark side.  One had read an astrology column, which she interpreted as saying that it was the perfect time for her sign to face her dark side.  Pop quiz - given the nature of the universe and creation as set out in my modest understanding and oversimplified explanation above, if we pay attention to our limitations and fears, what will we create?  Choice:  Light or Darkness?

Obviously we need to examine our thoughts, behaviors and belief systems and identify what does not work for us.  The important thing is HOW we do this.  If we examine ourselves from the vantage point of judgment, shame and fear, we can never extricate ourselves from the dark box that imprisons our consciousness.  When we live in darkness and fear, we just create more of it.  We get swallowed up in the cosmic black hole.   However, if we do it without judgment and with compassion, it is possible to release what doesn't serve us.  We can uncover the innate soul powers in the primal energies.

It is an endless process to look at our problems, issues and neuroses from the perspective of what is the matter with us.  Each, however, has a hidden power if embraced by the Light and seen from the Light of our soul.  This introduces us to another choice.  Instead of facing our dark side, we can face our Light side. Instead of immersing ourselves in the dark night of the soul, we can flood ourselves in the bright Light of our souls.


So in class last week, we focused our attention on Light and cultivating a stronger connection with the Light of our soul.  This is what I suggest doing to prepare for the lunar and solar eclipses in November.

We breathed into our abdominal area to open the space in our bellies for Light.  We energized the base of the spine to create a foundation to anchor the Light in our physical being.  We did breathing at the top of our heads to open ourselves up to receive the Light of our souls.  Then we popped into an expanded reality that merged Spirit and body by a meditation to open the heart.  It took less than an hour.  By the end of the class, the dark side was history.  Everyone was happy and laughing.  The Light of our souls made us feel so free.  We just couldn't contain ourselves.  Everyone giggled as they left.

At the beginning of the class, one student shared that as an "adult" she has struggled with the idea that she has to grow up. Growing up for her has implications for taking out the fun in life.  In the Light of her soul she redefined this idea to the empowering interpretation of being authentic.  So perfect for an Aquarian and for the rest of us too.

The trick is to face our issues or what is bothering us from the Light of our souls.  When we do, we see another reality.  Something shifts.  When we face fear from the vantage point of love, we liberate ourselves.  We never have to run away from anything or anyone again.  In fact, as this student wrote me later, "Turning and facing what is bothering me can be the source of great joy!  Face it, embrace it and enjoy it!  I am so me!  That is so cool.  I feel so authentic.  I am giving myself permission to be fully me and to experiment with what this feels like!  So far, so good!  How fun!!"


Our connection to the Light of our soul is always available.  Our job is to strengthen this connection every day and in every way possible.  As the planets line up for the Star of David formation on November 8th, our precious Earth and every human being is being infused with massive doses of magnificent Light.  This Infinite Light was and will always be available to us.  We can experience it at any moment and all the time.  We just have to moment by moment choose to do so and align ourselves to make this experience available to ourselves.   The point is, don't wait until November 8th and hope that you will get hit by a cosmic bolt of enlightenment.  Continue your daily practice with the intention of freely and gratefully receiving this Light from the Universe.  Focus on strengthening the cord between your physical body and being totally open to enjoying the Light of your soul.


The experience of Light manifests in many different ways.  Some people actually see light in their minds.  Others experience feelings of peace, openness, relaxation, clarity, stability and softness.  Less tightness or resistance in places of your body where you normally carry stress is a good sign.  More flexibility and fluidity in your actions and body is another.   You will also notice that certain things don't bother you anymore and you feel more compassionate towards others.

It is powerful to each day set our intention to be more and more open and receptive to receiving the Light.  We can also ask for assistance from Light Beings.  One student has witnessed significant shifts in her life since she set the intention several months ago to allow only love in her life.

Visualizing the Light of your soul and Infinite Light nurturing you can facilitate your experience, but it cannot substitute for it.  Avoid pure mental activity.  Be attentive to feeling sensations that keep you in your body and get you out of your mind.

Dedicate your daily practice as well as all your daily activities to bringing in the Light, cultivating the Light, nurturing the Light and staying in the Light.

In terms of your daily physical/spiritual practice, whether it is Kundalini yoga or something else, I suggest the basic formula that I used in my class last week.

1.  Practice all the leg, abdominal and lower chakra exercises with the intention of opening the belly and body to be a receptor and container for the Light of your soul.  Use breath of fire and long deep breathing to open the space inside your skin.  Use the root lock to create a foundation at the base of your spine. Relax between exercises and feel it.

2.  Practice arm and upper chakra exercises with the intention of opening the crown chakra to be a channel to receive the Light.  Use the breath and the focus on the top of your head to open the portal.  Again, relax between exercises and feel it.

3.  Practice a meditation to open the heart after your kriya.  There are dozens in Transitions to a Heart-Centered World.  (Available on www.yogatech.com )

4.  Keep your awareness on the tuned-in channel.  Be available and grateful of all the Light and Love you are receiving.

Our legacy is the Light we shine on the planet.  Be Light.  Live Light.  Love Light.


The New Millennium Being is copyright 1999 - 2003 Gururattan Kaur Khalsa,

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #67 - 09.10.2003 at 18:20:37
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #68 - 09.10.2003 at 19:04:53

Full Moon in Aries - 10-10-03

This Aries Full Moon features a cardinal grand cross with the Sun (17 Libra), Moon (17 Aries), Saturn (13 Cancer), and Chiron (13 Capricorn) supporting our commitment to initiating actions that are healing our personal wounds and helping to structure a new world based in loving cooperation that helps to facilitate our personal and planetary ascension process. The Cardinal Cross activates the Householder energies of personal identity (Aries) family identity (Cancer) relationship identity (Libra) and community identity (Capricorn). The Cardinal signs are often described as active, initiating and creative, encouraging the planets traveling through them to act. In the case of pure Aries this action can be spontaneous and impulsive, pioneering and innovative. Integrating and utilizing all these energies simultaneously is challenging and can feel stressful. Remembering Saturn's alignment with Sirius and calling upon the Sirian energies of transformation through visual connection and meditation upon this area of the sky can help facilitate the active changes seeking expression through us at this time. - Celestial Timings

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ex Member

Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #69 - 09.10.2003 at 22:01:02
ej glih buta me, sm tole prebrala,

Full Moon in Aries - 10-10-03

obsedena od tegale
njah prej je bla direkt 22:00 ampak zdej pa kot je napisana je ravno zrcalan desetka  Grin
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #70 - 10.10.2003 at 03:12:28
Dealing with the changing times

THE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY THAT SURROUNDS THE WORLD and each of those upon it is in the process of changing from the male Energy back to the female Energy.

This leaves people feeling unsettled, uneasy and sometimes uncomfortable, no longer knowing their exact role. Adjusting to the new paradigm brought about by this new feminine energy is slowly changing life as we have known it.

There are those who are finding the adjustment process difficult to accomplish. They have been programmed and conditioned to believe and behave in a certain way and are not able make the transition. They feel more than uncomfortable; they feel threatened at the idea of change. They feel fear, and they are willing to fight to maintain what they have always believed, and have absolutely no door open to change and growth.

The Energy is changing and we have no control over that. Those who violently resist can do damage with their fear tactic, their abuse and killing, but they will not stop the influx of feminine Energy anymore than they could stop the ocean waves from coming in with the tide, and they will disappear just as the animals before them that could not adjust to the changes in the environment. They too will soon become extinct.

How do we who wish to make the change deal with this? We do exactly what we are doing, protecting our lives, our families, and our country in the best way that we can. PLUS, we add understanding and awareness.

Understanding does not mean meekly turning the other cheek, and submitting to the demands of those who wish to change our way of living, harm, and/or kill us. Turning the other cheek means we see both sides. It means we draw our boundaries, and stick to them, but understand where those other people are coming from, what their fears really are.

Understanding those bent on destroying isn’t going to change them. If they have gotten to the point of venting their fear or terrorist tactics on others, they are probably past the point of no return and will ultimately be responsible for there own destruction; however, understanding them will change you.

You don’t have to agree with someone to understand them, but understanding them will keep you from hating and fearing them. This awareness will keep you from lowering yourself to the primitive energy level they are floundering in. Your awareness of others, those who are confused and even those with evil intent, will raise your own vibrational level, allowing you to continue to grow and blend with the new Energy.

Our future depends upon those who are willing to ‘give, but not give up’, who are willing to rise above fear, include understanding of others, let go of ego and serious competition, as well as teach and practice respect for every living thing on this planet. Our future depends on a new understanding, a new awareness, and a new you.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #71 - 10.10.2003 at 17:17:46
pomoč JE lahko VSAKEMU, tud tistim, ki so v terorizmu - tale zadnji tekstek ej mal po ameriško prestrašen
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #72 - 30.10.2003 at 13:33:30
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
PattiCR@aol.com; FAX: 520-749-6643;
Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any
medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

We are entering the final stages of purification and preparation for the global
event known as Harmonic Concordance. This unique influx of Light will take place
during the Lunar Eclipse on November 8/9, and will build in momentum and power
until the Solar Eclipse on November 23, 2003.

During that time period, a multidimensional portal of Light will be opened into
the Divine Heart and Mind of God—the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Cosmic
I AM—All That Is. Once this portal is open, our Father-Mother God will flood
the Earth with the most intensified frequencies of Divine Consciousness Humanity
can endure.
The Divine Intent of this unprecedented experiment is to catapult
Humanity into a higher state of Divine Consciousness and to accelerate the
Ascension of ALL Life on Earth into the 5th Dimension.

Every facet of life in the whole of Creation is aware of this Cosmic Moment on
Planet Earth, and we are receiving more assistance from On High than ever before
in the history of time. The God Victorious accomplishment of this experiment
will result in the creation of a whole new octave of Godhood. This will expand
the borders of Divinity for ALL Life into previously unknown expressions of
limitless perfection.

Since the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in May, the Elemental Kingdom has been
purging the planet of the miscreated thought and feeling patterns Humanity has
manifested over the Ages
. As a result of this intense purification, we have
witnessed unprecedented wildfires, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, floods,
heat waves, and now Solar Flares. Through the gift of God’s Divine Grace, this
incredible cleansing process has involved relatively little loss of life. Any
loss of life is tragic, but in the original predictions made aeons ago, it was
thought that there would be massive loss of life during this purging process.

Due to this cleansing, every person on the planet is now vibrating at a higher
frequency of vibration
. The higher the vibration of the atomic and subatomic
particles that make up the cells and organs of our bodies, the more Light we
will be able to assimilate, and the more effective our shift into Divine
Consciousness will be. The Solar Logos from our physical Sun and the Solar Logos
from the Suns beyond Suns beyond Suns that support this Solar System are well
aware of this Divine Truth. That is precisely why they are intervening in
unfathomable ways at this time.

Our Father-Mother God is breathing Solar Light from the Core of Creation through
the multidimensional spectrums of Light into the Heart Flames of the Solar Logos
from our Great, Great Central Sun. These Beings of Light, in turn, are breathing
the Solar Light into the Heart Flames of the Solar Logos from our Great Central
Sun, who are breathing the Solar Light into the Heart Flames of the Solar Logos
from our Central Sun, who are breathing the Solar Light into the Heart Flames of
the Solar Logos from our physical Sun. The Solar Logos from our physical Sun
are, in turn, breathing that Solar Light into the atmosphere of Earth through
massive Solar Flares.

On October 28th, the third largest Solar Flare ever recorded erupted on the Sun.
It was classified as an X17.2 flare and persisted for more than an hour. It
released an ejection of more than a billion tons of gas from the Sun's corona.
Both the Solar Flare and the coronal mass ejection accelerated charged particles
to even higher frequencies and hurled them at near the speed of Light directly
toward the Earth. It takes Light about 8 minutes to travel from the Sun to the
Earth. These particles reached the Earth in less than an hour. The coronal mass
reached the Earth several hours later.

This mammoth Solar Flare projected forth an electrified cloud of geomagnetic
particles 13 times the size of Earth, which blasted this planet with
supercharged Solar Light. As these highly-charged particles from the Sun were
hurled through the atmosphere of Earth, they penetrated into the core of purity
in every electron of precious life energy evolving here
. The frequency of
vibration of every facet of life on Earth was accelerated the maximum that
Cosmic Law would allow.

This accelerated Solar Light which originated in the Core of Creation—the very
Heart of God—is the pulse beat of the Universe. It is the Life-force of all
existence and the cohesive power of Divine Love. It is the quickening force
within the soul of Humanity; it is boundless, unceasing and everlasting energy.

For the very first time, the full power of Solar Light from the Heart of God has
penetrated into the Core of the Earth and exploded as a mighty Starburst through
the mental stratum of the planet. The majestic power of this Solar Light has
burst asunder the almost impenetrable veil that has prevented Humanity from
perceiving our own Divinity. This miraculous act of Divine Intervention has
cleared the way for Humanity’s Ascension into Higher Consciousness.

Just for a moment, feel the rejoicing pouring forth from the Beings of Light in
the Celestial Realms. In deep humility, please send forth the full momentum of
your heartfelt gratitude and love to our Father-Mother God and the Solar Logos
for their selfless service to ALL Life on this sweet Earth.


Many people have asked me what they should do and where they should go to most
effectively serve the Light during Harmonic Concordance. The Truth is, each of
you has been preparing for aeons of time to fulfill your unique facet of this
remarkable phase of the Divine Plan. Your God Self knows exactly where you
should be and what you should do. Listen to your heart, and ask your God Self
for guidance
. No one outside of you knows what is the best way for you to

Trust yourself!

You will be in your right and perfect place, doing your right and perfect thing.
Remember, the Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious, and YOU are that Light.
Thank you from the deepest recesses of my heart for remembering who you are and
for fulfilling your purpose and reason for being here.

I Love YOU.


333… Število odločitve. Usmeri vas v fazo zaključka 999 ali negativnosti, ali pa vas postavi v frekvenco 666, ki vas vrže nazaj v tretjo dimenzijo.

333 — Mojstri modrosti so blizu vas, želijo da veste, da imate njihovo pomoč, ljubezen in prijateljstvo. Pogosto pokličite Mojstre modrosti, sploh kadar okoli sebe vidite vzorce števila 3. Nekateri od bolj znanih Mojstrov modrosti so: Jezus, Mojzes, Marija, Quan Yin in Yogananda.

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #73 - 01.11.2003 at 23:01:36
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #74 - 17.11.2003 at 11:03:30
"World message" CHANGE THE WORLD!


Whoever transmitted this translated message to you is irrelevant, and should remain anonymous in your mind. It is what you will do with this message which matters !

Each one of you wishes to exercise her/his free will and experience happiness.

These are attributes that were shown to us and to which we now have access. Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have of your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that you give and receive.

Like all conscious races at this stage of progress, you may feel isolated on your planet. This impression makes you sure of your destiny. Yet, you are at the brink of big upheavals that only a minority is aware of.

It is not our responsibility to modify your future without you choosing it. Consider this message as a worldwide referendum! And your answer as a ballot!

Who are we ?


Like billions others in this galaxy, we are conscious creatures that some name "extra-terrestrials", even though reality is subtler.

There is no fundamental difference between you and us, save for the experience of certain stages of evolution. Like in any other organised structure, hierarchy exists in our internal relationships. Ours is based upon the wisdom of several races. It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you.

Like most of you, we are in the quest of the Supreme Being. Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals in the Cosmic Brotherhood.

Physically, we are somewhat different from you but for most of us humanoid-shaped.

Our existence is a reality but the majority of you does not perceive it yet. We are not mere observations, we are consciences just like you. You fail to apprehend us because we remain invisible to your senses and measure instruments most of the time.


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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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