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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #30 - 20.04.2003 at 18:59:58
Gape, priporočam ti, da stvar določiš na relativnih 100%. Torej, da se okno samo prilagodi rezoluciji. Takšne strani so najbolj prijazne, pa tud tisti flash na začetku se sam avtomatsko raztegne na večji obseg, tako da za to ni skrbi.

Aja, najbolj smešen pa mi je zadnji link: "PODVOJITE HITROST SVOJEGA PC-ja!" Tud skor padem od smeha dol s stola vsakič, ko ga zagledam. Wink
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Why? There is no why! Why is a mind f**king word!
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #31 - 20.04.2003 at 19:02:05
Tomi, ne zidam si barke, ker znam plavat. Wink

Nisem sama sploh vsega pogledala, bolj na hitr.

Hvala za komplimente vsem.  Wink Cheesy
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Re: Prišel je čas... off topic ... again
Reply #32 - 20.04.2003 at 21:01:45
s podvojite hitrost sm zaslužu že celih 30$
noben še ni reku da je basa ... sm pa tud sam kupu in sprobu ... in dela.

kar se tiče 100% ... relativnih ... neušeč ... najtmer webmastra ... narest tak sajt ... rajši se naredi absolutno okno in v njem absolutne vrednosti.
mam kr neki praxe na to temo ...
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Re: Prišel je čas... off topic ... again
Reply #33 - 20.04.2003 at 21:33:29
gape wrote on 20.04.2003 at 21:01:45:
noben še ni reku da je basa ... sm pa tud sam kupu in sprobu ... in dela.

Če verjameš v palčke. Lahk se kregava na področju duhovnosti; ampak tu pa mislim, da imam nekoliko več pojma.

kar se tiče 100% ... relativnih ... neušeč ... najtmer webmastra ... narest tak sajt ... rajši se naredi absolutno okno in v njem absolutne vrednosti.
mam kr neki praxe na to temo ...

Poglej si www.slo-tech.com in še mnogo podobnih strani. Temu se reče prijazno, pregledno in uporabno. Tukaj je itak le forum najbolje narejen, ki je itak že po defaultu tak kot je. Pa pozitivke so seveda tud v redu.

Skratka, kar hočem rečt je to: Lastna hvala se pod mizo vala. Wink
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Why? There is no why! Why is a mind f**king word!
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Re: Prišel je čas... back on ...
Reply #34 - 21.04.2003 at 09:26:08
moj sajt je primer neprijazne predstavitve vsebine ... tko pravjo vsaj ... men je itak useen ... meni služi odlično ... on ni zato tam da bo komu prijazen ali pa všeč ... on je samo filter bi lahko reku.

aha zdej vidm ... 'prišel je čas' da še neki več nardim za izgubljence, da nardim še lepši in še krasnejši vmesnik do vsebine ... bom ... ko bo čas pravi ... zdej delam zase ... pravjo da je itak treba sebi najprej pomagat, pol pa šele drugim.

... ja ... jest tud znam plavat, pa si vseeno gradim barko, za vsak primer, škodit ne more.
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Kaj pa če je vse RES???

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #35 - 21.04.2003 at 10:30:55
gape.org je itak super proti večini strani, ki jih najdem..
Pa itak ni važna načičkanost, glavna prednost hiperteksta je preglednost, da ne zgubljaš časa pri iskanju informacij...
Načičkana je tud dovolj za moje pojme...  Wink
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Pametni razpravljajo o idejah,&&povprečneži o dogodkih,&&omejeni pa o ljudeh. &&(Hyman Rickover)&&
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Re: Prišel je čas... back on ...
Reply #36 - 21.04.2003 at 14:24:00
gape wrote on 21.04.2003 at 09:26:08:
aha zdej vidm ... 'prišel je čas' da še neki več nardim za izgubljence, da nardim še lepši in še krasnejši vmesnik do vsebine ... bom ... ko bo čas pravi ... zdej delam zase ... pravjo da je itak treba sebi najprej pomagat, pol pa šele drugim.

Zakaj bi se torej trudil spreminjat vmesnik, če se ti zdi, da je zdaj namenjen ravno pravim osebam in je najboljši tak kot je? Ne vidim smisla. Pusti potem takšnega, kot je všeč tebi, ane. Smiley
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Why? There is no why! Why is a mind f**king word!
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #37 - 23.04.2003 at 16:22:00


"Once upon a time, humanity thought the Earth was flat.  If you tried
to explain it differently, people   just shook their heads at you and said
you were crazy.   Then, Columbus sailed to find a "New World" for himself.
Presently........... much of humanity thinks of the Earth as one single,
objective, "mass reality."   We all live upon it (i.e. we share it), and
where that one Earth goes, everyone must ride along.  Spirit now establishes for us that such a concept is every bit as archaic and limited as when we believed that the Earth is flat."   DJ.

 Each of us is a Multidimensional Being. We function in many different
contexts of reality at once.  Though we appear to be focused only HERE,
there are also alternative forms of THERE in which we also function---in
bodies that are every bit as real as this one.
 Every person is his (or her) own universe.  Uni=One.  There is only
one person there---a ONESELF, who has been fragmented into every
possible/probable manifestation that you need to be, in order to
explore that which called you into existence at this level of vibration.
Each of the the Oneself "fragments" is insulated, separated by a Veil
of Forgetfulness, that allows each component part of that scenario to
assume a point-of-view, and provide a unique perspective of what is transpiring within that Now Moment.
  Each creator is a Director, Actor, and Crew for the creation of a
vast and wonderful "movie" that is being played out upon the screen of his awareness.  Though each theater has many "screens," the audience
usually chooses to focus only upon one at a time.
 The Multiverse has an archive that is like a Cosmic Video Store.  Each
"movie" that is created is stored and available for all eternity. Once a
person is able to transcend his particular story plot, he may access any
other story that he chooses, returning again to live out the original life
process before anyone ever knows he was gone.
 Everything is REAL, everywhere it appears.   People often speak about
the "illusory nature" of 3D.   And it is illusion.  However, that doesn't
mean that it doesn't exist, or what is seen there is false.  Rather, the
illusion consists of the impression that what is experienced at any point is ALL THERE IS that exists in that space.
Your senses are not "windows" to an "objective" universe.  They are
really filters, blocking from your awareness what you have no desire to see.   OUT THERE consists of an endless array of everything imaginable.  But here, in this 3D You-niverse, you have assigned for yourself a specific focus, and your Veil makes sure that you stay with it until that focus is
 Each Now Moment, you are opening "gifts" that reveal to the Oneself
who and what you are, or have been (speaking in a linear sense).   That is
why we refer to each of these moments as "the present."
 Each Moment is a slide, which you can place into the microscope of
physical density---so you can study details, learn lessons, or simply
enjoy everything that you are and have.  Anything that doesn't get "done" here has an infinity of Multiverse to work itself out, in every way imaginable.   No muss, no fuss, no struggle.

"You are not one of many.  You are really many of ONE!"
--The Reconnections

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #38 - 25.04.2003 at 19:16:46
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #39 - 05.05.2003 at 20:37:48
What is the Hall of Records so many people seek?

Most see the Hall of Records connected to the Great Pyramid - as our reality program is created by the geometry of 12 pyramids around 1 source=circle symbology - which creates a grid of matrix through which we experience.

This grid is created by electromagnetic energies - polarities - north/south - rods or poles - which contain information - and control different aspects of the program

The Hall of Records - like the Akashic Record - is in higher frequency and is therefore not physical. It cannot be found physically - but you do have the knowledge in your DNA.

This knowledge explains the nature of our 3D physical program in the Cycles - or Illusion - called Time - which is in itself a bio-genetic experiment in which souls are all encoded with sacred keys of light to find their way out.

We trigger our Hall of Records - our awakening - our genetic encoding - when we are ready.

Many people quest in the Physical - traveling to the Great Pyramid and other sacred places. These places are often marked with pyramids in the physical plane - which align with the 12 ethereal pyramids - ie: Mexico. These are power points on the grid. Most places are marked in stone such as Stonehenge - megalithic sites.

Other people meditate or read and gain the knowledge and wisdom through the mind.

Some experience both aspects of discovery - as they are all amazing and fill us with the knowledge that we are getting closer to greater truths - the way home - out of the box=3D - the way back to source of into ther realities of experience - understanding the totality of All.

If you are reading this column - you are accessing your Hall of Records each day with all that you experience. You are seeing the world differently and coping with the dramas of 3D.

Metaphors: Scrolls - Papyri - Flames or Light Symbols - Keys - Digits - Stones - Crystals - Alien Symbols - Crop Circles - Symbols & Archetypes
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #40 - 06.05.2003 at 13:24:22
Pole Shift or Polarity Shift?

As searchers we look at the world as as outside of us. We spend much of our lives learning and experiencing and trying to figure out the complexities of things around us and how they can benefit our goals and eventually help bring us to greater awareness.

Sometimes our lives revolve around our goals as strive for answers. We sense things going to happne in the universe - and we relate to them if they affect our 'personal universe' our sense of self.

One of the End Time scenarios says that planet Earth is going to have a sudden pole shift. We wobder what tis means and if we will suddenly die? This pole shift seems geophysical - certainly outside of ourselves - part of the universe.

The physical humans is made up of electromagnetic energies - polarities - north and south - it has poles.

There will come a time of balance when the poles - the bar magnet - the rod - will be horizontal and in balance. Some see this as a judgement day - but that is metaphoric. Everything in our reality is a metaphor brought forth to help you remember.... "Remember what?" you ask.

You remember that an aspect of your soul came into a physical body to experience emotions. It is a spiritual soul have a physical experience. But once in the physical - 3D - you began to think of yourself as a physical being having a spiritual experience... Wrong!

When this balance occurs - your north and south poles will merge - the polar aspects of your being. North is above 3D frequency. South is the YOU sitting there now reading this. When balance occurs - your poles will seens to shift in a nano second - and you will return to higher frequency - your spirit form - where you will understand the nature of all reality.

Most people except the fact that the 3D mind is unable to fully grasp the true nature of reality as we do not have the archetypes or abilities to grasp the concepts. Therefore we guess - theorize - remote view - meditate - talk to spirit guides and those in here with us in 3D - and most of all we dream...

Chakra System - Always the 'X'
As is Above Merges with So is Below
The Center - Heart Chakra - Zero Point
Seat of the Soul - Green is Alchemy

The pole shift is not external - it is internal to you.

Look for a polarity shift of consciousness - not a pole shift on the planet. It is about TIME.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #41 - 08.05.2003 at 01:39:32
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #42 - 08.05.2003 at 03:54:13
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #43 - 11.05.2003 at 16:09:40
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #44 - 19.05.2003 at 17:05:41
Art imitates life and Life is a soap opera. We were all born into our little 3D dramas to experience the full gamut of emotions then to find our way back to restore balance.

We are not here to experience perfection or things that will last happily-ever-after - which is just another aspect of the illusion.

A skilled player attracts and embraces positive things - then can release when reality shifts - as it is always in motion. You cannot hold onto anything forever. Itis the ebb and flow of the collective unconsciousness and the Law of Endless Possibilities.

The nature of Daytime TV has changed along with human consciousness. That is why you should not live in the past and say, "When I was young.....". Experience is the NOW which is reflected in TV that helps us explore and understand who we are and how we can heal our issues. In many cases - we are not aware that we have issues - until we see them discussed or mirrored on TV.

As we move through life - our experiences become 'issues with tissues' as we win and lose - our personal soap operas allowing us to experience the polarity of emotions in third dimension.

Example....with one partner you can experience love and compassion - yet with another you can experience anger and frustration. Perhaps this is why we make the choices we do at certain times of our lives. It is just experience - the game - the soap opera and drama of it all. In the movie the Matrix Reloaded they explain human emotions and weaknesses - it is all in our programming. Don't be needy - you will self-destruct.

Yet to not experience with 'passion of the soul' - to remain removed from experience - is to miss out on the primary objective - LOVE and reunion of the twin aspects of your soul. This is generally caused by fear of intimacy. Of course old metaphysicians like us known that FEAR is the KEY as we are ruled by the polarities of FEAR and LOVE - the primary passions which motivate us in 3D.

Talk shows are often therapy sessions - such as Dr. Phil McGraw. In the old days we had Dr. Joyce Brothers who always looked like her face lift was a bit too tight. Of course there was Dr. Ruth - who allowed us to talk about sex...and both did we come out on that subject.

Ya gotta say it - teach it - and experience 3D with HUMOR - another KEY as it raises frequency.

Daytime news broadcasting has greatly expanded in content and air time. Humanity no longer wants to remain limited on any level of experience as souls expand into greater awareness.

The physical universe appears to becoming small as our awreness expands.

This is all written in the script.

We identify with soap opera characters and experience vicariously in their daily adventure - often angered when a favorite show is cancelled by new events. Bummer!

Primarily the realm of the soap has always been about the heart chakra - male/female, parent/child, finding 'true love'. We experience them vicariously.

Through the years soaps have expanded to include metaphysical subjects - healing, near death experiences, angels, clairvoyance and clairaudience, past lives, aliens, among others.

All of us - at some point - have watched daytime TV. Remember Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street? They taught much more than academics. They taght us that children can read and do math in the pre-school ages. Today of course children have computers and everything is at their finger tips. Technology has made learning easier - faster and with greater comprehension. It is all part of growing awareness..the script playing out now.

At some point most of us have watched daytime TV - usually soaps - particularly when we are teens - puberty - experiencing emotions - coming home from school to relax in the fantasies of others lives and getting away from our peers and things we are too young to control and change.

In early days of daytime TV - boys would tease girls about watching soap operas - the woman supposed the emotional ones - while the big strong macho males were way too tough and detached from all of that. Right!! Times have changed. Men have come out in more ways than one. They are allowed to experience emotions and share with friends the adventures of the characters on daytime as well as nighttime TV. Some universities offer courses which including soap operas and daytime talk shows.

The soap family sometimes becomes our family. As a psychic reader and educator through the years - I am amazed at how many young people have no idea about what marriage is about - or how a functional family works - or what real love and compassion is about.

All My Children grew up with the WABC soaps. We watched Luke and Laura get married. My children still watch the same soaps as do many of their friends. Thank goodness for the VCR. We can watch our favorites when we want and experience them over and over.

Through the years I have read many soap opera stars and experiened with them offscreen and on. You have no idea how multi-talented they are.

Though I don't watch much TV - I do have my favorites and of course set the VRC as I watch most shows on tape. The only soap I watch is 'Days of Our Lives'. I watch it in times of high adventures and faster moving storylines. I skip much of the emotional issues stuff generally reading the spoilers on the internet so I am least one week ahead. these are the ways of the psychic reader....

I was unfamiliar with many of the new young stars who received awards last night - but the energy was electrifying and positive. The world is filled with talent in the arts. The game will dictate the winners.

Some things to think about....Please do not send me emails about this....

If you could host a daytime talk show - what format would you use? What would be your goals?

If you were on a soap - what type of character would you like to play?

Could you see yourself - on TV - in a movie - behind the camera in production - writing a script?

Have you ever cried when someone died on your favorite soap? If someone laughed at your emotions - did you ignore them or get angry?

What do you admire about a good script?

Do you want the happily-ever-after or the Dooms Day ending?

Do you play into the games of emotions and 3D or do you see yourself out of the Matrix - the Box - 3D - as an observer?

Can you play at times - experiencing the positive emotions - then pull back from the negative lower frequency people places and experiences? That is truly an aspect of the game you should investigate.

Once lured into the Matrix by the Trickster getting free becomes your challenge - back to source to point of origin - not allowing you to become the writer - producer - director - one in awarenss. Select your soaps carefully....
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