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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #180 - 02.01.2006 at 18:17:23
Entering the Energy of 2006
by Doreen Virtue

Today we enter into a powerful time for our planet, beginning with today’s New Moon in Capricorn which sets the tone for 2006. This weekend is a peak time for your manifestation activities. It is a wonderful time to write, visualize, and affirm all of your heartfelt dreams.

Each new year, Archangel Michael gives me prophetic visions of what to expect for the coming year. Michael says that 2006 will be exactly of your own choosing. Each of us will have different experiences with 2006, according to how we handle the new energy.

Michael says that 2006 brings in a new level of energy that perfectly mirrors our thoughts our reality. The angels call this new energy elastic. The theme of 2006 is What You Put Out There, Is What Comes Back To You. If you say kind things about other people, then other people will say kind things about you. If you are generous with others, then others will be generous with you. If you expect doors of opportunity to open for you, they will. Conversely, if you think or say anything negative about people, the world, government, or Anything . . . the negativity will immediately come back to you.

This is a year where all of our spiritual lessons are called into action. We will all receive more divine guidance, clearly and easily. If we follow this guidance without delay, we find ourselves gliding along the flow of a fun, healthy, and prosperous new year. If we ignore the guidance, we wonder if we are being tested, ignored, or punished.

2006 will be like living in a house of mirrors. Whatever you expect to see, you will see. Whatever you send into the mirror, will instantly reflect back to you. The new energy is clear, high, and bright . . . and is a wonderful opportunity to experience heaven upon earth.

Make time this weekend to positively visualize and affirm your wishes and desires. Feel gratitude that they are already manifest and don’t worry about how they will come into material form. Since we are all one in truth, whatever you wish for yourself is what you wish for others as well. The reverse is also true: whatever you wish for another is what you wish for yourself.

You can call upon the Archangels Michael and Jophiel for help in releasing any negative tendencies that you would like to leave behind in 2005. The angels will transmute the underlying fear beneath the negativity. In place of the fear, the angels will help you to feel loved in all ways.

I see and feel grateful that you are peaceful, feeling loved and loveable, completely healthy, prosperous, and enjoying a meaningful career based upon your natural talents, passions, and interests. I see and feel grateful that the planet is peaceful, the environment is clean, that all people and animals have their needs met and are treated with love and compassion. I see and feel grateful that all residents of this planet enjoy the best year ever in 2006!

With Love and Gratitude,

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #181 - 04.01.2006 at 13:36:12
The Year 2006

The year 2006 presents opportunities of abundance heretofore unrealized. The ego will tell us, it was only our hard work and overtime that led to abundance, but in truth, that hard work and overtime simply show how much we lacked the confidence to receive.

The year 2006 is about the feminine. There is nurturing, receiving, sexuality and mysticism. There are doorways of initiation that have been open since the year 2000, but this year there is greater awareness and courage to step through these doorways in our mind. As a result, we regain parts of our mind long lost through dissociation. While most of these areas of the mind are full of happiness, some few are in need of healing. All of them bring levels of initiatory power. If an area of your mind needs healing when you step into it once more, simply receive the grace for healing.

In 2006, things continue to be revealed that were hidden away in politics, business and relationships. Truth on all fronts is pushing to be revealed. This is disillusioning in the best sense of the word. It is also freeing us. Defenses that have hidden away our dark patterns will also collapse. While this is unpleasant and we sometimes feel in real trouble, only when the trouble is revealed can it be healed. Our compensations will continue to collapse to make way for healing this year.

This could be another busy year, but there is the opportunity to finally get our priorities straight. Learning to be accepting and receive will open up the mystic and save time in every other goal we have. Learning to be open and receive while giving ourselves wholeheartedly generates transcendence. As a result, we avail ourselves of great treasure that has been awaiting us within.

What we perceive and experience occurs only as a result of our beliefs. It is time to jettison whole belief systems that are defying, delaying and destructive to us.

This is a year where for the first time whole groups of people realized that what we consume has not made us anything but momentarily happy. So there is the possibility that we will begin to move away from the consumerism of things and experience. As a result, relationship and friendship will grow up in the place of consumerism. There will be more sharing, philanthropy and a greater regard for healing. We will begin to commit to heal the dissociation we have used to block the riches within and the joy of relationship.

Emphasis now and for the rest of our lives is on relationships. Every relationship can be a holy relationship. This is one given to Heaven and consecrated to wholeness and having our relationship become a stairway to Heaven. In special relationships, we seek to get from the other and are forever disappointed that they do not meet all of our needs. We complain about our partner or look for someone else to make us happy. A holy relationship, whose goal is wholeness, transcendence and happiness, is a place of inspiration and light where we forever realize, it is what we give to our partner that allows us to receive ever greater love and joy. Where our partner does not meet our need, it is really a place where we are failing them.

This is a year where you can have your relationships be what they were meant to be. This opens you to the Divine, and you become available for grace, ease and joy most rare.

(by Chuck Spezzano, www.gaia-mind.com)
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #182 - 06.03.2006 at 13:12:29
March 2006
Aluna Joy and the Ancient Ones from San Bartolo

Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, a thousand years before the 13th century Dresden Codex and the 16th century Popol Vul, hundreds of ancient chambers were sealed in the lands we now know as the Maya lands. These chambers were constructed in a profoundly sacred manner. Their purpose was beyond what we can conceive at this time. These chambers were sealed to lock in certain information and alchemical energy. Once a sacred seal was broken in any one of these chambers, the energy locked inside would be released into the world. All of this was meticulously planned out. The ancient ones did all of this for us who live in this time.

One such chamber has been opened. Although there are hundreds of such chambers throughout the Maya lands, this one has particular significance to the transformational times humanity is upon. We are in the last days of a 104 thousand year cycle. This chamber held the knowledge of Four Worlds; Four Worlds of 104 thousand years each. The last of these Four Worlds is the one we are presently in. In this chamber there is a hint of the Fifth World that we are at the brink of entering. It hints at how we get to the Fifth World, and what we might expect when we get there.

This chamber lies deep in the jungles of Peten, Guatemala in a Maya site called San Bartolo. It has been reopened. We don't know exactly when the seal was cracked. It is possible that it was opened as early as the year 2001 by grave robbers. They didn't understand the significance of the chamber that they hammered into; they were only looking for treasure . . . for jade. Little did they know that the treasure was not in the material objects that they were hoping to find. The treasure was the energy. The echo of this energy, this truth, is in the remains of magnificent murals. These are considered the oldest Maya murals to be uncovered to date.

What they left behind for us to uncover would trigger a great mystery and a wave of controversy. They left clues in artful murals. These clues were left behind in a way that they hoped we would understand within the level of consciousness that we would have at the time the seals were broken. The only way to convey these messages of personal mastery and ascension was through imagery that we could relate to.

At the time they sealed the chambers, over 2000 years ago, we were hanging people on crosses to die. We were killing people in the name of God. Only the elite could read text. There was mass fear, confusion, greed, war, mind control and overwhelming superstitions. These regrettable actions are still taking place today and ruling the 4th world.

The advanced people who anchored this energy were not savages, and nor were they un-evolved. The 4th world has yet to understand the elegance and sophistication of these people and their level of consciousness. They were far more advanced than we can understand at this time. Unfortunately modern archeology has jumped to all the wrong conclusions regarding most Maya Art. Archeology experts suggest that the ones who sealed the chambers were bloody sacrificial savages and warring cannibals. Researchers read the murals as a recording of history instead of a type of letter that we could read today. Archeology is not a science; nor is it history. It is assumptions! And the assumptions are wrong. The mass media and academic worlds want to you believe these wrong assumptions. Because within the clues that they left behind are keys to becoming free of the entrapments of the Forth World on all levels. When you are set free, the powers in your world can no long control you, or feed off of your energy any longer.

The murals in San Bartolo are a brief history of your past worlds and an echo of the 5th world that is just in front of you. Most history you do not need to remember. What is most important for you to remember is that you always evolve, and you WILL enter into the Fifth World. This is the Prophecy of the Fifth World.

A Brief History of the 4 Worlds . . .

The First World was a world of solely the consciousness of the mineral Kingdom. It was a world directed by the guardians of the EAST, the color of RED, and the Element of Water. It was a silent gestation time. The Earth was mostly molten lava. Crystals were beginning to form in the Earth's crust. Nothing moved, since it was timeless and spaceless. There was only a recording of the blue print of life. Some of the crystals you have today still maintain the encoding of this Blueprint of Life. Some of you even know and feel this.

The Second World was the Kingdom of Plants and Minerals together. It was a world directed by the guardians of the NORTH, the color of WHITE, and the Element of Air. It was the wisdom of the blueprint put into action and the dimension of time. Algae began to grow and evolved into various plants. Time was born, and cycles of life and death began. You could feel life bursting forth and falling away. Some plants evolved from the minerals that had the Blueprint of Life encoded within them. Some of you still ingest these plants to help you remember.

The Third World was the Kingdom of Animals, Plants and Minerals together. It was a world directed by the guardians of the WEST, the color of DARK BLUE, and the Element of EARTH. Animals gained the ability to move about their environment, and dimension of space was born and linked with time within the blueprint. The world of the animals was instinctual. Animals knew how to thrive, but didn't know how to manipulate their environment. They lived with nature and in the present. All was acted upon instinctually based on the encoding in the blueprint. This world was the wisdom of the blueprint put into time and space with instinct. Some animals still carry the power of this blueprint. Many of you are still called to certain animal totems for this reason.

The Fourth World is the world of Human Beings, Animals, Plants and Minerals together. It is a world directed by the guardians of the SOUTH, the color of YELLOW, and the Element of FIRE. This world was the wisdom of the blueprint put into time, space, instinct , but also consciousness. Animals evolved into Human Beings and began to gain the ability to change their environment. The Human Being could envision and plan for the future and learned to manipulate the blueprint. Humanity took its first steps in being a consciousness beings with creative powers. They learned how to alter the Blueprint. Humanity considered itself master of all worlds without respect for earlier worlds. Manipulating the blueprint caused many problems. It created Karma based on the manipulations that caused harm. Human beings have misused minerals, plants and animals. Also, guilt, fear, greed, lust, gluttony, laziness and hate were born. The seven deadly egos. The Fourth world is a world of creative force.

Now, at the end of this World . . . using minerals, plants or animals to evolve the path of the human consciousness is not effective. Using force is having terribly consequences. Yet this is the highest form of the blue print as of now . . . . but there is another step.

se nadaljuje...
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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #183 - 06.03.2006 at 13:14:06
... nadaljevanje prejšnjega posta

The Murals Speak . . .
Each world is marked by a tree of life: "The Wacah Chan". Each world is 104 thousand years long. Each world has an archetype, program, or laws of nature that master that world. At the end of each world, a sacrifice of life was made. The life of that world has to let go to evolve to the next world. In the San Bartolo Mural, the ancient ones are telling us about being reborn into a new world. Researchers saw the images as a recording of ego centered history and sacrifice; not a letter of prophecy to mankind from ones from the future.

In native stories, there is a tale of the Eagle's rebirth. The Eagle can live to 70 or 80 years old. But half way through its life, it has a crisis. It's beak and talons have grown too long to allow it to hunt or to eat. It's wing feathers have grown to heavy to fly. The eagle has a choice to either be reborn or to die. If it chooses to be reborn, the Eagle takes its last flight to the mountains and finds a cave. While hiding from the world in the cave, the Eagle sands down its beak on a rock. It pulls out its talons and heavy over-grown feathers. It is a very painful process. Months later, the Eagle's beak has healed, the talons have grown back, and new flight feathers have re-grown. The Eagle has now been re-born and entered a new life.

For Humanity to enter a new world is very much like the Eagle being reborn. We must die to our old ways, our old programs and belief systems to enter a new world . . . otherwise we just impose obsolete laws of nature upon a new higher world. It is just like a virus. Being re-born is not a comfortable process, as all are asked to let go of what they know, and to trust that something better will take its place. It will be a time to give up and let the transformation take place. Just as the caterpillar will turn into the butterfly, and a pearl will grow from the grain of sand inside the oyster, humanity will be reborn into a new world . . . the Fifth World. It is time for great patience, trust, and understanding, so we can allow our new feathers to grow back in a new way.

The Prophecy of the Fifth World . . .

The Prophecy of the Fifth World is yet to manifest. But when the ancients ones looked ahead, this is what they can share that we can understand at this time. The Four Worlds, that we are moving from, were all on the same level of time, space and dimension. The Fifth world is a step above previous worlds and marks an enormous transformation that we have ever experienced in the first four worlds. The Fifth World will be a blending and harmonization of all four worlds, but taken to a different level. These four worlds together, in a cosmic equality, will bring about a new kind of life. Mineral, plant, animal and human will be looked at as being equally alive. There will be a type of intelligent communication between each world. The ancient ones know that it is hard for us to imagine this right now.

In the Fifth World, it will not be part of the blueprint to use and abuse the mineral worlds any longer. Mining for gold and silver, or other Earth based resources, will stop. We will not wear gems for vanity, but for the energy and out of great respect. We will recognize the Mineral Kingdom as living beings, way beyond what we do now.

In the Fifth world, it will not be part of the blueprint to use and abuse the Plant Kingdom either. Logging forests for out of control building, produce grown with pesticides and other uncountable abuses will not be part of the Fifth World blueprint. We will recognize plants as living beings, just as much we are living beings! There will be honor in earth gardening and taking care of the plants of the world.

In the Fifth world, it will not be part of the blueprint to use and abuse the Animal Kingdom either. Caring for the animals of the Earth will be just as important as caring for our children. We will not see a difference between animals and humans as we do now, even though we are all mammals in the Fourth World.

In the Fifth world, the new life will not use other kingdoms to manifest what they want or need. More over, it is a symbiotic relationship or type of cooperation between the four world life types to create what is needed. A lot of what the Fifth World will be for us, we can't conceive as yet. But as time grows closer to the unveiling the pearl of the Fifth World, the clearer it will become.

Most important . . . when the Human Kingdom leaves the Fourth World, it will leave the world of force behind. The four integrated worlds will enter the cosmic law of Gravitation. Gravitation is one of the laws of the Fifth World. Life will not manifest by force in order to make something happen. The new life will use gravitation or allowance for manifesting. People will not pray or affirm things into being, but instead assume it is so . . . and allow it to gravitate to them. This is Fifth World Alchemy. Some of you are already living this way.

There were some ancient civilizations that did live a similar form of this Fifth World for brief times upon the planet. They did this to anchor the possibility for the future of the Fifth World. It is like if you didn't know what chocolate tasted like, how could you explain it? The lands you call Atlantis (most of which is now under the sea except for Santorini in Greece, and the Bahamas in the Caribbean), the Peruvian Andes and some places in the Himalayas are some of the places the ancient ones anchored the memory or, should we say, lived the prophecy of the Fifth World. Many of you are drawn to these places for mysterious reasons. Know you know why!

They are many of you out there that this message will speak very loudly to. You are the ones that could never understand why the world is the way it is. You may have never felt at home. You also might have felt that you hid secret knowledge somewhere that you have yet to uncover. You feel soul tired. If you know this in your heart, you are one of these ancient ones who have come back from the future to this important time . . . you are the ones who have come back to reawaken the blueprint of the Fifth World.

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #184 - 07.03.2006 at 10:28:17
m wrote on 06.03.2006 at 13:12:29:
March 2006
Aluna Joy and the Ancient Ones from San Bartolo

Some plants evolved from the minerals that had the Blueprint of Life encoded within them.  
Some of you still ingest these plants to help you remember.

The Fourth World is the world of Human Beings, Animals, Plants and Minerals together. It is a world directed by the guardians of the SOUTH, the color of YELLOW, and the Element of FIRE. This world was the wisdom of the blueprint put into time, space, instinct , but also consciousness. Animals evolved into Human Beings and began to gain the ability to change their environment. The Human Being could envision and plan for the future and learned to manipulate the blueprint. Humanity took its first steps in being a consciousness beings with creative powers. They learned how to alter the Blueprint. Humanity considered itself master of all worlds without respect for earlier worlds. Manipulating the blueprint caused many problems. It created Karma based on the manipulations that caused harm. Human beings have misused minerals, plants and animals. Also, guilt, fear, greed, lust, gluttony, laziness and hate were born. The seven deadly egos. The Fourth world is a world of creative force.

At the end of each world, a sacrifice of life was made.  
The life of that world has to let go to evolve to the next world.
In the San Bartolo Mural, the ancient ones are telling us about being reborn into a new world.  

In native stories, there is a tale of the Eagle's rebirth. The Eagle can live to 70 or 80 years old. But half way through its life, it has a crisis. It's beak and talons have grown too long to allow it to hunt or to eat. It's wing feathers have grown to heavy to fly. The eagle has a choice to either be reborn or to die. If it chooses to be reborn, the Eagle takes its last flight to the mountains and finds a cave. While hiding from the world in the cave, the Eagle sands down its beak on a rock. It pulls out its talons and heavy over-grown feathers. It is a very painful process. Months later, the Eagle's beak has healed, the talons have grown back, and new flight feathers have re-grown. The Eagle has now been re-born and entered a new life.

For Humanity to enter a new world is very much like the Eagle being reborn. We must die to our old ways, our old programs and belief systems to enter a new world . . . otherwise we just impose obsolete laws of nature upon a new higher world.

The Four Worlds, that we are moving from, were all on the same level of time, space and dimension. The Fifth world is a step above previous worlds and marks an enormous transformation that we have ever experienced in the first four worlds. The Fifth World will be a blending and harmonization of all four worlds, but taken to a different level. These four worlds together, in a cosmic equality, will bring about a new kind of life. Mineral, plant, animal and human will be looked at as being equally alive.

In the Fifth World, it will not be part of the blueprint to use and abuse the mineral worlds any longer. Mining for gold and silver, or other Earth based resources, will stop.

Most important . . . when the Human Kingdom leaves the Fourth World, it will leave the world of force behind. The four integrated worlds will enter the cosmic law of Gravitation. Gravitation is one of the laws of the Fifth World. Life will not manifest by force in order to make something happen. The new life will use gravitation or allowance for manifesting. People will not pray or affirm things into being, but instead assume it is so . . . and allow it to gravitate to them. This is Fifth World Alchemy. Some of you are already living this way.

There were some ancient civilizations that did live a similar form of this Fifth World for brief times upon the planet. They did this to anchor the possibility for the future of the Fifth World. It is like if you didn't know what chocolate tasted like, how could you explain it? The lands you call Atlantis (most of which is now under the sea except for Santorini in Greece, and the Bahamas in the Caribbean), the Peruvian Andes and some places in the Himalayas are some of the places the ancient ones anchored the memory or, should we say, lived the prophecy of the Fifth World. Many of you are drawn to these places for mysterious reasons. Know you know why!

They are many of you out there that this message will speak very loudly to. You are the ones that could never understand why the world is the way it is. You may have never felt at home. You also might have felt that you hid secret knowledge somewhere that you have yet to uncover. You feel soul tired. If you know this in your heart, you are one of these ancient ones who have come back from the future to this important time . . . you are the ones who have come back to reawaken the blueprint of the Fifth World.

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Re: Prišel je čas...
Reply #185 - 19.03.2006 at 13:36:54
Da, sedaj je čas, da date Bogu hvalo in čast in ga prosite, da vas pripravi na poslednjo bitko na zemlji - bitko med dobrim in zlim:

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