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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #15 - 26.02.2003 at 16:56:36
Zakaj bi se ponavljali za Američani in delali to kar že delajo oni. ???
Zdaj so si že Francoze privoščili Angry
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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #16 - 26.02.2003 at 17:54:56
V bivstvu se strinjam z Zibyem. To bi pomenilo da udarec vracamo z udarcem, a to je ravno nasprotno od tistega kaj hocemo dosec v lastnem razvoju.

Drugace pa sama kupujem raje domace izdelke ceprav so drazji, pa ne zaradi bojkota pac pa zato kar je to mali prispevek k izboljsanju gospodarstva pri nas, pa v kvaliteto domacega bolj zaupam.
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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #17 - 27.02.2003 at 00:38:10
Devi wrote on 26.02.2003 at 13:28:56:
ima kdo kak naslov, kamor lahko začnemo pošiljat meile?

tm na moveon bi se blo treba prjavt pomoje
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #18 - 04.03.2003 at 12:18:30
Dear MoveOn member,

We've launched an emergency petition from citizens around the world to the U.N. Security Council. We'll be delivering the list of signers and your comments to the 15 member states of the Security Council on THURSDAY, MARCH 6.

If hundreds of thousands of us sign, it could be an enormously important and powerful message -- people from all over the world joining in a single call for a peaceful solution. But we really need your help, and soon. Please sign and ask your friends and colleagues to sign TODAY at:


In the next week, the U.N. Security Council will likely meet to decide on authorizing a war against Iraq. If the Council votes to accept a second resolution, it'll be very difficult to avert a war. But if the resolution doesn't get enough votes, it'll be a major setback for the Bush Administration's plans to invade and occupy Iraq.

In the United States and around the world, millions of us oppose a war against Iraq. We believe that tough inspections can disarm Saddam Hussein without the loss of a single life. This week may represent our last chance to win without war.

The stakes couldn't really be much higher. A war with Iraq could kill tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and inflame the Middle East. According to current plans, it would require an American occupation of the country for years to come. And it could escalate in ways that are horrifying to imagine.

We can stop this tragedy from unfolding. But we need to speak together, and we need to do so now. Let's show the Security Council what world citizens think. You can add your voice at:


Then please ask your friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances -- anyone you know who shares this concern -- to sign on today. As the New York Times put it, "there may still be two superpowers on the planet: the United States and world public opinion." The Bush Administration's been flexing its muscles. Now let's flex ours.

Sincerely, --Eli Pariser International Campaigns Director MoveOn.org March 3rd, 2003

P.S. Here's the letter we'll be delivering to the Security Council members along with the petition:

Dear Member of the U.N. Security Council,

We are citizens from countries all over the world. We are speaking together because we will all be affected by a decision in which your country has a major part -- the decision of how to disarm Iraq.

The first reason for its existence listed in the Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations is "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind." If your country supports a Security Council resolution that would authorize a war on Iraq, you will directly contradict that charter. You will be supporting an unnecessary war -- a war which immediately, and in its unknown consequences, could bring "untold sorrow to mankind" once again.

The U.N. was created to enable peaceful alternatives to conflict. The weapons inspections under way are a perfect example of just such an alternative, and their growing success is a testament to the potential power the U.N. holds. By supporting tough inspections instead of war, you can show the world a real way to resolve conflict without bloodshed. But if you back a war, it will undermine the very premise upon which the U.N. was built.

President Bush argues that only by endorsing a war on Iraq can the United Nations prove its relevance. We argue the opposite. If the Security Council allows itself to be completely swayed by one member nation, in the face of viable alternatives, common sense and world public opinion, then it will be diminished in its role, effectiveness, and in the opinion of humankind.

We do not support this war. For billions of citizens in hundreds of countries, and for the future generations whose lives will be shaped by the choice you make, we ask that you stand firm against the pressuring of the Bush Administration, and support tough inspections for Iraq. The eyes of the world are on you.

Sincerely, [Number] citizens of the world.
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #19 - 04.03.2003 at 13:20:28
Ideja o ekonomskem bojkotu je zarad smoumevnosti zmerom ta prva pri roki, s tem pa ni rečen daje tud najboljša. Po mojem je to ene vrste prikrit  militarizem, saj v končni fazi pripelje do fizične zapore na mejah, zapiranja naftnih pipic, zaseganja tovora na ladjah in fizičnega uničevnja energetskih in drugih potencilaov države, kar smo lepo imel cajt opazovat na primeru srbije. Psihološko to na folk deluje v še tako mili obliki slabo, tko kot se tud mi slabo počutmo, če v srbiji nočejo kupovat gorenjevih šporhetov al pa če politiki pozivajo na javni rop merkatorjevga hipermerketa v beogradu.

Globalizem ma tud dobre plati ki  se kažejo tud skoz pretok blaga in dokler ta lavfa, se nam utrjujuje občutek povezanosti, medsebojne odvisnosti in konc koncev tud solidarnosti. Predvsem zarad utrjevanja slednjega pa nimam nič proti, da se globalno  organizirmo tko, da vsak dobi nazaj  na svoj prag vso svinjarjo, ki jo razpošilja okrog. Pa naj bo to duhovna al pa materialna, masnata al pa elektronska. Je zanimiv odkrivat, kolk smo iznajdljivi, ko pogruntamo,  da nismo dolžni  sranja nekoga drugega kar naprej požirat. Smo končno začel odkrivat, da so distribucijski kanali zgrajeni v obe smeri,   samo nikol si skor nismo mislil, da je povraten kanal lahko tud uporaben. Tko da po moje ni finta v zavračanju vsega užitnega ampak doslednemu  (za)vračanju tega, česar res ni možno prebavit.      
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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #20 - 06.03.2003 at 18:54:25
Dear MoveOn member,
The response to our emergency petition to the U.N. Security Council has been nothing short of extraordinary. Less than two days after the petition was launched, over 550,000 people have signed, from over 200 countries. It's a strong message from the peoples of the world that the Security Council should support tough inspections in Iraq, not war. It's also the fastest-growing online petition we've ever seen -- and already one of the largest in history.

Thanks for being a part of this enormous success. With yourhelp, we can make it even bigger. Please let your friends and colleagues know about the petition by sending them a short note and this email. They can sign up at:

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #21 - 18.03.2003 at 13:28:38

dobil na mail do k.  Wink

I have a minimum choice !

There is a minimum personal free choice that I do have! This  is to
refuse to sponsor or simply pay - those who I considered to be really
responsible for the coming war_in a very indirect and minimum way! I
therefore can refuse to consume any North American products, or even
products which are related to American companies. Between the 20th
and the 30th of March lets not consume ANY American products. The maximun
that could be gained out of such an effort is that at least 10 million
worldwide can deprive the American economy of $2,5 for 10
consecutive days. (This adds up to $250.000.000 -assuming that this is how
much a
packet of American cigarettes and a can of coca cola would cost)! The
minimum that can certainly be gained is the personal satisfaction of
actually  doing something! You can therefore start a personal embargo
to as many American products as you can. Stop consuming them or substitute
them with European, or simply national and/or local products! Anyway, most
of the time local or  national products are healthier and they help local
economies! How can one start? First of all sending this mail to as many
contacts as they can. If this e-mail is sent to a minimum of 5 people from
every recipient, then at least in theory - within 10 days, a maximum of
9.765.625 people will have it in their mailbox. Even if you cannot resist
the "magic" of American  products , at least pass on this email. YOU  HAVE
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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #22 - 18.03.2003 at 23:03:33
Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
Dej malo oladi, fantič. S taksnim drisko. JMi smo pa za Ameriko!  Vse kar imamo , da lahko to sporocimo, je
namrec Ameriške proizvodnje. Tako! In mislim, da  si tudi to novico TI napisal z
programom "made in america". Pa še piratske verzije najbrž. So, be cool and stop bothering me! God save
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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #23 - 19.03.2003 at 00:08:57
ja aleš

 Grin  Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
Dej malo oladi, fantič. S taksnim drisko. JMi smo pa za Ameriko!  Vse kar imamo , da lahko to sporocimo, je namrec Ameriške proizvodnje. Tako! In mislim, da  si tudi to novico TI napisal z programom "made in america". Pa še piratske verzije najbrž. So, be cool and stop bothering me! God save America!

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Posts: 3724

Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #24 - 19.03.2003 at 00:42:00
Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry
Dej malo oladi, fantič. S taksnim drisko. JMi smo pa za Ameriko!  Vse kar imamo , da lahko to sporocimo, je
namrec Ameriške proizvodnje. Tako! In mislim, da  si tudi to novico TI napisal z
programom "made in america". Pa še piratske verzije najbrž. So, be cool and stop bothering me! God save

Kaj si ti en odrukan tip. Program z Made in America. Ja točno.  In ker ima na voljo nemonopolne procersorje je izbral  AMD.

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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #25 - 08.04.2003 at 18:37:19
mi je danes pisal nekdo ki ga sploh ne poznam (pa je očitno najdu angleški del gape.org-a)

in pravi:

I have done a poster that I am going to distribute in England, i thought you might like to see it.

Also are you having difficulties with your website (English version)?? I cant seem to be able to get on it.

There is a website I visit often that is along similar things to yours, you may be interested in:  http://www.skog.de/

Comrade Riley


Boycott American products!

Coca-Cola, Pepsi, AOL, Nike, Reebok, Mars, Colgate, Pampers, Gillette, Texaco, CNN, Disney, IBM, Microsoft, Mobil, Levi, McDonalds

Plus many other US products

Since U.N. doesn't have the power to stop international crimes when it is perpetrated by a mighty country that is prepared to attack anyone standing in its way (America), it is left to us, citizens of the world, to take on the superpower. That's why we advocate a massive worldwide boycott on American products and currency.

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #26 - 08.04.2003 at 23:13:39
tale predlog se mi zdi zanimiv, saj so amerosi najbolj občutljivi in usekani na denar. končno so si september eleven sproducirali samo zaradi prikritja denarnih škandalov in iraka, irak so si sproducirali pa zaradi nafte in vrnitve denarja in oživitve svoje ekonomije.
V poročilih na CNN sem slišal da so do zdaj na Irak odvrgli 20 000 bomb od teh sdemdeset procentov pametnih bomb, katera ena sama stane čez milijon dolarjev.
Ubogo iraško ljudstvo in zavezniški vojaki, ki umirajo tam samo zaradi dobičkov ameriških korporacij.
Veseli me, da ameriška borza še vedno pada in upam, da bo tako še naprej, vsaj dokler se ne bodo pobrali iz iraka. Grin
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Kaj pa če je vse RES???

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Re: opozorilni vsesvetovni enotedenski embargo za
Reply #27 - 09.04.2003 at 12:25:06
To je kot hudiča v pekel naganjat...  Wink
Temelji kapitalizma so v "prostem" pretoku trgovine, in če jih začnemo rušit se bodo Ameri temu konkretno uprli... Mogoče se bo takrat pokazal pravi obraz ZDA.

Sicer sem pa za... Treba je pospešit vse skupaj, ne pa podpirat brezvezno zavlačevanje. Itak nimamo ničesar več za izgubit...
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