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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #75 - 05.04.2010 at 20:17:20
Bomo uspeli Petra?
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #76 - 15.05.2010 at 18:02:59
moja namera je, da ja Wink
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #77 - 15.05.2010 at 19:15:28
Planet Alert May 2010 with Mahala
By Mahala

     I'm writing this article on the full moon of April 28, 2010. The Mayan Dreamspell glyph for this day is The Yellow Sun which focuses into England. The glyph that goes along with the Sun glyph is the Yellow Hand which rules the heart and the Gulf of Alaska. This glyph is also ruled by the planet Uranus. There is very intense energy in the world right now with the Saturn/Uranus opposition.

Saturn rules the old and Uranus rules the new. Time to let go of anything you have been holding onto that you need to release. This energy will be in effect for the better part of May. Then on the full moon of May 27, Uranus goes into Aries for the first time in 84 years and we start a new beginning.

It's my understanding that the area just off the Scandinavian coast was the headquarters of Atlantis. I believe that Atlantis was similar to England in the fact that they ruled countries all over the world. I believe that Atlantis had outposts in different parts of the world like Bimini, and the sunken city off Greece. This means that Iceland was formerly part of Atlantis and that energy just exploded with a fiery violent eruption. Was that all the old Atlantian energy being released to be transformed into love and light?

When I said in my last article that there would be storms in England, France, and the surrounding areas, I never dreamed it would occur as an ash storm that would shut down the airports. England was considered the original Holy Land. The disciples of Jesus went there after the crucifixion and the story of King Arthur and the round table originates from the ancestors of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. It is also the area that receives energy from the great central Sun that holds 27 galaxies in place plus the Milky Way. There is a lot of energy focused into England. The dark took over that area and set up the World Bank. This area needs to be cleansed and this is happening because the planet Uranus (which rules storms) is right over that area and will continue to be there for a while longer. England's government also needs some light.

Other parts of Europe are also experiencing great financial difficulties. This is triggered by the opposition of Jupiter and Saturn which causes legal, business, financial, and professional problems. This is particularly focused on Europe right now, although the rest of the world is also feeling this energy, along with the United States. Our government has filed a lawsuit against Goldman Sachs for fraud, and there is also discussion in our government about breaking up the banks. By the full moon of May 27, Jupiter and Saturn will be in exact opposition so financial dealings will probably come to a head by that time. Then when Saturn moves back into Libra again on July 22, Italy will definitely start feeling the affects of this energy, and lawsuits will continue against the Vatican for sexual abuse.

I have been experiencing a transformation process that started on Easter - April 4, 2010 and I think it will continue until the new moon of May 13, which my astrology calendar says is Ascension Day. I intuitively know it will last for a total of 40 days. It's kind of like when Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days and came out transformed, or when Moses led the people to the Promised Land. I think there are others who have been going through this same process because I usually experience what other people are going through. It has been a mental, emotional and physical cleansing. I know my DNA is changing, along with the chemicals in my body. It's kind of like a moth transforming into a butterfly.

I was given a book called A Change of Heart-The Mystical Power of Love, by Jane Elizabeth Smith. It is a wonderful little book. When I started reading this book I noticed that she talked about a period of 40 days. I thought, wow, this is what I am going through. There is a chapter in this book called Forty Days to Love. It says, "You are now standing on the precipice of Heaven on Earth. Your soul's quest for love has brought you here. The hidden treasure rests inside you. The keys to unlock the golden bounty are housed in your heart. Be at one with Divine Love and truly all things shall be added unto you." Her web site is www.activatelove.com.

Then I received an email of a channeling called "2010 Experiencing-Teleportation through the Secret Heart Chamber." You can Google that title if you are interested in reading the channeling. It says, "in this year 2010, you will disappear so deep within your new experiences of heart creation, that you will feel like you have finally begun to live for the dream you originally came to Earth for in the beginning. In your own way, you will share and experience the secret of your greatest freedom; the return of the origination point of your Source through the blue-black hole sun chamber in your heart. All your miracles, your new creations, meditations, relationships, and joy will come and go; teleporting from this place as you begin to precipitate your dreams where choice will become creation. You have never experienced this secret in a multi-conscious universal DNA cell body before." Is this the outcome of the 40 day search for love? I sure hope so.  (http://lightworkers.org/channeling/88344/2010-experiencing-teleportation-through...)

Now what are the planets doing? The Sun is moving through the sign Taurus and because the area from San Francisco up through Canada is affected by this sign there is the possibility of some Earth or volcanic movement along the coast. We are still in the year of the earthquakes. The Sun will be over Seattle for six days starting on May 13 and culminating on May 19, when the Sun lines up with Alcyone our Central Sun. The Middle East is the opposite point of Seattle and will also feel the effects of the planets.

Then the Sun goes into Gemini and southern California and Mexico will be under pressure. After that the Sun will start to move across the Plains so look for more tornadoes and storms as it moves across the United States. There is a huge oil spill occurring in the Gulf of Mexico right now. We just had a Scorpio full moon which is ruled by Pluto, and that planet rules oil and things underground. Pluto is stationary over the Gulf right now and it looks like it will be some time before they can stop the spill and clean up the mess.

Jupiter is in the water sign Pisces which rules ships and the oceans. This planet will rule the upcoming new moon. The Mayan Dreamspell for that day is the Blue Solar Eagle, which is over Japan. The glyph that goes with the Eagle is the Monkey, and this is over the Arabian Sea. The meaning of this glyph is I am guided by the power of magic. And of course Jupiter is opposing Saturn which brings financial challenges.

Mars, the red planet is still in the fire sign Leo and will stay there until June 6th. It is very powerful in Leo. The Sun will square Mars from May 1-5, so this might activate some violence in the Middle East, or possibly the Gulf of Aden area. Or it could cause people's anger to flare in various parts of the world. The positive side of this energy is that Leo rules the heart so this is a good time to connect with your heart energy.

Chiron has just moved into Pisces and this means it is a very good time to heal the waters of Earth. Chiron is considered the wounded healer and now the energy from this planet can focus on healing the oceans, rivers, streams and all water on Earth, including what we drink. Don't forget to bless the water you drink and the food you eat.

Thank goodness Mercury will be direct by the new moon of May 13th. I don't know if Mercury retrograde affects you as much as it does me but I find it is a challenge. My computer doesn't work right when Mercury is retrograde. I tell my computer it's great but it still complains, and my phones go crazy.

We do live in challenging times. It's definitely time to be heart centered. Let there be love in the world and let it begin with me. All is well in my world! So Be It!

I send you love and light!

***** Mahala Gayle *****
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #78 - 16.05.2010 at 13:33:30
Hude borbe-umiranje starega sočasno rojevanje novega.Sam vidim zadevo v tej luči. Smiley
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 268

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #79 - 21.05.2010 at 20:22:16
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 16.05.2010 at 13:33:30:
Hude borbe-umiranje starega sočasno rojevanje novega.Sam vidim zadevo v tej luči. Smiley

Saj to je to - okončine ti že prerjavijo in deli odpadajo drug za drugim ... sem se ti ponudil za en temeljit servis ampak pripravi solde moje usluge niso zastojn najbolje zlatnike ker imam rad plemenite kovine

ampak žal ti moram povedati, da si tako primitiven zastarel model ki nikoli ni prišel v industrijsko serijsko proizvadnjo in žal novih delov zate ni ... uni študentski faliranci ki so te naflikal na popravcih 10 roka so že zdavnaj v penziji in polovica jih je pomrla tako da ni ga koga ki ti lahko pomaga

čim prej se sprijazniš s tvojim žalostnim koncem, tem bolje zate
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Ex Member

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #80 - 21.05.2010 at 21:19:47
No, Sanjavi, vidim, da si se opogumil in zopet pisariš. Torej si upošteval moj predlog s česnom. Predlagam ti, da vsak teden venec zamenjaš, saj gre za tvojo varnost.

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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #81 - 21.05.2010 at 21:51:44
Dreammer wrote on 21.05.2010 at 20:22:16:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 16.05.2010 at 13:33:30:
Hude borbe-umiranje starega sočasno rojevanje novega.Sam vidim zadevo v tej luči. Smiley

Saj to je to - okončine ti že prerjavijo in deli odpadajo drug za drugim ... sem se ti ponudil za en temeljit servis ampak pripravi solde moje usluge niso zastojn najbolje zlatnike ker imam rad plemenite kovine

ampak žal ti moram povedati, da si tako primitiven zastarel model ki nikoli ni prišel v industrijsko serijsko proizvadnjo in žal novih delov zate ni ... uni študentski faliranci ki so te naflikal na popravcih 10 roka so že zdavnaj v penziji in polovica jih je pomrla tako da ni ga koga ki ti lahko pomaga

čim prej se sprijazniš s tvojim žalostnim koncem, tem bolje zate

Ja vidim tudi ,da si čistokrvni bebec.Tako,da me ne čudi,da so te delali faliran roboti. Konec je sestavni del življenja.Problem bo -ko boš ti spoznal,da si bil že ob rojstvu programiran za drekec-pekec. Wink Wink Wink
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 268

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #82 - 22.05.2010 at 12:08:46
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 21.05.2010 at 21:51:44:
Dreammer wrote on 21.05.2010 at 20:22:16:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 16.05.2010 at 13:33:30:
Hude borbe-umiranje starega sočasno rojevanje novega.Sam vidim zadevo v tej luči. Smiley

Saj to je to - okončine ti že prerjavijo in deli odpadajo drug za drugim ... sem se ti ponudil za en temeljit servis ampak pripravi solde moje usluge niso zastojn najbolje zlatnike ker imam rad plemenite kovine

ampak žal ti moram povedati, da si tako primitiven zastarel model ki nikoli ni prišel v industrijsko serijsko proizvadnjo in žal novih delov zate ni ... uni študentski faliranci ki so te naflikal na popravcih 10 roka so že zdavnaj v penziji in polovica jih je pomrla tako da ni ga koga ki ti lahko pomaga

čim prej se sprijazniš s tvojim žalostnim koncem, tem bolje zate

Ja vidim tudi ,da si čistokrvni bebec.Tako,da me ne čudi,da so te delali faliran roboti. Konec je sestavni del življenja.Problem bo -ko boš ti spoznal,da si bil že ob rojstvu programiran za drekec-pekec. Wink Wink Wink

Marš na servis!!!
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #83 - 22.05.2010 at 13:51:22
Dreammer wrote on 22.05.2010 at 12:08:46:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 21.05.2010 at 21:51:44:
Dreammer wrote on 21.05.2010 at 20:22:16:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 16.05.2010 at 13:33:30:
Hude borbe-umiranje starega sočasno rojevanje novega.Sam vidim zadevo v tej luči. Smiley

Saj to je to - okončine ti že prerjavijo in deli odpadajo drug za drugim ... sem se ti ponudil za en temeljit servis ampak pripravi solde moje usluge niso zastojn najbolje zlatnike ker imam rad plemenite kovine

ampak žal ti moram povedati, da si tako primitiven zastarel model ki nikoli ni prišel v industrijsko serijsko proizvadnjo in žal novih delov zate ni ... uni študentski faliranci ki so te naflikal na popravcih 10 roka so že zdavnaj v penziji in polovica jih je pomrla tako da ni ga koga ki ti lahko pomaga

čim prej se sprijazniš s tvojim žalostnim koncem, tem bolje zate

Ja vidim tudi ,da si čistokrvni bebec.Tako,da me ne čudi,da so te delali faliran roboti. Konec je sestavni del življenja.Problem bo -ko boš ti spoznal,da si bil že ob rojstvu programiran za drekec-pekec. Wink Wink Wink

Marš na servis!!!

Ja kam, k tebi v prmeknjeno delavnico? Ne gre nič noter- je kolikor opazim vse razmetano v tej tvoji naglavni delavnici.
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 268

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #84 - 22.05.2010 at 15:58:45
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 22.05.2010 at 13:51:22:
Dreammer wrote on 22.05.2010 at 12:08:46:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 21.05.2010 at 21:51:44:
Dreammer wrote on 21.05.2010 at 20:22:16:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 16.05.2010 at 13:33:30:
Hude borbe-umiranje starega sočasno rojevanje novega.Sam vidim zadevo v tej luči. Smiley

Saj to je to - okončine ti že prerjavijo in deli odpadajo drug za drugim ... sem se ti ponudil za en temeljit servis ampak pripravi solde moje usluge niso zastojn najbolje zlatnike ker imam rad plemenite kovine

ampak žal ti moram povedati, da si tako primitiven zastarel model ki nikoli ni prišel v industrijsko serijsko proizvadnjo in žal novih delov zate ni ... uni študentski faliranci ki so te naflikal na popravcih 10 roka so že zdavnaj v penziji in polovica jih je pomrla tako da ni ga koga ki ti lahko pomaga

čim prej se sprijazniš s tvojim žalostnim koncem, tem bolje zate

Ja vidim tudi ,da si čistokrvni bebec.Tako,da me ne čudi,da so te delali faliran roboti. Konec je sestavni del življenja.Problem bo -ko boš ti spoznal,da si bil že ob rojstvu programiran za drekec-pekec. Wink Wink Wink

Marš na servis!!!

Ja kam, k tebi v prmeknjeno delavnico? Ne gre nič noter- je kolikor opazim vse razmetano v tej tvoji naglavni delavnici.

Marš na smeti med zarjavelo železo robotinjo pokvarjeno in še zarjavelo staro olje ti ven teče fuj  onesanžuješ okolje  fuuujjjj
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #85 - 22.05.2010 at 16:39:06

Nekaj časa si ti treble bil  še zanimiv,sedaj se že ponavljaš v svojem kvakanju. Undecided
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 268

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #86 - 22.05.2010 at 16:43:24
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 22.05.2010 at 16:39:06:

Nekaj časa si ti treble bil  še zanimiv,sedaj se že ponavljaš v svojem kvakanju. Undecided

saj vem da te zanima še večji drek in še več sranja ki ga že kot vidim pogrešaš!

Si pač tragični polizdelek ki je po pomoti preživel čiščenje podstrešja kjer so te pozabili tvoji gospodarji  lol

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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Planet Alert
Reply #87 - 22.05.2010 at 17:05:46
Dreammer wrote on 22.05.2010 at 16:43:24:
Alojz in Sandib wrote on 22.05.2010 at 16:39:06:

Nekaj časa si ti treble bil  še zanimiv,sedaj se že ponavljaš v svojem kvakanju. Undecided

saj vem da te zanima še večji drek in še več sranja ki ga že kot vidim pogrešaš!

Si pač tragični polizdelek ki je po pomoti preživel čiščenje podstrešja kjer so te pozabili tvoji gospodarji  lol

A zato ti kvakaš? Iščeš in kličeš mamo ? Grin GrinKljun malo skrij mogoče te kak leptir posvoji. Cheesy Cheesy Shocked Embarrassed Cry
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Človek? Vse je pod njegovimi nogami, tudi nebeški prestol!
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #88 - 26.06.2010 at 00:37:14

Planet Alert June 2010
By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on May 29th, 2010

Today is the full moon of May 27, 2010 and what a powerful full moon this will be. The Sun is on 6 degrees Gemini and the moon is 6 degrees Sagittarius. This area focuses into the border between the United States and Mexico. It was announced on TV yesterday that we are sending 1200 National Guard troops to the border to help keep peace in that area.

Lots of people think that the full moon is a one day event. This is not necessarily true. The energy from it lasts until the new moon and sometimes longer. Events do happen on the full moon, although sometimes it takes longer for events to be triggered. I’m just saying that events can happen both before, during, and after the full moon. On May 29 the moon will trigger Saturn, which is in opposition to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. This will be heavy duty energy. The main energy will be over Europe, especially England, France, Spain, Greece, and Iceland. The other side of the world affected by this energy will be the lower South Pacific area like Samoa or Tonga. (I just heard that a 7.4 quake happened in Vanuata which is real close to Tonga.)

Right now land is rising in the ocean off the east coast of Australia at the rate of 13 feet a day. This is bound to cause a large earthquake in that area sooner or later. Jupiter is in Pisces, which rules the oceans. Uranus just moved into Aries, which is a fire sign and rules volcanoes. Saturn is in Virgo, which is an earth sign. This full moon energy could cause a large earthquake or volcanic eruption, either on land or in the South Pacific Ocean which could possibly trigger a Tsunami.

Uranus moves into Aries at 6:48pm PDT this evening May 27, 2010 – freedom anyone? Lots of people look around them at everything that is going on in the world and say that the dark is winning. Uranus rules light and is now in a fire sign. Have you ever tried to keep an Aries down, it just doesn’t work. Freedom is on its way although Uranus only stays in Aries until August 14, 2010, and then it retrogrades back into Pisces until February of 2011. This means we will still have what is considered dark events to go through on this Earth before freedom arrives. When Uranus moves back into Aries it will stay there for seven years. Aries rules the area from Alaska to Hawaii. I heard on the TV yesterday that they are expecting a volcanic eruption in Alaska at anytime and they were warning the airlines that there could be an ash cloud if the volcano does erupt.

Saturn will move out of its retrograde phase on May 30, and then it will start its journey toward the sign of Libra. It will move into Libra on July 22nd.  Saturn has been in the sign of Virgo which is an Earth sign and rules health issues of all kinds. Challenges with health issues have been rampant for the last three years. Now it’s time to be healthy and ready for Saturn’s sojourn into Libra which rules lawyers, judges, courts of law, relationships and the liver. Saturn feels very comfortable in the sign of Libra.

The Sun is now moving through the air sign Gemini which rules wind. I am expecting lots of wind or lightening storms as the Sun moves across the plains. Its tornado season and this month could bring a lot of wind because we are in the time of great change. It’s time to be prepared, especially mentally and emotionally as the Earth continues to go through its birthing process. Those who feel good and are vibrating in the new energy will be asked to help others who tend to freak out as Earth changes continue to happen. It’s time to think with your heart and be compassionate. Love is the glue that holds the Universe together.

Jupiter and Uranus will be conjunct in the sign of Aries starting on June 6th and this will last for the rest of the month. This aspect can either bring a wonderful new beginning or karma from the past. Whatever happens expect the unexpected because you never know what Uranus will bring. It acts like a bolt of lightening coming to Earth. It’s a good idea to watch your temper and focus on positive events this month. Stay centered and stay in touch with your God within.

We are moving into cardinal fast acting energy with Jupiter and Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn and on June 21 the Sun moves into Cancer. This will make a T cross in fast-acting signs, action anyone? Then when Saturn moves into Libra we will have another planet in a fast-acting sign. Time will appear to almost vanish. Look at how fast time is moving now, it’s already almost June. Energy we have been holding onto from the past will no longer work because the emphasis from now on will be on fresh new energy.

Are you aware of the many events that have occurred in the past month or so? There was an uprising in Thailand and major violence in Iraq. Jamaica is having lots of violence along with Somalia which is in constant war. The Pacaya volcano, which is south of Guatemala City, erupted today. Poland was flooded along with Nashville, and a huge hail storm in Oklahoma caused much damage.  A United States Patriot missile unit is now in Poland and Russia is not too happy about that. North Korea attacked a South Korean ship and now North Korea is calling for all out war. Our Stock Market has been in a downfall along with challenges in the European countries, and the Jupiter/Saturn opposition could cause a new money system to emerge.

Then there is the major oil spill that is now destroying the coast of Louisiana. There is also another oil spill occurring in Alaska from their pipeline, although this one is not anywhere near the size of the other spill. Do you know that oil is considered the blood of Mother Earth? Have you ever thought that maybe Mother Earth is giving birth to a new way of being and she is having trouble and is hemorrhaging? Maybe we should ask our space friends to help with this spill and definitely send prayers to that area, or see it surrounded in The White Christ Light for its highest and best good. Our thoughts are important.

The turning point into the light happened on the full moon of April 28, 2010. It might not appear like light is getting stronger but it is. There are more people who are awake now then ever before. At the time of the last full moon Saturn was on 28 deg 41 minutes Virgo. Scheat, the death star is located on 28 deg 41 min Pisces. Scheat is in Pisces lined up with the constellation Pegasus. This event points to The White Horse (ships) appearing in the heavens. Read the 19th chapter of Revelation for more information. I was sent an email with a utube that showed an object next to our Sun on April 27, 2010 that was shaped like a heart. It was awesome!

In my last article I talked about going through a 40 day period of challenges that lasted until the new moon of May 13. I woke up that morning in a different space and have been happy every since then. It was like a change of attitude or something. Hope this new energy also happened to some of you. I believe we are on the verge of entering The Null Zone which is zero point energy. This is the time when magic can happen and the time when we will be able to change from mortal to light bodies. This is very exciting to me. I’m looking forward to living on a beautiful New Earth. Hang in there because that time is fast approaching. So Be It!
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #89 - 26.06.2010 at 00:40:58

Planet Alert July 2010
By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on June 25th, 2010

website www.mahalasastrology.com

email: planetalert@hotmail.com

How are you handling the intense waves of energy that are hitting the Earth right now? Are you able to stay in your center of love, or are you in fear, or chaos? Life is too short to be in fear so the other alternative is to stay in love. Love conquers everything. Managing to stay in the Love vibration is passing the Fire Initiation.

The full moon eclipse of June 26, 2010 at 4:30 AM (PDT) is now here. What a powerful eclipse this will be. There will be a cardinal cross in the heavens with planets in Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn. Saturn is in Virgo but is still close enough to be in the cardinal cross. This type of cross is fast-acting energy. This means events will be happening very fast.

The areas affected by the cross in the heavens are China, France, the South Pacific around Tonga, and the Gulf of Mexico. The Sun is opposing the Moon/Pluto conjunction over the gulf. This point of energy runs all the way down the New Madrid fault which is bordering the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico. An earthquake there would not be good.  Events from an eclipse often happen before the eclipse and we are seeing that with the flooding that occurred in France, and the tremendous flooding in China. A d**e on the Fu River in China was breached and 90,000 people had to flee their homes in the small city of Fuzhou. A total of 2.38 million people in China had to flee their homes because of flooding. I would call that a major disaster.

The Mayan Dreamspell glyph for the full moon day is The Blue Magnetic Storm ruled by Pluto. This glyph also signifies “The Initiation by fire, and the arrival of the Thunder Beings who bring the final transformation. It also brings storms, rain and lightening. I looked up on the Internet the word Thunder Beings and what I found was that Native American tradition honors the existence of Thunder Beings. These Thunder Beings are understood to be messengers from the powers on high, the Star People or extraterrestrial visitors.   Modern day heyokas, the human counterpart (star seed) of the Thunder Beings are here to usher in the Fifth World. The Extraterrestrial light visitors are here to help us usher in the new paradigm.

I wrote an article called The Return of the Sisterhood of the Emerald Fire and put it on my new web site www.mahalasastrology.com – check it out. I also put on my web site an article that was put into my hands called Petroleum, Petroleum. It was written in 1903 by Gustav Meyrink aka Gustav Meyer, who was a banker. The article is about an oil spill and explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. This event was planned way back then. Another thing, if you click the F5 key at the top of your key board the pictures on the top of my web site will change. My son put up some beautiful pictures of the cosmos. Also check out his site which is  www.genuineobservations.com The Sisterhood is also part of the Thunder Beings and the emerald comet that is in our heavens right now is announcing the fact that it is time for us (star seed) to start taking our place in the world and to start thinking about creating a new paradigm.

I’ve been saying for a long time that we are experiencing the 19th and 20th chapters of Revelation which are the last before the manifestation of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The 19th chapter talks about the White Horse (ship) appearing in the heavens along with an army of white ships. I was sent a SOHO picture taken on May 29, 2010, which showed a whole fleet around our Sun. The great Thunder Beings are here.

The end of the 18th chapter of Revelation says “Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a millstone (that which grinds or pulverizes) and throws it into the ocean saying so shall the great city (USA) be thrown down. Isn’t that what happened in the Gulf when they drilled too deep and hit the strata of the earth and oil and gas continues to come out polluting everything in the water and on shore?

Whitley Strieber mentioned on Coast to Coast a couple of nights ago that if you look at the 20th chapter of Revelation and then go to the 12th verse (2012) it talks about judgment day. I looked up the 10th verse (2010) and it says “Then the devil who had betrayed them will be thrown into the Lake of Fire burning with sulphur, where the Creature and False Prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night forever.” My interpretation is the Lake of Fire is the Gulf of Mexico and the whole event was caused by the dark side to destroy this world. Natural law means they will be judged for their deed and will feel the repercussions from this event and suffer for it. It was the dark ones that opened the Bottomless pit of fire in the Gulf of Mexico.

The most important thing we can do right now is to be in our heart center and pray for the world to move into a higher frequency. When we move into a higher frequency Earth the oil spill will cease to exist because we will be living in a different reality.  We are great Beings of light and it is possible to accomplish miracles. The final fall of the dark Beings is occurring right now and I think this oil spill will have a tremendous effect on the ones who have controlled the world for so long. Do you know who controls BP? It’s J P Morgan Chase who owns 57 percent of the stock, which boils down to the bankers and they are the ones who set up the Federal Reserve Bank. It looks like they are in big trouble now.

So many people are in fear because of the events that are transpiring on Earth. Fear is not the place to be. Think with your heart. I have heard people say “How do you know if the Space Beings are from the light or dark? The great dark ones can manifest as light and they can put you in a state of Euphoria where you think everything is wonderful. Don’t buy into that. The light ones come in love. The dark ones cannot manifest love because they don’t know how. You can usually feel a dark ones presence by the evil feeling they project. Love is soft and gentle and happy. Love makes you feel full of joy and happiness.

I have had a book for several years called Love Without End – Jesus Speaks by Glenda Green. It is a wonderful book.  Jesus talks about the difference between structure and love. Structure =corporations. Basically you could say that structure is of the mind and love is from the heart. The heart needs to control the mind, not the other way around. This is why it is very important to think with your heart. Structure is an illusion that we create with our minds. You have to experience letting go in order to receive. This lesson is as important as loving your enemies, because when you let go of structure, the real wealth that is already there will multiply many times. The sacred heart is your magnetic center as well as your source of higher intelligence and your very life force. As love you have the power to attract to yourself anything you need.        

There will be many earth changes as we continue through the downfall of the controllers. Stay in your center of love. We came here to help the Earth ascend into a higher frequency along with the people on it. We are in the final throes of the change. This summer will be full of events of various kinds. This full moon eclipse will be seen over Asia, Australia, the South Pacific, and most of North and South America. The Middle East is also critical and violence could break out at any time.

Pluto is considered the God of destruction, or the transformer. On April 20, when the accident and the spill first happened, the Moon was in Cancer in opposition to Pluto over the gulf. Mars was in Leo opposing Neptune which rules oil and gas. This means there is a war going on over the oil spill and we are fighting to stop it. In my opinion this will not happen unless there is a miracle. We need to move our consciousness into neutral energy which is love. Jesus said “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, then everything will be given unto you. When we go within and think with our hearts everything will start to change; the new paradigm will start to manifest and we will be living on a New Earth.   So Be It!

I send you my love and blessings!

*****Mahala Gayle*****
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