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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Holiday Special - December 2005 Issue
Reply #45 - 27.11.2005 at 17:26:13
Holiday Special - December 2005 Issue

BlankI am writing this article during the full moon of November. At this
there is a cross in the heavens in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio, and Aquarius. Mars is in Taurus in an exact square to Saturn.
This on the lower level Earth expresses as frustrated anger and violence
as witnessed by the people in France, the Middle East, and other parts of
the world.

The fixed cross is known as the son/daughter cross, or in other words
the Christ Cross. Taurus and Scorpio carry feminine energy, and Leo and
Aquarius carry male energy. The sign of Leo is known for it's love
energy. It is ruled by the golden energy of our Sun. This is why I say
Jesus (Joshua) was the Lion (King) of the Tribe of Judah. He came here to
teach us how to love.

The Lion's gate is connected with the fixed star Sirius. The new year in
the Mayan dream spell calendar  (July 26) is based on when Sirius rises in
the heavens. It rises in the sign of Leo. The Lion's gate that opened in
August of 2004 over Washington, D.C. was very powerful. I experienced
that love energy when I was in that city in April of 2005.

That gate opened when Mars was on the last degree of Leo, or zero
degrees Virgo. That degree lines up with the star Regulus which is called
the royal star of the Lion. Goddess energy is also flowing to Earth from
the sign of Virgo because Regulus is now on the degree that affects both
Leo and Virgo. It first started bringing in the Virgo energy in July of
1991 when there was a total solar eclipse over Mexico city.

The symbol of the Sphinx in Egypt has the head of a woman and the body
of a lion. The Sphinx symbolizes this period of time when the energy
shifts from male to female energy.

Not everyone in Washington, D.C. felt that loving energy after the Star
Gate opened because we all experience events from our own perspective. I
do  know that energy is working behind the scenes to cleanse the
negativity in our capital. This negativity has to be exposed before the
energy can be transformed. This is happening now.

Because Saturn is in the sign of Leo, I expect to see many changes in
the leadership of our planet in the next couple of years. Capricorn rules
governments and that sign is the mirror image of Leo, so the structures
will crumble and many leaders will fall to be replaced by leaders who are
full of integrity.

The planets are still very critical. This means there will be more
storms, floods, earthquakes, fires, and explosions in various parts of
the world. Mother Earth is cleansing herself and this is a natural cycle
that we can not do much about.
People say, what can I do to help? The most important thing to do is
change your perception of life. Quit judging or criticizing because that
just adds to the  negativity of the world. Wake up in the morning and
give thanks for your blessings. If everyone did that every day, our world
would change in an instant.

Another thing you can do if you become angry or frustrated is to take a
moment and visualize yourself in a shower and see the water cleansing you
of all negativity. See it cleaning your body, mind, and emotions. Say out
loud, I release all negativity from my body, mind, and emotions. Release,
release, release. You can also say, I now fill my body with the bright
pink light of love and feel it flowing through my body and filling every
cell. I now glow with the love of God. So be it!

Now back to the prophecies. In the Apocrypha, which is a book that was
taken out of the Bible, it says that at the end times a kingdom will
arise that has twelve wings of an eagle, three heads, and eight little
wings. The twelve wings symbolize the European Common Market, whose
symbol is a circle with twelve stars. The three heads are the United
States, Russia, and China. It says that two heads will unite against the
third head. Last year Russia and China signed a pact between their
countries. The eight little wings are the Arab nations.

There is a power struggle going on behind the scenes that many people
are not aware of. The dark ones are fighting each other for total control
of this world. If you want to know who controls the world follow the
money trail  Russia is scheduled to take over chairmanship of the group
of eight industrial nations on January 1, 2006.

This world government, that is now in effect behind the scenes, will soon
be out in the open on the lower level Earth. This has been prophesied for
a long time. Our freedoms have been taken away big time over the last
several years.  Because many people are not aware of what is going on in
the world, I think it is time for everyone to wake up before they are
totally enslaved.

The Earth changes are waking up a lot of people because when you end up
with nothing it changes your perception of life. Those who are caught in
these Earth changes are experiencing their own Armageddon.
I believe the next power structure coming to the forefront is the
European Common Market. Their money system, called the Euro, is backed by
gold. Russia, who has an abundance of oil, is trading their oil for
Euros. Other countries are buying in Euros and they are also going on
the gold standard. China, Iran, and Venezuela, are starting to trade in
Euros. The United States money is not backed by gold, which means our
money could lose its value.

It appears that the whole world is going back on the gold standard.
Maybe that is what it means when they say we are moving into the golden
age. I know that the price of gold has gone up. Maybe it is time to buy
gold or silver. Did you know that the word gold has God written inside of

Have you heard of the white gold of the Gods?

This is an alchemical process that turns gold into white powder. Some of
the rulers of the ancient past used white gold to become immortal. White
gold Iridium is already aligned to the neural threads of our brain. All
it has to do is become awakened for us to become immortal.

Back to the planets. The banking system is ruled by the sign of
Sagittarius. Pluto, the transformer, has been in that sign for a few
years and will remain there until the end of 2007. I foresee a
transformation in the world banking system during this time period.
I hear there is an abundance doorway opening on December 6, 2005. The
abundance doorway is 6th dimension energy, which is also unconditional
love. If you are interested in hearing more about this opening of the
abundance doorway, check out the web site www.thelightweaver.co.za and
look for the Lord Kuthumi channeling.

On December 3 the Sun is on 11 degrees Sagittarius, Saturn is on 11
degrees Leo, and the north node is on 11 degrees Aries. This makes a
perfect triangle in the heavens. Maybe that is the 11-11 everyone has
been waiting for. On December 6, the Sun moves onto 14 degrees
Sagittarius and that is the degree of the Sphinx. Saturn on 11 degrees
Leo rules wealth, and the node on 11 degrees Aries
rules gold.

The energy coming through the Star Gate in Washington, D.C. is 6th
dimension energy. Sirius is a 6th dimension planet. The color associated
with Sirius is a beautiful royal blue. Have you ever noticed that inside
the golden flame of a candle is a very beautiful blue flame? The council
on Sirius is called the Great Blue Lodge.

Many years ago a planet was destroyed in the constellation of Leo. This
disrupted the flow of love to Earth and we went into the dark ages. Now
there is much light coming to Earth and we are moving into the age of
love and light. It's been our job to anchor this light. Now it will be
our job to manifest unconditional love.

The whole world will be opening to 6th dimension energy. This does not
mean that everyone will feel or respond to that energy. There are places
on Earth where people will continue to fight each other. That is their
choice.  We do not have to be part of that energy.

One of the ways to help the Earth vibrate to the  higher energy is to
see the planet Mars as a planet of peace. For eons of time  mass
consciousness has considered Mars the planet of war. I think it's
important for that belief system to be changed. Mars is considered the
red planet. Red is the color of energy. What we do with that energy is up
to us.  If you are tired, wear something in the color of red.

The opposite color of red is green. Our heart chakras our green,
although the inside is a beautiful bright rose pink. When we mix the
White Christ light with red it becomes a beautiful rose pink which is the
color of love.

Have you noticed that our beautiful Sun now appears white at times. The
color white contains all colors in perfect balance. When you add water to
Sun- light you get a beautiful rainbow of all colors. The Goddess energy
is white with all different colored sparkles inside it. Some call it

Others say the goddess energy is a beautiful orange/pink, like sherbet
ice cream. That color is the color of our emotional body or second
chakra. That chakra is connected with the pink color of our heart thus
emanating a very nice vibration of love and creativity.
The feminine mother cross consists of the signs Virgo, Sagittarius,
Pisces, and Gemini. As the Sun moves through the sign of Sagittarius this
year we will be feeling energy from the Galactic Center, and I believe
there will be many Gamma Ray Bursts coming our way. Gamma Ray Bursts
bring light to Earth. The Arctic is already aglow with light and has been
for some time.

The father cross is Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. These signs are
considered cardinal and that means action. If you want something done,
ask an Aries. The mother cross is mutable and that  means activity
because those signs like to move around the planet and find out what is
going on.

We do live in interesting times. What is next on the agenda? I think it
is time to see who comes to control in the next few months. Will it be
the European Common Market, China, Russia, or the United Nations?
We are now entering the holiday season which is the time to give thanks
for our many blessings. I hope all of you out there have the best season
you have ever experienced. It's time to manifest unconditional love and
move into the higher frequency Earth.

So Be It!  I send you my love and blessings!

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #46 - 03.01.2006 at 17:47:21
What Will the Year 2006 Bring? Planet Alert - January 2006 with 'Mahala'
By Mahala

What will the year 2006 bring? This is a number eight year. Eight is the number of MONEY, POWER, CONTROL, and BUSINESS. It is also the number of GOD, and some people have made money their god.

How will the money part work out? There is an economic war that has been going on behind the scenes between the Euro and the dollar for a long time. Which money system will come out on top, and will the abundance doorway that opened on December 6, 2005 start to be felt?

How will the power and control part work out? Will an event happen that causes martial law to take effect? Will a new leader arise who wants to control the world? Time will tell! Will there be lots of people starting new businesses, or will some go out of business. There is always two sides to a number. Lets pull in the positive energy of this number.

The negative part of the number eight can make it a very confrontational year. People may become very critical of political authority and leaders in general. There will be an inclination to rebel against authority on all levels. If big brother is going to come out into the open, this is the year it will happen, thus the rebellion.

We will also be entering into the Chinese Year of the FIRE Dog on January 29, 2006. The fire dog is a very dramatic dog who likes to be the center of attention. He also has great magnetic charm and can convince many to follow his lead. Watch out for a leader who may arise this year.

Don't get caught into that energy.

The fire dog can be very fierce when attacked and he will not make threats that he cannot carry-out. The drums of war will be beating again.

This is not good for Iran or Israel because they seem to be the focus of attention right now. The leaders of Iran and Israel have been challenging each other. Iran says that Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth, and Israel is afraid that Iran will try to do that. The wild card is that Israel has atomic weapons. Will they use them?

There is another challenge going on with Iran that the United States doesn't like. Iran will be starting to deal in Euros. There is an article on the web site called:


It says that Iran is about to commit a far greater offense than Saddam Hussein's conversion to the Euro for Iraq's oil exports in the fall of 2000. Beginning in March 2006, the Tehran government has plans to begin competing with New York's NYMEX and London's IPE with respect to international oil trades - using a Euro-based international oil-trading mechanism. The proposed Iranian oil course signifies that without some sort of US intervention, the Euro is going to establish a firm foothold in the international oil trade.

Given US debt levels and the stated neoconservative project of US global domination, Tehran's objective constitutes an obvious encroachment on dollar supremacy in the crucial international oil market. There are huge sums of money involved in this deal. The oil consuming countries will soon be converting their money into Euros instead of dollars and this means that the Euro will go up, and the dollar down. What will the US do in this case? Will they give up their power to the Euro, or start another war? Russia, China, and Iran are working with the European Common Market, through the Euro, to control the world. They are a pretty powerful group!

March of this year looks very critical for confrontations of all kinds because Mars (fire) is moving into an opposition to Pluto (transformer) which is conjunct the galactic center. Light has been coming to Earth from the galactic center and is so powerful it has caused the arctic region to be in twilight during the winter instead of dark. This great light is also causing deeds from the past to be uncovered or exposed to the public.

Mars and Pluto in opposition are instrumental in causing very negative events to happen. On April 7 and 8, mars, on 26 degrees Gemini, will be opposing Pluto on 26 degrees Sagittarius. This degree in Sagittarius is the degree of a religious leader, and 26 Gemini is the degree of bankruptcy. Sagittarius also rules banks. How will that work out? Maybe the money system of the world will go through a transformation (Pluto).

The fire energy will be in play all year. Fires are already burning in Texas and Oklahoma. The New Madrid fault area is under the energy of Pluto. The fire energy can also bring events such as volcanic eruptions, explosions, war, and violence.

The energy of the fire dog doesn't sound very good for the world although there is also the loving domesticated dog. This energy will also be present on a higher level Earth as manifested by the numbers two and six. Two is the number of partnerships and cooperation. Six is the number of love. Remember the doorway that opened in December to the higher sixth dimension love vibration. If you can tune into that energy you will be OK during this powerful year of the fire dog.

Sirius is the dog star and is a sixth dimension star. It is possible to live in this unconditional love energy, all you have to do is stop judging and criticizing others, and yourself. Send out love energy from your heart. Love energy is very soft and gentle. If you manifest unconditional love, you will be fine as the Earth continues her journey through the fourth dimension.

Even if the Earth is in the fourth world, we can still manifest consciousness from the higher dimensions. We can very easily live in the sixth dimension of love and compassion.

We entered a new time line in 1987 when the Earth moved into fourth dimension energy. We have been passing through that dimension ever since then. The fourth dimension is where the great war in space and on Earth is fought. We have been in that energy for a long time.

I believe that between 2010 and 2012, we will move into the fifth world, and will be out of the war cycle. The Kali Yuga ends in 2010. The new children that are on Earth right now will not stand for war. They will refuse to fight. This means that our children and grandchildren will be able to live on a peaceful planet and that is not very far in the future.

I've maintained that the seven years of great tribulation started in September of 2000, when Israel and the Palestine people started violently fighting each other. This violence continues. I also contend that the Bible prophecies end in September of 2007. (9-9-9). This does not mean that the Earth changes end because they will continue for a while. This means that lots of things will happen in the next two years.

Pluto moves into Capricorn in January of 2008. Because that sign rules governments, it means that this is the start of a new form of leadership.

Saturn moves into the sign of Virgo (a feminine sign) on September 2, 2007. This is the time when woman will come into power and take on leadership positions.

In 1991 we entered the time of the sixth Sun of the Mayans which corresponds to the sign of Virgo, the Virgin. This means that the feminine energy came into focus big time. There was an ancient Mayan prophecy that the Lords of Light would return on July 11, 1991 when there was a total solar eclipse over Mexico. This happened, and continues to happen daily. Now there are whole fleets of ships seen in the heavens.

There was a program on the history channel a couple of weeks ago about Mexico and all of the UFO that have been appearing there. They showed pictures of hundreds of ships in the sky. Our friends from space are back and are looking over us to make sure we don't destroy ourselves.

We are in the last two years of a nine year cycle. This is an eight year and 2007 is a nine year. This means that events will speed up very fast.

If you thought that 2005 was a WOW year, wait until 2006 is completed.

The planets are still very critical, which means there will be many Earth changes this year. There will be lots of wind, storms, and floods all over the world. It's probably a good idea to stay away from the coast-lands, especially the West Coast and the areas normally hit by hurricanes. Uranus is still in the sign of Pisces and this means more water and wind events all over the world.

The planet Jupiter is already affecting the West Coast and will remain there all year. If there is going to be an earthquake, volcanic eruption, or tidal wave on the coast, this looks like the year. If there is a large earthquake or volcanic eruption off the coast it could cause a tsunami somewhere along the coast. California is already flooding. Please send loving energy to Mother Earth as she continues her cleansing.

The opposite side of the world being affected by Jupiter is the Middle East, and Mexico. Maybe they will have the big events. There is very critical energy in the world right now. January, February and March look very stressful. In November there will be a major T cross in the heavens with the Sun, Jupiter, and Mars in Scorpio, Saturn in Leo, and Neptune in Aquarius.

Then we have the countries that are under the pressure of Neptune which is Japan, Korea, and SE China. Japan has had one earthquake after another and most of them are 6+ quakes. The areas directly under Uranus are the countries around Indonesia and they always have quakes.

There will be lots of fear in the world this year because of the Saturn/Neptune square. Fear of illness, fear of martial law, fear of the economy, fear of Earth changes, and anything else people can imagine. We need to counteract this energy by manifesting love. This planetary aspect is what is bringing to light misdeeds from the past. It looks like Bush is in big trouble this year because the force is against him. Saturn is on top of his Mercury/Pluto conjunction, and his Mars is afflicted.

Saturn is in the fire sign Leo which also adds to the fire energy. As I see it, the fire energy will be very dominant this year. Fire energy also manifests as love energy. It activates the energy in your heart because Leo rules the heart.

This year of 2006 will be a very interesting year.

There may be some challenges with money, and there may be wars because of that. People may try to control the masses for a while, but all of that will soon cease and freedom will reign faster than you think.

Time has speeded up and will continue to do so until we reach the year 2012, and enter the time of no time. I believe this is when time, as we know it, will no longer exist. Aren't you glad to be alive to see all of this manifest? We are moving into an entirely new Earth where love will reign and the Earth will be clean and new.

So Be It!

I send you my love and blessings!

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert February 2006
Reply #47 - 15.02.2006 at 12:31:57
Planet Alert
February 2006

I live in Seattle and am ready to build an Ark. We have had rain, and more rain, and lots of snow in the mountains. This is what happens when Jupiter is in the water sign of Scorpio. Jupiter is affecting the West Coast and is the planet of abundance. Jupiter is also making a perfect 90 degree angle to Neptune, which is considered the water planet. When a planet comes along and triggers that aspect it rains and rains.

Unfortunately, Jupiter is going to be in Scorpio all year. This doesn't mean it will rain all year, although there will be more rain than normal. Mars is affecting the Middle East and has been there for several months. We have now reached a very critical time period. The Middle East is heating up. There is a crisis in Israel, and Iran is now the target of our wrath. There is a lunar eclipse over the Middle East on March 14, which is the Jewish festival of Purim. This is a holiday in commemoration of the deliverance of the Israelites from Persia (Iran). An eclipse often brings challenges.

The planets are still lined up by declination. This means that we are feeling the affects of Mars and Saturn together which brings anger, frustration, and violence to the surface. The drums of war are beating again!

We are and have been in a weather war, an economic war, an oil war, and physical wars. The big controllers are fighting for control of this world. Who will win? I read an article the other day that explains the economic and oil war very well. I decided to devote my article to the words of wisdom from Krassimir Petrov. He currently teaches Macroeconomics, International Finance, and Econometrics at the American University in Bulgaria. I found this article so interesting that I want to share part of it with you. His email is: Krassimir_Petrov@hotmail.com.

"Economically, the American Empire was born in 1945. The U.S. dollar was not fully convertible to gold, but was made convertible to gold only to foreign governments. This established the dollar as the reserve currency of the world. It was possible, because during WWII, the United States had supplied its allies with provisions, demanding gold as payment, thus accumulating significant portion of the world's gold."

"An Empire would not have been possible if, following the Bretton Woods arrangement, the dollar supply was kept limited and within the availability of gold, so as to fully exchange back dollars for gold. However, the guns-and-butter policy of the I960's was an imperial one: the dollar supply was relentlessly increased to finance Vietnam and LBJ's Great Society. Most of those dollars were handed over to foreigners in exchange for economic goods, without the prospect of buying them back at the same value. The increase in dollar holdings of foreigners via persistent U.S. trade deficits was tantamount to a tax - the classical inflation tax that a country imposes on its own citizens, this time around an inflation tax that the U.S. imposed on the rest of the world."

"When in 1970-1971 foreigners demanded payment for their dollars in gold. The U.S. Government defaulted on its payment on August 15, 1971. While the popular spin told the story of severing the link between the dollar and gold, in reality the denial to pay back in gold was an act of bankruptcy by the U.S. Government. Essentially, the U.S. declared itself an Empire. It had extracted an enormous amount of economic goods from the rest of the world, with no intention or ability to return those goods, and the world was powerless to respond - the world was taxed and it could not do anything about it."

"From that point on, to sustain the American Empire and to continue to tax the rest of the world, the United States had to force the world to continue to accept ever-depreciating dollars in exchange for economic goods and to have the world hold more and more of those depreciating dollars. It had to give the world an economic reason to hold them, and the reason was OIL."

"In 1971, as it became clearer and clearer that the U.S. Government would not be able to buy back its dollars in gold, it made in 1972-73 an iron-clad arrangement with Saudi Arabia to support the power of the House of Saudi in exchange for accepting "only" U.S. dollars for its oil. The rest of OPEC was to follow suit and also accept only dollars. Because the world had to buy oil from the Arab oil countries, it had a reason to hold dollars as payment for oil. Because the world needed ever increasing quantities of oil at ever increasing oil prices, the world's demand for dollars could only increase. Even though dollars could no longer be exchanged for gold, they were now exchangeable for oil."

"The economic essence of this arrangement was that the dollar was now backed by oil. As long as that was the case, the world had to accumulate increasing amounts of dollars, because they needed those dollars to buy oil. As long as the dollar was the only acceptable payment for oil, its dominance in the world was assured, and the American Empire could continue to tax the rest of the world."

If, for any reason, the dollar lost its oil backing, the American Empire would cease to exist. Thus, Imperial survival dictated that oil be sold only for dollars. It also dictated that oil reserves were spread around various sovereign states that weren't strong enough, politically or militarily, to demand payment for oil in something else. If someone demanded a different payment, he had to be convinced, either by political pressure or military means, to change his mind."

"The man that actually did demand EURO for his oil was Saddam Hussein in 2000. At first, his demand was met with ridicule, later with neglect, but as it became clearer that he meant business, political pressure was exerted to change his mind. When other countries, like Iran, wanted payment in other currencies, most notably EURO and Yen, the danger to the dollar was clear and present, and a punitive action was to order Bush's Shock and Awe in Iraq. The war was not about Saddam's nuclear capabilities, about defending human rights, about spreading democracy, or even seizing oil fields: it was about defending the dollar, the American Empire. It was about setting an example that anyone who demanded payment in currencies other than U.S. dollars would likewise be punished."

"Many have criticized Bush for staging the war in Iraq in order to seize Iraqi oil fields. However, those critics can't explain why Bush would want to seize those fields - he could simply print dollars for nothing and use them to get all the oil in the world that he needs. He must have had some other reason to invade Iraq. Bush must have went into Iraq to defend his Empire. Indeed, this is the case: two months after the United States invaded Iraq, the oil for food program was terminated, the Iraq EURO accounts were switched back to dollars, and oil was sold once again only for U.S. dollars. No longer could the world buy oil from Iraq with EUROs. Global dollar supremacy was once again restored. Bush descended victoriously from a fighter jet and declared the mission accomplished - he had successfully defended the U.S. dollar, and thus the American Empire."

"Now we have the Iranian Oil Bourse. The Iranian government has finally developed the ultimate 'nuclear' weapon that can swiftly destroy the financial system underpinning the American Empire. That weapon is the Iranian Oil Bourse slated to open in March 2006. It will be based on a EURO-oil-trading mechanism that naturally implies payment for oil in EURO. In economics terms, this represents a much greater threat to the hegemony of the dollar than Saddam's because it will allow anyone willing either to buy or sell oil for EURO to transact on the exchange, thus circumventing the U.S. dollar altogether. If so, then it is likely that almost everyone will eagerly adopt this EURO oil system."

"The Europeans will not have to buy and hold dollars in order to secure their payment for oil, but would instead pay with their own currencies. This will benefit the European at the expense of the Americans."

"The Chinese and the Japanese will be especially eager to adopt the new exchange, because it will allow them to drastically lower their enormous dollar reserves and diversify with EUROs, thus protecting themselves against the depreciation of the dollar."

"The Russians have inherent economic interest in adopting the EURO - the bulk of their trade is with European countries, with oil-exporting countries, with China, and with Japan. The Russians seemingly detest holding depreciating dollars, for they have recently found a new religion with gold. Russians have also revived their nationalism, and if embracing the EURO will stab the Americans, they will gladly do it and smugly watch the Americans bleed."

"The Arab oil-exporting countries will eagerly adopt the EURO as a means of diversifying against rising mountains of depreciating dollar. Just like the Russians, their trade is mostly with European countries, and therefore will prefer the European currency both for its stability and for avoiding currency risk, not to mention their jihad against the Infidel Enemy." End of Quote!

That really says a mouthful. Iran is backed by Russia and China. It looks like the world is turning against the U.S. dollar and moving toward the EURO. This means the United States is in crisis. What can we do about that? Hopefully, we can get through this crisis without blowing ourselves up. It's time to stay cool, calm, and collected so we don't add to the energy of violence. If each of us would concentrate on finding peace within it would help the whole world. We need many people manifesting peace to offset all of the violence.

Synchronicity is the Christ energy in action. If your life is flowing, you know you have made it to the higher frequency Earth. Remember, there is a world of light overshadowing this world of darkness. Continue reaching for the higher frequency world.

We are almost at the end of the Bible prophecies. There is hope for the future because the last two chapters of Revelation talk about the new heaven and the new Earth that is fast approaching. Gamma Ray Bursts are helping us transform by bringing much light to Earth. It's time to walk softly on this beautiful planet.

So Be It! I send you my love and blessings!

*** Mahala ***
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #48 - 20.01.2008 at 00:17:29
January 2008

Listen to a recent audio recording of Mahala on the www.journeywithbrendaroberts.org radio progam.   This may take a few minutes to load.    

Happy New Year everyone! On New Year's Eve there was a fireworks display here in Seattle that didn't work as planned. At midnight everyone waited for the show to start and nothing happened. We all waited and several minutes later the display started and was very beautiful, although it was out of sync with the music.

This event was very symbolic to me because it has felt like everything is still on hold and nothing has started to move forward yet, probably because Mars is still retrograde.  Like the fireworks, there is a glitch and then everything starts to move forward into the light.

I believe 2008 will be a very exciting year once it gets going and there will be lots of changes on all levels. There will be many Earth changes, political changes and personal changes. This year adds up to ten which is a little different than a one year. Number one always indicates new beginnings but ten has a different meaning. Ten means that we have the number one (ourselves) with the zero (Christ energy) behind it.  This means it is time to manifest our inner power, and stand in our truth. Let's make good use of this energy.

We've just completed a number nine year. I'm sure glad that year is over because it was very challenging for everyone. It was a very fast-paced year with lots of inner and outer changes. Now we have the force with us to go forward with new ideas and new ways of doing things. This year also has an eight (2008) in its number. Eight is known for the energy of money, power, control and business, which also includes financial institutions and the housing market. There could be challenges in all those areas this year. I believe there will also be more challenges with our money system because the bottom has dropped out of the dollar, and many countries are now trading in Euros. The European Common Market has become very powerful with so many countries trading in Euros. Could this be the new money system, for now?

Huge waves of energy have been permeating the Earth from the December planetary alignment and the comet Holmes.  Look how that comet expanded into light in just a few days to become the same size as our Sun, and it kept expanding until it was about three times the size of our Sun. The possibility is now here for us to expand into light and move into a place of joy and happiness. The new energy is here and we have a blank screen in front of us for our new creations.

On February 6 we move into the year of the Rat. The Rat year is supposed to be a year of plenty, bringing opportunity and good prospects. There will be speculation and fluctuations in the stock market and the prices of commodities. The year of the Rat is ruled by the cold of winter and the darkness of night. Those who speculate indiscriminately and overextend themselves will come to a sad reckoning. This will be a happier year for those who have learned how to release negative thoughts from their minds, and replaced them with joy. This will also be the year of many storms, floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes.

Speaking of blank screens, that is what I see when I try to see the outcome of our election. However, from my astrological point of view our new president will be either a woman, or a gentle man. I said that on a radio program about five years ago when I was looking forward to the 2008 election. Right now it looks like Barack Obama is taking the United States by storm, although Hillary Clinton is right up there too. According to the chart I got for Obama, he is a Leo, with Scorpio rising, and his moon is 0 degrees Gemini. His node is in Leo, which is where the south node is right now. He was born on August 4, 1961, just 6 months before seven planets lined up in the sign of Aquarius, which ushered in the New Age. He appears to be a very gentle man. Hillary Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, and is a Scorpio who never gives up. I don't have charts for the other candidates yet.

Jupiter is now in the sign of Capricorn, which also rules business, the housing market, and governments. I'm sure there will be lots of changes in our government starting this year, especially after Pluto, the transformer, moves into Capricorn by the end of this month. Capricorn rules structures and we will see the destruction of many buildings and houses. This could also manifest as the housing crisis that has already started in some states and is expected to get worse this year.  Remember to be compassionate and stay in observation mode this year. Stand in your peace and don't be drawn into the drama.

The major planetary line-up this past month brought lots of changes to us and the Earth. As I am writing this article, the planets are still in alignment by declination and causing all kinds of havoc. Comet Tuttle was close to Earth on January 2, and this added to the misery.  Comets have a bad reputation in our consciousness because they usually bring negative events like assassination of leaders, which of course happened to Benazir Bhutto. The positive aspect of comet Holmes is that it has been sending waves of light and love to Earth. As it was expanding into light, that energy was sent to Earth for our benefit.

In my last article I said that the alignment of planets would cause storms in the Midwest states, including the lower states like Oklahoma, and the plain states. This happened in a big way. The opposite point of that line-up is Pakistan and the energy is also working out there. I said to watch out West Coast. My timing was a little off because I thought the storms would happen when the moon was in Taurus, instead it waited until the moon was in Scorpio (water) and then the storms let loose on California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, and surrounding states. The Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter were still lined-up by declination at that time and the moon triggered them on January 3-4 when the storms started. There were also 3 or 4 earthquakes in the Queen Charlotte Islands with the largest 6.5. There will be many more earthquakes this year all over the world. There were many storms in December and January because Mercury was in the alignment and Mercury rules storms.

Eclipses foretell events to happen.  Last year the eclipses were in Virgo and Pisces. This year there will be a solar eclipse on February 6 on 17 degrees Aquarius. This particular degree rules air, gas and gasoline.  I'm sure we will see the price of gasoline skyrocket. This degree is also associated with explosives and freedom. The north node of the moon (also called the Dragons head) is also going through the sign of Aquarius and I don't see how they will be able to take away our freedom without lots of people rebelling against control.  This energy of rebellion sets the tone for the Chinese new year of the Rat that starts on February 6, 2008, PST.

There will be a lunar eclipse on February 20 at 1 degree Virgo, and then the eclipses move to the polarity of Leo and Aquarius. The Leo eclipses cause the death of famous men, and the scarcity of crops. It also rules the possibility of war, and stirs up the people to rebel. The Aquarius eclipses also cause rebellious action and change in all things. Last year there was a lunar eclipse in August on 4 degrees Virgo, and the eclipsed moon was seen over the West Coast. Shortly after that eclipse there were major fires in San Diego because that city's birth Sun is 4 degrees Virgo. That's how eclipses work.

Now we have Mercury moving into its retrograde position around January 26 through February 22. Mercury can cause things to get mixed up or not turn out right so it's best to be aware of this energy. We started the year with Mars retrograde and opposing Pluto. Mars is very powerful in its retrograde phase because it is closest to Earth at that time.  Mars goes direct on January 30, and will then move into forward motion. It will again oppose Pluto the first week of March as Mars moves into Cancer.  Mars can be a violent planet in opposition to Pluto, so hope the leaders keep their cool and don't start another war. We can use this Mars energy to our benefit by keeping our cool and not getting angry with everyone and everything.

This year will go by very fast because time has speeded up. The higher the Earth moves up in frequency the faster time goes until there is no time. I think that is what the Mayan Calendar is all about, the ending of time. The maximum solar cycle has started and they are expecting it to crest in 2010, 2011, or 2012. This Sun activity will cause many events on Earth and of course the photons hitting our magnetic field will also affect us. As the Sun bursts into light so do we. I also know we are in the new energy NOW because I can feel it.  This means that we have the ability to start creating our life the way we choose to experience it. Let go of the old way of doing things because the old way will not work anymore. Live in the joy of the moment and give thanks for everything. Develop an attitude of gratitude. All is well in my world!   So Be It!

I send you my love.          *****Mahala*****

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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #49 - 20.01.2008 at 00:26:38
Uf spet ena navidezno ne vem kakšna lega vidna samo iz te anše micene zemljice in vse se bo prkucnilo - zaradi milijone svetlobnih let oddaljenih zvesd.  Grin
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #50 - 17.03.2008 at 00:48:56
March 2008

Today is March 7, 2008 and we just experienced a new moon with the Sun conjunct Uranus. This planet rules light so start expecting some good changes in your life. We could also focus on creating some good changes for Mother Earth. [b]According to Carl Calleman's work, this is the year of Armageddon. It started in November of 2007 and continues until November 13, 2008. In November of 2008 the Goddess energy will take over and everything will start to flower. He also says that the Mayan Calendar ends on October 28, 2011 which is not very far away. I'm not looking for any drastic events to occur at that time because I believe we are in the changes right now. By the time we reach 2011 or 2012 we should be through the changes and into the period of no time.

Time rules the fourth dimension which we have been going through since the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. There are many levels to each dimension. We are now on the higher level of the fourth looking into the fifth. There is no question in my mind that time has speeded up, and it will keep moving faster and faster until we reach no time and then we will be totally in the fifth dimension. The new earth energy of the fifth dimension is already here although we barely feel that vibration. Before long it will become very strong. The fifth dimension is one of joy, happiness, love, and getting along with each other. If you have reached that level you are vibrating to fifth dimension energy.

January and February were very intense months. Hopefully this Spring Equinox will push us into a different energy. Because the fourth dimension relates to the Astral plane there has been much distorted energy appearing on earth. This has been basically the culmination of the psychic mind war that has been occurring on the Astral plane for a long time, and it can focus into the earth plane. The Reptilian controllers rule from the astral plane. They use the technology of holographic insert projected from the Astral Plane to influence human behavior on earth. This can cause distorted realities. I experienced this when there was a forest fire burning out of control at my cabin. I stepped into such a weird reality that I couldn't believe it. I can't really explain it but it was like I had suddenly jumped into an alternative reality. This energy has continued for me since August of 2006. The planets change for me at this new moon so maybe it will also change for other people. Life has been very intense and it's time for a break!

I received an email called 'Urgency in the Cosmic Vacuum' by Lisa at www.energeticsynthesis.com which really relates to what I have experienced. She says, "There is a process underway in the astral layers at this time, which is point blank, one of the most distorted and damaged of all of the time spaces. Hence from dimensional sound wave bleed-through of these current events, humans will be feeling incredible pulsing momentums caused from the grids shifting through these magnetic storms. Earthquakes have increased since we secured the Astral Portal Project which became aligned on February 17th. More earth surface changes are suspected to reverberate through our system as the astral layers shifting will impact our reality. There are extremely powerful intersection points that exchange massive frequencies coming in at the March Equinox, the middle of May and through August. However much is being done to circumvent these magnetic shift impacts during those high risk timelines. Using platinum to protect your energy field and to stabilize your environments is highly suggested."

She goes on to say, "We are now experiencing a timeline collapse on this planet. Those on the Ascension Timeline feel very much as existing within a void space and have no ability to sense directionally what is next as these systems are collapsing. Even future identities and parallel possibilities are collapsing now as they can no longer be energized. The primary project of where this is underway during this phase is the Astral Plane or zero point fields. In accordance with the Law of Harmonics, whatever structure does not resonate to its original blueprint pattern, either self-corrects as it is overridden or it collapses. The collapse of the structure is due to distortions to such degree the integrity of the blueprint has been corrupted."

This energy has been in effect since August of 2006 when Mars was in a 90 degree angle to Pluto. That is also when the Dreamspell glyph 'The Star' appeared in a crop circle in England. This glyph is ruled by the planet Venus. This is the glyph of the Goddess and unconditional love. This crop circle said to everyone 'The Goddess Has Returned'. The 17th Tarot card called 'The Star' is an eight pointed star signifying radiant cosmic energy and is surrounded by seven smaller stars that radiate solar energy. This maiden is eternal youth and beauty. She is Mother Nature and this card represents the Waters of Life flowing freely and perpetually renewing creation.

The controllers have been trying to hold on for dear life but their time is soon over. The Mars/Pluto opposition that has been going on big time since September of 2007 ended at this new moon. Those two planets in opposition rule the negative side of life. It is a very powerful opposition. Now that Mars is moving through Cancer it will energize that sign because Mars rules energy. Pluto is now in Capricorn and this sign rules structures. Because Pluto is the transformer all structures will be changed. If the structure fits the new vibration it will continue but if it doesn't it will be either changed or destroyed. This is why I have been saying it's time for the controllers to go down. Control or manipulation is a negative manifestation of energy.

Capricorn rules the housing market, business, governments, and all structures. Pluto rules change in those areas. Pluto also rules the masses. Have you noticed how Barack Obama creates mass people at his meetings? He is a very magnetic Being and he is also riding the wave of the desire for change. I've had many people say to me that they are very concerned about his safety. Do they realize what they are creating? How about seeing him and his family in a safe environment. Of course, he has the final say in his reality. Whatever he has created for himself will happen and there is not much we can do about that although we can send him positive thoughts of safety. With all of the changes that are occurring who knows how the election will turn out.

Speaking about mass thoughts, how about all the complaints about the cost of oil and gasoline. If we complain about something, that is what we will create. Wouldn't it be better if we just all visualized the cost of gasoline going down to a reasonable price like $2.50 a gallon? That would sure change the economy for the better. The cost of gasoline affects the transportation industry which in turn affects the rest of the economy. We could also work on creating better gas mileage for our own vehicles.

Carl Calleman says that we are in the Mayan fifth night from November 2007 to November 2008. This year will bring the desire to stop wars (which is definitely in effect), and financial problems. Financial challenges are happening to a lot of people right now and also banks. I just heard that the Carlyle Corporation is in a big financial crisis. The Carlyle group includes such people as the Bush family and their controlling friends.[/b]

In the middle of this dark night a wave of love will come to earth in August 2008. This will be the beginning of the fourth world of Galactic energy and will bring all kinds of new energy creations and peace will eventually start to manifest on earth. That sounds good to me. The sixth day starts on November 13, 2008 and goes to November 7, 2009. This will activate goddess energy. Soon we will start using alternative energy sources, the war industry will collapse, we will develop a new health care system, and our economic system will recover. The future looks pretty bright once we get through this negative energy overlap that we have been experiencing. Have a happy Spring Equinox and Astrological New Year!

I send you my love and blessings. ***** Mahala Gayle*****
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #51 - 23.07.2008 at 23:48:45
June 2008

Here it is June already and we are fast approaching the new moon and the Summer Solstice. There is an interesting chart for the new moon on June 3. We find four planets (Sun, Venus and moon all conjunct) along with Mercury in Gemini making a nice trine to Neptune and Chiron plus the node in Aquarius. Actually this is a very nice chart. Chiron (the wounded healer) is on 21 degrees Aquarius along with the node. This particular degree means that what has appeared dark can now be turned around for the good. What has happened in your life that can now be changed? On the world scene the controllers are being exposed.

You have probably seen the YouTube by Benjamin Fulford talking about the scalar wars that have been going on big time since the Tsunami on December 26, 2004. If you haven't seen this YouTube you can search it out on Google. The scalar wars are caused by HAARP in Alaska, and one in Russia, which is called SURA. This is located 150 kilometers from the city of Nizhny, Novgorad. Their SURA is as powerful as our HAARP. The Chinese say they can guarantee good weather for the Olympics. Will they be getting help from the Russians to make this good weather? If the Alaska HAARP was used to cause the Chinese earthquake, then watch out USA.

The 13th chapter of Revelation says that a beast arises on earth and is given power over the whole world for 42 months. This beast can bring fire down from heaven to Earth. Isn't that HAARP? Isn't that used to heat up the Ionosphere? These beasts (the controlling bankers) were allowed to make war on the light workers and to conquer them. Don't you feel like you have been walking through a dark tunnel or a false reality since December of 2004? This war has been both on the inside (facing our dark side) and on the outside affecting the whole world.

It looks to me like we have been in a weather/earthquake war for quite a while especially since December of 2004. Do you realize that a time period of three and a half years, or 42 months from December 2004 ends on June 26, 2008? The dark side was given total control of the Earth for that 42 month period of time. Have we reached the turn around time for light workers, or those who have released their dramas? The planets say we have. We have just entered the Stargate of Asklepius. It takes the Earth a period of 16 days to move through this sign so we will be coming out of a black hole birth canal just before the Summer Solstice. There were several planets on 22 degrees at the May full moon. This energy activated our 22 strands of DNA and is allowing us to ascend into our light bodies if we are ready for that experience. Asklepius is ruled by the caduceus which is symbolic of our DNA and the rising of our kundalini. When that rises we become full of light. We are in this process right now.

This major war has been fought on the fourth dimension because this is where we live. This dimension is like the astral plane where everything exists; the good, the bad, and the ugly and this is the home of the controllers. Once we reach the fifth dimension we are out of reach of the controllers and will be able to live in a peaceful world. We're in an ascension cycle which means we are raising our frequency by releasing our dark stuff and reaching for the fifth dimension. Some people are already there and waiting for more people to arrive. When we start living in the NOW (no time) we will have reached this higher dimension.

Wars have been ongoing for as long as I can remember, but this energy has really accelerated in the last few years since HAARP came on-line. The thing about this war is that not many people have been aware that it is even going on, or it is too devastating to think about so they just turn off that information. Nuclear bombs are obsolete. We now have the technology to destroy the whole world with our Star Wars Technology, which is a repeat of Atlantis energy. I don't believe the world will be destroyed because we will ascend out of the fourth dimension into the fifth. I believe the whole world will be in that dimension by 2012 but who knows what will happen on the lower dimension Earth until that time? That's why there are so many prophecies out there and some come true and others don't. It depends on what dimension the prophet is looking into.

The really accelerated time period of Revelation started on September 11, 2001 when the woman (New York City with the statue of liberty) was attacked. This event changed our world dramatically. Then we attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and the old Babylon fell. That is talked about in the 17th and 18th chapters of Revelation. Now the war is also being fought over the price of oil. This is really affecting the economy big time, and is changing the way people are living. Right now, as I am writing this article, there are demonstrations going on all over the world because of the rise in the price of oil and gas. This is caused by the planet Uranus being in the sign of Pisces, which rules oil and gas. Uranus will be in that sign for another couple of years. Seven years from September of 2001 is September of 2008. We are in the turning point of prophecies. According to the Mayan prophecies, Armageddon is over in November 2008.

Uranus went into Pisces in 2003 and will stay there until 2010, which the Vedic Kali Yuga says is the end of this age. Uranus is the planet of change. It rules wind, storms, tornadoes, lightening, light and technology. Pisces rules water, the ocean, rivers, fish, ships, oil, and gas. The combination of that planet in a water sign has brought many storms and lots of flooding. This will continue as long as Uranus is in Pisces. When Uranus moves into Aries in 2010 it signals a new beginning or a new seven year cycle.

This month the Sun, Venus, and Mercury are moving through the air, wind sign of Gemini. This brings with it lots of storms, particularly over the Midwest states like Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, etc. Pluto has been stationary over that area since Katrina came in and will continue to activate that area. The opposite side of the world is India and they just had a 6.6 quake. When the Sun moves into Cancer at the solstice it will be activating a water sign and Jupiter will be in opposition which will activate the Earth sign of Capricorn. This means there will be more large earth events. The sun was in a perfect aspect to Jupiter over China when their quake happened. That's why I said in my last article that the planets would be activating China and Japan.

I've always looked for what some people call the Rapture. This means to me a rising of consciousness out of the darkness into light. There has been a group of people who have been on the ascension path for a long time and they will finally reach the point where they burst into their light bodies. I believe we are at that point right now or very close to it. I believe we were forced to look at ourselves with a fine toothed comb this past three and a half years. It's like we fell asleep and are just reawakening. It's like we had to have our own space to discover who we really are and so lots of people went into a period of hibernation and lots of groups broke up. I believe it is now time to reconnect with friends and family that we haven't seen for a long time, which includes our friends from space.

I reconnected with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time and she told me about going to a class that really set her on a new course of action. The class was about how a trauma that happens to everyone before the age of five sets our course of action for life. When the trauma happened our brain was actually affected and this set us on a certain path. This became our story. Everyone has a different story. My story was that I lived in an unsafe world, so everything became unsafe for me. I became chemically poisoned and the after-effects were that I became chemically sensitive to almost everything. This meant that I could not stay at anyone's house overnight because I would get sick. I couldn't eat certain foods because they were unsafe for me. I had food poisoning three times. Of course my Astrology chart showed all of those events but I didn't know how to overcome them. I tried everything. It was very frustrating.

Now I've learned a new technique. Part of this technique I got from the book The Moses Code by James Twyman, and the other part is from my friend. In the Moses code it talks about breathing in and out the name of God, I am that I am. Becoming part of God is the secret of creating. Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, then all will be given unto you." God said to Moses "I am That I am."  When you breathe out you say I am That and when you breathe in you say I am. This is you talking to God and God answering. First you get yourself into a quiet place and then you breathe. I've been saying to myself as I breathe out, I am That and as I breathe in I say I am totally safe and I live in the Now.  I breathe several times and I will be saying this particular affirmation for 21 days to reprogram my brain. I always give thanks when I am done. You can say anything when you breathe in, like I am radiantly healthy. We all have different wants and needs. To get more information read The Moses Code.

We do live in exciting and interesting times if you can raise yourself above the darkness. The challenge is to become an observer of what goes on around you and not an actor in the play. We need to learn to balance our emotions. The object is to still feel compassion but not emotions that bring us to the verge of trauma. Be silent and know that you are part of God.  Change your story. It's time to create a new one full of love and happiness. So Be It!

Written in love and light!          ********** Mahala Gayle *********
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #52 - 23.07.2008 at 23:49:56
pa še julij:

July 2008

I'm writing this article right after the SolarWave Celebration that was held on June 21, 2008. In the past, the summer solstice was known as the celebration of the little people. They like to come out and play on the night of the solstice. They sing, dance, and party all night. I was just thinking, do you think that some of the orbs we see in our photographs could be the little people making themselves known to us?

Judith Moore received information from the 13 grandmothers about a tone that would go out from the galactic center creating the sound harmonic that would shift the Earth into the new dimension on the solstice. She received information that the Time Shift spoken of in the Galactic Mayan calendar would happen on June 21, 2008 when the harmonic overtone was created. One overtone aligns all the galactic suns, solar codes and the One Harmonic of Source.

The tone of love vibrates to 528 hertz. This is the tone that connects us to all of creation. This tone comes from the galactic core and connects to the vibration of our heart. The color of this tone is green which is the color of our heart chakra. This tone can be used to heal your DNA. Check out the music by Jonathan Goldman. His music is very healing. The number 528 adds up to six (5+2=8=15/6). You can also tone the vowels AEIOU. Those letters also add up to six. The Tribe of Levi vibrates to the color green. They are the Priest Scientists that are here to bring in new healing modalities. They are also here to bring in sacred geometry. Most of these people are from the Star System.

Did you know that we all have a diamond core cell in our heart? This cell carries memories of who we are, and connects us to God and all there is. Once we activate this cell we become consciously aware of being connected to all of creation. Inside this cell is a beautiful bright red/pink light. This bright pink light is the mirror image of green, and pink has always been known as the color of love. By touching this love you can open yourself to the universe. This color vibrates to the number 13, and the Tribe of Judah. It is also the Goddess number, and rules the immune system.

The seed of life, which consists of six lilies and seven circles, is the creative mathematics of the universe. The six lilies and seven circles add up to thirteen. Walter Russell talks about the cube. In geometry a cube is a solid with six equal square sides. Crystals are six sided objects and the clear ones are the Christ Vibration in solid form. I think this is why so many people are drawn to crystals.

Our bodies are changing from a carbon base to a crystal base entity. Our bodies consist of cells. A cell membrane encloses a mass of cytoplasm that contains a nucleus and various ultramicroscopic structures. A chromosome is a rod like body formed in the cell during cell division and is the carrier of a gene. A gene is a unit occupying a distinct position on a chromosome and it transmits certain characteristics from parent to offspring.

There is a certain gene that was passed down through the lineage of Jesus and Mary Magdelene that now encompasses one third of the world population through a recessed gene. This is approximately 2 billion plus people. That is a lot of people. I believe this gene is in all Light Workers whether they know it or not. These are the people who came here to overcome fear and to set the course of the world on a new track of oneness. By being aware of this gene you can tune into your Christ Consciousness. I'm not dismissing the rest of the world. Everyone has the diamond Core God cell within their heart and this is what was just activated at this past summer solstice. We have reached the turning point from darkness into light. This means that a lot of us have released our fear, pain, sorrow, and drama and are ready for a new life.

It might not appear like the light has won for a while because Mother Earth still has a lot of challenges to go through. We're in a five month period of time when the deceptive things the dark ones have done for a long time will start to surface big time for all to see. Neptune is the planet that rules deceit on the negative level, and when that planet went retrograde the end of May the energy to uncover the deceitful deeds of the dark became very strong. On a positive level Neptune rules psychic and spiritual energy, it also rules Messiahs.

On the solstice chart Mars was in an exact opposition to Neptune so watch what will be uncovered from this time forward. As the light becomes stronger, the dark falls apart. Neptune was on 24 degrees Aquarius when it was opposed by Mars, and this degree rules danger by water and makes a person ready to fight. Neptune also rules oceans, gas, oil, and ships. No wonder we have had the so-called oil crisis. The positive effect of this crisis makes us want to use an alternative type of energy which can now start to manifest.

Israel is again threatening to go into Iran. There is some very stressful energy coming up the rest of June and July as Mars approaches Saturn. These two planets together rule military or police action. Repressed anger and resentment characterize this energy and can cause a very unsympathetic attitude so conflicts may arise. This energy will be in effect, by declination, for about three weeks in July. Don't become involved in any negative action that may happen. Be an observer and stay in the dimension of love and peace.

In my last article I said that if the Alaska HAARP was used to cause the Chinese earthquake, then watch out USA. Because China and Russia signed a pact, I believe the SURA was used to hype up the storms along the Mississippi River. These storms and flooding caused great economic loss. I also said that the Sun, Venus, and Mercury would be moving through the sign of Gemini which brings storms, and the Pluto line was activated which runs right down the Mississippi River. The Sun was opposing Pluto and the moon conjunct Pluto at the full moon of June. This longitude line is 90 degrees west, and the effects are felt on both sides of that line for several degrees.

Now Pluto is retrograde back into Sagittarius until November 26, 2008. Sagittarius rules the banking system and they are in big trouble. We just heard about the arrest of over 400 people who were involved with the downfall of Bear Stearns. This came out into the open because the top men of this bank were arrested for mortgage fraud. We will hear about many more events that have been covered up in the mortgage fiasco as time goes on. Then Dennis Kucinich set the process of impeachment before the house. He named 35 articles of impeachment against our president. I will write on the upcoming election later.

The Sun, Mercury, and Venus will now be crossing the East coast so that area will be under pressure for awhile. Probably more storms and flooding are on the way. Hurricane season may start a little early this year and there will be some large ones I am sure. We will be having a very active summer this year with weird weather all over the world. It will be a long hot summer in places where heat is a normal experience.

We have reached the point of no return. We are in the change. It's time to manifest love in our hearts and to live in peace and happiness no matter what happens on Earth. I am That - I am! So Be It!

I am now writing for a new magazine called "The Wonder of You". Check out their web site at: http://www.spiritualhealing-godsway.org/magazine.html

Written in love and light! ********** Mahala Gayle *********
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ravno prav
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #53 - 16.08.2008 at 23:39:57
A partial eclipse of the Moon will take place on August 16. The entire eclipse will be visible in most of Europe and Africa, and partially visible in South America and Australia. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow on the Moon. Eclipses always come in pairs, and this eclipse follows the dramatic solar eclipse of August 1.

Eclipses are like big exclamation points and since this eclipse is in Aquarius, a sign that is focused on the workings of the larger group or community, expect confusing leadership situations, power struggles and sharp words. In addition to the heightened emotions of this full Moon, an active pattern of planetary aspects also adds drama to this eclipse. The placement of Aquarius in your personal chart will define how it impacts your life over the next five months.

If Aquarius is in your First or Seventh House, the eclipse will signal a period of personal development and growth. And if Aquarius is in your Seventh House, the focus will be on growth and development in your relationships.

An eclipse in the Second House will always make you more aware of your attachments: the things that you believe that you cannot survive without. But an eclipse in the Eighth House highlights your responsibilities to others: both physically and emotionally.

When occurring in the Third House, you will be forced to confront fears and your communication style. And in the Ninth House, you will be forced to consider the bigger picture of your life. How do you want to grow and expand?

In the Fifth or Eleventh House, the focus on the next five months will be on issues of individual expression and group participation. In the Fifth House, the eclipse will stir up the creative urge, or represent changes in relationships with children or with casual romances. Eclipses in the Eleventh House can often indicate changes in relationships with our peers and friends.

If Aquarius occupies your Sixth or Twelfth House, the focus over the next five months will be on your health -- both physical and spiritual. Eclipses in the Sixth House often make you aware of your physical needs and illness, while in the Twelfth House, they highlight religious or spiritual needs.
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #54 - 08.12.2008 at 17:37:30

Planet Alert

November/December 2008

by Mahala - click here for more about Mahala

I was going to write an article for November about the upcoming election but God had other plans for me. I ended up in the hospital emergency room on October 15 with massive internal bleeding. The doctor put me in the hospital for two days so they could find out what was wrong with me. They ran all kinds of tests on me and couldn't find anything wrong. I'm fine now but it has taken me a while to get my energy back.

In my last article I talked about a possible UFO sighting in October. A large ship was predicted to hover for three days, possibly over Alabama on October 13-14-15. This did not happen and I wondered what that was all about. I did receive numerous emails and videos of ships seen all over the world at that particular time, so something happened. I received an article that was channeled by Kryon about October 14. In this article it said that those on the other side had been expecting a large world wide earthquake around that time period. In the past, every large consciousness shift was accompanied by a large earth event. This is apparently the first time a major consciousness shift has happened without a large earth event.

A friend of mine was informed by a psychic that there would be an anomaly over Seattle on October 15 at 3:00 PM. She called me a little after 3:00 and said look at the sun - it is blue. I did look at the sun for a couple of seconds and it was a gorgeous blue. (I don't recommend looking at the sun in the afternoon.) The inside of the sun was a beautiful blue and the rim was an intense electric royal blue. There was also a green aura around the sun. I've never seen a blue sun before, have you? Then three hours later I ended up in the emergency room. Something happened, at least to me.

I believe we went through a consciousness shift at that time. I know I did because I look at life a lot differently than before I went to the hospital. My thinking has changed. It's like the old stuff is gone, and I look forward to the future. This consciousness shift gives us an opportunity to look at events in a different way. We need to change our thoughts about life. How can we create something new for ourselves when we continue to think the same way we have always thought? Don't our thoughts create? When we think a thought it activates our emotions (energy in motion) and then comes the event we thought about. To get your emotions under control you need to change your thoughts. First there are thoughts - then emotions - then physical reality. To change your life, change your thoughts!  It's as simple as that. It also helps to change your attitude.

At the time of the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987 we jumped a time line into a higher frequency called the fourth dimension. Was anyone aware that our consciousness caused this shift at that time? It wasn't until later that things started to happen on earth that had not happened here before. More people started seeing ghosts big time, they saw shadow people, and lots more space ships. These things were here before but most people could not see them so they did not exist in their reality. The whole psychic reality of the fourth dimension opened up with a vengeance. This is also the reality where the controllers exist so that also came to the foreground. We began to see that we lived in a reality of control and didn't much like that. This became the war between the light and the dark. Isn't it time to let go of that reality and move into a higher frequency where those things do not exist. Now we see Orbs. They are obviously from a higher dimension.

We now have the ability to move into what the earth calls the fifth dimension and stay there. Some people have been moving back and forth between realities. It's now our choice if we want to stay in the fifth. Look at what happened at our election. I felt a wave of hope and love move around the world on the night of November 4, 2008. Let's keep that wave going. To do that we need to see the world the way we choose to experience it. Please don't let negative thoughts creep in to change that energy. We're at the beginning of a whole new era of life. Sure, there will still be challenges to go through but they can be solved if we work together. United we stand, divided we fall. The Orbs were very happy about Barack Obama being elected president. Have you seen the pictures of the celebrations after the election? The pictures are full of Orbs? That is awesome!

We finished the Mayan year of Armageddon on November 11, 2008 (11-11), and what a year this has been. Many people experienced their own Armageddon by losing their jobs, money, business, partnerships, or possibly the death of someone close to them. We entered the Mayan year of the Goddess (feminine energy) on November 12, 2008. The Dreamspell glyph for that day is called Lamat or The Star. Lamat is a springboard that can literally shift your idea of self to a more expanded view point. It is also the harmony that unites all things. The Star has the ability to draw on love to prune away the disharmony in life's experiences. This is the glyph that appeared in England in August of 2006. There have been a couple other Goddess symbols that have appeared in crop circles recently. On July 27, 2008 an actual picture of a Goddess appeared. A number eight crop circle also appeared in England recently and eight is the number of the Goddess or The Star.

To me Barack Obama carries a soft, gentle feminine energy. He is very strong and yet he is gentle. Look at how he treats his wife and children. I must admit that I had misgivings at first. The fact that so many people were just mesmerized by him bothered me a bit. I thought - does he have everyone hypnotized? Then I did his Astrology chart - particularly his Edgar Cayce Past Life reading and here are some quotes from that reading.

He is a very unusual, highly intuitive and psychic individual. He is one whom others may be greatly benefitted by their contact with him. High ennobling qualities are his from his soul journey in the Jupiter sphere between lives. In his past life he has held positions of prominence, most likely on a high, history-making level as a spiritual leader, or politician.

He would be very successful in management, administration, economics and politics. High and ennobling conditions are his criteria in every thing his does. He has considerable capacity to counsel others in the use of their financial resources and investments. This same aspect gives him the ability for careful study of investments, followed by prudent action. Coming from his past life of service to others, he may guide and direct many souls this lifetime. His mental-emotional harmony together with his powerful intellect gives him an extraordinary capacity to communicate his ideas to others. These communication skills, together with his alert mind, interesting conversation and sharpness of perception, all combine to make him a natural leader.

According to the Chinese calendar the year 2009 is the Year of the Ox, and it starts on January 26, 2009, right after the Inauguration. Barack Obama was born in the year of the Ox. A person born during the Year of the Ox will be dependable, calm, and methodical. The Ox person will be entrusted with positions of authority and responsibility. He will not fall short where duty calls. In times of turmoil, his presence of mind, refusal to be intimidated and innate self-confidence will restore order. He walks with his head held high. You can rely on his promises; once he gives his word, he will stick by it. Those are the characteristics of our new president.

Last year was the year of the Rat, which is ruled by Sagittarius and is why the banking system came to a crisis. Pluto went into the sign of Capricorn the first few months of 2008 and the housing mess came out into the open. Then Pluto went retrograde back into Sagittarius and the banking system went into crisis. In January of last year I said there would be speculation and fluctuations in the prices of commodities and the stock market, and those who speculated indiscriminately and overextended themselves would come to a sad reckoning. This has happened.

The Year of the Ox is ruled by Capricorn, and the planet Saturn which rules business, governments, the housing market, and structures. Pluto goes into Capricorn this month to stay for several years, and will continue the transformation process of those things ruled by Capricorn. The year of the Ox will be much different than the year of the Rat. We will feel the yoke of responsibility coming down on us this year. The Ox sign symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work. Every day we hear talk of people losing their jobs. What will they do? How will they survive? These are the things we have to deal with now and in the year to come.

Now, what are the planets doing? The full moon of December 12, 2008 looks very awesome to me. Be prepared for the unexpected. There is an almost perfect cross in the heavens in the mutable signs, which is considered the feminine cross. This full moon is also on the day of the celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who is considered The Virgin Mary and is very highly honored in Mexico. She is also considered the image of the Woman of the Apocalypse from the Book of Revelation. This woman is arrayed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars. On December 12 the sun will be on 21 degrees Sagittarius, and Mars is conjunct at 19 degrees, Uranus is 18 degrees Pisces, Saturn is 21 Virgo and the moon is 21 Gemini. What an activation of feminine energy.

This planetary aspect will be affecting the United States very harshly because the moon will be exactly on top of the United States Mars, and squaring all those other planets. George Bush's node is on 20 degrees Gemini conjunct Uranus on 19 degrees. Mars will be opposing that aspect at this full moon. This energy could take him suddenly out of power, or he could make a sudden military move, although it will more likely work against him. This degree (20 Gemini) gives military honor, and also danger of sudden dishonor. This node activation could also bring death, violence or arrest. The Sun/Mars conjunction, making an aspect to Uranus is a very explosive energy. This is the energy that causes revolutions. It brings fires, violence, and revolutionary action because it gives the desire for freedom at any cost. It causes conflict over money and the banking systems, so it looks like there will be more money challenges.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #55 - 08.12.2008 at 17:38:06
Saturn will be conjunct Neptune in the United States chart. The energy from this conjunction is one of fear and anxiety. Brooding and self-pity should be avoided. There will be uncertainties in business, partnerships, and in family affairs. Public disgrace and scandal may arise. This energy will be felt by all.

This full moon will be activating Barack Obama's chart very strongly. Saturn is conjunct his Mars. This energy gives him a time of heavy work and responsibility, which requires organized action. This means that he can produce practical results. The square to his Mars from Uranus is what concerns me. Large scale forces beyond his control may suddenly disrupt the affairs of his life. If he keeps his cool he should be able to handle this energy all right.

The parts of the world that will be affected by this cross are India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Europe, the South Pacific, the Midwest states, and the states along the Mississippi River. At the same time this cross is in the heavens, Mercury and Pluto are conjunct over the New Madrid fault. This could bring storms, flooding, earthquakes, or both. This is a very powerful chart. It may also affect the West Coast of America.

The energy from this planetary cross will be in effect for about a week before the full moon, and about two weeks after. We will soon start to feel this energy. What energy to have in effect right before Christmas. Just remember - we as a group consciousness create our world reality. We as an individual create our personal reality. All is Well in My World! I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Holiday Season. Enjoy the company of your friends and family, give thanks for all your blessings and stay cool, calm, and collected.

So Be It!          I send you my love!               *****Mahala*****
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #56 - 14.02.2009 at 03:17:19
Planet Alert

February 2009

It's February already. Where did January go? Time is just flying by. We had the Inauguration of a new President on January 20, and what an occasion that was. Did you see all the people that showed up for that event? I saw a picture of the Capital building with thousands of people in front of it. This is an awesome event because the Capital is a Stargate to a higher dimension. William Henry has done a lot of research on that subject. He has interpreted all the symbols in the Capital building. If you are interested in his research work type Williamhenry.net into your search engine.

Washington D.C. lines up with the star Sirius in the heavens. This means that the capitol building is the Sirian Stargate. The Sun was lined up with Sirius on July 4, 1776 when The Declaration of Independence was signed. The Egyptians start their New Year in July around the twenty third when Sirius is rising in the heavens. The symbology of the Egyptians is found in the layout of Washington D.C. and it is also found on our dollar bill. I was in Washington D.C four years ago just after the Sirian Stargate had opened. I was sight-seeing on the Mall and felt love energy just pouring into that area. I thought; am I the only one feeling this energy? I felt it the whole nine days I was there and it was wonderful. I knew at that time this energy would change our government but it would take awhile. First of all the corruption had to be brought to the surface for everyone to see. This is what has brought the desire for change. It has taken awhile but the change is now here. Only a very highly progressed loving Being can now be head of our government.

I know there is mass unemployment, and many people have lost their jobs and their houses. This is very hard for those who are experiencing that energy, but I don't believe this will bring our country down. We are just experiencing change because the old ways of doing things has to be changed for the new to come in. The name Jerusalem has USA written in the middle of it. I think God has great plans for our country. We are the land of the free and have been a leader to the rest of the world for a long time. I believe this will continue to occur, although for this to happen we all need to create the world we wish to live in. United we Stand (in thought) Divided we fall.

There is so much bad news on the TV that we need to counter this energy by creating what we choose to experience. We need a new money system that is more equitable, and this is why the old one is crumbling. Stay out of fear as this happens. Become an observer, not an actor. Unite in thought with all those in the world who choose to create a new reality. Maybe we should have a day of no TV or Radio. Turn off the negative vibes and see what happens. We could even make it a holiday.

There are many people who say we are moving into a totally controlled world. I believe we have already been there for several years and we have finally awakened to the fact that we have been controlled and are ready to be free. The planets say freedom right now! What could be a more freedom oriented sign than Aquarius? Think back to February of 1962 when seven planets lined-up in the sign of Aquarius. What kind of energy came in during the sixties? It was a very rebellious energy. There were many demonstrations during that time period because people wanted their freedom.

Now, in the early morning of February 12 we start the new Aquarius alignment. This is when the Moon moves into Libra (7th house). This alignment culminates around 6:00 AM on February 14, which is Valentines Day. There will be five planets in Aquarius, plus the node. During this time period Jupiter will align with Mars in Aquarius and the moon will be in the 7th house.

Remember the song Aquarius. "When the moon is in the 7th house and Jupiter aligns with Mars than peace will guide the planet, and love will steer the stars. This is the dawning of The Age of Aquarius. Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding. No more falsehoods or derisions. Golden living dreams of visions, mystic crystal revelation, and the mind's true liberation. Aquarius! Aquarius! As our hearts go beating through the night, we dance into the dawn of day. To be the bearers of the water, our light will lead the way. We are the spirit of the Age of Aquarius." When the planets lined up in 1962 the moon was not in the 7th house. In this alignment the moon will be in the 7th house. The year 1962 brought in the first inkling of the new age and now it is ready to mature.

In the Mayan Calendar, the way Carl Callaman interprets it, we are in the year of the Goddess energy which started on November 12, 2008. On that day the Dreamspell glyph was The Star. For those of you who have Tarot cards look up the 17th card called 'The Star'. This card has a picture of a women pouring water from a pitcher into a little pond. This is the same symbol that has been known for a long time as the symbol of the sign Aquarius, even though Aquarius is an air sign and I think it should have a symbol of a bird like it does in the Stone Zodiac on the Salisbury Plain. Incidentally, a crop circle of The Mayan Star glyph appeared in England in August of 2006. The Goddess energy has arrived and we now have a new president who is very soft and gentle in his ways but also firm and able to hold his ground.

There was a solar eclipse on January 25, 2009 with five planets plus the node in Aquarius. This eclipse symbolized the beginning of a new era. The Sun and Moon were on the degree of "A Child is seen being born out of an egg. The ancient symbolism of the Cosmic Egg out of which a new universe is born can be interpreted at several levels. Here we see the appearance of a new type of human being who is not born from 'Ancestors' and who therefore are free from the inertia of mankind's past. He is a new product of evolution, a mutant. He constitutes a fresh projection of the creative Spirit that emanates from the cosmic or planetary Whole, and not from any local culture and racial tradition." (Taken from the book 'An Astrological Mandela.')

This eclipse could bring forward some Earth challenges - one of which is the huge storm that is covering a large part of the United States as I write this article. Aquarius is an air sign and rules storms such as wind, rain, snow, and then flooding. It also rules electricity and power outages. Then there will be a lunar eclipse on February 9th. This means there will probably be more storms in various parts of the world.

Uranus, which rules the sign of Aquarius, also rules light and space ships. Maybe there will be more sightings of UFOs or maybe even contact for some people. Who knows? Time will tell. The sign of Aquarius also rules the ankles. Pluto is in Capricorn, which rules the knees. Uranus is in Pisces, which rules the feet. There is a lot of knee, ankle, and foot pain going around. And of course Saturn is in Virgo which rules the intestines. Have you experienced any of that pain?

With Pluto in Capricorn we are seeing a real transformation of our governing systems. There is also a revolution going on in the business world. This will continue for a long time. Maybe we will see communities spring up all over the place with many small businesses. Many new inventions will spring up leading us into a new way of life. There are so many people being laid off that they will have to create a new way of doing things. Hopefully, there won't be violent riots. I am hoping this will be a peaceful revolution, and revolution is what we are definitely going through.

What we think and feel is so important right now. We are co-creators with God and it's time we acknowledge our own power and use it for the good. Don't let fear or negativity get you down. If you start to feel that way exercise, play music, call on the angels to help you, or do whatever it takes to change your attitude. This can be a great year if we create it as such.               So Be It!      I send you my love!

                                      *****Mahala Gayle *****
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #57 - 05.06.2009 at 19:38:06
Planet Alert - May 2009 w/ Mahala
Jun 5, 2009 - 10:17:02 AM

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According to the Mayan prophecies the time of the nine hells started on June 7, 2000. Does this mean the nine hells are over on June 7, 2009? This full moon is on June 7. Maybe a major event will happen that will affect everyone. Time will tell!

I send my greetings to all of you from the beautiful city of Seattle. It's June 4, and the Sun is out in all its glory. Summer is here! My article is a little late this month because I am having a hard time keeping up with myself. Time just disappears into the ethers and then I wonder where the day has gone. Do any of you have the same thing happening? Soon we will be in the time of no time, isn't that exciting?

The triple conjunction of Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron (which has been in effect for a while) is over Korea, and Mars is moving to oppose that conjunction right now. This means there is a crisis building in that country. The US and China are not happy with what North Korea is doing. The North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has already tested a nuclear bomb and in his hands this power could be disastrous. Mars will be opposing this conjunction all month, by declination, so that energy will be in effect for a while. Tempers may flare as this energy manifests. Mars opposing Jupiter means troop movements or a war type vibration.

Mars is in the sign of Taurus which rules money. Mars will stay in Taurus until July 11, 2009. Mars and Jupiter opposing each other may also create challenges with money like the banking system crisis, or the crisis so many people are going through right now with the loss of their jobs and financial support. I also feel there is something going on behind the scenes with the bankers that is about to surface although I don't know exactly what is happening.

There are military exercises going on in Israel right now. They started as soon as Mars moved into Taurus because that sign affects Israel. It is so interesting to watch the energy of the planets in action. The hard part is trying to figure out how the events will manifest because man has free-will. Because so many people are awake, mass consciousness can change a lot of events that were scheduled to occur. With Mars energy over Israel it is possible that this energy could also work into a crisis for that area?

In my last article I said there would be a major focus on either the Middle East or the west coast in May. There were major fires on the coast and there was a major event in Israel with the visit of Pope Benedict to the holy land. The third prophecy of Fatima stated that the Pope would go to Israel, walk up the hill to the Dome of the Rock, and be killed. He went to Israel, stood on the holy ground with thousands of people with him, and was NOT killed. I believe mass consciousness changed that prophecy so the event happened without harm. I was impressed to look in the Bible at the 14th chapter of Revelation, and information came to me. I realized that Pope Benedict had just fulfilled the prophecy in that chapter.

In chapter 14 it says, "Then I saw a lamb (a non-violent person - Pope Benedict) standing on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, and with him were 144,000 (there were thousands of people there) who had his name and his father's name written on their foreheads (third eye). And I heard a sound from heaven like the roaring of a great waterfall or the rolling of mighty thunder. It was the singing of a choir accompanied by harps."

People have interpreted the lamb as Jesus but the meaning of a lamb is a gentle non-violent person. With that idea in mind, the Pope fulfilled this prophecy. There were thousands of people with him when he visited the Dome of the Rock - the site where The Temple of Solomon originally stood. Rayelan Allan of Rumor Mill News said on Coast to Coast last April that she listened to the speech given by the Pope at the Easter ceremony of 2008 and her interpretation of the speech was that the Pope was basically talking about throwing out the money changers who have controlled Earth for so long. Is this control about to change?

There has been a major challenge going on behind the scenes between the New World Order bankers and the order of the Templars. The agenda of the Templars is entirely different than the agenda of New World Order. The Templars were the ones who were in charge of the treasures of Solomon and they were also in charge of taking care of the Holy Grail masters, or the lineage of Jesus and Mary Magdelene. There are many Templars working behind the scenes to disintegrate the plan of the One World Order.

The Templars have tremendous financial backing with all the gold they have been in charge of for so many years. What the Pope said at his Easter service may indicate that he is connected with the Templar order, behind the scenes of course. One year after his Easter speech, there were tremendous earthquakes just outside of Rome that totally destroyed the country-side. Were these quakes caused by the dark ones who play with the
Haarp? Were they saying to the Pope - you better watch what you say because we are in charge.

Revelation goes on to say, "This tremendous choir - 144,000 strong - sang a wonderful new song (frequency) in front of the throne of God (temple mount) and no one could sing this song except the 144,000 (Symbolic number) who had been redeemed from the earth. This is referring to spiritual people who worship the God spark that is within everyone. They are the ones who will start manifesting Christ Consciousness on Earth. Do you know what the word redeemed means? The dictionary states it to mean the forgiveness of sins, freedom from the law's curse, adoption into God's family, deliverance from bondage, peace with God, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I'm all for that - it's about time.

The 14th chapter goes on to say, "Love God, and extol his greatness. For the time has come when he will sit as Judge. (In other words, the change is here). Worship him who made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all its sources." Then another angel followed him saying," Babylon, Babylon (Iraq) the great has fallen. Then another angel followed them shouting, anyone worshiping the beast and accepting his mark on the forehead or the hand will drink the wine of the anger of God." Aren't we at the time period where some people will start taking the mark of the beast? It appears that way. This is not good news for those who choose to be marked because they will stay on the old energy Earth instead of moving forward into the high frequency Earth.

"And I heard a voice in the heavens above me saying, "Write this down; at last the time has come for his martyrs to enter into their full reward. Yes, says the spirit, they are blest indeed, for now they shall rest from all their toils and trials; for their good deeds follow them to heaven!" Then the scene changed and I saw a white cloud, and someone was sitting on it that looked like Jesus, who was called "The son of man" with a crown of gold upon his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. He begins to use the sickle for the harvest time has come."

Many people are waiting for December 21, 2012 for the turning point. I think we have reached it now! After the Summer Solstice of June 21, the energy will be right for manifesting the New Earth. This will be our new job. It's time to live in love and joy and just be who we are. The New Earth is like a blank screen where we will be able to create whatever we want to experience. Our thoughts are very powerful - what you think is what you will create.

You cannot control anything in the new energy. Hopefully we have learned that lesson well. The controllers will not be able to control us anymore because the energy will not let that happen. In other words we have had Divine intervention by the manifesting of this high frequency energy that is here now. All we have to do is learn how to create with this new energy.

I think there are many things going on behind the scenes. It appears really dark right now but it's always darkest before the dawn and I believe we are at the dawn of a wonderful new age. The dark has reached the end of their reign and are about to fall because they will not be able to handle the frequency. There are a lot of good people in the government right now who are working behind the scenes and when the time is right I think they will come forward and manifest a government of light with Barack Obama as their leader. So Be It!
I send you my love and blessings!

*****Mahala Gayle***** Web site www.alcseattle.com Planetalert@hotmail.com
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #58 - 05.11.2009 at 11:04:55
Planet Alert November 2009 w/ Mahala Gayle
By Mahala Gayle
Nov 2, 2009 - 10:12:30 AM

Halloween has come and gone. I planned on writing my article sooner but I had computer problems. The veil is very thin around Earth at this time of year because this holiday lines up with a black hole on seven degrees Scorpio. Every year this doorway to the stars opens and we have closer contact with those on the other side of the veil. This doorway stays open for a few days as we celebrate All Saints Day on November 1 and All Souls Day on November 2, which is also the full moon of this month.

The 13th sign of the zodiac is called Asclepius and is visible this time of year. If you look at a map of the elliptic you will see that the man/woman holding the snake has one foot on the elliptic at the time of Halloween and the second foot between November 30 to December 16 when a solar wind comes to Earth from that sign.

The Hopi celebrate Spider Woman as their creator Goddess. This is why Halloween has the symbol of a spider. The true meaning of Halloween has been hidden. It is actually the holiday celebrating our creator Goddess, Spider Woman. The pumpkin of course represents the Harvest. In the story of Cinderella, it represents the changing of a woman from rags to riches and Cinderella becomes a beautiful shining light. This is what is upon us right now for those who are ready. They are about to turn into beautiful beacons of light.

I received an email of a channeling from Metatron by Lauren C. Gorgo which said "In the light of the next full moon (November 2) there will be a changing of the guard. This change will commence as a result of new galactic and interstellar alignments that will precede the entrance of a new cycle," There is a major alignment in force right now as I am writing this article. The planet Saturn has moved out of Virgo into Libra and is on one degree Libra at this time. Pluto on 1 degree Capricorn makes a perfect 90 degree angle to Saturn. Pluto square Saturn brings up challenges with economic, political, and professional power struggles. This is the time corruption and dishonesty will come to the foreground. Any attempts to use dishonorable means to obtain personal advantage can result in damage to a person's career or reputation. Much stuff will surface to be looked at and released.

At this time Saturn lines up with a black hole in space that holds twenty-seven galaxies in place, which includes the Milky Way. This is a huge black hole (great great central sun) and it focuses into England and the holy land of Glastonbury. Have you read the book "The Mists of Avalon?" When things got too bad on Earth, Avalon disappeared into the mist, or went into a higher dimension. Haven't you wondered why the Da Vinci Code and the Holy Grail became so popular on Earth? It's because France, England, and Scotland were the lands of the Holy family and Goddess energy. It was considered Camelot, the place of higher teachings. It was considered very holy because of all the energy pouring into the sacred sites from the great great central sun. Most of the crop circles appear in that area because of the energy that is focused there.

Unfortunately, the dark side took over that area and placed The World Bank in London, a military base close by, and cameras all over England to spy on the people. This control is about to change because of the planetary alignment that is taking place right now. The controllers are in for a surprise because they are about to go down fast. Saturn rules structures and control and Pluto rules transformation.

I took my two younger grandchildren to see the latest Harry Potter Movie. The setting for this movie is England. I found it very interesting. I read most of the books a while ago to see what the attraction was in those books that made them such a huge best seller. I didn't read the 7th book until after I saw the movie. This book mirrors what is going on right now. It is about the war between the light and the dark and the final scene is where one group (the light beings) say, enough is enough and start fighting the dark ones with their magic wands. The dark lord has taken over the town and the school and it is totally under his control. Then the light ones decide they have had enough and start to fight. The battle goes on but the outcome is up to Harry Potter. He has to stand up to the dark lord and face him face to face. Harry decides that he will stand in his power of love and when they come face to face they both send their power at each other and the energy sent by the dark Lord goes back to him and he is destroyed. Then all the people get to live in peace and harmony. Negativity destroys itself. We do not need to fight. We need to stand in our power.

Let's go back to the changing of the guard. Maybe this means that from this time forward there will be balance between male and female energy. In other words we will learn how to balance our brains so we can become neutral and that is where the power is. Won't that be nice? Libra does rule balance, and Aries, the opposite sign rules the brain. Our brains are being rewired right now and our brain centers are being activated. We can help with this activation by using pure oils in aromatherapy. The smells go into our Limbic system and from there activate the Amgydala part of the brain and the Pineal gland. If you know someone who works with the living oils you could ask them which ones to use. When our Amygdala is activated, we will be able to connect with our own Divinity. In other words we will be able to manifest Christ Consciousness.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #59 - 05.11.2009 at 11:05:27
I receive many emails that I consider negative that portray a very dark future for mankind. I know what is going on in our world but the dark is about to crumble because the planets say so. The dark is holding on real tight and sending out lots of scare tactics to bring us off balance. This is the time when we really need to keep our balance within and to hold the light. Don't get caught in the negativity. I know that is hard to do if you have lost your job, have no money, and cannot see a way out of your dilemma. It's very hard to stay centered when something like that is going on in your life. Something we could do is send love and light to our leaders instead of criticizing them and then watch what happens. We might be pleasantly surprised.

We are about to enter the Sixth night in the Mayan Calendar on November 8, 2009. Carl Callaman says in his recent article that we will, in this coming night, be witnessing the most significant transformation of consciousness ever in the history of mankind. I like that! He also says that the birth will be very traumatic. We also have the 11-11-11 this month, which is a major opening to higher consciousness.

I'm concerned about the energy coming in this full moon, and around the time of the New Moon on November 16, 2009. At that time the Sun, Moon, and Mercury will be over the West Coast in a water sign, and Pluto is square Saturn in Earth and Air signs. This means there could be a large earthquake in the Pacific Ocean that causes a tidal wave on the coast. The asteroid Nemesis is on 3 degrees Cancer in almost exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. Nemesis tends to stir things up a bit. Maybe we could send some light to disperse some of that energy. I have a feeling a large event is on the horizon.

I live on a hill in Seattle but the valley down the hill from me is in danger of flooding. The Howard Hansen Dam, that holds back the water in the Green River, was damaged in the flood we had here this past January. It has not been fixed and they say it will take a few years to repair the dam. There are 30,000 people in this valley that would be in danger if a flood came. I've been seeing the dam surrounded in the White Christ Light. The White Christ Light contains all colors in balance, and is also the color of Goddess light. It is a beautiful shimmering white light with gold and silver specks in it. I would appreciate some help in keeping that dam in the light during the rainy season.

We do live in interesting times. I don't remember anyone saying the Ascension process would be this hard. I guess the outcome will be worth the trauma we have all gone through. Hang in there because we are in the home stretch. I look forward to the New Earth as promised in the Book of Revelation. Focus on the larger picture, not on all the negativity that is out there right now. It's always darkest before the dawn. Manifest peace and love in your heart and stand in your power. All is well in my world! So Be It! I send you my love.

                                              Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!                  *****Mahala Gayle *****
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