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Posts: 13
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #30 - 20.02.2004 at 12:31:24
Petra. wrote on 03.04.2002 at 16:31:00:
Ja tudi meni ni čisto jasno, si pa približno nekaj predstavljam. Če ima še kdo kak komentar naj ga napiše. Bom probala do 13.4. stvari razjasniti!

Kali  Smiley žal angleškega teksta ne razumem najbolj, a bom vesela, če boš razjasnila dogodke na dan 13.april. Meni so napovedane za to leto velike spremembe  Wink pa upam, da se ne bodo začele na ta dan, še toliko bolj, ker je to moj rojstni dan  Roll Eyes

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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #31 - 20.02.2004 at 12:33:05
Spremebe so lahko tudi dobra stvar  Wink  Smiley

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #32 - 20.02.2004 at 23:46:10
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Planet Alert April 2004
Reply #33 - 13.03.2004 at 17:09:14
Planet Alert

Spring is almost here, and with it comes a strong wave of energy. There is always an energy wave that comes to Earth at the time of the Spring Equinox. This year the wave will start on March 13, and will continue until the new moon of April. We have reached the mid point of the seven-year tribulation period that started on September 13, 2000. From this time forward, the Earth will go through major changes.

I have a book called The Nature of Reality which was written, or channeled, by Hilarion and published in 1978. This book says that in the midst of the tribulation, a number of natural catastrophes will be arranged to afflict the Earth. One of the most frightening of these catastrophes will be the discovery that a large asteroid will collide with the Earth and will be felt throughout the world as a tremendous shock-wave, initiating earthquake and volcanic activity on a scale unheard of in the written history of man. Anyone hear David Booth on Coast to Coast Monday night February 23? He says a planetary object will pass by the South Pole sometime this year and will cause a shock wave around the world.

David also says that this spring will bring to the Southern Hemisphere an incredible once in a lifetime event with the passing of Comets 2001Q4 NEAT and 2002 T7 LINEAR. Perhaps more interesting though is that the point of crossing for these two comet's occurs by the star Sirius. Sirius is the largest and most brilliant star in our heavens. It is known as the Dog Star and is 8.6 light years from Earth. It is visible in the Northern Hemisphere evening sky from November through April. An ancient Hopi prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". The Blue Star is Sirius. And soon, very soon afterward, Pahana (Christ) will return.

Perhaps more ominous though will be that these two comets will form an X, or cross, directly under the Earth over the south pole at almost the same time Venus begins eclipsing the Sun on June 8, 2004. Venus is the ruling planet of the Mayan Calendar and signifies a very important time period. The Mayans look to this time period as the return of Quetzalcoatl, also known as Jesus.

I received an email from Carl Johan Calleman, who wrote an article about the passage of Venus. To read this article, go to www.OnenessCelebration.com. He says, "To become real, the energy of Quetzacoatl must manifest in human beings. At this time this must happen through the absorption of the energy of light on the right brain and unifyng this with the left. This is really about activating Kundalini energy for which humanity is now ripe. This is a winding energy of light in our bodies, a manifestation of the movement of the serpent of light".

Another interesting event is that Supernova 1987 has become a raging ring of fire. This Cosmic Pineal has caught on fire. As above, so below! The Astronomers expected this to happen in 2005. It is happening now, and we will soon feel our Kundalini rising, and our bodies will fill with light. To obtain more infomiation on this, go to the web site www.HiddenMeanings.com.

The book, The Nature of Reality, and the Bible states that it's now time for the SE Asian countries to come into the act with war and aggression. This could be either North Korea, China, or Taiwan. It's time for the Kings from the East to play their part.

This book also says that before the march of the Chinese army has been completed, there will be a great storm over the entire world, which will be caused by the Earth passing through a cloud in space which contains harmfill chemicals, hydrocarbon materials, debris and larger pieces of solid material. The hydrocarbons will ignite in the higher levels of the atmosphere and produce smoke and other products of combustion which will greatly cut down the amount of light that the Sun and Moon give to the Earth. The burning of the hydrocarbon gases will produce a terrifying display for all to see and will convince many that God is real, and that the final days have come.

The Bible says in 2 Peter, chapter 3, verse 10, that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fire. Then we will have a new heaven and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells.

The Nature of Reality book says, "Prior to the passage of the Earth through the cloud in space, a great sign will appear in the heavens, to indicate to those who have realized the truth, that the last days have come. This is the sign of the Son of Man spoken of in the scriptures. It will be constituted by a comet (or comets) whose tail is divided into a couple of spikes or fingers extending in different directions. Those finger's as seen from the direction of the Earth will exactly form the Greek letter Chi, which is an X or the word Christ". I believe this is what David Booth is talking about.

Tbe Southern Hemisphere will start seeing the comets soon, and by the end of April they will be at the closest point to Earth. The comets will be in the heaven during the Easter season, which to me represents the risen Christ. It's time to manifest the golden light of the Christ that is within all of us.

The planets are very stressful in April. Toward the end of the month, the planet Mars with be opposing Pluto, with the moon making a 90 degree angle to those two planets. This is a very fiery, violent, explosive, energy. The whole world will feel the explosive aspect of this energy. The areas most likely to be affected are the Yellowstone area, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. This could also affect Mexico. This explosive energy will come back even stronger in September.

The book goes on to say that those who fail to understand and heed the meaning of this sign in the heavens will not be able to escape the final period of the Tribulation. This means to choose love in your heart instead of anger, violence and hatred. Up to the time of the appearance of these comets, all of those who earnestly and with their whole heart change their old ways and take up the cross of service and dedication to their fellow man will become entitled to what the Scriptures call the Rapture.

The Rapture is essentially an escape from the horrors of the Tribulation to a place of safety where those who have assembled can work and learn in order to prepare themselves for the new world. The Rapture can work out in different ways. The Bible says we rise to meet the Lord in the air. This could mean being beamed onto a ship or a raise in consciousness into a higher dimension. However you perceive it, that's how it shall be.

This book also says that after the sign of the cross (X) in the heavens, there will arise a great wave of religious zeal, which will burn like a flame in the bearts of its new converts. This religion will be the seed of a new Universal Faith for mankind in the years following the tribulation.

First, there was the book, the De Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, which is about Mary Magdalene. She is the Virgin Goddess, or connected with the sign of Virgo. All of the Temples in France are dedicated to Mary Magdalene, and the temples are built in such a way as to form the symbol of the sign Virgo. Now there is the movie The Passion. It is hitting the world like a steam roller.

The movie was released in the sign of Pisces. The planets signify religious zeal because Uranus is in Pisces and it will remain there for seven years. Pisces rules suffering, both emotional and physical. It signifies a suffering Messiah, thus the movie and the cross in the heavens. Don't you think it's time to take Jesus off the cross and honor him as the risen savior?

The Bible says that Jesus (Yeshua) was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The Lion signifies the sign of Leo, which rules the heart. He gave us one commandment, which is to express unconditional love. He was born a Leo in the age of Pisces. Regulus, the Royal Star of the Lion, has been moving through the sign of Leo for the last 2,160 years. Now it is on 0 degrees Virgo and in the transition stage to the feminine energy.

The mirror image of Pisces is Leo. The mirror image is experienced by being six signs away from each other like Pisces/Leo - Aries/Virgo - Taurus/Libra, etc. We have been in the age of Pisces/Leo. The Pisces influence has brought us much suffering until we can open our hearts to experience unconditional love. The Leo energy rules kings and queens. England's symbol is the Lion.

Now we are in the goddess energy, which started in July of 1991. This is when we first started experiencing the energy of Virgo. The mirror image of Virgo is Aquarius. Now we are in the transition stage of blending our male and female energy into one. This will happen during the time period of Uranus moving through Pisces. In 2010 Uranus moves into Aries, and we start a whole new cycle.

We are also moving from a 26,000 year cycle of Capricorn (materialism, structure, and control), into the Age of Aquarius ruled by Uranus. Tenth level light body is associated with Capricorn, and rules body pain such as knees, bones, dizziness, stomach pain, blurred vision and headaches.

Aquarius roles eleventh level light body. It also rules light, freedom and the Golden Age. We first started feeling the effects of this sign in February of 1962 when most of the planets lined up in Aquarius. Remember the song, This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

We have been moving into this age of freedom for a long time. Now, it's time to start manifesting that freedom. Remember, there is a world of light that is overshadowing this world of darkness. Those who are ready will soon be living in the world of light, and will be through experiencing pain and suffering.

So Be It

*** Mahala ***

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #34 - 02.04.2004 at 17:59:04
Mass consciousness creates dramas in order to look at different issues. The drama that is created is like a mirror reflecting back to people what they need to experience. There are twelve levels of ascension, and a major drama occurs with each level. Mass consciousness has been experiencing tenth level light body.

The Earth is raising her frequency so she can move into her expanded light body, and so are we. We were born light beings, although the level of light in each body may differ because some people are able to manifest more light then others. If you raise above mass consciousness you can manifest more light.

There are twelve levels of experience you have to go through in order to manifest your Christ Light Body. With each level you pass, centers open in your body so you can manifest more light. You can also experience more than one level at a time. Some of you may already be manifesting your expanded light body.

Ninth level light body is when the seed of Christ Consciousness is first planted in the womb. The eclipse on August 11, 1999 started this process because that eclipse was on the degree of the birth of Christ Consciousness. The planets also formed a cross in the heavens at that time. The planets were in Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus. This is what is considered the son cross.

Next we went into the nurturing process as the seed began to grow. Then we moved into labor pains. Tenth level light body is the labor pains. This can be a very traumatic time period as issues we thought we had dealt with years ago arise once again to be looked at and released. To pass this initiation we have to remove all fear from our body.

Tenth level light body is ruled by the sign Capricorn and the planet Saturn, which is the great tester. The testing time started big time after September 11, 2001. This is when we moved into the terrorist war which brought all of our fears to the surface. People became afraid of flying, which caused the airlines great financial challenges along with the companies who build airplanes. This in turn caused the whole economy to go down and affected everyone. Many people lost their jobs and became unemployed. This brought up the challenge of security and financial issues.

This also brought to the surface dark energy and dark beings who live on fear, that is their food. Do you want to continue to feed them? The New World Order can only control you if you live in fear. Our fears have been surfacing big time for the past two and one half years. Have all of your fears surfaced so you could look at and release them? What are your fears? Are they fears of being sick, fears of not having money, fears of not being loved, fears of abandonment or rejection, fears of being shot or killed? What are your fears? Now is the time to release them.

Some of the physical challenges of tenth level light body are blurry vision, gaining weight, bloating, water retention, dizziness, falling down, and problems with bones, teeth or arthritis. Back pain is also part of the body pain because muscles can also be affected. Lower back pain is connected with survival issues and the first chakra.

Many people have been clearing and cleansing their chakras in the past few months so the Kundalini energy can come up the spine unobstructed. This may have manifested as old health challenges that you thought you had dealt with long ago. Your body is clearing out old issues that have been stored in your body.

This cleansing process started with the Root Chakra which rules survival issues. Pain in the back, pelvis, legs, digestive problems like irritable bowl syndrome, or constipation are all issues connected with your Root Chakra. This is where your problems start as you move into your light body. This chakra also rules issues of trust. If this chakra has been blocked in some way you may have experienced those problems your whole life. You may want to try Yoga if this chakra is blocked.

The next chakra is the second chakra which is at the base of your spine. This rules sexuality and financial problems. If this chakra is blocked, you will experience problems with sex, hemorrhoids, or financial woes. This energy can make you feel inadequate financially, and give you poverty consciousness or low self esteem. You may also have challenges dealing with the business world. Dancing is very good to activate this chakra.

The third chakra is the Solar Plexus. This Chakra represents power and control issues. This chakra has been connected with third dimension energy. If it is blocked you may have problems with your digestive system like your stomach, obesity, or liver challenges. This is where you get your gut feeling about what is happening. It's also the seat of your intuition. Deep breathing is good to release tension in this area.

The fourth is your heart chakra. This is where we manifest love or compassion. If your heart chakra is unawakened, you are very logical and intellectual, or what some people call cold. This is where we hold feelings of past pain. The heart chakra is associated with the thymus gland, heart, and lungs. The challenges can manifest as breathing difficulties, heart problems or circulatory challenges. Meditation focusing on compassion is good for this chakra.

The fifth chakra is the throat and is located in the neck. The throat chakra is the entrance to our whole being and is the exit point of our feelings. If there is a blockage in this chakra it will hinder our ability to express ourselves or to receive love. This is where we experience the balance between giving and receiving. Challenges in this chakra can affect your throat, mouth, teeth, neck, jaw, addictive behavior and allergies. Chanting and singing is good for this chakra.

The sixth chakra is the third eye. This is the chakra of your higher consciousness. It is the chakra that is connected with being able to see beings from other dimensions. Negative thinking patterns such as criticism or judgment can affect this chakra which in turn affects the nerves, brain disorders, headaches, and the immune system. Visualization is good for this chakra.

The crown or seventh chakra is located at the top of your head. This is where the Ego dissolves into cosmic consciousness. If this chakra is blocked, it results in a strong Ego and resistance to spiritual growth. It can also cause depression or sadness. Meditation is the key to enlightenment.

Eleventh level light body is ruled by the sign Aquarius, and the planet Uranus. Uranus rules light so this is when we start to glow and become younger looking. We also start to experience more joy at this time. There are also challenges with this level. You may experience electrical anomalies like electrical surges running through your body and out your hands or feet, or static electricity. You may also experience brain problems like headaches, eye problems or other manifestations as your nervous system is rewired.

Twelfth level light body is ruled by the sign Pisces, and the planet Neptune. This is when we start living in Cosmic Consciousness and what we think is what we get immediately. The challenges with this level are problems with feet and emotional turmoil. This is the time we need to decipher what is true and what is false. Many belief systems will tumble. On June 8, the planets form another cross in the heavens. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be in Gemini. The moon and Uranus will be in Pisces. Jupiter will be in Virgo and Pluto will be in Sagittarius. That is six planets plus the moon forming a mother cross. This is also the day Venus eclipses the Sun. This means it is time for heart energy to manifest big time.

Number thirteen is the mother energy. This is a soft, gentle, loving energy. By moving into this loving energy and manifesting a higher consciousness, we will be living on a higher dimension world of light and love. I believe this is what the Bible calls the Rapture. To me it is graduation.

Congratulations to those who are ready to graduate at the time of the full moon eclipse on May 4, 2004. This is the culmination of the Wesak festival which starts on April 27 and lasts until May 4. Not everyone will graduate although those who have been working so hard for so many years to manifest their light body will do so. Those who don't graduate will have other opportunities. I can't tell you who will graduate, that you will have to know yourself. If you start living in joy, health, and abundance, with a younger looking body, you will know you have made it.

The Bible says that those who are sealed in their forehead will not be hurt in any way as the Earth goes through her great tribulation. The sealing of the third eye is the clearing and cleansing of our chakra systems so a beautiful blue light can be seen glowing from our third eye, at least on the etheric level. I believe this corresponds with the light from the super nova that happened in February of 1987. According to the scientists, this eye in the sky has now caught fire and glows. As above, so below.

No one came here to save us, this we had to do ourselves by raising our frequency so we could manifest higher consciousness. I believe now is the time when we will walk and talk with the masters face to face. This could be on the New Earth, or on ships from a higher dimension. The benevolent beings manifest a loving frequency, and in order to see them we have to manifest this higher energy. Love and compassion is the way to a happy, joyful life.

So Be It! I send you my blessings!

*** Mahala ***http://www.alcseattle.com/planet.php?DIR=2004-03_04&SEC=Articles&SUBSEC=planet_a...
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #35 - 14.06.2004 at 01:55:36
May 2004
by Mahala

The culmination of this year's Wesak festival is May 4, 2004. It's graduation time! You may or may not notice any difference in your life right away although you will as time goes on if you have released all of your fear issues. If love now rules your life, you will become happy, healthy, full of life energy and you will be able to manifest abundance very easily. Love is letting go of fear.

There are three large comets in our sky right now. This is very unusual. Comets portray important events. This Wesak festival has been very important. I hear a doorway to the sixth dimension opened on April 27, and in the Pacific Northwest it opened with a tremendous wind storm.

The number six rules the energy of love and we are in a six year. The Christ energy is six-sided like a crystal. A crystal is the Christ energy in a solid form. Our bodies are changing from being carbon-based to crystal-based. The children who are being born now are called the Crystal children. The Indigos came in first to break down the paradigm and to bring in information. The crystals are here to set up a new system based on love.

June is the sixth month of the year. The Venus Sun eclipse on June 8, 2004 will open the door to ascension, which will stay open until June 6, 2012. This is a period of eight years. Everyone vibrates at their own frequency, and when that frequency reaches a certain level, they automatically ascend into a higher vibration. Ascension is not a one-day manifestation. We have been working on it for several years by cleansing our body, mind, and emotions.

We have now reached the division point of no return. The light will get brighter, and the dark will get darker. The time line is splitting. There will be one world of war and violence and another one of peace and joy. The world of war and violence will be under a One World government that will be out in the open. It's in effect now, although it is behind the scenes and not everyone is aware of what is going on.

We have moved through the energy of Mars opposing Pluto. You can see what happened in the Middle East as we were moving through that energy. There was much violence in that area. This violence will continue because of the energy from the May 4 eclipse that is over the Middle East. Korea was also under the energy of the Mars/Pluto opposition, and the energy of Neptune. Neptune rules gas, and North Korea had a tremendous gas explosion on one of their trains that killed hundreds.

The May 4 eclipse finds the Sun making a ninety degree angle to Neptune. This planet rules drugs, gas, oil, ships, fish, and the ocean. On the lower level it is the planet of delusion or deception. Remember, we are in the Chinese year of the Monkey, or the trickster. On the positive level it rules feminine love energy.

The energy from this eclipse will be felt on the West Coast of the United States, the Middle East, and the SE Asian countries like Korea. The Middle East will feel it very strongly. There will be more violence and blood-shed in Iraq, Israel, and the surrounding countries. The SE Asian countries will feel the effects of Neptune. Be aware of what happens there.

Venus will be opposing Pluto at the time of this eclipse and will be retrograde shortly after that. When a planet is retrograde, it seems to have more power then when it is direct, which means the Venus energy will be at its strongest point when Venus eclipses the Sun on June 8. This means that the Sun will absorb the energy of Venus and then send that energy to Earth. Venus is considered the planet of love or the Woman Goddess. This energy should be very good for feminine issues.

Mars will move into the sign of Cancer shortly after the May 4 eclipse. It will be moving into a conjunction with the planet Saturn. We will feel this stressful energy very strongly until it reaches its exact conjunction on May 23. On that day Mars and Saturn will be conjunct right over Washington, D.C. Mars is the war planet and Saturn rules control. Watch for big time control issues to surface at that time.

This conjunction will be on top of George Bush's Sun, and the Sun of the United States chart. This is a very awesome aspect. Saturn is the planet of karma and this means that Bush's karma, and the United States' karma will come home to roost. President Bush is in a very stressful period right now and this will continue until fall. Anything could transpire with this energy, and that is why I am not making any presidential predictions until that energy is over.

We are living in very interesting times. Who knows what will happen next? In the meantime, start manifesting your glorious light body, and live in a world of peace and love.

I send you my blessings!

*** Mahala ***

I am a distributor for The Masters Miracle products. They are absolutely wonderful. Check out my web site at: http://Mahala.themastersmiracle.com. I can be reached at:
P.O. Box 69613
Seatac, Wa 98168

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #36 - 14.06.2004 at 02:00:06
June 2004
by Mahala

Rumors are rampant on the Internet about a major event that will transpire in June. I am paying attention to these rumors because they fit in with Bible prophecy. In my April Planet Alert I mentioned that it is time for the Earth to move through a debris cloud in space that is full of meteors. This cloud will cause the Sun and moon to darken, and the light will be reduced by about one-third.

We may have already started feeling the effects of this cloud. We felt the effect of a meteor exploding in our area on June 3, 2004. This caused a large bang as the meteor exploded into light which was seen all over the greater Seattle area. On June 5 another one exploded over Arkansas.

In Bible prophecy, we are finishing the 18th chapter of Revelation. New York was attacked and Babylon (Baghdad) was destroyed. The very end of that chapter says that a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone (asteroid or meteor?) and threw it into the sea, saying. "So shall Babylon be thrown down with violence, and shall be found no more." I believe this is referring to a change in the world financial system because of some world wide event that happens, like maybe an asteroid falling into the ocean, or more bombs dropped somewhere on Earth. Only time will tell.

The 19th chapter, in my interpretation, refers to space ships appearing in our heavens and the return of Christ Beings. The Mexican defense minister has already come forth and said that UFOs are real. This happened in May of 2004. Then the 20th chapter of Revelation talks about the downfall of the controllers. The 21 and 22 chapters talk about living on the new Earth which some people call Planet Two.

In the last chapter of Daniel it says "How long shall it be till the end of these wonders?" The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream, raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven; and I heard him swear by him who lives for ever that it would be for a time, two times, and half a time; and that when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all these things would be accomplished. I heard but I did not understand.

Then I said "O my lord, what shall be the issue of these things?" He said "Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand."

From the time that the burnt offering is taken away, (the election was taken away from Al Gore) and the abomination that makes desolate (or abominable person) is set up, there shall 1,290 days. I always wondered what the burnt offering meant so I looked up the meaning in my Bible dictionary. One meaning of the burnt offering is referring to a person who gives himself up to serve God, or in this case the people.

I believe the abominable person refers to George Bush who was set up by the United States Supreme Court to be our president on December 12, 2000.  The end of his power, according to this prophecy if I am right, is June 24, 2004. That date is the end of 1,290 days.   This date marks a turning point in history. The Bible then says blessed is he who waits and comes to 1,335 days. I'm not sure what that means, although it could mean 45 days of turmoil.

We've been in the tribulation for a few years. Now we are starting the great tribulation. Then Daniel goes on to say "go your way till the end; and you shall rest, and shall stand in your allotted place at the end of the days." This is the very end of the chapter of Daniel.

In Thessalonians it says "Let no man deceive you in any way for the day of the Lord will not come until the man of lawlessness is revealed, who enthrones himself in the sanctuary (building) and claims to be the prophet of God." According to news articles I have read, Bush has proclaimed himself to be a prophet of God, and according to him God told him to start the Iraq war. He seems to have fulfilled the above prophecies.

The 24th chapter of Matthew says it all in a nut shell. "When you see the abominable person spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place, then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, for then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and never will be.

And if those days are not shortened, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened." As I am writing this article George Bush is meeting with the Pope. Does this event fulfill that prophecy of the abominable person standing in the holy place?

Then, if any one says to you. "Lo, here is the Christ or there he is!" Do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. This passage seems to refer to two different people. I believe the false prophet has been in power and now it's time for the Anti-Christ to make his appearance under the New World Order, which will be short lived because Earth changes will cause the whole system to fall.

The verse goes on to say "Lo, I have told you beforehand. So, if anyone says to you, 'Lo, he is in the wilderness, do not go out' if they say, 'Lo, he is in the inner rooms, do not believe.' For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man."

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven." There is an eclipse of Venus and the Sun on June 8, 2004. The Mayans call this eclipse the return of Quetzalcoatl.

Then on June 12 there is a conjunction of Venus and Mercury. They will be together as one in the morning sky on June 13. The Masons call this the Shekinah or great light of God. Mercury represents male energy, and Venus represents female energy. The Masons refer to this conjunction as the stars representing Christ. This is the sign of the Son of man in the heavens. Venus represents love. Mercury is called the messenger of the Gods. The symbol of Mercury is a young man flying with wings. He carries a caduceus with two serpents entwined around his rod. This represents the 13th sign of the zodiac called Aesklepius, the home of the Goddess.

The effects from the Venus transit will end on June 29, when that planet turns direct. A doorway to Ascension opens on June 8, 2004, and stays open until June 6, 2012.

The planets are very awesome during this month of June. Saturn will be exactly over Washington, D.C and on top of George Bush's Sun from June 8 to June 23. This is when Karma comes home to roost. Saturn will be conjunct Mars by declination for the whole month of June. Mars conjunct Saturn pertains to military action, police, firemen, and control issues. Last month on May 22, there was a Mars/Saturn conjunction on 11 degrees Cancer. There was a tremendous storm over Haiti at that time and over a thousand people died in the flood. Mars in Cancer rules water and emotions. Instead of the effects of that conjunction being felt in Washington, D.C. it was felt at a lower latitude. I also believe the Mars/Saturn conjunction has been working behind the scenes in Washington, D.C. and this month we should find out what is up.

The 24th chapter of Matthew goes on to say "Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Sounds like a space ship event to me or what the Church calls the Rapture, or it could also mean waking up on Planet Two, which is beautiful beyond belief. Are you ready for Ascension?

"Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the son, but the father only. As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. And in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of man. Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect."

It sounds like there are very interesting events on the horizon. The meteor cloud, the Sun and Moon turning dark, the end of the rule of George Bush, the sign of the Son of Man in the heavens, and the Rapture (however you perceive that). There is also on the agenda huge solar flares that will cause the Earth to wobble and shift which will cause large earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tremendous storms. It will be interesting to see how this all works out. By the way, the planets form a cross in the heavens on June 8, 2004. This is considered a feminine cross and there will be 6 planets plus the moon in that cross. It's time to open your heart to love energy.

Our minds create what we chose to experience. There are as many realities as there are people on Earth. Whatever you choose to experience is how it will be. My reality is that I think it's time to buckle your seat belts because it looks like we are in for the ride of our lives. It's very important to stay cool, calm and collected as these events transpire, and stay in the golden light of the Christ.

I send you my blessings!

*** Mahala ***http://www.alcseattle.com/planet.php?DIR=2004-05_06&SEC=Articles&SUBSEC=planet_a...

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #37 - 13.07.2004 at 20:22:45
June was a very stressful month with lots of mental and emotional turmoil being felt by many. There were several meteors that exploded over various cities in June, and I heard on the Coast to Coast radio program that one meteor came down in California and started a wild fire. Towards the end of the month of June there were three asteroids that came very close to Earth.

We are still going through this dust cloud and more meteors and asteroids will be coming close to Earth. However, this cloud did not block out the light from the Sun so we have not experienced any darkness. The darkness may still be on the agenda of events to come. Time will tell.

In my last article I mentioned that the end of Bush's power would come on June 24, 2004, and that this date would mark a turning point in history. At that time I did not know that the opening date of Michael Moore's movie, called Fahrenheit 9/11, would open on June 25, 2004. This movie opened all across the United States on that day.

I think this movie will be very instrumental in waking up people to what has transpired since September 11, 2001. This movie is not very flattering to George Bush's character and I think he will feel the repercussions from it. I think many people are very upset that he attacked Iraq without any good reason, and that so many of our soldiers were killed. There were also many innocent civilians killed and maimed. Millions of people demonstrated against the war in Iraq. This showed me that there are many people working for peace on this beautiful planet.

I am observing the part George Bush is playing in this great drama. He might be a great soul who chose to come here to play this part for the world's benefit. Who knows! Would you like his job? I think we should honor and pray for him because of the part he is playing. He is causing people to look at their dark side so they can integrate that energy and release all their fears.

The greatest lesson to learn in this solar system is the one of power and control. Before you can be liberated you have to pass the initiation concerning power and control. This lesson was Lucifer's downfall. He wanted to control everything. Now we find ourselves in the midst of this great lesson. Our government is trying to control us big time. Do you want to live under restriction or freedom, it's your choice. Freedom comes from within.

The planet that rules control is Saturn. This planet restricts, until the freedom of Uranus is obtained. Saturn is the planet of karma, which is simply the law of cause and effect. What you sow is what you will reap. Saturn also brings rewards when you are ready.

Now is the time when George Bush will have many challenges because what he has sown will come home to roost as Saturn continues aspecting his Sun. Saturn was exactly on top of his Sun in June, and they released the movie Fahrenheit 9/11. Then, on July 8, the Sun was conjunct Saturn on top of his Sun. His birthday is July 6. This Sun/Saturn aspect will also be conjunct the USA Sun which is on 13 degrees Cancer. This means that the USA will also reap what it has sown, good or bad.

It takes Saturn approximately 29 or 30 years to move through the zodiac. In August of 1974, Saturn was on 13 degrees Cancer and president Nixon resigned. Now Saturn is back in the same spot. It will be interesting to see what transpires this time.

I have said in my past articles that Bush came in as a war president. This is because his node is conjunct the USA Mars and your node is your destiny. All year long the planet Pluto will be opposing Bush's node and the USA Mars. This is not a good aspect for Bush or the USA. It causes power struggles involving political, professional or military action. Conflicts can arise over various issues and it can cause terrorist action. This aspect finally starts moving off in December of 2004.

This past full moon was very emotional for many people because Cancer is an emotional water sign. I could say there will be lots of rain this month although Mars is in the hot fire sign of Leo which may change the outcome. I think the outcome will depend on where you live. If your area is influenced by the water sign Cancer, like the East Coast is, you will have rain and storms. If your area is more influenced by the fire sign Leo, you will experience heat, drought, fires, violence, or volcanic eruptions.

On July 26 we start a new year according to the Mayan Dreamspell calendar. The glyph for this year is the Blue Storm which is ruled by the planet Pluto. This means there will be lots of storms and natural disasters all over the world this year. The Blue Storm Glyph is over Hawaii and also affects the West Coast.

Activation of our DNA

The ancients considered the conjunction of Venus and Mercury at the time of the helical rising of Venus very important. The Venus/Mercury conjunction happened on June 12 -13 this year. The helical rising happened on June 14. This conjunction activated our three brains which are the reptilian, belly, and heart brains. This corresponds with our conscious mind, subconscious mind, and our superconscious mind. You could also call it body, mind and spirit. These three brains have now become one in those who were ready for the activation. This means that you can now think with your heart.

In order to think with your heart you first have to feel safe inside.  If your nervous system continues to respond to fight or flight, you are not reconnected. We have had an immune system based on fighting within our bodies. Our white blood cells are sent out to fight the virus, bacteria, and foreign objects that invade us. This means we have been fighting a war in our bodies. Now we are on the verge of a whole new immune system that is based on all of the chakras being connected to the heart.

This new immune system will bring health instead of disease. I imagine there will be an integration period as those whose brains were reconnected adjust to the new system. Everyone will have the opportunity to move into this new system when they are ready. Some may not choose to experience it in this life time. Those who choose to live on the new Earth will manifest the new immune system.

Our heart is an amazing organ. Did you know that within the fifth chamber of your heart, in an air tight cell, there is a perfectly formed Divine Being. A doctor from Canada X-rayed the human heart and found a flame of light inside the fifth chamber. He X-rayed the flame three thousand times and in the flame he saw this Divine Being. It is a chamber separate from Matter, and no medical probing could ever discover it. It is the connecting point of the mighty crystal cord of light that descends from your God presence to sustain the beating of your physical heart, giving you life, purpose and cosmic integration.

This flame is the Lord God of your Being. I have always prayed to the Lord God (male/female) of my Being in the inner chamber of my heart. I also fill my heart with the rose pink light of love, and feel this love flowing through my body filling all my cells. I then say I glow with the love of God. So Be It! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

There are several wonderful articles on the Crimson Circle web page. The one that caught my eye is the article for May, 2004. It is called 'The Safe energy is the foundation for imagination'. This article is about how to feel safe on the inside and on the outside. You cannot think with your heart until you feel safe inside.

This article also talks about the unsafe energy that we have felt for so long. It says: "We know so often it has felt unsafe inside, the battles that go on in your mind, unsafe of even being in this physical body, wondering when it's going to give out on you, when its going to betray you. In a sense you've hidden yourself away within yourself because it felt very unsafe inside. There are demons and energies there that seem overwhelming to you, it has been very unsafe on the inside".

This article goes on to talk about how to feel safe on the inside and it also talks about how to create through your imagination and how to let your imagination soar to new heights. If you are interested in finding out how to create through your imagination, and how to become safe on the inside and the outside, read the article. The web site is: www.crimsoncircle.com.

We are living in a very exciting time period. We are being given the opportunity to become creators on a large scale. It's time to start creating from our heart energy instead of our subconscious mind. It's time to live in the Now! We are still in the process of working through the last chapters of Revelation. As soon as we become free and safe inside we will be living the new energy. We will then have a blank screen to create whatever we choose to experience. So Be It!

I send you my blessings!

*** Mahala ***


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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert September 2004
Reply #38 - 09.09.2004 at 21:33:08
On July 26, 2004 we entered into the year of 'The Storm' in the Mayan Dreamspell calendar. Shortly after entering the storm year, the hurricane Charley blew into Cuba and Florida. Rain, storms, and flooding will continue throughout this year.

It's interesting how Astrology works. At the time Charley blew in, the planet Saturn was in the sign of Cancer on 21 degrees. This transposes to 70 degrees west longitude which runs down the East Coast of the USA. The moon was also in Cancer. On a world map, Cancer rules the area from the Mississippi River to the East Coast, or from 60 to 90 degrees west Longitude.

Venus was at 19 N declination (latitude) and Saturn was at 21 N declination. The moon was on 27 N declination on August 12, which is also the closest point to the northern hemisphere. On August 14, Charley blew into Florida. Look on a world map and see where the longitude and latitude lines cross. This is where the hurricane blew in. Maybe some scientist out there would like to take a look at how the moon and planets affect our Earth.

Some scientists are finally recognizing Astrology as a science. There was an article on the front page of the Seattle Times on Saturday August 21, 2004 entitled Doctors might soon ask, "What's your sign?" Your birth month is linked to certain diseases. It's a very interesting article. There are other scientists like Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist, and Maurice Cotterell, international acclaimed writer and engineer, who have also proven that Astrology works.

I believe Astrology is God's law in action. Before we came to Earth, we decided who our parents would be and when we wanted to be born. This set up a road map for us to follow. We can either follow that road map or not. This is where free will comes in. An example of destiny is the fact that George Bush's node is on 19 degrees Gemini, conjunct Mars in the USA chart. This shows that he chose to be a war president.

Incidentally, both George Bush and John Kerry are going to be hard hit by the planetary aspects this month. John Kerry's Sun is on 18 degrees Sagittarius and that is where Pluto has been hanging out for a long time. Pluto rules transformation and power. I don't think the Republican Convention will go as planned because the Sun is opposing Uranus. This can cause unexpected events. (This worked out as thousands of people demonstrating in New York against Bush).

Just before the new moon in September, we find the Sun conjunction Mars on 19 degrees Virgo. This makes a 90 degree angle to Pluto, and affects the charts of both Kerry and Bush, and the USA. Mercury and Jupiter are also in Virgo. This is a very intense planetary aspect, so keep your cool. Mars rules fires, fighting, violence, terrorist action, wars, and volcanic eruptions.

Other interesting events transpired in August.

I have learned from experience that whenever a 'Star Gate' opens, it manifests on Earth by either an earthquake, wind storm, or possibly a volcanic eruption. A Sirian Star Gate opened on August 8, 2004. This affected the whole East Coast, and caused Charley to blow in a few days later.

Sirius corresponds with 13-14 degrees Cancer, and directly affects Washington, D.C. Venus was affecting Florida on 19 N latitude and Washington, D.C. on double that latitude which corresponds to 38 N latitude. Both areas were, and will continue to be affected by that Star Gate opening.

Sirius is a sixth dimension star. This is the level of Christ consciousness or the golden frequency. Because this energy was right over Washington, D.C. when the Star Gate opened, it means to me that we are in for a big change in our government.

I said in my last article that President Bush was given a time period of 1,290 days to rule everyone, and after that, his downfall would start to happen. This date corresponded to June 24, 2004. It also says in the same paragraph that blessed are the ones who come to the end of 1,335 days. If you count from the time the Supreme Court made the decision that Bush would be president, which was December 12, 2000, the end of that date was August 8, 2004. This means that Bush can no longer rule light workers, because we now vibrate to a different frequency.

Something good is bound to happen that will change our future because the Star Gate opened on that day, and Christ energy poured into Washington, D.C. from the star Sirius. Sometimes when a positive energy comes in so strong, it appears to manifest on a negative level to begin with because so many people can not handle the energy. This energy will not only affect Washington, D.C., it will affect the whole world; look what it did to Florida. Watch what happens in September because of the intense planetary energy in effect at that time.

It is now time for light workers to start receiving some rewards for their hard work. It has been a long hard battle, which is now over. As of August 15, 2004, the dark ones are no longer able to interfere with light workers. Isn't that great? It will be full speed ahead for us after the September 14th new moon in Virgo, the Virgin. It's now time to do our work on a larger scale. The opening of the Sirian Star Gate changed everything.People have now made their choices whether they want to live on a higher, or lower level Earth. This will be expressed in the upcoming presidential election. We will be able to see if the people in the USA again choose a war leader. As the USA goes, so goes the rest of the world.

This is the time when the dark side will start to destroy itself. This is talked about in the 20th chapter of Revelations. Events may get very dark on the lower level Earth. I think this time period will last until September of 2007. We, anyone, can now start living in the new vibration which is safe energy. It's simply a matter of living a joyful, happy, life with a loving attitude.


The Earth and our solar system revolve around the central Sun Alcyone in the Pleiadian constellation. Alcyone is a seventh dimension star. The Pleiadian system represents the seven stars before the throne in Orion. Remember, we have to go through the Star Gate in Orion ( Saint Peter's pearly gate) to see the throne of light. The Mayans say their ruler lives in a pyramid house in the sky in the Orion constellation. This is considered the throne of light in our galaxy.

Some people say that negative beings came from Orion. This is true; the negative ones were kicked out of heaven (Orion) after the great war was over. Some came to Earth to stir up wars and to control us. They are on Earth right now and they are the controllers.

The Mayans say that our Earth is the eighth star in the Pleiadian system. The seven stars in that system represent seven dimensions, our chakra system, the seven trumpets in the Bible, and the seven hills that Seattle was built on. The Pacific Northwest is directly aligned with Alcyone, the Central Sun.

On April 27, 2004 a Star Gate opened in the Pacific Northwest to seventh dimension energy. I originally thought it was sixth dimension energy. I was wrong. This Star Gate opened with a tremendous wind storm, and lightening on the West Coast. After that opening, we had lots of storms and lightening, particularly around the summer solstice. Once a Star Gate is open, it affects the whole world.

The Pleiadian system represents Goddess energy. Now everyone has the opportunity to open to the seventh dimension. This gives us the opportunity to connect all seven chakras to our heart. This will bring in our new immune system and this is when we will become healthy. This is also why those who connect and work through their heart energy will not be hurt as the world goes through the rest of her tribulation.

The goddess energy is an iridescent silvery crystalline energy ruled by the Platinum Ray. Platinum has a higher frequency than gold, and is much more expensive than other metals. This silver ray is a very beautiful energy. I saw it several years ago as a silver light (almost white) with all different colored sparkles in it. You might want to meditate on this ray coming into your body and connecting with your seven chakras and your heart.

In the beginning there was the gold and silver ray. Out of the silver ray came the other colors and all of creation. In other words, the goddess energy is the creator ray. It's time to connect to this beautiful ray that is held deep within your emotional body, or heart chakra. This ray will expand the flame in your heart so you can live on a fifth dimension Earth, manifesting the love of the seventh level goddess ray. On March 23, 1993 all of the black holes in our galaxy opened to a new frequency. This energy was on one frequency not two. This is when the oneness energy first showed up on Earth. In December of 1993, there was a 5.2 earthquake in Egypt. This opened the acupuncture points of the pyramid so this new energy could travel around the world to all of the sacred sites.

Then in July of 1999, the Earth opened her vortexes to accept feminine energy. Many vortexes opened to the triple circular pattern of the magnetic flow of goddess energy. Then on August 11, 1999, there was a total solar eclipse with a cross in the heavens on the degree of Christ Consciousness. We have been in the process of clearing ourselves of negative thoughts and feelings since 1993.

The goddess energy is loving, watery, and emotional. The Earth is expressing this by all of the water events that are now happening on Earth. The ice at the North Pole has melted. There is hardly any ice left there anymore. In the Antarctic, two ice shelves have broken away and slipped off into the ocean. The third one has started to crack and when that breaks off and falls into the ocean, the level of the ocean will rise and flood all coastal lowlands. We are in the great tribulation. It's happening right now.

Don't get caught up in fear. Love is letting go of fear. You can now live in safe energy because you are protected. So Be It! I send you my blessings!

*** Mahala ***

I am a distributor for The Masters Miracle products. They are absolutely wonderful. Check out my web site at: http://Mahala.themastersmiracle.com. I can be reached at:
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Seatac, Wa 98168
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All IS Full Of Love
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Planet Alert October/November 2004
Reply #39 - 16.10.2004 at 19:52:05

by Mahala


We are in a very important time period right now that may challenge us to our core. There are two eclipses this month. The first one is a solar eclipse in Libra on October 13, 2004. The main challenge with this sign is relationships. Friendships or romantic relationships you thought were secure may end suddenly because of various reasons.

The next eclipse is a total lunar eclipse on 5 degrees Taurus. The Sun will be on 5 degrees Scorpio on October 27, 2004. This eclipse will activate the Pacific Northwest, the Middle East, Russia, and Mexico.  Mt Saint Helens is already erupting, and this will continue to occur. These eclipses may bring up things from the past which may surface in your life to look at once again. Things you thought you had released years ago may surface. This time it will be from the core of your being, and the release of this old stuff will finally free you to be the magnificent, powerful person you really are.

Everyone is asking, "Who will be our next president, will it be Kerry or Bush?" Mass consciousness is what will create our new leader; that is the way it works. I will say that Bush has a very critical chart right now. Anything could happen to him, or to the United States. Pluto is a very slow moving planet, and to reach the exact point of being opposed to Bush's Uranus and node has taken a long time. It is now in exact opposition and will remain that way through mid November. This is a very critical aspect and could be life threatening.

Pluto is also in exact opposition to the United States Mars. Pluto is the transformer and is also considered the God of the underworld. Mars rules wars, fires, and violence. In opposition to Pluto it is very explosive. Sagittarius rules mountains, (volcanoes) banks, bankers, schools, colleges, churches, foreign travel, military, politics, lawyers, and religion. With Pluto opposing Mars it may bring up challenges with all of the things I just mentioned.

Kerry is a Sagittarian with Pluto on top of his sun right now. Pluto is a very powerful planet, and is very strong in his chart . His sun is on the degree of politics, which is what he has done most of his life. He is also a more compassionate, spiritual person because that is what Sagittarius rules.

Bush is a military leader. I said that when he first came to power in 2001. He came in as a war president, which was his destiny. This has proven to be true. Now mass consciousness has the choice of whether they want to vote for war, or the principle of peace. Which will it be? In my article of January 2004, I said that the stars portrayed Marshall Law this year. I was thinking about the United States. I never dreamed it would happen in Russia. On September 13, 2004 Vladimir Putin eliminated popular elections of governors and members of Parliament, a move one Russian analyst said would destroy the last vestiges of democracy. Putin is now dictator of Russia. This is a major event. Why is almost nothing being said about it? This event could really unite the countries of Russia and China.

We, in the United States are still free even though a lot of our rights have been taken away from us. I believe it is time to stand up for our beliefs, and speak our truth in a non violent way. One of the ways to do this is to vote in this election.

Pluto is opposing Mars in the United States chart, this is not good for our country. There are different events that could be triggered by this aspect. There could be more terrorist attacks, more volcanoes may erupt, or there may be trouble for our economy due to some problems with banks or the banking system.

People may say this is very negative information although that is what I see in the planets for the lower level Earth for the next couple of months. However, there is both a positive and a negative vibration that comes in from the planets and this is where free choice manifests. We have the ability to chose how it will affect us.

We may be experiencing the greatest challenges or the greatest rewards we have ever received. The rewards can come in various ways as gifts. It may be a healing gift, or a creative gift, or some new opportunity that may arise in your life.

We may even have contact with beings from space. Who knows? Uranus is connected with new technology and space. This may be the time that the Bible talks about as Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. Time will tell on this one.

In the 24th chapter of Matthew it says, "For as lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man. Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; then will appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the Earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; and he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other."

Some people say the things predicted to happen in the Bible played out long ago. From my studies I have found this is not true. I see the Bible as a road map to what is happening right now. We are manifesting the 19th and 20th chapters of Revelation. This is when the white horse (ship) appears in heaven followed by an army of white horses (ships). The 20th chapter is the downfall of the controllers.

It says in the Bible that Jesus will return. Is that a fact? Will he return in the clouds of heaven or a space ship like the Bible says? I don't see any reason why Jesus can't come back if he wants to, do you? He already appears to many people.

A lot of people I know say that he never left Earth, so why would he come back? They say that Christ is within. This is true because we all have the God spark within us which is connected to all there is. They say why would he need a ship? Don't you live in a house or apartment? Don't you think he wants a home too?

They say we don't need a savior anymore, that we are who we have been waiting for. This is also true. The ships are not here to save us from our sins. They are coming to help people who will be in peril due to the great earth changes. Two will be in the field-one will be taken and one will be left. This is the time period of moving to a higher Earth for those who are ready. Some may just wake up one morning on a different frequency Earth. It may be just like this Earth, except there won't be as many people and there will be no war or violence. Your destiny is already set, and you will be wherever you are suppose to be to keep you out of danger.

If you are picked up by a ship, it doesn't mean that you won't come back. Someone has to set up the new organization for the new Earth that is already here on a different frequency. The lower level Earth will still operate as it always has with wars, and violence. People who make predictions may or may not be right because it depends on which level Earth these predictions are for.

We are living in an exciting time period. This election will be the manifestation of the choices that people have made. The end of a cycle was on August 8, 2004 when the Sirian star gate opened over Washington, D.C. It was also the beginning of a new cycle.

Our election will occur during the energy of the opening of the Halloween vortex this year. This is the time of year when the veil is very thin on Earth, and a doorway between the two worlds opens. This is the time when the creator Goddess appears symbolized as a spider. The Hopis worship Spider Woman who they consider their creator Goddess. That's what Halloween is all about, it's the celebration of the feminine Goddess. Could the Spider Woman have anything to do with the world wide web? This month the planets will form a five pointed star (pentagon) in the heavens. This is the symbol of mankind with two arms and two legs stretched out, with the head at the top forming a five pointed star. Whatever happens now will affect all of mankind.

People are now being given the choice of what kind of Earth they prefer to live on. Will it be one of peace, or one of war? This is a very important election. It will show what kind of choices the people of the United States have made which will effect the whole world. The manifestation of that choice will be apparent to all on November 2, 2004. Vote from your heart. I send you my blessings!

*** Mahala ***
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All IS Full Of Love
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Planet Alert december 2004
Reply #40 - 10.12.2004 at 20:52:39
How have you been feeling in the last couple of months?  Do you feel like you have gone through an emotional earthquake? Have you had challenges in regard to friends or relationships? How do you feel about the election? In my last article I said that events would transpire in October and November that would challenge us to our core.

I am an empath and feel the emotional trauma that happens on Earth. This allows me to write my articles through experience. This past election caused many people worldwide to experience much trauma because they don't see the whole picture. They feel like the dark side has total control of Earth and there is no way out.

I think God has other plans for this beautiful planet. I believe there is a higher plan in the works, and it is spelled out in the book of Revelation. God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to complete. In order to see the whole plan you have to reach for the light.

Right now it appears like the dark lords control this Earth, and many people are afraid.  There is no reason to become fearful if you have love in your heart. The downfall of the controllers is on the agenda, so don't give up.  This downfall is talked about in the 20th chapter of Revelation.

If you want to be inspired, read the 21 & 22 chapters of Revelation. This talks about the new heaven and the new Earth that we will soon be enjoying.  The challenge is getting past the dark stuff. The light is not fighting the dark. The dark lords are fighting each other for the control of this planet. It may take a while before the controllers completely tumble, so hang in there.

The question is what can we do now? What avenues do we have open to us at this point in time?  Fighting against something does not work because it sets up a resistance which causes a lower vibration that can come back to you in a negative way. Working in a positive way to change events can work. If enough people learn to manifest love, many wonderful events can happen.

People will have the opportunity to start waking up this year because  on December 4, 2004, we move into the 4th day in the Mayan calendar. This is the year of transformation of consciousness. This does not mean that everyone will suddenly be transformed into great light Beings, although it does mean that many people will finally wake up.

The highest vibration in this universe is love. Light comes out of love.  
You can be totally enlightened in consciousness, but if you do not manifest love you have nothing. Love is the glue that holds everything together.

In the book Love Without End by Glenda Green it says:  "The mind generates structures as reality, and all of the oppressive structures which you experience in the world are from those mind-generated concepts attempting to create a perfection that doesn't need to be created because it is already there. In other words, the mind breaks things in order to fix them for a price. This includes breaking lives, breaking hearts, breaking souls, breaking relationships, and breaking wills, just to gain the upper hand through some kind of glorified structure." "When the mind serves the heart, anything is possible. Think with your heart. When the heart serves the mind there is nothing but limitation. Emotional energy will seethe and boil into restless liability. The mind will perform dualistically unless supervised by the heart. When the mind dominates, polarity is the order of the day."

We have lived in a polarity universe for eons of time. Now all of that is changing because a new energy is here that is on one frequency instead of two.  We are in the process of break-down right now. For the last 26,000 years we have been in the age of Capricorn. That has been an age of structure, control, and materiality. The dollar became God instead of love. Now we are in the beginning process of moving into the age of Aquarius, which will be an age of enlightenment.

The planet Uranus rules Aquarius and it is now moving through the sign of Pisces.  It started moving through that sign in March of 2003, and it will be there until 2010. This is the time period of many natural disasters because Uranus causes storms, wind and flooding. It is a male planet, and also rules light, lightening, and electricity. Neptune is a female planet and rules the sign of Pisces. It also rules love, magnetics, and cosmic consciousness. It is very interesting that we will have an electrical male planet moving through a magnetic female sign for seven years.

Our universe has been an electrical one for eons of time. In July of 1999, the Earth opened her vortexes to receive the triple circle flow of magnetic energy.  We are slowly moving into a magnetic universe. I believe that the seven-year time period where Uranus moves through Pisces is the time period of the transition from electrical to magnetic energy. Electrical energy is forceful, magnetic energy is soft and gentle. By the time Uranus moves out of Pisces, the Earth should be experiencing the soft, gentle, magnetic energy of Neptune.

The planet Pluto is in Sagittarius and will stay there until November of 2008.  Jupiter rules Sagittarius and one of the things it also rules is our economy. This will change drastically in the next four years. The American dollar will continue to fall. The Chinese are already dumping dollars.  China is now one of the largest economies in the world and now that it has signed a treaty with Russia, the rest of the world better watch out. China also made a pact with Iran.

The planets will be very challenging in December. The Sun will be conjunct the moon and Pluto at the time of the new moon on December 12, 2004. This starts a period of very transforming energy on Earth. Pluto is considered the god of the underworld, or the dark lord. On the day Bush was elected president, Pluto was opposing the USA Mars. This brings a continuation of war and violence. As soon as he was elected, he bombed Fallujah.

The planet Mars started crossing the Middle East on November 11, and Arafat died. This planet will be affecting the Middle East throughout the month of December. Wherever Mars goes, violence follows. Mercury will be retrograde in Sagittarius during most of the month of December. This could possibly bring up some challenges regarding voter irregularities. Things get a little chaotic when that planet is retrograde, so just flow with the changes.

Back to the book, Love Without End. "Evil is not innate to existence. Good and evil were not established as equal and opposite forces belonging to an eternal drama.  Evil is simply disconnection from God and denial of the love that you are!  Goodness is the other choice. Such a choice has to exist, otherwise the granting individuality would have been a meaningless gesture."

"A choice has consequences. So it is with the choice of love or the denial of it. Avoidance of a choice also has consequences, and that is the perpetual dialogue of indecision which results in dualistic thinking. However, when you consider the impact of evil, you must be careful not to judge the hearts of others, simply because you don't agree, or because their actions seem destructive."

"The source of all evil is the denial of love. When a person has denied the love that he/she is, he loses the power to command the affairs of his life. In its place he will use force or deception. Love commands. It does not control. When any person, situation, or element of the universe denies the love that it is, it loses command, and so it snatches control. The result is a heartless momentum of debased values, implemented by deception and controlled by force."

In the book of Genesis we are told, "In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. And the Earth was without form and void. And darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the water and said, let there be light. And there was light." Light comes out of darkness. Does this mean that darkness is love? Is our Divinity hidden in the darkness of our Being? Is everything we have been told backwards? The light force is AH energy. The dark force is OH energy. The light and dark work together as one. There is nothing wrong with dark energy; it is the misuse of it that becomes a problem.

What is the void? The void is darkness which has the Holy Spirit (magnetic energy) moving over the face of it. The void was also a magnetic vortex created within the One Spirit, through which the adamantine particles were called into assembly. Water, in the above paragraph, represents magnetic influence and response, not the liquid substance itself. Water was a symbol for magnetics, which represents love.

When Jesus and Mary Magdalene were here they were overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. After the crucifixion, the disciples were also overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and they talked in tongues. The Holy Spirit (magnetic energy) then went dormant on Earth until November 11, 2004, when it arose with great power and was released from the Pacific Ocean to once again cross the face of the Earth. Many strange anomalies will now be seen by many as this energy proceeds to wake up people.

Water is the substance of life. Without water there would be no life. Right now much of the water on Earth is polluted.  Something very important that we can do is bless our water every day. Bless the water of Earth. Meet in groups and send love to the water. If we can clean our water, we can clean our Earth and our bodies. The vibration of love changes polluted water to a beautiful clear white crystal. While you are at it, how about blessing your food with love before you eat it. The Sacred Heart is your magnetic center, as well as your source of higher intelligence and your life force. This center of your life is a great and powerful magnet. As love, you have the power to attract to yourself everything you need. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, than everything will be given unto you. In other words, find the God spark that is within you and manifest love. Love is letting go of fear, judgment, and control. When you do that, you will be able to manifest joy, happiness, and abundance in your life.

It may seem very dark on Earth right now but remember there is a world of light overshadowing this world of darkness. Reach for the light!

I send you my blessings for a joyful and happy holiday season.

*** Mahala ***

I am a distributor for The Masters Miracle products. They are absolutely wonderful. Check out my web site at: http://Mahala.themastersmiracle.com. I can be reached at:
P.O. Box 69613
Seatac, Wa 98168

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert JAN-FEB 2005
Reply #41 - 24.01.2005 at 23:48:31
Planet Alert Januar-Februar 2005
By Mahala, alcseattle.com

We're in 2005 already. Where does the time go? What's up for this year?
The outlook is not very good for the lower dimension Earth. However, we have the choice of how we respond to events. We can respond by focusing on the negativity, or we can respond with joy in our hearts. I prefer to know what is going to happen on the Earth so I can be mentally prepared for the events.

We ended 2004 with a major disaster. The positive aspect of this disaster was that it was a great heart opener for people all over the world.

I had a dream about that quake on July 23, 2001. My dream was of a huge earthquake. I was in observation mode in the dream so I knew
the quake would not be where I live. The dream started out with an earthquake.  The first quake that happened  wasn't that bad. ( This refers to the 8.2 quake that happened on December 23). Then a second quake hit and it was huge. It shook the whole world. In my dream I was observing tremendous damage from this quake. I had written down that I must have been by an ocean because there was much water in the dream. I was expecting this earthquake to happen some place in the world.        

If I had been paying attention to the planets I would have seen this quake coming because it was so obvious. The Sun was in the Earth sign
Capricorn right over Sumatra at the time it happened. Earthquakes always increase when the Sun or a major planet is going through the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. It was also a full moon in the water sign of Cancer. There were five planets lined up at Christmas, and they stayed that way for a week. There is tremendous pressure when planets line up at a full moon. Neptune, which rules the ocean,  is stationary over the Indonesian Islands.        

There was also a meteor shower present at
the time of the quake. Some say  there was even a meteor that landed in the ocean and caused this quake. This is a possibility because there hadbeen a number of reports relating to fireballs, mysterious lights in the sky, and exploding meteorites turning 'night into day' in both Indonesia and China during December.

Coinciding with these events was the December 22nd report that scientists had identified a
small asteroid after it had passed Earth orbit. It was below the orbits of some satellites. What happened to that asteroid? Did it fall into the
ocean? Another possible cause of the quake was the Gamma Ray Burst that came in from the galactic center on December 21, 2004. This burst could have activated the underground fault which was triggered when the planets were just right. There were also two volcanic eruptions in India right after the quake. There is also a comet in the heavens that can be seen the whole month of January.  

The straits of Malacca, one of the world's busiest shipping channels, was significantly altered by the quake. The straits which separate Malaysia and the  Indonesian island of Sumatra, had its depth cut from 4,060 feet to just 105 feet. This is major because this is a main shipping channel, and some of the ships need more depth than 105 feet to pass through the channel.                    

The opposite side of the world, which is ruled by Cancer, experienced tremendous snow storms around Christmas that played havoc with
transportation. This is the area from the Mississippi River to the East Coast. At the same time the planet Mars was activating southern
California and Arizona. They also had tremendous storms. As I am writing
this article the planet Mars is starting to cross the United States, Pluto is over the midwest, and Saturn is over the East Coast.  

The 9 point earthquake that just happened was predicted in the Bible. I also published the prediction in my article of March and April
2004. The tidal wave finishes up the 18th chapter of Revelation, and lets us move into the 19th chapter. The 17th and 18th chapters talk about the new Babylon being attacked (New York) and the total fall of the old Babylon (Iraq). Then a stone (asteroid - beam?) from heaven falls into the sea and causes a great quake. The Bible says, "Then a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea."  

The 19th chapter talks about the return of Christ Beings in white ships. It also talks about a war happening at the time of their return. We still have Korea, Russia, China, and all of their Arab allies to deal with. At the end of
the 19th chapter it talks about the down-fall of the controllers.

According to the Bible, we still have almost 3 years left to go through the great tribulation which lasts until September of 2007.              

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert JAN - FEB 2005
Reply #42 - 24.01.2005 at 23:49:55
The first trumpet was the first world war.
The second trumpet was the second world war. The third trumpet was the atomicbomb dropped on Japan. The fourth trumpet was all of the volcanic eruptions that have happened on Earth. The fifth trumpet was when the whole world gathered together to attack Iraq in January of 1991. The sixth trumpet was when we attacked Iraq on March 18, 2003. The 27 year
war in the Middle East that Nostradamus talked about started when Iraq attacked Iran in September of 1980. Now the seventh trumpet is about to blow which heralds the awakening of Christ Consciousness on Earth. We have been in the tribulation for a long time.

There are three cycles ending around the same time period. The Kali Yuga cycle gives the
ending date of 2010, and the Mayans give the year 2012. We are getting really close to those ending dates.              

The Kali Yuga is based on the planet Uranus going through the signs. Between 2003 and 2010 we find Uranus going through the water, ocean, sign of Pisces. Uranus is the planet of change, and there will be many changes in the next few years.In 2010 Uranus moves into Aries, and that brings new beginnings.        

This past earthquake is just the beginning of great Earth changes. I believe we will see many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, and maybe more tsunamis in the coming year. The areas the planets are over is where the events will manifest. Right now the Sun is over the
Indonesian Islands and will remain there through February.              
For the past year and a half the north node of the moon was moving through Taurus, and the south node Scorpio. One of the things Taurus
rules is money and we   saw the decline of the American dollar. Scorpio rules the Middle East, and everyone knows about the war in Iraq.   Now
the north node is in Aries, and the south node Libra. Aries is ruled by mars which will bring fire events like fires, volcanic eruptions, war,
and violence. The south node is touching Jupiter. I consider Jupiter the earthquake planet, so quakes will continue all year. The areas most
likely to be affected by this placement are Hawaii, Alaska, and the ocean off the West Coast. The other side of the world is Italy, Greece, Egypt and surrounding countries.  

With the planet Uranus moving through Pisces, there will continue to be great events in our oceans, particularly the South Pacific. The ice at the poles will continue to melt, which will cause flooding along the coast-lands. It is not a good time to live by the water unless you are on
high ground. The Earth is taking a bath.
Unfortunately Jupiter will be making a square to Saturn for the better part of this year. This brings problems with business, and is not a
favorable period for initiating changes in business or professional affairs.  There will continue to be unemployment or a slow-down in
business activity. If you don't want to be affected by this energy, youwill have to create your own reality.

The Chinese new year starts on February 7, and it will be the year of the Rooster. The Rooster likes to flaunt his authority and a lot of
trouble can come from his domineering attitude. Since he also symbolizes a good administrator and overseer of justice, the peace will still be kept, hopefully.

Politics will adhere to hard-line policies. The diplomatic scene will be dominated by philosophical orators who rave a lot about nothing.

Governments will be found flexing their muscles at each other although everyone will be too concerned with themselves, because of the great Earth changes, to care what other people are doing. Big brother will try to control us this year, although I think Mother Earth has other plans.

Another event on the agenda is the Earth passing through a dust cloud in space. This dust cloud entered our solar system in August of 2003. I
think this dust cloud will black out the Sun, and there will be the 3 days of darkness that has been prophesied for so long. I think this event
is the meteor shower Ed Dames talked about on the Art Bell Show.

He said: "when you see one of our space shuttles going up, and then being forced
down by meteor showers, 'pay attention' because this is the sign of the end."

It says in the Bible that not one of the people who have God's  mark on their forehead will be hurt as the world goes through the great
tribulation. This mark is your awakened third eye. In 1987 there was a super nova that exploded in the constellation of Pisces that  formed an eye is the sky. This explosion caused many people to wake up, and open their third eye. The scientists are expecting the gas in this eye to catch fire this year, and to really glow. We might even be able to see it from Earth. When this eye in the sky glows, we can also start to glow. As above, so below.  

In order for your third eye to glow, you need to have nine strands of DNA activated which corresponds to nine chakras. To activate your DNA you have to pass the ninth initiation. We just passed the eighth initiation
which was problems in the area of money issues, sexuality, secrecy, integrity, and relationships. It was connected to the sign of Scorpio.Bill Clinton was the actor who led us into the eighth initiation by his affair with Monika.

On 11-11-04, waves of aqua energy started coming to Earth. Now there is an aqua comet in our heavens. This comet is the color of your soul star chakra at the back of your neck, which is
considered the eighth chakra. This comet represents graduation from that level. We will now be going through the ninth initiation. The ninth initiation is when you have to face all of your fears, every one of them.

There are good actors on the world stage right now that bring fear to the foreground. This will give us the opportunity to look at and release any remaining fears.                                

The energy of  the ninth chakra is C#. This energy is being broadcast to Earth right now,
and the color is red/orange. This color activates your endrocine system which connects to all of your nine chakras. Right now there is a filament
on the Sun which stretches more than 250,000 miles from end to end.

The color of this filament is red/orange. We have the opportunity right now to activate our light bodies. Are you ready, or do you have more fear to release? I send you my blessings.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Planet Alert MAREC letos , YES=JUHU
Reply #43 - 21.02.2005 at 20:08:52
Planet Alert - March 2005
By Mahala
Feb 21, 2005, 10:42

Lets talk about the changing energies as we move through the ninth initiation of releasing our fears. It's time to release all old fears and get ready for the new energy that is coming in at the spring equinox. Once you have removed your fears, love will take its place in your body, mind, and spirit. It's time to graduate and start being the beautiful, brilliant, being that you were meant to be.

Many people have had 22 or 24 strands of DNA activated in their body. This is good, although you still have to pass the ninth initiation before your body will light up. Nine strands need to start glowing for you to manifest your light body. When this starts to happen you will know you have graduated. Fun and happiness also comes with this activation.

There are thousands of strands of DNA in our bodies that the scientist call junk DNA because they don't know what it does. There are nine strands that connect directly with the nine chakras in our bodies. This chakra connection is needed before you can manifest your light body.

The following information is from a Kryon channeling on November 13, 2004. "The ninth layer of DNA is called Shechinah-Esh. We will translate that in our way as the Flame of Expansion. Layer nine is what's missing in layer one! You might even say that layer nine is what makes the 'junk" work! When you put layer nine and layer one together, you get a completion of communication to the rest of the interdimensional layers.

Layer nine, therefore is the bridge. The Flame of Expansion. It's the bridge to ascension - to healing. It's the bridge to mastery. It's the bridge to self-worth. It's what you are trying to reach for in what you are calling The Cosmic Lattice, for that is the energy of layer nine. All of the masters who walked the Earth had the same DNA that you have, although they had layer nine activated and vibrating. (The merging of layer one and layer nine is called the sacred marriage that is spoken of in the 19th chapter of Revelation).

Visualize yourself in a dark room. It's dark as can be - the darkest of dark. The DNA is in there with you, and there you sit watching it. Now I want you to enhance your eyesight. I want you to make it 12,000 times more sensitive than it is. Now you're going to see something, even though it's totally dark, DNA creates light! The room is going to light up and the DNA begins to glow. DNA creates photons, and has its own energy source. DNA is active. It also creates sound or vibration. And it does it all by itself. One strand all by itself, which contains all 12 interdimensional strands, creates light and sings songs. DNA vibrates and creates, literally, sonic energy.

Pretend for a moment, that humanity has discovered a beautiful piano. The piano is called DNA. The piano is not only a beautiful instrument that is complex with many notes that play together, that intertwine in their harmonies, but also the craftsman called God has made the tuning sonically perfect.

This piano plays a tune all by itself, over and over. And that tune is called Human Health. The structure of the piano is called the layers of DNA. There is a musician who is playing the tune and the musician is called Life Force of Consciousness, and it's the Human Being. So there we have the DNA - perfect, creating health on its own, and doing it beautifully through and within the consciousness and biology of a Human Being".

We have no idea what we will be capable of doing once all nine strands are lit up, or maybe even twelve strands. It's my understanding that Jesus the Christ had nine strands activated and working. He was the master of love and what he did we can also do. Jesus came to teach people how to love, and how to live on a peaceful Earth. This we can also do if we have our nine strands brilliantly glowing.

It's my understanding that John the Baptist had 12 strands activated and that is why the Templars honor John, and Mary Magdalene, above Jesus. One is not better than the other, they just had different jobs to do. John was connected with the Eastern tradition of meditation. Their goal is to get 12 strands of DNA activated and glowing so they can be liberated. This means they are off the Karmic wheel and never have to come back to this Earth unless they want to. The job of Jesus was to teach people how to bring heaven to Earth by manifesting unconditional love.

We just passed the eighth initiation. The eighth chakra is the one in the back of your head right above your neck. This is considered the soul star and is aqua in color. The ninth is the thymus center which connects with your endrocine system. This center produces the hormones that run your body.

Now we are working on the ninth initiation of releasing our fears. Fear can not live in a body of light. Love is letting go of fear. Lets get our DNA glowing so we can live on a beautiful new Earth in peace and love. Pluto is the planet that is driving this transformation. It is in the sign of Sagittarius, which is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and Pluto will remain there until 2008, which is the ending of the Bible tribulation, in my way of understanding Revelation. Then Pluto moves into the sign of Capricorn, which has been known as the birth of light. I believe many people will be manifesting their light bodies by September of 2007.

The thymus gland is what activates our endrocine system and the hormones that run our body. The color of this chakra is red/orange. This is one of the colors that is being beamed to Earth by the Sun right now. It may be a good idea to have that color around you at this time.

Another color that is being beamed to Earth from another galaxy is bright peach, almost orange. It is a beautiful color, and I have seen many items of clothing lately in that particular shade. This is the color of our second chakra. By manifesting this color we can move out of a poor me attitude into one of happiness and joy.

The three lower chakras are very powerful, especially the second one because that is our sexual, creative chakra, and it connects to our emotional body. Emotions and water are very important elements on this Earth plane. Our foundation is our three lower chakras. Without a good foundation it is very hard to live in this world. This is why it has been so hard for empaths to stay healthy.

It is also time to activate your third chakra, which is your power center. If you have a good strong emotional body and know the right use of power, it is now time to come into your power by standing up for who you are and what you know. It's time to speak your truth.

Of course, it is always important to run energy through your heart chakra. Think with your heart and love with your mind. When your other chakras are healthy and strong this reflects back to a good healthy body, mind, and spirit. Inside of your heart chakra is a beautiful bright rose pink color, which is the color of love.

I think it is very important that we release our old fears. It is much easier to go through Earth changes if we have no fear. There are many challenges going on right now. There is one Earth change after another happening around the world, although you may not hear about them on the regular news. I guess it would be too overwhelming for people if the news made us aware of all of the changes that are happening right now.

The 9.3 earthquake that happened in Sumatra on December 26, 2004 literally shifted the Earth into another frequency. We have to adjust to this new frequency.If you have been feeling stressed lately, or gone through a physical cleansing like a cold or flu, this may be the reason. A shift in consciousness is sometimes difficult.

There are other possible events that may happen in the future, like a show-down with North Korea. This was prominent in the news lately as the planets moved over that area. Iran is also a challenge right now.

President Bush will be having a lot of challenges in the next couple of months. It starts with the full moon of February because Uranus will be opposing his natal Mars, and Mars will be opposing his Sun. This will bring conflicts with friends, people, countries, or Congress. This energy also brings outbursts of temper. This is an unfavorable time for initiating new projects like the Social Security reform. This can also be a life threatening aspect because Uranus is conjunct his node.

On Inauguration day, January 20, 2005, the planet Mars was again in the position of war god. It was on 19 degrees Sagittarius on that day which is in exact opposition to Mars in the United States chart, and it was on top of Bush's south node. This is a war-like energy and is in effect for four years. The hand writing is on the wall. Watch out Iran, Syria, and North Korea.

Many unexpected events will happen after the full moon of February 23rd, because Uranus will be conjunct the Sun. This ushers in a two week period of unexpected events. Uranus is a very rebellious planet and people may take to the streets in protest of some event. Uranus also rules light, so the positive aspect would be to start manifesting your light body.

The planet Mars is moving through the Earth sign of Capricorn. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will continue, along with many fires. The February full moon finds Mars over Washington, D.C. and in opposition to Bush's Sun

The nodes of the moon are moving through Aries/Libra. This activates Hawaii, Alaska, and the ocean off the West Coast of America. The other side of the world that is affected by this energy is Italy (note the Popes recent illness), Greece, Turkey, etc. Watch for more events in those areas.

The better part of March will see the Sun moving through the water sign Pisces, so expect lots of water events like rain, snow, storms, flooding, and more glaciers melting. This is a good time to spend time sending love to water. Bless the water you drink, bless the oceans, bless the rivers, bless the lakes, and bless the fish that live in these bodies of water. Our thoughts are very powerful. When many people gather together with loving thoughts they can do wonders. Don't forget to bless yourself. I send you my blessings.
6212=21.2., he he
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All IS Full Of Love
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June 2005 Planet Alert w/ Mahala
Reply #44 - 01.06.2005 at 21:38:19
June 2005 Planet Alert w/ Mahala
By Mahala

I am writing this article in mid-May just after the Sun made a 90-degree angle to Neptune. This is a very confusing aspect and I
find it feels like Mercury is retrograde. This is also the time when the Sun is going crazy. Not only do we have the Mars/Uranus
conjunction, we have major solar flare and CME activity. This, of course, affects the magnetic field of the Earth along with the
people living on this planet. It causes major chaos.

Neptune rules deception and that is also coming to the forefront because 89 Democratic members of the U.S. Congress last
week sent President George W. Bush a letter asking for an explanation of a secret British memo that said "intelligence and facts
were being fixed to support the Iraq war in mid-2002". This was way before the war started.

The conjunction of Mars and Uranus in the heavens opposes Bush's Mars in his chart. This is a very dangerous aspect. He needs
to be careful in whatever he does or he could get hurt. There will be a lot of opposition against him in the next couple of months.

This Mars/Uranus aspect also affects our country. The main manifestation of this energy will be the start of a revolution for
freedom in our country that will continue for a couple of years. This revolution does not have to be violent. The above letter may
be what triggers the beginning of this revolution. When people wake up and realize how they have been taken into supporting a
needless war in Iraq, they may tend to be a little angry.

There was also a National Conference for Media Reform held the weekend of May 14-15 that drew citizens from all 50 states.
They are another group for freedom.

We also have the Russian President Valdimir Putin taking his part on the world scene. One Pope left, and another one rises
connected with the Russian Orthodox Church. After decades of repression under communism, the Russian Orthodox Church has
reunited with the country's leadership under the presidency of Valdimir Putin. On July 31, 2003, there was a celebration in the
southern Volga town of Sarov. This celebration was in honor of the reunification of the Church and State.

Putin, a former KGB chief and now a dictator, is an avowed Orthodox believer. The Church that was so suppressed in the Soviet
era has seen a great revival under his presidency and that of his predecessor Boris Yeltsin. Did you know that nearly 70 percent
of Russians proclaim themselves Orthodox believers and the Church has taken on an increasingly important role in public life since
Putin came to the presidency in March 2000?

Then we have Putin standing in Israel offering to play host to an international conference on peace this fall. Jupiter (religion) was
on top of his Sun when he went to Israel on May 1, which was Easter in the Greek Orthodox religion. The solar eclipse on
April 8, 2005 activated Putin's Sun and Saturn in Libra. He has a very important part to play in this great drama occurring on Earth
right now. The United States has a religious leader and so does Russia. Don't you find that interesting? Will they continue to share
the spot light? Time will tell.

The Sun is now moving through the sign of Gemini, which is an air sign and rules communication, transportation, and wind.
Normally there are many accidents when the sign of Gemini is afflicted. Please surround yourself with the golden Christ light and
ask for a safe journey before you get into your car with that energy in effect. Of course it is always good to put yourself in a golden
bubble of light.

In July there will be some changing energy taking place. Saturn moves into Leo and Mercury goes into the shadow of retrograde at
the same time in mid-July. Both of those planets will be in Leo. For the last two and a half years, Saturn has been in Cancer, which
rules the home, family, and religious beliefs. Because Capricorn is the opposite sign from Cancer, the energy from that sign has
also been in effect. Capricorn rules the bone structure of the body and many people have had challenges with their joints,
particularly their knees in the last couple of years. Cancer is an emotional water sign and many people felt much emotional turmoil
during that transit.

Now we have Saturn moving into Leo for two and a half years. Leo rules the children of the world and they will play a prominent
role in the next couple of years. In the United States chart, Leo rules the third house, if you go by a Gemini rising chart. The third
house rules the transportation systems of the USA. Because the price of gas has gone up, we will see a slow-down in the
economy. This price increase affects airplanes, cars, trains, and trucks that transport our goods from one area to another area.
With the price of gas up, the price of food also goes up. We are in a spiral of inflation.

Leo rules the heart and back. We will probably see more people with back problems and heart challenges in the next couple of
years. The opposite sign of Leo is Aquarius, and that rules the ankles and lower legs. Aquarius rules rebellion, electricity, light, and
freedom. The positive side of this energy is that if enough people wake up, we can start manifesting freedom.

Remember, Uranus is in the sign of Pisces, which rules Cosmic Consciousness, and Uranus is the great awakener. It's time to
wake up on all levels so you can manifest the higher level Earth energy. So Be It! I send you my blessings for a happy, fun-filled
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