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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Planet Alert
03.04.2002 at 04:01:57
Preberite in komentirajte-vpliv astrologije na dogodke!

                             April 2002
                             By Mahala

   The emotional energy of Pisces has been in effect since
mid-February. First the planet Venus went through that sign, then
the Sun, and now Mercury is in Pisces until the full moon of
March 28, 2002. Neptune rules Pisces and that planet rules water,
fog, ships, chemicals, drugs, alcohol, addictions, abusive situations,
diseases, infections, foresight, flexibility, fountains, idealism,
healing, magnets, mediumship, pineal gland, rejuvenation, dancing,
and cosmic consciousness.

   This is the type of energy we have been dealing with since
February. During that time period many people were looking at their
issues, going within, and hibernating. In April we will be moving into
the Aries energy, which is fiery and active. Pisces is female
emotional  energy, and Aries is male action energy. It’s time to
take action.

  The planet Venus will move into Taurus on April 1, which means
we will start feeling the energy of  that sign. Taurus rules money,
and with Venus in this sign, it looks like money issues will start to
improve. The full moon of April 27 finds Venus making an aspect to
Uranus, which is the planet of change and surprises, so look for some
unexpected energy around money issues during that time period.

  Mars is also moving through the sign of Taurus. It lines up with
the  Sun Alcyone at the time of the new moon on April 12. I hear the
Crystal Grid will be activated on April 13 at 1:00 PM PDT. It’s
definitely a good day for this activation. There will be four planets
in Taurus at that time - they are Mercury, Venus, Mars and the moon.
At that time Mars will also be making a ninety degree angle to
Uranus. This is a very powerful aspect and could also cause Earth

  The meaning of the degree in Taurus, that will be activated on
April 13, is one that means humanity has the capacity to rise in
consciousness and feelings above biological limitations. Let’s take
advantage of this degree and activate the crystal grid. Picture this
grid as strings connected like a spider web all over the world. Then
picture the golden light coming in from Alcyone and activating this
grid on Earth. Everyone will be at the right place at the right time
to act as conduits for this light.

  The exact placement of Mars conjunct Alcyone is right over the
Pacific Northwest. This means the golden light from Alcyone will
first activate the violet grid located off Vancouver Island, B.C.-
then the energy will travel around the world. It’s very important
to activate this grid so more people can wake up and become aware
of what is transpiring around them. Many people will be amazed by
how much control there is in the world. Once they wake up they will
realize they are great beings of light, and will choose freedom over
being controlled.

  On April 13, the planet Uranus will be on the degree of a butterfly
emerging from a chrysalis. This means we have the capacity to utterly
transform the character of our consciousness by radically altering
the structural patterns of everyday living and the types of
relationships we enter into. This is another good reason to activate
the grid. Uranus first touches this particular degree in April and
stays there until it retrogrades in June. In February of 2003 it will
reach this degree again, so if you miss this opportunity to transform
your consciousness you will have another opportunity next year.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #1 - 03.04.2002 at 04:02:44
Uranus is the planet of change. It is electrical in nature and
rules light, or enlightenment. It is considered the great awakener
and is very rebellious by nature. When it moved through the sign of
Capricorn, it transformed governments by revolutions. Capricorn
rules  governments, and Uranus rules rebellion. Look at the
Berlin Wall - who would have ever thought that wall would come down
and that Russia would fall apart. Then there were revolutions in the
Balkan countries during that time period. There was much violence,
death, and starvation in many countries.

  Uranus moved into Aquarius in April of 1995 for a few months. Then
it  retrograded back into Capricorn, and in January of 1996 it went
into  Aquarius to stay for seven years until 2003. This started the
computer revolution because that is one of the things Uranus rules.
Look at how the Internet has grown and expanded in the last couple of
years. We are now connected to a World Wide Web, and through this Web
has come much information. Uranus rules High Tech, and when Saturn was
in Taurus (the sign that rules money) making a ninety degree angle to
Uranus, the bottom dropped out of the NASDAQ market.

  Soon Uranus will move into Pisces. In fact it will be in that sign
by March of 2003. This is when there will be a tremendous revolution
in  consciousness. Many will start  experiencing cosmic consciousness
on  a regular basis. Pisces is a water and emotional sign. When Uranus
moves through this sign from 2003-2010, there will be many changes
on Earth concerning water. I think this will be the time to stay away
from the coastal areas because the ice sheets of the Arctic, and the
Antarctic, have already started to melt.

  I would like to quote from Zecharia Sitchin’s book The 12th Planet.
He says: “ One endeavor to unravel the puzzle of the Deluge, then,
focuses on Earth’s climatic changes, and in particular the abrupt
collapse of the ice age some 13,000 years ago. What could have caused
a sudden climatic change of such magnitude? Of the many theories
advanced by the scientists, we are intrigued by the one suggested by
Dr. John T. Hollin of the University of Maine. He contended that the
Antarctic ice sheet periodically breaks loose and slips into the sea,
creating an abrupt and enormous tidal wave!

  This hypothesis-accepted and elaborated upon by others-suggests
that as the ice sheet grew thicker and thicker, it not only trapped
more  of Earth’s heat beneath the ice sheet but also created (by
pressure and friction) a slushy, slippery layer at its bottom. Acting
as a  lubricant between the thick ice sheet above and the solid Earth
below, this slushy layer sooner or later caused the ice sheet to slide
into   the surrounding ocean.

  Hollin calculated that if only half the present ice sheet of
Antarctica (which is, on the average, more than a mile in thickness)
were to slip into the southern seas, an immense tidal wave would
follow and raise the sea level all over the world. How could the
Nefilim predict when the Deluge would burst out of Antarctica? The
Mesopotamian texts relate it to the periodic passage of the Twelfth
planet. Both Mesopotamian and biblical texts described how the Earth
shook when the Celestial planet passed in Earth’s vicinity. Could it
be that the Nefilim, observing the climatic changes and the
instability of the Antarctic ice sheet, realized that the next passing
would trigger the impending catastrophe.” End of quote!

  The ice sheets started melting in 1995. Does that mean the twelfth
planet will pass by Earth soon? Several people on the Internet seem
to think so. In the mean-time we have other things to think about.
At the March full moon, the moon’s node will be on 20 degrees Gemini.
This is the degree of the planet Mars in the United States chart. Our
president’s Uranus is on 19 degrees Gemini, along with his node at
20 degrees. This is a military degree, and if activated upon, may end
in disaster. In other words, this means he should not start a war.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #2 - 03.04.2002 at 04:03:23
The Mars/Uranus aspect will be affecting Iraq and the other
countries  surrounding the Persian Gulf in April, so there will be
more action in those countries. The sign of Aries is ruled by Mars,
which is a fiery, violent energy, so we will be feeling that energy
all month.

  At the March full moon the planet Jupiter will be conjunct Jupiter
in the USA chart. This means we should be starting a new money
cycle or an upturn in the economy. Time will tell how that works out.
In George Bush’s chart, Jupiter will be conjunct his Sun shortly. This
planet is the largest one in our solar system and brings with it much
power. He will be feeling that power for a few months. Jupiter also
rules religious leaders and beliefs.

  On June 10 there will be a solar eclipse on 19 degrees Gemini. This
eclipse will be very powerful because of the fact that it activates
the United States Mars, and also affects the planets in George Bush’s
chart. Also, during that same time period, the planet Saturn will be
opposing Pluto. This is the aspect that started the terrorist war in
the first place.

  Pluto is considered the God of the underworld. It is also the great
transformer. Since February Pluto has been activating black hole
energy. Picture a black hole as a vortex. A tornado manifests like
a vortex, and you all know how powerful that energy can be. This
energy can also be used to pull any remaining negativity out of your
consciousness, or in other words - transform it into light.

  Back to April. The full moon of April is a double-edged sword. We
have the culmination of the Wesak Festival, which is a yearly
celebration of light, and we have Mars conjunct Saturn opposing Pluto
by sign.  Mars and Saturn together rule police action, or control
issues  like a police state, and dealing with dark energy. Then we
have the aspect of a Mercury/ Uranus square, which means accidents
or communication  problems.

  This April full moon is exactly over Israel. There will be comets
passing by Earth in April, which will stir up energy because of their
magnetic force. Astrology works by the magnetic energy moving between
planets when they make certain angles. This in turn affects us
according to the placement of those planets in our chart. Astrology
is God’s law in action.

  The next few months will continue to be very intense. It’s nice to
be  aware of what is going on, although we don’t have to be part of
the drama. Most of us came here to help the Earth through her change.
By manifesting peace and love within our own being, we can act as
channels for that energy. Once you have reached a state of
peacefulness others will follow.  Remember, there is a world of light
overshadowing the world of darkness. Who knows what may happen
if enough reach for that world of light. Let’s reach for the light -
and lets  be ready to activate the Crystal Grid on April 13, 2002.

  I send you my blessings for a happy Easter.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 503
Gender: male
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #3 - 03.04.2002 at 14:56:37
Kali! Hvala za tekst.
SUper je , čist zadene, kar se je dogajalo, pa ne samo men, tud folku  naokol. REs divji so bli teli mesci.  In zdej če sem prou razumu,  še pride.
Kr ne bo še miru. spremembe... kr naporno je tole obdobje
 Pa ribe v uranu v naslednjih letih, bo še naprej delo s  čustvi...

Nisem pa čist razumu, kaj naj bi delal 13 aprila?
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Why not help one another, makin it much more easier... bob marley
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #4 - 03.04.2002 at 16:31:00
Ja tudi meni ni čisto jasno, si pa približno nekaj predstavljam. Če ima še kdo kak komentar naj ga napiše. Bom probala do 13.4. stvari razjasniti!
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 503
Gender: male
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #5 - 04.04.2002 at 13:33:51
OK sem še enkrat bral:
ne vem še katera ura je točno to: April 13 at 1:00 PM PDT ?
Ampak, zdi se mi da je najbolj da takrat malo počičamo ispustimo ommmmmmm ali dva,pržgemo svečke, nardimo stojo na glavi,ipd.  ter si predstavljamo kristalno mrežo čez celo Zemljo in zlato luč ki napolni to kristalno pajčevino. Odpremo se pretoku svetlobe in pošljemo jo naprej v vse smeri. To je čas za spremembe, kakršne si pač zamislmo. Čas za dvig zavesti.

Let's do it!
Get the party started!
Grin  Grin
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Why not help one another, makin it much more easier... bob marley
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #6 - 04.04.2002 at 15:56:44
kaj pa če bi kr prvo številko cajtnga izdal na ta dan ???
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #7 - 04.04.2002 at 17:40:20
Kaj pa če bi se na ta dan mi skupaj zbrali in si skupaj to vizualizirali?
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #8 - 08.04.2002 at 14:49:17
Danes sem pa jaz nekaj na to temo dobila v mailbox...
V zadnjem delu sporocila so tudi navodila za vizualizacijo te mreze in vokalizacijo.


HOME H-eaven O-n M-other E-arth

Through this activity of Light, the Golden Light Grid will be permanently anchored into the physical Crystal Grid System of Mother Earth. This will greatly accelerate the healing process of the Earth and exponentially raise the planet's vibratory rate in preparation for our Ascension up the Spiral of Evolution into the 5th Dimension.

In order for us to be the most effective Instruments of God for this monumental event, we must BE the manifestation of Unconditional Love, Compassion and Mercy. We can accomplish this by breathing the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love in through our Heart Chakras, then up into our Third Eye Chakras. After absorbing the Light into our Spiritual Brain Centers, we must exhale It out through our Crown Chakras. This Holy Breath will awaken our medulla oblongatas, pineal glands and the other Spiritual Centers within our physical brain structures.

As you absorb this Holy Breath, feel the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love filling every cell of your body. Feel yourself become the tangible manifestation of Unconditional Love, Compassion and Mercy. As you breathe out, know that the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love is bathing every particle of Life in Its Divine Essence, preparing every electron of precious Life energy to receive the Golden Light Grid.

Listen carefully to the promptings of your God Self and see just where you are being guided to be during the Golden Light Grid Activation. We are all Beings of Light, and we can certainly project our Light to anywhere on the planet. In this activation, however, we are anchoring the Golden Light Grid into the physical Crystal Grid System of the planet. The physical Crystal Grid System of Earth is the same as the acupuncture points and meridians within our human bodies.

Those of you who are familiar with the process of using acupuncture to heal the maladies of the physical body know that, on a physical level, projecting Light into an acupuncture point or meridian from a distance is not nearly as effective as using an acupuncture needle, a magnet or applying physical pressure directly into the point. Our Solar Spines with our Twelve Solar Chakras serve as acupuncture needles. When we are physically aligned along a meridian or on an acupuncture point on the planet, we are much more capable of securing the Golden Light Grid into the physical Crystal Grid System through our Solar Spines, according to the Divine Plan.

The Golden Light Grid vibrates with the Golden Light of Divine Consciousness, Eternal Peace and God's Limitless Abundance. Listen to your Heart's Call. Respond to the promptings of your God Self, and go where you are guided to go. You will be eternally blessed for your selfless service to the Light. You have been preparing for this Cosmic Moment for aeons, and the time is NOW!

Please read the Turtle Woman's Vision very carefully, and keep shining your Light! God Bless You,
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt educational organization
www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace Era of Peace Welcome Page
E-mail: PattiCR@aol.com; FAX: 520-886-4897; Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

Turtle Woman's Vision

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #9 - 08.04.2002 at 14:53:24
Turtle Woman's Vision

The Golden Light Grid Activation
April 13, 2002, 3:00 PM Central Time
(From the Internet: News@Awakening-Healing.com)

The Earth was far below in her entirety, a beautiful blue and white swirling marble in a sea of stars and space. Approaching the Earth, I noticed a grid overlaying the Mother, a five pointed grid, one of mathematical pentagons, honeycombed, one next to another. There were lines that ran through each pentagon point, connecting to the center of each pentagon, creating a huge mesh which encompassed the Mother in her wholeness over land and sea.

I Knew the points of the pentagons and the intersecting lines in the center of each pentagon were the power points along the ley lines. I understood that each point was where a Lightworker needed to be to activate the Light grid to bring full consciousness awakening to all on the planet. I was surprised to see and understand that in reality, it would only take hundreds of Lightworkers worldwide instead of the thousands I had previously thought would be needed to activate the Light grid. An understanding came over me that one Lightworker was needed to physically stand on each and every point on the grid. Once each Lightworker arrived at their assigned point, the Light activation would take place when each Lightworker implanted the Golden Light of Divine Consciousness, Eternal Peace and God's Limitless Abundance at exactly the same time, simultaneously, worldwide.

Then I was shown that it would require several years for Lightworkers to disperse and move to the Light grid activation points. That the breaking up of Spirit Groups would start to commence for this dispersion but many would be reluctant to make these moves, as many of the grid points would require people to leave the comfort of friends, family and spiritually supportive areas to move to rather undesirable locations. Often areas of isolation in one manner or another with little surrounding spiritual support. Many Lightworkers would resist the promptings nudging them in this direction. That the longer the resistance, the more critical the timing in the long run, and the possibility of the grid not being activated with dire consequences for many souls.

The vision transformed again and I was unexpectedly shown a pleasant young Asian man, standing in front of me vignetted. He was small in stature and frame, around 5' tall, somewhere in his late teens or early twenties, and was walking across an open plain on a pleasant day in a short sleeve light or white knit shirt and khaki pants. He smiled at me and I realized he could see me too. I understood that he was Chinese as he stepped to a certain point, stopped and smiled again. I instantly knew he was the last Lightworker to arrive in place on the Light grid, and that it was time to activate the grid. I knew he had made a great effort to get to his assigned point, that he had faced personal dangers to do so, and yet he treated it with ease, joy and knowingness. I knew that once he was in place, that all that had to be done was for all Lightworkers to implant the Golden Light at EXACTLY the same moment, worldwide. I knew that it would only take hundreds, but all HAD to be in place, implanting the Golden Light at exactly the same moment. I wondered if all would follow the promptings they were being given and go to those many undesirable places they did not want to be.

The vision suddenly shifted again, as if in answer to the question. I was standing in a front yard that I knew was "mine," but it was not where I was currently living. I had no idea where this yard, this place was. It was a pleasant spring day in mid-afternoon. Somehow I knew it was 3:00 PM (Central Time - US). I could see and feel a breeze and the Sun on my face, slightly to my right side. I was looking southeast down a street which "T" intersected into the front of the house on the street on which I "lived." Southeast, the direction to simultaneously receive and manifest! (East, the direction of receiving and the Golden Light. South, the direction of manifestation and childlike innocence).

I was standing in the front yard doing what I knew was my daily exercise of implanting the Golden Light within myself, my relations, my property, my surrounding area, state, country, the entire Mother and radiating it out into all of Creation. I knew it was the day of the Light activation and was starting to get concerned as a few minutes passed and nothing out of the ordinary happened. My heart began to sink as I thought the young Chinese man did not make it after all, that maybe he was asleep since it was night on his side of the world.
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #10 - 08.04.2002 at 15:03:20
As I stood facing the Southeast verbalizing and visualizing the Golden Light of Divine Consciousness, Eternal Peace and God's Limitless Abundance, I realized people were walking their dogs, jogging, bicycling, and driving down the street with their windows open with their radios playing. I was not familiar with any of the music. I had never heard it before. People were starting to notice me as they went by and I was a little embarrassed that I was being observed. I felt disappointed and sad as I continued the Lighting while watching an alternative scenario start to play of massive death and destruction in absence of the activation. I sent up a prayer of please dear God, let all Lightworkers activate the grid NOW!

As the prayer went out, an enormous power surge shot into my body like a light switch flipped on in a dark room. I was instantly engulfed in a huge, visible pillar of Golden Light! It came from as far in the sky above as one could see, endlessly extending beyond sight. It surrounded my body several feet in diameter. It was a brilliant Golden radiance, surging with power and energy! I was instantly fully awake and felt like a cosmic spark plug connected directly to the Source. The joy, the Knowing, the total awareness, the complete power of the Highest Good! I Knew the young Asian man had just made the last connection in the grid. I could see him standing in the quiet hours of darkness with a sky filled with stars and his Golden Pillar standing out and illuminating all around him! An expression of bliss was on his face!

My heart soared! I could also see all the others standing at their posts, every Lightworker on the grid engulfed in their individual Pillar of Golden Light! I could see all of our pillars extending out in all directions into space, shooting in all directions into ALL of Creation! My body was rigidly standing at attention, my arms down by my side, my eyes straight ahead, totally engulfed in holy Golden Light extending endlessly into the sky and beyond.

I did not have to verbalize the Golden Light, I did not have to visualize the Golden Light, I WAS Golden Light in all it's power and beauty! I was One and yet separate. I was in complete ecstasy, yet it was taking all my concentration to hold that Power of Light. I prayed silently to hold the Light, to not fail, to be worthy but most importantly, physically able to withstand it!

I prayed for help and strength. I became aware of people on the street stopping and staring, standing with their mouths open, some coming into the yard, amazed and shocked, wondering what was going on! How could this be? They were awed and yet somewhat fearful. I could hear their thoughts, "What IS this?!"

Someone I knew when I was young suddenly appeared in the yard in amazement, starting to comment on what was going on but before she could finish what she was saying, she instantly awoke into full consciousness, overwhelmed and collapsing on the lawn in the power of her instant at Oneness. A chain reaction started to take place. As each person suddenly awoke, the people in the closest vicinity to them would suddenly wake up too in wonderment, amazement, shaking their heads and marveling at how they had been walking zombies all their lives, asleep until just seconds ago! I knew the Miracle of total worldwide Enlightenment was unfolding!

I could see that every Lightworker worldwide, thousands and thousands, were now standing in full Golden Pillars of Divine Light, at work, at home, at the grocery store, sitting in their cars on freeways. We were all connected as One to the Source, to our Selves and to each other. I could see the chain reaction expanding from each Lightworker to each and every Being worldwide as it spread truly at the speed of Light. I could hear the birds bursting out in song and see animals jumping around in pure glee as they witnessed and understood what was happening. I could hear the trees and all the plants giving praise to the Creator, the rocks and stones vibrating with awareness ... everything connected at once in exuberance and song, singing with victory and praise and thanksgiving!

Again the vision instantly shifted and I was in space looking down upon the Earth Mother, and was still within my Golden Pillar of Light, connected to myself on the Earth yet extending into eternity as the entire Mother radiated with the Golden glow, an immense halo of Golden Light surrounding her way out beyond her atmosphere. The intensity of the Light magnifying exponentially as I watched.

I saw thousands of ships surrounding the Mother, and could see all the Beings from innumerable Galaxies, Universes, and Dimensions ... literally all of Creation watching in stunned amazement as the Mother and all her children laughingly exploded with radiant Golden Light shooting out through all of Creation like a supernova, transformed, transforming as it went.
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: Planet Alert
Reply #11 - 08.04.2002 at 15:03:55

I could hear All of Creation exclaim in surprise, "They have done it! They have shown us the way! We can all be this! Spirit and matter as One!"

In this state of connection to Oneness, I knew the vision was to be released, that permission would be given when the time was right. The vision suddenly popped and I was standing in the living room of my home of many years, with tears streaming down my face. Knowing both sides of the coin of whether or not the Light grid is activated. The choice is ours, according to Free Will.

The vision took place in 1991. I am now living in the place with the yard that was shown to me in that vision. Within the last few weeks, I have finally been given permission to release this vision. I have been shown that the reality of this vision requires every Lightworker who Knows they are part of this Light grid activation to let themselves be guided right now to their activation point if they are not already there. It is imperative that this message reach as many Lightworkers as possible worldwide, as quickly as possible. As shown in the vision, the journey for some will be long and arduous. For the activation to take place, each Lightworker has to be on their point on the grid system. Otherwise, the grid will not activate. The time IS Now.

This Light grid activation will take place on Saturday, April 13, 2002, at 3:00 PM Central Time, US Please adjust your local time, as the Golden Light implantation needs to be a synchronized, simultaneous event to activate the grid.

How to Visualize the Light

1. Simply visualize a column of Golden Light coming down into your Crown Chakra from above. Do not try to control the Light, let it come in however it does ... big, small, wide, thin, whatever.
2. Continue the visualization by letting it fill your body.
3. Next let it rise and surround you in an aura or bubble of Light.
4. Then radiate it out through all of Creation through eternity. There is no "wrong" way to do this. Start with the visualization for yourself, then you can do the entire procedure again for loved ones, your home, your neighborhood, your state, your country, your continent, then the whole Earth. Each surrounding bubble of Golden Light gets bigger and encompasses more.

The Verbalization of the Golden Light
(accompanies the visualization)

1. "May the Golden Light of Christ enter me and heal me."
2. "May the Golden Light of Christ within me fill me and permeate me."
3. "May the Golden Light of Christ within me rise, surround me and protect me and...
4. "May the Golden Light of Christ radiate out from me on all levels of existence and nonexistence, through all time and non-time, through all space and non-space, with speed, joy and ease for the Highest Good of All and according to Free Will.

I thank you God NOW!".
Blessings to All!
Stay in the Golden Light.
All My Relations in Love and Light,
Turtle Woman, Oma

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 503
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #12 - 08.04.2002 at 17:55:40
No folk, a kdo ve kolk je ura pr nas ko je

April 13, 2002, 3:00 PM  v centralni ameriki? oz.
April 13 at 1:00 PM PDT

Mende je to enkrat zvečer pri nas.
Rabmo točno uro.
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Why not help one another, makin it much more easier... bob marley
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Sonce    :)
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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #13 - 08.04.2002 at 18:26:46
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« Last Edit: 08.12.2015 at 09:37:40 by gape »  

Zdaj.....zdaj.....zdaj.....in spet zdaj.
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Posts: 6632

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Re: Planet Alert
Reply #14 - 08.04.2002 at 18:29:52
Evo ga:

PDT = Pacific Daylight Time (USA): UTC-07

UTC,CUT,TUC (french) = Coordinated Universal Time = GMT

mi smo (zaradi poletnega casa) dve uri vec od GMT/UTC torej je razlika 9 ur

Nasla tule:
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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