As I stood facing the Southeast verbalizing and visualizing the Golden Light of Divine Consciousness, Eternal Peace and God's Limitless Abundance, I realized people were walking their dogs, jogging, bicycling, and driving down the street with their windows open with their radios playing. I was not familiar with any of the music. I had never heard it before. People were starting to notice me as they went by and I was a little embarrassed that I was being observed. I felt disappointed and sad as I continued the Lighting while watching an alternative scenario start to play of massive death and destruction in absence of the activation. I sent up a prayer of please dear God, let all Lightworkers activate the grid NOW!
As the prayer went out, an enormous power surge shot into my body like a light switch flipped on in a dark room. I was instantly engulfed in a huge, visible pillar of Golden Light! It came from as far in the sky above as one could see, endlessly extending beyond sight. It surrounded my body several feet in diameter. It was a brilliant Golden radiance, surging with power and energy! I was instantly fully awake and felt like a cosmic spark plug connected directly to the Source. The joy, the Knowing, the total awareness, the complete power of the Highest Good! I Knew the young Asian man had just made the last connection in the grid. I could see him standing in the quiet hours of darkness with a sky filled with stars and his Golden Pillar standing out and illuminating all around him! An expression of bliss was on his face!
My heart soared! I could also see all the others standing at their posts, every Lightworker on the grid engulfed in their individual Pillar of Golden Light! I could see all of our pillars extending out in all directions into space, shooting in all directions into ALL of Creation! My body was rigidly standing at attention, my arms down by my side, my eyes straight ahead, totally engulfed in holy Golden Light extending endlessly into the sky and beyond.
I did not have to verbalize the Golden Light, I did not have to visualize the Golden Light, I WAS Golden Light in all it's power and beauty! I was One and yet separate. I was in complete ecstasy, yet it was taking all my concentration to hold that Power of Light. I prayed silently to hold the Light, to not fail, to be worthy but most importantly, physically able to withstand it!
I prayed for help and strength. I became aware of people on the street stopping and staring, standing with their mouths open, some coming into the yard, amazed and shocked, wondering what was going on! How could this be? They were awed and yet somewhat fearful. I could hear their thoughts, "What IS this?!"
Someone I knew when I was young suddenly appeared in the yard in amazement, starting to comment on what was going on but before she could finish what she was saying, she instantly awoke into full consciousness, overwhelmed and collapsing on the lawn in the power of her instant at Oneness. A chain reaction started to take place. As each person suddenly awoke, the people in the closest vicinity to them would suddenly wake up too in wonderment, amazement, shaking their heads and marveling at how they had been walking zombies all their lives, asleep until just seconds ago! I knew the Miracle of total worldwide Enlightenment was unfolding!
I could see that every Lightworker worldwide, thousands and thousands, were now standing in full Golden Pillars of Divine Light, at work, at home, at the grocery store, sitting in their cars on freeways. We were all connected as One to the Source, to our Selves and to each other. I could see the chain reaction expanding from each Lightworker to each and every Being worldwide as it spread truly at the speed of Light. I could hear the birds bursting out in song and see animals jumping around in pure glee as they witnessed and understood what was happening. I could hear the trees and all the plants giving praise to the Creator, the rocks and stones vibrating with awareness ... everything connected at once in exuberance and song, singing with victory and praise and thanksgiving!
Again the vision instantly shifted and I was in space looking down upon the Earth Mother, and was still within my Golden Pillar of Light, connected to myself on the Earth yet extending into eternity as the entire Mother radiated with the Golden glow, an immense halo of Golden Light surrounding her way out beyond her atmosphere. The intensity of the Light magnifying exponentially as I watched.
I saw thousands of ships surrounding the Mother, and could see all the Beings from innumerable Galaxies, Universes, and Dimensions ... literally all of Creation watching in stunned amazement as the Mother and all her children laughingly exploded with radiant Golden Light shooting out through all of Creation like a supernova, transformed, transforming as it went.