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zobje (in kosti)
29.11.2013 at 23:31:35
How to heal cavities naturally

By: Derek Henry
The world is slowly waking up to the fact that, when you give the body what it needs, it can heal things we previously thought were impossible. A fine example of what is often deemed as an incurable health problem is dental cavities, but extensive research is now becoming more public about the true nature of tooth decay and the fact that there are proven remedies that can remedy it.
The lies perpetrated about tooth decay

According to the American Dental Association, the reason we have tooth decay is as follows:

“[Tooth decay] occurs when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.”

There are a few problems with this theory, including:

• Groups of indigenous people who had fermentable carbohydrates stuck on their teeth all the time that did not brush or floss were mostly or completely free of tooth decay.
• Bacteria do not consume processed sugar or flour because of the lack of nutrients in them.
• Foods that bacteria like to eat, such as milk, vegetables, meat, fish and fruit, are not commonly implicated in causes of tooth decay.

So if the modern explanation of tooth decay is not accurate, what is actually the cause of tooth decay?
What actually causes tooth decay

Tooth decay, as researched by Dr. Weston Price and other dental pioneers, boiled down to three factors:

• Not enough minerals in the diet.
• Not enough fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) in the diet.
• Nutrients not being readily bioavailable, and your intestinal system not properly absorbing them. The presence of phytic acid largely influences this factor.

Over a period of time, if your diet lacks vitamins and minerals from a poor diet and/or contains high levels of phytates (from grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes), the blood chemistry and the ratio of calcium and phosphorous become out of balance, which results in minerals being pulled from bones, causing tooth and bone loss.

So, the long-standing belief that sugar causes tooth decay is true, but as a result of it depleting nutrients from the body, not because bacteria eat it and produce acid that ruins your teeth.
The food remedies that can heal cavities and tooth decay

In order to restore the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in our blood, and to enable minerals to bond to our teeth, it is not enough to just avoid eating too many sweet or processed foods. We must also eat health-building foods, containing copious amounts of minerals and vitamins that will build a glassy hard tooth structure.

Foods to focus on are:

• Coconut oil, grass-fed organic dairy (especially butter), grass-fed meats, seafood and bone broths.
• Organic cooked vegetables (soups with bone broth are ideal).
• Organ and gland meats, like liver.

Limit foods that are high in phytic acid, like grains, beans, nuts and seeds, as well as limiting processed food intake full of processed flours and sugars that upset blood sugar balance.

Supplements to consider are:

• Fermented cod liver oil – very high in fat soluble vitamins A, D and K.
• Magnesium – required to use calcium and phosphorous effectively.
• Gelatin – if you don’t have time to make bone broth, this is a good alternative and is great for gums and digestion.

Now go get your pearly white smile back.
- See more at: http://livefreelivenatural.com/heal-cavities-naturally
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #1 - 31.12.2013 at 11:58:42
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #2 - 27.01.2014 at 08:11:57
verjetn se ne motiš, makes sense.
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #3 - 03.03.2014 at 11:10:01
no pa še edn, ki pokaže kam zobje (in kosti) grejo in the first place

kislina kisla kislobasta zakisana
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #4 - 24.03.2014 at 16:01:13
v začetku februarja so mi odstranili en modrostni zob, ki je pritiskal na 7-ko.
po okrevanju sem z zobno nitko čutila še dva zoba skeleča z obeh strani. Edited:
zobozdravnik je rekel, da gre za gensko paradontozo in da se ne da nič narest
Pogledala sem vire po internetu. tud sladkorja nisem povsem nehala jest (mogoče zadnji teden), tud kadit ne (žajbelj, origano, timijan, konoplja, 1x tudi olje iz konopljinih vršičkov).
sem pa nabavla zobno pasto s čajevcem v dm-u in si redno začela ščetkat zobe z njo, po vsaki jedi.


pa enkrat sem žvrkljala skozi zobe ekstra deviško olivno olje. in dvakrat bio sončnično, ki sem ga slučajno dobila v dar. Z žvrkljanjem olje baje potegne strupe vase. Ampak že pred sončničnim sem opazila, da me z nitkanjem prej omenjena zoba ne bolita čisto nič.

si pa prizadevam da se naravno prehranjujem, dodajam začimbe (npr kurkuma, ingver, kumina, cimet) in zelišča (mediteranska), pijem čaje  iz protivnetnih in antibiotičnih rastlin - večinoma so mešanice, razen trpotca, žajblja, kamilice, še največ pa tega

sestavine: ingver, cimet, pomarančna lupina, koromač, kamilica, ječmenov slad, regrat, črni poper, ekstrakt pomaranče, brinove jagode, sladki koren, kardamom, klinčki, ekstrakt korenine angelike.

uporabila sem pa tud:
lubje drevesa lapacho, kodrasta meta, zeleni čaj, zel ameriškega slamnika, kumina, sladki koren, sibirski ginseng, klinčki, korenina ameriškega slamnika.

jabolko, hibiskus, bezgove jagode, robidovi listi, šipek, pomarančna lupinica, aroma jagode, aroma brusnice, koščki jagode, brusnice.

sestavine so učinkovite pri prehladih in podobno v zvezi z usti in dihali in ravno tako zdravilne za dlesni in zobe. pri nakupovanju sem upoštevala  tudi seznam, ki sem ga dobila od gapeta za zdravljenje dlesni in zob. Hvala.

jedla dosti zelja in ohrovta z olivnim, konopljinim, bio sončničnim in bučnim oljem, čebula, hren, sveže konopljino listje in kakšno suho vejico. pa sadje.

Nekaj od tega je očitno delovalo.

vem to o kvantnih delcih, o zdravljenju z navzočnostjo ali prisotnostjo, z ljubeznijo oziroma z ljubečo pozornostjo.

vse naj
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« Last Edit: 25.03.2014 at 14:17:08 by Eva »  
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #5 - 25.03.2014 at 01:50:03
Eva wrote on 24.03.2014 at 16:01:13:
v začetku februarja so mi odstranili en modrostni zob, ki je pritiskal na 7-ko.
po okrevanju sem z zobno nitko čutila še dva zoba skeleča z obeh strani. Pogledala sem vire po internetu. tud sladkorja nisem povsem nehala jest (mogoče zadnji teden), tud kadit ne (žajbelj, origano, timijan, konoplja, 1x tudi olje iz konopljinih vršičkov).
sem pa nabavla zobno pasto s čajevcem v dm-u in si redno začela ščetkat zobe z njo, po vsaki jedi.


pa enkrat sem žvrkljala skozi zobe ekstra deviško olivno olje. in dvakrat bio sončnično, ki sem ga slučajno dobila v dar. Z žvrkljanjem olje baje potegne strupe vase. Ampak že pred sončničnim sem opazila, da me z nitkanjem prej omenjena zoba ne bolita čisto nič.

si pa prizadevam da se naravno prehranjujem, dodajam začimbe (npr kurkuma, ingver, kumina, cimet) in zelišča (mediteranska), pijem čaje  iz protivnetnih in antibiotičnih rastlin - večinoma so mešanice, razen trpotca, žajblja, kamilice, še največ pa tega

sestavine: ingver, cimet, pomarančna lupina, koromač, kamilica, ječmenov slad, regrat, črni poper, ekstrakt pomaranče, brinove jagode, sladki koren, kardamom, klinčki, ekstrakt korenine angelike.

uporabila sem pa tud:
lubje drevesa lapacho, kodrasta meta, zeleni čaj, zel ameriškega slamnika, kumina, sladki koren, sibirski ginseng, klinčki, korenina ameriškega slamnika.

jabolko, hibiskus, bezgove jagode, robidovi listi, šipek, pomarančna lupinica, aroma jagode, aroma brusnice, koščki jagode, brusnice.

sestavine so učinkovite pri prehladih in podobno v zvezi z usti in dihali in ravno tako zdravilne za dlesni in zobe. pri nakupovanju sem upoštevala  tudi seznam, ki sem ga dobila od gapeta za zdravljenje dlesni in zob. Hvala.

jedla dosti zelja in ohrovta z olivnim, konopljinim, bio sončničnim in bučnim oljem, čebula, hren, sveže konopljino listje in kakšno suho vejico. pa sadje.

Nekaj od tega je očitno delovalo.

vem to o kvantnih delcih, o zdravljenju z navzočnostjo ali prisotnostjo, z ljubeznijo oziroma z ljubečo pozornostjo.

vse naj

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #6 - 13.04.2014 at 15:50:02
evo naprej
olje od kokosa ... on je res u ibr zdravilen zgleda za morje zadev

How To Heal Cavities - The Astonishing Claims Of The Oil Pullers

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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #7 - 05.09.2014 at 18:02:01
in še edn ... zgleda da bo to res to ...

Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurveda method of oral care. It involves swishing sesame oil or a similar oil ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #8 - 07.09.2014 at 12:17:21
mrzli so tipi ... kdo mi bo pomagu pr sajtu, da to ozavestmo?

kako vzdrževat in pocajtat zobe

Reversing Tooth Decay

a diet of high calci­fying qualities, ie., one rich in vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus

If I were to design the ultimate dietary program to heal cavities that incorporates the successes of both doctors, it would look something like this:

-    Rich in animal foods, particularly full-fat pastured dairy products (if tolerated) and bone broths. Also meat, organs, fish, and eggs.

-    Fermented grains only; no unfermented grains such as oatmeal, breakfast cereal, crackers, etc. No breads except true sourdough (ingredients should not list lactic acid). Or even better, no grains at all.

-    Limited nuts; beans in moderation, only if they're soaked overnight or longer prior to cooking (due to the phytic acid).

-    Starchy vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

-    A limited quantity of fruit (one piece per day or less), but no refined sweets.

-    Cooked and raw vegetables.

-    Sunlight, high-vitamin cod liver oil, or vitamin D3 supplements.

-    Pastured butter.

-    No industrially processed food.


(boh ve če un kruh k se ga samo na soncu posuši dela isto štalo telesu)
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #9 - 09.09.2014 at 21:35:50
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #10 - 10.09.2014 at 13:32:37
Eva wrote on 09.09.2014 at 21:35:50:

u kruhu so itaq zmleti ... ampak še vedno nekak grozni ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #11 - 10.09.2014 at 19:03:05
gape wrote on 10.09.2014 at 13:32:37:
Eva wrote on 09.09.2014 at 21:35:50:

u kruhu so itaq zmleti ... ampak še vedno nekak grozni ...

men se zdi najbolj enostavno kar kalit, skrbet moraš, da jih pripraviš toliko prej pred obrokom, da jih redno splakuješ, in poješ dokler so še zveži/užitni.

knjiga: Vodnik zdrave prehrane / Metka Zupančič v sodelovanju z Marjanom Simčičem (1991) vsebuje Tabelo o kaljenju semen: Pšenica se namaka 12 ur, in kali 2-3 dni, vitamini B, C, E, minerali, beljakovine, uporabnost: solate, juhe, mleko, kruh.
tukaj je od žit navedeno proso, ki ga namakaš 8 ur, kališ 2-3 dni, in oves, čas namakanja 12 ur, 2-3 dni, enako kot pšenica in oves tudi rž.

Nekaj več dela je s tem, če si hrano pripravljaš sam.

kisanje - kisline tudi niso za zobno sklenino, kot se spomnim iz čtiva.

search: sun dried bread
= ezekijelov kruh
baje kalčki posušeni

včer sm nahitr vidla

komi čakam da se odmaram heheh
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YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #12 - 11.09.2014 at 17:20:14
Eva wrote on 10.09.2014 at 19:03:05:
gape wrote on 10.09.2014 at 13:32:37:
Eva wrote on 09.09.2014 at 21:35:50:

u kruhu so itaq zmleti ... ampak še vedno nekak grozni ...

men se zdi najbolj enostavno kar kalit, skrbet moraš, da jih pripraviš toliko prej pred obrokom, da jih redno splakuješ, in poješ dokler so še zveži/užitni.

knjiga: Vodnik zdrave prehrane / Metka Zupančič v sodelovanju z Marjanom Simčičem (1991) vsebuje Tabelo o kaljenju semen: Pšenica se namaka 12 ur, in kali 2-3 dni, vitamini B, C, E, minerali, beljakovine, uporabnost: solate, juhe, mleko, kruh.
tukaj je od žit navedeno proso, ki ga namakaš 8 ur, kališ 2-3 dni, in oves, čas namakanja 12 ur, 2-3 dni, enako kot pšenica in oves tudi rž.

Nekaj več dela je s tem, če si hrano pripravljaš sam.

kisanje - kisline tudi niso za zobno sklenino, kot se spomnim iz čtiva.

search: sun dried bread
= ezekijelov kruh
baje kalčki posušeni

včer sm nahitr vidla

komi čakam da se odmaram heheh

se bere kr orng deu, solata skor blj na izi ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

The Administrator of this yabb and domain.
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #13 - 11.09.2014 at 20:13:02
gape wrote on 10.09.2014 at 13:32:37:
Eva wrote on 09.09.2014 at 21:35:50:

u kruhu so itaq zmleti ... ampak še vedno nekak grozni ...

Kaj pa sadni kruh ?
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Re: zobje (in kosti)
Reply #14 - 11.09.2014 at 21:52:50
Robi wrote on 11.09.2014 at 20:13:02:
Kaj pa sadni kruh ?

http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20687551_17,00.html  Smiley

jaz ga ponavad ne jem.

poglej po sestavinah.  Smiley
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