gape wrote on 18.07.2011 at 10:18:44:ja no sej ...
kaj človk use zve ...
za zjokat ...
mi se pa kle bockamo okol konoplje ...
Quote:Ten Years Ago Portugal Legalized All Drugs -- What Happened Next?
When the nation legalized all drugs within its borders, most critics predicted disaster.
But a decade later, drug use has plunged dramatically.
The government in Portugal has no plans to back down. Although the Netherlands is the European country most associated with liberal drug laws, it has already been ten years since Portugal became the first European nation to take the brave step of decriminalizing possession of all drugs within its borders—from marijuana to heroin, and everything in between. This controversial move went into effect in June of 2001, in response to the country’s spiraling HIV/AIDS statistics. While many critics in the poor and largely conservative country attacked the sea change in drug policy, fearing it would lead to drug tourism while simultaneously worsening the country’s already shockingly high rate of hard drug use, a report published in 2009 by the Cato Institute tells a different story. to je težko se pozanimat unim
kmetom konjem bebcem na ministrstvu?
kmetje konji bebci so se pozanimali. In ugotovili, da Greenvald (CATO Institute) dela isto kot vi; manuipulira s podatki. Zakaj? Možakar je iz podatkov portugalske inštitucije za droge (ne znam napisat portugalsko ) vzel ven posamezne starostne skupine, seveda tiste, ki so kazale pozitiven (no, negativen) trend rasti števila zasvojencev. To je pa predvsem med mladostniki. Verjamem pa, da jim pada število HIV pozitivcev med odvisniki. Zakaj? Zato, ker imajo portugalci ureditev, ki pravi, da se posest drog v količini za deset dni uporabe šteje kot količina za osebno uporabo. In take ljudi se ne šteje za prekupčevalce (za njih je rezerviran kazenski postopek), se jih ne kaznuje denarno ali zaporno, temveč se jih napoti v center za svetovanje odvisnikom. Meni na tole pade na pamet samo ena beseda: STIGMATIZACIJA! In kakšen je rezultat take ureditve? CATOVA interpretacija je ena stran zgodebe, drugo bom pa prilimal izven tele osvežujoče modre (vir EMCDDA - (označevanje z barvo je moje delo)
Drug use among the general population and young people
The first general population survey on drug use was conducted in Portugal in 2001. A sample of 15 000 individuals representative of the Portuguese population was surveyed. The results revealed that 7.8 % of respondents aged 15 to 64 had used an illegal drug at least once in their lives (lifetime prevalence). The most-reported substance in this context was cannabis (7.6 % lifetime prevalence). The use of other illegal substances was less frequently reported. Lifetime prevalence was less than 1 % for cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, amphetamines and LSD. Gender differences concerning illegal drugs experimentation were found for all substances. A higher proportion of males than females had used these substances at least once (11.5 % vs 3.9 % for cannabis, 1.2 % vs 0.2 % for heroin and 1.5 % vs 0.3 % for cocaine).
The second national survey, carried out among the general population in 2007, a sample of 12 202 individuals representative of the Portuguese population was surveyed. Results show that 12 % of respondents aged 15 to 64 had used an illegal drug at least once in their lives (lifetime prevalence). The most reported substance in this context was cannabis (11.7 % lifetime prevalence). Lifetime prevalence was less than 1 % for amphetamines, LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms; for cocaine (1.9 %), heroin (1.1 %) and ecstasy (1.3 %). Gender differences concerning illegal drugs experimentation were found for all substances. A higher proportion of males than females had used these substances at least once (18.4 % vs 5.2 % for cannabis, 1.8 % vs 0.4 % for heroin and 3.2 % vs 0.7 % for cocaine).
Surveys among young people attending school are currently carried out in Portugal nearly every two years: the National School Survey (Inquérito Nacional em Meio Escolar — INME) in 2001 and 2006 (a former version of the national survey was done in 1989 and 1995); and the ESPAD international school survey every four years since 1995 (students born 16 years before the year of data collection). Also, the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children a survey promoted by the World Health Organization (HBSC/WHO) is repeated every four years in Portugal and targets young people in school settings (6th, 8th and 10th grades).
In 2006, results from national studies implemented in the context of school populations, HBSC and INME, reveal decreases in the consumption in this target population, respectively between 2002–06 and 2001–06, with cannabis being once more the drug with higher prevalence of use between these populations.
The ESPAD survey results of 2007 showed that the lifetime prevalence for cannabis use was 13 % (compared to 18 % in 2003, 12 % in 1999). As regard to other drugs, the lifetime prevalence for inhalants was 4 % (8 % in 2003, 3 % in 1999), for all other substances lifetime prevalence were below 2 %. Results indicated 10 % for the last year prevalence of cannabis use (13 % in 2003, 9 % in 1999), 6 % for the last month prevalence of cannabis (8 % in 2003, 5 % in 1999).
Toliko o tem strašnem zmanjšanju odvisnokov na Portugalskem ... In kolikor sem razumel, je v zakonu od rogah (tretji odstavek 33. člena) prav tako nastavek, da se odvisnike napoti v programe zdravljenja. Žal se to ne izvaja dosledno. In to je bilo vam kerlcem povedano več kot enkrat ...