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(Read 64473 times)
Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #60 - 08.01.2007 at 10:57:08
ixtlan wrote on 08.01.2007 at 10:46:34:
Fajn je, če imaš neke kriterije, po katerih se odločiš, kolk lahko nekomu zaupaš... Jaz se (vedno bolj mirno) odločim glede na človekovo dojemanje moči in na njegov odnos do moči. V zvezi s tem človek naredi največje svinjarije.

I see Cool.

(v smislu, kot je ena wise lady rekla: ne bojim se toliko Satana, koliko se bojim tistih, ki se ga bojijo)
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #61 - 08.01.2007 at 11:07:05
ixtlan wrote on 08.01.2007 at 10:46:34:
Fajn je, če imaš neke kriterije, po katerih se odločiš, kolk lahko nekomu zaupaš... Jaz se (vedno bolj mirno) odločim glede na človekovo dojemanje moči in na njegov odnos do moči. V zvezi s tem človek naredi največje svinjarije.

I see Cool.

(v smislu, kot je ena wise lady rekla: ne bojim se toliko Satana, koliko se bojim tistih, ki se ga bojijo)

jap, če si imela v mislih analogijo, da ne moreš zaupat tistim, ki se svoje lastne moči bojijo. bojijo se je zato ker prinese odgovornost, oni pa ne zaupajo svoji lastni etiki. ergo ti ne moreš zaupat njim, če sami sebi ne

še hujši so tisti, ki si moči želijo... ker si ponavad želijo kontrole nad drugimi ali biti slavni ... tedaj jim tudi prijatelj ne pomeni kaj dosti. to je tudi iluzija moči, ki pobere svoj davek, ki je enormen. posledica: izguba osebne moči

potem so pa še lenuhi, ki moč nasplošno (in tiste, ki jo imajo, pa najsi je dejanska ali iluzorična) označijo za negativno in s tem opravičujejo svojo lenobo. v bistvu so nevoščljivi in tudi takim ne moreš zaupat
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.&&Acknowledging all truths, I express mine with healing intention.
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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #62 - 08.01.2007 at 12:12:25
The best razloženo Smiley
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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #63 - 11.01.2007 at 10:05:10

Do you know what people who amass wealth, friends, and laughter have in common with those who don't?

Very often, both look around at their lives and say, "Yeah, this is who I am. It must have been meant to be."

Must be a trick of the light.

   The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #64 - 12.01.2007 at 10:39:07

Whoa! You mean we forgot to tell you about your 7th Supernatural power?

Easy. You know what everyone else is thinking.

You really do.

   The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #65 - 15.01.2007 at 09:41:49

It's no accident, that when you look closely into the eyes of another, the very first thing you see, is yourself.

That when you hold their hand, you can feel your own warmth.

And that when you give of yourself, you give to yourself.

Because, quite simply, both you, an d they, are me.

Let's get it started, un-huh -
   The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #66 - 25.01.2007 at 12:02:11

Permission is what you give yourself.

I give you everything else.

    The Universe
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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #67 - 31.01.2007 at 10:24:20

Talk about two ships silently passing in the night...

even your own path crossing with a complete stranger, on a sidewalk, down the hall, or at Starbucks, on this holiest of adventures, amongst the billions now alive and the zillions who could have been, means so much more than most can even comprehend. Suffice it to say, however, that in such moments, these fellow adventurers are closer to you than a brother or a sister, no matter who they are.

You are the "King" of the world -
    The Universe

If you could live this life over, would you still want there to be the same challenges?

Loaded question, huh?

Yeah, you cherry-picked each and every one. And you knew exactly what you were doing.

In awe of you -
    The Universe

Did you know, that the average person looks 793.7% more attractive when they smile? Not to mention healthier, wiser, slimmer, richer, and cooler.

They do.

And smiles "become things" too -
    The Universe

How could it be difficult, challenging or hard, when so many others have done it?

You know, anything. For instance, to find inner peace.

Don't you love good news?
    The Universe

You really don't have to try so hard.

That's why there's magic and miracles.


    The Universe

Would you believe, that there is nothing about your life today, not even what hurts, that you won't eventually appreciate, with happy tears running down your face?


Chokes me up just thinking about it -
    The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #68 - 02.02.2007 at 12:03:17

It seemed like a good idea at the time, but who would have ever thought that the physical senses would be used to draw conclusions about where you're headed, instead of simply taking notice of where you've been?

Nope. The illusions that surround you today, have absolutely no relation to the illusions that will surround you tomorrow.

Which barely hints at how unlimited you truly are.

Yeah, way cool -
    The Universe
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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #69 - 05.02.2007 at 10:40:08

Not everyone's ready to open the throttle up all the way. Put the pedal to the metal. Skinny-dip into the sea of infinite possibilities.

And that's perfectly all right. Because there's nothing you're "supposed" to be doing with your life. No one is judged based upon how much turf they cover, how many mountains they climb, or how many deals they close. And because even one small drop from the sea, is as infinite as all of the oceans combined.

Whatever your heart desires -
    The Universe

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« Last Edit: 05.02.2007 at 11:41:24 by Loops_of_infinity »  
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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #70 - 07.02.2007 at 08:59:01

When it comes to the words you choose, whether in your mind or amongst friends, let them be of what you like and love. What you care about and cherish. What makes you happy. What gives you wings. What makes you dream.

And very little else.

    The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #71 - 07.02.2007 at 12:25:14

When otherwise most challenging love can begin with sympathy.

Right after dessert.

Let's do it,
    The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #72 - 19.02.2007 at 09:09:00

Oh sure, telepathy becomes second nature, levitation becomes child's play, manifestations are a breeze, and friends instantly recognize each other in spite of the millenniums that had briefly kept them apart.

But do you know what's missed, by those who move beyond time and space?

Yeah, pretty much everything.

    The Universe
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ravno prav
Posts: 5471
Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #73 - 25.04.2008 at 15:46:23
Eternity is a really, really, really long time.

I think we'll be able to squeeze everything in.


Peace and blue jeans -     The Universe
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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ravno prav
Posts: 5471
Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #74 - 09.08.2008 at 17:23:27
It really is easy. You really are powerful. I really do love you.

You can have it all. You will live forever. And the best is yet to come.

You're already rich. There's more on the way. It's closer than you think.

There've been no mistakes. You've never been judged. And all things are playing out in your favor.

Moreover, as if all of that wasn't enough, it's totally Friday and you're so, so beautiful.

Boom,     The Universe
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Nobena čarovnija ne more ničesar spremeniti v kaj drugega, tega ni; sprememba v predstavi v srcu čarovnije je spoznanje, ne ustvarjanje.&&(S. Palwick)
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