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Ideje izpod odeje >> Dogodki, zabava, lepe misli, razno ... >> TUT * A note... from the Universe Message started by m on 21.05.2004 at 09:29:05 |
Title: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 21.05.2004 at 09:29:05 Marjana, you're not here to learn how to make your thoughts become the things and events of your life. Too hard, too complicated, bor-inggggg. Leave this to me. No, you're here to learn that they already do; every single one of them. Always have, always will. You just have to think the ones you like. Tallyho, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 28.05.2004 at 10:15:38 Marjana, if it was just about surviving, getting by, and keeping things the way they are, then how would you explain your wild imagination? If it was just about sacrifice, selflessness, and altruism, then how would you explain your burning desires? And if it was just about thinking, reflection, and spiritual stuff, then how would you explain the physical world? Get the picture, Marjana? Want it all. That's what it's there for. Vroom, vroom, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 04.06.2004 at 11:33:26 Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Marjana... Have I mentioned that everyone knows exactly what you're thinking? How else could you draw new friends from the unseen? How else would your heroes, heroines, and scoundrels know when to appear, or move on? How else would your "stars" get their cues? True, they think their own thoughts, too. How else would you know who to cast in each scene? Just thinking of you, and your power to choose, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 04.06.2004 at 16:50:24 Marjana, imagine yourself on a warm summer evening, before a calm, clear pond. The moon is full. The stars are shinning. Whippoorwills are whippoorwilling. And I am with you. Now, do you know how to float? Well, for the most part, you do absolutely nothing, at which point I can hold you at the surface, in the palm of my hand. It's simply a matter of physics, the laws of time and space, and your natural state. Are you there? OK, now you'll have to trust me, but it's the same when it comes to floating in wealth and abundance, health and harmony, friends and laughter. These are your natural state, your default settings, the "givens" in this great adventure. These are where true balance is found. They can be yours without strenuous effort. You don't even have to visualize them. Just stop the argument that claims hardship. Surrender in the war that presumes lack. Come out from the fort that has kept you so safe, and follow your heart with carefree abandon... Are you there? The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 17.06.2004 at 09:30:28 Marjana, it's wise not to ask others, not even me, for much of anything - guidance, help, time, comfort, security, friendship, compassion, trust, respect, money, love - that you yourself would not give. Just a silly waste of time. The Universe Marjana, here's some sage advice I once scrawled onto a cave wall before the wheel, before Atlantis, and before the moonwalk (e-hee): Aim with your heart, adjust with your head, and always, always, always, do what you can. Caves, email, same, same. Tallyho, The Universe Of course, you do see, Marjana, that in your world of constant change, the only thing that's really changing, is you and what you choose to see? Whoa, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Susi 13 on 17.06.2004 at 16:09:25 Full lepo in full zanimivo... Hvala. Suzana |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 13.07.2004 at 12:21:53 You know, Marjana, there are lots of people out there whose lives would be made "richer", if only they'd "let you in". And perhaps, vice-versa. Tallyho, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 16.08.2004 at 15:50:50 Okay, okay, okay, Marjana - so I exaggerated, a little. You don't really have to "do all you can, with what you've got, from where you are", to rock the world. Nope. You can just think it rocked and it will be rocked. Same is true for walking on water, and manifesting gold coins from your blue jeans. You have the technology. Oh. Still reading? Hmmmm, odd, I mean if you can manifest gold coins from your blue jeans.... Ah-ha. Other beliefs. I see. Invisible, limiting beliefs that you've been programmed with by a base, primitive society that says you're a weak, mortal, biological accident, lucky to have risen from the seas. Darn. OK. How about this. From here on out, you just do all that you can, with what you've got, from where you are, and being the Universe, I'll pounce upon every chance you give me, seamlessly weaving miracle upon miracle together (not so obviously that people might want to burn you), playing and ricocheting off those pesky, Neanderthal beliefs, and the next thing you know, you'll be past them, they'll evaporate since you've trumped them with your manifestations, and you'll be back to doing things, without doing things. Right, Marjana, like, that will be half the fun. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 17.08.2004 at 15:34:38 Resentment, anger, and impatience, Marjana, all have their place. Actually, they're absolutely priceless, proclaiming to those who feel them that yet another small piece of the puzzle is missing. Tallyho, The Universe --- Actually, the only effective way of changing another person, Marjana, is by changing yourself. Works every time, guaranteed. The Universe --- Marjana, I know what it's like. I've seen it played out a few zillion times: You're waiting for that magical day when someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are. Maybe they'll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps they'll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit. Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself, and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you, approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch. Ah-h-h.. Well, I'm here to tell you, Marjana, your wait is over, because that someone is you. (Phew! Good thing you rock! Shhhh...) Tallyho, The Universe --- Marjana, here's a little way to get the ball rolling: Ask yourself, "What's the absolute most fun I could have with my life, as it now is, before I even get a new peace, and before I ever love?" Then do it. A lot. The next thing you know, Marjana, you'll love, and you'll have your own peace. Tallyho, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 18.08.2004 at 11:39:30 Believe me, I know all about it. I know the stress. I know the frustration. I know the temptations of time and space. Marjana, we worked this out ahead of time. They're part of the plan. We knew this stuff might happen. Actually, YOU insisted they be triggered whenever you were ready, to begin thinking thoughts... you've never before thought. Good on you, The Universe Marjana, do you remember way back when, on the day you first earned your wings, how you worried about whether or not you'd be able to use them to lift yourself, and thereby the entire planet, higher? And so I reminded you that the reason you earned them, was because you already had? I thought so, but sometimes it's nice to be reminded again - Marjana, you already deserve all that your heart desires. Tallyho, The Universe Through you, through you, through you, Marjana... The magic works through you. Not beside you. Not around you. Not for you. Not instead of you. But through you. You have to go there. You have to choose your stage. You have to do your dance. Putting yourself in place, to any degree that you can, even if it scares you, even when it's "hard", even if it's just your big toe. Stretch yourself, scoff at the odds, get the ball rolling, so that the magic can then come alive, connect the dots, and sweep you of your feet with its infinite grace and glory. You wouldn't just carry around the seeds for the garden of your dreams in your pocket, all the while asking where your flowers are? Nope, you'd have to brave the elements, you'd have to choose your location, and then you'd have to go there. Your LIFE is your wand (or hoe, whatever), wave it, The Universe Please, Marjana, don't be afraid. Not even a little. Not ever. The lions and tigers and bears can't really hurt you. You live in a world of fog and mirrors, where there's only the illusion that you could somehow become less than the greatest you've ever imagined yourself to be. And it's this very image, the highest from within you, that has summoned your boldest dreams. As if by dare, to draw you into the light with their sweet rewards, and as if by chance, to draw you through the very fears that have kept you from it. Slayer of dragons. Matador of all time and space. Rightful heir to heaven on earth. Don't be afraid. Not even a little. Amen, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 30.08.2004 at 09:48:46 Consider, Marjana, if you will, an enlightened soul... Does Kwai Chang Caine of "Kung-Fu" come to mind? Certainly a likable chap, meditating and all that. Now picture this: A being so alive that their vibrations awaken all their senses. Their energy automatically summoning circumstances, gathering friends, and blasting limits. Falling so in love with the adventure of life that, like a child on a playground, they can't help but stretch, reach, and rediscover all of their capabilities, wanting to be involved in every "game". Yearning to spring from bed each morning to greet the day. Dipping their toes in every pool, stream, and ocean, simply because they can. Understanding the power of thought, and then sailing out into the world to avail themselves of its magic; knocking on every door and turning over every stone, to facilitate the swift manifestation of their dreams. Sure, you can do less and have more once enlightened, but when you realize that the world spins in your very hand, that your thoughts become the things and events of your life, and that there's truly nothing you can't do, be or have, who would want to do less? Have at it, Grasshopper, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 16.09.2004 at 09:20:48 It's got nothing to do with being a perfect, goody-goody, selfless, sacrificing, spiritual saint, Marjana. Blagh! That whole characterization was meant for a different audience at a different time, and they really had issues. It's got everything to do with being yourself, trusting the magic, following your heart, dreaming big, and having fun. Hosanna in the highest, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by gape on 16.09.2004 at 10:24:19 m wrote on 16.09.2004 at 09:20:48:
jest sm še kr raztegnjen klele ... spodnje ja ... dokler to ne ubije zgornjega ... |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 16.09.2004 at 11:32:15 gape wrote on 16.09.2004 at 10:24:19:
sej ga ne more.... a te je še kr strah spodnjega? :) dokler ga ne integriraš, vleče dol |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 30.09.2004 at 09:30:15 Sadness, illness, and despair, are less conditions, than they are decisions - to see yourself as less than you really are. Good thing that's all, huh, Marjana? Yours, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 01.10.2004 at 09:22:22 wrote on 30.09.2004 at 11:05:24:
če misliš prav mene... jaz znam kar dobro zatravmirat :) temu (ljubkovalno) rečem tud 'egotrip' ;D "Wake up to your divinity and Co-Create Heaven on Earth, be the Love and Truth that you are, or kick and scream for separation, denial and survival." (ZaKaiRan) ja, še zapadem v izkušanje občutka ločenosti ... in takrat, grem čimbolj not, ga doživljam čimbolj intenzivno ... in sem hvaležna, da mi je dano to izkusit :) sem pa vedno manjkrat 'bogi jaz' in vedno manj so mi drugi krivi... |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 01.10.2004 at 09:45:22 Life, Marjana, is not what you see, but what you've projected. It's not what you've felt, but what you've decided. It's not what you've experienced, but how you've remembered it. It's not what you've forged, but what you've allowed. It's not who's appeared, but who you've summoned. And it's not where you've been, but where you're going. And this should serve you well, beloved, until you find, what you already have. Yeah, The Universe :) |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 01.10.2004 at 10:39:23 Marjana, I love this job! You know, writing you every day. Do you know how I got it? No, besides being the Universe and getting whatever I want. Yes! I just started doing it. And that's all anything takes. The Universe ;D ;) velja pa .... za vsakega, ki želi ... ki si dovoli? (aja, ob temle sem se spomnila enega (nekdanjega?) člana foruma, ki je trdil: zdaj (vedno bolj) štekam, kaj je mislil ;D |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 04.10.2004 at 14:49:30 You can choose to go, do, be, and have, and in the end you'll exclaim, shocked and bewildered, that because of all the synchronicities of your life, all the "clicks" and "coincidences", and the many happy "accidents", your bounty and good fortune must have been your destiny. Or, you might choose to wait for a miracle, a savior, or divine intervention, and in the end you'll exclaim, shocked and bewildered, that because of all the synchronicities of your life, all the missed chances and disappointments, and the many unhappy accidents, your lack and misfortune must have been your destiny. Marjana, do you see what the difference is? It ain't me, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 19.10.2004 at 09:30:37 Marjana, if you could take a daily pill that would profoundly speed-up the manifestation of all your dreams, would you take it without fail? I thought so. What if it was a big, ugly pill that took 5 minutes to dissolve on your tongue, and it tasted like medicine. Would you still do it? Yes, all of your dreams... Thought so. But what if during those 5 minutes each day you couldn't watch TV, or talk with friends, or distract yourself in any way from your chore? Wow, you must really want a peace, and all those other awesome life-changes! OK, what if you could skip the pill bit entirely, but instead you had to set aside 5 minutes a day to visualize, in a dark and quite room, seeing your life unfold as if all your dreams were coming true, and, for good measure you had to say or do something, each day, that implied the same. No, you can't go back to the pill idea. Yours, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 29.10.2004 at 10:36:05 Once upon a time, Marjana, there was a far, far away planet, and for one very long night - that seemed to last for many thousands of years - it kept a great and monstrous secret. During this time it was a place where even angels feared to tread. Its sun was afraid to rise. And its moon never really knew whether it was full or not. And on this long night rumors ran wild, tales grew tall and, without our even knowing it, Halloween began. I know, of course, because I was there. And while I don't like to admit it, that night nearly scared my pants off. Yep, that's right, I said pants, because like everyone there, I dressed up "human". What started out as a game, something light and playful, like pin the halo on an angel, turned into a legacy that has haunted many a soul. You see, believe it or not, the more seriously we took ourselves, the more limited we became. Horror among horrors. As that spooky night unfolded and gave way to eons, the "Great Slide" began. Folks became reactionary in dealing with their own manifestations, not seeing themselves as their source; reacting to them instead of crafting their illusions; tangling with the cursed "hows". Soon, wishing took the place of inspiration, dreams were dashed by hoping instead of knowing, and prayers began ending in question marks. Worst of all, as most became weaker and weaker, they'd resort to visualizing what they wanted, but without knocking, yearning without expecting, and, you guessed it, just kind of hanging around waiting for Oprah to call, instead of living a life worth calling about. Yeah, you know which planet I'm talking about. And yes, their secret that long and lonely night was that they were truly divine, capable of moving heaven and earth, having it all, yet, shhhhhhhhhhhh, few would dare even whisper it, for fear of not being taken seriously. Are you trembling, Marjana? The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 09.11.2004 at 10:23:49 Marjana, the need to criticize simply belies a longing for recognition, appreciation, and validation. None of which, however, can be obtained through criticism. I'm sure it's just a phase they're going through. Wink, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 14.12.2004 at 12:27:33 Show me someone, Marjana, who keeps getting in your way, and I'll show you someone, who keeps making excuses. Tricky, tricky, tricky, The Universe :) |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 27.01.2005 at 10:31:41 Loops, the beginner scorns criticism. The wise soul carefully weighs it. And the Master says, "But, of course!" The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Kali on 28.01.2005 at 14:14:21 What if every wrinkle, scar, or gray hair only made you more beautiful? What if every tear you've shed, mistake you've made, and challenge you've faced, only drew you nearer the light? And what if, Petra, for every breath you've taken, every sentence you've spoken, and every path you've chosen, your fans in the unseen multiplied. Well, I'd say it's about time you found out. Be proud, we are - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 03.02.2005 at 13:09:55 One cannot hope to achieve enlightenment, thinking they already have it. Om-m-m-m-m-m, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Kali on 11.02.2005 at 12:36:20 When you finally get that call, meet that person, walk that walk, and live that dream, Petra, do you think you'll even care that there were a few dark and scary moments in a journey that made them all possible? Trust me, you won't even remember. The Universe OM ;) 118686 |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 18.02.2005 at 11:03:01 Some, Marjana, are better loved at a distance. For a while, anyway. And that's OK. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Kali on 28.02.2005 at 14:22:24 It's like every single life is being played out inside its own tiny, little bubble, Petra. Floating effortlessly in the wind, alongside billions and billions of other bubbles. And within each, every imaginable manner of experience is playing itself out. But interestingly enough, while it's quite easy to peer inside one another's bubble and notice what is or is not happening there, what they do and do not have, comparing to the point of envy or gloating, it's just as easy to notice, though so few do, that all of the bubbles are headed home, where every soul is equally worthy, important, and celebrated. xxoo, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 05.04.2005 at 15:49:39 Life Coaching Tip from the Universe: The time will come, Marjana, and it will be sooner rather than later, when your greatest admirers and protégés will look at your life - your friends, passions, and possessions (especially your peace) - frown a little and sullenly say, "Yeah, but for you... it was easy." At which point you should conceal any yearning you may possess to laugh hysterically, look them square in the eye and say, "Yes, and it can be easy for you, too." Get used to it, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 11.04.2005 at 12:48:43 She was only 4 years old, but what she said that morning struck me like a bolt of lightning. "I know where people go when they die," she blurted out. "Where do they go, princess?" "They go back to normal." |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by db on 11.04.2005 at 12:58:47 |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 13.04.2005 at 13:40:39 I understand, that you must wonder, sometimes to the point of bewilderment, at what you're truly capable of doing. Yet, therein lies the "problem", because living the life of your dreams is far more about what I'm capable of doing. Oh, how I love being me - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 29.04.2005 at 09:49:48 Nope. No one on this end is authorized, nor even interested, in telling someone on your end when their thoughts are in conflict. Can you blame us? We'd immediately risk being labeled critical, unsupportive, and misguided. Forget it! But that's perfectly all right, because the system in place still leaves folks on your side a choice: manifesting chaos and disappointment, or introspection. And both ultimately reveal the truth. Win-win, sort of. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 29.04.2005 at 10:00:50 New souls look to secrets, rights, and rituals. Advanced souls look to science, math, and evidence. And old souls look within. Look within. The Universe ??? |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 03.05.2005 at 08:56:33 wrote on 29.04.2005 at 10:00:50:
U, men je bil ful všeč. :D |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by db on 27.05.2005 at 15:15:11 Do you know what we used to call you before you leapt into the jungles of time and space, *****? "Gutsy." Do you know what we call you now? "An example." Do you know what we'll call you when you return? "Teacher." |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 01.06.2005 at 09:07:05 Funny, isn't it, Marjana, how sometimes the one person you think you have the least to learn from, can teach you the most. Tallyho, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by dada on 01.06.2005 at 13:41:09 A "Note from the Universe"®... and it's for YOU! Agh Aghmmm… It’s me again… The Universe. I’m feeling kind of adventurous today. You? Tell you what… let’s do away with some rules. Gravity for starters. Time too. Let’s fly… and be young again. YOUNGER, I mean. Like kids. Close your eyes and meet me over the very building you’re now in… hovering in space, looking down at its roof, and off into the horizon that surrounds us. Imagine this as I go... We’re slowly gazing all around, and soaking up the beauty that’s everywhere. THEN, in a flash, everything’s turned snowy white. Pure, radiant white… above, below, and everywhere we look. NOTHING VISIBLE BUT WHITE… with one, microscopic exception. In the distance, unimaginably far, far away… we see what looks like a tiny, tiny, tiny speck… of GOLD. Ummmmmm… gold is always good. At first it appears that the gold is slowly, really slowly, getting bigger… but what’s actually happening, is that we’re getting closer to it. At first it seems we’re moving slowly, but actually, we’re moving at the speed of light… then even faster, it’s just that the gold is so, so far away. Ages pass, but the ride is awesome! Galaxies pass, but it’s sooooo exciting! Light years pass, but time stands still. NOW… there’s no more white. Just gold. Nowhere to go, because we’re already there. And it turns out, this gold is so much more than a color… because you can HEAR it too… kind of purring… and you can FEEL its luxurious warmth on your skin, all over your body, and as you breath it, the aroma’s like roses, or plumeria, or jasmine. Most peculiar, is that you sense IT’S ALIVE, supremely intelligent and acutely aware… OF YOU. You know it knows, what you’re thinking, what you’re feeling, and it’s as if, your happiness is ALL that it cares about. Not just alive, but responsive too, IMPRESSIONABLE, obliged even, to flood your physical senses… with ALL that you can imagine… like it’s about to do. Suddenly, the gold begins sparkling… billions and billions of sparkles envelop you… flashing, winking, shining… and slowly, slowly, slowly… it begins to fade away… pixel for pixel, sparkle for sparkle. It begins manifesting itself into something… even more spectacular, dazzling, and magical than what it was… LO AND BEHOLD... Before your very eyes, right this very moment, the GOLD has transformed itself… into... Wednesday ...another day in paradise. Wow. Welcome back. By the way, the GOLD was me all along… so is Wednesday. And I love you with all of my heart. Tallyho, The Universe xxoo PS – I had to turn the gravity back on… but you’re still younger. PPS - Whenever you want a change of scenery, just summon the Gold. To send this "Note" to a Friend... CLICK HERE! Music by SquareTex! E*card by All Rights Reserved. ...with ALL of my heart... |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 13.07.2005 at 15:08:50 Do you think for a single instant, I'd have ever 'let you go' if all the 'lions and tigers and bears' weren't illusion, and all the friends, laughter, and happy times weren't real? Well do you? Silly. The Universe :-[ |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 19.07.2005 at 09:48:56 Ironically, those who label others as selfish are actually more concerned with their own well being. And rightly so. Not for their own selfishness, but because they've yet to see its virtue. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 20.07.2005 at 15:02:18 men je bil pa tale 8) Sometimes, Marjana, when things take longer than you thought they would, it's just a gentle reminder from your greater self (me), that you have more time than you thought, and that there's a journey to enjoy. Yeah, like all the time in the world. The Universe ta pa še bolj :o Love, truth and enlightenment. The door, the key, and the inevitable. In case you were wondering, Marjana. The Universe Sometimes understanding their fears, Marjana, helps you to understand their actions, as well as their pain. And, sometimes understanding their fears helps you to understand your own. The Universe Only the chalice that has been sipped from, Marjana, has room for even more. Bottoms up, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 21.07.2005 at 14:41:14 TheONE wrote on 21.07.2005 at 14:00:44:
If you look closely enough, intent upon understanding those things that cause you great pain and consternation, ultimately, I promise you, you'll find great joy and illumination. Take the bait, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 25.07.2005 at 10:35:30 Oh yeah, regarding your ancient spiritual contracts, that outlined every facet of the life you now lead? Well, just wanted to remind you that they're all re-written every dawn, and perpetually updated as each day unfolds. Proving yet again that nothing is meant to be, that you are truly unlimited, and that anything can happen next, if you choose it. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by X on 26.07.2005 at 15:45:42 I'm sorry to have to tell you this now- I understand you've been having a hard time lately - but we're going to have to let you go. It's nothing personal, you see, it's just that we haven't been making quota lately, we need to streamline, and some feel that frankly you haven't been pulling your own weight. I've been fighting this from the get-go, I stood up for you to the board and explained that you were just in a temporary slump and would start manifesting your true ability any time now, honest, but they were adamant that we had to make cuts. In the interests of fairness, we're going to let you make an appeal to the Board, to explain circumstances and demonstrate how you are an asset to our little family here. But they're not going to be very forgiving, and they are going to have to make some very harsh decisions to get us back out of the red. If I were you, I'd take this opportunity to seriously re-evaluate your goals, to decide what it is you hope to achieve by working here. Maybe this just isn't the place for you, after all. Either way, I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. Signed, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 29.07.2005 at 09:56:48 xab ;D You're right, Marjana; too much self-discipline will discourage your playful, wandering imagination. It'll snuff out the flames of inspiration and creativity. And it'll weigh you down with routines and logic. It simply isn't "spiritual". But, then, neither is too little. Tallyho, The Universe 8) |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 23.08.2005 at 09:55:39 The more you find good in another, Marjana, the more you'll find good in yourself. No matter who that 'other' is. Happy, happy Friday - The Universe Of course there are exceptions, but all-in-all it seems to me that those who are religious, cling, whereas those who are spiritual, seek. But quite frankly, Marjana, it's the happy folks who really know how to live. Grins, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 06.12.2005 at 20:35:32 nice one Sometimes the hard way is really the easy way, Marjana, and the slow way is really the quick way. Yet such sublime surprises may remain forever unknown when one waits... and waits, for the quick and easy way to manifest. Go! The Universe 8) |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 06.12.2005 at 20:57:21 Nice, isn't it, Marjana? How you can always see the little girl or little boy in another, if you but look. And then how you can see that the mask they sometimes wear isn't to inspire your fear, but to hide their own. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 02.06.2006 at 10:04:02 Actually,..... , time and space is not a place you go to be taught, as much as it is a place you go to teach. Of what heaven looks like, on earth. Of what divinity feels like, in flesh. And of what it means to dream in spite of darkness, hope in spite of odds, and prevail in spite of fear. I mean, how else would I know? Most humbly - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 20.07.2006 at 10:00:46 If I could make just two wishes, I'd wish I could somehow convey to you the profound depths of my gratitude for every moment of your life. I'd also wish that you could somehow know of your unimaginable importance, just as you now are, to the lives of so very many. And, of course, I'd wish for even more wishes... Oh, SHOOT!! I already made two wishes! Dang! Why didn't you stop me ?! Well, that's O.K., the first two were the most important. Love - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 09.08.2006 at 15:49:59 Remember, the illusions in your life - good, bad and ugly - thrive on attention. Something to consider when choosing which to keep and which to Kung Fu. CHEW-HA! The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 11.08.2006 at 11:43:27 Please, don't ever settle for less than what you really, really want. I mean, what else am I going to do with all this stuff? The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 04.09.2006 at 13:23:01 All you ever have to do, to change absolutely everything, is think differently. But this you have to do. Love you like crazy, The Universe There will always be people, who think you're a target, who wish you'd be satisfied, or who want you to control you. Hey, not all students are easy. The Universe Tell me, can there really be any such thing as a mistake, when you're only dreaming? You're drooling, darling - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 18.09.2006 at 10:22:59 Pretty much nothing in time and space, is as important as you think it is. Except, of course, dreaming. Tallyho, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 18.12.2006 at 09:45:25 Be led by joy. It's the whole point. The Universe Impatience is a sign that one has temporarily forgotten, to behave at all times, as if their dreams have already come true. You know, in case someone asks. Tallyho, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 19.12.2006 at 09:36:52 You wondering "how," would be as silly as me wondering "why." I don't, and neither should you. I mean, let's not be that silly - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 28.12.2006 at 11:29:02 Just knowing that good things are now happening for you behind the curtains of time and space, that will soon spill into your life, is enough to make good things start happening for you. Always know this. Because they are. The Universe Basically, getting what you want is most efficiently accomplished by pretending you already have it. All of the time. So, how do you like your family one day? The Universe Sometimes difficult people are placed on your path, so that you can be reminded of what you may have once put others through. Hey, I said sometimes. Tallyho, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 08.01.2007 at 10:15:58 The more you trust folks, the less they let you down. Sounds like an oxymoron, but it's true. The Universe (Je pa precej ironično, da sem najprej prebrala: The more you trust folks, the more they let you down, in se skoraj bolj strinjala kot s tem.) So, which is it? ::) |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by ixtlan on 08.01.2007 at 10:46:34 Fajn je, če imaš neke kriterije, po katerih se odločiš, kolk lahko nekomu zaupaš... Jaz se (vedno bolj mirno) odločim glede na človekovo dojemanje moči in na njegov odnos do moči. V zvezi s tem človek naredi največje svinjarije. |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 08.01.2007 at 10:57:08 ixtlan wrote on 08.01.2007 at 10:46:34:
I see 8-). (v smislu, kot je ena wise lady rekla: ne bojim se toliko Satana, koliko se bojim tistih, ki se ga bojijo) |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by ixtlan on 08.01.2007 at 11:07:05 wrote on 08.01.2007 at 10:57:08:
jap, če si imela v mislih analogijo, da ne moreš zaupat tistim, ki se svoje lastne moči bojijo. bojijo se je zato ker prinese odgovornost, oni pa ne zaupajo svoji lastni etiki. ergo ti ne moreš zaupat njim, če sami sebi ne še hujši so tisti, ki si moči želijo... ker si ponavad želijo kontrole nad drugimi ali biti slavni ... tedaj jim tudi prijatelj ne pomeni kaj dosti. to je tudi iluzija moči, ki pobere svoj davek, ki je enormen. posledica: izguba osebne moči potem so pa še lenuhi, ki moč nasplošno (in tiste, ki jo imajo, pa najsi je dejanska ali iluzorična) označijo za negativno in s tem opravičujejo svojo lenobo. v bistvu so nevoščljivi in tudi takim ne moreš zaupat |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 08.01.2007 at 12:12:25 The best razloženo :) |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 11.01.2007 at 10:05:10 Do you know what people who amass wealth, friends, and laughter have in common with those who don't? Very often, both look around at their lives and say, "Yeah, this is who I am. It must have been meant to be." Must be a trick of the light. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 12.01.2007 at 10:39:07 Whoa! You mean we forgot to tell you about your 7th Supernatural power? Easy. You know what everyone else is thinking. You really do. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 15.01.2007 at 09:41:49 It's no accident, that when you look closely into the eyes of another, the very first thing you see, is yourself. That when you hold their hand, you can feel your own warmth. And that when you give of yourself, you give to yourself. Because, quite simply, both you, an d they, are me. Let's get it started, un-huh - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 25.01.2007 at 12:02:11 Permission is what you give yourself. I give you everything else. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 31.01.2007 at 10:24:20 Talk about two ships silently passing in the night... even your own path crossing with a complete stranger, on a sidewalk, down the hall, or at Starbucks, on this holiest of adventures, amongst the billions now alive and the zillions who could have been, means so much more than most can even comprehend. Suffice it to say, however, that in such moments, these fellow adventurers are closer to you than a brother or a sister, no matter who they are. You are the "King" of the world - The Universe If you could live this life over, would you still want there to be the same challenges? Loaded question, huh? Yeah, you cherry-picked each and every one. And you knew exactly what you were doing. In awe of you - The Universe Did you know, that the average person looks 793.7% more attractive when they smile? Not to mention healthier, wiser, slimmer, richer, and cooler. They do. And smiles "become things" too - The Universe How could it be difficult, challenging or hard, when so many others have done it? You know, anything. For instance, to find inner peace. Don't you love good news? The Universe You really don't have to try so hard. That's why there's magic and miracles. Remember? Tallyho, The Universe Would you believe, that there is nothing about your life today, not even what hurts, that you won't eventually appreciate, with happy tears running down your face? Nothing. Chokes me up just thinking about it - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 02.02.2007 at 12:03:17 It seemed like a good idea at the time, but who would have ever thought that the physical senses would be used to draw conclusions about where you're headed, instead of simply taking notice of where you've been? Nope. The illusions that surround you today, have absolutely no relation to the illusions that will surround you tomorrow. Which barely hints at how unlimited you truly are. Yeah, way cool - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 05.02.2007 at 10:40:08 Not everyone's ready to open the throttle up all the way. Put the pedal to the metal. Skinny-dip into the sea of infinite possibilities. And that's perfectly all right. Because there's nothing you're "supposed" to be doing with your life. No one is judged based upon how much turf they cover, how many mountains they climb, or how many deals they close. And because even one small drop from the sea, is as infinite as all of the oceans combined. Whatever your heart desires - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 07.02.2007 at 08:59:01 When it comes to the words you choose, whether in your mind or amongst friends, let them be of what you like and love. What you care about and cherish. What makes you happy. What gives you wings. What makes you dream. And very little else. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 07.02.2007 at 12:25:14 When otherwise most challenging love can begin with sympathy. Right after dessert. Let's do it, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Loops of Infinity on 19.02.2007 at 09:09:00 Oh sure, telepathy becomes second nature, levitation becomes child's play, manifestations are a breeze, and friends instantly recognize each other in spite of the millenniums that had briefly kept them apart. But do you know what's missed, by those who move beyond time and space? Yeah, pretty much everything. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 25.04.2008 at 15:46:23 Eternity is a really, really, really long time. I think we'll be able to squeeze everything in. Relax. Peace and blue jeans - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 09.08.2008 at 17:23:27 It really is easy. You really are powerful. I really do love you. You can have it all. You will live forever. And the best is yet to come. You're already rich. There's more on the way. It's closer than you think. There've been no mistakes. You've never been judged. And all things are playing out in your favor. Moreover, as if all of that wasn't enough, it's totally Friday and you're so, so beautiful. Boom, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 09.08.2008 at 17:24:00 The reason things always work out for the best, is because this is actually the highest of all spiritual laws. Any apparent exceptions are simply evidence that work is still in progress, whether or not it can be seen. Always, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 28.08.2008 at 19:49:29 Did you know that all of the "I LOVE YOUs" you feel and say are captured and recorded here, Devi? They're actually put on display, sometimes even paraded around, so all can bask in their sublime glow. Their energy could power a city like Ljubljana for 10,000 years, their beauty could bring Mona Lisa to tears, and their healing power has already completely rearranged the time-space continuum. You love machine, The Universe :) |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 17.09.2008 at 21:36:22 You can always tell an old soul, by how friendly they are to trees. Very, very - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 25.10.2008 at 14:01:55 If you sit and get really quiet, fully expecting your answer, it has to come. Guaranteed, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 21.11.2008 at 20:34:20 That which curses you today, will bless you tomorrow. If you believe in curses and blessings. Ain't no jive, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 03.12.2008 at 10:28:15 Sometimes, when you're feeling your lowest, the real you is summoned. And you understand, maybe for the first time ever, how grand you are, because you discover that vulnerable doesn't mean powerless, scared doesn't mean lacking in beauty, and uncertainty doesn't mean that you're lost. These realizations alone will set you on a journey that will take you far beyond what you used to think of as extraordinary. There is always a bright side. The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by m on 12.12.2008 at 16:19:16 Eno staaaro. Ampak dobro. 8-) Do you know what happens to wildlife when left alone from intellectual minds? It thrives, because thriving is its default setting. Just look at a forest. And do you know what happens to wildlife when given just a little direction by intellectual minds? It still thrives, because thriving is its default setting. Just look at a rose garden. And do you know what happens to wildlife when there is too much thinking? Yeah, what wildlife? Same for human beings. Wild thing - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 19.12.2008 at 17:00:00 Nothing is ever lost. Not time; for what seems to have passed, lives on in the wisdom of future decisions. Not money; for what seems to have been spent, was only invested. And not love; for what seems to have vanished, has only moved so close you must look within your heart to see it. Here and now, whether or not it's obvious, you are the best you've ever been. So proud, The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 08.01.2009 at 17:29:01 Next time you make a wish, wish for what is, because really and truly, things don't get much better than this. There is a purpose, a plan, and a reason for all things. What doesn't make sense, will make sense. You are exactly where you should be; your challenges are what they should be; your rewards are what they should be; and the best is yet to come. Time has served you well. Love is in the air. And you're looking mighty good in the light that now surrounds you. A toast to life... to you... to us... The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 20.02.2009 at 16:24:37 Dreams are like that... Most of the time you don't even know how close you are, until after they've come true. Sometimes, even, the very day before they come true, it still feels like they're a million miles away. Something to remember. Tallyho, The Universe Whatever it is you want, however you want to have it, no matter why you want to have it, you can have it faster if you can first be happy without it. Sneaky, clever, foxy, wry - The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 11.08.2009 at 16:00:07 Yes, you can have whatever you want. ANYTHING you can imagine. You name it. It's yours. Done deal. Zip, zap. Bing, bong. Ka-pow. Oh, but you have to go get it. K? I'll help, The Universe ------ It's true, the early bird gets the worm. So does the late bird and the bird in-between. Because by design, there are always more than enough worms. In fact, the only bird that doesn't get a worm, is the bird that doesn't go out to get one. Oh, to be alive.... The Universe |
Title: Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe Post by Devi on 23.03.2010 at 16:12:50 One of the greatest paradoxes of your physical senses, Polona, is that your eyes actually show you what you believe, not what you see. Smoke on that, The Universe |
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