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Posts: 6632

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #45 - 29.07.2005 at 09:56:48

 xab Grin

You're right, Marjana; too much self-discipline will discourage your playful, wandering imagination. It'll snuff out the flames of inspiration and creativity. And it'll weigh you down with routines and logic. It simply isn't "spiritual".

But, then, neither is too little.

    The Universe

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #46 - 23.08.2005 at 09:55:39

The more you find good in another, Marjana, the more you'll find good in yourself.

No matter who that 'other' is.

Happy, happy Friday -
    The Universe

Of course there are exceptions, but all-in-all it seems to me that those who are religious, cling, whereas those who are spiritual, seek.

But quite frankly, Marjana, it's the happy folks who really know how to live.

    The Universe

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #47 - 06.12.2005 at 20:35:32
nice one  

Sometimes the hard way is really the easy way, Marjana, and the slow way is really the quick way.

Yet such sublime surprises may remain forever unknown when one waits... and waits, for the quick and easy way to manifest.

    The Universe  8)
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #48 - 06.12.2005 at 20:57:21
Nice, isn't it,  Marjana? How you can always see the little girl or little boy in another, if you but look. And then how you can see that the mask they sometimes wear isn't to inspire your fear, but to hide their own.

    The Universe
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Loops of Infinity
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #49 - 02.06.2006 at 10:04:02
Actually,..... , time and space is not a place you go to be taught, as much as it is a place you go to teach. Of what heaven looks like, on earth. Of what divinity feels like, in flesh. And of what it means to dream in spite of darkness, hope in spite of odds, and prevail in spite of fear.

I mean, how else would I know?

Most humbly -
    The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #50 - 20.07.2006 at 10:00:46

If I could make just two wishes, I'd wish I could somehow convey to you the profound depths of my gratitude for every moment of your life.

I'd also wish that you could somehow know of your unimaginable importance, just as you now are, to the lives of so very many.

And, of course, I'd wish for even more wishes... Oh, SHOOT!! I already made two wishes! Dang! Why didn't you stop me ?!

Well, that's O.K., the first two were the most important.

Love -
    The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #51 - 09.08.2006 at 15:49:59
Remember, the illusions in your life - good, bad and ugly - thrive on attention.

Something to consider when choosing which to keep and which to Kung Fu.

    The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #52 - 11.08.2006 at 11:43:27

Please, don't ever settle for less than what you really, really want.

I mean, what else am I going to do with all this stuff?

    The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #53 - 04.09.2006 at 13:23:01

All you ever have to do, to change absolutely everything, is think differently.  
But this you have to do.  

Love you like crazy,
    The Universe  

There will always be people, who think you're a target, who wish you'd be satisfied, or who want you to control you.  
Hey, not all students are easy.

    The Universe  

Tell me, can there really be any such thing as a mistake, when you're only dreaming?  

You're drooling, darling -  
    The Universe  
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Loops of Infinity
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #54 - 18.09.2006 at 10:22:59
Pretty much nothing in time and space, is as important as you think it is.

Except, of course, dreaming.

    The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #55 - 18.12.2006 at 09:45:25

Be led by joy.

It's the whole point.

   The Universe

Impatience is a sign that one has temporarily forgotten, to behave at all times, as if their dreams have already come true.

You know, in case someone asks.

   The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #56 - 19.12.2006 at 09:36:52

You wondering "how," would be as silly as me wondering "why."

I don't, and neither should you.

I mean, let's not be that silly -
   The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #57 - 28.12.2006 at 11:29:02

Just knowing that good things are now happening for you behind the curtains of time and space, that will soon spill into your life, is enough to make good things start happening for you.

Always know this. Because they are.

   The Universe

Basically, getting what you want is most efficiently accomplished by pretending you already have it. All of the time.

So, how do you like your family one day?

   The Universe

Sometimes difficult people are placed on your path, so that you can be reminded of what you may have once put others through.

Hey, I said sometimes.

   The Universe

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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #58 - 08.01.2007 at 10:15:58

The more you trust folks, the less they let you down.

Sounds like an oxymoron, but it's true.

   The Universe

(Je pa precej ironično, da sem najprej prebrala: The more you trust folks, the more they let you down, in se skoraj bolj strinjala kot s tem.)

So, which is it? Roll Eyes

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Posts: 1130
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #59 - 08.01.2007 at 10:46:34
Fajn je, če imaš neke kriterije, po katerih se odločiš, kolk lahko nekomu zaupaš... Jaz se (vedno bolj mirno) odločim glede na človekovo dojemanje moči in na njegov odnos do moči. V zvezi s tem človek naredi največje svinjarije.
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.&&Acknowledging all truths, I express mine with healing intention.
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