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Posts: 6632

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #15 - 01.10.2004 at 09:22:22

What about

not admiting sadness, illness, and despair when they are? That, I think is a choice to see yourself more than you really are. And you are not.

Dark Side of the Moon

če misliš prav mene... jaz znam kar dobro zatravmirat Smiley

temu (ljubkovalno) rečem tud 'egotrip'  Grin

"Wake up to your divinity and Co-Create Heaven on Earth, be the Love and Truth that you are, or kick and scream for separation, denial and survival."  (ZaKaiRan)

ja, še zapadem v izkušanje občutka ločenosti ... in takrat, grem čimbolj not, ga doživljam čimbolj intenzivno ... in sem hvaležna, da mi je dano to izkusit Smiley

sem pa vedno manjkrat 'bogi jaz'
in vedno manj so mi drugi krivi...
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #16 - 01.10.2004 at 09:45:22
Life, Marjana, is not what you see, but what you've
projected. It's not what you've felt, but what you've decided.
It's not what you've experienced, but how you've remembered it.
It's not what you've forged, but what you've allowed. It's not
who's appeared, but who you've summoned. And it's not where
you've been, but where you're going.

And this should serve you well, beloved, until you find, what
you already have.

    The Universe

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #17 - 01.10.2004 at 10:39:23
Marjana, I love this job! You know, writing you every day.

Do you know how I got it?

No, besides being the Universe and getting whatever I want.

Yes! I just started doing it.

And that's all anything takes.

    The Universe

Grin http://www.tut.com Wink

velja pa .... za vsakega, ki želi ... ki si dovoli?

(aja, ob temle sem se spomnila enega (nekdanjega?) člana foruma, ki je trdil:

"your life, your software"

zdaj (vedno bolj) štekam, kaj je mislil Grin
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #18 - 04.10.2004 at 14:49:30

You can choose to go, do, be, and have, and in the end you'll
exclaim, shocked and bewildered, that because of all the
synchronicities of your life, all the "clicks"
and "coincidences", and the many happy "accidents", your bounty
and good fortune must have been your destiny.

Or, you might choose to wait for a miracle, a savior, or divine
intervention, and in the end you'll exclaim, shocked and
bewildered, that because of all the synchronicities of your
life, all the missed chances and disappointments, and the many
unhappy accidents, your lack and misfortune must have been your

Marjana, do you see what the difference is?

It ain't me,
    The Universe
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #19 - 19.10.2004 at 09:30:37
Marjana, if you could take a daily pill that would
profoundly speed-up the manifestation of all your dreams, would
you take it without fail?

I thought so.

What if it was a big, ugly pill that took 5 minutes to dissolve
on your tongue, and it tasted like medicine. Would you still do

Yes, all of your dreams...

Thought so.

But what if during those 5 minutes each day you couldn't watch
TV, or talk with friends, or distract yourself in any way from
your chore?

Wow, you must really want a peace, and
all those other awesome life-changes!

OK, what if you could skip the pill bit entirely, but instead
you had to set aside 5 minutes a day to visualize, in a dark and
quite room, seeing your life unfold as if all your dreams were
coming true, and, for good measure you had to say or do
something, each day, that implied the same

No, you can't go back to the pill idea.

    The Universe
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #20 - 29.10.2004 at 10:36:05

Once upon a time, Marjana, there was a far, far away planet,
and for one very long night - that seemed to last for many
thousands of years - it kept a great and monstrous secret. During
this time it was a place where even angels feared to tread. Its
sun was afraid to rise. And its moon never really knew whether
it was full or not.

And on this long night rumors ran wild, tales grew tall and,
without our even knowing it, Halloween began. I know, of course,
because I was there. And while I don't like to admit it, that
night nearly scared my pants off.

Yep, that's right, I said pants, because like everyone there, I
dressed up "human".

What started out as a game, something light and playful, like
pin the halo on an angel, turned into a legacy that has haunted
many a soul. You see, believe it or not, the more seriously we
took ourselves, the more limited we became. Horror among horrors.

As that spooky night unfolded and gave way to eons, the "Great
Slide" began. Folks became reactionary in dealing with their own
manifestations, not seeing themselves as their source; reacting
to them instead of crafting their illusions; tangling with the
cursed "hows". Soon, wishing took the place of inspiration,
dreams were dashed by hoping instead of knowing, and prayers
began ending in question marks. Worst of all, as most became
weaker and weaker, they'd resort to visualizing what they
wanted, but without knocking, yearning without expecting, and,
you guessed it, just kind of hanging around waiting for Oprah to
call, instead of living a life worth calling about.

Yeah, you know which planet I'm talking about. And yes, their
secret that long and lonely night was that they were truly
divine, capable of moving heaven and earth, having it all, yet,
shhhhhhhhhhhh, few would dare even whisper it, for fear of not
being taken seriously.

Are you trembling, Marjana?

     The Universe
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #21 - 09.11.2004 at 10:23:49

Marjana, the need to criticize simply belies a longing for
recognition, appreciation, and validation. None of which,
however, can be obtained through criticism.

I'm sure it's just a phase they're going through.

    The Universe
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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #22 - 14.12.2004 at 12:27:33

Show me someone, Marjana, who keeps getting in your way, and
I'll show you someone, who keeps making excuses.

Tricky, tricky, tricky,
    The Universe

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #23 - 27.01.2005 at 10:31:41
Loops, the beginner scorns criticism.

The wise soul carefully weighs it.

And the Master says, "But, of course!"

   The Universe
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #24 - 28.01.2005 at 14:14:21
What if every wrinkle, scar, or gray hair only made you more beautiful? What if every tear you've shed, mistake you've made, and challenge you've faced, only drew you nearer the light? And what if, Petra, for every breath you've taken, every sentence you've spoken, and every path you've chosen, your fans in the unseen multiplied.

Well, I'd say it's about time you found out.

Be proud, we are -
    The Universe

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Loops of Infinity
Ex Member

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #25 - 03.02.2005 at 13:09:55
One cannot hope to achieve enlightenment, thinking they already have it.

    The Universe

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #26 - 11.02.2005 at 12:36:20
When you finally get that call, meet that person, walk that walk, and live that dream, Petra, do you think you'll even care that there were a few dark and scary moments in a journey that made them all possible?

Trust me, you won't even remember.

    The Universe

OM  Wink

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #27 - 18.02.2005 at 11:03:01

Some, Marjana, are better loved at a distance. For a while, anyway. And that's OK.      The Universe  

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Joj kolk radi drug drugemu izdiramo iveri iz oči! Cheesy
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #28 - 28.02.2005 at 14:22:24
It's like every single life is being played out inside its own tiny, little bubble, Petra. Floating effortlessly in the wind, alongside billions and billions of other bubbles. And within each, every imaginable manner of experience is playing itself out.

But interestingly enough, while it's quite easy to peer inside one another's bubble and notice what is or is not happening there, what they do and do not have, comparing to the point of envy or gloating, it's just as easy to notice, though so few do,  that all of the bubbles are headed home, where every soul is equally worthy, important, and celebrated.

    The Universe
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #29 - 05.04.2005 at 15:49:39
Life Coaching Tip from the Universe:

The time will come, Marjana, and it will be sooner rather
than later, when your greatest admirers and protégés will look
at your life - your friends, passions, and possessions
(especially your peace) - frown a little
and sullenly say, "Yeah, but for you... it was easy." At
which point you should conceal any yearning you may possess to
laugh hysterically, look them square in the eye and say, "Yes,
and it can be easy for you, too."

Get used to it,
     The Universe
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