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TUT * A note... from the Universe
21.05.2004 at 09:29:05
Marjana, you're not here to learn how to make your thoughts become the things and events of your life. Too hard, too complicated, bor-inggggg. Leave this to me.

No, you're here to learn that they already do; every single one of them. Always have, always will.

You just have to think the ones you like.

Tallyho,      The Universe  
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #1 - 28.05.2004 at 10:15:38

Marjana, if it was just about surviving, getting by, and keeping things the way they are, then how would you explain your wild imagination?

If it was just about sacrifice, selflessness, and altruism, then how would you explain your burning desires?

And if it was just about thinking, reflection, and spiritual stuff, then how would you explain the physical world?

Get the picture, Marjana? Want it all. That's what it's there for.

Vroom, vroom,      The Universe
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #2 - 04.06.2004 at 11:33:26
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Marjana... Have I mentioned that everyone knows exactly what you're thinking? How else could you draw new friends from the unseen? How else would your heroes, heroines, and scoundrels know when to appear, or move on? How else would your "stars" get their cues? True, they think their own thoughts, too. How else would you know who to cast in each scene? Just thinking of you, and your power to choose,      The Universe
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #3 - 04.06.2004 at 16:50:24
Marjana, imagine yourself on a warm summer evening, before a calm, clear pond. The moon is full. The stars are shinning. Whippoorwills are whippoorwilling. And I am with you.

Now, do you know how to float? Well, for the most part, you do absolutely nothing, at which point I can hold you at the surface, in the palm of my hand. It's simply a matter of physics, the laws of time and space, and your natural state.

Are you there? OK, now you'll have to trust me, but it's the same when it comes to floating in wealth and abundance, health and harmony, friends and laughter. These are your natural state, your default settings, the "givens" in this great adventure. These are where true balance is found. They can be yours without strenuous effort. You don't even have to visualize them.

Just stop the argument that claims hardship. Surrender in the war that presumes lack. Come out from the fort that has kept you so safe, and follow your heart with carefree abandon... Are you there?      

The Universe
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #4 - 17.06.2004 at 09:30:28

Marjana, it's wise not to ask others, not even me, for much of anything - guidance, help, time, comfort, security, friendship, compassion, trust, respect, money, love - that you yourself would not give. Just a silly waste of time.      

The Universe  

Marjana, here's some sage advice I once scrawled onto a cave wall before the wheel, before Atlantis, and before the moonwalk (e-hee): Aim with your heart, adjust with your head, and always, always, always, do what you can. Caves, email, same, same.

Tallyho,      The Universe  

Of course, you do see, Marjana, that in your world of constant change, the only thing that's really changing, is you and what you choose to see?

Whoa,      The Universe
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Susi 13

Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #5 - 17.06.2004 at 16:09:25
Full lepo in full zanimivo...


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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #6 - 13.07.2004 at 12:21:53

You know, Marjana, there are lots of people out there whose lives would be made "richer", if only they'd "let you in".

And perhaps, vice-versa.

Tallyho,      The Universe  

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #7 - 16.08.2004 at 15:50:50
Okay, okay, okay, Marjana - so I exaggerated, a little. You
don't really have to "do all you can, with what you've got, from
where you are", to rock the world. Nope. You can just think it
rocked and it will be rocked. Same is true for walking on water,
and manifesting gold coins from your blue jeans. You have the

Oh. Still reading? Hmmmm, odd, I mean if you can manifest gold
coins from your blue jeans....

Ah-ha. Other beliefs. I see. Invisible, limiting beliefs that
you've been programmed with by a base, primitive society that
says you're a weak, mortal, biological accident, lucky to have
risen from the seas. Darn.

OK. How about this. From here on out, you just do all that you
can, with what you've got, from where you are, and being the
Universe, I'll pounce upon every chance you give me, seamlessly
weaving miracle upon miracle together (not so obviously that
people might want to burn you), playing and ricocheting off
those pesky, Neanderthal beliefs, and the next thing you know,
you'll be past them, they'll evaporate since you've trumped them
with your manifestations, and you'll be back to doing things,
without doing things.

Right, Marjana, like, that will be half the fun.

   The Universe
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #8 - 17.08.2004 at 15:34:38
Resentment, anger, and impatience, Marjana, all have their
place. Actually, they're absolutely priceless, proclaiming to
those who feel them that yet another small piece of the puzzle
is missing.

    The Universe


Actually, the only effective way of changing another person,
Marjana, is by changing yourself.

Works every time, guaranteed.

    The Universe


Marjana, I know what it's like. I've seen it played out a
few zillion times: You're waiting for that magical day when
someone makes the connection and recognizes who you really are.
Maybe they'll first catch the sparkle in your eye. Or perhaps
they'll marvel at your insights and the depth of your spirit.
Someone who will help you connect the dots, believe in yourself,
and make sense of it all. Someone who will understand you,
approve of you, and unhesitatingly give you a leg up so that
life can pluck your ready, ripened self from the branch. Ah-h-h..

Well, I'm here to tell you, Marjana, your wait is over,
because that someone is you.

(Phew! Good thing you rock! Shhhh...)

    The Universe


Marjana, here's a little way to get the ball rolling:

Ask yourself, "What's the absolute most fun I could have with my
life, as it now is, before I even get a new peace,
and before I ever love?"

Then do it.

A lot.

The next thing you know, Marjana, you'll love,
and you'll have your own peace.

    The Universe

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #9 - 18.08.2004 at 11:39:30
Believe me, I know all about it. I know the stress. I know the
frustration. I know the temptations of time and space.
Marjana, we worked this out ahead of time. They're part of
the plan. We knew this stuff might happen. Actually, YOU
insisted they be triggered whenever you were ready, to begin
thinking thoughts... you've never before thought.

Good on you,
    The Universe

Marjana, do you remember way back when, on the day you first
earned your wings, how you worried about whether or not you'd be
able to use them to lift yourself, and thereby the entire
planet, higher?

And so I reminded you that the reason you earned them, was
because you already had?

I thought so, but sometimes it's nice to be reminded again -
Marjana, you already deserve all that your heart desires.

    The Universe

Through you, through you, through you, Marjana... The magic
works through you. Not beside you. Not around you. Not for you.
Not instead of you. But through you.

You have to go there. You have to choose your stage. You have to
do your dance. Putting yourself in place, to any degree that you
can, even if it scares you, even when it's "hard", even if it's
just your big toe. Stretch yourself, scoff at the odds, get the
ball rolling, so that the magic can then come alive, connect the
dots, and sweep you of your feet with its infinite grace and

You wouldn't just carry around the seeds for the garden of your
dreams in your pocket, all the while asking where your flowers
are? Nope, you'd have to brave the elements, you'd have to
choose your location, and then you'd have to go there.

Your LIFE is your wand (or hoe, whatever), wave it,
    The Universe

Please, Marjana, don't be afraid. Not even a little. Not
ever. The lions and tigers and bears can't really hurt you. You
live in a world of fog and mirrors, where there's only the
illusion that you could somehow become less than the greatest
you've ever imagined yourself to be.

And it's this very image, the highest from within you, that has
summoned your boldest dreams. As if by dare, to draw you into
the light with their sweet rewards, and as if by chance, to draw
you through the very fears that have kept you from it

Slayer of dragons. Matador of all time and space. Rightful heir
to heaven on earth. Don't be afraid. Not even a little.

    The Universe

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #10 - 30.08.2004 at 09:48:46
Consider, Marjana, if you will, an enlightened soul...

Does Kwai Chang Caine of "Kung-Fu" come to mind? Certainly a
likable chap, meditating and all that.

Now picture this: A being so alive that their vibrations awaken
all their senses. Their energy automatically summoning
circumstances, gathering friends, and blasting limits. Falling
so in love with the adventure of life that, like a child on a
playground, they can't help but stretch, reach, and rediscover
all of their capabilities, wanting to be involved in
every "game". Yearning to spring from bed each morning to greet
the day. Dipping their toes in every pool, stream, and ocean,
simply because they can. Understanding the power of thought, and
then sailing out into the world to avail themselves of its
magic; knocking on every door and turning over every stone, to
facilitate the swift manifestation of their dreams.

Sure, you can do less and have more once enlightened, but when
you realize that the world spins in your very hand, that your
thoughts become the things and events of your life, and that
there's truly nothing you can't do, be or have, who would want
to do less?

Have at it, Grasshopper,
    The Universe
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #11 - 16.09.2004 at 09:20:48

It's got nothing to do with being a perfect, goody-goody,
selfless, sacrificing, spiritual saint, Marjana. Blagh! That
whole characterization was meant for a different audience at a
different time, and they really had issues.

It's got everything to do with being yourself, trusting the
magic, following your heart, dreaming big, and having fun.

Hosanna in the highest,
    The Universe
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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #12 - 16.09.2004 at 10:24:19
m wrote on 16.09.2004 at 09:20:48:
It's got nothing to do with being a perfect, goody-goody,
selfless, sacrificing, spiritual saint, Marjana. Blagh! That
whole characterization was meant for a different audience at a
different time, and they really had issues.

It's got everything to do with being yourself, trusting the
magic, following your heart, dreaming big, and having fun.

Hosanna in the highest,
    The Universe

jest sm še kr raztegnjen klele ...
spodnje ja ... dokler to ne ubije zgornjega ...
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Lahko pa da se tudi motim ...

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Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #13 - 16.09.2004 at 11:32:15
gape wrote on 16.09.2004 at 10:24:19:
jest sm še kr raztegnjen klele ...
spodnje ja ... dokler to ne ubije zgornjega ...

sej ga ne more....
a te je še kr strah spodnjega? Smiley
dokler ga ne integriraš, vleče dol


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Posts: 6632

Gender: female
Re: TUT * A note... from the Universe
Reply #14 - 30.09.2004 at 09:30:15

Sadness, illness, and despair, are less conditions, than they
are decisions - to see yourself as less than you really are.

Good thing that's all, huh, Marjana?

    The Universe
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