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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #45 - 16.03.2004 at 17:49:40
a TO SLUČAJNO MISLITE UNO KNJIGO, KI TUD OPISUJE KAKO MOŠKI VSAKI ŽENSKI S KATERO SEXA   (ups c/l=) pol še 7 let energijo črpa? Ko sm jst to mojmu povedala se je ful razburil. Wink Grin Grin Grin
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #46 - 16.03.2004 at 18:29:02
Seveda se je, sej se vsak (skor), ker njihov ego ne prenese, da ženske hranimo moške s svojo energijo in da jim na naš račun ratuje.

Sicer pa nisi točno napisala, sedem let celibata je potrebno, da se vez med moškim in žensko (črv), ki sta seksala, pretrga.

Težko je verjet, treba je videt, zagotavljam pa, da se resnično da videt, kar pa se tiče celibata, sem se jst osebno odločila za drugačen način  Grin Wink Kiss
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #47 - 16.03.2004 at 18:29:47
Aja, ti svetujem, da moškim, sploh pa svojemu, tega ne omenjaš, ker se bo veza skrhala.

LP  Tongue Kiss
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #48 - 16.03.2004 at 19:06:35
UH 7 let celibata? jeba pol... Wink Grin Shocked
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #49 - 18.03.2004 at 11:12:58
Pegasos wrote on 16.03.2004 at 10:13:38:
bravo, si jo prebral celo?
In kaj praviš na to? Si se takoj pobunil ali si začel razmišljat?
Me prav zanima, ker moški, ko - če preberejo tole knjigo, začnejo takoj pluvat, ker so užaljeni (da ne bo pomote-ne vsi).

Please povej, me zanima.
Užaljen? Ne vem zakaj bi bil užaljen.

Je pa dobra knjiga, dobro opisano njeno vajeništvo/učenje,  zanimive scene,  zanimiva njena pot.
Poučna knjiga.  Wink
Prehitro jo je konec.  Grin

Poznaš koga ki jo je prebral in je bil - "užaljen"?  Shocked

Ja, se spomnim tud tistega o "sedmih letih",    ..pa še...    ..šest mesečno bivanje v hiški na drevesu, urejanje vrta, lulanje po stolu ko je uzrla - večnost, tist dogodek je itak ful dobro opisan, zbiranje energije, rekapitulacija, "naključja" ki so pripeljala v šolo, sanjanje.

Prehod vračev -- good book


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Posts: 698

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #50 - 18.03.2004 at 11:32:50
Grin Smileyjaz sem jo prebrala in jo lahko pohvalim...celibat pa ni tako huda zadeva , kot se sliši , ha, ha... Grin
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če poznaš samega sebe se lahko tudi v peklu smeješ
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Posts: 879

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #51 - 18.03.2004 at 11:37:08
arelena wrote on 18.03.2004 at 11:32:50:
Grin Smileycelibat pa ni tako huda zadeva , kot se sliši , ha, ha... Grin

??? Undecided
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Posts: 698

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #52 - 18.03.2004 at 11:40:16
Grin Smileykaj ti ni jasno...
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če poznaš samega sebe se lahko tudi v peklu smeješ
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Posts: 879

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #53 - 18.03.2004 at 11:45:02
arelena wrote on 18.03.2004 at 11:40:16:
Grin Smileykaj ti ni jasno...

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Posts: 698

Re: Potresi III.
Reply #54 - 18.03.2004 at 12:02:39
Smiley Kisspa še ,pa še,  pa paše.... Grin
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če poznaš samega sebe se lahko tudi v peklu smeješ
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #55 - 18.03.2004 at 13:34:25

Poznaš koga ki jo je prebral in je bil - "užaljen"?  Shocked

Seveda poznam, u iber užaljen, to je kr nekaj je reku.
Kaj češ, tale ne bo nikoli videl, vsaj u tem lajfu ne.
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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Re: Potresi III.
Reply #56 - 18.03.2004 at 16:53:43
Vsakomur kar je za njega.....                        +

..vse ob svojem času, nič prej in nič kasneje....   8)

uf... torej še eden takšnih ki zagovara superiornost moških? ..še eden ki ne - občuduje čarovnic?  Wink  Grin

Maš kakšen naslov
kakšne "iste" knjige?

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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #57 - 19.03.2004 at 14:38:18
Maš kakšen naslov
kakšne "iste" knjige?

ne poznam, na žalost, ampak če si to prebral, si verjetno tud Castanedo, si? Castanedove knjige, jih je kr neki, pa od Florinde, pa videokasete - magične kretnje in knjiga, veliko poučnih knjig, če si jih samo enkrat prebral, ti priporočam še enkrat, to svetujem čez sebe, ker jst osebno sem jih vsakič bolj doživljala.
Sem bila tam - pasivni opazovalec.

p.s. moram rečt, da do sedaj še nisem imela fanta, ki bi se zavedal, kaj smo ženske, vsi so bili neki egotripi.
Sej od začetka je še šlo, ko pa je bilo treba živeti bojevniško življenje, je blo vsega konec.

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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #58 - 22.03.2004 at 17:28:16
Something's Not Quite Right In Utah-Wyoming...03/21/04
by Mitch Battros (ECTV)
Folks, this will be a mix of science and good old intuition. Something just does not quite feel right in the states of Utah and Wyoming.

First the science. There have now been four earthquakes in two days in an area that rarely sees earthquakes at all. On March 18th a 3.3 mag and a 2.4 magnitude hit in two 'separate' locations in Utah. Then on March 19th, two 3.1 magnitude quakes hit in the exact same area.

Please note: As I understand it, the odds of two exact measurement quakes to hit in the same area is almost unheard of. The usual is a larger 'primary' quake, and then an 'aftershock'. Most often the primary quake is the largest, follow by a smaller aftershock. But sometimes the 'aftershock' can be larger. In this case, the USGS is showing the "exact" same magnitude for two separate events. A likely reason for this may be due to it not being a "natural quake" at all. Perhaps it is "man made".

I would also like to bring your attention to the fact the EMSC seismology reporting center, is not posting most of the US quakes now. This began at the exact time I disclosed through my investigation of the USGS omissions. Is this just a coincidence?

So what would make "man made" seismic events? Most likely it would be "tunnels". But why? This is were I switch hats from the scientific field, to strictly conjecture, or in simply terms, a good old "hunch".

I have become untrusting of our government reporting centers. Yes, specifically the USGS. As you know from my ongoing investigation regarding the "non-reporting" by the USGS regarding the 5.3 mag. event which occurred on Feb. 6th, and was followed by four more smaller quakes in a 300 mile radius. It was at that time, most of us heard for the first time, some of these quakes were made by mine-blast, mine collapse, or "tunneling". But why, and why now? Then right on the heels of these events, we have the mysterious death of 300 "healthy" elk, who had become "paralyzed" and later died from asphyxiation.

Due to the suspicious nature of current events, I am making last Tuesday's interview with Tom Reed of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department available to everyone. We covered many areas related to the strange elk deaths. I asked him about gases such as 'sulfur' and 'methane', about natural toxins in the area, about a connection between seismic events and the deaths. I asked about the secret undergound biological testing center north of Yellowstone. NWF (National Wildlife Federation) lately has been zeroing in on a mysterious research lab near the north boundary of Yellowstone National Park that the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has been developing with a quiet diffidence that can only be described as secretive.
NWF Article: http://www.earthchangestv.com/secure/2004/article_126.php

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Human beings are creatures
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Posts: 429
Gender: female
Re: Potresi III.
Reply #59 - 25.03.2004 at 09:13:00
Maš kakšen naslov
kakšne "iste" knjige?

Ola DaBi  Wink

Odlična knjiga o ženskah:

V Sanjanju - Florinda Donner - ali si jo že prebral? 8)

check this out
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What we need to do to allow magic to get hold of us is to banish doubts from our minds. Once doubts are banished, anything is possible.&&&&The Wheel of Time
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