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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
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Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
Reply #15 - 17.11.2003 at 21:26:54

Umetnost življenja (osnovni tečaj) se začne:
  • 20. novembra v Mariboru,
  • 27. novembra v Celju,
  • 4. decembra pa v Ljubljani.

    Za prijavo, ostale/druge/naslednje termine, koordinate in informacije pokliči:
  • Katjo - 01 5371 465 oz. 041 293 897
  • ali pa Gregorja - 041 600 956


    PS: Za MB je že enmal pozno, probaš pa lahko, za CE čimprej Katjo pokliči, za LJ pa takisto.
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    « Last Edit: 18.11.2003 at 04:14:19 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #16 - 18.11.2003 at 05:17:42
    ARS wrote on 15.11.2003 at 03:45:09:
    Sicer pa, če me spomin ne vara, tale tečaj "umetniki življenja" izpeljejo kjerkoli v Sloveniji,
    če na kup zbobnate vsaj ducat ljudi. Katja bo zaprmej za vse infote pravi naslov: 041 293 897.

    In seveda, če se nekje v SLO zbere (oz. zbereš) vsaj deset ljudi,
    pride Katja/Gregor naredit brezplačno predstavitev, za kaj gre:
  • na šestdnevnem (25-urnem) tečaju "Umetnost življenja I",

    na kratko pa tudi o Art of Living fondaciji in ostalih tečajih/seminarjih, ki jih organizirajo
    (na lastno ali drugih pobudo), npr.:
  • "Art Excel" (za otroke (npr. 7-12) in mladostnike (npr. 13-17), za katere osnovni tečaj UŽ ni primeren;
  • "Dih - voda - zvok" (se mi zdi, da je brezplačen) in ...

    ... ma, bom spodaj prilepila angleško verzijo najpogostejših AOL tečajev/seminarjev.


    FAQ - Frequently asked questions about Art of Living courses: http://www.artofliving.org/c-faq.html
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    « Last Edit: 18.11.2003 at 06:21:47 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #17 - 18.11.2003 at 05:27:57

    Art of Living - BASIC COURSE

    A gift to humanity. There are many things in life which are very deep but cannot be expressed, though they can be felt. To be able to feel the more delicate truth in life we have to be aware, peaceful and full of joy. Our thoughts and feelings are influenced by the perception of the outside world. They are in constant activity, they oscillate between the past, future, agreement and rejection, expectation and demand.

    This brings strain and stress to our nervous system. If we relax and let our mind become peaceful and delicate it is a source of enthusiasm, creativity, a source of harmony, love and joy. Everyone of us would like to be in this mental condition and we wish that all people we meet feel more peaceful and joyful and go away with a smile.

    Doing meditation and breathing exercises we clear our mind, our inner being and reach a peace, which cannot be upset by anything or anyone. In only a short moment of mental spiritual quietness we can recognize our nature: love and joy, quietness and clearness, beauty and force.

    This experience can be done in the Basic course. It teaches effective methods from the tradition of the Yoga, which are matched with the needs of the present:

    - light / easy physical exercise,
    - profound breathing exercises,
    - guided meditations,
    - recognized and useful mental rules in daily life,
    - Sudarshan Kriya.

    All methods which are taught in the Basic course are simple and can be used by any person - irrespective of age, profession, education, lifestyle and tradition. They bring a lasting improvement in the quality of life and social life.

    The knowledge of this course is universal. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gives divine wisdom available in the universe.

    Sudarshan Kriya, taught by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, is the center of attention. This process of breathing supplies the body cells with oxygen and overflows them with new life. Negative emotions, which have accumulated and deposited in the body like toxic substances, are eliminated in a natural way. Fear, depression and lack of initiative are reduced. The effect of Sudarshan Kriya is based on the force of rhythm. As nature is subject to rhythms - like day and night, ebb and flow, the seasons - our body our emotions, our mind and our self have also their own rhythms. If they correspond, we feel harmony and well - being. When we lose our balance because of stress, we feel uncomfortable and unhappy. Sudarshan Kriya gives us plenty of salutary experiences. If we restore the natural rhythm of our breath, we bring our body, our mind and our emotions from a disordered condition back to balance. We can laugh from the bottom of our heart and say "Yes" to ourselves and to life. We are quiet and collected in our thoughts and so we are able to gain a clear view about things and about ourselves.


    PS: Ta tečaj praviloma traja od četrtka do torka, približno 25 ur, in sicer
    v četrtek, petek, ponedeljek in torek od 18h do 21:30, v soboto in nedeljo pa od 9h do 14:30.
    Maribor - 20. november; Celje - 27. november; Ljubljana - 4. december 2003 ...
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #18 - 18.11.2003 at 06:31:06

    Art of Living - SEMI ADVANCED COURSE

    Prerequisite for participating in a semi advanced course is the Art of Living Basic Course. The semi advanced course deepens and extends the experiences gained in the Basic Course. It's a time of deep silence and meditation. A first acquaintance with silence will give us the experience of a 'healthy distance' to our day-to-day life - a prerequisite for being successful in life. During silence our ever-changing thoughts come to rest, our mind becomes clear and deep joy arises.

    http://www.artofliving-foundation.de/Web-Englisch/startseite-englisch.htm - COURSES

    PS: Če bo dovolj prijav v tem tednu, se bo začel 3. decembra zvečer v Zagrebu (ob 18h; do nedelje popoldan). Tisti, ki ste bili na osnovnem tečaju, imate priliko, da greste v ZG namesto v Bad Antogast, Nemčija (ob francoski meji, blizu Strasbourga). Čimprej pokliči Katjo!
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #19 - 18.11.2003 at 06:31:29

    Art of Living - ADVANCED COURSE

    Prerequisite for taking part for the first time in an advanced course is the Art of Living Semi-Advanced Course. An advanced course means to take one week off, take a rest, eat good and healthy food, do body and breathing exercises, meditate and dive deep into our Self - and all that in a most beautiful spot of nature in the center core of the Black Forest. The experiences made during an advanced course cannot be described, you have to discover yourself how it feels coming back to day-to-day life full of energy and enthusiasm.

    Refresh, Recharge, Renew ... - with an Art of Living Advanced Course. Return to your activities with renewed energy, greater clarity and peace of mind. Advanced courses are designed to put the smile back on your face!

    The Advanced Course - a vacation for mind, body, and spirit: http://www.artofliving.org/c-advanced.html

    PS: Znana sta termina v Nemčiji, kjer bo tudi Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, in sicer konec decembra: http://www.artofliving-foundation.de/Web-Englisch/startseite-englisch.htm - COURSES
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #20 - 18.11.2003 at 06:32:09

    Art of Living - ART EXCEL COURSE

    The "All Round Training for EXCEL LENCE' is a 3-7 day course
    for children from the age of 7 - 12 and for adolescents from 13 - 17 years.

    This program teaches children and adolescents how:
    - to feel at ease with themselves,
    - to participate with self-esteem in a group,
    - to develop creativity,
    - to be full of energy,
    - to release stress,
    - to be better at school,
    - to take responsibility,
    - to have more fun in life.

    The course deals with three aspects of life:
  • physical: yoga and breathing exercises
  • mental: special breathing exercises (sudarshan kriya), relaxation techniques, meditation
  • social: develop problem solving strategies, enhancement of social consciousness and
      feeling of belongingness, dealing with group dynamics, creativity (music, dance, arts, literature)
      and social programs like e.g. assistance to senior citizens, garbage collection, planting of trees.

    Art Excel helps children and adolescents to give a direction and foundation to their lives. They make the experience how to have fun without consuming alcohol or drugs, and that their life becomes useful through gratefulness, mutual respect and compassion, and collective responsible action. This program is offered since 1996 in many countries of the globe. In the U.S.A. and India it is practiced very successfully with road children and orphans. In the U.S.A. these courses are taught with remarkable results to minor criminals and drug addicts.


    PS: Močno upam, da bo za naše "tamale" spet kmalu organiziran; če ne prej, pa med zimskimi počitnicami. No, morda pa že med novoletnimi, odvisno od interesa. Če koga zanima udeležba njegovega otroka, naj mi to čimprej sporoči na "forumski" e-naslov! Hvala.   Kiss  Aida
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #21 - 18.11.2003 at 06:32:50

    Art of Living - BREATH - WATER - SOUND

    This course gives a wonderful opportunity to spread the teaching of AOL more effectively. Participants who have done at least one semi-advanced course and practice Sahaj Samadhi meditation can pass on the knowledge of the Art of Living in a very simple format.

    PS: Pokliči Katjo ali Gregorja!
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #22 - 18.11.2003 at 06:33:26


    With the non-aggression program, children and teens will be taught how to reduce anger, tension and rage in children and teens. In just six hours over three days the children learn through simple breathing exercises, games and knowledge how handle their negative emotions. In a positive and joyful way they experience belongingness and learn about non-violence.

    PS: Pokliči Katjo ali Gregorja!
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

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    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #23 - 18.11.2003 at 06:34:04


    Because of increasing pressures to achieve and produce at a faster rate, stress is today considered a normal part of the typical business routine. Higher levels of stress are being experienced in the work place, regardless of earning capacity or status. Unless the quality of life is improved, disappointment and frustration will continue to interfere with creativity, productivity and harmonious interaction, and will ultimately affect both business and personal life.

    The Self Management Seminar is a proven method for improving the quality of life. It is a practical and effective training program that can empower managers and employees to experience unshakable calmness and inner clarity in the midst of any challenge or crisis. The Self Management Seminar is based on innovative breathing techniques that permanently reduce stress and heighten one's mental clarity and awareness. These powerful techniques, which are easily learned and practiced, improve concentration, enhance creativity and increase efficiency.

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #24 - 18.11.2003 at 06:34:45


    Meditation is like wiping out a fully written blackboard. If you want to write on such a blackboard, you first have to clean it to be able to read what you've written. Our life has often become such a mess because so many impressions have been superimposed.

    Everybody has already experienced moments when the mind was free, relaxed, expanded, peaceful and fully in the present moment. Many things in life we achieve through effort, but this state of mind cannot be obtained through wanting or making efforts but only though effortlessness - through meditation. Meditation is the subtle and high art of doing nothing, of totally letting go.

    Sahaj Samadhi meditation introduces you easily and naturally (Sahaj) to this art.
    In deep mental silence we do experience our Self (Samadhi).

    Sahaj Samadhi meditation can be learned in three two-hour sessions and is then practiced twice daily. It gives us the opportunity to repeatedly experience lightness and a calm mind and to maintain this experience in our active day-to-day life.

    Regular practice of Sahaj Samadhi meditation brings a lot of enhancements in our daily life:
    - deep relaxation,
    - inner peace and harmony,
    - improved physical and mental health,
    - more energy and creativity,
    - development of talents,
    - improved self-perception in body and mind.

    Initiation into Sahaj Samadhi meditation are offered by meditation teachers who have been personally instructed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #25 - 23.11.2003 at 21:28:53
    ARS wrote on 14.09.2003 at 21:13:16:

    Umetnost življenja - Art of Living:  http://www.artofliving.org/

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    is a spiritual master of extraordinary simplicity, wisdom and unconditional love. As a boy resplendent
    with radiance, he was recognized by the enlightened saints of the time as crowned with the divine.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has established numerous non-profit educational & charitable organizations
    in over 140 countries throughout the world, including Art of Living Foundation (http://www.artofliving.org/),
    and International Association for Human Values (http://www.iahv.org/).

    He has pioneered the following programs - Prison SMART, ART EXCEL for the teens,
    Parenting the Angels for children, 5H Program for rural areas and has initiated project
    "Human Values and Human Rights in the Year 2000" with ex-Chancellor of Germany
    and the UN at the world exposition in Germany.

    He has served on the advisory board of Yale Univ. Divinity School. He was a featured speaker
    at the 50th anniversary celebrations of the UN, the International Conference on Buddhism in Japan,
    International Women’s Conference in Beijing.

    His gift and techniques to the world include Sudarshana Kriya™ (Proper vision of one self),
    Hollow and Empty™, Meditation, Yoga, Meditation in Motion™, Sound & Purification™,
    and much more.

    Kratek video o Sri Sri Ravi Shankarju in Art of Living fondaciji:

    FAQ - Frequently asked questions about Art of Living courses: http://www.artofliving.org/c-faq.html

    Umetnost življenja (osnovni tečaj) se začne:
  • 27. novembra v Celju,
  • 4. decembra pa v Ljubljani.

    Za prijavo, ostale/druge/naslednje termine, koordinate in informacije čimprej pokliči:
  • Katjo - 01 5371 465 oz. 041 293 897

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #26 - 30.11.2003 at 21:02:05

    Naslednji osnovni tečaj Umetnost življenja se v Ljubljani začne ta četrtek, 4. decembra.

    Za prijavo, ostale/druge/naslednje termine, koordinate in informacije čimprej pokliči:
  • Katjo - 01 5371 465 oz. 041 293 897

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #27 - 16.12.2003 at 23:29:48

    Umetnost življenja (osnovni tečaj)
    se v Ljubljani
    naslednjič začne 22. januarja 2004;
    toplo priporočam, vsem.

    Za prijavo, ostale/druge/naslednje termine,
    koordinate in informacije pokliči:
  • Katjo - 01 5371 465 oz. 041 293 897
  • ali pa Gregorja - 041 600 956.

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #28 - 09.01.2004 at 05:26:31

    Umetnost življenja (osnovni tečaj)
    se bo v Ljubljani ponovno dogajal,
    in sicer 22. januarja 2004; močno priporočam, vsem.

    Za prijavo, ostale/druge/naslednje termine,
    koordinate in informacije pokliči:
  • Katjo - 01 5371 465 oz. 041 293 897.

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Posts: 469

    Gender: male
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #29 - 09.01.2004 at 14:13:19
    Ti si pa čist njihova fenica ratala  Grin
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    Živim za trenutke, od zdele naprej.
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