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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1

Prekomerno potenje
19.09.2006 at 19:28:49

imam težave s prekomernim potenjem, ki je očitno psihološka reakcija. poskusila sem že hipnoterapijo, homeopatske kapljice in regresijo. mi lahko še kdo kaj svetuje?

že nekaj časa iščem podložke za podpazduho, ali morda kdo ve kje jih lahko kupim?

hvala za pomoč!
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Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #1 - 19.09.2006 at 20:54:38
mogoče se na jogo vpisat, se naučit dihat, se naučit bit sproščen in umirjen, pa bo

to bo verjetno prej pomagalo kot regresija Smiley
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 17

Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #2 - 16.10.2006 at 15:34:53
In nic od tega ni pomagalo? Jaz mislim se vse to poizkusiti, (ubadam se namrec z istim problemom). Pri komu si pa bila na regresiji? A navadnega psihologa si ze probala?
Blazinice se dobijo v DM in Sparu in Leclercu, stanejo cca. 450 sit in so v rumeni skatlici. Meni niso cisto nic pomagale, ker šumijo, ko premakneš roko!
Jaz se s tem problemom že kar nekaj časa spopadam.
Upam, da se bo nasla kaksna resitev, za obe. Lep pozdrav..
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divinum est sedare dolorem

Posts: 86

Gender: male
Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #3 - 17.10.2006 at 12:32:18
Hiperhidroza NI psiholoska reakcija!
Morda je psihosomatskega izvora, ni pa nujno.
Vnos snovi, ki telo segrevajo in drazijo (kava, crni caj, cvrtje, pikantna hrana...) lahko precej pospesi prekomerno potenje.
Zeleni caj (4-5 min. vendar ne v krop, nekje 60 stopinj naj ima voda) na telo deluje osvezujuce in ga hladi.


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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 17

Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #4 - 17.10.2006 at 14:57:05
Ja, pa je. Potim, se ko se znajdem v neprijetnih situacijah, (čeprav je to skoraj vedno, ko sem v družbi), doma pa večinoma ne. Nisem uživala teh pospeševalcev, pa sem se čisto enako potila... Veliko sem o tem že prebrala, ker je ta problem moReč, in veliko stvari poskusila. Tudi raznorazne vaje ne pomagajo. Ni tako lahko, kot se mogoče zdi.  Undecided
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divinum est sedare dolorem

Posts: 86

Gender: male
Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #5 - 18.10.2006 at 17:37:40

Usually recommended as the first therapeutic measure. The most effective agent appears to be alluminum chloride (20-25%) in 70-90% alcohol, applied in the evening 2-3 times/week. Generally, this treatment is sufficient in cases with light to moderate hyperhidrosis but has to repeated regularly.
Can be tried if antiperspirants have not lead to the desired result. This method consists in applying low intensity electric current (15-18 mA), supplied by a D/C generator, to the palms and/or soles immersed in an electrolyte solution. The procedure has to be repeated regularly, initially in 20' sessions several times/week, gradually stretching out the interval between treatments to 1-2 weeks. The results vary: many patients, suffering from light or moderate hyperhiderosis, are happy with the method, some may consider it too time-consuming or inefficient, and comparably expensive. It is difficult to apply in axillary, and impossible to use in diffuse hyperhidrosis of the face or the trunk/thigh region.
Equipment, specifically designed for the treatment of hyperhidrosis at home or in the physician's office, is commercially available from different suppliers.
There are no specific drugs available against profuse sweating. Psychotropic (mostly sedative) and/or anticholinergic drugs are often tested but show usually too many side-effects before any noticeable result can be achieved. Hence, they are, as a rule, not recommended. In those few cases who suffer from profuse sweating on the trunk (but not the extremities), a low dose of anticholinergic agent can slightly alleviate the symptoms without rendering life unsupportable from side-effects (dry mouth, accomodation difficulties of the eyes, etc), but a dosage necessary to normalize the amount of sweating will rarely be tolerated.
A family of toxins produced by a bacteria known as Clostridium botulinum. This toxin is one of the most lethal poisons known, interfering with the effect of the transmitter substance acethylcholine at the synapses (the contact point of a nerve ending with another nerve cell or a muscle) and leading to progressive paralysis of all muscles in the body, including the respiratory muscles. In extremely low doses, botulinus toxin has been adopted in cases with localized muscle hyperactivity (lid spasms, torticollis, etc), resulting in a reduction in transmitting impulses to the muscle. Initial reports have been published regarding the use of botulinum toxin in hyperhidrosis. It seems to work adequately in axillary hyperhidrosis, lasting for 6-12 months depending on the dosage (0.5-1.0 Units/cm2;). A drawback are the costs of this treatment which has to be repeated at regular intervals, but the side-effects seem to be negligible if dosages are kept low.
Excision of the axillary sweat glands
Patients with axillary hyperhidrosis who are unresponsive to medical therapy can be effectively treated by excision of the axillary sweat glands. If sweating extends beyond the hairy portion of the axilla, several skin incisions may be needed, sometimes resulting in formation of hypertrophic and/or constrictive scars.
- The principle of sympathectomy is to interrupt the nerve tracks and nodes (ganglia) which transmit the signals to the sweat glands. Basically, this can be achieved for all locations in the body, but only the nerve nodes responsible for the sweat glands of the palms and the face are accessible without the need for a major surgical procedure. Today, the treatment of choice for moderate to severe palmar and facial hyperhidrosis (but also axillary, especially if combined with palmar sweating), consists in a surgical procedure known as Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy. This minimal-invasive endoscopic technique has been developed in recent years in a few hospitals in Europe, superseeding Conventional Thoracic Sympathectomy, a very traumatic procedure performed in the past. The endoscopic technique is very safe, if performed by a surgeon experienced in this type of procedure, and leads to definitive cure in nearly 100% of patients, leaving only a minimal scar in the armpit.
- Individuals with combined hyperhidrosis of the palms and soles have a good chance to improve the sweating of their feet after an operation aiming to suppress sweating of the hands. Isolated plantar hyperhidrosis can, however, only cured by Lumbar Sympathectomy, an open abdominal procedure.
- Diffuse hyperhidrosis of the trunk or general sweating of the whole body cannot be treated by surgery.
"Alternative Medicine"
In the experience of the author, many patients, disappointed by the treatment offered by their doctors, have tried different methods of alternative therapy including homoeopathy, massage, acupuncture and phytotherapeutic drugs, in almost all cases without noticeable improvement.
There are no systematic studies on this method. Few patiens have tried it, reporting poor results on palmar hyperhidrosis.
Very limited effect in the absolut majority of patients. Psychological problems are in most cases a consequence of hyperhidrosis, not the cause. Hence, psychiatric or psychopharmacologic therapy cannot cure this disorder, at most it may help the patient to accept living with the problem.

Gre za soroden problem kot je zardevanje:
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 17

Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #6 - 19.10.2006 at 18:42:29
Hvala, ker se trudis pomagati, Achilcrates. Bom tole preštudirala, mogoče pa se nekaj najde, kar bo vžgalo. LP
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Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #7 - 19.10.2006 at 19:22:21
Achilcrates wrote on 18.10.2006 at 17:37:40:
Usually recommended as the first therapeutic measure. The most effective agent appears to be alluminum chloride (20-25%) in 70-90% alcohol, applied in the evening 2-3 times/week. Generally, this treatment is sufficient in cases with light to moderate hyperhidrosis but has to repeated regularly.

ampak a ni bil zadnji podatek o antirespirantih, natančneje o alluminium chloride-u, ki preprečuje potenje, da maši te žleze znojnice in s tem -kaj vem natanko, kako- povzroča nastanek rakavih tvorb?
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 1

Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #8 - 13.05.2008 at 17:31:36

Stara sem 24 let in tudi sama imam zelo velike težave s prekomernim potenjem po celem telesu. Morda bi komu pomagala v puder zmešana učinkovina urotropina/metanamena, meni je za roke in noge majčkeno pomagala (vendar učinkuje kratek čas in je kratkotrajna rešitev). Dobi se v lekarni (plačljivo, ok. 10 EUR) na recept.

Nikakor se s tem svojim potenjem ne morem sprijazniti (tudi zato ne, ker bom v službi, kjer bom vedno na očeh), za injekcije botoxa ali odstanjevanje znojnic se nisem odločila, ker so to vse reči, kjer ni več poti nazaj in so radikalni ukrepi (človek se mora potiti). Naj na kratko opišem svojo težavo: potim se ne le ob večjih stresih, ampak skoraj vedno (nikoli pa ponoči), tako zelo, da se je že zgodilo, da mi je kapljalo z rok ali pazduh (seveda sem zato neprestano žejna in veliko spijem). Ker se mi zaradi potenja telo nenehno ohlaja, me vedno zebe (najhuje je pozimi, ko se tudi najbolj potim), na srečo pa to ni koncentriran pot, tako da lahko normalno shajam z le malo nadpovprečno skrbjo za higieno. Seveda ta moja "hiba" prinaša tudi težave z okoljem (saj veste, ko ne moreš nikomur dati roke, ali pa si kdo šteje preveč v čast, če opazi, da se potiš, kot da bi to bilo zaradi njega), ker imam kožo npr. na rokah povsem razmočeno, se porežem na najbolj topih predmetih, in čeprav npr. zelo rada plešem, se odrekam tudi temu. Ker obstajajo tudi redke situacije, ko se ne potim (npr. če cel dan ne grem iz stanovanja in me nič ne vznemiri), se nagibam k temu, da je moja težava psihogena.

Edina stvar, ki je še nisem poizkusila, so antidepresivi. Zanima me, če so komu od vas pomagali.

Ker ne verjamem več, da bi lahko kar koli ali kdor koli pri moji težavi pomaga, bi si neskončno želela navezati stik s kom, ki ima podobno težavo (ker namreč hiperhidroza prizadene zelo majhen odstotek populacije, še nisem srečala nikogar s podobno težavo), da bi si vsaj tako vzajemno lajšala težave, ki jih prinaša vsak moj »moker dan«.



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Posts: 879

Re: Prekomerno potenje
Reply #9 - 14.05.2008 at 14:05:01
O Eva1

Predvidevam, da si že opravila ustrezne preiskave pri zdravnikih in da niso našli kakega fiziološkega razloga za tvoj problem.
Če je tako, bi bilo verjetno smiselno preveriti ali je tvoja težava psihičnega izvora.

Zdej, jst ne poznam nobenega psihiatra ali psihoterapevta, ki bi imel izkušnje s hiperhidrozo. Če bom koga našel, ti bom sporočil. Poskusi navezat stike s kakim terapevtom preko spleta. Na "www.nebojse.si" jih je kar nekaj, morda ima kdo kake izkušnje ali pa koga ustreznega pozna. Sem pa skoraj prepričan, da te /ko ga boš našla/ ne bo zdravil z antidepresivi.

Zelo dobro bi bilo, če poskusiš malo pobrskati po preteklosti. Kaj pa vem; ali si doživela kako hudo izgubo /smrt očeta ob ustreznih dodatnih dejavnikih krivde recimo/, zlorabo, ponižanje, strah... tko da nekje začneta.

Držim pesti, da ti uspe rešit težavo.


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