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Preveč dobrega je lahko
... čudovito. (Mae West)

Posts: 2510
daleč od rodne barjanske grude
Gender: female
UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
03.11.2003 at 08:51:26

Umetnost življenja - osnovni tečaj,
ki se redno "odvija" marsikje po Sloveniji,
močno priporočam vsakomur.

Dva novembrska termina sta že znana:
  • tečaj v Ljubljani se začne 6. novembra,
  • tečaj v Mariboru pa 20. novembra.

    V dogodkovnem topiku sem na to temo že mal več povedala in "prepisala", pa tudi razpredali smo:


    Informacije, termini in prijave:
    Katja - 01 5371 465 oz. 041 293 897
    Gregor - 041 600 956

    Dodatne informacije pa tudi na spletni strani: http://www.artofliving.org/
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    « Last Edit: 16.11.2003 at 08:40:43 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #1 - 09.11.2003 at 21:42:31

    Kogarkoli zanima učinkoviti tečaj Umetnost življenja,
    lahko pride na kratko predstavitev,
    ki bo v torek, 11. novembra, ob 20h,
    na OŠ Dravlje, Klopčičeva ulica 1, Ljubljana.

    Za vsak slučaj - koordinate & informacije: Katja - 041 293 897

    Naslednji tečaj v Ljubljani se bo začel 4. decembra 2003.


    PS - koordinate do OŠ Dravlje:
    Celovška cesta, smer center LJ, pred obvoznico je na desni mala Petrolova črpalka, za njo je Mercator,
    ob katerem lahko parkiraš, za njim je stan. blok (vzporeden s Celovško), za njim pa OŠ Dravlje.
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    « Last Edit: 19.11.2003 at 23:57:44 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #2 - 15.11.2003 at 03:41:47
    ARS wrote on 30.09.2003 at 15:12:40:
    Tko - danes imamo zadnji dan.
    Se po novem znam z dihanjem zadet ...  Wink

    ... in se počutim ... drugače & bolje ... kot pred začetkom tega tečaja.
    Imam na sumu, da nič več ne bo tako, kot je bilo prej ...  Wink

    Od petka mi ne paše meso; od sobote ne kadim; od nedelje ne pijem kave ...
    Nič od tega nisem izrecno imela v planu (zagotovo pa ne z udeležbo na tem tečaju),
    a vsaj zadnje dvoje vsekakor lahko kar vztraja z mano.  Wink  D'best!

    Udeležbo na tečaju UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA I. priporočam; močno & vsakomur!

    ARS wrote on 07.10.2003 at 00:50:54:
    PS: En teden po tečaju - mini poročilo glasi:

    jutranje (dihalne) vaje poljubno delam (po moje bi se težje sfolgala, če bi jih redno);
    Sudarshan Kriya mi je zmeri manj moteča (no, mojmu kefirju);
    Ujjayi diham tut naključno, ko se spomnim (kva sede);
    stresa & ino podobnega mi v tem tednu še ni blo treba izpihvat (mrbit sem pa spregledala);
    režim in smejim se po moje še en mal več (ma, nikad dosta);
    ne kadim (nič ne kaže, da bom) - a da sem kdaj?;
    ne pijem kave (kul; ampak le zakaj mi pa zeleni čaj po novem ne paše?);
    nizek pritisk (res nizek, guys: povpr. 54/83) zlagoma res kaže na uravnavo oz. zvišanje;
    meso (od sobote) spet uživam (v pici-mini količinah, bi rekla tamala);
    kruh (nima veze kak) mi težko pade in me utrujeno nardi (no, zakaj?);
    bolje okušam in vonjam (že prej nisem prav švoh, zdej je pa sploh odbit);
    bolj izostreno oz. točneje se "slišim" (to bo zaprmej še ... uf);
    druge mirneje, pazliveje in potrpežljiveje poslušam ter še natančneje slišim ...

    Ma, ni več tko, kot je blo!   Wink  D'best!

    Ja, res ni več tko, kot je blo ...
    ... in - med drugim - res ne kadim in ne kofetkam več.   Cheesy
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #3 - 15.11.2003 at 03:45:09

    Tečaj/Seminar Umetnost življenja I.
    praviloma vedno traja od četrtka do torka, in sicer:
  • v četrtek, petek, ponedeljek in torek od 18h do 21h/21:30,
  • v soboto in nedeljo pa od 9h do 14h/14:30.

    Cena je 25.000 SIT za zaposlene, 18.000 SIT za dijake, študente in brezposelne,
    a plačaš lahko na več obrokov, na toliko in tolikšne, kot lahko oz. zmoreš
    (zato naj ti tokrat denar ne bo izgovor, če slutiš, da bi ti nucal).

    sam sem bil enkrat na temu tečaju, so kar dragi

    ARS wrote on 08.10.2003 at 16:05:10:
    Škatlica cigaret stane, recimo, 425 SIT.
    Nekdo, ki pokadi eno na dan, skuri v mesecu dni vsaj 13 jurjev.
    Zaposleni, ki zaradi tega tečaja zna na novo (za)dihat in posledično tudi brez cigaret,
    si v dobrem mesecu pokrije stroške tečaja; študent pa še prej.

    Da ne nadaljujem s tem, koliko stanejo kava, pa meso, pa alkohol, pa ...
    ... pa bolečina/bolečine, pa dnevi bolniške ali pa dnevi dopusta zaradi bolezni, pa čakanje pri dohtarjih ...
    Vsak ima lastne računice; ali pa tudi ne.

    Od tega tečaja niti slučajno nisem pričakovala tega, kar se mi vse od njega dalje rola,
    a znanja, ki sem jih na njem osvojila, so (meni) neprecenljive vrednosti.

    In če grem, posebej za A., še in zgolj z vidika stroškovne učinkovitosti pogledat:
    vse tisto, kar od 25. septembra dalje ne konzumiram, pa prej sem, mi je že v celoti pokrilo udeležbo na tečaju.

    Res sem vesela, da so me naključja na ta tečaj pripeljala,
    med ljudi, ki ta osnovna znanja drugim odgovorno in zavzeto posredujejo.

    V Ljubljani tečaji potekajo
    na OŠ Dravlje, Klopčičeva ulica 1 ...
    ... in naslednji se bo začel 4. decembra,
    še prej pa v Mariboru, in sicer 20. novembra!


    PS: Sicer pa, če me spomin ne vara, tale tečaj "umetniki življenja" izpeljejo kjerkoli v Sloveniji,
    če na kup zbobnate vsaj ducat ljudi. Katja bo zaprmej za vse infote pravi naslov: 041 293 897.
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    « Last Edit: 24.03.2004 at 09:33:40 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #4 - 15.11.2003 at 03:46:38
    Devi wrote on 07.10.2003 at 10:59:45:
    Sliši pa se svetsko! Cheesy Kiss

    ARS wrote on 07.10.2003 at 16:41:35:
    Tako kot se ti sliši, tudi deluje; ravno tako. No, če mene vprašaš ...  Wink

    A je mnogim (večini?) težko dojet, da je dihanje nekaj:
  • s čimer (bojda) lahko preprečimo vsaj 80 % bolezni;
  • kar imamo vedno "pri roki";
  • nadvse učinkovitega in povsem zastonj.

    Paradoksalno, a žal na moč resnično:
    ker so osnovne dihalne vaje (predvsem Ujjayi, tristopenjska Pranayama, Bhastrika in Sudarshan Kriya):

    - preproste,
    - izredno učinkovite,
    - hitro naučljive oz. obvladljive,
    - vsakomur in vedno na voljo ter
    - povsem zastonj,

    ljudi odbijajo, kajti povsem sami jih morajo izvajat/delat
    oz. nihče jih ne more delat (redno) namesto njih, pa četudi bi plačali.

    Kdaj se najpogosteje svojega telesa zavemo? Ko se, kao, spunta ...   Wink  
    In kako mu lahko najhitreje in najbolj učinkovito pomagamo, v večini primerov? Z dihanjem. Simpl.   Wink

    Skozi preproste stvari živimo in izkazujemo ljubezen ...
    ... od prvega vdiha do zadnjega izdiha; najprej in predvsem sebi.

  • Prvega tečaja sem se udeležila konec septembra.
    Ker mi je takoj v oktobru, močno verjetno,
    moj kefir (aka jogurt) moje telo "skrčil & položil" v išias -
    - da ja ne bi vaj delala, anede - sem šla potem pa še na novembrskega.

    Na septembrski tečaj sem šla iz enega samega razloga:
    da bi se naučila kake tehnike dihanja oz. dihat.
    Pa se nisem naučila le ene tehnike dihanja, samozdravljenja z dihom in dihanja energije na zalogo,
    tudi kar precej mojih "stvari" oz. odvisnosti in navad je že pristalo na smetišču zgodovine ...

    Hvaležna sem naključjem, tečaju & Katji ... in sebi, ker si "sledim".

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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Ride si sapis!
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    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #5 - 15.11.2003 at 04:06:50

    vdih - izdih
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    Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
    WWW WWW  
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #6 - 16.11.2003 at 08:25:15
    ARS wrote on 14.09.2003 at 21:15:23:

    The Art of Living Course

    Everyone wants more happiness, love, and peace of mind. What keeps us from increasing these qualities in our lives is stress. Often we don't realize the degree to which stress clouds our natural enthusiasm, saps our energy, interferes in our relationships, and affects our health.

    You will find that the Art of Living Course releases layers of stress without effort, removing blocks to the increased energy and joy that are our birthright.

    Ancient and Modern

    The course integrates modern methods with ancient spiritual heritage to bring you in touch with the silent core of your Being.

    You will discover the hidden laws that govern the mind, as well as skills for dealing effectively with negative emotions. In addition you will enjoy the ancient practices of yoga, meditation and rhythms of breath, as these are combined in new ways to nourish all levels of Body, Mind and Spirit.

    The Art of Living Course offers the practical wisdom of how to live gracefully in a stressful world, and also the deep spiritual experience necessary to put that knowledge into action.

    ARS wrote on 14.09.2003 at 21:21:45:
    Sudarshan Kriya

    One of the main techniques taught on the Art of Living Basic Course, this powerful practice has a profound effect on the mind, body and spirit. Attention to the rhythms of the breath and their effect on health was part of the ancient knowledge of the art of living. Developed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living, the Sudarshan Kriya® is a special breathing technique that triggers the mind and body to release stress.

    The key to understanding the enormous health implications of the Sudarshan Kriya and related breathing practices lies in understanding the relationship between the breath, the mind, the emotions, and the body. The breath is the key link between the mind, body, and emotions. By learning a special pattern of breathing, one can rid the system of accumulated stress and toxins, as well as release negative emotions and rejuvenate the body.

    "We need to do a cleansing process within ourselves. In sleep we get rid of fatigue, but the deeper stresses remain in our body. Sudarshan Kriya cleanses the system from the inside. The breath has a great secret to offer."

           Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Recent medical studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of the Sudarshan Kriya (and its related practices) taught in our Art of Living courses.

    ARS wrote on 12.10.2003 at 19:10:56:
    Jaz se ne čutim poklicana za to, da tukaj gor razlagam tehnike, ki jih ne obvladam,
    in za katere sem izkustveno prepričana,
    da ti jih mora posredovati nekdo v živo (tisti, ki jih obvlada), pa še marsikaj zraven oz. "okrog njih".

    Nekateri ste na vso silo želeli razlago tehnik ...
    Evo, tole sem našla - enmal v dopolnitev:
    iz knjige "Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, The Way of Grace".

    Še vedno mislim, da je osnovni tečaj za začetnika pač potreben,
    a hkrati drži, da te opremi prav z vsem, da lahko nadaljuješ sam ...
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #7 - 16.11.2003 at 08:59:48

    Pa tale d'best povzetek mi je tudi pod prste prišel:

    Mind and Breath

    The calmness and clarity of your mind determines your ability to be productive and creative in life. A clear mind is a powerful tool, like a sharply focused laser beam. Under stress and pressure, the mind often becomes preoccupied with past mistakes or anxious over future goals and deadlines. These constant vacillations in the mind result in lower performance, lack of concentration and decreased efficiency. Conflicts and stress that originate in the mind get stored as toxins in the body, resulting in ill health as well as lack of focus and an inability to make effective decisions.  

    The breath has proven to be a powerful tool to effectively regulate the mind and eliminate stresses and impurities from the system. Every inhalation brings vital energy to the body; every exhalation relieves stress and eliminates toxins. Over 80% of the toxins in the body are eliminated through the breath, yet most people use only 35% of their lung capacity. The breath also plays an important role in how we feel emotionally, as well as in the state of our mind, which directly affects our creativity and productivity.  

    The breath is the connecting link between the mind and emotions. Every emotion creates a specific rhythm or pattern of breath. When one is anxious, under pressure, or stressed there is a deviation in the natural rhythm of the breath which limits one's energy and mental clarity. When faced with a business or management challenge the breath becomes fast and tense; creativity and decision-making abilities are impaired. When contented and relaxed, the breath becomes more full and light and there is an increase in efficiency and enthusiasm. Skillful use of the breath can effortlessly transform an individual's mental and emotional state, augmenting both productivity and creativity.

    Breathing is a Vital Source of Energy  
    The breath is an extremely powerful source of energy that directly affects one's business performance. The breath is linked to one's vital life force or bio-energy. A lack of this energy results in lethargy, irritability, low enthusiasm, and even depression. Conversely, when the body is filled with this energy, people become more energetic, innovative and productive, experiencing an overall improvement in health and well-being. Our life can be greatly enhanced by learning the many secrets of the breath.  

    The Healing Breath Technique
    The Seminar offers specific breathing techniques that infuse the body with energy and harmonize the natural rhythms of the body, mind, and emotions. Due to the intensity and stress of our daily environment, these natural rhythms get distorted. Experienced as burnout or ill health, this discord creates fatigue in the body and mind, creating mental and emotional imbalances, lowering one's productivity and efficiency.

    The Healing Breath Technique (Sudarshan Kriya), a core practice taught during the seminar, uses specific rhythms of breath to re-establish balance in life as it simultaneously floods every cell in the body with oxygen and energy. The Healing Breath Technique purifies and rejuvenates the body by eliminating toxins at a deep cellular level. Course participants report that with regular practice (10-15 minutes a day) there is a vast improvement in physical and mental energy, as well as a feeling of greater harmony with others.

    Umetnost življenja - osnovni tečaj:
  • tečaj v Mariboru se začne 20. novembra,
  • tečaj v Ljubljani pa 4. decembra.

    Za prijavo, ostale/druge/naslednje termine, koordinate in informacije:
  • Katja - 01 5371 465 oz. 041 293 897
  • Gregor - 041 600 956


    Umetnost življenja - Art of Living:  http://www.artofliving.org/

    Videa o Sri Sri Ravi Shankarju in Art of Living fondaciji:
    "LOVES MOVES THE WORLD":  http://www.artofliving.org/stream/lmtw2.wmv
    "A SMILE FROM THE HEARTH":  Http://www.artofliving.org/stream/smile.wmv
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    « Last Edit: 16.11.2003 at 10:35:57 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Osmisli življenje s tem,
    kar od sebe daš
    Posts: 1616
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #8 - 16.11.2003 at 13:22:23
    Arska, ti že tako reklamo delaš za te tečaje o Umetnost življenja - osnovnih tečajih, da bi te kar malo imel na sumu, da pobiraš kako provizijo. Wink
    Pridi raje na tečaj k Prem Rawatu, pa boš vse tehnike dobila zastonj. Wink
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    Dih ti je dan, dih ti je svet,&&spoznaj ta sveti kraj, &&preden ti bo vzet.&&Le kdor zadiha iz srca,&&njega blaženost spozna. Smiley
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #9 - 16.11.2003 at 14:04:05
    stoychi wrote on 16.11.2003 at 13:22:23:
    Arska, ti že tako reklamo delaš za te tečaje o Umetnost življenja - osnovnih tečajih,
    da bi te kar malo imel na sumu, da pobiraš kako provizijo. Wink

    Ha, glej glej, le kdo se oglaša - mu gre reklama v nos ...   Roll Eyes
    Stojchi, ne sodi drugih po sebi; ne glede reklame, ne glede provizije, ne glede česa tretjega.

    Ti pa vsekakor javno zagotovim, da bom vso provizijo delila s teboj, pošteno, do stotina natančno;
    pa še A. bo kak SITek dobil, anede, da bo manj siten in kontrolen, pa bo.
    Tebi 60% (za Prem Rawat propagando), A.ju 10% (za ponovno udeležbo na UŽ tečaju), meni pa 30% - prav?

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    « Last Edit: 17.11.2003 at 06:41:14 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #10 - 16.11.2003 at 14:40:08
    stoychi wrote on 16.11.2003 at 13:22:23:
    Smiley  Arska, ti že tako reklamo delaš za te tečaje o Umetnost življenja ...

    Reklamo za osnovni tečaj/seminar Umetnost življenja delam preprosto zato, na kratko:
  • ker verjamem, da so znanja, ki jih posreduje, nekaj, kar bi nas morali učiti že vsaj od OŠ dalje.
  • ker je primeren za vsakogar, ne glede na starost, kondicijo, poklic, izobrazbo, življenjski slog,
      veroizpoved ali tradicijo.
  • ker se praviloma vsi dnevno soočamo s stresom in napetostjo ter njunimi učinki oz. posledicami.
  • ker ni prav nič mističen ali pokroviteljski, temveč nadvse in zgolj uporaben ter učinkovit
      (oziroma posreduje tehnike/"življenjske zakone"/znanja, ki taki so).
  • ker sem na lastni koži izkusila njegovo učinkovitost in nenehno izkušam učinkovitost znanj/tehnik,
      ki sem jih na njem pridobila.
  • ker sem vesela in hvaležna, da sta mi v septembru Metka in Pina (neodvisno ena od druge) povedali zanj.

    In po teh dveh slabih mesecih in brskanju po sebi ter naokrog ter delanju vaj
    me prav nič ne čudi naslednji zapis iz članka, ki sem ga na spletu zasledila:

    "Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is currently being considered for the Nobel Peace Prize.
    Founder of the Art of Living Foundation, 5H program and
    co-founder of the International Association of Human Values with the Dalai Lama,
    Sri Sri is the inspiration for numerous charitable projects around the world.
    Over a million people all over the world have enjoyed the Art of Living programs.
    There are centers in over 136 countries ..."

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    « Last Edit: 16.11.2003 at 19:18:22 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Osmisli življenje s tem,
    kar od sebe daš
    Posts: 1616
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #11 - 16.11.2003 at 16:08:48
    ok s tem se tudi sam globoko strinjam Kiss

    in seminar I stane:

    seminar II stane:

    seminar III stane:

    seminar IV stane:

    seminar V stane:

    seminar VI stane:

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    Dih ti je dan, dih ti je svet,&&spoznaj ta sveti kraj, &&preden ti bo vzet.&&Le kdor zadiha iz srca,&&njega blaženost spozna. Smiley
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #12 - 16.11.2003 at 19:10:26
    stoychi wrote on 16.11.2003 at 16:08:48:
    Smiley  ok s tem se tudi sam globoko strinjam Kiss
    in seminar I stane:
    seminar II stane:
    seminar III stane:
    seminar IV stane:
    seminar V stane:
    seminar VI stane:

    ARS wrote on 16.09.2003 at 12:42:52:
    Cena je 25.000 SIT za zaposlene, 15.000 SIT za študente in brezposelne,
    a plačaš lahko na več obrokov, na toliko in tolikšne, kot lahko oz. zmoreš

    (zato naj ti tokrat denar oz. manjko SITov ne bo izgovor, če slutiš, da bi ti nucal).

    Ni mi sicer povsem jasno, s čim si se globoko strinjal ...  Wink  ... a naslednje zaprmej drži:
  • Osnovni tečaj Umetnosti življenja stane 25.000 oz. 15.000 SIT in za večino udeležencev
      je ta tečaj povsem dovolj oz. je praviloma edini, ki jih/nas sploh zanima (s palete Art of Living).
  • Po končanem tečaju je učitelj, za dodatne odgovore ali navodila, vedno na voljo (telefonsko ali na srečanju).
  • V Ljubljani se udeleženci osnovnega tečaja lahko udeležujemo četrtkovih večernih srečanj/druženj,
      kjer eden izmed učiteljev vodi tudi "ta dolgo verzijo vaj" oz. satsang
      (v MB je enako srečanje 1x na 14 dni, za drugje pa ne vem).
  • Če se želiš kdaj kasneje ponovno udeležiti osnovnega tečaja - Umetnost življenja I -,
      se ga lahko (kjerkoli v Sloveniji ali na svetu) udeležiš skoraj brezplačno.
  • Če se kam preseliš oz. si na službeni poti, se lahko lokalnemu satsangu pridružiš kjerkoli na svetu.

    Vsega pa tudi ne gre v naprej povedat, anede ...
    ... a vsakomur udeležbo iskreno in toplo priporočam,


    PS: Sicer je pa cena močno subjektivna zadeva, anede.  Wink  Mene je ta tečaj tako "obdelal", da sem v slabih treh tednih noter celoten strošek prinesla; ker mi niso več ne cigareti dišal, ne kava, pa tudi meso ne.  Wink  Je en frend reku, da je to pa na moč ekonomično, takle tečaj.   Wink  No, tako je vplival name; subjektivno.
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
    daleč od rodne barjanske grude
    Gender: female
    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #13 - 16.11.2003 at 19:26:40

    Sledi še en zapis o najpomembnejši tehniki, ki se je vsakdo brez težav nauči na osnovnem tečaju:

    Sudarshan Kriya®

    One of the main techniques taught on the Art of Living Basic Course, is the Sudarshan Kriya, developed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living. The Sudarshan Kriya® is a special breathing technique that triggers the mind and body to release stress. This powerful practice has a profound effect on the mind, body and spirit. Attention to the rhythms of the breath and their effect on body, mind and spirit is an ancient wisdom adapted to the needs of modern life.

    The key to understanding the enormous health benefits of the Sudarshan Kriya and related breathing practices lies in understanding the relationship between the breath, the mind, the emotions, and the body. The breath is the key link between the mind, body, and emotions. By learning a special pattern of breathing, one can rid the system of accumulated stress and toxins, as well as release negative emotions and rejuvenate the body

    Art Of Living courses enhance health on every level: mental, physical, emotional and spiritual and provide practical tools to reduce the effects of stress. Most people come away from the courses feeling energized and refreshed, having just dropped a lot of tension and stress. Participants commonly report that their health improves, their awareness increases, and they feel a greater sense of ease in their lives. Others report an improvement in relationships, greater creativity, and increased mental clarity.

    Several studies also verify a wide range of mental, emotional, and physical benefits. Techniques from the Art of Living Course are simple to learn, easy to practice. Continued practice extends the workshop's benefits to daily life.

    Sudarshan Kriya, the healing breath, is a special technique offered during the course to greatly enhance our development. The unique breathing practice uses specific rhythm of the breath to restore harmony to our whole being.
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    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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    Preveč dobrega je lahko
    ... čudovito. (Mae West)

    Posts: 2510
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    Re: UMETNOST ŽIVLJENJA (dihanje, tečaji ...)
    Reply #14 - 16.11.2003 at 19:32:12

    Pa spisek nekaterih medicinskih raziskav, ki so bile narejene v zvezi s Sudarshan Kriyo:

    Summary of medical reports on Sudarshan Kriya® - Medical Studies

    The effects of stress, physical and mental health are wide-reaching. Anxiety and depression have been found to be co-factors in the progression of everything from cancer and HIV to asthma and cardiovascular disease.

    The Sudarshan Kriya® and related breathing practices taught in art of living courses have been found to have remarkable therapeutic benefits. The Sudarshan Kriya® has been the subject of medical research and scientific study since 1995. These techniques have been shown by independent, clinical trials to be effective in increasing lung capacity, reducing the blood plasma levels of cortisol, (the "stress hormone") and alleviating depression, to name a few of the tremendous benefits demonstrated by these studies.

    The articles written about the results of these scientific studies have been published in referred journals, a hallmark of scientific distinction for medical and scientific researchers.
  • 1996 - Effects of Sudarshan Kriya in Dysthymic Disorders by B.L. Mehti, N.Janakiramaiah, et al. Departments of Neurophysiology and Psychiatry, NIMHANS. An independent study.

    Depressed people have distorted dream stage EEG brainwave patterns. With practice of Sudarshan Kriya and practices (related breathing practices used in conjunction with the Sudarshan Kriya), the dream-stage EEG patterns significantly improved. There was a reduction in REM latency onset and an improvement in NREM stages. This study demonstrates that Sudarshan Kriya & practices produce objective and beneficial biological effects.
  • 1997 - Normalization of P300 Amplitude following Treatment in Dysthymia by P.J. Murthy, B.N. Gangadhar, N. Janakiramaiah, and D.K. Subhakrishna. Biological Psychiatry, 1997, Vol.42, pp. 740-743. An independent, controlled study.

    This study showed that Sudarshan Kriya and practices (SK&p) is effective in treating mild and melancholic depression. Depressed people have a particular EEG brainwave abnormality which is measured by the P300 ERP amplitude. By day 30, there was significant relief from depression in the groups treated with SK&p, as measured by P300 amplitude and standard depression scales. When P300 was post-tested at day 90 it had returned to normal, (it was indistinguishable from normal controls) and they remained depression free.
  • 1998 - Therapeutic Efficacy of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga in Dysthymic Disorder by N. Janakiramaiah, B.N. Gangadhar, et al. NIMHANS Journal. An independent study.

    68% of patients completing the program experienced remission from depression, both at the one month and the three month retest times. Blood analysis revealed statistically significant elevation of plasma prolactin levels after the very first SK&p session. This is important since elevated plasma prolactin may be crucial in producing an anti-depressant response. Cortisol levels remained stable, indicating that the practice of Sudarshan Kriya is not stressful.
  • 1998 - P300 Amplitude and antidepressant response to Sudarshan Kriya Yoga by P.J. Murthy, N. Janakiramaiah, et al. Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 50, pp. 45-48. An independent study.

    73% of patients showed significant improvement following SK&p therapy and remission persisted at the 3 month retesting. The Sudarshan Kriya was effective on depression regardless of the severity of depression or the severity of the patient's biological dysfunction (as measured by the P300 amplitude).
  • 1998 - A pilot study conducted on the effectiveness of Sudarshan Kriya and its related breathing practices in the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis was conducted at the Institute of Rehabilitation of the Republic of Slovenia.

    This study showed significant improvements in patients' mobility, endurance levels, lung capacity, and significant reductions in anxiety.
  • 2000 - Anti Depressant Efficacy of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) in Melancholia - a randomized comparison with ECT and Imipramine by N.Janakiramaiah, M.D., B.N. Gangadhar, M.D., et al. Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 57, Issues 1-3, pp. 255-259.

    This comparison study found SK&p statistically as effective as electroconvulsive or anti-depressant drug therapy. Furthermore, SK&p is free of the troubling side-effects, expense and dependency that the other treatments can create.
  • 2000 - Stress-Related Biochemical Effects of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga in Depressed Patients by B.N. Gangadhar, N. Janakiramaiah, B. Sudarshan, K.T. Shety, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience, Bangalore, India 560029.

    These findings were presented on May 11, 2000, to the United Nations NGO Mental Health Committee at the United Nations in New York. This study found Sudarshan Kriya to produce statistically significant decreases in plasma cortisol levels. (Cortisol is known as the stress hormone.) Significant reductions in BDI and HRSD scores occurred.
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    « Last Edit: 17.11.2003 at 06:32:30 by ARS »  

    Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right. (neznan(a)
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