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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #30 - 28.08.2003 at 14:45:45
The Moon is in analytical Virgo all day today, which usually is a relatively quiet time for our feelings. But Virgo’s key planet, Mercury, apparently stops in his tracks to begin his 22-day retrograde phase where all aspects of communication and travel can be affected, especially if we haven’t fully prepared. Those things which now fall apart can be reminders that we need to do something over again. And, with the Sun opposing Mars, we can expect conflict as sloppy thinking or incomplete planning creates problems.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #31 - 29.08.2003 at 12:09:25
The Moon enters intellectually balanced Libra at 9:40 am EDT, encouraging us to find a middle path through whatever extremes are present in our lives. And with Pluto turning direct, we can expect extreme positions to be taken. Additionally, Jupiter is moving into opposition with electric Uranus. Extraordinary opportunities are presenting themselves, but it can take radical thinking to make the most of the potentially dynamic circumstances. Things may not be as immediate as they seem.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #32 - 01.09.2003 at 00:25:01
Lunar Astrology by Shelli Buhr

Virgo New Moon
8/27/2003       12:26 pm EST
04 Degrees of Virgo 02’

This Virgo New Moon is about reaping the fruit and collecting the harvest of the seeds that have been germinating. For the last several months since the Aries New Moon or the beginning of the year’s natural cycle, many plans have been taking down some interesting journeys. The time to see some of these plans play out is now.

Virgo is such an analytical sign that it’s no wonder we spend more time focused on researching and the need to know; the ultimate quest for understanding everything that is potential, and even what is unclear, especially what gets triggered on the emotional and in the unconscious. On a collective level, we may find ourselves more open to assisting others and on a personal level needing to look at health overall.

Although Mercury  is technically the ruler for Virgo, the house that it governs is representative health and service to others and aligns with the energy of Chiron, the Wounded Healer; the God of medicine was wounded by one of his own arrows and because of his immortality. Chiron suffered immensely while continuing to bless others with his healing gifts.

On a core level, perhaps it is time to look at how we serve others, versus how we remain centered on our own wellbeing; by taking care of ourselves, we best serve those we love through the embodiment of living out sacred truths. Know that we can’t change or control others in order to serve our own personal agenda. During this cycle, try to approach a position that asks us to remain in acceptance mode. Remain connected to knowledge without getting too attached to how a situation should look, or with what others are doing.  We cannot grasp the concepts behind unconditional love before we fully embrace the value of unconditional accepting situations, interactions with others as well as ourselves.

Acceptance is receiving. As your divine right as a child of God, reap the fruits of all that Spirit wishes to offer. Receive your abundance with grace and reverence. There is no place for guilt in manifesting as Virgo, the virgin, is ripe to share her offering. Virgo desires to give to you everything you are willing to open and receive. If you doubt your value, keep in mind… since this is an earth sign, worth is reflected through manifestation in poverty and prosperity consciousness; the mirrored reality may present a picture of what is lacking, rather than what is ripe.

The Keyword for the Virgo New Moon is ‘Accountability.’ Own your thoughts, feelings, judgments, fears, reactions, and most of all, your happiness and joy. Be down to Earth in relating to others may only mean that expressions come from a more ‘realistic’ approach. We may see the tendency to see the shadow borderline towards obsessing on a problem to solve it. Issues of control, worry, and analyzing, are some of the issues that may crop up during this Virgo cycle. Since Virgo is an earth sign, shadows may also be shown through self-worth issues.

The Sabian Symbol for the Virgo New Moon is 5 degrees of Virgo. The definition reads “IRISHMAN DREAMS OF ‘LITTLE PEOPLE’ BENEATH A TREE; Constructive imagination as it reveals unconscious realms of being. Creative fantasy. Contact with inner life energies.” Utilize both aspects of the right and left brain in processing. As Creativity is applied to the mental side of defining, imagine how the results can take on a whole new color by ‘seeing it so!’ Get in touch with your kaleidoscope and lavishly parade all of the magnificence that you truly are!

Jupiter Changes Signs into Virgo
8/27/03     4:25 am EST

Jupiter’s expansiveness moves into a new personification while entering Virgo. Down to earth attitudes are not usually thought of when dealing with Jupiter’s outgoing nature, so this transit can definitely influence things to cool down over the next several months. We may want to get details and plans grounded before moving onto new possibilities, which can be a great benefit to accomplishing any new project. With this change occurring during the New Moon phase, this energy lends itself to the entire cycle so take advantage of the ability to soar by building steps that offer safety and security and are emotionally calming and nurturing to Jupiter’s normally frenetic and zealous energy.

Virgo’s qualities appear in health, service, details, foresight, planning, and engineering, so whatever is initiated during this transit produces outer manifestations that can be very solid indeed. When you move beyond yourself during this Jupiter transit, feel good in knowing that there is firm ground below keeping you very well protected.

Mercury Stations Retrograde
8/28/03     8:36 am EST
27 Degrees of Virgo

When we hear about Mercury going retrograde, most people experience this shift with caution. Since Mercury rules all forms of communication, blueprints and plans, contracts,  short travel, cars, computers, the internet, siblings, this time can shed some light on growth and expansion by pointing out just where the bugs in the system are. With Mercury shifting into reverse in Virgo, we can either move into an observer role, or there may be a tendency to get caught up in the victim, guilt, and blame aspects of our personalities. Perhaps it is time to surrender something that is no longer serving your best and highest. Virgo is an earth sign that over structures the manifestation, therefore, in relation to health and wellbeing, release old issues of guilt.

Spend this time going within to look at your health on all planes. See fitness and strength as a precious commodity to invest in this month. Align energy with the flow of things. Avoid the urge to control. Worrying is also a well-known Virgo trait, but is a way of planning your future. Keep thoughts positive by looking at things from the bigger picture role; can you see patterns or tendencies to react in situations that may just be your peephole into the divine mystery.

The Sabian Symbol for the 27 degrees of Virgo is “ELDERLY LADIES DRINKING AFTERNOON TEA IN A WEATHLY HOME; Preservation of social and cultural values. Inward, unobtrusive superiority, or else pure smugness. Prestige of position.” Abundance and prosperity are at hand. With accountability, humility can offer these blessings the touch necessary in really achieving fulfillment and finding a greater meaning of life. All systems are Go! Blocks and obstacles are cleared away so the mind’s eye picture can offer a great deal of clarity. Be clear to release any sense of blame or guilt and the riches of these life lessons can prove invaluable.

August 28th, the Sun and Mars RX go head to head early afternoon, maybe wanting to move us forward, even if there is a sense of wanting to hold back. Stay aligned with your source and the actions that may be building up stamina can provide a great source of motivation in getting things accomplished. Perhaps by taking small steps while Mars is retrograde can bring achievement on the whole, without moving too far ahead of yourself and some essential basics. More can be accomplished as we allow _expression to be free to mimic what the soul seeks to project outwardly. Come from a position of responding, rather than from a more explosive tendency seen in reactions.

Pluto Stations Direct
8/28/03     4:41 pm EST
18 Degrees of Sagittarius

The big dog Pluto comes out to play again after sending us in for time out to check in with feelings and our personal will or agendas. This energy has served to allow for more focus on what is valuable, but also having us look at what the costs have been, which could have only been measured by integrity and happiness, which also means we have not been able to avoid personal truths.

As Pluto continues to move through the sign of Sagittarius, we seek out means and understanding through honor and morals, hoping to score big on those Universal SAT’s so we can graduate from Earth school. Karmic lessons, personal power, issues surrounding betrayal and defeat, surrender, as well as understanding and managing personal power have been some well served lessons during this transit. With Pluto’s influence in Sag, we have been asked to honor our own sacred truths.  With Pluto moving forward again, have regard for the truths revealed and proudly demonstrate all that you have learned you are, as well as are not.

The Sabian Symbol for the 18 degrees of Sagittarius is “ON A HOT BEACH CHILDREN PLAY, PROTECTED BY SUNBONNETS; The protective agency which safeguards the free behavior of individuals. Vivifying contact with collective life-energies.” This phase points to the freedom and liberation from self-imposed prisons that may be limiting opportunities. Often fear can creep into awareness and state that everything is all for the best good. Sometimes there is a limit as to how much we must endure, especially if situations are unstable or unhealthy and continue to cost precious emotionally, spiritually, mentally, as well as physical energy; any choice rooted in the misconception of lack often is based from attachments to memories that remain unhealed; root firmly in who you are in the present moment.

August 29th, Jupiter and Uranus RX butt heads late in the evening; both can encourage transformation. Jupiter’s influence early in Virgo may be asking us to ground, so that the changes Uranus ushers in come from a divine place of will combined with the beauty behind Pisces’ unconditional and mystical energy. We may be in for a few surprises as the illusions become lucid and the image in the mirror becomes crystal clear.

Many Blessings,

Telephone and Personal Consultations are available by Shelli Buhr; prices are $1 per minute with a 20 minute minimum. To schedule an appointment, email Shelli at shellibuhr@yahoo.com or call (404) 726-8878.

Lunar Transits and Phase Information is available on yahoogroups.com, located at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LunarAstrology/
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #33 - 01.09.2003 at 12:53:26
The Moon in watery Scorpio emphasizes the realm of feelings. As the Moon moves through Scorpio now, it forms harmonious aspects with the Sun, Saturn, Venus and Chiron, adding easy background energy to the day. On the forefront, Venus, the planet of love, forms a comfortable trine with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Since Chiron symbolizes life’s pains that cannot be cured, this beautiful trine to Venus gives us an opportunity to salve our emotional aches in the soothing grace of love and sensuality. Leave your worries behind. Enjoy what you can.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #34 - 02.09.2003 at 07:54:55
There’s a bittersweet nostalgia permeating the psyche now that can propel us into action when the Moon enters Sagittarius at 2:31 pm EDT. This shift can be noticeable as our spirits lift us out of the Scorpionic depths where they have been suspended now for a few days. It feels like the clouds have dissipated and our vision becomes unimpeded. We can see as far as we can imagine. But as the Moon squares Mars, Jupiter and Uranus, tensions can erupt as a reminder that we’ve lost our focus.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #35 - 03.09.2003 at 10:52:40
The Moon is in Sagittarius all day, symbolizing our need to grow beyond our current situations and circumstances. This outgoing and optimistic Moon is tempered today by a supportive sextile aspect between the Sun and restrictive Saturn. If we work with this energy, we know what is too much and we effectively can temper our aspirations. The problem is, we have an irritating quincunx aspect between the Sun and illusive Neptune, so it may be difficult to find balance between too much and not enough.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #36 - 05.09.2003 at 10:42:57
General Daily Overview

The Moon is in serious Capricorn today, which can give us a desire to stabilize those things which have been in flux. Venus, the love planet, forms a tense square aspect with Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld. Our sexual urgings are stronger than usual and can drive relationship issues. Power struggles over love and money can demand our attention. With conscious motivation, deeply-rooted problems can come to the surface, where solutions can be found. The danger is to acquiesce to our fears and try to bury our feelings.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #37 - 08.09.2003 at 12:20:03
The Moon remains in airy Aquarius all day, encouraging us to use our thoughts rather than our feelings as a basis for reality. Interestingly, Mercury, the planet of thought, aligns today with Venus, the planet of love. This conjunction happens in the sign of Virgo, which is Mercury’s own sign. Since Mercury is still in its retrograde phase, this is a day of powerful possibilities in the mental realms, and can produce positive results as long as we don’t try to avoid the obvious feedback we now get concerning money and love.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #38 - 09.09.2003 at 09:39:22
The Moon enters the watery domain of Pisces at 4:07 am EDT, symbolizing our need to reflect upon those feelings that pull us into the larger sea of humanity. The Pisces Moon is aware that individuality is part of the great illusion. We Fish are all swimming in the same cosmic soup. We are all made of the same stuff. As the Moon moves through the first degrees of Pisces, it conjuncts both electric Uranus and feisty Mars and then opposes expansive Jupiter. We could all learn by watching how our feelings are pushed and pulled now by the circumstances of our lives.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #39 - 09.09.2003 at 11:39:45
Sep 10, Wednesday. In this Pisces Full Moon window the Sun (17Virgo17) and Moon (17 Pisces17) squares Pluto (17Sagittarius17) in a last quarter square just seven hours before the exact Pisces Full Moon (17Pisces34) occurring at 9:36 am PDT. This further intensifies the potential shadow elements of this Full Moon window. This last quarter square of Sun and Pluto marks the acceleration of Pluto in its movement through the sky from the Earth’s perspective. We can see this when we note that Pluto stationed direct Aug 28 at 17Sagittarius14 moving only three minutes in the last two weeks.  Pluto now picks up speed and the Sun’s relationship to Pluto illuminates the shadow including the fears, judgments, anger, rage, hurt, and also the forgotten or denied skills and abilities we may carry. Energizing and embracing the power of forgiveness while also embracing the truth of our being helps to transform these shadowed elements into our greatest gifts bringing to light their wealth as the medicine we carry. However, often when repressed shadow is coming forth it can be very messy and traumatic. It requires a great deal of courage and willingness to surrender to the process, dying to what needs to die and forgiving ourselves and others so we can be cleansed and released from emotions that ultimately are harmful and destructive. This intense process may play out on the world stage through dramatic world events. Remembering to be with whatever is happening in a place of acceptance and love when possible will help to facilitate the transformational changes seeking expression. Another important factor playing out during this Full Moon is the conjunction of Mercury and the Sun (17Virgo56) marking the beginning of a new synodic Mercury cycle. This means Mercury is in the underworld, in the place of Shamanic Initiation potentially bringing forth any repressed shadow elements in the realm of communication. Venus (24 Virgo) is also still near the Sun in her underworld journey adding yet another intensifying factor. All of this emphasizes the mysteries of Sacred Time as experienced through the Virgo domain. It might be helpful to remember that the Pisces mysteries are linked with our ability to dream our dreams into being. We are only limited by our imagination and beliefs and unresolved shadow. Anything we can conceive, dream, imagine and believe, is possible to achieve and experience especially once all the shadow elements standing in the way are cleared.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #40 - 09.09.2003 at 11:45:09

Harvest Moon shines early this time        
Wednesday’s full moon gets its name from farming tradition

     Sept. 5 —  Wednesday’s full moon also carries the title of the Harvest Moon for those living in the Northern Hemisphere. This year it arrives earlier than is typical....
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #41 - 10.09.2003 at 10:27:25
Today’s Full Moon at 12:37 pm EDT in imaginative Pisces draws us into the depths and heights of our own fantasies. This Pisces Full Moon isn’t all light and easy, however, as the Sun and Moon tensely square Pluto. This can shine the light of our consciousness into the darkest places, bringing intense fears out into the open. Meanwhile, retrograde Mercury reaches a halfway point in the cycle as it comes between the Earth and the Sun. Communication is emphasized, yet we might find it difficult to push into new ground.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #42 - 11.09.2003 at 11:32:47
The Moon finishes up her business in compassionate Pisces before entering action-oriented Aries at 12:09 pm EDT. This can represent a time to initiate projects, push into new emotional ground and to take risks. Also today, we have Mercury the Messenger planet creating a tense square aspect with deep, dark Pluto. We can say things that are oftentimes left unsaid. We push our thoughts into hidden realms as we attempt to bring things up to the surface that can have impact on our intimate relationships.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #43 - 12.09.2003 at 11:03:36
The Moon is in Aries, encouraging us to have enthusiasm for those things we love. We are inclined to get excited enough to start things, yet we have to slow ourselves down enough to remember to complete what we initiate. The Moon forms a tense square aspect with restrictive Saturn at 10:27 am EDT. This can put obstacles in front of us so that we do take the time to do things right. Additionally, Venus creates a minor stressful aspect with Neptune, making it difficult for us to clearly see what we really want.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: LUNA in PLANETI danes
Reply #44 - 13.09.2003 at 13:50:46
The Moon is in fiery Aries, reflecting our need to initiate action—but only until 10:50 pm EDT, when it enters earthy Taurus. We will feel the shift either late in the evening or when we wake up tomorrow, but either way things should slow down to a manageable pace. Meanwhile, Venus forms an illuminating aspect with Mars, adding a fateful twist to romantic relationships. We may feel a bit out of sorts as we try to keep in touch with our feelings, even if they don’t appear to bring us closer to what we want.
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