There is something going on with the energies in and around May 15th. I have been sensing something for a long time and as the date grows closer the feelings are intensifying. It is as if I have been moving closer to something for a very long time and now it is almost here.
All of the synchronicities and intution people have point to the fact that something very important begins in this time frame. Anna and I discussed the illusiveness of 'time.' She sees clocks that say 20 to 12 - which is 2012. But if time does not exist - 2012 is not 9 years away - it is now. Whatever thought you wish to put into the game of time and prophecy is your choice. I prefer to wait and watch and sense....
Prophecy - calibrating dates for major program changes - is based on a reality in which time moves in linear fashion. But we know that linear time is part of the illusion. We sense an End Time - because something began - that will end - at some 'point'. Do not try to figure the date out. You will be wrong. This is a time of intuition and higher frequency thinking. Please use that part of who you are as your guide. Do not think with the 3D rational mind. Watch the synchronicities and messages in medition and dreamtime. The clues are all around you.
If you believe that no one around you feels the same way you do - think again. There are thousands of people out there on the same wave length - or frequency that you are - experiencing at the same level - in your 'aspect' of the program - who feel the same.
Anna sensed - the change I am feeling - last week and felt disappointed when nothing occurred. That plays into the emotional body. Think with the higher mind. It is a knowing - a test of the emotional body - the ability to trust that which you has occurred and you will unite and consciously experience it.
I sense this as a flow of energies that are not fixed. For me they began Friday and move 'higher' on May 15, 2003 spiraling up. Awakening is a gradual process. Our genetics is all about experiencing in the physical to awaken and discover that you are a spirit in an experiment - that is about to end as you spiral home. It is as if you were in a coma and are now waking up. Once you are fully awaken you are no longer who you are now sitting at your computer. You are consciousness. Can you deal with that?
I know that for years people in metaphysics postulated that we will be taking our bodies with us to the next level. There is no next level. We are moving 'out of the box' completely - out of the experiment - where in truth we already exist. That is our true essence. many who have crossed over are out of the grids - which is why you cannot find their frequency signature.
If I believed in aliens or that I am here from a future reality to do something in this timeline - it would appear to me that those I work with - are coming back for me and I am returning to where I belong. This feeling is strongly experienced by many people. It is just about understanding reality.
What I am feeling - and being shown - is as strong as the way I felt in the 3 weeks before 911 occurred - the difference being those feelings were about death and destruction. This involves birth and renewal. yet they are all part of the same process - experience.
Many who are experiencing this feel very happy and don't understand why as this is a soul level experience not as yet manifest in 3D. Others feel a need to cry as they release the polarity of 3D emotions - and return to balance.
Here's a weird cult story about another 60-year old - a man in Japan and his view of May 15th - which does not connect for me yet I sense what he is experiencing from the grids. The end is nigh: so is 10th planet
Connie has been seeing the black monolith from the Movie '2001 A Space Odyssey'
Evolution: Thus Spake Zarathrustra
She saw one white rose not fully opened.
She also saw booster cables about to rechange the energies - and streaks of lightning.
I was guided to call Rick in northern CA - who does remote viewing with me Yesterday night - as he was driving home - he suddenly 'saw' a huge 'black wall'. He stopped the car and looked at it trying to get over, around, or under it to find out what it represented, but it appeared larger than the universe itself. He did not know what to make of it. He further told me about others who share my feelings about something happening at this time - though no one really believes that a planet named Nibiru is returning as that is all metaphoric.
A Native American friend has invited him on a quest during those days.
As Rick and I spoke - my house filled with the scent of flowers - not roses - but I couldn't tell you what they were. I closed my eyes and 'saw' one white flower that began to open in a spiral fashion going higher and higher.
Rick saw this becoming a portal of light with electromagnetic energy coming through - not in one place but in many.
He was told that the strange occurrences of the most active week of tornadoes on record - and other EM anomalies are part of this and are a precursor of something that is going to happen.
I heard a strong humming tones - like tectonic plates shifting.
Rick saw sun flares and Northern Lights. He felt all sorts of em disturbances going to occur.
We both saw a change in the rotation of the Earth - as if it were stopping and starting. Whatever was occurring was effecting the Earth's core.
We saw lightning and heard crackling sounds. I remembered the afternoon in 2002 that Z told me to look out into the clear sky - facing west. I saw a rip in the sky - from my vantage point it was a two-inch vertical jagged line. Why do I know we will all laugh about this when it is over. I hear Z saying, "It's a rip!"
We discussed the reality of the program and that it is a biogenetic experiment in Time. It was so obvious to us that this reaity is a computer generated program.
Rick felt that at some point there was a virus placed into the program - causing loops which appear as time. All should be connected to the mainframe - as all is connected to one source. The virus created a lie - in which souls feel that the stand alone and can create whatever they want. The truth is - all is connected - and all are going back to the source. I found it interesting when he said that we are going to reboot the Master Plan - as those 2 words are what triggered me on my path in 1983. That year is another loop in the sine wave of the Philadelphia Experiment. 1943 - 1963 - 1983 - 2003.
Both Connie and Rick saw symbols that indicated a reboot or reprogramming to allow all to return to their nature programming. Rick wanted me to say, "We are about to be reconnected. We are all going home."
What a journey this has been. I almost feel caught up to my Zero Point. After next week - reality will take on another major change and it feels right. In case you were wondering if I see any of the End time scenarios - Never did - still don't - won't happen - this is about consciousness not 3D.
What does your soul tell you? It is important to close your eyes and 'see' and sense and explore what is shown.