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General >> Splošno,  aktualno ... >> Konec sveta 15.maja

Message started by ziby on 11.05.2003 at 18:36:35

Title: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by ziby on 11.05.2003 at 18:36:35

Ena od številnih japonskih sekt, Pana, je minuli teden vzbudila pozornost z napovedjo konca sveta, ki naj bi se zgodil 15. maja. Ta dan naj bi se zemlji približal še neodkrit deseti planet, kar naj bi obrnilo magnetne pole ter povzročilo poplave in ogromne valove. Da bi katastrofo pričakali pripravljeni, je okoli 40 pripadnikov sekte z desetimi kombiji v japonskih gorah začelo iskati območja, kjer ne bi bilo elektromagnetnih valov. S temi valovi poskušajo po njihovih trditvah komunisti ubiti njihovega guruja, 69-letnega Juka Čina. Iz sekte Pana se mnogi Japonci sicer norčujejo in se jim zdi smešna, vendar mnogi opozarjajo, da je bila tudi sekta Aum Šinriko, ki je leta 1995 izvedla napad s strupenim plinom sarin v tokijski podzemni železnici, predmet posmeha. Policija jim je zato že zagrozila z zaporom, vendar čudaki doslej še niso storili nobenega prekrška, piše zagrebški Jutarnji list.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by miriam on 11.05.2003 at 19:46:55

kolk so taki ljudje smešni tolk su tudi nevarni.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by gape on 11.05.2003 at 20:28:46;action=display;num=1031571447;start=2

drugač pa ... okrog tega konca sveta ipd sm glih zdej bral en hud članek, bom ga poocrju ... point pa je v 'možnih resničnostih', ki so jih 'videli' vidci.
vse te resničnosti bi se lahko pripetile, če se mi ne bi spremenili, spremenili pa smo se in še bolj se spreminjamo.
veliko delamo na tem da bi bile spremembe od očitne prihodnosti čim večje.

evo ... kali use zbrska ...;action=display;num=1048980572;start=44#40
The pole shift is not external - it is internal to you.  
Look for a polarity shift of consciousness - not a pole shift on the planet. It is about TIME.  
premik pola v meni ne zemljinega pola ...
point je v ČASU.

Petra. wrote on 11.05.2003 at 16:22:49:
MAY 15, 2003 - FULL MOON - 25 SCORPIO
This Scorpio Full Moon total Lunar eclipse energizes the shamanic mysteries of death, regeneration and rebirth. The caterpillar dissolves or dies to its old form, regenerates, transforms and is reborn as a butterfly. Thus, this Lunar Eclipse has the ability to facilitate regeneration on a deep cellular level taking us to new edges through transformational experience. In addition to this, within the context of the Lunar Eclipse acceleration Neptune is reaching its retrograde Still Point station - [Zero Point Polarity.] The shift in direction of a planet's motion from the Earth's perspective creates a pause or Still Point that provides access to multi-dimensional realms of experience.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Io on 11.05.2003 at 21:02:31

15. maj polna luna v Škorpijonu?
Še dober da imam luno v Škorpijonu. Jaz bom sigurno preživela. Gliha vkup štriha!! ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by KAJAka on 11.05.2003 at 21:51:15

Po Majevskem koledarju nej bi bil konec sveta 23.12.2012- nedelja.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 11.05.2003 at 21:56:13

Še en konec? Komaj čakam...
Vedno znajo samo nekaj lažne upe nam vzbujat, pol  pa - trese se gora, rodi se miš..  ;D

Koliko je psihičev na svetu, je že za vsak dan za naslednjih sto let napovedan konec sveta.. Ljudje si tega želijo bolj kot vsakega "zveličanja" se mi zdi..  ;)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Amstel on 11.05.2003 at 21:58:17

Bo močna lunca... v Primorskih pravi, da so možni potresi.
Predvsem bo šlo za to, da bo prišlo na dan, kar je potlačenega.... vsaka misel se bo uresničila. Deluje že 5 dni prej.. čutite kaj danes?

Torej, mislite na kaj pomembnega za vas. Držim pesti, da se uresniči.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Kali on 12.05.2003 at 11:18:23

There is something going on with the energies in and around May 15th. I have been sensing something for a long time and as the date grows closer the feelings are intensifying. It is as if I have been moving closer to something for a very long time and now it is almost here.

All of the synchronicities and intution people have point to the fact that something very important begins in this time frame. Anna and I discussed the illusiveness of 'time.' She sees clocks that say 20 to 12 - which is 2012. But if time does not exist - 2012 is not 9 years away - it is now. Whatever thought you wish to put into the game of time and prophecy is your choice. I prefer to wait and watch and sense....

Prophecy - calibrating dates for major program changes - is based on a reality in which time moves in linear fashion. But we know that linear time is part of the illusion. We sense an End Time - because something began - that will end - at some 'point'. Do not try to figure the date out. You will be wrong. This is a time of intuition and higher frequency thinking. Please use that part of who you are as your guide. Do not think with the 3D rational mind. Watch the synchronicities and messages in medition and dreamtime. The clues are all around you.

If you believe that no one around you feels the same way you do - think again. There are thousands of people out there on the same wave length - or frequency that you are - experiencing at the same level - in your 'aspect' of the program - who feel the same.

Anna sensed - the change I am feeling - last week and felt disappointed when nothing occurred. That plays into the emotional body. Think with the higher mind. It is a knowing - a test of the emotional body - the ability to trust that which you has occurred and you will unite and consciously experience it.

I sense this as a flow of energies that are not fixed. For me they began Friday and move 'higher' on May 15, 2003 spiraling up. Awakening is a gradual process. Our genetics is all about experiencing in the physical to awaken and discover that you are a spirit in an experiment - that is about to end as you spiral home. It is as if you were in a coma and are now waking up. Once you are fully awaken you are no longer who you are now sitting at your computer. You are consciousness. Can you deal with that?

I know that for years people in metaphysics postulated that we will be taking our bodies with us to the next level. There is no next level. We are moving 'out of the box' completely - out of the experiment - where in truth we already exist. That is our true essence. many who have crossed over are out of the grids - which is why you cannot find their frequency signature.

If I believed in aliens or that I am here from a future reality to do something in this timeline - it would appear to me that those I work with - are coming back for me and I am returning to where I belong. This feeling is strongly experienced by many people. It is just about understanding reality.

What I am feeling - and being shown - is as strong as the way I felt in the 3 weeks before 911 occurred - the difference being those feelings were about death and destruction. This involves birth and renewal. yet they are all part of the same process - experience.

Many who are experiencing this feel very happy and don't understand why as this is a soul level experience not as yet manifest in 3D. Others feel a need to cry as they release the polarity of 3D emotions - and return to balance.

Here's a weird cult story about another 60-year old - a man in Japan and his view of May 15th - which does not connect for me yet I sense what he is experiencing from the grids. The end is nigh: so is 10th planet

Connie has been seeing the black monolith from the Movie '2001 A Space Odyssey'

Evolution: Thus Spake Zarathrustra

She saw one white rose not fully opened.

She also saw booster cables about to rechange the energies - and streaks of lightning.

I was guided to call Rick in northern CA - who does remote viewing with me Yesterday night - as he was driving home - he suddenly 'saw' a huge 'black wall'. He stopped the car and looked at it trying to get over, around, or under it to find out what it represented, but it appeared larger than the universe itself. He did not know what to make of it. He further told me about others who share my feelings about something happening at this time - though no one really believes that a planet named Nibiru is returning as that is all metaphoric.

A Native American friend has invited him on a quest during those days.

As Rick and I spoke - my house filled with the scent of flowers - not roses - but I couldn't tell you what they were. I closed my eyes and 'saw' one white flower that began to open in a spiral fashion going higher and higher.

Rick saw this becoming a portal of light with electromagnetic energy coming through - not in one place but in many.

He was told that the strange occurrences of the most active week of tornadoes on record - and other EM anomalies are part of this and are a precursor of something that is going to happen.

I heard a strong humming tones - like tectonic plates shifting.

Rick saw sun flares and Northern Lights. He felt all sorts of em disturbances going to occur.

We both saw a change in the rotation of the Earth - as if it were stopping and starting. Whatever was occurring was effecting the Earth's core.

We saw lightning and heard crackling sounds. I remembered the afternoon in 2002 that Z told me to look out into the clear sky - facing west. I saw a rip in the sky - from my vantage point it was a two-inch vertical jagged line. Why do I know we will all laugh about this when it is over. I hear Z saying, "It's a rip!"

We discussed the reality of the program and that it is a biogenetic experiment in Time. It was so obvious to us that this reaity is a computer generated program.

Rick felt that at some point there was a virus placed into the program - causing loops which appear as time. All should be connected to the mainframe - as all is connected to one source. The virus created a lie - in which souls feel that the stand alone and can create whatever they want. The truth is - all is connected - and all are going back to the source. I found it interesting when he said that we are going to reboot the Master Plan - as those 2 words are what triggered me on my path in 1983. That year is another loop in the sine wave of the Philadelphia Experiment. 1943 - 1963 - 1983 - 2003.

Both Connie and Rick saw symbols that indicated a reboot or reprogramming to allow all to return to their nature programming. Rick wanted me to say, "We are about to be reconnected. We are all going home."

What a journey this has been. I almost feel caught up to my Zero Point. After next week - reality will take on another major change and it feels right. In case you were wondering if I see any of the End time scenarios - Never did - still don't - won't happen - this is about consciousness not 3D.

What does your soul tell you? It is important to close your eyes and 'see' and sense and explore what is shown.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Marjana on 12.05.2003 at 11:49:10

Amstel wrote on 11.05.2003 at 21:58:17:
Predvsem bo šlo za to, da bo prišlo na dan, kar je potlačenega.... vsaka misel se bo uresničila. Deluje že 5 dni prej.. čutite kaj danes?

UF! a cel teden moram pazit kaj mislim? ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by gape on 12.05.2003 at 12:47:02

m wrote on 12.05.2003 at 11:49:10:
UF! a cel teden moram pazit kaj mislim? ;D

ne samo ta teden ... vedno ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Amstel on 12.05.2003 at 12:48:28

m wrote on 12.05.2003 at 11:49:10:
UF! a cel teden moram pazit kaj mislim? ;D

Glede na to, da se obrestuje (ne le ob polni luni), zakaj pa ne?  :P

Hehe, Gape ma prow... vedno je dobro izbirati kaj mislimo.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by b5 on 12.05.2003 at 15:12:10

Veliko koncev smo že preživeli, in zihr bomo še kakšnega...

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by DylanDog on 12.05.2003 at 17:08:28

Ce ne bo konca sveta,  imamo se vedno naslednji dan, 16 maja, polno luno in lunin mrk.

16 Maj

5:37 Polna Luna - Scip
5:40 Lunin mrk
13:43 Luna v Strelca

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 12.05.2003 at 20:00:56

Tak kot sem reko - vsaki dan je čas za konec sveta  ;D

Zdaj pa res še komaj čakam, da vidim kaj bo...
Itak ne bo nič. Nikoli se nič pametnega ne zgodi... Zeh...

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by marmar on 12.05.2003 at 21:29:05

Že dolgo ni bilo nobenega konca sveta. Včasih so bili jehovci na tem torišču bolj dejavni. Spominjam se, da so v pričakovanju vesoljnega potopa na Šmarno goro nosili čolne. Lepi stari časi. Še konec sveta ni več to, kar je bil!

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 12.05.2003 at 21:39:13

marmar wrote on 12.05.2003 at 21:29:05:
Še konec sveta ni več to, kar je bil!

;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 13.05.2003 at 22:29:36

Ena Nostradamusova...:

"Tema se spušča. Veliki mrk. Sever in jug sta zamenjana.
Vojna in narava se združujeta proti miru.
Zaradi holokavsta na nebu
bo kri tekla vzdolž gora, naši obrazi pa pohabljeni."

Kaj ni to "sever in jug sta zamenjana",  to kar oni Japončki pričakujejo?
Pa še Primorske novice napovedujejo potrese...
Pa še mrk bo 16. ...

Buuuuu...  ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Marjana on 14.05.2003 at 10:25:51

No lunin mrk zasigurno bo :) :

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by ten-nej on 14.05.2003 at 11:00:10

Bodimo pripravljeni,

nič nas ne sme presenetiti.


Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 14.05.2003 at 11:34:10

Vsi v čolne, pa veslat na šmartno goro ...
Če pridemo pred Jehovci, jim lahko vstopnice za konec sveta prodajamo...  ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by ten-nej on 14.05.2003 at 12:31:34

Šmarna gora bo ratala vulkan
lava se bo razlila po Ljublan
kroničarji bojo zapisal
biu je prou značiln sodn dan

(tako nekako prau Pero)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by himynameis on 14.05.2003 at 16:00:21

Ziby2 wrote on 11.05.2003 at 18:36:35:
Ena od številnih japonskih sekt, Pana, je minuli teden vzbudila pozornost z napovedjo konca sveta, ki naj bi se zgodil 15. maja. Ta dan naj bi se zemlji približal še neodkrit deseti planet, kar naj bi obrnilo magnetne pole ter povzročilo poplave in ogromne valove.

Jupi! Ob kateri uri bo ognjemet? ;D
I wanna see it coming. Never in the back. ;)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Marjana on 14.05.2003 at 16:22:10

Precej popularna tema. :)
Pa pomemben dogodek, kot kaže...

(nov članek ;) )

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 15.05.2003 at 11:23:27

Vse najboljše za Sodni dan!

Želim vam kar najlepši dvig zavesti, če koga doleti kak potres ali ognjena krogla, pa naj se mu to zgodi na kar najbolj vesel in umirjajoč način.
Če bo kdo imel takšno srečo, da ta svet zapusti, naj ponese pozdrave umrlim babicam in dedkom ter rukne kak empar ambrozije še za nas, uboge pare, ki se še kar naprej mučimo s človeškim življenjem.
Na zdravje!

;) ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by b5 on 15.05.2003 at 13:41:09

Konec sveta se dogaja po ustaljenem dnevnem redu.

Nič se ni zgodilo. Prestavljeno za nedoločen čas. ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by ten-nej on 15.05.2003 at 15:29:14

k.... pa tak konec sveta,

ma ni vreden niti pol pi... mrzle vode

8) uživajmo  8)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Marjana on 15.05.2003 at 15:33:57

Zgleda da je prestavljeno na okrog 22. ;) ;D

Police raid bizarre "white cult"

The high-ranking cultist corrected a prediction that a major disaster will devastate the Earth on Thursday. "I think it will be delayed till around May 22."

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Kali on 15.05.2003 at 16:03:25

it's the end of the world as we know it...
it's the end of the world as we know it...

and I feel fine...



Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by immortal on 15.05.2003 at 16:13:27

HA ha ha....... :D :D :D ;D

folk pa mora paniko zagnat ob 'naravnem ciklusu' in narediti senzacijo.... ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by himynameis on 15.05.2003 at 16:46:50

Zaradi nepredvidenih obveznosti, vas obveščamo, da smo konec sveta prestavili na naslednje leto 15. Maja.

Za vse povzročene nevšečnosti ob tem neljubem prestavku se vam iskreno opravičujemo in prosimo za razumevanje.

S spoštovanjem,
Ena od številnih japonskih sekt, Pana.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Io on 15.05.2003 at 17:20:46

Zaradi...  :D

Kdo mi bo povrnil stroške, ki so nastali ob selitvi na Šmarno goro, pa ves čas in trud, ki sem ga vložila, pa da ne omenjam ves stres in strah, ki sem ga prestala!!! >:(

;D ;D


Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Devi on 15.05.2003 at 17:42:24

Pusti čolniček kar gor, Io, ta čas do drugega leta pa odpri v njem kak kiosk s fast foodom ala "Restavracija na koncu sveta"... za take prestavljive montažne objekte dobiš hitro papirje ;D
In eto, drugo leto, 14. maja jo lepo zapreš, 15. maja pa že plavaš.... kjerkoli že,  v tistem, kar bo ostalo, če bo kaj ;)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 15.05.2003 at 21:37:29


Jaz se grem pritožit! Ne morejo mi nonstop prestavljati zadnjega upanja... Oni so krivi, da nimam seminarske, predstavitve... Čaka jih milijonska tožba!!!  >:(
Kje še je en teden, lenoba ne bo tak dolgo zdržala...

Nič, pač, upajmo na najboljše naslednji tedn...  ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Io on 15.05.2003 at 21:47:24

Devi ni slabo, sploh ni slabo! :D
Lepo si ti to pogruntala.
Ti boš pa delala v drugi izmeni, pa še v naravi bove skoz! ;D


Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Devi on 15.05.2003 at 21:54:56

Io, sej sem res hotla povprašat, če kako kelnerco rabiš ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by veronika on 16.05.2003 at 08:59:57

Katerega leta?

Danes je 15. maj, ni še konec dneva, pa tud svet se za enkrat še vrti!

Držmo pesti. ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Harry on 16.05.2003 at 10:28:40

Pa smo jo odnesl. Spet. Malo je sicer treslo na Kozjanskem, drugače pa ni bilo panike.

LP Harry

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by ana on 20.05.2003 at 08:48:16

tkole piše ;D

Najbolj kritičen čas je čas same menjavo polov, ki traja približno en dan. Točen dan trenutno ni znan, po zadnjih izračunih pa pade v obdobje med 15. majem 2003 in 1. junijem 2003. Na kaj paziti v tem obdobju, je v grobem opisano v članku Pogovor z Zetami - Preventivni ukrepi. Ob tem pa je smiselno upoštevati naslednje specifike Slovenije:

pa ne mislit, da me to kej gane. Se držim tistega načela, da je treba vsak dan tako živet, kot da je to tvoj zadnji dan ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 21.05.2003 at 22:02:55

A zdaj bi ga že radi do prvega junija prestavli??  >:(

Najbolj kritičen čas je čas same menjavo polov, ki traja približno en dan. Točen dan trenutno ni znan, po zadnjih izračunih pa pade v obdobje med 15. majem 2003 in 1. junijem 2003. Na kaj paziti v tem obdobju, je v grobem opisano v članku Pogovor z Zetami - Preventivni ukrepi. Ob tem pa je smiselno upoštevati naslednje specifike Slovenije:

Kje si to pobrala, mene zanima, da se pripravim...  ;) (link)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 21.05.2003 at 22:06:57

ok, sem že našel, sori...

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by ana on 21.05.2003 at 22:08:36

tomi, tole so novosti:

tam najdeš link tudi na original angleške stvari

sicer pa že zamujaš... ;D mende bi se moral navadit npr:zelenjavo v vodi  (vodno krešo) gojit, da bi laže preživel te Trouble Times  ;D

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 21.05.2003 at 22:42:15

Jaaaooo.... Lejte kam nas bodo prestavili (z mamo Kokljo vred):

Meni delujejo ful prepričljivi... ;)

Le en problem - zakaj, če se že polarnost obrne, bi se kopno začelo premikat na nasprotne strani  ???

Kaj je kaka dejanska možnost, da se vse skup uresniči, glede na to, da imamo že itak potrese, poplave, bolezni in svašta za vratom ... ?

Bomo vidli kaj bo jutri, jutri je novi rok za Veliki Konec ...

Če že misli bit, bi se vsaj lahko potrudil in prišel pred izpitnim obdobjem, da se brezveze ne mučimo ...  ;)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by veronika on 22.05.2003 at 15:26:16


A Indija in del Avstralije, bosta šla pod vodo? Glede na plavo "packo gor", Pa naše podnebje, a se bo kaj bistveno spremenilo? Po moje, bomo morali sam uro spremenit.  ;D ;)

seveda, če bo sploh kdaj do tega prišlo. :)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Kali on 23.05.2003 at 19:06:40

Andres, blagor ti, ker si boš lahko u živo ogledal tale sončni mrk naslednji vikend! :) :P

Še par člankov na to temo, ta mrk je eden najbolj nenavadnih mrkov. Zakaj?

Pa še atrološki vidik, le tega.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 23.05.2003 at 19:23:09

Juhej, sončni mrk dobim za rojstni dan!!!
Kaj pomeni, da se bo kaj posebnega z mano zgodlo (kaki samovžig al pa kaj ;))?

Kaj tukaj ga ne bo za videt?

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 23.05.2003 at 19:28:05

Kreh, kreh, zdaj sem komaj videl...

Začne se točno OB ISTI URI, kot sem se rodil ...

Upam, da bo vsaj kaj dobrega is tega "darila"...  :D

Ne, za videt pa ga ne bo tukaj ...

Ima potem sploh kakšen vpliv?

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by himynameis on 23.05.2003 at 19:30:16

tomi wrote on 23.05.2003 at 19:28:05:
Začne se točno OB ISTI URI, kot sem se rodil ...

In kdaj je to? Pa kateri dan. Linkov se mi ne da gledat. :)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 23.05.2003 at 21:13:58

31. maja ob 3.45 GMT (4.45 - naš čas) ...

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Kali on 28.05.2003 at 01:43:44

If You're Reading This, The World Didn't End Last Thursday

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 28.05.2003 at 10:18:24

Čakaj malo, saj še je do junija čas...  ;)

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 28.05.2003 at 19:23:06

Da si ne boste mislili, da so oni kr tak prestavli Konec Sveta™  :) :

ZetaTalk: White Lie, May 23, 2003
As can be seen from the actions of the US and Indonesian governments scant days ahead of and continuing after our announced date of May 15, 2003, they fully intend to harm hundred of millions of their citizens through martial law, declared such in Indonesia and called terrorism level Red by Homeland Security. What is martial law, if not ordering citizens to remain in their homes? What effect does this have on citizens about within cities where buildings will tumble and crush them, or along coast or in lowlands sure to be inundated by tidal waves? Death, injury with no rescue, and massive dieoff. Is this the intent of those in command in those governments, sworn to protect their citizens and collecting taxes to this end? There can be no doubt, and one has only to read the actions of these governments to ascertain this.

Why did we allow Nancy, who has labored though the mine field and put herself at risk with ZetaTalk, to be so humiliated as to announce to a broad audience live radio show very specific dates, which were promptly missed? At a time when Planet X is so close as to be competing with the Sun at noon, visible by the unaided eye, and well tracked to this point by many sunrise and sunset sightings and photos, in the manner and in the time frame we predicted, and at a time when earthquakes have increased to the point, as we predicted, to being noticeable, affecting population centers so they cannot be denied by underreporting in the quake databases, the bad dates stand as an exception. And what is the effect of this gambit, an acknowledged white lie on our part, on those in the US and Indonesian governments who would murder their citizens by the hundreds of millions?

They cannot closely coordinate blocking a city for a specific date and time, thus having to either order a perpetual state of readiness or be prepared to muster a quick blockade, neither workable.
They must either share the true agenda with numerous local agencies, in order to have cooperation for a quick muster, or anticipate failure when calling a sudden and unplanned blockage.
Local agencies would be sympathetic to the local populace and rebellion would likely ensue.
A perpetual state of readiness requires agencies to be focused only on exercises, and not distracted from their regular work, and any natural disaster ensuing would shatter this state.
Natural disasters such as imploding buildings in the stretch zone, or strong quakes or volcanoes in compression zones, would divert resources from the ready status waiting to blockade cities.
The governments increasingly have to explain the perpetual state of readiness, constant exercises, in the face of a lack of actual terrorism, thus losing credibility among those required to carry out a blockade.
Incidences of natural disasters, and increasing visibility of Planet X, change the focus from tearooms to natural disaster and thus an order to remain in their homes would seem inappropriate to citizens, who would rebel.
And what is the effect on the common man, being denied even at this late date any honest information on what is about to devastate their lives?

For those waiting for an undeniable sight that the earth changes we have predicted, rotation stoppage followed by red dusting will be that undeniable sign, and any announced date ignored until such signs are evident.
For those wanting to leave for a safe location ahead of rotation stoppage, but having ties to their ordinary life and obligations, rapid earth changes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as a perceptible slowing of rotation, will be their clue, regardless of published dates which are not palpable.
For those who have made very early changes in their lives, moving to safe locations and settling in there, an exact date is not crucial.
For the vast majority of mankind who has not even heard of a possible pole shift, announcing dates is irrelevant.
For the large portion of humanity who cannot move to safe locations or make changes in their lives, as their lives are a struggle for subsistence on a daily basis, announced dates are irrelevant.
For those who are traveling, for work or pleasure, they have chosen to be out and about at this time, or to place themselves in such a position by their employment choice, and thus are not taking the message seriously, nor would they despite any announced dates.
Thus, an announced date, where it would be convenient, does not change the outcome of preparation for the common man, where it would greatly be used by those who would murder their citizens, or take advantage of others, and thus we decline to give any dates. Watching the earth changes, and the behavior of those in the corridors of power, will be the best clues.

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by tomi on 29.05.2003 at 16:02:02

JAOOOO kaki naliv pa toča..  :o
V Mariboru je Veliki Potop... Kje so zdaj Jehovci s svojimi čolni ?!

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Kali on 01.06.2003 at 16:56:33

New Moon (Annular/Ring) SOLAR ECLIPSE - May 30, 2003 at 11:09 PM EDT

Annular Solar Eclipse 9:09pm PDT

New Moon in Gemini 9:20pm PDT

A second New Moon provides its energy to us this month! This comes on the heels of our annular solar eclipse; also known as The Black Moon, The Dark Moon or The Dark Lilith Moon. It is a welcomed ~Pause~......a moment of Dormancy, a brief time of rest and introspection. The Black Moon is a Sabbath of sort recognized throughout time. Many feast days and associated festivals are determined in the world religions based on New Moon lunation. This particular New Moon immediately follows a somewhat unusual Solar Eclipse. This eclipse will be occurring in the first decanate of the Gemini Twins - the sign of thinking, hearing, and communication. In the silence and peace of this integrational mesmerizing day, remember , this is a time of Becoming who we always have last brief pause before our eyes flutter open to our State of Completion.

"If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear" (Matthew 11:15; 13:9, 43; Mark 4:9,23; 7:16; Luke 8:8; 14:35).

The constellation of Gemini's symbol is the Twins, but they are not identical twins; they oppose one another while representing the broad spectrum of experience. However, they do arise from the same source, thus at their core they are, indeed, identical. This is yet another confirmation of the trend of polarity integration which we have been experiencing as of late. Gemini represents the knowledge of the mundane as it is relative to the plane of existence - which is made up of binary codes of information bits ~ many of us have been receiving an increase of symbols and glyphs representative of this incoming celestial influence. The Cosmic Twins rule change. This will be the best night to work on dealing with any remaining fears you have been experiencing relative to (big) change. Please remember that resistance is futile. You will create chaos for yourself if you stubbornly remain in flux or staying in imaginary boxes. Everything changes in the field of relativity ~ it is the nature of Maya. When we flow with these changes and make surfing the waves a vehicle for our success, we are actualizing the utmost symbolic message of the Gemini Twins. Again, on the heels of the annular eclipse will be the New Moon. It is a time to celebrate diversity and make final commitments into giving and receiving all associated knowledge provided to open (or blow) our minds and broaden our perspective!

As previously stated, this Black Moon has also been called the Lilith Black Moon for eons. In her many forms, Lilith ~ the Black Goddess of Heaven & Earth ~ offers a path to the deepest dimensions of our souls. Lilith is erotic and transformational; essentially Tantric in nature. She takes our hand as we travel through the darkness to find the greater, but most subtle light. She has direct association with other dark goddesses including Kali, Hecate, Shekinah, The Black Madonna ~ Mother Isis and The Magdalene. Lilith offers us the apple of Gnosis. Truth is Knowledge ~ Knowedge is Truth, my friends. She sings her passion tainted haunting songs.......calling mankind in from the mudane to experience the transformational sacred rites of Union. Her flaming Sword of Truth is brandished as she beckons to you from the Gate of the Garden of Eden, The Secret Garden of Illusion. This is a time of potent change. The final moment has come for you to commit to who you are.......and will continue to become. For the true Seekers of Truth and Love, the Black Goddess will illuminate these final stepping stones on your pathway. You are no longer to deny the urgent desires of your Soul.

Eclipses of all kinds have entranced mankind since time began. Naturally, they have been responsible for all types of human and animal behavior. They are truly one of nature's most spectacular sights, and their cosmic beauty cannot be exaggerated. I encourage you to take a snapshot or video of this rare opportunity as it will be a long while before the next.

An annular eclipse is one where the Moon is too small to completely cover the Sun thus leaving a proportion of the Sun still showing. Annular eclipses can actually pass unnoticed because the remaining part of the Sun is still so blindingly bright that the environment is not noticeably dimmed from below.

Annular eclipses occur with a slightly higher frequency than total solar eclipses, and are quite rare. The last annular eclipse was on April 8, 1921~ and the next one won't be until July 23, 2093! ( Neither of these being sunrise or sunset eclipses). Coincidentally, the 2003 and 2093 eclipses are members of Saros 147. (see below)

The unusual track for this eclipse is due to the fact that the Moon's antumbra only just barely "touches" the Earth after it has passed over the north pole. This eclipse will not have a migrational "track" in the usual sense of the word.

This month of May has provided an extraordinary transformational turning point for humanity, symbolized by the two powerful eclipses. This Dark Moon as well as the recent Red Moon (full Lunar ecliptic integration of GAUREI on the 15th) have been successful catalysts in the most prominent cyclic phase of our individual and planetary awakening!

As in the soft and sweet eclipse When soul meets soul on lover's lips Prometheus Unbound - Shelley

Please share this message freelym inits entirety, as you feel directed. Light To Your Souls!
Rev. Elizabeth Raya, Spiral Ascension Healing

Awakening Mind, Body & Spirit

For more information on the harmony of Saros, please visit this exceptional article (all credit for the top image used in referencing this ecliptic occasion is a tarot card from my Moon Oracle deck by Caroline Smith and John Astrop. )

Title: Re: Konec sveta 15.maja
Post by Kali on 24.06.2003 at 02:54:22

Ni se mi dalo drugam dat ;D :D ;D

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