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All IS Full Of Love
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Šamanske modrosti
09.05.2003 at 02:21:12
"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled, which leads to an unkown, secret place. The old people came literally to love the soil, and they sat or reclined on the ground with a feeling of being close to a mothering power. Their teepees were built upon the earth and their altar's were made of earth. The soul was soothing, strengthening, cleansing and healing. That is why the old Indian still sits upon the earth instead of propping himself up and away from its life giving forces. For him, to sit or lie upon the ground is to be able to think more deeply and to feel more keenly. He can see more clearly into the mysteries of life and come closer in kinship to other lives about him."

"Chief Luther Standing Bear"

Obstaja pot v srcih vseh nas, skrita in redkokdaj prepotovana, ki vodi do neznanega skrivnostnega kraja. Stari ljudje so dobesedno ljubili prst, na tleh so sedeli ali počivali z občutkom, da so blizu materinske moči. Njihovi teepiji so bili postavljeni na zemlji in njihovi oltarji so bili narejeni iz zemlje. Prst je bila resnična, krepilna, čistilna in zdravilna. Zaradi tega stari indijanec še vedno sedi na zemlji, namesto da bi se podpiral pokonci, stran od njenih življenje dajajočih sil. Za njega sedenje ali ležanje na tleh pomeni, da je zmožen misliti bolj globoko in čutiti bolj prodorno. Tako lahko v skrivnosti življenja vidi bolj jasno in postane bližji v sorodnosti z ostalim življenjem okrog njega.

"Chief Luther Standing Bear"  
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« Last Edit: 05.11.2003 at 19:37:33 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #1 - 09.05.2003 at 02:28:13
Teach your children
what we have taught our children -
that the earth is our mother.

Whatever befalls the earth
befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.

If men spit upon the ground,
they spit upon themselves.

This we know.
The earth does not belong to us;
we belong to the earth.

This we know.
All things are connected
like the blood which unites one family.
All things are connected.

Whatever befalls the earth
befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.

We did not weave the web of life;
we are merly a strand in it.

Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves.

Chief Seattle
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Ride si sapis!
Posts: 5103
Gender: male
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #2 - 09.05.2003 at 02:33:04
Vsakdo, ki pride v stik z otrokom, je učitelj, ki mu nenehno opisuje svet, vse dokler otrok ne začne zaznavati sveta v skladu z njegovim opisom. Tega izrednega trenutka se ne spominjamo in to preprosto zato, ker nihče med nami nima nobene referenčne točke, da bi ta trenutek s čimerkoli primerjal. Od tu naprej postane otrok član, ne glede na vse drugo. Pozna opis sveta in njegovo članstvo v njem postane veljavno; verjetno potem, ko je zmožen ustvarjati vse ustrezne razlage zaznave, ki ta opis s svojo prilagoditvijo tudi overovijo. Tako vsakodnevno dejanskost sestavlja neskončni tok zaznavnih razlag, ki smo se jih mi, posamezniki, združeni v nekem članstvu, naučili imeti za skupne. (don Juan)
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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #3 - 09.05.2003 at 02:33:48

You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour,
Now you must go back and tell them that this is the Hour.

And there are things to be considered:

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Where is your water?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your Truth.

Create your community.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast.

It is so great and so swift that there are those who will be afraid.

They will try to hold onto the shore.

They will feel they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly.

Know the river has its destination.

The Elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open and our heads above water.

See who is in there with you and celebrate.


Ljudem si govoril, da je enajsta ura, sedaj moraš nazaj in jim povedati, da je to Ura.

In da obstajajo stvari, ki jih velja razmisliti:
Kje živite?
Kaj počnete?
Kakšni so vaši odnosi?
Ali ste v pravem odnosu?
Kje je vaša voda?
Spoznajte svoj vrt.
Čas je, da poveste svojo resnico.
Ustvarite svojo skupnost
Bodite dobri drug do drugega.
In ne iščite vodje izven samih sebe.
To bi lahko bil dober čas!
Obstaja reka, ki sedaj teče zelo hitro.
Je tako velika in tako deroča, da se bodo nekateri prestrašili.
Poskušali se bodo obdržati na obrežju.
Čutili bodo, kako jih odnaša in ti bodo zelo trpeli.
Vedite, da ima reka svoj cilj.

Starešine pravijo, da moramo zapustiti obrežje, se odriniti v sredino reke, ohraniti naše oči odprte in naše glave držati nad vodo. Poglejte, kdo je notri z vami in proslavljate.

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« Last Edit: 15.05.2003 at 00:39:13 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #4 - 09.05.2003 at 02:47:35
Vsak izmed nas je postavljen sem v ta čas in prostor, da osebno odloči o prihodnosti človeštva. Ali mislite, da smo sem postavljeni za karkoli manj?

"Each of us is put here in this time and place to personally decide the future of humankind. Do you think you were put here for something less?"

~~~Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

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« Last Edit: 15.05.2003 at 21:01:01 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #5 - 09.05.2003 at 02:49:07
"Let's put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children."

~~~~Sitting Bull

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #6 - 09.05.2003 at 03:15:48
"Being Indian is an attitude, a state of mind, a way of being in harmony with all things and all beings. It is allowing the heart to be the distributor of energy on this planet: to allow feelings and sensitivities to determine where energy goes; bringing aliveness up from the Earth and down from the Sky, putting it in and giving it out from the heart."

 Brooke Medicine Eagle

»Biti indijanec je drža, stanje duha, način kako sobivati v sozvočju z vsemi stvarmi in vsemi bitji. To je dopustiti srcu, da razporeja energijo na tem planetu: dovoliti čustvom in občutljivosti, da odločajo, kam naj gre energija; prinašati živost ven iz zemlje in dol iz neba, jo spravljati v srce in jo iz njega razdajati«

Brooke Medicine Eagle
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« Last Edit: 15.05.2003 at 00:32:10 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #7 - 09.05.2003 at 03:37:47
Seventh Meditation of the Twelfth Moon

The Creator reminds us that blessings are counted
in the way that we choose to look at them.
Anything that has brought a smile to your lips,
joy to your heart or a lightness to your step is a Blessing.

Anything that has made your life more comfortable,
has lightened your burden or has brought warmth
to your home is a Blessing.

Anything that has supported your body, has increased
your endurance or has opened your heart is a Blessing.

Anything that has made you look deeper, has expanded
your understanding or has increased your compassion is a Blessing.

Anything that has tested your strength, has fortified your commitment or has forced you to grow is a Blessing.

Anything that has reminded you of how precious life is and has taught you to treasure your Relations is a Blessing.

Seventh Meditation of the Twelfth Moon
"Earth Medicine — Ancestors' Ways of Harmony for Many Moons"
by Jamie Sams
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #8 - 09.05.2003 at 03:40:30

Many, many moons ago, in the beginning of time, the earth was all water. There was no land. All the four-leggeds, all the animals, all the winged-ones, lived up in the sky on the clouds. They were waiting for the land to dry, but it would not dry. They would send one animal but he would come back unable to find dry land. The animals would regularly check the water below. Finally, after a dog had looked and reported back that it was still wet, they sent the water beetle. The water beetle dove into the water, grabbed a handful of mud at the bottom, brought it up and placed it on top of the water; and it started to dry, started to build land. He brought more and more; and still they waited for it to dry, still they waited and waited.

Finally, they sent grandfather buzzard, the mighty buzzard, down and the land was almost dry. As the buzzard flew, he'd fly down close to the land; and every time he would flap his mighty wings, he would form a mountain and a valley. That's why the Cherokee land has mountains and valleys in it today. All the animals came down and settled on the earth.

After they did, they realized they had no light. So they called to Grandfather and asked would he give them light, and he did. He brought to them the sun. He put the sun down right by the ground, and it was too hot for the animals. So they pushed and pushed, till finally they got it far enough out that it would not burn all the time; but it was still so hot that the crawfish was baked. That's why, if you look at him today, he is red from the sun being too close.

Finally, they got the sun far enough out so it would not burn and we would have night. And Grandfather told them, "Now that I have done this for you, I ask that all the four-legged, and all the animals, and all the plants stay awake for seven days and for seven nights." This is why today, when a warrior goes to cross his manhood, he fasts and sweats for seven days.

All the animals and all the plants fell asleep except for some. The owl stayed awake, and that's why he has vision to hunt at night now. The plants, the Douglas fir, the cedar, the pine, and a few others stayed awake for seven nights and for seven days. That's why only these, among all the plants, are allowed to stay green all the year round. The other plants fell asleep and so must sleep part of every year.


~Native Pride Wisdom~

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #9 - 11.05.2003 at 20:04:50
Love is given and if we are lucky it is returned
It is a heart felt emotion that we all have experienced
With love there comes a risk that must be excepted
for the heart that loves can be shattered
Without the risk of loving life is pointless
Take the chance for your gift of love


Ljubezen se daje in če imamo srečo je vrnjena
Srce začuti čustvo, katerega smo vsi izkusili
Z ljubeznijo pa pride tudi tveganje, ki ga moramo sprejeti
kajti srce, ki ljubi je lahko strto
Brez tveganja ljubezni pa življenje nima smisla
Zgrabite priložnost za svoje darilo ljubezni

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« Last Edit: 15.05.2003 at 00:41:52 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #10 - 12.05.2003 at 11:35:39
"When you arise in the morning, give thanks
for the morning light, for your life and strength.
Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault
lies with yourself...."


»Ko zjutraj vstanete, se zahvalite,
Za jutranjo svetlobo, za svoje življenje in moč.
Zahvalite se za svojo hrano, in radost življenja.
Če ne vidite nobenega razloga za zahvalo,  
je z vami nekaj narobe . . .«


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« Last Edit: 15.05.2003 at 00:40:45 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #11 - 12.05.2003 at 11:39:51
Native American 10 Commandments

The Earth is our Mother, care for her.
Honor all your relations.
Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.
Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day.
Speak the truth; but only of good in others.
Follow the rhythms of nature; rise and retire with the sun.
Enjoy life's journey, but leave no tracks.
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #12 - 15.05.2003 at 00:37:22
Ten-nej je prevedel nekaj teh misli. Prevodi so že dodani nekaterim mislim. Bom še ostale dodala, ko bodo narejeni.

Hvala Ten-nej! Kiss
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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Ride si sapis!
Posts: 5103
Gender: male
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #13 - 15.05.2003 at 08:57:06
10 indijanskih zapovedi

Zemlja je naša Mati, skrbimo zanjo.

Spoštuj vse svoje sorodstvo.

Svoje srce in dušo odpri Velikemu Duhu.

Vse življenje je sveto; spoštuj vsa bitja.

Od zemlje vzemi samo toliko, kot potrebuješ in nič več.

Naredi to, kar mora biti narejeno za dobro vseh.

Vedno se zahvaljuj Velikemu Duhu za vsak nov dan.

Govori resnico; vendar samo o dobrem v drugih.

Sledi ritmom narave; vstani in počivaj s Soncem.

Uživaj življenjsko potovanje, vendar ne pusti nobenih sledi.

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Nič na svetu nikogar ne čaka. Nič ni dokončano, in vendar nič ne ostane nerazrešeno.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10695

Gender: female
Re: Šamanske modre misli
Reply #14 - 15.05.2003 at 15:53:43
Če ne moreš o nikomer povedati nič dobrega, potem mogoče živiš v napačnem času. Zakaj človek mora biti dobrega srca, da si zapomni dobro in bedak, da premišljuje o preteklosti. Vsi delamo napake, nihče od nas ni popoln. Pustimo sodbe popolnim, zakaj ti niso s tega sveta.


If you have nothing good to say about anyone then you might be living in the wrong time. For it takes one of good heart to remember the good and a fool to dwell in the past. We all make mistakes, not one of us is pure. Leave judgement to the pure for they are not of this world.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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