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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #45 - 02.08.2006 at 11:45:47
Mayan Calendar on Israel and Islam - Approach to the Fifth Day    

by Carl Johan Calleman

The Current Situation

We are now approaching the Fifth day, beginning on November 24, 2006
, and the ensuing energies of Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca of the Galactic Underworld. These energies are likely to generate the chaos from which the new world of oneness will be born as we come to the completion of all the Underworlds by October 28, 2011.

As I wrote in the article posted on my web site in November of last year, the first half of the Fourth night, November 29, 2005 to May 27, 2006, would be a relatively uneventful time that would be well suited for integration of what had happened in the preceding Fourth day. For the second half of this night, May 28 – November 24, 2006, the time period that we are in now, I however forecasted that new events would be occurring that prepared for the change that would be brought by the Breakthrough energy of the Fifth day. Using comparisons I pointed to the example, among others, of how the Russian revolution of 1905, shortly after the midpoint of the Fourth night of the Planetary Underworld, heralded the fall of the autocratic empires (including the Russian) that came about as a result of World War I after the breakthrough energy of Quetzalcoatl set in in this Underworld in 1913.

In our current Galactic Underworld we are now at a time corresponding to 1905-1906 in the Planetary (see figure), and it seems obvious that the relatively calm time for integration is over. Instead, in the past few weeks we have witnessed things that very likely herald the tumultuous era that will follow as the breakthrough energy sets in with the Fifth day. I feel I have been very accurate in forecasting this basic rhythm of the evolution of the current year and you may take note that this would not have been possible without using a correct end date, October 28, 2011.

I would like to add here that the Mayan calendar does not say that in a certain time period this or that will happen in concrete terms. What we have in order to help us predict the future are Underworlds – predetermined sequences of energies that play out according to exact schedules. However, the predictions are conditioned by the intuition and background of the person who makes them. Thus, I recommend that you evaluate the reliability of predictions said to be based on the Mayan calendar by seeing how accurate the person making them has been in the past. Those who claim that the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012, however usually do not even put themselves to the test. What prophetic value does the Mayan calendar then have?

As signs of the intensification of the course of events the past week or so we have thus seen a tsunami, a report of a record number of killings in Iraq, a resurgence of Taliban fighting, missile tests in North Korea, bombings in Mumbai, a record oil price and a G- 8 meeting in St Petersburg pointing to the return of Russia as a major power. Above all, however, Israel has attacked Lebanon, to destroy bases of the Hizbollah, a Muslim group supported by Syria and especially Iran. As I have said in my books the Galactic Underworld is the Apocalypse and there is little reason to expect its course of events to be smooth or unproblematic. It is virtually impossible to imagine a step- by-step process from the present world to oneness.


As we approach the Fifth day of the Galactic Underworld it then obviously becomes very important to understand the role of Israel. Why, we may wonder, does this country play such a significant role to some of the world religions? Why do the Jews see themselves as a people chosen by God and why do also Christians say that things begin and end with Israel? Why is the Muslim negativity towards Israel so strong and why is Israel so adverse to compromises?

I think a big part of the explanation to this special role of Israel is that many very significant things in human evolution actually did have their origin there. Southwest Asia, including what is today Israel, was where the highest number of domesticable plants and animals existed that allowed humans early on to make the transition to agriculture and a settled life already about 10,000 years ago. Hence, people in this area had a tremendous head start in their cultural development and so it was for instance here that the alphabet was invented as a result of the pulse favoring the left brain in the Third day of the National Underworld. The alphabet, which is the first truly effective form of writing used by humans, was invented by the Jews and the Torah, their holy scripture, is the first book written by means of this, expressing the first monotheist creed of the planet. An enormous emphasis was placed on the written Word that was perceived as an exclusive message from God that was unchangeable. Writing and the concomitant monotheist creed brought about a significant shift in mentality and, since this was not immediately shared by the neighbors, a perception was created by the Jews that they were a people chosen by God.

When the Fifth day of the National Underworld began the Christian religion then had its origin in Israel. The majority of the Jews were however not attracted to this new religion, and following the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 they were dispersed from their country essentially in the Western direction. From the perspective of the Mayan calendar one might speculate that this latter historical event was actually propelled by the marked left brain abstract thinking of the Jews to which the West was more conducive. Regardless, their contributions to Western culture, and economic clout, have been disproportionately high, presumably because of the mentioned head start they had had into abstract left brain thinking.

Also the Quran, consecrated at the midpoint of the Fifth night in AD 632, traces an origin to Abraham and talks extensively about the Jews, whose prophets Moses and Jesus, it acknowledges as such. Yet, similarly to how the Christian church has considered the New Testament as more important than the Old, the Muslims regard the Quran as an all-encompassing supreme message from God.

Following a two thousand year Diaspora the state of Israel was then declared in 1948 thus fulfilling an age- old prophecy of the Jews. This was based on the United Nations partition plan for the British mandate of Palestine made in 1947 as the Fourth World of the Planetary Underworld began. In a broad sense the beginning of this Fourth World was what set the stage for the Galactic Underworld that we are in now and, ever since then, the area has been an area of contention with the neighboring Muslims.

End-time scenarios

Hence, while Jews have been praying three times a day for two thousand years for the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem, the time has not yet been considered as ready for this. The main reason is that the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is occupied by the Muslim al- Aksa Mosque and this religion is guided by quite different prophecies, and another written Word, the Quran. The Jews fear that if a Temple would be built there it would create a Jihad from the entire Muslim world. To Muslims, who see the Quran as the last message from God and envision that the whole world will eventually be Muslim, it is instead a dictum that all land held by Islam should be kept and that land lost to it should be recovered. Hence, the prophecies of the two religions are in direct conflict.

Fundamentalist Christians, especially in the United States, are not indifferent to this conflict and in fact see the scenario playing out as verifying their own prophecies, which is part of the reason for the strong US backing of Israel. These groups expect the Jews to rebuild the temple following which there will be great tribulations that will lead the Jews to accept Jesus as the Messiah. The Muslims on their part expect the appearance of the twelfth imam, Mahdi, as a savior, as well as the return of Jesus, who will then lead the Christians to submit to Islam.

It would take a specialist to describe the various prophecies of Jews, Muslims and Christians and their different interpretations in detail. However, they all seem to include an end time scenario with a final battle (Armaggedon is the town of Megiddo in northern Israel, not very far from either Lebanon or Syria), an Antichrist (who in the Muslim variety is called Dajjal) and a Messiah (or returning Christ), who will rule for different time periods and set their marks on them. In the Christian Revelation this ends with the New Jerusalem, where there is no pain and no sorrow and the past will no longer be. Although the Mayan prophecies obviously do not describe a specific scenario for this part of the world, the Mayan calendar is based on energies such as that of Quetzalcoatl (god of light in the Fifth day) and Tezcatlipoca (god of darkness in Fifth night), which would be favorable to exactly such forces that the Abrahamitic religions prophesize about. In fact, in the time ahead the calendrical energies of the Galactic Underworld probably provide our best guide to know who will represent the future of oneness and who will not.

Based on the ruling energies of time –and parallels to lower Underworlds– we may then expect a scenario somewhat like the following: In the first half of the Fifth day (November 24, 2006 – May 22, 2007) there will be intensified conflicts between the monotheist religions, and especially between Judaism and Islam, where both will seek to have their own prophecies fulfilled. At the same time a minor flow towards oneness will emerge, a flow of people that is the most direct expression of the breakthrough energy and seek to transcend the conflicts between scriptures. Towards the end of this first half the parties in the conflict will however get stuck (possibly as a result of disaster) and a messianic energy that does not belong to any of the existing religions will have a chance to be expressed in the second half of day 5, May 22– November 19, 2007.

This will have global repercussions, but will be followed during the Fifth night, November 19, 2007 – November 12, 2008 by the energy of Tezcatlipoca, the lord of darkness. Especially the first half of this rule may well correspond to what in Revelation language is called the Beast or Antichrist and will mean a return to the materialism of the Planetary Underworld, maybe based on the development of a new monetary system and electronic control on a world wide scale. In the second half of this night (beginning May 17, 2008) we will probably see a loosening of the grip of this reaction, which leads into a wave movement that from our current perspective may best be described as a chaos of divinely guided anarchy lasting for three and a half tun, 1260 days. This time period is also mentioned in the Bible that recognizes the Mayan tun period of 360
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #46 - 02.08.2006 at 11:46:35
days as a prophetic year.

Going back to the present what I feel we have reasons to expect as the energy of the Fifth day enters in November of this year is then that followers of each of these religions will be propelled to see their own prophecies fulfilled and actively strive for this. After all, we are living in the Apocalypse and as this pulse begins all the religious people in the area will be affected and most will act according to what their scriptures seem to be telling them to do. In the changing tides of this wave movement the three Abrahamitic religions will identify different persons and forces as messianic or diabolic depending on their own particular prophetic traditions.

While this may not be much discussed in the media with its focus on superficial events it nevertheless provides an undercurrent that plays a decisive role for the course of events in the Middle East. Thus, I do not look upon the current fighting between Israel and Hizbollah as a temporary skirmish, but rather as a prelude to a larger drama during the Fifth day that will include also some more powerful Muslim countries.


While much of the world would like to see a two- state solution in Israel/Palestine the implementation of this has repeatedly been thwarted, essentially as it leaves the religious prophecies of both parties unfulfilled. In reality, such a two-state solution would be implemented as a form of religiously based apartheid and this points to a strange inconsistency in how the world community thinks. While it rightly condemns theories of racial superiority it seems to have accepted that the two religions primarily involved in the area base their political agendas on their respective claims to religious supremacy. I am not advocating the abolishment of the religions as such any more than the abolishment of the races. Nor am I saying that religions have no value, but why does the world community accept claims by any of them that their teaching would make them superior to adherents of other religions.

Why do we consider as holy such scriptures that promote ideals of their own supremacy? Why is it that so many people accept as legitimate the thoughts of religious superiority present in the Torah, the Bible and the Quran that are mostly fully explicit? We do not even have a word for ideologies based on religious superiority that would be an appropriate parallel to the word « racism » and so fail to grasp the reality of this phenomenon. While today the term terrorism is widely used it is not the root cause of the problem, since the terrorist activities are not ends in themselves, but means of asserting religious supremacy. What we need is a term such as religionism, as a parallel to racism, that applies to any religion that seeks to assert its own supremacy. The world has come a long way in dispelling ideologies of racial superiority, but has hardly begun to dispel those of religious superiority. Hence, administrative decisions as to how to carve up the land between Israel and Palestine will never generate a true and heartfelt peace as long as the religionism of the parties involved is not transcended.

The majority of humanity is still basing its relationship to the divine on books, seen as holy scriptures, rather than on a direct experience of the divine presence. For the followers of such books the need to see their prophecies be fulfilled takes on an added importance as giving proof of the existence of God and the preeminence of one’s own religion. Holy scriptures were created in the National Underworld as human beings became partially separated from the direct experience of the divine and in a sense they have also served as a replacement for this experience, and this is the root of religionism.

Thus, people will react to the breakthrough pulse of the Fifth day depending on where they are coming from and what religious context they form part of. It is realistic to expect that many unresolved conflicts of the world will come to surface then and this is especially true for those areas of the planet, which have the longest history of dualist left brain dominance such as the Middle East. It should be pointed out here that Islam, even though it has spread predominantly in the Eastern hemisphere, is as much of a dualist left brain religion as the Jewish. Its strong left brain character is obvious in that, like Judaism, it bans pictures and sculptures from the Mosques as being idolatry. Both religions in other words try to curb the use of the right brain half that sees images or visions, expresses the feminine and uses intuition. The contact with the divine should in the fundamentalist varieties of these religions not be based on experience, but exclusively on the written Word of their scriptures. It is exactly this dualist relationship to God that fosters attitudes of religious supremacy. Thus, the right brain pulse of the Fifth day of the Galactic Underworld may come to shake the balance of both these left-brain religions and very possibly many will react defensively.

On a global scale, this pulse will however weaken the power of the West and hence of Israel. If we add to this that the days are the periods that seem to be hit the hardest by natural catastrophes and that the US dollar likely will dramatically fall as the Fifth day begins, then we have every reason to expect that its upcoming energy will create fundamentally altered relationships in the world. It is entirely possible that, like the Fifth day of the Planetary Underworld (that brought World War I), the Fifth day of the Galactic will bring a catastrophe to the Middle East and that only as people recognize the dimensions of this will an opening to a path towards oneness be created.

Energy that unifies the light

What the Mayan calendar tells us is however that the cosmic plan is not for the world to come to an end. Besides, even if its energies will favor certain general trends and alterations of relationships, human beings have a choice as to how to respond to these, which may influence the course of events for the better or for the worse. In fact, even if we have reasons to believe that the majority in the Middle East engages in a battle along the old front lines defined by the dualist religions, there will also emerge expressions of the unification of the left and right brain mentalities that would be truly messianic as it provides a path towards oneness.

The reason we may expect this is that the Galactic Underworld favors the right brain half and this change in the global field helps to make the minds of people whole. Although, such a spiritual wholeness, unfettered by scriptures of supremacy, may already exist in a minority in the region it will also grow throughout the time period ruled by the energy of Quetzalcoatl and become especially visible in its second half. It will not be favoring any of the existing patriarchal religions in the area, but will be one that seeks to transcend the influence of scriptures that call for supremacy. It will be a movement that see all human beings as equal in the eyes of God and recognizes that the separation between them is generated by the religions created by the human beings. It is an expression of people who realize that to God all of humanity is His /Her children and does not favor any particular religion over the others.

The New Jerusalem

I believe that the beginning of a true peace process must start exactly with such a realization. No administrative measures that any party would grudgingly accept would lead to a real peace. The only way true and heartfelt peace could come about in this area is if groups of people there and elsewhere truly give up all claims to religious superiority or callings to subordinate those of other religions. It is possible that such an insight will come only as a reaction to a disastrous war, but it will come. Of course, if the Muslims invited the Jews to share the Temple Mount to build a temple there and share it also with a Christians church then this would be peace. If the Jews truly invited the Palestinians to share the area that they now control, and even gave up the claim to a separate Jewish state, then there would be peace. I feel in the eyes of God the religion that He/She would love the most is the one that gives up its claim to exclusivity, since this would pave the way for peace also everywhere.

The truly spiritual people in the area are the ones that will seek to transcend the limitations of the scriptures, Torah, Bible and Quran, which to a large extent have been used to legitimize superiority. The truly spiritual people in the area are the ones that realize that in the Galactic Underworld national and religious borders are of the past and must be transcended. Maybe the real calling of Israel, and the reason that a conflict has arisen there again involving some of the world’s largest religions, is that the balancing of the left brain dominance must begin exactly where it first emerged. Maybe God’s calling for Israel/Palestine is that it should be a land where all religions belong, and the place where these, under the influence of the consciousness field of the Galactic Underworld were able to transcend their differences. Only such a multireligious presence in the area would pave the way to a New Jerusalem. In fact, when it is heartfelt it would be the New Jerusalem. This would be to join the alpha and the omega and would mean the return to Eden on a new and higher level.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #47 - 02.08.2006 at 11:46:52
Obviously, some would say that this perspective is utterly naive, but then again has anyone ever really been attempted to put it into practice? Billions of people have prayed for the victory of their own religion in Israel, but how many have prayed or wished that no religion should be victorious and in fact that the ancient scriptures should be transcended? So I think people everywhere should start by asking themselves if they really would like to see a transformation of Israel/Palestine into a multireligious country or not. Undoubtedly the biggest challenge is for those who live in the area, but since the current situation is threatening the peace of the rest of the world also people in other areas have a right to work towards solving the conflict.

Since more than half of the population on Earth belong to the Abrahamitic religions or at least their contexts many people also outside of the area have a direct opportunity to participate in the creation of a deeper peace. We have the right to have our own visions regardless of if they fit into the supremacy schemes of these religions. Hence, while Jerusalem may be a focus of conflict it also poses an opportunity because in as much as the rest of the world can contribute to peace here it can contribute to a lasting peace everywhere.

The task may seem monumental, but so did once the task of combating racism. I should also say that I think it may be too general to simply pray for peace. We need to be more specific and pray for concrete expressions of tearing down the walls between the scripture based religions. A possible thing is to pray for a Mosque, a Church and a Temple to share the Temple Mount. A possible thing is to pray that no religion in the area will come out as victorious against the others. In many, the reaction to this very thought will reveal a dualist mentality in ourselves and so it becomes obvious that we are ourselves part of the problem that has created the conflict in the Middle East.

Hence follows the importance of developing spiritual practices and tools, such as dikshas and meditations, that help ourselves to be part of the evolution towards oneness that the global creation field of the Galactic Underworld increasingly will favor. Since more than half the population of the planet have a background in the Abrahamitic religions any enlightening experiences may be very significant for preparing the messianic path to oneness.

Hence, individual transformation towards oneness is part of creating peace in the external world and no one needs to be a bystander. In fact, the most dangerous enemy may be the defeatism in ourselves. The breakthrough celebration will continue throughout the Ahau days of the Mayan calendar with different events and may be a very significant resource for those who want to develop a path to peace.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #48 - 26.11.2006 at 12:16:15
1) Today 24.11. begins the 5th Day of the Galactic Underworld of the Mayan Calendar. This cycle will last for 360 days.

Ian Xel Lungold wrote this to describe what occurred in the previous 5th day's:

"The 5th Day is a period of “Light.” In fact the brightest period of “light in the entire cycle. In a plants life this is when new chemicals are produced that carry the message to form buds. In human history, it was this section when Art was invented, the message of Jesus moved over the earth, Mr. Einstein discovered the theory of relativity and America with the victory of WWI rose to world power. "



Celebrate the beginning of the Fifth day: November 24, 2006

We are currently approaching the beginning of the Fifth day of the Galactic Underworld, November 24, 2006 and most people have experienced how things have heated up since the midpoint of the current night, May 27, 2006. In fact, the evolution of consciousness is fundamentally driven by the Light of future Heavens and Underworlds and so we are already now being influenced by it both in the form of world events and personal experiences.

In each of the Underworlds the Fifth day is the era of the breakthrough of the phenomena of that particular Underworld and from this we may have certain expectations of what is to come. The overall purpose of the current Galactic Underworld is to bring a balance between East and West as well as between the left rational and the right intuitive brain hemispheres. In short, as it will mean a significant downfall of western dominance in the world it will allow for the coming together of the cultures of the East and the West. Very likely, it will generate a downfall of the American dollar and ensuing altered economic relationships in the world.

It also seems as if the days are the periods that bring the most earth changes and natural catastrophes and this will very likely also mark the coming day, November 24, 2006 – November 19, 2007. It simply seems as if when human beings are regaining their inner wholeness their control of the external world as a consequence is lost and the Fifth day is exactly such a period, which will create the conditions for such inner unity and wholeness. Part of the development of this inner wholeness will come from a major step forward in the development of our intuition which essentially is mediated by the right brain half that is now about to be strengthened. In fact, without the development of this intuition we will not be able to use the increasingly shorter windows of opportunity that in different ways will be presented to us.

What there is to do is to fully accept and embrace the very significant energy shift that is now brought by the beginning of the Fifth day and I recommend people everywhere to celebrate on November 23-24 the arrival of the energy of Quetzalcoatl as part of the Breakthrough Celebration (www.breakthroughcelebration.com). The Fifth day energy of the Galactic Underworld means that its manifestations will truly break through into the world and after this it will become apparent to everyone that we will never again return to the stable materialist mind set of the lower Planetary Underworld. We must welcome the shift that is now taking place in the global energy field and the opportunity it gives us to create balance between East and West, rationality and intuition and man and woman. For most people the Breakthrough Energy of the Fifth day will be the most powerful transformative energy that they experienced as part of the divine plan. Let us celebrate and prepare together and above all be conscious of the changes that we may now expect based on the Mayan calendar.
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 5859
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Re: Mayi
Reply #49 - 27.11.2006 at 12:07:11
Quite interesting + truely , but, still needs 2 b expected + checked . Thanks, Petra  Smiley, keep on this  Smiley... See ya ... Wink
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #50 - 19.12.2006 at 15:27:02
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #51 - 11.10.2007 at 22:54:58
če koga zanima je tu link do radia kjer je marsikater intervju na to temo, pa tudi na druge morda komu zanimive zadeve:


(je arhiv, lahko snameš ali poslušaš)
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 5859
Gender: male
Re: Mayi
Reply #52 - 12.10.2007 at 19:36:17
Hmm, zanimivo, Cool ker, Roll Eyes nekako se ujema Cool, vendar , ...  Roll Eyes ...
2 B checked, further  Cool ...
+ lep, duhoven pozdrav, ... Cool...
by Boštyx
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #53 - 16.02.2008 at 02:06:53
Words From Mayan Grand Elder Wakatel Utiw (Wandering Wolf)


Mayan Grand Elder Wakatel Utiw, “Wandering Wolf,” “Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj”

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj is a CommonPassion.org advisor and is head of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala, Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar, a 13th generation Quiche Mayan High Priest and a Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. He is also an international lecturer on Mayan Culture.

Don Alejandro is charged as the primary keeper of the teachings, visions and prophecies of the Mayan people, which are very much alive today. He travels the world sharing the message and prophecies of the Mayans. One prophecy says: “Arise, all arise, not one nor two groups be left behind.” Another says: “Let the morning come, let the dawn come for the people to have peace and be happy. Together we are to see our children. Together we are to see our mountains. Together we are to see our cities. Together we are to see our waters.” His message of hope and empowerment resonates with people of all faiths and beliefs around the globe.  

Pu b’i  ri Uk’ux Kaj, Ukux Uleu, U k’ux ri kiq’ig, ru q’ux ri plo
Aloq minak taq tat, nimak tat nan, nimak tak q’albaltzij ke pe naj, ke pe nakaj nima laj utz ki petik che le rilik che utayic le in siwan tinamit Guatemala.  Kulewal ke mayib che we qij 8 Noj.

With the permission of the Heart of the Heavens, the Heart of Mother Earth, the Heart of the Spirit of the Air, and the Heart of the Water, I present my deepest respects to you Mr. President Eng. Alvaro Colom Caballeros and your distinguish wife Mrs. Sandra Torres; to Vice-president Dr. Rafael Espada, Government Officials here present, Congressmen, Authorities of Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish, Muslim, and other Communities. My great respect to the honorable dignitaries of different countries who are visiting us on 8 NOJ, the day in which the Nahual of the Intelligence is represented in our Mayan calendar. This is a day suitable for the development of great knowledge and wisdom.  With great pleasure we give you all a warm welcome to the Ancestral Land of the Maya Nation, Nation of Corn, holders of the sacred books of the Pop Wuj, and the Book of Books of the Chilam Balam.

It is with humbleness that I ask you to stand up to listen to Rey Ki’che (The Ki’che King) considered by thousands of Guatemalans as the sacred hymn of the Maya Ki’Che. At this occasion it will represent the Maya Nation of Guatemala.  With the melodious notes of our marimba the Spirit of our Ancestors will be present, such us:  Tucum Umam, Tepepul, Zumanche, Kagib Imox, Belegeb Kat, Oxib Kej, Belegeb Tzi, Juan Matal Batz, Manuel Tot, Kaibil Balam, Atanacio Tzul, Lucas Aguilar, Francisco Socuel, Moctesuma, Cuautemoc, Atlacatl, Lempira, Nicarau, Tupac Amaru, Atagualpa and many others, who died in defense of their people.

In the name of the National Counsel of Elders Mayas, Xinca y Garifuna de Guatemala, here in this moment we state that we are a Nation with a millenary culture, a culture that had scientific advances of great dimensions in different areas such as astrology, mathematics, architecture, hydrology, natural medicine and more, but that over 500 years ago these cultures’ normal historical process of growth was violently interrupted. Thanks to the wisdom of the Grandfathers and Grandmothers who gifted us with their spiritual knowledge through the days of the Maya calendar, these brilliant cultures have been able, not only to be maintained but also to be expanded through the world, as well as the dignity of the Maya Nation.

The National Counsel of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala are here in fulfillment of the Prophecies of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ajau.  This Counsel is the true authority whose dignitaries – 275 men and 175 women at present – ¬have always been, are and will be there to lead their communities and to overlook for the well being of their people, in the social order, in the correct application of justice, as well as living in harmonic coexistence with mother Nature.  This Maya National Counsel of Elders is, and continues to be, autonomous despite the fact of this autonomy not being recognized by the government.  This Counsel of Elders does not belong to any political party nor is it a Counsel of the government.  This is a Counsel for the People. This knowledge in the exercise of the authority has been transmitted by our Ancestors in the traditional oral way.

We have several prophecies concerning the time we are living in, and it is in fulfillment of the Prophecies that we are here today.  I will mention some of them:

“At the time of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time of the return of our Ancestors and the return of the men of wisdom.” That time is now.

Another one says:  “Arise, everyone, stand up! Not one, nor two groups be left behind the rest”.  This prophecy is in reference to all:  rich or poor, black or white, men or women, indigenous or non indigenous, we all are equal, we all have dignity, we all deserve respect, we all deserve happiness; we all are useful and necessary to the growth of the country and to make a nation where we can live with respect among the different cultures.

The Prophecy says:  “Those of the Center, with their mystical bird Quetzal, make unite the Eagle of the North with the Condor of the South; we will meet because we are one, like the fingers of the hand.”  This prophecy means that the Indigenous People of the North and the Indigenous People of the South, through those of the Center, will come together to strengthen the recovery of the ancestral science; recovery of our identity, art, spirituality and Cosmo-vision on life and death that the different Cultures have.

We the Indigenous People join together in defense of the life of the human species, in defense of the life of our brother animals and the trees and in defense of the life of Mother Earth, because the life of the Planet Earth is in danger.  We all know that what is happening in the world now is not a coincidence. As examples:  The hurricanes and the heavy storms that are menacing different places in the world; the high temperatures that day by day rise to higher degree, while in other parts of the world the cold becomes more intense; rivers are drying out and others are disappearing; the glaciers are melting; many places in the world are suffering the effects of natural disasters; and all of these are the result of our imbalance with Nature.   One other thing, our country, our communities are living under fear due to the violence, the drugs, and confrontations with those who are in search for power and wealth.

It is necessary that the behavior of human beings all over the world has to change; the life of the Planet Earth is responsibility of all and that is why the invitation from the Indigenous people is for everyone, to help save human life, save the planet thus inheriting a healthy future to the new generations.  It is for this reason that we invite everyone, indigenous and non indigenous to understand and respect each other; we invite each one to make an effort to change the negative attitude towards the indigenous and towards women in general.  We invite each minister, each public employee, to work for the eradication of racism, discrimination and the inequality that exist in our country.

The Mayan Prophecy says:  “Let my big Melody play, let my small Melody play, let my dancers loose, let my prisoners be free; these are my valleys, these are my mountains.” These are the words of Rabinal Achi.  Why do I say “my valleys and mountains are prisoners”?  Because they are being used as centers for nuclear testing, because they are being perforated without compassion, drawing the blood of Mother Earth, extracting her oil and minerals that only increase the contamination and bring about destruction.  The mountains are prisoners of men because with the chainsaw of the big monopolies are murdering its trees, and with it go the animals that inhabit them.  They say that we the indigenous, the country people, and the poor Ladinos are the ones killing the trees, and only for the small amount of wood that we use for cooking our sacred nourishment.  This is not true.  One can never compare the use we make of the trees with the commercial objectives that the big corporations have with the trees.  It is not true that we the poor and the indigenous are the ones who are killing the trees when we are not even owners of land.  This way of thinking is simply part of the same racism.   It is easy to blame the weak.  From the Maya Cosmo-vision point of view, no one owns the land; we are just one more element of life and of Nature, and this is why we are inviting every human being to help save our Mother Earth.

According to the Maya Long Count Calendar, we are finalizing the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau, thus approaching the YEAR CERO.  We are at the doorsteps of the ending of another period of the Sun, a period that lasts 5,200 years and ends with several hours of darkness.  After this period of darkness there comes a new period of the Sun; it will be the 6th one.  In each period of the Sun there is an adjustment for the planet and it brings changes in the weather conditions and in social and political life as well.

The world is transformed and we enter a period of understanding and harmonious coexistence where there is social justice and equality for all.  It is a new way of life.  With a new social order there comes a time of freedom where we can move like the clouds, without limitations, without borders. We will travel like the birds, without the need for passports. We will travel like the rivers, all heading towards the same point…the same objective.  The Mayan prophecies are announcing a time of change.  The Pop Wuj, the book of the Counsel, tells us, “It is time for dawn; let the dawn come, for the task to be finished.”

...se nadaljuje...
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #54 - 16.02.2008 at 02:09:42
It is based in this prophecy that I make the following reflection: In present time, we the indigenous, non indigenous and Ladino people still don’t see ourselves as true brothers and sisters; we haven’t reached the place where there is no room for racism, discrimination and exclusion, where we all feel like citizens with dignity. Many don’t believe there is racism, discrimination, and despise towards citizens of indigenous communities, but the reality is that we feel it and we live it every moment. We experience it all the time, as workers and as citizens. I ask myself, “Why is this, if we are all humans, if we all have the same feelings and dignity, and we all are equal?” I think that there is so much to learn still, such as learning to recognize the identity, the value, and the wisdom that the indigenous nations have regarding living a good life. This gives us the inspiration to live and to be a better person every day.

To the many in this country, what we the Indigenous People do, what we feel, and what we think has no importance. The concept they have is that we are ignorant people. But no, we are not ignorant. We are descendants of a millennial culture who has suffered over the years. But one that still maintains great wisdom to the point of having been able to solve our own necessities without the support of the Country, and without return of our taxes.

The future of Guatemala is in our hands. We can help eliminate poverty and the daily exclusion. Each one of us has a relationship with the Universe and that reflects whether our attitudes with others are harmonious or not. The time for change has arrived. The time for understanding each other and to be more human is here. It is the time to collaborate with our country, a nation of a millennial culture. The time has come to understand that we have much to teach the world. The time has come for each citizen Maya, Xinca, Garifuna and Ladino to feel proud of being Guatemalan, and to know that their roots are in this land. It is time to have peace in our souls. How happy will be the day when everyone can feel proud of their roots and work in the positive growth of the Country? When this happens Guatemala will change its history.

Through history it has officially been said that the Mayas are a thing of the past; that they existed in times of yesterday. In this day of the Wajxaquib Noj, the day of the wisdom and knowledge, we want to let you all know that we are here, and we are here present. We have a prophecy confirming this, it says, “We are the ones of yesterday, we are the ones of today, and we will be the ones of tomorrow.” Together the four nations, Mayas, Xinca, Garifunas and Ladinos, together like the fingers of the hand, living in our own diversity; let us build peace. Here we have 8 children, boys and girls. They are a symbol of the four nations that inhabit Iximulew. They represent the present and the future of our Guatemala, where we come to feel like brothers and sisters, all equal, in dignity and with rights.

In the name of the Heart of the Heaven and the Heart of the Earth, The Heart of the Water and the Heart of the Air, in the name of the Grandfathers and Grandmothers and all our ancestors who died unjustly during the process of colonization, and more recently during the 36 years of the Internal Armed Conflict, in the name of the victims of the genocide against the Maya Nation; I have the honor and responsibility to pass on to you this Staff: symbol of authority, the authority that will watch your actions and those of your collaborators in fulfillment of your duties according to the Constitution.


Do you swear, Mr. President, in the presence of our Creator, our Mother Earth, The Spirit of our Ancestors, those who gave their lives in defense of their people, along the 515 years and who died victims of the genocide in times of the colonization and specially those who died during the genocide of the Maya People during the 36 years of internal armed conflict, people such as your uncle Mr. Manuel Colom Argueta? And do you swear in presence of your special guests and the entire Maya Nation of Guatemala to be a governor for all people – Maya, Xinca, Garifuna and Ladina of Guatemala?

Do you Swear, Mr. President, to work for justice and equality among all people and thus be the governor that will make different history, with a future with dignity for all, and not to become like many others, in being the president for a privileged group, or a servant to the powerful businesspeople and the dominant class? Do you swear to lead your cabinet in a way that all members will work to make justice, with a goal in mind, that is to end the discrimination, the racism, and the exclusion of the Maya, Xinca and Garifuna Nations; that day by day we suffer in the institutions for lack of compliance with the laws of the Country and that are affecting us in our daily lives?

Mr. President, Alvaro Colom Caballeros, The National Counsel of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala know that you have a huge responsibility with the People and Mother Earth; we also know that there are powers, parallel powers, that do not want change; there are people from big monopolies of money, trafficker groups, groups with economic power enriched with the granting of our land during different governments, which have been confirmed by official history. We know also that there are enemies of the people and that the path is difficult. But we also believe firmly in the prophecies that announce change. It is for this reason that we like to reaffirm to you that you will have all the support of the People through this Counsel of Elders always as for as long as you fulfill with the commitments that you have made with the people. The Counsel will be a vigilant of this. The people cannot live on hope; the people need to know that the promises made during the electoral campaign will be fulfilled.


Thank you,
Wakatel Utiw, Wandering Wolf
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 2

Re: Mayi
Reply #55 - 24.02.2008 at 16:09:20
What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think?
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 2

Re: Mayi
Reply #56 - 26.02.2008 at 16:40:30
AlexZello wrote on 24.02.2008 at 16:09:20:
What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think?

uh, here's the site in question: Middle East conflict
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #57 - 25.07.2008 at 17:49:57

Danes je dan izven časa.
(Po gregorijanskem koledarju: 25.7.2008)

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Re: Mayi
Reply #58 - 25.07.2008 at 22:56:51
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Alojz in Sandib

Posts: 10528

Re: Mayi
Reply #59 - 27.07.2008 at 19:42:24

Ja ok. Aygor

Če komu kaj pove 28.oktobra sem rojen ob 10h!!!! Aj  13 -ja ja

Lp Alojz Wink Cool
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