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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #15 - 31.10.2003 at 14:38:17

Because we are perpetually travelling through the same cycles of energies, that repeat themselves in an ascending evolutionary spiral, whenever we come to this point of the STAR wavespell, it signifies our transition from one Galactic Spin to the next -- travelling to a higher rung on the ascending evolutionary spiral!

Each time a new Tzolkin cycle begins, we are invited to build upon the previous cycle, integrating all that we have learned. Let us use these days during the Star wavespell to prepare for the upcoming Kin 1; Self Existing Moon 24; "11/10/03" the start of a brand new Tzolkin Galactic Spin - a time for complete rebirth and renewal!

During the final 2 days of this Spin, on Blue Crystal Storm Kin 259 (Nov 8/ Self-Existing 22) it will be a Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse, and a 6-pointed Star in the Sky. This alignment is so unique it has been talked about since 1998 as a very auspicious alignment offering us a huge energetic boost - officially named the "Harmonic Concordance."

People are urged to gather in power-spots and to set aside time and space to hold the highest possible intention for ourselves and the entire planet. On Self-Existing 19; Nov 5; Yellow Solar Warrior, the alignment begins as the planets start to move into place. The precise, culminating moment of the entire alignment is right when the eclipse occurs: between 5:06pm and 5:13pm pacific standard time.

The heavenly bodies creating this formation are: Saturn, Jupiter, Maldek (a former planet which is know in the form of the asteroid belt - one of its pieces named Chiron) Mars, the Sun and the Moon. A VERY interesting note is that according to the Dreamspell cosmology, these are 4 planets which embody energies known as "abusive and abused" which need to be redeemed for us to restore planetary wholeness.

These 4 planets and the energies which they are asking us to redeem are the following:
Saturn-Materialism (abusive),
Jupiter-False Spirituality (abusive),
Maldek-Sex Taboo (abused),
and Mars-Death Fear (abused).
The fact that all of these 4 energies are present in this upcoming alignment is very striking! May we all help restore balance in these 4 key areas, supporting healing for the whole.

It is said that during Lunar eclipses, intention is amplified 1000 x's !!!
It was also mentioned that SOUND is very important to focus on during this eclipse.  

Many, many, many kindred spirits will be gathered and focused for this synchronization. Thank you for joining this collective Art!!!

A fascinating synchronicity is that while there is a 6-pointed star in the sky on this Blue Crystal Storm day, exactly 260-days later on July 26 2004 it will be Blue Crystal Storm again and it will be the 13 Moon New Year - the day that Jose Arguelles has been calling the initiating point of "The Great Calendar Change of 2004."

Arguelles says that this 260-day period between these two events is a time of ABSOLUTE ACCELERATION!

SELF-EXISTING MOON OF FORM." -- the fourth month of the White Spectral Wizard
year. Spanning from Gregorian Oct 18 - Nov 14, the Self Existing Moon energies correspond to Tone 4, and the code words: Define, Measure, and Form. The totem animal is the Owl.


The current vinal meditation (since White Cosmic Wizard, Electric 25;
Oct 14) TZEC: "That reaches the foundation."

On White Resonant Wizard day; Self-Existing 17; Nov 3, we begin a new vinal mediation of XUL: "Where with great wisdom a seed is sown."

(Because this is a White Wizard Year, every 20 days on each White
Wizard day we begin a new vinal meditation. The vinals are passed
down through the Mayan lineage as a series of intriguing phrases
which we are invited to contemplate during each 20-day period.After 18 vinals
of 20 days,there is one 5-day Vayeb, totalling the 365 day year.)


As the 20th wavespell of the Tzolkin, the Yellow Star wavespell is
always the fourth RIPENING wavespell of the 5th and final Castle of
Time of the Tzolkin: "The Green Central Castle of

Being the fifth cycle, this time corresponds to the power of the
"fifth force" which refers to the "center which is
everywhere at once." The color green represents Center, as the
four prime colors of red, white, blue, and yellow represent the four
directions which give form to our 3rd dimension. One could say this
green center symbolizes the unseen, sacred force which unifies the

This Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Moon Wavespell, the
White Wind Wavespell, the Blue Eagle Wavespell, and the Yellow Star

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which
the powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring
specific lessons and initiations. Within each Tzolkin, there are 5
castles of
time, 52 X 5 = 260 days.)


From now until this year's winter solstice,Intiana would like to offer a special: With the purchase of a 1 hour-long personal phone-session for yourself
--reviewing the essence and form of your Galactic Signature, including the 4 other energies which complete your Destiny Oracle Path, as well as addressing the most pertinent issues that are arising within your life--
RECEIVE another 1-hour session for a Friend (or even perhaps yourself!) at only HALF COST!

If this offer resonates with you, please see: www.13moon.com/mayanoracle.htm

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #16 - 31.10.2003 at 14:38:28
HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM A STATEMENT MADE BY JOSE ARGUELLES WHICH OUTLINES UPCOMING KEY SYNCHRONIZATION DATES: (This is from his recent trip to the Rome Bioregion of Italy on Self-existing Moon Seli 2, Gregorian Oct 19,2003, Blue Overtone Storm, White Spectral Wizard Year.)

" ... We are here, on the second day of the Self-Existing Moon, year of White Spectral Wizard, and we are on what is called the Fourth Year of the Harrowing of Hell. These four years begun on July 26 2000 and conclude on July 26 2004. This fourth year means that this is the conclusion of the cycle.

The seven years prior to this cycle, from 1993 to 2000, we refer as the Seven Years of Prophecy. Following the Seven Years of Prophecy, the critical mass had not yet become coherent, and so we entered the Four Years of the Harrowing of Hell. And now as we have begun the final year, the critical mass is now in place. And during these last three years the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement has actually become a populist force in the world. And now all that is required is to create within this force a consciousness of its own power. As it is said for the affirmation today: I Empower in Order to Catalyze. So this movement is now the power to catalyze. We are now entering on a critical period of time in which there are some very important dates for our understanding. So these days give us a kind of time table for the preparation to enter the New Time:

The first of these dates is coming up on 22nd day of this moon, the 22nd day of Self-Existing Moon, which is also the 16th last day of the Cube Journey of this moon and will be the day of Blue Crystal Storm (Nov 8) which is also the next solar galactic New Year's day (July 26th).

On this day we will open a 260 day interdimensional window of time. Now, all over the world, this day is also being recognized as the Harmonic Concordance and that is because on this day there is a Lunar Eclipse and astrologically a Grand Sextile. You can find more information about this on internet, at a site called www.harmonicconcordance.com.

In any case, this point is very very important as an astrological inter-planetary initiation, that is from this point (Nov 8 2003) through the 260 day cycle till we reach Blue Crystal Storm again, July 26 2004. On this point we will make known to the world that the calendar has been changed, and the critical mass of humanity following this calendar is now leading correctly to 2012.

So, once we get this point this year we can go into the meditation, unifying ourself as planetary phenomenon.

Then we have the next critical point, which will be occurring in the Overtone Moon, the 20th to the 23rd day of the Overtone Moon, Gregorian 4th to 7th of December. These 4 days represent the Seventh Harmonic. In the 260 days cycle the harmonic is a 4 day sequence, so the Seventh Harmonic is synchronized to conclude with December 7...According to the Quiche Maya of Guatemala these four days are very important opening to the Hunab Ku.

It is interesting that these four days correspond on the Dreamspell Calendar to the Seventh Harmonic. Because the Seven represents the Mystic Channel that connects us to the Hunab Ku. It is important on these four days to fast, to do purification, and to meditate on the World Peace. This is a powerful time to meditate for the stabilization of the energies for World Peace, and at the same time to estabilish a strong connection with the Hunab Ku, the Galactic Center, and to channel these galactic energies of the Hunab Ku for the creation of the dynamic force of peace.

Then, when we get to the Crystal Moon, 10th day of the Crystal Moon, (gregorian June 8 2003) which is on the Dreamspell Calendar Electric Monkey, which is also one of the 13 signs of the tomb of Pacal Votan, this will be a very critical day and represents what is called the Venus Transit, the transit of the Planet Venus across the face of the Sun. This occurs about once every 250 years, and occurs in two passes. These two passes are always exactly 8 years apart. So, the first pass is the Venus Transit on 2004, and the second pass is on 2012, and also will occur in the Crystal Moon.

This will be the sign of the opening of the road to 2012. There will be meditation festivals all over the world, called the Union Festivals coordinated by Johan from Sweden, who also recognized that this will be also the point to announce the Calendar Change of the Calendar Shift of July 26.

Recently I have been in Peru and I participated to the Vision Council of the Call of the Condor, which is the unification of the Bioregional Movement and the Sustainable Eco-village Network and the 13 Moon Calendar Movement. We were also all agree at that council that from the time of the Venus Transit to the Day Out of Time, July 25th, this will be a period of great activation, mobilization of all the groups, energies, and forces working for positive peaceful change to begin to demonstrate and to educate in the communities by wherever ways it is possible, and this of course includes the Rainbow Nation Family around the planet.

During this time we will begin to announce to the rest of the world that what we are talking about is the alternative way of life, an alternative view, an alternative vision which includes also the New Time. This force is now mobilizing to estabilish the positive vision for the rest of the human race and in preparation for the conclusion of this cycle.

So, when we get to the Day Out of Time it will be a Gregorian Sunday. Generally there are plans for three day event this year. So, Friday July 23rd, Saturday July 24th and Sunday July 25th will be the three day event of the culmination of the cycle of the activation that begins with the Venus Transit and it will be the announcing of the beginning of the Calendar Change. The Calendar Change is considered as an eight years cycle, from 2004 to 2012, which is actually also a Mind Shift and a Time Shift. So when we get to 2012, the 13:20 frequency will be the frequency of all the Earth once again.

These are the keypoints to July 26th when the announce will be made in every Bioregion, and for the first time in history the people themselves that start and realize a calendar change. This is now occurring for the critical mass that represents an irreversible momentum of the evolution and the rest of human race is invited to join in what is now an inevitable process.

So, from that point, 2004, to 2012, will be the definitive final mutation of the historical process. From 2004 to 2008 there will be the collapsing of the Technosphere and the reconstruction of the new communities, and from 2008-09 to 2012-13, this will be the time of the dissemination of the new knowledge for the rest of the human race. For the intensification of the practices of telepathy and the other arts of the Science of Time, there will be further great Earth changes, including the very strong possibility of pole shift. So it is important to estabilish, as soon as possible, communities that are not dependent on the 12:60 grid... "
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #17 - 31.10.2003 at 14:38:47

Foundation for the Law of Time
White Spectral Wizard Year
Calendar Change Tour of Duty, Phase I

1. From Temple of the Cosmic Serpent to the Call of the Condor - Peru

The year of the White Spectral Wizard (2003-04) is the fourth and last year of the Campaign for the New Time - and of the “Harrowing of Hell,” the prophetic period between the Seven Years of prophecy (1993-2000) and the Seven Years of the Mystery of the Stone (2004-2011).

The Foundation’s last official activity on the world stage, the seventh of its seven day Earth Wizard’s Seminars, took place in Mexico during the Galactic Moon of the Solar Seed Year. Now it was the Electric Moon of Service, more than a year and a half later, and the Foundation’s global presence was being called for once again. Review of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and a renewed planetary activation for the culmination of the Campaign for the New Time provided the call. A further purpose of the journey was a survey of world culture in the era of globalization, but from the perspective of cosmic history.

On behalf of the Foundation, the President, accompanied by the Chief Research Assistant, departed for the South from the Foundation’s new headquarters in Ashland, Oregon. The first stop before heading to Peru was Los Angeles, California. There, on the evening of Electric Moon 2, Blue Electric Monkey (September 21), the Foundation participated in a benefit performance, “Temple of the Cosmic Serpent,” a spectacular event created by Jim Berenholtz and his dance troupe, including many live pythons. Staged at the famed Sowden House in Hollywood, constructed and designed in a neo-Mayan style by the son of the noted architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the epic and mythical evening netted the Foundation $1833. This primal and evocative performance was a most fitting initiation to the next four weeks of global activity

The next day the Foundation team was off to Peru for the Call of the Condor Vision Council, held in the sacred valley of the Inca outside of Cuzco, Peru. Successfully convened by Liora Adler and Alberto Ruz of the Rainbow Peace Caravan, the Vision Council was a gathering of representatives of the Bioregional Movement, the Ecovillage Sustainable Community Network, the Rainbow nation, the Indigenous peoples and the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement.

Held at Camp Veronica deep within the sacred valley of the Inca some 8,000 feet up along the banks of the Urubamba river and beneath perennially snowcapped Andean peaks, the gathering was not easy to reach. Flights to lima via Atlanta, an overnight at a place called the Manhattan Inn, then on to Cuzco the following day. While Lima is everything that epitomizes the worst of third world urbanization - poverty, industrial wastelands, and bad air - Cuzco is still filled with colonial era charm and a strong Inca presence everywhere.

A two to three hour cab ride out of Cuzco past majestic Ollantaytambo is hosted by an Incan cab driver named Franklin who gives you the Quechua (Inca language) word for everything along the road. The taxi tour is completed on the other side of the river from Camp Veronica. The road doesn’t go any farther, and from here you have to trek into the camp over a rickety footbridge high above the raging Urubamba river. Amazing to think that this is a tributary of the Amazon! The Foundation team’s bags are too big and heavy to trek so Franklin is trusted to hold them until they meet again either in Ollantaytambo or Cuzco.

The camp is a colorful spectacle. Hundreds of tents dot the high plain beneath craggy mountain sides. Over 800 people are bivouacked here in this week-long village. Makeshift latrines and showers are the peak of comfort. Often during the day intense winds blow down from the Andes, while the nights can be rather chilly. Over toward one side of the encampment the Thirteen Moon village sports its flags - Banners of Peace and the seal of the Galactic Federation. The entire scene is reminiscent of a rainbow gathering. Meals are served by the locals who provide a host of vegetarian indigenous dishes, many of them with quinoa, vegetables and a variety of potatoes. Despite the difficult conditions the mood is quite upbeat. Large gatherings occur in a circus tent. Smaller gatherings in a yurt style tent or in the large room of the only permanent building on the grounds. Alberto Ruz informs the team that the entire set up had to be brought across the Urubamba river on a cable, including all the parts of the two-ton circus tent.

From observations and conversations it is clear that the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement has come of age here as a sociopolitical force. It is most telling that the context for this coming of age was a radical alternative community, indigenous and bioregional vision council. While most of the kin making a very strong presence were from South America, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Argentina, there were also kin from Europe, including PAN Spain, Avalon and Italy.

Everyone attending the Conference was decoded and had their Galactic Signature on their name badge It was very impressive to talk to kin from Argentina and Brazil and realize how much the Movement had mushroomed and taken off on its own in the past two years - a lot less to lose, so why not take a risk on the truly new? The kin from Brazil seem particularly committed to the calendar change. Infinito cable television is present conducting interviews, including one with the Foundation’s President. This time Erma, the hostess, seems well-informed.

A large public workshop on the Thirteen Moon calendar by Foundation Liaison for Latin American Affairs, Rodrigro Urrea (Chile) is well attended and clearly, precisely and logically presented. Rodrigro has emerged as a preeminent spokesperson for the new calendar. His talk is enlivened by visuals taken from Carmen Nunez Paz Infante’s graduate design study on the Law of Time. The President of the Foundation made three formal presentations at the Conference, one to present himself and the work of the Movement, and two to outline the meaning of the Calendar Change within the context of the prophecy of 2012. A fourth informal, intimate and impromptu gathering of kin was also held for over 20 alumni of Picarquin as well as an equal number of others expressing a high degree of commitment. Here the President empowered all present to be the leaders of the Calendar Change Movement.

The President of the Foundation also participated in the Leadership Sessions. The main outcome of these sessions was to pinpoint a time of activation and synchronization of the various movements present in order to demonstrate the size and global extent of the bioregional, new time, sustainable community and alternative life-style movement. It is agreed that beginning with the Oneness Celebration of the Venus Transit, Electric Monkey, June 8, 2004, through the Day Out of Time, July 25, 2004, Spectral Mirror, that there will be much activation, education and artistic demonstration, culminating in the massive worldwide New Time festivals on Green day. The purpose will be to alert the world to the existence of this now vast and widespread coalition of movements as the genuine alternative to the present technospheric state of affairs.

The second outcome was to target the next Vision Council - a thirteen day event near Alto Paraiso, Brazil to be entitled the Call of the Hummingbird. Set to occur around the Electric Moon Equinox (September 22, 2004). The first seven days will be a more focused leadership event, including plans for a Second Biospheric Congress, while the next six days will be more in the nature of a Time is Art festival and rainbow community gathering. The main organizers for this next Council are kin from Brazil, who also call for a World PAN Congress to be convened during the six day part of the Call of the Hummingbird.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #18 - 07.11.2003 at 00:23:05
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #19 - 26.11.2003 at 01:04:45
Greetings Planetary Kin!

The intention of these emails is to serve your understanding of
these sacred time cycles - both the 13-day wavespells which constitute
the Tzolkin count and the 13-moon, 28-day cycles of the Year count.

A "Wavespell" refers to the entire cycle of the 13 Tones of
Creation,1-13. Because a Wavespell is any cycle of 13, there are both
13-DAY wavespells, as well as 13-MOON wavespells. In other words, the
Year cycle itself is also a giant wavespell spiral, where each 28-day
moon holds the energy of one of 13 Tones of Creation!

Simultaneous to the Wavespell of the Year, within the sacred Tzolkin
calendar, there are 20 (13-day) wavespells. Each 13 day period is
governed by one of the 20 Tribes.

Regarding the definition of "wavespell," a "wave" is a motion in
time, and a "spell" is that which can be cast, known, or
experienced during that time.

Another way it is defined is a "wave" refers to the power of movement, and "spell" to the power one can gain by being in harmony with reality.

Current 13-day cycle: WHITE WIZARD WAVESPELL

White Wizard's Code Words:

Action - "ENCHANTS"

Creative Power - "TIMELESSNESS"

Essence/Function - "RECEPTIVITY"

13 Moon Dates:  Overtone 9 - Overtone 21

Tzolkin Dates: Kin 14 - Kin 26

Gregorian Dates: Nov 23 - Dec 5

Not only are we currently in a Wizard Wavespell, we're also more than 4 months into a Wizard YEAR!!!

Since the New Year, July 26th 2003, the White Spectral Wizard Year has been upon us -- a year of focusing on LIBERATING THE INNER WIZARD! The Spectral
Wizard Year energies are focused around the code words: Release,
Dissolve, Liberation, Enchants, Timelessness,Receptivity!

The White Wizard tribe is called "Ix" in the Mayan language, (pronounced Eesh'.) Traditional translations of Ix include "jaguar" or "shaman."  

As the 14th of the 20 tribes, IX is described in The Mayan Factor as signifying:  "The Sorceror, The Jaguar, Feline Energy, the Night-Seer, Attainment of Magical Powers."

Additional qualities of Ix are known to include: "heart-knowing" and "alignment with divine will."  

WHITE represents the power of the direction NORTH which offers the energy of "REFINES."
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #20 - 26.11.2003 at 01:05:18
(from www.13moon.com)

"All animals function telepathically, instinctually calibrated by their intrinsic sense of time and movement, and the needs and impulses of their body. The human species is the only species whose telepathy is not fully functioning. Telepathy directs synchronicity, and synchronicity is how we experience telepathy.

If we are following false timing standards we are not operating by a trust in our intrinsic sense of timing, therefore we are not allowing ourselves to develop this natural ability of being at the right place at the right time. The best way to start exploring this is to attempt not looking at the clock for reference when you normally would. See if you can increasingly create opportunities to not ask the mechanical clock what time it is, but rather feel out what the next movement for you to take in your day is, or when the right time is to transition, as determined by your inner navigator. Keep heart, we all have a lot of room to grow in this area! Telepathy is very practical and is a good back-up in case the cell phones aren't getting through!!!

Working with the 13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell system is a direct amplification of your telepathic sense. This practice connects you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally with like-minded people around the world who are focusing on the same energies everyday, creating a global telepathic link up.

These calendrical tools entrain you with the harmonic ratios and patterns of nature so that you can receive greater attunement and information from Earth and Nature herself.

The codes of Dreamspell synchronize you with the 13:20 frequency of time which governs the fourth-dimension of mind, imagination, dreams, deja vu, psychic knowing, oneness and wholeness. As the fourth-dimension of mind governs the third-dimension of space, the more your consciousness operates in the fourth dimension the greater clarity you will have in physically operating in the third dimension.

Essentially, being on time with your Self is the goal, for when synchronized with Self you are inherently synchronized with the Natural Order, and will meet all your marks. These examples, and more, also result in a heightened ability to hear/know/feel/intuit the emotions and thoughts of others, especially those close to you. This is a rapidly developing characteristic that grows with the participation of our own self-awareness, sensitivity, and receptivity."

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #21 - 26.11.2003 at 01:05:32
The Jaguar is a focal point in the stone stelae messages of the ancient Maya. The form and essence of these regal creatures is prevalent in their art and serves as a revered symbol of Mayan culture. The Jaguar was top cat in the bioregion of the Maya. With no natural predators and impeccable night vision, jaguars roamed royally under the night's sky. With incredible skill and unmatched power, the masterful Jaguar warrants great respect.

The Dreamspell day count and 13 Moon year system that we are following, also known as The Wizard's Count, has its roots in the lineage of the Jaguar - based upon the reformulated count of the "Chilam Balam."

This is defined by Jose Arguelles in his book Time and The Technosphere:

"Chilam Balam: 'Jaguar priest,' name of Mayan Prophet (ah bobat) who lived just before the time of conquest, which he accurately predicted; name given to lineage of Mayan prophets extending from the end of tenth baktun (circa A.D. 830) up until the nineteenth century: name given to series of post-conquest texts in which the various categories of prophecies of this lineage are recorded."

This 13-Moon calendar functions according to a Year-Bearer system passed down by the Chilam Balam Jaguar Priests of the Lowland Yucatec Maya which assigns every new year (correlated to July 26th Gregorian) one of 4 solar seals - either Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm, or Yellow Seed. These colors correspond to the 4 directions, East through South. Every year also receives one of 13 tones.

For example, July 26, 2002 began Red Planetary Moon Year (10 Moon), and July 26, 2003 began White Spectral Wizard year (11 Wizard.) July 26, 2004 will begin Blue Crystal Storm year (12 Storm.) This harmonic pattern of 4 solar seals cycling with the 13 tones ensures a perfect cycle of 52 years in which no two days repeat, until the completion of the 52 year round (a cycle of 18,980 days called Tunben K'ak, the Binding of the Years) forming an upward moving spiral of time.
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #22 - 26.11.2003 at 01:05:53

Spanning Gregorian Nov 15 - Dec 12, the Overtone Moon energies correspond to Tone 5, and the code words: Empower, Command, and Radiance. The totem animal is the Peacock.


The current vinal meditation (since White Magnetic Wizard day; Overtone 9; Nov 23) is YAXKIN: "A little ray of the hidden sun."

(Because this is a White Wizard Year, every 20 days on each White
Wizard day we begin a new vinal meditation. The vinals are passed
down through the Mayan lineage as a series of intriguing phrases
which we are invited to contemplate during each 20-day period.After 18 vinals
of 20 days,there is one 5-day Vayeb, totalling the 365 day year.)


As the 2nd wavespell of the Tzolkin, the White Wizard wavespell is
always the second REFINING wavespell of the 1st Castle of
Time of the Tzolkin: "The Red Eastern Castle of Turning."

This Red Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Dragon Wavespell, the
White Wizard Wavespell, the Blue Hand Wavespell, and the Yellow Sun Wavespell.

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which
the powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring
specific lessons and initiations. Within each Tzolkin, there are 5
castles of time, 52 X 5 = 260 days.)


The following is excerpted from the article "Message from the
Mayan Elders of the Eagle Clan, Guatemala, Central America."
(The full text of which is available on www.sacredroad.org.)

While the Quiche Maya in Guatemala use a different language than the Yucatec Maya which the 13-Moon Dreamspell Calendar system is based upon, our purpose and mission of establishing Planetary Harmony by the end of the cycle, Winter Solstice 2012, is one and the same!!! It is with great respect for these messengers that we share their urgent request for humanity to join together in prayer and meditation on these upcoming days of gregorian Dec 4-Dec 7. In the 13-Moon Calendar these days correspond to: Overtone Moon 20 - Overtone Moon 27; Red Crystal Serpent - Yellow Lunar Star.    

We have received specific requests to distribute this information as widely as possible; please help us with this purpose if you can.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10693

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #23 - 26.11.2003 at 01:06:20
Inside the charge of these cycles of changes, there are vortexes that
open up a space. After the red planet distances its charge, there is a
subtle convergence between the cosmic and telluric forces, a time that
lasts four days.  This openness gives us the opportunity to create the
force and balance. It is a sublime space that will allow us access to
Jun'ab'ku, heart of the heavens.  This is a good time to ask for the
internal strength, strength for the community for the consciousness
and to synthesis with balance.  This is the moment when the strength of
all those beings of light, are needed.  If possible it is asked to fast,
perhaps on fruit, to remain abstinence for at least four days prior
and to do ceremonies at sunrise and sunset.  

It is important to work from sunup to sunset on both the 4th and the 7th, because this is the opening and the closing.  The point or focus is to create the longing desire to awaken the south.  Beginning from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, to the Amazons, to the mountain range of the eternal snows of the Andes and carry that energy to the most ancient mountains on this part of the
world in Cordova Argentina. The transcendence of this moment is of much importance for beloved mother, PACHAMAMA.  It is also the survival of this "fourth humanity".

The day of the 4th brings to us the energy of the Nawal Tzikin, the
great intermediary between the heaven and the earth.  It is the
messenger and the eagle-quetzal-condor that will create the unity
between the north and the south. This will permit us willingly if we
joined our forces together throughout the continent and around the
world to awaken the Saq' Be, the white path.  

On this day we focus on the divine messenger that carries our prayers, our feelings and the drumming of our hearts. Let it be that on this day there is only one heartbeat, one sound of drumming calling upon the four corners of the universe and at last finding Great Spirit.  

In the north it is the Eagle, in the center it is the Quetzal and in the north it is the Condor, (the ancestral messengers between the human and the divine).  So, lets have just one heartbeat, one fire, a simple ceremony but very majestic.
Let's travel to the sacred places and reclaim the harmony.

The day of the 5th brings to us the energy of the Nawal Ajmak, the
keeper of the sin and forgiveness.  This is a day to reflect upon our
lives, to be in silence and to go within, to look at the damage we may
have caused consciously or unconsciously, to forgive and be forgiven,
to forgive ourselves, but most of all to ask forgiveness for the damage
we have caused mother earth.  We also need to ask for forgiveness for
those that destroy without conscience but only for the madness or for

This is an internal ceremony we do. The elders will be having their
fires and ceremonies, but our connection will be channeled towards the
south to awaken the force and the return of the wisdom of the condor.
This is the moment of the return of the kingdom of TIHUANTISUYO, the
giant panther. As of now it is called the kingdom of INCARI.  As a day
of duality, the energy gives way to balance between the polarities, so
this is what we need to focus on.  
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #24 - 26.11.2003 at 01:07:39
The day of the 6th, brings us the energy of the Nawal Noj.  This is
the keeper of the wisdom, the harmony, the balance and the understanding,
the power of the mind and of the imagination.  This is a day to use
the energy of the mind to create the power of balance.  On this day we
need to practice internal peace as well as peace with the community.  The
polarization based on the religious fundamentalist is reaching its
unsustainable limits and it depends on beings that are committed to
the essence of the real spirituality and the survival of the human race
and of mother earth, to help stop this energy.  Let's not forget that this
thing we call reality is mental, the "great illusion" and
the one that commands this force is the Nawal Noj.  

It is recommended to light white candles and to create chains of meditation and raise our words to the heart of the heavens and to the Great Spirit.  We need to purify internally and check our own existence so we can do away with that
which no longer serves us and to be free of antagonizing forces so can then
create the force that needs to govern now which is harmony.


The day of the 7th brings us the energy of the Nawal Tijax.  This day
is the culmination of this cycle that opens with the intermediary between
the earth and the sky, followed by the forgiveness and the sin, then
followed by the purification of the mind (creator of all illusions),
well Tijax is the double bladed knife, it is the energy that opens up
dimensions and the vortex on this day, creating a space extremely
subtle and only perceptive to sensitive spirits.  To us humans it gives us
the opportunity to cut the negativity, to let go of that which holds us
back to the vain illusions, to open up our hearts, to awaken and be able to
create the balance between the polarities.  We need to ask for all the
spiritual guides, so they can leave behind their personal importance,
so they may know how to guide us without competition and to be united and
so they may not forget they are not the keepers of the truth.  Each
and every one of us brings a force and internal power and that all the
truths are part of one manifestation of reality and this is how we'll
be able to face the changes we are about to encounter.  

This will allow us to reach the date of Dec. 21 2012 with much harmony.  This is the purpose of Tzacol, the planet on being alive, to then transcend to the
5th Ajaw."
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #25 - 21.12.2003 at 17:41:06
"Winter Solstice is the day of the year when the sun is farthest south. The winter solstice marks the first day of the season of winter. The declination of the sun on the (northern) winter solstice is known as the tropic of capricorn (-23° 27').

As the Earth travels around the Sun in its orbit, the north-south
position of the Sun changes over the course of the year due to the
changing orientation of the Earth's tilted rotation axes with respect
to the Sun. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year,
respectively, in the sense that the length of time elapsed between
sunrise and sunset on this day is a minimum for the year. On this
shortest day of the year, the sun is at its lowest and weakest, a
pivot point from which the light will grow stronger and brighter.
Today is the turning point of the year.

Winter Solstice has been celebrated in cultures the world over for
thousands of years. One can speculate on the significance of the
winter solstice in prehistoric Europe. One example is in Maeshowe,
(Orkneys, Scotland) where there is a chambered cairn carbon dated at
2750 BCE. Inside the cairn is a stone structure with a long entry
tunnel whose structure is aligned so that sunlight can shine along
the entry passage into the interior of the megalith and illuminate
the whole of the structure. This happens at sunrise on the winter

In old Europe, Winter Solstice was known as “Yule” and was
a celebration of Light and the rebirth of the Sun. The romans called
it “Dies Natalis Invicti Solis”, the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun.
In ancient Egypt, the god-man/savior Osiris died and was entombed on
December 21. The ancient Druids called their solstice celebration
Alban Arthuan, death of the old sun. The ancient Incas celebrated a
festival if Inti Raymi at the time of the Winter Solstice where the god of the Sun, Wiracocha, was honored.(Ceremonies were banned by the Roman Catholic conquistadores in the 16th century as part of their forced conversions of the Inca people to Christianity.) The Hopi tribe call their winter solstice ceremony Soyal which lasts for 20 days and includes prayerstick making,
purification, and rituals.

Today, many people in Western-based
cultures refer to this holiday as "Christmas." Yet a look
into its origins of Christmas reveals its Pagan roots. Emperor
Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the
"Invincible Sun" in the third century as part of the Roman
Winter Solstice celebrations. In 273, the Christian church selected
this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman
solar feast day was Christianized. Most of the customs, lore,
symbols, and rituals associated with Christmas actually are linked to
Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. While
Christian mythology is inter-woven with contemporary observances of this holiday time, its Pagan nature is still strong and apparent."

Blessings to you,
Kindred Spirits!
All Love,
Red Self Existing Skywalker

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #26 - 21.12.2003 at 18:22:45

The Year Ahead in Maya Prophecy
By Carlos Barrios

“As of February or maybe sooner, according to the sacred books, the
sacred Tzi'te and the projections of the wise visionaries, this
seems to be an extremely delicate year. Again this has to do with
us reaching peace and harmony. As of now the economies can start
to deteriorate, we can see that it is based on an illusion. We have
seen the real value of things have disappeared many years ago. Today
the economic value, money as we know it, is an electronic fantasy
and if the socio-economic systems doesn't return to being human
and to the real value, the actual system is condemned to extinction.
This is the unconsciousness, the senseless race in the world that
continues without stopping, without going anywhere. It is escapism
to live an experience in such an accelerated manner. The fear of
destruction and the instant gratifications we experience on a daily
basis either help us to carry out our existence or to live alienated.

This year will be hard and bring us natural disasters, warlike confrontations
and disaster in the world economy. Like with all prophecies and
visions of the future, there is the ability to minimize things and
in some cases even change them. Although this year is of much concern,
we must focus on the present which is where we will define the balance.
The period of now to the end of 2007 is of much importance to maintain
the balance. We will be living in a very dangerous time that this
humanity has not lived before. It is within each and every one of
us to reach balance and change. The focus must be on the energy
that got stuck in Panama, which, because of the canal, didn't allow
the energy to reach south. This is where the work will be the most
revealing, which doesn't consist only of these four days (Dec 4-Dec 7).
It is urgent to activate the base of the spinal cord of the continent
of the mountain range of the Andes and the ancient mountains of
Cordova. To bring on the change and as the wise Mam elder said:

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij, who originates from and resides
in Guatemala. Carlos has been given the mission by his elders to
begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples
with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share
these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue
and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland.
Carlos is also the author of "Kam Wuj: El Libro del Destino", and
out of print book on the astrology and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.
Carlos is presently working on a revised edition which is to be translated to English.

Saq' Be': Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies
is a non profit organization based in New Mexico, US. Saq' Be' works
to bring people, especially young adults, together with ancient
traditions for the purpose of cultural and spiritual preservation
and to open the doors of opportunity for those traditions to share
their teachings with the rest of the world. Preservation programs
include Radio broadcast capacity for the Native community in Chichicastenango,
Guatemala and support for filmed documentation efforts of elders
and guides of the Mayan tradition. Meetings programs include trips
to Native communities in Guatemala (next trip is for the Mayan New
Year, June, 2004) and arranging for travel and teachings for the
keepers of this ancient wisdom to the US and abroad. More information
can be found at: http://www.sacredroad.org, or by email at: saqbe@sacredroad.org.
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #27 - 21.12.2003 at 18:24:09

Spanning Gregorian Dec 13 - Jan 9, the Rhythmic Moon energies correspond to Tone 6, and the code words: Organize, Balance, and Equality. The totem animal is the Lizard.

PLEASE NOTE, the Gregorian correlate dates are fixed, which means that "Overtone Moon," "Rhythmic Moon," etc will ALWAYS span the same Gregorian time-frame. Christmas will always be Rhythmic Moon 13 and Gregorian New Years day will always be Rhythmic 20!


The current vinal meditation (since White Galactic Wizard day; Rhythmic 1; Dec 13) is MOL: "Which unifies all of the pieces."

(Because this is a White Wizard Year, every 20 days on each White
Wizard day we begin a new vinal meditation. The vinals are passed
down through the Mayan lineage as a series of intriguing phrases
which we are invited to contemplate during each 20-day period.After 18 vinals
of 20 days,there is one 5-day Vayeb, totalling the 365 day year.)


As the 4th wavespell of the Tzolkin, the Yellow Sun wavespell is
always the fourth RIPENING wavespell which closes the 1st Castle of
Time of the Tzolkin: "The Red Eastern Castle of Turning."

The 52-day Red Castle always brings extra RED INITIATING power into our lives. The Red Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Dragon Wavespell, the
White Wizard Wavespell, the Blue Hand Wavespell, and the Yellow Sun Wavespell.

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which
the powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring
specific lessons and initiations. Within each Tzolkin, there are 5
castles of time, 52 X 5 = 260 days.)
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #28 - 21.12.2003 at 18:24:55

What a beautiful, divine alignment that the winter solstice which brings the "Return of the Sun" would occur during the SUN wavespell!

This year's winter solstice marks exactly 9 years till the end of the Grand Mayan Cycle of 26,000 years which completes itself on winter solstice 2012.

Because of this countdown, each winter solstice offers us a powerful time to acknowledge the closing of this huge cycle by extending our prayers and intentions to be of service to all our relations during these auspicious planetary times.  

Much is left to unfold as this Living Prophecy continues to olay out through our lives and weave its spiralling course of consciousness.

We can be sure of only three things: acceleration, transformation, and the revealing of all that has been hidden...

As the Hopi remind us all: "We are the Ones we've been waiting for."
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #29 - 21.12.2003 at 18:27:12
Current 13-day cycle: YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL

Yellow Sun's Code Words:


Creative Power - "UNIVERSAL FIRE"

Essence/Function - "LIFE"

13 Moon Dates: Rhythmic 7 - Rhythmic 19

Tzolkin Dates: Kin 40 - Kin 52

Gregorian Dates: Dec 19 - Dec 31

WINTER SOLSTICE: Dec 21 - 11:04 pm pst; Rhythmic 9; White Electric Wind
(for those in the northern hemisphere, of course!)

Since the New Year, July 26th 2003, the White Spectral Wizard Year has been upon us -- a year of focusing on LIBERATING THE INNER WIZARD! The Spectral
Wizard Year energies are focused around the code words: Release,
Dissolve, Liberation, Enchants, Timelessness,Receptivity!

Regarding the current wavespell cycle, the Yellow Sun tribe is called "Ahau" in the Mayan language, (pronounced A how'.)

Traditional translations of Ahau include "Flower" or "Lord."  

As Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men writes:

"From the Sun comes the essence of our consciousness. When we speak of the flower, we are also speaking of the Sun. This graphically illustrates the intimate relationship of that which is above with that which is below.

To say flower, we use the word lol. The etymological roots of this word are:
L= vibration ('L' is a contraction of lil,'vibration')

As the 20th of the 20 tribes, AHAU is described in The Mayan Factor as signifying:  "Solar Mind, Solar Lord, Mastery, Realization of Solar Body, Wisdom, Knowledge, Ability to focus Galactic Whole, Ability to Encompass and Generate the Entire Cycle (of the 20 tribes)."

Another clue provided for Ahau is: "Attainment to the Mind of Light."

According to the Mayan Oracle, additional qualities of Ahau are known to include: "Union, unconditional love, 'Christ Consciousness,' ascension,language of light, and crown."  

YELLOW represents the power of the direction SOUTH which offers the energy of "RIPENS."

As the 20th of the 20 solar tribes, Ahau is the culmination of the solar tribe circuit. While the 20 solar tribes can be viewed as a cycle of 1-20, they can, even more accurately, be understood as a cycle of 0-19 where Sun = Zero.

A fascinating note is that the ancient Maya actually pioneered the mathematical concept of zero!

As Hunbatz Men shares in his incredible book Mayan Science/Religion:
"The Maya ancestors were the first people on Earth whose reasoning assigned to the zero a real value in mathematics. It has been said that a 'zero on the left has no value.' Could it be that the culture which teaches this way of reasoning has no real value? For the Maya, wherever the symbol of zero is marked, its value is known, for it represents the essence of the beginning, the Logos. It is the form of the seed. Thus it is said that in order to understand the sacred Hunab K'u, the Only Giver of Movement and Measure, one must venerate the origin of the zero, the Milky Way, because it is there that the mold for the most ancient things was located.

As mathematics helped define their religion and philosphy, the zero assumed value. It was represented in different forms, sometimes as a sea shell or conch. It is depicted in vegetal forms on the terrestrial plane. In other instances, because of its oval shape, it takes the form of animal eggs, or the male testicles or the female ovaries. Ultimately, those persons who have the capacity to discern human auras have indicated that they see the whole-body aura in the form of an auric egg. Could this possibly imply that we are the aura of the Milky Way?"

Tuning in to Yellow Sun as Zero, it seems to imply a union of formless potential and formed wholeness; nothingness and totality!


Quite a clue into the energy of Ahau is that it serves as the final tribe as well as the pre-birth origin of all the tribes. It is as though "enlighten-ment" is our destination and our origin! Our arrival and our launch-pad into this life.

Spiritual wisdom traditions of many cultures indeed declare that our original, true, natural state is already enlightened, and that rather than something to achieve, enlightenment is actually inherent to our Being. It seems that what we experience as ignorance of our inherent enlightened nature is due to layers and layers of conditioning, programming, and disconnection from our true, core Essential Being.

This point can be realized, or "woken up to" in this moment, and we are being invited by The Yellow Sun tribe to continually, moment upon moment, awaken and honor this Divine truth. While this can require what is called "right effort," -  willingness, intention, mindfulness, heartfulness, discipline, practice... - to surrender to this cosmic reality, this in no way contradicts its elegant, primordial, beyond-words simplicity.  

As 13th century Zen Master Dogen said: "To let the Self be awakened by all things is enlightenment."

Many spiritual teachers advise that to experience and operate from our original condition it can be beneficial/necessary to disassociate/disidentify from all that we are not, so that our true nature can shine unobstructed.

That, to me, is the Zero aspect of Ahau. If this sounds confusing it is because this is quite a deep, ancient, multi-dimensional teaching, to say the least, that deserves investigation and inquiry!

"Who are you?"
"Who am I?"
"What is the true nature of reality?"
"What is the Self?"...

To counter-balance the zero aspect of Ahau with the 20 aspect of Ahau, here's another perspective: There are certain aspects of ourselves we don't like and we push away. These parts of ourselves we've rejected are a part of our Wholeness. Because we've denied them, they become "shadow energies." They are parts of our being that exist to help us in our spiritual evolution. Denying those aspects, we're keeping those lessons from ourselves.

We can actually embrace all the many parts of self without "solidifying" ourselves as any of these qualities. Wholeness is the light and the shadow.

The shadow is not separate from the light. As we embrace the shadow, we understand the bittersweet truth that the shadow is created by the light.

Deepening our compassion for the shadow qualities can help us transform these layers of programming, conditioning, limited and false identity, for as we embrace the denied parts of ourselves, we come to greater terms with the true vastness of our own Wholeness.

It's as though these shadow parts of ourselves just want to be acknowledged and welcomed back to wholeness, for that is why they perpetually manifest their destructive patterns until they are integrated into the light.

This, as well, is quite a multi-dimensional teaching which holds great liberation and healing for all humanity, especially in these times when so much acting-out of shadow energies is occurring on a planetary scale.


The power of Universal Fire is reflected in the Supreme, Solar Life-force which sustains our planet's lifeforms; our bodies' digestive fire; the fire of passion and brilliance and divine illumination; the fire of transformation; and the universal, timeless, ecstatic, mystical fire of sacred reverence, humility, gratitude, and grace which transcends even these words.

Perhaps universal fire also corresponds to the polarized expression of the fire of guns, bombs, explosions, the fire of arrogant, egotistical blindness; anger, rage, wrath, destruction...

Let us know the power of the universe's gift of fire and its properties, capacities, and role in Nature that we may honor it and wield it will full consciousness of its majesty.


Life. Here we are. Alive. Alert. Let all parts of ourselves and All beings everywhere AWAKEN to the precious reality of who we truly are, sparks of the same great fire of Life which illuminates eternity.

"What is Life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night...
it is the little shadow which runs across the grass
and loses itself in the Sunset."
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