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Message started by Kali on 06.05.2003 at 18:51:03

Title: Mayi
Post by Kali on 06.05.2003 at 18:51:03
še dopolnjujem...

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 15.05.2003 at 02:43:29   v jugoslavanščini stran tudi

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 11.08.2003 at 11:38:00

Skratka HAPPY NEW YEAR, se je začelo 26.7.2003!!! :-*

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 11.08.2003 at 21:27:20

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 18.08.2003 at 14:03:28

Meditacija na mayevske znake: (in nje pomen)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 26.08.2003 at 13:16:04

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 26.08.2003 at 13:26:09


Svakog 13. kosmickog tona, u 22:00h. sirom nase zemlje izvodi se ova meditacija.

Meditacija Dugin most      

Cilj ove meditacije je da se izazove telepatski talas (val) ljubavi, koji sjedinjuje svakoga od nas sa centrom planete Zemlje, sa dvopolnim generatorima duge, koji drze magnetno polje Zemlje, a takodje i sa svim planetarnim kinovima koji rade istu ovu meditaciju. Kada meditacijom izazovemo telepatski talas ljubavi na Zemlji, mi ucvrscujemo matricu komunikacije koja nam pomaze da osvestimo realizaciju noosfere – mentalnog omotaca Zemlje. Ta matrica takodje izgradjuje i zastitno polje istinski pozitivnih vibracija misli, koji podrzavaju rezonantno polje Zemlje i to u stanju mira i harmonije.

    Cilj ove meditacije - vezbe sastoji se u faktickoj realizaciji duginog mosta planete Zemlje – dnevnog i nocnog generatora magnetnih polova Zemlje do trenutka zavrsetka ciklusa na dan Zimskog (na juznoj hemisferi) i letnjeg (na severnoj hemisferi) soltiscija 2012. godine. Dugin most, to je most mira o kome se odavno govorilo u prorocanstvima. On ce zauvek sjediniti trodimenzionalnu Zemlju sa cetvrtom i visim dimenzijama i tako ce se obezbediti nenarusivost harmonije i mira. Kako bi svi mogli da uzmu ucesce u ovoj meditaciji bez obzira da li su nekada culi o sinhronijskom redu ili ne, predlazemo vam jedinstvenu varijantu sveopste meditacije mira – dugin most za Vanvremenski dan.

Mozete meditirati pojedinacno ili u grupi. Najbolje je rano ujutro, ali moze i u bilo koje drugo vreme. Ako ste u grupi, okupite se u krug, najbolje je da sednete na pod ili na zemlju sa skrstenim nogama. Napravite nekoliko dubikih udaha i izdaha, udisuci sve negativno, transformisuci to unutar sebe i izdisuci sve pozitivno i precisceno. Zatvorite oci. Vizualizujte sebe u centru Zemlje. Zamislite kristal u obliku gigantskog oktaedra. Cetiri ivice kristala se spajaju u tacki severne polarne ose. Druge cetiri ivice se spajaju u tacki juzne polarne ose. Gigantski kristal-oktaedar okruzen je unutarnjom membranom Zemlje, koja kao bubanj rezonira sa unutrasnjom povrsinom Zemlje. Severna polovina oktaedra sastoji se od dve crvene i dve bele stranice, a juzna od dve plave i dve zute stranice.

Vi se sada nalazite unutar kristala. U samom centru vidi se tacka koja sija intenzivno belom svetloscu. Etericni stub ili osa svetlosti pruza se na sever i na jug od isijavajuce centralne tacke i kroz severni i juzni vrh oktaedra tece ka severnom i juznom polu na povrsini Zemlje. Oko te etericne vertikale magnetne ose  svetlosti nalaze se dva vijugava i pulsirajuca toka kojima neprekidno tece plazmena energija. Ta dva pulsirajuca toka upletena su jedan oko drugoga poput dve niti DNK. Jedan od njih je plavi, drugi je crven. Oni sobom nose plazmu – elektricki naelektrisane jone u pravcu isijavajuce tacke u centru Zemlje.

Na severnoj poluosi svetlosnog stuba nanizan je crveni atom vremena i dva pulsirajuca toka ga obavijaju. Na juznoj poluosi nanizan je plavi atom vremena. Crveni i plavi atom vremena okrecu se u suprotnim pravcima jedan od drugoga, crveni – severni u smeru kazaljke na satu, a juzni u suprotnom smeru od kazaljke na satu. Svaki od atoma se sastoji od sedam tacaka, od centralne tacke, dve tacke na osi gore i dole, i cetiri tacke podjednako udaljene jedna od druge na svakoj strani centralne ose. Sest spoljasnjih tacaka svakoga od atoma vremena po obliku lice na sestougaonik.

Gravitaciono polje kristalnog oktaedra isijava i horizontalno od isijavajuceg centra kristala, prostiruci se do cetiri tacke koje odredjuju uglove kristala, tamo gde se sjedinjuju cetiri severne i cetiri juzne stranice oktaedra. Gravitaciono polje koje spaja te cetiri tacke predstavlja osnovu piramide. Cetiri ivice jedne piramide idu od osnove ka severu i cetiri druge ka jugu. U ravni sa ovim gravitacionim poljem tacno jedan naspram drugoga nalaze se jos dva atoma vremena – beli i zuti. Ta dva gravitaciona polja nacinjeni su poput severnog i juznog atoma vremena, samo sto se njihove ose podudaraju sa pravcem horizontalnog gravitacionog polja kao da leze bocno perpendikularno sa polarnim atomima. Beli i zuti atom vremena lagano se okrecu poput tockova, u smeru suprotnom od kretanja kazaljke na satu, sleva na desno oko centralne isijavajuce tacke.

Kada vizualizujete kristalni oktaedar jedra Zemlje sa njegovih osam ivica, cetiri atoma vremena, etericnim stubom i dva pulsirajuca toka, zamislite da iz centra kristala pocinje da izbija snazni mlaz zasicene i raznobojne plazme svetlosti u pravcu oba pola Zemlje. I vi izlazite iz centra Zemlje, izvan Zemlje, do tacke u prostoru odakle mozete da vidite citavu planetu Zemlju. I dalje zadrzavate u vizualizaciji oblik kristalnog oktaedra u centru Zemlje, i vidite kako se na severu i na jugu zemlje probijaju tokovi svetlosti i kako obrazuju ogromni dvostruki dugin most – i na taj nacin dnevni i nocni generatori Zemlje postaju vidljivi. Dva dugina toka spajaju severni i juzni pol Zemlje na rastojanju jedan od drugog tacno 180 stepeni. Na taj nacin kako se Zemlja lagano okrece oko svoje ose, dugin most ostaje u mestu i ne okrece se.

Zavrsavajuci vizualizaciju, uzmite Zemlju koja se okrece unutar duginog mosta i stavite je u svoje srce. Zamislite dva toka svetlosti kako izbijaju iz centralne tacke ka vrhu vase glave i vasem podnozju. Sada ti tokovi obrazuju dugin most oko vaseg tela podrzavajuci vasu auru. Sada ste vi i Zemlja – JEDNO. Dugin most sveopsteg mira je sada realnost. U tome se sastoji sva sustina. Ono sto je nekada bilo samo u zamisli, kada to vizualizuje dovoljan broj ljudi izazivajuci telepatski talas ljubavi to postaje vremenom realnost.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 31.08.2003 at 23:26:29

Greetings Planetary Kin!
The intention of these emails is to serve your understanding of
these sacred time cycles - both the 13-day wavespells which constitute the
Tzolkin count and the 13-moon, 28-day cycles of the Year count.

A "Wavespell" refers to the entire cycle of the 13 Tones of
Creation,1-13. Because a Wavespell is any cycle of 13, there are both 13-DAY
wavespells, as well as 13-MOON wavespells. In other words, the Year
cycle itself is also a giant wavespell spiral, where each 28-day moon holds
the energy of one of 13 Tones of Creation!

Simultaneous to the Wavespell of the Year, within the sacred Tzolkin
calendar, there are 20 (13-day) wavespells. Each 13 day period is
governed by one of the 20 Tribes.

Regarding the definition of "wavespell," a "wave" is a motion in
time, and a "spell" is that which can be cast, known, or experienced during
that time.

Current 13-day cycle: BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL

Blue Night's Code Words:

Action - "DREAMS"


Essence - "INTUITION"

13 Moon Dates: Lunar 2 - Lunar 14

Tzolkin Dates: Kin 183 - Kin 195

Gregorian Dates: Aug 24 - Sept 5

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Beginning July 26th, the White Spectral
Wizard Year is upon us -- a year of focusing on LIBERATING THE INNER WIZARD!
The Spectral Wizard Year energies are focused around the code words:
Release, Dissolve, Liberation, Enchants, Timelessness, Receptivity!

Regarding the current wavespell cycle we're experiencing: The Blue Night
tribe is called "Akbal" in the Mayan language, (pronounced Ak' bal).

Traditional translations of Akbal include "night," "house," and "cave."

As the 3rd of the 20 tribes, AKBAL is described in The Mayan
Factor as signifying:"House, Enclosing Darkness, Night, Body, Place of Mystery, Heart and Internal Organs."

Additional qualities of Akbal found in the Mayan Oracle are: "looks-within place," "sanctuary," "journey into self," "Dreamtime," and "dreamfield matrix."

BLUE represents the power of the direction WEST which offers the
energy of "TRANSFORMS."

Blue Night invites us to navigate with the knowing that "Life is but a dream."

Some would tell us (especially students of Carl Jung) that everyone around us and everything thing we encounter are dream characters and dream figures within our dream - reflecting both conscious and unconscious parts of our Self. This is indeed an expansive, multi-dimensional way to perceive the unfolding of our days and our lives. Akbal urges you to try on this lens!

The power of Dream also signifies that there is nothing truly solid in this world - that everything has the ability to morph and shape-shift according to our energetic perspective.

What are you Dreaming Up in your life? Are there things you wish to change? You do have the ability to AWAKEN at any moment, and consciously command your dream, rather than unconsciously experience it. Over time and with practice this becomes a true Art.

INTUITION is our sacred, autonomous connection to the Universe. Its the part of the mind that does not use rational, a direct link to the highest truth of every moment. Our intuitive capacities,like a muscle, becoming stronger when we use them!

Blue Night is directly associated with redeeming materialism by honoring the ever-present ABUNDANCE of the Universe's gifts. True wealth is not in acquisition of material goods, but rather in an attitude of gratitude - acknowledging ALL that we do have.

Let us rise above feelings of lack, and instead DREAM UP everything we feel we truly deserve and need. There are no limitations in the dreamfield!


"AKBAL's abyss holds the potent evolutionary playing field of all possibility. Here, as in the aboriginal dreamtime, there are no distinction between then and now, real or imagined, dream or dreamer. In this expanded field, all things are not only possible but are constantly in the process of creation. In the framework of dreamtime, limiting constructs of "ordinary reality" such as time, space, and linear causality area freed into an expanded system, with unlimited access to all realities.

Dreamtime holds powerful opportunities. It is a field where potential, past, and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment. If such a construct is foreign to you, stretch your mind and entertain the possibility that you could help to dream a different reality into being. Enter into the mystery where reality is actually created.

In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging. By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected at superluminal speeds across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes. This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding realitiy.

At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as world peace, the underlying constructs of reality shift and a new reality begins filtering into human experience. Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and know that they are co-creating the larger dream.

...All that you are, all that you believe, hope, and dream creates your personal dreamfield. In that field, there are no victims or blame. You are now attracting those elements to your field that will create completion and wholeness for you. Become lucid in life.

...You are being asked to cross the boundaries of your own growth edges. In the stillness within you, potent gifts form in the darkness. Be willing to embrace and follow your process into the void of seeming pain and discomfort, to the place of the mystery. Sense the possible answers and receive the insights being offered as the unconscious reveals itself..."

LUNAR MOON OF CHALLENGE" (the second month of the White Spectral Wizard year).

Spanning from Gregorian August 23 - Sept 19, the Lunar Moon
energies correspond to Tone 2, and the code words: Polarize, Challenge, and Stabilize. The totem animal of this moon is the Scorpion.

The current vinal meditation (since White Overtone Wizard; Magnetic 21; Aug 15) is - OU: "Listens in Silence."

On White Crystal Wizard; Lunar 13; Sept 4, we begin a new vinal meditation - ZIP: "In order to integrate the Universe,"

(Because this is a White Wizard Year, every 20 days on each White
Wizard day we begin a new vinal meditation. The vinals are passed down
through the Mayan lineage as a series of intriguing phrases which we are invited to contemplate during each 20-day period.After 18 vinals of 20 days,
there is one 5-day Vayeb, totalling the 365 day year.)


As the 15th wavespell of the Tzolkin, the Blue Night wavespell is
always the third TRANSFORMING wavespell of the 4th Castle of Time: "The Yellow Southern Castle of Giving." Among others, one theme of this castle is
"fearless giving."

This Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Earth Wavespell, the
White Dog Wavespell, the Blue Night Wavespell, and the Yellow Warrior Wavespell.

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which the
powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring specific lessons
and initiations. Within each Tzolkin, there are 5 castles of time, 52 X 5
= 260 days.)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 31.08.2003 at 23:27:17


I am honored to share with you that we NOW have an unbelievable opportunity to assist the United States of America in manifesting a Conscious Leader who embodies holstic vision of the sacred unity of all of life on the planet.

I have personally dedicated myself to getting Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman from Ohio, elected President of the United States of America 2004. Some of you may remember, several months ago, I wrote about him and his connection to this calendar system which we follow. Since that time, in response to tens of thousands of people begging him, he is now running for President.

He is a VERY important Dream Character within our shared reality, At this point in the game, at the height of America's governmental corruption, emerges someone who is not only genuine and embodies integrity, but someone who is an impeccable balance of practicality and spirituality.

I had the honor of meeting Dennis Kucinich, about a moon ago, and I was absolutely blown away by the vibration of his sincerity.

You may think this sounds naive. In case you are not aware, Dennis Kucinich has been endorsed by Spiritual Leaders such as: Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Jack Kornfield, Chris Griscom, and Maharishi Mahesb Yogi's Natural Law Party.

In fact, just 2 days ago Jose Arguelles, author of Mayan Factor, initiator of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, co-founder of Earth Day, and the man who formalized this 13 Moon Calendar system which we work with, formally endorsed Kucinich for President:

"If there is anyone who is going to redeem America's image in the world and get us all to 2012 in a condition of universal harmony, it is Dennis Kucinich."
-Dr. Jose Arguelles  

Kucinich is not a third party candidate, he is a perfectly electable Democrat who has held several local, state, and federal offices for the last 17 years.

I will be continuing to communicate to you about Kucinich, because I feel it is OUR opportunity to support him, for he is the only voice of true change emerging within our nation's political matrix.

As Kucinich says in his own words, "Active citizenship begins with an envisioning of the desired outcome and a conscious application of spiritual principles."

Please read this article below, and if it moves you, please check out his website: and PLEASE share his inspiration with your communities!!! (PS: Dennis Kucinich's galactic signature is Blue Lunar Night!)

Spirit and Stardust
by U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich
From his talk at the Praxis Peace Institute Conference,
Dubrovnik, Croatia on June 9, 2002

"As one studies the images of the Eagle Nebula, brought back by the Hubble Telescope from that place in deep space where stars are born, one can imagine the interplay of cosmic forces across space and time, of matter and spirit dancing to the music of the spheres. Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self. The energy of the stars becomes us. We become the energy of the stars. Stardust and spirit unite and we begin: one with the universe, whole and holy.

From one source, endless creative energy, bursting forth, kinetic, elemental; we, the earth, air, water and fire-source of nearly fifteen billion years of cosmic spiraling. We receive the blessings of the Eternal and we are showered with abundance. We ask and we receive. A universe of plenty flows to us, through us. It is in us. We become filled with endless possibilities.

We need to remember where we came from; to know that we are one. To understand
that we are of an undivided whole: race, color, nationality, creed, gender are
beams of light, refracted through one great prism. We begin as perfect and journey through life to become more perfect in the singularity of "I" and in the multiplicity of "we"-- a more perfect union of matter and spirit. This is human striving.

This is where, in Shelley's words, ". . . hope creates from its own wreck the
thing it contemplates." This is what Browning spoke of: Our "reach exceeding
[our] grasp." This is a search for heaven within, a quest for our eternal home.
In our soul's Magnificent, we become conscious of the cosmos within us. We hear
the music of peace, we hear the music of cooperation, we hear music of love.

In our soul's forgetting, we become unconscious of our cosmic birthright, blighted with disharmony, disunity, torn asunder from the stars in a disaster well-described by Matthew Arnold in Dover Beach: ". . . the world, which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude nor peace, nor help for pain. And we are here, as on a darkling plain, swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night."

Today’s Dover Beach is upon the shores of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. Our leaders think the unthinkable and speak of the unspeakable inevitability of nuclear war; of a nuclear attack on New York City, of terrorist attacks throughout our nation; of war against Iraq using nuclear weapons; of biological and chemical weapon attacks on civilian populations; of catastrophic global climate change; of war in outer space.

When death (not life) becomes inevitable, we are presented with an opportunity for great clarity, for a great awakening, to rescue the human spirit from the arms of Morpheus through love, through compassion and through integrating spiritual vision and active citizenship to restore peace to our world. The moment that one world is about to end, a new world is about to begin. We need to remember where we came from, because the path home is also the way to the future.

In the city I represent in the United States Congress, there is a memorial to Peace, named by its sculptor, Marshall A. Fredericks the "Fountain of Eternal Life". A figure rises from the flames, his gaze fixed to the stars, his hands positioned sextant-like, as if measuring the distance. Though flames of war from the millions of hearts and the dozens of places wherein it rages, may lick at our consciousness, our gaze must be fixed upward to invoke universal principles of unity, of co-operation, of compassion, to infuse our world with peace, to ask for the active presence of peace, to expand our capacity to receive it and to express it in our everyday life.

We must do this fearlessly and courageously and not breathe in the poison
gas of terror. As we receive, so shall we give. As citizen-diplomats of the
world, we send peace as conscious expression where ever, whenever and to whomever it is needed: to the Middle East, to the Israelis and the Palestinians, to the Pakistanis and the Indians, to Americans and Al Queda, and to the people of Iraq, and to all those locked in deadly combat. And we fly to be with the bereft, with those on the brink, to listen compassionately, setting aside judgment and malice to become peacemakers, to intervene, to mediate, to bring ourselves back from the abyss, to bind up the world's wounds.

As we aspire to universal brotherhood and sisterhood, we address through thought, word and deed conditions which give rise to conflict: economic exploitation, empire building, political oppression, religious intolerance, poverty, disease, famine, homelessness, struggles over control of water, land, minerals, and oil.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 31.08.2003 at 23:27:33

We realize that what affects anyone, anywhere affects everyone, everywhere. As we help others to heal, we heal ourselves.
Our vision of interconnectedness resonates with new networks of world citizens
in nongovernmental organizations linking from numberless centers of energy,
expressing the emergence of a new organic whole, seeking unity within and across national lines. New transnational web-based e-mail and telecommunications systems transcend governments and carry within them the power of qualitative transformation of social and political structures and a new sense of creative intelligence.
If governments and their leaders, bound by hierarchy and patriarchy, wedded
to military might for legitimacy, fail to grasp the implications of an emerging
world consciousness for cooperation, for peace and for sustainability, they
may become irrelevant. As citizen-activists the world over merge, they can become an irresistible force to create peace and protect the planet. From here will come a new movement to abolish nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction.

From here will come the demand for sustainable communities, for new systems
of energy, transportation and commerce. From here comes the future rushing in
on us. How does one acquire the capacity for active citizenship? The opportunities exist every day. In Cleveland, citizens have developed the ability to intercede when schools are scheduled to be closed, and have kept the schools open; to rally to keep hospitals open; to save industries which provide jobs; to protect neighborhood libraries from curtailment of service, to improve community policing; to meet racial, ethnic and religious intolerance openly and directly.

Active citizenship begins with an envisioning of the desired outcome and a conscious application of spiritual principles. I know. I have worked with the people in my own community. I have seen the dynamic of faith in self, faith in one's ability to change things, faith in one's ability to prevail against the odds through an appeal to the spirit of the world for help, through an appeal to the spirit of community for participation, through an appeal to the spirit of cooperation, which multiplies energy. I have seen citizens challenge conditions without condemning anyone, while invoking principles of non-opposition and inclusion of those who disagree. I have seen groups of people overcome incredible odds as they become aware they are participating in a cause beyond self and sense the movement of the inexorable which comes from unity.

When you feel this principle at work,when you see spiritual principles form the basis of active citizenship, you are reminded once again of the merging of stardust and spirit.

There is creativity. There is magic. There is alchemy. Citizens across the United States are now uniting in a great cause to establish a Department of Peace, seeking nothing less than the transformation of our society, to make non-violence an organizing principle, to make war archaic through creating a paradigm shift in our culture for human development, for economic and political justice and for violence control.

Its work in violence control will be to support disarmament, treaties, peaceful
coexistence and peaceful consensus building. Its focus on economic and political justice will examine and enhance resource distribution, human and economic rights and strengthen democratic values. Domestically, the Department of Peace would address violence in the home, spousal abuse, child abuse, gangs, police-community relations conflicts and work with individuals and groups to achieve changes in attitudes that examine the mythologies of cherished world views, such as 'violence is inevitable' or 'war is inevitable'.

Thus it will help with the discovery of new selves and new paths toward peaceful consensus. The Department of Peace will also address human development and the unique concerns of women and children. It will envision and seek to implement plans for peace education, not simply as a course of study, but as a template for all pursuits of knowledge within formal educational settings.

Violence is not inevitable. War is not inevitable.Nonviolence and peace are inevitable. We can make of this world a gift of peace which will confirm the presence of universal spirit in our lives. We can send into the future the gift which will protect our children from fear, from harm, from destruction.

Carved inside the pediment which sits atop the marble columns is a sentinel at the entrance to the United States House of Representatives. Standing resolutely inside this "Apotheosis of Democracy" is a woman, a shield by her left side, with her outstretched right arm protecting a child happily sitting at her feet. The child holds the lamp of knowledge under the protection of this patroness. This wondrous sculpture by Paul Wayland Bartlett, is entitled "Peace Protecting Genius". Not with nuclear arms, but with a loving maternal arm is the knowing child Genius shielded from harm.

This is the promise of hope over fear. This is the promise of love which overcomes all. This is the promise of faith which overcomes doubt. This is the promise of light which overcomes darkness. This is the promise of peace which overcomes war.

Representative Dennis J. Kucinich (D - OH)
His website is

May we Dream an ongoing Dream of love-based existence,
Eden Sky - Red Self-Existing Skywalker

PS: Thank you for participating in this ever-widening global
community of natural time day-keepers! Please share this "Wavespell emailer" with anyone who might be interested. New kin can sign up for these updates at our website.


*On-line calendar ordering*
*Birth date decoding*
*Personal Destiny Oracle Readings with Intiana*
*Hand-drawn Mayan glyphs*

Information regarding:

*The 13-Moon Calendar*
*The Magic of the Classic Maya*
*The Prophecy of 2012*
*The flaws of the 12 month Gregorian calendar*
*The global movement for Calendar Reform*
*The Planet Art Network*

Change your calendar to 13 Moons of 28 days.
Assist our Re-harmonization with the Living Universe!


Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 10.10.2003 at 21:17:47

What began with the arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987 – a date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence. Millions of people took advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era, the World of the Fifth Sun.

From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition.

As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes. All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars.

"It will change," Mr. Barrios observes. "Everything will change." He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from — and signified by — the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 — for the first time in 26,000 years — the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic, describing in the sky a great cross of stars and planets. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life — a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions.

Za več, kliknite na link!

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 10.10.2003 at 21:19:29

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 10.10.2003 at 22:01:04

Mayan Calendar:  Countdown to 2012
by Allison Rae

Many of us on a spiritual path have heard of the Mayan Calendar and the significant year 2012. Information recently released by the Maya indicates that 2012 may not be quite right. According to these teachings, the end of the Mayan Calendar is actually October 28, 2011.

Hello? That's less than 10 years from now.

What does that mean?

The Maya are revered around the world as masters of energy, astronomy and sacred timekeeping.  For more than 5,000 years, the Mayan civilization has been using a calendar system based on the energy of Creation that has accurately predicted milestones in humanity's development throughout all known time cycles on Earth. The Maya say it is now time to release information about their sacred calendar to aid in understanding among all peoples about the imminent end of reality as we know it - and the creation of a brand new paradigm.

One teacher who is carrying this message around the world is Ian Xel Lungold, an internationally recognized Mayan Calendar expert, who offers a comprehensive and easily understandable presentation on the subject that resonates with the heart and satisfies the mind.  Through his studies of the Mayan Calendar, including learning with Mayan Shamans, Ian has collected and is disseminating information the Maya wish to share now to help us make the transition smoothly.

Three years ago, I heard a Mayan Daykeeper (a sort of a priest) speak about Mayan prophecy, and this level of information either wasn't available or not decipherable to us spiritual commoners at that time. Listening to Ian's description in October 2001 was an awakening to a deeper knowledge - an activation of cellular memory each of us carries and hears as "truth" when the time is right for us to receive it.

The Maya are sharing their sacred timekeeping system with the rest of the world, and in this way they are giving us a heads-up. We all know the world is changing drastically and that time seems to be speeding up. The Mayan culture has not only known about this acceleration for 5,000 years - they can actually explain what's happening and why!

The bottom line is that time isn't actually speeding up. What's accelerating is the evolution of consciousness.  More is happening in every second than ever before. A shift in consciousness that used to take billions of years to happen now happens in only 360 days. Beginning in February 2011, the same shift will take only 20 days. Now, that's a head-spinning rate of change.

The Maya say the first cycle of evolution began 16.4 billion years ago with the beginning of Creation. At that time, a shift of consciousness happened every 1.26 billion years.   The next cycle of consciousness began 820 million years ago.  At that time, a shift of consciousness happened in 63.4 million years. The next cycle began 41 million years ago, and the shift of consciousness took 3.2 million years. And so on.

Beginning in 1755 AD, a shift of consciousness occurred every 20 years.  Most of us old enough to be reading this have lived most of our lifetimes in this cycle. Until 1999, that is. On January 4, 1999, we entered a new cycle of consciousness called the Galactic Cycle, and that's where we are today. Now a shift of consciousness happens in 360 days, rather than the 20 years it used to take. No wonder time seems to be speeding up.

Here's the really cool part. Beginning on February 10, 2011 - less than 10 years from today - a shift in consciousness will take only 20 days. That means what used to take 20 years to shift prior to 1999 will take only 20 days to shift. And life will be that way within 10 years.

From February 10 through October 28, 2011, the rate of change of consciousness will be every 20 days. Can we even imagine what that might be like? Probably not yet. People living during the Industrial Revolution would have a hard time comprehending how we live today. So it's difficult for us to get a fix on what life will be like during the next cycle (which happens to be called the Universal Cycle).  I suspect we are getting glimpses of that upcoming reality during our multidimensional states - the dreamtime, meditation, shamanic journeys, etc. Visioning like that can be highly exciting.  Experiencing it will be exhilarating!

And what happens after all the cycles end on October 28, 2011? Let's put our minds on the back burner and open our hearts to the answer.

For each of us, the answer may look different. From today's perspective, it appears that "miracles" will become commonplace as the time lag in our current manifestation process disappears.  What we *think* is what will *be* - instantly!  That's an awesome responsibility, and requires some practice.  We know that our thoughts create our reality. Right now, there's a linear time lag separating the thought from its manifestation into reality. The lag gives us time to allow doubts and fears to surface and be cleared while we "wait" for the manifestation to occur. We won't have that luxury much longer.  In fact, you may have already noticed that you are manifesting both your "love" thoughts and your "fear" thoughts side by side these days.

So an appropriate focus for today would be to clear worry, doubt and fear from all levels of our being. This will prepare us for the next cycle, in which we can enjoy constantly generating thoughts of the peaceful, loving, enlightened world we wish to create.

Remember ... the rate of change is accelerating, and the purpose behind the acceleration is the evolution of consciousness.  There is no stopping this process.  And there is unfathomable joy in riding the wave.

Surf's up - let's go!btw, hudo tole postano, 10.10 ob 10.01! 8)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 31.10.2003 at 03:13:52

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 31.10.2003 at 14:37:31

Greetings Planetary Kin!

The intention of these emails is to serve your understanding of
these sacred time cycles - both the 13-day wavespells which constitute
the Tzolkin count and the 13-moon, 28-day cycles of the Year count.

A "Wavespell" refers to the entire cycle of the 13 Tones of
Creation,1-13. Because a Wavespell is any cycle of 13, there are both
13-DAY wavespells, as well as 13-MOON wavespells. In other words, the
Year cycle itself is also a giant wavespell spiral, where each 28-day
moon holds the energy of one of 13 Tones of Creation!

Simultaneous to the Wavespell of the Year, within the sacred Tzolkin
calendar, there are 20 (13-day) wavespells. Each 13 day period is
governed by one of the 20 Tribes.

Regarding the definition of "wavespell," a "wave" is a motion in
time, and a "spell" is that which can be cast, known, or
experienced during that time.

Another way it is defined is a "wave" refers to the power of movement, and "spell" to the power one can gain by being in harmony with reality.

Current 13-day cycle: YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL

Yellow Star's Code Words:


Power - "ELEGANCE"

Essence - "ART"

13 Moon Dates: Self-Existing 11 - Self-Existing 23

Tzolkin Dates: Kin 248 - Kin 260

Gregorian Dates: Oct 28 - Nov 9

Beginning July 26th 2003, the White Spectral Wizard Year is upon us
-- a year of focusing on LIBERATING THE INNER WIZARD! The Spectral
Wizard Year energies are focused around the code words: Release,
Dissolve, Liberation, Enchants, Timelessness,Receptivity!

Regarding the current wavespell we're in, the Yellow Star tribe is
called "Lamat" in the Mayan language, (pronounced La Mat'), often translated as
"Star," "Venus," and "Rabbit."

As the 8th of the 20 tribes, LAMAT is described in The Mayan Factor as signifying:  "Star, Harmony, The Octave, Intuitive Realization of Pattern of Higher Life, Love, Star-Seed."

Also known as a "wayshow-er," the glyphic symbol of Lamat appears as a star-portal, presenting perfect symmetry so that regardless of how you turn it it offers a window into harmony.

YELLOW represents the power of the direction SOUTH which offers the energy of RIPENING.

The Star wavespell is a very potent time period because it is always the LAST wavespell of the Tzolkin round; the last 13-day cycle of the entire 260-day Tzolkin creation cycle!

Since each Tzolkin cycle represents a gestation cycle, a time of development and unfolding, during these last 13 days we are invited to assess our entire personal cycle.

Let us ask ourselves, since we began this current Tzolkin cycle (on gregorian Feb 23, 03, aka Galactic Moon 17 of the previous Red Planetary Moon Year) how have these last 9 moons been? How have you grown, evolved or expanded? What have you learned in this cycle, and how has your life changed?

On a planetary scale, around this time LAST GALACTIC SPIN was the climate and scene of the February peace protests -- millions of raw voices and bodies requesting that Light be shone on the lies and darkness that produces war. What an incredibly moving unification we experienced and witnessed. Truly a sign of these prophetic times...What has unfolded since this point? How have the voices and hearts of those millions continued to perservere, express, and maintain our connection to the current global transformation?

"All that has been unconscious is becoming conscious; All that has been hidden is being revealed..."

Let us continue to fortify our UNITY as artisans of Peace that we may feel the Power of the People; the Power of Love; the Power of Truth; the power of Divine Justice; the Power of the Living Prophecy.

Let us know that in valuing genuine Planetary Peace, all our efforts to honor ourselves, to love ourselves, to nurture ourselves, allow us to be clearer channels for extending love and care for our families and communities.

(An outline of some very potent synchronization dates which are emerging as vehicles for us to unify in intention and action, in alignment with the orchestrations of the Cosmoverse, will be provided within this emailer!)

And what does ART have to do with all of this?
Some possibilities:
Art is our living expression; our responses;
our output of information and energies.

Art is a play of intention and consciousness,
capable of appearing as any form,
and carrying any possible range of vibration.

Does not every mind's eye define art,
or non-art,
with unique opinions and feelings?

Art has the power to convey data and experience that transcends common boundaries. Art reaches and appeals to people in completely unique ways, for whether one is acting as a transmittor or a receiver of "art" there are equally as many one-of-a-kind perceptions. As the Tibetan Law states: "As Viewed So Appears."

Art is activism; art is language; art can transparently reveal soul; art is unlimited in its range of mediums: art is priceless; art is unquantifiable; art is natural; art is Creator's inherent omni-present gift - Creation in all its endless faces!

Let us examine Star's code words of BEAUTIFIES AND ELEGANCE in a way that transcends any old reference points for these words, that we may more deeply experience their empowerment as our allies and guides!

The common denominator I notice in elegance, art, and beauty is attention to beneficial combinations. It seems these key words are asking us to develop a heightened awareness of how we arrange and synthesize the elements and layers of our lives.  

Let us make sacred our moments, and allow Harmony to shine our way.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 31.10.2003 at 14:38:17


Because we are perpetually travelling through the same cycles of energies, that repeat themselves in an ascending evolutionary spiral, whenever we come to this point of the STAR wavespell, it signifies our transition from one Galactic Spin to the next -- travelling to a higher rung on the ascending evolutionary spiral!

Each time a new Tzolkin cycle begins, we are invited to build upon the previous cycle, integrating all that we have learned. Let us use these days during the Star wavespell to prepare for the upcoming Kin 1; Self Existing Moon 24; "11/10/03" the start of a brand new Tzolkin Galactic Spin - a time for complete rebirth and renewal!

During the final 2 days of this Spin, on Blue Crystal Storm Kin 259 (Nov 8/ Self-Existing 22) it will be a Full Moon, Total Lunar Eclipse, and a 6-pointed Star in the Sky. This alignment is so unique it has been talked about since 1998 as a very auspicious alignment offering us a huge energetic boost - officially named the "Harmonic Concordance."

People are urged to gather in power-spots and to set aside time and space to hold the highest possible intention for ourselves and the entire planet. On Self-Existing 19; Nov 5; Yellow Solar Warrior, the alignment begins as the planets start to move into place. The precise, culminating moment of the entire alignment is right when the eclipse occurs: between 5:06pm and 5:13pm pacific standard time.

The heavenly bodies creating this formation are: Saturn, Jupiter, Maldek (a former planet which is know in the form of the asteroid belt - one of its pieces named Chiron) Mars, the Sun and the Moon. A VERY interesting note is that according to the Dreamspell cosmology, these are 4 planets which embody energies known as "abusive and abused" which need to be redeemed for us to restore planetary wholeness.

These 4 planets and the energies which they are asking us to redeem are the following:
Saturn-Materialism (abusive),
Jupiter-False Spirituality (abusive),
Maldek-Sex Taboo (abused),
and Mars-Death Fear (abused).
The fact that all of these 4 energies are present in this upcoming alignment is very striking! May we all help restore balance in these 4 key areas, supporting healing for the whole.

It is said that during Lunar eclipses, intention is amplified 1000 x's !!!
It was also mentioned that SOUND is very important to focus on during this eclipse.  

Many, many, many kindred spirits will be gathered and focused for this synchronization. Thank you for joining this collective Art!!!

A fascinating synchronicity is that while there is a 6-pointed star in the sky on this Blue Crystal Storm day, exactly 260-days later on July 26 2004 it will be Blue Crystal Storm again and it will be the 13 Moon New Year - the day that Jose Arguelles has been calling the initiating point of "The Great Calendar Change of 2004."

Arguelles says that this 260-day period between these two events is a time of ABSOLUTE ACCELERATION!

SELF-EXISTING MOON OF FORM." -- the fourth month of the White Spectral Wizard
year. Spanning from Gregorian Oct 18 - Nov 14, the Self Existing Moon energies correspond to Tone 4, and the code words: Define, Measure, and Form. The totem animal is the Owl.


The current vinal meditation (since White Cosmic Wizard, Electric 25;
Oct 14) TZEC: "That reaches the foundation."

On White Resonant Wizard day; Self-Existing 17; Nov 3, we begin a new vinal mediation of XUL: "Where with great wisdom a seed is sown."

(Because this is a White Wizard Year, every 20 days on each White
Wizard day we begin a new vinal meditation. The vinals are passed
down through the Mayan lineage as a series of intriguing phrases
which we are invited to contemplate during each 20-day period.After 18 vinals
of 20 days,there is one 5-day Vayeb, totalling the 365 day year.)


As the 20th wavespell of the Tzolkin, the Yellow Star wavespell is
always the fourth RIPENING wavespell of the 5th and final Castle of
Time of the Tzolkin: "The Green Central Castle of

Being the fifth cycle, this time corresponds to the power of the
"fifth force" which refers to the "center which is
everywhere at once." The color green represents Center, as the
four prime colors of red, white, blue, and yellow represent the four
directions which give form to our 3rd dimension. One could say this
green center symbolizes the unseen, sacred force which unifies the

This Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Moon Wavespell, the
White Wind Wavespell, the Blue Eagle Wavespell, and the Yellow Star

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which
the powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring
specific lessons and initiations. Within each Tzolkin, there are 5
castles of
time, 52 X 5 = 260 days.)


From now until this year's winter solstice,Intiana would like to offer a special: With the purchase of a 1 hour-long personal phone-session for yourself
--reviewing the essence and form of your Galactic Signature, including the 4 other energies which complete your Destiny Oracle Path, as well as addressing the most pertinent issues that are arising within your life--
RECEIVE another 1-hour session for a Friend (or even perhaps yourself!) at only HALF COST!

If this offer resonates with you, please see:

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 31.10.2003 at 14:38:28

HERE IS AN EXCERPT FROM A STATEMENT MADE BY JOSE ARGUELLES WHICH OUTLINES UPCOMING KEY SYNCHRONIZATION DATES: (This is from his recent trip to the Rome Bioregion of Italy on Self-existing Moon Seli 2, Gregorian Oct 19,2003, Blue Overtone Storm, White Spectral Wizard Year.)

" ... We are here, on the second day of the Self-Existing Moon, year of White Spectral Wizard, and we are on what is called the Fourth Year of the Harrowing of Hell. These four years begun on July 26 2000 and conclude on July 26 2004. This fourth year means that this is the conclusion of the cycle.

The seven years prior to this cycle, from 1993 to 2000, we refer as the Seven Years of Prophecy. Following the Seven Years of Prophecy, the critical mass had not yet become coherent, and so we entered the Four Years of the Harrowing of Hell. And now as we have begun the final year, the critical mass is now in place. And during these last three years the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement has actually become a populist force in the world. And now all that is required is to create within this force a consciousness of its own power. As it is said for the affirmation today: I Empower in Order to Catalyze. So this movement is now the power to catalyze. We are now entering on a critical period of time in which there are some very important dates for our understanding. So these days give us a kind of time table for the preparation to enter the New Time:

The first of these dates is coming up on 22nd day of this moon, the 22nd day of Self-Existing Moon, which is also the 16th last day of the Cube Journey of this moon and will be the day of Blue Crystal Storm (Nov 8) which is also the next solar galactic New Year's day (July 26th).

On this day we will open a 260 day interdimensional window of time. Now, all over the world, this day is also being recognized as the Harmonic Concordance and that is because on this day there is a Lunar Eclipse and astrologically a Grand Sextile. You can find more information about this on internet, at a site called

In any case, this point is very very important as an astrological inter-planetary initiation, that is from this point (Nov 8 2003) through the 260 day cycle till we reach Blue Crystal Storm again, July 26 2004. On this point we will make known to the world that the calendar has been changed, and the critical mass of humanity following this calendar is now leading correctly to 2012.

So, once we get this point this year we can go into the meditation, unifying ourself as planetary phenomenon.

Then we have the next critical point, which will be occurring in the Overtone Moon, the 20th to the 23rd day of the Overtone Moon, Gregorian 4th to 7th of December. These 4 days represent the Seventh Harmonic. In the 260 days cycle the harmonic is a 4 day sequence, so the Seventh Harmonic is synchronized to conclude with December 7...According to the Quiche Maya of Guatemala these four days are very important opening to the Hunab Ku.

It is interesting that these four days correspond on the Dreamspell Calendar to the Seventh Harmonic. Because the Seven represents the Mystic Channel that connects us to the Hunab Ku. It is important on these four days to fast, to do purification, and to meditate on the World Peace. This is a powerful time to meditate for the stabilization of the energies for World Peace, and at the same time to estabilish a strong connection with the Hunab Ku, the Galactic Center, and to channel these galactic energies of the Hunab Ku for the creation of the dynamic force of peace.

Then, when we get to the Crystal Moon, 10th day of the Crystal Moon, (gregorian June 8 2003) which is on the Dreamspell Calendar Electric Monkey, which is also one of the 13 signs of the tomb of Pacal Votan, this will be a very critical day and represents what is called the Venus Transit, the transit of the Planet Venus across the face of the Sun. This occurs about once every 250 years, and occurs in two passes. These two passes are always exactly 8 years apart. So, the first pass is the Venus Transit on 2004, and the second pass is on 2012, and also will occur in the Crystal Moon.

This will be the sign of the opening of the road to 2012. There will be meditation festivals all over the world, called the Union Festivals coordinated by Johan from Sweden, who also recognized that this will be also the point to announce the Calendar Change of the Calendar Shift of July 26.

Recently I have been in Peru and I participated to the Vision Council of the Call of the Condor, which is the unification of the Bioregional Movement and the Sustainable Eco-village Network and the 13 Moon Calendar Movement. We were also all agree at that council that from the time of the Venus Transit to the Day Out of Time, July 25th, this will be a period of great activation, mobilization of all the groups, energies, and forces working for positive peaceful change to begin to demonstrate and to educate in the communities by wherever ways it is possible, and this of course includes the Rainbow Nation Family around the planet.

During this time we will begin to announce to the rest of the world that what we are talking about is the alternative way of life, an alternative view, an alternative vision which includes also the New Time. This force is now mobilizing to estabilish the positive vision for the rest of the human race and in preparation for the conclusion of this cycle.

So, when we get to the Day Out of Time it will be a Gregorian Sunday. Generally there are plans for three day event this year. So, Friday July 23rd, Saturday July 24th and Sunday July 25th will be the three day event of the culmination of the cycle of the activation that begins with the Venus Transit and it will be the announcing of the beginning of the Calendar Change. The Calendar Change is considered as an eight years cycle, from 2004 to 2012, which is actually also a Mind Shift and a Time Shift. So when we get to 2012, the 13:20 frequency will be the frequency of all the Earth once again.

These are the keypoints to July 26th when the announce will be made in every Bioregion, and for the first time in history the people themselves that start and realize a calendar change. This is now occurring for the critical mass that represents an irreversible momentum of the evolution and the rest of human race is invited to join in what is now an inevitable process.

So, from that point, 2004, to 2012, will be the definitive final mutation of the historical process. From 2004 to 2008 there will be the collapsing of the Technosphere and the reconstruction of the new communities, and from 2008-09 to 2012-13, this will be the time of the dissemination of the new knowledge for the rest of the human race. For the intensification of the practices of telepathy and the other arts of the Science of Time, there will be further great Earth changes, including the very strong possibility of pole shift. So it is important to estabilish, as soon as possible, communities that are not dependent on the 12:60 grid... "

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 31.10.2003 at 14:38:47

Foundation for the Law of Time
White Spectral Wizard Year
Calendar Change Tour of Duty, Phase I

1. From Temple of the Cosmic Serpent to the Call of the Condor - Peru

The year of the White Spectral Wizard (2003-04) is the fourth and last year of the Campaign for the New Time - and of the “Harrowing of Hell,” the prophetic period between the Seven Years of prophecy (1993-2000) and the Seven Years of the Mystery of the Stone (2004-2011).

The Foundation’s last official activity on the world stage, the seventh of its seven day Earth Wizard’s Seminars, took place in Mexico during the Galactic Moon of the Solar Seed Year. Now it was the Electric Moon of Service, more than a year and a half later, and the Foundation’s global presence was being called for once again. Review of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and a renewed planetary activation for the culmination of the Campaign for the New Time provided the call. A further purpose of the journey was a survey of world culture in the era of globalization, but from the perspective of cosmic history.

On behalf of the Foundation, the President, accompanied by the Chief Research Assistant, departed for the South from the Foundation’s new headquarters in Ashland, Oregon. The first stop before heading to Peru was Los Angeles, California. There, on the evening of Electric Moon 2, Blue Electric Monkey (September 21), the Foundation participated in a benefit performance, “Temple of the Cosmic Serpent,” a spectacular event created by Jim Berenholtz and his dance troupe, including many live pythons. Staged at the famed Sowden House in Hollywood, constructed and designed in a neo-Mayan style by the son of the noted architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the epic and mythical evening netted the Foundation $1833. This primal and evocative performance was a most fitting initiation to the next four weeks of global activity

The next day the Foundation team was off to Peru for the Call of the Condor Vision Council, held in the sacred valley of the Inca outside of Cuzco, Peru. Successfully convened by Liora Adler and Alberto Ruz of the Rainbow Peace Caravan, the Vision Council was a gathering of representatives of the Bioregional Movement, the Ecovillage Sustainable Community Network, the Rainbow nation, the Indigenous peoples and the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement.

Held at Camp Veronica deep within the sacred valley of the Inca some 8,000 feet up along the banks of the Urubamba river and beneath perennially snowcapped Andean peaks, the gathering was not easy to reach. Flights to lima via Atlanta, an overnight at a place called the Manhattan Inn, then on to Cuzco the following day. While Lima is everything that epitomizes the worst of third world urbanization - poverty, industrial wastelands, and bad air - Cuzco is still filled with colonial era charm and a strong Inca presence everywhere.

A two to three hour cab ride out of Cuzco past majestic Ollantaytambo is hosted by an Incan cab driver named Franklin who gives you the Quechua (Inca language) word for everything along the road. The taxi tour is completed on the other side of the river from Camp Veronica. The road doesn’t go any farther, and from here you have to trek into the camp over a rickety footbridge high above the raging Urubamba river. Amazing to think that this is a tributary of the Amazon! The Foundation team’s bags are too big and heavy to trek so Franklin is trusted to hold them until they meet again either in Ollantaytambo or Cuzco.

The camp is a colorful spectacle. Hundreds of tents dot the high plain beneath craggy mountain sides. Over 800 people are bivouacked here in this week-long village. Makeshift latrines and showers are the peak of comfort. Often during the day intense winds blow down from the Andes, while the nights can be rather chilly. Over toward one side of the encampment the Thirteen Moon village sports its flags - Banners of Peace and the seal of the Galactic Federation. The entire scene is reminiscent of a rainbow gathering. Meals are served by the locals who provide a host of vegetarian indigenous dishes, many of them with quinoa, vegetables and a variety of potatoes. Despite the difficult conditions the mood is quite upbeat. Large gatherings occur in a circus tent. Smaller gatherings in a yurt style tent or in the large room of the only permanent building on the grounds. Alberto Ruz informs the team that the entire set up had to be brought across the Urubamba river on a cable, including all the parts of the two-ton circus tent.

From observations and conversations it is clear that the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement has come of age here as a sociopolitical force. It is most telling that the context for this coming of age was a radical alternative community, indigenous and bioregional vision council. While most of the kin making a very strong presence were from South America, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Argentina, there were also kin from Europe, including PAN Spain, Avalon and Italy.

Everyone attending the Conference was decoded and had their Galactic Signature on their name badge It was very impressive to talk to kin from Argentina and Brazil and realize how much the Movement had mushroomed and taken off on its own in the past two years - a lot less to lose, so why not take a risk on the truly new? The kin from Brazil seem particularly committed to the calendar change. Infinito cable television is present conducting interviews, including one with the Foundation’s President. This time Erma, the hostess, seems well-informed.

A large public workshop on the Thirteen Moon calendar by Foundation Liaison for Latin American Affairs, Rodrigro Urrea (Chile) is well attended and clearly, precisely and logically presented. Rodrigro has emerged as a preeminent spokesperson for the new calendar. His talk is enlivened by visuals taken from Carmen Nunez Paz Infante’s graduate design study on the Law of Time. The President of the Foundation made three formal presentations at the Conference, one to present himself and the work of the Movement, and two to outline the meaning of the Calendar Change within the context of the prophecy of 2012. A fourth informal, intimate and impromptu gathering of kin was also held for over 20 alumni of Picarquin as well as an equal number of others expressing a high degree of commitment. Here the President empowered all present to be the leaders of the Calendar Change Movement.

The President of the Foundation also participated in the Leadership Sessions. The main outcome of these sessions was to pinpoint a time of activation and synchronization of the various movements present in order to demonstrate the size and global extent of the bioregional, new time, sustainable community and alternative life-style movement. It is agreed that beginning with the Oneness Celebration of the Venus Transit, Electric Monkey, June 8, 2004, through the Day Out of Time, July 25, 2004, Spectral Mirror, that there will be much activation, education and artistic demonstration, culminating in the massive worldwide New Time festivals on Green day. The purpose will be to alert the world to the existence of this now vast and widespread coalition of movements as the genuine alternative to the present technospheric state of affairs.

The second outcome was to target the next Vision Council - a thirteen day event near Alto Paraiso, Brazil to be entitled the Call of the Hummingbird. Set to occur around the Electric Moon Equinox (September 22, 2004). The first seven days will be a more focused leadership event, including plans for a Second Biospheric Congress, while the next six days will be more in the nature of a Time is Art festival and rainbow community gathering. The main organizers for this next Council are kin from Brazil, who also call for a World PAN Congress to be convened during the six day part of the Call of the Hummingbird.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 07.11.2003 at 00:23:05

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 26.11.2003 at 01:04:45

Greetings Planetary Kin!

The intention of these emails is to serve your understanding of
these sacred time cycles - both the 13-day wavespells which constitute
the Tzolkin count and the 13-moon, 28-day cycles of the Year count.

A "Wavespell" refers to the entire cycle of the 13 Tones of
Creation,1-13. Because a Wavespell is any cycle of 13, there are both
13-DAY wavespells, as well as 13-MOON wavespells. In other words, the
Year cycle itself is also a giant wavespell spiral, where each 28-day
moon holds the energy of one of 13 Tones of Creation!

Simultaneous to the Wavespell of the Year, within the sacred Tzolkin
calendar, there are 20 (13-day) wavespells. Each 13 day period is
governed by one of the 20 Tribes.

Regarding the definition of "wavespell," a "wave" is a motion in
time, and a "spell" is that which can be cast, known, or
experienced during that time.

Another way it is defined is a "wave" refers to the power of movement, and "spell" to the power one can gain by being in harmony with reality.

Current 13-day cycle: WHITE WIZARD WAVESPELL

White Wizard's Code Words:

Action - "ENCHANTS"

Creative Power - "TIMELESSNESS"

Essence/Function - "RECEPTIVITY"

13 Moon Dates:  Overtone 9 - Overtone 21

Tzolkin Dates: Kin 14 - Kin 26

Gregorian Dates: Nov 23 - Dec 5

Not only are we currently in a Wizard Wavespell, we're also more than 4 months into a Wizard YEAR!!!

Since the New Year, July 26th 2003, the White Spectral Wizard Year has been upon us -- a year of focusing on LIBERATING THE INNER WIZARD! The Spectral
Wizard Year energies are focused around the code words: Release,
Dissolve, Liberation, Enchants, Timelessness,Receptivity!

The White Wizard tribe is called "Ix" in the Mayan language, (pronounced Eesh'.) Traditional translations of Ix include "jaguar" or "shaman."  

As the 14th of the 20 tribes, IX is described in The Mayan Factor as signifying:  "The Sorceror, The Jaguar, Feline Energy, the Night-Seer, Attainment of Magical Powers."

Additional qualities of Ix are known to include: "heart-knowing" and "alignment with divine will."  

WHITE represents the power of the direction NORTH which offers the energy of "REFINES."

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 26.11.2003 at 01:05:18


"All animals function telepathically, instinctually calibrated by their intrinsic sense of time and movement, and the needs and impulses of their body. The human species is the only species whose telepathy is not fully functioning. Telepathy directs synchronicity, and synchronicity is how we experience telepathy.

If we are following false timing standards we are not operating by a trust in our intrinsic sense of timing, therefore we are not allowing ourselves to develop this natural ability of being at the right place at the right time. The best way to start exploring this is to attempt not looking at the clock for reference when you normally would. See if you can increasingly create opportunities to not ask the mechanical clock what time it is, but rather feel out what the next movement for you to take in your day is, or when the right time is to transition, as determined by your inner navigator. Keep heart, we all have a lot of room to grow in this area! Telepathy is very practical and is a good back-up in case the cell phones aren't getting through!!!

Working with the 13 Moon Calendar/Dreamspell system is a direct amplification of your telepathic sense. This practice connects you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally with like-minded people around the world who are focusing on the same energies everyday, creating a global telepathic link up.

These calendrical tools entrain you with the harmonic ratios and patterns of nature so that you can receive greater attunement and information from Earth and Nature herself.

The codes of Dreamspell synchronize you with the 13:20 frequency of time which governs the fourth-dimension of mind, imagination, dreams, deja vu, psychic knowing, oneness and wholeness. As the fourth-dimension of mind governs the third-dimension of space, the more your consciousness operates in the fourth dimension the greater clarity you will have in physically operating in the third dimension.

Essentially, being on time with your Self is the goal, for when synchronized with Self you are inherently synchronized with the Natural Order, and will meet all your marks. These examples, and more, also result in a heightened ability to hear/know/feel/intuit the emotions and thoughts of others, especially those close to you. This is a rapidly developing characteristic that grows with the participation of our own self-awareness, sensitivity, and receptivity."

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 26.11.2003 at 01:05:32

The Jaguar is a focal point in the stone stelae messages of the ancient Maya. The form and essence of these regal creatures is prevalent in their art and serves as a revered symbol of Mayan culture. The Jaguar was top cat in the bioregion of the Maya. With no natural predators and impeccable night vision, jaguars roamed royally under the night's sky. With incredible skill and unmatched power, the masterful Jaguar warrants great respect.

The Dreamspell day count and 13 Moon year system that we are following, also known as The Wizard's Count, has its roots in the lineage of the Jaguar - based upon the reformulated count of the "Chilam Balam."

This is defined by Jose Arguelles in his book Time and The Technosphere:

"Chilam Balam: 'Jaguar priest,' name of Mayan Prophet (ah bobat) who lived just before the time of conquest, which he accurately predicted; name given to lineage of Mayan prophets extending from the end of tenth baktun (circa A.D. 830) up until the nineteenth century: name given to series of post-conquest texts in which the various categories of prophecies of this lineage are recorded."

This 13-Moon calendar functions according to a Year-Bearer system passed down by the Chilam Balam Jaguar Priests of the Lowland Yucatec Maya which assigns every new year (correlated to July 26th Gregorian) one of 4 solar seals - either Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm, or Yellow Seed. These colors correspond to the 4 directions, East through South. Every year also receives one of 13 tones.

For example, July 26, 2002 began Red Planetary Moon Year (10 Moon), and July 26, 2003 began White Spectral Wizard year (11 Wizard.) July 26, 2004 will begin Blue Crystal Storm year (12 Storm.) This harmonic pattern of 4 solar seals cycling with the 13 tones ensures a perfect cycle of 52 years in which no two days repeat, until the completion of the 52 year round (a cycle of 18,980 days called Tunben K'ak, the Binding of the Years) forming an upward moving spiral of time.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 26.11.2003 at 01:05:53


Spanning Gregorian Nov 15 - Dec 12, the Overtone Moon energies correspond to Tone 5, and the code words: Empower, Command, and Radiance. The totem animal is the Peacock.


The current vinal meditation (since White Magnetic Wizard day; Overtone 9; Nov 23) is YAXKIN: "A little ray of the hidden sun."

(Because this is a White Wizard Year, every 20 days on each White
Wizard day we begin a new vinal meditation. The vinals are passed
down through the Mayan lineage as a series of intriguing phrases
which we are invited to contemplate during each 20-day period.After 18 vinals
of 20 days,there is one 5-day Vayeb, totalling the 365 day year.)


As the 2nd wavespell of the Tzolkin, the White Wizard wavespell is
always the second REFINING wavespell of the 1st Castle of
Time of the Tzolkin: "The Red Eastern Castle of Turning."

This Red Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Dragon Wavespell, the
White Wizard Wavespell, the Blue Hand Wavespell, and the Yellow Sun Wavespell.

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which
the powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring
specific lessons and initiations. Within each Tzolkin, there are 5
castles of time, 52 X 5 = 260 days.)


The following is excerpted from the article "Message from the
Mayan Elders of the Eagle Clan, Guatemala, Central America."
(The full text of which is available on

While the Quiche Maya in Guatemala use a different language than the Yucatec Maya which the 13-Moon Dreamspell Calendar system is based upon, our purpose and mission of establishing Planetary Harmony by the end of the cycle, Winter Solstice 2012, is one and the same!!! It is with great respect for these messengers that we share their urgent request for humanity to join together in prayer and meditation on these upcoming days of gregorian Dec 4-Dec 7. In the 13-Moon Calendar these days correspond to: Overtone Moon 20 - Overtone Moon 27; Red Crystal Serpent - Yellow Lunar Star.    

We have received specific requests to distribute this information as widely as possible; please help us with this purpose if you can.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 26.11.2003 at 01:06:20

Inside the charge of these cycles of changes, there are vortexes that
open up a space. After the red planet distances its charge, there is a
subtle convergence between the cosmic and telluric forces, a time that
lasts four days.  This openness gives us the opportunity to create the
force and balance. It is a sublime space that will allow us access to
Jun'ab'ku, heart of the heavens.  This is a good time to ask for the
internal strength, strength for the community for the consciousness
and to synthesis with balance.  This is the moment when the strength of
all those beings of light, are needed.  If possible it is asked to fast,
perhaps on fruit, to remain abstinence for at least four days prior
and to do ceremonies at sunrise and sunset.  

It is important to work from sunup to sunset on both the 4th and the 7th, because this is the opening and the closing.  The point or focus is to create the longing desire to awaken the south.  Beginning from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, to the Amazons, to the mountain range of the eternal snows of the Andes and carry that energy to the most ancient mountains on this part of the
world in Cordova Argentina. The transcendence of this moment is of much importance for beloved mother, PACHAMAMA.  It is also the survival of this "fourth humanity".

The day of the 4th brings to us the energy of the Nawal Tzikin, the
great intermediary between the heaven and the earth.  It is the
messenger and the eagle-quetzal-condor that will create the unity
between the north and the south. This will permit us willingly if we
joined our forces together throughout the continent and around the
world to awaken the Saq' Be, the white path.  

On this day we focus on the divine messenger that carries our prayers, our feelings and the drumming of our hearts. Let it be that on this day there is only one heartbeat, one sound of drumming calling upon the four corners of the universe and at last finding Great Spirit.  

In the north it is the Eagle, in the center it is the Quetzal and in the north it is the Condor, (the ancestral messengers between the human and the divine).  So, lets have just one heartbeat, one fire, a simple ceremony but very majestic.
Let's travel to the sacred places and reclaim the harmony.

The day of the 5th brings to us the energy of the Nawal Ajmak, the
keeper of the sin and forgiveness.  This is a day to reflect upon our
lives, to be in silence and to go within, to look at the damage we may
have caused consciously or unconsciously, to forgive and be forgiven,
to forgive ourselves, but most of all to ask forgiveness for the damage
we have caused mother earth.  We also need to ask for forgiveness for
those that destroy without conscience but only for the madness or for

This is an internal ceremony we do. The elders will be having their
fires and ceremonies, but our connection will be channeled towards the
south to awaken the force and the return of the wisdom of the condor.
This is the moment of the return of the kingdom of TIHUANTISUYO, the
giant panther. As of now it is called the kingdom of INCARI.  As a day
of duality, the energy gives way to balance between the polarities, so
this is what we need to focus on.  

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 26.11.2003 at 01:07:39

The day of the 6th, brings us the energy of the Nawal Noj.  This is
the keeper of the wisdom, the harmony, the balance and the understanding,
the power of the mind and of the imagination.  This is a day to use
the energy of the mind to create the power of balance.  On this day we
need to practice internal peace as well as peace with the community.  The
polarization based on the religious fundamentalist is reaching its
unsustainable limits and it depends on beings that are committed to
the essence of the real spirituality and the survival of the human race
and of mother earth, to help stop this energy.  Let's not forget that this
thing we call reality is mental, the "great illusion" and
the one that commands this force is the Nawal Noj.  

It is recommended to light white candles and to create chains of meditation and raise our words to the heart of the heavens and to the Great Spirit.  We need to purify internally and check our own existence so we can do away with that
which no longer serves us and to be free of antagonizing forces so can then
create the force that needs to govern now which is harmony.


The day of the 7th brings us the energy of the Nawal Tijax.  This day
is the culmination of this cycle that opens with the intermediary between
the earth and the sky, followed by the forgiveness and the sin, then
followed by the purification of the mind (creator of all illusions),
well Tijax is the double bladed knife, it is the energy that opens up
dimensions and the vortex on this day, creating a space extremely
subtle and only perceptive to sensitive spirits.  To us humans it gives us
the opportunity to cut the negativity, to let go of that which holds us
back to the vain illusions, to open up our hearts, to awaken and be able to
create the balance between the polarities.  We need to ask for all the
spiritual guides, so they can leave behind their personal importance,
so they may know how to guide us without competition and to be united and
so they may not forget they are not the keepers of the truth.  Each
and every one of us brings a force and internal power and that all the
truths are part of one manifestation of reality and this is how we'll
be able to face the changes we are about to encounter.  

This will allow us to reach the date of Dec. 21 2012 with much harmony.  This is the purpose of Tzacol, the planet on being alive, to then transcend to the
5th Ajaw."

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 21.12.2003 at 17:41:06

"Winter Solstice is the day of the year when the sun is farthest south. The winter solstice marks the first day of the season of winter. The declination of the sun on the (northern) winter solstice is known as the tropic of capricorn (-23° 27').

As the Earth travels around the Sun in its orbit, the north-south
position of the Sun changes over the course of the year due to the
changing orientation of the Earth's tilted rotation axes with respect
to the Sun. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year,
respectively, in the sense that the length of time elapsed between
sunrise and sunset on this day is a minimum for the year. On this
shortest day of the year, the sun is at its lowest and weakest, a
pivot point from which the light will grow stronger and brighter.
Today is the turning point of the year.

Winter Solstice has been celebrated in cultures the world over for
thousands of years. One can speculate on the significance of the
winter solstice in prehistoric Europe. One example is in Maeshowe,
(Orkneys, Scotland) where there is a chambered cairn carbon dated at
2750 BCE. Inside the cairn is a stone structure with a long entry
tunnel whose structure is aligned so that sunlight can shine along
the entry passage into the interior of the megalith and illuminate
the whole of the structure. This happens at sunrise on the winter

In old Europe, Winter Solstice was known as “Yule” and was
a celebration of Light and the rebirth of the Sun. The romans called
it “Dies Natalis Invicti Solis”, the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun.
In ancient Egypt, the god-man/savior Osiris died and was entombed on
December 21. The ancient Druids called their solstice celebration
Alban Arthuan, death of the old sun. The ancient Incas celebrated a
festival if Inti Raymi at the time of the Winter Solstice where the god of the Sun, Wiracocha, was honored.(Ceremonies were banned by the Roman Catholic conquistadores in the 16th century as part of their forced conversions of the Inca people to Christianity.) The Hopi tribe call their winter solstice ceremony Soyal which lasts for 20 days and includes prayerstick making,
purification, and rituals.

Today, many people in Western-based
cultures refer to this holiday as "Christmas." Yet a look
into its origins of Christmas reveals its Pagan roots. Emperor
Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the
"Invincible Sun" in the third century as part of the Roman
Winter Solstice celebrations. In 273, the Christian church selected
this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336, this Roman
solar feast day was Christianized. Most of the customs, lore,
symbols, and rituals associated with Christmas actually are linked to
Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagan cultures. While
Christian mythology is inter-woven with contemporary observances of this holiday time, its Pagan nature is still strong and apparent."

Blessings to you,
Kindred Spirits!
All Love,
Red Self Existing Skywalker

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 21.12.2003 at 18:22:45


The Year Ahead in Maya Prophecy
By Carlos Barrios

“As of February or maybe sooner, according to the sacred books, the
sacred Tzi'te and the projections of the wise visionaries, this
seems to be an extremely delicate year. Again this has to do with
us reaching peace and harmony. As of now the economies can start
to deteriorate, we can see that it is based on an illusion. We have
seen the real value of things have disappeared many years ago. Today
the economic value, money as we know it, is an electronic fantasy
and if the socio-economic systems doesn't return to being human
and to the real value, the actual system is condemned to extinction.
This is the unconsciousness, the senseless race in the world that
continues without stopping, without going anywhere. It is escapism
to live an experience in such an accelerated manner. The fear of
destruction and the instant gratifications we experience on a daily
basis either help us to carry out our existence or to live alienated.

This year will be hard and bring us natural disasters, warlike confrontations
and disaster in the world economy. Like with all prophecies and
visions of the future, there is the ability to minimize things and
in some cases even change them. Although this year is of much concern,
we must focus on the present which is where we will define the balance.
The period of now to the end of 2007 is of much importance to maintain
the balance. We will be living in a very dangerous time that this
humanity has not lived before. It is within each and every one of
us to reach balance and change. The focus must be on the energy
that got stuck in Panama, which, because of the canal, didn't allow
the energy to reach south. This is where the work will be the most
revealing, which doesn't consist only of these four days (Dec 4-Dec 7).
It is urgent to activate the base of the spinal cord of the continent
of the mountain range of the Andes and the ancient mountains of
Cordova. To bring on the change and as the wise Mam elder said:

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij, who originates from and resides
in Guatemala. Carlos has been given the mission by his elders to
begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples
with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share
these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue
and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland.
Carlos is also the author of "Kam Wuj: El Libro del Destino", and
out of print book on the astrology and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.
Carlos is presently working on a revised edition which is to be translated to English.

Saq' Be': Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies
is a non profit organization based in New Mexico, US. Saq' Be' works
to bring people, especially young adults, together with ancient
traditions for the purpose of cultural and spiritual preservation
and to open the doors of opportunity for those traditions to share
their teachings with the rest of the world. Preservation programs
include Radio broadcast capacity for the Native community in Chichicastenango,
Guatemala and support for filmed documentation efforts of elders
and guides of the Mayan tradition. Meetings programs include trips
to Native communities in Guatemala (next trip is for the Mayan New
Year, June, 2004) and arranging for travel and teachings for the
keepers of this ancient wisdom to the US and abroad. More information
can be found at:, or by email at:

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 21.12.2003 at 18:24:09


Spanning Gregorian Dec 13 - Jan 9, the Rhythmic Moon energies correspond to Tone 6, and the code words: Organize, Balance, and Equality. The totem animal is the Lizard.

PLEASE NOTE, the Gregorian correlate dates are fixed, which means that "Overtone Moon," "Rhythmic Moon," etc will ALWAYS span the same Gregorian time-frame. Christmas will always be Rhythmic Moon 13 and Gregorian New Years day will always be Rhythmic 20!


The current vinal meditation (since White Galactic Wizard day; Rhythmic 1; Dec 13) is MOL: "Which unifies all of the pieces."

(Because this is a White Wizard Year, every 20 days on each White
Wizard day we begin a new vinal meditation. The vinals are passed
down through the Mayan lineage as a series of intriguing phrases
which we are invited to contemplate during each 20-day period.After 18 vinals
of 20 days,there is one 5-day Vayeb, totalling the 365 day year.)


As the 4th wavespell of the Tzolkin, the Yellow Sun wavespell is
always the fourth RIPENING wavespell which closes the 1st Castle of
Time of the Tzolkin: "The Red Eastern Castle of Turning."

The 52-day Red Castle always brings extra RED INITIATING power into our lives. The Red Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Dragon Wavespell, the
White Wizard Wavespell, the Blue Hand Wavespell, and the Yellow Sun Wavespell.

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which
the powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring
specific lessons and initiations. Within each Tzolkin, there are 5
castles of time, 52 X 5 = 260 days.)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 21.12.2003 at 18:24:55


What a beautiful, divine alignment that the winter solstice which brings the "Return of the Sun" would occur during the SUN wavespell!

This year's winter solstice marks exactly 9 years till the end of the Grand Mayan Cycle of 26,000 years which completes itself on winter solstice 2012.

Because of this countdown, each winter solstice offers us a powerful time to acknowledge the closing of this huge cycle by extending our prayers and intentions to be of service to all our relations during these auspicious planetary times.  

Much is left to unfold as this Living Prophecy continues to olay out through our lives and weave its spiralling course of consciousness.

We can be sure of only three things: acceleration, transformation, and the revealing of all that has been hidden...

As the Hopi remind us all: "We are the Ones we've been waiting for."

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 21.12.2003 at 18:27:12

Current 13-day cycle: YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL

Yellow Sun's Code Words:


Creative Power - "UNIVERSAL FIRE"

Essence/Function - "LIFE"

13 Moon Dates: Rhythmic 7 - Rhythmic 19

Tzolkin Dates: Kin 40 - Kin 52

Gregorian Dates: Dec 19 - Dec 31

WINTER SOLSTICE: Dec 21 - 11:04 pm pst; Rhythmic 9; White Electric Wind
(for those in the northern hemisphere, of course!)

Since the New Year, July 26th 2003, the White Spectral Wizard Year has been upon us -- a year of focusing on LIBERATING THE INNER WIZARD! The Spectral
Wizard Year energies are focused around the code words: Release,
Dissolve, Liberation, Enchants, Timelessness,Receptivity!

Regarding the current wavespell cycle, the Yellow Sun tribe is called "Ahau" in the Mayan language, (pronounced A how'.)

Traditional translations of Ahau include "Flower" or "Lord."  

As Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men writes:

"From the Sun comes the essence of our consciousness. When we speak of the flower, we are also speaking of the Sun. This graphically illustrates the intimate relationship of that which is above with that which is below.

To say flower, we use the word lol. The etymological roots of this word are:
L= vibration ('L' is a contraction of lil,'vibration')

As the 20th of the 20 tribes, AHAU is described in The Mayan Factor as signifying:  "Solar Mind, Solar Lord, Mastery, Realization of Solar Body, Wisdom, Knowledge, Ability to focus Galactic Whole, Ability to Encompass and Generate the Entire Cycle (of the 20 tribes)."

Another clue provided for Ahau is: "Attainment to the Mind of Light."

According to the Mayan Oracle, additional qualities of Ahau are known to include: "Union, unconditional love, 'Christ Consciousness,' ascension,language of light, and crown."  

YELLOW represents the power of the direction SOUTH which offers the energy of "RIPENS."

As the 20th of the 20 solar tribes, Ahau is the culmination of the solar tribe circuit. While the 20 solar tribes can be viewed as a cycle of 1-20, they can, even more accurately, be understood as a cycle of 0-19 where Sun = Zero.

A fascinating note is that the ancient Maya actually pioneered the mathematical concept of zero!

As Hunbatz Men shares in his incredible book Mayan Science/Religion:
"The Maya ancestors were the first people on Earth whose reasoning assigned to the zero a real value in mathematics. It has been said that a 'zero on the left has no value.' Could it be that the culture which teaches this way of reasoning has no real value? For the Maya, wherever the symbol of zero is marked, its value is known, for it represents the essence of the beginning, the Logos. It is the form of the seed. Thus it is said that in order to understand the sacred Hunab K'u, the Only Giver of Movement and Measure, one must venerate the origin of the zero, the Milky Way, because it is there that the mold for the most ancient things was located.

As mathematics helped define their religion and philosphy, the zero assumed value. It was represented in different forms, sometimes as a sea shell or conch. It is depicted in vegetal forms on the terrestrial plane. In other instances, because of its oval shape, it takes the form of animal eggs, or the male testicles or the female ovaries. Ultimately, those persons who have the capacity to discern human auras have indicated that they see the whole-body aura in the form of an auric egg. Could this possibly imply that we are the aura of the Milky Way?"

Tuning in to Yellow Sun as Zero, it seems to imply a union of formless potential and formed wholeness; nothingness and totality!


Quite a clue into the energy of Ahau is that it serves as the final tribe as well as the pre-birth origin of all the tribes. It is as though "enlighten-ment" is our destination and our origin! Our arrival and our launch-pad into this life.

Spiritual wisdom traditions of many cultures indeed declare that our original, true, natural state is already enlightened, and that rather than something to achieve, enlightenment is actually inherent to our Being. It seems that what we experience as ignorance of our inherent enlightened nature is due to layers and layers of conditioning, programming, and disconnection from our true, core Essential Being.

This point can be realized, or "woken up to" in this moment, and we are being invited by The Yellow Sun tribe to continually, moment upon moment, awaken and honor this Divine truth. While this can require what is called "right effort," -  willingness, intention, mindfulness, heartfulness, discipline, practice... - to surrender to this cosmic reality, this in no way contradicts its elegant, primordial, beyond-words simplicity.  

As 13th century Zen Master Dogen said: "To let the Self be awakened by all things is enlightenment."

Many spiritual teachers advise that to experience and operate from our original condition it can be beneficial/necessary to disassociate/disidentify from all that we are not, so that our true nature can shine unobstructed.

That, to me, is the Zero aspect of Ahau. If this sounds confusing it is because this is quite a deep, ancient, multi-dimensional teaching, to say the least, that deserves investigation and inquiry!

"Who are you?"
"Who am I?"
"What is the true nature of reality?"
"What is the Self?"...

To counter-balance the zero aspect of Ahau with the 20 aspect of Ahau, here's another perspective: There are certain aspects of ourselves we don't like and we push away. These parts of ourselves we've rejected are a part of our Wholeness. Because we've denied them, they become "shadow energies." They are parts of our being that exist to help us in our spiritual evolution. Denying those aspects, we're keeping those lessons from ourselves.

We can actually embrace all the many parts of self without "solidifying" ourselves as any of these qualities. Wholeness is the light and the shadow.

The shadow is not separate from the light. As we embrace the shadow, we understand the bittersweet truth that the shadow is created by the light.

Deepening our compassion for the shadow qualities can help us transform these layers of programming, conditioning, limited and false identity, for as we embrace the denied parts of ourselves, we come to greater terms with the true vastness of our own Wholeness.

It's as though these shadow parts of ourselves just want to be acknowledged and welcomed back to wholeness, for that is why they perpetually manifest their destructive patterns until they are integrated into the light.

This, as well, is quite a multi-dimensional teaching which holds great liberation and healing for all humanity, especially in these times when so much acting-out of shadow energies is occurring on a planetary scale.


The power of Universal Fire is reflected in the Supreme, Solar Life-force which sustains our planet's lifeforms; our bodies' digestive fire; the fire of passion and brilliance and divine illumination; the fire of transformation; and the universal, timeless, ecstatic, mystical fire of sacred reverence, humility, gratitude, and grace which transcends even these words.

Perhaps universal fire also corresponds to the polarized expression of the fire of guns, bombs, explosions, the fire of arrogant, egotistical blindness; anger, rage, wrath, destruction...

Let us know the power of the universe's gift of fire and its properties, capacities, and role in Nature that we may honor it and wield it will full consciousness of its majesty.


Life. Here we are. Alive. Alert. Let all parts of ourselves and All beings everywhere AWAKEN to the precious reality of who we truly are, sparks of the same great fire of Life which illuminates eternity.

"What is Life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night...
it is the little shadow which runs across the grass
and loses itself in the Sunset."

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 10.01.2004 at 15:35:47

Petra. wrote on 10.01.2004 at 15:32:59:
   There is a River - Statement by the Hopi Elders


   There is a river flowing very fast. It is so swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel that they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know that the river has a destination. The Elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river.

   Keep our eyes open and our heads above the waters. And I say, see who is in there with you and Celebrate! At this time in history we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment we do, our spiritual growth comes to a halt. The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather your self’s together. Banish the word Struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in Celebration!

   This profound statement and advice based upon ancient prophecy is obviously valid for these times but how does one do this push off into the swift river?

   "What you put your attention on is what you become conscious of."

   This is the one rule that you cannot break. It is inescapable. So let's use this principle to our advantage.

  The Mayan calendar has now been scientifically proven to be the flow rate of all of Creation for the last 16.4 billion years. By placing your attention on the individual daily energies described by the Mayan calendar you’re "Tun-ing" your consciousness to the flow of all of Creation. (The River)

   This is what the Mayan civilization had going for it. They lived their lives in "Holy Time" intuitively flowing with creation.

   Yes, they knew that their civilization would come to an end. Just as the flower wilts and dies to become the fruit and seeds, the Maya knew and prophesized their own demise. If nothing dies, nothing new grows, and this they did know. We feel this as well. Deeply we understand that our current systems and standards must die for a new way of life and experience to flourish.

   It is your choice of course, flow or be drowned. You already know this is true.

   The Mayan Calendar and Conversion Codex is the simplest method to find and re-find the current Mayan calendar date from the Gregorian calendar and contains the true traditional meanings of the energies from the Kiche Mayan priests. It can be used to instantly find a personal birth energy and true purpose of your life this time around. Also, it presents a daily Mayan Oracle to assist your journey to your goals.

   A tool for consciousness to join the flow of Creation is and was always the true purpose of the Mayan Calendar.

   Here is your opportunity
   To get Tun-ed in,
   To the Tzolkin,
   To join the harmony,
   To heal our Mother,
   To join the Galactic community,
   As warmly loved,
   And loving, Sister / Brother.

   Welcome to the Evolution

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 10.01.2004 at 15:45:46

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 10.01.2004 at 18:14:36

The Mayan scared calendar, The Tzolkin, describes the timing of every cycle we can detect. From an electron's frequency of orbit around its nucleus, to the musical scale, to our own 26,000 year orbit known as the procession of equinoxes, this calendar system does it all. This marvelous ancient invention actually weaves the Binary and the Fibernaci sequences together. These two number sequences have been shown to be the base patterns for all of biology and chemistry. The Mayan sacred calendar called the Tzolkin, blends these frequencies into a ratio of 13:20. Our physical existence on this planet is tied directly to the ratio of 13:20. There are 13 cycles of the moon in one year. The human reproduction cycle follows this moon cycle. 13 is the number of major joints in your body. You have 20 fingers and toes. There are 20 different amino acids that make up the codons of your DNA. 13 x 20 = 260. There are 260 days in the Tzolkin calendar. 260 days are 9 months, the gestation period of the human being. Your own study of the Mayan calendar would unfold many more examples then we have the time or space to mention here.

Suffice it to say, these Maya guys "got somthin goin on" with their calendar. By simply following the days on the Mayan calendar, you become entrained or synchronized, with the natural cycles that are timed by this calendar. When the Sacred Tzolkin is connected to the Mayan Divine calendar of 360 days called the "Tun", (tune) the cycles of the Creation itself are displayed. Thus your time becomes more natural and less mechanical. No sweat, no strain, just a flow of attention on what day it is. You will naturally start to notice more and more of these cycles. The Mayan calendar was left here for us to use. It is a tool, to gently and naturally recalibrate our mindset for the changes we all feel must come if life is to continue on this planet.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 15.02.2004 at 15:39:39

The Mayan Calendar

"CARLOS BARRIOS was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the
highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling
place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition
keepers, the Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island (North
America). They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that
are ancient, elegant and relevant.

"Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After
studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, he has
also became a Mayan Ajq'ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan.

"Years ago, along with his brother, Gerardo, Carlos initiated an
investigation into the different Mayan calendars. He studied with many
teachers. He says his brother Gerardo interviewed nearly 600 traditional
Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge.

"Anthropologists visit the temple sites," Mr. Barrios says, "and read the
steles and inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not
read the signs correctly. It's just their imagination... Other people write
about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in
December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end.
It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars, and know how to
accurately interpret it, not others."

"The Mayan Calendars comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven
itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different
calendars, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than
ten million years. The calendar that has steadily drawn global attention
since 1987 is called the Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij. Devised ages ago and based on
the cycle of the Pleiades, it is still held as sacred. With the indigenous
calendars, native people have kept track of important turning points in
history. For example, the daykeepers who study the calendars identified an
important day in the
year One Reed, Ce Acatal, as it was called by the Mexicans. That was the day
when an important ancestor was prophesied to return, "coming like a
butterfly." In the western calendar, the One Reed date correlates to Easter
Sunday, April 21, 1519 the day that Hernando Cortez and his fleet of 11
Spanish galleons arrived from the East at what is today called Vera Cruz,

"When the Spanish ships came toward shore, native people were waiting and
watching to see how it would go. The billowing sails of the ships did indeed
remind the scouts of butterflies skimming the ocean surface. In this manner
was a new era initiated, an era they had anticipated through their
calendars. The Maya termed the new era the Nine Bolomtikus, or nine Hells of
52 years each. As the nine cycles unfolded, land and freedom were taken from
the native people. Disease and disrespect dominated. What began with the
arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987 - a date many people recall
as Harmonic Convergence. Millions of people took advantage of that date to
make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era, the
World of the Fifth Sun.

"From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, we have been in a time
when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but
inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live
in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no
longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of
the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition.

"As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of
environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes.

"All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics
of the Mayan calendars. "It will change," Mr. Barrios observes.

"Everything will change." He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012
date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the
start of a new era resulting from and signified by the solar meridian
crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center
of the galaxy.

"At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun
rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the
ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred
Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual
traditions. Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy
in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the earth,
cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

"This process has already begun, Mr. Barrios suggested.

" Change is accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate." If the
people of the earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having
destroyed too much of the Earth, Mr. Barrios said, we will rise to a new,
higher level. But to get there we must transform
enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way.

A Picture of the Road Ahead

"From his understanding of the Mayan tradition and the calendars, Mr.
Barrios offered a picture of where we are at and what may lie on the road
ahead: The date specified in the calendar Winter Solstice in the year 2012
does not mark the end of the world. Many outside people writing about the
Mayan calendar sensationalize this date, but they
do not know. The ones who know are the indigenous elders who are entrusted
with keeping the tradition.

"Humanity will continue," he contends, "but in a different way. Material
structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more

"We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and
prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions, are
converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era
is action. Many powerful souls have reincarnated in this era, with a lot of
power.  This is true on both sides, the light and the dark. High magic is at
work on both sides.

"Things will change, but it is up to the people how difficult or easy it is
for the changes to come about. The economy now is a fiction. The first
five-year stretch of transition from August 1987 to August 1992 was the
beginning of the destruction of the material world. We have progressed ten
years deeper into the transition phase by now, and many of the so-called
sources of financial stability are in fact hollow.

"The banks are weak. This is a delicate moment for them. They could crash
globally if we don't pay attention. If the banks crash ... then we will be
forced to rely on the land and our skills. The monetary systems will be in
chaos, and we must then rely on our direct
relationship with the Earth for our food and shelter. The North and South
Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to
rise. But at the same time land in the ocean, especially near Cuba, is also
going to rise.

A Call for Fusion

"As he met with audiences, Mr. Barrios told a story about the most recent
Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam
elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to
Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder
delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come
together in support of life and light. Right now each person and group is
going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if
the people of the light can come together and unite in some way.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 15.02.2004 at 15:39:49

"Reflecting on this, Mr. Barrios explained: "We live in a world of polarity:
day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need
each other. They are a balance. Just now the dark side is very strong, and
very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities
clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so
that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012 ."

"On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their
own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key. There's a
diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and
no single focus."

"As Mr. Barrios sees it, the dark side works to block fusion through denial
and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the
light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old,
declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They
do not want fusion. They want to stay
at this level, and are afraid of the next level.

"The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or
overpowered. It's too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong
strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity
and open-heartedness. This is what leads to fusion, a key concept for the
World of the Fifth Sun.

"Mr. Barrios said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a
much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of earth,
air, fire and water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be
a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether. The
dictionary defines ether as the rarefied element of the Heavens. Ether is a
medium. It permeates all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range
of frequencies, from cell phones to human auras. What is "ethereal" is
related to the regions beyond earth: the heavens.

"Ether the element of the Fifth Sun is celestial and lacking in material
substance, but is no less real than wood, stone or flesh. "Within the
context of ether there can be a fusion of the polarities," Mr. Barrios said.
"No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted fusion. But right
now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to
block it. They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be
unready for the alignment in 2012. We need to work together for peace, and
balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds
and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing
unity and fusion now, to confront the other side and preserve life."

"To be Ready for this Moment in History Mr. Barrios told his audiences in
Santa Fe that we are at a critical moment of world history. "We are
disturbed," he said. "We can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or
ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action."

"Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here
now has an important purpose. This is a hard, but a special time. We have
the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in

"Mr. Barrios offered a number of suggestions to help people walk in balance
through the years ahead. "The prophesied changes are going to happen," he
said "but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are."

"We need to act, to make changes, and to elect people to represent us who
understand and who will take political action to respect the earth.
Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action.  It's very
important to be clear about who you are, and also about
your relation to the Earth.  Develop yourself according to your own
tradition and the call of your heart.  But remember to respect differences,
and strive for unity. Eat wisely.  A lot of food is corrupt in either subtle
or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are
taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy.
Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have mastery of your breath.

"Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what
tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots. We live
in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or
see the energy of everyone and everything: people, plants, animals.

"This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the
Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element ether - the realm where
energy lives and weaves. Go to the sacred places of the earth to pray for
peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and
shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is
our work.

"According to Mr. Barrios' reading of the Mayan calendar, if war happens in
November 2002 or after, then it's bad, but not catastrophic. But if it
happens between April and November 2003, it will be catastrophic. Really
bad. It could eventually result in the
death of two-thirds of humanity.

"So stay active," he said. "If we are active, we can transform the planet.
The elders watch to see what happens."

"Many Mayan elders and knowledge keepers may be eliminated in the next few
years. For the first half of the current Katun (20-year period) the dark
side has a lot of power. But that will pass 3 to 4 years from now. The tide
will turn. Wonderous things are going to happen.

We Have Work to Do

"According to Mr. Barrios this is a crucially important moment for humanity,
and for earth. Each person is important. If you have incarnated into this
era, you have spiritual work to do balancing the planet. He said the elders
have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to
receive the tradition. The Maya have long appreciated and respected that
there are other colors, other races, and other spiritual systems.

"They know," he said, "that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the
destiny of the whole world."

"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity," Mr. Barrios advised before
departing. "Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness.

"It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in
your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the
beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 09.05.2004 at 15:59:39

Maya culture 'ahead of its time'
By Julianna Kettlewell
BBC News Online science staff

Professor Estrada-Belli believes the term "pre-classic" is a misnomer
Elaborate ritual objects and carved masks have been uncovered in the ancient ruins of a city in Guatemala.

Exploration of the 2,000-year-old site has caused archaeologists to question the established chronology of the enigmatic Maya civilisation.

The city, Cival, thrived in what is generally considered the "pre-classic" period - but it bore the hallmarks of the more advanced "classic" period.

The excavations were supported by the National Geographic Society.

The ancient city of Cival, in Guatemala's Peten region, was first mapped by the explorer Ian Graham in 1984. Since 2001, it has been the focus of an exhaustive excavation, led by Francisco Estrada-Belli, of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, US.

His team's discoveries have included two monumental carved masks, 120 pieces of polished jade, a ceremonial centre that spanned 800m (2,600ft) and an inscribed stone slab dating to 300 BC.

Maya deity

Cival had pyramids and a large complex surrounding a central plaza. The buildings were carefully positioned so they faced the sunrise in the equinox. According to Professor Estrada-Belli, this suggests they were used to measure time.

"It had an important astronomical function," Professor Estrada-Belli said. "It's not coincidence that the central axis of the main buildings and the plaza is oriented to sunrise at the equinox."

The lead archaeologist said his most exciting find turned up in a dank tunnel dug in the side of a pyramid.

The stucco may have been the backdrop for a ritual involving the Maya king

Enlarge Image
While he was inspecting the tunnel, he reached into a crack in the wall - and felt a curved piece of stucco. Digging to it from the other side, he found a well-preserved giant face of a Maya deity.

The 4.5m by 3m (15ft by 9ft) stucco mask had one eye visible and the mouth squared, with snake's fangs in its centre. "The mask's preservation is astounding," Professor Estrada-Belli said. "It's almost as if someone made this yesterday."

Excavations this April revealed a second, apparently identical, mask on the other side of a set of stairs.

Professor Estrada-Belli believes the masks flanked the staircase of the pyramid that led to the chamber, serving as the backdrop for a ritual involving the Maya king.

Pre-classic or classic?

After several seasons of digging, the researchers believe Cival was one of the largest Maya cities of the time. In its prime - between 150 BC and AD 100 - it had a buzzing population of around 10,000. But it was not just the city's size that made it remarkable.

We thought the pre-classic Maya were a relatively simple society - and they were not
Prof Francisco Estrada-Belli, Vanderbilt University
As the archaeologists learn more about life in the city of Cival, they are finding it does not sit comfortably with existing notions of Mayan civilisation.

Strictly speaking, Cival flourished in the pre-classic period, which stretches from 2000 BC to AD 240. But it was more advanced than pre-classic societies were thought to be.

It had kings, complex iconography, grand palaces, writing and polychrome ceramics: all the hallmarks of the later - and apparently more civilised - classic period.

"It is pretty clear that 'pre-classic' is a misnomer," said Professor Estrada-Belli. "It's very interesting when we reverse some existing ideas. We thought the pre-classic Maya were a relatively simple society - and they were not."

"There was a whole civilization during the pre-classic time we are just beginning to recover," he added.

The artefacts indicate the Mayan society may have been more advanced than first thought
Professor Fred Valdez, a Maya expert from the University of Texas, Austin, is in strong agreement. "These finds show that Maya civilisation advanced earlier than folks have previously thought," he told BBC News Online. "Classic and pre-classic are unfortunate terms in relation to when civilisation was reached.

"There are a significant number of cultural changes that occurred between the two periods - so I don't think the two terms will stop being used - but it needs to be cleared up about when we think Maya society became civilised."

He added: "It needs to be recognised that civilisation was not confined to classic Maya societies. This research has provided a great support to that argument."

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 01.12.2004 at 19:57:14

The Gregorian calendar is so dogmatic. Most people have no idea how much we are programmed by a calendar, even people who say, ‘Well I don’t follow a calendar’. Well, a calendar is what programs a society that uses it. It is the most fundamental program that a society has. If you take the calendar away from society, the society ceases to exist really.

So you’re suggesting that perhaps a change of the current calendar may help humanity is some way?

Yes, I think the point is, it will improve humanity. It will be of the greatest benefit to humanity to start getting its mind from a deformed state to a harmonic state and that’s the whole point. So, we’re promoting that, and what we’re looking at is the Great Calendar Change of 2004, which is not too far away. We’re looking at July 25 and 26, 2004 as the big moment to pass through this moment in time.

Wow, that’s a pretty aggressive schedule you must have?

Yes it is, but you know we’ve been on the schedule for a while. I first became aware of this problem with the calendar back in 1988 or 1989. I had written a book called The Mayan Factor back in 1987 based on the Mayan calendar. Then when I started trying to put the Mayan calendar into the present time I saw it had real problems because the Gregorian calendar is not harmonic like the Mayan calendar is. Then in 1989, I made the discovery of the 12:60 frequency.

The mechanical clock is based on 12, and the 12-month calendar, of course is also based on 12.

12 is a number that has to do with space, and you’ll see how the programming is, you cant’ go anywhere, remember every school classroom has a round clock. Every office you walk into has a round clock on the wall. What is that? You’re looking at a 2 dimensional plane - a circle. A 2 dimensional plane in space with these little hands… (laughs)

(Laughs) Right.

…going around and around. It’s divided into 12 parts, because it’s a 360 degree thing, so 12 goes into 360 30 times. You have this thing; it’s measurement of space. What’s that got to do with time? Those little hands going around this thing in space. That’s not time. People are hypnotized by that. They think that’s time. So I looked at that this and thought, ‘This is all wrong’, and realized that the whole civilization is based on an error in time. This error in time: thinking that time is based on the number 12, the hands going around the clock, and a calendar that is totally irregular, illogical and absurd.

The combination of this calendar and the mechanical clock create a state of mind or consciousness, which we refer to as the 12:60 frequency: the 12-month calendar and the 60-minute mechanical hour. The 12-month calendar is irrational and the 60-minute hour is mechanistic. So you have a civilization that is a totally irrational civilization based on the mechanization of everything. That just creates a messed up species.

And we’re still living in the Babylonian Conspiracy. Why is the number 13 superstitious? It’s the biggest superstition that we have in this civilization. A guy named Jonathan Cott, who writes for Rolling Stone, he wrote a book called 13: A Journey Into the Number. Tridecaphobia is fear of the number 13. Why is that? Because the number 13 represents harmony. It also represents what we might call cosmic harmony, as well as the feminine principle.

13 is a prime number. 12 is a static number, you know 3x4, 4x3, 2x6, interlocking sets, but it doesn’t go anywhere. It’s a number of space, whereas 13 is a number of movement of time. So I believe that the whole thing began, as some type of almost cosmic conspiracy, to establish a male patriarchy that was using a calendar, which eventually was going to be mumbo-jumbo, to confuse and keep the people oppressed and because of this you’ll see when did taxation begin? Where did money come from? You’ll see that they’re all closely related to this idea of a calendar. In fact, the word calendar itself, is a Latin word. The Romans inherited their civilization basically in concepts of war, taxation, and money, from the Babylonians, and the word calendar means account book. The first day of the Roman month was called calends, that’s when you pay your bills.

Right, well I guess it stuck?

Yes, it stuck. Like I said, a calendar is the program that keeps the society in place, and so from the beginning they created this calendar. The Babylonians, the Sumerians, and then later on down to the Romans, created this system of the calendar and used it as way of manipulating people. They invented money and then had people pay taxes.Oh, the Mayan language was recorded in glyphs and …?

Yes, hieroglyphs and things like that, and also just symbols, even beyond language. Plus, I discovered this, OK, here’s this tomb dedicated in 692, nobody knew about its existence until 1952. I’m standing there in 1989, 1990 making this discovery, 12:60 timing frequency, artificial time. Natural timing frequency, if there’s an artificial one there must be a natural one, I discovered is 13:20. That’s the basis of the 260-day cycle, which correlates all synchronicity.

OK, 12:60 and 13:20, and there I am in 1993 with this prophecy, decoding this tomb. OK get this, I realize this tomb was dedicated in 692, and discovered in 1952, 1260 years later, 12:60. 692, when that tomb was dedicated, until 2012, the closing of the cycle, 1320 years, 13:20. So, I said, ‘Oh, I get it, that’s part of the prophecy right there.’ The prophecy says that the discovery of the tomb in 1952 will say that humanity is living in the tomb of 12:60 artificial time. 2012 means that you have from 1952 until 2012, 60 years for humanity to get from 12:60 time to 13:20 time.

(Laughs) Wow.

So, we’re only 10 years away. The 13 Moon Calendar of course is correlated to the 260-day cycle, so it’s a pure 13:20 timing frequency. That’s what is required for humanity to be in that cycle. That’s what’s required by 2012 if we don’t want to destroy ourselves.

Well, that’s good to know, but what did that quote mean about 4 other Long Counts?

Now the Long Count is the count of days. Literally a count of days that goes from August 13, 3113 B.C., and often you’ll see people say 3114 B.C., but August 13, 3113 to December 21, 2012. That is the count of days between those 2 points, which is 1,872,000 days. That creates a cycle, which is subdivided into 13 parts called baktuns, or into 260 parts called katuns, which are about 20 years. The last katun began early in 1993 and ends on December 21, 2012. OK, now when Moises says that there were 4 other ones before that, what he’s saying is that there were 4 other cycles of 13 baktuns prior to this one, which means there were 5 cycles.

And this is the 5th?

Yes, this is the 5th. Those 5 cycles, that creates the 26,000-year cycle. So, even though Moises is pooh-poohing all of that, he’s saying there were 4 previous ones, this is the 5th one. 5 of these cycles create what’s called the Pleiadian cycle of 26,000 years. The fact of the matter is where are at the end of that 26,000 year cycle. Not only that, but we’re at the end of a 5,125-year cycle. We’re at the end of just under a 26,000-year cycle and we’re at the end of a 104,000-year cycle. 4 of those 26,000-year cycles create a bigger cycle of 104,000 years. So, all of this is coming to an end. Even though, Moises says, ‘Oh, nothing will happen, everything is just like the same.’ Well, that’s not quite correct, because we do live in unusual times.

You can go back and look at this 12:60 frequency, the frequency of artificial mechanized time, which was mentally set in place at the very beginning of history. Its interesting that the Mayans say that history began in 3113 B.C. even though there weren’t any Mayans around to tell you that. Then we find out that first city of history, Uruk, was at 3100 B.C. Well that’s just 13 years later and that’s when the Babylonians came up with the 24-hour concept. So, you have the Babylonians in the Old World with this 24-hour concept and you have the Mayans in the New World with this 13:20 concept. So, you can begin to see, well maybe there is some, much larger kind of drama going on.

Can talk about what you think is corresponding to 2012 with the Earth and the Galaxy, as a whole evolution, something bigger happening than just with humanity?

There is something a lot bigger happening, which gets to the point why the Mayans were here. When you look at the globe and see where the Mayans were and see where the Old World and the Babylonian civilization was and you see well they were far away on the other side of the ocean in the jungle there, you couldn’t find them. Just like that tomb of Pakal Votan, you couldn’t find it. Then you see, well, it’s interesting that here was this Mayan civilization that had its hey-day between 435 A.D to about 830 A.D., around 400 years when it really really went to town. What was that about? When you look at that, when they really went to town they were using all these different calendars, creating these very sophisticated sculptures with all these hieroglyphs. You can find dates that go back hundreds of millions of years, or even billions of years, even 25 billion years which is way before even what we say BIG BANG, what was that about?

Where do you see those dates?

In some of the Mayan sites.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 01.12.2004 at 19:58:21


Yes, and you say, ‘Who were these Mayans?’ You look at all the civilizations on Earth; no other civilization comes even close to the Mayan civilization with this phenomenal concept of time. To some degree, the Hindus have great cycles and so on, which rival the Mayans, but no one had the Mayan concept of all the different times or the synchronic order of time, and one other feature is that the Mayan mathematics and calendar is based on 20 and not 10 or 12.


So, the purpose was to leave these signs and clues about the end of the cycle. So they left these clues. People like Pakal Votan left his tomb, which was then actually a prophecy which 40 years later after it was discovered I was able to decode. Already in my book, The Mayan Factor, in 1987, I had already put the 2012 thing on the map and brought that to public attention.

Now I see the Mayan civilization, the Mayan culture, they purposely left this time information for the present moment to see if we could figure out what we have to do. So that’s what I figured out, that we have to get back into the natural time. What happens in 2012, isn’t just a closing out of what we call the cycle of history, it’s also an evolutionary moment in the evolution of the Sun. You have to remember our Sun is a star. All stars have their own progressive stages of evolution and we all know that in the last 15 years the Sun has been acting most peculiarly. It acts more peculiar every day, which is going to be coming more and more dramatic as we get to 2012, which incidentally completes the next Sun spot cycle.

So what you have is an alignment of the Earth and Sun with Galactic Center, which is in the area of Sagittarius. John Major Jenkins has written a book about that, the 2012 galactic synchronization. We’re approaching a moment of tremendous solar and galactic synchronization. Well, what does that mean for us? It means that life on Earth is going to be evolving and mutating. So, we have to be ready for that. This whole artificial junkie civilization, this technosphere, is like a big tinker toy set. It’s going to come down. It’s starting to come down right now. The first big signal was the 9/11. The question is: is it going to come down because of war and natural disasters, which have been engendered by human species operating on wrong time and artificial technology? Or is it going to come down because the human species got the intelligence to figure out that it had to change its frequency?

This gets back to the point of the calendar. It looks like a very simple little device, but the point of it is to change the frequency of human consciousness so that the human consciousness is in tune with the natural cosmic order of reality and in that way it can become in tune with the natural cosmic order in time to be ready for 2012.

That’s why this 2004 date is so critical. Really it’s the last moment, the last opportunity to get the calendar change and to give the human species enough time, it’s like eight years, to shift its consciousness. A lot can happen in eight years if you are in the right frequency. A lot can happen in the wrong frequency too. If we continue eight years after 2004 in the wrong frequency, then your 2012 worst case scenarios are a sure bet.

What are the Foundations plans for once you reach your goal date of 2004? If the 13 Moon Calendar hasn’t been accepted globally?

Well, we’re confident that now, literally, this is an idea who’s time has come. We’ve seen, especially since the 9/11, finally in this country, people waking up to this calendar thing. We have a big movement already throughout Latin America, Japan, Russia, Western Europe, many places on the planet. It’s starting because of the Internet and our Web site.

Yes, it’s exploding!

Yes, it’s exploding. There are probably 150,000 to 200,000 people who actually are following the calendar and that’s increasing greatly. All we really need is an informed critical minority who is able to be properly vocal and vociferous and knows how to use the media when it comes to that point in 2004 to make it effective. We’ve been to the United Nations. We’ve been to the Vatican. Kofi Anan knows very well about our work. I’ve got several letters from his office saying that he has received our material, knows what we are doing and applauds our efforts. But like any other human being in 12:60 institutions, as they say, his hands are tied.

That’s a great point. So by 2004, could it be that X amount of people pick up on the change and X amount of people don’t and then something happens with a division?

Yes, it could be like that. You know, right now because of this impending war on Iraq, you already see a type of groundswell of peace movements occurring unlike anything since the ‘60’s. I think by the time we get to 2004 it will dwarf the ‘60’s and it’s not just demonstrators, but it’s people like James Twyman and his spoon bending experiment and the exercises he’s doing in Jerusalem on February 9th. * EDITOR NOTE: On February 9th, 2003, over 100,00 people were organized in a meditation aimed to bring peace in the Middle East. For more info:

So that’s more sophisticated than just demonstrating in the streets. So the point of the Great Calendar Change is to catalyze all of those different elements, just to say ‘We’re going to do this and this is the way that we’ll affect a permanent change in the field of consciousness.’ I’m quite certain that we will be able to get a major coalition across the board from grassroots peace groups to the type of effort of like what James Twyman is doing and understand that we really have to change consciousness and that changing the calendar is a permanent change in consciousness.

What about the big governments and what not?

That’s an interesting issue there. I’m quite sure that actually we will have some governments already behind this. We have a strong possibility starting with Brazil. Brazil also happens to be the largest Catholic country in the world.

And one of the biggest examples of the economy crumbling.

Yes, exactly. I think we’ll have some South American governments that will start getting behind this. We’ve spent quite a bit of time in South America during the 1990’s and there are very active people down there. They know what the political needs are. So in any case, I see that regardless of where the governments are, this is going to be one of those events of enormous historical significance because it is actually going to be, what we might call, a very interesting peoples revolution. A revolution in time. I think that is what is going to carry the day. One of the moves that we are putting into motion is this as well: we are going to establish the point that the calendar that you follow gives you sovereignty according to that calendar.

Sovereignty - meaning?

Meaning that you have your rights according to that calendar. So if we say that we now recognize that there is a new community on Earth that is placing its concept of it’s sovereignty in the 13 Moon Calendar and no longer recognizes the legitimacy of the Gregorian calendar, according to the Charter of Human Rights, we are saying that our rights have to be respected following this calendar. It’s kind of like passive resistance. We’re not in the Gregorian world anymore.

Off the grid?

Yes, off the grid. Also every institution that exists has its legitimacy in the Gregorian calendar. To take away the Gregorian calendar, those institutions no longer have legitimacy. So this is another point that we are going to be pushing as we get into that 2004 territory. So what we’re saying is we know that we are a very, very large planet-wide force. People are picking up on it. People are singing about it – you have rap and rave groups that are into this calendar and realize that it’s a cultural and revolutionary tool.

It’s a cultural phenomenon and a cultural revolution. We will establish a new community and this community will establish its own legitimacy. We feel that also the events of the world between now and 2004 are such that increasing numbers of the mainstream are going to see the sanity and the correct morality of doing this. This is a way in which we can actually right our wrongs; that we can give ourselves another way to start. We’ve put forth a Peace Plan with this too that says, first of all that on the Day-Out-of-Time, July 25, 2004, that we should call a universal cease-fire. We want to see a universal cease-fire that will observe the universal change in time.

We are also calling for a Universal Religion Council where we’ll have leading representatives of all the world religions, as well as indigenous leaders to kind of referee it, that will just come together on this one point and agree that to change the calendar will give the human race the opportunity to stop in its’ tracks, to stop shooting for a little bit, to reorganize its’ priorities, and to make a better world.

Spiritual unity is the very foundation of this. If we can get representatives of all the major religions to agree on this, then they’re agreeing on a point that’s beyond all of their dogmatic and doctrinal differences for the spiritual betterment of humanity. So we want to emphasize that this is a peaceful cultural revolution, this revolution of time, and it’s a profoundly spiritual revolution.

13 Moon/28-day time is time of perfect harmony. Harmony is peace. Peace is a spiritual thing so that’s basically how we’re looking at it at this point. I know, as I’ve said, the populous aspect of this is growing enormously. This is the one untried solution. We’ll probably be able to get UNESCO behind this if not the United Nations itself. We’ve been in touch with UNESCO and UNESCO thinks that this is a very interesting idea.

I applaud that and hope to see it pick up there. What are some of your other concepts? For example when you talk about "time is art," and "time is the forth dimension," how does this apply to what’s happening?

OK, first of all, time is art. In the present society, time is money. That’s everywhere and everyone knows that. Whatever you do, it’s ‘How much does it cost?’ and if you don’t make it to work, ‘How much will that cost?’ Everything is prorated down to money, so it’s a purely materialistic concept. That is the nature of it. A calendar means an account book. There is a move to change the name of calendar to 13 Moon Syncronometer, the measure of your synchronicity.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 27.12.2004 at 00:17:00

sicer so kel tibetansi v akciji, sam se nanaša na 2012

Remote viewing Tibetan monks see Extra Terrestrial powers saving the World from destroying itself in 2012
N.K. Subramanium, Special Correspondent
December 26, 2004

Remote viewing is nothing new in Tibetan monasteries. For thousands of years remote viewing in the middle of other spiritual activities have dominated Tibetan culture. What some Indian tourists came to learn from a few Tibetan monasteries under the current Chinese rule is extremely alarming and fascinating.

According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.

Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.

In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.

And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.

Scientific interpretation of the monks’ statements makes it evident that the Extra Terrestrial powers are watching us every step of the way. They will intervene in 2012 and save the world from self-destruction.

When asked about recent UFO sightings in India and China, the monks smiled and said the divine powers are watching us all. Mankind cannot and will not be allowed to alter the future to that great extent.

Every human being though their current acts in life called “Karma” can alter the future lives to some extent, but changing the destiny in that large extent will not be allowed to that great an extent.

Monks also mentioned that beyond 2012 our current civilization would understand that the final frontier of science and technology is in area of spirituality and not material physics and chemistry. Beyond 2012, out technologies will take a different direction. People will learn the essence of spirituality, the relation between body and the soul, the reincarnation and the fact we are connected with each other are all part of “God”.

In India and China UFO sightings have increased in many folds. Many say the Chinese and Indian Governments are being contacted by the Extra Terrestrials.

In recent days most UFO activities have been seen in those countries who have indigenously developed Nuke capabilities.

When asked if these extra-terrestrials will show up in reality in 2012, the answers remote viewers are giving is: they will reveal themselves in such a way that none of us scared. They will reveal themselves only if they have to. As our science and technology progresses, we are destined to see them and interact with them any way.

According to the remote viewers, our earth is blessed and is being saved continuously from all kinds of hazards all the time that we are not even aware of. As our technologies progress we will realize how external forces saved us.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kali on 05.03.2005 at 21:24:08

ta pa res čist kjut

Title: The Mayan calendar and humanity?
Post by Petra G. on 04.06.2005 at 00:14:14

by Carl Johan Calleman

In this article Carl Johan Calleman predicts a unification of the
modern expressions of some of the most advanced ancient traditions of
the West and the East; the Mayan and the Vedic. In this unification it
seems that it is the West, the Maya and some other Native American
peoples, that is providing the calendrical knowledge about the cosmic
plan, while it is the East, the Vedic and Buddhist traditions that is
carrying the time-less wisdom of the Self. The practical unification of
these thought systems and traditions is then brought about by all those
that are taking a path towards Enlightenment And according to the Mayan
calendar, the time for this is now.

The prophetic Mayan calendar is unique among the calendars of the world
in being a non-astronomically based calendar. Rather than being based
on the physical movements of the earth, sun and planets it charts the
changing spiritual energies of cosmic evolution. Unlike the world?s
many astrological systems the Mayan calendar is not based on the
Earth?s precession or positions of the stars. It is however the only
calendar that is proven to be prophetic and the predictions made from
it are repeatedly verified. From this perspective it is then natural to
ask what this calendar has to say about the mission of Kalki in today?s
world as well as Enlightenment in general.
href="">Kalki, who is an
Enlightenment avatar in South India that since the early nineties has
actively sought to help people attain the Enlightened state, in fact
uses the same framework as the Mayan calendar for the change in
consciousness that we are currently living in the midst of.

A good starting point for such a discussion is then the ideas put forth
by Kalki himself and those around him. Since I have not heard this
developed first-hand I can only recapitulate what I have been told,
basically that the time for humanity to become enlightened is now and
that this now will only last until the year 2012. There are two
remarkable things about these views. The first is that by presenting
such a perspective Kalki makes a break with the traditional Eastern
view. According to the traditional perspective, Enlightenment ? which
by itself is a kind of entry into a timeless reality, an ever-present
now ? is something that happens independently of human history. It has
been regarded as a state that may be attained at any point in time as a
result of the application of various methods of individual spiritual
purification and enhancement. Hardly any traditional Eastern text
mentions an exact point in time at which Enlightenment is to be
attained. Moreover, in most of them Enlightenment is seen as something
that is the goal of the individual as if he or she was separate from
cosmic evolution.

The second noteworthy thing is that the year set for the accomplishment
of this mission, 2012, coincides with what to the rest of the world has
become known as the ending year of the Mayan calendar; 2012. (Actually
the true date for the completion of the cosmic plan is October 28,
but it would lead too far to go into why). Although this concordance
of the dates was not originally known to Kalki, it does provide for a
unification of the world views of the East and the West on a new and
higher level. In fact, that Kalki, and the prophet who originally
pronounced this prophecy to him, did not originally know about the
existence of the Mayan calendar, makes this confluence of dates all the
more telling and remarkable. It points to the reality of the Mayan
calendar that in certain aspects can be intuitively accessed by any
inhabitant of this planet, and truly independently verifies the
existence of a cosmic time plan that the majority of humanity is still
oblivious to.

Briefly, the Mayan calendar is associated with nine creation cycles,
which represent nine levels of consciousness or Underworlds as
symbolized by the Mayan pyramids. This pyramidal structure of
consciousness development can explain things as disparate as the common
origin of world religions and the modern complaint that time seems to
be moving faster. Time, in fact is speeding up as we transition from
the materialist Planetary Underworld that still govern us to a new and
higher frequency of consciousness ? the Galactic Underworld ? in
preparation for the final Universal level of conscious Enlightenment.
The Mayan calendar is thus a spiritual device that enables a greater
understanding of the nature of conscious evolution throughout human
history and the concrete steps we can take to align ourselves with this
cosmic evolution toward Enlightenment. Interestingly then, the Mayan
calendar places Kalki?s mission in a context, the divine plan as
charted by the Mayan calendar.

A distinguishing characteristic about the Mayan calendar is thus that
new ways of thinking about religion and spirituality ? and the
individuals that promote these who usually are referred to as avatars
or prophets ? emerge at clearly definable times as related to the Mayan
calendar. They in other words often emerge at times propelling
significant changes in consciousness as defined by the Mayan calendar.
An obvious example is the Buddha, Siddharta Gautama, whose year of
birth is often given as 552 BC, which is the exact midpoint of the
Mayan Long Count starting in 3114 BC and ending in 2012. Another is
that Christianity began to be widely taught around AD 40, as the Ninth
baktun, ruled by Quetzalcoatl, the Lord of Light in ancient Mexico,
began to dominate the consciousness of people.

The point to realize is that spiritual leaders do not just pop up
randomly in the history of humanity, but at times where the cosmic plan
alters the consciousness of people in such a way that people become
receptive to their message. If Jesus, for instance, would have appeared
with his message in the baktun beginning 1538 BC, he would rapidly have
been forgotten as, in the consciousness ruling at that time, his
message would have fallen on deaf ears. It is the evolution of
consciousness among humanity as this is defined by the Mayan calendar
that defines what spiritual messages people are receptive to at any
given time. In this sense, also the message of Kalki, and the path
towards Enlightenment that he points out, appears at the current time
simply because the Cosmic Plan has now endowed people with a
consciousness that makes them receptive to this message.

Of course, if human evolution is looked upon in this way, the role of
individual prophets is somewhat lessened. They are, as the rest of us,
only agents of the Cosmic Plan and its divine purpose. And so, there
may be many different types of spiritual practice, embodied by several
different individuals, that may be leading people to the state of
Enlightenment. All that the Mayan calendar is saying is that at the
current time the evolution of consciousness is becoming increasingly
more favorable to the consciousness change that attaining the
Enlightened state means. It does not say that there is only one
individual that can help bring this change about, nor does it say that
there is only one type of spiritual practice that may lead there. What
it does say however is that step by step there will be a change in
consciousness in the current Galactic Underworld that until October 28,
2011, will make Enlightenment a state that is increasingly more easily

To the majority of humanity however, events ? not only the attainment
of a state of Enlightenment, but also changes in religious thinking or
technological innovations ? happen more or less at random and are
unrelated to its evolution at large. This denial or ignorance of a
cosmic time plan for the evolution of humanity blinds it to its higher
purpose. We should then not be surprised that the world looks the way
it does as most people to not recognize that they are here to fulfil a
purpose and to do this in a limited amount of time. A view of history
as being random fosters not only a lack of hope, but in many also an
irresponsible attitude towards life. Hence, the overriding importance
of working to disseminate information about the Mayan calendar in
today?s world and Kalki has encouraged adepts to study it.

The current unification of the modern expressions of some of the most
advanced ancient traditions of the West and the East, the Mayan and the
Vedic, in fact creates an opening for an understanding that human life
has an inherent purpose. Even if the modern East and West in recent
times have been engaged in many conflicts it thus seems possible that,
if we are willing to explore their ancient origins, it is possible to
find some common ground, in fact an entirely new world view that is
whole and where nothing is separate from the All is now gradually

In this unification it seems that it is the West, the Maya and some
other Native American peoples, that is providing the calendrical
knowledge about the cosmic plan, while it is the East, the Vedic and
Buddhist traditions that is carrying the time-less wisdom of the Self.
The practical unification of these thought systems and traditions is
then brought about by all those that are taking a path towards
Enlightenment and according to the Mayan calendar the time for this is
now. In so doing we are collectively speaking creating the Universal

Johan Calleman is one of the main teachers at the
target="_blank" href="">Experience
Festival at The World University of Consciousness where two of the
topics in focus are
Awakening and

Alternative author byline, plain text
Carl Johan Calleman is one of the main teachers at the Experience
Festival at The World University of Consciousness: www.

More about Carl Johan Calleman:
More on Spiritual Awakening: www.experiencefestival.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 04.06.2005 at 00:17:24


Title: Re: Mayi
Post by R3v3r13 on 27.07.2005 at 10:54:44

260705-250706 leto rumenega kozmičnega semenčka, srečno  ;), d.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Majč on 31.07.2005 at 15:13:58


če koga zanima imamo stran tudi v slovenščini ...


Title: Re: Mayi
Post by gape on 04.07.2006 at 17:48:58

The key to your future isn't a key ... it's a calendar

The true Mayan Calendar comes to an end, in less than 6 years from now.

While a great deal of focus has been placed on the end date of the calendar, here at Mayan Calendar Code, we're going to direct your attention to something of far greater value to your life right now.

For example:

  • Would you like to know why this calendar ends in the first place?
  • Would you like to know why understanding and utilizing this ancient calendar can create a whole new way to perceive Time?
  • Would you like to know how your life fits into the unfolding Plan of Creation?

This web site is not about what we believe is contained within the Mayan Calendar. It is not based on our opinions, speculations or abstract ideas about the Mayan Calendar.

This web site is about the latest discoveries about the Mayan Calendar that can be scientifically verified. That is our purpose here. This web site is about what can be scientifically verified and what, at the same time, is spiritually transformational. These two are not a diametrically opposed as many people may think.

The Mayan Calendar holds an astonishing message for humanity!

How can you benefit from knowing more about the Mayan Calendar?

Have you ever felt as if you're a small piece of a very BIG puzzle? And an unimportant piece at that! You may go about your life, day-to-day, feeling like what you do and what you think has very little effect on the world-at-large.

What if the exact opposite is true?

The encoded message of this ancient timing-device called the Mayan Calendar, has now been cracked wide open and guess what?

You are in it! I am in it. Everyone living on planet Earth right now, is in it.

According to the Mayan Calendar, you are living in the age where there is no escape clause anymore and you, along with everyone alive in this age, must take responsibility for your part in the process.

But how do you do that?...

starejši linki:
Mayi (ta file)

Dreamspell+Long count

POZOR!!! šamani sporočajo in opozarjajo

Petra. wrote on 09.02.2005 at 13:10:59:
It is not our possessions, nor our actions that determine who we are.  It is our decisions that make us.

Prišel je čas...

Petra. wrote on 08.07.2004 at 01:35:10:
Is Time Speeding Up?

The Maya are sharing their sacred timekeeping system with the rest of the world, and in this way they are giving us a heads-up. We all know the world is changing drastically and that time seems to be speeding up. The Mayan culture has not only known about this acceleration for 5,000 years - they can actually explain what's happening and why!

The bottom line is that time isn't actually speeding up. What's accelerating is the evolution of consciousness.  More is happening in every second than ever before. A shift in consciousness that used to take billions of years to happen now happens in only 360 days. Beginning in February 2011, the same shift will take only 20 days. Now, that's a head-spinning rate of change.  

8 junij Venera&Sonce

Petra. wrote on 05.06.2004 at 18:25:31:
Special planetary alignments facilitate this transformation. The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 marked the beginning of a 25-year period leading to the ending of the Mayan calendar in 2012. This is when the Maya say we will enter a new cycle they call the World of the Fifth Sun.

Harmonic Concordance

Strawin wrote on 23.10.2003 at 15:59:31:
Harmonic me it seems like a big crossroads where we will have to pick between good an evil...a war of sorts...

Petra. wrote on 06.11.2003 at 16:45:19:
When John presented this information to me, I had no context for it  no other facts against which to weigh what I was hearing. But with the recent predictions of the Maya and the Hopi, that has all changed.  

geo magnetni vihar

Konec sveta 15.maja

no pa še 2


Project OM

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 02.08.2006 at 11:45:47

Mayan Calendar on Israel and Islam - Approach to the Fifth Day    

by Carl Johan Calleman

The Current Situation

We are now approaching the Fifth day, beginning on November 24, 2006
, and the ensuing energies of Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca of the Galactic Underworld. These energies are likely to generate the chaos from which the new world of oneness will be born as we come to the completion of all the Underworlds by October 28, 2011.

As I wrote in the article posted on my web site in November of last year, the first half of the Fourth night, November 29, 2005 to May 27, 2006, would be a relatively uneventful time that would be well suited for integration of what had happened in the preceding Fourth day. For the second half of this night, May 28 – November 24, 2006, the time period that we are in now, I however forecasted that new events would be occurring that prepared for the change that would be brought by the Breakthrough energy of the Fifth day. Using comparisons I pointed to the example, among others, of how the Russian revolution of 1905, shortly after the midpoint of the Fourth night of the Planetary Underworld, heralded the fall of the autocratic empires (including the Russian) that came about as a result of World War I after the breakthrough energy of Quetzalcoatl set in in this Underworld in 1913.

In our current Galactic Underworld we are now at a time corresponding to 1905-1906 in the Planetary (see figure), and it seems obvious that the relatively calm time for integration is over. Instead, in the past few weeks we have witnessed things that very likely herald the tumultuous era that will follow as the breakthrough energy sets in with the Fifth day. I feel I have been very accurate in forecasting this basic rhythm of the evolution of the current year and you may take note that this would not have been possible without using a correct end date, October 28, 2011.

I would like to add here that the Mayan calendar does not say that in a certain time period this or that will happen in concrete terms. What we have in order to help us predict the future are Underworlds – predetermined sequences of energies that play out according to exact schedules. However, the predictions are conditioned by the intuition and background of the person who makes them. Thus, I recommend that you evaluate the reliability of predictions said to be based on the Mayan calendar by seeing how accurate the person making them has been in the past. Those who claim that the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012, however usually do not even put themselves to the test. What prophetic value does the Mayan calendar then have?

As signs of the intensification of the course of events the past week or so we have thus seen a tsunami, a report of a record number of killings in Iraq, a resurgence of Taliban fighting, missile tests in North Korea, bombings in Mumbai, a record oil price and a G- 8 meeting in St Petersburg pointing to the return of Russia as a major power. Above all, however, Israel has attacked Lebanon, to destroy bases of the Hizbollah, a Muslim group supported by Syria and especially Iran. As I have said in my books the Galactic Underworld is the Apocalypse and there is little reason to expect its course of events to be smooth or unproblematic. It is virtually impossible to imagine a step- by-step process from the present world to oneness.


As we approach the Fifth day of the Galactic Underworld it then obviously becomes very important to understand the role of Israel. Why, we may wonder, does this country play such a significant role to some of the world religions? Why do the Jews see themselves as a people chosen by God and why do also Christians say that things begin and end with Israel? Why is the Muslim negativity towards Israel so strong and why is Israel so adverse to compromises?

I think a big part of the explanation to this special role of Israel is that many very significant things in human evolution actually did have their origin there. Southwest Asia, including what is today Israel, was where the highest number of domesticable plants and animals existed that allowed humans early on to make the transition to agriculture and a settled life already about 10,000 years ago. Hence, people in this area had a tremendous head start in their cultural development and so it was for instance here that the alphabet was invented as a result of the pulse favoring the left brain in the Third day of the National Underworld. The alphabet, which is the first truly effective form of writing used by humans, was invented by the Jews and the Torah, their holy scripture, is the first book written by means of this, expressing the first monotheist creed of the planet. An enormous emphasis was placed on the written Word that was perceived as an exclusive message from God that was unchangeable. Writing and the concomitant monotheist creed brought about a significant shift in mentality and, since this was not immediately shared by the neighbors, a perception was created by the Jews that they were a people chosen by God.

When the Fifth day of the National Underworld began the Christian religion then had its origin in Israel. The majority of the Jews were however not attracted to this new religion, and following the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 they were dispersed from their country essentially in the Western direction. From the perspective of the Mayan calendar one might speculate that this latter historical event was actually propelled by the marked left brain abstract thinking of the Jews to which the West was more conducive. Regardless, their contributions to Western culture, and economic clout, have been disproportionately high, presumably because of the mentioned head start they had had into abstract left brain thinking.

Also the Quran, consecrated at the midpoint of the Fifth night in AD 632, traces an origin to Abraham and talks extensively about the Jews, whose prophets Moses and Jesus, it acknowledges as such. Yet, similarly to how the Christian church has considered the New Testament as more important than the Old, the Muslims regard the Quran as an all-encompassing supreme message from God.

Following a two thousand year Diaspora the state of Israel was then declared in 1948 thus fulfilling an age- old prophecy of the Jews. This was based on the United Nations partition plan for the British mandate of Palestine made in 1947 as the Fourth World of the Planetary Underworld began. In a broad sense the beginning of this Fourth World was what set the stage for the Galactic Underworld that we are in now and, ever since then, the area has been an area of contention with the neighboring Muslims.

End-time scenarios

Hence, while Jews have been praying three times a day for two thousand years for the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem, the time has not yet been considered as ready for this. The main reason is that the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is occupied by the Muslim al- Aksa Mosque and this religion is guided by quite different prophecies, and another written Word, the Quran. The Jews fear that if a Temple would be built there it would create a Jihad from the entire Muslim world. To Muslims, who see the Quran as the last message from God and envision that the whole world will eventually be Muslim, it is instead a dictum that all land held by Islam should be kept and that land lost to it should be recovered. Hence, the prophecies of the two religions are in direct conflict.

Fundamentalist Christians, especially in the United States, are not indifferent to this conflict and in fact see the scenario playing out as verifying their own prophecies, which is part of the reason for the strong US backing of Israel. These groups expect the Jews to rebuild the temple following which there will be great tribulations that will lead the Jews to accept Jesus as the Messiah. The Muslims on their part expect the appearance of the twelfth imam, Mahdi, as a savior, as well as the return of Jesus, who will then lead the Christians to submit to Islam.

It would take a specialist to describe the various prophecies of Jews, Muslims and Christians and their different interpretations in detail. However, they all seem to include an end time scenario with a final battle (Armaggedon is the town of Megiddo in northern Israel, not very far from either Lebanon or Syria), an Antichrist (who in the Muslim variety is called Dajjal) and a Messiah (or returning Christ), who will rule for different time periods and set their marks on them. In the Christian Revelation this ends with the New Jerusalem, where there is no pain and no sorrow and the past will no longer be. Although the Mayan prophecies obviously do not describe a specific scenario for this part of the world, the Mayan calendar is based on energies such as that of Quetzalcoatl (god of light in the Fifth day) and Tezcatlipoca (god of darkness in Fifth night), which would be favorable to exactly such forces that the Abrahamitic religions prophesize about. In fact, in the time ahead the calendrical energies of the Galactic Underworld probably provide our best guide to know who will represent the future of oneness and who will not.

Based on the ruling energies of time –and parallels to lower Underworlds– we may then expect a scenario somewhat like the following: In the first half of the Fifth day (November 24, 2006 – May 22, 2007) there will be intensified conflicts between the monotheist religions, and especially between Judaism and Islam, where both will seek to have their own prophecies fulfilled. At the same time a minor flow towards oneness will emerge, a flow of people that is the most direct expression of the breakthrough energy and seek to transcend the conflicts between scriptures. Towards the end of this first half the parties in the conflict will however get stuck (possibly as a result of disaster) and a messianic energy that does not belong to any of the existing religions will have a chance to be expressed in the second half of day 5, May 22– November 19, 2007.

This will have global repercussions, but will be followed during the Fifth night, November 19, 2007 – November 12, 2008 by the energy of Tezcatlipoca, the lord of darkness. Especially the first half of this rule may well correspond to what in Revelation language is called the Beast or Antichrist and will mean a return to the materialism of the Planetary Underworld, maybe based on the development of a new monetary system and electronic control on a world wide scale. In the second half of this night (beginning May 17, 2008) we will probably see a loosening of the grip of this reaction, which leads into a wave movement that from our current perspective may best be described as a chaos of divinely guided anarchy lasting for three and a half tun, 1260 days. This time period is also mentioned in the Bible that recognizes the Mayan tun period of 360

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 02.08.2006 at 11:46:35

days as a prophetic year.

Going back to the present what I feel we have reasons to expect as the energy of the Fifth day enters in November of this year is then that followers of each of these religions will be propelled to see their own prophecies fulfilled and actively strive for this. After all, we are living in the Apocalypse and as this pulse begins all the religious people in the area will be affected and most will act according to what their scriptures seem to be telling them to do. In the changing tides of this wave movement the three Abrahamitic religions will identify different persons and forces as messianic or diabolic depending on their own particular prophetic traditions.

While this may not be much discussed in the media with its focus on superficial events it nevertheless provides an undercurrent that plays a decisive role for the course of events in the Middle East. Thus, I do not look upon the current fighting between Israel and Hizbollah as a temporary skirmish, but rather as a prelude to a larger drama during the Fifth day that will include also some more powerful Muslim countries.


While much of the world would like to see a two- state solution in Israel/Palestine the implementation of this has repeatedly been thwarted, essentially as it leaves the religious prophecies of both parties unfulfilled. In reality, such a two-state solution would be implemented as a form of religiously based apartheid and this points to a strange inconsistency in how the world community thinks. While it rightly condemns theories of racial superiority it seems to have accepted that the two religions primarily involved in the area base their political agendas on their respective claims to religious supremacy. I am not advocating the abolishment of the religions as such any more than the abolishment of the races. Nor am I saying that religions have no value, but why does the world community accept claims by any of them that their teaching would make them superior to adherents of other religions.

Why do we consider as holy such scriptures that promote ideals of their own supremacy? Why is it that so many people accept as legitimate the thoughts of religious superiority present in the Torah, the Bible and the Quran that are mostly fully explicit? We do not even have a word for ideologies based on religious superiority that would be an appropriate parallel to the word « racism » and so fail to grasp the reality of this phenomenon. While today the term terrorism is widely used it is not the root cause of the problem, since the terrorist activities are not ends in themselves, but means of asserting religious supremacy. What we need is a term such as religionism, as a parallel to racism, that applies to any religion that seeks to assert its own supremacy. The world has come a long way in dispelling ideologies of racial superiority, but has hardly begun to dispel those of religious superiority. Hence, administrative decisions as to how to carve up the land between Israel and Palestine will never generate a true and heartfelt peace as long as the religionism of the parties involved is not transcended.

The majority of humanity is still basing its relationship to the divine on books, seen as holy scriptures, rather than on a direct experience of the divine presence. For the followers of such books the need to see their prophecies be fulfilled takes on an added importance as giving proof of the existence of God and the preeminence of one’s own religion. Holy scriptures were created in the National Underworld as human beings became partially separated from the direct experience of the divine and in a sense they have also served as a replacement for this experience, and this is the root of religionism.

Thus, people will react to the breakthrough pulse of the Fifth day depending on where they are coming from and what religious context they form part of. It is realistic to expect that many unresolved conflicts of the world will come to surface then and this is especially true for those areas of the planet, which have the longest history of dualist left brain dominance such as the Middle East. It should be pointed out here that Islam, even though it has spread predominantly in the Eastern hemisphere, is as much of a dualist left brain religion as the Jewish. Its strong left brain character is obvious in that, like Judaism, it bans pictures and sculptures from the Mosques as being idolatry. Both religions in other words try to curb the use of the right brain half that sees images or visions, expresses the feminine and uses intuition. The contact with the divine should in the fundamentalist varieties of these religions not be based on experience, but exclusively on the written Word of their scriptures. It is exactly this dualist relationship to God that fosters attitudes of religious supremacy. Thus, the right brain pulse of the Fifth day of the Galactic Underworld may come to shake the balance of both these left-brain religions and very possibly many will react defensively.

On a global scale, this pulse will however weaken the power of the West and hence of Israel. If we add to this that the days are the periods that seem to be hit the hardest by natural catastrophes and that the US dollar likely will dramatically fall as the Fifth day begins, then we have every reason to expect that its upcoming energy will create fundamentally altered relationships in the world. It is entirely possible that, like the Fifth day of the Planetary Underworld (that brought World War I), the Fifth day of the Galactic will bring a catastrophe to the Middle East and that only as people recognize the dimensions of this will an opening to a path towards oneness be created.

Energy that unifies the light

What the Mayan calendar tells us is however that the cosmic plan is not for the world to come to an end. Besides, even if its energies will favor certain general trends and alterations of relationships, human beings have a choice as to how to respond to these, which may influence the course of events for the better or for the worse. In fact, even if we have reasons to believe that the majority in the Middle East engages in a battle along the old front lines defined by the dualist religions, there will also emerge expressions of the unification of the left and right brain mentalities that would be truly messianic as it provides a path towards oneness.

The reason we may expect this is that the Galactic Underworld favors the right brain half and this change in the global field helps to make the minds of people whole. Although, such a spiritual wholeness, unfettered by scriptures of supremacy, may already exist in a minority in the region it will also grow throughout the time period ruled by the energy of Quetzalcoatl and become especially visible in its second half. It will not be favoring any of the existing patriarchal religions in the area, but will be one that seeks to transcend the influence of scriptures that call for supremacy. It will be a movement that see all human beings as equal in the eyes of God and recognizes that the separation between them is generated by the religions created by the human beings. It is an expression of people who realize that to God all of humanity is His /Her children and does not favor any particular religion over the others.

The New Jerusalem

I believe that the beginning of a true peace process must start exactly with such a realization. No administrative measures that any party would grudgingly accept would lead to a real peace. The only way true and heartfelt peace could come about in this area is if groups of people there and elsewhere truly give up all claims to religious superiority or callings to subordinate those of other religions. It is possible that such an insight will come only as a reaction to a disastrous war, but it will come. Of course, if the Muslims invited the Jews to share the Temple Mount to build a temple there and share it also with a Christians church then this would be peace. If the Jews truly invited the Palestinians to share the area that they now control, and even gave up the claim to a separate Jewish state, then there would be peace. I feel in the eyes of God the religion that He/She would love the most is the one that gives up its claim to exclusivity, since this would pave the way for peace also everywhere.

The truly spiritual people in the area are the ones that will seek to transcend the limitations of the scriptures, Torah, Bible and Quran, which to a large extent have been used to legitimize superiority. The truly spiritual people in the area are the ones that realize that in the Galactic Underworld national and religious borders are of the past and must be transcended. Maybe the real calling of Israel, and the reason that a conflict has arisen there again involving some of the world’s largest religions, is that the balancing of the left brain dominance must begin exactly where it first emerged. Maybe God’s calling for Israel/Palestine is that it should be a land where all religions belong, and the place where these, under the influence of the consciousness field of the Galactic Underworld were able to transcend their differences. Only such a multireligious presence in the area would pave the way to a New Jerusalem. In fact, when it is heartfelt it would be the New Jerusalem. This would be to join the alpha and the omega and would mean the return to Eden on a new and higher level.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 02.08.2006 at 11:46:52

Obviously, some would say that this perspective is utterly naive, but then again has anyone ever really been attempted to put it into practice? Billions of people have prayed for the victory of their own religion in Israel, but how many have prayed or wished that no religion should be victorious and in fact that the ancient scriptures should be transcended? So I think people everywhere should start by asking themselves if they really would like to see a transformation of Israel/Palestine into a multireligious country or not. Undoubtedly the biggest challenge is for those who live in the area, but since the current situation is threatening the peace of the rest of the world also people in other areas have a right to work towards solving the conflict.

Since more than half of the population on Earth belong to the Abrahamitic religions or at least their contexts many people also outside of the area have a direct opportunity to participate in the creation of a deeper peace. We have the right to have our own visions regardless of if they fit into the supremacy schemes of these religions. Hence, while Jerusalem may be a focus of conflict it also poses an opportunity because in as much as the rest of the world can contribute to peace here it can contribute to a lasting peace everywhere.

The task may seem monumental, but so did once the task of combating racism. I should also say that I think it may be too general to simply pray for peace. We need to be more specific and pray for concrete expressions of tearing down the walls between the scripture based religions. A possible thing is to pray for a Mosque, a Church and a Temple to share the Temple Mount. A possible thing is to pray that no religion in the area will come out as victorious against the others. In many, the reaction to this very thought will reveal a dualist mentality in ourselves and so it becomes obvious that we are ourselves part of the problem that has created the conflict in the Middle East.

Hence follows the importance of developing spiritual practices and tools, such as dikshas and meditations, that help ourselves to be part of the evolution towards oneness that the global creation field of the Galactic Underworld increasingly will favor. Since more than half the population of the planet have a background in the Abrahamitic religions any enlightening experiences may be very significant for preparing the messianic path to oneness.

Hence, individual transformation towards oneness is part of creating peace in the external world and no one needs to be a bystander. In fact, the most dangerous enemy may be the defeatism in ourselves. The breakthrough celebration will continue throughout the Ahau days of the Mayan calendar with different events and may be a very significant resource for those who want to develop a path to peace.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 26.11.2006 at 12:16:15

1) Today 24.11. begins the 5th Day of the Galactic Underworld of the Mayan Calendar. This cycle will last for 360 days.

Ian Xel Lungold wrote this to describe what occurred in the previous 5th day's:

"The 5th Day is a period of “Light.” In fact the brightest period of “light in the entire cycle. In a plants life this is when new chemicals are produced that carry the message to form buds. In human history, it was this section when Art was invented, the message of Jesus moved over the earth, Mr. Einstein discovered the theory of relativity and America with the victory of WWI rose to world power. "


Celebrate the beginning of the Fifth day: November 24, 2006

We are currently approaching the beginning of the Fifth day of the Galactic Underworld, November 24, 2006 and most people have experienced how things have heated up since the midpoint of the current night, May 27, 2006. In fact, the evolution of consciousness is fundamentally driven by the Light of future Heavens and Underworlds and so we are already now being influenced by it both in the form of world events and personal experiences.

In each of the Underworlds the Fifth day is the era of the breakthrough of the phenomena of that particular Underworld and from this we may have certain expectations of what is to come. The overall purpose of the current Galactic Underworld is to bring a balance between East and West as well as between the left rational and the right intuitive brain hemispheres. In short, as it will mean a significant downfall of western dominance in the world it will allow for the coming together of the cultures of the East and the West. Very likely, it will generate a downfall of the American dollar and ensuing altered economic relationships in the world.

It also seems as if the days are the periods that bring the most earth changes and natural catastrophes and this will very likely also mark the coming day, November 24, 2006 – November 19, 2007. It simply seems as if when human beings are regaining their inner wholeness their control of the external world as a consequence is lost and the Fifth day is exactly such a period, which will create the conditions for such inner unity and wholeness. Part of the development of this inner wholeness will come from a major step forward in the development of our intuition which essentially is mediated by the right brain half that is now about to be strengthened. In fact, without the development of this intuition we will not be able to use the increasingly shorter windows of opportunity that in different ways will be presented to us.

What there is to do is to fully accept and embrace the very significant energy shift that is now brought by the beginning of the Fifth day and I recommend people everywhere to celebrate on November 23-24 the arrival of the energy of Quetzalcoatl as part of the Breakthrough Celebration ( The Fifth day energy of the Galactic Underworld means that its manifestations will truly break through into the world and after this it will become apparent to everyone that we will never again return to the stable materialist mind set of the lower Planetary Underworld. We must welcome the shift that is now taking place in the global energy field and the opportunity it gives us to create balance between East and West, rationality and intuition and man and woman. For most people the Breakthrough Energy of the Fifth day will be the most powerful transformative energy that they experienced as part of the divine plan. Let us celebrate and prepare together and above all be conscious of the changes that we may now expect based on the Mayan calendar.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by kopron on 27.11.2006 at 12:07:11

Quite interesting + truely , but, still needs 2 b expected + checked . Thanks, Petra  :), keep on this  :)... See ya ... ;)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 19.12.2006 at 15:27:02

kar nekaj zadev na to temo

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 11.10.2007 at 22:54:58

če koga zanima je tu link do radia kjer je marsikater intervju na to temo, pa tudi na druge morda komu zanimive zadeve:

(je arhiv, lahko snameš ali poslušaš)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by kopron on 12.10.2007 at 19:36:17

Hmm, zanimivo, 8-) ker, ::) nekako se ujema 8-), vendar , ...  ::) ...
2 B checked, further  8-) ...
+ lep, duhoven pozdrav, ... 8-)...
by Boštyx

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 16.02.2008 at 02:06:53

Words From Mayan Grand Elder Wakatel Utiw (Wandering Wolf)

Mayan Grand Elder Wakatel Utiw, “Wandering Wolf,” “Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj”

Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj is a advisor and is head of the National Mayan Council of Elders of Guatemala, Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar, a 13th generation Quiche Mayan High Priest and a Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas. He is also an international lecturer on Mayan Culture.

Don Alejandro is charged as the primary keeper of the teachings, visions and prophecies of the Mayan people, which are very much alive today. He travels the world sharing the message and prophecies of the Mayans. One prophecy says: “Arise, all arise, not one nor two groups be left behind.” Another says: “Let the morning come, let the dawn come for the people to have peace and be happy. Together we are to see our children. Together we are to see our mountains. Together we are to see our cities. Together we are to see our waters.” His message of hope and empowerment resonates with people of all faiths and beliefs around the globe.  

Pu b’i  ri Uk’ux Kaj, Ukux Uleu, U k’ux ri kiq’ig, ru q’ux ri plo
Aloq minak taq tat, nimak tat nan, nimak tak q’albaltzij ke pe naj, ke pe nakaj nima laj utz ki petik che le rilik che utayic le in siwan tinamit Guatemala.  Kulewal ke mayib che we qij 8 Noj.

With the permission of the Heart of the Heavens, the Heart of Mother Earth, the Heart of the Spirit of the Air, and the Heart of the Water, I present my deepest respects to you Mr. President Eng. Alvaro Colom Caballeros and your distinguish wife Mrs. Sandra Torres; to Vice-president Dr. Rafael Espada, Government Officials here present, Congressmen, Authorities of Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish, Muslim, and other Communities. My great respect to the honorable dignitaries of different countries who are visiting us on 8 NOJ, the day in which the Nahual of the Intelligence is represented in our Mayan calendar. This is a day suitable for the development of great knowledge and wisdom.  With great pleasure we give you all a warm welcome to the Ancestral Land of the Maya Nation, Nation of Corn, holders of the sacred books of the Pop Wuj, and the Book of Books of the Chilam Balam.

It is with humbleness that I ask you to stand up to listen to Rey Ki’che (The Ki’che King) considered by thousands of Guatemalans as the sacred hymn of the Maya Ki’Che. At this occasion it will represent the Maya Nation of Guatemala.  With the melodious notes of our marimba the Spirit of our Ancestors will be present, such us:  Tucum Umam, Tepepul, Zumanche, Kagib Imox, Belegeb Kat, Oxib Kej, Belegeb Tzi, Juan Matal Batz, Manuel Tot, Kaibil Balam, Atanacio Tzul, Lucas Aguilar, Francisco Socuel, Moctesuma, Cuautemoc, Atlacatl, Lempira, Nicarau, Tupac Amaru, Atagualpa and many others, who died in defense of their people.

In the name of the National Counsel of Elders Mayas, Xinca y Garifuna de Guatemala, here in this moment we state that we are a Nation with a millenary culture, a culture that had scientific advances of great dimensions in different areas such as astrology, mathematics, architecture, hydrology, natural medicine and more, but that over 500 years ago these cultures’ normal historical process of growth was violently interrupted. Thanks to the wisdom of the Grandfathers and Grandmothers who gifted us with their spiritual knowledge through the days of the Maya calendar, these brilliant cultures have been able, not only to be maintained but also to be expanded through the world, as well as the dignity of the Maya Nation.

The National Counsel of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala are here in fulfillment of the Prophecies of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ajau.  This Counsel is the true authority whose dignitaries – 275 men and 175 women at present – ¬have always been, are and will be there to lead their communities and to overlook for the well being of their people, in the social order, in the correct application of justice, as well as living in harmonic coexistence with mother Nature.  This Maya National Counsel of Elders is, and continues to be, autonomous despite the fact of this autonomy not being recognized by the government.  This Counsel of Elders does not belong to any political party nor is it a Counsel of the government.  This is a Counsel for the People. This knowledge in the exercise of the authority has been transmitted by our Ancestors in the traditional oral way.

We have several prophecies concerning the time we are living in, and it is in fulfillment of the Prophecies that we are here today.  I will mention some of them:

“At the time of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time of the return of our Ancestors and the return of the men of wisdom.” That time is now.

Another one says:  “Arise, everyone, stand up! Not one, nor two groups be left behind the rest”.  This prophecy is in reference to all:  rich or poor, black or white, men or women, indigenous or non indigenous, we all are equal, we all have dignity, we all deserve respect, we all deserve happiness; we all are useful and necessary to the growth of the country and to make a nation where we can live with respect among the different cultures.

The Prophecy says:  “Those of the Center, with their mystical bird Quetzal, make unite the Eagle of the North with the Condor of the South; we will meet because we are one, like the fingers of the hand.”  This prophecy means that the Indigenous People of the North and the Indigenous People of the South, through those of the Center, will come together to strengthen the recovery of the ancestral science; recovery of our identity, art, spirituality and Cosmo-vision on life and death that the different Cultures have.

We the Indigenous People join together in defense of the life of the human species, in defense of the life of our brother animals and the trees and in defense of the life of Mother Earth, because the life of the Planet Earth is in danger.  We all know that what is happening in the world now is not a coincidence. As examples:  The hurricanes and the heavy storms that are menacing different places in the world; the high temperatures that day by day rise to higher degree, while in other parts of the world the cold becomes more intense; rivers are drying out and others are disappearing; the glaciers are melting; many places in the world are suffering the effects of natural disasters; and all of these are the result of our imbalance with Nature.   One other thing, our country, our communities are living under fear due to the violence, the drugs, and confrontations with those who are in search for power and wealth.

It is necessary that the behavior of human beings all over the world has to change; the life of the Planet Earth is responsibility of all and that is why the invitation from the Indigenous people is for everyone, to help save human life, save the planet thus inheriting a healthy future to the new generations.  It is for this reason that we invite everyone, indigenous and non indigenous to understand and respect each other; we invite each one to make an effort to change the negative attitude towards the indigenous and towards women in general.  We invite each minister, each public employee, to work for the eradication of racism, discrimination and the inequality that exist in our country.

The Mayan Prophecy says:  “Let my big Melody play, let my small Melody play, let my dancers loose, let my prisoners be free; these are my valleys, these are my mountains.” These are the words of Rabinal Achi.  Why do I say “my valleys and mountains are prisoners”?  Because they are being used as centers for nuclear testing, because they are being perforated without compassion, drawing the blood of Mother Earth, extracting her oil and minerals that only increase the contamination and bring about destruction.  The mountains are prisoners of men because with the chainsaw of the big monopolies are murdering its trees, and with it go the animals that inhabit them.  They say that we the indigenous, the country people, and the poor Ladinos are the ones killing the trees, and only for the small amount of wood that we use for cooking our sacred nourishment.  This is not true.  One can never compare the use we make of the trees with the commercial objectives that the big corporations have with the trees.  It is not true that we the poor and the indigenous are the ones who are killing the trees when we are not even owners of land.  This way of thinking is simply part of the same racism.   It is easy to blame the weak.  From the Maya Cosmo-vision point of view, no one owns the land; we are just one more element of life and of Nature, and this is why we are inviting every human being to help save our Mother Earth.

According to the Maya Long Count Calendar, we are finalizing the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau, thus approaching the YEAR CERO.  We are at the doorsteps of the ending of another period of the Sun, a period that lasts 5,200 years and ends with several hours of darkness.  After this period of darkness there comes a new period of the Sun; it will be the 6th one.  In each period of the Sun there is an adjustment for the planet and it brings changes in the weather conditions and in social and political life as well.

The world is transformed and we enter a period of understanding and harmonious coexistence where there is social justice and equality for all.  It is a new way of life.  With a new social order there comes a time of freedom where we can move like the clouds, without limitations, without borders. We will travel like the birds, without the need for passports. We will travel like the rivers, all heading towards the same point…the same objective.  The Mayan prophecies are announcing a time of change.  The Pop Wuj, the book of the Counsel, tells us, “It is time for dawn; let the dawn come, for the task to be finished.” nadaljuje...

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 16.02.2008 at 02:09:42

It is based in this prophecy that I make the following reflection: In present time, we the indigenous, non indigenous and Ladino people still don’t see ourselves as true brothers and sisters; we haven’t reached the place where there is no room for racism, discrimination and exclusion, where we all feel like citizens with dignity. Many don’t believe there is racism, discrimination, and despise towards citizens of indigenous communities, but the reality is that we feel it and we live it every moment. We experience it all the time, as workers and as citizens. I ask myself, “Why is this, if we are all humans, if we all have the same feelings and dignity, and we all are equal?” I think that there is so much to learn still, such as learning to recognize the identity, the value, and the wisdom that the indigenous nations have regarding living a good life. This gives us the inspiration to live and to be a better person every day.

To the many in this country, what we the Indigenous People do, what we feel, and what we think has no importance. The concept they have is that we are ignorant people. But no, we are not ignorant. We are descendants of a millennial culture who has suffered over the years. But one that still maintains great wisdom to the point of having been able to solve our own necessities without the support of the Country, and without return of our taxes.

The future of Guatemala is in our hands. We can help eliminate poverty and the daily exclusion. Each one of us has a relationship with the Universe and that reflects whether our attitudes with others are harmonious or not. The time for change has arrived. The time for understanding each other and to be more human is here. It is the time to collaborate with our country, a nation of a millennial culture. The time has come to understand that we have much to teach the world. The time has come for each citizen Maya, Xinca, Garifuna and Ladino to feel proud of being Guatemalan, and to know that their roots are in this land. It is time to have peace in our souls. How happy will be the day when everyone can feel proud of their roots and work in the positive growth of the Country? When this happens Guatemala will change its history.

Through history it has officially been said that the Mayas are a thing of the past; that they existed in times of yesterday. In this day of the Wajxaquib Noj, the day of the wisdom and knowledge, we want to let you all know that we are here, and we are here present. We have a prophecy confirming this, it says, “We are the ones of yesterday, we are the ones of today, and we will be the ones of tomorrow.” Together the four nations, Mayas, Xinca, Garifunas and Ladinos, together like the fingers of the hand, living in our own diversity; let us build peace. Here we have 8 children, boys and girls. They are a symbol of the four nations that inhabit Iximulew. They represent the present and the future of our Guatemala, where we come to feel like brothers and sisters, all equal, in dignity and with rights.

In the name of the Heart of the Heaven and the Heart of the Earth, The Heart of the Water and the Heart of the Air, in the name of the Grandfathers and Grandmothers and all our ancestors who died unjustly during the process of colonization, and more recently during the 36 years of the Internal Armed Conflict, in the name of the victims of the genocide against the Maya Nation; I have the honor and responsibility to pass on to you this Staff: symbol of authority, the authority that will watch your actions and those of your collaborators in fulfillment of your duties according to the Constitution.


Do you swear, Mr. President, in the presence of our Creator, our Mother Earth, The Spirit of our Ancestors, those who gave their lives in defense of their people, along the 515 years and who died victims of the genocide in times of the colonization and specially those who died during the genocide of the Maya People during the 36 years of internal armed conflict, people such as your uncle Mr. Manuel Colom Argueta? And do you swear in presence of your special guests and the entire Maya Nation of Guatemala to be a governor for all people – Maya, Xinca, Garifuna and Ladina of Guatemala?

Do you Swear, Mr. President, to work for justice and equality among all people and thus be the governor that will make different history, with a future with dignity for all, and not to become like many others, in being the president for a privileged group, or a servant to the powerful businesspeople and the dominant class? Do you swear to lead your cabinet in a way that all members will work to make justice, with a goal in mind, that is to end the discrimination, the racism, and the exclusion of the Maya, Xinca and Garifuna Nations; that day by day we suffer in the institutions for lack of compliance with the laws of the Country and that are affecting us in our daily lives?

Mr. President, Alvaro Colom Caballeros, The National Counsel of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala know that you have a huge responsibility with the People and Mother Earth; we also know that there are powers, parallel powers, that do not want change; there are people from big monopolies of money, trafficker groups, groups with economic power enriched with the granting of our land during different governments, which have been confirmed by official history. We know also that there are enemies of the people and that the path is difficult. But we also believe firmly in the prophecies that announce change. It is for this reason that we like to reaffirm to you that you will have all the support of the People through this Counsel of Elders always as for as long as you fulfill with the commitments that you have made with the people. The Counsel will be a vigilant of this. The people cannot live on hope; the people need to know that the promises made during the electoral campaign will be fulfilled.


Thank you,
Wakatel Utiw, Wandering Wolf

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by AlexZello on 24.02.2008 at 16:09:20

What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think?

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by AlexZello on 26.02.2008 at 16:40:30

AlexZello wrote on 24.02.2008 at 16:09:20:
What do you think of Obadiah Shoher's views on the Middle East conflict? One can argue, of course, that Shoher is ultra-right, but his followers are far from being a marginal group. Also, he rejects Jewish moralistic reasoning - that's alone is highly unusual for the Israeli right. And he is very influential here in Israel. So what do you think?

uh, here's the site in question: Middle East conflict

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 25.07.2008 at 17:49:57

Danes je dan izven časa.
(Po gregorijanskem koledarju: 25.7.2008)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by ajgor on 25.07.2008 at 22:56:51

Po tzolkinu:

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 27.07.2008 at 19:42:24

wrote on 25.07.2008 at 22:56:51:
Po tzolkinu:

Ja ok. Aygor

Če komu kaj pove 28.oktobra sem rojen ob 10h!!!! Aj  13 -ja ja

Lp Alojz ;) 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by ajgor on 27.07.2008 at 20:04:47

OK, Alojz, ti bom prinesel posneto predavanje o razumevanju mayevskega koledarja Tzolkin.

Sam pa nisem kakšen zagovornik Pitagora in numerologije.

Lp, Igor

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 27.07.2008 at 20:41:10

wrote on 27.07.2008 at 20:04:47:
OK, Alojz, ti bom prinesel posneto predavanje o razumevanju mayevskega koledarja Tzolkin.

Sam pa nisem kakšen zagovornik Pitagora in numerologije.

Lp, Igor


Na to temo sva že čist na začetku govorila. Ne, jaz trdim,da Mayi svoj koledar (tako kot večina civilizacij) vežene na razvoj naše zavesti znotraj posameznega 28000 letnega civilizacijskega vala. Mayevski koledar je v bistvu opis rasti naše zavesti znotraj točno določenega časovnega okvirja enega  civ. vala. V bistvu je brezčasen,ker je cikel vedno isti. Zavest ima tako pet stopenj samizraza-najvišja je samospoznanje in pred to smo mi vsi. Kar se tiče numerologije ima svoj smisel ravno tako pa Pitagora,ki je zfrknil zahodno civilizacijo,katera ne verjame v selitev duš v naši narav ni reprodukciji.
Ključ je razumevanje teoloških sporočil!! ne njihovo branje na pamet,ki so v večino potem narobe interpretirana s strani t.i. nepoklicanih.
Da ne bo zamere-štos je vedeti iz sebe.Ali berem o Mayih ali ne- jaz vem po sebi in iz sebe.  
To bova rešila pri meni. Postavil mi boš vprašanje,kaj je kaj in jaz ti bom na vsako odgovoril.Jaz ne rabim brati mayevskih sporočil  jaz vem kaj je sporočilo! Imej potrpljenje in se boš prepričal sam!, 8-)

Lp Alojz 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by ajgor on 27.07.2008 at 21:40:07

Kot vem so imeli mayi več koledarjev. In kot razumem koledar tzolkin  ne govori časovno in je znotraj 16 milijard v 10 stopnjah zavesti in se važe na cikel galaksije.

Lp, Igor

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by ajgor on 28.07.2008 at 00:35:23

Sem še enkrat prebral in takšnega koledarja kot si ga opisal ne poznam.

Pri numerologiji (kaj ni bil Pitagora utemeljitelj) pa, seveda ima svoj smisel, če si iskalec in potrebuješ neke dokaze.

Lp, Igor

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by gape on 28.07.2008 at 11:53:44

Alojz in Sandib wrote on 27.07.2008 at 20:41:10:
Ne, jaz trdim,da Mayi svoj koledar (tako kot večina civilizacij) vežene na razvoj naše zavesti znotraj posameznega 28000 letnega civilizacijskega vala. Mayevski koledar je v bistvu opis rasti naše zavesti znotraj točno določenega časovnega okvirja enega  civ. vala. V bistvu je brezčasen, ker je cikel vedno isti. Zavest ima tako pet stopenj samizraza-najvišja je samospoznanje in pred to smo mi vsi.

a ni to edino kar je ... pomembno?

zame že ...

Title: Re: Mayibna
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 28.07.2008 at 16:13:30

gape wrote on 28.07.2008 at 11:53:44:

Alojz in Sandib wrote on 27.07.2008 at 20:41:10:
Ne, jaz trdim,da Mayi svoj koledar (tako kot večina civilizacij) vežene na razvoj naše zavesti znotraj posameznega 28000 letnega civilizacijskega vala. Mayevski koledar je v bistvu opis rasti naše zavesti znotraj točno določenega časovnega okvirja enega  civ. vala. V bistvu je brezčasen, ker je cikel vedno isti. Zavest ima tako pet stopenj samizraza-najvišja je samospoznanje in pred to smo mi vsi.

a ni to edino kar je ... pomembno?

zame že ...


Imaš prav zavest ni edina pomembna. Temelj si vedno ti sam, kot individulna življenjska stvarnikova samomanifestacija. To je tvoj nujni  in prvi življenjski predpogoj,da bi sploh lahko sebe spoznal kot iskalca
'resnice' našega bivanja.
To je zame temelj -izhajati iz sebe-samo rojena spodbuda .Mnogo ljudi preživi življenje,ne da bi se globlje vprašali zakaj sploh živijo in o smislu življenja.
Upam,da se razumeva.Ko ti odkriješ bistvo veš,da je vse  večno-sedaj
vesoljna samomanifestacija-katere samozavedni,ali samospoznani del si-Tu je bistvena razlika med osebnim vedenjem in nevednostjo.
Samozavedanje-samospoznanje  !!!!!! ;) 8-)

Lp Alojz

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Boštyxz on 29.07.2008 at 00:06:20

Alojz wrote ;

.Mnogo ljudi preživi življenje,ne da bi se globlje vprašali zakaj sploh živijo in o smislu življenja.

No, ja, seveda, Alojz , ... seveda :-?.

Vendar pa, ... a ti veš, zakaj sploh živiš + kaj je smisel življenja ?

No, če veš, ... potem nam lahko tukaj "samosedaj" tudi malo na kartko pojasniš to zadevo  ::).

In, ja, ... to tako , lepo , enostavno, da bi tudi kak Bk' + mi ostali kmečki fantje lahko kaj več razumeli  ::) 8-).

No, če lahko, bi prosil, ker so se mi tvoje poprejšnje razlage zdele preveč dvo/tro umne ... :-X

Hvalaaa. 8-)

Lep pozdravbavčav  8-), ...

by Boštyx + # :-*#

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 31.07.2008 at 12:35:27

Boštyxz wrote on 29.07.2008 at 00:06:20:
Alojz wrote ;

.Mnogo ljudi preživi življenje,ne da bi se globlje vprašali zakaj sploh živijo in o smislu življenja.

No, ja, seveda, Alojz , ... seveda :-?.

Vendar pa, ... a ti veš, zakaj sploh živiš + kaj je smisel življenja ?

No, če veš, ... potem nam lahko tukaj "samosedaj" tudi malo na kartko pojasniš to zadevo  ::).

In, ja, ... to tako , lepo , enostavno, da bi tudi kak Bk' + mi ostali kmečki fantje lahko kaj več razumeli  ::) 8-).

No, če lahko, bi prosil, ker so se mi tvoje poprejšnje razlage zdele preveč dvo/tro umne ... :-X

Hvalaaa. 8-)

Lep pozdravbavčav  8-), ...

by Boštyx + # :-*#

Ja seveda vem Bošty. Smisel mojega življenja je samo vesoljno življenje. Jaz sem tu zato,da ,telebajske,tvojega kova učim spoznati vesoljno samopojavnost življenja(stvarnika),ki se samomanifestira v nas ljudeh ,da njegovemu lastnemu življenju(on smo tudi mi) prostovoljno služimo,ker smo najvišja možna (stvarnikova) vesoljna življenjska samomanifestacija.Iz tega soodgovorni v lastni stvarnikovi življenjski samobitnosti zanj.*

Čiv-čiv :) :D :o 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Boštyxz on 13.08.2008 at 00:02:08

Hmm, a samo to ? :-?

A nič več, kot to ?  :o

Jaz sem bil pa že skoraj prepričan, da bo kaj več od tebe  :-? ::).

No, pa drugič napreeejjjjjjj, juheeeeejjjjjjjjjj, ...

+ lahko nočko

by Boštyxz + #

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 14.08.2008 at 19:50:52

Boštyxz wrote on 13.08.2008 at 00:02:08:
Hmm, a samo to ? :-?

A nič več, kot to ?  :o

Jaz sem bil pa že skoraj prepričan, da bo kaj več od tebe  :-? ::).

No, pa drugič napreeejjjjjjj, juheeeeejjjjjjjjjj, ...

+ lahko nočko
y Boštyxz + #


Ja od tebe Bošty je pa sam, Juuuuuuheeeeejjjjjjjj!
Jaz vsaj bistvo povem,da bi ga ti juhej lahko razumel.
Ga razumeš- juhej?

Lp Alojz ;D :P

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Boštyxz on 25.08.2008 at 18:54:04

Alojz in Sandib wrote on 14.08.2008 at 19:50:52:

Boštyxz wrote on 13.08.2008 at 00:02:08:
Hmm, a samo to ? :-?

A nič več, kot to ?  :o

Jaz sem bil pa že skoraj prepričan, da bo kaj več od tebe  :-? ::).

No, pa drugič napreeejjjjjjj, juheeeeejjjjjjjjjj, ...

+ lahko nočko
y Boštyxz + #


Ja od tebe Bošty je pa sam, Juuuuuuheeeeejjjjjjjj!
Jaz vsaj bistvo povem,da bi ga ti juhej lahko razumel.
Ga razumeš- juhej?

Lp Alojz ;D :P

Niti do bistva še prišel nisi, ob vsej svoji domnevni vsevednosti . :P.

No, po drugi strani, pa , če prav pogledam, ... niti jaz (še) nisem  ;) ::) :P.

Vendar pa sem malo bližje kot ti , zahvaljujoč Bogu-Stvarniku  :-* :-* :-*

Pa dober + bližnji dan, vam želimo, še napreeejjjjjjj, juheeeeeeejjjjjjjjjj, ...

by Boštyxz + # :-*#

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Lotus` on 04.09.2008 at 22:18:18

Danes na območju Gvatemale živi okoli 7 milijonov Majev. Od samega začetka stvarstva in življenja na planetu Zemlja obstajata dve vrsti Majev. Zemeljski Maji, ki so se razvili z evolucijo planeta Zemlja in galaktični Maji, višje razvita inteligentna bitja, ki so pripotovala iz paralelnih svetov resničnosti, iz osončja Plejade, planeta Maya in vstopila skozi Vrata Dimenzij našega planeta.  

Tako eni kot drugi so nam zapustili  Zemeljski ali "Long Count" in Galaktični ali "Dream Spell" koledar in horoskop. Oba vsebujeta T'Zolkin 13: 20, matrico, ki je sestavljena iz trinajstih svetih števil in dvajsetih solarnih pečatov. Oba sta popolnoma dovršena in točna ter skupaj predstavljata jin - jang, ženske in moške aspekte, notranjost in zunanjost. Združena v eno predstavljata zlitje, alkimijo in ljubezen časa četrte dimenzije.

Starodavni in veličastni Maji, tisti, ki so se ukvarjali z astronomijo in astrologijo, z matematiko, števili in akustiko, s prerokbami in napovedmi, z opazovanjem Venere in s proučevanjem osončja, planetov ter njihovih ciklusov, niso bili krvoločni bojevniki, kot jih prikazuje današnja družba, kot tudi niso izvajali množičnih krvavih žrtvovanj.

Zemeljski ali "Long Count" koledar je prilagojen na gregorijanski koledar. Konča se 28.10.2011 in hkrati začne Veliki Cikel Zemeljski osebni horoskop predstavlja tvoj jang, tvoj moški aspekt, tvojo snovno, fizično, zemljsko in vidno delovanje tukaj in zdaj. Kaže ti, kakšno je tvoje zemeljsko poslanstvo, kako se predstavljaš svetu in kako te vidijo drugi.

Galaktični ali "Dream Spell" koledar je uglašen tako s 13 lunarnim koledarjem (13x28+1=365) kot tudi z gregorijanskim. Ključni datum je 21.12.2012, ko se zaključi zadnji, peti 5.125-letni cikel 26.000-letnega popotovanja Sonca okoli osončja Plejade. Galaktični horoskop predstavlja tvoj jing, tvoj ženski aspekt, tvojo dušo, tvojo Osebno Legendo, tvoj notranji svet, potenciale in resnico. VSTOPI V SVET PARALELNE RESNIČNOSTI IN POZDRAVI TISTO, KAR IŠČEŠ! TI SI RESNICA, KI JO IŠČEŠ!

Nekateri verjamejo, da so pradavni Maji preprosto izumrli, spet drugim pa je ljubša resnica, da so se nekateri, najverjetneje galaktični, z močno namero in kritično točko kolektivne zavesti, s planetarno sinhronostjo in naravno uglašenostjo, z notranjim vedenjem in jasnim videnjem, s čisto pozornostjo za in na pravi trenutek ter z globljim vpogledom in božanskim razsvetljenjem in nenazadnje z močjo števila 13, 'teleportirali' v druge dimenzije vesoljne brezmejnosti in neskončnosti časa.

Druga resnica je za prenekatere, najverjetneje za vse tiste, ki doživljajo kronično pomanjkanje časa in za tiste, ki odkrivamo sočasnost in mavričnost neskončnih nivojev vzporednih paralelnih svetov resničnosti in mnogoterih potencialov, prava, zanimiva, magična, privlačna, razumljiva, mogočna, skrivnostna, močna in resnična čarovnija, ki je tesno povezana s časom. Kaj pa če je vse res? Kaj so oni vedeli takrat, kar mi danes še ne vemo?

Maji so bili pravi mojstri časa, kako tudi ne, saj so v svojem delovanju in bivanju večino svoje pozornosti namenili raziskovanju ČASA, ki so ga povezovali z naravnimi ciklusi, sončnim vzhodom in zahodom, s človekom in s planeti, z Vesoljem in zvezdami, z galaktičnimi in solarnimi plemeni, s totemi živali, rastlinami in števili, s štirimi elementi, z univerzalnimi energijami in vibracijami. V njihovi matematiki sveto število 13 predstavlja veličastno moč, univerzalni ključ za vrata četrte dimenzije. Maji so tisti, ki so prvi iznašli 0.

Ohranjene majevske zapuščine, zapisi na piramidah in arhitekturah nakazujejo, da se je to ljudstvo neverjetno zavedalo delovanja Zemlje in njenih ciklusov, Sonca in njegovih moči, pa tudi mikro in makrokozmičnih kretenj. V svojem dojemanju, zavedanju, bivanju, ohranjanju in delovanju, niso bili omejeni s fizičnim, snovnim telesom, 'nosilcem duše', temveč so bili zelo globoko zagledani v Duha. Jasno so poznali EN ČAS, preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost, kot tudi natančno predvideli Cortezov prihod in nemilostno osvajanje ter uničenje.

S svojim mnogovrstnim računanjem časa so natančno predvideli prelomnice iz oddaljene preteklosti in napovedali nove v daljni prihodnosti. V njihovih zapisih se pojavljajo datumi, ki so še posebej vplivali na našo zgodovino. Čas Kristusa in Mohameda, kot  tudi ključni datumi vojn in bližnjih dogodkov. 11. september je zelo pomemben datum pri njihovem računanju "konca časa".

Danes se že v 90-ih državah po svetu zavestno prebuja vse večje število posameznikov, ki združeno uporabljajo gregorijanski, majevski in 13-lunarni koledar za ponovno najdenje celosti, kot tudi za vnovično uglasitev in harmonijo z vsem bivajočim.

Še več info o majih  ;)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 05.09.2008 at 15:11:47

astral wrote on 04.09.2008 at 22:18:18:
Danes na območju Gvatemale živi okoli 7 milijonov Majev. Od samega začetka stvarstva in življenja na planetu Zemlja obstajata dve vrsti Majev. Zemeljski Maji, ki so se razvili z evolucijo planeta Zemlja in galaktični Maji, višje razvita inteligentna bitja, ki so pripotovala iz paralelnih svetov resničnosti, iz osončja Plejade, planeta Maya in vstopila skozi Vrata Dimenzij našega planeta.  

Tako eni kot drugi so nam zapustili  Zemeljski ali "Long Count" in Galaktični ali "Dream Spell" koledar in horoskop. Oba vsebujeta T'Zolkin 13: 20, matrico, ki je sestavljena iz trinajstih svetih števil in dvajsetih solarnih pečatov. Oba sta popolnoma dovršena in točna ter skupaj predstavljata jin - jang, ženske in moške aspekte, notranjost in zunanjost. Združena v eno predstavljata zlitje, alkimijo in ljubezen časa četrte dimenzije.

Starodavni in veličastni Maji, tisti, ki so se ukvarjali z astronomijo in astrologijo, z matematiko, števili in akustiko, s prerokbami in napovedmi, z opazovanjem Venere in s proučevanjem osončja, planetov ter njihovih ciklusov, niso bili krvoločni bojevniki, kot jih prikazuje današnja družba, kot tudi niso izvajali množičnih krvavih žrtvovanj.

Zemeljski ali "Long Count" koledar je prilagojen na gregorijanski koledar. Konča se 28.10.2011 in hkrati začne Veliki Cikel Zemeljski osebni horoskop predstavlja tvoj jang, tvoj moški aspekt, tvojo snovno, fizično, zemljsko in vidno delovanje tukaj in zdaj. Kaže ti, kakšno je tvoje zemeljsko poslanstvo, kako se predstavljaš svetu in kako te vidijo drugi.

Galaktični ali "Dream Spell" koledar je uglašen tako s 13 lunarnim koledarjem (13x28+1=365) kot tudi z gregorijanskim. Ključni datum je 21.12.2012, ko se zaključi zadnji, peti 5.125-letni cikel 26.000-letnega popotovanja Sonca okoli osončja Plejade. Galaktični horoskop predstavlja tvoj jing, tvoj ženski aspekt, tvojo dušo, tvojo Osebno Legendo, tvoj notranji svet, potenciale in resnico. VSTOPI V SVET PARALELNE RESNIČNOSTI IN POZDRAVI TISTO, KAR IŠČEŠ! TI SI RESNICA, KI JO IŠČEŠ!

Nekateri verjamejo, da so pradavni Maji preprosto izumrli, spet drugim pa je ljubša resnica, da so se nekateri, najverjetneje galaktični, z močno namero in kritično točko kolektivne zavesti, s planetarno sinhronostjo in naravno uglašenostjo, z notranjim vedenjem in jasnim videnjem, s čisto pozornostjo za in na pravi trenutek ter z globljim vpogledom in božanskim razsvetljenjem in nenazadnje z močjo števila 13, 'teleportirali' v druge dimenzije vesoljne brezmejnosti in neskončnosti časa.

Druga resnica je za prenekatere, najverjetneje za vse tiste, ki doživljajo kronično pomanjkanje časa in za tiste, ki odkrivamo sočasnost in mavričnost neskončnih nivojev vzporednih paralelnih svetov resničnosti in mnogoterih potencialov, prava, zanimiva, magična, privlačna, razumljiva, mogočna, skrivnostna, močna in resnična čarovnija, ki je tesno povezana s časom. Kaj pa če je vse res? Kaj so oni vedeli takrat, kar mi danes še ne vemo?

Maji so bili pravi mojstri časa, kako tudi ne, saj so v svojem delovanju in bivanju večino svoje pozornosti namenili raziskovanju ČASA, ki so ga povezovali z naravnimi ciklusi, sončnim vzhodom in zahodom, s človekom in s planeti, z Vesoljem in zvezdami, z galaktičnimi in solarnimi plemeni, s totemi živali, rastlinami in števili, s štirimi elementi, z univerzalnimi energijami in vibracijami. V njihovi matematiki sveto število 13 predstavlja veličastno moč, univerzalni ključ za vrata četrte dimenzije. Maji so tisti, ki so prvi iznašli 0.

Ohranjene majevske zapuščine, zapisi na piramidah in arhitekturah nakazujejo, da se je to ljudstvo neverjetno zavedalo delovanja Zemlje in njenih ciklusov, Sonca in njegovih moči, pa tudi mikro in makrokozmičnih kretenj. V svojem dojemanju, zavedanju, bivanju, ohranjanju in delovanju, niso bili omejeni s fizičnim, snovnim telesom, 'nosilcem duše', temveč so bili zelo globoko zagledani v Duha. Jasno so poznali EN ČAS, preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost, kot tudi natančno predvideli Cortezov prihod in nemilostno osvajanje ter uničenje.

S svojim mnogovrstnim računanjem časa so natančno predvideli prelomnice iz oddaljene preteklosti in napovedali nove v daljni prihodnosti. V njihovih zapisih se pojavljajo datumi, ki so še posebej vplivali na našo zgodovino. Čas Kristusa in Mohameda, kot  tudi ključni datumi vojn in bližnjih dogodkov. 11. september je zelo pomemben datum pri njihovem računanju "konca časa".

Danes se že v 90-ih državah po svetu zavestno prebuja vse večje število posameznikov, ki združeno uporabljajo gregorijanski, majevski in 13-lunarni koledar za ponovno najdenje celosti, kot tudi za vnovično uglasitev in harmonijo z vsem bivajočim.

Še več info o majih  ;)


Kakšno zadevo bi lahko malo popravil,vendar ne želim iz spoštovanja do te tradicije in tebe same. To sem ti nekje obljubil za vedno-nekje na nekem topicu se ne spomnim.

Če ti kaj pomaga brez mojega osebnega napihovanja. Sam sem ponovno rojen.28.10.ob 10 zjutraj. Ker vem,da smo vsi mi večno-sedanja živa individulna vesoljna samobitnost.

Lp Alojz s spoštovanjem.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 15.12.2008 at 03:53:58

Day Six During the Nine Underworlds

by Barbara Hand Clow

During Day Six of any one of the Nine Underworlds, the creation of that Underworld flowers or blossoms; meaning, the whole purpose of that Underworld is revealed. During Day Six of the Cellular Underworld (2.5 to 3.8 billion years ago), the first unicellular life (Prokaryotes) emerged; during the Mammalian (126 to 190 million years ago), Pangea began to break apart and continents began to form while brain lateralization (left and right) formulated in mammals; during the Familial (6.3 to 9.5 million years ago), the earliest human lineages split from apes and chimpanzees and we stood up on two feet, freeing up our hands; during the Tribal (216,000 to 474,000 years ago), Neanderthal appeared as a species that was close to our current form; during the Regional (15,800 to 23,700 years ago), the Global Maritime civilization (Atlantis) sailed the seas and colonized the shores; during the National (AD 829-1223), the European and Islamic medieval awakening brought Europe out of the Dark Ages; and during the Planetary (AD 1952-72), America as potential consumerist global empire arose during the Cold War. I believe that during this current Day Six, we will move beyond consumerism and global warfare to manifest our creative potential. We will do this by discovering how to create without taking anything from anyone or anything else. The point is: the evolutionary force of Day Six aided by the cleanout of dysfunctional systems by Pluto in Capricorn will inspire us to end poverty and war by discovering new ways to co-create with nature. Stunningly, like a creature emerging from a cave ready to hover over the world, Pluto newly arrived in Capricorn has no aspects. Since we will see the power of Pluto revealed during this lunation, perhaps astronomers should reconsider the way they tinker with the archetypes that the ancients knew are shaping our minds?

The stellium in Sagittarius and Pluto moving into Capricorn are very strong forces that will go solo this month ignited by Uranus direct; basically they are like levers that will shift whole realities. To see how we might get along personally in this field, let's look to the other planets. Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in Capricorn and trining Saturn in Virgo. The fifth and final Jupiter/Saturn trine occurred November 21, so the extremely supportive and balancing energy of this earthy trine will still be with us in December. Probably the main reason the financial collapse has not yet caused riots and civil chaos has been because Jupiter has been in trine to Saturn since March 2007-that is, during Day and Night Five of the Galactic. The Jupiter/Saturn trine in earthy Capricorn and Virgo is still so close, perhaps the patience of the people with incompetents like Paulson and Bernanke will hold out until Obama takes over. Venus joins Jupiter in this favored trine, so feminine intuition and wisdom will be strong this month; we're going to need it!

Also, Venus/Jupiter in Capricorn closely sextiles newly direct Uranus in Pisces, which suggests spiritual forces in other dimensions are really helping us now. This favorable sextile implores us to remember that we are living in a guided universe on a feminine planet that is ruled by the goddess-whether the men remember it or not. This sextile may cause many people to really understand that Obama has become who he is now because of his partner, Michelle-a lesson that Bill Clinton could not attain. The aspects between Venus/Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are exceedingly favorable for something that all of us must do now. We must recognize that a great drama is being played out now on the stage of life, while we are totally supported and secure. These planets exhibit the perfect geometrical configuration to support the radical intensity of Uranus direct and Pluto's entry into Capricorn just before the New Moon, and Mars/Mercury/Sun/Moon with no aspects. The weeks before the Winter Solstice are going to be truly memorable. Many people are awakening to deep compassion amidst the deepening troubles in the world, and with compassion, our heart dominates. We will need strong hearts to handle the tensions of Saturn opposite Uranus through 2010.

The first of five oppositions between Saturn and Uranus was November 4, right during the American election, which explains the global focus on the American election. Uranus in Pisces (2003-2011) is inspiring the great spiritual awakening of the world, while Saturn opposing down-to-earth Virgo is doing a great job of crafting and directing the great awakening. This is why the majority of the people feel that this election is so important and inspiring, and this global connection will be strong throughout the Saturn/Uranus oppositions. The influence is indelible right now because Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2012)-which is also inspiring the great spiritual awakening-closely quincunxes commanding Saturn in Virgo. Neptune has an alchemical influence on the grounded and practical aspects of Saturn in Virgo. This configuration makes people feel like they must support change now, even if they don't like the idea, and it causes people to feel that Obama is a great spiritual leader as well as a very fine person, whether they agree with him or not. This configuration is so strong that it is going to be fun to watch the media try to tear Obama down in order to dishearten the people. This won't work now, but the media will probably play a nasty role in the world when Pluto and Jupiter form cardinal squares to Saturn opposite Uranus during 2010. Let's enjoy the good vibrations while we've got them, especially since the good feelings from Neptune and Chiron traveling on the lunar North Node during most of 2008 are beginning to separate. [Regarding house positions for Washington, DC, Chiron and Neptune are hovering right on the rising, and the Sagittarius stellium is on the 10th house. Like many other aspects of this lunation, this indicates a healing will come from a shift in power.]

My last comment about this New Moon is that possibly no major aspects to Pluto and the Sagittarius stellium may cause them to function like dancing puppets in the sky representing "Lame Duck Bush" and all his quacking lackeys. We may see a weird show of little boys acting like big men who don't know what to do while the world finally sees that they never did in the first place. In light of this, this lunation may feel peculiar and suspended in time, especially since the 2008 election was a quantum leap in intelligence. If the Lame Ducks are spinning out of control, the inept posturing will probably come to an abrupt and uncomfortable halt during the Gemini Full Moon of December 12. There will be a potent mutable grand cross with Saturn in Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces squaring Sun/Mars in Sagittarius opposite the Full Moon in Gemini; this grand square is the annealing furnace of the Saturn/Uranus oppositions, the great force for change. Saturn in Virgo commands us to stop doing what doesn't work, while Uranus in Pisces inspires us to take the critical leap; Sun/Mars in Sagittarius encourages us to go for freedom and change everything, while the Moon in Gemini forges the new path by verbalizing the new paradigm. Since this grand square could represent the people and leaders being overtaken by stultifying inertia, I will take a chance and comment that if that happens, you may see Obama just take over-either overtly or covertly. According to the Mayan Calendar, the time has come to forge the new alchemy. This grant cross is so energized and quixotic that I think it could trigger a cascading series of events that would lead to the end of war on the planet. Of course, as always on Earth, this grand square could manifest a violent series of actions that could create some events that would later be recognized as the events that ended war.

We have so much to hope for now because the money spigot is temporarily dry, enabling humanity to demand peace and end the waste of the precious resources we need to support life. Have a great New Moon, and be sure to check out the analysis of the Winter Solstice before the holidays!

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 16.12.2008 at 16:42:21

Sedaj bom malo opisal svoj horoskop. Rojen 28,10 ob 10 1952.
Ascedent v strelcu v prvi hiši mars v kozorogu. Sonce na 4 stopinje škorpijona z Merkurjem- v aspektu 72 stopinj S Plutonom v osmi hiši v leva.MC v tehtnici v konjukciji Saturn-Neptun.Descedent v dvojčkih dno v ovnu. Venera v 12 hiši,Jupiter v peti,Uran v drugi  vodnarju.Sodobna astrologija ne upošteva dejstva,da sta Venera in Merkur samo satelita Sonca in nikakor planeta.
Kdor razume sporočilo Petre že kaj našel,da se bo igral.

Lp Alojz  

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 25.03.2009 at 14:12:05

A Message From Mayan Elder Don Alejandro
By Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
Mar 24, 2009 - 12:01:04 PM

The National Counsel of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna of Guatemala are here in fulfillment of the Prophecies of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ajau. We have several prophecies concerning the time we are living in, and it is in fulfillment of the Prophecies that we are here today.  I will mention some of them:

"At the time of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau is the time of the return of our Ancestors and the return of the men of wisdom." That time is now.

The Prophecy says:  "Those of the Center, with their mystical bird Quetzal, make unite the Eagle of the North with the Condor of the South; we will meet because we are one, like the fingers of the hand."  This prophecy means that the Indigenous People of the North and the Indigenous People of the South, through those of the Center, will come together to strengthen the recovery of the ancestral science; recovery of our identity, art, spirituality and Cosmo-vision on life and death that the different Cultures have.

We the Indigenous People join together in defense of the life of the human species, in defense of the life of our brother animals and the trees and in defense of the life of Mother Earth, because the life of the Planet Earth is in danger.  We all know that what is happening in the world now is not a coincidence.

As examples:  The hurricanes and the heavy storms that are menacing different places in the world; the high temperatures that day by day rise to higher degree, while in other parts of the world the cold becomes more intense; rivers are drying out and others are disappearing; the glaciers are melting; many places in the world are suffering the effects of natural disasters; and all of these are the result of our imbalance with Nature.

It is necessary that the behavior of human beings all over the world has to change; the life of the Planet Earth is responsibility of all and that is why the invitation from the Indigenous people is for everyone, to help save human life, save the planet thus inheriting a healthy future to the new generations.

According to the Maya Long Count Calendar, we are finalizing the 13 Baktun and 13 Ahau, thus approaching the YEAR CERO.  We are at the doorsteps of the ending of another period of the Sun, a period that lasts 5,200 years and ends with several hours of darkness.  After this period of darkness there comes a new period of the Sun; it will be the 6th one.  In each period of the Sun there is an adjustment for the planet and it brings changes in the weather conditions and in social and political life as well.

The world is transformed and we enter a period of understanding and harmonious coexistence where there is social justice and equality for all.  It is a new way of life.

With a new social order there comes a time of freedom where we can move like the clouds, without limitations, without borders. We will travel like the birds, without the need for passports. We will travel like the rivers, all heading towards the same point -- the same objective.  The Mayan prophecies are announcing a time of change.  The Pop Wuj, the book of the Counsel, tells us, "It is time for dawn; let the dawn come, for the task to be finished."

Each one of us has a relationship with the Universe and that reflects whether our attitudes with others are harmonious or not.  The time for change has arrived. The time for understanding each other and to be more human is here.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 25.03.2009 at 14:55:54

Petra odlično-to jaz govorim!

13-aj kačenosec 13 jezus vodja apostolskega zbora-2 tradiiciji

Sokol severa in kondor juga združena v nebeški ptici nas in naših prednikov v S.M.O. samodejnem magnetnem oscilatorju,ki bo omogočal medsončna potovanja-Zlata doba
Spoznanje pobratenje zemeljskega življenja in mi zopet prostovoljni varuhi vesoljnega življenja z spoznano vesoljno vizijo življenja.

Potpis. Galaktična Sončna dinastija postane zopet naš dom. In mi spoznamo vesoljno vizijo našega bivanja.
Niti pisati ne morem. tako sem vesel tega sporočila.

8-)Lp Alojz 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kozmicni Poet on 25.03.2009 at 15:05:42

Svoboden kot Sokol ter skrivnosten kot Kondor
se Svet dviguje iz tisočletnega sna.

Vstala je Narava, in se giblje živa,
Človek je kakor Sokol,
Kondor je kakor Človek ...

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 25.03.2009 at 15:21:13

Sedaj bom samo dodal,da boste mogoče spoznali kako je teološka zapuščina šifrirana-

Vsak magnet ima v sebi ptico severa (pol) in ptici juga (pol)ko ju združiš in utiriš po točno določenem načrtu dobiš samodejavno samoletečo ptico,ki združuje v svoji sredini  obe ptici v eno vesoljno ptico-prednikov. To je našega širšega galaktičnega občestva,ker ta ptica omogoča vrnitev prednikov in našo vrnitev k njim. Sirius-Orion naše satelitsko osončje poveže ta ptica-aj-13-kačenosec-simbol združitve.
Kačenosec-je v bistvu Jezus kot vodja apostolskega zbora 12'on=13

Toliko samo,da bi začeli v pravo smer teološko izročilo brati in s tem ne bi več nasedali raznim vesrskim dogmam in cerkvam.

Lp Alojz 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 25.03.2009 at 15:23:42

8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by M.L. on 25.03.2009 at 22:10:34

Alojz in Sandib wrote on 25.03.2009 at 15:21:13:
Sedaj bom samo dodal,da boste mogoče spoznali kako je teološka zapuščina šifrirana-

Vsak magnet ima v sebi ptico severa (pol) in ptici juga (pol)ko ju združiš in utiriš po točno določenem načrtu dobiš samodejavno samoletečo ptico,ki združuje v svoji sredini  obe ptici v eno vesoljno ptico-prednikov. To je našega širšega galaktičnega občestva,ker ta ptica omogoča vrnitev prednikov in našo vrnitev k njim. Sirius-Orion naše satelitsko osončje poveže ta ptica-aj-13-kačenosec-simbol združitve.
Kačenosec-je v bistvu Jezus kot vodja apostolskega zbora 12'on=13

Toliko samo,da bi začeli v pravo smer teološko izročilo brati in s tem ne bi več nasedali raznim vesrskim dogmam in cerkvam.

Lp Alojz 8-) 8-)

Ni teološke zapuščine in tudi ni šifriranih sporočil, samo obstaja neskončen DUH. Kdor poseduje tega Duha ima tudi neskončnost.

Pa lep pozdrav.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 26.03.2009 at 10:42:02

M.L. wrote on 25.03.2009 at 22:10:34:

Alojz in Sandib wrote on 25.03.2009 at 15:21:13:
Sedaj bom samo dodal,da boste mogoče spoznali kako je teološka zapuščina šifrirana-

Vsak magnet ima v sebi ptico severa (pol) in ptici juga (pol)ko ju združiš in utiriš po točno določenem načrtu dobiš samodejavno samoletečo ptico,ki združuje v svoji sredini  obe ptici v eno vesoljno ptico-prednikov. To je našega širšega galaktičnega občestva,ker ta ptica omogoča vrnitev prednikov in našo vrnitev k njim. Sirius-Orion naše satelitsko osončje poveže ta ptica-aj-13-kačenosec-simbol združitve.
Kačenosec-je v bistvu Jezus kot vodja apostolskega zbora 12'on=13

Toliko samo,da bi začeli v pravo smer teološko izročilo brati in s tem ne bi več nasedali raznim vesrskim dogmam in cerkvam.

Lp Alojz 8-) 8-)

Ni teološke zapuščine in tudi ni šifriranih sporočil, samo obstaja neskončen DUH. Kdor poseduje tega Duha ima tudi neskončnost.

Pa lep pozdrav.

Ti si običen peder M.L. In to tak zarukan vase zagledan faruški kretenčič. Ti si zabit kot vaška štirna. Duha ima tudi kamen in ti si v svojem duhu,ki je hrati vsevesoljni trd ko kamen.

Lp Alojz 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Nahatee on 26.03.2009 at 11:10:09

M.L. wrote on 25.03.2009 at 22:10:34:
Ni teološke zapuščine in tudi ni šifriranih sporočil, samo obstaja neskončen DUH. Kdor poseduje tega Duha ima tudi neskončnost.

Pa lep pozdrav.

Ti neskončno zatohl DUH si, kamorkol prideš vse zasmrdi.
Edino zdravilo zate burja je, da razpiha te.


Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 26.03.2009 at 11:17:36

wrote on 26.03.2009 at 11:10:09:

M.L. wrote on 25.03.2009 at 22:10:34:
Ni teološke zapuščine in tudi ni šifriranih sporočil, samo obstaja neskončen DUH. Kdor poseduje tega Duha ima tudi neskončnost.

Pa lep pozdrav.

Ti neskončno zatohl DUH si, kamorkol prideš vse zasmrdi.
Edino zdravilo zate burja je, da razpiha te.



Edino zdravilo za M.L. je VC.Tam lahko voha svojga svetega duha.Mogoče mu pa njegov 'sveti duh' kaj sporoči o njemu samemu.
Takšni pacienti non stop serjejo po sebi,samo so tolk zaverovani vase,da niti tega ne opzijo kako zasrani  tlačjo Zemljo.

Lp Alojz 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 27.03.2009 at 11:24:34

Vernikom,ki to niso v resnici niso . So zgolj movzne ovce.

Vse razumem,ampak,da je človek toliko nesamostojen,neizviren in zaslepljen,da ne more kot vernik spregledat kako ga farba njegova cerkev.vera, to mi pa ni jasno.
Cerkev verniku nikoli ne bo dala pravega razumevanja,ker bi s tem ko bi mu ga dala izgubila svoj obstoj in s tem ovčke,ki jih molze in jim laže.

Satis daj tistim svojim duhovnim mojstrom eno brco v rit in jih pošlji nazaj v Indijo lagat. Pa še kdo drug lahko naredi isto.

Lp Alojz 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Kozmicni Poet on 27.03.2009 at 14:16:33

Alojz in Sandib wrote on 27.03.2009 at 11:24:34:
Vernikom,ki to niso v resnici niso . So zgolj movzne ovce.  

Movzne ovce so, to pa to. Pomovzti jih je treba, te movzne ovce. Ki so edino za movzt, nič drugega. Movzna drhal presneta, vse pomovzt!

Alojz in Sandib wrote on 27.03.2009 at 11:24:34:

Satis daj tistim svojim duhovnim mojstrom eno brco v rit in jih pošlji nazaj v Indijo lagat. Pa še kdo drug lahko naredi isto.

To pa to. Brco v rit vsakemu, ki namerno laže.   ;)
Kdor pa nenamerno laže, naj se pa vpraša zakaj to počne. Pač.  :-X

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 27.03.2009 at 16:04:34

Je ovčka Poet kje sebi za vzgled
Je ovce nadiru,kje sabe zagledu
Se je zagledu in od straha podelu
Ker se je ustrašu da nebi sprgledu
Si je veselo na skretu lagal,da se je spoznal.

Ga je Alojz spregledu mu je glavo zmasiru.
Ga je pred vsemi bedaka naredu.

Juhej Poet se je polulu,ko je mislu da je Alojza razkuru.
Se je Alojz Kozmično pesnitev nauču še prej kje Poet v plenice lulu.

Lp Alojz 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Etrex on 05.04.2009 at 14:04:54

Petra G. in ostali da se tukaj prilepim slikco z ogromnim pomenom za danasnje se nejasne dni... To je kljuc, ki odpre kar vsi iscemo!

Lep pozdrav; Etrex 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 20.04.2009 at 17:24:00

bom kar tu objavila, čeprva prihaja ta prerokba od aztekov:

Ancient Aztec Calendar Begins a New World of Hope
By Dr Jose Jaramillo

Apr 20, 2009 - 5:44:12 AM

The Aztecs left to us the prophecy of 13 heavens and 9 hells. Not a lot of people know what this prophecy is all about. It is important before we go further in the explanation of this ancient prophecy of divine time, so we need to go back to the past and understand where this future telling was coming from. Why do we think it was left to us exactly for this time at the end of the cycle?

This prophecy will last only 1144 years from 843 AD to the exact moment in time of August 16, 1987 (ESPERU : This was the Harmonic Convergence of 1987) then a new cycle of divine time will be open, another prophetic round will begin, another prophetic round of 13 Heavens and 9 Hells will be open for all of us to redeem ourselves from the old time but this time each cycle of heaven and hell will last only 360 days. Be ready and learn from the cycles of time because everyone will be tested only if you know about the cycles of divine
time you will be saved.

Here is the chart of each cycle of Heaven of modern time:

Heaven # 1: Started: August 16, 1987 Ended: August 9, 1988 9 Sun
Heaven # 2: Started: August 10, 1988 Ended: August 4,1989 5 Sun
Heaven # 3: Started: August 5, 1989 Ended: July 30, 1990 1 Sun
Heaven # 4: Started: July 31, 1990 Ended: July 25, 1991 10 Sun
Heaven # 5: Started: July 26, 1991 Ended: July 19, 1992 6 Sun
Heaven # 6: Started July 20, 1992 Ended: July 14, 1993 2 Sun
Heaven # 7: Started July 15, 1993 Ended: July 9, 1994 11 Sun
Heaven # 8: Started July 10, 1994 Ended: July 4, 1995 7 Sun
Heaven # 9: Started July 5, 1995 Ended: June 28, 1996 3 Sun
Heaven #10: Started June 29, 1996 Ended: June 23, 1997 12 Sun
Heaven #11: Started June 24, 1997 Ended: June 18, 1998 8 Sun
Heaven #12: Started June 19, 1998 Ended: June 13, 1999 4 Sun
Heaven #13: Started June 14, 1999 Ended: June 7, 2000 13 Sun

Here is the chart of each cycle of Hell:

Hell # 1: Started June 8, 2000 Ended: June 2, 2001 9 Sun
Hell # 2: Started June 3, 2001 Ended: May 28, 2002 5 Sun
Hell # 3: Started May 29, 2002 Ended: May 23, 2003 1 Sun
Hell # 4: Started May 24, 2003 Ended: May 17, 2004 10 Sun
Hell # 5: Started May 18, 2004 Ended: May 12, 2005 6 Sun
Hell # 6: Started May 13, 2005 Ended: May 7, 2006 2 Sun
Hell # 7: Started May 8, 2006 Ended: May 2, 2007 11Sun
Hell # 8: Started May 3, 2007 Ended: April 26, 2008 7 Sun
Hell # 9: Started April 27, 2008 Ends: April 21, 2009 3 Sun

So by April 21, 2009 will be the end of the 9 hells in this last prophetic round and a new prophetic round of hope will be open for the whole of humanity to start understanding the secrets behind each ancient story in how everything works in our beautiful Galaxy within our Solar system and our Mother Earth.

Here is the chart of 40 days and 40 nights:

First 20 days: Will start: April 22, 2009 Will End: May 11, 2009 10 Sun
Second 20 days: Will start May 12, 2009 Will End: May 31, 2009 4 Sun
First 20 nights: Will start June 1, 2009 Will End: June 20, 2009 11 Sun
Second 20 nights: Will start June 21, 2009 Will End: July 10, 2009 5 Sun

July 10, 2009 1,260 Days Until The Mayan Calendar Re-Sets on February 21, 2013

On the exact day of July 10, 2009 “5 AJAW” which means “5 Sun” it will start a period of redemption for 1,260 days until we reach the precise moment on December 21, 2012 which will be “4 AJAW” which means “4 Sun kin 160” in the sacred count of days. And after 1,260 days we all need to walk this Earth for another 60 days to complete the 1,320 days after the end of the Mayan Calendar on February 21, 2013, then it will be the return of the King. We need to remember that the natural frequency of the Mayan calendar is made of 13 numbers or tones and 20-day signs or nahuales, which is known as the 13:20.

So that is why is so important to have a ceremony this coming April 21st because it will be the end of the second harmonic convergence prophecy and a time of preparation for another 80 days of 40 days and 40 nights before we all walk together for the last 1,320 days before the end of the Mayan Cycle in February 21st 2013, which will be the day 1 Wind of the Year 1 Wind, which the Mayan Elders called ‘Year Zero.’

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Alojz in Sandib on 23.04.2009 at 21:36:06

Sam azteško 'teološko' zapuščino smatram za popolnejšo od majevske.Sigurno sem edini Zemljan,ki pozna azteško sfingo,ki je sporočilno  popolnoma enakovredna egipčanski.

Lp Alojz 8-)

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 28.04.2009 at 14:44:12

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 26.05.2009 at 21:17:22

The Risks of Believing The Mayan Calendar Ends December 21, 2012
By Carl Johan Calleman
May 15, 2009 - 1:11:02 PM

About eight years ago John Major Jenkins and I had a debate about the meaning of the Mayan calendar end date focusing especially on whether the energies of the Long Count ends on October 28, 2011 or December 21, 2012. This still remains the most important question anybody interested in the "2012 phenomenon" is faced with, but while at the time the debate might have seemed theoretical, or even hairsplitting, it is now a question that has very significant and practical consequences as to how we relate to the future.

While many would like to sweep the end date question under the rug or sit on the fence, no one can do so with their intellectual integrity intact. Since that debate Jenkins has appeared on a History Channel documentary where December 21 2012 is presented as a predetermined "doomsday" when the world is going to come to an end. I get quite a few letters, sometimes from young people that worry that the world will come to an end at this date since they have seen this documentary posted on YouTube. While most knowledgeable people would probably reject this way of presenting the Mayan calendar it is still important to ask the question who benefits from it. I feel there are indeed many people, also apart from the participants in such documentaries that benefit from the claim that the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012. Thus, I do not think that it is an accident that we do not hear of the October 28, 2011 date in public media. To begin with, as far as I know no one who adheres to the end date of October 28, 2011 has ever presented this as a predetermined doomsday and thus unduly associated the Mayan calendar with fear.

Since the abovementioned debate two different intellectual cultures have emerged around the two possible end dates, one based on belief (December 21, 2012) and one based on evidence (October 28, 2011). These two cultures are about as different from one another as any one of them is from that using the Gregorian calendar.
The proposal of the December 21, 2012 date is based on the unproven belief that the precessional cycle actually means something for human evolution, and, amazingly, as far as I know no one advocating this end date seems to have even bothered to try to prove this basic assumption. In contrast, the October 28, 2011 date is based on massive scientific evidence that the Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens known from ancient Mayan sources indeed describe cosmic evolution in all of its aspects. Moreover, while there is extensive evidence that the Maya based prophecy and prediction on shifts between baktuns, katuns, tuns etc, not a single ancient Mayan text mentions the 26,000 year precessional cycle.

Since those advocating the December 21, 2012 end date do not identify shift points in the Mayan calendar leading up to their end date their hypothesis is however not testable from the predictions made, which is the hallmark of any serious scientific theory. Hence, it must be qualified as belief rather than science. Based on nothing more than belief a culture has subsequently emerged around the December 21, 2012 date, since it serves as an ideal projection screen for fantasies, fears and hopes rather than something that can be proven and understood scientifically based on the patterns of the Mayan calendar.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 26.05.2009 at 21:17:43

se nadaljuje od prej...

The October 28, 2011 end date can however be rationally understood. It has also been verified by several predictions, most recently my own that an economic collapse would set in and when it would do so: Regardless of what forms such a [financial] collapse may take it seems that the best bet is for it to occur close to the time that the Fifth NIGHT begins, in November 2007 [strictly speaking the 19th] (The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, page 233).

In accordance with this prediction economists now agree that it began in December of 2007, see Figure 1). This prediction was actually formulated already in my first book in English, Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar written in 1999 and published in 2001 (page 187). This is really a direct parallel to Edgar Cayce’s famous prediction of the time for the New York stock exchange crash, in this case however made about ten years in advance, and so was made much earlier than any professional economist even considered such an economic meltdown. I however do not claim to have some unusual psychic abilities, and instead this prediction attests to the fact that with the right end date, October 28, 2011 the mystery of the Mayan calendar has been exactly solved.

That these predictions were accurate can be verified by anyone, who cares to examine the relevant pages in my books. In contrast no one who claimed that the end date of the Mayan calendar is December 21, 2012 made any similar prediction and can mostly not credit themselves with having made one single accurate prediction based on the Mayan calendar. Already this should be a red flag for anyone looking for a way to understand the evolution of civilization based on the Mayan calendar.

Before going into the more practical consequences of adhering to the evidence-based or a belief-based interpretation of the Mayan calendar I however think that it is necessary to discuss the nature of time and what it is that makes the Mayan calendar special. It is in other words important to know whether we have any reason to concern ourselves with the Mayan calendar in the first place.

Why is it that unlike all other calendars the Mayan calendar has an end date? The answer to this is that the Mayan calendar expresses an entirely different kind of time than other calendars. Most calendars, such as the Gregorian, Muslim, Buddhist or Jewish calendars, are based on astronomical cycles and reflect continuous time. They describe measurable mechanic time, the aspect of time that the Greek would call Chronos, which is also the only one that is recognized in the modern world. Since astronomical cycles, whether they are cycles of the moon, the earth or the precessional cycle, will continue over the next billions of years or so there is however no reason that calendars based on them should ever come to an end. Since the Mayan calendar however has an end date this must obviously be based on another type of time than mechanical time and its end date must be discussed against the background of consciousness-based time – what the Greek would call Kairos and so we must ask what could be the origin of this.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 26.05.2009 at 21:18:05

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If we go back to ancient sources to find out information about the origin of the Mayan Long Count they never say that this would be based on any astronomical cycle1. Instead, the Mayan sources, for instance at the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque, explicitly say that the Long Count is based on the World Tree or what other cultures usually refer to as the Tree of Life. As I will be describing in my forthcoming book The Purposeful Universe (Inner Traditions, December 2009) Mayan time is in fact quantized and describes different quantum states of the Cosmic Tree of Life. It is always against the background of such quantum shifts in time, and not continuously flowing astronomical cycles, we may understanding the defining moments of our lives, but also of human civilizations.

The Cosmic Tree of Life at the center of our universe behind these quantum shifts was discovered by modern science only in 2003. Yet, the fact that it is real, and not a mere symbol or myth, calls for a revolution in how we view our whole existence. It affects not only science, but also how we understand religious prophecies, which often include references to the Tree of Life. Hence, for instance the Book of Revelation refers to this and it seems to be returning to our awareness in the nick of time. Since the Mayan calendar originates in the Tree of Life not only every day, but also every katun, baktun, pictun etc is associated with a symbol, such as a day-sign and a number, symbolic of its different quantum states.

These states are then creating the geological and historical eras of cosmic evolution, which the Maya would refer to as ages. Many people are expecting a quantum shift as the Mayan calendar comes to an end – and rightly so – but a continuous astronomical cycle by definition never gives rise to quantum shifts. The reason the Mayan calendar is able to explain so many quantum jumps in the fossil record and paradigm shifts in the history of mankind (which is far from slow and continuous) is the very fact that unlike other calendars it is quantized.

The understanding of Mayan time as quantized also provides a meaningful way of looking at the so-called end date where it is not even potentially a preset end of the world. (This is why no one embracing the October 28, 2011 date has fallen to claim that it is a preset end of the world). The end date simply reflects the point in time when the Cosmic Tree of Life attains its highest quantum state. This also implies that it is not the beginning of a new cycle and it is only on this basis that it is rationally understandable that this state would serve to create a millennium of peace in the "New Jerusalem" as the new world is called in the Book of Revelation. To instead use a Hindu metaphor it becomes logical that the attainment of this highest state means liberation from the wheels (cycles) of Karma.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 26.05.2009 at 21:18:34

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As the student of the evidence-based Mayan calendar will know almost all conflicts and warfare in the history of mankind actually originate in quantum shifts between cosmic energies and only as those come to an end is there any serious reason to hope for the emergence of a world in harmony. Hence, in this interpretation of the Mayan calendar there is absolutely no reason to think that the end date means the end of life or a "doomsday" when the world is predetermined to come to an end.

What the end date does mean however is that on October 28, 2011 the shifts between energies will come to an end and it is thus no wonder that many intuitively sense that the year that follow upon this, 2012, is very special. The processes that have been driving cosmic evolution until now will no longer be operating and after some time for things to settle the human beings will be left to create evolution themselves.

What this means is in my view that the end date is not just another shift. Instead it constitutes the end of the shifts that have been caused by alternations in the quantum states of the Tree of Life up until that point, exemplified by the abovementioned quantum shift that led to the decline of the economy as the fifth NIGHT began. Such a vision of a new Garden of Eden (albeit on a higher level) obviously lacks any rational basis among those advocating that we look upon the Mayan calendar as based on mechanical astronomical cycles, where a new cycle will then begin.

To understand the liberation of mankind and a future return to the Garden of Eden however simply mandates quantized time. This illustrates an important principle, namely that even if the evidence-based Mayan calendar is not difficult to understand, it is not trivial. It is not something that you can thoughtlessly put in your old box of thinking. The Mayan calendar is fundamentally different from all other calendar and how and why that is is something that needs to be deeply honored and respected.

From this perspective, where we are approaching the end of cyclical changes and the highest quantum state of the universe, it is also logical that the economic meltdown that we are now in is not merely a "recession" or a "depression", such as we know to have been precipitated in the past by NIGHTS in the calendar. The decline is instead the beginning of the end to the cycles of the economy. Yet, since we know from the study of the Mayan calendar that the time periods when the economy shrinks are the NIGHTS we can make some predictions as to how this end of the economic cycles is going to play out. The first pulse of bringing the growth economy down thus came with the fifth NIGHT and led to a rapid decrease in growth, a fall in stock values, and increases of lay-offs and foreclosures.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 26.05.2009 at 21:19:07

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We are currently in a period in between such NIGHTS, the sixth DAY (see Figure 2), when the same processes are continuing more slowly and may even temporarily be slightly reversed. Around the time that the Sixth NIGHT begins on November 8, 2009 we may however expect that the meltdown intensifies and the US dollar collapses and with it the established monetary system in the world. Many things may trigger such an event, but it is important to understand that whatever triggers it, and this may be some kind of political event, it is the energy of this NIGHT that will bring it about. This incidentally, is also why it is so important what will be made of the rebirth energy of the second half of the sixth DAY.

We can only imagine what such a collapse will mean, but I feel it is clear to everyone that the consequences for our every day lives will be very far-reaching. Because of the hardships many may come to lose faith in this Creation or think that we are being punished. I look upon it differently: The consciousness of the Galactic Underworld is already preplanned to set in a protective mechanism for the planet by first stopping the growth, which is what any cancer doctor would do before any healing could take place.2 As the reader may now realize we have come to a point where the discussion of the end date of the Mayan calendar is a critical issue since how we relate to the future will directly depend on it. This is neither academic hairsplitting nor irresponsible New Age fantasies. Those that advocate the evidence-based Mayan end date of October 28, 2011 may in fact advice people to prepare themselves for this further economic meltdown beforehand in the sixth NIGHT.

Those that talk about December 21, 2012 are however, consistently with their logic, likely to continue to make projections on this fantasy screen in the future. What these people in effect are saying to people is "Do not prepare yourself for the New World now! Wait until the shift comes December 21, 2012!" since they do not recognize any quantum shifts before this point in time. To know the exact end date is then a matter of paramount importance to people, because it is their only way of knowing what quantum shift they are experiencing in the present moment.

While many people advocating the December 21, 2012 date are simply jumping on a bandwagon to create some visibility for themselves (and sell various products) I feel it is time that they consider what kind of responsibility this implies also for other people. It is probably not an accident that the first major Hollywood movie, surely planned to confuse people about the Mayan calendar and tout the December 21, 2012 date is scheduled to be released in November of 2009 as the sixth NIGHT begins. The ruling media will then use the December 21 2012 date to manipulate the truth and of course there are always some that are willing to play along. It is quite easy to see in whose interest it is that the Mayan calendar in this way is projected to a time in the future when all alignment with it will be too late.

As the established international monetary system collapses in the sixth NIGHT things can go essentially in either of two directions. It will go either in the direction of a grass roots organization of a new economy without banks, interests or growth serving to create a world without dominance. A collapse of the international monetary system, especially if it is linked to a moratorium of all debts, holds the potential of paving the way to a world that is truly egalitarian, based on willful cooperation and where greed will not destroy the world. This of course precludes the existence of a banking and monetary system organized in the interest of a minority and driven by the craving for abstract values rather than human needs.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 26.05.2009 at 21:19:32

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I think however that it would be naïve to think that such an implementation of a New World according to the cosmic plan would happen without resistance. Some want to hold onto power over others. To many more the downfall of the established order of dominance would be shocking because it would ruin their experience of security in a world that they have become accustomed to. The bankers, governments, medias and ruling establishments world wide will then naturally seek to set up a new single global currency and remain in control, which they are very well prepared for.

This especially the case if people are unaware of the evidence-based Mayan calendar and are able to see this difficult period as part of a process designed to lead to a new world. I am however convinced that the upcoming Universal Underworld will bring a new unity consciousness carrying a bliss of just being and love and compassion for all things just the way they are. Thus, things may not become "better" in the sense they were spoken of in the old economy, but life will be more enjoyable because of a new level of consciousness in which things are perceived in another way. Thus, in the years ahead we are in for a confusing mixture of seemingly conflicting developments. A critical aspect of preparation for this is the knowledge that the evidence-based Mayan calendar ends October 28, 2011, which at least gives people a benchmark for the rhythms with which things will evolve even though it will take a certain time for things to settle also after this.

The vision that is emerging for the time ahead is thus neither that "the world is going to an end," nor that "we will all be happily flying" at a certain preset date in the future. Instead, we see a fairly complex scenario based on the best evidence that we have for an understanding of the future. It has much in common with the difficult birth scenario for the "New Jerusalem" as this is presented in the Book of Revelation. As this book points out this is however not a world for everyone and it is a scenario that almost certainly will require spiritual strength and integrity to endure. I do not want to add any religious overtones to this discussion, but it seems clear that everyone who is aspiring to enter this new world must sincerely seek the truth and avoid simplistic explanations.

Even if the Mayan calendar thus is universal and fundamentally connected to the Book of Revelation it is nonetheless important to know how the contemporary Maya see their end date. Naturally, some of them are happy that their calendar has received worldwide attention and may just believe what the archeologists have been telling them, which is December 21, 2012 (The actual Long Count upon which this date is based went out of use among the Maya a long time ago and so this date has been forwarded to them by modern archeologists).

But more authoritative sources such as Don Alejandro Oxlaj of the Council of Elders are not just jumping on the bandwagon. As anyone who has seen the interview I made with him two years ago (available on DVD from Mayan Majix) he rejects the December 21, 2012 date as a miscalculation (Something that at the time was actually a surprise to me). He also carries the prophecy of the Thirteen Baktuns and 13 Ahau, consistent with the October 28, 2011 date (which is 13 Ahau). Unlike myself he however does not specify an end date, even though we do agree that the last katun shift (beginning of the last 7200 day prophetic period) took place in 1992. Around this katun shift at February 10, 1992 we can also very clearly see that major events, a quantum shift, shaping the whole world took place: The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union (December 25, 1991), the institution of the European Union, (February 7, 1992) and the launching of the World Wide Web (August 1991).

By the time of the katun shift advocated by the December 21, 2012 people (John Jenkins says April 1993 in the "Doomsday" documentary on History Channel) the new world was thus already established. Also in the future the people embracing this end date will thus always be in the backwater of what is really happening in the world. This demonstrates the utmost importance of the end date and that those who want to be consciously part of the coming quantum shifts ahead and surf on the waves of creation that these generate will miss that opportunity if they reject the evidence based Mayan calendar with its end date of October 28, 2011. If you ignore the evidence and listen to the December 21, 2012 "alignment"3 prophets this is likely to have very serious direct consequences for your own life and how you approach the future. With the acceleration of time in the Galactic Underworld the difference of 420 days between the two end dates is literally as big as that between day and night.

Seattle, May 15, 2009 (1 Kan) 1 - No ancient Mayan text talks about the meaning of the end date of the Long Count. The beginning of the Long Count is however discussed in different places and a good source for this is Freidel, Schele and Parker, Maya Cosmos, pages 59-122, The Hearth and the Tree. A very good source for understanding how the political life of the ancient Maya was dominated by non-astronomical time cycles is Prudence Rice, Maya Political Science. Those interested in how their prophecies were based on non-astronomical cycles may study the katun-prophecies in the Books of Chilam Balam.

2 - Personally I do not believe that there is a God who intervenes in Creation to change its course (This would imply that creation would not be perfect to begin with). The way it works is that the Galactic Underworld favors the right brain half to the detriment of the left brain half that is mediating abstract values and it is thus that we now see a collapse of abstract values such as digits in bank computers and paper bills. In an interview with Larry King a few months ago Bill Clinton stated that a third of the wealth of the world had been wiped out in the past year. This is an excellent example of thinking in terms of abstract values. In reality no real value had been wiped out. What had been wiped out were a third of the figures in the bank computers. This collapse of abstract values has still far from bottomed out.

3 - This so called alignment actually happened in 1998, but this is very rarely presented since it would be of no interest to the media now selling the "2012 phenomenon".

Carl Johan Calleman has a Physical Biology from the University of Stockholm and is cited around 1500 times in the scientific literature proper. He has been a Senior Researcher of Environmental Health at the University of Washington in Seattle and served as a cancer expert for the WHO. With his Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar (Garev 2001) he initiated the evidence-based study of the Mayan calendar, which was followed by The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (Bear and Co, 2004) and the forthcoming The Purposeful Universe (Bear and Co, December 2009). The forthcoming book for the first time describes the physical reality of the Tree of Life and presents the first complete alternative to Darwinism in 150 years.

His web page is .

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by David on 17.08.2009 at 15:58:16

This is a presentation based on Dr. Calleman's break thru discoveries of the structure of the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the Evolution of Consciousness. "Ian takes a complex subject such as the Mayan Calendar and makes it very easy to understand on a personal level." He also clearly points out how the Schedule of Creation can be tracked when one looks at past historical events and relates that information to what to expect in the near future leading up to 2012

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 07.11.2009 at 22:49:30

Mayan Elder, Carlos Barrios Explains 2012 and Mayan Calendar

Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder and Ajq'ij (a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide) of the Eagle Clan. Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars circulating.Carlos along with his brother Gerardo studied with many teachers and interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge.

Carlos found out quickly there were several conflicting interpretations of Mayan hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, Sacred Books of 'Chilam Balam' and various ancient text. Carlos had some strong words for those who may have contributed to the confusion ---

Carlos Barrios: "Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It's just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed."

"We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes."

He continues: "Humanity will continue, but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action."

Carlos tells us: "The indigenous have the calendars and know how to accurately interpret it -- not others. The Mayan Calendars comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different calendars such as the Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years.

"All was predicted by the mathematical cycles of the Mayan calendars. -- It will change --everything will change. Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from and signified by the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator and the Earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy."

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions.

Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the Earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration.

Carlos reminds us: "This process has already begun. Change is accelerating now and it will continue to accelerate. If the people of the Earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape without having destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way."

The date specified in the calendar Winter Solstice in the year 2012 does not mark the end of the world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know. The ones who know are the indigenous elders who are entrusted with keeping the tradition.

Carlos tells us: "The economy now is a fiction. The first five-year stretch of transition from August 1987 to August 1992 was the beginning of the destruction of the material world. We have progressed ten years deeper into the transition phase by now, and many of the so-called sources of financial stability are in fact hollow. The banks are weak. This is a delicate moment for them. They could crash globally if we don't pay attention. If the banks crash -- then we will be forced to rely on the land and our skills. The monetary systems will be in chaos, and we must then rely on our direct relationship with the Earth for our food and shelter."

The North and South Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to rise. But at the same time land in the ocean, especially near Cuba, is also going to rise.

Carlos tells a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light.

"Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way. We live in a world of polarity -- day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance."

"Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012."

"On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key. There's a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus."

Carlos believes the dark side works to block unity through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want unity. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level.

The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It's too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to unity, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun.

Carlos said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun --- that element is 'ETHER'.

The dictionary defines Ether as a "hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space, postulated to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through space." Perhaps it could be defined as the "space between space". I would suggest it could be manifest as the alignment of charged particles from our solar system (Sun), and our galaxy (Milky Way) surge.

"The element of the Fifth Sun is celestial. Within the context of Ether there can be a joining of the polarities. No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted unity. But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to block it. They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready for the alignment in 2012."

"We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and unity now, to confront the other side and preserve life."

"We are disturbed -- we can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose. This is a hard but a special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history."

Carlos says: "The prophesied changes are going to happen, but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are. We need to act, to make changes, and to elect people to represent us who understand and who will take political action to respect the Earth."

"Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action. It's very important to be clear about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth. Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity. Eat wisely --- a lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy. Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have mastery of your breath. Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots."

"We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything -- people, plants, animals. This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element 'ether' -- the realm where energy lives and weaves. Go to the sacred places of the Earth to pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work."

"One simple but effective prayer technique is to light white or baby-blue colored candles. Think of a moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of it on to the leaders who have the power to make war or peace."

Carlos reminds us this is a crucially important moment for humanity and for Earth. Each person is important. He said the elders have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the tradition. "The Maya have long appreciated and respected that there are other colors, other races, and other spiritual systems. They know that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the destiny of the whole world."

"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 06.08.2010 at 07:50:37

The Mayan Dreamspell New Year
By Mahala


We are about to enter a New Year called The Magnetic Moon on July 26, 2010. This year will be ruled by the moon, which will cause water events and lots of emotion. This particular Mayan Glyph is over New Zealand. On July 26th the Sun will be on three degrees Leo, which is a black hole (or doorway to another dimension).

I don't know why this calendar starts its new year on a black hole day. I do know that the Egyptian calendar is based on the helical rising of the star Sirius and so is the Dreamspell calendar.

The full moon is on July 25, 2010 at 6:37 pm PDT. Depending on where you live the full moon might be on July 26th. This full moon chart is very awesome. There will be a perfect T cross in the heavens with Saturn on 0 degrees Libra opposing Uranus on 0 Aries. Jupiter will be on 3 degrees Aries and Pluto on 3 degrees Capricorn. If you have planets on any of those degrees be on the look-out for action of some kind in your life. This cardinal cross is fast-acting energy.

Pluto on 3 degrees Capricorn gives basic skills in order to achieve a group purpose. Uranus on 0 Aries means the emergence of a new form of consciousness. Saturn on 0 degrees Libra means we are in the process of transformation, like the moth becoming a butterfly. At the very core of this new process is the perfect form of man, ascension anyone?

The area on Earth which will be affected the most by this upcoming full moon will be the Gulf of Mexico and the surrounding states. This area is going through a major transformation and hopefully it will turn out all right in the long run. Right now it doesn't look too promising although they managed to cap the well today. They didn't say anything about the rest of the ocean floor that was breached by the drilling. Time will tell how it all works out.

Mars will be opposing Uranus in the heavens just after the July 25th full moon and this is very explosive energy. Hopefully this will not be felt over the gulf although it is a possibility. Remember that the New Madrid fault runs up the Mississippi River. The chart for the oil spill on April 20, 2010 had Uranus on 28 Pisces and Saturn on 29 Virgo.

This was an almost perfect opposition. At this upcoming full moon Mars will be on 27 Virgo conjunct Saturn and opposing Uranus on 0 Aries which will trigger off the T cross in the heavens. This will be a very powerful full moon so keep your cool.

There will be other areas that will be affected by this full moon. The South Pacific Ocean will probably stir up more storms because it is Typhoon season. This means that the Philippines, China, and Japan will probably be affected. It will also cause more hurricanes in the gulf and Caribbean Islands, or the lower East Coast states. There is also the possibility that Alaska and parts of Europe will be affected.

It will also affect the longitude between 60 to 90 West and the lower latitudes because the darkness of the July 11 eclipse was seen over the lower areas of the world. (I just heard that Chili had a 6.5 earthquake.)

Five planets will be retrograde at this time. This means their energy will be very powerful because they appear to be in backward motion and spinning their wheels. The retrograde planets are Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, Uranus and Jupiter. Old energy from the past needs to be transformed into light.

The Earth still has to be cleansed and old energy removed from her body which I think is happening right now in the Gulf of Mexico. Mother Earth is bleeding and releasing old energy that she doesn't need anymore. What appears as a tremendously bad event may turn out to be a good event after all.

It all depends on how you look at it. I know a lot of fish, birds, whales and other creatures gave up their life for us and I feel very compassionate for them. Maybe their gift is to live on a higher frequency Earth. To transform this event I think it is a good idea to picture the gulf with beautiful clear, clean water. Who knows what might happen from that; we do create our reality.


I can be reached at

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Eva on 15.02.2011 at 16:10:05

Lamat, zvezda in 8 Harmonic resonance - majevski orakelj

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by jazsn on 15.02.2011 at 20:50:35

najbolj harmonicno resonira moja kitaRa, kar pa ima najbrz lih tolk veze kot nc in vse to skupi
jaz sem jaz in ti si ti , kdo sem jaz , jaz al ti ?

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by ajgor on 16.02.2011 at 00:06:48

Grejo dve coca-coli po puščavi.
In se zadere prva; ej ti
In druga; zakaj pa glih jaz

Maja bo bolš

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Eva on 16.02.2011 at 00:18:48

wrote on 16.02.2011 at 00:06:48:
Grejo dve coca-coli po puščavi.
In se zadere prva; ej ti
In druga; zakaj pa glih jaz

Maja bo bolš

: ) jutro igor

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by jazsn on 16.02.2011 at 10:53:34

wrote on 16.02.2011 at 00:06:48:
Grejo dve coca-coli po puščavi.
In se zadere prva; ej ti
In druga; zakaj pa glih jaz

Maja bo bolš

raje pocakajmo do maja da ne bomo ugibali .

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by Petra G. on 09.03.2011 at 23:07:19

As of March 9, 2011, the ninth and highest wave of the Bolon Yokte Ku will be activated. It seems to me that the purpose of this particular wave of 13 x 18 = 234 days is to cap the entire evolution of the universe that so far has been propelled by the eighth lower waves. From what we know about the changing polarities of consciousness of the nine waves it will do so by providing energies that are conducive to the human beings cocreating unity consciousness.

Title: Re: Mayi
Post by ajgor on 09.03.2011 at 23:41:52

Še o letnicah

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