I am honored to share with you that we NOW have an unbelievable opportunity to assist the United States of America in manifesting a Conscious Leader who embodies holstic vision of the sacred unity of all of life on the planet.
I have personally dedicated myself to getting Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman from Ohio, elected President of the United States of America 2004. Some of you may remember, several months ago, I wrote about him and his connection to this calendar system which we follow. Since that time, in response to tens of thousands of people begging him, he is now running for President.
He is a VERY important Dream Character within our shared reality, At this point in the game, at the height of America's governmental corruption, emerges someone who is not only genuine and embodies integrity, but someone who is an impeccable balance of practicality and spirituality.
I had the honor of meeting Dennis Kucinich, about a moon ago, and I was absolutely blown away by the vibration of his sincerity.
You may think this sounds naive. In case you are not aware, Dennis Kucinich has been endorsed by Spiritual Leaders such as: Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Jack Kornfield, Chris Griscom, and Maharishi Mahesb Yogi's Natural Law Party.
In fact, just 2 days ago Jose Arguelles, author of Mayan Factor, initiator of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, co-founder of Earth Day, and the man who formalized this 13 Moon Calendar system which we work with, formally endorsed Kucinich for President:
"If there is anyone who is going to redeem America's image in the world and get us all to 2012 in a condition of universal harmony, it is Dennis Kucinich."
-Dr. Jose Arguelles
Kucinich is not a third party candidate, he is a perfectly electable Democrat who has held several local, state, and federal offices for the last 17 years.
I will be continuing to communicate to you about Kucinich, because I feel it is OUR opportunity to support him, for he is the only voice of true change emerging within our nation's political matrix.
As Kucinich says in his own words, "Active citizenship begins with an envisioning of the desired outcome and a conscious application of spiritual principles."
Please read this article below, and if it moves you, please check out his website:
www.kucinich.us and PLEASE share his inspiration with your communities!!! (PS: Dennis Kucinich's galactic signature is Blue Lunar Night!)
Spirit and Stardust
by U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich
From his talk at the Praxis Peace Institute Conference,
Dubrovnik, Croatia on June 9, 2002
"As one studies the images of the Eagle Nebula, brought back by the Hubble Telescope from that place in deep space where stars are born, one can imagine the interplay of cosmic forces across space and time, of matter and spirit dancing to the music of the spheres. Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self. The energy of the stars becomes us. We become the energy of the stars. Stardust and spirit unite and we begin: one with the universe, whole and holy.
From one source, endless creative energy, bursting forth, kinetic, elemental; we, the earth, air, water and fire-source of nearly fifteen billion years of cosmic spiraling. We receive the blessings of the Eternal and we are showered with abundance. We ask and we receive. A universe of plenty flows to us, through us. It is in us. We become filled with endless possibilities.
We need to remember where we came from; to know that we are one. To understand
that we are of an undivided whole: race, color, nationality, creed, gender are
beams of light, refracted through one great prism. We begin as perfect and journey through life to become more perfect in the singularity of "I" and in the multiplicity of "we"-- a more perfect union of matter and spirit. This is human striving.
This is where, in Shelley's words, ". . . hope creates from its own wreck the
thing it contemplates." This is what Browning spoke of: Our "reach exceeding
[our] grasp." This is a search for heaven within, a quest for our eternal home.
In our soul's Magnificent, we become conscious of the cosmos within us. We hear
the music of peace, we hear the music of cooperation, we hear music of love.
In our soul's forgetting, we become unconscious of our cosmic birthright, blighted with disharmony, disunity, torn asunder from the stars in a disaster well-described by Matthew Arnold in Dover Beach: ". . . the world, which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude nor peace, nor help for pain. And we are here, as on a darkling plain, swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night."
Today’s Dover Beach is upon the shores of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. Our leaders think the unthinkable and speak of the unspeakable inevitability of nuclear war; of a nuclear attack on New York City, of terrorist attacks throughout our nation; of war against Iraq using nuclear weapons; of biological and chemical weapon attacks on civilian populations; of catastrophic global climate change; of war in outer space.
When death (not life) becomes inevitable, we are presented with an opportunity for great clarity, for a great awakening, to rescue the human spirit from the arms of Morpheus through love, through compassion and through integrating spiritual vision and active citizenship to restore peace to our world. The moment that one world is about to end, a new world is about to begin. We need to remember where we came from, because the path home is also the way to the future.
In the city I represent in the United States Congress, there is a memorial to Peace, named by its sculptor, Marshall A. Fredericks the "Fountain of Eternal Life". A figure rises from the flames, his gaze fixed to the stars, his hands positioned sextant-like, as if measuring the distance. Though flames of war from the millions of hearts and the dozens of places wherein it rages, may lick at our consciousness, our gaze must be fixed upward to invoke universal principles of unity, of co-operation, of compassion, to infuse our world with peace, to ask for the active presence of peace, to expand our capacity to receive it and to express it in our everyday life.
We must do this fearlessly and courageously and not breathe in the poison
gas of terror. As we receive, so shall we give. As citizen-diplomats of the
world, we send peace as conscious expression where ever, whenever and to whomever it is needed: to the Middle East, to the Israelis and the Palestinians, to the Pakistanis and the Indians, to Americans and Al Queda, and to the people of Iraq, and to all those locked in deadly combat. And we fly to be with the bereft, with those on the brink, to listen compassionately, setting aside judgment and malice to become peacemakers, to intervene, to mediate, to bring ourselves back from the abyss, to bind up the world's wounds.
As we aspire to universal brotherhood and sisterhood, we address through thought, word and deed conditions which give rise to conflict: economic exploitation, empire building, political oppression, religious intolerance, poverty, disease, famine, homelessness, struggles over control of water, land, minerals, and oil.