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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
06.05.2003 at 18:51:03
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #1 - 15.05.2003 at 02:43:29
http://iklamat.on.neobee.net/   v jugoslavanščini stran tudi
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #2 - 11.08.2003 at 11:38:00

Skratka HAPPY NEW YEAR, se je začelo 26.7.2003!!! Kiss
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #3 - 11.08.2003 at 21:27:20
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
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Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #4 - 18.08.2003 at 14:03:28
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« Last Edit: 20.08.2003 at 03:33:18 by Petra. »  

you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #5 - 26.08.2003 at 13:16:04
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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #6 - 26.08.2003 at 13:26:09

Svakog 13. kosmickog tona, u 22:00h. sirom nase zemlje izvodi se ova meditacija.

Meditacija Dugin most      

Cilj ove meditacije je da se izazove telepatski talas (val) ljubavi, koji sjedinjuje svakoga od nas sa centrom planete Zemlje, sa dvopolnim generatorima duge, koji drze magnetno polje Zemlje, a takodje i sa svim planetarnim kinovima koji rade istu ovu meditaciju. Kada meditacijom izazovemo telepatski talas ljubavi na Zemlji, mi ucvrscujemo matricu komunikacije koja nam pomaze da osvestimo realizaciju noosfere – mentalnog omotaca Zemlje. Ta matrica takodje izgradjuje i zastitno polje istinski pozitivnih vibracija misli, koji podrzavaju rezonantno polje Zemlje i to u stanju mira i harmonije.

    Cilj ove meditacije - vezbe sastoji se u faktickoj realizaciji duginog mosta planete Zemlje – dnevnog i nocnog generatora magnetnih polova Zemlje do trenutka zavrsetka ciklusa na dan Zimskog (na juznoj hemisferi) i letnjeg (na severnoj hemisferi) soltiscija 2012. godine. Dugin most, to je most mira o kome se odavno govorilo u prorocanstvima. On ce zauvek sjediniti trodimenzionalnu Zemlju sa cetvrtom i visim dimenzijama i tako ce se obezbediti nenarusivost harmonije i mira. Kako bi svi mogli da uzmu ucesce u ovoj meditaciji bez obzira da li su nekada culi o sinhronijskom redu ili ne, predlazemo vam jedinstvenu varijantu sveopste meditacije mira – dugin most za Vanvremenski dan.

Mozete meditirati pojedinacno ili u grupi. Najbolje je rano ujutro, ali moze i u bilo koje drugo vreme. Ako ste u grupi, okupite se u krug, najbolje je da sednete na pod ili na zemlju sa skrstenim nogama. Napravite nekoliko dubikih udaha i izdaha, udisuci sve negativno, transformisuci to unutar sebe i izdisuci sve pozitivno i precisceno. Zatvorite oci. Vizualizujte sebe u centru Zemlje. Zamislite kristal u obliku gigantskog oktaedra. Cetiri ivice kristala se spajaju u tacki severne polarne ose. Druge cetiri ivice se spajaju u tacki juzne polarne ose. Gigantski kristal-oktaedar okruzen je unutarnjom membranom Zemlje, koja kao bubanj rezonira sa unutrasnjom povrsinom Zemlje. Severna polovina oktaedra sastoji se od dve crvene i dve bele stranice, a juzna od dve plave i dve zute stranice.

Vi se sada nalazite unutar kristala. U samom centru vidi se tacka koja sija intenzivno belom svetloscu. Etericni stub ili osa svetlosti pruza se na sever i na jug od isijavajuce centralne tacke i kroz severni i juzni vrh oktaedra tece ka severnom i juznom polu na povrsini Zemlje. Oko te etericne vertikale magnetne ose  svetlosti nalaze se dva vijugava i pulsirajuca toka kojima neprekidno tece plazmena energija. Ta dva pulsirajuca toka upletena su jedan oko drugoga poput dve niti DNK. Jedan od njih je plavi, drugi je crven. Oni sobom nose plazmu – elektricki naelektrisane jone u pravcu isijavajuce tacke u centru Zemlje.

Na severnoj poluosi svetlosnog stuba nanizan je crveni atom vremena i dva pulsirajuca toka ga obavijaju. Na juznoj poluosi nanizan je plavi atom vremena. Crveni i plavi atom vremena okrecu se u suprotnim pravcima jedan od drugoga, crveni – severni u smeru kazaljke na satu, a juzni u suprotnom smeru od kazaljke na satu. Svaki od atoma se sastoji od sedam tacaka, od centralne tacke, dve tacke na osi gore i dole, i cetiri tacke podjednako udaljene jedna od druge na svakoj strani centralne ose. Sest spoljasnjih tacaka svakoga od atoma vremena po obliku lice na sestougaonik.

Gravitaciono polje kristalnog oktaedra isijava i horizontalno od isijavajuceg centra kristala, prostiruci se do cetiri tacke koje odredjuju uglove kristala, tamo gde se sjedinjuju cetiri severne i cetiri juzne stranice oktaedra. Gravitaciono polje koje spaja te cetiri tacke predstavlja osnovu piramide. Cetiri ivice jedne piramide idu od osnove ka severu i cetiri druge ka jugu. U ravni sa ovim gravitacionim poljem tacno jedan naspram drugoga nalaze se jos dva atoma vremena – beli i zuti. Ta dva gravitaciona polja nacinjeni su poput severnog i juznog atoma vremena, samo sto se njihove ose podudaraju sa pravcem horizontalnog gravitacionog polja kao da leze bocno perpendikularno sa polarnim atomima. Beli i zuti atom vremena lagano se okrecu poput tockova, u smeru suprotnom od kretanja kazaljke na satu, sleva na desno oko centralne isijavajuce tacke.

Kada vizualizujete kristalni oktaedar jedra Zemlje sa njegovih osam ivica, cetiri atoma vremena, etericnim stubom i dva pulsirajuca toka, zamislite da iz centra kristala pocinje da izbija snazni mlaz zasicene i raznobojne plazme svetlosti u pravcu oba pola Zemlje. I vi izlazite iz centra Zemlje, izvan Zemlje, do tacke u prostoru odakle mozete da vidite citavu planetu Zemlju. I dalje zadrzavate u vizualizaciji oblik kristalnog oktaedra u centru Zemlje, i vidite kako se na severu i na jugu zemlje probijaju tokovi svetlosti i kako obrazuju ogromni dvostruki dugin most – i na taj nacin dnevni i nocni generatori Zemlje postaju vidljivi. Dva dugina toka spajaju severni i juzni pol Zemlje na rastojanju jedan od drugog tacno 180 stepeni. Na taj nacin kako se Zemlja lagano okrece oko svoje ose, dugin most ostaje u mestu i ne okrece se.

Zavrsavajuci vizualizaciju, uzmite Zemlju koja se okrece unutar duginog mosta i stavite je u svoje srce. Zamislite dva toka svetlosti kako izbijaju iz centralne tacke ka vrhu vase glave i vasem podnozju. Sada ti tokovi obrazuju dugin most oko vaseg tela podrzavajuci vasu auru. Sada ste vi i Zemlja – JEDNO. Dugin most sveopsteg mira je sada realnost. U tome se sastoji sva sustina. Ono sto je nekada bilo samo u zamisli, kada to vizualizuje dovoljan broj ljudi izazivajuci telepatski talas ljubavi to postaje vremenom realnost.

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #7 - 31.08.2003 at 23:26:29
Greetings Planetary Kin!
The intention of these emails is to serve your understanding of
these sacred time cycles - both the 13-day wavespells which constitute the
Tzolkin count and the 13-moon, 28-day cycles of the Year count.

A "Wavespell" refers to the entire cycle of the 13 Tones of
Creation,1-13. Because a Wavespell is any cycle of 13, there are both 13-DAY
wavespells, as well as 13-MOON wavespells. In other words, the Year
cycle itself is also a giant wavespell spiral, where each 28-day moon holds
the energy of one of 13 Tones of Creation!

Simultaneous to the Wavespell of the Year, within the sacred Tzolkin
calendar, there are 20 (13-day) wavespells. Each 13 day period is
governed by one of the 20 Tribes.

Regarding the definition of "wavespell," a "wave" is a motion in
time, and a "spell" is that which can be cast, known, or experienced during
that time.

Current 13-day cycle: BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL

Blue Night's Code Words:

Action - "DREAMS"


Essence - "INTUITION"

13 Moon Dates: Lunar 2 - Lunar 14

Tzolkin Dates: Kin 183 - Kin 195

Gregorian Dates: Aug 24 - Sept 5

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Beginning July 26th, the White Spectral
Wizard Year is upon us -- a year of focusing on LIBERATING THE INNER WIZARD!
The Spectral Wizard Year energies are focused around the code words:
Release, Dissolve, Liberation, Enchants, Timelessness, Receptivity!

Regarding the current wavespell cycle we're experiencing: The Blue Night
tribe is called "Akbal" in the Mayan language, (pronounced Ak' bal).

Traditional translations of Akbal include "night," "house," and "cave."

As the 3rd of the 20 tribes, AKBAL is described in The Mayan
Factor as signifying:"House, Enclosing Darkness, Night, Body, Place of Mystery, Heart and Internal Organs."

Additional qualities of Akbal found in the Mayan Oracle are: "looks-within place," "sanctuary," "journey into self," "Dreamtime," and "dreamfield matrix."

BLUE represents the power of the direction WEST which offers the
energy of "TRANSFORMS."

Blue Night invites us to navigate with the knowing that "Life is but a dream."

Some would tell us (especially students of Carl Jung) that everyone around us and everything thing we encounter are dream characters and dream figures within our dream - reflecting both conscious and unconscious parts of our Self. This is indeed an expansive, multi-dimensional way to perceive the unfolding of our days and our lives. Akbal urges you to try on this lens!

The power of Dream also signifies that there is nothing truly solid in this world - that everything has the ability to morph and shape-shift according to our energetic perspective.

What are you Dreaming Up in your life? Are there things you wish to change? You do have the ability to AWAKEN at any moment, and consciously command your dream, rather than unconsciously experience it. Over time and with practice this becomes a true Art.

INTUITION is our sacred, autonomous connection to the Universe. Its the part of the mind that does not use rational, a direct link to the highest truth of every moment. Our intuitive capacities,like a muscle, becoming stronger when we use them!

Blue Night is directly associated with redeeming materialism by honoring the ever-present ABUNDANCE of the Universe's gifts. True wealth is not in acquisition of material goods, but rather in an attitude of gratitude - acknowledging ALL that we do have.

Let us rise above feelings of lack, and instead DREAM UP everything we feel we truly deserve and need. There are no limitations in the dreamfield!


"AKBAL's abyss holds the potent evolutionary playing field of all possibility. Here, as in the aboriginal dreamtime, there are no distinction between then and now, real or imagined, dream or dreamer. In this expanded field, all things are not only possible but are constantly in the process of creation. In the framework of dreamtime, limiting constructs of "ordinary reality" such as time, space, and linear causality area freed into an expanded system, with unlimited access to all realities.

Dreamtime holds powerful opportunities. It is a field where potential, past, and future are held in the same matrix as the present moment. If such a construct is foreign to you, stretch your mind and entertain the possibility that you could help to dream a different reality into being. Enter into the mystery where reality is actually created.

In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging. By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected at superluminal speeds across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes. This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding realitiy.

At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as world peace, the underlying constructs of reality shift and a new reality begins filtering into human experience. Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and know that they are co-creating the larger dream.

...All that you are, all that you believe, hope, and dream creates your personal dreamfield. In that field, there are no victims or blame. You are now attracting those elements to your field that will create completion and wholeness for you. Become lucid in life.

...You are being asked to cross the boundaries of your own growth edges. In the stillness within you, potent gifts form in the darkness. Be willing to embrace and follow your process into the void of seeming pain and discomfort, to the place of the mystery. Sense the possible answers and receive the insights being offered as the unconscious reveals itself..."

LUNAR MOON OF CHALLENGE" (the second month of the White Spectral Wizard year).

Spanning from Gregorian August 23 - Sept 19, the Lunar Moon
energies correspond to Tone 2, and the code words: Polarize, Challenge, and Stabilize. The totem animal of this moon is the Scorpion.

The current vinal meditation (since White Overtone Wizard; Magnetic 21; Aug 15) is - OU: "Listens in Silence."

On White Crystal Wizard; Lunar 13; Sept 4, we begin a new vinal meditation - ZIP: "In order to integrate the Universe,"

(Because this is a White Wizard Year, every 20 days on each White
Wizard day we begin a new vinal meditation. The vinals are passed down
through the Mayan lineage as a series of intriguing phrases which we are invited to contemplate during each 20-day period.After 18 vinals of 20 days,
there is one 5-day Vayeb, totalling the 365 day year.)


As the 15th wavespell of the Tzolkin, the Blue Night wavespell is
always the third TRANSFORMING wavespell of the 4th Castle of Time: "The Yellow Southern Castle of Giving." Among others, one theme of this castle is
"fearless giving."

This Castle unites the 4 cycles of the Red Earth Wavespell, the
White Dog Wavespell, the Blue Night Wavespell, and the Yellow Warrior Wavespell.

(A castle of time simply refers to a grouping of 4 wavespells, one
of each color which creates a 52-day period of time (13 x 4) in which the
powers of the 4 wavespells cumulatively work together to bring specific lessons
and initiations. Within each Tzolkin, there are 5 castles of time, 52 X 5
= 260 days.)

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #8 - 31.08.2003 at 23:27:17

I am honored to share with you that we NOW have an unbelievable opportunity to assist the United States of America in manifesting a Conscious Leader who embodies holstic vision of the sacred unity of all of life on the planet.

I have personally dedicated myself to getting Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman from Ohio, elected President of the United States of America 2004. Some of you may remember, several months ago, I wrote about him and his connection to this calendar system which we follow. Since that time, in response to tens of thousands of people begging him, he is now running for President.

He is a VERY important Dream Character within our shared reality, At this point in the game, at the height of America's governmental corruption, emerges someone who is not only genuine and embodies integrity, but someone who is an impeccable balance of practicality and spirituality.

I had the honor of meeting Dennis Kucinich, about a moon ago, and I was absolutely blown away by the vibration of his sincerity.

You may think this sounds naive. In case you are not aware, Dennis Kucinich has been endorsed by Spiritual Leaders such as: Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Jack Kornfield, Chris Griscom, and Maharishi Mahesb Yogi's Natural Law Party.

In fact, just 2 days ago Jose Arguelles, author of Mayan Factor, initiator of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, co-founder of Earth Day, and the man who formalized this 13 Moon Calendar system which we work with, formally endorsed Kucinich for President:

"If there is anyone who is going to redeem America's image in the world and get us all to 2012 in a condition of universal harmony, it is Dennis Kucinich."
-Dr. Jose Arguelles  

Kucinich is not a third party candidate, he is a perfectly electable Democrat who has held several local, state, and federal offices for the last 17 years.

I will be continuing to communicate to you about Kucinich, because I feel it is OUR opportunity to support him, for he is the only voice of true change emerging within our nation's political matrix.

As Kucinich says in his own words, "Active citizenship begins with an envisioning of the desired outcome and a conscious application of spiritual principles."

Please read this article below, and if it moves you, please check out his website: www.kucinich.us and PLEASE share his inspiration with your communities!!! (PS: Dennis Kucinich's galactic signature is Blue Lunar Night!)

Spirit and Stardust
by U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich
From his talk at the Praxis Peace Institute Conference,
Dubrovnik, Croatia on June 9, 2002

"As one studies the images of the Eagle Nebula, brought back by the Hubble Telescope from that place in deep space where stars are born, one can imagine the interplay of cosmic forces across space and time, of matter and spirit dancing to the music of the spheres. Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self. The energy of the stars becomes us. We become the energy of the stars. Stardust and spirit unite and we begin: one with the universe, whole and holy.

From one source, endless creative energy, bursting forth, kinetic, elemental; we, the earth, air, water and fire-source of nearly fifteen billion years of cosmic spiraling. We receive the blessings of the Eternal and we are showered with abundance. We ask and we receive. A universe of plenty flows to us, through us. It is in us. We become filled with endless possibilities.

We need to remember where we came from; to know that we are one. To understand
that we are of an undivided whole: race, color, nationality, creed, gender are
beams of light, refracted through one great prism. We begin as perfect and journey through life to become more perfect in the singularity of "I" and in the multiplicity of "we"-- a more perfect union of matter and spirit. This is human striving.

This is where, in Shelley's words, ". . . hope creates from its own wreck the
thing it contemplates." This is what Browning spoke of: Our "reach exceeding
[our] grasp." This is a search for heaven within, a quest for our eternal home.
In our soul's Magnificent, we become conscious of the cosmos within us. We hear
the music of peace, we hear the music of cooperation, we hear music of love.

In our soul's forgetting, we become unconscious of our cosmic birthright, blighted with disharmony, disunity, torn asunder from the stars in a disaster well-described by Matthew Arnold in Dover Beach: ". . . the world, which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude nor peace, nor help for pain. And we are here, as on a darkling plain, swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night."

Today’s Dover Beach is upon the shores of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C. Our leaders think the unthinkable and speak of the unspeakable inevitability of nuclear war; of a nuclear attack on New York City, of terrorist attacks throughout our nation; of war against Iraq using nuclear weapons; of biological and chemical weapon attacks on civilian populations; of catastrophic global climate change; of war in outer space.

When death (not life) becomes inevitable, we are presented with an opportunity for great clarity, for a great awakening, to rescue the human spirit from the arms of Morpheus through love, through compassion and through integrating spiritual vision and active citizenship to restore peace to our world. The moment that one world is about to end, a new world is about to begin. We need to remember where we came from, because the path home is also the way to the future.

In the city I represent in the United States Congress, there is a memorial to Peace, named by its sculptor, Marshall A. Fredericks the "Fountain of Eternal Life". A figure rises from the flames, his gaze fixed to the stars, his hands positioned sextant-like, as if measuring the distance. Though flames of war from the millions of hearts and the dozens of places wherein it rages, may lick at our consciousness, our gaze must be fixed upward to invoke universal principles of unity, of co-operation, of compassion, to infuse our world with peace, to ask for the active presence of peace, to expand our capacity to receive it and to express it in our everyday life.

We must do this fearlessly and courageously and not breathe in the poison
gas of terror. As we receive, so shall we give. As citizen-diplomats of the
world, we send peace as conscious expression where ever, whenever and to whomever it is needed: to the Middle East, to the Israelis and the Palestinians, to the Pakistanis and the Indians, to Americans and Al Queda, and to the people of Iraq, and to all those locked in deadly combat. And we fly to be with the bereft, with those on the brink, to listen compassionately, setting aside judgment and malice to become peacemakers, to intervene, to mediate, to bring ourselves back from the abyss, to bind up the world's wounds.

As we aspire to universal brotherhood and sisterhood, we address through thought, word and deed conditions which give rise to conflict: economic exploitation, empire building, political oppression, religious intolerance, poverty, disease, famine, homelessness, struggles over control of water, land, minerals, and oil.

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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #9 - 31.08.2003 at 23:27:33
We realize that what affects anyone, anywhere affects everyone, everywhere. As we help others to heal, we heal ourselves.
Our vision of interconnectedness resonates with new networks of world citizens
in nongovernmental organizations linking from numberless centers of energy,
expressing the emergence of a new organic whole, seeking unity within and across national lines. New transnational web-based e-mail and telecommunications systems transcend governments and carry within them the power of qualitative transformation of social and political structures and a new sense of creative intelligence.
If governments and their leaders, bound by hierarchy and patriarchy, wedded
to military might for legitimacy, fail to grasp the implications of an emerging
world consciousness for cooperation, for peace and for sustainability, they
may become irrelevant. As citizen-activists the world over merge, they can become an irresistible force to create peace and protect the planet. From here will come a new movement to abolish nuclear weapons and all weapons of mass destruction.

From here will come the demand for sustainable communities, for new systems
of energy, transportation and commerce. From here comes the future rushing in
on us. How does one acquire the capacity for active citizenship? The opportunities exist every day. In Cleveland, citizens have developed the ability to intercede when schools are scheduled to be closed, and have kept the schools open; to rally to keep hospitals open; to save industries which provide jobs; to protect neighborhood libraries from curtailment of service, to improve community policing; to meet racial, ethnic and religious intolerance openly and directly.

Active citizenship begins with an envisioning of the desired outcome and a conscious application of spiritual principles. I know. I have worked with the people in my own community. I have seen the dynamic of faith in self, faith in one's ability to change things, faith in one's ability to prevail against the odds through an appeal to the spirit of the world for help, through an appeal to the spirit of community for participation, through an appeal to the spirit of cooperation, which multiplies energy. I have seen citizens challenge conditions without condemning anyone, while invoking principles of non-opposition and inclusion of those who disagree. I have seen groups of people overcome incredible odds as they become aware they are participating in a cause beyond self and sense the movement of the inexorable which comes from unity.

When you feel this principle at work,when you see spiritual principles form the basis of active citizenship, you are reminded once again of the merging of stardust and spirit.

There is creativity. There is magic. There is alchemy. Citizens across the United States are now uniting in a great cause to establish a Department of Peace, seeking nothing less than the transformation of our society, to make non-violence an organizing principle, to make war archaic through creating a paradigm shift in our culture for human development, for economic and political justice and for violence control.

Its work in violence control will be to support disarmament, treaties, peaceful
coexistence and peaceful consensus building. Its focus on economic and political justice will examine and enhance resource distribution, human and economic rights and strengthen democratic values. Domestically, the Department of Peace would address violence in the home, spousal abuse, child abuse, gangs, police-community relations conflicts and work with individuals and groups to achieve changes in attitudes that examine the mythologies of cherished world views, such as 'violence is inevitable' or 'war is inevitable'.

Thus it will help with the discovery of new selves and new paths toward peaceful consensus. The Department of Peace will also address human development and the unique concerns of women and children. It will envision and seek to implement plans for peace education, not simply as a course of study, but as a template for all pursuits of knowledge within formal educational settings.

Violence is not inevitable. War is not inevitable.Nonviolence and peace are inevitable. We can make of this world a gift of peace which will confirm the presence of universal spirit in our lives. We can send into the future the gift which will protect our children from fear, from harm, from destruction.

Carved inside the pediment which sits atop the marble columns is a sentinel at the entrance to the United States House of Representatives. Standing resolutely inside this "Apotheosis of Democracy" is a woman, a shield by her left side, with her outstretched right arm protecting a child happily sitting at her feet. The child holds the lamp of knowledge under the protection of this patroness. This wondrous sculpture by Paul Wayland Bartlett, is entitled "Peace Protecting Genius". Not with nuclear arms, but with a loving maternal arm is the knowing child Genius shielded from harm.

This is the promise of hope over fear. This is the promise of love which overcomes all. This is the promise of faith which overcomes doubt. This is the promise of light which overcomes darkness. This is the promise of peace which overcomes war.

Representative Dennis J. Kucinich (D - OH)
His website is www.kucinich.us.

May we Dream an ongoing Dream of love-based existence,
Eden Sky - Red Self-Existing Skywalker

PS: Thank you for participating in this ever-widening global
community of natural time day-keepers! Please share this "Wavespell emailer" with anyone who might be interested. New kin can sign up for these updates at our website.


*On-line calendar ordering*
*Birth date decoding*
*Personal Destiny Oracle Readings with Intiana*
*Hand-drawn Mayan glyphs*

Information regarding:

*The 13-Moon Calendar*
*The Magic of the Classic Maya*
*The Prophecy of 2012*
*The flaws of the 12 month Gregorian calendar*
*The global movement for Calendar Reform*
*The Planet Art Network*

Change your calendar to 13 Moons of 28 days.
Assist our Re-harmonization with the Living Universe!

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you cant look in the mirror and expect it to smile first
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All IS Full Of Love
Posts: 10694

Gender: female
Re: Mayi
Reply #10 - 10.10.2003 at 21:17:47

What began with the arrival of Cortez, lasted until August 16, 1987 – a date many people recall as Harmonic Convergence. Millions of people took advantage of that date to make ceremony in sacred sites, praying for a smooth transition to a new era, the World of the Fifth Sun.

From that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barrios says, we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disappearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of the era when peace begins, and people live in harmony with Mother Earth. We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition.

As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth changes. All this, Mr. Barrios says, was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars.

"It will change," Mr. Barrios observes. "Everything will change." He said Mayan Daykeepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from — and signified by — the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator, and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy.

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 — for the first time in 26,000 years — the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic, describing in the sky a great cross of stars and planets. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life — a tree remembered in all the world’s spiritual traditions.

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #11 - 10.10.2003 at 21:19:29
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #12 - 10.10.2003 at 22:01:04
Mayan Calendar:  Countdown to 2012
by Allison Rae

Many of us on a spiritual path have heard of the Mayan Calendar and the significant year 2012. Information recently released by the Maya indicates that 2012 may not be quite right. According to these teachings, the end of the Mayan Calendar is actually October 28, 2011.

Hello? That's less than 10 years from now.

What does that mean?

The Maya are revered around the world as masters of energy, astronomy and sacred timekeeping.  For more than 5,000 years, the Mayan civilization has been using a calendar system based on the energy of Creation that has accurately predicted milestones in humanity's development throughout all known time cycles on Earth. The Maya say it is now time to release information about their sacred calendar to aid in understanding among all peoples about the imminent end of reality as we know it - and the creation of a brand new paradigm.

One teacher who is carrying this message around the world is Ian Xel Lungold, an internationally recognized Mayan Calendar expert, who offers a comprehensive and easily understandable presentation on the subject that resonates with the heart and satisfies the mind.  Through his studies of the Mayan Calendar, including learning with Mayan Shamans, Ian has collected and is disseminating information the Maya wish to share now to help us make the transition smoothly.

Three years ago, I heard a Mayan Daykeeper (a sort of a priest) speak about Mayan prophecy, and this level of information either wasn't available or not decipherable to us spiritual commoners at that time. Listening to Ian's description in October 2001 was an awakening to a deeper knowledge - an activation of cellular memory each of us carries and hears as "truth" when the time is right for us to receive it.

The Maya are sharing their sacred timekeeping system with the rest of the world, and in this way they are giving us a heads-up. We all know the world is changing drastically and that time seems to be speeding up. The Mayan culture has not only known about this acceleration for 5,000 years - they can actually explain what's happening and why!

The bottom line is that time isn't actually speeding up. What's accelerating is the evolution of consciousness.  More is happening in every second than ever before. A shift in consciousness that used to take billions of years to happen now happens in only 360 days. Beginning in February 2011, the same shift will take only 20 days. Now, that's a head-spinning rate of change.

The Maya say the first cycle of evolution began 16.4 billion years ago with the beginning of Creation. At that time, a shift of consciousness happened every 1.26 billion years.   The next cycle of consciousness began 820 million years ago.  At that time, a shift of consciousness happened in 63.4 million years. The next cycle began 41 million years ago, and the shift of consciousness took 3.2 million years. And so on.

Beginning in 1755 AD, a shift of consciousness occurred every 20 years.  Most of us old enough to be reading this have lived most of our lifetimes in this cycle. Until 1999, that is. On January 4, 1999, we entered a new cycle of consciousness called the Galactic Cycle, and that's where we are today. Now a shift of consciousness happens in 360 days, rather than the 20 years it used to take. No wonder time seems to be speeding up.

Here's the really cool part. Beginning on February 10, 2011 - less than 10 years from today - a shift in consciousness will take only 20 days. That means what used to take 20 years to shift prior to 1999 will take only 20 days to shift. And life will be that way within 10 years.

From February 10 through October 28, 2011, the rate of change of consciousness will be every 20 days. Can we even imagine what that might be like? Probably not yet. People living during the Industrial Revolution would have a hard time comprehending how we live today. So it's difficult for us to get a fix on what life will be like during the next cycle (which happens to be called the Universal Cycle).  I suspect we are getting glimpses of that upcoming reality during our multidimensional states - the dreamtime, meditation, shamanic journeys, etc. Visioning like that can be highly exciting.  Experiencing it will be exhilarating!

And what happens after all the cycles end on October 28, 2011? Let's put our minds on the back burner and open our hearts to the answer.

For each of us, the answer may look different. From today's perspective, it appears that "miracles" will become commonplace as the time lag in our current manifestation process disappears.  What we *think* is what will *be* - instantly!  That's an awesome responsibility, and requires some practice.  We know that our thoughts create our reality. Right now, there's a linear time lag separating the thought from its manifestation into reality. The lag gives us time to allow doubts and fears to surface and be cleared while we "wait" for the manifestation to occur. We won't have that luxury much longer.  In fact, you may have already noticed that you are manifesting both your "love" thoughts and your "fear" thoughts side by side these days.

So an appropriate focus for today would be to clear worry, doubt and fear from all levels of our being. This will prepare us for the next cycle, in which we can enjoy constantly generating thoughts of the peaceful, loving, enlightened world we wish to create.

Remember ... the rate of change is accelerating, and the purpose behind the acceleration is the evolution of consciousness.  There is no stopping this process.  And there is unfathomable joy in riding the wave.

Surf's up - let's go!btw, hudo tole postano, 10.10 ob 10.01! 8)
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« Last Edit: 20.10.2003 at 12:30:20 by Petra. »  

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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #13 - 31.10.2003 at 03:13:52
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All IS Full Of Love
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Re: Mayi
Reply #14 - 31.10.2003 at 14:37:31
Greetings Planetary Kin!

The intention of these emails is to serve your understanding of
these sacred time cycles - both the 13-day wavespells which constitute
the Tzolkin count and the 13-moon, 28-day cycles of the Year count.

A "Wavespell" refers to the entire cycle of the 13 Tones of
Creation,1-13. Because a Wavespell is any cycle of 13, there are both
13-DAY wavespells, as well as 13-MOON wavespells. In other words, the
Year cycle itself is also a giant wavespell spiral, where each 28-day
moon holds the energy of one of 13 Tones of Creation!

Simultaneous to the Wavespell of the Year, within the sacred Tzolkin
calendar, there are 20 (13-day) wavespells. Each 13 day period is
governed by one of the 20 Tribes.

Regarding the definition of "wavespell," a "wave" is a motion in
time, and a "spell" is that which can be cast, known, or
experienced during that time.

Another way it is defined is a "wave" refers to the power of movement, and "spell" to the power one can gain by being in harmony with reality.

Current 13-day cycle: YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL

Yellow Star's Code Words:


Power - "ELEGANCE"

Essence - "ART"

13 Moon Dates: Self-Existing 11 - Self-Existing 23

Tzolkin Dates: Kin 248 - Kin 260

Gregorian Dates: Oct 28 - Nov 9

Beginning July 26th 2003, the White Spectral Wizard Year is upon us
-- a year of focusing on LIBERATING THE INNER WIZARD! The Spectral
Wizard Year energies are focused around the code words: Release,
Dissolve, Liberation, Enchants, Timelessness,Receptivity!

Regarding the current wavespell we're in, the Yellow Star tribe is
called "Lamat" in the Mayan language, (pronounced La Mat'), often translated as
"Star," "Venus," and "Rabbit."

As the 8th of the 20 tribes, LAMAT is described in The Mayan Factor as signifying:  "Star, Harmony, The Octave, Intuitive Realization of Pattern of Higher Life, Love, Star-Seed."

Also known as a "wayshow-er," the glyphic symbol of Lamat appears as a star-portal, presenting perfect symmetry so that regardless of how you turn it it offers a window into harmony.

YELLOW represents the power of the direction SOUTH which offers the energy of RIPENING.

The Star wavespell is a very potent time period because it is always the LAST wavespell of the Tzolkin round; the last 13-day cycle of the entire 260-day Tzolkin creation cycle!

Since each Tzolkin cycle represents a gestation cycle, a time of development and unfolding, during these last 13 days we are invited to assess our entire personal cycle.

Let us ask ourselves, since we began this current Tzolkin cycle (on gregorian Feb 23, 03, aka Galactic Moon 17 of the previous Red Planetary Moon Year) how have these last 9 moons been? How have you grown, evolved or expanded? What have you learned in this cycle, and how has your life changed?

On a planetary scale, around this time LAST GALACTIC SPIN was the climate and scene of the February peace protests -- millions of raw voices and bodies requesting that Light be shone on the lies and darkness that produces war. What an incredibly moving unification we experienced and witnessed. Truly a sign of these prophetic times...What has unfolded since this point? How have the voices and hearts of those millions continued to perservere, express, and maintain our connection to the current global transformation?

"All that has been unconscious is becoming conscious; All that has been hidden is being revealed..."

Let us continue to fortify our UNITY as artisans of Peace that we may feel the Power of the People; the Power of Love; the Power of Truth; the power of Divine Justice; the Power of the Living Prophecy.

Let us know that in valuing genuine Planetary Peace, all our efforts to honor ourselves, to love ourselves, to nurture ourselves, allow us to be clearer channels for extending love and care for our families and communities.

(An outline of some very potent synchronization dates which are emerging as vehicles for us to unify in intention and action, in alignment with the orchestrations of the Cosmoverse, will be provided within this emailer!)

And what does ART have to do with all of this?
Some possibilities:
Art is our living expression; our responses;
our output of information and energies.

Art is a play of intention and consciousness,
capable of appearing as any form,
and carrying any possible range of vibration.

Does not every mind's eye define art,
or non-art,
with unique opinions and feelings?

Art has the power to convey data and experience that transcends common boundaries. Art reaches and appeals to people in completely unique ways, for whether one is acting as a transmittor or a receiver of "art" there are equally as many one-of-a-kind perceptions. As the Tibetan Law states: "As Viewed So Appears."

Art is activism; art is language; art can transparently reveal soul; art is unlimited in its range of mediums: art is priceless; art is unquantifiable; art is natural; art is Creator's inherent omni-present gift - Creation in all its endless faces!

Let us examine Star's code words of BEAUTIFIES AND ELEGANCE in a way that transcends any old reference points for these words, that we may more deeply experience their empowerment as our allies and guides!

The common denominator I notice in elegance, art, and beauty is attention to beneficial combinations. It seems these key words are asking us to develop a heightened awareness of how we arrange and synthesize the elements and layers of our lives.  

Let us make sacred our moments, and allow Harmony to shine our way.

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