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Reply #30 - 05.02.2004 at 13:19:45
Amstel wrote on 03.09.2003 at 21:40:11:
Povedala bom, kako razumem članek.

Astralna bitja so zelo različna. Mi imamo neke vzorce. In tudi v astralu "privlačimo" določene vibracije.
Torej... Kot primer... v Pozitivkah je omenjen članek, ki pravi, da se mora radiestezist zavedati možnosti prisotnosti elementalov v svoji auri, ki lahko odgovore "deformirajo".

Elementali so v astralu, tako, kot razne druge entitete.

Kanaliziraš lahko kaj drugega, ne kako duhovno bitje.

Angeli pa sicer niso na tem astralnem nivoju.


So first I will begin to explain the situation of someone who is new to spiritual matters, wants to explore and find out things, and seeks advice and guidance along his path after a short while. Imagine the common man from the street who follows his urges to listen to what is happening inside of him, to explore who he is. He might buy some books from a New Age store, have some recommendations from friends, and begins to work seriously on his development. Meditation, astral projection, dream recall, magic, or whatever he chooses to pursue, keeps him interested because he reaches his personal boundaries there. He wishes to see and know what he has never seen before in his life, although that slight little "something" has been there all his life. So he starts with introspection, with trying to see where he is limiting himself and to overcome this, which is necessary for personal growth. Feelings get uncovered, painful memories, and so on, but in general the beginning will be hard because the first thing that appears is what has been repressed for so long. Everyone carries around beliefs and convictions that serve a certain purpose in life, but that also are limiting. So far this man I illustrated here has no big problems: he works through whatever comes up with a positive mind, knowing that it's just a matter of time until he lets go of old fear and beliefs he doesn't need any longer.

Now let's see how this man would be affected:

Situation one: in his meditations, he has strange feelings and uncomfortable images in his mind. The solution would be: experience those feelings, learn what they have to tell, and see how they diminish on their own then. The other approach would be: "this could be a psychic attack, a negative being feeding off you. surround yourself with a protective shield and learn how to fend off attackers"
Situation two: during an astral projection, the person encounters something that appears as a scary being to him. The solution would be: "boo, what's that? so this is what my mind likes to project and to perceive, interesting... let's sort that out with myself". The other approach would be: "that's a daemon who want's to steal your energy, or worse. try to kill him as long as you can!"

You can imagine other situations on your own, but you see where this is going. Where a natural approach to explore those things in a calm and positive way would do the job, the fear and negativity instilled by people who like to 'fight' and 'attack' for whatever reason does nothing to alleviate the problem - in fact it makes it worse! Where's the sense in projecting your fear outwards and then attacking them? People who suffer need help and guidance to overcome those things and grow by doing that. They do NOT profit in any way from only hearing about daemons, attacks, vampires and so on, because the latter are all natural phenomena (although different from what they seem to be). They are no problem except if you make it one for you. So the statement by which I end this preliminary channeling (a teaser, so to speak) is:

Nothing can harm you except yourself.
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Re: A N G E L I
Reply #31 - 05.02.2004 at 13:23:34
Now people often are confused about what is a "neg" (negative being), what is an illusion, what is 'real' and what is only projected outwards. We will come to more technical issues later and will talk then what common phenomena (negs, poltergeists etc) are about, but for now let's concentrate on one person. I will again use an example situation to illustrate my point.

Imagine you have a certain insecurity: you don't feel comfortable with an aspect of yourself. You might feel and think "I am not loved", with some other related negative thoughts. So you go around in this world, constantly trying to find acknowledgement, and if you don't get that you're down and depressed. Because you want to be happy (of course) and think you need outside acknowledgment for that, you get upset if someone deliberately shows antipathy towards you and rejects you. Because this fear of rejection is always present within you, you also mistake 'neutral' situations for a personal 'attack' on you. But because you do not want to acknowledge this as your own problem, you start to think like "Other people are always picking on me. I have to be strong, I have to compete, I won't let them hurt me!"

There is nobody attacking you, it is just that certain influences from the outside remind you of the things inside yourself you didn't come to terms with. Those influences can be anything: random 'thoughforms' floating around; ideas by other people you pick up intuitively; someone who wants to harm you; or a spirit who himself has troubles. But remember that all those things, conscious or not, evil or not, can do only one thing: point the finger on you and say "Hah! Nobody loves you, eh?" Can you see how you automatically then fall into the mechanism of denying yourself, 'attacking' in return, trying to fend off that 'neg'?

Of course nobody is perfect, and everyone knows that he has potential to grow. But you also have to accept this then, to see any shortcomings with love and compassion. "So what, I'm not perfect, but I can handle that!" should be the reponse that keeps you out of trouble and emotional unrest with a smile. Nobody is bad or worthless only because he is trying to stretch his limits by experiencing and overcoming some difficulties in his life - that's evolution.

There are no negs out there just waiting for the innocent. Forget the concept that the universe is a dangerous place. There are spirits, though, who sometimes are attracted to people in order to point fingers, in the sense of "give me your energy, do what I want, and (maybe) I will stop bugging you!" What you call a 'neg', though, is normally not more than emotional garbage hanging around. By fearing, you pump it up like an air balloon and create the exact thing that you fear. And what's more, any spirit, with whatever intentions, can not reach your attention and stay there without your consent.

If you fear, you attract and manifest the very thing you fear. If you put resistance to it, it will continue to stay there. But if you're calm and relaxed, you decide what you want to see and what not. If you're stable and content with what you are, any negativity that would like to reach you would just slide off and you would remain unharmed. And even if something disturbs you, say 'hello' to it, see what it has to tell you and all will be okay."

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Posts: 38

Re: A N G E L I
Reply #32 - 24.08.2004 at 22:21:05
Astralni svet ima velik vibracijski razpon. Tam najnižje so pijanci, morilci in vsi ostali deviantneži, ki ne premorejo neke zdrave eksistence. Najvišje pa lahko vidiš vse božanske podobe in seveda tudi angele.

Samo pravi žur se začne šele takrat, ko ti uspe preseči matrico astrala. To je po mojem tako, kot da iz znanega stopiš v neznano. In šele takrat se mi zdi lahko angela srečaš v živo... tko da ti zadrgetajo kosti in kri živahno steče po žilah  Smiley
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Om Namaha Shivaya
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The Voice of an Angel

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Re: A N G E L I
Reply #33 - 14.10.2004 at 09:56:10
evo mene.
tud jaz mam svojga angela varuha.

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Optimus T. Prime

I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 836

Re: A N G E L I
Reply #34 - 09.08.2010 at 18:16:52
veronika wrote on 30.06.2003 at 10:58:37:
Angel je priletel in jaz sem ga ujel,
v moji mreži zdej trpi,
ker moj ego ga ne izpusti.


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